MADEP MA014 53 Southampton Rd

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MADEP MA014 53 Southampton Rd SCANNED 0L Co3 ;oo 6i bilv". jq(v zsom W*eet 'M U. - W SCA N Tighe&Borind I Consulting Engineers EnvironmentalSpecialists D-41-5-59 March 4, 2002 Ms. Randi Augustine DEP Northeast Regional Office Bureau of Waste Site Cleanup 205 Lowell Street Wilmington, MA 01887 I Re: RAM Completion Report Eastern Soil Area I Former Hersey Products, Inc. 250 Elm Street, Dedham, MA Release Tracking Number 3-1196 I Dear Ms. Augustine: 1 Please find attached a Release Abatement Measure (RAM) Completion Report that Tighe & Bond has prepared for the referenced portion of the site on behalf of Grinnell Corporation, the former site owner. This report describes remediation activities that were performed at the site in Iaccordance with the RAM Plan submitted to the DEP on July 31, 2001. This RAM was performed to remediate lead-impacted soil on the eastern portion of the site. RAM activities, including soil excavation, off-site soil disposal, confirmatory soil sampling, excavation backfilling and compaction, well installation and confirmatory groundwater sampling have been completed, as detailed in the attached report. I This RAM Completion Report focuses on the presence of lead and other associated metals (antimony, zinc and copper) in soil on the eastern portion of the 250 Elm Street property. An historical release of chlorinated volatile organic compounds (VOCs) has also occurred on the central portion of the site and is being addressed via a separate RAM. A sparge and vent remediation system has been installed in the VOC release area and is operating in accordance with the VOC RAM Plan. Operation of the VOC remediation system will continue under its RAM. This RAM Completion Report confirms completion of remediation of lead-impacted soil on the 250 Elm Street property, according to the previously submitted RAM Plan. The original DEP 3Transmittal form, BWSC-106, is provided in Appendix B of this report. I I I I Westfield Executive Park 53 Southampton Road Westfield, MA 01085-5308 Tel. 413-562-1600 Fax. 413-562-5317 Originalprinted on recycled paper 1 Tighe&Bond Consulting Engineers EnvironmentalSpecialists 3 If you have any questions or require additional information regarding this site, please contact Scott McFarland or the undersigned at your convenience. I Very truly yours, i TIGHE & BOND, INC. Evan T. Johnson, P.E., LSP I Vice President IEnclosuresJ:\D\D0041\NORTHLOTPBSOIL\RAMCOMPDEPCOVER. DOC Copy: Bernard J. Doherty, Grinnell Corporation Jane Harmon, Tyco International (US), Inc. IBrain Moroze, Tyco International (US), Inc. Frank Morris, Morris & Howard Steve Jason, WP Commercial Richard Thuma, WP Commercial I Anthony J. Colletta, Sullivan & Cromwell I I I I I I I -2- I Originalprinted on recycled paper. TABLE OF CONTENTS Tighe&Bond LETTER OF TRANSMITTAL SECTION 1 INTRODUCTION SECTION 2 RELEASE ABATEMENT MEASURE 2.1 Pre-RA M Activities ...................................................... 2-1 2.2 RA M Activities ............................................................. 2-1 2.3 Monitoring Data and Findings......................................2-2 2.3.1 Air Monitoring Data ........................................ 2-2 2.3.2 Soil Analyses Data and Findings ................... 2-3 2.3.3 Groundwater Analyses Data and Findings......2-4 2.4 Management of Remediation Waste ........................... 2-4 SECTION 3 SUMMARY AND CONCLUSIONS APPENDIX A FIGURES APPENDIX B DEP TRANSMITTAL FORM (BWSC-106) APPENDIX C MONITORING WELL INSTALLATION LOG APPENDIX D LABORATORY ANALYTICAL REPORTS APPENDIX E TABLES APPENDIX F MASSACHUSETTS AND CANADIAN HAZARDOUS WASTE MANIFESTS APPENDIX G BILL OF LADING (BWSC-012) FIGURE 1 SITE Locus FIGURE 2 MASS GIS MAPPING FIGURE 3 EASTERN SOIL RAM EXCAVATION AREA AND SAMPLE LOCATIONS FIGURE 4 SITE PLAN WITH GROUNDWATER CONTOURS I U I TABLE OF CONTENTS Tighe&Bond TABLE 1 TOTAL METALS ANALYSIS RESULTS - SOIL REMAINING *OUTSIDE RAM EXCAVATION TABLE 2 EAST WALL CONFIRMATORY SOIL RESULTS - HISTORICAL 5 FILL ASSOCIATED WITH RTN: 3-016844 TABLE 3 TOTAL METALS ANALYSES RESULTS - SOIL EXCAVATED I DURING RAM I TABLE 4 GROUNDWATER ANALYTICAL RESULTS - LEAD SOIL RAM TABLE 5 GROUNDWATER ELEVATION DATA I TABLE 6 RAM EXCAVATION SOIL DISPOSAL SUMMARY I I I I I I I I I I I I I SECTION 1 INTRODUCTION Trighe&Bond This Release Abatement Measure (RAM) Completion Report has been prepared to I describe remediation activities that have been completed at the former Hersey Products, Inc. property, DEP Release Tracking Number (RTN) 3-1196 in accordance with the i RAM Plan submitted to DEP on July 31, 2001. The RAM Plan was prepared for remediation of lead-containing soil on a portion of the site, located at 250 Elm Street in Dedham, Massachusetts. A Site Locus (Figure 1) and MassGIS Natural Resources 1 Plan (Figure 2) are included in Appendix A. The impacted soil that was remediated during this RAM extended to depths of 2 to 7 feet below ground surface (bgs) primarily on the eastern portion of the site, in the areas shown in Appendix A, Figure 3. The I RAM work was performed by Grinnell Corporation, which acquired the former site owner, Hersey Products, Inc. in 1986. The site property is currently owned by WXV 250 Elm LLC and is planned for redevelopment as a commercial office park. I The site property was initially developed in the 1950s by Hersey Products, Inc. as a foundry and manufacturing facility for the production of brass and iron valves. The 3facility operated until the mid 1980s, when the facility was closed and the property sold. WXV 250 Elm LLC acquired the property in September 2000 and has since demolished the former foundry and manufacturing buildings and prepared plans to develop the property as a commercial office park. Preliminary characterization of the lead-containing soil detailed in the RAM Plan indicated I the impacted soil was located adjacent to the former foundry building, along the eastern portion of the property. Pre-characterization borings indicated that the soil generally I consisted of shallow fill, mostly located beneath pavement, in the area depicted in Figure 3. Laboratory analysis results indicated that total metals, including antimony, copper, lead and zinc, were present above their applicable Massachusetts Contingency Plan (MCP) I Method 1,S-1 soil standards of 10 mg/kg, 1,000 mg/kg, 300 mg/kg and 2,500 mg/kg, respectively. Although other metals have been detected in the impacted soil, lead was generally detected at the highest concentrations and at the highest level above its Method 1 I risk characterization standard in soil. Therefore, lead was used as the primary constituent for determining the extent of excavation. Several monitoring wells previously located in the vicinity of the RAM excavation area were sampled prior to implementation of the 3RAM for dissolved metals, of which none were detected above the applicable Method 1, GW-2/GW-3 standards. IRAM excavation began on October 15, 2001 and continued through October 24, 2001. A total of approximately 2,100 cubic yards of lead-impacted soil was excavated. Approximately 1,400 cubic yards of soil characterized as hazardous (based on TCLP lead I concentrations greater than 5 mg/L) has been removed from the site for off-site disposal. The remaining 700 cubic yards, characterized as non-hazardous, was removed from the I site for landfill reuse beginning November 26, 2001. The excavation was backfilled with clean fill between November 26 and December 3, 2001. Three groundwater monitoring Release Abatement Measure Completion Report U I I ECTION 1 INTRODUCTlON Trighe&Bond wells were installed on December 4, 2001 and follow-up groundwater sampling was Sperformed on December 11, 2001. The objective of this RAM was to excavate soil with concentrations of total lead and other I associated metals (antimony, copper and zinc) from the 250 Elm Street property to achieve a condition of No Significant Risk of harm to human health, public welfare or the environment. Based upon confirmatory soil and groundwater sampling results, completion of the remedial activities specified in the RAM Plan has resulted in removal of the impacted soil from the 250 Elm Street property. However, based on soil sampling results from the eastern wall of the RAM excavation, residual elevated metals concentrations/ remain in soil at the property line with the easterly abutting property. Some of the residual soil at the property containing elevated metals concentrations is visually similar to the surficial black fine casting sands previously identified and remediated at the 250 Elm Street property. However, samples with residual metals I concentrations from the northeast portion of this RAM excavation were collected from historical fill with different visual characteristics from the black sand. Further, the samples collected from the historical fill at the property line generally correlate with the location of i previous assessment on the abutting property, for which a risk characterization and Response Action Outcome (RAO) was filed in 1998 (RTN: 3-016844, 367-419 Rustcraft/ Road). The abutting RAO area is shown in Figure 3 and a detailed discussion of the soil results for the RAM confirmatory samples are provided in Section 2.3.2 of this report. / This RAM Completion Report confirms completion of remediation of lead-containing soil I on the 250 Elm Street property, according to the RAM Plan. Additional assessment of surficial black casting sand encountered at the southeastern excavation wall is anticipated for the adjacent portion of the abutting property. No further assessment of historical fill encountered at the northeastern RAM excavation wall is planned, as this soil on the abutting property has previously been assessed and issued a RAO. 3 This RAM Completion Report was prepared in accordance with the MCP (310 CMR 40.0440), by Evan T. Johnson, P.E., LSP, of Tighe & Bond, Inc. on behalf of Grinnell Corporation. The DEP transmittal form (BWSC-106) for this RAM Completion Report is 3 included in Appendix B.
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