
1 E(S-MAFM- HA 0


oi ly to Ihose wbo enjoy the blessing of being my poor brother;" and picking him up nlaspnd In lose ccmrouniou with her. (Cheers) Tne him so tight that the bystanders had some FROM ROME. nearest hlw. The noose was at last put on EDITION principles of the Reformation never would have tioubie to remove him in order to render the SECOND EDITION and drawn tight around his neck. He FIRST succeeded had they not been conneoted wild necessary medical assistance. after The Bull Couvenlaff Geueral Council clutched it convulsively, and still used hlsj so distinguished for its learning proved too It ward feet to the utmost In kicking off those who had a corporation that the Htlectlonate relative was a of tbe Oburcn, bold of and piety, and so lorliUed by Its position as tne pickpocket, who, while so pro; me in bis fr te -- By Atlantic Cable. him. It took several minutes to pinion of England; aud I venture to say this, nal caresses, bis hands and feel; he meanwhile lying on Church bad appropriated the victim's BY 29. oonven-n- g that If that Church were to fall the Protestant gold watch, chain, and well-fille- d purse. LATEST TELEGRAPH. Rome, June The issue of the Bull his side and choking to death aa feet as Church of Europe would receive a wouad a General Council of the Cathollo Churoh, possible, for the rope waa stretoaed by his EUROPE. would probably never rnoover. weight. Ills face was perfect y livid, hbj from which It GERMANY. on and (Loud cheers.) But at this moment of diniculty the 8th of December, 1869, In the Vatican, has eyes starting from their sockets, presenting a and danger tbe people of this country should Vhe Proposed Navy Loaa. Impossibility of Adjourning produced a decided sensation In diplomatic spectacle not enslly forgotten, the Sheriff being reoollect for their consolation that, ibouga this General Moltke made an Interesting speeoh circles, as Is acknowledged on tha1 too busy subduing and pinioning him to take Jtlivil Dates to Juno SI. it all sides put ou cap. By Is not the first time their rights and liberties in the Nortb German Parliament on tbe 15th. Congress on July 15 this ecclesiastical time to the white the time his have been assailed and threatened, It Is tbe during the debate on tbe proposed navy loan. convention will constitute arms and legs were tied he bad beoome motion- first occasion npon which they can cuter Into He said that no one desired more iban himself Tho Now Florida the most brilliant hierarchical assemblage less; the cap waa put over his face, and theofll Mr. Disraeli on their vindication and defense with peculiar that.the Immense sums whloh are now devoted which has been brought together from the ear- rers sprang offend knocked out the prop. Lud- Great Speech by advantages. On former occasions and In old Senator. wlg being in a recumbent posture, and rope objects Z. ",e oi Europe to warlike liest days of Curlstianlty. the Situation-Affa- irs on days, when tbe generations who preceded us i.r might be turned to of peaue. at full tension already, when the drop fell he the hsu to experience tbe same struggle and tbe 5JU. "BUlt. however" could, In his His Holiness states that the subjects to be swung gently down, wiih his feet a short dis- the Continent. same perl), It was then said that those who never h .u.ini v... t..u submitted to the congregated body include: tance from the ground. His neck could not npbeld the cause of tho constitution of urgouauon. He did not Particulars of tho Pope's Hull Tbe necessity of renewed episcopal have been broken; but be died very quickly, Ei gland and tbe union of Churou. and think'''""""'the proposal of Russia to forbid exertion to and without a sit gle movement alter lie was were struggling favor of penal 1,1 secure In all quarters of the globe a firm belle' swung except or Slate in ,iu0'xp"1ye.any bul,ets warfare would Convening a General nil, oue two slight heavlngs of Ue U.i Kt Kte. Kte. legislation, and that, under the guise effect in this dirotioa. or tnii ' in tbe integrity of tbe Cathollo faith; a more the chest. of religious fervor, they were In tact Russia would carry out ber own recommenda- Council. abiding and respeot contending merely for peculiar privileges. tion any Booner than other Slates. Tne only heartfelt for religlou; a That can uo longer be said ("Hear," "Hear.") means of bringing about such a result would be more ready obedience to Oatboiia Church disci- FINANCE AND COMMERCE. By tbe arrival at New York of the Steamers The legislation of tbe last thirty years especi- tbe establishment In the midst of Europe of a pline, and a more general observance of Its Bcotla, we have mall ally bas terminated tbe possibility of suoh non aggressive power whtcu would be strong Kta., Kte.t KU., Kte. Omen OF TUB KVBNINO TBLBOKAFS, I Clmbrla, Pereire, and enough Et., Bt. lules, regulations, and laws; consultations as tj Waduesday. July l, lass. 21. I maintain that In this coun- to prevent all lis neighbors from mak- dates from Europe to June try religious equality really exists. There Is ing war; and this power must be Germany. 'he bett means of Improving the morals of the There Is no mnlerlal change to notice in the GREAT BRITAIN. religious freedom; every man bas the full and "We all know," be concluded, our nelgb-bor- s, members of the fold, how to extend and estab- Morey Market. Cull loan rule at per cent. "that TO-DA- 45 by Mar- - fair exercise and enjoyment of his religlou. He notwithstanding all their clatmr, are FROM WASHINGTON lish peace and concord among individuals and First clues mercantile paper ranges from 6($Q Thi Cablt Katertalaert the Is debarred of no civil right In consequence of fully convinced that we have no Idea of per cent, per CltaBl Tailors Ipaich of Mr. OUraaU. attack- nations, and how to more e free I ually remove annum. Tuero was very little bis religion, and In tbe courts of hlssoverelgu ing them; but. on tbe other hand, tbey must be Special Despatch to The Evening Telegraph. to operate stocks jpr. m the London Times, June 18. he can vindicate the privileges of tbe religious made to know equally well tbe many ills which a ill let civil society, as well in this moraine, but mat we will not 1. prices were without any material cnauge. Lent evening tbe master and wardens of the communton to which he belongs, althougo. It allow any oue to attack us." Wishikoton, July as many of the religious orders. In Company, one of tne mo-- t may not be of Church of Eagiand. Government loans there was very little move- Merchant Tailors' that tbe Blimtrk'i Ilealtb. !Tbe Untitloai of Adjournment. The In to 109$ tlmf-bonore- bull. conclusion, adverts the abso- ment and was bid lor June and July d of ibe ancient guilds of tbe city of ("Hear ") I call that religious equality, aud I Cologne and the rest contend Is perlectly The Gazette writes that the Blate of The question of adjournment Is being uollvely lute necessity which to uphold City loans were unchanged; the new iosue .Londjin, entertained the Premier that it consistent with tbe ( ount Blsmark's health Is by no means so exists the tetn sold of her Mnjfsty 'a Ministers, with many others of maintenance of the union between Stale and as bad considered in both houses of Congress. Beyond poral power of tbe Pope In the Eternal City at 101 i, and old do. at 98j. m-liv- e bas been generally reported, as J he mure conspicuous meuiucra ui iuo uuum Church. (Cheers.) and not suoh the mere fuct that members are anxious to get Railroad slmres were toe most active on tha In flue corporate conclusion, Mr. Disraeli said: to excite any serious anxiety. If be takes a long and domain of the Church, to sustain and de- party, at a banquet their In Gentlemen, summer holiday, bis awny as soon as possible, there Is nothing sig- lift. Rending sold at 60450i. ex dividend, a ball in Threadneedle street, tor weeas past In returning you the thanks of her Majesty's physicians believe he fend ibe sanctity of tbe sacrament ot marriage slight advance; Pennsylvania made by governing great compltmeut may be completely resiored, aud sole ta re- nificant or conclusive in the adoption of Mr Riilroal at 62J, preparations hBd been the Government for the tbe sume bis duties. He left Berlin morning in every land, and to be carerul of the educa- no cliauiie; Catawispa preterred at 2JJS)29i, no tody ol the company for the occasion, and the great and gratifying compliment which you this Wahbbnrne'a resolution yesterday to adjourn young. chnnpe; Lehigh X for Varzln, which Is the name ol his estate lu tion of the His Holiness deplores tbe Valley at CSJ'asO, a slieht ad- entertainment was upon a scale of extraordi- have paid them, and wuioh can assure you on IS. nary splendor. The guests were upwards of they entirely appreciate, I may be permitted to Pomeranla. July persevering, untiring and insidious eTjrt vance; and Camden and Amboy at UO, no thra hnmired in number, and were sealed ac express my confident trust that when the Im- Wnrltmbarg ad the Confederation. Tboxe who were familiar with the condition which are being made by the enemies of the chnnpe. 08 was bid for Norristown; 33 for North. cording to rank at lour parallel tables, extend- pending hour of trial arrives what we have The Journal de Paris writes Baron von of the business lu both Houses say that Pennsylvania; 41 lor Klmira preferred; 2G3 for Oabl-.n- et that Church to throw down, destroy and deface all ing aloiig the whole length of the hall, toe done will not be entirely forgotten by a gene- Varnbuier, tbe Wuriemburg minister, has de- at so early a day Is not possible. Philadelphia aud Erie; aud 47J for Northern. MinisieiB occupying a raised dais stretching rous and grateful people (cheers) and that. clared since bis return from Berlin tbe these, and imparts to the faithful the apostolic Central. oi ouuuing. me add, men who some diffi- that The Senate bas acted on but one appropriation Passenger croHS tbe western end ine company perhaps, let under present state of things cannot continue, aud benediction Just before adding his signature to In City Railroad shares there uiuht and left of the Master of the culties have performed tbeir duties may be that the South must eiiber enter into a more bill, while tbe House has not touched the Om- the paper and attesting It with the seal of the wns nothing doing. 49J was bid for .Second and Mr. John T. Fletcher), who occupied the chair, entrustea witn tue iar greater tasip wuicn now Intimate connection with or 36 tor 15 govern country the North, risk an nibus Appropriation bill, which is In many Fisherman. Third; Fifth aud Wxth; j for Thirteenth were Mr. Disraeli, r J.oru oi iue j.reaaury: awaits those who Ibis namely, uiter and complete breach with it. As It is Im- and Fifteenth; 23 tor 8pruce and 10 l nlriiH. Lord Hlabirt Chancellor: the Earl of upholding the Constitution, defending possible to suppose B respects most difficult and tedious la its passage Pine; for Tr.l the the tron can couterapUte Ilestonville; 81 lor Green and Coates j 41 Malmesbury, Lord Privy beal; tne Right Hon. liberties of tbe nation and maintaining tbe tbe latter policy, his opinions must be con- of them all. It is tbe opinion of good Judges and for Galhorne Hardy, (secretary of State for the supremacy of the Queen. (Loud and prolonged sidered as veering towards the more lrlendly FROM ST. LOUIS. Union. Department; Right Hon. Kir J. cheering.) that it will be nearly the first of August before Bank ebnrcs fwere firmly held at full prices, Home the alternative. Many South German members of gross adjourns. Paklngton, Hecretary of Slate for War; the The Master then proposed "Tbe House of the Zoll parliament have returned home with Cor Tbe Great Artetlau Wall A Suicide. but we hear of no sale?. 252 was bid for North Duke of Richmond, President of the Board Lords," coupling with tbe toast tbe name of the less amicable feelings, which they now express Gsaeral Tbomas W. Osborae, V. 8. S. Special Despatch to Tlie EveningTelegrapht America; 100 for Philadelphia; 128 for Farmers' ; Mayo. Hecretary of Tradt the Earl of Chief for Lord Chancellor. to their const Ituents, General Thomas W, Osborne, who was ad" and Mechanics'; 58 for Commercial; 30J for Duke of Montrose, the Marquis of The toast was great St. Louts, July 1. The artesian well being 6H Ireland; the drunk with cordiality, General News. milled to his seat yesterday as a Mechanics'; for Penn Township; 60 for "Waleriord, the Marquis ol Exeter, the Eurl of and was responded to at great length by the member of bored by tbe county reached a depth of 3117 feet (Jirard; 30 72 , Duke of Marlborough, Ixrd Presi- Lord An important subject whloh has again en- ior Manufacturers'; for City; 44 for the Chancellor. the United Slates Senate from Florida, is a to-da- deepest In the world. no Connolldation; CO dent of the Council; the Chancellor of the gaged tne Council ot toe Bund is the proposed the There is for Commonwealth; and 120 Exchequer; the Dukeof Buckingham, Hcretary Lord Brougham's Will. canal for connecting the North Sea and the native of New York, from old St. Lawrence. water yet. The work has been going on for for Central National. was law-bu- t of Htate lor tbe Colonits; Kir Htallord H. The will of tbe late Lord Brougham and linl tic. At tbe outbreak of tbe war be reading twenty-si- x months. Mary Lawler, in a fit of Canal shares were dull. Lehigh Navigation or The Spener Gazette states plan for sold at a slight advance. 11 Northcote, Hecretary state ior inuia; iora Vaux, of Brougham Hall, Westmoreland, was that the at once abandoned Blaokstone for Hardee' Jealousy, committed suicide to-da- y by drown- 22i223( was bid ohn Manners, cmei commissioner oi proved on tbe 17lh by bis brother William, tbe tbe Pruskian and North German fleet has un- and raised a company of artillery. This having for Sohujlkill Nivteation common; 21 for pre- orks: the Dune or Atnoie, toe Marquis present Lord, the sole executor. This personal dergone considerable alterations. As the re- ing herself In a cistern. ferred do.: and 15$ tor Susqufh inna Canal. Droghed. '2U00. cent experiments have proved guns can soon afterward been attached to Hooker's fight- f Ahrrrnrn. the Marants of property Is sworn under Tbe will, which that be The board of directors of the National pe Bristol, Bradford, 18(50, which are capable ot Congress. he Maronln of the Earl of the Is dated the 8th of December, Is all In tbe made penetrating the ing division, made Itself felt everywhere on the Nominated for Bank have declared a dividend of lour Mayor, the , the Earl of deceased's handwriting; Is on one thickest plates, it is not intended to construct 1. Lord it written armor-plate- Before leaving Captat Os- Cincinnati, July The Thirteenth DUtrlct per cent., payable on of Coventry, of paper, many d frigates, but rather to Peninsula. there, a demand. Galloway, the Earl the Erl side of a sheet of and on the other side make Democratic Convention, held Ob lo. The coupons for Interest on bonds Jersey, the and the Erl of there 1b a lithograph of his seat, Brougham bigb speed and heavy armaments the first borne became Hooker's Chief of Artillery, at Newark, of the Hes field. The Company of Merchant Taylors Is Hall. object. and distinguished himself for gallantry yesterday nominated George W. Morgau for Union Passenger Railway Company, due July 1, will be paid at the ollice or fci. Kidgway one of tbe twelve great civic guilds of London The testator, after reciting that by two deeds, and good conduct generally. In Congress. Jacob and among the oldest of them. Home of the dated tbe 18th of Mrch, 1847, and 16th of No- Miscellaneous Hews. the in this city. external walls ol its corporate ball are said to vember, 1857, be bas settled and disposed of the The Evcntmcnt Iilustre, of Paris, gives the fall of 18G3 be was ordered West with Tbe coupons of the first mortgage bonds of liave survived the fire of London, and In Its whole of bis real estates In a manner perfectly details of the silver table ordered for the the 11th and 12th Army Corps, and subse- THE SCAFFOLD. the Pembertou and Hightstown Railroad Com-pnn- y, ; ODK muster roll ot kingly, nooieanu uistin-she- d satisfactory to his mind, goes on to sty: "So Sultan. The price will be nearer 4.000,000 francs 18G1, dne July lbt, will bo paid at the office of personages oCcur names of quently, in the autumn of after the fall of the Edward far as I lawfully can. I confirm these deeds; tbau 3,000,000 francs, as originally stated. Tne X Scene Desperate Bowen & Fox, in this city. -- Ave or Henrys, E lward IV, Atlanta, when Sherman reorganized his army Frightful Efforts of 41 Richard II, the yet, having regard to tbe want or deslgus are composed irom the Ideas and advice V Tho quarterly dividend on the stock of the Richard HI. Charles I and James If. Acces any place of safe custody publicly of M. Agop, seut by the Sultan to for for his grand raid, Osborne became Chief of a If ailirderer to Avert His tfate. 4i Paris tuat Sails-bur- Mount Farm Coal and Oil Company, of five per sions of Illustrious and eminent persons In suc- authorised, so often complained of by purpose, aud are splendid: The middle or cen- Artillery of Army of Tennessee, A letter to the New York Herald from com- the the General N. C, June 20, says: cent, has been declared, payable July 1st. ceeding ages as bouorary members of the me, end to the accidents happening at the offices tre piece represents a Moorish palace two feet commanding. He served through- coupons pany have been made from time to time, the of solicitors and elsewhere, 1 thluk U right to six Inches high; there are two end pieces repre- Howard here A most exciting spectacle has been witnessed The of the "preferred bonds" and more ie cent of them being the Prinro Consort, provide for the event of the deeds I have re- senting louutalns, two triumphal arohes and out Sherman's great marob, and up to the close here to-da- y in the public executlou of Uufus of the "common bonds" of the Susquehanna tbe Prince ot Wales, the Dune of Edinburgh, ferred to being lost or destroyed, and no satis- two end pieces for flowers, all to bJ executed In of tbe war, when he was ordered down to Florida Ludwlg for tbe killing of his wife, to whom he Canal Company, due first of July, will be paid Mr. George Peubody. factory evidence of or rons-lv- e had been married only eleven days. on presentation the former at the Company's ard their execution contents the Albambra style In silver. The as of the Freedmen's Bureau IMth 18(i7, The Invited guests besan to arrive about belDg forthcoming." In this event, be then length of the table will be about oue hundred Chief there. He On tbe of May. Uufus was married oflice, and the latter at ihu First National Sank; half-po- st poor girl, re- 6, and were received as they pre- gl vt sand devises all h Is real estate, situated in and forty-eigh- t feel by aboutslxteeu feet broad. conducted its a flairs very creditably, until some to Milly Campbell, a but virtuous ot city. drawing-roo- widowed In south- this sented themselves In the by the England, to bis brother William, his heirs and Besides tbe actual cost of the tible a sum of time in lSGG or 1807, when ho retired from siding with her mother the The Wallace Oil Company announces a divi- nBier of the compauy. The asKlgns fee, 2,000,000 purcu the eastern part of this county. He at once look and Wardens In and likewise bequeaths to him francs is destined for the tse of was appointed Mar- dend of one per cent., payable ou demand, and Prime Minister was cheered on his arrival, and all bis personal estate whatsoever and where- linen, glassware, accompanying furniture, etc. urniy, and United Slates ber to tbe house of his owu parents, who, wltu again when the names of the company were soever. Such a magnificent tout ensemble has probably shal for Florida, from which position he has their daughter Jane, a vouug woman of bad tbe Washington and Walnut Bend Oil Company read alter dinner by the toast master, as were never before been ascended to character, lived only about live miles from the a dividend nt ten per cent., Ave regular and five of Sir James Brooke manufactured. Just the United States Senate. He motuer-lu-law- . ' Lord Chancellor, the Chancellor or Fnnaral says re- house of Kufus' Iu the course extra, payable first of July. also the A Paris letter that news had been 18 thirty-fiv-e years old. He waa the Exchequer, the Home Hecretary, Hlr Staf- The remains of Sir James Brooke, K. 0. B., ceived from Rome of the ripening of a Bour- about a Douglas of two weeks cfterwards the brother of the New and dangerous counterfeit $100 bills on ford Nortbcole, the , aud the Rnjah of Sarawak, were Interred on Wednes- bon 'tt conspiracy In Southern Illy whloh is Democrat, and is now a Republican, murdered woman went to visit her and ascer- the Ohio National Bank of Cincinnati, have of Richmond, amontr others of tne Cabi day, the 17th, in the churchyard of tbe retired to son tained from ber husband's family that she Duke .; Intended restore Francis, the of the late made their appearance in Leavenworth, Kansas, Ministers, m. i-- ur, village of Sheepstor, Devon, In tbe spot c iosen to of Two bad betn missing since the 4th of net coionei iyior, Ferdinand, tbe throne the Sloilles. TO-DA- having been put in circulation west of by himself. The deceased was followed to Theex-Klng'- s Y. was Tuesday. Rums, that Henley, M. P.; Sir Georee Bowver, M. P.; and the proclama Is satd to be printed FROM BALTIMORE June, which Her husband. point. Bir Watkins Williams Wynn, M. P., were also grave not only by relatives and a numerous cir- and ready for distribution. Rome is head- said she had gone on that day to her mother's, the Tbe coupons of July 1, on tha first mort-fru- ee well received. cle of lriends from a distance, but also by the quarters of the proposed revolutionary con- Democratic Kxodua to New York Colored wiin tne intention oi remaining a ween, auu toasts hid been proposed and nilre population of tbe neighborhood, all vieing spiracy to break up kingdom of Victor that he had supposed her to be there wbioh, bonds of the Allegheny Valley Railroad, After various in the deslie to show the respect which tbe Hcbaole and Kducatioa, however, the brother Informed him had not will be piiid on that day by Towuseud, responded the Master then rose to propose with the Emmanuel, and bring about a restoration of Despatch to The Evening Whelcn trust off,the evening. Raj an bad inspired them. Tbe operations of the exiled Royal families. Tue prlncloal agents Special Telegraph. been the case. Tbe neighborhood was at once & Co., in this city. the hay were entirely suspended 1. aroused a He begged to associate with the toast the the barvest for the of the Bourbons, now as before at Rome, are Baltimore, July An extra special car and commenced search lor the miss FIIILAUKLFI1IA STOCK KICHAJtCK SAIES TO-D- nan e ot tne Right Hon. Benjamin Disraeli, day. We have authority to mention, says the said to be priests. The same news, and an tendered by Mr. Cameron, of the ing young wife. This searou was uusucoesstul Western Newt, that the sovereignty of Sarawak the Northern lor u week. Reported by De Haven A Bro., No. 40 S. Third street. First Lord of tue Tresury, whose command- identical programme reached Paris some Railway, leaves here Suspicions UXKbT BOARD. eloquoooe, nn-B'n- has been given by the late Rajau to his nephew, ago, Central wltb were at once excited that she had ing genius, whose brilliant months bur. no revoluilou broke out. de- (toco NPR 6s b5 2 ft ah .Bead R...... IH. WM Mr. Brooke, Mayor Banks, Governor Swann, been foully dealt with, and tbe peculiar (HI J-- en resolution, good temper aud unfailing Charles Johnson The Vienna Official Evening Post of Jane 19, Governor ill W& rauk 7s.c bit 1(0 do ...... bttO. 60X meanor and eouduotof the husbaud aud his 1100 tact bad enabled him to rute the storm, and, if publishes tbe following, iu contradiction of a Bowie, Montgomery Blair, Pratt, do 83 too do.M....nM.la-6o'4-1 family caused suspicions to be directed 1 be could not gain a port, had at leust enabled FRANCE. statement of tbe Patriot: "Not oaly have no many other distinguished gentlemen these lliioo Leh 68.KH 74 lift Uo....b60 SOii keep sea. ot troops and for towards them, and about tbe 7lh of June Uufus lliKio l.eh Val ROB SS 4"0 6o bint to tbe Bud et for 1800. movements tbe wbatever taken plae 20(1 da...,.i. 60)2 Mr. Disraeli, on presentlnghimsell to respond, Tbe on tbe Servian frontier, but even those whtcn the New York Convention, and they go via end his mother and sister Jane were arrested. fiim Union CI ll8.... 12 dO l8.8l0.iliH The report of the French budget of 1869 and The two latter were admitted to ball, but Uufus lto bh It una fii 100 a o...... 5iJ was received with the most enthuxtastlo and had been ordered some time back on account Harrlsburg, Immense numbers of persons are tS do...... rtc f2'.. 65 HQ Leh 22)1 the ether financial measures couneotej was lully to oa tnecuargeot - Nav.. cheeriDg. silence being restored, with committed jail 10- prolonged Oa tbe receipts and expenditure of the two pre- of garrison chances, have been postponed at the going by every conveyance. having perpetrated t.heorimeof murder, though to do Ih. 61 0 do....eo. lie saw: Master and Wardens, my lords and desire of the Chancellor of the Empire, In order 6 ah Leh V H....d b. 66 J, iitn do...... U)i more ceding years bas Just been distributed to the con- Dr. C.T. Schuman, who was tried in the Crim- as yet there was no dead body found. Oatue 26 dn.Pig&lnt, 60 100 22 gentlemen, nothing can be gratifying to Busson-Blllaul- to avoid giving the least cause lor political do...... b30, of two Chambers. M. t, body was found 611 EerMuJeMy's Ministers tbau that their names members tbe jecture." Court recently, and found guilty of mal- llth of June the in 76 do.01 g&lut. 11.0 do..m.,..m tlii the reporter, gives tbe following as a inal Oraoe creek, near its Juootlou with ldOHh t'ataPrf. luO do ....BOO. 21 .should be received with cordial kindness by At the latest news from Belgrade, arrests sen- y nummary of practice in producing abortions, has been were 100 do body of their fellow-countr- men; but tbe prluolpal results of the ordi- were still being made, and one prisoner. the Yadkin river, aud then revealed 2)t iiany iu-- nary budget for 1869: to pay $500 and be sent to the city all tbe marks of a murder most foul and dia The following are morning's gold Mvnder this roof that gratification Is greatly Captain Nlluden Nevadovich, committed tenced jail for body preserved this and is lnneeu peculiar, dcouuno Fr. suicide in prison. Tbe evidence last giveu at 30 days. bolical. The had been from foreign quotations, reooried oy Whelen Bro- ;i,creHoi',nnl i cuuuoi The ordinary receipts are set down.. .1,700.1)18,237 decomposition to a considerable degree, bv 1 et TOl'get inai at various luiervniB iuwn uau The expenses 1,024,48 i,(!51 the investigation Into the murder of Prince The committee has agreed to bold Shrewsbury water, cause of thers, Gold, fctock, and Exchange Brokers, No. nniiktituLinniil has often assembled, some- - Michael, to show conspirators slon under the and the the 105 S. : oarlv tends that the g Third street camp-meetin- on Raymond death was plainly visible. A bullet bad entered 0 'Limes moments of adversity, sometimes in only wished to a tool of the farm, near 12-0- iu Burplne 78,lU.i.S86 make Alexander oase ot a. M. . 1401 P. M. . . 140 V to some- - de- the felt tempie just at tue tne oratu, - 0 Ahe hour of triumph sometimes rally, and that the latter had been York, Pa., on tbe 13th of August. There wa 10- 00 " . 1404 12-1- " ; which sum is to be imputed as assets .or the ex- close in front of the ear, and ranging down- . 140i Jixiej to organise, out aiwHys io viuuicmo iuo.se ceived by them. 11- - i upon we traordinary budget. ranch contention about the location, wards passed through the back of the moutu 07 " , 14012-3- " . 140j real pilnclpUs which believe are - 11-3- 0 r founded tbe greatness of this country and the Illaess of Mrs. Dlx. Tbe colored people of Baltimore held a mass and out at the lower edge of the right under- " . 140 Dull and steady. happiness of its people. (Cheers.) The New York 7mes correspondence says; TUE EUROPEAN MARKETS. meeting at tne Douglass Institute, last night, to jaw, breaking the jaw bone. There were two Foreign Exchange on Loudon: OU days, 1101 to you a Gene- gasnes or a aniieou iuo iuni.buun ui tuuui 110J; 3 da.vB,llO.Jfailol. On Paris: CO days. what is most strange auu singular m mis I mentioned in recent letter that consider tbe subject of colored schools aud edu- shallow and insufficient to produoe eventful history Is that Just at the moment ral Dix and family had left for Switzerland, To-Da- y's Quotations, somewhat fit. lntMM. 121r 3 diiva fif. 11 Ifa.lf. 10. beeslao-lisbe- d cation. Tboy had a warm discussion, and some dealb; tbe other almost from ear to ear, and when a constituent body is about to wiin tne intention oi passing a tew moutus By Atlantic Cable. body ilerBrs. Jay Coone it Co. quote Govern- which will represent all classed, all inte- there. 1 am sorry to add that they were oom- - of the prominent speakers announced a strong necessarily mortal. Tbe spot where the securities, etc., as London, July 1 A. M. Consols, for was round was a seoiuuea one, pernaps a mue ment follows: U. 8. 6s. of rests, and all opinions In tbe Unit ed ICIngdxn, elled to turn back on account of the sudden OlJOl intention to abandon radicalism and unite 1H81, old new no doubt more fully aud more completely than flinens of Mrs. Dlx. and the family are now money, and for account. U. S. with from the house where Rufus aud hi parents 113l113; 113U34; even by S401Jh the Democrats, believing thereby they would lived. 18C4, 110$ 111; do., 18G5, 1UK4U1; July, hefore. or than was anticipated those btaylng temporarily at Versailles. Mrs. Dix is Illinois Central, 101. Erie RR., 1H67, favorable to political change what Is most mucn better, ana an cause ior uneasiness has 45i get their rights sooner. Others thought there Ludwlg was finally convicted of the crime and 109W10!i;do., 10!J10'Jj; do.. 1808. lOuf . . 1 .!...-.-. I .. 4 .... iirtnull- 1 A, M. Cotton executed. The scene at the soatlold, one of (78110; 8, 107 ihlo n...at - patsed away, Tbe General comes to town Liverpool, July dull, aud was too large a white Democratic majority the 107; June, I09ia i( body, founded upon those enlarged sym- - daily. bas declined The sales for to- in most frightful on record, is thus described: 11: do.. July. 10'Jrd no; U. 8. Paciao Bonds, tuent Maryland and "niggers" would not be needed. Tbe be touohod the platform a m st li pathies and Interests, will be called upon as viaaaces day are estimated at 8000 bales. Upland mid- instant soeue 103O1034. Gold. 1404. jV decide whether they will sus- - fans. Extensive preparations are making for ex- extraordinary and exciting ensued. He Jlessrs. De Haven & Brother, No. 40 their first duly to The Moniteur of June 18 publishes a fearfully dlings, middling Orleans, VA. once made a wild plunge forward with Sontll - Haui-sman-, HVill; at the ex- I tain nr whether thev will subvert the coastita- long report from M. professing to cursions, picnics, etc., on the Fourth of July. of leaping off the platform on the Third street, report the following rates of BreadstufTs Corn Is firmer at previous quota intention to-da- y : tion of their country. (Loud cheers.) I coufess an account of tbe finances ot tbe cliy of Reverdy Johnson sails on the 1st of August farther side, and with tbe evident purpose of change at 3 P. M. U. 8. 6s of 1881. 113fr that I cannot resist recognising the hand five M. Haussman admits that he owes lions. Wheat and Flour heavy and unchauged making a break and a desperate endeavor to do. 1802, 11210113; do., 1864, 110(0 of Providence In this awful dispensation; 405,775,105 francs and some centimes, and makes Provisions Produce steady. from Baltimore. bis way through the crowd and esoape his UO; do., 1805, 110IQ1111; do., 1806, new, 10!(J circumstances under Ill-use- of the Bremen when I remember the as a very person. 1- The steamer Berlin line sailed ard change In our political system was himself out London, July -P. M. U, S. 73' 973;. mpendlna doom. Notulng could be more 10!); do., 1H07. new, H9jil09l; do., 1808, 1094 wbioh this to-da- a large freight and passengers. an effort, as would be mani- ; first conceived, and remernber also toe state of Railway to Great Others unchanged. with hopeless than such lfi9J do.,6s, 10.40s. 107 talU74; do. 7 30s, June, IroJcUd Tusxil fest to any reflecting mind. But Lad wig bad 11943110; do., July, 1994'4U0: Due Com- tbe political world at this moment, when. Us Livekpooi,, July 1 P. M. Cotton easier. ceaced to reflect; be only felt the animal lust lot conclusion la about to be accomplished, I can- Journal, the Moniteur de la To was pound Interest Notes, 1194; Autnist, 1865, An official French Cheese buoyant at Otis, Beet and Pork dull ON TO NEW YORK. . .. of submit death. not believe that it la through mere cbanoeand tPot.Ha ntinnliflivi Ihfll. Kjlflr Admlrill Hikll rAlkla. To struirgle was no more than death. He 11840 1184: do., September, 18t5, 1181184; do. tbe rascal occurrence of every day atlalrs that and M. Delaroohe Ponole, hydrographloal engi Petroleum firmer. Lard, 6 la. Kicort, succeeded In throwing his feet aud October, 1865, 1174.(2118. Gold, 14031404. England, with its increased irancuises, wnioa neer of tbe nrst-cias- nave just nee a appointed Ahtwekp, July 1 P. M. Petroleum Arm at Tbe Peadleton legs oil the platform, out tue two Silver, 133i135. have no sound foundation exoept on the as- of a special commission to Special Despatch to The Evening Telegraph. hold of his arms and spirit members examine 47J4 francs. officers having sumption that there is a healthy national the plan for a submarine tunnel for the estab- Cincinnati, July 1. The Pendleton escort shoulders held fast and pulling him backward In tbe country, Is ealled upon to deol Je whether lishment of a railway between France and Eng- befell with the upper part of his back still on Philadelphia Trade Report i..mLi-- venerable y two hundred strong, left tbe city yesterday, and it. ii or ntibold lis constitu land. This committee, which will merely oouu-p- LEGAL INTELLIGENCE. the platform, his legs and part of his body still Wednesday, July 1, 1808. The Flour market (Cheers.) My lords and geullemeo, tbe In- will two more tion. - lUelt with preliminary details, is also to tbe Pendleton Club take hundred projecting over the edge. Several of the nearest f.Dgiana is not a paper cousin- as- is devoid of spirit, and prioes have a downward onslltnMon oi - clude among lis members twogeueral lnspeo-lo- i COURT OF OYER AND TEHMINKR, Judfc'ei away to-da- The representation from this officers of the guard at onoe rushed to the (Hear.) is an aggregate oi iuniiu- bridges, M. Lud-wig'-s tendency. There Is no Inquiry exoept from on. It upon sof mines, roads and with Combos, Ludlow aud iirewsler neighboring towns will be large, as sistance of the Sheriff, and laid bold of the lioar, xnany of them iounueu mereiy Inspector General of the Imperial Corps or INFANTICIDE, city and lego, endeauoring to shove him backward consumers, who operate some oi tuem uy the home with extreme prescription, loruueu Mines, lor Us chairman. Tne Emperor received case of Vaughn was before Court many are going from Lexington, Dayton, on the platform. But the prisoner struggled 700 25 xnnninnntM. but all Of them the fruit a deputation of scientific and commercial men The Hester the Iudlanapolls. superhuman strength. Wliu all caution. Bales of barrels at$7 758 for of an this moiulug. As lu the case disponed of Jn krJ.y, Hamilton, Columbus and About with almost S8 25 89 nd txperlenoe ancient aud theTullerles on Welnesday, on the subject was 11 ma powerful and muscular frame, Eupeitinf; 50&9 for extra?; 5010'26 for conse-GUouuc- of at the cliars lnfauuclde. belnu allessa kki leuve to night by the vigor of bis IJlustrlcus people. (Cheers.) And the Is said dis- prluoui-- 70.1 v a hundred more will the $11 been of the proposed tunnel, and to have Kve blnh to a child at No. Ulraril nerved by despair, he wrestled with fate. For Northwestern extra family; for Minnesota this peculiar constitution has played intercut In the proceeJlngs that took. uue ou the tub or February last, aud lliea took lis III Atlantlo and Great Western train. long he uttered no word, but with con- 50 fbib by no other European by striking It several blows upou '1 facia, a time do. do.; $l0ail for Pennsylvania and Ohio do. oie experienced place. Ilia htad. lie Missouri Delegation. vulsive and rapid movements ot arms and legs 12(iyll fanoy aoonrdiejr to nation u at In England society has always aa ItbliUeU oy wkiiuhhhh, ware lollows: 1'lia pri- Vbe grasp of do., and for brand, General News. soner, a young K, gllah woman, lived lu Muut-gomer- y ST. July 1. Trains going east to-da- y strove to wrench himself from tbe quality. Rye Flour commands 8JdU 23 perobl, b"n more powerful than the Slate (bear) for Louis, eight or ten men who now had hold of him. Meal. Is of diaioulty and danger, in mo A circular of the French Minister of Publlo county as a domastlc, lroiu the 11 of were crowded. There were fifteen delegates to tbe fothloi? doiwir tn Corn in momei fully q uali- lht6 till the tali of 1K67. durlug tue greater portion ot A thiill of awe and horror ran through the Therein very little dolna in the Wheat mar went of emergency, there has always In this Instruction Invites French teachers, which lime she waa an I.vmy girl aud assemblage, swayed to aud fro . v. .. . ,.v.ul li I nor vm-ini- whlnh Tn H 11 fied, to give in the Krenoti suhool wl.bl. tbe National Democratic Convention, and a immense and it ket, and prices declined lully 5a per bushel. Instruction happy aDd contented, but during tbe tatter like a forest sbakeu by a mighty wind. Some Notwithstanding this concession buyers i ally, and by those mean we have established at Galata Soral, lu Turkey. mourns sue btcuuie melancholy, and wan large number of soldiers and sailors. The ma spaetaole; cain could oanll-nitr- e, and lied from the awful slowly aud purchased sparingly. aonleved the two greatest blessings of olvlltited The Paris papers record tbe deuth of a heard to heave deep sighs. ehcaiue to tbe city aud Jority declared for Hendricks, of Indiana. turned forward Haies li eighty- years, lived lu a rented room at No, 7i)3Uirardavenua, form- of excitement and terror broke of 3000 bushels prima red at t J 2if$2'80. and 1000 II con munltles, which ate seldom reoouolled the agtd eluht named Jeanne women and negroes I 50(3)2. (I yment of order and of liberty, Hancbel, who went through all theoampaiaus ing but a alight acquaiulanoe wlui lua other lu males forth from others? bushels common and fair at f Hye la alike Of the bouse. Ou lha V h of February IihI a lady, shileked. Suoh a scene is not often witnessed worth SI Wia,VVo per bushel fir Pennsylvania. (Cheers ) Now, among thtse institutions not of the republic, the empire, and the restoration. illness, a cum code to FR OM MINNESOTA. wtiose duty it was to 1800 r figured Eylaw, m, who knew her took ol ber In this world. But those Corulsqulet. with sales of bushels yellow is tue uuuron tnear, She also at the bailies of room, upou ult-rlti- cn of guard, most tbe least inconsiderable I1 aud f herd veral falut act letnatned calm and cool. Tue (113. 900 busheis 10. Is In the alliance between Church and rledland. child. lady upnn her. aud lea'o Jd at and Western mixed atfl hear) and It - a Another clled Tbe Particulars of the Altai slnatlou of of whom bad been old Confederate soldiers, are steady, with sales of 60J buibels Penn- a. an alliance between equal and lude- The Emperor and Empress of France have thai ber baby had beau born; aud the prisoner. "llula-lB-tua.Ua- y." to a "ready," Oils m State 11. toog simply brought their muskets sylvania soo, and looO bushels Uouibern . i 1 Will ch entered Into a solemn sent a telegram to tbe Czar relative to the buopy t ough at first obj cilng to nhowlug ll from at at nnwflH Utile booy ejlie asked Despatch to The Evening Telegraph and stood as serene as they were wont to do in bSlqMM. NolblUK doing In Barley or Mall. V national goou nmi uuo ui tuo escape of the two sovereigns from the murder- under the bed a Melees the fecial oovenantfor the recognized why we ous made last year the same period laoy to piouurea box ior it, audio olHimseof It, aud Chicago, July J. The partloularsof recent times ot real danger. And still the Bark The stocks of Quercitron have become TT Drlnclpal causes may be attack at keep U the death struggle went on, one against ten; aud It seemed Universal rutrt aled her to secret. But luloriuat'ou wai 4 reduced to a low figure, and the inquiry is good these two great blessings of during the visit of tbe latter to the D irty of the celebrated Chippewa Indian Chief Hole- - mvo fHoved expressed ood given to the autnurlties, and the was at times almost like the despairing wretch at SOU per ton for No. 1. fnedeman order. There Exhibition. The Emperor Alexander turned over to the Coroner, whnae physician, npon are reoelved would succeed In freeing himself from the pow- consequence wnloh I think his thanks for this kind demonstration la lound tun here. He was shot by Weeds Clovtrsetd is in moderate request at I is still another uiaklua a ezamlua'lon, skull er ul pose who were holding him. The noosa JU 01 , holders SO. Timo- 1 placed before the country at this ibe most courteous manner to the French Am- trai luied lu several places as If by blow luUiuled tbree Beech Lake Indians, last Saturday, wullo pow- 60 per lbs but ask $77 ahoiild be was two feet above bis head as he lay, and bulla 12 2 50, Flaxseed at f 80$ 85, I tnoment. Is that through the union of Church bassador. with a bluut ins'rumeut, and alaj found clou of riding in bis buggy netr his residence In Crow were used to push him up to it. thy at j2 aud i i V It aunremaoy of the sovereign Is Reports from Central France state that the bUxd between the skull and brala. Hue said Ibat erful efforts the U- - to grew rickety, and ..riuuia hoar!) as It Is secured lu no rrobneclsof tbe next vlntageexceed any wlthlu sue had been startled by t er trauceot ibe tintt lady WlDg, Minnesota. They went his house, got Meunwblie the platform aeoured here (hear! wliu the colli u, aud bad fallen back upon the baUe, guns by several were employed in steadying it. At the Hewr York Stock QuotaUfcaa lp. H, 7ther country; and It Is to the acoomplishmeut the memory of man, not alone foriuanllly, but H. some from his wife false pretenses, and seemed, sovereign power tbu aillliifr end of more than five minutes whloh Reoelved by telegraph from Olendlnnlng 4 f tbatsupremaoy of the that for quality. ThlH. ..thort story briefly told, bat heavy was waylaying him, shot him dead, afterwards sUh however, to be three limes as long the Sheriff Brokers, No. 48 H. Third atreeto and solely Indebted, for that The Paris Figaro reports the death of a man H wltb m. ry and shame, aud how lull of agouy aud Davis, Hlock le are Indebted,. lO.UOO, blng his body in numerous places. The cause was shout getting the noose over Ludwlg's head, 131i.Chi. and. K.1. R.....105 Xlll-'- ...hlih lim yluotn Ilia- - in that city leaving a fortune of t but all horror to inl pour young girl, who. In lha bloom of N.Y.Cent. It t liuci ly nmu mln-sie- which he threw qulokly irom side to side to E. :7U' Pitta, W.ana uui. source of happiness In this ooun- - In French postage stamps. HI weak polut for life had, by oue been thus brought to the wan probably an old grudge. He leaves six NY. and R f. ..100 Ijj-ea- ..... spare Verge of an Ignominious gravel The case wan warmly avoid It. He then exclaimed that he would stand rT nn fin wa uwa .mw d many years baa been to Invest all bis wives, one who is Wli lIuii? I try. t collecting argued by counsel for the defeuse. and. Indeed, It was Indian and white. up and be quiet if they would release their hold; v h u arid N L It. " oiea. .... A v nr cash In the various colors and kluds, purpose Tel.- w4 iiib BuveiriKuInseparable oonse are endeavoring to efleet an arrange- oue that might well enlist the sympathise ot auy oue, but this waa evidently said only for the Cie andPHi Union - T";".i.,o nt.rt.v. but as an Ulf heirs howsoever Just ha might be. Fire la Indiana. of inducing them to relax their efforts, for he 'hl and N. W. oom.73Si Uold...... l' rj h nombl nation we find la that ment with the nuance department. i was much agi- strong. 'Vi.T Diirlnir Lha laLa raoaa lu 1'arla a vouns man. When firs arraigned tha prisoner Cincinnati, July 1 The flax mill of Lin- - showed no sort of disposition to relax his own ClL andN.W.pref.,.78, Maraet An. nm b reft tost Kuarantee ' tated, and fell to weeping, but during the remainder - - country oroas over course, waa exertions. The ofHoers persisted In placing tbe . t "ivfl rTghU (Hear:) The endeavoring to the of lue proceeding ahe reuialued qulel. and apparently Vllle.BtautrACo., at Columbia City, Indiana, nooxe over bU bead, and aa he felt the Inevita- Tbe Manhattan emu propose to giT J VSmiiilliMM la no greator error knocked down by the running Dorses, anotner 0 Closely with bar own thought that aha niut-Ar- d that there oi nHd waa entirely oonwumed by An yesterday. L(mm( ble fate now had lniu. be la aald to have exisien-e- well-dresse- d young man Immediately sprang to caroely ejrtfelua that wae trauWriug n-l- a Buppoae the eura, wuloa w Uvard by some of tUoae afetslaianoe, calling- - out, "Oh my broUier rouud bar a his f