The Automatic Tool Co. The Automatic Tool Co. of South Norwalk; Conn. , of South Norwalk, Conn., Is to furaish milk-bott- le Maaafactaree milk-bottl- e ae--T waxedprepared eapa, plaia, eappiaf mackiaae: or priatea, at low prices aad ia qnaatitiea aagUaa aad motors; davalopa aad proaaeeo to suit purchaser. special ipsshiecry. Factory Opposite bast Norwalk R. R. Station. Factory Opposite) East Norwalk R. R. Statioa.


I, The Melbourne Cancer Cure Co. AT LIBRARY CORNER. Why Refer Special Bth Roon 64 Bank St. Derby, Ct., Combination. Onre Cancer at tbelr Sanatorium and guar. 1 .ft-- Lined Bath Tub a positive cure. They also- treat mild How About to Doctors wblte P0"' (decorated Htw a ouuide, with all nick le caaea and old sores at yonr home If desired Buying Stylish complete work) J 1,?l-,.DS- h aad can send you a blood medicine that wil Porcelain Lavatory (complete with cure Internal growth of all kinds. Corres- $15.00 Suit for Because we make medicines Hcle work to floor.) - pondence solicited. References gladly given. for them. "We give them the I LOW iown Syphon Action Wa&h Down $53 Established for eighty ears. i uwi icomoinauoa (either dark or light formula for Ayer's Cherry $f wood ) J Pectoral, and they prescribe it This Combination is a Special Offer, Oar Guarantee for coughs, colds, bronchitis, stands back of tbe goods. Cut Flowers for consumption. They trust it. Write ns for particulars. Valentine's Then you can afford to trust Day. Sold over 60 THE H. ?, That'would be a wouldn't it. for years. W. HOYT CO., good bargain it, especially? CharTT tttmt JOHN RECK & SON, a'-stbr- Avra Pectoral Is a wmwlT Saaltarr if as well known as thiststood back of the ahoald t In very hora. I hnv a ravt Plumber. lei Oalc St., 965 Main St., Bridgeport. quality of It for hard cotfrha and cold,ad and I Mealing; Engteeer. ' dlknow what a uplendld mdllno It la. I can- of the tailoring? not racommmd tt too hlffblj."- Mine K. Phone 253. Cox. Hyda Park Mbm. DANBURY, CONN. 264 Main St You will find very desirable suits in this lot, and they Hon Michael Connery, . Profaasloaal Cards. Alsobrjjl .arwOo.LenU.auar riela have the particular, advantage of being high priced suits' BepresentaUve to tbe Legislature from Redding. anoiaevarers The tejs A and Successful Merchant SARSATiUmXA Albany Dentists, BRIDGEPORT. CONN. , actually reduced, rather than suits made to sell for such a Popular PILLS. W. J. Boocricar-- of Georgetown. aaig vmoc Crown and ATTOaKKT-AT-LiA- low price, therefore you get almost double value for what uers Bridge Work A Specialty. l DRS RECTOR 4k Rooms K and 86. Sanf ord Bldg, Bridgeport. you spend. ments and will be all Ayer's Pills sc tly Id the ; Horry UTILE, Prsrrtstf . Oflce" la Newtown open on from 9 HOME NEWS. apparatus that seotoral In t aking up a cold. a. aw to MO m. Saturdays could be desired as aids to the study. p. Pick from a large assortment of very, desirable, fancy, At tbe end of that time I hope to be mixtures in or double breasted at least a little more scholarly than I After the Fair sold weather. Tkls 2 either single styles. hard-wo- n VALENTINE SALE SuooeeU Axbkbt JL ScmrzxxR, M. D., WHY I STUDY MORB SCIBNCE. am now, and to have, some which It be my FHTSIOIAN AND SURGEON. AH suits and overcoats reduced inowi u ; degrees may privilege OK SATURDAY 1FTIHHOOH OSoe over Newtown Savings Bank. to append to my name if I wisn to. but IN TBI 5 Honrs: 8 10 a. m., 12.30 p. m. BT RALPH B. DAMFOKTH. wbiob I will probably not use. Then UCTCEI KOOf OF TBS OUN6RIOA-TIONA- 1. Horse Blankets. Offlc No. 10 CHURCH. B phone 29-- as to a well, I shall See oar Use when Boose phone (Sandy Book) 6. earning living, la tewm. Ton will Bad seee totter. II Boars at house, S 30 p. m. enter upon whatever service will make Some may perhaps thinr"tbat 0o me most useful to my fellow men. I A valentine sale, under the au s leaving the active for a term shall retain my capacity as minister, spices of the Christian Endeavor W W. SL 1 M. am ministry and if the way of service should find or the STEVENS CO.. P. J. Gale, D., of years I renouncing the ministry society (Congregational church. 1 altogether, but such has never been me again tbe pastor of a church, I will take place on Saturday from 3 to 6 White St.. Dsabsry, Cos Olce la the David Beers Residence, MM - sum- shall serve both as and as scien 8 in room of Con- MAIM ST. my intention. During the long pastor p. m., the lecture tbe Newtown Street. JOHN RIDGEPORTICONN. mer to as sum tific In my chosen scien- church. Bolls and coffee vacations I plan preaeb Investigator on gregational Office Hours: 8 to 9 a. nu, 1 to 8 and 7 to 8 p m mer supply, and during term time tific specialty. If the other hand will be served ror 10c and toe cream and here will be endless opportunities to it should be in literary or college work cake for 15c There will be a sale of exert a Christian influence on numer- I should still, I trust, perform the brown and rye bread, cake. etc. and Db Waxtkb H. Rteknan, ous young students who are preparing dual service of Investigator and spirit of course a fine display of valentines Physician akd Sursxok, to become powerful innuenoes in the ual guide. When one realizes that In selected by experts. The City National Conn. life of our nation. A thriving univer some of our largest universities there Wall street, Bajik, Sandy Hook, draws thousands of the are thousands of young lives, bright, A. E. of ville. who has 8-- 7--8 sity brightest Plxley Hawley BRIDGEPORT. CONN. OOce Honrs: 9 a. m. i 1 to U0 and p. nx. mmas irom 01 alert and receptive, and that these now 18-- 3. young many portions been quite ill, is much better and Telephone: the country. ' young lives are passing through the able to be about bis home. Fancy:?" tsat tne reason wny x tase- - opportu university in a constantly changing Gkuestk A. Bkitkdiot, M. D. to advanced courses of sci stream, then one may vaguely con S. Is '' nity study Mrs John Peck of Obtuse quite A of Service. Physician and Surgeon, ence for a perioa or years, i that l ceive what opportunities may belong 11L A trained nurse from Danburv 1b Policy Ms State Street, - Bridgeport, Ooav be fitted to do my share in ad- to one connected with the university her. Tbe this bank stock- may who Is to, caring for management of realizes that It serves Its Electricity one of the therapeutic agents. Spring Suitfngs; vancing civilization in this age of sci dally lecturing working holders best when It serves the public best. The of Omce hours from 10 a n. to 12 m.. 8 to 4 m ence. The among with, and influencing these young Egan Brothers of Hawley ville deliv steady pcrsnit p. great complaint . to-da- - has i ministers y Is that the well edu-- people about to assume their varied ered their crop of tobacco, last Satur that policy been the main cause of s popularity and prosper! ty, 25c natAil npnarAUivA mAn Ha nnt positions In tbe life of the nation, and day, to Charles E. Eosllsb of Bethel. It invites yonr account on the assurance of faithful and zealous Dr B. J I 01 Frank udson, attend the churches locatea in the "CDU"rcy many them, 'to become who has purchased of them for a num service. 1 - of High-price- d Preach Novsllise. aew communities in which dwell. themselves leaders in their several ber or Dentist. Copies Somethlay -eetirely they years. Your account, or smart. Is soUctted. 57 Obktkr St., Ooss. for cost a dollar a - ministers the spneres. only pray tnat uod may large Bithjl, aad readily mistakea goods that yard.:- Many complain that lead as Heisees best. Opposite M. B. Church. large numbers of these Influential men George Reed of Dodglngtown. who Office hours: 8.30 to 12 tuid.1 to 8. . THE NEW PLAIDS are well represented ia' ba exteaeive eoUeet-io- a which are absenting themselves from was seriouly 111 last week. Is now Cashier Thsss-good- s ' quite Frank N11IIr. Presldest, E. . l. Chss TaLiPHOsa,21-&- we show. are js iaehss wide' the churches Indicates a. decadence of John H. Keane of New Haven passed improving rapidly. H. B. Tesr-rtl- AsstCeetUer. Hough, the spiritual life of tbe nation. Sunday with bis mother, Mrs John Dr F. A. Scott, l am inclined to be less narsn in my Keane, on Gas street. Miss Margaret Keating of Danbury 5(f Judgment of the spiritual life of the spent several days, last week. In Der-- I Dcsntlsst:. of I of Mr Mrs - Coaa. nation. While the average minister Patrick F. Bradley Bridgeport by, the guest and Edward Lewis Block, Woodbury, - in tbe larger churches may be as- well passed Sunday In town. Liiiiia. Liocal Telephone. ' if- McLEAN educated in some lines as his educated parishioners and perhaps better edu Bernard Keating of Bridgeport was Perry Smith, who has bad cbarire of "Women! A. J. McQown, O. O., 221 Main St., Danbury. Telephone 157. cated In a few subjects than they are, in town, Sunday, calling on friends on John L. Hughes' farm In Taunton for ToungMen! Young OPTICIAN, yet In this age of science the scientific Botsford Hill. tbe past year, bas rented William Car-- education of the of ministers in Flum trees. and Are Vovi Interested majority sv ley's place Bethel, In South Britain, Oenn. are course "W Dn.blnnham S. "V. T..A ITT will move yea - tested and glasses fitted at patrons is sadly denclent. xnere of there about April A Business home without extra charge. Will respond some brilliant exceptions to this rule State street, Bridgeport, advertise Career promptly to 'phone or postal card. and these are the men wno, otner that February is tbe month they sell Simon Corey of Walnut Tree HilL are well FEBRUARY is THE month we sell the most and you things being equal, are sought out by tbe most and you save the most In fur who bas been oorjfined to his home for Stenographers paid and in direct line of promotion v niture, carpets, etc Give them a call. six weeks with Illness, Is now able to We can teach you thoroughly at home, and at low cost Write DR: S.:E. ALLEN, SAVE THE MOST, - 11- - -- - ' OONM. churches are thronged with eager be out again. for particulars. A $2 bill with your letter will brine you a com- Hattxbtowm, teners ana - thirsty seexers alter tne Mrs F. B. Lake of Mt Pleasant, who !. text book of and our first lesson P.O. Address: Boute 16, Stepney Depot, Ot. truth. Tbe education in science which has been suffering with blood poison J. H. Brew was confined to bis home plete stenography, paper. Administer of Magnetic Treatment. Spec- In AH now on ialist in treatment of piles, eczema, catarrh, Bargains Departments. the average minister receives in pass- ing in her right band, is improv Botsford Hill, last week, suffering heart failure, stomach trouble and headache. Furaitture; eoasistias of Rockers, Arm ing High school and college ing. Dr A. Li. Schuyler attended her. with "blood poisoning In one of bis Successful Business People Are Those Medicine furnished for this treatment. . Baadaome pieces of Parlor Chairs, through a limbs. He Is now to - Dlvaa Coraer Chairs at redueed Ia R and seminary amounts to only gen able be at work business-lik-e to-da-y. Term, reasonable. Consultation free. greatly prices. Diaiag seat Faraitorsome eral-smatterin- who act Be and write China Closets, Baffets, Tables sad Sideboards at prices that i allarias, ' haad- - of physics, chemistry Miss S. Elizabeth Goodwin of Dan- - again. promptly. CH-AJEtL- ' some eaanot bs over the sters Bargatas-ss- be foaad. aad biology ot tne most elementary with Mrs L. 8 desiqas bat duplicated, all - bury passed Friday night Mr ataQ Miss Platt, Laee Uhilloalere, Bureaas, urss sees, ete, nature.- These prescribed courses in C. Morris. Mrs L. Garobllnir and Teaeaer Plane, Org ma aad Theory, Curtaias, corns science are never more than one college Woodside of New York sre spending a CORRESPONDENCE Follow the crowd aad you wiu to - NEWTOWN OONN. ,n. year in 'length, and frequently less. Mr and Mrs George W. Stuart were few days here, this week, tbe guests of SCHOOLS. After our would-b- e minister has fin- in West Bedding, Saturday, to attend Mr and Mrs u. a. uartram in bandy ished them, there are in all of our first the funeral of Mrs Jerome stuart, a nook. Waterbury, Connecticut Mrs James i w Gordon, & class colleges, "electives" in sciences sister-in-la- of Mr Stuart. Tkachbb N. Co.', g " Inc., more thorough-goin- - Bucking'Hamliace Curtains, Bugs Portieres and Oouch Covers, which are in Egan Brothers of Hawleyvllle have Violin, Psano, Mandolin.- Furniture, - our finds his Mr and Mrs Hermon H. Peck Dossed 400 KSTABL.1SHKD 1842, . their nature, but student butchered over porkers thus far Olaas Lessons. Ensemble. time full enough with other studies 'A'nursday or last weetc in uartrord. this season, for people In that vicinity. and ejects little ' if any science after Tbe one 610 Nawrowa. OOBN. 177 - - - Conn. largest weighed or pounds Stattrceti ridwort,: ; completing the prescribed elementary Judge William J. Beecber was in and oeionged to Mr wmte Beaver for ths OstsYeaoor Mattresses. I of Ageats courses which have aroused scarcely New Milford, Monday. Brook and the largest spring pig was If It's Made Rubber We Have It." Oscar Pitzschler & more than a passing interest in his a June one they butchered ror it. A.I Son, When buy ms Ilka to KNOW that they are getting the real mind. Then be finishes his college Mrs H. B. Tucker of Hawieyville. Clark of which Hassans ihorshbub, thins: that taeoualltv IS exactly as represented to them. now Hawleyvllle, weighed miHook aad Most. and to feel that the prices paid are just. men shoppu course of literature, language, history, who has been quite ill, Is gaining ajo pounds. Newtowa, Saady Hawleyvllle, hnnmiM a nleasurePeopleand a aat.lsf action. This nlaasure m&v be vours in the future, simply and and his nicely. Mrs Benjamin Smith of Ob Blew town Shop open every day. Hawley vUUe when for in or silver of best makes. or ware, choice Philosophy: seminary weauesoay aitemoon ana looking things gold the Sterling plated course of theology, Biblical literature, tuse has been assisting In her care. shop open sunaay cut glass; timepieces that will tell you the truth, diamonds and other precious stones,s opera moralaa. Saady Hook shop open.every week and field duidooks ana cam cases, art ware, wmung-- pox papers. bomlletics, etc., goes into tne ministry, , glasses, pocketbooKS, tans, ' day. Only first class work. . . . Repairing. Diamond setting and engraving. ,lfiyee examined oay or- - nignv. .rreperiy where he shows tne result 01 mucn Mr and Mrs W. E. Stursres and two fOOV TABLE. , stted glasses maae ana guaranteea. uo to careful thought and study, and may daughters and son of Great Plain nave also show an earnest) but as tbe Deen tne recent or Mr and Mrs The of Good Shoes. Boots. spirit, guests Corner Rubber TAYLOR GREGORY, field of the minister's thought covers Mrs if. x . Andrews. . DENTAL PARLORS Practical Jewelers, Elisabeth St., Derby , Cans. the whole range of human life and Expert dentistry, painli reliable, meat and as science 1b now found Men's Short Robber Boots, t2.?5, S3. 00. modern and scientific appliances used for activity, of Men's Long-- Bobber Boots, 3 60, 00. nsliiln operations. active in every sphere activity fail to visit the 1.75 DR. C. B. Jft &&&&&&&& where there is progress, our minister Don't big Bors' Boots, up. BLJLCKKJLN, state- Children's. Boots, SL2S up. burgeon Dentist. Office in Fostofflce Block ifejfeifefejfefeSiS fcfr unwittingly makes frequent sale of the Felter Shoe Stock, Hew MllfoKU- - . . ments which are scientifically incor rect, and repeatedly draws conclusions nicrn-erra- Qe un Felt Overs. which are aosuroiy unscientinc. ir there chance to be in the audience heard of prices. Men's Felts and o'vers. 2.00 pair up. Dr Battam, Trunks some business men the nature of whose life work requires the constant Arctics. of Bakx Stksst. . New Milfosd. Wooster and Atkinson's and accurate application certain At scientific knowledge, they respect tbe Men's Arctics, 98c, 11.25, 11.50. clergyman's good Intentions, but do Boys' Arctics, 85c LEONARD'S INSURANCE For your Southern Trie you'll flad a great varisty of JTruaks aad other not care ror the incorrect statements traveling assessitiss here Wardrobe Trunks Ladles' Hat Truaks, which to whioh are made or the erroneous In Rubber Rubbers. AGENCY, hold from four to tea hats, without crushing steamer trusks automo- ferences which are drawn. Thus it Is fiae eaa eoa-tri-Ts to who in a Men's Bobbers, 60c, 85c ; bile truaks, ia fact everything ia the truak that iagsaulty that many men, general way FIRE, ACCIDENT. or necessity dsmaad. Brlag your trunk wants hsrs. to may not be better educated than the Ladles' Rubbers, 45G, 69a. to minister, are arisen ting themselves Children's Rubbers, 25c, 40O. Old Companloa, from church and losing tbe reverence and Lowest for the ministry which their fathers Rubber Coats. felt. The day has passed when edu Wooster-Atkinso- n cated and thoughtful Americans will Men's Rubber Coats, 2.75 The Co., line-soundi- Men Felt Boots. Z 00 to accept schoolboy decla For Boys' Rubber Coats, up. S. as sermons even Men's Oil Coats, 2.00 up. Dr U. Todd, Cor. Broad and John Streets, Bridgeport, Conn. to mations thougn they 3.75 Coon Tail Felt 1.00. , 4 contain a ot Snag Men's Oil VETERINARY SURGEON, may judicious blending Jackets, LOO. New Conn. both pathos and numor. jn either is and Women Bootn, 3-9- 7 Men's Oil Pants, Milford, it. amusement which people now seek Over in church, as i have heard some min This mark identifies the highest 3.00 Snag Felt Boots, Horse Covers isters declare to be the case, is a type ot men s and women s shoes the American doitwant 337 Rubber Horse Covers, 4.00. 5 00 I-- fact that people sold at $3.50. And though leather 2.50 Over Felt Boots, 2.25. F, LEWIS, amusement and entertainment, but It md labor are now more we Snag Oiled Horse Covers, Manufacturer of Record Breaking Drop is not toward the kcnurcn that they costly, I.07 Rubber Blankets, 10. Hobee and look for it. Be the minister ever so maintain the high standard which has Dasb Aprons, 2.25. Harness, Blankets, Prices of i sensational or entertaining, the church made Zenith Shoes famous and 2.25 Boys' Felt Boots, 1.67 IStable Goods. In will never come witmn gunsnot of which our label guarantees. 2.00 Yonths' .b elt J5oots.. I.47 Carriage Tires. Horse Robes, being as amusing as the .theater, the men women Blankets, sea-beac- Shoes for and ville Snasr John St., Bexdospobt. circus, tbe hippodrome, the h, Zenith 4.50 Lambert Rob We are headquarters for Carriage Tires. All sizes In stock at factory Croats. s, finest Fur and Fur Lined Automobile and Driving the goif-iinx- or tne concert, sensi are made of the quality mater ber Boots, 367 prices. INSPECTION INVITED. ble people do not look to the church ials by expert shoe makers, and have 3.50 Woonsocket Kubber Let Me Write for amusement, aitnougn they have a more hand-wor- k in them than any Wringers. Your Insurance on your home and right to require brilliant animation 2-8- 7 household goods at once. LOWEST RATES and intellectual in sermons other $3.50 shoes. They come in Boots, All Wrtiwrers In stock, L75 to 5.0a. with absolutely secure sparkle the all Men's Short Rubber style onsistent companies. Co. tOawmch they listen, if the preacher the latest styles, in leathers, and 3.00 Peck & Lines 3-3- T. al. CORBETT, Agent, The is worthy of an influential pulpit and in sizes which insure a fit for Boots, 7 Hot Water Bottles. Newtown. Oonn. 185 to 307 Middle St., a But Bridgeport:, salary. svery foot." 2.25 Storm IJest Bottles of slse and 45o to IL'S. what they want and must have is Zenith Shoes are $4- - Boys' King not Water every kind, style, Ot meat, real solid meat, backed Special Rubber boots, D. Q. BEERS GO., some spiritual special high grade. 3.67 Comm., up by sound knowledge, accurate. 2 50 Youtha's Storm King Best Rub- Nswtowk, scientino and correct, have a We control Zenith Shoes exclu 1 Manufacturers Of Go To ihey ber Boots, 97 Sundries. Don't A are with If to have it, but the man who and sell them our new and 1.75 Misses and Children's Rubber place that you unfamiliar yot right sively in Women's, a whole lot of watch 8E1S us we masa a possesses sucn nign qualities or neart Tops, Buggy watch needs repairing. If ycfu'thlnk vpur rinsriu wur- -. enlarged shoe section in our base Boots, 97c Force Window Canopy Tops, specialty of Wateh, OIOCK ana jewoiry xwjyttirmBjitnu guutuim j uu t and broad general knowledge is rare 3 00 Men's high Arctics, Hose. Tubiner. Packing. Belting. Cups. Cushions, Backs, ana promptly. indeed. He must be both a saint and ment salesroom. -- 37 Cleaners, Rubber Gloves and a thousand and one different amf fcH kinds of Trimmings for Carriages a genius, and either of these without 1.75 Men's heavy Arctics, , a4 Wsgons. Sena xor uataiogue. tbe other is not very common. .I7 things made of rubber too numerous to mention. Our "If HENRY C. RE1D, The Jewelkr, As am would 1883 for poor me, I neither; 2.50 Men's Gold Seal Arctics, 1.67 It s Made ot Kubber We Have it is a to bear in The Original Eeld Jewelry Store, Established that I were both! One thing I do 1.25 Men's Gold Seal Rubbers, pore good thing Canfleld &, Davis, 921-1- 4. do know mind. ' rialn Bridgeport, Conn. Telephone know, and that is that I not NCORTORATEP' gum, 97C Painters and Paper Mangers, 95a street, half enough. Although I took tbe JPj J 32-- 3. course in In Hswtown, Oonn. Telephone required science college Outfitters to Men. Womea aad Children ia and ;then elected sciences, and have Northwest Corner Biggest lias of Wall Paper samples since then, in spare moments, been towa. . THE MAN studying science, I am only at the Main Street and Fairfield Avenne. tiubbell Bros., ' threshold of modern scientific knowl Who needs glasses or tbe one who needs different ones Bridgeport, Conn. Famous The Co., & from those he Is now wearing are the people we want to talk with. edge. So I plan to take at least four Derby's AllingJRubber r.has. H . Sweezv Son ears for exclusively scientific study Shoemakers. 139 Bank . 110? Main Ixmc Hill, Ooosh F. LYMAN, Mfg. Optician, 920 Main St., Bridgeport, a large, up-to-da- te university. It. St. Waterbury, St. Bridgeport r-m- rm mmA Builders. j where the professors, tbe laboratories 1J Church New Haven. animates furnished sad ooateacts takes and equipments, the library, instru St, Frloes reasoaable. 2 THE NEWTOWN BEE, FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 8, 1907.


LOCAL BRTEFS. TROLLEY SBRVICB SUSPENDED. Golden Brothers take A The Monday generous Reliable young blizzard, night, an- was space, this week, in The Bee to & blocked the trolleys so that there nounce their reduction Furniture Smith, Murray Co., no cars running between Danbury and opening sale, Tfiinkingof Bethel all which' opens on Saturday at their Bridgeport, Conn. Trio. day Tuesday. Wednesday Railroad street store. Great reduc Means Lee's. morning they began running a few to Gold-Se- al of tions in all winter and Snag-Pro- Rubber Goods. the at Bethel Center, but not goods. The public crossing are invited to Inspect the new store In a class by themselves. till Thursday did they run to the end and of would seem at the same time to take advan- the line in Bethel. It tage of the values offered. Ball Band Boots, Overs and Arctics. as if the Trolley Co. should have a lit- great Lace fill- Curtain An excellent service line. tle more push and not be tied up so Samuel Ferris finished, Friday, 11-in- Notion long with a small blizzard and so ing his ice house with ice. Dept. Glove Co.'s Arctics and greatly inconvenience the public. Goodyear Light Eddie Dayton bas accepted a posit- Sale Rubbers ion as clerk at tbe New England Includes the GRANGE NOTES. We have placed a large and select assortment of Sale of Goods. dressy Zephya Weights. House. these Special Hair At the last regular meeting of tbe goods at yonr disposal at special prices for the Grange tbe following officers were in- Thermometer stood 14 to 16 degrees next ten days It's worth your while to. see our Hair Pomps at 25c, 50c, 98c each. THE BENHAM SHOE CO., stalled: below zero, Wednesday morning. north window display. Hair Rolls, 10c. 25c each. v 20c, Derby, Conn. Master, W. H. Ferry: Advertised letters;" Alfred E. Cole, Rugs and Furniture. Hair Switches, 75c, 1.00, 1.25, 1.50. 2.00 each. Overseer, Whitehead. t 20-inc- Lyman Leon We have a value h Mrs Jennie Dabo, Mrs Gardener, Brenton In our we are 8pec;ally eood in a Real Wave Chaplain, Ferry. James Mo Robert Carpet Dept. showing advanced Spring Treasurer, Mrs Mabel Andrews. Hauvermate, Keon, designs in Rugs. We will lay aside any designs for those Hair Switch at 1.50 each. These crooda are worth aaoallr T. Parker. George H. Jackson, Post- who wish to purchase later by giving a stnall deposit. 2.50 each. OUR NEIGHBORS. men of this place, passed away at his Lecturer, J. S. Mayhew. master, Don fail to see this new stock. New Furniture for the home here on Monday, February 4, Steward, George Edmonds. a Diningt Room, Library and Parlor is what is being shown We make a specialty of matching your hair exact. aged 79 years. The funeral was held Assistant Steward, Fred Sterlie. C. P. Bentley is out of town, having in our show rooms. 2d floor. It's tbe most reasonable for If we do not have it in stock, will eet it for vou in a few NICHOLS. received word . seri- you to and sale we from his late residence on Thursday Secretary, E. A. Underbill. that his mother is buy every guarantee. days. AN KNTKRPRISING SOCIETY. afternoon at 1 o'clock, Rev Dr Gane Gate Keeper, Edwin Rockwell. ' ously ill. - Ed- Fine long hair switcnes, 2.00 each. Worth 3.50. - On Thursday evening, January 31, officiating. The burial was in the Lady Assistant Steward, Mrs An accident befell Mrs Draper and the annual meeting of the Ladies' Aid cemetery at Lyon's Plains. Mr Lobdell win Rockwell. Mr Clemence, while coasting down the (Right Aisle.) society of the Methodist church was is survived by a number of sons and Ceres, Miss Lottie Whitehead. bill by Ail Saints' church, with a par- Bros. largely attended. Tbe report for the daughters. Pomona, Mrs Julia Galllgher. ty of eight, Mrs Draper hurting ber The Lee Furniture year sbowed this society In a prosper- Flora, Miss Jessie Whitehead. back and Mr Clemence his right band ous condition tbe A bill REDDING. Edward of assisted by during year. Ryder Danbury, at Company, of up-to-d- Continuance Hatch & -- the Blanket and of $500 for tbe gas plant had beenlpaid, Mrs Oliver Starr of Danbury, were Dewey, the 1179 Main St., Cor. Golden Hill A SOCIAL BVBKT. Bank street dealers Our St.. with a surplus in tbe treasury. This the installing officers. Joseph Adams clothing say: CONNECTICUT. Comfortable Sale. society has done much for the interest The whist party held at Elbert M of Westport, who expected to act as always, strictly-adhered-t- o policy ol BRIDGEPORT, ' of the church, up to this time having Sao ford 's, last Tuesday evening, was installing officer, was unable to be "never to pack goods away from one Telephone 245 5. 10--4 White or Gray Cotton Blankets, witb or without borders, S9c a pair. 50 same in 11-- 4 1 CO, 1 25. placed over $3800 in the new building.' a decided success, there being pres- present. Alter the work tbere was a Tbe- size, 85c, ent. Tbe first ladies' a china season to the next'' makes it impera- 11- 4 White or Gray, wool finish Blankets, red or blue borders, 2 50, Z.75 Tbe officers for the year were chosen prize, short literary program. Refreshments pair. was won Miss Belle tive for us to hasten the departure ol 11-- as follows: Mrs George MeClellan, pres vase, by Sanford; were served. There were about 50 4 Red Blanket, all wool, fast color. 3.93. 75 pair. ident; Mrs F. E. Baldwin, vice presl first gentlemen's, handsome tie. Prof visiting Patrons from the Danbury our present stock. "But it's too late n-- t uite vvooi nianKeis, J o. oo, a.ou, a.m. 11--4 4 dent; Mrs Charles J. Thorpe, secre- Elliott Cogswell; second ladies' prize, Grange present. . to buy winter clothiBg," you say. Not Gray Wool Blankets, 3 75. 50 pair. oream Mrs second Comfortables, filled with good cotton, fancy figured sateen covers, 75c to tary: Mrs II. P. Nichols, treasurer. set, Jepson; gentle a bit of it, providing the inducement I 00 ench. men's, penknife, Emory Sanford. Down with handsome 4 50. Miss Nichols, who has been on tbe BOARD OF TRADE MATTERS. are great enough. Winter is not over, Quilts, figured sateen covr. 5.50, a.50 each. LADIKS' (Main Floor, rear.) sick list, is improving. BLACK PBTTICOAT8. A special meeting of the Board of by any means. We can expect pleni. A from here attended a tur- Best quality, 98o to $2 49, at Trade was held in the"" Town hall on of cold weather, more than likely th partj Monday for the purpose of elect- order of Red French's, Bethel. night J. key supper given by the ing a board of directors and transact-lngithe- r coldest of the year. Then, too, tbe v.. Men in Bridgeport, one evening re" business. tbe no - FBKNCH'S, Although night foresighted man will need cently. BKTBEt. was a stormy one there was quite a urging Hen's Furnishings Dept. to now for next neerh -- " as me piace to ouy tyour neavy arc gfiod attendance Much interest was provide winter's - . Miss Maud Thorp spent last week m-n- i Tested r ' , i ? in "Men's fcs and ielt boots. Best quality at in affairs to be taken up now, when he can save 20 to 50 p " " ."V 5pec?al Bargains Underwear. with her Bisters in . . - Bridgeport. by tbe Board of Trade, showing that ...... X X double-breaste- lowest prices. in- cent! . x Men's fi"ce lined Shirts and Drawers. Shirts d, txtra the association is alive to tbe best 6o. e. ch Tbe Nichols wbist club met with terests town. Wil- ' beavy. of the President a v Mr and Mrs Frank Beers, Wednesday Tbe Ridge Inn at Redding Ridge liam P. Bailey, of the board, presided If you are thinking of buying tul t Mn'8 FNnry Stiff B.soru Snlrts, ruffs to match, neat patterns 39o each. " Val le 75c Ui SI. , will furnish hot to in a supper sleigh at tbe meeting, and the absence of or overcoat for boy, make y doublp-breaste- evening. as youisltor I T" 1 Mn-- Kloe FWnnH d, good heavy weight, each ing parties at short notice. Tele the secretary, Henry Kyle acted Riu- - Shirt, d'iuble-br-aste- tl son was to Mr it a point to see the clothing values Men's KlannH hlrta, d, 1 each A born, January 22, 577-- 3, cerk. The matter of a good heavy weight, phone number Danbury division electing Men's Blue Flannel Shirts, doubk -- col- and Mrs Samuel Thorpe of Bridgeport, board of directors was deferred we are giving. Boots, Telts, shoes, 50 - breasted, good beavy weight, fast Miss Gertrude Von Gal of Norwalk until next when or, tl to 2 50. formerly of Nichols. Monday night, uobers, arctics for man and boy, Men's Com' ioation Salts. Ram nip lot. worth Si to S3 .iilt. Yonr chnlmi has been a guest of Mrs Aaron San another meeting will be held at tbe for tl 60 a suit. Aisle. Mr and Mrs Owen move soon from ford. same place. It was voted to assess prices low. Hatch & Dewey. (Rlebt Front.) the Faireblld tenement bouse. each member of tbe board one dollar, WW Mrs Jonathan Buckley of New York the same to be paid to either William is rumored that the auto 'bus may was P English or Granville A. Durant. SOUTH FORD. It a recent guest of Miss Julia San Twenty-seve- n new resume --its to some ' members joined the trips Bridgeport ford. board of Trade, last night.and after a time in tbe future. Let us hope so. ad- LOCAL NOTES AND COMMENT. Daniel F. Sanford and wife short informal talk it was voted to are passed journ until next Monday at 8 One of the worst storms of the sea- & Co. Friends of Miss Pierson pleased Sunday in . night Smith, Murray o'clock, when it is expected there fsT to hear she is much Improved in will be a in order son came Tuesday. The snow three Miss Woodruff large attendance " health. Edith of Mt Vernon, that the directors may be elected and to four feet deep in some places. The Miss Josie Tine of called, E- - Mrs E. Danbury other business taken up for action. Diamond Match Co.'s teams broke Mrs Arthur Pitt and N. Sunday, upon their uncle, George (Danbury News. Dibble spent last Wednesday with Sherman. roads all day Tuesday. They had their Mr and Mrs C. J. Thorp. parents, A of new three teams going back and forth to number views, winter " Mrs C. who has been scenes of bave been added to Bradley, spend- tbe railroad, which is a mile from the KENT. Redding, ing a month on Long Island witb Your Own Theatre. tbe large assortment of photo souvenir bas returned to ber borne in mill, and made splendid roads. Every- s, friends, NIWB 8IFTKD OUT BY THI MACEDONIA post-card- that are sold by Miss M. A Elmwood district at her sister's, Mrs thing was at a standstill in Soutbford. Rusbton at the Ridge Inn. Victor Machines Sold on BEFOKTCB. George Van Volkenberg. there was only one man do- Talking Easy Payments. Mrs M. Gersltz and ber Mrs Mrs C. W.. Tuesday mother, Vinnie Bradley and Tyr William Wild man, the Plomtrees business and was William Send for Machine and "Record Catalog mailed free. William Cribley, drove , to Dover rell have been recent guests at P. R ing that Plains and on ice man, has completed harvesting bis Davis, the merchant, who took order returned Sunday. Bradley's. ice and now has as fine Hit yonr on t your ra arUata t yonr owa maaa-9- r crop and large and filled them. siva tha(r.waaravar lika aad aa All Miss was taken to a was "' - parformaae yon ofta. aayon tika. Julia Keliber F. P. Sherman in town, Satur a supply of ice for his next summer's ihta ia p- aaibla with tba Victor. If ear a o -- mm wkota-om-a on yon laagh a oo4, bubplta), last week, for treatment, Mrs day, taking some interior views of trade as he ever put up. , ihere was no school, Tuesday, laugh ia tha graataat ol toaiea tbaa yon '11 aajoy laa Victor ooaaadi-- A. with ber. atoriaa. eomta aida-apl-it tiaa oo a naa-vU- la John Peters going Bedding's popular hostelry, tbe Ridge The Ellis Wood Co. account of the bad condition of the Funay aoaga npariM, splat m n. Working have akatchaa: huadrada of racorde f is Inn, conducted by Miss M. A. Rush-to- fairly bciatliaj with aa ad laag ha to Mrs George S. Thompson in very had a telephone placed in their office roads and the bad weather. chooM from. Tan caa't poaaibly kaap at with tha Viator eoa-dian-a Sleighing parties will find tbe ia ho in a. maaaa straight (aa poor health. near the Depot. - v Miss Annie is very sick. Dr yonr By all lt u aotartaia. jea tor a faw nioa oa Inn a to at Hogan with thaaa raeorda onr Victor eom-pla- ta sons are delightful place stop ia dapartmaat or lat ua aaad our B. a. Chase and getting where a dinner may be had by notify Mervin A. Banks bas purchased the Reynolds is attending her. maehiaa aad racord eatalogna. axplaiaiag all. jn out ties on the "Darling place in Bog the house he is now living in at 16 Main ' ing proprietor. Robert Burns has taken a N. . 'HollOW. ' snreet, of Brotherton of Dan position George Nevius, Joseph Diamond Match Co. tone and have STEPNET. bury. with tbe Representative from the Town of New Fairfield, Don't You Want to Own a Victor? An George Wathley been-Chos-en been employed for several days filling Michael King spent a few days in Who has County Auditor s NXW8 IN BRIEF. Tbe blizzard last Monday night and the , Prices $15 to $100. Ice bouses in Kent. hindered of Hartford with friends, last week. by Legislature. t, Mrs Tuesday morning many John wbo lives over Lucretia J. Lane, who has been the workmen to the on Mr Curtiss has filled his ice house Juckett, just getting shop Ton eaa bny oa a dollar waak If yon daira all atria of ama- j- in town of bas quite sick witb tbe grip, is gaining and some of the and is now sawdust from nvsorsic ehiaaa atoek. Aa plaa tbe line the Suerman, under the care of Dr Hill. Tuesday morning drawing the HOME NEWS. appointments. eoaataatly ia iiormom stock of rooovia to pick fn been drawing logs of extra size and Slowly shops did not try to heat up on that sawmill to cover it. ' to Chase's saw mill. Mr Juck- Mrs Homer Hubbell of Easton has day. There was no school in the gram GRAND MA8TKR HA I.LOCK ANNOUNCES length Davis has filled his ice house FURNISH1NQ YOUR HOME. OFFICKBS AND COMMITTKKS. ett expects to build an addition to bis been passing a few days at C. A. Hub-- mar grades but the High school held Henry house in the near future. bell's. its session as usual. This is our business and nothing WASHINGTON. else it has been for many years, and Andrew J. Hal lock, most worship- Saturday was ground hog. day and as Mrs Mary Eyre is among the sick Frank Nordman has opened Thomas the large sales we have had shows we ful grand master of the Connecticut The Company, Inc., sun of course ones. Do ran 's blacksmith on Elizabeth have done to the satisfaction of & Century tbe shone out brightly, shop ROMFORD. it now we Grand lodge, F. A. m., has made 837 Main Conn. animal saw bis shadow and A. B. where he is to do hundreds of buyers. Just are tbe of officers St., Bridgeport. tbe little Curtis has been ill and under street, prepared The trains were very Irregular and offering- a large and select assortment following appointments turned in for anotber snooze, while the care of Dr Osborne of Bridgeport. horseshoeing and all kinds of carriage oenind time, Tuesday, and tbere was of lace curtains in our and committees for the year: Y. n. C. A. Bulldlag. for six and no school on account of carpet depart winter reigns supreme aaother Chester W. has been wagon repairing. the heavy fall ment that will be appreciated by the Associate Grand Chaplains Bev weeks. Wednesday morning tbe ttaer-- . Tyrrell spend or snow. careful buyer the housekeeper, be- William H. Main, Hartford; Bev Al ing a few days at the pleasant home of If you want any plumbing done call T. C. Wedge is drawing ties to the cause of our special low prices that se mometer told its tale of cold to the and see Fred A. Hickok. He can fix station. We fred Poole Grint, New : Bev 18 below zero. Mr and Mrs P. R. Bradley, Redding cure them. also wish to call your tune of degrees you up at short notice. B. G. Humphrey, since the burning attention to our advanced styles in Frederick D. Buckley, Waterbury; . DEATHS Ridge. of his house, has moved into a small rugs; It is Spring stock that has just Rev Harris JE. Starr, Mt Carmel; Rev Mr and Mrs J. Carlton Joyce spent There is a rumor afloat that when building adjoining, where he will keep arrived. In our furniture department Andrew J. McLeod, Central Nicbou Febrtiarr . taof. Albart Peabod atOKROB. oacneior'8 nan ror seasons we nave a se- Village; WUItama. J 67 ears. 10 4 a. and opens there is to be a new tne present wltn at all times and Middle-tow- n; ajrod J mnaiba, day Sunday, the guests of Mrs Joyce's par- spring up two men. Rev E. Champion Acheson, ara lDlted j10 attend Stationery to-da- te nt hired It has recently been lection of the best at the lowest prices, Friends tbe funeral at OONCKRT. ents of Sbelton. brick block erect Mil bis lata residence, w ichoia. k rtaay. Ujs 6to. at A ascertained tnat the insurance was but it is quality that counts at this Bev John F. Piumb, New m. a ed on the corner of Rector and South $1000 Mrs is with tbe low does ford. uu p. Periodicals. The Monroe people may expect Miss . Phebe .Bevans of Humphrey store: remember that prices S. Bridgeport streets, which will be fitted up witb children at her father's bouse in New not mean stock, not here. We Greenwich February William W. Per treat 12. has been a week with her cheap District Deputies First district, kins. In of ibeee Hnea Tuesday evening, February spending Preston. will be will be to bave in and '. ech onr all the modern Improvements. Arrangements begun pleased you step Charles F. Mills, South Norwalk; Sec Dover. N. Y February 3. Mra Griffin r r 1 a . V larlte Tbe program to be given will be of an aunt, Mrs Lgvi Be vans. in tbe near future for tbe building of see our large display or nousenoia rur Marcy. - tnspacUoa. Van is a a new nouse. Mr was re We for ond district, Leonard J. Nickerson, 3. ag-e- M , order.- - Miss Mrs Elizabeth A. George Volkenberg driving uumpnrey nishings. have everything Kiht February Richard Barry, Post Office News-Store- unusually high Edith Beardsley is visit new horse, purchased of on cently tbe lucky recipient of a $300 the home and tbe best store service in West Cornwall; Third district, Harry rev. , her Mrs D. A. parties check as a Tbe Lee Brothers Fur C. Eastok February 1. Mra R. Olariasa San- - Arena a. Briaaanort. Turner, of Emerson School ing daughter, Nichols, Island. present; the state. At Foss. Torrintrton: Fourth district. - tl graduate of Shelton. Long niture Co.. 1179 Main street, corner iuru, agN w yrara. of Boston. Mass., is to be tbe Mrs Frank Nordman has been spend Mrs E-- William B. Hall, Wallingford; Fifth BROOintLD-Jum- m 27. Haorv R Somera Oratory, a week for Mr J. Hine, who is with ber Golden Hill street, Telephone 2455, tl years. - Miss Fannie to ing in lieddlng coring sons been Arthur F. Lewis, Union ville; wu reader of tbe evening- Tbe musisal Burr has returned Noidman's mot wbo is ill. in Oakville, bas quite ill Bridgeport, Conn. district, BnnuRM-Februa- ry S. MrsSosan Plrna. her home in for her, quite She is now slowly. Her Sixth . William F. agou tt numbers will be furnished by tbe Tale Monroe, after caring Mrs F. W. Smith of Maple avenue gaining district, English, year. Master William E has been with daughter, Miss Cbristianna Hine, is Mrs who East Windsor; Seventh district, Ar Nlktio- - 4. Mlaott Share. School Beardsley. suffering the grip, this caring for her. Mr and William Hamlin, 78 February aed mm Divinity quartet. week. Mrs Wallace Richmond and children have been spending a few days in New thur F. Clark, Higganum; Eighth dis- Tbe program will be as follows: In tbe young blizzard, last Tuesday Nothing better than Dr Hess' Stock oues. Thomas McKenzie, 1 bave too red a Pittstield of and food to are among tbe sick Milford. have returned to their borne trict, Westerly; U No. 7 Wake, Freshmen, Wake, Yale morning, freight train Poultry keep your noultrv Mrs George Russell bas been confin Ninth district, John M. Leach, Staf FBKNCH'S, BCTBIt, II Studio .w. Yale 14 cars got stalled in front of tbe de and cattle healthy and make them do in Dodgingtown. 1 1 IIIIIJ WI.B.U Song, Quartet ed to ber home by illness. ford Is the place to buy your arctics Office I was on so well. For sale by Charles J. Eogllsh D. R. Springs. heavy ftaedart: ) Wit have rata of a tbe Benefit, pot. The freigbt the siding & Mrs Wilson is sick and under and felt toe invest improved Kiectrie 1kg a la Keeping Seatat McDowell Taylor, the popular care of Dr of New Preston Arthur of was a Custodian of the Work Benjamin boots; best quality at lowest for aad --Miss Turner the main track was not blocked. The on the Marcy Hawley Bridgeport - Ptcaormphlnn Porpoaaa Monologue, Edith merchants center street, sell you Miss Lottie of truest. of Mr and F. Turner, Middletown. prices. , - - J vroww mien. , out of coal and was best kerosene five Hearing Waterbury Sunday, bis parents, Uatvesdaai of tba vaulier. Little Boy Blue, Westendorf engine got pushed the oil, gallons for has been a guest of her. sister. Mrs Committee on Correspondence, John to tbe 8 30 south-boun- d 50c. Mrs Hobart Hawley. V. Yale Quartet Bridgeport by been confined George H. Russell. n. Barlow, Hartford. 57 Fairfield Blackman, Old which left here Henry Clay Judd bas to Mrs Bill a JN of Mew Milford Ave., Bridgeport, Conn. (a) Dot Leedle Boy, (b) Tbe passenger train, that his home on Maple avenue with the earing Miss Annie Kumes of Falestine was Committee on By-La- James Mc-- Miss Turner morning about 9.30. new was a guest, one day last week, of Mrs Man and Jim, Riley, grip, this week. He is improving G. n. KUR8ell. a guest, last Saturday, of Dea and Mrs Cormick, Windsor. Baritone solo, selected, ; E E. Youtz W a siowiy. Mrs of De Guaranteed have very fancy New"Orleans C. L The John Peet Washington George Ruffles in Hawley ville. Pro and Con, Monologue, Miss Turner molasses, which is fine for on bherman, engineer at pot was a guest, Sunday, of her sister, AT BETTS' eating Judd & Andrews Hat Co's. factory, is Mrs cicnmona. Little Willie, College Sonsr, pancakes. Give it a trial and you will able to be at bis work after be Wallace wbo has been Hot Water Bottles, The Best again, Clark Blackman, quite old Yale Quartet want more. Also just received a new ing laid up a week .wttn tbe grip ill, has so far recovered as to be able Rubbers for and young at Betts' On Board tbe Victory, Miss Turner invoice of Ponce molasses which Mrs James Winters has taken a po LONG HILL. out. An Canned Goods Yale fancy sition at tbe. forming factory on CJen to ride attractive line of valentines and 74c to $2.50 Sailor's Chorus, Parry, Quartet can not be . beat. Stephen French, at ter street. THE METHODIST CHURCH. Mr and Mrs H. Mitchell were valentine postals at Betts. Polly Ann's Memorial Party, the Depot. Mrs N. I. Bennett is critically ill at Frank the bottle. To be found mnv- - Monologue, Miss Turner tbe borne of Charles E. Edmonds in Rev W. J. Guggenheim will have guests on Saturday of Mr and Mrs Onions of prime quality at Betts. Mrs S. B. - wbere on the market ca.n be Middlebrook of Darien is Plumtrees. Dr A. E. Barber is at charge of the service, next Theron E. Piatt. " tbe puest of ber J. F. Wales, her. Sunday, A fresh lot of Kibbes best confec found a KAST VILLAGE. of Cutler's Farms.father, tending February 10. The friends of Mrs James W. tions. Albert Evltts. Druggist. at The body of Oscar J ordon of Penn many Plirate Wire XJ. NEW H1LFOBD The East Village Methodist church sylvania was brought to Bethel, last Miss Eleanore of Gordon will" be pleased to learn that . was Buckingham L. C. MOUDIV is to a concert in tbe SOUTH BRITAIN. Wednesday morning, and taken in Bridgeport is spending a week with she Is recovering from her recent ac OAS IN TMtJ STOnACH arranging give charge by Funeral Director F. E. Tom- - THE GROCER. Monroe Center on Tues- who to her cousin, Miss Edith M. 11111. cident, but will be unable to at and sense Town hall at linson, took it the Kedding to a Belching tat of fullness Hewtawa, Conn. 12. THB PEDDLERS' PARADE. Ridge cemetery for burial. Mr Jordon tend her music classes for time. so often experienced after eatlnir is day evening, February was formerly a Kedding man. ROXBUKT. caused by the formation of gas. Tne Henry F. Sherman has bad a tele The Peddlers' Parade will be post- Thomas C. Field of Boston, Mass., stomach rails to perrorm its functions num- - one week. Be sure and remem- was on friends in and the food ferments. Chamberlain's phone placed in his house, His poned Mrs Walter Daley and daughter, calling town, Friday, Stomach ana Liver Tablets will cor 4. TR.OUT ber is 1432-1- ber the date, Friday, February 15. Go TRUMBULL. Madaline, have returned from a week's stopping at the Grand Central hotel. rect tbe disorder. aid to for .They digestion WANTS FARMS prepared buy your provisions stay in Bridgeport, where they were Miss M. "Veness of and strengthen and invigorate the Fred A. over Doors open 7.15. Ad Mr Mc-- Ida Hawleyville stomach and bowels. For sale by R. H. Hickok, GREENFUXD HILL. Sunday. at PERSONAL NOTES. the guests of and Mrs John and in South-bur- y, 441 Farms 148 mission 20c. Niff. spent Saturday Sunday Beers & Co., Newtown; Taylor. Curtis baa trea aold , CimB St., bVthbx. The Ladies' Afternoon whist party the guest of her aunt, Mrs & Co., Sandy Hook; W.-N- . Ourd, Long b aa a art a a Wentscn. Blak-ema- n, We have MRS HANNAH BARER 6TURGES. On February 3. a wedding was sol of Trumbull was held at the home of George Hill; A. U. Botsford; S. J. baodredaof!.. cv. Baker widow emnized home of Mr and Mrs Mrs W. F. Randall, at Chestnut Hill, WOOBBURT. Parks, Trumbull. . atnaera waiting Mrs Hannah Sturges, at tbe J. last Thursday afternoon. W. F. Ran- To stop a Cold with "Preventlcs' is for aa to fioS Rev Thomas B. H. Atkins in South Britain. The bride run cure aft- t lama-- 1 . of the late Sturges, dall, who substituted for Mrs Bucker, safer tban to let it and it ITCI1INU hrn served Green- was Mrs Miss Mrs L. N. Mal-le- tt Mrs Mary Reed Couch was the guest erwards. Taken "sneeze PILES. need drarrip. Sanitary.PIumbinir, wbo for many years tbe Atkins' eldest daughter, took the first prize. of her son, at at the stage" ooaa 01 many field Hill church as Henrietta Reed. The groom was Har carried away tbe second, and Miss Arthur, Yale, last week, Preventlcs will head off all colds and more tarma In Steam, Hot Water and Gas Congregational and also, speut some time in Bristol r . ber old H. Mr Walker captured the booby. Grippe, and perhaps save you from ir you are acquainted wltn anyone order that their pastor, passed away at home Cartwright. Dewey of the The farmers of Chestnut Hill have wltn irienas. tone returned to her Pneumonia or Bronchitis. Preventlcs wbo Is troubled with this distressing may Bait then Fitting-- week 29, South Britain Methodist church mar home, Saturday. no all. here, last Tuesday, January their ice houses liHed and do not care are little toothsome candy cold cure ailment you can do him greater fa price iaIfyoarr 1 g h t Ractmatm Pnrataaed. over 90 old. Besides her ried tbe couple, after which a for more zero weather tablets, selling In 5 cent and 25 cent vor tban to tell him try Chamber Joittata ProanpUy Ataaadad Ta. being years sumptu particularly any boxes. are If VVrlte today for oar free children wbo survive her, she leaves a ous supper was served to the guests. this winter, providing it will not If you chilly, you begin lain's Salve. It gives instant relief. deacriptioa3,C. blank. Addrea Stroat make any difference to Nicholas to sneeze, try Preventlcs. They will Price 25c per box. For sale by It. Representative or the Home Omcc.asy host of friends to mourn her loss. Many handsome presents were receiv great check the cold and you. H. Beers & Tesiny'8 weather prophecies. The Kind You Haw Always BougM surely please Co., Kewtown; Taylor, E. A. SIT0UT C- ed, both from town and many more Miss Amelia Overton of Westport is Bwntba Sold by K. II. Beers & Co., Newtown; B. Curtis & Co., Sandy Hook; W. N. O- Irr Magee Ranges. WILLIAM LOBDBLL. from friends and relatives in New a few days with her Blgaattm Hawley & Co., btepney: f. J. Garvin. Ilurd, Long Hill; A. B. Blakeman, 150 NASSAU STREET. NEW YORK OTY spending or aunt, of S. Trumbull. Winchester Heaters-- William Lobdell, one of the older York City. Mrs W. F. Kandall, Chestnut hill. Bethel: J. Parks, tsoiiora;a. j. r"arira, xrumouii. THE NEWTOWN BEE, FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 8, 1907". 3

field Center enjoyed a sleigh ride to Danbury, last Saturday evening, and Newtown Bee reported a very enjoyable time. The Mr ana Mrs Robert B. Smith of Ob Newtown, Friday, Feb. 8, 1907. tuse en loved a slelcrh ride to Danburv. last Saturday. , The "Champion" u XL. "reen has sold his farm near Brook field CIRCULATION : the Iron Works to parties $5 BpvALaM from New York, who will take rxsses- - The Suit for - sion in near was Boys, January 1, 188. 600 the future. The sale Question made through the agericy of Henry B. Is made to give Last week, 4500 Hawley. extra service The At the annual meetino-o- f the Laurel long Hill Cemetery association which was Is? under the hardest Ten Pages. recently held, the following officers usage to wear were elected: President, Frank K. and save money Careful Hawley; superintendent, V. E. Patch; and mending. TOWN TOPICS. secretary and treasurer W. J. Beehler; trustees, John Bateman, James Bate- - Can you afford lo let this Only the tough- man. Clarence Keeler. L. C .Gilbert est fabrics are us- obituary: Housewife and David, Barnum. chance go by? Men's Suits or ed; all seams are double-sew- n with KKV JOHN C. CARR. SHERMAN. Overcoats, that were $i8t $20, linen .thread and uses - $23 and $25, stout linen Rev Patrick Fox went to Thomas- - 1906. taped; ton, Monday, to attend the funeral of births stays resist strains; Rev John C. Carr, an assistant priest February 14: Daughter to John and pants have double at St Peter's church, Danbury, who is no other. Anna Porivltzki. well-know- Absolutely seat and knees. n in Newtown. Father March 8: Daughter to John and Choice dou-le-breast- on . ed Carr gave an address "The Life of Pure, Jennie Blantm. Handsome St Patrick' ' at St Rose's a few years r May 14: Daughter to Vincent and of carr occur- $15 Now. suits, ago. The death leather Georgia Stuart. in medium and red on Thursday morning at the home June 13: Daughter to Douglass and of his parents xm Chapel street, Thom-asto- n, Ida Thompson. ,darl mixtures, after a sickness of two weeks, July 3: Son to Samuel and Anna i sizes 7 to 16, $5. of a severe attack of the grip. Father POWDER NEW YORK. Downing. Let your boy test Carr was born in Thomaston, Hovem ROYAL BAKING CO., July 3: Son to Charles and Sarah a buit. oer.28, 1879, attended the local High Cole. Champion 27: Clothes, hats, shoes and fur school and graduated from the water September Son to Frank and -- nishings for of all A bury Hijfh school, after which he &WWW Bertha Taylor. (oJUlS; Corner boys ages. spent two years at Holy Cross college, October 24: Son to Charles and An in followed by two years at been followed by experiments on hu button and Oxfords. Twenty-nin- e of na Strid. Worcester, man patients by Prof W. J. Morton of the Regal stores are located In Greater Brighton seminary, Boston; going from MARRIAGES 1906. Other lines of SUITS . to where New York, and these appear to be very New York and you must know that and OVERCOATS at from $8 to $15. Prices there Erchstadt, Germany; The of Dr with New York a shoe January 10: Samuel B. Sommers he remained a year and a half; from hopeful. pith Saleeby's competition, -- statement comes in . the must be in fit and wear and Sarah cut to close them out. Oood wear INCORPORATED V . he went to- - Leu vain, Belgi- concluding right style, Parmaley. good style good fit to every gar- Jgy Germany was lines: "Though the treatment is still tha can maintain so a share of May 19: James Donnelly and Polly um, where he ordained to the will large ment. Outfitters to Men. Women and Children Carr celebrated in the experimental stage and the New York patronage. The Regal Northrop. " priesthood. Father remain so are shoe & is 14: Reuben J. ana . . . -- his first mass in long (for there many department of Davis Savard August jjownes Northwest Corner Thomaston, August we do not as yet know), has in of J. E. Walls, an Grace Heuson. Main Street and 17, 1902, and was appointed to St Pet- things it charge experienced 30: Hats, aioves, Neckwear and other In Fairfield Avenoe, er's where he re- absolutely demonstrated that it is ca shoeman. Davis & . Savard, Main September Joel E. Joyce and Shirts, things the Cotan. church, in Danbury, not in one isolated case or street and Fairfield Mildred Giifflng. Bridgeport, mained four years, or up to the time pable, two, avenue, Bridge- ana of his his but in many, of curing by its unaided port. December: wiinam vaaaKin death, it being "only appoint- power hopeless and inoperable can Nellie Romain. 1 ment. On Tuesday last, Father Carr cers." DKATHS-190- 6. I went to bis nome Jn Thomaston and OUR MEMBER OF CONGRESS. CLEARANCE SALE. went directly to his bed, from which D. January 1: Edwin H. Gaylord, aged he never arose. He seemed te be do- Readers of Charles Stewart's 72 years. very 6.30 a. m., on the 'The Fugitive Blacksmith" remember I don't see why they make him go 15: JJeaia . agea I I ing nicely upjbo it as a. volume of fresh and racy fun, there to . January t uurtis, day of his death, at that time he col- arid a hook of much The Up Washington; 23 years. lapsed and sank rapidly. His death promise. It isn't there, as they should know, January 22: John P. Woodln, aged February Centur publishes a "short His greatest workis done. 54 was sudden and unexpected. Father Of duties are a years. or Thin course, these test, 13: A. Stout Carr is survived by a. father, mother, February Emily Evans, agea one" brother, JamesT and' one sister, And keep him on the jump, 51 years. Miss Funeral were But you should see him at hi best, 10: Julia.'': services A on July unaries lieorge ooie, agea held from t St Thomas' church, Mon- hustlin' the stump! seven days. day morning at 10 o'clock, with burial We need him heje to tell us how August 2: Inez l&niiy Best, agea in the In St Thomas' To run as we one month, 20 days. Boys' priest's plot " " things should, cemetery. v , ; To smooth the sorrow- - from each brow September 29: Fanny Thorp, agea Hull Brothers With maxJms wise an1 good. 50 years. Co., October 31: 11. DAKBURY, CONN. THE CONGREGATIONAL, CHURCH I wish't he'd linger round an' cheer Joseph Etts, aged Our spirits as tbey fail. 76 years. - for Dress or . Handsome M3is could MH fit Clothing Play. WHOLESALE AND- - RETAIL. CHRISTIAN KNDKATOB TOPICS.' T v speeches? He make 'em here And send 'em on by mall! was 0S - Star. Little Ruth Thompson able to and 1s a list of the and Washington be out and roll her doll carriage on the strong Following topics for 10 last leaders of the meetings of the Chris A of 12 from piazza minutes, Saturday. tian JSndeavor society tor tne ensuing party young people Kdward Townsena is now on the five months: . Danbury enjoyed a sleigh ride to sick list. He expects to move in the - spring from the Duncan tenement 'to s . . ." ; FEBRUARY. . at the Grand Central hotel. Supper the tenant house on tne .jurrazuriz Prices r-- was 12 - 10. Lessons from the Patriarchs. served at o'clock, after which Place- - - : 3 11 : 2 VL V? dancing was until a late hour. xne ror off I Noah. Heb. : 7; Pet. 2:49; y W; enjoyed evening tne sociable at tne 1 Pet. 3 : 17-2- 2. Leader, George A. parsonage, last week, proved unpleas regular. Hub Runners. Barnum. - Attend the Dackaire sale at Reid & ant, but there were about 40 there 17. An easy life versus a hard one.. Todd's store In on and between s ana received. Portland Cutters. 2 2 3. jewelry Bridgeport Tim. i Mrs R. E. - - at Miss Leader, 1' riday, treoruary 8. .During tneir The missionary meeting Two Seat Danforth. - inventory about 4,000 articles was se- Jane Gels ton's, last Thursday, was Sleighs. 24. Foreign missions: The Kingdom lected and in neat boxes and well attended and' the remarks by 7. put every Business in the Islands. Isa. 42 : 10 13; 25c. Miss Fairchild of New Haven were Sleighs. " ' thing will be sold in the boxes for -- 1- -4 Pn rrrt Rnfic Missionary Committee. Articles have been selected that reg very interesting. J 4 Sizes sizes ularly retail from $25 to 25c. No arti W. B. Hungerfora is preparing to for for . Bobs. MARCH. cles which we sell for less than 25c is fit up a bath room in the early spring. Heavy 3. Being honest with yourself and Included in sale. Mrs Jb'rank K.eilogg entertained some Men and Men and J.-1- this Everybody come, Light Qfocer Bobs. God. Luke 12 : 3; Josh. 24 : 14. Lead- young and 'old, for in case you get of her neighbors to dinner, last week Women Women er, Miss O. F. Young. something you do not want, we will on riaay. 10. Lessons from the 'Patriarchs. if you follow the rule In the Miss. EBtella White or uanbury exchange, d, NEVERiLlP. Can SHp. snd Rowe II, Abraham, Heb.' 11 : Leader, advertisement in last week's bkk. called on her friend, Mrs W. B. Hun-gerfor- Horse Shoes and Calks. .. . Carlton S. Smith. 8, recently. 8. Don't forget the date, February Reg'a - HARNESS AND HORSE GOODS. 17. What is success? Prov. 3:1-1- ice nouses to uoa-fre- y Shoe Proves . 1907. fReid & a The belonging ur The That : (this Friday). Todd, Miss Edith Ganong. 1054 and Dr Smith are being filled aena tor cuts and pricses. Leader, Jewelers and Opticians, Main -- 24. Things you have .learned from st reet7 ' ready for their use while rusticating THE HULL BROTHERS CO. noble men and women outside the Bridgeport. 's in the country. 2-- .- Bible. 1 Thess. 1 ; Leader, A. P. Mrs Barnum is seen on com . DANBURY. CONN. .- of the amount of business George Smith.- - .3 - ; Figures fortable out on her mis " connected with telephones made pub days riding 31. lives. to-da- How Christ transforms lic y, indicate there "were sion of selling Fanny Crosby's auto Rom. 12 : 1, 2; Phil. 3 :20, 21. Leader, that biography. ' These two ladies are cous- Bridgeport Bridgeport Mabel 5,07m.500,000 exchange telephone talks - Miss L. Taylor. CHARLES D. STEWART. and 133,600,000 distance or toll ins. AVE. " long David Dlsbrow of New Fairfield vis S COR MAINSTUfcFAJRFIELD - ' L communications" in 1906 in APRIL. . . the year Mr week. "A. on this conntry. On December 31 there ited at Boerum's, last 7. The consecration of one day in story, Race. the Missouri," rich were use. Mr La Jrorest is clearing oil the brush 17:19-27- . Ji-eano- re In same 7,107,835 instruments in seven. Jer. deader, Miss this fresh and racy 2.385.742 preparatory to building an artificial ' of the .chapters from Mr Stewart's new 1,436,236 miles of toll wire. aae near or x. Jtiun- - Northrop. or to miles of underground wire, 11,373 miles tne residence jn. 14. Liessons from the fatriarcns. dook, "partners .frovioence, rje of submarine wire and an of gerford, formerly the Kellogg place. 9. in the aggregate j- Ill, Jacob. Gen. 48: Leader, F. published spring. rf,080,282 miles of wire devoted to tele - iiawes nas soia several pairs oi Gale. service. number young mules to an out of town party. did not seem 21. books. phone The stations . nouses were my aunt and cousins. It Wise Ways to read wise The publication in the March Centu 2,715,367, the total circuits 1,407,900 several ice nuea, last me 45 had 4:1-9- . wood-engravin- to that years passed away es Watch Mrs W. g W. fill and Prov. Leader. Otis of Cole's ne-ur- week, and Thompson helped - ry Timothy and tne ao.uoo. xnese since aunt and Mrs MAKE Barker.- . . employes one at my your sister, t of Ribera's "Assumption of Mary show a in six of 171 the the creamery. Hubbell 28. Foreign missions:-Chris- in the will conclude that famous growth years The Hoard or Relief meets on a ri Antoinette Wlrth, lert her 3. Magdalene" per cent in the number of employes. - borne to of Asia. Isa. 49 : Mis- of week. x in White Hills, Huntington, Jewelry. YOUR OWN continent - engraver's notable series of Old Span- of 239 per cent in the number of sta dity thla steamer to California to live Repairing:- Committee. twenty-nin- e go by First Class Work at Reasonable Prices. sionary ish Masters,' in all. Mr tions and or 349 cent in the . total wno naa gone on a Cole work up- per with her nusoana, GAS. MAY. has already commenced number rrajniles of wire. HUNTINGTOH-- A few years before her.. Since his deatb on a new series, that of the Old French she has made her home with her 5. The power of a contented life. Masters, reproductions of which will own a nice ranch of & Phil. 4 : 10-2- Mrs L. C. JOURNEY TO CALIFORNIA. daughter. They REID TODD, Country Homu, Reader, begin in the April Century. Mr Cole FAIRFIELD COUNTY. 1900 acres, and have a large number or Cliarehsa,Factsris should Nicholson. ranks beyond question as tne greatest Would not like to hear 'about fine a flock of and a 1054 Main Bridgeport, Conn. wood-engraver- you horses, large sheep owi thsir own Gas Plants 12. Lessons from the Patriarchs. of s. "His pre- St, 16-2- 4. living fMe drove of cattle. Ooppero polls is a for Lighting. IV, Joseph. Ps. 105 : Leader, C. says Charles H. Caffln, "is BROOKFIELD- - my journey to California I lert Hsatiag,Tir-rill- eminence," z zo p. town is the chief indus and Powsr. 'a Oscar Carlson. of tech- Bridgeport, September 18, at mining that Cooking surely due to the flexibility his m., with a or rrienos. d I visited a number of places or of a port were recent at Gas 19. Little faults that spoil our which Includes with equal fa- LOTJIB BXJROS BUYS TBI WIKTJERS HO-- party try. a the appearance being large city. guests lives. of Solomon 2 : 15. nique, old at Buffalo early in the morning Interest while there. Tbey have We stopped here a short time. I bad races. Song (Union cility the strong features of the TBL AT THE JUNCTION, of September 19. We soon crossed the very pleasant home. I went to Oak- a chance to see some of tbe nice build- Charles F. Si 111 toad Is visiting his simpla to handls, always meeting witn the Juniors). and new, relying at one time upon the ana we were in November 1. My cousin drove on. arriv- . ready, H. M. Smith. of and at another upon Louis Burgs of Bridgeport has re JNlagara river tnen land, ings. Tben we continued uncie, t auumu. ehsaply operated. 26. efficacy line, of Peter Winters Canada. We bad a nice view of the bis horses to Milton with me, there I at the Mi&siMslppl river, Monday Tne Academy was closed a week be- f Home missions: The progress the virtue of tone in masses; combin cently purchased the ing A- ' WeT J ana Horseshoe Falls, as we left the train took the cars, changed at Stockton, where tbe train crossed on cause tbe teacher. Miss - Florence also manufacture of the Southern Mountaineers, isa. ing them even in the same print with hotel at tne unction has taken a we in Oakland In morning, was kinds of Gas and Gas- 52:7-1- 2. Committee. a of possession. Mr Winters has moved to for short time, then continued arriving the evening. tbe ferry boat to New Orleans. We Nichols, suffering with a severe all Missionary justness equilibrium that produc wnere ne win make his on our way. The Canadian officials My friend met me at tne pier. Airs here five hours. Tbe next cold, Dr Hill attended her. olene supplies Gas En es always a perfectly harmonious en uannury, our and canceled Isabel Smith met me there and then stopped was gines ana automo one JUNE. semble, is in tne wonderful versa- home. Mr Burgs is building a large stamped baggage the place of interest Mobile, Ala. Tanks. 2. How to realize the presence of withitwhich he cutter shed for a place to keep automobiles stamp oeiore our train run onio tne the party that went out together met Montgomery, tire capital of the state. CAUTION, Storage 15-z- - tility plies the Mrs Smith and went to San Cen- Christ. John 14 : j. L,eaaer,- miss and will make his hotel the stopping ferry boat "steamer Uetrolt. Crossing again. I Is a very pretty city. Arriving In cata- that the charm of his work primarily the river, we were4n the Francisco, the stricken The ru- In we - Sendfor complete Flora Lovell. consists. Yet this skill is after all a place for autos when passing through city city. fire tral South Carolina tbe morning Imitations bab- been placed trpon and will of Mich. We arrived in Chi ins caused by the and five hours on account of a so AD-coc- k's logue aad bs convinced. 9. How to help those younger than natural outcome of the deeper gift of this town, he keep gosolene Detroit, was earthquake are com- waited here tbe market closely resembling 1-- 6. 10 m. are we are. Matt. 18 : Lieaaer, Rev o, svmoathetic which en and other things for their accommoda cago, in., at p. it rainmg beyond description, they railroad accident that occurred just Plasters In general snpearasoe W. understanding tion. He also has a stable con very hard, we tooK tne 'bus ror tne plete. From there we went to the hafnra arrival nf our train. I bad as to be well calculated bo Barker. ables him to insider the oi livery saw I deceive. It 16. get leenng nected with the hotel and can care for Oxford hotel, as we Intended to stay Golden Gate park, where I a good a chance to look around tbe Tbe is, however tn Who are slaves and who are free old masters, differing from one anoth 20. to be place. general appearance only men? Rom. 8 : 12-2- 3. teams for people when they go away till the evening of September Aft many nice buildings rebuilt, that bouses were few and stood oa piles. that tbey compare with A Ucock's, for (A temperance er so much in character. In his Ital las-lrtn- on and have teams to I er breakfast we went to some of the were shaken down ny tne earthquake. We see a cotton in tne thev ara not, In topic.) u. C, Nicholson ian, Old English, and Spanish series. the train let to stores. beautiful monument was could factory nnlt Ika 23. Lessons from the Patriarchs. he exhibits this aoDreciative compre all who wish. His hotel will always large department Marshall The that distance and bales of cotton near tbe elements which nave made AMoockv : 23-2- Fields was one of them. We erected to the memory of Francis and Vir so V, Moses. Heb. 11 Leader, hension to an extent that is really be open ror either transients or regu exchang was station. North Carolina efficient, but sre often harmful In Harley T. Peck. marvelous." lar boarders and ne will always see ed our tickets for tourist tickets at the Scott Key fairly broken by the ginia look as if tbey were in a more their effects. Remember that All-coc- k's 30. bis are station, left Chicago on the tourist shock. Here we saw the temporary condition tban South Car are Foreign missions: Christ in At hat those stopping at hotel 11 21. We We prosperous tbe original and only gen aloe rica. Isa. 43 : 3. Com' wen iea ana iwen carea ior in every train at p. m., September home of the refugees. continued olina or Georgia. Arriving at Wash porous plasters tbe best erternal Tirrill Qas Machine Light Missionary railroad has estab and will and make as crossed the Mississippi river early in on by trolley to the Cliff bouse. We wnere we mi ttee. The Pennsylvania way try it 1 was cnmo on ington, the fiationai capital, Co., lished a permanent forestry office and home-lik-e as possible for his guests, v the morning. think l tne omy watchea the seals tne rocis changed cars for Jersey City, crossed uJB ooiy saie way is to alwavs ing filled a man who one in our party- that was awake at for a short time and then we returned x ore, or wo-wa- y ("sieii 75 Fulton St., New York. Arthur J. Smith had his snow plow the position with has a the rerry to jsew ioeo been connected with bureau or for SOMKRS. the time. We have crossed the state to Oakland after pleasant day spent to the Grand Central station, 1862. out early, Tuesday morning, and did a the HKNRY R. 1 visited Established turn for those who have estry at Washington. The company of Illinois into Iowa. We arrived at together in Blghtseeing. where tbe last change was made for good usually within nve years has some Henry R. Somers, one of the older Omaha, Neb., at 5 p. m., and left the friends In Healdsborg, 75 miles from tbe New York, New Haven &. Hart- A VALUABLE LESSON. Call at the house and see what to work the shovel. plantednow to men of this town, passed away at his train for a walk as we bad 25 minutes Oakland. It Is a beautiful place with ford In at 8 1,500,000 trees, and is stock 7 roses road, arriving Bridgeport kind of it and what . we Co. some 680 acres of land near Altoona, home in the south part of the town on only. We left Omaba at p. m., its large vineyards, and orange a. m., after an absence from my borne light gives A meeting of the Newtown Fire 77 were two hours we could tree full of fruit. Here you can see 1 to can do Hook Ladder Co. Pa., with chestnut and red oak seed Sunday, January 27, aged years. The tbefe that of sixteen weeks. went direct my lesson," writes John Pleasant, of Mag- with it. and the Newtown on own land an funeral took place on Tuesday after have passed in seeing the city if we the ruins caused by the earthquake. as I felt that I would like Ind. I is called for next Tuesday at the lings conducting its 1 ror a daughter's nolia, tben began taking Dr night or re extended and scientific scheme of for noon, January 29, from the weaver had known how long we bad to stay, returned to Oakland few days, a change and a rest. I felt very tired King's New Life snd ' Brick building, for the purpose us. 23: Oakland 1 Pills, tbe longer A full attendance of estry primarily to provide itself with Brook chapel. The burial was in the but the conductor could not tell November I left that with my long Journey. I am very take them the I find v, organization. cross-ti- e material. Great Plain cemetery. Mr Somers is September 22, we took breakfast in evening on the Owl train for Los An much with my and tbe rt.tjr Smith Brothers, the members of the two organizations one 1 some 10.10 a. pleased trip They please everybody. 26c stR.IL is survived by his wire, son, JUiilott .Denver, vol. llKed places in geles, arriving there at m., reception I received by all of my rela- Beers & Co., Newtown; Belt & Agents, desired. D. Somers, of Beaver Brook, and one tne state very much. J. saw tne most went ulrect to my cousin's, on my tives and kind friends. Eliza J. Nich- P. J. Betta. Newtown Bee Office, E. V. Parr, of 16 Fairview street. Mrs Eva Willis, of this beautiful fruit orchards and nicest way down I went through a number of Sandy Hook; GarvlD, Bethel: W. A second Winter School short poul Waterburv. advertise that the readers daughter,town. trees ever with one of them was two miles ols. jn. Nooie, new Mlirord; E. J. Bucking- CT. course of six weeks will be that I did, bending tunnels, ham, Allen Box-bur- y NEWTOWN, try given of The Bee may feel well satisfied their loads of fruit. We passed long. While in Los Angeles I visited Huntington;G. W. Joyce, by the Connecticut Agricultural col- will receive full value from rarms Ea-ST- Station; llurlbun A Co.. Febru- that they Eugene Dechine and family of through tne Royal uorge in tne alter the ostrich in south I'asaaena, Koxbury; Connery Bros., lege, Storrs, Conn., beginning their course of instruction, in which Beaver Brook, Danbury, have been noon, there was a thunder shower at Ocean Park and Venice, also friends J. M. Georgetown: ary 20; a sufficient number of applica use the latest and best text books, Beach. From have Sullivan, Redding- Ridge: W. B. for course they guests, the past week, of Mr and Mrs the time we were passing through, at Long there you oonokkoatiomax. church notes. flawlev. Khermnn- llnmn - tions this having already and give careful personal attention to Philo B. Blackman. 23. Arrived on the plains a nice view or snowcapped mountains. " vl been received. A few more applicants students. course is well de September see ana The following are the new officers of Gay lords lie; Smith Bros, OornwaU the The Miss Clara Beers or Obtuse was a of Utah; nothing to but sand and Mt Low, Old Baidy saaaieoacit Endeavor Presi- &dwin U. New can be provided for. signed for home study, and he and guest, last week, of her sister, Mrs P, sage bushes for a gooa many miles. mountains. 1 consider Los Angeles the Christian society: Bridge, Beard&ley, those interested with are thor 4 m or of dent, Leroy Wheeler; vice president, George E. Frlnk, Falls him, H. Fennell, on West street. Arrived at Salt iate Uity at p. the most beautiful garden city and treasur- Village;rfuQ; E. S. Fairchild &. Birth Stones The young blizzard which had New oughly trained and experienced short Mrs H. W. Andrews was a guest. is a nice with its long, the state. The most beautiful roses Leroy Turner; secretary Son, Nichols, town and all the rest or Connecticut in hand writers. cost or course It city straight, a In bloom time er, Henry Bailey; chairman of the drug stores. The the last week, of Mr and Mrs Clarence shady streets. Crossed the salt Lake, and call llllles at that Lookout Mrs F. E. Silll-- its grasp Tuesday morning, made hard is low, and all in their power will be at Ogden in the evening, Sep of the year. committee, and work for the of the Borden's done tor or Hawley. arriving man: chairman of tbe prayermeettng THIS WILL PLEASE TME patrons the benerit tne stuaent. The Alpha wnist ciuo neia a pic tember 24, in the state or JNevaaa, ar Having completed my visit witn my Mrs Z. chair- - OROCERS Condensed Milk Co. The farmers were nic whist, last TueSBay evening, at riving at Sacramento at 2 a. m., in the cousins, I will now turn my steps tow- committee, J. Mellen; Their slow in to the creamery, the G. - A 25. 1 ards Connecticut home. man of tbe missionary committee, Washington. D. C. ioitt fleanings. getting Zoar In these times of so much poor Mrs Williams'. very pleasant morning, September left my my Leaving Miss Hazel chairmen of There Garnets, constancy. teams from South Britain and leather is a srreat to see time was enjoyed. After the game friends at this place to take the 'bus Los Angeles at 9.40 p. m., by the Sun- Sherwood; tbe hss Just been Fhrfiled with tbe January as late as 1 p. m. The team it pleasure were ror x set Route or Southern on social committee. Miss Msy Gillette; Department of Agriculture here. nr February Amethyst, peace of mind. arrivingfrom was to some really good leather, and for this refreshments served. tne State House hotel alone, Pacific, tbe of flower March Bloodstone, courage, wisdom. Bridgewater unabe get reason tne Kegal Shoe (Jo., ror wnom Mrs J. Wesley Wells visited friends felt as If I wan a stranger In a strange following morclng we were In Yuma, chairman the committee, of tbe strongest documents we him free from en- through. Davis Sc are local in New Milford, last week. land. In the I went out (or Ariz., a small and from Mrs J. M. Edwards. ever seen. It guarantees t,hat Jell-- O Innocence, savard the agents, morning settlement, O April Diamond, on Main B. has confined a as as - on was one of most barren and Jell-- Ice Cream Powder chantment. Wlllaon M. ex have put display in the street Philo Blackman been walk, went far the State capl- there It tbe KOTKS. are May Emerald, discovers false friends. Pnot.mnatr Reynolds window a ruil line or the nmsnea up- to his house, the past week, with the tol. The situation is nice. The cap! countries that I passed through, noth- BAPTIST CHURCH strictly pure and comply with the re- and to a few days in Washing some from- - quirements of tbe National June Agate, health, wealth peace. pects spend per leather that is used exclusively in grip. tol stands back ways the ing but sand, giant cacti, and dead Members of tbe Baptist Sunday Food Pure and frees from doubt and U. tne ween. iung-uai- r, Mr ana Mrs u. were avenue was as must have died of starv- Law. Tbe ruarsntee la July Ruby, anxiety. ton, coming the Regal shoe, comprising Kay wiiaman and undergoing repairs, cattle, that school that received tbe gold stars for under serial Dumber iri August Sardonyx, preserves from danger. King-Ki- d, Russian-Tan-Cal- f, King in Danbury, last Saturday. the earthauake had damaged it con ation. Once in a long way a section being at Sundsy school, every Sundsy liit, and protects Heyl-Patent-Ca- all September Sapphire, preserves from folly Master Louis Lovell entertained Patent-Colt- , lf, and Theron Dixon of Bridgeport spent siderably I should think. The shade bouse with a few small buildings, oc- In the year, 1906, were: Misses Elsie absolutely wholesale and mail October Opal, sharpens the faith and sight nartv of his schoolboy fraends on Mon many other kinds of fine leathers used Sunday with bis parents, Mr and Mrs trees were very roses and by Mexicans; that is all I saw Bibbina and Minnie O. Sherwood, and grocers who handle tbe products large palms; cupied nsmea. Jell-- O November. Topaz, fidelity and friendship. day afternoon, the occasion, being his in the Regal shoe. They have made P. H. Dixon. i oleanders were plenty. I returned to for a great many miles. We arrived John Sherwood. Then a gold crescent JelMJ and Ioe Cream JDecember success and : week Powder are well of in ness. Turquoise, happi- 12th oirtnoay. Alter cseason ui wonderful progress since first starting Randolph Williams spent last the hotel for breakfast and telegraph- at Tucson, Ariz., and I left the train was onerea by tne scnooi to tne ones thought. m.i games, the boys did ample to about 15 years ago, and are now the in Newtown, the ed to my cousin to meet me at Copper-- a ror a snort time, is a circles and tbelr purity and wbolesome-- birth-ston- 'justice Thursday night it pretty piace. A complete assortment of e choice refreshments. MSster Louis lar&rest shoe manufacturers that deal truest of Carlton S. Smith. polls. Then I took the 'bus to the Arrived a El Paso, Tex., in the morn- without missing. Minnie O.Sherwood ucaa um ucTer oeen questioned. can be found at was remembered with a- - number of with wearer. own Mr and Mrs Leonard H. Elsen boss my ticket for Milton. is a nice tben we IS Rings - directly the They station, bought ing, it looking place, entitiea to tne crescent, sob oeing birthday gifts. Those present were and operate 150 stores, and also the passed last week Thursday in New found my trunk, and bad it crossed the Rio Grande river. Near a the on It one for tbe two vears. A Croun can ttrncttiMt k, Sanford Beers, Russell Wheeler, Fer largest mail order shoe business in the town, the guests of Mr and Mrs George I was soon on my way. changed place called Echo I saw one lone grave number have received gold stars tor 20 minutes. No vomit log nothing to & ris Hewit, Gordon Gale, Walter Glov world. The Regal shoe department R. Wilson. oars at Stockton, arriving at.Milton at on the bank a little way from the the year, 1906. sick en or distress you r child. A swee G. W. Fairchild Sons, er, Leonard Wright and Louis Lovell of Davis & Savard is located in the Osborne Brothers on the Plains z p. m., mere tooK the stage ror railroad. Tbe inhabitants so far seem t, 16-ml- l le ana Jewelers, Watchmakers, basement out of necessity, as it takes filled the ice bouses, last week, of drive. The dust was from to be tbe greater Prt of them Mexi- Mr Mrs Arthur Sherwood re S hoop's Croup Cure, does tbe work SUverstr itns, Dr Saleeby of London last as much room as their ground floor de Thomas Lee, the Sturdevant store and four inches to a foot deep and you can cans or Indians. Tbey are very dark. cently took a sleigh ride to Redding to and does It Dr continued, C. vroman. was Mr and Mrs E. P. Sanford. quickly. Snoop 997 Main St., Cor. P. O. Arcade, week, in Harper's Weekly his remark voted to clothing, hats and furnish a. Imagine what condition I in Some parts of Texas tbe plantations visit Croup Cure Is for Croup alone, remem- ably encouraging messages concerning incrs. Their Regal line comprises all Charles Stuart and family attended when I arrived at the hotel In Copper- were nice. I saw where there had been Mrs John Sherwood is now at ber ber. It does not claim to cure a doaen CONN. tne progress inaae in the styles that the Regal Go. make the funeral of Mr Stuart's brother'i spoils. My cousin was there to meet large fields of rice, cotton and sugar borne, after being two weeks with ber ailments. It's for BRIDGEPORT, oeing developing Mrs West me. more also hor- Miss . In croup, that's all R a positive cure ior cancer, xne exper everv season for men and women, in wife. Jerome Stuart, at After tea I bad two miles cane; large droves of cattle, sister. Ida Ogden, assisting mxciw oi, vajl, Aeviovu H- - w- - 1888. Reddincr. to ride and Ar- care or her lit parB8TABUSHBD iments with trypsin on mice made bv eluding the quarter sizes, wide, medi last Saturday. that ended my journey for ses, donkeys Angora goats. tbe rather - ey Bipney; r. Dr Beard of Edinburgh, Scotland, have um and narrow toes in lace, blucher, A party of young people from Brook- time. I received a kind welcome from rived at Houston on Sunday. It bad Mr and Mrs Arthur Hall of Bridge- Bethel; S. J.Parts, TrambulLj. Garria, 4 THE NEWTOWN BEE, FRIDAY. FEBRUARY 8, i907,

810,000, 0; total amount, 0. Newtown Bee, Total number of depositors, 1,882; The total deposits, $895,641.44. Newtown, Friday. Feb. 8, 1907. LINO NINE JR. & Largest amount due a single depos- - H. Beers Co., besides curing coughs J. B. MUULnSTGS & SONS Conn. iter, $9,217.64. promptly Newtown, OIRCTJLATIOW i Number of accounts opened during and colds and all forms of fteaslfopii I January 1, IMS. 800 the past year, 271; number closed, 143;, throat and lung troubles, builds 128. increase, up your physical and 762-76- 8 Chapel St. Amount lnter- - strength deposited, lncluding makes you so hardy and healthy Stupendous Beech est credited, during the past year, Ten Paces. that the germ a of disease can- - New Haven, Conn. "v $203,524.72. m not a foothold. en Amount withdrawn during the past gain Being 7 Day Sale Nut EDITORIAL INK DROPS. year, $150,020.71. tirely free of alcohol and all Amount of increase, $53,504.01. dangerous opiates it strengthens Total of interest and and loss, Now In Successful Operation. Every citizen and descendant of the profit the circulation, stimulates the Sliced and rent accounts per last report, Art Such tremendous were never town of will want to own a replaces diseased mem bargains Bedding $19,571.37. appetite, offered before concern in Water-bur- y. new brakes and warms and Embroideries. by any Bacon. copy of Charles Burr Todd's book, Amount of income received during tissues, Just think the finest kind of men " entitled "The History of Bedding the year, $45,760.41 65,031.78. enriches the blood, drives out Third Floar. Take Elevator. and boys' clothing; Hats, Furnishing from its First Settlement) to the Pres Total expenses, including salaries, disease, prevents preumonia. It One of the most interesting sections Dress Suit Ca;es etc., Did to of store is new GoodsTrunks, you ever stop the 83,033.24. is the best - the these days the Art at for ent Time," even if they have to put a during year, builder and strength Embroidery department on the tnird your disposal less than the bare think how there State tax during the year, tl,632 68. floor. cost of Get and attend many ways mortgage on the old "hoss." Mr Todd restorer known. find production. busy Townand City taxes and assess Here you will Art Embroidery this sale or will miss a life time are for using bacon ? Some succeeded in an admirable manner All Druggists 25c, 50c, L Dieces as well as piece to be worked. you has ments paid, 0. also highly artistic pieces of ancient opportunity. use it tor a breakfast dish with eggs. It in combining past and present-da- y and modern deslirn for home decora people only Net amount of premiums charged AIIa Cnmrlaw o frnwnnrvn a ftinar. tion. IThere is somethinjr new and can be used in many ways in cooking to give just the history and has gotten out a book Off, $4,310.17. al services. Bev O. O. rector novel here all the time and whether Wright, on -' stand All other amounts off, or bt Jonn's, officiated. Tbe bymns. you are down town either a shop- right flavor to a number of dishes. which is beautiful from the charged Ableep in Jesus" and "Abide With Dinar tour or for pleasure do not rail to The Bacon we sell and recommend is Beach-N- ut of the typographical art. It $122.99. Me," were rendered by tbe choir oome and look around. J. B. & point were a the latest arrivals are these: Son, 2 There number of beautiful Among Mullings ana oecause Dividends, per cent, paid Oct., floral were Bacon, because of its exquisite tlavor, it is comprises 302 pages, and in addition pieces. The pall bearers New Areda Bledermater Kmbroldery In - - - 1905: amount, $15,065.48. comrades in tne war, Charles Uawley, scarfs, squares and pillows. Waterbury. Conn. packed in little glass jars; without any preservative to the historical matter contains 2 cent, Oct. unaries M. arsons, Epnraim urisooe, Maderia A.moroiaery in center pieces ana - Dividends, per paid B. scans. ' fine half tone and cuts Edward Troy, Henry Ootrer and Wallachlan Stamped Pieces for linen pan whatever. many portraits 1905; amount, $15,886.15. George W. Graham. Bev Everett sols. hats, chatelaine bags, 00 lars, cuffa, cear amount Snlffen and Miss Marietta Snlffen of ter pieces, scarra, piuow tops, etc of churches and residences. In the Net carried to surplus, were Pillow tops la a variety of art fabrics. Stratford among those present. Oriental, velonrs, tapestry, satin and silk; to the book Mr Todd says: $3,000. On Monday morning tbe remains were prices 42c to I 60 IMPORTANCE . preface to Bev HnerJal dMlm for stamoinc to a soecialty THE & Total of interest and profit and loss taken Stratford lor burial. u here. Assistance o advice In de-- R. H. Beers Co., An Interest is attached to the place O. Wright conducting the committal our getting ap and rent accounts per this report, in. -- signs given by anaignera, tree. ! f Newtown, Conn. of one's birth which of scene service at Union cemetery that OF KNOWING change $21,981.07 65,031.78. town. - kDOw will never you. ' . rather enhances than removes, and past-du- e What you don't hart Amount of paper at this - A QRHAT TROUSERS SALE. At tbe ume time, what you doat know will never do yon any good. which increases rather than diminishes time is 0. You probably dont know all rou should know. The about Lumber HAJLF-TKARL- your at Y Especially buying Hawleyvllle Prices On in intensity as one approaches the Amount of assets yielding no in A IVKMT IN BCONOICIKS Get before . 'S . posted jou buy. come $678.00. AT MK1G8 A CO. BIO BTORK later stages of life; this home feeling the past year, 1H BRIDGKPOKT. New Silks. Loans on real estate are they all C. has been largely instrumental in the This spring promises to be a great E. PLATT, Hawleyville; Conn. Ransres and Stoves first mortgages? Yes. Given a combination like Meters & silk season, and we have prepared lav of this work, and to is high-grad- e Material Line. production i it on Go. 's trousers and the low Everything in the Building Largest amount loaned mortgage ana ishly loriu , due of interest prices tney danoe to in .February, several monins ago wnen we naa , 2.f-u- we nearly everything to one Advanced on JJec. 1. lVUS, trom i.uu to but aay individual, firm, company tnere is amme reason ror tne wonaer tbe pick ot tbe choioest designs and stock this -- and are value that the book possesses. A his or $18,200 00. ful enthusiasm which this twice-yearl- y weaves from tbe world's best silk bought a large 7 previous 'to date offering society, corporation, trousers arouses con amount to sale of needed always manufacturers, and long before tbe to our customers th old prices on all stoves which we have in tory of Redding has been long tern Largest of personal loan at Meigs & Co.'s big store. This season great advance In prices we began to stock. We have sold a number and still have a as as any one individual, firm, company, so hundreds of pairs of the newest pat make selections of beautiful silks for Drugs quite good plated by the author a service due terns are in tne wnicn pres- - mad sizes and or $595 00. selling, at prices SDiinar and summer wear. Tbe sortment of heating stoves at $2,' all the other his native town, and has long shrunk ciety, corporation, induce many men to buy one or. two enWnagnificent showing is tbe result kinds to our best and heavy Ranges, which we still price at pairs extra to provide for further needs. or our labors ana 00m prises sucn de- and up from because of the labor,the expense, Trousers are garments which men bave sirable silk as Rajah, Louislnes in var $50. Remember we deliver all goods within a reasonable dis to bave anyway, ana a sale use wis. ious sizes of checks,Imported Fongees, tance. The of are still but we and thg difficulty of its compilation. William Bigelow which brings forward the best trousers Cheney. Bros.' Foulards in figures and tendency prices higher, expect or - Groceries. Whether well or is now made, at prices under tne cost tne polka- dots, Grenadines, Crepe de to crive our customers the benefit of the old price until Jan. 1 illy done, it Sniffen. obeaper grades, is welcomed by nine Chines, Black Waterproof Japanese YQUR BOY ; and goes out to the some- - out of ten men. Tbe sale appeals to Silks, Habdtaf de Swiss, Massatlne Would Ukm om of HM BPLrMDTD KM- - 1907; completed, all men for two reasons: any man can Silks for wear, Black Chiffon GINKS. Wbv MtlTCktaoMtarCBUrr. We can save vou NOW Mom 41 to 4.00. to size no or how evening Betts & aa vs HUB a. nut. ut it ss vow according was matter how wa-ss- wnat limited public for wnom it be fitted, large Taffetas for dresses, Taffeta Chiffon Betts, vood. en 1 fenr fnd4r. pa tup yam rmm and kind select. - HIS DEATH OCCURRED long be may be; and trousers for every Suitings for dresses in new shades, new . Sasydy Hcok, Cm. separator. sa ao twoHAirai or ttm worst you written. Tbe materials for the work purpose are in tbe sale, for work, for Colored Taffetas for also Black ttatin voa tr 0OM. Md la S Una . V ON FRIDAY LAST. bo all lining, 14 n. r. Baea ror areolar as earn u an business and for dress, tbat Silks in all the most iwan ted weaves. trial ptaa. Ws also bav a rail Its at V have been drawn largely from the classes of men can find tbe kind of MUta. Towers. Wmd Bum Prices very reasonable. aj0 Task.- trousers want. While stocks are 11 &. Kulna Saw Bf Uka. Thraahtna- Mm cient records of the town and parish. they Sunday Honrs: 10 to Slloa, Ontaara, Maaars Snaacakoaa. lareer ever before, must be re 1 1 Spraaaara, Postmaster a than it Cy olar OIL Farm ImpiMDMU aad taa bast E. J. HAT,L'a from the records of the colony, and t Sandy membered tbat there are more people ms; 12 to I. -- ". than ever before to sbare in tne bar Sandy Oonn. from files of in Hook. no TELEPHONE SERVICE x Hok, the musty papers tbe gains. This is why you should lose, - LAMB BACK. . time in attending tne saie ana cnoos-in- g Wootfbwry Local, 16-a- i: Fred E. Field. State library at Hartford. Tradition tbe trousers you need. The won- This ailment ts usually caused by &. N. B. T. Co.. 76. JOTTERS. CONN. Held This Office Under Presi derful bargains wbich always precede rheumatism of the muscles and may THE MAN WHO SriOKES and oral information bave not been stock-takin-g dents at Meigs & 00. s are in be, cured by applying Chamberlain's ' Will appreciate a ox off ur cigars better than neglected, and every reasonable effort Arthur, Harrison, evidence among men's and boys' over Pain Balm two or three times a day any Xmu ltt that can be made him. -- tie will value them highly if he has McKinley, Roosevelt. coats and suits, shirts and shoes. In and rubbing tbe parts vigorously at G of the--r and If are new to has been made to render the work as tbe women '8 section, coats, suits, skirts each this does react Jhmt a former acquaintance many good points they and furs are lowest application. If not) VALEN- him he will value them more as a mighty good thing to have. far as a and reliable selling at the prices afford relief, Jblnd on a piece of flannel possible thorough tbe season will see. slightly dampened with Pain Balm, Vi3alies 44 O w. Fairfield Ave.. ite Poll's Theatre. A VETERAN OF THE CIVIL rener sure 101-lo- DAN D. SMITH, bridge; BT. OONN, history of the town. That errors and and quick is almost to TINES! IN WAR.., Jacob "Block, the enterprising real For sale by R. H. Beers & Co Oar assortment it discrepancies will be found, is to be Newtown; Taylor, Curtis & Co., Sandy Cretons ' estate man, has sold the farm of . 1111; even . and Btecksmlthlng, Carriage and Undertakers and Embalmers. Hook; w. Hura, uong a., h. larger and better than - expected; but it is not believed that Charles B. Skiff on Skiff Mountain to a. J. Flannels. Wagon Repairing. His Burial Takes Place at Stratford ' Blakeman, Botsford; Parks,w last season. lOuting they are sufficiently numerous or lm James Terry of New 2Tork. Trumbull. L." portant to destroy its historical value, A useful and well-love- d citizen has so If you would like a nice parlor organ CUIVTIS SMALLEY Prindle & our George McArthur was unfortu for $10 you can get one If you will call TAYLOR. 6 Horris book passed from midst in tbe death on nate as to lose a watch on 239 Main fteaat, W. In the preparation of the the before tbe bour. the sleigh at Steinert's Music store,' Ltvce Valentines . H. PRINDLB. Is. O MORRIS. Friday, just mldnleht ride to week. is an and take away. 25c. CO, has aimed to preserve the of William Bigelow Snlffen, postmaster Monroe, last It street, Danbury, it from lc to TVs Briak Star. ' Saacy Baafc. Practical Horseshoer. Funeral Directors compiler at Sandy Hook . open face gold watch and Mr McAr Wa and Carriage Ra-- character of a local and has .Postmaster smrren was stricken with a Special sale of soaps, both toilet and irtnk and ; aBo Blacksmlthlng In and Embalmers, historian, thur will pay suitable reward for Its weekv for our Valentine Novelties v1 pneumonia tbe Friday before his . laundry, next Watch ti. nranrjies. nnl class worKmansnip confined narra- return. Sc - . ruravfl d rl;--i Mwsv mothi Conn himself chiefly to the death. He left tbe postofBce on tbat ad. 3. K. Sanford Co. from Sc to 2Sc. YOU. Te rphem Oon- ectlon : Bridgeport Division day and went to his home complaining FREE FOR tion of local facts and incidents. Id of feeling chilly, and at once took to his Daniel Reardon of Hawleyville has Now is the time to feed Dr Bess Telephone Call i ex- bed. His physician, ur A. Li. bchuvler, returned to his old position as car in Stock Food and .Poultry Panacea. Vo.lentInePostca.rds We belong to tbe harmony with this principle, an was and all medical give results or your money re ? 23-- 4-- summoned, that They .party thnt never W. H. Prindle. 3. O. 3. spector at Bridgeport. Mi. 2 Sc. NOTICE throws mnd and I. Morris, tended biography of Joel Barlow, at care and nursing could do was done funded. IS. Sanford & tx. for ' sand Ttaa Is the for him. But it proved unavailing, for - -- - Lee Is Mnd of noes we pnt on your horse. Ijarge first intended for this work, has been in his delicate state of health he was James of Hawleyville hustling Prime lot ot mackerel and itnek of shoes and all weights at my old stand to the ice. Week before last he filled his herring & Co . excluded. The sketch of so illy prepared withstand the rigors in tubs and by welirbt for tbe Lenten S.E.Sanford B. M. TUTTLE, theBpoet of a siege with pneumonia. ice house at New Fairfield. Last week season at 3. K. 8anford & Co. . 1S w tow HALWEY.WILMOT& Mr Snlffen will be greatly missed in he filled his ice house at SOUTHBURY. OONN. grew on the author's bands, that it of Hawleyville closed every noon. REYNOLDSr tbe village life Sandy Hook, where and this week he has filled his Ice A large and choice assortment of Hnop Saturday was found it would maste a volume by ror 31 years he had made his home. valentines can be found at S. IS. San UNDERTAKERS, As postmaster he was universally es- house at Brookfield. ford & Oo.'s. 168 State BV. Bridgeport, Oonn. and contained so much of Phillip Schnabel, v" Announcement of ' rumbull itself, gen teemed, his conduct of tbe affairs of Do&rtu-to- Dbl. I and tbe office winning him tbe respect and Mrs Wilbur French of Walnut Tree P. O. AJdraas: Bataal. Boat Si. Merchants. eral interest detail could Yem va litOROi B. Vine St. Near Park Ave that it regard of all classes. In St John's Hill has been tbe sick ones for tas 4, Its IsU Hra Ltwyi Bosftt ooaaacUaaa. Uaa-Kir- AccaaJ Waa. Edward H.Hawut, IU Ollnton among Talspboaa Trumbu11- - Wilmot. Ave. not be made to harmonize parish his death will be mourned, for a weeks. John T. oonni obr n. urnroLoa. an west Ave. with the he was a steadfast of all few CONTRACTOR and BUILDER. FRE.VUUJVt ZVo. 600. Porter. Telephone 231 supporter its oa ktads of Horseshoer local character of this work. A concise interests and services, and was a mem Estimates sladlv rlvaa ail Wasaonaly aaaewatod Expert of Martin Roach has taken a position by da orooatracs , 1- and Gea.ral Blaek.mita. ber its vestry at tbe time of his -4 lm kifk. stocr !. wtta sketch of the poet's life, however, and death. with the Borden's Condensed Milk aoabls raUar )s nv Ivamv All kinds of and Wagon ssapaaaaat a4 -- Oarrtag Repairing Mr Snlffen possessed of Co. done hoo evt-r-y week from 7 a m. the from Fulton's qualities at their factory at tbe depot. W. T. QALLAQHER, UaJ, kaval Crystal, aiaa aaU open day original portrait character are often In HOOSL.-C- . A. to 6 p. m. Strict attention paid to business. P. that lacking MaivSt., 8lDT tar baa For aoa Oisas TrwAaai Prices reasonable. Terms Cash F. oil formed frontis otners. He was not combative or near New Eajrlaad Btattoa. Bar bar or a Trade aVaxka aa4 ate. Keating, painting, that the has a posi- Shop v 1 arks, t FURNITURE assertive by nature, and loved tbe ways John Sanford, Jr., taken d Hatrd SaUafacUoa ta ail n rawtafa. eta. DEALER, are included of peace. He tbe tion at the in San roarantaed. Sbopopea avary aay aad piece of the Columbiad, respected opinions reclaiming factory - a. Undertaking and Embalming in all Its or others, and was not one who delight Hook. las- ttaaortiaaiB: aoaciaisy. The Fairchild & Shelton ranches, and to. 111 dy Co, Mock promptly carefully attended in its pages. Many things happen in ed in speaaing or a neignDor, or Be Ot. Big Of shoes for Ladles SANDY HOOK. OONN. rolling as a sweet morsel under his A Fresh Made and fnnt',mn. Also Rubber and Felt Roots. the space of 26 years,even in a country tongue a fresh bit of scandal. Would Benjamin McNamara visited friends Mlnott Augur, Arctics and Rubbers. Best makes on the men of tem in for a few Bawdy Boos. Burbpl Kiimi to fit all Oroceriea and Oec town. During that period in Bedding, tbat this happy Bridgeport days, the past Emulsion of Daalar hi Caoias Kaata af All Mi eral Merchandise. Trade at my store and Wm. J. Beehler, perament were more numerous! week. ata. Wait save money es- Weak in frame he has outlived Paaltry, Tfstaslsa, FUKXBJU. DlRICTOIl AMD Putnam Memorial Camp has been bodily t7--4. TRUMBULL, scores of strong, able men in our time. Cod Liver Oil Talspboaa EuAim, tablished by the State. There have who have burned out the fire of their Frank O. Briggs,who has been elect S. OONN. Assistant in & J. Parks, Lady always attendance. to stores of Revo life at the gilded forge of intemper- ed United States senator from New Is more beneficial Hughes Chapman. Telephone Connection. Brookfield. Oonn. been brought light ance and dissipation. What a tes COAL.. COAL. Boecaaaor So Okas. J. Hooarsa, is 8uch a career to the Jersey to succeed John F. Dryden, is than one that has been in stock for lutionary data unknown in 1880, which timony temper ev- Received ate iirei sureiy godliness with, con the son of tbe late Maj James F. months. We make onrs fresh inOHAXL KTT.I.BRTDg, Juvt the author was In a to avail tentment is great gain. ery week, with Baady Hook, Ooam. A F. position of N. who Hypophosphites, al car containing Fancy Corn George Taylor, William B. Snlffen was born in Brlggs Manchester, H., ar-Oo- a N.w Bafflaad Dano Meal. stanaara niiannnes, unop r eea ana Funeral himself and seemed a son 7?c bottle. yards i'Iuvd Feed.' and the prices are right for the Director, Sandy HookvCt of, which it duty Stratford, March 30. 1840, the of served several terms In Congress. best anallt;t. My stock of Qrain. Feed and Telephone Calls: 27-- 5 and 27-- 3. was Isaac Sniffen and Sarah C. Birdseve. O. is a Flonr is always complete. Money saved by to make public. There also a store His boyhood days were passed in Strat- Frank Brlggs graduate of West Emulsion trading at my store. ford. He learned the business served five in of genealogical information in the jewelrywno Point, years the regular Cod Liver Oil and unaer I'm up a. seegee, is still -- F. S Mr and Mrs F. B. 2 town and not in For a time be army, and then resigned In 1876 to be Hypophosphites of Chester Brinsmade, ' Bouton, parish records printed in living Bridgeport. Trumbull. Oonn. Funeral Directors and was employed as machinist in tbe come connected with the John A. Lime and Soda. I ft the earlier edition. Then the beauty Wheeler & Wilson shop. In 1876 he TAYLOR & HUBBEl.L. Embalmers. came to Hook and a Roebling Co. of Trenton, N. J. He is A tonic and tissue builder New York State License. and of the old town has been Sandy opened HEWTOWH STATION. South Britain Announcements. I ' Day and Night Services. K salubrity jewelry store in Augur's building, in an active politician, treasurer of the useful in the treatment of W tbe apartment recently occupied by ' consumption, bronchitis, M K Georgetown, Conn. Tel. 48.3. discovered by residents of neighboring Mr Conover as a state, and chairman of the republican weak chronic aaufactsrers of aad Dialers la Branch Office 1. A restaurant. Later lungs, cough, jS Ridgefield. Tel.: No cities who have come, and without be moved across the bridge to tbe state committee. loss of flesh, anaemia, de- Rozbary All The Grade of Ceme- Glover block, where he remained till bility, scrofula. Rickets, etc - Highest The aouoc will continue to come in ever tne nre or two Work from -- disastrous years ago On account of tbe severe snow storm tery E. W. TROY, JR., to wbich cleaned out the row of build FOR SALE. Marble: Tbot8 Blix., Sajtot Hook. increasing numbers, make their ings. Mr Sniffen was first appointed and poor traveling, the ladles of the One rnaaboat bojrry good as sew; Granite and Best Place 1883. Methodist church bave their The 1 Ooocerd buftsr la good OfSos and Salesrooms Faralturs New Lias of Latest postmaster August 2, succeeding postponed repair. ns ta summer homes in its borders, and to Ezra He 10-ce- nt tea until afternoon UnrwaahoelnR. Oarriire and Wagoa Renatr-I- , OU To buv Gro-- Goeas. Patch. served till tbe coming Wednesday and General'a. Soon closed Ba,t-nrd- ay 30 Stratford Av., Brie, your in or and Jbebruary H m & h-a-t rtaklaa la all Its whom a history of the town will be tne uieveiana administration, evening, ij. indie afternoon o'clock rrres and General Merchandise was i-- a. saocs telephone Trov's Hotel. No. 248--S. when he succeeded by George Pharmacy, ietepooae no. i store. These and other consid Winton of Zoar. Mr Snlffen was of is BOXBUH7, uiu. my interesting. again John Hyatt the Glen at home, oe-ftn-. W. postmaster President sick tne In the Shopping District, Henry Pettit, 4. Do yonr trading where they employ tbe A. HON AN, erations .have induced the author to appointed by witn grip. J. S. BATES. Mc askey Accounting System. Your account Harrison and displaced by Mr Bradley 987 Main cannot go wrong. Funeral Director and Kmbalmer, on tbe advent of tbe second Cleveland St., issue this second edition, which he administration. He became I W. H. Pbyfe of Millerton, N. Y. THIS IS THE SEASON 4-- ,. Nkwtswk. postmas a veterinarian in tbe of tbe Bridgeport, Conn. Ti.iBif Or. trusts will meet with as a wel ter for a third term by appointment employ For alee sweet naval or- Monumental s Work, hearty 01 Borden's Condensed Milk Co.. bas been anges. We have antse Sneooee. Bailding CP. WILLIAMS', tne fliciviniey administration and a few In VV. can fit to Felt and Robber Boots. come as was of 1880. nas passing days town, stopping I Drufireriats. you - Clas s South Britain. The Northwestern Mutual Life accorded that continued in office ever since to at. Tmv'n rintl Arctksa, Ruborra; b at a- lowest prtcaa. lay aj4 Ps asttiag toe satisraciion of all. liood lUx k of Warm Gloves.nitnMitlaas aadOapa. Baadata am. Insurance Co. Mr Sniffen's war record was marked tne kind tbat krep oot tbe cold ferne very and warm Outing Flaaaal. Bkf block Water issues the Safest and Strongest, Life and En oy tne same spirit of fidelity to duty Don't forget tbe jewelry package sale ofpret'ywinter Sboea loll all. 4a St., dowment policies. The annual report of the Connecti tbat was apparent in all bis life. He on Friday, February 8, at 8 a. m. This 1 Groceries and Marcbaadlaa. New 164 State. Bridgeport, Oonn. cut Bank Commissioners has been laid enlisted July 31, 1862, In the Second sale will be more interesting than our TBE FARMERS' STORK. Have openedDepartment.a 5 and 10c Counter at my Connecticut iiignt battery and was former sales as this is not a new thing; store. Drop in and seejthe many bargains. A upon our desk. From tbe statement discharged on August 10, 1865. The everyone knows they are sure to Allen Joyce, H. G. handsome gold Klvin watch to be given for saw get Box Keane'fl strictly casb purchases. Coupons with every FIxley House, Ot of tbe sound and well managed New battery service at Gettysburg, New full value for every quarter expended. bury Station, Ooaa. . cash sale Call and get particulars. New Hawlittilli, Nswtowk, Orleans, In the engagements before During inventory we bave put aside Phoenix Mutual Life Monumental stock of prepared Buckwheat Flour, some- Now open for guests the year round. Thank town Savings bank, we find these facts 't Gaines and .Ft Morgan in Alabama. about 4,000 articles and these we will thing very nice; we can also furnish you with ing old patrons for past favors, we invite all W. the syrup to eat on the cake Groceries, Salt come ana see us. Transient boarders care- - Number of less John sterling was the captain of sell for 25c each. These Include most Malt Work., and Fresh Meats of all kinds. any attenaea to. depositors having tbe battery at tbe time of his enlist- every kind of article we sell from a Insurance Co. Superior Extract rtanjaatasjlc A va. ct. Remember the Mr and Mrs A. $466,-- ment. His S25 place. Ptrley, Props. than 91,000, 1,641; total amount, discbarge papers bore the diamond ring to articles we regu- An Old Hartford A very refresbtna; and baalthfal driak for 516.43. signature of Uapt Walter S. Hotchklss. larly sell for 25c, including gold, gold-fille- d, Company. for not moaLba. We saU al He was one of tbe members of nickel alleverybodykinds of soft driak a. lt( J. H. Cassidy's, charter silver, watches, gold, Stands second to nnea la libera oollcv coo Barber BUUard Pool Soutn A. M. Briscoe & Number of depositors having $1,000 Ouster post, No. 46, G. A. R.t and was stone and chased rings, cut glass, Ouaraateea mora Lb collar's Bbop. aad Table. Britain, Conn. Son, its at tbe time of his death. combs, tea spoons, worth of tnsuranoe for every SI ot Dremtnm The Winter Styles and not over 82,000, 185; total amount, Mradjutant pocketbooks, hand paid. It has Ue hlirbest recomm.ndaikio for O. Oarrlaon, Farm and Sniffen was ve C Carriages, Buggies, married June 12, 1867, bags, pencils, collar buttonB, cuff pins, conservative immi tbe repre-rentatl- Oon. muwmnl y. BoimrvuiKM, None Business Wagons, $227,660.93. to Harriet R. Rarnum of Stratford. cuckoo clocks, umbrellas, stationary business men Insured In Lb. oocn-pan- Better Harnesses and Harness Supplies wbo survives him with two sons, Er alarm clocks and numerous otber arti- Corbctfs Shoe Store, Than the Brand Number of depositors having over W. BLAJTDT BOOK CT. we Nutmeg nest Sniffen of Newport News, cles. Nothing in this sale but what H. E. of Canned Goods: have Peas. Corn, Toma- Of All $2,000 and not over $10,000, 56; total Va., and Assistant Postmaster we will In case follow ELI D. WEEKS, Garlick, toes. Squash and Beans in theae goods. Buy Descriptions. Henry exchange you Manager. fcava a napartor Rae or Bbnaa saiOH a can and you will buy more. Groceries of all xiruaeye omnen or bandy Hook. instructions in our adv. In last week's ornoEs-A- Vatsrl nnry, W. stra. Hoys ad Haawa ta kinds. amount, $201,464.08. Intense & Oonn. Bl! BOZROBT. OOHSI. ta for Latftm. adi Hook, Ct. S7-- 4. Despite the winter weather Bki fReld Todd, jewelers and op- Litchfield, Library DaaborrOU iM aaa lana u JOHN M. SQUIRE, South Britain, Ot. Santy Tslsphoas Number or depositors having over 01 isunday st John's oburoh was well ticians, 1054 Main street. 10 Bank Bu, Watarbary, Ok Loaf Dlstaaoa T!spnoo. tn a. Mill THE NEWTOWN BEE, FRIDAY. FEBRUARY 8," 1907. 5

events of season was a social parties coming from Newtown and Ijoyable by Emll Rux and Andrew Palestine. The Metropolitan Store of New Haven. at the residenoe of F. B. Disease 1 .T Studwell, Friday, January 26, which Kidney Mrs Paul Griffith of Bridgeport is Artesian was attended by many prominent visiting at the rectory. young people of Bidgefield, Danbury Kills. 4? and Bidgefield. The Misses Box, now BROOKFIELD. Q in New York came Thousand. Never Wells residing City,' mu Suspect Thai home to attend the dance. The THE ICB HABVK8T. mmd BATORS. Sale sio was exceptionally good and dell-- They Have It com pisis Snb Anniversary ciouslv dreamv. Refreshments were Last week saw fully two-third- s of nrbaa Water Supply Outfits. Air This) at ore la Iks ice Taake aad Pasomatic Ma- rati served at 12. after which the dancing It la now generally admitted that diseases of the the crop housed. It averatred from PumaUg dsiToa of Poaltrymea aaa Pool i to 14 was and merriment was continued, a kidneys and bladder constitute the greatest soon eight inches, clear and bard, chinery. sft try wornsa from ma ay mileo lav ! rrom snow "T-- Furniture. of neonle from of disease. Cure these and we remove cans oeing generally iree or any- Air-Cool- ed J aboat mat later-m- y party vounir Danbury the here, ii yon sir a ror aanoe of all ailments of Liver. Stomacb thing to impair its good Qualities, Gasoline . startea out in carryall ine nearly the Blood, The weather was almost ideal ia Poultry, yoo'll fiaa & ana got lost on the road ana went to ana Bowels. But the approach of Kidney disease and .bo gfD erjtbxag bare you're likely to is so and well that little remains to Engines mm $15-55- - Georgetown instead of Bidgefield. sly gradual that the first symptoms improved .A l Parlor Suites Desk $4.55. maj be harvested farmers. Tbe latest development la a ft as ema-l- gsaoioe Cys Lady's After making many stops to ask direc- Hot be noticed. Here are some of the most common among the No water to treeae and so staler la Ue lacnbatars aaa Sroedera Suites, fin- -, tions, the cold but merry crowd arriv symptoms of this dangerous disease: way. MO bare, all airs aaa all erieaa. parlor mahogany In- Mahogany finish, graceful' shaped HOTJSB 8AVBD FROM" BURNING. sblDment made rrvm 5 -- lshed frames, with beautifully real ed at at the dance. Discolored or dark urine, sometimes excessive i'mtnot f Snnm, ColaifrMMI - v " v - laid backs, seats, covered legs, drawer and capacious writing bed. midnight They and of color. or Boston. Write for Oatakwea. j InrWu upholstered ve- Regular SS.bO. were received. pale C. B. a oie oeeeee. with Gobelin Tapestry or verona cordially TTnusual desire to urinate, especially at night. Hawley had very close call tf g Taster. fc9 lours. Regular f .0.50. The many friends of E. F. Gostello "Brick Bust" deposits, sometimes coutaintng1 to being burned out on Monday Foods, Brooder Stove. Shall ' of Wisconson will be sorry to learn albumen and blood. The took fire and B. Boiea. Foailsiss. F4arw I .m Parlor Suites $45.55. Swelling around eyes, ankles and abdomen.' night. chimney Stephen Church, $55-55- - that he is in poor health. Drowsiness and a constant burned out between ft and 10 in tbe Haada, Markers, Caooatslaa Dressers A. recovered tired feeling. Seymour, Cobb., and AYJ oods. Remeaiam. 9 Three piece, graceful, mahogany fin- J. Partridge has nearly Pale; hot and dry skin. evening. After examining everything 6-- Tools, f Iiais. Oolonlal stvle to match chiffonier. ished frames, upholstered seats and from the grin. Pain in the back, headache, cramps In the legs. all retired at 11 o'clock. High St., Boston, Mass. ZA 'etaata, Uem Pows.r aaa Paiat Bowels carefully At 138-- It tl-- l. -K- 8 large drawers under and 3 smaller backs, biscuit tufted, covered In green Mrs J. Mead of has constipated, digestion impaired. 2.30 a. TlLirHOfU aad Grit. All sya-Daria Stanley Danbury . wno Vl the drawers above, plate mirror 27x33 In. Sicilian Damask. f70. Rheumatic pains in the joints and muscles. m., George Baker, boards -- -- vaiue sra o. Regular Deenj visiting relatives in several places. there, was awakened by smoke to such 4? lalliaa", s" aaa 6ta.a- If yon have any of the above symptoms your kid as lui Beys need Immediate attention, and Dr. David Ken. an extent to almost? suffocate him. f Chiffonier SHERMAN. s nedy's Favorite Remedy should be taken at once. After arousing the house it was found 4-- Ask Kowarsl Kigasry to faU J Feather Bed Pillows $55.55. Do yon know what will happen if you neglect these now 10 $1-5- a defect in tbe the to make pay 5 symptoms? Brighfs Disease, most terrible, il through chimney roaltry C&la. Solid mahogany, Oolonlal sfvle, very NOTKS. ' nearly the outcome. Dr. David Kennedy'! fire had burned tbe flxr j laros diTldsada. pair. 4 and NIW8Y always just through '! superior in make, fitted with big Favorite Remedv has cured thousands of kidney and was well between 8027. well filled with odorless feath- 8 small drawers, mirror 17x19 and we have the will curt up tbe parti- Onion Charles Stevens has oh sick disease, positive Business plate been the proof. It tions. and bard work saved ers In good quality tick. Value $3.50. lncnes. Regular $61.50. list, confined to the house with the yon. send to Dr. David Kennedy's Sons, Rendout. Quick Main and College 4? , jx. T., for a free sample bottle and medical booklet. tbe house and contents. Congress Streets, Bridgeport. grip. Large bottles HMO, at all druggists. Hard- - Miss Bertha Tuttle, the teacher of BET MB BURTON DECLINES BIS CALL. JJTbe Danbury the Greenwood school, spent Sunday with friends in Boxbury. Bev M. L. Burton' has decided not Not One Graduate ware Co.. Mc Ox- Brattleboro, "Vt., for the past week. to the unanimous call to Unemployed. Charles Donald and William Mr and Mrs O. B. re- accept very The Edw. Malley Co., ford have filled their Ice houses with Burton have become the pastor of the First Congre- 249-2- 51 Main covered from their attacks of tons! li- sal- St, New Conn. very good quality ice, this last' cold and gational church at Milford, with a 4 Haven, spell of weather. tis grip. ary of 92000 and tbe parsonage, and Shorthand and Dakburt. Several friends from at- Mrs Dwigbt Ives of Willlmantic has has' sent a the call. Typewriting, 43 this place spent a week with her niece, Mrs Bay letter, declining tended the funeral of Virgil Barnum B. home in Mr Burton feels that with tbe loyal which was held, Thursday, in Dan- Howard, at their Bridge- people behind him in his parish here Bookkeeping and Business, a two Mr Barnum died very port. there is still a good work for him to port Saturday, after weeks visit bury. suddenly do and be assistance in town. r at his residenoe at Port Mur- hopes with their and ADDouDccmenU Newtown Bee. - country Knglish Telegraphy. or Betbel Buali The E. G. Jennings, C. A. Johnson' and C. ray, N. J. ' GEORGETOWN. in the next few months to accomplish Mm. 1807. some Newtown. Friday. Feb. 8, F. Silliman filled their ice houses, last Lyman Jennings has returned from good work for the Master in this students school week. Nebraska and is living on his farm invl LOCAL BKIXFS. place. Prospective may begin any day. Mrs Joseph Jacobs spent a part of tne nortn pare or tne town. 40 of of Miss Fall term of both the day and night school will open week with Mrs E. John Swanson filled his ice house, Mrs Irving Stone and son returned About the schoolmates CIRCULATION last her daughter, on near home, Sunday, after several Buth Hawley Improved the good B. Burr of Greenfield. last week, cutting the Oeek, h spending September 4. Fred A. January 1. I88S SOU Anderson's. days-wit- Mrs Arthur Smith. sleighing, last Wednesday evening, by Hickok, vMr8 Fred Jennings and little daugh- Fred Miss Laura her a was a very Send for new illustrated catalogue. 149 Last ter were guests, last week, at Jesse Mrs John Anderson filled the ice Bennett entertained giving surprise. It CkstxeSt., Bkthkx- - week, ,.. - about 20 of her school friends.Tuesdav happy gathering, every one seeming 45o Wheeler's. house on her place, last week, cutting to themselves to the utmost. Mr and Mrs Paul Svihra and Miss on the Creek. evening. enjoy Now la tbe Time to Your Plumbinp;, Svihra ' zalmon Bead had the misfortune to Tbe Alpha Whist met, last week, Bay Sanitary attended the funeral of Bertha be knocked into the nond. with Mr and Mrs C. B. Hawley on Sterm, Hot Water and Gas Ten infant of Mr and Mrs factory . Page. Llntay, daughter FLATTSVILLK. last Wednesday while plow- Wednesday evening. Mrs H. W. An- KILLthe Michael Llntay, which was held at - morning, FLOUR AND couch - Fitting-- their home in ing ice.- Although he received a verv drews and S. A. Black man secured the CURE the LUNC6 Bridgeport Sunday PBRSONAL cold first and Mrs C. L. Jackson and Wasbbnrn-Orosb- T CHAT. reception he was soon at prizes For tbe winter. I will sell EsttmateS'Farnlsoed. " afternoon. it again. W. Wells on aV2& FAIRFIELD COUNTY. JVheeler Mrs Gould Mrs Mrs A. C. Eggleston entertained her J. the consolation. Sold Medal Flour, best record, for WITH Jobblnc Promptly Attended To. Leroy is peddling milk for Martha and Myrtle son and of Mon-- C B. Hawley and B. W. Bussell are Just try and see u you can beat that price Dr. Clarence Jennings. Gould of Aspetuck have visited Mrs grandson Stratford, the ice bouses of W."E. ay wnere eise. King's P. G. McCollam has bought another C. A. Jennings. uuy. filling Hawley, I also have all kinds of - EaSTOwV woodland Joseph Isman and Mrs Jennie Hart this week. tract of adjoining his mill. Mrs Alonzo Staples is not in her went to New York. Saturdav. where At the Country club meeting at the Feeds Now Magee usual health. home of Mr and Mrs O. L. Discovery Ranges. CONGBBG ATION AL CHURCH NOTES. Miss Perkins has been afflict- she attended the wedding of her cou- Williams, which I will Klre you verv close urlcea for nuctiMtmna Winchester Heaters. Jennie ' WEST REDDING. - sin. ' - last week, Mrs Harvey Pope and cash. Give me a call and see for Price The officers were elected ed with grip. Eben Barrett drove a nartv to Can George Graeter received the first priz- yourself. rUH I OUGHSand 60c A $1.00 following L. A. Jennings and men have filled Mrs C. B. OLDS Free. Trial. in the Christian Endeavor society, lc& non, last Wednesday to bear es, and Hawley and Clarke w -- bis house evening, Sunday evening, .for .the .next six MBS BJSTSKY ANN WHITE STTJART. the evangelists at the Zion's Hill Joyce the consolation. mud. Miss Ethel Wisner has visited her is on good Homer W. Atwood. Surest Quiclceat Cure for all months: President", Leroy Wheeler; Mrs Methodist church. It reported authority that THKOAT and TEOUB-IB- S, vice-presiden- t, Betsey Ann White Stuart, wife friend, Miss Maud Wilson. Feed. Floor. Grocer lea. etc LUNO Leroy Turney; secre- of Jerome her Mrs Fred and Miss Florence Griffin of Brookfield the farm of Charles Stuart in Obtuse Brain, Ooal, or MONEY BAOZ. rionuments and - treasurer, ' Bailey; Stuart, passed away at Jennings little daugh- was in town, one last week. was sold, last week, to a Mr Carlson Conn. tary Henry home on Thursday, December 31, aged ter have visited relatives in EastonV day from Southford, Aaa Cemstarr Work at all chairmen of commrttees: Lookout, Mrs bliss jumma Gates scent last Wed Bridgewater. ati-ma- 74 years. The funeral was held from week a number of Ju- kiada la mmj Graaita r Jiarbla. te F. T. Silliman: Prayer Meeting, Mrs on nesday as the guest of Mrs Oscar Glaus Last large tbe mmi immim-m- hm- - Z. her late home Saturday afternoon GREENFIELD HILi- - nior class of school 01 appliaatiaa. J. Mellen; Missionary, Miss Haze at 1 o'clock. The burial was in of Main street. the Danbury High Sbaron and is at present living tbe refreshments. There will be a raaaoaa.bla Sherwood: Social, Miss Mary Gillette; the Bev A. Farbush at the made good use of the sleighing by giv- life" and very unif at priaas. preached nice line valentines B Dan bury cemetery. Mrs Stuart is Boe a 'simple rurally romantically of to choose from, Jeu-nsss- Flower, Mrs Edwards. The sew survived her one son and PKRSONAL CHAT. Methodist church. Sunday mornlnor. ing Miss Jessie surprises The on his farm at Nortb Cornwall, until both for tbe children and older ones. IPckartans officers will meet the pastor .at F. E. by husband, in with the Bev A. evening was very enjoyably in case Snoceasor to O. W. Bailee BETHKU OOSH one daughter. Mrs David Booth, who has been exchange pastor, spnt re- tbe next of need" presents itself, We invite all to come. very O. Eggleston. games and various amusements, when be will be off again to. deeds -- 3f over plans for the winter. A letter! poorly, is a little better. oeverai oi tne young or cms turning at a suitable hour so as not to was two children of Mrs Hyde of New York is spending people interfere with tbe duties of next mercy. BETRLEHEfi. read Sunday evening, from Key The Charles Barnum some time with Mrs W. E. Nichols. place, attended the band concert in day. JSrnest wneaton oi .Newtown spent Quick Work Is My Policy. Edward Parsons, thanking the society are quite sick with the grip. the Bidgefield ball, Friday evening. Mr Burg, proprietor of tbe hotel at at tbe home of J. E. McCready. for the barrel sent last fall Mrs Jerome Stuart is in a Miss Laura Dowd has been the guest Miss Belle Albin Miss the Junction, improved the sleighing Sunday missionary very of Miss Alice Nichols. entertained Representative Oliver entertained a AT TBI CONGREGATIONAL CHURCH. Inch. 1 ncH IH laca.t&30; 1H Inch (7 to Wesstngton Springs, S. D. Owing critical condition with bronchial pneu- Louise Bocmuller of Norwalk on San-- by running up his automobile from friend from Iron Tires at a baraala. 111 William Bailey, of New - was not as Roxbury, recently. C. M. Hffr lssrasMnt to health Mr Parsons was unable to monia. Jr., York, day- . . Bridgeport, which nearly wnen 11 reacnea ua-ve- n Rev Good returned from his class ood workman so too will not have to has a few with his sum-mer- .t jNew continue bis work in that nlace and is Mrs George Griffin and two children spent days parents, pleasant as it would be in witn thenung"several horses, which be vacation of three weeks and preached wait loos; for your work. Machine forging;. now in a town in Missouri. are sufferers with Mr and Mrs W. O. Bailey. atrip ln bl8 church on Tool Dressing. Shop on Greenwood Atsl. op- laboring the grip. Mrs William E. took to that city for N. L. Dunbar of Sunday, but owing' to posite Abort's Hat Factor Beaidenoe Ma. IX. Miss Gertrude Teager of New Haven Nichols, who has &ONROB. A. B. Smith, who has charge of Mr Oornwall in- sickness and inclement weather Maple Street. j. been ill, is better. is well Bridge, tbe inhabitants 20 only NOTES. visited Belle Carter over Sunday. quite Peck's place at the Center, as to the whereabouts of tbe were present. GEO. W. D ASK GEANQB equipped for the poultry business and quired AM, - sel- "rest or tne circus." Comm. The new officers of the Easton TRUMBULL. AN BNJOYABLI DANCK. has as fine a flock of fowls as one Mr and Mrs C B. Sanderson of Wa- - Bithkl, Grange will be installed by Joseph BRANCHVTXLE. dom has the opportunity to see. There were in town on . On W CORNWALL BRIDGE. terbury Sunday. Adams of Westport, Tuesday evening, LOCAL NOTKS. ednesday evening, January 30, are some very fine birds in his flock. Mrs A. O. Mitchell entertained a 12. the most enjoyable dance of the sea His large hen house, which is over 100 TRUCKING. February Mr and. Mrs Bay B. Howard of son was held Town ar- lady friend from Waterbury over Sun- LOCAL BRTKF3. at the hall. There feet long, is very conveniently PERSONAL CHAT. t Bridgeport have been entertaining were neonle Dresent from most nf the for the business, and nortb day. Heavy Work. Ug-b- Work. O. F. Silliman returned to Bridge One of the most successful and en-- their aunt, Mrs Herbert Howard,, of towns, two ranged just Myron J. Millard is still confined to John Wood In had tbe misfortune. adjoining large sleighing of this house he has a well equipped the bouse. last week, to cut his hand, badly sever- Asjthiag ia ths lias of truckla 9 tkat brooder house, with room for six large some arteries. raqoiraa akill, premptaeaa ajadj eararal-- a brooders. Fast of the hen house is a Allie May who has been to the New ing asa. where be has a nice incuba- Haven hospital for an operation for Bronchitis, grip and kindred diseas building appendicitis, has returned home after es are still prevalent. tor cellar, with three large Cypher a successrui nice a Hon Frank Stoughton la confined to SMITH Ct.-- mwmmwmo Two of them are now filled operation, reeling his bed and is Dr Werse- - BEERS, Bethel, oooeoo new man. attended by qq. one will to with eggs and be ready Mary Chapman is much improved. be. in a few MrSmith makes . batch days. being able to be about a little. a. . Mitcneii's Lamiiy nave been y - a specialty of Buff Orpingtons, White Mrs a erguson sua a out subjects and a very few families navel o Wyandottes and Bbode Island Beds, limps iittie, monster. Wc is much improved and is able to meet escaped the Carry - (L . SBws and it is bis aim to improve his flock Bl Una of Hot Water Bot- J all the time. Mr Smith is pleased at the train again. sal aims: rouiuis Brnnires ana At ..... Leaseti is a nioe new graar-sntiee- to have his friends call and Carl driving Iuea, and these good are ail any time team, lost one of the old sorrels. QUALITY FIRST CONSIDERATION. Oram of all kinds. All preacrtpK look over his poultry. having careruUy oomrxntnded by a rcsjistwiH TT TT Andrew Drools has moved from the mscisw X old Chatman place near tbe cemetery AN EXAMPLE SET BT A WELL-KNOW-N TASHua. to Swift's bridge, into the old bwirt FIRM. Charles J. English, house. Bethol. Mr and Mrs Levi Whltford of 11 lMUL what's doing hereabouts. Sharon spent Saturday at C. L. Slade's. Always abreast with the times (and H V Miss Edna Sweezey entertained Mr ana Mrs Frank Peet were at generally ahead of them), the progres You friend over Sunday. r Nathan Dunbar's, Saturday. sive Dr David .Kennedy Uo.. or lion- - If You Paid $10 was en- M. D. Mallett and Charles Gilbert Tbe good sleighing much dout, N. Y., have taken a big step in far nainc roar horse abod yon harvested their ice, last week. joyed, last week. Two loads from the tne rignt airection. aney nave men. ooald no. ret tbe botes must soon &as.a at Mrs John Nelson is caring for tbe Cornwall school passed through tbe in tbe U. Department of Chemistry my ebon. No wuubi. pieaty of help B riffles sick at Elmer Andrews' in Easton. village on Friday, and judging by their at Washington, D. C, a binding guar ail aharpened. Shop lit by Aaron B. Mallett and other relatives faces were having a good time. antee of tbe purity or tnelr widely HENRY A. BRENNAN. in Tasbua attended the funeral of his Installation and a good time and known Dr David Kenne general on favorably Greenwood Ansos, BErHEUOOKH. sister, Mrs Clarissa Sanford, in Easton, was reported at A. U. U. W. hall dys ifavorite Kemedy, and it has Telephone No. tm-- i. Monday, February 4. Friday evening. been approved oy tnat Department or our Government. Each bottle of Fa vorite Remedy, therefore, is absolute COUNTY. WASHINGTON. ly guaranteed not to to be adulterated Have Your Work LITCHFIELD or misbranded. Dona rUrht. Wbaa too ret ARRIVALS AT THE BADER HOUSE. are em yoor shoes and boots mended, at A. B. Lock-woo- d's Only the purest Ingredients yon are aara. fihrw and boots WEST CORNWALL.. ployed in tbe preparation of Dr Ken always John F. Welch, J. M. McCormick, Favorite contains made to order. W. Li. Hall, W. A. Talmage, U. D. nedy's Remedy. Jt A. B. Lockwoocl. New Haven. no opium, cocaine, morphine or any FcuntaJa Place, Betnal. Oasa. MASONIC MATTERS. Hewitt, other poisonous or habit-formin- g drug. t . id. Barnes, A. is. scoic, vj. w. never L. J, Hickerson, M. E. H. P., Ira Bobbins, Danbury. it has been classed among tne I medicines." but is a Traner, C. of H., Thomas Norton, R. E. W. Hayward, C. H. Bushnell. h .rT" rl t. Vir. V"" I "TT "C Tr:i1 1 Skunk, A. C. E. E. Bayns-for- d, W. W. Mark ' , , " j X2. XZ,, C, John King, K., Minor, II. Reed, Mitchell, Tf,..t'.r T tl" AVAlIlSljaUiill, S., and H. S. Barnett, secretary, New York, ofBcers of Hemitlte Chapter, No. 43, W. S. Blakeman, Bethlehem. before he placed it before the public, Carpenter and Builder. F. & A. M., of Liakeville, administer W. J. Warner, Hartford, nearly 35 years ago. It is not secret. Plana and Estimates furnished. ed the first three of tbe Arch S. F. Wilbur Fenn, because It is the policy of tne . proprie- Jobblur promptly sustmal to. Mink, Royal Seeley, Washing tors to give a list of ingredients when P. O. Box loo. Botba. CC degrees, those of Mark Master, Past ton. - Master and Most Excellent Master to A. JUakevilie. ever requested. Dr JK.ennedy'8 avor- Telephone oonnecrjon. M. Raymond Silvernale, lte Remedy, therefore ranks among four candidates, John Wincbell, A. C. H. Bell, Hillsdale, N. Y. medl- - Hallock, Harry Chamberlain, and A. E. S. Wlllett, C. Tolles, R. W. Bur the first of the standard "family B. Reed, at a stated convocation held ritt. Bridgeport. clnes.' Coon, Masonic ball rooms of w. From a small beginning the business at in tbe lodge Cbaries iteaa, unaries isrown, E. W. Blaziner No. 74, F. & A. M., W. E. Hardv. Boston. Mass. has grown to large proportions, ana Gilbert, Star lodge. its marvelous growth has been due to of this place on Tuesday evening of Joseph J. Mallon, Philadelphia, Fa. reasons. first 15 Center St., Bethel, Conn., last week. There were present, be J. M. Peterson, Poughkeepsle, N. Y. several In the place. Fa sides those mentioned, Broth W. H. New Britain. vorite Remedy has absolute merit, in Domler la already Cryne, the second Dr David Kennedy Hardware, and Enameled Warn, D. R. place, ae Fox, ers Hoac and Brown of Sharon and W. B. Gentry, Providence, I. OIL,Woodenjlnand Jap-n-l- . and his sons have advertised Faints, TurpenrJbe Vanishes, F. Smith of Cornwall Bridge, as well J. F. Weston, Nashua, N. H. always and Chi Mamel (or your Parnltnre and as Dr Joseph Robinson and J. E. Mc J. L. Burkbardt, South Kent. larcrelv In dally and weekly newspa Floors, Harnesses. Ptable and Bqnare His bofJb members of local W. Doutral. New Preston. pers, to assist tnem in spreading keta: Black and Smokeless Powdtr: Cready. the II. broadcast the merit of Favorite item R balls: Guns aad BTolvrs: Daisy Air BJBe M lodtre and Royal Arch members. Aft Jeremiah Uoughtaling, Fort Ewen, ed v. is ia nard- - Bex Fllnuiote. KaMma ana Tar Iraper liooT-ln(- r: was The result that there and ; Galvanised Wood Rat er the close of work, lunob spread N. Y. a In does Glass Fouy Iron. in tbe lodge room, O. A. Miller of tbe Albert M.JBray, JNewarlt, jn. ly family the country that ana JriDre ate TT. j. not know or avorite xtemeay, ana it Mansion house catering. Tj. KnariD. Norwalk. has thousands of warm friends, who O. R. Barlow, Patrick Doollng, terms. THK GRIP KPIDBMIC. Waterbury. praise it In tbe highest S. D. Marnieaaie. The above firm is already receiving The Grrin enidemlc has finally reach Morehouse, notices in the leading of complimentary re- BREAD or or ed this village. The entire family LKNTKN SEASON AT ST JOHN'S. drug journals, ana wnoiesaie ana any other fur pelt? Bring send tliem to Theodore Sturges is ill, with a trained THK call dealers in all of the country la the staff of life. parts yrtm tmf vac? bread from our yaliow nurse In attendance. Miss Carrie s The services at St John's for the are congratulating them upon the new you are aleays aura of the best Jnat Uk Old Hallett is able to be about again and Lenten season will be as follows: and methods they have borne made. Also our roils, cakes and pies Reliable and cash progressive . the - get highest market Miss Cora, her sister, is now undergo February 13. Ash Wednesday, service adopted. make joe srant mora. ing a siege of the dread disease; and in the church at 10.30 a. m. Service & prices. there are several other cases In the every Friday evening in the church at Erdmann Company, village. 7.30 o'clock, service tsunoay evening A HABIT TO BE ENCOURAQED BmKS, Hirraa. 7.30. 8 snow in the church at Wednesdays routaln Flaoa. on all skins that have The first real storm of the other than Ash Wednesday, service at Express charges paid season reached us some time during 4 p. m. The mother who has acquired tbe Monday meat. the Rectory at on a a of over a habit of keeping hand bcttle of value $5. C. E. Baldwin has purchased pair M. B. Bunnell has taken the contract Chamberlain's Cough Remedy, saves ioo Cents of oxen from parties in Canaan Valley, new - be driving there for that purpose, Sat to build chimneys for the Wyck- herself a great amount of uneasiness on the Dollar 01 week. ham Rise school building. and colds and urday last Henrv Foulols & Son have taken tne anxiety. Coughs, croup, Is what yon always rat wbea yoa A daughter was born, Thursday, on to which children are are at Dokre'e store to trade for MsM and 31, to Mr and Mrs Terrance contract for the plumbing work the susceptible stop ares an of January Rise school quickly cured by Its use. It counter Groceries, and yoa always re tne Nolan large Wykebam buildingsame best on the market. Attorney William D. Bosler of New arm have already begun on tbe acts any tendency of a cold to result Ubt you are, oia man. York has sold the Frank H. Reed Mrs John Kyain nas been in wun In and if as soon as of New the eriD. pneumonia, given McDowell & farm to the Vedanta society nas tbe first symptoms of croup appear, it Taylor's,Bl York. Tbe organization is a philo- Mrs (jnarie8 aim a teiepnooe Tanxab band aide of Oaaaar and installed in her bouse. will prevent the attack. This remedy Com. TTcDSDinixy sophical ethical culture society Rev Evan Evans has bad a telephone contains and moth Btts. and has many prominent people in its nlaced in bis residence. nothing Injurious nelluki ranks, amontr them: Rev R. Heber - era give it to little ones with a feelingof morenouse nas nan a reie- Newton, D. D., of New York; unaries Btepnen perfect security. Sold by R. li. Beers Dhone Installed in bis residence. so jo--, Callender Bros., R. Lanman. Fb. D., D. 1 D.. Froies vv. nas Co., iNewtown; 'i ayior, cmrtis at sor of Sanskrit at Harvard University; li. jseeman ot jxew jrreobon Sandy Hook: W. N. Hurd. Long Hill. DncK, OLD RELIABLE, A. L. L. bad a telephone placed in his residence. A. B. S. Haxjt Ltjxtch Rooms, Hiram Corson, M., D., Litt. is 21-- 4. Blakeman. Botsford; J. Parka, D., Frofessor of English Literature, His number TrumbulL 138 SeafUi riatst Ct Emeritus at Cornell University. The 5L, WsjtawWry, - Conn. nronertv will be lrrmroved and used as ROXBTJKT. Try a ess of our azoaUnnt CtasTaa. 3767 I Main Street, Bridgeport, it summer home for the society. Tbe Pastry ail leader of the society. Swam CHURCH ITKM8. I Abhedanda of Calcutta. India, has a CONGRKQATIONAL CASTOR A world-wid- e reputation, a lecturer and The Ladies' Aid society of ths Con For Infanti and Children. Blue Ribbon V'S-raT- S on the ethical of gregational church will hold a Valen authority teachings tine saie ana sociaoie in lue The Kind Yoa Ha.8 Always Bocght Brand Coffee. iuT the Jast. afternoon and cnapei.Feb uud. We want aes i one of oar Onffae c George 11. Beck was home 'from Tuesday evening, MMBara so rlnlUl tasaoaa bland a trial, a alesviue over Sunday. ruary 12. in tne arternoon, tne ad Beam the on' ras;rst lb A. O. Mallinson of New Haven was mission will be free, in tne evening. Blgnamr oi in town from Saturday till Monday. tbe admission will be 10 cents, which 0Q ooo Nurse O'Donnell has returned from will Include the entertainment and! 6 THE NEWTOWN BEE. FRIDAY. FEBRUARY 8, 1907. a week in town, settling up tbepassingestate of his mother. 8 Mayor Stepben u. Reacb bas bought WEAK, PALE, farm horse of Beeman & Strong, tbe 4R New and reliable Church street DEBILITATED flilford. bustling ! dealers. VALENTINES Joseph Drapeau, who was an assist Deficient Blood Causes Gen Great MONDAY AND COMMERCIAL CLUBS. SCHOOL CHILDREN KNJOY SLEIGH ant foreman at J. btuart Halpine's a assortment RIDES. warehouse for some time, bas left and eral Breakdown. We are showing big The ladies of the Monday club gave as of the famous In Room No. taken a position assorter at Green's their usual annual entertainment to The children 10, chap warehouse. DR WILLIAflS PINK PILLS Clearance Sale eroned oy Misses feacocK and Wlxted, Harold wbo bas been on tbe BROUOHT RENEWED HEALTH. Geo. C Co. the gentlemen of the Commercial club enjoyed a sleigh ride to New Preston, Hunt, Tuck, The Whitney L rooms of club on sick list, is convalescing. at tbe the latter Wednesday night, chartering one of Mrs Drapeau to enter Weak and the Monday 4. Several tbe 'busses from Beeman & Strong's Joseph expects They Have Been Making Pals, of evening, February the Bridgeport hospital, next week, to People Hungry ana fcner-get- lc International Art Co. .were well sung stables. treatment and a pos- Strong, Publishing quartets exceedingly Tbe In Rooms 8 and 9, with undergo furtner for Qeneration. by Miss Bessie Brown, Mrs H. S. My-gat- t, pupils sible operation. Lines of Valentines, the best the market affords. Call and make the Misses Denton and Wixted. en Mrs Li. Jta. w 11a man 01 selections Messrs H. C. Harris and L. S. joyed a sleigh ride to Boardman and .Bridgeport A of poor CLOTHING and your early. . 1 1 i --J , . l 1 was the guest, last week. 01 Mrs iii. a.. feeling general weakness, Records now for Richmond and solos by Miss Brown. loss of breath after tbe slight- The February Victor ready inspection. I Marcy. appetite, Mrs Merritt W. Hill was tbe accom day mgbt. Two teams from Beeman Mvron Dlsbrcw has rented the Col est exercise and broken sleep are some HEN'S jtV oraVilaa navKinrl rv of of FURNISHINGS panist. Tbe music was much enjoyed or rooms Keeler place near Bridgewater Center the symptoms general debility. and J. Tbe children tbe taught by and has already moved there. It Is a condition calling for Immediate fcfr enthusiastically applauded. Miss Marsh and Miss Morehouse at tbe Mr Coleman is from Nicholas treatment, you may tnink tnat tne P. fl. CASSEDY, Milton Coburn, M. D., of South Nor-- Center -- school, enjoyed a sleigh ride moving on various have no relation to Beeman Square to Mrs Wright's tenement symptoms Postoffice New Milford walk, was tbe speaker of the evening about town, Monday night. Railroad street, vacated by F. w. each other and that you will worry At Cost Building, & team and Below. and delivered a delightful address en- Strong's conveyed the happy Hoffman. along, hoping all the time to feel bet children. E. H. Marcy Is for a ter soon. JL tils is a mistake, ror every titled 'Yesterdays," being a sketch of looking capable one of Is caused bad I METHODIST CHURCH ITEMS. man ior nis ica wagon. the symptoms by In order to make room for new spring stock, New Eo gland life in Colonial times. W. F. Hutcbinson of Danbury. for blood, wbicn must be made pure and will insthe knife on all the Dr Coburn is a fine speaker and held Tbe closing session of the Sunday merly witb Hunt & Miller, underwent new, before health will be restored put prices along line. Come tbe close attention of tbe audience, school was given up to a prayer service, an operation at tne juanoury nospitai, again. A tonic treatment Is necessary in and look the goods over. last At its close an first of the week. and for this purpose there is no better who were greatly pleased and enter- was Sunday. appeal the tnan Dr Williams' 1'ink Suits and Overcoats made at home. Plen- BROKEN tained. were made to those wbo wished to be Gus Burmeister. wbo bas been living remedy jpina. right Refreshments served come Christians, and as a result nearly in Frank Gray's place In Candlewood, Mr J. G. uarvey or tti willow street. ty of cloth to select from. later and tbe occasion was an exceed everyone responded by rising to tbelr will move into a part or jobn Town- - Chelsea. Mass., suffered from general one. A number feet, as Rend 's tbe debility for a number of years and was JEWELS. ingly pleasant large requested.memoers or bouse, coming soring. cured Dr Williams' was in attendance. xnirty tne mpwortn New spring gingbams and staple dry noaiiy by ' i'lnk chartered Cbarles A. E. H. 's. Pills. He says: a League Kellogg's goods, just arrived at Marcy was a Your wach may run if jewel SKYMOUR R. STONBS. bus and went to miss Jane Venn's, Moses marcy passed ounaay ana I sick for number of years H. S. is cracked or broken, and it may keep tairly last week Wednesday night, to attend Monday at Dover. N. Y. from general debility and Indigestion. WENGROW, Tailor, The funeral of Seymour R. Stone, a dime sociable. The back and 1900 18 was never free from stomaca trouble Bank time. was trip Tbe washing machine praised l Street, Next to Evitts' Drug Store, good formerly of New Milford, largely forth was made merry with songs and by bousewives, m. a. Marcy sens it. and my nerves were so shattered that attended at 25 Asylum street, New a good time. A supper was 10 arc tbe least excitement unfitted me for NEW MILFORD. The revolving in such a jewel how- general For the next days reit boots, work. was pivot in- Haven, Wednesday evening, January served. tics and rubbers at 10 per cent dis any serious My sleep rest ever, soon cuts and frequently breaks, thus 30. Besides his wife and relatives tbe Rev Harris K. Smith was presented count. At E. H. Marcy's. less on account of terrible pains in tbe and of Printers Union was largely represent- witb a by tbe members of the M. is Mrs small or my back. 1'bese would the repairing. - sleigh - Mrs J. Piatt poorly. pains creasing damage est ed. floral tributes were official quite sometimes last for a month or two. My Is it will to have it examined. Many pre board and the church. George Marsb is assisting in her care. If your watch varying, pay you "" sented by bis friends. Tbe pastor of At the Methodist church, Sunday Collector of Internal Revenue W. t sight grew weak, there seeming to be All repairs given our personal attention. tbe Uoncrreeationai cnurcn conducted morning. Rev Harris K. Smith gave Kinney and Mrs Kinney, who have a blur constantly before my eyes. 1 tbe service. Undertakers Beecber & sermon of great power on "Tbe been In Hartford for some weeks, were couldn't concentrate my mind on my I Bennett had tbe arrangements in Strength of Joy. " in town, tbe first of the week. work, and tbe attempt to do so com HAYES HAS IT charge. Thursday, on the arrival of Edson Dayton has taken a position pletely exhausted me. ll.1T a. m. was SECRET SOCIETY CIRCLES. 1 was to. a Tbera iaona f Mn. - -. - - - . - tbe train nis runerai IN as clerk at the New England bouse. finally wrced give up In we CdUm C. E. FORD'S attended at the Congregational chapel, of position I bad held for 28 years. After your mind: that hv your uu may be of deikcV oir lt rVfe RIDBI Miss Katharine Burgen Water week la aa follow.: Salmoo.htwWfalie Cbtckea Haflbol, B fiJJ, L A regular meeting of New Milford Urrn lITl, MW&d Mllfor-U- - New Milford Many of bis relatives N. is a few weeks with New trying several medicines without help. Botterflj,fa. WrakBah. Frh Haddock, ctanloe Km.u. u : T i" Bank St. New Tslsphoae and friends were present. Rev F. A lodge, No. 292, E. O. P., will be held bury passing I read of Dr Williams' Pink Pills and dera; Hound Olama. Loo Olama and ScmUooa, Ut aad Bot.od LsoimiZZ SferUn or ren- on Tuesday evening, February 12. At Miirord mends. a me t pa. Johnson, pastor the cnurcn, last of tne was George Burgen of Waterbury passed gave them trial. Tbey made rb dered tbe burial service. A quartet tbe meeting lodge it witn JNew Minora menas. feel so much better and so much Bank Street, New Milford ,, consisting- of Messrs Harris, Collins, voted to cbange tne meeting nigbt Sunday and Walter Erwln are stronger that I started in business for C. A. from Monday to the second and fourth Ray Osborne 1 never Hayes, Perry and Ives sang three bymns, of eacn montn. passing a few days in New York. myself bere in Chelsea. bave Tuesday ht "There Is a Blessed Land," "Lead, Fifty-eig- couples attended the bad a return of my former sickness Kindly Light," and "Rock of Ages." Palm Rebekan lodge, No. 4J, worked dance Marbledale under tbe and cheerfully recommend Dr Wll John W. burial was in in the degree, Wednesday night, on two at ball, Hams' Pills as an excellent nerve Booth, The tbe family lot candidates, after which a box sociable management of Willliam O. Corning Pink Arnold's the Center cemetery, New Milford. F, was and Claude Bristol. and blood tonic" General G. Bennett & Son had charge of the enjoyed. Michael the affable clerk at Dr Williams' Pink Pills have long I GOOD Repairing. in New Milford. Tbe Lynch, been as an arrangements A PHOTOGRAPH SOCIABLE. the drug store of W. N. Noble, passed recognized excellent tonic Saw Superlative east iron as well as other metals bearers were William Clif in cases 01 and gen Rrasing, bur-nishi- pall Percy, in remedy indigestion machine wo. if, screw ug ford Edward Walter Sunday Danbury. stomacn IDRUGS mm cutting,lawn mowers.turning,Knives, Hatch, Addis, A photograph sociable and enter Prime cabbages and parsnips at O. I. eral debility, wbere tbe and Flour, polishing,lawn shears horse Leavenworth, Maltby Leach and Wil tainment was by tbe 's. other organs of the body are weak need be told shears, sickles, sharpened, 11am given Epworth Leach Nobody and toilet clippers ground Dy apeeiai power Hagan. League. last week 'X'nursdav nignt. A fresh line of the reliable National ened and disordered simply through Wood . $5 bbl. machinery. meat chopper plates were lack of be- per that there are GOOD drugs and EnterpriseAll above warrant- SINO- - Vocal solos rendered by Charles Biscuit goods at O. I. Leach's. proper nourishment. It is knives rewound. the CONCERT BY SOUTHERN JUBILBK A. Miss Luna - cause of wonderful blood-makin- g barrel raarmtttertf BAD ed to cut. Saw filing In general. Umbrellas BB8. Parsells, Albrecht and Fresh and prl meapricots, 180 a their an Every and drags. renalred with new ribs and covers : have a Mrs Walter Thompson, a violin solo at C. I. Leach's. power that they bave succeeded tn tbe This is cot easy e'oted or money refunded. self-openi- ng pound, When we we ood lineof samples for covers, recital-o-f a war most stubborn cases. bave also task unless you bave tbe right kind of buy drugs frames included. Blcyoies. guns. revolves. The Southern Jubilee singers appear by Floyd Mallett, the A. L. Hodge of Waterbury spent Tbey a saw and in order. avoid the machines, violins, at the Methodist church on story by Cbarles A. Way, and a recita at bis home bere. been especially successful in curing keep it good This are careful to carpet sweepers, sewing February Sunday after-effec-ts 1 ror very etc., in order, Key fitting, locks, trunks 14, tion by Miss entitled "The of who anaemia, rheumatism, of is just wnat would like to do you. secure GOOD put and under the direction of Prof A Albrecht, Dr Coburn South Norwalk, C. I. LEACH, bad and only fishing rods, many other things repaired. Morris. programs are varied School Visitors." addressed Ladies' Monday . club tbe grip and fevers. ss Pneumatic of a' I on notice. Their the the nigh-cla- tires descriptions old-tim- e you are troubled with I carry Church Street. New MQrord.3 DRUG& pure, fresh, Bicycle tires and sundries on hand. Mail or consisting principally of the and'the Commercial club on Monday If Indigestion, ders receive prompt attention. You will fine and juDiiee songs, duets MRS GRIFFIN MARCY. was tbe guest bis stay a valuable booklet on "What to Eat drugs from which good me at junction of Bridge, Kast and drove Sts. plantation evening, during and How to will be sent free on Telephone sa. 11 work solos, quartets, and stories from tbe Mrs who died on here of Mr and Mrs H. s. Mygatt. Eat" medicine can be compounded. guaranteed Griffia Marcy, Sun O. of a 30-- request. Box 564, New Milford. Oonn Southern life by Dunbar and many day at Dover Plains, JN . x., is an aun E. Sperry Marbledale bas Atkins Saws other writers. These entertainers of E. H. borse power Winton gasoline auto, Dr Williams Pink Pills are sold by come well recommended and Marcy, the Bennitt street will seven all druggists or sent, postpaid, on re by press grocer. She is survived by her hus wbicb carry persons. 50 I public. Don't rail to bear them, is oi band and one Oliver ceipt of price. cents per box. six In. the Cross Cut, One Man, Hand, HOT PANCAKES is a rendered son, Frank Marcy. D. McMahon, tbe popular tailor, bas boxes for 92 50, by tbe Dr Williams and Buck Saw. If are towing program - Panel, you W. N. Noble's, - sample Marcy, a brother of Griffin Marcy, re a of to N Rip A Great Line of Jubilee . good line shoes, guaranteed Medicine Company, Schenectady, in or a new saw by tbe singers: sides at South Kent. wear and stand the storm. A line of Y. need try tbe Atkins "Who don't like them these cold Piano solo, "Espain," Wheeler some and you will never be sorry. Tbey are when made Ixom Bank St., New fUlford. "Come over M. . A stylish bats just received. Also manufactured from tbe noesc grade or frosty mornings Quartet. the Sea," MILES MAKING RECOVERY. handsome winter caps. Good values steel so will Health Crand Pancake Flour arid 98. 'inempson tempered tbat tbe teeth Telephone Men's sod sr. In the case of M. D. Miles the in in men's pantaloons. HUNT1NCJ FOR TROUBLE. not break In yet are bard Rock Dale Mills Buckwheat Flowr. Plantation "Ring them setting, t Bells." Morris juries consisted of the breaking of tbe enough to bold an edge for a long New slo-- k a'so mw Ma small one Watch and clock repairing promptly "I've lived In California 20 years. saw. j.-- n; Soprano solo, "Blue Birds," White .bones in ankle and tbe store or m. w. 1111. time. If your old does not work crushing of the heel of the other foot attended to at tbe and am still bunting for trouble in tbe satisfactory bring It in and I guaran Furnishings! Recital, "Colonel's Experiment," Both are now casts. way of sores, bolls. feet in plaster Dr ' burns, wounds, tee to in order for you. Dunbar -- put it good II te of G. cuts, or a case of Up-to-da- Line of Jubilee song, "Get on the Train," Stratton Danbury assisted Dr E For a refreshing glass of soda water sprains, piles that you need an A Great Stock of KOSS Staub in setting tbe bones. He is with pure syrups call at the drug store Bucklen's Arnica Salve won't quickly Farmers' Trading Co.?5, "Old-Fashion- A ed Homestead," Bland now doing as well as can be expected or nerr. n:vir.rj cure," writes Cbarles Walters, of Tbe 5 tor-- , Bril-- and is in excellent Allegbany, Sierra Co. JNo use bunt Axe. Helve. Cant Hook, Satlfacr ry Fall Piano selection, "Valse spirits. . and Winter Stift and Soft Hats - If you want a good dinner for 25c go ing, Mr Walters; it cures every KEW MIL1X3HD. liante," Jackson to restaurant. case. zdc a. 11. Beers & Splitting Wedge or - Dayton's at S-- . Humorous quartet, "Aunt Man- THE GIDDY DANCE. & TelepbOM t. - Gelbel F. E. Soule has Bole for Co., Newtown; Betts Betts, Sandy Saw Wedge ' dy," e the agency w. jno-bl- e. Prompt Delivery Berries. Lap Robes Tenor solo, "Let Me Dream Ninety-on- couples enjoyed the dance New Milford for the Buck cigar. nook: t. J.uarvin, Betbel; jn. At Mcflahon's, Again," Millard at the Bridgewater Town hall, under New Milford; E. J. Buckingham, yon will find them here. Tbe finest and Blankets. Southern stories, "Deacon the auspices of the Grange. A party Try the toothsome goods at J. G. Huntington; Allen Joyce, Koxbury lot of band shaved helTes you ever Myovtt-Piajm- b Block, Jones," of New Milford people chartered Neiss' Station: u. W. liurlDurtK Jo.. kox saw. . A Stock of Work and Peats bakery. M. Complete Cor. Bask aad Railread Streets, A number of songs by Prof Morris Cbarles A. Kelloge's 'bus for tbe jour bury; J. Sullivan, Bedding Ridge; Driving Harnesses. Plantation songs. "Talk About ney over and return. Cbarles Planz Farmers speak highly of the Secur Connery Bros., Ueorgetown; W. B. NEW MILFORD. Moses." Bland prompted in his usual satisfactory ity stock food. Frank Evltts sells It Hawley, Sberman; Honan & Soule, Jubilee Let Us manner. and recommends it highly for horses. GaylordsvilleSmith Bros, Corn wa songs, "Sinners, Bridge, Edwin H. Beardsley, Ne H.. Frank Evitts, Go Home," . Morris E. Falls M. Mallett, Railroad New Milford. Call and see the stylish line of AMONG THE TOBACCO PACKERS. Fine confections and smokers' per Preston, George Frink, Cor. Main and Churcb MILK. CREAM Street, Wanamaker & Brown BKOADLBAF ALONG THE HOUSATONIC. quisites at Village; E. S. Falrchild & Son, Nichols, Sts., samples. William Worden has sold his tobac uassedys. drug stores. and BUTTER So complete has "East Hartford co to Charles Wiicox, representing G, C. E. Mddiford is headquarters for New Milford. Ct. and surrounding- country dominated Falk & Brother. . correct and satisfactory work in watch PANAT1A CANAI ERIE CANAL. at the tbe broadleaf business of New England Watson of Sherman has and clock repairing. Guaranteed is Hungerford is Panama comparatively little attention given disposed of bis crop of tobacco to G. Druggist W. N. Noble la offering a Machinery digging tbe . New Milford tbe production of that type of leaf in Falk & Brother. line of famous Wallace Canal a thousand times quicker than Tooth Brushes. & Marsh. other sections of Connecticut, Massa complete the tbe Bbovel dug tbe une. WHOLESALE MARKET. Ackley, Hatch "Vermont or New confections. M. Creamery. We have them for 25c. This chusetts, Hampshire Mr and Mrs H. L. Randall returned Machinery produces the L. & If are defective In any way, True, the sharp advance in broadleaf Paint at 50 times less cost for labor. WaOUB&ALS ROCS that they or trou- on Friday night, after a stay of two Piles get quick relief from L)r (JUOTATTOKa FtTKjriUHKD BT If the bristles fall out. mat down Rive We have a stock of Men's prices two or three years ago stimulat weeks than if made by band. 4t DllUIHI, fiBIOOIrOU. ble In any way. that we replace or give money large and Boys some at Atlantic City, N. J., and Snoop's Magic Ointment. Remember Tj. & M. back. Felt and Rubber Boots, Arctics and Rubbers ed Interest in that leaf and in D. C. made alone for Piles and works The gives the best job in sections a few growers branched out Washington, - it's it tne world, oecause Lt. & M. hard just in. Also Men's and Boys' Gloves and a C. P. Bentley was called to Welles- with certainty and satisfaction. Itch M. Apples, all varieties, choice to fancy, Mittens. to moderate extent in broadleaf cul Mass , or ens L & White Lead and makes L 2 SO Albert Evitts, Druergist, ture, Havana ley, Monday, by the serious ill ing, painful, protruding, blind piles & M. wear like Iron for 10 or 15 to 4.00; common to good, L75 to S3. NEW MILFORD Prices low. Give us a call before; purchas curtailing average slight ness of his mother. like use. Paint 2 1.50. Prirate Wire tne deadiocK in Droad disappear magic by its Try 23; poor, m ing elsewhere. ly. However, A. W. Piper of Derby was the guest it and see. 14. 11. Beers Ac Co., years. Potatoes, 60a65c bushel; onions, red Have To at of Cotton Meal leaf tbe past season has proved any over 01 ana M & It only requires 4 gallons of this cel- Tkf Flour, Feed,' Grain, Seed, but to farmers sunaay Mr Mrs Willard Newtown; B. Hawley Co., Stepney; ebrated and 3 of linseed ; yellow, 75al.l0c; carrots 30d 45c bu; Gluten Feed, Coarse Salt for Packing Pork, thing encouraging Miller. J. S. paint gallons 50a75; 2Sa35; Along tbe Hcusa tonic valley Havana f. oarvin, Bethel; J. Parks, on tat to cents per gallon, to a beets, turnips, yellow etc. at low prices. is of to F. T. Gregory of Hartford has been lrumoun. sized house. paint cabbage, per 100. 2 OOa4.50; celery, per Harness Work First-Clas- s Meat Market. We butcher by far the predominant type moderate Photograph Repair only bacco now raised. A few growers If any defect exists In L. & M. doz bunches. l.oOaL&o. for a. Birthday gift. Couiicr bow BTlni secured a room over the Native Steers. are paint, Butter: Creamery, first grade, 32a 34; mm4 i & First-Ola- ss nevertheless, endeavoring to find win nouse ror notnmg. trable vaJsa a pterin r wotli be. office of Beeman Strong, oppo- Large Stock of Groceries. repaint second erade. 24a26: common. 14al6: mot mm site the Town sheds. I am We can save on out the relative adaptability of broad Sold by Cegswell & Wetteran, Wash - 5a2&. Boeieoe It eooe booemo to attend to Harness Repairrady you money everything. leaf and ascertain its market Curtis & dairy,- first grade, Cbeese, full never loeeo Work of all kinds. New Har- superior ington Depot: Taylor. Ux. cream. 14&16 lb. Eiigs. fresh near-by-, memory. It its ebaj ness made to order. ' Give us a value if any. Tbe late Nicholas Staub Sandy Hook; C. M. Beacb, New Mil la tareslis g eooriatiote. Call at - . 28a30c doz. Live Chickens, 14alc lb. Call. . of New Milford- was the heaviest in ford; Smith's Sons, West Cornwall. Ackley. Hatch & Marsh, dividual producer of broadleaf in the fowls 13al5: calves, hog dressed, aalz; N. OSBORNE, Church St., Railroad and Bridge Sts.. New Milford valley, growing 12 acres in 1906. He FORTUNATE FATHER AND SON, pigs 7al0c NEW MILFORD. wrote this journal after tbe crop was harvested that it was excellent and Money Saved "I am as certain as I now live," says GUARANTEED CUIE FOR PILES The Hine Studio. that he regarded broadleaf a profitable Mr C. Hi. Bartbolomew of Kalkaska, ror nis district. Anotner uousa ! Mich., "that Dr David Kennedy's Fa Poeteeffioe Block. Reasons for Using tonictyie grower wbo bas bad some success vorite Remedy, of Rondout, N. Y Itchlnsr. blind, bleedlntr or protrud NEW niLFORD. CT. : Here saved my life wben I was a victim of tnir piles. Druc'trists refund money If Neis's Bread witn Droadieai is JNicnolas Olennon cure 1. 2. 2. He is a firm believer in plantinur to Our tbat terrible disorder Brlgbfs dis Pazo Ointment falls to any case, It's the best:- it (roes farthest: it's son So ea- It : 4, satisfies: 7, the bacco far for tbe reason tbe of "never to one ease. My bad a fever sore on bis no matter of bow long standing. In six pleasure it alwys like apart that pack goods away from season to the next" he too used and 14 same; 6, everybody praises It; i, you will leaf when too close sbades itself, this makes it imperative for us to hasten the of our pres- leg; Favorite Remedy to days. First application gives it: 8. you should try It. Ask for ft; insist on being undesirable in many seasons ent stock. departure is now well." All druggists 1; 6 bot ease and rest. 60c if your druggist hsvlng'lt. c - 85. will tles send 50c In and IRON J. Stuart Halpine of New- Milford "But too late to hasn't it stamps it How Is Your Milford. SWEARS LIKE it's buy "Winter Clothing" you say. Not post-pai- d, Railroad 8t., New packer and grower, raised broadleaf a bit of it tbe inducements are Win- be forwarded, by providing - great enough. PURE BLOOD IS A DEFENCE. Mo. tbe past season. However, as a cren ter Is not over, by any means. We can expect plenty of cold Medicine Co.. St Louis, papular Varnish and Stain com. eral proposition, he thinks this type of weather more than likely the coldest of the year. Then, too, It means safety. A person whose Watch blned Rejuvenates everything. tear is nob so wen adapted toiciimatic the foresigbted man will need no urging to provide now for next blood is In an impure and Impoverished It's a pleasure to tell our readers One Half soil and market conditions along the winter's needs condition is in tbe danger of about a Cough Cure like Dr Sboop'a. Housatonic valley as in Havana. He greatest For years Dr Snoop bas fought against Running? The Olive Oil as catching any infectious or epidemic or returns his opinion that the broad disease. Dr Kennedy's Favorite the use of Opium, Chloroform, oth Is It aJ way fast or Sold in this country is adulterat- leaf average of the Housatonic will Now, When "He Can Save Remedy is tbe mildest, safest and er unsafe Ingredients commonly found tow! Never qolte on - time? ed with Unseed oil or some other ingredient, C. A. WAY not be materially Increased in coming in Cough remedies. Dr Shoop, it Prrhape tbe watch Is capable and usually a very poor article. For absolute- CO., seems surest purifier of the blood, thus strik of very accurate rasBlitf. bat olive oil in In Oils and years and to tninK tnat south ! . tne root or liver and seems, has welcomed tbe Pure Food tt Is not le perfect order. Yn ly pure perfect flavor, put up Paints, Varnishes, Windsor bas a cinch on tbe business 20 to Per Cent . ing at kidney, and Law enacted, for know Uai tbe tnecbaatem cansdirect irom go to 87 Railroad St., New Milford, Ci 50 bladder diseases, si as an druggists. Drug recently of a wafceb tiny detnanda at present. The Homestead. are a he bas worked along similar lines absolutely Itl.Ue 125--3. If you thinking of buying Suit or Overcoat for your- tbat each of tbe dnaena of G. B. SCHIAPPACASSE, Telephone self or bay make it a to see the value we are Nothlnsr will relieve Indigestion many years. For nearly 20 years Dr parts tprtnsn, wbeeia. Jewele. New Milford. A SUCCESSFUL CREAMERY. point clothing Ko-- Shoop 8 Cough Cure containers bave etc.. be Joat TiRbt or (rood giving. that is not a thorough dlgestant. k oat of tbe The business of the neat and well man dol digests what you eat and allows had a warning printed on them against liming question. Boots, Felts, Shoes, Rubbers, Arctics, for and boy. to rest opium and other narcotic poisons, lie : managed New Milford creamery is in PRICES LOW. the stomach recuperate grow made for mothers Watch Repairing always bas creasing in volume, thanks to the strong again. K.UUUL is a solution bas thus it possible been m bobby of ours to do tbe as as pos- to protect their children by simply In Carload JSorses. cleanly methods, prompt payments of digestive acids and nearly on Dr '8 best work possible. Dayton's and good service. Mr Careens is now sible approximates the digestive juices 8isting having Shoop Cough iv-D- Cure. Sold recommended iv. New handling tbe output from the dairies & tbat are round in tne stomacn. and by a. Restaurant, I have received at my of William Horace Allen HATCH takes the work of digestion off Beers & Co., Newtown; B. Hawley & Bank New Milford, Conn Richmond, DEWEY, and while Co.. Stepney; P. J. Garvin, Betbel; M. Street, Daniel Brewer, Cbarles Hartwell The Clothiers, the digestive organs, per S. J. Trumbull. wTTilLL, Opp. W. O. Barton's Dry Goods Store New House Stables Amos Marsb, Heber Knlbloe, Frank Bank New Milford. Main Great forming this work itself does greatly Parks, The Is the Dlace for Ladles. Children and Gentle England Siski and E. J. Galvin. The creamery St., St., Barrington assist tbe stomach to a thorougb rest. Jeweler, vet a refrnlar from 6 a m. 11 5. of KODOL mn to meal, t The Best Carload of Mlchiean Horses ever building has been celled overhead, in Telephone 57-- Telephone 48-- 3. In addition the Ingredients If you want tbe best thing on the New Milford, Conn. r. m.. for 85c. Lunches of all kinds served at snipped Into Connecticut mong them are side, and an addition built on in tbe are such as to make it a corrective of market for biliousness, constipation at short notice. Remember the Place: several very closely matched pairs weighing rear for vats. and by its action irt'm 2uw to ztxnj a pnir the cooling If you buy the highest efficiency indigestion, headache, dizziness, etc., Dayton's Restaurant, These Horsss run from 4 to 8 year of age. your milk or tne New Murord cream- the stomacn is restored to its normal ask vour d rue iris for 6. N. Clarke's I t Bank Street, New Milford, Oonn. There are on v two erav horses In the Int. ery you will be satisfied. activity and power. KODOL, is man Liver pills. Tbey are not Opp. Barton's store. These horses are as Vegetable y or mune; guaranteed represented ufactured in strict conformity .with an untried-remed- but one tnat naa reiuouea, AMONG THE TOBACCO PACKERS. tbe National Pure hood and .Drugs been tested most thoroughly by thou M. Law. Sold by all druggists. sands of people who in favor W. KEELER, The business of tobacco assorting is testify i and Ballders. NKW MlLFOiiD. booming at the warehouse of of their wonderful curative properties. I Don't-Wast- Contractors Sperry Piles of people have Piles. Why Once used. See his ad- - Brothers, the popular tobacco packers suffer when can use De-- tried always re- from piles you vertlsement In another column. or Maroieaaie. rney nave lately Wltt's carboiized witcn iizei aaive ceived the crop of Sherman Cogswell and tret relief. else so good Taylor & Buckingham, of New 6500 Nothing All headaches go Preston, weighing pounds, v Beware of imitations. See that the When you. grow wiser - gVoir Contractors aad Builders, Take Your the crops of Carl Larch. PbiliD Liner. name is stamped on each box. Sold by And learn to use ! Railroad Street, New Milford, Ofc. Laundry Soule & Fenn, Alfred Main, and Paige 11 all druggists. An "Early Riaer., Time Estimates cheerfully furnished on large or to J. H. McGlnnls at tbe Danbury & Parsons of Kent, W. M. Curtis of De safe. contracts. Grocery Oo. Laundry handled by JBridirewater. W. es Witt's Little Early Risers, 5 - tf bave small Ralph Buckingham. Yale Dean's Rbeumatic for rheuma- yoej one of the best concerns in Dan D. Beers H. of Marble- - tin pills sure pills. bury. Laundry sent twi e a week and E Nelson tism and neuralgia. Entirely vegeta- t farm for sale or rent; tf row w and and delivered free of charge. dale and K. H. Armstrong of New A ble. Safe. Z tf Steam Preston. Choice Assortment of Every- m For guns, rifles and sportlDg goods wttt boarder; yon have any 8 Hot ate call on Dan D. 44 Fairfield av want of;; H Water J. H. McGinnis, New Milford thing that is Up-to-D- in the Use a little KODOL after your Smith, g tbinr yon to dispose Q Heaters, NOTES FKOM ST JOHN'S. meals and wiirbe found to afford a enue, Bridgeport, opposite Poll's you are loomnx ror inula Valentine line be found It theater. - -- " UniqueMsirorACTrBKD bt Tbe Bishop of the Diocese has ap may prompt and efficient relief. KODOL don't waste your March 13, as here and at reasonable , tbe digestive m Heavy Gloves for men, pointed Wednesday, tbe prices. nearly approximates eat. is A liquid cold reltef.with a laxative flute about It. Jus pmt little A. day wben he will visit this parisb for juices. It digests what you It which drives cold avd In NORTHROP, Prop. Horse Blankets, tne purpose or confirmation. He will sold on a guaranteed relief plan. Sold principle out tbe tbe Want columue of Tbe Naw Miutord, Com. be in of dav. all through a copious action of tbe bow- Bee exrpresaiac wtsat Bed Blankets, here the evening that bere by druggists. els, and a healing principle which lin briefly and, although it is earlier than usual in you want, and tbat will settle It. Comfortables and on a week day, we hope to have a Every man owes It to himself and his gers tbe throat and stops the For & Usefulness class and a F. E. SOULE, to master a trade or profession. cough that Is Kennedy's Laxative Beauty A Full Stock of Groceries. good good congregation. family disnlav advertisement of the Cough Syrup. Safe and sure In Its ac Use g Our Gold, Aluminum.Oelluloid and Vulcanite Parisb Chronicle. 3f NEW IV11L,F?R.D. RAri the Dental Plates cannot be excelled. Mlsntvjoose six Morse Schools of this tion: pleasant to take: and conforms Z broken and made to fit. E. H. MARCY, a man to National Pure Food and Law. The Bee. and plates repaired M. M. J. Gammon of Kent was a guest, issue and learn how easily young Drug V. A. Booth's Old Stand, of Mr and Mrs or may learn uu u Contains no opiates. Sold by ail L G. Sunday, William J. lady leiegrapoy Mechanical Dentist, Tappen,West St., New Milford dennett St., New Milford. Klefer. assured a position. THE NEWTOWN BEE, FRIDAY. FEBRUARY 8, 1907. 7

the burial in the Catholic cemetery of that place. He leaves besides a be A Safe and Sure reaved wife two brothers and two sis Cure. - NEW NEW ters to mourn his loss. Cough HAVEN HAVEN J. W. LANK SERIOUSLY ILL. Balsam John W. Lane, whe has been in poor Kemps New Haven's Most Reliable Dep't Store. health for some time past, is confined Does cot contain Opium, Morphine, or any other nareotio to a "habit-formin- the bed and is considered to be in or g drug. is critical condition. Dr J. A. Dolan There Is do Narcotic la Keaip'f Balsam. in attending him. of a or harmful eon Nothing poisonous character enters into its composition. T- Reductions R. r. - CARRIER SNOW BOUND. This clean ts4 pare cough care Op snow cares coughs that cannot Lm cored to of Owing the deep Tuesday by ary other medicine. and Wednesday John Barton, the R. It Luis savod thousands from con-s- u ion. Oh rep", Coats F. D. man, was unable to make the 11 and Furs It has raved tDemands of res. whole of his route, but it is a bad A 25c bottle contains 40 doses. storm that him serving his At all druists', 25c. 60c and $U prevents Doal Still Lower patrons. accept aajrtaiaa Prices On Furs 'RedtnctSoe a confined Yon can buy on Monday a A $13.50 Chinch.rctte Set. Hon Charles A. Eaton is - Dr handsome J27.50 Elue Wolf fine big- muff and sty Lsh scarf to the house and under the care of member of She had baen $8-9- the family. Set. a For 8 W. M. Barnum. a life resident of Long Ridge and will great muff and a lone throw for The snow to the of be greatly missed. As her health had scirf. $19 A $12.93 J panese Mink: deep brings boys never been of the her life bad al Muff, for S&9S Kent school best, A $27.50 Persian the exhilarating pleasure ways been yery quiet. A kind aod lov Lamb Set of traveling over the drifts on snow mother and wife baa bis muff and throw scarf And a 52.93 Brook Mink alel ing passed away. Fcr $19.10 Sto'e. for SU98 shoes, a pastime without which winter A husband, son and daughter are left would be incomplete. to mourn her loss. Her age was 74 and seven I months. The ice harvest is at an years family The nearly end, have the sympathy of all theirlfrlends. And Black Velvet Coats To celebrate tlie into our new store only two or three small houses remain Beauty entering S. Barnum is ing to be filled. A. very much better A stunning little black velvet blouse Jacket with poplin, and on Railroad but not able to be out yet. trimmed with narrow silk braid on broa " cloth. opposite our former quarters street, B. Britton of New York was blck Henry The Ladles' Aid of the Was $25.00. Is now $15.00 of in this village for a few hours, Satur Society Long we will inalgnrate, beginning Saturday this Ridge church will meet in the parlor A Black Velvet Blouse Jacket, no end smart and effectively Ten-Da- day. of the church to elect officers for the braid trimmed. Wat $40.00. is now $29.00 week, a y coming year on Thnrsdax evenlrjg, WOODBTJRT. February 7. It is hoped as many of And a pretty Pony Coat of black velvet, exquisitely made members as will $30.00. is now HOTCHKI88VILLE AND VICINITY. the possible attend. Wd $20.00 Miss Ruth L. Clay entertained a Dr James Griffin bas had a number of friends with and of calls for sick horses within the past party young games week. Some Choice Waists OPENING refreshments, last Tuesday evening. Lingerie C. Terrill has traded horses Jerome Stuart is Improving nicely We couldn't begin to tell Then there are White Ba- George care : with William Buckingham. . under the of Dr Wight. He is yon of the beauty of these tiste Waists among this . new commencing to sit up a few minutes Embroidered Batiste Waists shipment marked as Low as REDUCTION Mrs G 3orge Isbell was 111 with grip, at time. with their lace and embroid- $2.25 that look better than SALE, week. last ery yokes, and only most $5 waists; all lace C H. A. Grant of Bridgeport Bpent - they're yokes Miss Maud Leavenworth, the type Sunday at T. A. Carter's. $7.50 and $7.9S and embroidery trimmed. to include reductions all the line. writer at the cutlery shop, has been You'd expect us to say $10 $15 For S&25 Eich genuine along ill. WESTOH. on all and William Tootbell has returned to Especial cuts made winter goods, NEWS TERSELY TOLD. Walden, N. Y., to work. weeks In New York friends.' I Ljbwm Miss Mary Adams bas returned from Cltyfwith flag Waahtata as two or months remain of cold William Allen, Sr., has been ill with rt three weather, a visit of several days with the Misses The little grandchild of Mr and Mrs , ' grip. Charles Hubbell, who was quite ill, most' Perry IrrValley Forge. now these reductions are opportune. Mrs Arthur France of Bridgeport is last week, is able to be about the Mrs Mary E. Sutton visited Bridge house. her brother-in-la- Albert E. Our enormous stock is better in visiting port friends, last week. is w, This cold, weather. You arranged France, and sister-in-la- Mrs Woos-- snowy a"v Ta Miss who has been need a pair of good, warm, felt or rub- ever be- ter J. Carpenter. May Hamilton, in our new quarters, jthan seriously ill with grip at her home ber boots. S. J. Parks, the local mer departments, A son was born to Mr and Mrs Ben can fib you out and can save tre- here, is Improving. chant, fore. Don't fail to avail of the Code, last Monday, 28 you money If "you buy tbem at his yourselves jamin January Mrs D. M. Andrews has returned store. Miss Sarah L. was under offered: Suckley from a visit with relatives at Green- mendous bargains to be the doctor's care for sore last H. B. Maurer moved, last week, throat, field Hill. from his place on the hill west of the week. . - Miss Maude Lockwood and sister. depot to his new home In Daniel's Mrs Thomas and children Farms, the A. C Howard Aldington Mabel, last week with their formerly are in Meriden. Mr spent place. visiting Alding Mr and Mrs Lock- - Walter grandparents, John Mrs S. Parks at ton is boarding at Traverse's wood. J. spent Sunday during their absence Beaver Brook, Danbury, with her sis The newly-installe- d officers of Nor ter, Mrs Dykeman. Mrs Robert Dyson has been ill with GOLDEN BROS., field Grange will officiate at the regu Mrs Samuel Ward is among the sick The Oliver i grip. semi-month- ly or or ones. Dr C. N. of! Long Hill Is lar, meeting the Gallup ' 8 New Milford. Joseph B. Hall's little son, Vernon, der on Friday evening. attending her. . Railroad Street, was sick abed with last week. Typewriter. grip, Andrew Eyslnger Is" about again, Mrs Theodore Kendetx&ky, who has Satur- been is now I Miss Harriet Hall went, last after a long siege with the grip. ill, gaining nicely. The finest ma- to to care for her sis On account of severe snow day, Waterbury, Miss Nettie Heine iaa returned to the chine on the market. 8 ter, who is ill. storm, Tuesday, only two or three New York, after a two .weeks' stay In milkmen from Center made the The work you can do on Miss was ill with ' the May Thompson town. - trip to Bridgeport on that day to de this machine is varied "and 8 grip,;iast week. Mrs is some liver their milk. satisfactory. r 1907. George Smith spending until May 1, Miss Alma Frayer has been confined time in New York. The young bllzxard on Tuesday kept 'Newtown Bee. 3. Articles may contain not less to the house with a severe cold.- - most of men who work In We are The Mrs Columbus Bulkier, who for the tbe Bridge Agents for Newtown, Friday, Feb. 8. 1907. than 700 or more than 1000 words. port at borne on that day. Mrs Clay, Sr., and Mrs ...William has been confined to the this .vicinity. 4. Write on one side of the sheet past year Better Than Hens. Olay, Jr., were quite ill, last week. house with rheumatism, was able to CIRCULATION CJLST0H. only. Wlllsaaa Clay of Waterville spent Sun ride week. 1, 1888 5. and to Westport, last Jaauary The spelling general appear day with his family. The State' ance of the will be considered. Harry Waterbury of Norwalk, Ira MRS CT.ARTfm BASTFOBD. Prairie Last week, 4500 paper About 30 friends of Joseph Pearson S. R SEELEY, 6." Place a fictitious name on the Andrews, Chester Fancher and Clar Mrs R Clarissa Sao ford, widow of . . Incubators and gave him a surprise, last Friday even Wathtertaa Pawet, CC I Brooders, essay, and accompany it with a sealed ence Smith of Bridgeport, and Lloyd tbe late Ebenerer T. San ford, whose Ten ing, by arriving to play whist and take DEALER IS Pace. containing both the real and Dlkeman of Greenwich spent Sunday critical Illness was noted In last week's and there is none better on the market. We are headquarters envelope refreshments with him. A pleasant fictitious names. fCommittee, Mrs at their homes here. Baa, passed away at the home of ber Coal, Lame, Cement, for the goods in this part of the state and have all sizes of both evening was enjoyed. LITCHFIELD COUNTY. A. C Titus, chairman; Mrs W. H Llnsley Core took a large load of son, Mallett Sanford, on Friday, Feb- P&ints, Hardware, Incubators and Brooders. Knox and and Mr and . Remember we are out our Church, Miss Behrends. Harry family Cannon young people for a alelghride ruary 1, having reached tbe advanced etc., etc closing WASHINGTON. Mrs Edward Parmalee spent Sunday to field, one last week. 92 4 and 15 ICRS AMOS RICHMOND. . Ridge evening age of years. months days. atMt Tom. funeral was held from her son's A HINT TO TBI USIXS. Mrs Amos Richmond, formerly a Charles Beers has sold his horse to Tbe Ware At George Crownshaw has gone to home on Crockery Cost, Now is the time to begin to make resident here, died at her home in vardm of Reddm. Monday afternoon, February Wo- terville to work. 4, at 2 o'clock. Toe burial waa In the which included pretty decorated Dinner and Tea Sets, besides useful and pretty articles for the Woodbury on Monday at the advanced Mrs A. S. Turney, A. C Bradley. man's When the summer Charles Corsa and cemetery near tbe Baptist church. a large number of odd prices.. Exchange. age of 88 yean. ROZBUKT. Patrick Coughlan, comes, with its patronage from the In- - W. P. Lockwood filled their large Ice Mrs Sanford Is survived by ber son. flux of guests, a bountiful THB MONDAY CLUB. NEWS IN BRIEF. week. Mallett Sanford, with whom abe lived. city supply an - houses, last will be necessary. However, the Ex The Monday club held interest- Mrs F. Dickenson Is She also leaves a large number of We are for the inar week, at Mrs Gal- - entertaining Elbert Carver, a former Weston boy. Agents is all the meeting, this relatives from Waterbury. fr lends to mourn ber loss. change open year around, pin's. Following the business meet was married to Miss Florence Casey of and one can was off Tues always find, things for ing and Current events, Mrs C. E. V. N. Shelton duty, Bldgefield, last week. Never Slip Goods sale. Washington is fortunate in hav Prindle and Mrs A. O. Titus read on day. He is a solicitor for the S. N. K. IUCH0LS. Tel. Co. Mrs Ephralm Fitch is suffering from For this ing a Woman's Exchange, and it is "Palestine." the year's subject. On Locality ladies will enter an attack of asthma. Haws ibt aatar. not surprising that so many are inter Valentine night the Several have been victims of the tain the gentlemen In the chapel. here the few weeks.. Mr and Mrs F. P. Morehouse, who Thi Baa representative was kindly ested in keeping up its reputation and grip, past entertained at dinner, last Tuesday, at have both been ill and under If icnoia. Farm and success. Mr and Mrs A. C. Titus and Master Henry Nasse Is home from Water seriously tbe home of Lucas (J. Machinery Hardware of All Kinds the care of Dr are A new engine has arrived for tbe BeeW-Nix- Curtis visited Albert Titus in Water- - bury. Smith, improving. Nichols Auto 'bus and will be placed t rLAY BY 0UNNBEY STUDENTS. A severe blizzard visited Tues- in in a few weeks, but tbe The Farmers' Store. last week, making the in us, STEVENSOI. position The Gunnery school will give a play bury, trip day, which delayed all the trains on bus will not begin making regular Sliced Beef - until after tbe roads are settled Mall suMl mrAmr !! in the small hall in the new hall build- sleigh. trips tetpboBs) for - the Litchfield branch. nxws our BCRiBa iwarrza about. in tbe spring. klaxls of MratA. PresSi Flak. tc an- tig on the Green, Friday evening, Feb- A few friends of Mrs J. I. West gave Elmer ttartram ana buss and siad to. ' 15. The. is D. Seward of Massachusetts visited Mrs Paul Botsford is visiting her aaugnter, ptly carefully atl EST. ruary play "Among the her a on her Satur- his W. B. Wlibelmlna Bart ram, of Kent, have IE). Breakers," and is an intensely inter- surprise birthday, brother, Seward, the past parents, Mr and Mrs John Laugblan. come to n icnoia to maze weir oome Ea&miS, day evening. Bridge Whist was week. with Mrs L.. K. Williams. esting drama of two" long acts, with is ill 111 Shelton, Conn Mr West furnished delicious Mrs Nancy French seriously Elmer Bartram la aulte at tbe most excellent darkey and Irish parts. played. Miss Minnie Nasse is doing dress and Dr Wales of Monroe attends her. home of his daughter, Mrs L. E. Wil- Carl Bader. Admission, 25c. This smaller hall in refreshments of ice cream and cake. making for parties in New Milford. liams. Dr Lewis of Stratford Is at- the new has a E. N. French of Shelton was at his blm. Washington Depot, Conn. building seating capac Burr Holllster was home from school Anthony Walberg and men filled D. over tending of ity of 250, and ought to be well filled home here Sunday. Frank Owens has left tbe employ on Tuesday, ill with a cold. O. Garrison's ice house, last week. E. 8. Falrchlld & Son and bas gone to at the play. All who go should be In Mr and Mrs William Place of King's Falls village, where be has taken a po gooa neaitn enough to enjoy some The Basket Ball team of Wykeham C W. Hodge, the coal dealer, receiv Mills, O., are visiting their sister, Mrs sition. SOUTHBCRY. Thin who wish ed a car of coal one day this week, James Wheeler. Mr and Mrs Place ex K. S. Falrchlld & Son have lust baa hearty laughs. people Rise went to Greenwloh on Saturday car a uasn to grow stout should seize this oppor- which pleased his patrons. The pect soon to live In New Haven. National register piacea in BTRBRT AHT TTCIKTTT. and played Rosemary Hall team, win- was In one their grocery department. TBI Health, Safety, tunity. emptied day. Mrs Hilda of Ansonla is Luther Kicbolsor laston was a re ning a score of 30 to 18. Young Mrs Char- Mr and Mrs Howard Hlckox and son Mrs J. Mathewson is visiting her at J. B. Downs'. cent guest of blsdaugbter, visited m6ther. Demands a pure water PRIZES FOR SCHOOL CHILDREN. Cortland Trowbridge and Master here. Her husband is housekeeper les B. Curtis. from Watertown ber parents working W. H. has There was no mall delivered in this Mrs M. S. At wood, recently. supply, which is best The following circular has been sent Robert have been at there home here in Hawleyvllle at present. Bev Harris resigned on on account se minister of the Riverside church. place Tuesday of the friend from securee by means of to the schools in the town of Wash for the past week enjoying the sleigh. vere storm. Bobert Hloock and . Very few of tbe men of this place Hartford were gne6ta of Mr and Mrs B. ington: lng. BULL'S BRIDGE. TRUMBULL. who work in Bridgeport made tbe at The of D. A. R. S Hickock, laat Sunday. Judea Chapter the A daughter was born on January 26 tempt on Tuesday, tbe day of tbe Artesian Wells offers HOUSING THB tCK CBOF. A BEAL vouog Diizzaro. to get to tneir wore in Mrs feeling well, bas three prizes, the first 92.50, and to Mr and Mrs Leslie RandalL KSTATBj DIAL. Bridu-eoort- . HopklnMnot and only a few of tbe left Mrs Bussell and gone to stay with These furnish pare water in abundance, un- the second and third of SI each for Mrs O. H. treated the men Ice cutting seems to be tbe general Norman W. Landers of North Cas milkmen braved tbe storm and de failing under most severe droughts. Piatt week. Ice Westchester N. bas livered their milk. ber daughter, Mrs Fannie Warner, for Long years of experience have glvea me su- the three best compositions on any of who were filling her ice house on the occupation during tbe past tle, county, Y., a while. perior knowledge in the mechanical produc- some from 12 to 15 Inches has been harvest purchased of Harry Maurer, bis place tion of these wells. and actual tests the following subjects: coldest day, last week, with de Pom-ologic- Geology ed canal. on hill west of C. M. al under all circumstances have proved their 1. An Historic in N. E. licious coffee, which was much appre from tbe tbe the depot, formerly Perry attended the State immense value and the satisfaction to be de- Pilgrimage known as the Frederick Sterling place, Society meeting In Hartford, rived from their use. ciated by them. - 2. Territorial Acquisitions of the Miss Ida Franks and Miss Inze Ur- and moved part of bis goods, this last this week Tuesday and Wednesday. U. S. Mai vina Mason, 'who has been sick a to New Mr Landers will move his Ins txcA Yh HrwjiJwm Base? Gasolene Engines, auhart enioyed sleighrlde Tuesday. Basra tl Mrs Hawley visited friends In Wa- 3. A with the grip, is improving. Milford on in in a week or so, if the weath pumps pipe and similar supplies. I furnish Story from American History Saturday. family Bigaatsr tertown, recently. satisfactory quality and at moderate price. 4. An American Soldier. er permits. KENT. Mrs Wooster baa returned to Mr for Ford Automobiles. 5. Heroic Happenings. FAIRFIELD COUNTY. Norman W. Landers, wno bas pur Atwood'a. Agent 6. was 1$ H. P. Ruaabout, $500. $1000. Children of Colonial Days. RICHARD BARKY. chased Henry W. Maurer's place, Toumoi, WEST REDDINQ. week for a few of I shall be pleased to call upon you and give ; or write for desired Information 7. Old Times in the Colonies. Bicbard 36 died tbe truest, last days, particulars Barry, aged years, Elmer E. Smith. 8. Our Country's Flag. very suddenly at his home in the vil MRS JIBOHI STUART. ! 9. Our New Possessions, Sherman Brothers, who have been lage, Sunday morning, February 3 Mrs Betsy A. Stuart, wife of Jerome steam FERRETS 10. Daniel Webster. last sawing for D. H. Ward with the E. N. Apparently In good health and while Stuart, passed away, Thursday, mill, have purchased a tract of timber and Brown Sipperley, after a I long sickness of nine weeks. White Suggestions: with bis wife, death came to talking was home on of Nichols Brothers, which ai Joined 74 West Ave., South Norwalk, Conn. 1. Competitors are to be under fif- him without His funeral She burled from her late where have been at and warning. Long Bldge on Saturday last. Mrs .they work, WHITE WINQ POULTRY FARM, teen years of age. was held at the church in Cornwall was of have begun work on It. Stuart an only daughter the 4. 2. The competition will be open I Bridge, Tuesday morning, followed by late Bussell White and was the last Miss Alma Plumb is spending a few TctephoM 79-- Nidsats, s THE NEWTOWN BEE, FRIDAY. FEBRUARY 8, 1907,

svmpatby of their many Morris at the Grange. Every patron should Mothers woo irave iuelr children inal Laxative on do can in- Cough Syrup and is Bee. friends. attend and all they to help. Kennedy's Laxative Cough Syrup rivaled for tbe relief of croup. Drives The Newtown Mrs A. F. Greene was with her pa- variably Indorse it. Children like it the cold Con- 8 out through tbe bawela. reasons why the Nr.iiwi., r'riilny. Feb. I97 MK8 H RNRT I. BODGHTON. rents a few days, last week. because tbe taste is so pleasant. Con firms to the National Pure Kood sod rTpHEII Mrs H. R. Stockbridge has recently tains tioney ana Tar. it is tne ung Drug Law. Sold bv all "one hundred or met with a sad loss in the passing (MOTHERHOOD draeglsts. OIRCUIiATICm away of her only sister. Jude Henry The first requisite of a trood. more traveling wno mother is good health, and the ex-- RISINQ FROM THE GRAVE. Financial 1. 1882 I. Boughton's wire of Wateroury, Inotltutlena. representatives of the January had been 111 at her daughter's, Mrs C. perience of maternity should not be T Rirbdnmevfir's. In Portland. Me. approached without careful physical leading Investment Last week, 4500 were in a receiv preparation, as a woman who is in The Randall Land Mortgages The remains placed condition A prominent manufacturer, William Company, Paylac iH p ownt a Speclalt. houses only scratch the ing vault ror tne present uawi wi mci good physical transmits to A. Fertweli, of Lucama, N. G, relates (Incorporated by tbe Stave of OonnecttcaO comes. her children the blessings of a good He New 81,500,000 loaned surface of the inves- Ten Pages. weather constitution. a most remarkable experience. Milford. Conn.. No li Mrs Lizzie Palmer is in New says: "After taking less than three tment business are visiting Preparation for healthy mater- bottles of Electric Bitters, J. reel HKe The most im- Preston. went nity is accomplished by Lydia E. one from the grave. My trouble many. COUNTY. The members of Morris Grange Pinkham's Vegetable Compound, rising in Diabetes reason is be- LITCHFIELD to LUch Held, one nigbt last week. A which is made from native roots and is Brlgbt's disease, the portant fine load of them was taken up stage. I fully believe Electric Bitters cause these salesmen sleigh local herbs, more successfully than by any will cure me permanently, for It bas BRIDGEWATEK, by E. H. Clark, lecturer of the other medicine because it gives tone tbe liver and bladder The see Grange. S. JE. Stockman and Mrs and to the entire feminine already stopped Power don't the people - frwlrma'n wArn t,h i nKt,n.l I i ncr officers. strength complications which have troubled Earning LECTURER'S PROGRAM OF BRIDOE- ul- at severe. organism, curing displacements, MRS. JAM me for years." Guaranteed at OF A who the present time, WATfiB GKAM0E FOR TUB YEAR. The night was very They gave ceration and inflammation, and the STER & DOLLAR! In the aggregate, nave tne most them hot coffee upon their arrival and is more II R. H. Beers Co., Newtown; . 13: result less suffering and children healthy at birth. For more & Hook; P. J. In- money to invest. February later a one conation. tnan years Betts Betts, Sandy $1.00 Per Annum placed at 6 per cent Interest and I Music. In charge of Mrs Mattie F. H. Turkinsrton and G. jh. jonn- - tnirty Garvin, Bethel; W. N. Noble, New Mil Tne usual schedule of these Mallett. ford; E. J. Buckingham, terest Compounded annually and accumulated for 10 salesmen, bond men as they are sonwere In New Haven on Saturday E. Huntington;G. W. we will to Current Events William Curtis, last, Lydia Pinkham'sVegetable Compound Allen Joyce, Roxbury Station: years amount to called, Is, say, spend Miss Abbie Tr.A has been In for Hurlhurt & Co., J.M.SuUl van, one day In Hartford, see the pres- Northrop. hiut hffin raoidlv jratbered for the standby of American mothers preparing childbirth. Roxbury; Principal, f 10 00 idents the banks and other Paper. "Wbo was St Valentine?" t.lio rust. waaIt from Lake and Note what Mrs JamesChester, of427 W. 85th St., New York says in this Redding Ridge; Oonnery Bros., George- of William W. Welton. I DTOSDect Of letter: W. B. Sherman; Honan Intereat, 197 III 8. financial Institutions, and possi- rmnris. There is no Dear Mrs. Pinkham: "I wish every expectant mother knew about town; Hawley, one Reading William Scblotterbeck. an ice in Lydia E. Pinkham's Compound. A neighbor who had learned & Soule, GaylordsTllle; Smith Bros, For 15 years amount to bly a few large Investors, day Warner. famine tnis locality. of its Vegetable a woman's life me to lV.n II VtriAcra Tttn 11 Rarr1al. each In Flttsfleld, ReadingReuben Mrsts. tu. cocKman went ou oaiur great value at this trying period of urged try Principal, 15 00 Springfield, Water-bur- Each member is to present Mass , to it and I did and cannot in to the did me. New Preston; George E. Frink, Falls Bridgeport, New Haven, y expected dav to Great Barrington. at so, I say enough regard good it o. Interest, 8 67 -- S4.7 and and then con- a valentine for admission. tend the funeral of her aunt, (a sister I recovered quicklv and am in the best of health now. Village; 2. raircnna a, ouu, Norwich, 27: of her whose funeral was at Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound is certainly a successful Nichols, drug stores. Price 50c Foi 20 amount to sider that they have covered the February mother) for ailments of women. years Investment situation in Southern A Talk on Dairying. By a speaker tended on aunaay arcernoon. remedy the peculiar Weaknesses and PHnclpesW tSO.OO from As- It has cured almost every form of Female Complaints, Dragging Sensa- and Western New England. tbe Connecticut Dairymen's - Interest, NEW PRESTON tions, Weak Back, Falling- and Displacements, Inflammation, Ulcera in ".ng you can Sometimes as many as ten bond sociation. tions and Diseases Women and is invaluable in When Waterbury trad on one Dante March 13: Organic of preparing for get a toothsome dinner at a small price Illustration of Bond ia 15 salesmen call presi- Childbirth and. during the Change of Life. at Calendar's Half Dime Lunch on $5000 Maturing years: dent in a single day. BROTHERS' NIGHT. IX" MANY SICK IN THIS NEIGHBORHOOD. ta tr iram - Mrs. South Main street. tat year,-- 550rrm l pirstm k This condition of affairs Is an In E. Dr E. R. Pendleton is still Pinkham's Standimr Invitation to Women i & inn i2. of R. Wooster, kept -- 4 re M ener- Program cbarge Women sufferinflr'from anv female weakness are Invited to M -- as a Illustration of misdirected J. A. Orr, Levi Warner, George A. busy daily with bis medicine case and form of I 3 an k Ml gies when we consider that the horses in tne cans or pa write Mrs. PinkhfcmV at Lvnn. Mesa. Her advice ia tree. 4th --" se si l( ma be Northrop. attenaiujr yon are dull, or bil- b'h tana, t.r M e e SNSa largest amount of money to March 27: tients for several miles about this vil If Constipated, eio - M M Invested section Is in the M. ious, or have a sallow lifeless complex- TUi - in this lage. R. A. Marcy, D., has kindly Lax-et- a &t.s mn Total. individual in- Music In charge of Mrs E. R. Woos- ion, Just once to see what kltk " I JO M bands of the small, assisted when necessary, try -- men ter. him, during BANTAM. Morris and In thev will do for you. Lax eta are lit : Ti vestors, the thrifty and the past two weeks. spent Saturday Sunday 10UJ - rta 4 1 VaEue. SViMMW women of New England who Current Events Mrs, Evelyn Kin- The condition of Mrs Mary Carter town, tbe guests of Mrs H. S. B. Judd. tle toothsome Candy tablets nice to Maturity Loudon Minor. . Con- effect. No no work and save. ney, seems slightly improved since , last A HUSTLING TO FI.LI. THE ICE HOUSES. The Ladles' Aid society of tbe eat, nice in grlplDtr, To I will Topic "What is the most profitable gregational church will hold their reg- pain. Just a gentle laxative effect The American Real Estate Co.t prove this, give you crop for the farmer?" A. writing. people the good on next that la nleasinflrlv desirable. Handy the actual next week. Bridgewater F. S. Brown has been confined to Many improved ular meeting week Wednesday Lax-el- s a90 Broad av. New York. s figures B. Mallect, Will Elmer Frost, weather,-las- t week, for ice. for the vest or purse. Curtis, his home and bed with the" since harvesting afternoon and evening. Supper will pocket Lax-et- s For , grip full Information to - Lewis Northrop. of last week. Scarcely enough men and teams could be served from 6 to 8 o'clock. meet every desire. come to apply Thomas C. Perkins "Why are Eggs presented andliillies Wednesday te obtained to do tbe work, so anxious has been line and ran In beautiful lltbosrmDbed metal Conn. Mutual used Eas- Mrs S. W. Barnes has also been in w Sleighing sleigh 25 cents. Sold Building for Church Decoration at disposed for several days. re all who bad not tilled their ice ride parties are numerous. boxes at 5 cents and L. .H. Hartlord, Conn. ter?" Mrs Emily Northrop. A. B. is better. bouses to Improve tbe opportunity be- Dr G. B. Bristol has an attack of by R. H. Beers & Co., Newtown; B. Room PRINDLE, rigr., 10: Whitney fore another thaw. the Hawley & Co., Stepney; P. J. Garvin, 805, 43 Church vNcw Haven. Conn. April grip. o. St, Conferring First and Second De- The ice on Lake Waramaug Is now Interesting meetings are now held Bethel; J. arEs, rrumnuii. grees. . of proper thickness for storing into On Friday night, February 1, the Current Events Carrie Beardsley, icehouses and several on the border of men of St Paul's parish gave a turkey H. W. Treat. tbe Lake as well as farmers and others supper in tbe parish bouse and after- Capital, $250,000 Surplus, $315,2$5.89 Music In charge of Mrs Annie living a little farther away from it, wards a dance in the hall. New Articles Treat. are taking the opportunity to secure A neat building bas lately beerfj CHARLES Q. SANFORD, Prest." EDWARD W. M ACSB. "Vice Profit. - Reading George Northrop. their annual supply before it becomes bunt over tne new scales near the , O. 1. BROTH WELL. Catvhler. . for Paper Miss Sarah Stuckey. more cumbersome or worse still, grows railroad station. 24: thin and weakens again. Tbe general Some of tbe teachers gave their Trustees, Administrators and Others Mon , April oninion seems to orevau sun scholars a fine ride on Tbursdav KNOWLEDGE Holding Third and Fourth De that the sleigh Whist Prizes Conferring ply will, during February, be ample last. Tbe good sleighing made tbe eys In Trust grees. iia we ana or nne quality. ride a very enjoyable one. Find a checklnsr account of aosolaJ ntnn and wm.nia.nn Is j ia rka r Jl Is what have Music In charge of Loudon Minor. B. of Lakeside continues to 4 ( 'of iUWDo of Uit sccooiL Tb cbwtt for U piaa ttea just received to repla e our stock, James A. Orr. Morgan erood if i i u km a one (rauchm rBs4ra) which was well cleaned out during the Paper his patrons in this la a thine riehtly applied. " uwoiioi ia iruk dm ipist, ia u sou make it a to carry Current Events Allen Treat, Reu- supply a nne or sea vicinity j Holidaysfinest t'eassortment ofpointarticles for ben weekly, witn line rood. NEW HAVEN COUNTY. However, you must first get the knowl the Hawley. Stone-o- ne -- Whist Prizes that can be procured. I Mrs Closson of Warren's old 'National is a fine Recitation Ida Wooster. est r was seen here edge before you can apply it. First Bank, in this assortment very see and 8idents, again, last V23 Jlne of Japanese China at very low "What I do, hear at the Saturday, after a serious illness of a SOUTH BRITAH. Temporary Address: Main Street, Bridgeport, Coon. prices. Don't fail to look this line over Capitol,-- ' William Welton. week's duration at his borne. . - May 8: A S. N. E. telephone has recently MISS ATKINS MR CART WHIG HT. Our Course's Are Practical. ." " GRACES' NIGHT. been placed in the homes of Charles 22: Skiff and H. W. Beeman on Lake Miss Etta Atkins, daughter of J. H. Established 1866. May Atkins of this place, and Harry Cart-wrig- ht Aluminum " street. , - STRAWBERRY FESTIVAL Henry E. .JEarner kept closely at of Zoar, were married at the The Oldest Firm In Committee Mrs Evelyn Kinney, borne, last ween, witn a severe cola. home of tbe bride's parents, Sunday Banking Connefcut Ware Mrs Robert Greer, Mrs E. R. Wooster, Mrs A. E Corning passed the latter evening, February 3, by Rev C. H. Business William Frost, Allen Treat. JNew Dewey. Stillman's of week in to-d-ay is considered part the last Uaven one of the finest mewls that can be June 12: From there she Intends to go, this T. & nsed for There is no to ; NEWS IN BRIEF. Ij. Watson Co., cooking. flaking week, Lltcbneid,tOimake her annual off. rusting or anything else that hap- neighbor's night. H. 's. BANKERS BROKERS pens to other metals. You can keep June 29: visit at J. Marcy Mr and Mrs A. L. Mitchell spent ..." Mrs M. Brown is College " this metal a' ways looking nice, being Ida staying with Sunday, the 27th ult., in Bridgeport. solid aluminum, and it only cots a Music In cbarge of Miss Isabelle Mrs Isaac Brown Mrs of Sun- Conn. Stocks and Bonds trifle more tnan enamel ware. Look Orr. during Coming's Ezra Pierce Waterbury spent Danbury, s into this when in t wn. v day at bis borne in South Britain. Corner Mela and Jobo Bridgeport. Reading Mrs Hawley. Rev Robert E. Carter of Washing Mrs R. C. Mitchell and son, Jesse, Street, Current Events Ray Kinney, H. C. ton is expected to occupy the pulpit a few in Sanford. next spent days Hartford, recently. INTEREST ON DEPOSITS. more here, Sunday morning. Tbe Ladles' Auxiliary will give a Paper "Is It Important to While the D. Burnham Co. was tak chicken supper in the parish house, Thl train observation, than to study ing an Inventory, last week, the store February 14. books?" Mrs Elmer Frost. was closed two days. Miss Bessie Pierce, a student at tbe AT HEIM'S. Paper "Noted Women of New R. H. has secured anoth- a F. E. BEACH CO., Mrs Armstrong Yale School of Music, took part at 962 England," Mary Welton. er and most efficient in bis mar borne of Prof ' MAIN ST., " helper musicale given at tbe An BRIDGEPORT, CONN. July 10: ket, at bis meat bench, wbo formerly Knight in New Haven, Tuesday even- "AURORA" Already Famous nine. Current Events William Scblotter- conducted a market in Brooklyn. N ing, February 5. A a beck, Lewis Beardsley. Y. All patrons are most courteously Miss Ann Jeanette Mitchell is im- creditable past, satisfactory present and a Brilliant Music In of Miss Carrie and promptly waited upon, which tbe proving slowly.:- Sheet Music. --Future. cbarge waiter intends as no reflection-- on ior-- Ne a Beardsley. Born; in Haven, 'January 29," Price Soea te Advance. mer We . and Paper Miss Mabelle Sanford. employees there. simply son to Mr and Mrs Qtto Swanson. All the latest hits. McKinley Century catalogues. W1U furnish Inform atioa to Interested Miss Gertrude speak this cood word for the new one. Born, 2, a to Mr 10c sent complete anyone Paper Trowbridge. February daughter- A line of music at per copy. Catalogues v 24: A. B. Hall of the Hill farm is supply and Mrs Fred Swartz very large 1 Chamberlain's July ing several residents here, this winter Mrs Merwin Mitchell has been .vi- for the asking. , children's night. with a line of vounc solid, hard wood. in New Haven. Mrs siting FRED. B. Committee Annie Treat, Miss which present traveling being Mrs Sarah Lindsley of Woodbury Dealer Isabelle Orr. conveyedisbyto as as Mrs Edward last la Security BuikUeg. backyards speedily visiten Mitchell, In Instruments. Opportunities. tiridfeporx. Ce-e-i August 14: possible .for reduction to stove length. week. Everything String MTJSICALE. A few from this village attended A large number of people were pres- line of Pianos In the Call and have a look at the Marbledale Mr Mrs. Largest city. of Music dancing party at ball, ent at toe social given by and fine instruments andlet us our term of In charge tbe Committee. last Friday evening. Several of tbe William Mitchell, Friday evening. .these explain easy system Bridgeport August 28: horses wbicb were used in conveying Music and reading were enjoyed by all: payments. Some good bargains in Second Hand pianos. CORN ROAST. New Milford parties to tbe same also an exeellenf supper; S15 50 was place, that evening, found their way which was to tbe Libra- Remember you are welcome at oar .store If you buy Bank, MAIL Committee Will Kinney, Charles to New Preston cleared, given alwaye SavingsOOEL MAIN and 8TATK BTA. Northrop, Georee Northrop, Will this village and Hill ry. or if you do not buy. Curtis. wlthouta driver before the dance was Mrs Louis Erricson is seriously ill aft Bridgeport. Conn. over, having become loosened from ber homj with quinsy. A nurse is in YOUR September 11: their bitching posts. All were secur- attendance. Deposits received from $l te S 1,000 NEIGHBORS' NIGHT. ed and without serious dam- per annum. returned Mr and Mrs Perkins gave a dance at Interest oa atl MONEY. September 25: age before morning, in time to take their home in the Purchase, Friday paid amounts, large Wit and Humor tbe loads back to their respective Wm. C. or small. Cough Remedy Evening. evening. Heim, careful Even you do lit Z . Trans ctlorrs mail receive though at The Children's Favorite Roll Call Each member please re places of abode. The Ladies' Mission band are pre- by some reaaon with a or humorous selec- to a chicken soon Main Conn: and prompt attentloe. aistanoe, lucre do spond witty paring give supper 370 Street, Danbury, 45.00 by you abooid let that tact la- BETHXEHE2H. Watch for notice. ta-clllt- Oooffha, Golds, Group tion the Deposlta, aRB6,l ter fere with your use of tbe ies w Gonsn. October 9: Assets, o,540t391.2fl of bank. Hooping B. AMES. President T. B. DeFU&EST. this This remedy Is famous for lta 1 DEATH OF JAMES maT , Current Events Mrs Emily North ftUAKER'S FARMS- - VW Pfsaldaiu: alarse MM of the rdrili1 nrU EDWARD STERLING. f". B. HAWLKV. Uocle Sam's mall la quick and always be depended upon. It eoatslns a rop, JohnKavanagh. Mrs A. T. Minor received word, last aafe. A or opium or other harmful drag aa4 be Music in or miss week that her Treasurer ALCIANDlK UAWUV. money order a resta- girra a eonndontiy to a baby mm to anatreault charge (jertrude Wednesday, father, NEWS IN BRIEF. tered letter will reach us prompt- " Trowbridge. James B. Ames, bad died in Bristol. DO YOU TO Prloe 30 ota; Lare BUt, SO mtm. Favorite with selec- He had been in feeble health for some Mrs L. B. Downes is still confined WANT BE CERTAIN ly land credit to your account "My Author," will be made Just aa you tions, Rev G. D. Pond, Mrs James A. time. His age was 69 years. He was to her bed. That is filled as physic-a- n Iboujrb Orr, Mrs Mary Welton. for '.several years a resident of this Mrs Mary G. Hawkins is a little bet- your Prescription your Bridgeport National brought the money by hand. i October 23: tow r) and was the first master of the ter, but very weak. would like to have it? If so, bring it here. Bethlehem and a Mrs Louisa Hawkins is sick at Bank. All Inquiries still be answered sisters' Grange prominent of quite night. member in the earlier years of the the home her daughter, Mrs Grace Incorporated laoo. Mrs E. R. Wooster, Mrs Stella Grange. He served the town as se- Roberts, where she makes her home. One dollar starts an account. Paint Northrop, Miss Mabelle Sanford, Miss lectman and other offices. A wife, a Dr E. W. Davis of Seymour attends Canltal. $215,850. Carrie Beardsley. son and two daughters survive him her. Curtis' Pharmacy, Surplus and Profits, 2G0,O00 Your House November 13: He first married Miss Mary Jane Theodore L. Hine.Sarah Hawkins Corner Main and Elm Sts., Bridgeport, Conn. Current Events H. W. Treat, Mrs Stone of Bantam and one son, Edward, and a sister of Mrs R. Z. Hawkins are and a cslre to City Savings Bank Reuben Warner. was born to them. He is living in among tbe sick. Ability. Integrity 946 Me- l- St.. Music In charge of Miss Mabelle Bantam. She died and for his second 1. L. Hawkins of South Britain was Serve You, n down Conn. Right. Sanford. wife jhe married JMiss Mary Luding-to- to see bis mother, Sunday, who that la what we believe yoo. will tad If oa Bridgeport, this time by insisting upon Franklin J. of Bethlehem. A son, Lewis, and is sick. become a patron of the BridneDort National Paper Hawley. two Mrs Leaven- Came to the home of Miss M. L. are baiag nsad more a a more thair Bank: land behind this desire tbere ia having "Testing, Grading and Mar- daughters, Nellie mwrj imj1 solicit-- . great Paper of Mrs A. T. Mi- last Janu- field now xtana's from a email poekat nota book to tha largeet of beak g ra financial strength and keting Milk and Cream," Charles Dul- worth Roxbury, and Hawkins, Friday evening, Resources to am mil- MASURY'S ler. nor of Bethlehem, were their children, ary 25, a Collie shepherd dog. Haadquartar for Twialook Loose Leaf Ledgara, S. aad T. Unlmatio Priee the onntof about tiro CO&MEKCIAL aTATI Jfi c. tva. lions piotect the account yon place In tbe HOUSE PAINTS Question Box. Lewis was drowned in Bantam lake, Samuel Hawkins, A. J. Lum, C. H. book. Bridgeport nauonat nana. Novemter 27: several years ago. :His second wife Lum, and O. J. Hull are harvesting B. Mechanics and Farmer which are the paints that died in 1898 and his last wife that their ice crop. Jackson's Book Shop, 990 Main St., Bridgeport. T. DEFOREST. President. Music In charge of E. R. Wooster. survives him was Mrs Helen Matthews F. N. BEN HAM, Cashier. Savings Bank LIVE THE LONGEST Paper Elmer Frost. of was Mrs Lulu B. Allen. Bristol. His funeral attended 50TJTHBURT. New Buk BaUdlne, Wall St Bnd pert have preserva- Reading from the residence of his daughter, They greater Recitation William Scblotterbeck. Mrs on Rev L. R. L, 190ft, tS,8TS,T7J- - tive qualities and will maintain of a Nor- Minor, Friday, by J. Deposits, Oct, Paper "The Advantages Wycofl of Woodbury. The pallbearers THE 8TREET AND VICINITY. Newtown Savings Surplus and Interest, 160,681. 68 their original appearance years mal Course, for Teachers," Mrs Stella were J. D. Dayton, Dea S. P. Hayes, after inferior substitutes have Northrop. N. H. Bloss and G. W. Percy. The Mrs Lester has returned to ber home Bank. Assets, 4,(&4,4597 in Hook. , ,. vanished. have been the interment was in Evergreen cemetery Sandy Number of . They (.isTOOB-rom-- ISBa.1 depositors, 11,57. A PLKA8ANT SOCIAL BVKNT. in center. Mrs Mary Stone is visiting at the twd COOS standard house for sixty-fiv- e the home of H. Deposlta of (1 to reeved tad In tea set paints her son, K, Stone: credited from the a t of each peyeMa years and have never failed Thejheavy snow storm of the day MRS SUSAN FLTNN. May Munson has gone to Rev O. J. ft Oct. In January and July of each year. XaocNrpav to satisfaction. and night did not prevent an unusual- Range's in Guilford. Deposits 1, 1906, $895,641.44 atd 171. - give complete ly attendance at tbe third and Mrs Susan Flynn died on Sunday Miss Jessie is care Surplus, 30.000.00 OFFIOKB3 - - large 77 Colepaugh taking Assets at value. JOHN W. MASURY & SON last annual ball In Bridgewater, Friday morning, aged years. She had been of Miss Ann Janette Mitchell of South REACH LYED AMERICAN! par John Lu rVeanela, - Pi adeeC 25. There were 87 a resident of this town for Britain. Assets at market value, 900.654.31 Marshal K. I NEW YORK and CrBCAQO evening, January respected Morris, Prealdesta. couples present. New Milford, Brook-fiel- d, many years. She leaves three chil- Miss May Bronson returned to her Freda. B. Hall. f We W. Deposlta of one dollar to one thousand dot-ta- rs Danbury, Newtown and Roxbury dren to mourn her loss, James home in Watertown, last week Tues- received from one in one L. 8. Callin, rWretary and Treasurer. LOCAL AGENT: were represented. The music, fur- Flynn, postmaster and town clerk' of day. any person year. nished by Whitney's orchestra of four Bethlehem, Francis and Mrs Ruth Dr Green is away for a few weeks. In EuropeX President : DAVID C. PECK. pieces, from New Milford, was fine. Bennett of Bethlehem. Her husband Mr Colepaugh and Edward Ambler, travelling The Trust An excellent supper was served, adding died in the service of his country dur- Sr., are doing jury duty in New Haven. one In Treasurers ARTHURT.NETTLETON. Bridgeport 612 Water St., Bridgeport, O onn to tbe high reputation already achieved ing the Civil war. Miss Josle We8a visited in Seymour, have but medium printed English; by Bridgewater ladies in that line. B. New was Friday. can use, Company, J. Stillson of Preston at W. that lo-- The skill and executive ability of Mr A. Bennett took the children of they n tttate Pt, Bridgeport, Own. Gillette combined to render it the A. E. Johnson's, last week. the White Oak school on a sleigh ride, most successful dance of the season. Mrs William Hine fell from a sleigh, Thursday. as ., MAGAZINE was last week, and broke one bone of her Mrs Cs I- - The occasion .greatly enjoyed and wrist and dislocated of Clifford Hawley visited friends pitl, surplus and and ; the the e much regret was expressed by all at joint n in Watertown, last week. Tided Sjo-o.eee.o- HEADERS bis announcement that it was the last other bone. Dr Loveland of Water-tow- Mrs Lida Wooster, who has been vis- profits, he should give. is attending her. iting her aunts in Woodbury, re- Miss Emma Smith has spent a few turned to Mrs last Tues- hVecelvee Deposits snbtert u sxmaxT xaoazi-- k days at Storrs college. Margaret's, Interest on eocoanta averaging Sa balance. day. heEiFwailitii' Rents Safe Boxes. illustrated, (tones MORRIS. Miss M. Lake is a severe Deposit beautifully good Ina having Mrs Charles Cook's fine driving Acta Fx ecu lor. Administrator. Ti lists sad article about Califoraia mad Ou attack of ear acfcfe. Dr Reynolds of horse is sick. or In u - - all tke Far is any Ptdnclary Oapaclty. : Wat. Woodbury attending her. Miss Bronson has returned to - 7r A FINK GRANGE MEETING. Miss Anna B. Lake has a telephone. Mary P. W. MABSH. President. ' CAHIKA CKA7T her home in Watertown. O RAN OK MERWIN. Vtea Pre sTa. - One of the of The supper by the ladies of Christ Miss en- A d etaci each mouth to the be pleasantest meetings Gertrude Reynolds has been IvUHKfT St Hen. church Miss Anna B. last . of the beat the Mountain County Pomona Grange at Lake's, tertaining a friend from Waterbury. reproduction $I.OO took in January 30, week, was well attended and about $14 Miss Nellie Hew Hera work al amateur and professional place Torrlngton, Flemming visited at her 'to a year a special meeting. S. E. Stockman, were taken in. home in South Britain, last week. Ioti photographers. lecturer, secured very fine helpers. , Charles Johnson and Robert Haw- The niddlesex ROAD Or A THO'SAWD WONDERS Dairying was the subject. The officers KENT. kins from Quaker's Farms were in Do Heal-e- y, Vou Want to In a book of 75 pages, coataiaing were installed by State Lecturer town. Saturday. Invest Co. nf vaa ft 120 colored photographs oi and Brothers Daniels and Pierpont A SOCIAL DANCE. Ned Heifern, aged 73, died at the Bridnrrt l. a. Banking O '4 In-- picturesque spots ia California '(o7 from the State Agricultural society home of Mr Colepaugh, Monday, Feb- to Cairo no fLVTTif1!1 MgM PJ Pr coot Orgaatsnd la iSTa. Sow la las SMn f A social dance will be given at Gibb's From Calais - ad Oregon. were present, giving fine addresses. ruary 4. A. Home on Trrma? A. boslneas, on the same aa Asvti hall, Kent, Friday evening, February theEasy Building being Total . . . 8. Music will be furnished by the hotel of prominence, no great railroad or borr?w a money lth which to aaaks and nnder the sspsrrlslospeof sat $3.25 DEATH OF ALEXANDER TUKKINOTON. purchase Clwrner Tlckrt. or bay Kxa-ml- a. Trna Dunbalde orchestra. The social com- MIDDLEBTJRY. a Uetter ofJJredtt or Foreign Draft? Or ge Bask BUM R. '. Is a Sarin ars Bank Rooks for Uto Htarntia of lass. Alexander of Stamford mittee consists of D. Templeton, station without supply. larmmsaM. SMS. All for Turkington- receiving Interest to date? If ao, call or write S oaat Dehew tares of $1.50 died, this week.- He was presi- R. D. Boyd, E. Waldron, F. R. per Address....all orders to past Barry, of HAPPENING HEREABOUTS. dent of one of the banks there. His Lane. The committee arrange- BURR & SUWSET MAGAZIVB father was a brother of Morris Turk- ments is made up of F. Smith, N. M. Miss Leona Griswold has been snend KNAPP, ington and is still living at the age of Watson, E. Chase, Walt Barker, M. ing a few days with Mrs W. M. Shep-ardson- . Bajiiim add Btottts, L. D. Sanford A Co., Flood Building Saa Francisco 93 Besides Gambon and F. Finn. in- TEL. 423. years. his father he leaves J. Tickets, Ml MAIN RKIR. Bias- ;- Brl a wife and two sisters, who have the cluding supper, will be $1. Mr and Mrs Heman Smalley of East BRinOKPOKT. OOWS. Mm'if ifapart. THE NEWTOWN BEE, FRIDAY. FEBRUARY 8 1907

TOWN TOPICS. TO CONSIDER THB FORMATION OP FEED1NQ THB BIROS. A LOCAL L SOCIETY. myroRic A TIMELY A DELIGHTFUL. ENTERTAINMENT. SUGGESTION. MKBTINQ TO BJS HELD AT TBI LIBRARY There is so after a D. BUILDING ON 7BBSUAB7 8. nothing enjoyable M. storm as The Read Co. MISS PLATT BBCBITKU WITH GRKAT the merry call of a chickadee HOWLAND'S A meeting to consider the formation I FAVOR. of a on or the "Thank Thank!" of the nut- IttabtUhed 1357. Historical society will be held hatch for the suet nailed rriaay, ireoruary 8, at tne .eeacn to the tree The popularity of Miss Agnes E. Memorial Library buildlnar. Newtown, trunk. Those who have regularly fed with local audiences was demon when Rev Samuel D. D., will be the birds are now a Flatt to Hart, com enjoying large 3STew strated again in the large and repre present make the address. A company of feathered friends, for the Skirts. filled mittee of the Men's club, consisting snow covers Walking sentative company which nearly of Rev J. H. George. Prof O. S. Piatt deep the weed patches and New styles are arriving every day. Among the first to were some the seats at the Town hall, Wednesday and E. L. Johnson, have the matter in blankets the tree trunks, those natur- and appear in face of zero and a invitation to the al of so our Black Panamas, trim looking jaunty. While there is no very marked night, and this the charge, or general feeding grounds many of change weather and hard traveling. Miss people tne town is extended. or winter birds. A little aid at this sea- in the fashions for Walking Skirts.these new ones have certain touches that distin- several years the question of . forming son Piatt's voice improves and she was an Historical socie tv nas oeen will brlDg a rich reward in garden guish them from the winter styles. The panel plaiting is different. There are vocal agitatea time. heard with great delight in her out no steps were taken. e matter If through your friendliness tailored tucks stitched flat, and numerous details in other that announce the chick-de- e ways A and to have suDDort of all citi of pre-eminen- tly and in the recitations ought the during the rigors winter, the numbers, zens who his- new garment. Panama is a sensible cloth and these skirts are bound guarantee impersonations. In the second part take an Interest in the can be coaxed to build near by you tory, of the town. The hour of the sure to please women in search of something neat, stylish, in and service- of the program she inadvertently meeting is 8 p. m. will be of helpful neighbors. The light weight broke in on her father and Miss Tay- amount of insects one pair will destroy able. Prices 5 6.00, $7.00 and $7.50. to lor, who had seated themselves at the TRINITY PARISH NOTES. during the nesting season is almost shoppers piano to respond to an encore, but beyond computation. A lump of suet this only amused the audience, and SUNDAY SERVICES. . tacked to a dooryard tree above the Nouveaute en Miss Piatt need have no regrets. At 11 a. mM Morning Prayer with reach of the family cat will afford food Rajah, In The Silk for the Season. mail. Master Gordon Gale appeared In a sermon by the rector; at 12 m., Sunday for many days and keep warmth Coming by recitation and acquitted himself finely. school; at 5 p. m., Evening Prayer; many an atom of bird life which oth- You know the Silks. How Miss Marguerite Beecher appeared in erwise would fail to gladden the spring Rajah distinctive,durable and exceedingly hand- two character recitations and sur- LKNTKN 8KB VICES. time.. Feed the birds by all means and some they are. These novelties have the same rough heavy weave, but the colors a . . a - TT teach the children to have a care for and are unlike we have ever 27 - . prised her audience by her excellent Ash Wednesday: At 10.30 a. m., patterns anything shown. inches, , - Jdere is wnat tne store says to every in- $1.50 yard. work, which would have done credit morning service and penetential office, God's creatures and they will grow person who buys here by mail: If a thing isn't right, the store to a person of mature age. bhe cer with sermon. to better men and women for the tainly has a future as an elocutionist. At 7.30 p. m., evening service with thought they have bestowed on Na- T?ov St Valentine's will make it right. Thei piano duets of Miss Taylor and sermon. The sermon Ash Wednesday ture's handiwork. Day. Prof Piatt were well received. The evening and other Wednesday even We have a splendid assortment of cards and novelties, do- SPECIAL BOROUQH MEETINGS things funny, pathe- mat is. wnat tne store tells toiKs when they buy in per programs used were generously ings of Lent will be on "Principles of tic and sentimental. If you are unable to visit the department we can send you a nated by The D. M. Read Oo. The Divine Worship," by Rev Mr Wright. HELD FRIDAY AND MONDAY EVENINGS. bunch of assorted cards, you" to us for the selection. son. That iq what it tells when use the R. F. D. as program was as follows: At 7.30 p. m., service in trusting you you Thursday; A special meeting of the Newtown 6 for 5 cts. 12 for 10 cts. PART FIRST. the Hawleyville chapel. Borough was held, Friday evening, at Piano Dnett. Overture "Tancreda." 3 and de buildlnar. Charles your messenger. Rossini. Miss Taylor and Mr Piatt Friday: At p. m., Litany the Brick Attorney r- ill ut?4l V . v.uv, votional in the Guild room. H. Northrop as warden of the borough tti-from --JSarrmnn and Delilah."vuj Salnt- - reading L. C. Morris exhibited dif- - presided. No or or if In- - Saens, Miss Piatt of hose and a committee dodging,' twisting, turning, you please. Speech. "Boys' Rights," Gordon dale The singing class will meet as usual ferent grades Monologue, "I and my father-in-law- ," was appointed, consisting of Levi D. M. stead back it isn't what it was Miss Piatt on Friday at 3 p. m. O. Morris, Cornelius B. Taylor and The READ Co. your money anything repre 5. Recitation, "Auntie Doleful." M&rfftiarite arnrvn ueecner William A. Leonard, to look up the sented to be. a l jOTHr h i nil i. adlod Kucaaui SANDY HOOK METHOOlSTCHURCH. matter and report at an adjourned Bridgeport, Conn. 6. Songs, j b A Resolve, Fontenallles meeting to be held on Monday night. Miss Ex-Senat- Piatt SUNDAY 8KRVICKS. A committee, consisting of Is thr-r- are about for the PAR'S SECOND. M. J. Houlihan, Dr F. J. Gale and anything you thinking house, or Reading, "As the Moon Rose," Phelps was to BONDS With individuals for Miss Piatt is Rev E. B. Patrick Gannon, appointed get PROBATE often unsafe and frequently un- Q. N. ? Piano Duett. ' Military March." Schubert It expected that figures on the cost of water from the to heirs. Don't ask a friend to go Clarke's Vegetable Liver Pills. for your own"wear, or for the children Mlii, and Mr will C. onsatisfactory for he would rather not. Tavlnr Piatt Knowles conduct services at the Water Co. Attorney H. Northrop, your bond, always Have a -- Four Indian Love Lyrics, Finden " C. It is our business to act as security on Pro- woa.srful rtpnUUai for curia g Bilious aaa Drapeptie From "The of Kama." Methodist church, next Sunday. Houlihan and F. Beards and all other kinds of bonds. Ailments. As a for a to bate U. TelephoneA remedy BiUonaaeoe. Coawtipatioa. Iaai us it. Your will - 1 The Temple Bells. ley were appointed committee go for information any evening. Fidelity estioa. Hsadaehe, Dizsioem, ad Write about letter be answered prompt- 8 Less than the Dust. to Hartford and appear before the Guaranty Co.. Charles a. Morris, Newtown etethey eta UariyalUe. Oaee 3 Kaabmtra Song The remains of Minott were Representative. tries. Always need. For sals by Drofgists. Free by mail. 4 Till I Wale. Sbarpe proper committee of tbe Legislature sample and with full information. ." it in the East on of lines. IV- - ly Try Miss Piatt ' interred Village cemetery, tbe extension tbe borough Q. CLARKE, - - - - Recitation, "John Splner's Shirt," Funeral Directors Prin-- voted Probate Notices. Nlchnlrnnn. Marguerite Kathryn Beecher Wednesday. The meeting, Monday night, Imnersonatlons. "Reflections after the dle & Morris met the funeral party at to buy ttOO feet of hose, accepted the OF REDDING, as. Probate Oourt Ball." Miss Piatt Botsford and them to Mon borough extension lines as arranged DISTRICT Julett Stock Sk. ten. ' Chafing Dish Tragedy," conveyed by tbe committee and authorized tbe Estate of Angellne Wilson, late of Redding, Farm, Miss Jessie Taylor Miss Mabel Taylor roe. Mr was years oio ana in said district, deceased. Mrs Morris Lawrence Taylor snarpe is committee to make a contract with The Oourt of Probate for the District of Grade and Tnoroorhbred Jersey Cattle. kept the White Beach house at Nian-ti- c. the Water Co. for use of the fire hy Reading, hath limited and allowed six Pedigreed Berkkhlre Swine. months from the date hereof for the creditors Prise Winning White WyandoUea. . OBITUARY." His wife and Miss Hattie Tyrrill drants. of said estate to exhibit their claims for set- re Those who to their V of New Haven accompanied the tlement. neglect present Mrs H. is in accounts, properly attested, within said time, UK A WILLIAM W. PKRKINB. mains to Monroe. A son, Frank Frank Mitchell visiting will be debarred a recovery. All persons in For Sale. debted to said estate art to make The JELowland Goods Sbarpe, and a daughter, Mrs Woodruff, Waterbury. immediate navment requested Good Estsy organ, price William W. Perkins, who was as - to Dry also survive him.- Rooert ti. n icnois. Aanuauiruur, with stof-L- . All la order. sistant superintendent at the Rubber At Selectman H. H. Peck's, Wednes Estate of Angellne Wilson, deceased. $o, good Redding Ridge, Oonn. W. L CMADBAYNB, factory during the superintendency of Misses Mamie, Annie and Margaret day morning, the thermometer showed - - BMW. Derby. Ooaa. Company, C. was the late D. Gateley, brought Carroll were the of their four below zero. TVISTRIOT OF NEWTOWN, as. Probate tu-- guests aunt, degrees 1907. ani a rarm. rul y stocked, good to Newtown for burial' in the New- Miss Marcella Kilbride.of Oourt. Jan 10th. 1UO. mUl tlDUd M. UnM Bridgeport, Connecticut. Sandy Hook, Ratnui rf Rnrnard Kilbride, late of New a-- w. ana. il HoUmvar eve. Ok town cemetery this (Thursday) after- over Sunday and Monday. Great values in felt and rubber town, in said District, deceased. Bridgeport. on 6 and boots and The Oourt ot rrooaie lor tne uukim v noon, the remains arriving the boots, Hood's lubbers, Newtown, hath limited and allowed alx Blacks mithing and Wagon Ke-- o'clock train. He is survived two Miss Kilbride of shoes at R. H. Beers & Co.'s. mmtJu from the data hereof for the Creditors Gasoline and by Katharine Bridge of said estate to exhibit their claims for set- Engines, Cutters es painng. sons, Frank and George Perkins, who port passed Sunday at her home in tlement. Those who aeglect to present their Wood Sawing-Machin- I hereby give notice I have corsets accounts, attesteo. witnin saia time, old in that bought back accompanied the remains to Newtown Sandy Hook. Royal Worcester please par lll ha dhA.rradproperlya recovery. All oersons in and all kinds tny stand Middle Umte a ttncv. and uut of Farm flactitaery. I am ready to do buaineus and wonJo be pleas- with Curtis P. and John H. ticular ladies. The style and fit is al debted to said estate are requested to make ed o, see all my old Gately immediate to Seen before you buy or let as Fira patrons and tbe general Clark. The bearers were Levi John F. Kilbride of Passaic, N. J., ways correct. At Taylor, Curtis & payment mrs f. on - public class work gnamntoea. at Mrs pall BUT I3yea quote y prices- - O V. uuNO SIR, Piano Tuning. Carrie Simpson, C. Morris, C. B. Taylor, Ezra J. Hall, passed Sunday with Sandy Hook Co's. Administratrix with the will annexed. Twleoone Ho. M-- Pfimfrwit. Ooae. Has A. Grass, well known piano tuner of First Class Dressmaker, of Stein & William E. Ackley, Edward friends. OF NEWTOWNs. Probate Oourt T. E,. PLATT & SON, Earsai .ikbed miaia. Bridgeport, Oonn.. formerly way ; Hawlsyvillb. Oonn. Taylor now on robes and DISTRICT 1907. - Sons, Mfr.. N. Y., and successor of late Fred V"' and T. Mr Per Extra values just Dim on. of Newtown. Phone 53-- 4. Newtown, Cobb. Beyer, will be pleased to attend to your Piano Latest Style Gowns made for Ladies and Arthur Nettleton. Van of & Katate of Phllo late Orders may be left at Mr Charles S. Misses. Perfect fit guaranteed. kins was a deacon in Newtown Hayes Bridgeport passed horse blankets at Taylor, Curtis In said district, deceased. - R. & Tuning. In the Tbe Court or pro Date ror tne district oi nw- Hatch Sons, Piatt's, Newtown. Will be Newtown every Sunday and Monday at his home in Co's. hath-limi- month. Bridgeport address 438 West avenue. Newtown Congregational church for many years town and allowed six months Carriage rianufactu rers, C B. Oonn. Sandy Hook. IIUUI uasktJ uui . CORSETS. New JOHNSON, and was a man greatly beloved. He There is more Catarrh in this section of the estate te exhibit their claims for settlement. wnv sntrer wttn noken ateeisT a mdmAt Fairfield. Oona. than all other diseases Those who to their accounts. for foond Our Motto: Th, Best Material aad tne Beet Deputy Sheriff, Auctioneer, died a sanitarium in country put together, w I T neglectr. . TM1 present 111 1. such, eiso braces, pads supporters Public. at Greenwich, Mrs John Hurley of Gas street, who and untU the last few years was supposed to V Tx V . BILnin HI III Will as workauanahlp. Real Estate Notice. Notary about 80 be lncur&Dle. V'3r a greas many years uoc-u- ni .KurmH rAmmrr. All neraons Indebted to 23--3 aged years. has been ill. Is im nre- MacMahon-Snowde- n 10 Telephone seriously slightly nmnmoMd It a local disease and - said estate are requested to make Immediate Mrs Helen I have farms for sale; all sizes and prices x - local and fall to If yon want a farm or country home, or if yon proved. scrlbed remedies, by constantly payment Room A 1119 Broad at Ooaa I have a farm to sell, write me. acreage, ST JOHN'S CHURCH. ing to cure wltn local treatment, prononncea Bridgeport. Will condition of alsostatinglowest Wanted To Buy , it Incurable. Science has proven catarrh to ThePay meriret toe general same, price. Oows or A theater be a const! i utlonal disease and therefore re OF NEWTOWN, as. L4ve atcnesi prtr If you want a factory or elevator site, a fac- Fat Cattle, cheap Bulls. Calves. large party, numbering s DISTRICT 81. 1907. Stock. Oowa. Oum, cucra, hlc.k- - with power, or to or sell real estate I. BERMAN, LENTEN SKRV1CKS. 100 will quires constitutional treatment. Uail Cattle For Sale. eoa. etc. Will reoeiv Tnenday at Weanm-tu- n tory buy 1224 probably people, go to Bridge uatarrn uure, manufactured uv r. unc Estate or Grand ison u. i rarmeiee, taie oi Fresh Oows a ftoaelaJtv. of kind address PH1NEAS E. CLARK, North Oonn. .t-rl-c Depot; Wndnewlay a Tktn-d- y any Avenue, Bridgeport, to-nig- ht & OoH Is rjAwcstwn In .Aid i t. dacauMl. aoabnryi New Milford. Oonn. Tel. 818-- 2. 10 45 a. New- T ledo, O., the only constitutional Wo kins oxen and strvra for aaie. Bdi. aJl at.lltcaSnul. Ash Wednesday, in church, port (Friday), leaving cure on the market. It is token internally The oourt oi irooaie Ior vne umnci or trade any day but Sunday. town at 6.40 p. m., to witness a per in doses from 10 drops to a teaapoonful. It ! limited and allowed alx W. & BLAKEMAltf. BeUUeoaat. 170& SENT The premises of the late M. S m.; other Wednesdays, in church, 3.30 on blood and mucous sur- monthsN..mnfrom date hereof, for tbe creditors of Frask East Morris. Ct. JT of and acts directly the Turkiagtoa. SAX-- Otis, consisting house, barn three FOR SALE. p. m.; in tne Glen, 7.00 p. formance of Dockstader minstrels. faces of the system They offer one hundred said estate to exhibit their claims for settle IXR E CprUht Grand Piano, awe acres of land about five minutes n- Xhursaays, ' situated One good driving horse, ftlnd and en-e- on re dollars for any case it falls to cure. Bend for ment. Those who neglect to present meir ac X btnOrr. lnwlanly n fen Una. Not walk from Newtown street and station. I 7.00 will leave the feenou-feica- M In- tie for lady to drive. and m.'; Tuesdays, Berkshire, p. m.; They Bridgeport circulars and testimonials counts, properly attested within saia ume, marred or aolind. snake, House well built and In prime condition. Horseshoeing In Alexander Noe, runciaone-aa- if O. B. Oonn. eral Blacksmlthing. in 7.30 m. turn trip at 11.30. The gentlemen Address: F. J. CHENEY & OO, Toledo, O. will he debarred a recovery. All persons and lone. aU oont. Par quire of Taylor.'Newtown, Fridays, church, p. Sold by Druggists, 75. debted to said estate are requested U make Dentist caah only mhM. jUmn of child cum mt eell the consist of Dr W. Veterinary Groat Of-So- n PETER H. LYNCH, The services at promoting party Take Ball's Family Pills for Constipation. Immediate payment to Aasowia. Oosa la Bargain. Address Piano. Mas Tuesday evening H. Kiernan, H. H. Curtis and C. F. Burr Hawley.. Executor Mall Long Hill, Conn. Berkshire will be held in William Q. orders promptly attended to. Beardsley. TiISTRIOT OF WASHINGTON, as Probate Hard's house. The Thursday evening Oourt, Feb. 8d. 107. services Glen will be held in J. UEstate of John A. ttwanaoo of Wuilirton. Ellsworth Fenn, Fall at the The Newtown friends of Addison For Sale. aa Insane person. Notice. applicationPainting.for all work, either inside or out- M. Blackman's house. was said district, aad Incapable Coatmctor aad Builder, reasonable J"SS. Allen of Brooklyn (who taken ill Upon the application of Osoar Swaasoa. Wasaiaosoa Ooiti. IIenters and side, at prices. Paperhanglng a 14 fine SLEIGHS at the conservator of said John A Swaaaoa, prmy Depot. Trappera. specialty; all work guaranteed, whether done Rev with typhoid fever at Atlantic City), ln be be to sell ail Estimates Obeerfaliy Farnlabed. wltl kin by the or by contract. Wall at At the Friday evening services that empowered umu f mi lime aurlnl ml tt onne day own Papers of will be pleased to learn that he is re Keeler St. Mtata belonrln to said John A. Sweaion. Fos. Mink, truer. Kkaak. bnooooa aM fee Famous Draft Le Plow, The new- - nearly your figures. J. H. George will preach a series Staples, Danbury. per application oa file more fully appears. It arop me a t Easy -Roy " I pomej. est and beat plow made. CRAFT & LYON, . sermons. covering. Write for Prices is Sell Farms . aif. habajwg. . v Ot. particulars. Ordered. That said application be beard and R-- P. O. K& 17. Booa. Painters, Stepney, m determined at tbe Probateomor la Washington And all kinds of real aetata. Give Sandy Ouu.' reasonable. In on t 16in u. me a description of you r farm or place and .has been Ladies' black petticoats, best qual said district, be day February, a. 1 m nr HALE--A new Fa The marriage engagement 1907. at o'clock In the afternoon, aad that toe terms and do Ue rest, rite call and pOR W. B. Glover, Newtown, Ct. Never Horse 98o to $2.49, at French's, Bethel. R HALE fresh cow and one of said re me. I can do yon good. JACOB BLOCK. X power buoka Slip Shoes made public of H. G. Warner, of the ity, T70E One springer. notice be given of the pendency appli Middle Gate Ens- - Route 1A Kewtown. Oonn. edoneiklda. VVtUeaaU Alt sizes. We can fit horse Richard Rapp, Newtown. Oonn. cation and time and place of hearing A. your firm of Taylor, Curtis & Co., and Miss the same one Ume In TnLSfr-l- Park. Trmmboil. Oonn. B SALE A well eoalDoed newsnaoer at short notice. Big stock of other horse ' Mrs 111 OST A bnnch of brushes Return to thereon, by publishing said receBvrr a, smau pa-- shoes ready to put on your horses' feet. N. of Mrs Emily Hirst ist quite at the T paint some newspaper having a UrcaiaUoa la a NTTOCK fat PAID tXJld. KSTATE I yiitub, daw lor uaiiy Mary Hawley, daughter Mrs w A. Leonard. Newtown. Ot. raKMITUkK tnail and eoid. fASH i ooy, can ne for Wagon repairing of all kinds. borne of Mr and Mrs R-- Wilson u uistnca. V K Ou J Bait, rant ss&AUMiss ofper; oougnt only g5uocash. Ohange Power Horse Clipping Work done In quick Julia Hawley of Berkshire. The many George Hainan O. AverilL O. Tucker. ion. Ot P. Address ota tn iw suassereourkLptupwir occupation 'compels disposal of plant. Is order. In Otrl for general housework by Judge. R. D. a. BUL Ot noa rnra well situated for newspaper or job printing. friends of the young have been Taunton. WANTRD 1. M. Bacon. Kent. Ot. telraS IMOl ra.rt.SjW SMMH: Search Light Publishing Oo., Milford. Oonn. Second hand wagons for sale. people TtlSTKIOT - OF SHERMAN, as. Probate TTOU8KKKEPKK8 raoonawM! 8Uwell as eryboay onalrtng u yurntmi or bun FRED KLEIN, Stepney, Ot. showering them with congratulations. Nine were sessions of AND BUFF for Court, Jan. 3Ui. A. U. 1907. . XX lb tmt BUver Polkaa. Try It. m pmi m. u. st present at the QPANOLED Orpington Eggs U Wood IB. Todd. Itn4 U ala street. Broat. 4 Grand A good, sober. Industrious man "DAVE YOU AN OLD COLONIAL OLOOK O setting, h ock irona tne originators. Estate of Emmtt lata of Bndroporl. St, Uanhnry. WANTED the man. la said deceased. aw. WASTED-Experie-nce my farm on shares, with stock AA or Grandfather Clock that needs repairing Miss Bessie Beers sis High school, Tuesday. for IS. M. Bacon, Kent, Oonn.. district, OPERATORS ED srood for aala sawwd and and tools. The farm consists of & 0 acres, with is visiting her The administrator bavins exDlDiteo nia.eo GIRL Permanent MIX 7 spilt ready so It will run accurately? If so I am prepared RALE A account with said estate to this employment. aay aaova. M par oord. OwJrwred. three dwelling houses and five barns, all In to serve ter Walnut Mass. noR nice Ohester White Boar fit ministration Fabric Kirs Hues Oo bandy Book. Oona. W. I want jpu. I refer you, By permission, to at Hill, Natick, service. M. Oourt for allowance. It is , Mi Pack, ktnvtt. repair. good references, John" Allison P. Smith. Kdltor of for Miss Pendeii' school held no for K Brotherton, Redding Oonn - The Bkb, private f Oono.' Ordered, That the tan amy or o iw. rd Washington Depot. whom I restored to its old time efficiency a Center, 2 Probate IJOR 8ALJS A farm of in acres of U.4U owing to the blizzard. at o'clock in the afternoon, authe Have rVaan-lafft-oa, fine old Colonial clock. E. E. Meeker, New Judge William J. Beecher has been sessions.Tuesday, To James Oourt In Sherman, be. and tbe same Is as- Opened tbe atstonc and tmaaUfal towa of "DOR BENT The house, barn and well kept Preston, Oonn. WANTED buy apples. Lynch. on of A harness t Oona. Oa tbe main road. IS dImmi X grounds occuDled S. N. Daniels and confined to the" house for a few Oonn. signed for a hearing the allowance shoo at my drirefM dime from Lenta Ww by New- days, said administration account with said noose, formerly tne Fernbam plaoe. and am depot, sua hps family the past s'x years, located on the Washings to do at my home. dlrects-th- e smaos and tne of Jinw ; K F. town one mile south of Newtown WANTED Oonn. Buffering with rheumatism. Miss May Lynch of Botsford hill has A single man to work on a farm Hiuts. and this Oourt Adtnlnlstra vrepared to do Utrans Making and riiaff I'leuu turnpike Mahoney, Botsford, WANTED L. of kinds In 1. enrvtceand teiruboH: bonw Mvr village and ten minutes drive from the rail- Mrs Edwin Hook. E. M. Peck, ftiewtowi Ot. tor to cite all peraou loteresiea utereio all the brat workmanship I lm visited 18-- year. to said time and nlace. by naolian hnner. m. n uo uuc wiui wi,H pilnrMl road .station. A good garden with small KINDS of Stock For Sale. R. F. D. Dmrt IS. niacin ffti. in ALL Nursery William C. Hi lng tbis order in some newspaper naving a Rout Steoney Depot. Oin. tor-to-n nnaa fruits. Banning spring water the house. trees, 10c each ; plums, 35c ; apple board, the genial gen 1 ob on as faired or a aara a N.w Cr Mt alio: curt a Oao. be leased for a year or term of years. trees. 15c; 25c; vines. cur- Martin Kelly of Zoar is on tbe sick TTTANTED farm man, circulation istricv. Mock. Tnls rarm ts skxi y nns.imv (and tn Possession 1, 1907. pears, grape 5c; tleman who represents the Kibbe con Tf w Ul take a farm on shares. SlOUS given about April E. L. rant bushes, 5c, 50c per doz. ; strawberry list. furred. Geo. care E. farmlDgprL. Randall. rood noart and mil MUpwl to ttrtnooa. Johnson, Newtown, Ot. plants, 50c per hundred. $4 per M.; Black- fectionery company in Eastern New Boyack,Oonn. wortk of vom and evwrytntna la nio. I otoapa. and $2 hundred. Washington Depot, H boon rram Mew Vara via Li let, '4 berry raspberry plants. per N. U. U.Our,L. t. Orders booked and shipped in the Spring as York state and Western Connecticut, Ran 8 SAXiE. Branca Y, A. U. An tdm sunos soon as Last week Wednesday night TOR SALE One brown mare. years old. FOR for a swaUemaa to summer, or as an FOR SALE. . the weather will permit. is suffering from an attack of acute A 1100 lbs. ilOO; 1 black 'horse 10 years old. city as nouns M. L HUNERFORD. Williams of Brookfield and Har- 1 10 Fall stock of Dry Good. Groceries. reeelns srater ttoth and 158-- JR., dolph lino 1195: black horse years old. weight and one-na- if 4, onen. . Telepone New Milford, Oonn. and has been confined to 1 10 Engines O rain of all Give as a call. barn. Price aw, baianoe oaa SALE Roan horse, good roader, not indigestion, old Botsford of Palestine were guests 1000, black coo, years old, weight low kind. remain oa mortjrare at k per oneW 1. M. Ott-to-r. FIR of autos. steam or also COK SALE One of Mason & Hamlin's best his rooms at W. A. Leonard's for a (SO; l new tnree spring top Doara wagon, sou 11 Mala Bu. Water Oona. trolley cars; of Carlton S. Smith. 1 onen milk wason. sou: I ton ouggy. arc: Boilers. Lat bury, top carriage, harness, to be, blanket, and X organs, with stops and swells. Good as 382 B. & Co.. $155. Oog--r, few days. runabout. S40. G. A. Barhlte, Warren Silo en traction Hawley Stepney. whip; price Inquire of Mrsi Harry new. Address Z, Bee offise, Newtown, Oonn. glnea, 1 P. O. Ot.. or L. s. Pat- St., Bridgeport. Oonn. road general engines Good Farm of 1 IS Building, Newtown, Mrs Frank Bates and son, Claude, ginea. puriiee FOR SALE. locw-ka- 4 terson, No. 4 W Infield Street, East Norwalk, IfOR SALE A good farm horse 1200 and boilers, portable and stationary, simple T7OR BALK Dtck stalk saitabie for Oonn. - weighing Richard Rapp filled the ice house of who have been a week with ana comoouna: lor contractors, farmers ana a nower morn.carr iMevsnsoa Depot tad Post OfBoa. Iarwe lbs. Will work single or double; suitable spending For Salr. all sizes six oDhorM on Its a barsala. U bnlidincs tn arat cnaa for any woman or child to drive. of Charles last week. 1 1 1 it V, 1A general power users; borsepowrr William B. Glover. Newtown. Oonn. 1- Inquire Hawley, Mr Mrs Charles L. Briscoe .Mar nf ernU fm.IL "EOR SALE- - One 4 -2 65 and in 1l ..aba ..t and threshing on tuts all sixes and all sup ooediuon. land dl vtoed, never - : horse power gasoline James Delohery Main St., Dan bury, Oonn, up; 1 young heifers, young cows due to freshen la oes ausiui mar-Edwar- failles water ee ppi y. Mear onnrob e nd srsi ml, Engine; power steam boiler and Taunton, returned to their home in plies; positively toe nign graae Poultry, Will pay btrbeet Ul msU engine amounted; one light cutter sleigh; 3 WANTED A married man to assist on Mrs John Keane of Dayton street is reoruary. machinery Dniiv. we want you to see WANTED G. H. Btepuf, Ot, mock and tools wits Maae If OnsLred, sets heavy bob sleighs. J. D. DUon. R. P. D. Tenement house. Must be a good - Danbury, Wednesday. F. J. H OS FORD, New Preston. Ot. machines now In stock, herein Danbury ror MTucaimn emu an uraarm trearwe n. No. a. Oonn. milker and teamster. Box 31, on tne sick list, suffering with rneu- dy for Immediate delivery. Get our cata DIHHT (1VPH outdoor brooders for Bauuk,surai Bridgeport, Washington TITO K MS IN CHILDREN Cured by 8an T Depot, Oonn. VY tln-e- a. logues. El sale. Style A, chlcaa Used wld-V- Y matism. D. N. the hardware man of By mail. 25c S. W. Smith & Oo., capacity S3 . i ANTED A houseVeeper for oup; a Clark, 1. Co only three months. Price each, cost 112. ower. Address Wakeman, Box lOl.South-por- t, TTTANTEn 1000 cords of cord wood. Nauga- - for the Prairie Ansonla. Conn. J. Case Threshing flachloe Uavlag Pout a not water oroooer nous I Oonn. iuck ice uo., a Shelton,is headquarters Ooe. O. will not need them. W. U. Dana. rambail. I costs to n vaiiey Briageport, ct. Peter Lillis has taken position in A Samuel A. a wr Bert S"WRaymond.J IkJ Agenta, you try incubators and and TjOR SALE good sleigh. Inquire of 8. E. 11 o ti 1u V nothing A State brooders, & J I U I t ..til. Oonn. TTANTED good all around reliable man T7AKM WANTED To rent or take on shares the reclaiming plant at Sandy Hook. saniora. uo., newtown, oonn. Phone 83-- 4 or 64-- 3. It to work on farm Fair wages, ard a good A by an A merlcan. Can glve&ood reference 'there are no better made on the mar- Rldgefield. WilliamsLax0 ti veTea ft R. W. Box of Wood Tne great blood and nerve tonic, tne fuar-aate- ed borne. Apply to Frank L. Orisnold, F. D. Address H., Lock 75, Waterbury, Ot. are of no Acres Land aiaor-de- rs Conn. . ket. If you thinking purchasing (TOR SALE Two high grade care for and all 3, Bridgeport, Miss Katharine Klllbrlde fcM. Atypewriters In Oonsupatioa kid- TJOR SALE 3 cows at a bargain. two new passed one write him for prices before doing Meetings of tbe Board of Relief. nearly new. A good one better one for sale, Oaa be bought Its entirety, or ta of the etomncn. biooa. liver and H inilchers. R. D. Northrop. Newtown, Ct. Monday and Tuesday in f3S Irving S. Holmes, Rldgeheld, Oonn. separate tracta. K. X. Johanon. Mewtowa, neys. Write for free aamule of this beaJUt Bridgeport. so. BOARD OF RELIEF of Town of Oonn. givtnc medicine o day. Pall sins SALE OR RENT Farm 24 acres. THE the TTIRAM K. 80OTT.JR- - Real Estate A rent. Sic. pc4ar of good A will meet on IBEW.F.WILUAlliOU.t. Farm For Sale. FOR Newtown Friday, February 11 iotarv fnoiic ana Auctioneer. Brtoc-epor- land well divided. Kood fruit. Arthur J. has been 1. and on Satnr Jav. February 0. from 10 a. m. Stable Livery,Renos Depv. Oonn. running water In house and out doors, located Gallagher passing At a hearing held at New Milford, to 3 m.. Brick for Sale and Boarding Omce and TV1R HALE--A tract of land adjnlnlas tne of 54 acres, more or located H. p at tbe building, the pur ltorv. Main Street Rldgefleld, Oonn. omce X of f-c- la Sontn Oen-- Consisting rn less, in aston near reservoir, near church and the week in 46-- 3. homestead Jobe Hoyt la the south-weste- of the town of hoolbouse. on mail route. 8 miles from Danbury. Monday, before Hon Frank B. Munn pose oi neanng appeals Tel. tuost is ncraa. a. knownpart as John Flnnell. Patrick Ready, Albert W ter district, containtac on toetrer. Brookfield, formerly the Oalvin BrldeeDort. For Darticulars call or address of Winsted, Referee in Bankruptcy Falrchild. Board of Relief good building lot fronting toe highway.- I,XK SALE RegnBred Dnm dee Ward farm, now belonging to the estate of MrsS. Wheeler, 528 Warren St., Brldgeport,Ot. Martin Talty returned to his work, Newtown. is. inn. wltn rural tree aeuvery. n. i. jonnson. new- anmmnr. George W. Sortnron, Bom Sarah E. Hoyi. deceased ; for further particu- Co. for Litchfield County, for the appoint jt .January ENTERPRISE Yards loss, Oona. U. hewtown Oona--. Roots la. lars, apply to Charles W. Skiff, UOB SALE A Monday, in the Fabric Fire Hose es- Poultry administrator, good driving horse, a on VTOTIOE The Board of Relief of the town of two-stor-y tea-roo- m 1 Room 10, P. O. Oonn. aoouc iu ment of trustee the bankrupt LX)K SALE A good L. a good Building, Danbury, oia, weignt H.ina ana gentle. after an illness of 10 days. X Washington will be in session from 10 RlDBtrltLD, COM. L dwllltiff houna. rood barn and twelve acraa WANTED By April strongra Aaaress jonn m. vora, at ttorace Alien's, tate of The Frank E. Rowe Co., a ma m. to a p. m . at tne town omce in light work oa a vtUage mew on wasDington28tn of land adolnlng. Near Hawlryvtlle. la rood home and wagaa. W. O. Oornlng. minora, jonn. of the claims proved made Depot February 1st. 8th and 15th. and Black Orpingtons, Taunton district. K. Lt. Jobason. Sewiowa. oteaaie w. FOR SALE. 1 Horatio N. Lattin is having great jority to revise and correct tbe Orand List for the IkNUL T7AKMKK3. A XX K NX ION will buy your choice of A Charles H. North town of as laid October 1st, 1908. S. C. White A A lowis ana cniCKens alive at, tne Dest mar- success with In his ttorney Washington . Leghorns SAL.K Six hives of been. Jacob general purpose horse, weight poultry. January Dated at Washington, Oonn 18th A one wlU honey t about 1100 lbs. ket price and pay cash. Send postal to J. W rop of Newtown, the Ref 1907. H E. Geo. JanuaryR. W Eggs for Hatching Guaranteed Fertile. TANTED good uuuwr; who Block. R. F. 0. 1A Newtown, 10 iiocust Avenue, ut. hens laid 320 dozen of eggs. whereupon Bradley, H. Wheaton, IT be able to b on the loO Monday Edwards S. Beardsley, Stepney, Oonn. tloyt, uauDui;, eree appointed him under bonds of Bacon, Board of Relief. ROBERT P. CUSHMAN. Agent. Inga, Good wagre to the right part v. Apply Telephone Call 1437-1- 2, WAMTEU ACout April 1, Dy slnele man XTOTIOE an order from In uerson or letter to the 11. N Bean Oo.. TV as foreman of farm. Box 48. Miss Delia Keane of Glen on $2000. It is generally understood that Pursuant to the Prairie State Incubators and Brooders. Dor Hone Avenue and bbelton. position T., the is - i.1 Oourt of Probate for tbe District of Wash Waa. Cook A Sons' Poultrv Powders. uoon. Bridge street, TJOR SALE 1 black mare 7 years old. weieht Washington. Conn. the sick list. it is a bad failure, the liabili tie- lngton, I will sell at Public Auction. February Davis Food and Water Fountains For Sale. X lew; sound and kind: about to foal: must 10 2 15. 1907. all the Dersonal estate belonging to ex- - 37 boreca from Sxi" to lSfls sold. to O. 534 , ffOR SALE good cows, all milking, due amounting to over $15,000 and the as DOK 8ALK A light sleigh. or would weighing poande be Apply Ricard, Howard Ave - to fres'-e- in May, 3 In 2 in August, 2 the estate of Peter Johnson, late of Washing r change for light WM or sauare box aielgh. each and coming from atb to faou. Toner liana . Bridgeport, Conn. 1 - July, The Council of Univer- sets in about $3000. ton, deceased, as follows: Household rurni H. are nil rage tar work and be need la in October, in March.- These cows are young English the sight The Ret bed-roo- m 1 O. Everett. Eutoo. Cu at ou aay will be mon- tnre, consis lng of 2 suite and Iron barn mm. Tne Inrlua. nevnral bona tAatarn "fJOR SALE A No. 1 Scotch Oollie dog, good and all right and sold worth the of have notified Ross eree 18, at 11.15 a. Bedstead with Room Stove.1 Brook Farm Ai- - A cow ey. Also 1 brown mare, 800 to 1000 pounds, sity Pennsylvania appointed February Beddlrg.l Sitting Sunny tKKIr Send lOc aad get aa extra .ale for elderly people to dnve aay wnnre. dog; will sell cheap if sold at once. 2 sur- New Cook Hlota with furniture. Xalilea.Ohairs and 1ANSY of tbe best mixed axed O K. S pairs or neavy ooba In No. condition at Martin uorman. Ot good driver and afraid of nothing; good Jewell that they have accepted the m., at Milford to examine the af 1 Two-hor- se Conn. I Julett stock Farm, Bethel, 1 Crockery, Tread Power, mounted Branchvllle, R r . D. No. Ct- - acn. Edgar T. Andrews, M .un otreev. reys, square box wagon; also several tons of on 1 I Milk Buckboard. Osboroa, la,etpney Depot, -- reason am work done by him in Yale for the fairs of the defunct corporation. truck. Power Cutter. Bethel. Telephone, TJOR SALE l wo ox cart wheels, nearly new fine hay; for selling to give up past 1 Swivel Plow. 1 Cultivator. 2 Barrels of Older G. D. Whits, Prop. Jos. P. Mcrtaor. Mgr. Barred Ruck - and-I- V' n i i- - E. J. Miller. Center. Ot as courses iOKSALR Plymouth e good condition. John Rnd farming. Redding two years completing the and other articles two numerous to mention Pure Blooded White and college stock. Oharies H. War- LOST A small open-rar- gold watch field Woods. Fairfield, Oonn K. JJ. NO. 6. Sale to take nlace at the residence of A. O. TI Wyandettes ner. Cu Pateatloe and Monroe Oen ter. Jan-na-ry SALE CHEAP Poor work horses and for the degree of doctor of Mrs William H. who has 10 Wasliington Depot, SO. IT FOR y. required Thicket, tus on Church Hill. Sale to commence at Comb White Reward Mc-- SALE Pair brown mares. 8400. blocks. mules. Inquire from George A. Beat-t- a. m. Single Leghorns, LXK 8AI.E new milch Mrs HI interned to (reorge A? the best farm team in Fairfield county; New England Quartz Co.. Roxbury Fails, philosophy. Mr Jewell will have to been spending a few days the guest of Dustln and Watervllle strains. t con. Aruw, uaa. one Oonn 73-- Gustaf P. Oar'son. Administrator. Harlow. Newtown. Oonn. Uattertowa dia. nKn, aJho some driving horses: brown horse. Tel. rew Milford. submit a thesis showing original work Mrs H. C. Johnson of L. I Oliver W. Auctioneer. POK 8 AUE A milch regta-- 1100. every way; also 1 platform truck Astoria, Marcy, 1907. for LMR SAL- E- 1 net of Devon cow. right 3000 Washington, Oonn., 2, Eggs Hatching. - light alelglrx. bob sleds iwvd eaUnn. suitable to carry milk, will carry lbs; To buy or lease land containing and he will probably edit an Eliza returned home on February 1 1 t dleu-ic- . Thanu One rubber tire most new. WANTED of silica in Thursday. with abafu. open busliram un, light Walter's Farme Sandy Book. Ou cheap. top buggy, : large quantities, bethan driving harness, all tn good ArUat O B. Weed.JLong Hill, Oonn. P. O. Route close to railroad and near our mill. New Eng- play. Hall. 34 North repair TOR JB A L.E rroowt y tn Fairs n a. Ot. land Quartz Oo, Roxbury Falls, Oonn. Tel. You bave to be Oonn. Washington An, Krldgeport, one 3, Bridgeport. 73-3- , New don't 'finicky' if a CTBMWioc w avauiu corn on Milford, Oonn. baLdlng Iota adtatalngon Ra 8ALE 100 bushels yellow flint Miss Margaret Hayes of Bridgeport you your canned goods at the Mor To 1 VOH SA L.K S of brok-- A- poR s- - BUY Good hlte one get he Farmer. pairs steers trolley linn. For Itninr pnnsoulnre to tne earataac per ousnei. u. jr. Beard WILL silica from any on sick list. and en to work) ooe pair HolMrtn. two Lake. P. O. Box atA aplyOt-- f Newtown, Ot. to deliver same to our mill. In- is at home the ris grocery. Always the best irarota. Ulti. pair HntO. Mnovt. ley, quire New England Qaartz Co., Roxbury canned corn is nice. G. W. Coggswsll acts as tas farmer's assat. If they Oona. R. F.tienryD. x etony Danlrary, One native oxen 8 J) uonn. purest. That 8ALE CHEAP pair alls. Poul- hare aay Eggs, Applse, or aay farm proauee aad Rose Comb old. W. J Sherwood, Westport, Ot. The International Stock and Poultry, nOOD PIANO FOR A Ut-Pri- vate Reds, FR TO MT PLACE A large black wast to gst the highest cash pries aad quick rsturas saad It to will aacrloos perta.i CAME white and brown marks. Owner candog try food is praised by stockmen and The thermometer two de me. Also Real J reliable make Bnticlit aiork from tret prlea rack, MaOlnne So, It. - registered dsalsr la Estate. tor oataocw aue on lease, it taia week. 1 srsx. 3-- oougbt wianinga. iwn: oocaerei v ear-ol- d Holstelns, broken to plow, large hav- same by proving property and paying raisers below zero B.asy to Oona 41 to aV r -- poultry everywhere. Taylor, grees at J. Botsford Fair payments rwponeltMe si; onlckan naacnnd to ta par and W. J. fcttierwoou, westporb it. charges. Theo. Hemlngson, Roxbury Station, ELIZABETH aentiai. naaress "oacrtaoe pan.Plana, Jokar F. Vine Haven srowthy.73--2. Curtis & Co. sell it. Conn. Angevtna, Farm, lnw Tel. ' Conn. child's, Tuesday morning. G. W. COGGSWCLL, STREET, Derby, Nswrowa Bit, Newtown, Oona. j 10 THE NEWTOWN , BEE. FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 8 , 1907.

ent white intellectual and conceited superiority? It would seem as if more would recognize tnat tne servant, tue slave, is a true yofee fellow, heart to heart in sympatny witn mm, wuu took on Himself the form of a servant Most know thai if have and came not to be ministered unto, people they but to minister. In that day wnen been sick they need Scott' Emtit-si- n the first shall be last, which will brain or to back health and strength. INCOrlPORATCO 1 weigh more, heart, egotismor bring or humility, the masterful spirit OUTFITTERS TO MEN WOMEN X. CHILDREN resignation, prejudice or naeusyr iuo about' BRIDGEPORT. CONN. n, But the Anglo-Saxo- Robin found, has many strongest point Scott r lessons, useful, salutary, and of eter is don't have to be nal imDort. inat ne nas vet raiieu uo Emttfoion that, you learn of his brethren of different hue. sick to .get results from it. The Mountain White, breathing the free air of his higher levels, may nave stagnated in . the onward march of It keeps up the athlete's strength, puts fat civilization, but he has at least, hav on thin makes fretful to $5.00 ing escaped the norrioie Duraen or Do people, a baby happy, $3 50 ing able to maae a DiacK race uo uis brings color to & cheeks, and pre- February work, not acquired tne aevmsn preju pale girl's dice, which sees in a dark 8kin tne vents coughs, colds and consumption.. brand or Canaan. An nis tnirsii ior Trousers Suits knowledge, be has not felt degraded to mad Boys' compete with the negro in the race. Food in concentrated form for sick What ClOUd SO DiaCK as prejuuiuei - of of the season's best trousers $3.48. What a handicaDl What a cnrsel How well, young and old, rich and poor. Hundreds pairs it blinds to reality and turns truth it are in the remarkable selline which precedes 1 was a halt-year- self into mockery Slavery not And it contains no drugs and no alcohoL This is our regular ly sale, involving We've a great collection of worse blight on the soutn tnan tne business and dress race prejudice which it has entailed. ALL. AND 8M.OO. our regular lines of our best work, strong, handsome suits for India's caste system grew out of the ORUQOISTSi BOo. trousers. As usual it is rich in values and a variety same root, the color line, but this is boys from 7 to 16, left from too enlignteneo a nay ior tne oouiq do of patterns only possible in stocks so great as ours. build wnat inaia nas oeen mrceu oo You can now our best work trousers at $1.90 variousOlines that have . been partially destroy, and there is hope buy that the South's new industrial move- But mourn we for these motes? The i bodle AN INTERESTING INTERVIEW. to 5S.00. suit, .life suits blown - $)S0 Every ment, with the fresh outside Far out to sea by wild and raging stormsT There is wide choice of 'our finest business trou- to be attracted by it, will eventually Do we lament because Qod claims His own must take leave before we dominate and expel the ghost of slav- And sends the mortal back to feed the worms? CONSIGNMENT SALE. of race hatred. Why, murmuring not, the Image quick re- THADDKTJS BTTEVKN8 DAYTON IN TBI low ery and all its goblins turns BROOKLYN KAOLC Our finest worsted trousers for dress wear take stock, hence the very Robin haa an invitation to accompa To dust, from whence it came, and should the striped ny one or the mountain . r nite ooya soul. have been reduced to $5.00 at which choose Set free to plume Its flight, cling to these ! price you may home on his Christmas vacation, and form-- . aa hiuo vnnr ?tp and Irnp-th- and our tailors s was a new experience for As though of life they formed, the mighty The American artist . who goes from a of gray pat- accepted. It seemed almost whole. alterations at our Come variety him, in a region that As not rest beneath the abroad, for inspiration is blind and will make necessary expense. as virgin as when Daniel Boone pene- though tbeyknoll?might senseless. There is in this great city, terns and mixtures, at 2.48. trated this wilderness. The Red Man, grassy in its tremendous energies. In Its every to the sale inuw. to be was gone, vast stretcn- - It's not because he sendeth dust to dust from sure, but That Death is called the Kins of Terroi No, aspect the twilight's purple vapor es of forest were only broken by bridle But envv. pride, deceit and fouier lust. to tne noontide splendor of tne perfect paths, for horseback riding, as new as The thought that these as our attendants go day, in the human floods which sweep the scenery, was rwjoin s means ui iu-- Makes us to shrink and tremble, as we know back ana forth in the systole ana The end draws near. But he who loves the diastole of in a comotion, and ride and tie at that. right its mighty heartbeats, Toe fellow student, wno naa .invitea Can conquer fear of Death and. as the snow . minion things, in the tonio air in Robin to his home, was the son 01 a I hut lirannnn the hillside. Dare and white. everything there is here the highest UumDer- - Dissolves away, so calm shall be his upward to doctor, located not far from flight Inspiration artistic genius that there land a wine is anywhere in the world." "V The TraTtlert' .Guide. uap, out, tnougn naving Ivan-owsk- practice, the doctor . lived in a house Tea, when the life is Just, even dread Death The speaker wasSlgismond De l, t of one room, used Becomes a verv blessine. oftentimes. the Polish who possessed alternatelywhole To bodies racked with pain. The laboring great painter, for living and sleeping by the breatn; for the past three years has called aw to&k. Haw ha van ahd hajct- - family. The door was left open most The brain, fevered bv fancv's Tj&tttomlmes America bis home. O ll of for and, as fire The quivering nerves; the blood that burns "Most American artists who Jj& : the day light, source,the or the veins seem come study p place was the universal All these give thanks at glad release from abroad to back home and wamth and generally employed for pain, sigh for Paris and the atmosphere of Haw Bum Hun. a aa. Alt 9 m one's back froze on cold Tf the fkt&vnd ftnnl he on 1 w free from crimes. its restaurants and Dae 11.1 a m. T.M 9 m. cooking, days These torture more than aches that tug and studios, cafes, ' North. 10.00 sa. an. while the race burned witn neat, uven music balls. That is not the air in 8hlWSoDLh. ILU a m. !- - p as. strain 10-- children drank the whisky, one of the At wOrnout sinews and muscles with might which genius has its finest develop- StaveBsow North. 11 a nv. Jt 9 as, chief Bread was baked in and main. ment. It is a mistake for one artist ttonta U.H1B. T BI n an. products. one a to Monroe North. flAli a m. p aa. the coals, enough for meal at bad alike search for inspiration among other Booth. flOJh a m. r&J P aa. was Unswerving Death. Slavs good and Is be otatart-eo- ala Mew MJB time, for hot bread the rule, The And, he seems a stern ana souuesi artists. It to found in the great for Etna, houses were witnout cellars,- - appies, thoughlate. world outside of the studios. One goes like burled in He helDS the march of nations. He is like to for one comes to N'towa North, MsJT a as. aJL, potatoes and the being The tiller of the soul. He does but wait Europe technique; Tjq p m ; Sunday. a m, pits, and itooin nao. nis nrst lesson in His time. Then he o'erturns both small and America for power. Watching the 6&-- m. W. 1U. 10.14, MUS a BBt -- to tnaw ouw irozen a men at work upon some b m : Hu.d,,. AjGE. b m. l. trying appies, great mora great building BawleyvlU North. Tie. IS.46, a aa, cotton was That those them may be tit as a -- difficult task. A little succeeding serve and hearing their shouts big girder 7 p aat H a aa. raised, the seed out by band l'o bear good fruit may their day is swung into place, all punctuated South.J iM. 8ndT,KOI. VojM. lAl a BR. picked state s-- and the cotton made into cloth for Better f r first May we, who sit witn tne or a dozen steam js p ao. iMtaaay mi p bb. a decay. Heaven of rattling Brook&id JnncUowNorVB, 4JT. L MLM home use. It was in many respects Together here, attain the Holy hammers binding tbe great steel fabric 11.00 a m. B-- 7 JS pax. at life in day. Writ! together all this fills me with energy BuUfJi glimpse Washington's S-- and enthusiasm. in SoaW CM. TAB. MM, tM. B 9 Some of the srreatest values in Winter OvercoatsC an object lesson of lire oeiore modern was driven from Robin's I breathe power Bandnv BS m. 17. so complex, ex Poetry with every breath. Americans are U-- a-- aa. I it mind a serious attack of typhoid BrookSeld Narva. JX U. Ll. you ever saw. Don't wait only a few left. pensive and luxurious. In losing the by capable of bigger emotions than any B.AA. 7.4JB m; rxioomy. of industries of fever which nearly cost his life. Be other race because and expan South aJa. 1.07, I ki. B--ibb.a aa, Ui, J discipline the that day was com- uplift D SuDdav bJ7 m. assigned an address at the sion are in air.- - is the same b: p Besse Store has not labor lost its dignity, simplic- mencement on Ray- the It LanoavUl aad SUU Rlvwr North UMJ I System its charm and economy its virtue? exercises, Greeley, thing on the Btage here; the actors 1.27. M. TMdb: htuBday B.4 a am, ity as bis -- B-- -- We on, tne mond and Bennett, suited to their lines with life and the South. IB, J 00. IMk a BR, . kM 9 I have gained much, but in a newspaper speak o Sunday jes a m. , previous experience are are 11-1- loss and calm audiences less cold B J in sincerity, Integrity office. The address was but than they New Mil ford North S, UI7. a aa. content! prepared, in Europe." .. U p Sunday, a Robin's studies he took up Room bad to rise from a sick bed, the The frontispiece in the December South. 3, A.M. T.AO. UR S .,a mi Among fix fever having already gripped him sore, of a tJ7. bid. A. 00 d b: Budu. Ui p SB. l poetical meter, .and, to different was number Tbe Century Magazine is ' V 1 MerwlnavlUi ziLjts a av aaa. B.rj to deliver it. a long and bitter B-- varieties in memory, composed verses It of reproduction in color of an ideal por p m ; Sunday, ltQB, a m . Sowth, a bv A, measure. sietfe, bis typhoid experience, much Mr de Ivanowski ef Maude D m : Sunday. V4W aa. of suitable These poetical in an unconscious trait by Kent North. ILU a avl , LU, p. bsi au the time passed of aX J , effusions would never entitle their 28 Adams in her famous character 10.14 a wmuv, bjds v. e, fever broke Sunday. ajb. thor to the position of poet-laureat- state, but the after days, Peter Pan. Critics have called it one w of leaving Robin so weak that be could of most remarkable of Oornwall Brtdjre North. a. HH, 4jBR, - as the bent his the 9m HEAD TO FOOT CLOTHIERS: but, illustrating not even sit up in bed at first and, was Mr de A. p tn; Sunday, 1RB a bb; aoaia aas a aa. ose-- a AAIN mind at this time, several are given: his had to the year. It learned that USl V d m: Sunday. 4.41 n. bb. 8 t. when finally helped to feet, Ivanowski Is at work upon a series of Wast OonvAu-Nar- U, B.18 a. or. IZjbV 4JB.R 4 few a-a- TO MAT. learn to walk again, taking but of American actresses in Sunday ,JAJ7 a mi son In t, IA to with. Then it was he portraits fm;U0 a rn Sanaa v. 4M n bb. steps begin for same Li-l- e-- Conn. He aa- a. B, Bridgeport, How pleasant is the month of May, knew under uoo, ne owea bis me character tbe "magazine. Lime Bock North M a. - p. -- At the break of day. tnat, was asked what method be pursued in Sunday. M.4ani soot. Rna bb 4-- n; early to of a colored fellow d-s- Field ward to take your roaming way. the faithfulness his studies for. these b tt n. aa. L . who had watched with him making pictures. tudw. uatnering posies; student, room was "in tbe first place." said Mr de Ivan Then are found the vio'eta blue night and day. The sick in owski, "my object is to give in the And other blooms, the most not new; the upper story of a dormitory, mostly cospic g ture, by its background and it la tno soDn. or course you Knew, empty-durin- the summer vacation, partly rea roses. tuming, but principally in the attitude MR. DE IVANOWSKI BEFORE E home ror and the room was so situated that the THE PORTRAIT OF HIS WIFE. BdBsford N circle. I of the and of tbe face The Newtown Bea How fresh and bracing is the air sun visited for a time, the figure expression fc.lL. T.1I n tju4 a aa. The dew, seen everywhere. rising it the impression that one would get from TXn, glistening seem-a-s afternoon sun across the. bed South. B.J,ABtn ROBIN'S ROAD. uaues tne wnoie lanascape iair shining seeing the entire play. The picture OA, A.U p m. f on its route to the western horizon. In has to contain a of Pvcuiau Bt conscious of the suggestion every I-- a BR. TjBB The birds are on the the early days burning of whole scale of emo ML, t-- (M. TMF BEF; CO HPANT. WKITTKN BY BICBCN HAZKN SMITH. hovering wing. to as if possibility the BittaBOAT.RMAni no in. UllUlA How shrill how sweet seemed Robin that B-- thpy cnirp. they sing. fever, it so tions, but must be keyed in joy or sor ib. SmnaAy. b aw For now their matin hymn they sing afternoon sun would burn him up, row or mischief or lust as tbe Loci4.HilltiiniNorth, f7.i, MM. a ueven. mystery B-- CHAFTKK VL to nign much did It add to his discomfort. of the people I am studying, is Mlas 60 YEARS' RMiaitaRdtT. B. ALLIHOfT P. SMITH.' character in the play is keyed. bo. 4.4J. nailm : Bin4J3 av AWD To the soul that Is free from care One the of uncon Eleanor Rohson, whom am to EXPERIENCE MJIt IjA Bandar. PmMIDBITT Editor. niuht during period Maude Adams, for I going TrombnU North. fJJR. C-- ' Naught bat beauty is anywhere; came to lake example. of a 4KTHDK J. IMITBi , Fortune that, with malicious joy. But a special beauty is there sciousness, the patient finally I several weeks in all, last Bum- paint la tbe character Rostand's bb Btanany. rs.41 a a: aoata. Does man. her slave, oppress, oreatn ana witn spent 'Far-of- f Princess' Prlncesse Loto- tapIO 41 BBS BVB BR. r ior (La 9 9 office ia Diooming may. himself, laboring mer, with bar at her beautiful B;4JR IJt A-- Buaxraaa blasagbb. Proud of her to destroy. a Diercinsr in the heart. The con plasein talne'). I am to the oos-tum-e BrtOrpor Koran, tM.BUU, a bb, JbV Is seldom pleased to bless. Let us drink the freshness in. pain the Cat8kills. She posed in the woods going design AJB p nv; BmUi. A.B a bas Artv IBR. SMITH, - That future trophies we may win stant nurse summoned the doctor, who me was for ber to wear in that play. bb. ami I ul iob- PudDrai Still various and Inconstant still. freshened a akin was seemed for in costume, but that mostly she will one of a ibjb to. JJB p nut witn an inclination to ill. Through s thought, power able to give relief, but it to tbe details of the "I think develop into Promotes, in strife lo Aonarcn sway. for a brief 8 Dace as if Death had won get physical tbe most wonderful of American ac- - degrades, delights She did very little pos ' And makes a lottery of life. If days to come are drear and dark. the and was claiming another picture. really tresses. She has great beauty, she is m 7 50 We have no cause our toll to fight ing, ior oo not Dene re in makim Tkaoc Tear, Oents far Blx Months. I can enjoy her. while she's kind. shirk. victim. Our times are in His band studies l We cllmbei erv clear in ber speech and she draws DmoMHuu . and be from set r ronr a But true constant our work. poses. Cos-rrUOK- TJaWJU-- mnirtna. uenia uopy. ' Bui, when she danea in the wind or s and. as Osama, the Arab of CaBsarea, her characters in big outlines. In ber Ac Deabnry Eaat, 1S a a br. atf B aa. And shakes the and will not t ugnt Deyona. about the rocks together In tbe wind 6 vw a bb, XIV aa, an ail ay. nant stay, beau- and U v 9 no one he too, she has a very As, ope M4tn unlwm, sar -- tu 1 puff tjhe prostitutevngi away. Let's make of life a blooming May, said: "Let Imagine that and rain, we piayed tennis in fact she conversation, Minmm our rmvMUw LM a bb, I in bb. will for clear of and of ex- vkl oom , TM ILH a axR-Bl- p bb 1907 with nowerts clinging oy the way hasten his death confronting amused herself as she would have done tiful way talking lDTun patnl.ahCoBkWtaa-Uoo- BawleyvUle Kaau fR, Conn- - Fridat. Fmbcakt 1, Thi little or the much she gave is quietly And thus drive fear and or delav bv utmost pru ber Ideas. she trKJr eonfttontUt.prob HAHDSOOl 0 tmkoXM Wasv, BG a br. aW, IM 9 br. unday. ens resignea. none oe grief away. danger, it the had I not been there but all the while pressing Everything Mnl frM, OtdaM mrmner few iMuuinuau. Content with poverty, my soulI arm. lnai iouna. dence." We are each Immortal till I was innumerable sketches of says you grasp at once. There is no Piata U1M tbroark Man a On. italwm nun. ran me making Ct-a- TBLJVHOKaV4- - And virtue, thoueh in keeo THIS TjORD'8 SUFFER. our work is done. Robin kept his room ber In use. indecision about her. She has a big, BlMtka vtMwia6ilalM Week rt.Uanv. V f7.aB aa. . warm. f Horace, translated by Dryden. was able the shorthand that artists forceful brain. y Book ana. a av, sJn a As 'round the table of the blessed Lord in the dermitory, but, after he Then I went to my studio in West- - flrcertcatta a aa . n. bar aan. at Belief in a supernatural power, which has We to drink the wine and break the to beyond the custard on which his "Tbe latest one that I have arrang- , Scientific leiLafi, sm. given a law to live by and to which we are re- sat, bread. get field, N. J., and worked out tbe ed to ac- Boethba Jbant, IM, Ut a Want sponsible for our conduct, baa alone, of all eager appetite tnougnt itseii starved paint is the great Russian calvtioa Of nvoy MwnU BB a av aaa, f M sa. rLvrka: influences known to us. succeeded in en We gained great store of comfort from the the days of picture tress, Madame Nazimova. 1 saw ber tDontiaii L i by an Bonlhfore aaaa. aJnn tm.lLM.tM 9 av, Waal the man. Word during early convalescence, At last wnen it was finished I took nobling and elevating the character of As ; he took meals witn a famous colored for the first, several weeks ago, faUNN m rVna AJET lw lmo lmo Smo yeai LBunyon. 'twas drawn out in truths the pastor said it to her house and plaoed it where it time, HewYort .iia. hiir, a aa. rRjM I.B a l--a inch . 1.00 2.00 S.00 5.00 cook and so beneficial were her viands when she Hedda Gabler In En KnvBOB OS W bb Bw ' : as were wet would be first to her played OOn, mcion. rxC Weav J a Aa, tM 9 , inch t.os S.00 ; 4.00 6.00 10.00 see And the lips w'th sacred wine. invalid was soon s the thing catch was so ber 1 7.TO 18.00 Westward ho, Robin South again We about the blood so that the adding when she entered room. I impressed by inches 4.00 10.00 ana Andthoughthow. bv this. freely spilt. a dav eye the She f'llsh. so filled t Inch . fc.OO 10.00 15.00 6.00 enroute, tnis time to Lrouisvuie Christ showed a love pound to bis emaciated frame was off among the hills at the time. afternoon, with tbe i laches earn 14.00 18.00 30.00 thence east bv south to the verge of It should perhaps be mentioned .that wnen sne ran room saw inspiration of ber genius, that I walked aaawrnu-- : So undeserved mankind in into tne and vtRRron t--4 column , "4.00 8.00 18.00 S4.00 40.00 beautiful blue His by steeped guilt. he much time between mears tbe streets tbat until 10 o'clock. I the grass employed l- -l 5.P0 10.00 20.00 28.00 48.00 region. the she for a moment night ROB. column , And then we thought, What made His life so of picture paused hastened to a of Introduc- Walnrbarv Laaea. CaV 1IM a t- -t 84.00 I 30.00 60.00 bad been insufficient for in the orchard one generous I get letter R.10. 7 alB colanrsr U.00 ' preparation true. peach breathless, then dropped to her knees liT. 4.11. Ol, VA, LiM 9 bv fRaadaya, -- 4 14.00 stoo 1 48.oo so.oo college entrance and he was foiced to no love shown in doin? rood? friend and in the grape orchard 01 an tion to her and to arrange to ber M a av U7 m. Arrti-B-- A at. T BV &M. mn 1 If 'twas forth before it and burst into happy tears. paint p 1 .10.00 93M 40.00 o.oo 100.00 take up further preparatory study in This wine of love grant us. that we may do other friend. was picture. bj.UB.ltl.4AkM; 4.4A, T 4a. ILU J.US 9 BV. The Without it all our life is nude. It the greatest compliment that movement is Dunoaya, nw a bb, 1 the school connected with th institu- right. A mong the instructors at the college, could be paid an artist, and was one of "Her every expressive, lx rbbIJR was association Oh Broad! Thou token of as even a fold of dress tells a No loss ot strwivrth. Rn, II-O- tion. Here be thrown into the body torn, the professor in Greek made deep tne moments of life. her story apoeUto. aJa, 4.17, aJa, IM, 6, lLe p br. u eotlcee, Brevier tvpe, 10c line. with and Thou art reminder of the visage marred. an on Robin as nappiest my or hints some emotion. Tbe ex- ooss. bad braatfc, aa, L Plantation Black, I any, tbis "A deep headacha, constipation, ROS, 1C ft week di-vlf- of us We impression moDtr others I have been work . A 11 1 A 1 A 14 ACT. BB B BR. nonpareil word per fe That strength patience let have at riaing-a- and 4a U . w irrtnlatA4B Mountain White and learned that mourn incident" him in pression of ber face is wonderful. To general debility, sour catarrh U-- aTWt, amusing fastening lately upon a portrait of Blanche M p aa. ttansave, M.I4 a aa. m 9 BB. which asserts all be A restive, that has peace debarred. was custom to open me, be has all tbe of the stomach ara all due to tndlrasttoa. v 1 democracy, to spirit memory: It the Bates, as Madam I had personally, gifts . f Trains op wl aianalae only. or com- I a and a Butterfly. Bernhardt has and Duse Kodol cures Indlg-estion- This new discov- IN DAY brethren, because cmidren a Oh Wine Fit emblem of that Life given' each class exercise with hymn never seen the play and so arranged tbat tbat bas, fU CURE A. COLO ONE mon Father, made of one blood to in So freely for our race, as thou sbalt flow word of prayer. For some time, this she should me to which Is added ber own matchless ery represents the natural Juices of direct- Through all the veins, thou indeed that act the part for in manners on are a health atomatEn. habit all the face of His earth. leaven mayest professor found "Come, ye disconso her apartments. genius. Her tbe stage ion as they exist la y Take Laxative Broma Quinine Tab Strange, isn't it, that a white skin These lives of ours and save us from sin's woe. late, where'er ye languish" approprl "You remember the soena where she beautiful. Her voice is wonderful and combined with th greatest known toolo eta-- AU .rerund the money should cover so much of the ate to his but one he rose in itself is inspiration for a picture. and reconstructive properties. Kodol Dys- druggists Pharisee, Oh Lord, let strength of patience, wine of feelings, day expects her lover to return from the Denbury North Ua. 7Ja. IM 1(1 JO, UM a at if fails to cure. W. Grove's sig- sees tn w and red a love to a to the world, "As I said in the beginning, each pepsia Cure does noranly relieve Indirasnoa taVa.04.a-U- J.M MM it - - that black, yello higher strain, "Joy states and stands watchiBg by the , pBvSttndav a nv IB) I am and but this famous ss a-i- nature i oq aacb. box . 26c. creature to be ruled, because of pres Remove the basic dross, transmute the soul, the Lord is come," and it developed window him to come picture of this series that doing dyspepsia, remedy in, i, a av, That we may be more fit to above for up the street In a different all stomach troubles bv 4.4i p en. ia, iRa,IM. uaa. as. M reign that another son had arrived at bis from fills for The Century is key. belps cleansing, . aw Banday More fit in help to make the sinner whole. the steamer. Joy her heart all in lines or in aweeteBinf; and .1 1. p av home, the night before. The stor at first but when be does not come she In 'Peter Pan' is joy; purifying. strengthening Bnthal NMh.Ml.11Bl M a aw, I 11 . BBRBA SO THE ZEPHYR. could not have blessed a more consci Binks 'Puck' all is is mischief; in 'Madame the mucous membranes Uning the stomach, b73jB0 p bv .M1.B4. ULS4 a BlRB into helpless despair. When of Vs.. Sunday R.1A. From whence come zeDhvr. entious father. was this Butterfly' all is sadDess, expectation Mr. S. S. Ban, Rwwwwl. W. mtrmy pnv South Xtn. 7J.U Aft. e.tR. lLat a you. oh gentle It professor this scene ended mind you, there was " I wu troubtad with atw xmiii B tor l uirtj raw. bv A.41. IM, J 9 m. Banday S-- a Bt. SjbT With y.our breath so fresh and mild? whose heart bad been well and despair; with Miss Robson all is Kodol ana we am aow Bi T "I come off previously no stage setting, no costuming, only cured me eatac a nuh .4 p aa. from the distant ocean broken by a sad and unnecessary royal, womanly beauty. But Mme. for baby." Beort (11 North IM, MM a an 1.04. a.a, ab y at O'er a and wild. nigh the magic of voice and action I rnnAAW . . . 1 1 B Udx pathway strange accident. His eldest son entered Nazimova Is a a woman you Kodol What Yoa Mm n SM n a swift and unseen pinion. the touched my face and it. was wet with sphinx Dtgaats aUt, S 4. bv,TjC saw I BD"d m v : cannot S OO Stan BohMnc 2 X the trial T57, ILie a p br. Benday, kM a havt, alon? vm village store and, seeing a revolver on tears. understand." BotUMOBly. I. DOM IU p nv Winged me swiftly up the mountain. the counter, up and Mr de Jvadowskl bas hisxstudio at Ua. watch eaUa for iO caMa, norum nnv In the made no picked it pointed "I told Miss Bates howshe bad r K. O. OeWITT a. OCX. OHtOAOGa . auiora jo, wjm n, ' Within valley stay. it in fun at a boy of about the same moved unaf- Westfteld, N. J., but comes to New sparse1 by 8sDd4iii4 ustn,SoeUu 4.U. the crowded dusty city. me and she seemed most BJ8 am, VLOL. 7jM p4B.Lasa,n. Bundny, tot a br. 4JJ. With its fever and its heat, age behind the counter. was an at As I came York several times each week. He m. didn't-know-it-was-lo- it fectedly glad my praise. p MtlAN'5 I caused great Joy to r gged children other case of ad know has been in America three years and Sold by - a u m 11 ,AiMM,nRSMSaa to her found as i rroncuea the street. better I that while Is AH &.kn.& sn. C 44 iCtJX inrough - life. a citizen of His wife a.:. iO, p Bunds a nv I peeped within the ed, but it cost the young clerk's not she like all this country. Druggists. ti.o A.rf.7, Where grimy workshops, no and seeking praise enjoys it Is an American and is a very beautiful p nv fcouUv 7.46, tJK. MM a br, SALE the blazing forges stoou, Robin had taste for firearms it tbe rest of us when it comes from the llORlKlWUDaB. tMindayU a bvAA, Drying sweat from workers' foreheads was bis boast never to have shot bird woman. As they earned their food. heart. IO.O a nv well-stor- ed dily or beast. The American seems Oeorsetown NorUv4.a, LU, R.s,aJb. I flitted past, the warehouse. average "Since then I have studied her in a 7.4L p uv Buaday, t 44 a bv IM p av Past the mansion reared by wealth ; to take it as a personal insult if any a variety of situations: watched ber NBIOHBORS GOT FOOLED. BJ7 a m. li-- 1JU 9 tn. Bandav.aBa,tkM I rustled satin, silk and muslin. wild for or a OR, B-- BB Added charm to b oumiag hetslth. thing large enough game talking with people other than myself, 9 I stole in the open window sport neighbors him, which accounts purposely involved her in so Wherethroughthn anxious watcher for the of much of the as argument "I was coughing myself to Broken Lots I fanned sickstood;one disappearance to bring up different expressions of literally weak urn and the weary, failing wild wild and had become too to jJiids Till he murmur, d. Oh. how early life, from the quail and countenance. Tbe impression that I death, 1 on goodl pigeons of the East to the buffalo of leave my bed; and neighbors predicted in Its caoaa. still sped across the country, have of her is this: she feels every- Pain the head pain anywhere, has K e ; West. would never leave but . a Past t farmers making hay the To take any life wantonly like a tbat I it alive; Pain Uconjnttion. pain is blood hhm A ,aa of Lines. I cooled the heated, toiliDg laborer. whether ef fowl or thing vitally, sanely, directly, fooled, for thanks be to God, 4i a nv Axrlve 1AU a EB,4JSp nv fritartsr Helped him bear the humanjbeing, beast, real woman. She Is interested in ev- they got else ncuaUy. At lea it. ao Bar Dr. Ehoop. and to iM p nv I hastened sweltering day. nsn, seemed to Robin a sin I was induced to try Dr King's New he bas created BawUrvUle North, 144 a as, ri. on; and when, at nightfall. always erything you say and do and inspires dol- prove it a little pink tablet. That a t Buaday, Little ones their prayers had said, against the Maker of all, for who has tbe same interest in herself and in ev- Discovery. It took just four one tablet called Xr. Snoop's Headache Table JS bv Letts for Bathes 47 a nv A: n Of: Shoes- - for Women I saw them close ibelr wearv eyelids-S- aw to lar bottles to cure the nv Buaday Continues. This sale them tucked In bed right take life needlessly that he ery detail of her life. Her work is the completely coaxes blood pressure away from pain centers. Bhepaas North,ihsa.rLLo a :bv 444 p. safely cannot and restore me to sound y tV-- Is I still flew on amid t the darkness. restore? Cowper's sentiment last thing that she likes to talk about. cough good Iu effect is charminc. pteaclnA-l- del ichtfuL Gently, bv Buaday JB a nv South, U a nv tM Composed of Past the in their nest. was bis: writes Mrs Eva of circu- p nv BuBday, a.l p av songsters She is not of others. For ex- health," Uncapher. thouch safely, it surely equalises the blood la-li- s 14 Until, a last. 1 come tbis moaning. "I will not enter on mv list, of friends jealous Co., Ind. This Bozbury Norvfe, 11 a nv p as Blddi g you to wake from rest ample, one afternoon we went to see Grovertown, Stark lation. Sundav, tt.AK a nv. Bouvh, tM a av, HjB V with manners and of cold cures and heal- I come to t ach to all this le&bon (Though gracednne sense. polished tbe great Russian actress, Madame King cough and If you have a beadacbe. it's blood preesure. pnv Banday. 4V06 p at Write 'tout that all may know: Vet wa- - er of throat and lungs, is guar- it's women, caoaa. Bozbury North, lUBa aa. p av 4at n The Father us each a ting sensibility) the man Nazimova, In 'Hedda Gaoler.' I New- If painful periods with sane nv Banday 10 04 a nv Boath, BuBI a WOMEN'S gives mission Who " anteed R. H. Beers & 4-- SHOES Which He wishes us to do. need essly sets foot upon a worm watched Miss Bates closely to see if I at Co., If yon are sleepless, recSea. nervous. Ifs Mood nv S M p nv Sunday p nv Is of could town; Betts & Betts, Sandy nook; conceeUoo blood pressure. That la a Jndd'B BrtQA--a North viLn BB. a It my task, through light and darkness. The attack typhoid fever ended detect in she said Noble-Ne- w surely a - Swift to speed upon my Robin's school anything P. J. Garvin, Bethel; W. N. for Dr. Headache Tablrts M pnv 8fl.M. I4.U a nv Mouth, Takeni from a stock where but few remain Unto way. days, but not his educa about Nazimova any shadow of jeal- certainty, Shoop's atop 41 iota large pairs here the weary bearinir gladness. for what is all of life but a disci ousy or sarcasm. was a Milford; E.J. Buckingham, Hunt- It in 30 minutes, and the tablets simply dlautbuBs BLLtapau Benday4 9 br. Driving gloom and mist away. tion, But there not Allen BBsndaAa and there of lines nearly sold out. And as. from out taint and corruption, pline, a schooling; an equipment for trace of either. She praised her most ington: Joyce, Roxbury Station; the unnatural blood pre ire. P a pnv. anv Vwtn Foul fens and mlasmic G. W. Hurlburt & Co.. J. M. Bruise nrurer. and doesn't H w red. and ill R av .0 p av 4JS nv nothl swamps, better and higher service here and warmly. Roxbury; your Hew PTeatoa Banday. p None but in I let g defil" my sweetness. hereafter? He returned to Con actress Sullivan, Redding Ridge; Connery swell, and pain youT Of course It does. It's o. North, u.44 a br, p br. desirable shoes this sale, not old styles, but Loading not myself with damps. the "Another that I have been W. B. Ja 9 br. Buaday, MM a aa. aoatn. Do you bring peace to laden neetlcut home, now transferred to making studies of Is Annie Russell. Bros., Georgetown; Hawley, blood pressure. You'll find It where paia Gi- - mortals, I Gaylords-ville- ; wn e-- broken lots and ends of lines, at teduced lng Joy, but in the town of am to as Sherman; Honan & Soule, Is always. It's simply Common Senaa. It ford North tlLU a av p at, Sf p greatly prices. good-by- e. shunning wrong. parish Brightfield going ber Puck in a But now, 'Mid-summ- er paint Oornwall av Bundny a nv BomUh JU av, LB its time to leave you wnere Jtsev uicnard south had round Dream.' Smith Bros, Bridge; We sell at 35 cams, aad cheerfully recommend aa. a Time to sing my morning song." Night's Her Edwin H. New p Buaday 4.04 9 aa. I wake and Bee the dim light burning new pastorate, but Robin was at first conception of Puck is different from Beardsley, Preston; Morrte North, II M a av bX p BR, While I watch beside a friend. so weak that it required some weeks any other, Just as she is different from George E. Frlnk, Falls Village; E. S. Buaday I4.W7 a av Boata. HJImib.a aa. iM 9 Bat still my mind retains the vision, of a mother's care and comfort ere is Falrchild & Son, Nichols, drug- nunaay p nv Though my dreams are at an end. he other people. She rather a dream- 50c bot- Dr. Baa taas uiNorth, LzjbV a nv was ambitious or strong enough to er rather an Idealist. She reads a stores. Price and al. Trial Shoop's nanuay 1L14 a an. noav TO DEATH. look for his next in In tle free. bb p nv chapter life, which great deal; fact, she is among tbe biinuay ill A 47 n K. came to most HteaclacHe Lak, Sortie 1M - W. now uiuuu ueatn, art tnou man. nim, However, without his intellectual of the stage people I a nv .e a nv av MOLLAN, As wert a maligned by or Soeuv LaO .thoughcome thou thief and didst but knowledge seeking. know. She talks most interestingly. Willie wailed aDd Winnie wheezed, day. s n av She has told me much of Uchfte4d Arrive U.1S, --M P nv Bw ioa6 Main Conn. To rob and pillage ere life's race we ran. to be continue:!. what she while wintry winds whined wierdly. Tablets ILSaanv RB 4 aw B. St., Bridgeport, Yet. know we not that this Is not our home? wants to do in the future, but little of Willie wriggled while Winnie wheezed XM aania,nv U I Life's like a sea and we, upon Its foam. what she Is or win- R. day Ladies and Shoes Seem but as for doing has done. .Her wretchedly. Wisdom whispers, H. BEERS &CO.; NEWTOWN Children's Only. specksare that, little' seen. ambition Is to play Joan of Arc, to ter winds work wheezes. Wherefore Htralgntway gone before the shape is create am ideal Joan as we P. J. GARVIN. BETHEL. Known, CCodol Cure such artists write, "Use Kennedy's Laxative B. Lost in the waves on which the ships careen. Dyspepsia and poets dream about. Cough Syrup." Nothing else so good. Hawley & Co, Stepney. wuuvwu cui uuui&u ejrva, nuwe er so iteen. Digests what you eat "Another of my sitters, or, rather Sold by all druggists. S. J. PARKS, TRUMBULL.