


I• the study of the breeding biology of passerinebirds, the relation- ship between the activity of the female and the activity of the male during incubation has received little attention in the literature. The male Gray (Dumetella carolinensis),which does not incubate, does spend a considerableamount of time near the nest and thus pro- vides an ideal speciesin which to study the behavioral relationshipsof the male and femaleduring incubation. The is relatively abundant and is one of the most widely distributedmimids of North America. Althougha commonnesting of the easternUnited States and southernCanada, few studieson the breedingbiology of the Gray Catbird are available in the literature (Grabrielson1913, Bent 1948,Zimmerman 1963, Graber et al. 1970,Dar- ley et al. 1971). Skutch (1953) suggestedthat nonincubatingmale may coordinate their movementswith those of incubating females in two forms: (1) standing guard over the nest during the female's recessesand (2) ac- companyingthe female on her recesses.Standing guard (or "nest guard- ing") has been reportedfor the Gray Catbird previously(Whittle 1923, Davis 1942, Skutch 1953, Zimmerman 1963). However none of these reports contained the necessaryquantitative data to distinguish nest guarding from random movementsin the nesting territory or from an unusualterritorial configuration. Nest guardingby males or at least comingto the nest vicinity when the female is absenthas been reportedfor many passerinespecies. Fol- lowingis a reportof the resultsof field investigationsof the nestguard- ing behaviorof the male Gray Catbird, evidencefor the coordinationof male and female activities during incubation,and speculationon the significanceof this behavior.


I studied Gray Catbirds in northeastern Franklin County, from March 1971 until August1972. The 33.2-hastudy area was located1.6 km east of New Albany, Ohio, south of the intersection of state route 161 and Blacklick Creek. Four nests were studied intensively for a total of 252 h. Daily observationswere made from a portable blind placed6 m from the nest. Observationperiods of 4• h were defined at 0500-0930, 0930-1400, and 1400-183o, all Eastern Standard Time. During the nesting cycle observationswere made in each period approximatelythe same number of times. Observationsof nest guarding behavior began as soon as an

292 The Auk 93: 292-300. April 1976 April 1976] Gray Catbird Nest Guarding 293


Number Mean guarding Minimum Minimum of distance(m) guarding singing Year-nest observations q- SD distance (m) distance (m) 1971-A 53 2.22 q- 1.36 0.3 1.5 1971-B 35 1.42 q- 1.03 Nest rim 2.0 1972-C 79 2.16 q- 0.87 0.3 0.3 1972-D 88 1.90 ___ 0.97 Nest rim 0.5

Totals 255 1.98 ___ 1.07

appropriate nest was found and were terminated when the nest was destroyed by predators,female brooding time was less than 50% of a 4•~h observationperiod, or observations were begun at other nests. Davis (1942) and Zimmerman (1963) indicated that male Gray Catbirds guard within a few feet and 2.4 m from the nest, respectively. With these distances in mind, and taking into account the infinite possibilitiesof vegetational configuration around a nest, I defined a distance of 5 m from the nest as the nest guarding area. Red flags placed approximately 5 m in radius from the nest and in sight of the blind delineatedthe guarding area. Nest guarding as defined here occurredwhen the male spent a significantly greater amount of time within the 5-m ring while the femme was absent than he did when she was present. If the male entered the 5-m ring while the female was absent from the nest, he was said to be guarding the nest. The time, duration, and type of the male's vocalizations were recorded and com- pared to the behavior of the female. As soon as possible after observation of a nest had begun, an attempt was made to capture and color band at least one member of each pair. At the four nests one member of each of three pairs was banded, and the male of the fourth pair was readily identifiable by missing rectrices. At these four nests the sex of the individuals of each pair was inferred from behavior. Only one member of each pair incubated (presumably the female) and only one member of each pair sang the advertisingsong (presumably the male).

RESULTS During the periods when the females were off the nest in the egg- laying and the incubation stagesthe males, while inside the 5-m ring, typically preened,sang, or gave wing-flips. Wing-flipping behavior has been describedpreviously for the Gray Catbird by Zimmerman (1963). In any guarding session,the male often performed all three of these behavior patterns. The males sometimesvisited the nest, but usually remainedon nearby perches. During the nestlingstage the males also foraged for food inside the ring and frequently fed the nestlings. The averagedistance from the nest to the perchesused by the males while inside the 5-m ring is shownin Table 1. For 255 distanceobservations the mean nest guardingdistance was 1.98 m. Male singingduring nest 294 R. DOUGLASSLACK [Auk, Vol. 93


Duration of Percent time observations in ringper period in nesting Hours of Nest cycle observation 9 on nest 9 off nest 1971-A Incubation day 2, 58.5 3.24 46.84 nestling day 2 1971-B Incubation day 1, 45.0 4.07 43.06 incubationday 10• 1972-C Egg day 2, 72.0 5.50 75.50 nestlingday 2 1972-D Incubation day 2, 76.5 5.33 60.81 nestling day 6 Totals and 252.0 4.67 q- 4.04• 58.60 q- 23.092 Means

:t Destroyed by predators. 2 Mean ñ SD, guardingsessions was usuallysoft. The male at nest 1972-C sangon one occasion 0.3 m from the nest. The percentageof time the male of eachpair of Gray Catbirdsspent inside the 5-m ring is given in Table 2. In each of the 56 observation periodsthe percentageof time the males spent inside the ring when the females were absent was greater than while the females were present. The hypothesisthat the males spent percentagewisemore time in the ring when the female was absent than when present was tested using a one-tailed t-test of the differencesin the two percentages.The average difference,53.93%, was significantlygreater than zero (P < 0.01). In order to test for possibledifferences among the observationperiods in the percentageof time the males spent inside the ring under the two conditions(female on the nest, female off the nest) an angular trans- formation (Sokal and Rohlf 1969) of the correspondingpercentages was performed. A one-way analysisof variance of the transformeddata in- dicated that the averagepercentage of time the males spent inside the ring when the femaleswere on the nestsdid not differ significantlyamong the three daily observationperiods (P > 0.05). Likewise a one-way analysis of variance of the transformeddata indicated that the average percentage of time the males spent nest guarding did not differ sig- nificantly among the three observationperiods (P > 0.05). The com- binationof the time the femalesspent incubating plus the time the males spent nest guarding resulted in the presenceof at least one adult in the 5-m ring 87.1% of the observedtime. The averagelength of the guardedinattentive periods was significantly April 1976] Gray Catbird Nest Guarding 295 longer than the averagelength of the nonguardedinattentive periods (P < 0.01, Student'st-test). While the males were presentinside the 5-m ring, the mean length of 403 female inattentive periods was 8.99 -+ 5.27 (SD) min. While the males were absent from the 5-m ring, the mean length of 86 femaleinattentive periodswas 6.19 --- 4.26 (SD) min. The behavior of the males was found to affect the attentive behavior of the females. An attentive period was said to be terminated by the male if he was presentor if he vocalizedimmediately preceding (within 1 min) the female's leaving the nest. Only completeattentive periods (beginningand ending within the 4¾2-hobservation periods) were in- cluded. The mean length of the nonmale-terminatedattentive periods was significantlylonger than those terminatedby the male (P < 0.05, Student's t-test). The average length of 176 nonmale-terminatedat- tentive periodswas 20.76 --- 11.63 (SD) min while the averagelength of 317 male-terminatedattentive periodswas 18.75 -+ 10.06 (SD) min. A summaryof the aggressiveencounters at the watchednests is given in Table 3. These encounterswere noted with 25 other avian speciesand with one mammal. The most numerous encounters were between one or both membersof a nestingpair and other Gray Catbirds. During observationsat the four nests 507 female nest departures were counted (including attentive periods that began prior to the be- ginning of my observations).The known behavior of the males that occurredwithin 1 min prior to the females'departure included vocaliza- tionsor the presenceof the malesnear or in the ring wing-flipping. These activities or signalsoccurred prior to 64% of the females' departures. Of those signaled departures from the nest 67% occurred after a male vocalization. The most commonvocalization was a song (77%) whereas call notes occurred in 23% of the instances. Upon leaving the nest the female often gave call notes whether or not the male was present.If the male was presentin the ring the female frequently flew to the male who often fed her. Shortly thereafter the femaleleft the nest vicinity. The male often gave soft songsupon the female's return to the nest.

I)ISCUSSION Smith (1966) reporteda coordinatedsystem of cyclesthat involved alternateperiods of incubationand foragingby the femaleEastern King- bird (Tyrannus tyrannus) and alternate periodsof guardingand forag- ing by the male. His data for the Eastern Kingbird show that the two cycles are coordinatedvia the adjustment of the female's cycle by the comingof the male to guard the nest. The failure of the male kingbird to appearresulted in the femalestaying near the nest during her recess. 296 R. DOUGLASSLACK [Auk, VOL 93


Species No. of Encounters Downy Woodpecker (Dendrocopospubescens) 3 (Cyanocitta cristata) 2 Carolina Chickadee (Parus carolinensis) 1 (P. bicolor) 1 White-breasted (Sitta carolinensis) 1 House (Troglodytes aedon) 2 ( Thryo•horus ludovicianus) 1 Gray Catbird (Dumetella carolinensis) 24 Brown ( ruJum) 4 Swainson'sThrush (Catharus ustulatus)• 2 Cedar Waxwing (Bombycilla cedrorum) 2 Red-eyed Vireo (Vireo olivaceus) 2 Yellow Warbler (Dendroica petechia) 6 Black-throated Blue Warbler (D. caerulescens)• 1 Chestnut-sided Warbler (D. pensylvanica)• 1 Ovenbird (Seiurusaurocapillus) • 1 Mourning Warbler ( Oporornisphiladelphia) • 1 Canada Warbler (Wilsonia canadensis)• 2 American Redstart ( Se•ophagaruticilla) • 2 House Sparrow (Passer domes•icus) 13 Brown-headed Cowbird (Molothrus ater) 2 Cardinal ( Cardinalis cardinalis) 20 Indigo Bunting (Passedna cyanea) 2 American Goldfinch (Spinus tristis) 1 Field Sparrow (Spizella pusilla) 2 Song Sparrow (Melospiza melodia) 6 Unidentified (avian) 6 Eastern chipmunk (Tamias striatus) 1 Total 112

Occur only as migrants in study area.

The evidencepresented here indicatesa similar coordinatedsystem in the Gray Catbird. The relativelylong attentiveperiods that were not terminatedby the malesimply a reluctanceon the part of the females to leave the nest unattended. Similarly the relatively short inattentive periodsof the femaleswhile the maleswere absentfrom the ring imply a reluctanceof the females to stay away from an unattendednest. Zimmerman(i 963) suggestedthat the femaleGray Catbird'srecesses were longer when the male was near the nest than when he was not present. Verbeek(1970) and Smith (1966) notedsimilar phenomena in the Water Pipit (Antbus spinoletta) and the Eastern Kingbird, respectively. Coordinationbetween the male and the female in any such system necessarilyinvolves communication. Numerous authors have mentioned vocal or behavioral communication between a male and an incubating April 1976] Gray Catbird Nest Guarding 297 female (Nice 1937, Pitelka 1940, Nice and Thomas 1948, Putnam 1949, Kendeigh 1952, Brackbill 1958, Cox 1960, Zimmerman 1963, Prescott 1964,Smith 1966,Verbeek 1970). The data presentedhere add further to this list, as 64% of the females'departures from the nest were pre- cededby auditory or visual signalsfrom the males. The coordinationbetween the male and the female may be further enhancedby the behaviorand vocalizationof both individualsin addition to the male's signalsimmediately preceding the female'sdeparture from the nest. The male's frequent singingwhile guardingmay allow the female to monitor the male's locationwhile she is foraging. Upon the female'sreturn to the nest,typically the male sangsoftly and gavewing- flips,which may giveher furtherinformation on his location. Vocalizationby the female may also aid in adjustingthe two cycles. On occasionthe femalesgave call notes from the nest while the males were singingor just as the femalesleft the nest. Suchbehavior would inform the male of the female•s location. The nature of the nestinghabitat of the Gray Catbird further focuses on the importanceof auditory and visual signals. The Gray Catbird typically nestsin lowland thickets or shrubs (Graber et al. 1970). The use of songand wing-flippingto effect communicationbetween the nest- ing pair appearsto be highly adaptive for a speciesthat nestsin dense vegetation. Andrew (1961) noted that warblers that nest in thick cover utilize song and exaggeratedtail flicks as a meansof maintainingcon- tact betweena pair. Similarly, Zusi (1969) contendsthat the trembling of wings characteristicof the (Cinclocerthiaruficauda) makes the birds conspicuousand appearsto functionas a socialsignal. Smith (1966) cautionedthat nest guardingmay not be taking place simply becausea bird perchesnear the nest without any other apparent functionalreason for being there. He statesthat guardingimplies chasing or attempting to chaseall potential predatorsfrom the vicinity of the nest. The aggressiveencounters given in Table 3 include a large number of interspecificcontacts including such known egg predatorsas the Blue Jay (Cyanocitta cristata), (Troglodytesaedon), the eastern chipmunk,and the broodparasite, the Brown-headedCowbird (Molothrus ater). Zimmerman (1963) reported male Gray Catbirds attacking the House Wren, the Brown-headedCowbird (plus six other avian species), and a blue racer (Coluber constrictor). Becauseof the numberof inter- specific contactsand becausethe Gray Catbird chasesknown predators from the vicinity of the nest,guarding appears to be the functionof the male Gray Catbird'saggressive behavior while near the nest. Nest guardingbehavior, a form of territoriality, may have evolved in responseto potentialcompetitors, i.e. Cardinals(Cardinalis cardinalis), 298 R. DOUOLASSI. ACK [Auk, Vol. 93

SongSparrows (Melospiza melodia), and conspecifics;but I suggestthat nest guarding may have also evolved as a responseto . The continuouspresence of one adult near the nest implies an adaptive mechanismfor protectingthe nest from predators. Putnam (1949) thoughtthe high nest success(76%) of Cedar Waxwings(Bombycilla cedrorum) was partially due to the constantattendance of one or both adults at the nest. For 49 nestsin this study the nest successof the Gray Catbird was 69% (at least one nestlingfledged). Other workers havefound similarly high nesting success in the Gray Catbird--Kendeigh (1942) 70%•Berger (1951) 62%, and Zimmerman(1963) 61%. The coordinatednest guarding system of the Gray Catbirdmay also accountin part for the low incidenceof Brown-headedCowbird para- sitismon Gray Catbirdsreported by Friedmann(1963) and Rothstein (1971). Owingto the difficultiesof locatingobservable nests early in the nestingcycle the onsetof nestguarding behavior was not determined. However,nest guarding was observed in progressat two nestson days eggswere laid. At one of thesenests a Gray Catbird chaseda female Brown-headedCowbird from the ring. No data are available on the time of the initial daily nestguarding bout for eitherof thesetwo nests. Typicallyduring the incubationand nestling stages nest guarding began with the female'sfirst nestdeparture. If dailynest guarding during the egg-layingstage beg/ns with the female'sinitial nest departurethen nest guardingwould further deter cowbird parasitism, as cowbirds usually lay their eggsearly in the morning(Harm 1941). Althoughthe Brown- headedCowbird was a commonbreeding bird in thestudy area, only one GrayCatbird nest was found with a cowbirdegg. The nestwas deserted after all the eggswere punctured. Friedmann(1963) and Rothstein(1971, 1974) report that cowbird eggsare removedfrom the nestby Gray Catbirds.Ejection, therefore, may accountfor the relativelylow incidenceof cowbirdparasitism in thisspecies. I predictthat fewcowbird eggs are laid, owing to the con- tinuouspresence of oneof the adults.Similarly Ricklefs (1969) sug- gestedthat increasedtenacity to the nestduring the egg-layingstage maybe oneadaptive strategy against the . Nest guarding as reportedherein may be anotherstrategy that reducesthe broodpara- site'simpact on the host.


This report is based on a sectionof a doctoral thesissubmitted to The Ohio State University.I sincerelythank Loren S. Putnamfor hiscounsel throughout this study. I am indebtedto BrianCain, Keith Arnold,and RichardNoble for their helpful suggestionson the manuscript.I especiallythank my wife, Charlotte•for her en- couragementand sacrificesthroughout this study. April 1976] Gray Catbird Nes• Guarding 299

Financial support was provided in part by a Mary H. Osburn Fellowship in 1971 and 1972 and by the Department of Zoology, The Ohio State University.

SUMMARY The nest guardingbehavior of male Gray Catbirds was studiedduring two breedingseasons. The malesspent a significantlygreater amount of time near the nest when the females were absent from the nest than when the femaleswere present. Femaleswere found to spendmore time away from the nest when the males were guarding than when the males were not guarding. Likewise,the attentive periodsof the femalesterminated by a male signalwere found to be significantlyshorter than thoseperiods not terminated by a male. Coordinationbetween the male and the in- cubating female was affected primarily by vocalizations. The almost continuouspresence of an adult near the nest may be a factor in pre- venting nest predation and may play a significant role in deterring Brown-headedCowbird parasitism of Gray Catbird nests.


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Department of Zoology, The Ohio State University,Columbus, Ohio 43210. Presentaddress: Department of Wildlife and FisheriesSciences, A&M University, College Station, Texas 77843. Accepted 20 December 1974.