Kelly's Directory 1938
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r DI HIWTO RY.] SURREY. EPSOM. 197 j Srnit!J .lane (Mrs.), bcrlin wool repositoryjSun Inn (A. Howes), Bishopgatcs Vickers ltonald, private school, Scait· ;!!), & confctnr. 30, St. .Jude's rd. Surrey County Council Children's Home cliffe. Egham 109 r Eghnm 275 (i\fisa .Lilian Tweedy, matron), Ashdene, Walker Jane (Mrs.), drcssmkr. 48 Vic. Smith Mary (Mrs.), confctnr. 6() Bond st St. Jude's rd. Egham 134 toria st l)tit i ~~ & Distric~ Co-operative $_-Ocieo/ Treeby Fredk. Chas. boot repr. 44 Vfo. Williama _9arage, automobile cngnrs. L11n 1tcd (D. lt. Crown, sec.), 69 Victoria toria st Paraonage rd. TN Egham 327 st. Egham 101 Woodr,ock Jsph. dairyman, Middle hill 1Woollard Jaa. grocer, 58 Bond st ELSTEAD is a parish and village, near the river Wey, 3i held sinco 1935 l>y t.ho Rev. Sidney Herbert Courtnay-Smith I miles west of Milford station and 5 miles west from (.l<>dalrning M.A. of St. Catharine's College, ·Cambridge. There is a Congre st-O.tion on tho Portsmouth branch of the Soutbemrailwa.y, go.tiona;l chapel and a Village Hall, the given by MN. in the Guildford divisi<>n of the county, hundred and petty Holfoxtl, with a. reading room given by Mr. and Mrs. Stratford sessioMI division of Famha.m, rural district of Hambledon, Andrews. Near the cemetery is a. memorial cross to the men coon ty court district of Guildford and Godalming, rural deanery ofElstead who fell in the Great War, 1914-18. Smith's charity of Godalming, arehdeaconry of Surrey and diooeeo of Guildford; of £5 was le~ by Henry Smitli, of Wandsworth, an alderman it ia supposed to have derived its name from ha...,fog ~n ·the of London, who died Jauoa.ry 30, 1628. Tho Ecclesiaatical st-0.tion, or st.cad, of Ella, founder of the kingdom of Sussex. Commissioners lords of the ma.nor. The principal land· Elstead waa once the centre of tb.e Wea.ldeu iron industry. owner is I..ady Levy. The soil is partly light loam and sand; In the neighbourhood conical hills called the Devil's Jumps. subsoil, gravel and sand. The crops barle7, wheat, 03rrota, J-:fec tricity and gas are available and water is supplied by tbe potatoes, and rye. The area. is 2, 735 acres o laud and inland \\'cy Valley Water Co. The church of St. James is a.n ancient warer; the population in 1931 was 1,238. <-<lilicc of stone, with a belfry surmounted by a spire and By the Surrey Review Order, 1933, pa.rt of this parish waa couta.ining 3 bells : the co.rliest portion of the structure dates ttansferred to the urban district of Haslemere. from the year 1128: the belfry stair is formed out of a solid balk of oak, the steps being cut into it: the stained P06t, M. 0. & T. Office. Letters through Godalming ,,·indow, erected in 1881, is a memorial to .Julia (Smith), wife Carriers.-To Godalming, C. Brown & Henry Medcalf, daily; of Sir William Ba.ynes be.rt.: the church was restored in 1872, to Guildford, C. Brown, tues. only & Henry Medcalf, tues. and scats 270. The register dates from the year 1538. The & fri lh·ing is a. rootory, net yearly valu.e £400, with residence and Convoyance.-Motor omnibuses run to Godalming frequently 4 acres of glcbe, in the gift of the Archdeacon of Surrey, a.nd from Elstea.d Green ~larked thoa *receive their letters throughj Barry Jn. hairdrssr. Thursley rd. TN 73 La.dbama Ernest, Elstead nurseries Thursley, Goda.Jming. Bell Elijah ll. G. boot repairer T N 90 PRIVATB RESil>ENTS Bovington Guy Paine, blacksmith Lamb ,Tohn, boot & shoe repairer ., . • . Bowles Cyril Wm. fiorist. TN 160 Lang Stuart L.D.S.Eng. do,nta.l surgn. (For T N ~ see general list of Private British Legion Club (Capt. w. H. G.Perry, Sandford farm. T N 107 Residents at end of book.) hon. sec) Lloyds Bank Ltd. (sub.branch) (open Andrews Ml'S. Stratford, 'rhe Halt Broomaqufres Camping Ground (Mrs. toes. & fri. 11 a.m. to 1.30 P·l!l-); head Bartlett Vernon, The Old Fa.rm house Blaker, proprietress), Th1ll'llley rd office, 71 London E o 3 llaxrer Mrs. Tundry cottage Chandler Alfd. & Son, motor engnrs. MacQul1a.e Geo. Woodland, shopkpr .Birkett Miss o.B:s. Ri"'er house TN 35 Mav's Motors (Elstead) Ltd. haulage C;uueron Col. Donald Cunningham, Trux- Cooper John smallholder c'OntrcttS. TN 34 . ford Eastham Rt ,farmer Woodside TN 153 Medcalf Hy. carrier. TN 36 Cornwa.,U Lt. .Col.J . \\'.· o.r.E. Burford lodge EllilJ Gerald ·Wltr. ~iryman. T N 150 M~llican Eliz. (Miss), district nurse C'Alurt-'l:reatt Mrs. Mill house Ellis Henry builder see Glazier & Ellis Mille Fredk. Ewart, shopkpr.Thursley rd Cox Mrs. L. D. The White house Elst.cad N~cries ' (Ernest La.dhams) National Deposit Friendly Society (W. R. Ci:e.sswell Rev. Cyril Leona.rd lll. A. TN 90 • J. Stock, sec.), Thursley rd. TN 152 ~?u' ofH.M. Chapel of the Savoy], Elst.cad Riding Sohool (Mrs. D. M. Norman Wm. Thos. & Son, plumbers. Ihree Barrows place . Bridewell). TN 51 TN 28 Fullerton Mrs. A. Polshot farm Elston Berna. rd & Sons, poultry farmers Novell Wm.. newsagt Gordon Mrs. V. Fulbrook house Red House farm TN 47 ' Perrett Bros. farmers, Thundry Holford Henry, Elstead lodge Etherington Wm · Thos firewood dlr Powell Albt. Jas. farmer, Springfield farm Le''r Lady, Westbrook TN 101 • • . Pride Ja.s. ~Y· fishmngr. T N 70 Pluhpson Regnld. D. High Folly Reece Da:ud Cha.a. shopkpr Rennie M.iss Jean F. Bridge house Gadd Herbt. Wm. poultry farmer, Reed Clemen.t, farmer, Woolfords form Rudkin Mrs. lL K. Four Trees Hookley la . Russell W. H. & Son, butchers. TN 3$ &iwson Eng.-Capt. Campbell n.N. (ret.), Gate:s Fredk. ~th. u~sur. agt. Kildare Star l'.l£. (Alfd. Ham) The Old cottage IGlaz.ier & Ellis, b~il?ers, d.ecorators & Steer William, boot repairer .':mith R~v. Sidney Herbert Courtoa.y G ~nt~aker,g.D:r~ Elstead33 . Stock Wm. Rt. J. confctnr. Thursley rd. l!.<1. [rector], The Rectory o .a mmg & .I.Strict Co-operative So- T N 152 Swwart John, The Hermitage ciety Ltd. T N 45 . Thompson Maj. Maynard Falcon, P?ultry Swayne Cap t. Gilbert, Ha.nkley Down Golden Fleece l'.H. (Wm. Wltr. Wear) farmer, Lane end, Hookley la. 'IN 94 Ward.Jackson Cyril Turners Ha.rdy Hu?ert L. bldr. TN 95 Trooy A. J. & Sons Ltd. TN 7 \l'cbl> ?tfrs. Wey cot•a~e Heath BenJ. Hugh, grocer. TN 56 Village Hall -e. Jones Ruth Florence (Mrs.), shopkpr. Whit.cman Chas. farm bailiff to Lady COJO!ERCIAL. Th~ley rd I Levy, Wt'f>tbrook ~lbcrry Jn. poultry farmer. TN 27 Karn Suiney Joseph, shopkeeper Wool Pack Inn (Mrs. Ellen M:ay Bicknell) aker Bob Bertram, newsagt Young Hy. broom mkr ENGLEFIELD GREEN, see Egham. ~PSOM (originally Ebbisham) derived its name from St. south from Kingston, in the Epsom division of the county, bba, a Northumbria.n princess, and is a municipal borough first division of the hundred of Coptho~e, rural dea ~ery of P~rts!1 a.ncl market town and the head of a. petty IK'84ional Epsom, a.rchdeaconry of Darking and diocese of Gwldford. u~,·1s 1on and county court di.lltriot, delightfully eitna.ted on the The town is lighted with gas from works ~he prope:":y of the "~·stern verge of Downs, on the road from Wa.ndsworth and District Gas Co. and w1tll. el°'?tr!mty fr?m London to Dorkin~, Horsham, Guildford a.nd Worthing, with works in Church street by the Borough Council; it .•s s':1pplied atat!orlS on the Brighton, South Western and South Eastern with water from works the property of the Council, s1tuatod S.'CtrorlS of the Southern railway: it is 15 miles south·west-by in East street, and there are two large reserroirs. on the Do~. ~(>u t h from London by road, 17 from Victoria a.nd about 14 The town is effectually drained. The town hes p~ly tn a rom Waterloo by rail, 16 miles north-east from Guildford, 9 natural basin and partly on downs. It was constituted .a uort·h.west from Reigate, 9 aonth.weet from Croydon a.nd 7 Local Government Diatri¢t 19 Ma.rch. 1850, under the Po.bile SURREY 7t "" 198 JU'SOM Sl1RREY. ( KELLY'S Henlth Act, 1848 (11 and 12 Viet. o. 63}. and the government s;>rings were much freque11ted hy the count.ry people, and of the town vested in an Urban District Council of 9 members, in the time of Charle$ I. tho s:tlt.d t.11E'y produced were ~o r.ele. formed under the Local Government Act, 1894 (56 and 57 brated a~ to ~elJ at /ls. pel' ounoe; nhout 1690 a large com:ou1·.;o Viet. e. 73). Under the Surrey Review Order, 1933, the of visit.ors flocked hither, ioch~dir•g n1t.m11Jcr~ r,f the nobility, Urban district was extended tci include parts of Surbit.on and with their families, :ind numerous foreigners; 11nd t ht> place Sutton and Cheam urban districts, nnd parts of th.e parishes b6came for a while ll. highly fnshi01!nble centm, anti rlevl"iop<'d of :Ba.nstead, Cuddington, Ewell nnd Walton.on.the-Hill.