Restoration of American Shad to the Susquehanna River Annual Progress
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RESTORATION OF AMERICAN SHAD TO THE SUSQUEHANNA RIVER ANNUAL PROGRESS REPORT 2011 SUSQUEHANNA RIVER ANADROMOUS FISH RESTORATION COOPERATIVE Maryland Department of Natural Resources New York Div. of Fish, Wildlife & Marine Resources Pennsylvania Fish and Boat Commission Susquehanna River Basin Commission United States Fish and Wildlife Service National Marine Fisheries Service March 2012 i ii Contents EXECUTIVE SUMMARY 1 SUMMARY OF OPERATIONS AT THE CONOWINGO DAM EAST FISH PASSAGE FACILITY, SPRING 2011 9 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY 10 INTRODUCTION 11 CONOWINGO OPERATION 11 Project Operation 11 Fishway Operation 12 Fish Counts 13 RESULTS 13 Relative Abundance 13 American Shad Passage 14 Alosids 14 Maryland tag-recapture 14 SUMMARY 15 RECOMMENDATIONS 16 LITERATURE CITED 16 TABLES AND FIGURES 17 Table 1. Summary of the daily number of fish passed by the Conowingo Dam East Fish Passage Facility in 2011. 17 Table 2. Summary of American shad catch, Maryland DNR recaptures, daily average river flow, water temperature, turbidity (secchi), unit operation, entrance gates utilized, attraction flow, and project water elevations during operation of the Conowingo Dam East fish passage facility in 2011. 19 Table 3. Hourly summary of American shad passage at the Conowingo Dam East Fish Passage Facility in 2011. 20 Table 4. Summary of selected operation and fish catch statistics at the Conowingo Dam East Fish Passage Facility, 1991 to 2011. 22 Table 5. Summary of American shad passage counts and percent passage values at Susquehanna River dams, 1997-2011. 23 Figure 1. Plot of River Flow (as measured at Holtwood Dam) March through June 2011. 24 iii Figure 2. A plot of river flow (x 1000 cfs) and water temperature (°F) as measured at Holtwood Dam, in relationship to the daily American shad catch at the Conowingo East Fish Lift, spring 2011. 25 Figure 3. A plot of river flow (x 1000 cfs) and water temperature (°F) as measured at Holtwood Dam, in relationship to the percent cumulative American shad catch at the Conowingo East Fish Lift, spring 2011. 26 APPENDIX A 27 JOB 1, PART 2. SUMMARY OF CONOWINGO DAM WEST FISH LIFT OPERATIONS – 2011 30 INTRODUCTION 30 METHODS 31 RESULTS 31 DISCUSSION 32 Table 1. Catch of fishes at the Conowingo Dam West Fish Lift, 2011. 33 Table 2. Daily summary of fishes collected at the Conowingo Dam West Fish Lift, 13 May- 5 June, 2011. 34 Table 3. American shad sex ratio information, Conowingo West Fish Lift, 2011. No operation on 20- 25 and 29-31 May. 35 Table 5. Operations and fish catch at Conowingo West Fish Lift, 1985 - 2011. 37 Figure 1. A plot of river flow (x 1000 cfs) and water temperature (°F) in relation to the daily American shad catch at the Conowingo West Fish Lift, spring 2011. The West Lift was not operated from 20 to 25 and 29 to 31 May. 38 SUMMARY OF OPERATIONS AT THE HOLTWOOD DAM FISH PASSAGE FACILITY, SPRING 2011 39 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY 40 INTRODUCTION 41 HOLTWOOD OPERATION 41 Project Operation 41 Fishway Design 42 Fishway Operation 43 Fish Counts 44 RESULTS 45 Relative Abundance 45 American Shad Passage 46 Passage Evaluation 47 iv RECOMMENDATIONS 48 LITERATURE CITED 48 TABLES AND FIGURES 49 Table 1. Summary of the daily number of fish passed by the Holtwood fish passage facility in 2011. 49 Table 2. Summary of daily average river flow, water temperature, unit operation, fishway weir gate operation, and project water elevations during operation of the Holtwood fish passage facility in 2011. 50 Table 3. Hourly summary of American shad passage at the Holtwood fish passage facility in 2011. 51 Table 4. Visually derived estimate of the American shad catch in the tailrace and spillway lifts at the Holtwood power Station, 2011 52 Table 5. Holtwood fishway summary table evaluating American shad passage at three river flow ranges. 53 Table 6. Summary of American shad passage counts and percent passage values at Susquehanna River dams. 55 Figure 1. Plot of River Flow as measured at Holtwood Dam for the period March through June, 2011 56 Figure 2. A plot of river flow (x 1000) and water temperature (°F) in relation to the daily American shad catch at the Holtwood Fish Passage Facility, spring 2011. 57 SUMMARY OF OPERATIONS AT THE SAFE HARBOR FISH PASSAGE FACILITY, SPRING, 2011 58 INTRODUCTION 58 SAFE HARBOR OPERATION 59 Project Operation 59 Fishway Design 59 Fishway Operation 60 Fish Counts 61 RESULTS 62 Relative Abundance 62 American Shad Passage 62 SUMMARY 63 RECOMMENDATIONS 63 LITERATURE CITED 63 TABLES AND FIGURES 64 Table 1. Number and disposition of fish passed by the Safe Harbor fishway in 2011. 64 v Table 2. Number and disposition of fish passed by the Safe Harbor fishway in 2011. 65 Table 3. Hourly summary of American shad passage at the Safe Harbor fish passage facility in 2011. 66 Table 4. Summary of American shad passage counts and percent passage values at Susquehanna River dams, 1997-2011. 67 Figure 1. Plot of River Flow (as measured at Holtwood Dam) March through June 2011. 68 Figure 2. A plot of river flow (x 1000cfs) and water temperature (°F) as measured at Holtwood Dam, in relationship to the daily American shad catch at the Safe Harbor Fish Passage Facility, spring 2011. 69 SUMMARY OF UPSTREAM AND DOWNSTREAM FISH PASSAGE AT THE YORK HAVEN HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT, IN 2011 70 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY 71 INTRODUCTION 71 YORK HAVEN FISHWAY OPERATIONS 71 Project Operation 72 Fishway Design and Operation 72 RESULTS 74 Spring Fishway Operation 74 Downstream Fish Passage 75 Adult Passage 75 Juvenile Passage 76 LITERATURE CITED 76 TABLES AND FIGURES 77 Table 1. Summary of the daily number of fish that passed by the York Haven Hydroelectric Project through the serpentine vertical notch ladder at the East Channel Dam in 2011. 77 Table 2. Summary of daily average river flow (USGS, Harrisburg Gage), average flow in the East Channel, sum of average flow from power station and main dam, water temperature, secchi, stop log gate position, and East Channel and fishway water elevations during operation of the York Haven fishway complex in 2011. 78 Table 3. Summary of surface water elevations recorded during operation of the York Haven Fishway in 2011. 78 Figure 1. General layout of the York Haven Hydroelectric Project showing the location of the fishway. 79 Figure 2. General arrangement of the York Haven Fishway. 80 vi Figure 4. Plot of river flow (cfs) at the USGS Harrisburg Station (#01570500) on the Susquehanna River, 21 August to 30 November 2011. 82 JOB II, PART 1. SUSQUEHANNA RIVER AMERICAN SHAD RESTORATION: POTOMAC RIVER EGG COLLECTION, 2011 83 ABSTRACT 83 INTRODUCTION 84 Study Area 85 MATERIALS AND METHODS 85 RESULTS 86 DISCUSSION 86 CONCLUSION 87 PROJECT SUMMARY 87 ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS 88 REFERENCES CITED 88 FIGURES AND TABLES 89 Figure 1. Spring 2011 American shad catch per unit effort, surface dissolved oxygen, and surface temperature, by sample date, for the Potomac River at Marshall Hall, MD. Surface salinity (not depicted) was always ≤ 0.10 ppt. 89 Figure 2. Spring 2011 species composition from Potomac River gill net sampling at Marshall Hall, MD. Other species and number caught listed in Table 1. 89 Figure 3. Daily discharge at Little Falls Pump Station during the American shad egg collection on the Potomac River. 90 Table 1. List of species and number collected in gill nets from the Potomac River during spring, 2011. 91 Table 2. American shad catch totals with respect to male and female ratio and the associated viability and liters of eggs produced during spring, 2011. 92 Table 3. 2011 Shipment and viability summary for American shad eggs, delivered to the Van Dyke Hatchery from various collection sites (Hendricks 2011, unpublished). 93 JOB II - PART 2. COLLECTION OF AMERICAN SHAD EGGS FROM THE DELAWARE RIVER, 2011 94 INTRODUCTION 94 METHODS 95 RESULTS AND DISCUSSION 97 SUMMARY 98 REFERENCES 98 FIGURES AND TABLES 101 vii Figure 1. Modified egg incubation cooler used in 2011 (v2.0). 101 Figure 2. Modified egg incubation cooler used in 2010. 101 Figure 3. Modified egg incubation cooler used in 2011, showing the sloped false-bottom floor and aeration tube (bubble curtain). 102 Figure 4. American shad eggs collected in the Delaware River at Smithfield Beach, 2011. 103 Figure 5. American shad eggs collected from the Delaware River, 1983 - 2011. 104 Figure 6. Catch-per-unit-effort for adult American shad collected by gill net at Smithfield Beach, Delaware River, 1990-2011. 105 Table 1. Delaware River American shad egg collections, 2011. 106 JOB II, PART 3. HICKORY AND AMERICAN SHAD SPAWNING TESTS CONDUCTED AT CONOWINGO DAM, SPRING 2011 107 INTRODUCTION 107 METHODS AND MATERIALS 108 RESULTS 110 SUMMARY 111 Table1. Summary of egg production data for spawning tests conducted with hickory shad at Conowingo Dam, Spring, 2011 112 Table 2. Summary of hormone induced spawning trials with hickory shad at Conowingo Dam, 2003- 2011. 113 Table 3. Summary of egg production data for hormone(sGnRHa) induced spawning tests conducted with American shad at Conowingo Dam and shipped to the Van Dyke Shad Hatchery, Spring, 2011. 114 Table 4. Summary of hormone induced spawning trials with American shad at Conowingo Dam, 2001-2011. 115 Figure 1. Comparison of total hickory shad egg volume (solid line) and viable egg volume (broken line) per female for the spawning tests conducted at Conowingo Dam, 2003-2011. Hickory shad tests were not conducted in 2010. 116 Figure 2. Comparison of total American shad egg volume (solid line) and viable egg volume (broken line) per female for the spawning tests conducted at Conowingo Dam, 2001-2011. 117 Appendix Table A-1. Individual test group data for hickory shad spawning tests conducted at Conowingo Dam West Fish Lift, 2011.