Oloud and Sunshine. them all; so thuf she could say with Dr. before, sho was the subject of many serious fellowship continued through all tho years When tho. excavation at IIoll Gate was Divine Assurance. Punshon, In a little clipping, .which attacks of.illness.. In the winter.of 1800- of: God, where suffering having accomr complete after years' of work, and .the DY CA.PT. »« KELBO CARTEK. among many: others I find in her Testa­ plishod its high and holy mission, shall bo On in-hours of pain and conflict, r 70, in her Interests, and for her benefit, dynamite all in place, and everything in • Como these gracious words to me, Waiting In gloom and pain; { • ment ana , “ I grieve, I wonder, they wont first to Florida. . Sho was bene­ folt and feared no more. readinos8,it is said the engineer in charge Full of tenderness and pity— Weary, oh i'so weary! • but I do not rebel. .1 can but say, under fited. Since then they, have gone many called his little brighteyed daughter to As thy dmust let them sweep the unending summer land, where flowers sought tho black button, a gentle pressure, But Ilia iovlng arms enfold them, not born In a person. It is a growth, or an As they shelter me to-day. Will iho sun no’or.shloo again? waiting WM.Thou sbalt tell, in tbe .-fulness never fade. , Last summer, notwithstanding and Manhattan Island trembled -at. the acquirement, or a result of training; And Courago! In heart and hraln, of a clearer vision, why they sweep over great weakness and. suffering, she said, terrific shock, as tho great boulders rose Ero tho bruised reed Is broken tho more markedly It stands out in the Ho will deign to hear my prayer, . Though tho day bo dark’nlng j me.” ..... • .. “ was the best of all her religious life.” . and lifted heavenward a mountain of foam- Waiting Is not In vain, face and bearing and methods of a man in That no trial shall befall mo Mrs. Elizabeth, wife of. George W. : She enjoyed all tho religious services— capped water-,::. ' ; Greater than the heart can bear. If for God thou’rt henrk’ning. maturer life, the more, it, must have cost Tho dreariest weather will change somo day, Evans, the. only child of Alexander and Auditorium, Church, , every? So the tiny hand , of a child, though him in Its’ securing. ■ It is very easy to see, '. In what way relief I plead for And never a cloud but will pass away, Sarah Henry; wa&; bora in Philadelphia where, God' was In his holy -temple'. weak and feeble, uplifted to God in Is to come, I may not sec;. And tho sun will shlno. again. the signs of this safntliness as it finally sixty-five years ago. Her parents were His, people were there also, and there prayer, touches the dynamo of tho uni­ 'Tls enough, Divine Compassion, shows itself, but it is not so easy to realize Bo'stlll, sad heart, nor mind : she loved to be. Her fidelity was first to verse and may bring an answer thdtshakes Will the burden lift from-me. members of the Scotch Presbyterian the struggles which have been made in the Tho heat of flery trying, Church. Both father and grandfather God, then : to her husband. . How they the earth. God help us to remember the 0 tbe peace this promise brlngeth, Tn6 mystery entwined • ~ efforts at Its attaining. , Hard blows on the were elders in Dr. Wiley’s Church, on lived, loved and enjoyed each other!. But power there is in a consecrated life. All of doubt and fear aside,, With sorrow and with crying. marble In its cutting and trimming, and That-my trusting heart may ever ; Tho costliest gold, by a method Blow, for all these long,.weary years lie has held K. R. Eleventh street below Market, Philadel- patient, and persistent effort at Its polish­ In Ills boundless love conQde. Must loso its dross in the hottest glow, her with a trembling, had, often fearing delphia. She was reared in the positive ing, are essential in the process of trans­ * — Co ngrcgalionali But it cometh forth refined. when going homeihe might' find her gone. “ Prevahtion Better than Cure.” —Observer. and rugged faith of that strong old denom­ forming the rude block as it comes from ination, and was religious from a child. Over aud over, and over again, he has said the quarry Into the finished statue whicli BY MRS. FANNIE H. CARR. to me in the morning, “ I thought my wife What is the World .Coming To ? Suffering—Giory. She, taught many years In the Sabbath- is a centre of, admiration In the gallery. school under the superintendence of that would have died last night.” . But often, A famous Catholic priest onco said, Yet no statue ever formed by, the hand of BY REV. T. M. GRIFFITH. ADDRESS DELIVERED BY REV. E. II. STOKES, remarkable man of God, Geo. H. Stuart. after such morning expressions, she would, “ Give me the boys and girls of America ' man cost such determined effort, and such D. D., AT THE FUNERAL OF THE LATE Married to George W. Evans on the 10th rally, such was her vitality, and we would and I care not who have the men and Look at tendencies. That is the way to untiring patience in Its completing, as a MRS. O. W.'.EVANS, ST. PAUL’S CHOUGH, day of October, 1350, by Rev. Theodore find her at the office in the afternoon, women.’! A whole mine of practical phil­ find out which way the world is drifting. OCEAN OROYE, FEB. 12, 1801. finished human character.: A saintly face Wiley, now pastor of the church, and son smiling as if nothing was the matter. But osophy is embodied in‘.this terse saying, We can readily see that drudgery is dying is a thing of beauty, but It costs'more In The ministry of suffering is high and of the older Wiley’ who wns pastor when though this was so, every such attack was As the boys and girls of the .present will out- Labor-saving machinery Is crowding its securing than most of us are willing to Mrs. Evan* was born, they have had a de­ leaving her by that much, less able to bear be the men and women of the future gen­ out painful toil. New inventions astonish holy. pay for. it—however glad, we should be to lightfully harmonious wn lk together over the next. . . v , ° eration, how much wiser the expenditure us continually. Soon the.big, noisy, hiss­ One day, as and his disciples have it as our own. possession.—-5 S.Tunes'. were passing, they saw u man who had the ever-changing pathways of life; for Nine weeks ago, some changes having of money to lay the foundation of g?>Oil ing, sulphur-spltting, fire-flluglng locomo­ boon blind from bis birth. Intstantly, the more, that forty years., Sometime after taken ; place in their household matters, habits and tastes, or to foster >and encour­ tive will he side-tracked, and an instru­ disciple's taking up the old idea, that all their marriage, Mrs.- Evans, uninfluenced made it necessary to close their home. : Y’b Column. • age the same where already-existing. ment of motion fair and fleet as the swift-, ''suffering was a direct result of and punish- by any, and of her own deliberate choice, They went to Orange. Prospects were W hat1 God demands above all things These thoughts were suggested from the winged bird will.take Us place. Electricity ishment for sin, asked Jesuss “ Master, became a member of tho church of her not flattering, but still. they \ hoped* The else is our manhood and womanhood, our fact that, the ;W. G. T. U. of Camden have will he substituted Tot coal. .Silvery alum* inum will be used instead of black, ugly, who did sin, this man or his parents, that husband, and. remained such, respected, tidings that came day after day, and week individuality;- ourself, our living, throb­ inaugurated a movement to establish reiidi ho.was born blind ? ” . honored, loved nnd useful to the close of after week, brought clouds rather than bing personality. But Jiow are we to save ing rooms for boys who, are now found on- rusty iron. Medical science will be so far Jesus answered: “ Neither this mun; her life. - sunshine. the world ? If it is to be done, the slum­ the street.corners, where they, can spend advanced.that all kinds of diseases will bo • sinned, nor his parents, but that the work While she had always been God-fearing, Last Saturday, in the storm, I went to bering power of our church must be devel­ their evenings amid surroundings that will cured, or* better still, prevented—all.ex­ of God should be made manifest in him.” conscious. Intellectually and intelligently see her. I shall likely never, forget that oped. The whole church must be a con; awaken and encourage tastes the result of cept the disease of old age;, and who “ Our light affliction, which is but for a a Christian, and also of the most consist­ visit. Bro. Evans was calm, but depressed, secrated church. T here is always an old which must be not only a higher.grade of Knows but that some ellxer of. life may. moment, worketh for us, a far moro ex­ ent and purest outward life, she neverthe­ Maude was thoughtfully and affectionately guard in every church on which the pas­ manhood, but necessarily a better;type of yet bo discovered by. which tho wasting ceeding and eternal weight of glory.” less, under the: preeminently spiritual attentive. The sufferer sat In her chair, tor can always depend, and they generally citizen.- This last thought is so highly processes of ago 'may be, to a great de­ “ For the trial of your faith, being much ministry of Hey.. Alfred Cookman, then feet snd .ankles swollen, cheeks flushed, do nearly everything, .but if this mighty appreciated in certain part^ 'of Europe gree, arrested? Time will not so Soon, more precious than of gold that perlaheth, their pastor at Union M.-E. Church, Phila­ head bent,over, eyes closed. • . , work is to be accomplished, it is to be that the State finds it the better economy nor so easily, write wrinkles on our brows, might be found unto praise and honor and delphia, she became intensely interested I spoke. . She knew, my voice, looked done, by the rank and file, all bearing their to have what might bo called, neglected nor turn our hair white by his touch, nor* •glory/at the appearing of Jesus ,Christ. and greatly .desired a more satisfactory re­ up and smiled, as was her wont. Her eyes part in the conflict. Such a church, too, children educated in homes established for paralyze tho'once sprightly limb. So that “ Wherefore, let them that suffer,accord­ ligious life, and earnestly sought what her flashed/tyith the old fire as she said, “Al­ would bo^a joyous one.} I t; would not be this purpose rather than afterward, support men may live for hundreds of years; who ing to tho will of God, commit the keep­ old church people would perhaps call “ the most, but not quite over.” “And tho Lord filled with moping, shivering, doubting them in penal or pauper institutions In knows? , ing of their souls to him in well doing, as full assurance offa,ith.v She was fortunate, is with you?” I added. “ YeS, He will . Have you: a joyous religion consequence of the neglect of *parerits or A hundred years ago if ono would have’ unto a faithful creator.” In addition to the teachings of the , not leave me; though I pass through my friends ? • If not bring some lost sin­ guardians. - So that aside from tbe moral foretold the fact that men \\‘ould talk with' , “ For the God of all grace, who hath in falling into the hands of such saintly wo­ tho waters thoy will not overflow me,.and ner Into the fold and taste, and see tliat.the or spiritual stand point it is an exceedingly one another across a continent, and send called us ynto his eternal'glory by Christ men as Mrs. Ell wood Marter, to whose- through the fire, I shall not bo burned.” Lord la good;,: Dear 'Christian friends let interesting question;of social economics. messages under tho sea on the lightning’s Jebus, after that yo have suffered awhile, class she belonged, and Mrs. Homer 0; After a little further conversation she us consecrate ourselves to this glorious Some time since, While in Perth Amboy,' wing, would any lmvo believed him? So make you perfect, stablish, strengthen, set­ Lewis, both: of / whom were remarkably said, “ I know I shall have a crown, but.I work? Thero is work for you. Be up we saw a sign announcing that on the now if one attempts io look ahead at the tle you.” . successful in leading souls to the highest am not so sure about the stars; I want to. and doing. Ah, you say you are weak second floor there was a free library and uafoldlugsof manifest destiny he Is con­ • “For we see Jesus, who was made a little mountain * of /holy privilege and divine live- to ■ get two. stars in my. crown, and and timid, and unfit for the; Master’s, ser­ reading room. On entering wo saw two sidered extravagant or mad. lower than the angels for the suffering of . Sho was devoutly willing, named who she wanted. We then -had a vice/ Not so. Your very weakness and rooms neatly and comfortably furhished: Let us' look Into our Bibles a little 1 death, crowned with glory and honor; anxious and waiting to be led, and with short, simple prayer asking for God’s help helplessness God makes the Instrument and pleasantly heated, lined with shelves, Turn to tho last two chapters. .Is Itnot-* that he by the grace of God, should taste eager haste followed these holy leaders and blessing. v , ■ - through which He will display His power containing a variety of books suited to, the thero plainly intimated that heaven w ill: d^nth‘for every man. For, it became him, until she entered into.the fullness of the j On leaving she said, ;-V Give my love to and majesty. Besides you are not too comprehension of boys say frotu twelve to como down to earth, and that death shall ; for whom aro all.things, and by whom are assurance in jvhlch she widened out into friends at Ocean Grove. Give my love to weak—tho smallest child, the feeblest old eighteen. On the table wero tho popular be banished, and even pain shall . ull things, to mako the captUin of their river, bayi ocean, heaven i, them all}and tell them to meet me In heai- woman,, has her • work, i ; An old ■ negro magazines' and periodicals. -The rooms more? •. Perhaps that happy and heavenly . salvation perfect through,suffer ing. With her husbandr sho was connected; yen.” I answered, “ Yes,” and turning to washerwoman was walking along the were opened every day. for several hours, stato of things shall be introduced mirac-; ' “ Wherefore Jesus also, that he might first with Union Church, Philadelphia, go, she; kept. on repeating, ^1*611 all the track near Louisville, Ky., one morning also In the evening. 'Quite a number :of ulously, after, a-fiery baptism, oc a cata-. sanctify,,the people with his own blood, then Trinity, then Fortieth Street., In the people to meet me in heavon;” and on tho just • after daybreak, going to her . day’s lads are employed- in the ; workshops/of clysm of judgment; but oven now wo note suffered, without the gate.” . last named much sacrifice and labor were threshold, in tho act of closing tho door, work, when just in front of her. she ob­ South;Amboy, and it • was ,for. this class a tendency in that direction. Give this These passages,and scores of others that put forth in promoting the temporal and the last words I heard wore, “ Tell them served the bridge) that spanned a deep that .the effort, was -more especially'de­ world a thousand years or more; let might be produced, aro found without the spiritual-interests of tho society in all pos­ all to meet .me In heaven.” ravine had, burned; away’ In the night. signed.. The management is undo r a com­ science and religion, twin sisters, walk ' aid pf the concordance,, by the casual sible ways. Her next, church connection In this book—her book—tho New. Testa­ The rails,only remained, stretching treach­ mittee of ladles represent!tig the various tho earth side by side, all around It and turning of the loaves of the Bible. was with St. Paul’s in this'place. Last of ment and Psalms (holding up the book), erously across, the gulf. ; She remembered churches of . the -place. ^Adjoining these all over it, diffusing blessings as they go, There are physical, mental and spiritual all, and forever, the chuch triumphant in full Of marks of her favorite,passages and that the ,early express was about due, and rooms was-another! fitted up for the use of and this once wicked world will be so * sufferings experienced by all. To some, heaven. ' texts; preached by. her. pastors, and also, with- all: haste started back to' the .little men. \Ye know of. no more /potent ally much like heaven that the angels will love all of-these como, and'sometimes in- great In all these earthly places she was un­ clippings of choice articles, I find that station a mile away to give the. alnrnL both to and the temperance to linger here. Earth will bo a kind of surging billows. Even Jesus, God’s well assuming, modest, retiring, disinclined to ofttoid story of the ladies who went to the She had not gone more -thdn‘ a few, hun­ reform than just shell; free reading, rooms colony, inhabited by saints, haunted with beloved Son, cried out in inconceivable display; added to which, her long contin­ silversmiths to ; learn the meaning ,of - the dred yards before , she heard the roar of and libraries as the above. We thoroughly angels, crowded and crammed and crown­ anguish, “ My God, my God, why hast ued physical disability ] .disqualified her. passage, Ho shall-slt as a ’refiner of ail- the coming train, and in a moment more appreciate .the famous saying of Chalmers ed with the glory of God and tho Lamb. thou forsaken mo.” •' from much church work. But yer,’’ and after he had explained all to tho great engine swept round the, curve concerning the “ expulsive power o^ a new Last of all the material and visible uni­ ■ Paul, the holy ambassador of Jesus, ex­ notwithstanding, this,- her love for the their, great satisfaction and were about to just in front of her, Sho tried to tear her affection,'’ and believe-thai If such facul­ verse will probably disappear altogether; claimed; “ I am crucified with Christ, church in all its various services and be­ leave, he called them back and said, “ The apron from her waist for a signal. The ties as the above were - furnished to; the bodies of flesh and blood will bo exebang- > (physical; mental and spiritual suffering,) nevolences -was.. Vnidwe. In h er attend­ only way I know when, the process- of string seemed never so strong and stub­ youths of our towns and cities the pool ed for spiritual bodies; departed spirits * nevertheless^. I live, yet not-1, but Christ ance upon all the means o f:grace, hone purification is complete Is' when I see my born as then, but at last she -tore it rooms and saloons would measurably lose w.lll'-bo readily recognized by the Inner ; liveth in me, and the life I now. live, I live were more constant or devout, often going own imago.reflected in the silver.” I then loose and waived it frantically,- deter­ their attractions. O that the. professed spiritual sense; the spirit world will all be by’tho faith of tho Bon of God, who loved when and dearest friends thought thought of all these twenty years and mined1 to -stand on that- . track and disciples of Him who came not to- be min­ mapped out to human view as now a p -: me.and gaVe himself for me.” she was not able, and ought not to go. more ;of. suffering, during which the refin- die or stop the train. At last ' she istered unto, but to minister, whom God pears the moon or sun; and finally the in­ •The ’vast multitudes< now with God, But she said, “ I love tp.go, apd most like­ ing was going on, and now It was evident was seen, the engine reversed and brought has entrusted wealth would awaken up to visible and spiritual—which, after all, Is have gone up out of great tribula­ ly have not long to go;/while I posslby the work was, complete, for, forever 1‘ree to. a stand,only a few feet from her. The seo the incalculable good money Invested far more real than the material—will be - tion, and have washed their robes and can,;therefore, I must. She lived, as you from , all/the dross of sin, she bore the engineer thrust his head out of tho cab in freo reading rooms Avould accomplish. all in all. made them white in the blood of tho Image of the divine.. Is this ail n wild speculation, a flippant know, near, by, but often, though the dis­ and cried, “ Well, old woman, aro you Our Scholarly , Lamb. •• • tance was so short, had to stop and*Walt Sabbath came aqd passed. Monday crazy, what's the matter?” «* Oh, sab, de fancy, a dream? Weigh It well before How blessed aro tho words immediately for breath to enable, her,to go further. came and closed. Monday night came. bridge Is all burned down, ’deed It Is sah; The editor of Zion's Ilerald, during a pronouncing It worthless.'. Mayhap It will following: “ Therefore are they before the Still she persevered, and like Elizabeth oil All had retired. Husband and wife were you will bo lost If. you go on.” The engl- visit to Washington, looked in ’on the res­ bo-found accordant with both Scrlpturo 1 thvonp ,6^’God, and servo him. day and Old, walked In, all the commandments of alone. , To her it was not sad, but intensely neer leaped from his cab and: the passen­ ident bishop, and- makes the following and common sense. night In his,temple—they shall hunger no the Lord, blameless. . • • ” - ; tender. To him the deep, dark, long,silent gers from the-cars, and there before them note of his observations: • ■ more,, neither thirst any more; neither ; Still, though afflicted, she was not Idle. hours before sunrise were too fearfully saw the awful death they had barely es­ Tho home of Bishop Hurst on Iowa Cir- Losing Both Worlds. shall the sun light on them or any heat.” No ! no I Sho helped her husband ; and portentous for :word?. Something seemed caped.- Friends embraced, friends, and clo revoals .the scholar in a most-happy Becauso of all these divine words so con- those women who help their husbands .in to say, the end is. at hand. For twelve mothersTell upon tho neck's of children and inspiring way. Several largo rooms It is not worth while being religious un­ stantly and freely, scattered all through doing good are not Idle. . But more than hours lie stood by her bed. He bathed her as they .realized their great deliverance.. aro entirely lined with book-shelves, which less you aro altogether religious. It wont tho. holy scriptures—“ Wo know that all this. She was aotlve In the women’s mis­ brow and lips with cold water. She looked The olct.womaa, as she saw the tears and. aro crowded to tholr1 full capacity.. Dur­ do to be merely playing at religion or hav­ thjngs, suffering included, work togethor sionary works at home aud abroad; for.the. lip and said with a smile, ‘‘O, it is so good,” joy, began to dance and shout for joy her­ ing his travels over tho Old World he col­ ing religion on us as a bit of veneer. It for good to them that love God, who are foreign field her sympathies and labors and kissed him, for the kindly act. was self; They drew near her and offered her lected valuable and most Interesting curioa must snturato us. Some Beck first the the called according to his purpose.” had been exercised for many years. Here the last kissi A little later sho said, “ Dear their money and-jewelry, but she refused which lio about everywhere for examina­ kingdom of God ; others put it in a second, Therefore, I said,-in.'tlie beginning, that she will be missed. She and Mrs. Hlbbs husband, how much. I lovo you; butstroug to touch a thing, saying sho was afraid it tion. nud study. Tho-bishop Is still tho place. Then prayer, meetings aro dull, the ministry of sufforIng is high and holy, were among the :original' projectors , of as this love is, Jesus is first!" would take her joy away from what sho scholar of the church. Tlio. episcopacy atid fellowship gatherings are uninterest­ and I havo simply cited these passages to Elipv Cottage. For a long time past she At one-thirty of the clock, on Tuesday had been able to do, and went her way has uot extinguished student aspirations ing; but the moment a man begins toseek- reveal the same. lias been its most efficient treasurer, and afternoqn,-Fob. 10, lS9it leanlng.on his with a light heart to her day’s work. aud habits, It Is. an inspiration to sit at tho kingdom of God and Ills righteous­ Our sister, whose death calls us togeth­ her place will be hard to fill. As far as right arm—-tho arm on which sho had •You can do at least as much as that old his sldo in that home, and hear him talk ness, all things are right. To any man er to-day, was tho daughter of suffering. health allowed tho Pursonago Association leaned with tho fondest and holiest affec­ woman. Down tho track of life there of his books, his studies,.and the “Ameri­ who lias not heartily thrown himself into For twenty years she has hardly known had her hearty co operation also. tion for moro' than. forty' years- sho was comes thundering toward you some reck- can University’.” A feellngof sympathetic tho kingdom, of God, but who is seeking- what it was to pass a painless day or night. • Bro. and Sister Evans are among tho not on oarth, for God h:ul taken her to less man or woman.. You seo tho bridge sadness lingers still a3 wo recall his kind secondly tho kingdom of God, ho may bo Wearisome days and nights wero appoint- original Oceau Giovo peoplo. Ho has heaven. • is down and tho gulf yawns boforo them. farewell words as wo left tho house. “ \Ve religious ; but thet’e is something he loves ' ed her, nnd sho sometimes was ready to bfcen our secretary for tho last seventeen This Is thp end—:/io, not the etui, but tlio They do not see it. Perhaps at least you had just got ready to lire here/' said he,, more, aiul both* worlds are spoiled to him. say witli David, “AU thy . Waves and bil­ or eighteen years. . But they came hero. as. beginningot a higher, holier, grander life caii stand on that truck, and with the blood­ “ and-sho was taken. My . wife had just He has neither the cream of the one nor lows havo gone over me.” But through permanent residents in 1873. which shall nover end. Bro, Evans, your stained batiuer of Christ flag the coming put up tho last curtain as sho was stricken.” of tho other. The great desideratum of all tho long years, however Intenso the Since then both havo been. Interested In wlfo has gone; but sho Is yours still. Some­ train. Yoli may bo weak' and timid, but Is anything nobjer or moro Christian than tho present day is Hot moro Christians, but sufferings, the grace of God magnified this place to the full extent of their abil­ how, in somo way, let us hopo and trust' remember' that success does not depond a great soul in its effort to be submissive a better brand i}f Christians. — Henry in the quiet patience with which sho boro'.ity. Ditrlng all this time, and many'years wo shall moot her up there and .have the on your weakness or strength', butou God’s. and patient under so heavy a grief ? Drummond. * * £ POElJLisT Q -E -O T E IR/ESOOIR/Z), 2t, 1 8 9 1 .

A K ssb Meeting, her own most familiar and treasured book Heights open to receive them at reasonable nobody olso considered worth while to " The Survival of the Fittest." of devotion—the Testament and Psalms— rates. work into book form. Adaj the little md When the professional gamblers and Im­ marked all through by her own hand and A most cordial Invitation is extended to heroine, of tho story, is n winsome per­ Almost any man of fifty, In our time, perious saloon keepers of New Jersey Interleaved with favorite sentences which Christian workers in the North to meet has led a life more crowded with events PDULIBHED-WBEKLY BV 1 son, and hor Bojourn with the rural folks than tlie more than the nine centuries of boasted that tho only opponents of tho she had culled from every source. . Somo with those already here, for “in union at “ Brown’s,” sots off a beautiful Chris­ Methusaleh. Wlthinthe last half century RFV. A. WALLACE, D. D., race-track bill sought to be carried by the of these he road, giving a clear nnd full thoro Is strength.” C. B. S c o tt,Sec'y. tian character. This is tho chief merit most of tho inventions that have revolu­ ASBURY PARK* NEW JERSEY. < present Legislature at Trenton were insight Into tho transparent goodness of mark of the volume. It Is healthful in tionized the world have appeared, with, “ clergymen and cranks,” they reckoned perhaps, the exception of the steam e n ­ hor character, Late Publications. tone, and not at all deficient In artistic ex­ gine and its application to different modes REV. E.H.STOKES, D.D.,CorrespondlngEdltor. without their host. New Jersey is being A favorite hymn was then, by request, cellence as to plan and style. of conveyance. A mlddlo aged man can fairly arou9od in resistance to the iniqul* sung by Mrs. G.' M. Bennett, leader of St. Tlie House of Bondage; or Charlotte remember when- tho canal boat was con­ Brooks and .othor Slaves, by Mrs. Octa- Ringing Bells, by Reeso Rockwell. Hunt TERM8, POSTAGE PREPAID. tous measure. Tho people cannnot re­ Paul's , and tho peoplo were invited & Eaton, Now York; 850 pages, 12 mo. sidered a luxurious conveyance, and the Ono copy, four m onths,,... .«»•»..... *...... * ,60 main indifferent to a high-handed and vlu V. Rogers Albert, with an introduc­ journey from Philadelphia to New York " “ BlxmoothB ...... 76 to join in the chorus, “ I ’ve anchored my tion by Bishop Mallalieu. New York, Price $1.25. . " “ ono year,..;...... '...... 81.60 unblushing attempt to legalize gambling, required several days. The telegraph was Club of five or moro, ono year, each, 1.00 soul in tlio haven of rest,” &c. • Hunt & Eaton, 150 Fifth avenue. 76c, Without the slightest circumlocution not known, and tho wonderful Inventions • Advertisements Inserted at tho rato often conts and let loose the Hood-gates of drunken* The casket containing tho remains was This volume might with some propriety, the author of this hook—a capital writer or Edison and others not even dreamed of. por line, ono time. For ono, two or tbroe months, ness and demoralization which such legis­ But this picture has its. dark side. With . or by tbo year, a liboral reduotlon will bo mado. not brought to the chnrch, tho deceased be denominated a second “ Uncle Tom’s by tho way—plunges Into tho plot and lation is designed to sanction. plan of a “ raging romance,” the' interest all tin labor-saving appliances and’Inven­ having often expressed an instinctive dis­ Cabin.” Its contents, like the former re­ tions, there is none to relieve tho mind. The moss meeting called, chiefly of which Is sustained throughout no less SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 21, .1891, sent from this common custom, and more­ nowned. publication, appeared in a news Its activity Is increased to meet tho de­ through tho efforts of Rev. S. Edward over, she did not approve of anything paper serial, and there Is a kind of pathetic than thirty-eight chapters. It is a story mands made upon it. Methusaleh, at tho Young, and hold in Educational Ilall, savoring of ostentation at a funeral. The interest In the story when we remember which any reader taking up, is age of forty or fifty, with over nine hun­ Copies of tho Ocean Grovo R e c o r d can dred years of life before him, and the con­ Asbury Park, on last Monday evening, desire of the. friends to B ee her face once that the author had gone from the scenes compelled by tho continuous action intro­ always bo liad at tho hook storo, .27 Pil­ sciousness- that a trifling sum, placed at brought together tho strength and Intelli­ more was, however, gratified by calling at of earthly vicissitude before the produc­ duced, to poruse with absorbing interest to grim Pathway. Tho store Is open day compound interest, would enable him to gence of the population of both Grove the cottage, Main and New Jersey ave­ tions of her consecrated pen appeared in tho last line. Wo would find it dlfflcultto spend his lost days in comfort and even in * and evening. and Park to unite in what every citizen nues, where, “beautiful in death” tho body print. The full title Includes “original class “Ringing Bells” with religious liter­ affluence, could afford to lose an hour, or Rev. Joseph Gaskill, of Tronton, spent claims as his inherent right—a protest lay, and was viewed by the people beforo and lifelike picture of slaves as they ap­ ature, or even as a religious novel, al­ oven a day or two. But now, “ time is a few days in the Grove this week and monoy,” and money is everything. Neither against the passage of the pending bill. and after the services at tho church. peared In their old plantation and city though the MSS must havo passed under mind nor body can bear tho strain, and a helping hand nt the revival services It was a respectable nnd orderly moot­ On Friday morning Bro. Evans, with his slave life; together with sketches of tho careful and critical eyes before it.could disease Ib the result. This is the penalty in St. Puul’fl. ing. Dr. Stokes, attended by a large dep­ daughter, Mrs. Maude Evans Wythe, and ‘peculiar institution,’ with sights and In­ pass muster as suitable and useful read­ wo pay for our high state of civilization.' The Christian Endeavor meeting Sunday utation from tho Grove, was present nnd accompanied by President Stokes and ing for Methodist Sunday-schools. Of its But Is nothing to bo done to restore and sights Into thoir now relation as freedmen, revitalize us? evening led by Charles Ross, was a heart- by acclamation was voted to tho chair. An Vice-president Ballard, Mr. D. D. Peak, freemen and citizens.” literary character and probable popularity . If you wish to Investigate tills subject, searching occasion, marked by serious­ available choir sung “ Coronation,” nnd and Mr. J. n . Sexton, took the remains by Of tho “puro nnd gentle spirit” of Mrs. as such things, go there can bo no question. send for our brochure of 200 pages. It ness, and tho exercises closed amid lo tense Rev. J. W. Morris, of Bel mar, offered early train to Philadelphia, whore they Albert, Bishop Mallalieu says: “ Inher Wo can theroforo only pass it on as a gives tho result of 20 years of study and religious interest. prayer. Then Mr. James A. Bradley’s wore met at the Broad Street Station by strong, fascinating society fiction, Its groat* experience, and Is a carefully written young girldhood sho had known the ac­ work. There is collected, also, a of Mr. R. A. Robinson, of Sharpsburg, letter, backing up the movement, Was Undertaker Earley, who escorted the piarty cursed system of Blavery, and the joy ^if eat merit being a portraiture of unselfish­ evidence, irrefutable and convincing.' Ad­ Alleghany county, Pa., accompanied by road, nnd Rov. Everard ICompshall, D. D„ to Earley’s Hall, Thirteenth and Arch deliverance. With a deep pathetic teu- ness such ns is rarely found in such dress Dr s. Starkey & Palen, 1529 Arch St., his daughter,’Miss Maude Robinson, is of Elizabeth, N. J., a rousing platform streets. Here a company of nearly one dorne8s she lovell her race, and would world os this. Tho title is merely fanciful Philadelphia, Pa., or 120 Sutter St., Ban Francisco, Cul. • visiting his brother who is under hygienic speaker, with the force nnd swing of an hundred persons, including Mrs. IMshop gladly have laid down her life for their and far-fetched at that. treatment at Dr. Barr’s. earnest reformer, addressed tho meeting, Ssmpson, Mrs. M. L. Eder and many prom enlightenment and salvation. But she has giving a historic synopsis of tho race; Tho funeral of Mrs. S. D. Woolley was Inont ladies, long the friends and asso- gone to her reward, leaving behind the A Time of ItefresMng. The Concert. track development, cunningly, contrived •ciates of Mrs. Evans in connection with largely attended at St.-Paul’s Church'on precious legacy of a sweet Christian influ­ Thornloy Chapel last Sunday afternoon, Oa Tuesday ovenlng next, Fob. 24, tho peo­ to subvert morality, over-ride public senti­ Trinity and other churches in Philadel­ last Saturday, afternoon. Rev. S. Ed. ence that can.only flow from a wholly con­ although early in tho season, was over plo of Asbury Park and vlolnlty are promised ment and debauch the community. phia, with Mr. Joseph Ross, Dr. Nice, J. Young, of Asbury Park, assisted Rev, II. secrated life.” She found in “Aunt Char­ crowded. Rov. George Clark, of New a rloh troat In tho musical line at W estminster He pointed out tho danger and duty of H. Dungan and others, after an informal Beltitfg in the services. lotte” a mine of reminiscences, the repe­ York Conference, residing, in the Grove, Cburch. ’ the State, suggesting such agitation and address by Dr. Stokes, and prayer by Bro. tition of which exceeds the highest presided In the absence of Dr. Stokes. Bro. Mr. Rue has securcd somo of tho beat spe­ •The ocean front presents a busy aspect protest as might possibly, with Gov, Ab­ Ballard, also took a farewell look at the cial artists in tho country, and with himself . wrought fiction. Tho "other slaves,” John Latham unlocked the door of all luke­ on fine days, with pile driving and the bott havo the effect to defeat these schemes familiar features of their well beloved and other homo talent It may bo confldently. nnd Lorendo, Sallio Smith, Uncle Stephen warm hearts by a soul-stirring prayer for widening of the popular board walk. Wo of “ bookmakers,” and rumsollers, and the oxpoctod that tho selections, as arranged : friend now in tho dreamless repose of and Lizzie Beaufort, aro mado to tell their an outpouriug of the Holy Spirit on haven’t noticed much progress yet in tho pandemonium of evil with which, the death. . . below, will bo the best In character and more own Blmple but harrowing experiences, all present. The third chapter of Ephe­ proQelont in exeoutlon than any concert ovor construction of tho proposed ocean pier. State is now threatened. Ilia appeal mot The casket was then conveyed to Wood- and tho concluding chapters present somo sians, commencing at 13th verso, was read glvon before tho publlo hero : with a hearty response. Ho was thanked Ono of the most noteworthy articles in lawn Cemetery and placed for the present hopeful indications of mental and moral and lucidly expounded by the leader. PARTI. by resolution for his timoly address, and H ater's Magazine for March will be a in tho receiving vault, until tho grave improvement in tho colored race, in which Bro. Purdy referred to his past acquaint­ 1. Trio—La Serenata, » ’ :F. Schubert paper on “The Literary Landmarks of concurrence was emphatically expressed should bo suitably prepared to receive it. VIlss Jos\e Kingsley, E. Wlnsor. 8. C. Ruo. every philanthropist will rejoice. We re ance with General Sherman and. spoke 2. Harp Solo—Grand Kantaslo. II Trovatore, fb-di in the suggestions offered. Edinburgh,” written by Laurence Hutton, A friendly hand pens the following tri­ member enough about slavery times and of his religion. Bro. Garrison was confi­ Signor Giovanni Setnrq. A committee of fifteen citizens was ap­ 3. Violin Solo—6th Air Varie, - C. de Sertot 1 and illustrated from drawings mado in bute, which will appropriately close this circumstances to attest every word of this dent of his saved relation to God. Bro. Samuel O. Rue. Edinburgh by Joseph Pennell. pointed to proceed at the time to . 4. Vocal Solo—Ierafrfl. - - 'O. King sketch of a lovely Christian’s departure, thrilling book as true. It has strangely Kennedy was happy as usual, and said that Miss Emma Grace Farrington. Trenton, and represent the sentiments of Rev. C. D. Fisher, of West Grove, has and a funeral remarkable for its tender moved our heart to read it, which we have he had been commander for sixty years of PART II. this community in opposition to tho book­ rendered efficient preaching service at the and hallowed Influences: , done from beginning to end. Fort Kennedy, moaning himself, and after 6. 'Cello Solo—Andanto and Gavotte, D. Popper makers bill, and all other legislation inlra- Prof. Louis Volmcr. St. Paul’s revival meetings. . Ilis sermon REST AT LAST. , Select Pdalms. arranged for the use of the. the war he expected to receive his pension 0. Piano Solo—BelIsarlo, - - A. Qoria leal to tho welfare of this commonwealth, Prof. R. A. Tustlng, on the warning words of the prophet Dan* ■**'“! ^ Hor spirit ascended, a dwelling hnih won, Methodist Episcopal Church, by John and all back pay. Bro. Dewson knew 7. Doo—" Fruhllngsgrnss” Romanzo. J, Resch , , - t i i .. w the protection of its homes and youth, Wesley, with other selections, and the Prof. Louis Volmcr, 8. O. Rue. iol, 5:25, one evening last week, brought c e „ .• . * Whero there rlseth no paln.Jaden sigh ; what it was to be rooted and grounded in * ® ° So far, we say “ Well done for Ocean order for tho Sacraments and occasional 8. HarpBolo—Concorto from Annie Laurlo, WiU. ■ some halting souls to a decision for God. The cares and tho labors of this life aro done, lovo for Christ. This made obedience a Signor Setaro. Grove and Asbury Park.” And tears longer tho oye. .r services of the Church. Hunt & Eaton, Now York, 1891. . delight. Tho piano used on this occasion Is from the The devotional meetings every evening' Thoro balm-laden breezes perfumo tho sweet air, Bro. TenEyck’s happiness was derived warerooms of R, A. Tustlng, corner.Bond, at St, Paul’s Church are sometimes varied Tho Btreets aro of Jasper and gold; • Here it Is at lust, a ritual, or what some And sanctified spirits aro with her to share, from doing tho will of God. Bro. Smith, street and Cookman avonuo. by song services, and a general narration An Impresoiw Funeral Servics, may regard as tho entering wedge of “rit­ In the lovo which can never bo told. ualism” into the denomination from whose a young disciploVsald he was pressing on. rof experience In which young converts We refer to that of the late Mrs. G. W. This certifies that I have used Dr. Bull’s Methluks through tbo shadows there whispers a official press tho abovo volume has just Bro. Compton loved God and his people, Cough Syrup and found It to be what it is , are encouraged to testify, and old vet*, Evans, which was held in St. Paul’s Church, voice, been issued. The title is comprehensive and could not resist attendance upon the represented. I can safely say that it has erans, with the fire burning, grow happy Ocean Grove, Thursday afternoon, Fob. 12. To tho Iono mourning hearts boro below; 1 and yet hardly includes one half the fea­ means of grace. Bro, Purdy advised all helped ray cough (which I might say. was in the Lord. There were about fifty wit The death of uny well-known resident “ I havo found rest at last 1 I can henceforth re* chronic) and I cheerfully recommend itto ’ Jolce, • . tures embodied in this very beautiful com­ timid sisters to study the life of Mrs. Gen. nesses for Christ on last Tuesday evening, of Ocean Grove creates in the social and all those ofilicted. H. W._ Donnelly, Whilo eternity’s ages shall flow. pendium of public service, which we are Booth for their encouragement. Bro/Fer­ 04 East 181st Street, Now York. with a good degree of old-fashioned lib­ religious life of the place a sensible vacu­ O heaven with all Its fruition Is mine, really glad to see, not that-we want any guson was In the humble path of a fol­ erty and power. um ; but her departure came naturally And tho weary Ufa voyago Is o’cc; moro formality, but wo do need a distinct lower of Jesus Christ. Special Sale. nearer to the heart of the. Association than To patiently suffer and wait, is to shlno, A magazine of the sizeof The Ladies1 At.last on tho glorified shore.” recognition of tho “ church year,” and •A brother with hearty English accent On Saturday, Feb. 21, children’s heavy Home Journal, which has just reached a that of an ordinary case; because, as the Wesley’s own selection of Psalms which found his greatest blessings when laboring . monthly circulation of 000,000 copies, re­ devoted wife of a member and officer, she Solar Tip Shoes, sizes 5 to 8—90c; regu-. obviously are an Improvement on the pro- in the vineyard of the Lord. Bro. Latham lar price, $1.25. Sizes 8to 11—$1.10; reg­ quires a good deal of room; another four- had been with us from, the beginning. It Affeotlon’s Tribute. miscuous and desultory manner now in enjoyed a “ porfectealvation” which led to ular price, $1.50. •* was next to a family bereavement; for the story. building is . to bo occupied next The Woman’s Home Missionary Society use in many of ouf churches. All the purity of heart. Bro. Cole found the Children’s fine Kid Shoos, 70c.; regular ties which unite this body in Christian prico, $1. • month, In addition to tho two now in use. of St. Paul’s, Ocean Grove, are in sorrow othor Prayer Book features, including the Christian life a continuous warfare, but sympathy are very tender und very strong. Men’s heavy Kangaroo Seamless, $2.25; The growing popularity of tho Journal has for the departure of a gentle helpful sistor, present approved ritual of the Church, are his highest ambition and longing was for Twice a year at least we all meet, and the regular price, $2.75. also overtaken the capacity'of its nine Mrs. Goo, W. Evans. The Master has •also commended to the attention of pas­ a victorious faith. Ladies’ fine Morocco Shoes, $1.50; Com­ “ missing ones” are like broken links in a large presses, and twelve new, ones of said, " It is enough, come up higher.” . tors and peoplo. These , To Deums, Bro.Wulnrlght ad mired and sought after mon sense and Opera Toes; regular price, circle of intimacy and affection compass­ $2. * latest improved pattern are awaiting the Our sister who was a patient sufferer for Glorias, &c., are not enjoined, but' allow­ completeness of Christian character and ing both time and eternity. Lad I os’ fine Kid Shoes. Patent Leather, completion of the new* quarters. many years, has heard the welcome call. able, and if the purposo is carried out our life, so as to -hear at tho terminus of the Added to this tlio protracted feebleness Tip, $2; regular price, $2.60. Rev. Dr. Ilnlloran, of Jersey City, whose Wo shall see her no moro In our earthly service so bare and barren that It fails to journey, “ Well donel” From a secluded Boys* heavy School Shoes, Good Wear. of Mrs. Evans, her punctuality in duty family is spending some time nt a cottage gatherings, but we cannot forget tho ten­ enlist tho active Interest of congregations corner a brother witnessed for Christ the Brand, $1; regular price $150. under all circumstances, und the cheerful­ This Saturday at R ockafellkr’s; in the Grove while their parsonage is der earnestness of her look when she said, will be greatly enriched thereby. At the mighty^ to save, even when passing over ness with which she regarded tho iuevit- Main St. opp. Depot, Asbury Park. undergoing repairs, occupied tlio pulpit of “ I am with you whenever able to come.” General Conference of 1884 we remember rough places. able, affecting her own life, deepened and St. Paul’s ou last .Sabbath evening, and When flesh was failing she did not forget having a convorsation with the late Dr. J. Eighteen sisters participated. Several When you have over-exerted yourself enlarged this tender sympathy until all during'the after meeting he threw the the work in which her heart was deeply P. Durbin on the subject of a reprint of were seeking a higher life and some re­ by running, jumping or working, there is tho people became interested in the final whole energy of his nature Into tho prayer interested. Her helpful earnestness was Wesloy’s old Prayer Book,, of which but joiced that they had lately experienced the nothing that will relieve the soreness of event. blessing! Mrs. S. J. C. Downs, who sel­ your joints and muscles so quickly and service. Fifteen were at tho , and the always an inspiration, and we trust her few copies remain, more to save it from effectually as Sulvutlon Oil, the greatest large congregitlon was Wonderfully im­ When, therefore, her remains were mantle may rest upon our members that oblivion than to put it Into use. He told dom hud the privilege to be present, said cure on earth for pain. Price 25 cents. pressed by spiritual power. What an brought to the Grove, it was affecting to we may never forget we have. tbo writer of this to offer a rjHolution sho was always glad to testify for the event It Is to see a whole audience revised witness tho scores of people, young and “ A chargo to keep, authorizing the then Book Agents at New Saviour, nnd had been living in peace with Mrs. Demarest, of Woodbrldge, N. J., A God lo glorify.” and to hear them sing the as old, Who lined the platform of the depot York to publish the historic volume and God. Fifty years o f. service found her has been spending a few weeks at Hodson M r s . J a m es K e n t , seeking souls enter into the joy of pardon­ to receive back oven her dust. The attend­ keep it on their general catalogue, and he burdened, for the uplifting of mankind Cottage on Surf avenue. ance at the funeral services again indicated • President W.H. M .S. from the rum traffic. ing and sanctifying grace! “ second the motion” with a speech. Our M1s9 Mary Reese, of Owlngs Mills, Bal. Another said, “ He takes me as I am. I how wide and deep tlio sorrow which sat courage, however, failed at that juncture, timoTe county, Md., and Mrs. Stevens, of • “ Praise God from whom all blessings upon that large assembly. and although others may have thought of find It good to have the blessed assurance How *’ closed a pathetic 6cone late Sunday Egleston Heights Camp-Heating. Trenton, are among the late arrivals for The exercises .were opened at 2.80 with the same thing, It has never come to a of my being fully consecrated,” restorative treatment at Dr. Barr’s Hy-. night, as several were happily converted A letter written 10th Inst, from the the hymn, “ O for the death of those who head. This new compilation is doubtless Other experiences were: “ Though not glonic Institute. in St. Paul’s Church. Salvation Is flowing slumber in the Lord,” nnd prayer by Rev. Misses Frank and Adams, Egleston, Fla., the outcome of an acknowledged need, emotional 1 am settled in the faith, and Dr. J. H. Price, of South Amboy, who through Ocean Grove; Christians are wak­ W. IL Wardell. Revs, W. B. Osborn, of assure u b that the proposed camp.meetlng and if itdoes no good wo think it can do abiding in Christ.” had become helpless from a severe attack ing up, and should at this time leave no Brooklyn, and Wm. Franklin, of- Ocean for which tho late Mrs. Insklp-Bateman no harm. It Is at least worth while for " I t is so sweet to trust in Jesus when of rheumatism, came to Dr. Barr’s Hy­ stone unturned that may lead neighbors, Grove, read selections of Scripture, and labored so earnestly, is appointed to com­ all the pastors everywhere, to send for a doubts and fears arise.” gienic Institute a little over a week ago, friends or relatives to Christ. “ Come up the choir tenderly sung the , mence March 18, and preparations t\ro copy and give it a careful examination. “ I am resolved that God shall havo the to the. help of the Lord” for evil influ- and by the use of the Turkish baths and "Asleep in Jesus; blessed sleep.” being actively mado to have tho • now Elijah, the Man of God. By Rev. Mark right of way in my heart.” \ ences, meet the “ nluiost persuaded ” on Rev. H. Belting in a brief and beautiful grounds in suitablo condition and means “ I realize the preciousness of God other active appliances is now able to get Guy Pearse. New York, Hunt & Eaton. about again. His wife and two little every aide. It is encouraging to see such address, referred to the deceased, in her ample to accommodate a large congrega­ Price 60 cents. speaking to my soul. He is my comforter daughters, Myrtle and Ruth; have.also a work of grace among the young people, symmetrical religious character, and the tion. They also forward the following The author of “Daulol Quorm” is sure and helper.” spent some time at the Hygeia. w ho aro setting a good exutnplo for older full preparation she mado for a change of letter, which wo very cheerfully publish of plenty of readers in this country for “ Praise God that I have such a safe and Christians by their personal efforts among worlds, a s an invalid, he said it seemed for tho Information of many of our friends anything he may see proper to write. In well-grounded anchorage In Christ. We Welch’s reliable . — their companions." as if she had long been waiting at tho now in tho South, or likely to be there at this his latest work, he introduces us to can rejoice in God if we cannot in our pyre juice otJhegrape,unfermented,may - Harper's Weekly y e ry sensibly remarks eternal gate for . Sometimes tho tho date given: • • . “ Elijah, the Tishbite,” asdld tho eloquent circumstances.” be had at the ofllce of the R e c o r d , or that tho Italian Prime Minister, Signor gate appeared partly to open for her, but Ocean Grove Book Store. For commun­ Wo are glad to'say in answer to. the Krumacher half a century ago, and with “ Our plans are not God's, but I am as­ ion purposes use nothing else. To Crisp!, was suddenly defeated, and re­ Btill she lingered hero submissive to the many letters of Inquiry concerning the something of tho same terse and charming sured his way is host.” churches—pints 40c.; quarts 80c. signed, mainly because of unpopularity will of God. On Tuesday to tlio waiting camp.meetlng, that the 18th of March has stylo which gave the latter a prominent “ I want more of Jesus to walk by faith arising from the enormous taxatlou iu one tho happy hour arrived, and she 'on- been appointed us tho gathering tlmo of place among the classics in every religious dally.” Owners of property, do'you sell Italy, amounting, it is stated, to ninety entered in amid the acclaim of angels and tho Lord’s workers to this field so white to library. The contents of the present vol­ ‘One of our Chinamen asked before or rent? If so, give particulars to C. M. dollars for. every inhabitant, and duo to Ward, New' York nnd Embury avenue*. ‘.‘.welcome,home”.of her- Redeemer and harvest. _ Tho death of Slater Insklp-Bato* ume make one familiar with the grand old leaving for his native land, that wo love Ocean Grove, who will do his be9t to give the maintenance of an immense military Lord, in whoso presence, according to the man has caused It to be postponed to the prophet at various periods In his eventful his people to Jesus, and I am trying so to you satisfaction in every detail, either in armament.-One tiling, at leuss, Is clear. fnlth wo,cherish, her spirit now, freed time mentioned. We believe in honor to. career—ut the brook Cherith, Zarepta. do among this people.” ■ renting, selling or insuring. If in an age to which war is incontestably from diseases aud decline, is euraptured the faith of hor last hours, that If sho Wus Mount Carmel, in the wilderness, before "H e lendeth me, und yet. it seems so moro and moro repugnant, any great pow­ with tlio vision of Ills face.. taken the Lord would raise up workers, Ahab, and in the chariot of fire. It gives hard, nnd I understand not wliy I-ain led An article of especial interest to all •, er may wisely refrain from the enormous Ho then Introduced Dr. Stokes,' who Jle has euc.ouraged the hearts of his chil­ also the character of Jezebel, and all con­ through such a cloudy .way; hut I will lovers of poetry and music will be Francis cost of maintaining a vast system of mili­ without 'much time, or opportunity for dren to persevere. Since the work has temporary Bible history of men and events trust him to tho end.” - ; Ivorlmy’s paper on “ Nationality in Mu*, tary ami naval offence and defence, it is preparation, proceeded to deliver the in* been again taken up great advancement of tho tlmo. It is a stirring-’treatise, full “Although nearly crushed by the loss of sic,” which Is.announced to appear in the United States. Thore Is no doubt that structiVo aud very appropriate remarks has been made, especially In tlio lilst week. of fire and force, aud will be read with a dear mother whoso llfo I want to copy, Harper's Magazine for March. “is civilization advances not only the duel which wo print hi full on first pnge^ The Somo monoy, somo labor nnd somo tents absorbing interest. * yet I am In happy commuulon with God,” Brander Matthews will contribute to. utid the practice of currying.weapons by very manner of his delivery greatly height* have been donated, but we are looking to At Browns; an Adirondack Story. By A colored sister said she .was looking Harper's Magazine for March an enter­ individuals disappears,, hut the policy of eued the impressiveness of tho occasion, Him who has promised to supply all our Jean Kate Ludlow. Published by Hunt upward, and not down. taining short story showing, how tho maintaining vast national armaments by a quickening tlio fnlth. and’ Impo of every liocd. Wo expect thoro will bo tents for & Eaton, Now York; 181)0. Price $1.25. Thus the tide of testimony rnu on until course of truo love, after having been once crushing taxation, or- tho old axiom, in heart present. With tho utmost eager - at* those who wish to be accommodated on A skillful writer and a very readable the meeting closed. • Visiting strangers interrupted, rau smoothly at last “ Iu tho time of pence prepare -for war, is also tentlou tho congregation followed tho the grounds, and persons book. It givos t]io winter-side of life and say that such heavenly feasts are peculiar Vestibule Limited ” on tho !New 'York, growing obsolete. [spoaker as ho took in- lils hand— lodge in houses will find homes lu Eglestou socloty in the Adirondack reglou, which to an Ocean Gvove experience meeting. Central. 0 0 :ElA.lSr GKEbCnriE R EC O R D , P B B R U A R T - 21, 1891 -

[ATom our Regular Correspondent.],- SPECIAL NOTICES. /^ H E N YOU Gp TO NEW YORK STOP AT N e w Y o r k , . •, - Washington Letter, A Thoroughly Equipped February 16th, 189r. IHAS, W. KARSNEB. M. D, HORTON’S, Washington, D.C., Feb. 11,1801. c The clothing we make is not PHYSICIAN AKD BVROEOH, 149 WEST 22d STREET. Lent has come, and the whirl of society the common ready-made sort, Graduate of both schools. Central, quiet, home-like. SANITARIUM, is ended for forty days at least. Tbis Is & Summer office-opposite Postoffico, Ocean Grove, It is really best compared with Pilgrim Pathway, corner Mt. Ilermon Way. Right in the heart of the shopping and amuso* great relief to more fathers and mothers 810 South 12th Street, Philadelphia, Pa. ment district; convenient to everywhere. Intcrnalarrangementsapprovcd by the Profession.. (See Occan Grove Annual Report, 1800.) than will openly acknowledge it. It re­ custom work, and whether it Respectfully refers to Rov. E. H. Stokes, D. D., ©1.50 PER DAY. Rov, A. Wallace, D.D., and George ,W. Evans, Office Hours—2 to -1 r. m. . Outside practice-lim­ moves temporarily the temptations to do be an inexpensive suit for bus­ Esq., Ocean Grove. ited .to consultations and special eases.- • many things that no prudent parent wishes N O R T H IA.NH S O U T H . iness or a finer one for dress, For.further particulars send for circulars. his or her children to do, yet for fear of the cut and finish would do R. MAEY A. POMEROY, being called “[cranks” they do aaot warn D IIOIUEOPATICIST, D. BI. BA RR, »I. D. credit to any tailor. The Aurora, their‘children of the danger of Indulging ocEANQRovKHahnemann Cottage. 25 years' continuous'nractice In Philadelphia. . in many dissipations that they know to be W e dc n o t try to see how . Graduate of Boston University School of Sfddl- Surf and Atlantic Avea., Ocean Grove Member Philadelphia County, and other Medical cine, class o f’75. Together with general practice, . D E , B A R R ’S Socifctles. ? years Physician and.Surgeon to Phil­ Injurious to the bodies and souls of the cheap we can produce clothes, ipeolal attention jvill be given to diseases of wo­ Open May to October. adelphia M. E. Orphanage. Surgeon Poet 77, young, and which “ society” is constantly but how excellent we can make men and children! DUNEDIN: HOUSE HYGIENIC INSTITUTE. G. A. R.', Philadelphia. - . saying are harmless. Here Is a specimen t up our garments, to be sold at jQ R . MA.RGABET G. OURRIE, . Open Nov. 1 to May 1, each year. At one of the largest entertainments of the MISS JL A.',BULL, Proprietor. ' Beason—a ball given here Monday night, prices always moderate when UOM

. slums of our great dities or the heathen of A. S. BURTOK. D. D. 8. I. 0/ BURTON, D. D, Mouiit Her man Villa, foreign lands.:\ TJRTOV BROS., OR GRIFFITH COTTAGE. More talk In the Senate. This time it PUT YOUR HOUSE IN RESIDENT DENTISTS, I J 0 0 I B 7 0 S B • ASBURY PARK. ' • .-V .' A home-like rest, witlrgood bods, heated rooms, was caused by the naval appropriation bill, ORDER, Artesian water, sewer connections; location cen? Bonn’s Block, cor, Cookman and Bangs Avenuo. tral. Can be had by addressing i. It is not strange that the secular press Now York Office—3<5 West 26th Street. Office hours—9 a. m to 5 p. m. Appointments • ' - .. MISS W. GRIFFITH, • shoui l be constantly filled with sensational The spring and summer of mado by mail or telephone. Gas administered. Bor 2030., Ocean Grove, N. J. DILGRIM PATHWAY AND MT. CARMEL, rumors of impending war between the Manufacturers of ZOZO. United States and some foreign country, 1891 will soon be uponiis, and (OPPOSITE TABERNACLE.) -YR. P. A. DAVISON, The Mansion House, when a member of the United States Sen­ as time travels fast it will be D ate, our highest legislative body, gets up here before, we know it, and Vetorlimrjr Surgeon ana Denti*t< . N. E. cor. Embury and New York Oxford Bibles fronv $l;50 to $7.o0. Dore’s Bible Gallery, Graduate of New York College of \ Avea., Oceau Grove. and talkb as Senator Morgan did yester­ perhaps some will not be ready VETERINARY SURGEOS9. Methodist Hymnal—all sizes. Dore’s Dante’s Inferno,- • Late Veterinary Surgeon to 4th Ave. R. R.^Co. This spacious and comfortable bouse Is now day. He said that he favored an item in for • its wants, ' One of the ' 1500 Horses open for the season, and will remain open all the and Epworth Hymns. Dore’s Paradise Lost, the appropriation bill because It would O FFIC E SC ow ard’s Livery Stable, Sowall avo. year round. It is centrally located, convenient to Sunlit Songs, and all tbe.late.-popular slug- D ore’s D on Q uixote. most important things to at­ ' Williams’ Harness Store. 15? Main 8t. the beach and Auditorium1 'Large aliy rooms, enable men to be trained to man privateers ‘ Asbury Park.. pleasant surroundings, home-like comforts and ing books.' . . • Splendid gift books, very cheap. tend to is the putting of your moderate In terms. Address In case of a war with England or Ger­ Box 101. . MISS A. BONSALL, Prop’r. many. But he did not stop there. He mattresses in .order. A clean ■w ^nsrTTD r:- HOLIDAY BOOKS FOR CHILDREN. A lady, who is a permanent resident, and of said: “ The human family Is a warlike and comfortable bed for your good Standing in Ocean Grove, is desirous ot ob­ Lnrge Assortment of Host H'-'l'jious Books at Half Price. establishment anyhow. It may be said taining a position as’ assistant housekeeper, tak­ Floral Winter Retreat guest is as important as a good ing charge of ono or more departments, or as gen­ Testaments and Psalms. | tutionery of nil kinds. • that the largest part of its progress has eral manager. Satisfactory references given. A laree, elegant boarding house with fine sani­ Cruden's Concordance. I. Large assortment of Writing table. This is sometimes over­ Address " E. B.’* R e c o r d office. tary arrangements, surrounded by fine piazzas, a . originated in war; the largest part of its beautiful lawn and tropical flowers, next door to The Story of Jesus. . Tablets. looked to the detriment and Duval Hotel,' - •: education has been developed in battles easide home boarding and Pilgrims Progress. ] . School Requisites, Etc. and campaigns. Even the acquaintance loss of both landlord and ten­ 9ay 8chool for Girls and Children. 12th year WILL OPEN FEB' 1, 1891, ^ ;,■ > opensS Sept. 18,1890. Full course in English Stud­ for the accommodation of flrst-class boarders.- of people with each other has been assisted; ant. . The time for hard and ies. Mathematics. Languages arid Music. Excellent beds, tablo supplied with the best that OCEAN GROVE COOK BOOIC. . more by the march of armies than by tbe Address MISS ROSS,-Principal. the market affords, inoludlngail t.-opical fruits. ’ uncomfortable beds is past. 601 Asbury Av.enne, Asbury. Park, N. J. For parUeulara.'atldress the circulation of newspapers." ; ; MKS. MARIE E. CURELL, They can be made' over very . 47 Hogan and Adams St., Jacksonville, Fla. Revised New Testament, only 3 cts. per Copy, Doesn’t that read like an extract froth a often at small expense, and SlkGING CANARIES. history of the age when might was con.; A largo Importation of Bplendld English Canar­ sldered right, and when every man lived made clean and good as new. ies for salo at the ladles bazaar of Mme. GRlSOtf, J. H. MATTHEWS, Gil Cookman avenue, Asbury Park. Also beauti­ Branch of M. E. Book Room, In an armed camp? If the Senator be This is a department that we ful Bird Cages.' sand and seed DEALER IN right in his deductions, which God for­ pay , particular attention to, Call and look at the canaries. • 1018 Arch Street, Philadelphia. bid, in what are we better’than were the having for many years been N RXJIiE TO BAR CREDITORS. FINE GROCERIES, fighting pagans of the* dark ages? But E x e c u t o r ’s N o t i o e . . ■ F, B. CLEGG, Agent. . ir; the business. Often this OJohn E.-Inskip, executor.of Martha J. Insklp, the worst Is yet to come. He closed his deceased, by .order of the Surrogate of the county important m atter is put . off of Monmouth, hereby gives notice to tho credi­ Teas, Coffees, Spices, &c., We -will get you promptly anything; in our line. remarks by saying: “ I believe that noth tors oPtho said deceased.-to bring.tbelr debts, de­ ing would gratify the American people until late when we are rushed mands and claims against the estate of saladc* cedent, under oath or affirmation, within nine more than to have a good cause of quarrel with new work. months from tbo third day of February, 1891. or 97 Maiu St,, opp, Broadway with some great power and to go to war thov will bo forever barred of any action therefor We can do the work cheaper against tho said executor. Gates of Occan Grove. HYC 3-ESIA HOTEL, about it.” The gentleman's means of ob­ eb?10vv JOHN E. INSKIP, Troy, N. Y. servation must be infinitely superior to now than later in the season. HE CHAUTAUQUA CORRESPOND Central Ave. from Pitman Ave. to McClinloctc St. mine or that of any of tho people with If any' need sheir. mattresses T ENCE SCHOOL OF SHORTHAND Orders taken and Promptly Delivered. whom I happen to be acquainted, if he renovated or new. ones made, (J. II. Vincent, LL. D., Chancellor) guarantees can find foundation for the belief that any you: a Standard System. Thorough Instruction, please drop us a card and we Honest Treatment, Reasonablo Rates. Estab­ 0 - 2 2 0 v s . considerable portion of our people are lished nino years. You can master short-hand CENUNC & CO., W ill call and examine them arid . DEALERS IN desirous of war. It Is deeply to be re­ without leaving homo. Try it. Mention this gretted that a gentleman of Mr. Morgan’s give estimate of cost. All or­ paper. Circulars Iree. . ■ SRAN1TE and MARBLE Open all the Year. Turkish, Russian and all other Baths and Medicated Gaaea, Steam in Winter prominence should have expressed such ders will receive careful atten­ . Pro I. W.-D. BRIDGE, Buffalo, N. Y. opinions; they can only do harm. tion. Call and see our stock D. M. BARR, M. D., Proprietor Representative J, D. Taylor, of Ohio, of furniture. We now have . FOR SAGE m B E N T , ...... 'I Cemetery iKJt Enclosures has favorably reported to the House of A Double, fchree-sfcory Furnished Cot­ or All klndN. on our floor the finest line of tage on Cookman avenue below Pilgrim Pathway,’ Representatives, from the committo on Ocean Grove, containing nine rooms each—par­ Bailding Stoae Giifc to Order. Alcoholic Liquor Trafil, a bill to prohibit cottage furniture ever seen on lor, dining-room and kltchon on first floor, three - A — 3 D . bed-rooms and bath on 'Becond floor, and three Curbing and Flogging a Specialty, the Importation, exportation, and inter the Jersey coast. hed-rooms on third floor. Furnished in ash and (Graduate of Philo. College of Pharmacy.) ■’ walnut. Can bo run ‘ together as one house for SLATE. MANTELS. Stato transportation, in violation of local boarding purposes if desired,' or separately for laws, of alcoholic beverages. The ^com­ Respectfully yours, two families. Hot and cold water. Modern im­ Yard-Gor. Main St. & Second provements.. Lovely view of ocean. Front aud' Ave., Asbury Park. DRUGGIST AND CHEMIST, mittee notes in Its very Interesting report JO H N A. G IT H E N S & CO. side verandas on each floor. Artesian water and that seven entire States, the major part of sewer connection. ' 635 Cookman Ave,, ASBURY PARK, ALSO FOR SALE, . several other States, and many places Two of the finest building lots iu Ocean Grove JAS. H. SEXTON, In most'of the remaining 8tates have pro­ south of Main avenue, situated - on the.south west t h e — ' corner of Cookman avenue and Pilgrim Pathway. Drugs, Toilet Articles, hibited tho traffic in alcoholic liquors as a Terraced. For particulars inquire of Real Estate ' . .‘MRS, S, N. CHEW, Perfumes and Artists’ Materials. beverage. “ This fact,” soys the report, , 22 Giles Street, Bridgeton, N* J. Funeral Director “ together with the largo favorable vote In a n d Physicians’ Prescriptions a Specialty. constitutional amendment contests where and Embalmer. Insurance Office, POE prohibition did not carry, and otheri,slgn9 05 M A IN A VENUE, "v. 2 of the times, clearly show that commerce OR FOR SAtE AT A SACRIFICE,;. A LARGE ASSORTMENT OF CASKETS, ETC. S a l l a , n . t i a e ’s will bo opened on tho 21st lust., under the ohargo CONSTANTLY ON HAND. in alcoholic liquors as a beverAge; the use of CHAS. H. FIDLER, H otel JLeClievaller, .Ocean Oroivo, N. J, Opposite Schwager’s People Store, of which experience has proven is eo de­ This popular house will bo sold at a bargain, or Flowers of any design at short notice. T. FRA.NK APPLEBY, rented on easy terms. Complete with all improve­ N. E. BDCEANON. GHOUGE A. SHOCK structive of the public health, the public 70G Cookman Avenuo, Asbury Park. ments. sewer connection. Artesian water, gas machine, etc. Capacity 125, and fine business Parlors and Office—No. 17 Main St., safety and the public morals, will not always. Splendid locatlou. Address or call on much longer be tolerated by a majority, . L. LeOHEVALIER, ■ ASBURY PARK. N. J; ’ WANTED. ■ • . Ocean Grove, N. J.; BUCHANON & SMOCK, the ruling power of this republic.” Alep Superintendent of ilt. Prospcct Cemetery, A widow lady desires a good-sized room with Cor. Main St, and Asbury Ave., Asbury Park, N. J. The same gentlemen favorably reported boaTdi on second floo^ in a pleasant family, with home comforts. If suited would remain some Any. Article that has out­ from the same committee a joint resolu­ Lumber, Building Hardware, Ready-Mixed Paints (all prices), White Lead, tion proposing a Constitutional amend­ months Terms must bo reasonable. Address F O R S A L E . MRS. L. M. CORWIN, lived 22 years of competi­ Oil, Varnish, Brushes, &c. ment prohibiting the manufacture, impor* 239 Henderson St., Jersey City, N. J. tion and imitation, and sells • Wo mako-a specialty; of . 1ST.* A n S H IN G X .E S at wholesale as well as retail, , tatlon; exportation and sale of all alco- THE ARLINGTON. which Wo manufacture at Manahawklu, N .J. holic liquors as. a ‘beverage in the United more and more each year, Also A I J A.1UI A N T , a patent Plaster, which Is supertot to anything in the market, and States and in every place subjoct to Its is Just the thing for cold weather, as freezing does not aQ'ect it. m ust liavo m erit. Dobbins’ Satisfaction guaranteed to ail customers. jurisdiction. This report says: “This TO EXCHANGE Tho Finest Locatcd and Btist Paying Hotel in evil is a confluent eruption affecting every Electric Soap,:first made in Ocean Grove.- Will accommodate about two hun* r part of the national system, and It cannot Good paying 5-room houses In Camdon for cottage dredand fifty guests.. ■ ■ SAMUEL W K1BKBRIDE, JUST OPENED. in Ocoau Grovo or Asbury Pnrk. Apply .1869, is just that articlc. Completely furnished and in first-class condi­ ~ bo cured while in any.frart of tho system 43 N, 18th 8 t,; Philadelphia. tion. Satisfactory reasons given for selling. CONTRACTOR, tho evil is humored.” Those who. use it. each week For full particulars, call on or address Among the speakers at a missionary WANTED. (and their name is'legion,) D. CL COVERT, meeting Sunday, evening, were Represota- A widow lady would like a eltuatiou as house­ save clothes and strength, Carpenter and Builder. th e Belle Alto Health Resort, 27 Pilgrim Pathway, Oceau Grovo. t l v e B Springer, Morse and Taylor, of keeper for widower or single gent. . Address one WERNERSVILLE, PA. week, , . MK9.B. CHAPIN, \ Plans and Specillcatlons Furnhheci. Jobbing Ohio, ■: 831 N. 6th St., Reading, Pa. and let do the work. promptly attended to. Best of reference given. Thespccial features about this place are Its fine 0. W. P. Nims, tho drummer evangel­ Residcnco— First aveuuo, between Bond and All that we can say. as to its OcBan Grove Cottage For Sale Emory streets.' location, good spring wnter, nnd boautiftU seen- ist, spoke, at the Y. M.C. A. room9 Sun­ ery. No mosfiultoes, and tbe health fulness o f : A well-built, slate roof, fully furnished cottage, Shop nnd OlHce—FIrstnvc. niuIMnliiHf. location are unsurpassed. merits, pales into nothing­ Open the cntlro year. A place whero sick peo­ day afternoon bn “ Courage.’1 The Sanders Villa, well located, nnd containing 9 rooms. Is ofiereu P. O.Box 743. . ASBURY PARK, N. J. The AV. 0. T. U. held a praise; service ness, before the story it will for Si,000. As an 'iuvestmeut It will pay 10 per ple can got well, and well people keep well. cmitaiulng 19 rooms, with modern Improvements, cent* Apply at this office. • For full particulars. Sunday;afternoon on account of the new delightfully situated ou tho bauks of Wesley tell, itself, of its own perfect Address EDEN YEXNEY, Wcrnersvsllc, Pa. .law prohibiting the sale of tobacco in auy Lake, covering eight Ocean Grovo lots, •. • C. F. Wyckoff, Bhape to children under sixteen years of. purity and quality, if you CHAUTAUQUA1-.,,-; C 7 K OOfn C0Rn 0 0 A niO N TIt can bo rondo Will bo Sold at the First Cost n r* O INSTRUCTION BY MAIL. Ol s)ZJU. —work li>h’f»r u.«. Persons pri*. age In this district. To the Union holongs K I—' S I SYSTEM. Circulars FREE No. 700 Main St.. rum'll win*can furnish ahorso phU K lvothdr wlioto , will give it one trial. ‘ Ask U Mm* W 1 KITES.'. W . lluffalu, S. Y. tli i i f t o t l u >l>itAlnL>s.<*.S|>nrti n in n ip tiH m a y W profitably the credit of having originated and pushed of tha Building, em plovfd aKo A few varam 'lo* fn td« in »m l cltt«*3. your grocer for it. He has Corner Se wall nve., a F. JoHNaoU a CO.. H.vJ^iaiuijt..IUcUmoua. Va. ‘. to a successful issue this law. irtually giving the 8 lots away. There are Jive lots facing Asbury nveuue, which nro worth it, or will get it. Try it next FOR SALE OR RENT, A ssuror parse, n . a . $j,000. 'i bis property must bo sold at once. Coal and Wood. T " H Z. CHAUTAUQUA COHRESPONDCNCE Monday. 1 SCHOOL Of SHORTHANDJJ. ii. Vincent, The abovo article at L. M. Taylor’s yard, Apply to 1.1., 1>,Clinnccllori i,'u.>!i: a S y s te m , .|> There are many imitation Electric Thorough In stru ct), li.niv^t'Tro.itmein, UcJSonable as low in price and as good in quality as ■ . T. F fiA N K APPLEBY, N ■ £>t Soaps lu which electricity .plays no Collage on Ocean Pathway, Kates, Alentivn this jctl'cr, Cir-:i;Ur (rce. tho inarkot affords. Main ofllco, Railroad part. Dobbins1 I* the original ono, The large cottage ou north side Of Occt\u Path­ I’njf. W. I'. UR!DOE. Uultalo, N . V. avenue, near freight depot. Brauch oittcos, Main Avenue, Ocean Grove, or nil Mngnotles, Elcoti-ibs, and Electro-Mogies arc’ way, next to the corner of Contral avenue. Tor 7(W Codktnun Avenue, Asbury Pnrk. fraudulent imitations. Ask ’for Dobbins’ Elec­ sale or rent for tho season of The host loca­ White Lsad. 2inc Colori. p rrfir§Sfnn'1 Shepherd’s grocery, Emory street, Asbury tric, see that our name is on every wrapper, and tion iu Occan Grovo, Apply to Park, and Appleby’s real estate oflice, A CTPBJQ J3 A nit. TAVi-a aui'xim alene if any other is sent you by your grocer, when ‘ Ocean Grove. All orders promptly deliv­ O fl l l f l v f l M —n i i n C n n e v e r (alls: sent] u s your, you order ours— ecml it hack lo him, . GEO. W. MACPHER30N, Brushes, Kalsomine, Ete. | at tho XuH-»i»u{>or A»lvt^ kill)rest, we will null trial uU flC llim 'T tU P B C C 1. L. UUAGIN.& CO., Counselor at Ijiw, •tlsltn;tLsltiu* A»*niAw.’ncy of Stcssra,. ered. THE DR. TAFT BROS. M. CO. .ROCHESTER,H.t.l" K t f c Philadelphia, Pa. S North Warren. St., Trenton, N. J. A Liberal Discount on Large Quantities. * . W o A Y E R * S O NM»our«uU.'► our «i(tturked aiwuta. w .

MARSHALL’S 1 8 9 0 STRICTLY TEMPERANCE; (I. a to It. B. Bccg-lo A gon) DININGROOMS ‘ FOR LADIES AND GENTLEMEN, 48 Main Ave., OceanGrove Loans Negotiated and Lcgnl Papers Drown. IS INCONTESTABLE 1321 M ARKET STREET, H . B . B oo g ie, Notary Public and Commission­ NON- FORFEITABLE Three doors enst of City nail, opposito er of Deeds for Now Jersey, Pennsylvania and Wan am akcr’s Grand Depot, tho District of Columbia. ‘PAYABLE AT SIGHT Contains no Suicide or Intemperance Clause, DANIEL C. COVERT, Grants Absolute .Freedom of Travel and Residence. Meals to Order from 6 a. m. to 8 p* m. .. And isfree:from; all Technicalities, ; ' Good Roast Dinners, witli threo vogo* Privileges and Guarantees ora part o» tlio Oontrnot and appear written in tho body tables, 25 cents. * • V: .of tbaPolioj;. , i ., i. • . - •, Turkey or Ohiokon D inner,'35 oonts. Our Supervisbrship Dividend Plan gives Investment and Ladies' Room upstairs, with homelike aceommo* datlons. Puro spring water. J. S. FLITCROFT, Protection. Send'for.statement,'istaring'age - ■ ' Atldrcsr * • JAMES B;OARR A sons, Mftnntfwui " ; **•" 410, 41/J and 420 W alnut «t., Philadelphia; i . . . - - — —_ 1.-k ! BAKERY SOUTH TWENTY-SECOND ST. PLUMBER, Hknby C. Winbob, President. * >• Geo. W .B vajw, Vico-Frepidont. Edmund E. Davton, Ca h ie r Ico Cream, Ices, Frozen Fruits and Jellies. 67 Mt. Tabor Way. Weddings land Evening Entertainments a. apo* dally, Everything to furnish tho tablo and set' ftroo ofchargo. . OCEANS' GROVE, N. J . Nothing Bold or dellver^a o" Sunday. Pam ps, Sinks, Torra Cotin and ILead Pipes, Gas and Water Fixtures. -TENTS- JOBBING PROMPTLY. ATTENDED TO. , , AMX> COITVEYANOER, FLAGB, AWNINGS QCEAN o n o v a Cottages and Lots Sold or Rented. . MAIN STREET, S.: HEMENW AY Asbury Park, New Jersey. Fire Insurance in Reliable Companies. DEALER IN 615 Cookman Ave,, Asfcury Park, OFFICE—HO. .76 MAIN AVENUE, Stoves, Ranges, Heaters, Furnaces, IKTEREST ALLOWED ON DEPOSITS. AUTHORIZED CAPITAL SI&O.QOQ BRANCH OF GO SOUTH ST., NEW.YORK CITY. Near Association Office, Ht.ase-Furni8hinB Hardware, Tin, is prepared still to servo tho peoplo of Asbury Sheet Iron, and Copper Ware, t' , Capital:paid in, §50,000. ; Park and Oceau Grove with'everything in tho lino of Tents and awnings. t Tin--Roofi n g, G litters & Leaders Piazzas covered with canvas. Boilcrand steam- WHLISFORD DEY, MONMOUTH TRUSf & SAFE DEPOSIT CO. .-:-± sp^cui/ty; ~- 1 'fioSsm icfl out with flog* of every n\n3. Tent TOCK QUOTATIONS ■ ■: flys made and repairing done to order. reported up to 12 o’clock by ■ Call and examine our “ SPLENDID” Fire Monmouth Building, Asbury Park, N.J. Now family touts promptly furnished, andprico S Placo Heaters, Hotel'and Fancy Trays, Casters, lists B e n t on application. DeHAVEN & TOWNSEND, DENVER:, Smoothing Irons, Oil Stoves, Patent Eureka Co flee W ill rent safes of various sizes ia Are and burglar proof vaults at $5 to $15 per . RESIDENCE, 518 SECOND AVENUE, -BANKERS------Pots.&O. - \ . . . ' , annum. Wills receipted for and; kept' without churge. ASBURY PARK. * 438 Chestnut Street, Philadelphia. 1646 ARAPAHOE ST Feb. 17,.1801.. Street Lamps and Fixtures .. .OFFICERS: B ID . A SK ED CONSTANTLY ON HAND. INAACC.KESNKI>Y, . P r e s id e n t, XJ. S. 41^8,coupon...... ■ • • -103 ,103^ BRUCE S.1 UEATOB, ST. !>., ' Vice President, “ 4rs ...;...... 120)4 „ is m Real Estate, Loans and In­ Thanking our patrona.for post favors, I respect t HBBIItY 1I.YABD, . . . . • Secretary. Pennsylvania E. B.. .v ...... fd% 51% folly solicit a continuance or thoir patronago. ALBERT C.T^INISO, • Treasurer. Philadelphia and Heading rt.R ...... , ioy, i(&2 . • Lehigh Valley R. R ...... 49 j| BO Lehigh Coal and Navigation Co 48 48K C O L O R A D O * Correspondence solicited. National Lead T ru s t.....; V ... li>K 19% Missouri Pacific ...... *• • 07% OTJd Northern Pacific, C om ...... 28% ’28?| Successor to .• - “ Profd.. 73% 73 , BAVIDCABTWBIGX1T, , North American...... ii*... . ,18% Capital. $ 1.00,000 i Monmouth Building I Surplus, $?o,ooo. Union Paclflo ...... ; ...... 45 WeBtemUnion ...... 81K 8i% PLAIK and OBNA3IENTAI, Prompt and careful attention given to all business ontrustod to our care. Now York, Brooklyn Richmond Terminal.- im i ‘ 38% and Philadelphia directories for tbo use of tho publlo on fllo a t tho ofilco. Louisville^Nashville...... 75 SLATE ROOFER. i Atchison, Topeka & 8anta Fo 28% 28K Having been manager .for, Mr.’ Cartwright for OFFICERS: Del. Lackawanna & Western.,...... 138% 189 tho post eight years—since tho business was. first Now York & New England....87% 37% established here—I eel confident that tbo work Geo. F. Kroehl, Pros. O. It. Brown, 1st Vloo Pees. Albert C. Twining, Coahlor. Blocks and Bonds bought and Bold on commta< M. L. Bamman, 2d Vico Pros. . . - M. V..DagPr, Aes’tCasblor. slon. Stocks carried on favorable terms. I havo done will bo ho best referenco I can offer. Tar Papor, Shoatbing Papor, Two and Threo . . . .• ! • d ir e c t o r s ; ■ . * ! • Ply Roofing PapoT. Isaao C. Kennedy, Bruco S. Koator, M. D., Chaa. A. Atkms, Chas. A. Young, P. O. Box 802. ASBURY PARK, N. J. Henry H. Yard, . M. L. Batnraan, Oeo. F. Kroehl, John L. Coffin, A pamphlet of Information and.ab- Ross, Oliver II. Brown, Albert C. Twlnlnir, 8herman B. Ovlat't. Excela !n Bpocd, quality of work nnd dur- yatractof ilio lairs, alxuwtiiK' Uovr to; YOUR BUSINESS FAVORS RESPECTFULLY SOLICITED. ^.Obtain Patents.-CnventH, Trado/i abillty. Easily write forty words a avvMarks, CopyrJcbu, «cnt Iru./M minute, Eigbty-one churacters. MUNN &. CO NEW STOCK! NEW STORE! ro adw ay. York. D. ENRIGHT IIAS HEMQVED TO 705 Cookman Ave. PARIS I Ocean Grove Gates. Asbury Park. WATCH CHOICE GIFT BOOKS Where ho has been located for the last six years.- Human Hair Stol­ -jYou can find a Rill and complete stock' of . e n Cookman & G12 Mattison A vs. A. ALLISON WHITE, Ranges, Stoves, Heaters, ASBPEY PAEK. Tinw are nn<| CooklnKT Utensils, Successor to James A. Grlfllng &. Co;; DR. STOKES’ new book of poems, SCO pages with oi all desQriptlon on hand. portrait and eight illustrations. Laroo assortment Of Human Hair Works. Nat Tin Eooflag and Eopairing ntlondod to I. ural Water Curls guaranteed, —OCEAN GROVE- A Beautiful Holiday Gift Book, promptly ot reasonable prices. i Ladles’ Hair Cutting, Shampooing, Hair Dre&s- j ing and Curling by profesiilonal French artists. Handsomely bound and gilt. PRICE, 81.25. _ - Tiianka for troj-x fovcn, ______. 4 srit,fe better to SERVE tho public ! • Xly Circassian Tonlquo for tho growth of tho a l s o , . than to CHEAT lt.: hair and for removing dandruff and all com­ PHARMACY plaints of tho scalp and hair, has been highly re*, “ WhatI Saw in Europe,” AUGUST WOEHRER, * 5f It I s b ettor t o .Yiako a FHIEMD o? commendedby thobestresldentsof Asbury Park Pitman Aye., opp. "Tha Arlington, a customer.than a VICTIM. Park and Ocean Grovo. > • A series of familiar letters from; abroad, with No humbug. Success In all cases. OCEAN CHOVE, N; J . poems of places, and letters for Juvenile readers; *s~lt !s bortor to HELP ono's patrona Ladies and gentlemen Consultation free. FINE SHOES. than to HURT them; ' ■ . , My Veloutlno for tho face needs only a trial to •pyJREV.* E..Hi STOKES,-D. D.- > . , .'All sizes and widths on hand. •' ; . bo preferred to all others in tho market. Frco Drugs, Chemicals, Fancy Goode, Sponges, Patont Neatly hound In'Cloth; 7 0 Cents : Oilt « f W h a t Id fa ir a n a Just to th o CON­ , trial to all. Medicines. Pharmaceutical Preparations, etc. Edg-CH, 90 C en ts. Custom W ork a Specialty. SUMES is boat in the Sang run PRpF. MME. E. GRISON. Store closed on Sunday* during church services. For ealo at tho Book Stores. . Repairing Neatly Done for tho STOREKEEPER. Orders for quantities or by mall, address * r T H IS 8 TOSE IS OTH OM THESE . WlSTAR-n. STOKES, 1 3 M a i n S t . , PRINCIPLES. ~wS liam field7_ * . Ooppalte Occan.Groye Gates,. , V, 78 Herman St.; Gertnantown.•Philadelphia. PAPEM HASEEE ; Asbu r y pa r k ,• W-'-J-■; Her Schmidt r*~ v and decorator in Modem Art.. JO H N M. DEY, $39 Cooltman A v e ., A sb u ry P art, N. J 92 Main Avenue, Ocean Grove, N. J. (Permanently residing at Ocean Grove,) JOSEPH TRAV»S, V O. C. DEWITT, IStudy toPleaso. * . Street, 4BbtuT;P«ri, H, J. ARCHITECT AND BUILDER, KING'S BRICK BOILDINO. Painting 1 "Graining, Is always ready to furnish plans and estimates gt A splendid jiDsortroom oi GOODRICH’S cottages in every size and style. 1 >'• o. ". Using only iho Puro Whlto Lead and OU. • For good workmanship and eatisfactory tdrms,’ Gold and Silver Ataeriean and Swiss ho refors to aU for whom ho has erected cottages, ' Your patronage soclcltcd. both -in Ocean Grovo and Asbury Park,during tho ■ W atches. A WONDERFUL REMEDY, : ,r sv . past fifteen years, ; , :: . O oldandSieel’Spectacles. Theoretical and Practical Repairer of Chron- 33 Atlantic Ave., Ocean Grove. ' Lbftvo orders 56 Heck avenue, and iVontol * ' RELIEVES AND CURES ; ; . JOHN M. DEY, Ladles’ Store, Main avenue. Bronchitis, Asthma. ^Neuralgia, Rheumatism,’ , . ‘.ometecs and. Watches. . NO CONNECTION WITH ANY OTHER EXPRESS Sciatica, Catarrh;. Cramps, etc.; « Cor. Benson and Main Ave., Ocean Grovo. H E B E A U TH.B, TEAR, And In fact pains in all parts of the bodv-whero Attention to baggage and freight delivery at de­ i, ■ : an oxUrnal remedy, can be applied. ■ pot, and throughout tho Grovo. Prompt and sat- JACOB. DOLL, Jr, lafoctory as usual. Orders promptly attended to Frbm JRev. G. D. Watson, £ . D.\ Windsor, PRACTICAL . : Fla.: \ i \ Ocean G rove, Sept. 29,1890, Buildings Raised W. P. COOK; Dear MiV. Dunham:’ , ” ’ ' •Wo have.used one of vour Electric pain Speokl Agent for the Sale oe House :: Painter. Destroyers in our, family for a year and Ocean Grovo Lotfi. has on hand tho largest and’ finest lino of plaiti Am MOVED. RESIDENCE-OO CLARK AVENUE. have' found it. to give great relief from and gilt Wall papers, decorations, in tho county; ' Contracts mado and ostlmates given for all neuralgia, headache, cramps and many Properties XDSxired in Kellable Goto- at lowest prices. Also * U , h er' W panies at.tho Lowest Eaten, Wall Pletnre Monldings and Framesi traredingrand would not part with it'for a ; Paper llaiigers’ supplies, Eitc. A 8 B C R Y P A R K , N . J , “ Address P. O. Box 185, Ocean Grove, N. J A number of fine properties for gale;. 200 boarding •' • ‘ .Patented Octobcr 25,‘ lSSfc ‘ ’ \ : V1 ’ ; ------:------—i------:------:------:------good deal . Yours, G. D . W a ts o n . . houses und.cottages for rent. '• Frnmes mado :to -order at •’short i notice; The y' \ . best New York and Philadelphia paper hangers This Outfibows tho i xactsizc ohhc Windsor Fla, employed. ■ Estimates furnished for paper hang­ PORTKAiTM .m ado from a Cabinet only. Send GEO. K. HOUGH, . • Send fdr particulars to ■ ’ . : ‘ Office in the-Assbciation Building, ing and’ kalsomlnlng, fnbluct Photo and 80 C ents andyou,wUl THOS. It. DUNHAM; Ocean 'Grove; OCEANGROVE, N. J. receive ono d ozen "Uniques” , and Cabinet re­ Practical Tailor and Cutter, 541,543 and 545 COOKMAN AVE., turned, -No at^mps, I I . hT A C Ft’KR, Adjoining Comraoreial.Hdtel, and opposito Ocean A sb n ry P ftrk , Pf, J , (Late of Philadelphia.) Wm. B. Douglas Grove Brldgo, . A8BURY Pa RK. No, 39 Pilgrim Pathway, nearly opp. KutnblUhed luNewYorkln 1801, Post Oillce, Ocean Grove. . Caveats, and Trade-Marks, obtained, and all I at* D. '• HOAG LAND cnt business conducted for Moderate Foes. ; Poreom, furnishing their own material can havo Our OUico Is Opposite U.S.Patent Office, it mado up in tho latest stylo and most satisfac­ PRACTICAL nnd ivQ can eeenro patent in Joes time than thoso tory manner. remote from Washington. Send model, drawing or photo., with descrip­ CUTTING,CLEANING, REPAIRING, PRESSING PAPER HANGER tion/ Wo adviso, if pntentablo or not, free-of charge. Our fee not due till patent la secured. A Pamphlet, “IIow to Obtain Patonts/* with VTA OCEAN GROVE ■names oractual clients in your StatCi county,or town, eent frco. Address, .. Pf‘y''. v. Employment Agency, C- A . S N O W & CO. m i£ i. 47 PlXOIUM I ’ATmvAY, , Opposilo Patont Office, Washlnfllon, D. C. . Directly opposito Ocean Grove Po.stofiicc. Help secured for families, stores, corporations FIRST-CLASS MAKERS. _ boarding houses, hotels, &o. Swedes and Uer. FOR SALE and TO RENT. inuus a specialty. ■ Pianos and organs tuned aud ropalreit ' • All communications promptly attended to by. SINGER SEWING MACHINES, / . addressing as above. Cor. Bond Street aivd MattlHon Avenue npHEundorslgned respectfully informshlB friends Best Sweats, Finest Pou Asbury l*ark, N. J* * A —tho residents and visitors of Ocean Grovo, that ho has removed for tbo eeason to hla now A specialty of Piiro Loaf Lard and stand on OLIN STREET, ono doorfroni tho COR­ . ficcf Drippings. NER OF PILGRIM PATUWAY, opposito tho Post Tolcphono comicclion. • Y SUCCESSORS IH*GLYMYER'‘0E.US TO-THE Olllco. Articles-will bo callcd for when notlco is left-at 8LVMYER MANUFACTURiNGCQ tho above nddress, or through tho postofllco, aud ,rr\ CATALOGUE WITH220Q7ESTIM0NIAIS. For Dropsy, Gravel, Bright’s, Heart, TJrlnaryor r \ C T P R jtff9 A WAFT’S ABTHMALENB Liver DIhcusch, Nervousness,' Ac.' Cure guaran­ dollvcrcd In any part of Ocean Grovo or Asbury. lEtls; CHURCH |SCHQQBFIREAL'ARM: teed. Olficc m Arch street, Philadelphia. 81.00 Park, . Jlentluji this puper. or bottle, G for 85. At druggists. Try it. Box 2231. C . S - O fX T E , Prop’r. on. ta f t Dnos-.nooiiEsrun. n.y.I* K B ifc