Wilton D. Gregory
The Episcopal Ordination of His Excellency The Most Reverend s.m. Auxiliary Bishop of Atlanta JoelTitular Matthias Bishop of Leavenworth Konzen, by His Excellency The Most Reverend Wilton Daniel Gregory, S.L.D. Archbishop of Atlanta Tuesday, the Third Day of April Within In the Year of Our Lord Two Thousand and Eighteen TheTwo O’Clock Octave in the Afternoonof Easter The Cathedral of Christ the King Atlanta, Georgia His Holiness Pope Francis His Excellency The Most Reverend Apostolic Nuncio ToChristophe The United States Pierre of America His Excellency The Most Reverend S.L.D. WiltonMetropolitan D. Archbishop Gregory, of Atlanta His Excellency The Most Reverend J.D., J.C.L., D.D. ThomasArchbishop J. ofRodi, Mobile His Excellency The Most Reverend III BernardAuxiliary E. Bishop Shlesinger, of Atlanta His Excellency The Most Reverend s.m. Joel AuxiliaryMatthias Bishop ofKonzen, Atlanta LiturgicalMinisters The Most OrdainingReverend Wilton Bishop D. Gregory Archbishop of Atlanta The Most Reverend Thomas J. Rodi, j.d., j.c.l., d.d. ArchbishopCo-Consecrators of Mobile The Most Reverend Bernard E. Shlesinger, iii Auxiliary bishop of atlanta The Very ReverendAssisting John Priests Harhager, s.m. Vicar General, s.m. The Very Reverend Paul Frechette, s.m. The ReverendInsignia John Kinney, Bearers ch., lt. col. usaf The Reverend Daniel Ketter, j.c.l. The Reverend Reybert Pineda The Reverend Mr. Bill Garrett DeaconDeacons of the word The Reverend Mr. Rick Medina Deacon of the altar MinistersSeminarians of the Altar of The Archdiocese of Atlanta TheMasters Reverend ofJoshua Ceremony Allen The Reverend Brian Holbrook Baker The Reverend Mr. John Michael Metz The Reverend Mr.
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