i 1 E(S-MAFM- HA 0 VOL. IX--No. 151. PHILADELPHIA, WEDNESDAY, JULY 1, 18G8. DOUBLE SIIEET TIIRKE CENTS. oi ly to Ihose wbo enjoy the blessing of being my poor brother;" and picking him up nlaspnd In lose ccmrouniou with her. (Cheers) Tne him so tight that the bystanders had some FROM ROME. nearest hlw. The noose was at last put on EDITION principles of the Reformation never would have tioubie to remove him in order to render the SECOND EDITION and drawn tight around his neck. He FIRST succeeded had they not been conneoted wild necessary medical assistance. after The Bull Couvenlaff Geueral Council clutched it convulsively, and still used hlsj so distinguished for its learning proved too It ward feet to the utmost In kicking off those who had a corporation that the Htlectlonate relative was a of tbe Oburcn, bold of and piety, and so lorliUed by Its position as tne pickpocket, who, while so pro; me in bis fr te -- By Atlantic Cable. him. It took several minutes to pinion of England; aud I venture to say this, nal caresses, bis hands and feel; he meanwhile lying on Church bad appropriated the victim's BY 29. oonven-n- g that If that Church were to fall the Protestant gold watch, chain, and well-fille- d purse. LATEST TELEGRAPH. Rome, June The issue of the Bull his side and choking to death aa feet as Church of Europe would receive a wouad a General Council of the Cathollo Churoh, possible, for the rope waa stretoaed by his EUROPE. would probably never rnoover. weight. Ills face was perfect y livid, hbj from which It GERMANY. on and (Loud cheers.) But at this moment of diniculty the 8th of December, 1869, In the Vatican, has eyes starting from their sockets, presenting a and danger tbe people of this country should Vhe Proposed Navy Loaa. Impossibility of Adjourning produced a decided sensation In diplomatic spectacle not enslly forgotten, the Sheriff being reoollect for their consolation that, ibouga this General Moltke made an Interesting speeoh circles, as Is acknowledged on tha1 too busy subduing and pinioning him to take Jtlivil Dates to Juno SI. it all sides put ou cap. By Is not the first time their rights and liberties in the Nortb German Parliament on tbe 15th. Congress on July 15 this ecclesiastical time to the white the time his have been assailed and threatened, It Is tbe during the debate on tbe proposed navy loan. convention will constitute arms and legs were tied he bad beoome motion- first occasion npon which they can cuter Into He said that no one desired more iban himself Tho Now Florida the most brilliant hierarchical assemblage less; the cap waa put over his face, and theofll Mr. Disraeli on their vindication and defense with peculiar that.the Immense sums whloh are now devoted which has been brought together from the ear- rers sprang offend knocked out the prop. Lud- Great Speech by advantages. On former occasions and In old Senator. wlg being in a recumbent posture, and rope objects Z. ",e oi Europe to warlike liest days of Curlstianlty. the Situation-Affa- irs on days, when tbe generations who preceded us i.r might be turned to of peaue. at full tension already, when the drop fell he the hsu to experience tbe same struggle and tbe 5JU. "BUlt. however" could, In his His Holiness states that the subjects to be swung gently down, wiih his feet a short dis- the Continent. same perl), It was then said that those who never h .u.ini v... t..u submitted to the congregated body include: tance from the ground. His neck could not npbeld the cause of tho constitution of urgouauon. He did not Particulars of tho Pope's Hull Tbe necessity of renewed episcopal have been broken; but be died very quickly, Ei gland and tbe union of Churou. and think'''""""'the proposal of Russia to forbid exertion to and without a sit gle movement alter lie was were struggling favor of penal 1,1 secure In all quarters of the globe a firm belle' swung except or Slate in ,iu0'xp"1ye.any bul,ets warfare would Convening a General nil, oue two slight heavlngs of Ue U.i Kt Kte. Kte. legislation, and that, under the guise effect in this dirotioa. or tnii ' in tbe integrity of tbe Cathollo faith; a more the chest. of religious fervor, they were In tact Russia would carry out ber own recommenda- Council. abiding and respeot contending merely for peculiar privileges. tion any Booner than other Slates. Tne only heartfelt for religlou; a That can uo longer be said ("Hear," "Hear.") means of bringing about such a result would be more ready obedience to Oatboiia Church disci- FINANCE AND COMMERCE. By tbe arrival at New York of the Steamers The legislation of tbe last thirty years especi- tbe establishment In the midst of Europe of a pline, and a more general observance of Its Bcotla, we have mall ally bas terminated tbe possibility of suoh non aggressive power whtcu would be strong Kta., Kte.t KU., Kte. Omen OF TUB KVBNINO TBLBOKAFS, I Clmbrla, Pereire, and enough Et., Bt. lules, regulations, and laws; consultations as tj Waduesday. July l, lass. 21. I maintain that In this coun- to prevent all lis neighbors from mak- dates from Europe to June try religious equality really exists. There Is ing war; and this power must be Germany. 'he bett means of Improving the morals of the There Is no mnlerlal change to notice in the GREAT BRITAIN. religious freedom; every man bas the full and "We all know," be concluded, our nelgb-bor- s, members of the fold, how to extend and estab- Morey Market. Cull loan rule at per cent. "that TO-DA- 45 by Mar- - fair exercise and enjoyment of his religlou. He notwithstanding all their clatmr, are FROM WASHINGTON lish peace and concord among individuals and First clues mercantile paper ranges from 6($Q Thi Cablt Katertalaert the Is debarred of no civil right In consequence of fully convinced that we have no Idea of per cent, per CltaBl Tailors Ipaich of Mr. OUraaU. attack- nations, and how to more e free I ually remove annum. Tuero was very little bis religion, and In tbe courts of hlssoverelgu ing them; but. on tbe other hand, tbey must be Special Despatch to The Evening Telegraph. to operate stocks jpr. m the London Times, June 18. he can vindicate the privileges of tbe religious made to know equally well tbe many ills which a ill let civil society, as well in this moraine, but mat we will not 1. prices were without any material cnauge. Lent evening tbe master and wardens of the communton to which he belongs, althougo. It allow any oue to attack us." Wishikoton, July as many of the religious orders. In Company, one of tne mo-- t may not be of Church of Eagiand. Government loans there was very little move- Merchant Tailors' that tbe Blimtrk'i Ilealtb. !Tbe Untitloai of Adjournment. The In to 109$ tlmf-bonore- bull. conclusion, adverts the abso- ment and was bid lor June and July d of ibe ancient guilds of tbe city of ("Hear ") I call that religious equality, aud I Cologne and the rest contend Is perlectly The Gazette writes that the Blate of The question of adjournment Is being uollvely lute necessity which to uphold City loans were unchanged; the new iosue .Londjin, entertained the Premier that it consistent with tbe ( ount Blsmark's health Is by no means so exists the tetn sold of her Mnjfsty 'a Ministers, with many others of maintenance of the union between Stale and as bad considered in both houses of Congress. Beyond poral power of tbe Pope In the Eternal City at 101 i, and old do. at 98j. m-liv- e bas been generally reported, as J he mure conspicuous meuiucra ui iuo uuum Church. (Cheers.) and not suoh the mere fuct that members are anxious to get Railroad slmres were toe most active on tha In flue corporate conclusion, Mr. Disraeli said: to excite any serious anxiety. If be takes a long and domain of the Church, to sustain and de- party, at a banquet their In Gentlemen, summer holiday, bis awny as soon as possible, there Is nothing sig- lift. Rending sold at 60450i. ex dividend, a ball in Threadneedle street, tor weeas past In returning you the thanks of her Majesty's physicians believe he fend ibe sanctity of tbe sacrament ot marriage slight advance; Pennsylvania made by governing great compltmeut may be completely resiored, aud sole ta re- nificant or conclusive in the adoption of Mr Riilroal at 62J, preparations hBd been the Government for the tbe sume bis duties. He left Berlin morning in every land, and to be carerul of the educa- no cliauiie; Catawispa preterred at 2JJS)29i, no tody ol the company for the occasion, and the great and gratifying compliment which you this Wahbbnrne'a resolution yesterday to adjourn young. chnnpe; Lehigh X for Varzln, which Is the name ol his estate lu tion of the His Holiness deplores tbe Valley at CSJ'asO, a slieht ad- entertainment was upon a scale of extraordi- have paid them, and wuioh can assure you on IS. nary splendor. The guests were upwards of they entirely appreciate, I may be permitted to Pomeranla. July persevering, untiring and insidious eTjrt vance; and Camden and Amboy at UO, no thra hnmired in number, and were sealed ac express my confident trust that when the Im- Wnrltmbarg ad the Confederation.
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