LIST OF THE DESIGNATED APIOs, PIOs AND APPELLATE AUTHORITIES OF ASSAM POLICE UNDER RIGHT TO INFORMATION ACT, 2005 Name of the Public APIOs PIOs Appellate Authorities Authority Assam Police Asstt. Inspector General Inspector General of Police(A), Director General of Police, Assam Headquarters, Ulubari, of Police(A), Assam, Assam, Guwahati Phone- 0361-2450555/ 2455126 Guwahati. Guwahati Phone- 0361-2526189 E-mail:
[email protected] Phone-0361-2521703 Deputy Inspector General of Police(Western Range) Dhubri District 1.Dy.SP(HQ), Dhubri SP, Dhubri DIGP(WR), Assam, Bongaigaon 2. SDPO, South Salmara Phone- 03662-230014 Phone- 03664- 237888 3.SDPO, Bilasipara e-mail-
[email protected] Kokrajhar District 1.Dy.SP(HQ), Kokrajhar SP, Kokrajhar -do- 2.SDPO, Gossaigaon Phone- 03661-270725 3.SDPO, Parbhatjora Chirang District 1.Dy.SP(HQ), Chirang SP, Chirang -do- 2.SDPO, Bijni Phone- 03664-243189 Bongaigaon District Dy.SP(HQ), Bongaigaon SP, Bongaigaon -do- Phone- 03664-230898 Goalpara District Dy.SP(HQ), Goalpara SP, Goalpara -do- Phone-03663- 240161 Barpeta District 1.Dy.SP(HQ), Barpeta SP, Barpeta -do- 2.SDPO, Bajali Phone- 03665-236254 7th A.P.Bn., Kokrajhar Adjt 7th APBn CO 7th APBn, Charaikhola, DIGP(AP), Assam, Guwahati Kokrajhar. Phone-03661-270213 Phone- 0361-2452891 e-mail-
[email protected] 8th APBn, Bongaigaon Adjt 8th APBn CO 8th APBn, Abhayapuri, -do- Bongaigaon. Phone- 03664- 281446 20th A.P.(I.R.) Bn, Dhubri Adjt 20th AP(IR) Bn. CO 20th AP (IR) Bn, Panbari, -do- Dhubri. Phone- 03662-239187 24th AP(IR) Bn, Chirang Adjt 24th AP(IR) Bn CO 24th AP(IR) Bn., Chirang -do- 1st APTF Bn., Goalpara Adjt.