BIRMINGHAM CITY COUNCIL REPORT OF THE ACTING DIRECTOR OF REGULATION AND ENFORCEMENT TO THE LICENSING AND PUBLIC PROTECTION COMMITTEE 20 JUNE 2018 ALL WARDS PROSECUTIONS AND CAUTIONS – MARCH & APRIL 2018 1. Summary 1.1 This report summarises the outcome of legal proceedings taken by Regulation and Enforcement during the months of March and April 2018. 2. Recommendation 2.1 That the report be noted. Contact Officer: Chris Neville, Acting Director of Regulation and Enforcement Telephone: 0121 464 8640 E-Mail:
[email protected] 1 3. Results 3.1 During the months of March and April 2018 the following cases were heard at Birmingham Magistrates Court, unless otherwise stated: . Three Licensing cases were finalised resulting in fines of £1,260 and prosecution costs of £1,268. 14 penalty points were issued and a total of 18 months driving disqualifications were imposed. 37 simple cautions were administered as set out in Appendix 1. 127 Environmental Health cases resulted in fines of £292,196. Prosecution costs of £43,959 were awarded. 9 months imprisonment suspended for 2 years, 12 months disqualification from driving and forfeiture of a vehicle. 4 months imprisonment suspended for 2 years, 4 months tagged curfew and 6 months disqualification from driving. Compensation for clean-up costs in the sum of £1,644 was awarded. One simple caution was administered as set out in Appendix 2. Three Trading Standards cases were finalised resulting in fines of £37,760 and prosecution costs of £12,316. Compensation in the sum of £7,577 was awarded. No simple cautions were administered as set out in Appendix 3.