REV, A, W ALLACE, D. D„ Editor, OCEAN GROVE, N. J., SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 21, 1891. VOL. XVII. NO; 8. Oloud and Sunshine. them all; so thuf she could say with Dr. before, sho was the subject of many serious fellowship continued through all tho years When tho. excavation at IIoll Gate was Divine Assurance. Punshon, In a little clipping, .which attacks of.illness.. In the winter.of 1800- of: God, where suffering having accomr complete after years' of work, and .the DY CA.PT. »« KELBO CARTEK. among many: others I find in her Testa­ plishod its high and holy mission, shall bo On in-hours of pain and conflict, r 70, in her Interests, and for her benefit, dynamite all in place, and everything in • Como these gracious words to me, Waiting In gloom and pain; { • ment ana Psalms, “ I grieve, I wonder, they wont first to Florida. Sho was bene­ folt and feared no more. readinos8,it is said the engineer in charge Full of tenderness and pity— Weary, oh i'so weary! • but I do not rebel. .1 can but say, under fited. Since then they, have gone many called his little brighteyed daughter to As thy d<tr/8, thy strength shall be. “•*. Steadily' IMlq’tho rain; ’ . Dirk tbo day arid dreary. ■*. the stroke, It is the Lord, Thy waves and times. They thought of going this winter. Saintliness. tho table In his office and told her to ex­ Not a sparrow ever falleth. Thoblttorcstiwlnds aro walling loud, Thy billows have gone over me; but they But she has gone to the eternal Florida, plode the great mine. The tiny finger Nor a lamb bewildered stray. Saintliness of character or of manner Is And the funeral sky Is clothed In cloud; • are Tfiy waves, and I must let them sweep the unending summer land, where flowers sought tho black button, a gentle pressure, But Ilia iovlng arms enfold them, not born In a person. It is a growth, or an As they shelter me to-day. Will iho sun no’or.shloo again? waiting WM.Thou sbalt tell, in tbe .-fulness never fade. , Last summer, notwithstanding and Manhattan Island trembled -at. the acquirement, or a result of training; And Courago! In heart and hraln, of a clearer vision, why they sweep over great weakness and. suffering, she said, terrific shock, as tho great boulders rose Ero tho bruised reed Is broken tho more markedly It stands out in the Ho will deign to hear my prayer, . Though tho day bo dark’nlng j me.” ..... • .. “ was the best of all her religious life.” . and lifted heavenward a mountain of foam- Waiting Is not In vain, face and bearing and methods of a man in That no trial shall befall mo Mrs. Elizabeth, wife of. George W. : She enjoyed all tho religious services— capped water-,::. ' ; Greater than the heart can bear. If for God thou’rt henrk’ning. maturer life, the more, it, must have cost Tho dreariest weather will change somo day, Evans, the. only child of Alexander and Auditorium, Church, Tabernacle, every? So the tiny hand , of a child, though him in Its’ securing. ■ It is very easy to see, '. In what way relief I plead for And never a cloud but will pass away, Sarah Henry; wa&; bora in Philadelphia where, God' was In his holy -temple'. weak and feeble, uplifted to God in Is to come, I may not sec;. And tho sun will shlno. again. the signs of this safntliness as it finally sixty-five years ago. Her parents were His, people were there also, and there prayer, touches the dynamo of tho uni­ 'Tls enough, Divine Compassion, shows itself, but it is not so easy to realize Bo'stlll, sad heart, nor mind : she loved to be. Her fidelity was first to verse and may bring an answer thdtshakes Will the burden lift from-me. members of the Scotch Presbyterian the struggles which have been made in the Tho heat of flery trying, Church. Both father and grandfather God, then : to her husband. How they the earth. God help us to remember the 0 tbe peace this promise brlngeth, Tn6 mystery entwined • ~ efforts at Its attaining. , Hard blows on the were elders in Dr. Wiley’s Church, on lived, loved and enjoyed each other!. But power there is in a consecrated life. All of doubt and fear aside,, With sorrow and with crying. marble In its cutting and trimming, and That-my trusting heart may ever ; Tho costliest gold, by a method Blow, for all these long,.weary years lie has held K. R. Eleventh street below Market, Philadel- patient, and persistent effort at Its polish­ In Ills boundless love conQde. Must loso its dross in the hottest glow, her with a trembling, had, often fearing delphia. She was reared in the positive ing, are essential in the process of trans­ * — Co ngrcgalionali But it cometh forth refined. when going homeihe might' find her gone. “ Prevahtion Better than Cure.” —Observer. and rugged faith of that strong old denom­ forming the rude block as it comes from ination, and was religious from a child. Over aud over, and over again, he has said the quarry Into the finished statue whicli BY MRS. FANNIE H. CARR. to me in the morning, “ I thought my wife What is the World .Coming To ? Suffering—Giory. She, taught many years In the Sabbath- is a centre of, admiration In the gallery. school under the superintendence of that would have died last night.” . But often, A famous Catholic priest onco said, Yet no statue ever formed by, the hand of BY REV. T. M. GRIFFITH. ADDRESS DELIVERED BY REV. E. II. STOKES, remarkable man of God, Geo. H. Stuart. after such morning expressions, she would, “ Give me the boys and girls of America ' man cost such determined effort, and such D. D., AT THE FUNERAL OF THE LATE Married to George W. Evans on the 10th rally, such was her vitality, and we would and I care not who have the men and Look at tendencies. That is the way to untiring patience in Its completing, as a MRS. O. W.'.EVANS, ST. PAUL’S CHOUGH, day of October, 1350, by Rev. Theodore find her at the office in the afternoon, women.’! A whole mine of practical phil­ find out which way the world is drifting. OCEAN OROYE, FEB. 12, 1801. finished human character.: A saintly face Wiley, now pastor of the church, and son smiling as if nothing was the matter. But osophy is embodied in‘.this terse saying, We can readily see that drudgery is dying is a thing of beauty, but It costs'more In The ministry of suffering is high and of the older Wiley’ who wns pastor when though this was so, every such attack was As the boys and girls of the .present will out- Labor-saving machinery Is crowding its securing than most of us are willing to Mrs. Evan* was born, they have had a de­ leaving her by that much, less able to bear be the men and women of the future gen­ out painful toil. New inventions astonish holy. pay for. it—however glad, we should be to lightfully harmonious wn lk together over the next. v , ° eration, how much wiser the expenditure us continually. Soon the.big, noisy, hiss­ One day, as Jesus and his disciples have it as our own. possession.—-5 S.Tunes'. were passing, they saw u man who had the ever-changing pathways of life; for Nine weeks ago, some changes having of money to lay the foundation of g?>Oil ing, sulphur-spltting, fire-flluglng locomo­ boon blind from bis birth. Intstantly, the more, that forty years., Sometime after taken ; place in their household matters, habits and tastes, or to foster >and encour­ tive will he side-tracked, and an instru­ disciple's taking up the old idea, that all their marriage, Mrs.- Evans, uninfluenced made it necessary to close their home. : Y’b Column. • age the same where already-existing. ment of motion fair and fleet as the swift-, ''suffering was a direct result of and punish- by any, and of her own deliberate choice, They went to Orange. Prospects were W hat1 God demands above all things These thoughts were suggested from the winged bird will.take Us place. Electricity ishment for sin, asked Jesuss “ Master, became a member of tho church of her not flattering, but still. they \ hoped* The else is our manhood and womanhood, our fact that, the ;W. G. T. U. of Camden have will he substituted Tot coal. .Silvery alum* inum will be used instead of black, ugly, who did sin, this man or his parents, that husband, and. remained such, respected, tidings that came day after day, and week individuality;- ourself, our living, throb­ inaugurated a movement to establish reiidi ho.was born blind ? ” . honored, loved nnd useful to the close of after week, brought clouds rather than bing personality. But Jiow are we to save ing rooms for boys who, are now found on- rusty iron. Medical science will be so far Jesus answered: “ Neither this mun; her life. - sunshine. the world ? If it is to be done, the slum­ the street.corners, where they, can spend advanced.that all kinds of diseases will bo • sinned, nor his parents, but that the work While she had always been God-fearing, Last Saturday, in the storm, I went to bering power of our church must be devel­ their evenings amid surroundings that will cured, or* better still, prevented—all.ex­ of God should be made manifest in him.” conscious.
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