Eckart Ready' to Serve As Mayor. of Harvey

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Eckart Ready' to Serve As Mayor. of Harvey IIUlll 1~!l111 .JA JlI(' lieraM-Press, Safurday, Jiwe Z; .o:» Public Notices i i is y~}ur nghf to knOTl) _M. __ r. La ,,_ Eckart ready' to serve --' ., pr. - Haroeu City CouncilMeetings as mayor. of Harvey PIHilCEEtHW(;S (IF THE appf1J\'~<CI(h3d'''lg Un? leqaeBied opare ;::xJm~j. MS by :",voholj;; 10 dlxnr!tinue the temporary Continued from page 1 be fine. He'll do fine. low over fields, under pow!"l' HAIHIEY (..'{TV COUNCIL RCV. MC. Erickson discu3sflo c1alificalion 01 suspension of Ordinance 8.0429 and expanding REGULAR MEETING tile Lincoln Ave Business Obtrict. He WCOJId Hka the delinitions 1;1Ordbance 80401 dated April Fanning <mL.:itrimminj trees linE'.5 and into tho lmder.stol1.llS, Woednl>sd"y May 13th, 2020 5:30pm to retiefine the ne..."CIiplion better than ft was writ- 9_ 2D2O as of M3Y 14. 21J20. Upon RCV, MC. "Even when we lost Canadian in the midst or power 1in s, in "You dream but1 things ZOQm 11m M bv lJ'/ellinget. MS by /\rdersofl to appmve NEW BUSINESS.: Pacific She refused to let the addition to carrvmg mail to change. Lite. happens," _he said. Note All motions unanimously passed Uf'- the Li ncoln Ave Business Dimtict Is ORIGINAL COVtD-19: The council reviewed re-upening less otherwise stated TOWNSiTE Block 1 Lots l-IB, Block 2 LOIs the Armory to the publi(; With aB thf; C!lfl!llJt:c .. town give up, Thanks to Ann, farms on the Wells County ho- "But we make a good team" Key: M-Motion, MS-Motion Second, VV- 1-12, Bled: 3 Lots t , t2. Bled 4 Lots 7- 1il, Block too il was deemed &"\181 \0 keep it clroed. M by we held it together," nzon, have kept his feet, ohdlv we think alike, Together forever, 10 lots 1-12., Block 11 Lots 7-18, Block 14 Lots Eckart, MS by BaH.rush to send Top Hal notice Voice VOW, RCV- Roll Call Vore, Me,MoHon grounded, according to ~Iarri. like Paul Harvey says." Carried 1-12, Blad; 15 Lot 1. Upon RCV, MC Erickson to remove their items by July 1, 2020 Upon The Harvey City Council met via Zoom requested to purchase a back-up generator RCV, rvc. Health concerns who is likely the only pe son Things just change, he re- Conlerencing on Wednesday. May 13th 2020 tor the ArmoryfFirehait ·",·ith grant money. M by SPECIAL EVENT PERMIT, Wedding on Rick Eckart decided to run who has gI'Ounded Rick ~kart. peated, But chomge is good, he at 5:30pm Weninger, MS by Eckart to approve the purdlase June 27, 2020 requested barricades for road Present were Mayor Ann Adams, Meli= of the generator Upun RCV_ MC. Cfty wide closure for 45 minutes for ceremony. M by for Inavor after convet'sations He Willlted to lIE'a crop duster adds, And like he said,l-L,rvev Anders(n Milo Baltrusch, Rick Ed<art, Shelley clean-up will be helti during regular landfiill haulS Anderson, MS by Weninger for bamcades to be WIth fmnilv and friends, He when he attended coUeg at is .:hanging, and for the gOO(t.~ Svoboda,. Susan Bartz and Bob Wernnger when the roads am drier, information will tollmv put up by property owner du ring Ihe CGfernony wasn't eager to give up his seat Crookston, Ivfinnesota, v" lere he TIlat's h9W a mayor is Sltp- Also present were Auditor Karen NOfdby, in the paper prior to the dates. The landml wiH They are responsible to put up and lake dO'Ml. Public Works Direc10r Kenny Erickson, Carol accept garbage for nDcharye lor tfje tw'iJ days. !hey are to Ie! their neighbors Know, prnice wi!! on the emmcil, l-~lushe admits to met the woman he' 5 beel m<1[- posed to trunk, he told Ius ""vife Danks, Chief Tony Webb, and JDA Director AUOITOR REPORT: Nordby's repor1 and nol be enforcing the road dosure.. M by Baltrush. having concems over his health. lied to for 38 veal's. "You'll do fine:' said MaTci. Paul Gunderson. the finar"'Ciab were in the packet for the council MS by Ecka.rt to allow Ihe dance/music until 5 He kept his pilot's lice lSI" but Said Rick: "I guess .we'll find VISITORS: Neil NeI30n. Nathan Stittleburg, to review. Nordby diSOJ=d working 01'1 a COl11- midnight ReV. MG. He' had two mild heart attacks Joohfeil mUlllly garden (interest land, water, how mlEh SITE AUTHORIZATIONS: M by Anderson, in the last five veal'S I'vIarci grounded him h'Ol 1 flying out soon enough." Mayor Adams opened the Public Hearing, area/person) MS by Weninger to approve Site Authorizations Everyone assured him, he'll PUBLIC HEARING FOR NOTICE OF DAN- MINUTES. M by Baltrusch, MSbySlloboda, for WBlls Aerie #3Q80 FOE to amduc! games GEROUS BUILDING: Ti---.e Dangerous building to approve the minutes of the Regular Meeting at the Harvey Eagles Club., Krarty's. Bar & Grill located at 1OOSCoulee Ave due to the condition on April 8th Upon RCV, MC and 952 Roadhouse & Lanes provided all ga!ll- leh alter a fire in Sept of 2019 M by Weninger. GASH REPORT: M by Weninger, MS by ing rules and regUN>.tions are followed. Upon MS by Anderson accept documentation fram the Eckar1, to approve the Auditor's Cash Report OlE RCV, Me Public worts Director's inspections to support the submilled with April Revenue 01 $291,914.73. ARBOR DAY PROCLAMA nON: M by Bal- lact of the written findings this property requires Upon RCV< Me !rusch. MS by Eckart to a[:1ll'ove the Arbor Day demolition Upon RCV, Me. M by Baltrusch V().JCHERS: M rnt Weninger MS by' Eckalt, Proclamation. Upon RCV, Me. MS by Svoboda to continue with the nex! step. to approve the vouchers with expenses o!: Amer- DESIGNATE OFFICIAL NEWSPAPER: M a 3O~day notice will be issued to tear down 1005 ipride 297.27. Aqua-Pure Inc 2392.50, Central by Ballruscl1, MS by Anderson to approve the Coulee Ave. Upon RCV, Me. Attomey 3l:ittleburg Plall-,s Water [Jrstrict 100, Cherie Heis!er 150, Herald PrEr"uSas he official newspaper. Upon 2020 PriJll.lary discussed the cost of demolish with rhe council. City of Harvey 100, Cole Papers 27117B, Da ReV. MC:. He will file a notice of assessment if the Oly 01 kola Fire Extinguishers 244.05, Dacolah Paper Ann Adams, Mayor Harvt'y has to delTIoHsh the property 11792. Dale's Radiator & Repair 385, Disptay Karen Nordby Auditor M by Weninger, MS by Anderson 10 adjourn Sales Co 652, Evan N~z 75, For Goodness Sake (6-13-202fl) the public hearing Upon VV, MC 36.02, Grand Forts Fire Equip 539.313, Harvey Election B~esults Mayor Adams opened the Regular Council Motor Servlce 11 90, Harvey Oil Co 2B80.47. PROCEEDINGS OF THE HARVEY CITY Meeting, Harvey Park District 10361.89, Harlle,! Sand COUNCIL The Pledge of Allegiance was recited. 8, Gravel 67.54_ HAV-IT Recycling 157374, SPECIAL MEETING MOORE ENGINEERING: Josh Feil gave the HAV-IT Services 209, Hawkins tnc 3242.95_ Tuesday May 26th, 2020 5:30pm June 9, unofficial results engineer!) report M by Eckart. MS by Baltrush Herald Pre""uS445.14, Hinrichs 436.43, Home- Harvey City Hall. to submit application for a grant trom US Army town Variety 237.06, Information TechnolO!:JY Note AH motions unanimOlU3'" passed un- Representative in Congress Corp of Engineers section 594 grant for sews r Dep1 74,55. John Henry Foster Minnesota Inc less otherwise' slated. system rehabilitation. Upon RCV Me He dis· 31547. Jonathan Franklin 1140, Keith 0I3on Key: M-Molion, MS-Molton Second, VV- Kelly Annstrong (R)., " " " ..,' ," .." """, "", ~'" 1093 cussed eligible work for street irnprovement in 5AO. Keller Plumbing Htg, Air 2150, KHNO Voice Vole, RCV- Roll Call Vote, MC-Motion Zach Raknerud (D) " ,,",,,..,,, ,,, ,.., 98 District no 2016- 1. M by Weniri93L MS by Eckart Radio 2m, Knudtson Construction 2[J(JOO, Ko- Carried to I'flO'J'€ trnward '...nthpatchwork on 6th Street laco 1206.87_ Leier Drywafl71JOD, Lerner's Ace The Harvey City Council met at Harvey Oly Roland Clifford Riemers (D) ,,,,, ..,, ,,,,,, ..,..,,..,,,,.89 Upon RCV MC. M by Eckart ME by Baltrush to 55 1 B_ Uttle Mar1 23.88, Loorout BoJk3 23056. Hall in the VelEl'fan's room on TuBSday, May 26th, Steven Janles Peterson (L) , , , "..""" .., "" .." " , 4 complete sidewalk 00 Clark to North St Upon Macqueen Emergency 71669, Martha Meranda 2020 at 5:30pm VV. MG. M by Eckart, MS by BaltrU3h to r=ind 151_30. Mid-American Researdl Chemical 99 Present were Mayor Arm Adams, Milo State Senator District 14 molion, Upon VV, MG_ The council diSGU3Sed Midamerica Book3 83.80, MidDakot" Lumber Baltrusch. RicIc. Eckart, Shelley Svctroda. Ab- the remaining funds left ovel from the project 21!l22.19, Midee Aulo 206, Midwest RO/Horne sent Metissa Andersoll. Susan Bartz and Bob Terry Klein (R) "", ,,,..,, ,, , , ,, ,,,,,..,,,,,.. 1113 Chief Webb feels there should be more stop 920, Minai Daily News 730,24, Monte Knuclt- Weninger. Jelula Vanhorne (0) .." .." ,,,..,,,..,, ,' ,,..,., ,,.,,,,_..,,,..,, 200 signs at inter3tlG1ions He will provide a map at son 850, Moore Engineering 5611.3(), Napa Atso present were PulJiJo Works Director the next meeting_ M by Eckart, MS by Anderson Auto Parts 396.08, NOTC 1731.86, NO Dept of K'enny EricksOll, and Carol Danks State Representative District 14 to approve pay request !rom Moore Engineering Health 20920, NO Dept of Health MtcroblolD;lY VISITORS: Deb Kourajian, Scott Fronk, tor $11.957.50. Upon RCV, Me 32< NO League of Cities 100, Northern Prairie Brian Casserly, Casey Selzler, Marci Eckart Robin i'Veisz (R) ,.." , " ,.,., , 961 JDA REPORT: Dr.
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