The Automatic Tool Co. The Automatic Tool Co. of South Norwalk; Conn. , of South Norwalk, Conn., Is to furaish milk-bott- le Maaafactaree milk-bottl- e ae--T waxedprepared eapa, plaia, eappiaf mackiaae: or priatea, at low prices aad ia qnaatitiea aagUaa aad motors; davalopa aad proaaeeo to suit purchaser. special ipsshiecry. Factory Opposite bast Norwalk R. R. Station. Factory Opposite) East Norwalk R. R. Statioa. VOLUME XXX. NEWTOWN, - CONN., FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 8, 1907. TEN PAGES. NUMBER 6. I, The Melbourne Cancer Cure Co. AT LIBRARY CORNER. Why Refer Special Bth Roon 64 Bank St. Derby, Ct., Combination. Onre Cancer at tbelr Sanatorium and guar. 1 .ft-- Lined Bath Tub a positive cure. They also- treat mild How About to Doctors wblte P0"' (decorated Htw a ouuide, with all nick le caaea and old sores at yonr home If desired Buying Stylish complete work) J 1,?l-,.DS- h aad can send you a blood medicine that wil Porcelain Lavatory (complete with cure Internal growth of all kinds. Corres- $15.00 Suit for Because we make medicines Hcle work to floor.) - pondence solicited. References gladly given. for them. "We give them the I LOW iown Syphon Action Wa&h Down $53 Established for eighty ears. i uwi icomoinauoa (either dark or light formula for Ayer's Cherry $f wood ) J Pectoral, and they prescribe it This Combination is a Special Offer, Oar Guarantee for coughs, colds, bronchitis, stands back of tbe goods. Cut Flowers for consumption. They trust it. Write ns for particulars. Valentine's Then you can afford to trust Day. Sold over 60 THE H. ?, That'would be a wouldn't it. for years. W. HOYT CO., good bargain it, especially? CharTT tttmt JOHN RECK & SON, a'-stbr- Avra Pectoral Is a wmwlT Saaltarr if as well known as thiststood back of the ahoald t In very hora. I hnv a ravt Plumber. lei Oalc St., 965 Main St., Bridgeport. quality of It for hard cotfrha and cold,ad and I Mealing; Engteeer. ' dlknow what a uplendld mdllno It la. I can- of the tailoring? not racommmd tt too hlffblj."- Mine K. Phone 253. Cox. Hyda Park Mbm. DANBURY, CONN. 264 Main St You will find very desirable suits in this lot, and they Hon Michael Connery, . Profaasloaal Cards. Alsobrjjl .arwOo.LenU.auar riela have the particular, advantage of being high priced suits' BepresentaUve to tbe Legislature from Redding. anoiaevarers The tejs A and Successful Merchant SARSATiUmXA Albany Dentists, BRIDGEPORT. CONN. , actually reduced, rather than suits made to sell for such a Popular PILLS. W. J. Boocricar-- of Georgetown. aaig vmoc Crown and ATTOaKKT-AT-LiA- low price, therefore you get almost double value for what uers Bridge Work A Specialty. l DRS RECTOR 4k Rooms K and 86. Sanf ord Bldg, Bridgeport. you spend. ments and will be all Ayer's Pills sc tly Id the ; Horry UTILE, Prsrrtstf . Oflce" la Newtown open on from 9 HOME NEWS. apparatus that seotoral In t aking up a cold. a. aw to MO m. Saturdays could be desired as aids to the study. p. Pick from a large assortment of very, desirable, fancy, At tbe end of that time I hope to be mixtures in or double breasted at least a little more scholarly than I After the Fair sold weather. Tkls 2 either single styles. hard-wo- n VALENTINE SALE SuooeeU Axbkbt JL ScmrzxxR, M. D., WHY I STUDY MORB SCIBNCE. am now, and to have, some which It be my FHTSIOIAN AND SURGEON. AH suits and overcoats reduced inowi u ; degrees may privilege OK SATURDAY 1FTIHHOOH OSoe over Newtown Savings Bank. to append to my name if I wisn to. but IN TBI 5 Honrs: 8 10 a. m., 12.30 p. m. BT RALPH B. DAMFOKTH. wbiob I will probably not use. Then UCTCEI KOOf OF TBS OUN6RIOA-TIONA- 1. Horse Blankets. Offlc No. 10 CHURCH. B phone 29-- as to a well, I shall See oar Use when Boose phone (Sandy Book) 6. earning living, la tewm. Ton will Bad seee totter. II Boars at house, S 30 p. m. enter upon whatever service will make Some may perhaps thinr"tbat 0o me most useful to my fellow men. I A valentine sale, under the au s leaving the active for a term shall retain my capacity as minister, spices of the Christian Endeavor W W. SL 1 M. am ministry and if the way of service should find or the STEVENS CO.. P. J. Gale, D., of years I renouncing the ministry society (Congregational church. 1 altogether, but such has never been me again tbe pastor of a church, I will take place on Saturday from 3 to 6 White St.. Dsabsry, Cos Olce la the David Beers Residence, MM - sum- shall serve both as and as scien 8 in room of Con- MAIM ST. my intention. During the long pastor p. m., the lecture tbe Newtown Street. JOHN RIDGEPORTICONN. mer to as sum tific In my chosen scien- church. Bolls and coffee vacations I plan preaeb Investigator on gregational Office Hours: 8 to 9 a. nu, 1 to 8 and 7 to 8 p m mer supply, and during term time tific specialty. If the other hand will be served ror 10c and toe cream and here will be endless opportunities to it should be in literary or college work cake for 15c There will be a sale of exert a Christian influence on numer- I should still, I trust, perform the brown and rye bread, cake. etc. and Db Waxtkb H. Rteknan, ous young students who are preparing dual service of Investigator and spirit of course a fine display of valentines Physician akd Sursxok, to become powerful innuenoes in the ual guide. When one realizes that In selected by experts. The City National Conn. life of our nation. A thriving univer some of our largest universities there Wall street, Bajik, Sandy Hook, draws thousands of the are thousands of young lives, bright, A. E. of ville. who has 8-- 7--8 sity brightest Plxley Hawley BRIDGEPORT. CONN. OOce Honrs: 9 a. m. i 1 to U0 and p. nx. mmas irom 01 alert and receptive, and that these now 18-- 3. young many portions been quite ill, is much better and Telephone: the country. ' young lives are passing through the able to be about bis home. Fancy:?" tsat tne reason wny x tase- - opportu university in a constantly changing Gkuestk A. Bkitkdiot, M. D. to advanced courses of sci stream, then one may vaguely con S. Is '' nity study Mrs John Peck of Obtuse quite A of Service. Physician and Surgeon, ence for a perioa or years, i that l ceive what opportunities may belong 11L A trained nurse from Danburv 1b Policy Ms State Street, - Bridgeport, Ooav be fitted to do my share in ad- to one connected with the university her. Tbe this bank stock- may who Is to, caring for management of realizes that It serves Its Electricity one of the therapeutic agents. Spring Suitfngs; vancing civilization in this age of sci dally lecturing working holders best when It serves the public best. The of Omce hours from 10 a n. to 12 m.. 8 to 4 m ence. The among with, and influencing these young Egan Brothers of Hawley ville deliv steady pcrsnit p. great complaint . to-da- - has i ministers y Is that the well edu-- people about to assume their varied ered their crop of tobacco, last Satur that policy been the main cause of s popularity and prosper! ty, 25c natAil npnarAUivA mAn Ha nnt positions In tbe life of the nation, and day, to Charles E. Eosllsb of Bethel. It invites yonr account on the assurance of faithful and zealous Dr B. J I 01 Frank udson, attend the churches locatea in the "CDU"rcy many them, 'to become who has purchased of them for a num service. 1 - of High-price- d Preach Novsllise. aew communities in which dwell. themselves leaders in their several ber or Dentist. Copies Somethlay -eetirely they years. Your account, or smart. Is soUctted. 57 Obktkr St., Ooss. for cost a dollar a - ministers the spneres. only pray tnat uod may large Bithjl, aad readily mistakea goods that yard.:- Many complain that lead as Heisees best. Opposite M. B. Church. large numbers of these Influential men George Reed of Dodglngtown. who Office hours: 8.30 to 12 tuid.1 to 8. THE NEW PLAIDS are well represented ia' ba exteaeive eoUeet-io- a which are absenting themselves from was seriouly 111 last week. Is now Cashier Thsss-good- s ' quite Frank N11IIr. Presldest, E. l. Chss TaLiPHOsa,21-&- we show. are js iaehss wide' the churches Indicates a. decadence of John H. Keane of New Haven passed improving rapidly. H. B. Tesr-rtl- AsstCeetUer. Hough, the spiritual life of tbe nation. Sunday with bis mother, Mrs John Dr F. A. Scott, l am inclined to be less narsn in my Keane, on Gas street. Miss Margaret Keating of Danbury 5(f Judgment of the spiritual life of the spent several days, last week. In Der-- I Dcsntlsst:. of I of Mr Mrs - Coaa. nation. While the average minister Patrick F. Bradley Bridgeport by, the guest and Edward Lewis Block, Woodbury, - in tbe larger churches may be as- well passed Sunday In town. Liiiiia. Liocal Telephone. ' if- McLEAN educated in some lines as his educated parishioners and perhaps better edu Bernard Keating of Bridgeport was Perry Smith, who has bad cbarire of "Women! A. J. McQown, O. O., 221 Main St., Danbury.
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