PRICE LIST 2013 NILE CHEMICALS pH INDICATORS , BIOLOGICAL STAINS CATALYST FOOD COLOURS CHEMICALS (LAB & BULK) REAGENTS (LAB & BULK) LABO ATORY REAGENTS & FINE CHEMICALS PRODUCT PROFILE PURE, EXTRA PURE, PURIFIED We have pure , extra pure and purified products , available as per buyers requirements and specifications. GUARANTEED REAGENTS (GR) Our Guaranteed Reagents are used for analytical and research work, where high purity is essential. This is similar to grade marketed by other International company. HPLC GRADE This are high performance chemicals , used in liquid chromatography used frequently in biochemistry and analytical chemistry to separate, identify, and quantify compounds SPECTROSCOPY GRADE These are solvents of high optical purity for UV/Visible/IR/Fluorescence/NMR and Mass spectroscopy. BIOLOGICAL STAIN Our Ph Indicators are ready to use solutions for Microbiology, Histology, Hematology and Cytology and are at par with certified grade stains as per International norms. Address : 202,Matruchhay ,378 /80 Narshi Natha Street ,Masjid , Mumbai -400 009 INDIA Email :
[email protected] Tel: 91 22 66313162 : Fax : 91 22 23454828 Web site NILE CHEMICALS EXPLOSIVES: Certain Substances reacts exothermically, generating gases, which may explode on heating, hence storage may be required in water or suitable solvent OXIDISING:Some Substance reacts with oxygen and may cause fire hazard TOXIC:Certain substance on contact with human body may cause acute or chronic damage HARMFUL:Certain substance on contact with human body may cause acute or chronic damage FLAMABLE:Chemicals , Solvents with a flash point below zero degree and boiling point of 35 deg c are termed as flammable items CORROSIVE:Substance which causes severe damage to living tissues IRRITANT:Substance which causes irritation on contact with skin etc DANGEROUS: substance which causes damages to ecosystem RADIOACTIVE:Substance which evolves radiation in the ecosystem NILE CHEMICALS PRICE LSIT 2013 CAT.NOS.