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D-41-5-59 March 4, 2002

Ms. Randi Augustine DEP Northeast Regional Office Bureau of Waste Site Cleanup 205 Lowell Street Wilmington, MA 01887

I Re: RAM Completion Report Eastern Soil Area I Former Hersey Products, Inc. 250 Elm Street, Dedham, MA Release Tracking Number 3-1196 I Dear Ms. Augustine: 1 Please find attached a Release Abatement Measure (RAM) Completion Report that Tighe & Bond has prepared for the referenced portion of the site on behalf of Grinnell Corporation, the former site owner. This report describes remediation activities that were performed at the site in Iaccordance with the RAM Plan submitted to the DEP on July 31, 2001. This RAM was performed to remediate lead-impacted soil on the eastern portion of the site. RAM activities, including soil excavation, off-site soil disposal, confirmatory soil sampling, excavation backfilling and compaction, well installation and confirmatory groundwater sampling have been completed, as detailed in the attached report. I This RAM Completion Report focuses on the presence of lead and other associated metals (antimony, and copper) in soil on the eastern portion of the 250 Elm Street property. An historical release of chlorinated volatile organic compounds (VOCs) has also occurred on the central portion of the site and is being addressed via a separate RAM. A sparge and vent remediation system has been installed in the VOC release area and is operating in accordance with the VOC RAM Plan. Operation of the VOC remediation system will continue under its RAM. This RAM Completion Report confirms completion of remediation of lead-impacted soil on the 250 Elm Street property, according to the previously submitted RAM Plan. The original DEP 3Transmittal form, BWSC-106, is provided in Appendix B of this report. I I I

I Westfield Executive Park 53 Southampton Road Westfield, MA 01085-5308 Tel. 413-562-1600 Fax. 413-562-5317 Originalprinted on recycled paper 1 Tighe&Bond Consulting Engineers EnvironmentalSpecialists

3 If you have any questions or require additional information regarding this site, please contact Scott McFarland or the undersigned at your convenience.

I Very truly yours,


Evan T. Johnson, P.E., LSP I Vice President IEnclosuresJ:\D\D0041\NORTHLOTPBSOIL\RAMCOMPDEPCOVER. DOC Copy: Bernard J. Doherty, Grinnell Corporation Jane Harmon, Tyco International (US), Inc. IBrain Moroze, Tyco International (US), Inc. Frank Morris, Morris & Howard Steve Jason, WP Commercial Richard Thuma, WP Commercial I Anthony J. Colletta, Sullivan & Cromwell I I I I I I I


I Originalprinted on recycled paper. TABLE OF CONTENTS Tighe&Bond



SECTION 2 RELEASE ABATEMENT MEASURE 2.1 Pre-RA M Activities ...... 2-1 2.2 RA M Activities ...... 2-1 2.3 Monitoring Data and Findings...... 2-2 2.3.1 Air Monitoring Data ...... 2-2 2.3.2 Soil Analyses Data and Findings ...... 2-3 2.3.3 Groundwater Analyses Data and Findings...... 2-4 2.4 Management of Remediation Waste ...... 2-4



















This Release Abatement Measure (RAM) Completion Report has been prepared to I describe remediation activities that have been completed at the former Hersey Products, Inc. property, DEP Release Tracking Number (RTN) 3-1196 in accordance with the i RAM Plan submitted to DEP on July 31, 2001. The RAM Plan was prepared for remediation of lead-containing soil on a portion of the site, located at 250 Elm Street in Dedham, Massachusetts. A Site Locus (Figure 1) and MassGIS Natural Resources 1 Plan (Figure 2) are included in Appendix A. The impacted soil that was remediated during this RAM extended to depths of 2 to 7 feet below ground surface (bgs) primarily on the eastern portion of the site, in the areas shown in Appendix A, Figure 3. The I RAM work was performed by Grinnell Corporation, which acquired the former site owner, Hersey Products, Inc. in 1986. The site property is currently owned by WXV 250 Elm LLC and is planned for redevelopment as a commercial office park. I The site property was initially developed in the 1950s by Hersey Products, Inc. as a foundry and manufacturing facility for the production of brass and iron valves. The 3facility operated until the mid 1980s, when the facility was closed and the property sold. WXV 250 Elm LLC acquired the property in September 2000 and has since demolished the former foundry and manufacturing buildings and prepared plans to develop the property as a commercial office park.

Preliminary characterization of the lead-containing soil detailed in the RAM Plan indicated I the impacted soil was located adjacent to the former foundry building, along the eastern portion of the property. Pre-characterization borings indicated that the soil generally I consisted of shallow fill, mostly located beneath pavement, in the area depicted in Figure 3. Laboratory analysis results indicated that total metals, including antimony, copper, lead and zinc, were present above their applicable Massachusetts Contingency Plan (MCP) I Method 1,S-1 soil standards of 10 mg/kg, 1,000 mg/kg, 300 mg/kg and 2,500 mg/kg, respectively. Although other metals have been detected in the impacted soil, lead was generally detected at the highest concentrations and at the highest level above its Method 1 I risk characterization standard in soil. Therefore, lead was used as the primary constituent for determining the extent of excavation. Several monitoring wells previously located in the vicinity of the RAM excavation area were sampled prior to implementation of the 3RAM for dissolved metals, of which none were detected above the applicable Method 1, GW-2/GW-3 standards. IRAM excavation began on October 15, 2001 and continued through October 24, 2001. A total of approximately 2,100 cubic yards of lead-impacted soil was excavated. Approximately 1,400 cubic yards of soil characterized as hazardous (based on TCLP lead I concentrations greater than 5 mg/L) has been removed from the site for off-site disposal. The remaining 700 cubic yards, characterized as non-hazardous, was removed from the I site for landfill reuse beginning November 26, 2001. The excavation was backfilled with clean fill between November 26 and December 3, 2001. Three groundwater monitoring

Release Abatement Measure Completion Report U I I ECTION 1 INTRODUCTlON Trighe&Bond wells were installed on December 4, 2001 and follow-up groundwater sampling was Sperformed on December 11, 2001. The objective of this RAM was to excavate soil with concentrations of total lead and other I associated metals (antimony, copper and zinc) from the 250 Elm Street property to achieve a condition of No Significant Risk of harm to human health, public welfare or the environment. Based upon confirmatory soil and groundwater sampling results, completion of the remedial activities specified in the RAM Plan has resulted in removal of the impacted soil from the 250 Elm Street property. However, based on soil sampling results from the eastern wall of the RAM excavation, residual elevated metals concentrations/ remain in soil at the property line with the easterly abutting property. Some of the residual soil at the property containing elevated metals concentrations is visually similar to the surficial black fine casting sands previously identified and remediated at the 250 Elm Street property. However, samples with residual metals I concentrations from the northeast portion of this RAM excavation were collected from historical fill with different visual characteristics from the black sand. Further, the samples collected from the historical fill at the property line generally correlate with the location of i previous assessment on the abutting property, for which a risk characterization and Response Action Outcome (RAO) was filed in 1998 (RTN: 3-016844, 367-419 Rustcraft/ Road). The abutting RAO area is shown in Figure 3 and a detailed discussion of the soil results for the RAM confirmatory samples are provided in Section 2.3.2 of this report. / This RAM Completion Report confirms completion of remediation of lead-containing soil I on the 250 Elm Street property, according to the RAM Plan. Additional assessment of surficial black casting sand encountered at the southeastern excavation wall is anticipated for the adjacent portion of the abutting property. No further assessment of historical fill encountered at the northeastern RAM excavation wall is planned, as this soil on the abutting property has previously been assessed and issued a RAO. 3 This RAM Completion Report was prepared in accordance with the MCP (310 CMR 40.0440), by Evan T. Johnson, P.E., LSP, of Tighe & Bond, Inc. on behalf of Grinnell Corporation. The DEP transmittal form (BWSC-106) for this RAM Completion Report is 3 included in Appendix B. I I

Release Abatement Measure Completion Report I I SECTION 2 RELEASE ABATEMENT MEASURE Tighe&Bond I 2.1 PRE-RAM ACTIVITIES Prior to beginning excavation at the site, a silt fence was installed along the eastern and northern perimeter of the property. The silt fence was installed in accordance with the I Special Conditions issued along with the negative Determination of Applicability by the Dedham Conservation Commission for the property redevelopment. Subsequent to silt I fence installation, construction of a new section of Town of Dedham sewer line, relocated as shown in Figure 3, was begun. A portion of the lead-impacted soil area proposed for excavation was located within a 10-foot wide Town of Dedham sewer easement along the I eastern border of the property. A 12-inch diameter sanitary sewer, with invert elevations located between approximately 1.5 feet and 3 feet below grade, traversed this easement. Soil analytical data from borings advanced in and adjacent to the sewer easement indicated that the lead-containing soil was located in the easement and, in some locations, beneath the sewer pipe. In order to facilitate removal of lead-containing soil surrounding the sewer line, a new, relocated sewer was installed. This sewer was put into operation prior Sto the excavation of lead-impacted soil and removal of a portion of the former sewer. In accordance with an agreement between the Town of Dedham, Grinnell and the current property owner, the sewer was relocated as shown on Figure 3, where a new easement will be established. Once the relocated sewer was operational on October 10, 2001, RAM soil excavation was scheduled and subsequently begun on October 15, 2001. 1 2.2 RAM ACTIVITIES I From October 15, 2001 through October 24, 2001, Franklin Environmental Services of Wrentham, Massachusetts was onsite to perform RAM activities under supervision of Tighe & Bond personnel. Soil excavation was performed with a track-mounted excavator. 1 Soil was transported to a paved temporary holding area on the site with a dump truck or front-end loader and placed in approximate 100 cubic yard stockpiles. Composite samples were then collected from each stockpile for analysis for final disposal characterization.

U Confirmatory soil samples were collected from the base and walls of the excavation as excavation progressed. Confirmatory soil samples (Conf-1 through Conf-46) were submitted to Severn Trent Laboratories (STL) in Westfield, Massachusetts for total metals analysis (antimony, copper, lead and zinc). The extent of excavation, confirmatory soil sample locations and pre-characterization boring locations are shown on Figure 3. 3 A total of approximately 2,100 cubic yards of lead-impacted soil was excavated. Backfilling of the excavation was completed on December 3, 2001. The excavation areas I were backfilled with virgin fill, obtained and transported to the site by A.A. Wills Materials Corporation of Carver, Massachusetts. Franklin placed and compacted the ibackfill in one-foot lifts using a bulldozer and vibratory roller. Subsequent to backfilling, three groundwater monitoring wells were installed in the excavation area and sampled as

Release Abatement Measure Completion Report I I

SECTION 2 RELEASE ABATEMENT MEASURE righe&Bond proposed in the RAM Plan. Specifically, on December 4, 2001, three monitoring wells I were installed at the site by B.L. Myers Bros. of Belchertown, Massachusetts under the supervision of Tighe & Bond personnel (RMW-10, RMW-11 and RMW-12). The locations of the monitoring wells are included on the Site Plan (Figure 4 in Appendix A).

I The monitoring wells were installed in the eastern portion of the backfilled excavation area. The wells were installed using a Mobile Drill B-61 rig equipped with 4.25-inch diameter hollow stem augers. During monitoring well installation, soil samples were collected in 5-foot intervals with a clean, 2-inch diameter split-spoon sampler. Detailed boring logs are provided in Appendix C. Monitoring wells were constructed of 2-inch 5 inside diameter flush-threaded Schedule 40 PVC well materials with 10-foot sections of 0.010-inch slotted screen. Groundwater was encountered at approximately 7 feet below grade at each location. The monitoring wells were installed to total depths of 15 to 17 feet I below grade to insure that the screened interval is at a depth that intersects water table as encountered while drilling. 3 The annular space surrounding the well screen was filled with No 1 filter sand and extends approximately two feet above the top of the screen to allow for settlement after i installation. A two-foot seal of bentonite chips was placed above the sand pack. Each well was then completed at the surface with a locking standpipe and finished with a concrete surface seal. S2.3 MONITORING DATA AND FINDINGS 3 2.3.1 Air Monitoring Data During RAM excavation and soil removal activities, ambient air monitoring was I performed to monitor for generation of dust potentially containing lead levels of concern. Respirable dust was measured with a Miniature Real-time Aerosol Monitor (MINIRAM) in and downwind of the lead soil excavation area for confirmation that 3 dust levels were maintained below the 1.3 mg/cubic meter threshold established in the RAM air monitoring program. This value was calculated to maintain lead levels in repirable dust below the OSHA 0.03 mg/cubic meter threshold. During excavation, instantaneous readings (read at 10 second intervals) measured by the MINIRAM range from 0.11 to 1.24 mg/cubic meter. In general, most readings were below i approximately 0.40 mg/cubic meter. To confirm MINIRAM readings, ambient air samples were collected using low-flow air pumps and dust sample collection filters on October 16 through October 18, 2001. Samples were collected downwind and upwind I of the excavation and submitted to International Asbestos Testing Laboratories (IATL) in Mt. Laurel, New Jersey for lead air analysis. Sample results for October 16 and 17, 2001 were below detection limits of 0.002 mg/cubic meter, and lead was detected at the I detection limit of 0.002 mg/cubic meter in the sample collected on October 18, 2001. Air monitoring results indicate that no lead levels of concern were generated as a result

Release Abatement Measure Completion Report I I SECTION 2 RELEASE ABATEMNT MEASURE Tighe&Bond

of the RAM soil excavation activities. Copies of air sample laboratory analytical 3 reports are provided in Appendix D. 2.3.2 Soil Analyses Data and Findings

U During the soil excavation activities conducted between October 15 and October 24, 2001, confirmatory soil samples Conf-1 through Conf-46 were collected from the I sidewalls and bottom of the excavation area and submitted to STL for analysis of total lead, antimony, copper and zinc. Confirmatory sample analyses are summarized, along with pre-characterization data, in Tables 1, 2 and 3 in Appendix E. Copies of the 5 complete laboratory analytical reports for this RAM data are provided in Appendix D.

Confirmatory sample results along with visual field observation confirmed that shallow Ifill soil, generally ranging in color from brown to black, contained elevated metals concentrations. Horizontal lenses of this fill were excavated to the extent feasible in the areas shown in Figure 3, and were consistent with the impacted area delineated in the SRAM Plan. The excavation extended to the eastern property line, where confirmatory sample concentrations indicate generally higher metals concentrations associated with ishallow fill in several samples collected at the property line. The elevated metals concentrations in the property line soil samples are associated with two distinct types of fill:

3 1.Surficial fine black sand encountered along the southeastern portion of the excavation; and

3 2. Brown to dark brown historical fill and solid waste encountered along the northeastern portion of the RAM excavation.

3 The surficial black sand is visually similar to the black casting sand used in the former Hersey foundry operations. An area of these sands on the northeastern corner of the I property was previously remediated and closed with an Activity and Use Limitation (AUL). Along the vertical southeastern wall of the 2001 RAM excavation, similar surficial black sand was observed to range in thickness from several inches to I approximately 2.5 feet. Laboratory results for composite samples (Conf-6, -16, -23, - 36) collected from this soil are listed at the end of Table 1 in Appendix E. These composite soil samples represent surficial soil samples collected from east wall sample locations Conf-2, -5, -8, -12, -15, -19, -22 and -36 shown in Figure 3.

Elevated residual metals concentrations were also detected in a second fill horizon, Sconsisting of brown to dark brown historical fill along the northeastern portion of the RAM excavation. Specific components observed in this fill included ash, cinder, metal ifragments, glass, organic silt and roots. Laboratory analytical results characterizing this fill are listed in Table 2.This historical fill was generally encountered from 0 to 3 feet

Release Abatement Measure Completion Report I I SSEcTIoN 2 RELEASE ABATEMENT MEASURE righe&Bond

bgs along the northeastern portion of the excavation. Sampling locations in this I historical fill correlate with the location of previous soil sampling, assessment and risk characterization work performed on an adjacent portion of the abutting property (identified as 367-419 Rustcraft Road, RTN: 3-016844). A report reviewed for RTN: S3-016844 indicates that metals (primarily lead, detected at concentrations up to 4,100 mg/kg) were detected in soil during previous investigations on that property, and a risk characterization was performed in support of a RAO for a portion of that property. The 3RAO area for RTN: 3-016844 abuts the 250 Elm Street property line and RAM excavation "wall" as shown in Figure 3.

5 Data for soil that has been excavated and removed from the 250 Elm Street property during this RAM is listed in Table 3.

2.3.3 Groundwater Analyses Data and Findings

IGroundwater samples were collected from each of the monitoring wells by Tighe & Bond personnel on December 11, 2001. Groundwater samples were collected using low-flow methodology and submitted to STL for priority pollutant 13 metals and i barium analysis. Copies of the complete laboratory reports are provided in Appendix D and groundwater sample analytical results are summarized in Table 4 provided in Appendix E, along with the applicable MCP Method 1, GW-2/GW-3 standards. Results I from previous groundwater samples collected from decommissioned wells at the site are also listed in Table 4. Concentrations of metals were not detected in samples collected from RMW-10, RMW-11 and RMW-12, except for barium. Dissolved barium was 3 detected at concentrations well below the applicable cleanup standards.

During sample collection, depth to water table measurements were performed with the purpose of preparing a groundwater flow contour plan. Water level measurements are summarized in Table 5 in Appendix E and the groundwater flow contour plan is provided as Figure 4 in Appendix A. As shown on the contour plan, the inferred Sdirection of groundwater flow is toward the north. I 2.4 MANAGEMENT OF REMEDIATION WASTE Upon excavation, soil was placed in approximate 100 cubic yard secured stockpiles on i pavement north of the former foundry building. Composite samples were collected from each stockpile and submitted to STL for total and TCLP lead analyses. Stockpiles characterized as hazardous (TCLP lead greater that 5 mg/L or total lead greater than i2,000 mg/kg) were designated for shipment to an approved off-site disposal facility. This soil was transported to Horizon Environment, Inc., Grand-Piles, Quebec, Canada under hazardous waste manifest between October 29 and November 8, 2001. Based on I the number of trucks loaded from each stockpile, approximately 1,400 cubic yards (2315 tons) was transported to Horizon Environment facility. A summary of the soil

Release Abatement Measure Completion Report I I 3 SECTioN 2RELEASE ABATEMENT MEAsuRE Tighe&Bond stockpile information and lead data is provided in Table 6 in Appendix E and I representative examples of the state and Canadian hazardous waste manifests are provided in Appendix F. Soil stockpiles characterized as non-hazardous and containing total lead and other constituent concentrations below landfill reuse criteria were transported to the BFI Fall River landfill. Between November 26 and November 29, 2001, approximately 700 I cubic yards (1212 tons) of non-hazardous soil was shipped under a Massachusetts DEP Bill-of-Lading (BOL) to the landfill. On November 28, 2001, the paved area where soil stockpile staging was performed was swept with a mechanical sweeper. The sweepings 3were appropriately disposed off-site along with the impacted soil. A copy of the complete BOL for management of the remediation waste is provided in Appendix G. U I I I I I I I I I

Release Abatement Measure Completion Report U I SECTION 3 SUMMARY AND CONCLUSIONS Tighe&Bond

This Release Abatement Measure (RAM) Completion Report has been prepared to describe remediation activities completed and present data for the subject portion of the former Hersey Products, Inc. property, DEP Release Tracking Number (RTN) 3-1196. The work was completed in accordance with the RAM Plan submitted to DEP on July 331,2001 for the remediation of lead-impacted soil on the eastern portion of the site, located at 250 Elm Street in Dedham, Massachusetts. The impacted soil that was remediated during this RAM extended to depths of 2 to 7 feet below ground surface S(bgs) primarily on the eastern portion of the site, in the areas shown in Appendix A, Figure 3. The RAM work was performed by Grinnell Corporation, which acquired the former site owner, Hersey Products, Inc. in 1986. The site property is currently owned by WXV 250 Elm LLC and is planned for redevelopment as a commercial office park. RAM activities completed between October 15 and December 31, 2001 in accordance with the RAM Plan included: * Excavation and disposal at Horizon Environment in Quebec, Canada of i approximately 1,400 cubic yards of hazardous characteristic soil (TCLP lead concentrations greater than 5 mg/L). i * Excavation and off-site landfill reuse of approximately 700 cubic yards of non- hazardous lead-impacted soil. I * Confirmatory soil sampling from the base and walls of the excavation for the metals of concern (lead, antimony, copper and zinc). i * Backfilling of the RAM excavation with uncontaminated compacted fill. * Installation and confirmatory groundwater sampling of three monitoring wells in the RAM excavation area. I Laboratory results, field observations and historical information collected during the RAM activities indicate the following findings: S* Confirmatory sample results along with visual field observation confirmed that generally darker colored shallow fill soil contained elevated metals I concentrations. Horizontal lenses of this fill were excavated in the areas shown in Figure 3, and were consistent with the impacted area delineated in the RAM Plan. I* Confirmatory soil samples indicate significant reduction of metals soil concentrations on the 250 Elm Street property (see Table 1, Appendix E) and 3 completion of the RAM excavation, to the extent feasible, on the property. * Groundwater sampling results indicate that none of the four metals of concern iwere detected in groundwater (see Table 4, Appendix E), confirming that metals in soil had no significant impacts on the underlying groundwater.

Release Abatement Measure Completion Report I I

5 SECTION 3 SUMMARY AND CONCLUSIONS righe&Bond SConfirmatory soil samples collected from the eastern wall of the excavation i(contiguous with the eastern property line of the 250 Elm Street property) identified elevated residual metals concentrations in soil samples associated with two distinct types of soil: 5 1)Surficial fine black sand encountered along the southeastern portion of the excavation; and 3 2) Brown to dark brown historical fill encountered from depths of 0 to 3 feet below grade along the northeastern portion of the RAM excavation. I * Historical research for the abutting property (identified as 367-419 Rustcraft Road, RTN: 3-016844) indicates that metals (primarily lead), were detected in soil during a previous investigation on the abutting property. A RAO, supported I by a risk characterization was filed for RTN: 3-016844 in 1998. The abutting RAO area is shown in Figure 3. I Conclusions regarding the RAM for the metals-impacted soil for the subject site, RTN: 3-1196 are as follows: I * Black fine sand and historical fill on the 250 Elm Street side of the property line were removed during the subject RAM activities, completing the work proposed in the RAM Plan. * Surficial property line soil samples with elevated residual metals concentrations from the southeastern portion of the RAM excavation consist of black sand similar I to characteristically black fine casting sand associated with former Hersey operations. Additional assessment of the surficial black sand on the adjacent portion of the abutting property is anticipated and a new RAM Plan will be 3 prepared should additional remediation be necessary. * RAM confirmatory samples with residual metals concentrations from the northeast iportion of the RAM excavation were collected from historical fill with different visual characteristics from the black sand. Samples collected from the historical fill at the property line correlate with the location of a previous assessment on the Iabutting property, for which a risk characterization and RAO was filed in 1998. No further assessment of historical fill encountered at the northeastern RAM excavation wall is planned, as this soil on the abutting property has previously g been assessed via a RAO and supporting risk characterization. This RAM Completion Report was prepared in accordance with the MCP (310 CMR 40.0440), by Evan T. Johnson, P.E., LSP, of Tighe & Bond, Inc. on behalf of Grinnell Corporation. The DEP transmittal form (BWSC-106) for this RAM Completion Report is included in Appendix B.

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N Massachusetts Department of Environmental Protection BWSC-106 Bureau of Waste Site Cleanup

RELEASE & UTILITY-RELATED ABATEMENT Release Tracking Number fl MEASURE (RAM & URAMI TRANSMITTAL FORM Pursuant to 310 CMR 40.0444 - 0446 and 310 CMR40.0462 - 0465 (Subpart D) 3 E19 A. SITE LOCATION: SiteName: Former Hersey Products Inc. - Eastern Soil Area Street 250 Elm Street LocationAd: Eastern portion of property ZIPCode: 02026 CityTrown: Dedham [ Check here ifa Tier Classification Submittal has been provided to DEP for this Release Tracking Number. Related Release Tracking Numbers That This RAM or URAM Addresses: B. THIS FORM IS BEING USED TO: (check all that apply) SSubmit a RAM Plan (complete Sections A, B, C, D, E, F,J, K,L and M). F Check here ifthis RAM Plan is an update or modiflcation of a previously approved written RAM Plan. Date Submitted: 0 Submit a RAM Status Report (comnplete Sections A, B. C. E, J. K,Land M). i Submit aRAM Completion Statement (complete Sections A. B, C, D, E, G,J, K,L and M). O Confirm or Provide URAM Notification (complete Sections A, B, H,K, L and M). Ol Submit a URAM Status Report (complete Sections A, B, C, E,J, K,L and M). I Submit aURAM Completion Statement (complete Sections A, B,C, D, E, I. J, K. L and M). You must attach all supporting documentation required for each use of form Indicated, including copies of my Legal Notices and Notices to Public Officials required by 310 CMR 40.1400.

S C. SITE CONDITIONS: ' Check here if the source of the Release or Threat of Release is known. If yes, check all sources that apply [] UST [] Pipeosetine [] AST [] Drums O Transformer O Boat 0 TankerTruck O Vehicle [] Other Specify: Lead-containing fill soil/casting sand I Identify Media and Receptors Affected: (check allthat apply) E] Air E] Groundwater O Surface Water O sediments E Soil I O Wetlands [] StormODrain [] Paved Surface [] Private Well [] Public Water Supply Zone 2 Residence Fl School fl Unknown 0J Other Specify: Identify Release and/lor Threat of Release Conditions at Site: (check all that apply)

I S2 and 72 Hour Reporting Condition(s) E] 120 Day Reporting Condition(s) 0 Other Condition(s) . Describe: Lead-containing soil with concentrations exceeding MCP Method 1, S-1 I soil standards for lead, zinc and antimony. RAMs may be conducted concurrently with an IRA only with written DEP approval URAMs may not be conducted if any 2 or 72 Hour conditions exist at the site. I Identify and Hazardous Materials Released: (check allthat apply) El Oils Chlorinated a Heavy Metals E] Others Specify: Lead, copper, zinc and antimony D. DESCRIPTION OF RESPONSE ACTIONS: (check all that apply) I SAssessment and/or Monitoring Only Deployment of Absorbant or Containment Materials SExcavation of Contaminated Soils ] Temporary covers or Caps I SRe-use, Recycling or Treatment [] ( On Site i Off Site Est. Vol.: 1400 cubicyards [] Soil Vapor Extation Describe: Stabilization treatment and/or landfill. El StructureVenting System

I ] Store Q On Site O Off Site Est. Vol.: __cubic yards [] Product or NAPL Recovetr, SECTION D IS CONTINUED ON THE NEXT PAGE. Revised 2/24/95 Supersedes Forms BWSC-007, 008, 009 and 010 (in part) Page 1 of 4 I Do Not Alter This Formn U Massachusetts Department of Environmental Protection BWSC-106 I Bureau of Waste Site Cleanup

RELEASE & UTILITY-RELATED ABATEMENT Release Tracking Number I MEASURE (RAM & URAM) TRANSMITTAL FORM Pursuant to 310 CMR 40.0444 - 0446 and 310 CMR 40.0462 - 0465 (Subpart D) -1 D. DESCRIPTION OF RESPONSE ACTIONS (continued): R Landfill ) Cover (6 Disposal Est Vol.: 7 0 cubic yards O Groundwater Treatment Systems

SRemoval of Drums, Tanks or Containers E] Air Spearging I Describe: Temporary Water Supplies

O Removal of Other Contaminated Media Temporary Evacuation or Relocation of Residents

Specify Type and Volume: ] Fencing and Sign Posting I Other Response Actions Describe: See 310 CMR 40.0442 for limitations on the scope and type of RAMs. i See 310 CMR 40.0464 for performance standards for URAMs. F Check here if thisRAM or URAM involves the use of Innovative Technologies. DEP is interested in using this information to aid in creating an Innovative Technologies Clearinghouse. Describe Technologies:

E. TRANSPORT OF REMEDIATION WASTE: (if Remediation Waste has been sent to an off-site facility, answer the following questions) NameofFacility: Horizon Environment, Inc.; BFI Fall River lined landfill I TownandState: Grandes-Piles, Quebec, Canada; Fall River, Massachusetts QuantityofRemediationWasteTransportedtoDate: -1400 cubic yards (Horizon); -700 cubic yards (BFI) F. RAM PLAN:

E Check here if this RAM Plan received previous oralapproval from DEP as a continuation of a United Removal Action (LRA). Date of Oral Approval:

IlIf a RAM Compliance Fee is required, check here to certify that the fee.has been submitted. You MUST attach a photocopy of the payment. See 310 CMR 40.0444(2) to leamrn when a fee is not required. Check here if the RAM Plan is proposed for a Transition Site. if this is the case, you may need to attach an LSP Evaluation Opinion prior to undertaking the RAM, if not previously provided. See 310 CMR 40.0600 for further information about Transition Sites. G. RAM COMPLETION STATEMENT:

Sf a RAM Compliance Fee Is required in connection with submission of the RAM Completion Statement, check here to certify that the fee has been submitted. You MUST attach a photocopy of the payment. You owe this fee when submitting a RAM Completion Statement if you received oral I approval of a RAM that continued an LRA, and have NOT previously submitted a RAM Plan and accompanying fee. If any Remediation Waste will be stored, treated, managed, recycled or mused at the site following submission of the RAM Completion-- Statement, you must submit a Phase IV Remedy Implementation Plan, along with the appropriate transmittal form, as an attachment to the H. URAMNOTIFICATION: RAM Completion Statement. H. URAM NOTIFICATION: Identify Location Type: (check all that apply) O Public Right of Way E] Utility Easement Private Property I Identify Utility Type: (check all that apply) El Sanitary/Combined Sewerage E] Water E] Drainage E] Natural

El Telephone ] Steam Unes O Telecommunications [] Electric [ Other Specify: E] Check here if you provided DEP with previous orl notification of thisURAM. Date of Oral Notice: F Check here if the property owner was NOT contacted prior to initiation of the URAM. Ifthis is the case, you must attach an explanation of why the owner was not contacted, including the date and time when contact ultimately occurred. Check here if this URAM will occur in connection with the construction of new public utilities. Ifthis is the case, document the nature and extent of encountered contamination, the scope and expense of necessary mitigation and the benefits amd limitations of project alternatives. With the exception stated below, the person undertaking the URAM must provide the name and license number of an LSP engaged or employed in connection with the URAM: LSP Name: LSP License Number

LSP information is not required if the URAM is limited to the excavation and/or handling of not more than 100 cubic yards of soil contarminated by , or not more than 20 cubic yards of soil contamrrinated either by a Hazardous Material or a mixture of a Hazardous Material and Oil. Revised 2/24/95 Supersedes Forms BWSC-007, 008, 009 and 010 (inpart) Page 2 of 4 Do Not Alter This Form I Massachusetts Department of Environmental Protection BWSC-106 Bureau of Waste Site Cleanup

RELEASE & UTILITY-RELATED ABATEMENT ReleaseTracking Number MEASURE (RAM & URAMI TRANSMITTAL FORM Pursuant to 310 CMR 40.0444 - 0446 and 310 CMR 40.0462 - 0465 (Subpart D) - I. URAM COMPLETION STATEMENT: Check here if this URAM was limited to the excavation and/or handling of not more than 100 cubic yards of soil contaminated by Oil, or not more than 20 cubic yards of soil contaminated by either a Hazardous Material or a mixture of a Hazardous Material and Oil. If any Remediatlon Waste will be stored, treated, managed, recycled or reused at the site following submission of the URAM Completion Statement, you must submit either a Release Abatement Measure (RAM) Plan or a Phase IV Remedy Implementation Plan, along with the appropriate transmittal form, as an attachment to the URAM Completion Statement J. LSP OPINION: Iattest under the pains and penalties of perjury that I have personally examined and am familiar with this transmittal form, including any and all documents accompanying this submittal. In my professional opinion and judgment based upon application of (i) the standard of care in 309 CMR 4.02(1), (ii)the applicable provisions of 309 CMR 4.02(2) and (3), and (iii) the provisions of 309 CMR 4.03(5), to the best of my knowiedge, information and belief, > if Section B of this form indicates that a Release Abatement Measure Plan is being submitted, the response action(s) that is (are) the subject of this submittal (i) has (have) been developed in accordance with the applicable provisions of M.G.L c. 21E and 310 CMR 40.0000, (ii)is (are) appropriate and reasonable to accomplish the purposes of such response action(s) as set forth in the applicable provisions of M.G.L c. 21E and 310 CMR 40.0000 and (iii) complies(y) with the identified provisions of allorders, permits, and approvals identified inthis submittal;

i f Section B of this form indicates that a Release Abatement Measure Status Report or a Utility-Related Abatement Measure Status Report is being submitted, the response action(s) that is (are) the subject of this submittal (i) is (are) being implemented in accordance with the applicable provisions M.G.L. c. 21E and 310 CMR 40.0000, (ii) is (are) appropriate and reasonable to accomplish the purposes of such response action(s) as set forth in the applicable provisions of M.G.L c. 21E and 310 CMR 40.0000 and (iii) comnplies(y) with the identified provisions of all orders, permits, and approvals identille i inthis submittal; > If Section S of this fonr indicates that a Release Abatement Measure Completion Statement or a Utlly-Related Statement is being submitted, the response action(s) that is (are) the subject of this submittal (i) has (have) been developedAbatement and implemented Measure inCompletion accordance awith fction the applicable aso et forth provisionss indaicale of M.G.L proison c. Release21E and of 310Abteen CMR 21easure140.0000, (ii) isCM4000an(i)ompletoiSae (are) appropriate and reasonableoent y waiith to accomplish lted Abeentife the purposes Meavsions of sucholtos response action(s) as set forth in the applicable provisions of M.G.L.c. 21E and 310 CMR 40.0000 and (iii)cormplies(y) with the identified provisions of all orders, permits, and approvals identified in this submittal; I am aware that significant penalties may result including, but not limited to, possible lines and imrprisonment, if I submit information which I know to be false, inaccurate or materially incomplete. Check here ifthe Response Action(s) on which this opinion is based, if any, are (were) subject to any order(s , rit(s) and/or approval(s) issued by DEP or EPA. Ifthe box is checked, you MUST attach a statement identifyingthe applicable provisi LSPName: Evan T. Johnson LSP#-. 6135 Sta.mp: OF Id13-572-3254 ,/ p Telephone: 4 Ext.: -- -0_- EVAN 413- . 5317 T. FAX: (optional) £-..J 'Sr/ U y 0 JOHNSONNo. 6136 '

Signature: *$P. STL Date: 2 19 V2,esiE PSol

An LSP Opinion Is not required for a Utility-Related Abatement Measure Notification. An LSP Opinion Is not required for a URAM Completion Statement Ifthe URAM is limited to the excavation and/or handling of not more than 100 cubic yards of soil contaminated by Oil, or not more than 20 cubic yards of soil contaminated either by Hazardous Material or a mixture of Hazardous Material and 011Oil. K. PERSON UNDERTAKING RAM OR URAM: Name of Organization: Grinnell Corporation Name of Contact: Bernard J. Doherty Tifle: Senior Vice President

Street 1 Tyco Park City/Town: Exeter State: NH ZIPCode: 03883

Telephone: 603-778-9200 Ext.: _ FAX: 603-778-7700

E Check here if there has been a change in person undertaking the RAM or URAM.

Revised 2/24/95 Supersedes Forms BWSC-007, 008, 009 and 010 (in part) Page 3 of 4 Do Not Alter This Form Massachusetts Department of Environmental Protection BWSC-106 Bureau of Waste Site Cleanup

RELEASE & UTILITY-RELATED ABATEMENT Release Tracking Number MEASURE (RAM & URAMI TRANSMITTAL FORM Pursuant to 310 CMR 40.0444 - 0446 and 310 CMR 40.0462 - 0465 (Subpart D) L. RELATIONSHIP TO SITE OF PERSON UNDERTAKING RAM or URAM: (check one) site owner [ RPorPRP Specify: Oowner 0 Operator 0 Generator 0 Transporter Other RP or PRP: Former

O Fiduciary, Secured Lender or Municipality with Exempt Status (as defined by M.G.L c. 21 E.s:2)

O Agency or Public Utility on a Right of Way (as defined by M.G.L. .21E. s. 50))

E Any Other Person Undertaking RAM or URAM Specify Relationship: M. CERTIFICATION OF PERSON UNDERTAKING RAM OR URAM: Bernard J. Doherty 1~. .Doerty,Berard attest under the pains and penalties of perjury (i) that Ihave personally examined and am familiar with the information contained in this submittal, including any and all documents accompanying this transmittal form, (ii)that based on my inquiry of those Individuals immediately responsible for obtaining the information, the material infonrmation contained inthis submittal Is,to the best of my knowledge and belief, true, accurate and complete, and (ii)that I am fully authorized to make this attestation on behalf of the entity legally responsible for this submittal. lthe person or entity on whose behalf this submittal is made amis aware that there are significant penalties, including, but not limited to, possible fines and imprisonment, for willfully bmitting false, inaccurate, or incomplete information. By,0.-.7 ... , / I Tik Senior Vice President (signature) For Grinnell Corporation Date: February 20. 2002 (print name of person or entity recorded inSection K)

Enter address of person providing certification, if different from address recorded in Section Kt street

City/Town: _ State: - ZIP Code:

Telephone: Ext.: FAX: (optional)


Revised 2/24/95 Supersedes Forms BWSC-007, 008, 009 and 010 (in part) Page 4 of 4 Do Not Alter This Form rghe& Bond Monitoring Well Installation Log


SPT #16"


FILL: Dry , CONCRETEP LUG orange/light brown NATIVE FILL fine-medium sand, trace coarse sand and gravel BENTONITE

"""" -- 5 SAND PACK - #1 SAND SAND - MEDIUM . xE TO COARSE: Dry to wet gray/light PVC SCREEN brown medium-

coarse sand, little :: fine sand, trace 7-9-7-8 gravel -- 10

SILT: Wet gray silt, 45-50/3" little veryfine sand, -- 15 trace coarse sand, k .. gravel and clay (dense)

NOTES: T righe&Bond Monitoring Well Installation Log


SPT #/6"

FILL: Dry CONCRETEPLUG orangellight brown fine-medium sand, BENTONITE trace coarse sand and gravel SAND PACK - #1 SAND - MEDIUM SAND TO COARSE: Moist 17-26-44-18 to wet grayllight PVC SCREEN brown medium- coarse sand, some fine sand, little gravel and rock . ' . . ' fragments

SAND - MEDIUM 30-15-22-20 TO COARSE: Wet gray medium- L coarse sand, some gravel, little rock fragments and fine sand

-1 -15

NOTES: rghe&Bond Monitoring Well Installation Log


SPT Rec PID Soil Symbols/ Depth (ft) Well Well SN #16" in ppm Soil Description Field Test Data Elevation (ft) Construction Description

FILL: Dry CONCRETEPLUG orangellight brown BENTONITE fine-medium sand, trace coarse sand and gravel SAND PACK - #1 SAND - FINE TO SAND MEDIUM: Dry to 9-6-5-50/5" wet red/brown fine- PVC SCREEN medium sand, little coarse sand and gravel SAND - MEDIUM TO COARSE: Wet dark gray medium- 12-13-15-19 coarse sand, little -1 -- 10 gravel and rock fragments, trace fine sand

-15 --15

NOTES: 16000 Horizon Way Unit 100 Mt Laurel, NJ 08054 A T L International Asbestos IA Testing Laboratories Telephone: 856-231-9449 Fax: 856-231-9818


Report Date: 10/22/2001 Client: Tighe & Bond Report Number: 1367016 53 Southampton Road Project: Dedham RAM Excavation MA 01085 Westfield WestfieldMA 0 Project Number: D41-5-59


Volume Concentration Lab No. Client Description / Location ug<2.0 1367016 1 Lead In Air 'Co. North Sample

DatRcuiv.& 10-17-01 Mo.Analys 10-18- I Analy't NVpolitn ......

1367017 2 Lead In Air South Sample

Datz eeivcd: T10-17-o1 atoAnlyz 1018-01 Analyst Napolim ......

1367018 3 Trip Blank Blank <2.0ug

DateReceived: 10-17-01 DateAnay t 10-18-01 AmnalystNepo]itman ......


Analysis Method: NIOSH7082 "Standard Method To Test For Lead In Air By Atomic Absorption Spectrophotometry"

Comments: Regulatory limit by 29CFR 1910.1025 is 50.0 ug/M3 (OSHA and NIOSH). Method requires submittal of blanks. IATLassumes that allofthe sampling methods and data upon which these results are based, have been accurately supplied by the client. Method Detection Limit (MDL) per EPA Method 40 CFR Part 136 Appendix B. Reporting Limit (RL) based upon Lowest Standard Determnnined (LSD) in accordance with AIHA-ELLAP Policy C.4.2 LSD=0.2ppm MDL=0.41ug/M3 RL=-2.0 ug/M3 (based upon 1000L air sampled).

Approved By: Frank E. Ehrenfeld, Il Laboratory Director LtEAD AIR SAAPI E ternational Asbestos 16Go- J iur:::::. E-?Ui [O M . I.- 'I it,

Testing Laboracorics Te--:c609 25I.94i) Fx: 6Ofltt! 4

Chain of Custody / Transmittal I

PROJECT: .A\w wrave aF

Project No.: bi- S -Sq , + (cL o Consultant Contact: M~AM -- a 1sccC rVcCo.-Ule ggM 413 - -2_- -Z9 Tel. 413 - So7.-s - Fax. LABORATORY: International Asbestos Testing Laboratory Lab Contact: Frank Ehrenfeld L.te )D Z Y AA S (6 ) .31-9449 Analysis: Turn Around Time: - 'h- Method:

Sam Iles Delivered: Date: I Time: Samales Received: /,A Date: /4 7/h Time: 6W Sample Analysis: . U .. Date: I /-b" Time: QA/OC Review: - Date: Time: Preliminary Results Released: Date: Time:

A 6 D0\ b Sampe Log / Summary Data

Time Total Pump Cle T:ATL LoCati Time Rate Volume Reuts " ______v____ _n)_ _)_.:" ( n ( s_(mn)i (Li.mn) . (' .

8 0 6i o,* S " Le0 o-s 0 . 0 + 11367017 SO- ..- t o1,/ 9io 2. jozo

1 367?01.8 T...a~ -- - --

t ~ , vd)4s no bie d/,' s it 4 A 6,C ______

Page ) of I

These preliminary results are issued by IATL to expeditd procedures by clients based upon the above data. IATL assumes that all of the sampling methods and data upon which these results are based, has been accurate!ly supplied by the client. These results may not have been reviewed by the Laboratory Director. Final Certificate of Analysis will follow these preliminary results. The signed COA is to be considered the official results, All ELAP and NYC-HPD conditions apply. L International Asbestos 16000 Horizon Way Unit 100 Mt. Laurel, NJ 08054 TATTesting Laboratories Telephone: 856-231-9449 Fax: 856-231-9818



Total Lead Percent Run Number Standard * Recovery ** QC011018 Reagent Blank N/A Blank Spike 101.0 LCS Std * 2581 101.0 Matrix Spike - LBP 97.0 Matrix Spike - Wipe 103.0 Matrix Spike - Soil 102.0 Matrix Spike - Air 104.0 2.5 ppm Standard 10.0 ppm Standard 40.0 ppm Standard

ELPAT No. 07008 AIHA Lab No.444 NIOSH PAT No. 100188 NYS-DOH No. 11021

Analysis Method. ASTM D335-85A "Standard Method To Test For Low Concentrations Of Lead In Paint By Atomic Absorption Spectrophotometry" EPA SW846 3050 7420/21

Comments: IATL assumes that all ofthe sampling methods and data upon which these results are based have been supplied by the client Detection limit based upon sample size. Limit of quantitation is matrix dependent Regulatory limit by EPA/HUD guidelines is 0.5% lead by weight inpaint Recommend multiple sampling for all samples less than regulatory limit for confirmation. * NIST Traceable ** 80-120% acceptable limits

Analysis Performed By: Approved By: John A. Napolitan Lrat. Direl,ct Date: OC Q 2001 Laboratoryoire:ctor 16000 Horizon Way Unit 100 Mt Laurel, NJ 08054 ATf International Asbestos I . .. Testing Laboratories Telephone: 856-231-9449 Fax: 856-231-9818

CERTIFICATE OF ANALYSIS I Report Date: 10/24/2001I 1024/2001 Client: Tighe & Bond Report Date: Report Number: 1367963 53 Southampton Road Project: Dedham RAM Excavation, 10-17 Westfield MA 01085 Project Number: D41-5-59


Volume Concentration Lab No. Client # Description / Location (Liters) (ug/M3)

1367963 1 Lead In Air West Sample (10/17)

DateRecaeivd: 10-18- l DAA yyzaod&o0-Io A.y- Napolitan ...... 1367964 2 Lead In Air South Sample (10/17)

DateReceived: 10-18-01 DateAnalyze& 1018-01 AnalyWt Napa litan ...... 1367965 3 Trip Blank Blank <2.0 ug

DateReceivdn 10-1S-01 DateAalyze& 10-18-01 Analyst Napoitan


Analysis Method: NIOSH7082 "Standard Method To Test For Lead In Air By Atomic Absorption Spectrophotometry"

Comments: Regulatory limitby 29CFR 1910.1025 is 50.0 ug/M3 (OSHAand NIOSH). Method requires submittal of blanks. IATLassumesthatallofthe sampling methods and data upon which these results are based, have been accurately supplied by the client Method Detection Limit (MDL) per EPA Method 40 CFR Part 136 Appendix B. Reporting Limit (RL) based upon Lowest Standard Determined (LSD) in accordance with AIHA-ELLAP Policy C.4.2 LSD=0.2ppm MDL=0.41ug/M3 RLf2.0 ug/M3 (based upon 1000L air sampled).

Approved By: Frank E. Ehrenfeld II Laboratory Director LEAD AIX SAt? EP

, . International Asbestos 16000 Mt:.-,: Uyn, 1oo .0 . Lnct 2w. Testing Laboratories T~e:.;-e: 6)9.231.94 f9 Fr: 6-)92n

Chain of Custody / Transmittal

PROJECT: keAucAhow 7tb

Samples Delivered: Date: Iiime: Samples Received: . . Date: f/Ff:///time: Sample Analysis: - Date: 1o--F/ Time: OCT 1 2001 QA/QC Review: / Date: me: _ Preliminary Results Released IDate: ti, : 07/ ] Sample Lo /Summary Data ^A( 6 atz3\01 T Total Pump . Client N IATL # n i off iTim.:iate LLo Volumen: ______mm) 1mm .(/rin); V1 ] 1.38 7 3 kj t 5ag to- o v 2L zs loso 9- 136?-. 4 & i Sa, o(i4in Ico 42z 2.s- 1o5 3 _ T A~c 51_

"-... I

SPage of

I These prelimlaary results are issued by IATL to expedite procedures by clients based upon the above data. IATL assumes that all orf the sampling methods and data upon which these results are based, has been accurately supplied by the client. These results may not have been reviewed by the Laboratory Director. Final Certificate of Analysis will follow these preliminary results. The signed COA is to be considered the official results. All ELAP and NYC-HPD conditions apply. ATf International Asbestos 16000 Horizon Way Unit 100 Mt. Laurel, NJ 08054 I .T .. Testing Laboratories Telephone: 856-231-9449 Fax: 856-231-9818




Total Lead Percent Run Number Standard * LM-21 Recovery ** QC011018 Reagent Blank 0.000 N/A Blank Spike 0.50 101.0 LCS Std * 2581 0.478 101.0 Matrix Spike - LBP 1.120 97.0 Matrix Spike - Wipe 0.930 103.0 Matrix Spike - Soil 0.242 102.0 Matrix Spike - Air 0.050 104.0 2.5 ppm Standard 0.25 99.0 10.0 ppm Standard 1.0 104.0 40.0 ppm Standard 4.0 100.0

ELPAT No. 07008 AIHA Lab No.444 NIOSH PAT No. 100188 NYS-DOH No. 11021

Analysis Method: ASTM D335-85A "Standard Method To Test For Low Concentrations Of Lead In Paint By Atomic Absorption Speetrophotometry" EPA SW846 3050 7420/21

Comments: IATL assumes that allofthe sampling methods and data upon which these results are based have been supplied by the client Detection limit based upon sample size. Limit of quantitation is matrix dependent. Regulatory limit by EPA/HUD guidelines is 0.5% lead by weight in paint. Recommend multiple sampling for all samples less than regulatory limit for confirmation. * NIST Traceable ** 80-120% acceptable limits

Analysis Performed By: Approved By: John A. Napolitan Frank . Eotld m Date: OCT 1 S 2Q01 Laboratory Director IATL International Asbestos 16000 Horizon Way Unit 100 Mt. Laurel, NJ 08054 Testing Laboratories IA Telephone: 856-231-9449 Fax: 856-231-9818


Report Date: 10/23/2001 Client: Tighe & Bond Report Number: 1368471 53 Southampton Road Project: Dedham RAM Excavation Westfield . MA 01085 WestfieldMA 01085 ProjectNumber: D41-5-59


Volume Concentration Lab No. Client # Description / Location (Liters) (1/M3)

1368471 1 Lead In Air Sample 1080 <1.9 West

-e.Reaiva. 10-9-0 De.Anlyz 10-19-01 AnW. Napolitan

1368472 2 Lead In Air Sample South

Dan.eceivw& 10-19-01 DatAnalyzL 10-1"i01 Analy.t Napolitn

1368473 3 Trip Blank Blank

Date Received 10-19-1 Date Anly., 10-19-01 Analyt Napolitun


Analysis Method: NIOSH7082 "Standard Method To Test For Lead In Air By Atomic Absorption Spectrophotometry"

Comments: Regulatory limit by 29CFR 1910.1025 is 50.0 ug/M3 (OSHA and NIOSH). Method requires submittal of blanks. IATL assumes that all of the sampling methods and data upon which these results are based, have been accurately supplied by the client. Method Detection Limit (MDL) per EPA Method 40 CFR Part 136 Appendix B. Reporting Limit (RL) based upon Lowest Standard Determined (LSD) in accordance with AIHA-ELLAP Policy C.4.2 LSD=0.2ppm MDL=0.4lug/M3 RL=2.0 ug/M3 (based upon 1000L air sampled).

Approved By: Frank E. Ehrenfeld. Im Laboratory Diector LEAD AM SAPI E£C

Ite ntionai Asbe5tos 60GO H =:0: Unit 00 MI. Laurc. .i; X;; TesCing Laboratorie5 7c!e :.:-.,: 609 25 .94 9 Fi: 609 2 1 -

Chain of Custody / Transmittal


lll'\ ll1<.l --1.. . &MfW EkaAJ., Ao .. Project No.: bL I -S olS Consultant Contact: 1 eI I 5- ?S-9j Tel. Sb-S53I1-&&z Fax. LABORATORY: International Asbestos Testing Laborator v Lab Contact: Frank Ehrenfeld LExCD A Y AA S (6C9) :1-9449 Analysis: Turn Around Time: 0 Method: Ij

Samoles Delivered: Samples Received:/ Ji -- Samole Analysis: , QA/QC Review: 9T9 Preliminary Results Released: SDate: Time: 4e /429, qYDP/H142 i/o I Sample Loa / Summary Data The; iTotal Pump - Client # IATL Loca Ion on off Time Rate Volume ResuLts7

'._5l ! (I . .

j,:;?I$4?2 ..OLVb 3,,.ca- 0v,q, 5- 4j~lM Z. - io

G___ 2. v1e bLV oql1 jmZ-- -o

I P.ge _ o f__

These preliminary results are issued by IATL to expeditd procedures by clients based upon the above data. IATL assumes that all of the sampling methods and data upon which these results are based, has been accurately supplied by the client. These results may not have been reviewed by the Laboratory Director. Final Certificate of Analysis will follow these preliminary results. The signed COA is to be considered the official results. All ELAP and NYC-HPD conditions apply. T International Asbestos 16000 Horizon Way Unit 100 Mt Laurel, NJ 08054 .AT. Testing Laboratories Telephone: 856-231-9449 Fax: 856-231-9818



10-19-01 I

I Total Lead Percent S Run Number Standard * (m) Recovery **

QC011019 Reagent Blank 0.000 N/A I Blank Spike 0.50 99.0 LCS Std * 2581 0.546 101.0 Matrix Spike -LBP 1.000 94.0 Matrix Spike - Wipe 1.060 98.0 Matrix Spike -Soil NA NA II Matrix Spike - Air 0.050 102.0 2.5 ppm Standard 0.25 100.0 10.0 ppm Standard 1.0 104.0 t 40.0 ppm Standard 4.0 101.0 I I

ELPAT No. 07008 AIA Lab No. 444 NIOSH PAT No. 100188 NYS-DOH No. 11021

II Analysis Method: ASTM D335-85A "Standard Method To Test For Low Concentrations Of Lead In Paint By Atomic Absorption Spectrophotometry" EPA SWS4C 3050 7420/21

Comments: IATL assumes that all of the sampling methods and data upon which these results are based have been supplied by the client. 11 Detection limit based upon sample size. Limit of quantitation is matrix dependent Regulatory limit by EPA/HUD guidelines is 0.5% lead by weight in paint Recommend multiple sampling for all samples less than regulatory limit for confirmation. * NIST Traceable I * 80-120% acceptable limits

Analysis Performed By: Approved By: John A. Napolitan Il4n OCT 1 9 ?ifm I I I I I I I




STL Westfield Westfield Executive Park 53 Southampton Road October 17, 2001 Westfield, MA 01085

Mr. Scott McFarland Tel: 413 572 4000 Fax: 413 572 3707 Tighe & Bond, Inc. D41 www.stlnc.com 53 Southampton Rd. Westfield, MA 01085

Report Number: 30829

Dear Mr. McFarland,

The analysis of your sample(s) submitted on 10/16/01 is now complete and the appropriate analytical report is enclosed. The samples were prepared and analyzed according to established methodologies and protocols. If you have any questions regarding the report or any part of our service, please do not hesitate to contact us. Thank you for using STL Westfield, and we look forward to receiving your next samples.


Michael F. Wheeler, Ph.D. Laboratory Director

Total number of pages in this report:

STL Westfield is a part of Severn Trent Laboratories, Inc. I

STL WESTFIELD/BILLERICA I DATA REPORTING QUALIFIERS AND TERMINOLOGY I A number of data qualifiers are widely used within the environmental testing industry and may be utilized in our data reports. The following definitions of these qualifiers are included as a service to our clientele. The majority of the qualifiers have evolved from the EPA contract laboratory program (CLP). I


U - Indicates that the compound was analyzed for but not detected. The sample detection limit is corrected for dilution and percent moisture. This detection limit is not necessarily the instrument detection limit.

J - Indicates an estimated value. This qualifier is used when mass spectral data indicates the presence of a compound that meets the identification criteria and the result is less than the specified quantitation limit but no less than one-half the quantitation limit. Common laboratory contaminants are not reported below the quantitation limit.

B - Indicates that the analyte was found in both the sample and its associated I laboratory blank. It indicates possible/probable blank contamination and warns the data user to use caution when applying the results of this analyte. Common laboratory contaminants in applicable method blanks are reported with J qualifiers to one-tenth the quantitation limit.

E - This qualifier indicates compounds whose concentrations exceed the calibration range of the instrument for the specific analysis.

D - Indicates all compounds identified in an analysis at a secondary dilution factor.

RE - This suffix indicates a re-analyzed sample and is appended to the sample number on the result form.

RR - This suffix indicates a re-extracted and re-analyzed sample and is appended to the sample number on the result form.


U - Indicates that the analyte was analyzed for but not detected. I

E - Indicates an estimated value because of the presence of interference.


-IVI| MADEP MA014 53 Southampton Rd. 149 Rangaway Rd. I RIDOH57 Westield, MA 01085 N. Billerica, MA01862 CTDPH 0494 Tel: (413) 572.4000 Tel: (978) 667-1400 NY DOH 10843 Fax: (413) 572-3707 Far (978) 667-7871 NH DES 2539 NELAP Accredited I CASE NARRATIVE FOR REPORT NUMBER 30829

Client Name: Tighe & Bond, Inc. D41 Project Name : Dedham RAM Excavation Date : October 17, 2001

Sample No. Sample ID Comments (185497) CONF-1 (2)

(185498) CONF-2 (0.5-2.0)

(185499) CONF-3 (0-2)

(185500) CONF-4 (2)

(185501) CONF-5 (1-2)

(185502) CONF-6 (0-0.5)

(185503) CONF-7 (2)

(185504) CONF-8 (1.5-2.0)

(185505) CONF-9 (0-2)

(185506) CONF-10 (0-3)

(185507) CONF-10 (3-6)

10/17/01 03:56 PM Page 1 of 1 Inorganics Analysis Data Sheet

Client Name: Tighe & Bond, Inc. D41 Report No: 30829 Project Name : Dedham RAM Excavation Date Collected : 10/15/01 Matrix Name: Soil Date Received: 10/16/01

Sample Client No. ID Analyte Result Units Method Date Analyzed By lu~lb~^ Solids, percent EPA 160.3 10/16/01 185497 CONF-1 (2) mg/kg dry Antimony SW8466010B 10/16/01 mg/kg dry 10116/0 1 Copper SW8466010B mg/kg dry 10/16/01 Lead SW8466010B mg/kg dry 10/16/01 Zinc SW8466010B 10/16/01 185498 CONF-2 (0.5-2.0) Solids, percent mg/kg dry EPA 160.3 10/16/01 Antimony mgkg dry SW8466010B 10/16101 Copper mg/kg dry SW8466010B 10/16/01 Lead mg/kg dry SW8466010B 10/16/01 Zinc SW8466010B mg/kg dry 10/16/01 185499 CONF-3 (0-2) Solids, percent EPA 160.3 10/16/01 mg/kg dry Antimony SW8466010B mg/kg dry 10/16/01 Copper SW8466010B mg/kg dry 10/16/01 Lead SW8466010B 10/16/01 Zinc mg/kg dry SW8466010B 10/16/01 185500 CONF-4 (2) Solids, percent mg/kg dry EPA 160.3 10/16/01 Antimony mg/kg dry SW8466010B 10/16/01 Copper mgkg dry SW8466010B 10/16/01 Lead SW8466010B mg/kg dry 10/16/01 Zinc SW8466010B mg/kg dry 10/16/01 185501 CONF-5 (1-2) Solids, percent EPA 160.3 mg/kg dry 10/16/01 Antimony SW846601 0B mg/kg dry 10/16/01 Copper SW8466010B 10/16/01 Lead mgkg dry SW8466010B 10/16/01 Zinc mg/kg dry SW8466010B 10/16/01 185502 CONF-6 (0-0.5) Solids, percent mg/kg dry EPA 160.3 10/16/01 Antimony mg/kg dry SW8466010B 10/17/01 Copper SW8466010B mg/kg dry 10/16/01 Lead mg/kg dry SW8466010B mg/kg dry 10/16/01 mg/kg dry Zinc SW8466010B 10/16/01 mg/kg% dry 185503 CONF-7 (2) Solids, percent EPA 160.3 10/16/01 mg/kg dry Antimony SW8466010B 10/16/01 mg/kg dry Copper SW8466010B 10/16/01 mg/kg dry Lead SW8466010OB 10/16/01 Zinc mg/kg dry SW8466010B8 10/16/01

10/17/01 03:57 PM Page 1 of 2 Inorganics Analysis Data Sheet

Client Name: Tighe & Bond, Inc. D41 Report No: 30829 Project Name : Dedham RAM Excavation Date Collected : 10/15/01 Matrix Name : Soil Date Received : 10/16/01

Sample Client No. ID Analyte Result Units Method Date Analyzed By 185504 CONF-8 (1.5-2.0) Solids, percent 94.4 % EPA 160.3 10/16/01 GRB Antimony 1U mg/kg dry SW8466010B 10/16/01 BGE Copper 15 mg/kg dry SW8466010B 10/16/01 BGE Lead 3.8 mg/kg dry SW8466010B 10/16/01 BGE Zinc 96 mg/kg dry SW8466010B 10/16/01 BGE 185505 CONF-9 (0-2) Solids, percent 94.6 % EPA 160.3 10/16/01 GRB Antimony 2.3 mg/kg dry SW8466010B 10/16/01 BGE Copper 100 mg/kg dry SW8466010B8 10/16/01 BGE Lead 410 mg/kg dry SW846601 08 10/16/01 BGE Zinc 240 mg/kg dry SW8466010B 10/16/01 BGE I 185506 CONF-10 (0-3) Solids, percent 94.6 % EPA 160.3 10/16/01 GRB Antimony 1U mg/kg dry SW8466010B 10/16/01 BGE Copper 42 mg/kg dry SW8466010B 10/16/01 BGE Lead 94 mg/kg dry SW8466010B 10/16/01 BGE Zinc 100 mg/kg dry SW8466010B 10/16/01 BGE 185507 CONF-10 (3-6) Solids, percent 88.4 % EPA 160.3 10/16/01 GRB I Antimony 11 mg/kg dry SW8466010B 10/16/01 BGE Copper 350 mg/kg dry SW8466010B 10/16/01 BGE 2400 mg/kg dry SW8466010B 10/16/01 BGE Zinc 1300 mg/kg dry SW8466010B 10/16/01 BGE

10/17/01 03:57 PM Page 2 of 2 IN o m 800

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STL Westfield Westfield Executive Park 53 Southampton Road October 18, 2001 Westfield, MA 01085

Mr. Scott McFarland Tel: 413 572 4000 Fax: 413 572 3707 Tighe & Bond, Inc. D41 mw.stlminc,corn 53 Southampton Rd. Westfield, MA 01085

Report Number: 30851

Dear Mr. McFarland,

The analysis of your sample(s) submitted on 10/16/01 is now complete and the appropriate analytical report is enclosed. The samples were prepared and analyzed according to established methodologies and protocols. If you have any questions regarding the report or any part of our service, please do not hesitate to contact us. Thank you for using STL Westfield, and we look forward to receiving your next samples.


Michael F. Wheeler, Ph.D. Laboratory Director

Total number of pages in this report:

STL Westfileld is a part of Severn Trent Laboratories, Inc. STL WESTFIELD/BILLERICA DATA REPORTING QUALIFIERS AND TERMINOLOGY I A number of data qualifiers are widely used within the environmental testing industry and may be utilized in our data reports. The following definitions of these qualifiers are included as a service to our clientele. The majority of the qualifiers have evolved from the EPA contract laboratory program (CLP).


U - Indicates that the compound was analyzed for but not detected. The sample detection limit is corrected for dilution and percent moisture. This detection limit is not necessarily the instrument detection limit.

J - Indicates an estimated value. This qualifier is used when mass spectral data indicates the presence of a compound that meets the identification criteria and the result is less than the specified quantitation limit but no less than one-half the quantitation limit. Common laboratory contaminants are not reported below the quantitation limit.

B - Indicates that the analyte was found in both the sample and its associated laboratory blank. It indicates possible/probable blank contamination and warns the data user to use caution when applying the results of this analyte. Common laboratory contaminants in applicable method blanks are reported with J qualifiers to one-tenth the quantitation limit.

E - This qualifier indicates compounds whose concentrations exceed the calibration range of the instrument for the specific analysis.

D - Indicates all compounds identified in an analysis at a secondary dilution factor.

RE - This suffix indicates a re-analyzed sample and is appended to the sample number on the result form.

RR - This suffix indicates a re-extracted and re-analyzed sample and is appended to the sample number on the result form.


U - Indicates that the analyte was analyzed for but not detected.

E - Indicates an estimated value because of the presence of interference.


MADEP MA014 53 Southampton Rd. 149 Rangeway Rd. RIDOH57 Westfield, MA 01085 N.Billerica, MA 01862 CTDPH 0494 Tel: (413) 572.4000 Tel: (978) 667-1400 NY DOH 10843 +Far (413) 572-3707 Fax (978) 667-7871 NH DES 2539 NELAP Accredited CASE NARRATIVE FOR REPORT NUMBER 30851

Client Name : Tighe & Bond, Inc. D41 Project Name : Dedham RAM Excavation Date: October 18, 2001

Sample No. Sample ID Comments (185571) CONF-11 (5)

(185572) CONF-12 (0.5-5)

(185573) CONF-13 (0-4)

(185574) CONF-14 (4)

(185575) CONF-15 (2-4)

(185576) CONF-16 (0-2)

10/18/01 04:00 PM Page 1 of 1 Inorganics Analysis Data Sheet

Client Name: Tighe & Bond, Inc. D41 Report No 30851 Project Name: Dedham RAM Excavation Date Collected : 10/16/01 Matrix Name: Soil Date Received : 10/16/01

Sample Client No. ID Analyte Result Units Method Date Analyzed By Solids, percent EPA 160.3 10/17/01 185571 CONF-11 (5) mgkg dry Antimony SW8466010B 10/18/01 mg/kg dry Copper SW8466010B 10/18/01 mg/kg dry Lead SW8466010B 10/18/01 mg/kg dry Zinc SW8466010B 10/18/01 185572 CONF-12 (0.5-5) Solids, percent mg/kg dry EPA 160.3 10/17/01 Antimony mg/kg dry SW8466010B 10/18/01 Copper mg/kg dry SW8466010B 10/18/01 Lead mg/kg dry SW8466010B 10/18/01 Zinc SW8466010B 10/18/01 mg/kg dry 185573 CONF-13 (0-4) Solids, percent EPA 160.3 10/17/01 mg/kg dry Antimony SW846601 0B 10/18/01 mg/kg dry Copper SW8466010B 10/18/01 mg/kg dry Lead SW8466010B 10/18/01 Zinc mg/kg dry SW8466010B 10/18/01 185574 CONF-14 (4) Solids, percent mg/kg dry EPA 160.3 10/17/01 Antimony mg/kg dry SW846601 0B 10/18/01 Copper mg/kg dry SW8466010B 10/18/01 Lead SW8466010B 10/18/01 mg/kg dry Zinc SW8466010B 10/18/01 mg/kg dry 185575 CONF-15 (2-4) Solids, percent EPA 160.3 10/17/01 mg/kg dry Antimony SW8466010B 10/18/01 mg/kg dry Copper SW8466010B 10/18/01 Lead mg/kg dry SW8466010B 10/18/01 Zinc mg/kg dry SW8466010B 10/18/01 % 185576 CONF-16 (0-2) Solids, percent mg/kg dry EPA 160.3 10/17/01 Antimony mg/kg drydry SW8466010B 10/18/01 Copper mg/kg dry SW8466010B 10/18/01 Lead mg/kg dry SW8466010B 10/18/01 Zinc mg/kg dry SW8466010B 10/18/01

10/18/01 04:01 PM Page 1 of 1 6 OOie4 * *c


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STL Westfield Westfield Executive Park 53 Southampton Road October 19, 2001 Westfield, MA 01085

Mr. Scott McFarland Tel: 413 572 4000 Fax: 413 572 3707 Tighe & Bond, Inc. D41 www.stwnc.com 53 Southampton Rd. Westfield, MA 01085

Report Number: 30887

Dear Mr. McFarland,

The analysis of your sample(s) submitted on 10/17/01 is now complete and the appropriate analytical report is enclosed. The samples were prepared and analyzed according to established methodologies and protocols. If you have any questions regarding the report or any part of our service, please do not hesitate to contact us. Thank you for using STL Westfield, and we look forward to receiving your next samples.


Michael F. Wheeler, Ph.D. Laboratory Director

Total number of pages in this report: _5

STL Westfield isa part of Severn Trent Laboratories, Inc. STL WESTFIELDIBILLERICA DATA REPORTING QUALIFIERS AND TERMINOLOGY I A number of data qualifiers are widely used within the environmental testing industry and may be utilized in our data reports. The following definitions of these qualifiers are included as a service to our clientele. The majority of the qualifiers have evolved from the EPA contract laboratory program (CLP).


U - Indicates that the compound was analyzed for but not detected. The sample detection limit is corrected for dilution and percent moisture. This detection limit is not necessarily the instrument detection limit.

J - Indicates an estimated value. This qualifier is used when mass spectral data indicates the presence of a compound that meets the identification criteria and the result is less than the specified quantitation limit but no less than one-halfthe quantitation limit. Common laboratory contaminants are not reported below the quantitation limit.

B - Indicates that the analyte was found in both the sample and its associated laboratory blank. It indicates possible/probable blank contamination and warns the data user to use caution when applying the results of this analyte. Common laboratory contaminants in applicable method blanks are reported with J qualifiers to one-tenth the quantitation limit.

E - This qualifier indicates compounds whose concentrations exceed the calibration range of the instrument for the specific analysis.

D - Indicates all compounds identified in an analysis at a secondary dilution factor.

RE - This suffix indicates a re-analyzed sample and is appended to the sample number on the result form.

RR - This suffix indicates a re-extracted and re-analyzed sample and is appended to the sample number on the result form.


U - Indicates that the analyte was analyzed for but not detected.

E - Indicates an estimated value because of the presence of interference.


[ I ,*Al=lr41 l MADEP MA014 53 SouUampton Rd. 149 Rangpy Rd. ililR l=l lllll RIDOH57 Westfield, MA 01085 N. Billerica, MA 01862 CTDPH 0494 Tel: (413) 572-4000 Tel: (978) 667-1400 NY DOH 10843 , , Far (413) 572-3707 Far (978) 667-7871 NH DES 2539 NELAP Aocdiredited CASE NARRATIVE FOR REPORT NUMBER 30887

Client Name: Tighe & Bond, Inc. D41 Project Name: Dedham RAM Excavation Date : October 19, 2001

Sample No. Sample ID Comments (185743) CONF-17 (0

(185744) CONF-18 (4

(185745) CONF-19 (2

(185746) CONF-20 (0

(185747) CONF-21 (5

(185748) CONF-22 (3


A number of data qualifiers are widely used within the environmental testing industry and may be utilized in our data reports. The following definitions of these qualifiers are included as a service to our clientele. The majority of the qualifiers have evolved from the EPA contract laboratory program (CLP).


U - Indicates that the compound was analyzed for but not detected. The sample detection limit is corrected for dilution and percent moisture. This detection limit is not necessarily the instrument detection limit. I

J - Indicates an estimated value. This qualifier is used when mass spectral data indicates the presence of a compound that meets the identification criteria and the result is less than the specified quantitation limit but no less than one-half the quantitation limit. Common laboratory contaminants are not reported below the quantitation limit.

B - Indicates that the analyte was found in both the sample and its associated laboratory blank. It indicates possible/probable blank contamination and warns the data user to use caution when applying the results of this analyte. Common laboratory contaminants in applicable method blanks are reported with J qualifiers to one-tenth the quantitation limit.

E - This qualifier indicates compounds whose concentrations exceed the calibration range of the instrument for the specific analysis.

D - Indicates all compounds identified in an analysis at a secondary dilution factor.

RE - This suffix indicates a re-analyzed sample and is appended to the sample number on the result form.

RR - This suffix indicates a re-extracted and re-analyzed sample and is appended to the sample number on the result form.


U - Indicates that the analyte was analyzed for but not detected.

E - Indicates an estimated value because of the presence of interference.



MADEP MA014 53 Southampton Rd. 149 Rangeway Rd. iiilJ t I ll llll RIDOH57 Westifield. MA 01085 N. Billerica. MA 01862 CTDPH 0494 Tel: (413) 572-4000 Tel: (978) 667-1400 NY DOH 10843 . Fa (413) 572-3707 Far (978) 667-7871 [,'lml[ y gel F, . 2539 . NELAPNH DES Accedited IdU " CASE NARRATIVE FOR REPORT NUMBER 30907

Client Name: Tighe & Bond, Inc. D41 Project Name: Dedham RAM Excavation Date: October 23, 2001

Sample No. Sample ID Comments I (185829) CONF-23 (0-3)

(185830) CONF-24 (0-3)

(185831) CONF-25 (3)

S(185832) CONF-26 (0-3)

(185833) CONF-27 (0.5-2)

(185834) CONF-27 (2-3)

(185835) CONF-28 (3)

S(185836) CONF-29 (2-3)

U (185837) CONF-30 (0-3)

(185838) CONF-31 (3)

I (185839) CONF-32 (0.5-3)

S(185840) CONF-33 (0-3)



I 10/23/01 10:01 AM Page 1 of 1 II Inorganics Analysis Data Sheet

Client Name: Tighe & Bond, Inc. D41 Report No : 30907 Project Name : Dedham RAM Excavation Date Collected : 10/18/01 Matrix Name: Soil Date Received : 10/19/01

Sample Client No. ID Analyte Result Units Method Date Analyzed By 185829 CONF-23 (0-3) Solids, percent % EPA 160.3 10/19101 GRB Antimony mg/kg dry SW8466010B 10/22/01 RC Copper mg/kg drydry SW8466010B 10/22101 RC Lead mg/kg dry SW8466010B 10/22/01 RC Zinc SW8466010B 10/22/01 RC mg/kg% dry 185830 CONF-24 (0-3) Solids, percent EPA 160.3 10/19/01 GRB mg/kg dry Antimony SW8466010B 10/22/01 RC Copper SW8466010B 10/22/01 RC mg/kg dry Lead mg/kg dry SW8466010B 10/22/01 RC Zinc mg/kg dry SW8466010B 10/22/01 RC 185831 CONF-25 (3) Solids, percent mg/kg dry EPA 160.3 10/19/01 GRB Antimony mg/kg dry SW8466010B 10/22/01 RC Copper mg/kg dry SW8466010B 10/22/01 RC Lead SW8466010B 10/22/01 RC mg/kg dry Zinc SW8466010B 10/22/01 RC mg/kg% dry 185832 CONF-26 (0-3) Solids, percent EPA 160.3 10/19/01 GRB mg/kg dry Antimony SW8466010B 10/22/01 RC mg/kg dry Copper SW8466010B 10/22/01 RC Lead SW8466010B 10/22/01 RC mg/kg dry Zinc SW8466010B 10/22/01 RC mg/kg% dry 185833 CONF-27 (0.5-2) Solids, percent EPA 160.3 10/19/01 GRB mg/kg dry Antimony SW846601 0B 10/22/01 RC mg/kg dry Copper SW8466010B 10/22/01 RC Lead SW8466010B 10/22/01 RC Zinc SW8466010B 10/22/01 RC % 185834 CONF-27 (2-3) Solids, percent EPA 160.3 10/19/01 GRB Antimony mg/kgmg/kgdry drydry SW8466010B 10/22/01 RC Copper mg/kg drydry SW8466010B 10/22/01 RC Lead mg/kg drydry SW8466010B 10/22/01 RC Zinc mg/kg drydry SW8466010B 10/22/01 RC 185835 CONF-28 (3) Solids, percent % EPA 160.3 10/19/01 GRB Antimony mg/kgdry SW8466010B 10/22/01 RC Copper mg/kgdry SW8466010B 10/22/01 RC Lead mgkg dry SW8466010B 10/22/01 RC Zinc mg/kgdry SW8466010B 10/22/01 RC

10/23/01 10:01 AM Page 1 of 2 Inorganics Analysis Data Sheet

Client Name: Tighe & Bond, Inc. D41 Report No: 30907 Project Name: Dedham RAM Excavation Date Collected : 10/18/01 Matrix Name: Soil Date Received: 10/19/01

Sample Client No. ID Analyte Result Units Method Date Analyzed By 185836 CONF-29 (2-3) Solids, percent -% EPA 160.3 10/19/01 Antimony mg/kg drydry SW8466010B 10/22/01 Copper mg/kg dry SW8466010B 10/22/01 Lead mg/kg dry SW846601 0B 10/22101 Zinc mg/kg drydry SW8466010B 10/22/01 % 185837 CONF-30 (0-3) Solids, percent mg/kg dry EPA 160.3 10/19/01 Antimony mg/kg dry SW8466010B 10/22/01 Copper SW8466010B 10/22/01 Lead SW8466010B 10/22/01 Zinc SW8466010B 10/22/01 mglkg% dry 185838 CONF-31 (3) Solids, percent mg/kg dry EPA 160.3 10/19/01 mg/kg dry Antimony SW8466010B 10/2201 mg/kg dry Copper mg/kg dry SW8466010B 10/22/01 mg/kg dry Lead mg/kg dry SW8466010B 10/22/01 Zinc mg/kg dry SW8466010B 10/2201 Solids, percent % EPA 160.3 10/19/01 1 185839 CONF-32 (0.5-3) Antimony mg/kgmg/kgdry dry SW8466010B 10/22/01 Copper mg/kgmg/kgdry dry SW8466010B 10/22/01 Lead mg/kgmg/kgdry dry SW8466010B 10/22/01 mg/kg dry Zinc mg/kgdry SW8466010B 10/22/01 % CONF-33 (0-3) Solids, percent mg/kg dry EPA 160.3 10/19/01 S185840 Antimony mglkgdry SW8466010B 10/22/01 Copper mg/kgdry SW8466010B 10/2201 Lead mg/kgdry SW8466010B 10/22/01 Zinc mg/kgdry SW8466010B 10/22/01

10/23/01 10:01 AM Page 2 of 2 8

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Co ii I I I I I I I I I I STL Westfield Westfield Executive Park 53 Southampton Road October 23, 2001 Westfield, MA 01085 Mr. Scott McFarland Tel: 4135724000 Fax: 413 572 3707 Tighe & Bond, Inc. D41 www.stl-inc.com 53 Southampton Rd. Westfield. MA 01085

Report Number: 30925

Dear Mr. McFarland,

The analysis of your sample(s) submitted on 10/22/01 is now complete and the appropriate analytical report is enclosed. The samples were prepared and analyzed according to established methodologies and protocols. If you have any questions regarding the report or any part of our service, please do not hesitate to contact us. Thank you for using STL Westfield, and we look forward to receiving your next samples.


Michael F. Wheeler, Ph.D. Laboratory Director

Total number of pages in this report:7

STL Westfield is a part of Severn Trent Laboratories, Inc. I

STL WESTFIELD/BILLERICA DATA REPORTING QUALIFIERS AND TERMINOLOGY I A number of data qualifiers are widely used within the environmental testing industry and may be utilized in our data reports. The following definitions of these qualifiers are included as a service to our clientele. The majority of the qualifiers have evolved from the EPA contract laboratory program (CLP).


U - Indicates that the compound was analyzed for but not detected. The sample detection limit is corrected for dilution and percent moisture. This detection limit is not necessarily the instrument detection limit.

J - Indicates an estimated value. This qualifier is used when mass spectral data indicates the presence of a compound that meets the identification criteria and the result is less than the specified quantitation limit but no less than one-half the quantitation limit. Common laboratory contaminants are not reported below the quantitation limit.

B - Indicates that the analyte was found in both the sample and its associated laboratory blank. It indicates possible/probable blank contamination and warns the data user to use caution when applying the results of this analyte. Common laboratory contaminants in applicable method blanks are reported with J qualifiers to one-tenth the quantitation limit.

E - This qualifier indicates compounds whose concentrations exceed the calibration range of the instrument for the specific analysis.

D - Indicates all compounds identified in an analysis at a secondary dilution factor.

RE - This suffix indicates a re-analyzed sample and is appended to the sample number on the result form.

RR - This suffix indicates a re-extracted and re-analyzed sample and is appended to the sample number on the result form.


U - Indicates that the analyte was analyzed for but not detected.

E - Indicates an estimated value because of the presence of interference.


I['] I IYt I|=| 1 MADEP MA014 53 Southampton Rd. 149 Rangeway Rd. Ii I I llll RIDOH57 Westfield, MA 01085 N. Billerica., MA 01862 CTDPH 0494 Tel: (413) 57244000 Tel: (978) 667-1400 NYDOH 10843 Far (413) 572-3707 Fax (978) 667-7871 NH DES 2539 NELAP Accredited CASE NARRATIVE FOR REPORT NUMBER 30925

Client Name: Tighe & Bond, Inc. D41 Project Name: Dedham RAM Excavation

Date: October 23, 2001

Sample No Sample ID Comments (185940) CONF-34 (0-3)

(185941) CONF-35 (3)

(185942) CONF-36 (0-3)

(185943) CONF-37 (0-3)

(185944) CONF-38 (0-3)

(185945) CONF-39 (0-3)

(185946) CONF-40 (0-3)

(185947) CONF-41 (3)

(185948) CONF-42 (3)

(185949) CONF-43 (0-3)

(185950) CONF-44 (0-6)

(185951) CONF-45 (0-2)

(185952) CONF-7 (3)

10/23/01 05:07 PM Page 1 of 1 Inorganics Analysis Data Sheet

Client Name : Tighe & Bond, Inc. D41 Report No: 30925 Project Name : Dedham RAM Excavation Date Collected : 10/19/01 Matrix Name: Soil Date Received: 10/22/01

Sample Client No. ID Analyte Result Units Method Date Analyzed By 185940 CONF-34 (0-3) Solids, percent 1.1 % EPA 160.3 10/23/01 Antimony 3.5 mg/kg dry SW8466010B 10/23/01 Copper '30 mg/kg dry SW8466010OB 10/23/01 Lead 00 mg/kg dry SW8466010B 10/23/01 Zinc 90 mg/kg dry SW8466010B 10/23/01 185941 CONF-35 (3) Solids, percent 2.2 % EPA 160.3 10/23101 Antimony 3.6 mg/kg dry SW8466010B 10/23/01 Copper 10 mg/kg dry SW8466010B 10/23/01 Lead '00 mg/kg dry SW8466010B 10/23/01 Zinc 00 mg/kg dry SW8466010B 10/23/01 185942 CONF-36 (0-3) Solids, percent 9.7 % EPA 160.3 10/23/01 Antimony 18 mg/kg dry SW8466010B 10/23/01 Copper 00 mg/kg dry SW8466010B 10/23/01 Lead 00 mg/kg dry SW8466010B 10/23/01 Zinc 00 mg/kg dry SW8466010B 10/23/01 185943 CONF-37 (0-3) Solids, percent ).8 % EPA 160.3 10/23/01 Antimony 3U mg/kg dry SW8466010B 10/23/01 Copper 10 mg/kg dry SW8466010B 10/23/01 Lead '00 mg/kg dry SW8466010B 10/23/01 Zinc 00 mg/kg dry SW8466010B 10/23/01 185944 CONF-38 (0-3) Solids, percent 1.4 % EPA 160.3 10/23/01 Antimony 3U mg/kg dry SW8466010B 10/23/01 Copper .90 mg/kg dry SW8466010B 10/23/01 Lead 150 mg/kg dry SW8466010B 10/23/01 Zinc 60 mg/kg dry SW8466010B 10/23/01 185945 CONF-39 (0-3) Solids, percent 4.2 % EPA 160.3 10/23/01 Antimony 3U mg/kg dry SW8466010B8 10/23/01 Copper 54 mg/kg dry SW8466010B 10/23/01 Lead 79 mg/kg dry SW8466010B 10/23/01 Zinc 75 mg/kg dry SW8466010B 10/23/01 185946 CONF-40 (0-3) Solids, percent 2.9 % EPA 160.3 10/23/01 Antimony 3U mg/kg dry SW8466010B 10/23/01 Copper 50 mg/kg dry SW8466010B 10/23/01 Lead 68 mg/kg dry SW8466010B 10/23/01 Zinc 76 mg/kg dry SW8466010B 10/23/01

10/23/01 05:07 PM Page 1 of 2 i Inorganics Analysis Data Sheet I Client Name: Tighe & Bond, Inc. D41 Report No: 30925 U1 Project Name: Dedham RAM Excavation Date Collected : 10/19/01 Matrix Name: Soil Date Received : 10/22/01

I Sample No. Analyte Result Units Method Date Analyzed By 185947 CONF-41 (3) Solids, percent 93.3 - % EPA 160.3 10/23/01 Antimony 3U mg/kg dry SW8466010B 10/23/01 Copper 17 mg/kg dry SW8466010B 10/23/01 Lead 16 mg/kg dry SW8466010B 10/23/01 Zinc 41 mg/kg dry SW8466010B 10/23/01 185948 CONF-42 (3) Solids, percent 94.0 % EPA 160.3 10/23/01 Antimony 3U mg/kg dry SW8466010B8 10/23/01 Copper 14 mg/kg dry SW8466010B 10/23/01 Lead 8.2 mg/kg dry SW8466010B 10/23/01 Zinc 32 mg/kg dry SW8466010B 10/23/01 1 185949 CONF-43 (0-3) Solids, percent 91.9 % EPA 160.3 10/23/01 Antimony 3U mg/kg dry SW8466010B 10/23/01 Copper 32 mg/kg dry SW8466010B 10/23/01 Lead 66 mg/kg dry SW8466010B 10/23/01 Zinc 72 mg/kg dry SW846601 0B 10/23/01 (1 185950 CONF-44 (0-6) Solids, percent 94.7 % EPA 160.3 10/23/01 Antimony 3U mg/kg dry SW846601 0B 10/23/01 Copper 23 mg/kg dry SW8466010B 10/23/01 Lead 10 mg/kg dry SW8466010B 10/23/01 Zinc 38 mg/kg dry SW8466010B 10/23/01 S185951 CONF-45 (0-2) Solids, percent 92.3 % EPA 160.3 10/23/01 Antimony 3U mg/kg dry SW8466010B 10/23/01 Copper 74 mg/kg dry SW8466010B 10/23/01 Lead 69 mg/kg dry SW8466010B 10/23/01 Zinc 83 mg/kg dry SW8466010B 10/23/01 CONF-7 (3) Solids, percent 92.6 % EPA 160.3 10/23/01 1185952 Antimony 3U mg/kg dry SW8466010B 10/23/01 Copper 140 mg/kg dry SW8466010B 10/23/01 Lead 300 mg/kg dry SW8466010B 10/23/01 Zinc 190 mg/kg dry SW8466010B 10/23/01

10/23/01 05:07 PM Page 2 of 2 -E

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I STL Westfield Westfield Executive Park 53 Southampton Road October 25, 2001 Westfield, MA 01085 Mr. Scott McFarland Tel: 413 572 4000 Fax: 413 572 3707 Tighe & Bond, Inc. D41 www.stl-inc.com 53 Southampton Rd. Westfield. MA 01085

Report Number: 30940

Dear Mr. McFarland,

The analysis of your sample(s) submitted on 10/23/01 is now complete and the appropriate analytical report is enclosed. The samples were prepared and analyzed according to established methodologies and protocols. If you have any questions regarding the report or any part of our service, please do not hesitate to contact us. Thank you for using STL Westfield, and we look forward to receiving your next samples.


Michael F. Wheeler, Ph.D. Laboratory Director

Total number of pages in this report:

STL Westfield is apart of Severn Trent Laboratories, Inc. I

STL WESTFIELDIBILLERICA DATA REPORTING QUALIFIERS AND TERMINOLOGY U A number of data qualifiers are widely used within the environmental testing industry and may be utilized in our data reports. The following definitions of these qualifiers are included as a service to our clientele. The majority of the qualifiers have evolved from the EPA contract laboratory program (CLP).


U - Indicates that the compound was analyzed for but not detected. The sample detection limit is corrected for dilution and percent moisture. This detection limit is not necessarily the instrument detection limit.

J - Indicates an estimated value. This qualifier is used when mass spectral data indicates the presence of a compound that meets the identification criteria and the result is less than the specified quantitation limit but no less than one-half the quantitation limit. Common laboratory contaminants are not reported below the quantitation limit.

B - Indicates that the analyte was found in both the sample and its associated laboratory blank. It indicates possible/probable blank contamination and warns the data user to use caution when applying the results of this analyte. Common laboratory contaminants in applicable method blanks are reported with J qualifiers to one-tenth the quantitation limit.

E - This qualifier indicates compounds whose concentrations exceed the calibration range of the instrument for the specific analysis.

D - Indicates all compounds identified in an analysis at a secondary dilution factor.

RE - This suffix indicates a re-analyzed sample and is appended to the sample number on the result form.

RR - This suffix indicates a re-extracted and re-analyzed sample and is appended to the sample number on the result form. E


U - Indicates that the analyte was analyzed for but not detected.

E - Indicates an estimated value because of the presence of interference.


k,'] kA I ll, I 1 MADEPMAo14 53 Southampton Rd. 14s Rang.way Rd. IIIII!t l ii RIDOH57 Westfield, MA 01085 N. Billeica, MA 01862 CTDPH 0494 Tel: (413) 572-4000 Tel: (978) 667-1400 NY DOH 10843 , ' Far (413) 572-3707 Fax (978) 667-7871 g [qdgl NH DES 2539 NELAP Accredited Id CASE NARRATIVE FOR REPORT NUMBER 30940

Client Name: Tighe & Bond, Inc. D41 Project Name: Dedham RAM Excavation Date : October 25, 2001

Sample No. Sample ID Comments (185995) CONF-10 (3-6)

(185996) CONF-13 (0-7)

(185997) CONF-46 (7)

10/25/01 03:53 PM Page 1 of 1 Inorganics Analysis Data Sheet

Client Name: Tighe & Bond, Inc. D41 Report No: 30940 Project Name : Dedham RAM Excavation Date Collected 10/22/01 Matrix Name: Soil Date Received: 10/23/01

Sample Client No. ID Analyte Result Units Method Date Analyzed By 185995 CONF-10 (3-6) Solids, percent EPA 160.3 10/24/01 GRB Antimony SW8466010B 10/24/01 RC Copper SW8466010B 10/24/01 RC Lead SW8466010B 10/24/01 RC Zinc SW8466010B 10/24/01 RC 185996 CONF-13 (0-7) Solids, percent EPA 160.3 10/24/01 GRB Antimony SW8466010B 10/24/01 RC Copper SW8466010B 10/24/01 RC Lead SW8466010B 10/24/01 RC Zinc SW8466010B 10/24/01 RC 185997 CONF-46 (7) Solids, percent EPA 160.3 10/24/01 GRB Antimony SW8466010B 10/24/01 RC Copper SW8466010B 10/24/01 RC Lead SW8466010B 10/24/01 RC Zinc SW846601 0B 10/24/01 RC

10/25/01 03:53 PM Page 1 of 1 ) '-3 41 I; vi'


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ULS I I I I I I I I I STL Westfield Westfield Executive Park 53 Southampton Road October 26, 2001 Westfield, MA 01085 Tel: 413 572 4000 Mr. Scott McFarland Fax: 413 572 3707 www.st-inc.com Tighe & Bond, Inc. D41 53 Southampton Rd. Westfield, MA 01085

Report Number: 30992

Dear Mr. McFarland,

The analysis of your sample(s) submitted on 10/24/01 is now complete and the appropriate analytical report is enclosed. The samples were prepared and analyzed according to established methodologies and protocols. If you have any questions regarding the report or any part of our service, please do not hesitate to contact us. Thank you for using STL Westfield, and we look forward to receiving your next samples.


Michael F. Wheeler, Ph.D. Laboratory Director

Total number of pages in this report:


A number of data qualifiers are widely used within the environmental testing industry and may be utilized in our data reports. The following definitions of these qualifiers are included as a service to our clientele. The majority of the qualifiers have evolved from the EPA contract laboratory program (CLP).


U - Indicates that the compound was analyzed for but not detected. The sample detection limit is corrected lbr dilution and percent moisture. This detection limit is not necessarily the instrument detection limit.

J - Indicates an estimated value. This qualifier is used when mass spectral data indicates the presence of a compound that meets the identification criteria and the result is less than the specified quantitation limit but no less than one-half the quantitation limit. Common laboratory contaminants are not reported below the quantitation limit.

B - Indicates that the analyte was found in both the sample and its associated laboratory blank. It indicates possible/probable blank contamination and warns the data user to use caution when applying the results of this analyte. Common laboratory contaminants in applicable method blanks are reported with J qualifiers to one-tenth the quantitation limit.

E - This qualifier indicates compounds whose concentrations exceed the calibration range of the instrument for the specific analysis.

D - Indicates all compounds identified in an analysis at a secondary dilution factor.

RE - This suffix indicates a re-analyzed sample and is appended to the sample number on the result form.

RR - This suffix indicates a re-extracted and re-analyzed sample and is appended to the sample number on the result form.


U - Indicates that the analyte was analyzed for but not detected.

E - Indicates an estimated value because of the presence of interference.


I,,,"lkvAl, l IN! ] MADEP MA014 53 Southampton Rd. 149 Rangeway Rd. RIDOH57 Westfield, MA 01085 N.Billerica, MA01862 CTDPH 0494 Tel: (413) 572-4000 Tel: (978) 667-1400 NY DOH 10843 Fax (413) 572.3707 Fax (978) 667-7871 NH DES 2539 NELAP Accredited CASE NARRATIVE FOR REPORT NUMBER 30992

Client Name : Tighe & Bond, Inc. D41 Project Name: Dedham RAM Excavation Date : October 26, 2001

Sample No. Sample ID Comments (186195) CONF-26 (0

(186196) CONF-27 (C

(186197) CONF-30 (C

(186198) CONF-34 (C

(186199) CONF-35 (3

(186200) CONF-37 (C

(186201) CONF-38 (C

10126/01 05:29 PM Page 1 of 1 Inorganics Analysis Data Sheet

Client Name: Tighe & Bond, Inc. D41 Report No: 30992 Project Name : Dedham RAM Excavation Date Collected : 10/24/01 Matrix Name : Soil Date Received : 10/24/01

Sample Client No. ID Analyte Result Units Method Date Analyzed By 186195 CONF-26 (0-3) Solids, percent EPA 160.3 10/25101 mg/kg dry Antimony SW8466010B 10/26/01 mg/kg dry Copper SW8466010B 10/26/01 mg/kg dry Lead SW8466010B 10/26/01 mg/kg dry Zinc SW8466010B 10/26/01 186196 CONF-27 (0-3) Solids, percent mg/kg dry EPA 160.3 10/25/01 Antimony mg/kg dry SW8466010B 10/26/01 Copper mg/kg dry SW8466010B 10/26/01 Lead mg/kg dry SW8466010B 10/26/01 Zinc SW8466010B 10/26/01 mg/kg dry 186197 CONF-30 (0-3) Solids, percent EPA 160.3 10/25/01 mg/kg dry Antimony SW8466010B 10/26/01 mg/kg dry Copper SW8466010B 10/26101 mg/kg dry Lead SW8466010B 10/26/01 Zinc mg/kg dry SW8466010B 10/26/01 186198 CONF-34 (0-3.5) Solids, percent mg/kg dry EPA 160.3 10/25/01 Antimony mg/kg dry SW846601 0B 10/26/01 Copper mg/kg dry SW846601 0B 10/26/01 Lead SW8486010B 10/26/01 mg/kg dry Zinc SW8466010B 10/26/01 mg/kg dry 186199 CONF-35 (3.5) Solids, percent EPA 160.3 10/25/01 mg/kg dry Antimony SW8466010B 10/26/01 mg/kg dry Copper SW8466010B 10/26/01 Lead mg/kg dry SW8466010B 10/26/01 Zinc mg/kg dry SW8466010B 10/26/01 186200 CONF-37 (0-3) Solids, percent mg/kg dry EPA 160.3 10/25/01 Antimony mg/kg dry SW8466010B 10/26/01 Copper SW8466010B 10/26/01 mg/kg dry Lead mg/kg dry SW8466010B 10/26/01 mg/kg dry Zinc mg/kg dry SW8466010B 10/26/01 mg/kg% dry 186201 CONF-38 (0-3) Solids, percent EPA 160.3 10/25/01 mg/kg dry Antimony mg/kg dry SW8466010B 10/26/01 Copper mg/kg dry SW8466010B 10/26/01 mg/kg dry SW8466010B 10/26/01 mg/kg dry SW8466010B 10/26/01

10/26/01 05:29 PM Page 1 of 1 I1

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ID '-- I I I I I I I I I I Mr. Scott McFarland STL Westfield Tighe & Bond, Inc. D41 Westfield Executive Park 53 Southampton Road 53 Southampton Rd. Westfield, MA 01085 Westfield, MA 01085 Tel: 413 572 4000 Fax: 413 572 3707 www.stl-inc.com

November 01, 2001

Report Number: 31067

Dear Mr. McFarland,

The analysis of your sample(s) submitted on 10/30/01 is now complete and the appropriate analytical report is enclosed. The samples were prepared and analyzed according to established methodologies and protocols. If you have any questions regarding the report or any part of our service, please do not hesitate to contact us. Thank you for using STL Westfield, and we look forward to receiving your next samples.


Michael F. Wheeler, Ph.D. Laboratory Director

Total number of pages in this report:_

STL Westfield is a part of Severn Trent Laboratories, Inc. I

STL WESTFIELD/BILLERICA I DATA REPORTING QUALIFIERS AND TERMINOLOGY I A number of data qualifiers are widely used within the environmental testing industry and may be utilized in our data reports. The following definitions of these qualifiers are included as a service to our clientele. The majority of the qualifiers have evolved from the EPA contract laboratory program (CLP).


U - Indicates that the compound was analyzed for but not detected. The sample detection limit is corrected for dilution and percent moisture. This detection limit is not necessarily the instrument detection limit.

J - Indicates an estimated value. This qualifier is used when mass spectral data indicates the presence of a compound that meets the identification criteria and the result is less than the specified quantitation limit but no less than one-half the quantitation limit. Common laboratory contaminants are not reported below the quantitation limit.

B - Indicates that the analyte was found in both the sample and its associated laboratory blank. It indicates possible/probable blank contamination and warns the data user to use caution when applying the results of this analyte. Common laboratory contaminants in applicable method blanks are reported with J qualifiers to one-tenth the quantitation limit.

E - This qualifier indicates compounds whose concentrations exceed the I calibration range of the instrument for the specific analysis.

D - Indicates all compounds identified in an analysis at a secondary dilution factor.

RE - This suffix indicates a re-analyzed sample and is appended to the sample number on the result form.

RR - This suffix indicates a re-extracted and re-analyzed sample and is appended to the sample number on the result form.


U - Indicates that the analyte was analyzed for but not detected.

E - Indicates an estimated value because of the presence of interference.


MADEP MA014 53 Southampton Rd. 149 Rangeway Rd. III1 I l ill RIDOH57 Westfield. MA 010B5 N. Billerica, MA 01862 CTDPH 0494 Tel: (413) 572-4000 Tel: (978) 667-1400 NY DQH 10843 .' ' Fax (413) 572-3707 Fax (978) 667-7871 Ik]€1 t dl {OI *t NH DES 25394 NELAP Accedited CASE NARRATIVE FOR REPORT NUMBER 31067

Client Name: Tighe & Bond, Inc. D41 Project Name: Dedham RAM Excavation Date: November 01, 2001

Sample No. Sample ID Comments (186646) CONF-34 (0-3.5)

11/1/01 04:40 PM Page 1 of 1 Inorganics Analysis Data Sheet

Client ID: CONF-34 (0-3.5) Report No: 31067 Client Name: Tighe & Bond, Inc. D41 STL Sample Number: 186646 Project Name : Dedham RAM Excavation Date Collected 10/29/01 Matrix Name: Soil Date Received 10/30/01

CAS NO Analyte Result Units -Method Date Analyzed By Solids, percent 93.8 % EPA 160.3 10/31/01 GRB 7440-36-0 Antimony 2U mg/kg dry SW8466010B 10/31/01 RC 7440-50-8 Copper 45 mg/kg dry SW8466010B 10/31/01 RC 7439-92-1 Lead 73 mg/kg dry SW8466010B 10/31/01 RC 7440-66-6 Zinc 93 mg/kg dry SW8466010B 10/31/01 RC I

11/1/01 04:40 PM Page 1 of 1 I1 t00 Io


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STL Westfield Westfield Executive Park 53 Southampton Road October 18, 2001 Westfield, MA 01085

Mr. Scott McFarland Tel: 413 572 4000 Fax: 413 572 3707 Tighe & Bond, Inc. D41 www.stHnc.com 53 Southampton Rd. Westfield, MA 01085

Report Number: 30830

Dear Mr. McFarland,

The analysis of your sample(s) submitted on 10/16/01 is now complete and the appropriate analytical report is enclosed. The samples were prepared and analyzed according to established methodologies and protocols. If you have any questions regarding the report or any part of our service, please do not hesitate to contact us. Thank you for using STL Westfield, and we look forward to receiving your next samples.


Michael F. Wheeler, Ph.D. Laboratory Director

Total number of pages in this report: L

STL Westfield is a part of Severn Trent Laboratories, Inc. CASE NARRATIVE FOR REPORT NUMBER 30830

ClientInc. NameI: D41 Tighe & Bond, Client Name: Tighe & Bond, Inc. 041 Project Name: Dedham RAM Excavation Date : October 18, 2001

Sample No. Sample ID Comments (185508) DISP COMP 1

(185509) DISP COMP 2

(185510) DISP COMP 1 TCLP

(185511) DISP COMP 2 TCLP

10/18/01 01:39 PM Page 1 of 1 Inorganics Analysis Data Sheet

Client Name: Tighe & Bond, inc. D41 Report No 30830 Project Name: Dedham RAM Excavation Date Collected : 10/15/01 Matrix Name : Soil Date Received : 10/16/01

Sample Client No. ID Analyte Result Units Method Date Analyzed By 185508 DISP COMP 1 Solids, percent 91.9 % EPA 160.3 10/16/01 Lead 400 mg/kg dry SW8466010B 10/16/01 185509 DISP COMP 2 Solids, percent 92.3 % EPA 160.3 10/16/01 Lead 410 mg/kg dry SW8466010B 10/16/01 185510 DISP COMP 1 TCLP TCLP Extraction - Metals Extracted SW846 1311 10/16/01 TCLP Lead 1900 ug/L SW8466010B 10/17/01 185511 DISP COMP 2 TCLP TCLP Extraction - Metals Extracted SW846 1311 10/16/01 TCLP Lead 2400 ug/L SW8466010B 10/17/01

10/18/01 01:39 PM Page 1 of 1 -0 C S A' * a 6

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STL Westfield Westfield Executive Park 53 Southampton Road October 19, 2001 Westfield, MA 01085

Mr. Scott McFarland Tel: 413 572 4000 Fax: 413 572 3707 Tighe & Bond, Inc. D41 www.st-nc.com 53 Southampton Rd. Westfield, MA 01085

Report Number: 30852

Dear Mr. McFarland,

The analysis of your sample(s) submitted on 10/16/01 is now complete and the appropriate analytical report is enclosed. The samples were prepared and analyzed according to established methodologies and protocols. If you have any questions regarding the report or any part of our service, please do not hesitate to contact us. Thank you for using STL Westfield, and we look forward to receiving your next samples.


Michael F. Wheeler, Ph.D. Laboratory Director

Total number of pages in this report: (0

STL Westfield is a part of Severn Trent Laboratories, Inc. CASE NARRATIVE FOR REPORT NUMBER 30852

Client Name: Tighe & Bond, Inc. D41 Project Name: Dedham RAM Excavation Date: October 19, 2001

Sample No. Sample ID Comments (185577) DISP COMP 3

(185578) DISP COMP 4

(185579) DISP COMP 5

(185580) DISP COMP 3 TCLP

(185581) DISP COMP 4 TCLP

(185582) DISP COMP 5 TCLP

10/19/01 03:30 PM Page 1 of 1 Inorganics Analysis Data Sheet

Client Name: Tighe & Bond, Inc. D41 Report No: 30852 Project Name: Dedham RAM Excavation Date Collected : 10/16/01 Matrix Name: Soil Date Received: 10/16/01

Sample Client No. ID Analyte Result Units Method Date Analyzed By 185577 DISP COMP 3 Solids, percent 91.8 % EPA 160.3 10/17/01 GRE Lead 980 mg/kg dry SW8466010B 10/18/01 RC 185578 DISP COMP 4 Solids, percent 91.7 % EPA 160.3 10/17/01 GRB Lead 10000 mgg/kg dry SW8466010B 10/18/01 RC 185579 DISP COMP 5 Solids, percent 94.3 % EPA 160.3 10/17/01 GRE Lead 1000 mgg/kg dry SW8466010B 10/18/01 RC 185580 DISP COMP 3 TCLP TCLP Extraction - Metals Extracted SW846 1311 10/17/01 RC TCLP Lead 4900 ug/L SW8466010B 10/19/01 RC 185581 DISP COMP 4 TCLP TCLP Extraction - Metals Extracted SW846 1311 10/17/01 RC TCLP Lead 14000 ug/L SW8466010B 10/19101 RC 185582 DISP COMP 5 TCLP TCLP Extraction - Metals Extracted SW846 1311 10/17/01 RC TCLP Lead 6600 ug/L SW8466010B 10/19101 RC

10/19/01 03:30 PM Page 1 of 1 i

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STL Westfield Westfield Executive Park 53 Southampton Road October 23, 2001 Westfield, MA 01085

Mr. Scott McFarland Tel: 413 572 4000 Fax: 413 572 3707 Tighe & Bond, Inc. D41 www.st-inc.com 53 Southampton Rd. Westfield, MA 01085

Report Number: 30888

Dear Mr. McFarland,

The analysis of your sample(s) submitted on 10/17/01 is now complete and the appropriate analytical report is enclosed. The samples were prepared and analyzed according to established methodologies and protocols. If you have any questions regarding the report or any part of our service, please do not hesitate to contact us. Thank you for using STL Westfield, and we look forward to receiving your next samples.


Michael F. Wheeler, Ph.D. Laboratory Director

Total number of pages in this report: L

STL Westfield is a part of Severn Trent Laboratories, Inc. CASE NARRATIVE FOR REPORT NUMBER 30888

Client Name: Tighe & Bond, Inc. D41 Project Name : Dedham RAM Excavation Date: October 23, 2001

Sample No. Sample ID Comments (185749) DISP COMP 6

(185750) DISP COMP 7

(185751) DISP COMP 8

(185752) DISP COMP 9

(185753) DISP COMP 10

(185754) DISP COMP 11

(185755) DISP COMP 6 TCLP

(185756) DISP COMP 7 TCLP

(185757) DISP COMP 8 TCLP

(185758) DISP COMP 9 TCLP

(185759) DISP COMP 10 TCLP

(185760) DISP COMP 11 TCLP

10/23/01 10:00 AM Page 1 of 1 I Inorganics Analysis Data Sheet II

Client Name: Tighe & Bond, Inc. D41 Report No: 30888 Project Name: Dedham RAM Excavation Date Collected: 10/17/01 Matrix Name : Soil Date Received : 10/17/01

I Sample Client No. ID Analyte Result Units Method Date Analyzed By 185749 DISP COMP 6 Solids, percent 92.7 % EPA 160.3 10118101 GRE Lead 960 mg/kg dry SW8466010B 10/19/01 RC 185750 DISP COMP 7 Solids, percent 91.1 % EPA 160.3 10/18/01 GRE Lead 1000 mg/kg dry SW8466010B 10/19/01 RC 11185751 DISP COMP 8 Solids, percent 92.3 % EPA 160.3 10/18/01 GRE Lead 580 mg/kg dry SW8466010B 10/19101 RC 1185752 DISP COMP 9 Solids, percent 90.8 % EPA 160.3 10/18/01 GRE Lead 1600 mg/kg dry SW8466010B 10/19/01 RC 185753 DISP COMP 10 Solids, percent 91.2 % EPA 160.3 10/18/01 GRE U Lead 2000 mg/kg dry SW8466010B 10/19101 RC 185754 DISP COMP 11 Solids, percent 89.3 % EPA 160.3 10118/01 GRE Lead 6900 mg/kg dry SW8466010B 10/19/01 RC 185755 DISP COMP 6 TCLP TCLP Extraction - Metals Extracted SW846 1311 10/18/01 RC TCLP Lead 16000 ug/L SW8466010B 10/22/01 RC 1185756 DISP COMP 7 TCLP TCLP Extraction - Metals Extracted SW846 1311 10/18/01 RC TCLP Lead 8400 ug/L SW8466010B 10/22/01 RC 185757 DISP COMP 8 TCLP TCLP Extraction - Metals Extracted SW846 1311 10/18/01 RC TCLP Lead 2900 ug/L SW846601 0B 10/22/01 RC 185758 DISP COMP 9 TCLP TCLP Extraction - Metals Extracted SW846 1311 10/18/01 RC TCLP Lead 7000 ug/L SW8466010B 10/22/01 RC 185759 DISP COMP 10 TCLP TCLP Extraction - Metals Extracted SW846 1311 10/18/01 RC TCLP Lead 14000 ug/L SW8466010B 10/22/01 RC m 185760 DISP COMP 11 TCLP TCLP Extraction - Metals Extracted SW846 1311 10/18/01 RC TCLP Lead 20000 ug/L SW8466010B 10/22/01 RC

10/23/01 10:00 AM Page I of 1 ICD

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I I I l i.. LI I I I I - '' - STL Westfield Westfield Executive Park 53 Southampton Road October 24, 2001 Westfield, MA 01085 Mr. Scott McFarland Tel: 4135724000 Fax: 413 572 3707 Tighe & Bond, Inc. D41 www.st-inc.com 53 Southampton Rd. Westfield. MA 01085

Report Number: 30926

Dear Mr. McFarland,

The analysis of your sample(s) submitted on 10/22/01 is now complete and the appropriate analytical report is enclosed. The samples were prepared and analyzed according to established methodologies and protocols. If you have any questions regarding the report or any part of our service, please do not hesitate to contact us. Thank you for using STL Westfield, and we look forward to receiving your next samples.


Michael F. Wheeler, Ph.D. Laboratory Director

Total number of pages in this report:

STL Westfield is a part of Severn Trent Laboratories, Inc. CASE NARRATIVE FOR REPORT NUMBER 30926

Client Name: Tighe & Bond, Inc. D41 Project Name: Dedham RAM Excavation Date : October 24, 2001

Sample No. Sample ID Comments (185953) DISP. COMP. 19

(185954) DISP. COMP. 20

(185955) DISP. COMP. 21

(185956) DISP. COMP. 22

(185957) DISP. COMP. 19 TCLP

(185958) DISP. COMP. 20 TCLP

(185959) DISP. COMP. 21 TCLP

(185960) DISP. COMP. 22 TCLP

10/24/01 04:33 PM Page 1 of 1 Inorganics Analysis Data Sheet

Client Name: Tighe & Bond, Inc. D41 Report No: 30926 Project Name: Dedham RAM Excavation Date Collected : 10/19/01 Matrix Name: Soil Date Received : 10/22/01

Sample Client No. ID Analyte Result Units Method Date Analyzed By 185953 DISP. COMP. 19 Solids, percent 93.0 % EPA 160.3 10/23/01 GRB Lead 240 mg/kg dry SW8466010B 10/23/01 BGE 185954 DISP. COMP. 20 Solids, percent 93.2 % EPA 160.3 10/23/01 GRB Lead 210 m g/kg dry SW8466010B 10/23/01 BGE II 185955 DISP. COMP. 21 Solids, percent 94.2 % EPA 160.3 10/23/01 GRB Lead 190 mgg/kg dry SW846601OB 10/23/01 BGE Solids, percent 92.2 % EPA 160.3 10/23/01 GRB 11185956 DISP. COMP. 22 Lead 140 m g/kg dry SW8466010B 10/23/01 BGE 185957 DISP. COMP. 19 TCL TCLP Extraction - Metals Extracted SW846 1311 10/22/01 RC TCLP Lead 3100 ug/L SW846601 0B 10/24/01 RC 185958 DISP. COMP. 20 TCL TCLP Extraction - Metals Extracted SW846 1311 10/22/01 RC TCLP Lead 1700 ug/L SW8466010B 10/24/01 RC S185959 DISP. COMP. 21 TCL TCLP Extraction - Metals Extracted SW846 1311 10/22/01 RC TCLP Lead 2200 ug/L SW8466010B 10/24/01 RC 1185960 DISP. COMP. 22 TCL TCLP Extraction - Metals Extracted SW846 1311 10/22/01 RC TCLP Lead 670 ug/L SW8466010B 10/24/01 RC

10/24/01 04:34 PM Page 1 of 1 oo o EE

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)M -M STL Westfield Westfield Executive Park 53 Southampton Road October 26, 2001 Westfield, MA 01085 Mr. Scott McFarland Tel: 413 572 4000 Fax: 413 572 3707 Tighe & Bond, Inc. D41 www.stinc.com 53 Southampton Rd. Westfield, MA 01085

Report Number: 30941

Dear Mr. McFarland,

The analysis of your sample(s) submitted on 10/23/01 is now complete and the appropriate analytical report is enclosed. The samples were prepared and analyzed according to established methodologies and protocols. If you have any questions regarding the report or any part of our service, please do not hesitate to contact us. Thank you for using STL Westfield, and we look forward to receiving your next samples.


Michael F. Wheeler, Ph.D. Laboratory Director

Total number of pages in this report:

STL Westfield is a part of Severn Trent Laboratories, Inc. CASE NARRATIVE FOR REPORT NUMBER 30941 1 Client Name: Tighe & Bond, Inc. D41 Project Name: Dedham RAM Excavation Date: October 26, 2001

Sample No. Sample ID Comments (185998) DISP COMP 23


(186000) DISP COMP 23 TCLP


10/26/01 03:00 PM Page 1 of 1 Inorganics Analysis Data Sheet

Client Name: Tighe & Bond, Inc. D41 Report No: 30941 Project Name : Dedham RAM Excavation Date Collected : 10/22/01 Matrix Name: Soil Date Received: 10/23/01

Sample Client No. ID Analyte Result Units Method Date Analyzed By 185998 DISP COMP 23 Solids, percent 89.4 % EPA 160.3 10/24/01 Lead 3200 mg/kg dry SW8466010B 10/24/01 185999 DISP COMP 3 (RESA Solids, percent 93.1 % EPA 160.3 10/24/01 Lead 1000 mg/kg dry SW8466010B 10/24/01 1186000 DISP COMP 23 TCLP TCLP Extraction - Metals Extracted SW846 1311 10/23/01 TCLP Lead 15000 ug/L SW8466010B 10/25/01 S186001 DISP COMP 3 (RESA TCLP Extraction - Metals Extracted SW846 1311 10/23/01 TCLP Lead 5500 ug/L SW8466010B 10/25/01

II 11


II II II II 10/26/01 03:00 PM Page 1 of 1 CASE NARRATIVE FOR REPORT NUMBER 30991

Client Name : Tighe & Bond, Inc. D41 Project Name: Dedham RAM Excavation Date : October 29, 2001

Sample No. Sample ID Comments (186194) DISP COMP 24

(186297) DISP COMP 24 TCLP

10/29/01 05:31 PM Page 1 of 1 Inorganics Analysis Data Sheet

Client Name: Tighe & Bond, Inc. D41 Report No: 30991 Project Name: Dedham RAM Excavation Date Collected 10/24/01 Matrix Name: Soil Date Received 10/24/01

Sample Client No. ID Analyte Result Units Method Date Analyzed By 186194 DISP COMP 24 Solids, percent 92.4 EPA 160.3 10/25/01 mg/kgmg/kg drydry Lead 1200 SW8466010B 10/26/01 186297 DISP COMP 24 TCLP TCLP Extraction - Metals Extracted SW846 1311 10/26/01 TCLP Lead 26000 SW8466010B 10/28/01

10/29/01 05:31 PM Page 1 of 1 K, "-

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STL Westfield I Westfield Executive Park 53 Southampton Road Westfield, MA 01085

January 4, 2002 Tel: 413 572 4000 Fax: 413 572 3707 wt.st-inc.comrn Mr. Scott McFarland Tighe & Bond, Inc. D41 53 Southampton Rd. 5 Westfield, MA 01085

I I Report Number: 31691 REVISED

I Dear Mr. McFarland, I The revised report for Report Number 31691 is n w complete. This revision includes barium results for all samples. If you should have any questions regarding the report or any part of our service, please do not hesitate to contact us. Thank you for using STL Westfield, and we look forward to receiving your next samples.

I STL Westfield

Steven C. Hartann Laboratory Director I I I 11


A number of data qualifiers are widely used within the environmental testing industry and may be utilized in our data reports. The following definitions of these qualifiers are included as a service to our clientele. The majority of the qualifiers have evolved from the EPA contract laboratory program (CLP).


U - Indicates that the compound was analyzed for but not detected. The sample detection limit is corrected for dilution and percent moisture. This detection limit is not necessarily the instrument detection limit.

J - Indicates an estimated value. This qualifier is used when mass spectral data indicates the presence of a compound that meets the identification criteria and the result is less than the specified quantitation limit but no less than one-halfthe quantitation limit. Common laboratory contaminants are not reported below the quantitation limit.

B - Indicates that the analyte was found in both the sample and its associated laboratory blank. It indicates possible/probable blank contamination and warns the data user to use caution when applying the results of this analyte. Common laboratory contaminants in applicable method blanks are reported with J qualifiers to one-tenth the quantitation limit.

E - This qualifier indicates compounds whose concentrations exceed the calibration range of the instrument for the specific analysis.

D - Indicates all compounds identified in an analysis at a secondary dilution factor.

RE - This suffix indicates a re-analyzed sample and is appended to the sample number on the result form.

RR - This suffix indicates a re-extracted and re-analyzed sample and is appended to the sample number on the result form.


U - Indicates that the analyte was analyzed for but not detected.

E - Indicates an estimated value because of the presence of interference.


ItalY/L llI]l MADEP MA014 53 Southampton Rd. 149 Rangeway Rd. Hi I'd I ,lll RIDOH57 Westfield, MA 01085 N. Billerica, MA 01862 CTDPH 0494 Tel: (413) 572-4000 Tel: (978) 667-1400 NY DOH 10843 Far (413) 572-3707 Far (978) 667-7871 Rh! dltl bl NH DES 2539 NELAP Accredited Z, CASE NARRATIVE FOR REPORT NUMBER 31691

Client Name : Tighe & Bond, Inc. D41 Project Name : Dedham - 250 Elm St. Date : December 27, 2001

Sample No. Sample ID Comments (189201) RMW-10 (12/01)

(189202) RMW-11 (12/01)

(189203) RMW-12 (12/01)

12/27/01 11:05 AM Page 1 of 1 Inorganics Analysis Data Sheet

Client Name: Tighe & Bond, Inc. D41 Report No: 31691 Project Name: Dedham - 250 Elm St. Date Collected : 12/11/01 Matrix Name: Groundwater Date Received : 12/12/01

Sample Client No. ID Analyte Result Units Method Date Analyzed By 189201 RMW-10 (12/01) Antimony SW8466010B 12/21/01 Arsenic SW8466010B 12/21/01 Barium SW8466010B 12/21/01 Beryllium SW8466010B 12/21/01 Cadmium SW8466010B8 12/21/01 Chromium SW846601 0B 12/21/01 Copper SW8466010B 12/21/01 Lead SW8466010B 12/21/01 Mercury SW8487471A 12/20/01 Nickel SW8466010B 12/21/01 Selenium SW8466010B 12/21/01 Silver SW8466010B 12/21/01 Thallium SW8466010B 12/21/01 Zinc SW8466010B 12/21/01 189202 RMW-11 (12/01) Antimony SW8466010B 12/21/01 Arsenic SW8466010B 12/21/01 Barium SW8466010B 12/21/01 Beryllium SW8466010B 12/21/01 Cadmium SW8466010B 12/21/01 Chromium SW8466010B 12/21/01 Copper SW8466010B 12/21/01 Lead SW846601 0B 12/21/01 Mercury SW8467471A 12/20/01 Nickel SW846601 OB 12/21/01 Selenium SW8466010B 12/21/01 Silver SW8466010B 12/21/01 Thallium SW8466010B 12/21/01 Zinc SW8466010B 12/21/01

1/4/02 10:50 AM Page I of 2 Inorganics Analysis Data Sheet

Client Name: Tighe & Bond, Inc. D41 Report No: 31691 Project Name : Dedham -250 Elm St. Date Collected: 12/11/01 Matrix Name : Groundwater Date Received : 12/12/01

Sample Client No. ID Analyte Result Units Method Date Analyzed By 189203 RMW-12 (12/01) Antimony SW8466010B 12/21/01 Arsenic SW8466010B 12/21/01 Barium SW8466010B 12/21/01 Beryllium SW8466010B 12/21/01 Cadmium SW846601 0B 12/21/01 Chromium SW8466010B 12/21/01 Copper SW8466010B 12/21/01 Lead SW8466010B 12/21/01 Mercury SW8467471A 12/20/01 Nickel SW8466010B 12/21/01 Selenium SW8466010B 12/21/01 Silver SW8466010B 12/21/01 Thallium SW846601 0B 12/21/01 Zinc SW8466010B 12/21/01

1/4/02 10:50 AM Page 2 of 2 g E C

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Location MCP Method 1 Conf-24 Conf-32 Conf-33

S-1 Soil Standards Composite of Conf-24, 29 and 32

w/r/t Groundwater Sample ID Categories: Conf-24 (0-3) Conf-32 (0.5-3) Conf-33 (0-3)

Depth (ft) 0-3 0.5-3 0-3

Date Collected GW-2 GW-3 10/18/01 10/18/01 10/18/01

Consultant T+B T+B T+B

Total Metals (ml/kg)

Antimony 10 10 2.9 18 9.3

Arsenic 30 30 - - -

Barium 1,000 1,000 - - -

Berylium 0.7 0.7 - - -

Cadmium 30 30 - - -

Copper 1,0001 1,0001 910 3,300 1,600

Chromium 1,000 1,000 - - -

Lead 300 300 3,200 8,200 4,400

Mercury 20 20 - - -

Nickel 300 300 - - -

Selenium 400 400 - - -

Silver 100 100 - - -

Thallium 8 8 - - -

Zinc 2,500 2,500 1,100 4,900 2,600

Notes: (-) - Not Analyzed

ND - Not Detected

1 - MCP Method 1 S-1 risk characterizaiton standard not established. 8-1 Reportable Concentration listed. J:D\D0041 \Data\Lead RAM\Metals (soil).xls

Page 1 I I I

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Sample Date Total TCLP Destination Date Number Estimated

Number Collected Lead Lead Shipping of Trucks Yardage Removed

(mp/kg) (mlg/L) Completed (per pile) (14 yd^3/truck - Hazardous, 19 yd^3/truck - Reuse)

Disp. Comp. 1 10/15/01 400 1.9 Landfill Reuse 11/27/01 6.0 114

Disp. Comp. 2 10/15/01 410 2.4 Landfill Reuse 11/27/01 6.0 114

Disp. Comp. 3 10/16/01 980 4.9 -- - -

Disp. Comp. 3 (Resample) 10/22/01 1,000 5.5 Hazardous 10131/01 7.5 105

Disp. Comp. 4 10/16/01 10,000 14 Hazardous 10/30/01 6.5 91

Disp. Comp. 5 10/16/01 1,000 6.6 Hazardous 11/5/01 7.0 96

Disp. Comp. 6 10/17/01 960 16 Hazardous 10/31/01 6.5 91

Disp. Comp. 7 10/17/01 1,000 8.4 Hazardous 11/1/01 6.5 91

Disp. Comp. 8 10/17/01 580 2.9 Landfill Reuse 11/29/01 5.0 95

Disp. Comp. 9 10/17/01 1,600 7.0 Hazardous 10/29/01 4.5 63

Disp. Comp. 10 10/17/01 2,000 14 Hazardous 10/29/01 4.5 63

Disp. Comp. 11 10/17/01 6,900 20 Hazardous 10/29/01 5.5 77

Disp. Comp. 12 10/18/01 3,600 23 Hazardous 11/201 5.5 77

Disp. Comp. 13 10/18/01 3,000 14 Hazardous 11/1/01 6.0 84

Disp. Comp. 14 10/18/01 2,400 21 Hazardous 11/7/01 4.0 56

Disp. Comp. 15 10/18/01 7,700 330 Hazardous 111/01 5.0 70

Disp. Comp. 16 10/18/01 14,000 35 Hazardous 11/7101 5.0 70

Disp. Comp. 17 10/18/01 4,100 27 Hazardous 11/6/01 4.5 63

Disp. Comp. 18 10/18101 4,400 19 Hazardous 11/6/01 6.5 91

Disp. Comp. 19 10/19/01 240 3.1 Landfill Rouse 11/26/01 5.0 95

Disp. Comp. 20 10/19/01 210 1.7 Landfill Reuse 11/26/01 5.0 95

Disp. Comp. 21 10/19/01 190 2.2 Landfill Reuse 11/26/01 5.0 95

Disp. Comp. 22 10/19/01 140 0.67 Landfill Reuse 11/26/01 5.0 95

Disp. Comp. 23 10/22/01 3,200 15 Hazardous 11/701 5.0 70

Dlsp. Comp. 24 1024/01 1,200 26 Hazardous 11/8/01 9.0 126


Bold - Indicates equal to or greater than landfill reuse criteria (2,000 mg/kg) or hazardous waste criteria (5 mg/L) for lead.

JA\\DD41Datatead RAM Excavation\Stockpile Datads 2/13/02 9:45 AM Appendix F

Example Copies of Massachusetts and Canadian Hazardous Waste Manifests

* Attached are copies of one Massachusetts and one Canadian manifest, representative of the manifests used to in transporting the soil from the site to the Horizon Environment, Inc. facility in Quebec.

* A total of 99 loads, totaling 2315.40 tons (approximately 1400 cubic yards) of characteristic hazardous soil (D008, Lead) was transported from the site via manifest. * Soil was transported between the dates of October 21, 2001 and November 8, 2001.

* A complete set of manifest copies are maintained on file with the generator.

* A summary of the quantities of soil transported from the site each day is provided in Table 6 of Appendix E. I I I I I I

I i S - COMMONWEALTH OF MASSACHUSETrS I DEPARTMENT OFSENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION DIVISION 0 F HAZARDOUS MATERIALS 98-)0( j ne Winter Street Os , Massachusetts 02108 Boston ase print or type. (Form designed for use on elite (12-pitch) typewriter.) UNIFORM HAZARDOUS 1. Ganerator US -PA IDNo. 2. Page1IoManifest Information in the shaded areas IMP 03 7 7 8 9 7 0 0 No isnot WASTE MIANIFEST _f required byFederallaw. 3. Genertor's Nama and diling AI. 4 N TYCO PARK A. State Mtanifest Document Number MA .M172167 EXETER NH 03883 SDlM, 02026TREET 4. Generator'sPhone 603, 778-9700 DEDEAM4, HA 02026 5. Transporter 1 Company Nama a. US EPA ID Number C.State Trers.ID LAIDLAW CARRIERS, INC IMI D 98 10 16 11 19i9 13 16 LI i ' I II I 7. Transporter 2 Company Name US EPA ID Number D.TrarisporatekPhone (519)) 421-3300 I I I I I I I I . StatTrans IDF, 9. Designated Facility Name and Site Address 10. US EPA ID Number HORIZON ENVIRONMENTAL, INC. F.Troter Phon (> *. 120 RTE 155 GStatsFaclitysitJ Not Required GRAND-PILES. OUEBEC COX 1H

11. US DOT Description Uncluding ProperShipping Name, Hazard Cass, and ID Number)

* RQ Hazardous waste, solid, n.o.s., (Lead), 9, NA3077, PG III, (D008)




15. Special Handling Instructions aid Additionalinfornatio EMER ENCY CONTACT: Drivers Initials: a.ERG#171;NO SEDl REQUIRED SECTION 30.55(h)FTSR; POINT OF EXIT:HIGHGATE SPRINGS,VT Date-

1. GENERAMOR'S CERTIFICATION: I hereby declare that the cantflts of t s cocngnment are fully and accfte decibed above shipping name and are classified, packed, marked and labeled, and ae In all respects in proper condition for transport by highway prom o , l a t n io accordingto apliablmint.nationalan di rnn and conforms to the terms of the attachec aes cl practicable IfI am a large quantity generator. I certify that I have a progran in place to reduce the volume and toxicA fum the pacticable method of reatamet. or diposal cumrtly avalable to m which miimies th p fta uue thrAt t O hh i d the envilonattreg and that I have selected management method that ia available to me and that I met; OR. if I an a mllndquantity generate. I hga made a good failth effort to mioninzt my wast, generation and select the best waste can afford. F -Date ,af"t N~m,%/u, "rurm ..) ,, -A .4.-s MonthI 1 Day 1. Yea at m s T 17. Transporter 1 Aclmowl ment of Receipt ofM il e Month Day Year

0 18. Transporter 2 Acknowled mntofRec t of Materals Date T Printed/TypedName Signatum Month Day Year E

19. Discrepancy Indication Space

M s L 20. Facility Owner or Operator: Certification of receipt of hazardous materials covered by thi manifest except as noted in Item 19. Date PrnTMd~ sinan Mont fy Year Printwc Il th}'l ;trye 17" i FormA1 pervd0BNol00~3 Form Approved OMB No. 2050-0039 EPA Form 8700-22 (Rev. 9-94) Previous editions are obsolete COPY>3: FACILITY MAILS TO GENERATOR a UNr~ED STATES EMVIRONMEtAL PROTECION AGENCY WASHINGTQN. .C.2D46D0

Augst 21, 2001

EPA Ziotice N .: 417/01 m. BaE . DonrTj anznx~dconsonntow 250 ELN S9amlt DEDAUM, NA 02026 EPA .D No.: fPl037789700 Dear MR DOHERTMY: is to ackjnowlpdge receipt ot your notice, tel June 29, 29oo0, of ntent to export hazareduswvaste to cam da a requil by"Title d0, Code of .Federal Regulations, P 24, subpatt Section 262.51 promulgated puruant wt1A conserv tion and Recovery Apt (SCAM) In accoxan with the Ls. 4e izateral Areement on the atansbounduryof atard Weste, the U.S. nwvromental PtCction l (EPA) forward your notice to the Govermunt of Canada has U no oWbj iou to your shipment (s) of hazardous vwaste. - Sletter constitutes the 19 Acknowledgment f c4nsent for th export or the following hazardous waste as eeigit in your 100: waste Dercription: COfNAaRFA' SOI n. Wase code: 0008. DOT Shipping Na: ,A5.DOuWst' E, SOLD, NOs; DOT Bazard Class; 9; 09 I.D. So.z RA3077 Tot Volume to be] E prted: 3,000 TlONS. Est ed Frequency; 120 loads per YE . Y nay ship thi vwaste to the tolloving consojnev: I 0ZOmn -mnV=o T,INc. 120, ROAD 155 GRADES-FITJS ' " QC CAath so0, 180 s. 'pments yayocc3 aring the period f ug.st t, o091 to Zas i ary ; , gor, sm :..s..

san1 0 p J I i 0

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- ii C4 i 1 i ale J 01017/026 209/01 12:00 'V819 538 0889 HORIZON ENVIRON.


HORIZON ENVIRONNEMENT INC. BILLET 120, route 155 . Grondes.Piles (Guibec) GOX 1HO NO T.P.S.: 140578741 RT Til.: 1.800-545-$OLS * (819) 538-3921 Fox: (8191 538.0889 No T.V.O.: 1017578304





DeCLARATION DU YRANSPORTEUR : AUTRE SERY ICE Jo declare que tous les roseignernents cd-dessus sont vrcldiques, et que le contenu do ma cargalson ne contient eucune mati[re dangeroVuse tel que d finl par le Reglement sur les matites dangereuses du Quebec.

Nom ICTERE 01uPRlERI Signature

COPIE DU BUREAU 8 ,Massachusetts Department of Environmental Protection BWSC-012A Bureau of Waste Site Cleanup i (ra t 3 C 4.3 Release Tracking Number* BILL OF LADING (pursuant to 310 CMR 40.0030) [3 1196

A. LOCATION OF SITE OR DISPOSAL SITE WHERE REMEDIATION WASTE WAS GENERATED: Release Name (optional): Former Hersey Products Inc - Eastern Soil Area Street 250 Elm Street. LocationAld: Eastern Portion of Property L City/Town: Dedham ZIPCode: 02076 Date/Perld of Generation: 10i/l/01 to: i/i1 g/01i

Additional Release Tracking Numbers Associated with this Bill of Lading: I Note: Ifthis Bil of Lading isthe result of a Lknited RemovalAction (IRA) taken prior to Notification, a Release Tracking Numberis not needed. B. PERSON CONDUCTING RESPONSE ACTION ASSOCIATED WITH BILL OF LADING: Name of Organization: Grinnell Cororation Name of Contact Bernard J. Doherty Title:Senior Vice President Street 1 TVco Park Ciy/Town: Exeter State: NH ZIPCode: 03883 Telephone: (603) 778-9200 Ext.: C. RELATIONSHIP TO RELEASE OF PERSON CONDUCTING RESPONSE ACTION ASSOCIATED WITH BILL OF LADING: RP or PRP Specify:' [ Owner [] Operator [] Generator [] Transporter OtherRPorPRP: Former Site Owner Fiduciary, Secured Lender or Municipality with Exempt Status (as defined by M.G.L. c. 21 E, s. 2) Agency or Public Utility on a Right of Way (as defined by M.G.L. c. 21E, s. 5() 3 E Other Person: Ifan owner and/or operator is not conducting the response action associated with the Bill of Lading, provide on an attachment the name, contact person, address and telephone number, indcluding any area code and extension, for each, if known. I D.TRANSPORTER OR COMMON CARRIER INFORMATION: Transporter/Common Cardrier Name: Franklin Environmental Services

SContact Person: Ed Brady Title: Sales Manager Street Industrial Road

Cityf/Town: Wrentham State: MA ZIPCode: 02093 I Telephone: (508) 384-6151 Ext: E. RECEIVING FACIUTYITEMPORARY STORAGE LOCATION: Operator/Fadcility Name: BFI - Fall River

ContactPerson: Rob Derosa Title: General Manacger Street 1080 Airport Road City/Town: Fall River State: M ZlPCode: 02720 Telephone: SOR-67g-Rgan Ext.: Type of Facility. Asphalt BatchCold Mix Landfill/Disposal Incinerator Temporary Storage (checkone) Asphalt Batch/Hot Mix Landfill/Daily Cover Other E] Thermal Processing [] Landflil/Structural Fill EPA Identification

Division of Hazardous Waste/Class A Permit #t NA Division of Solid Waste Management Permit #-

S Actual/Anticipated Period of Temporary Storage (specify dates If applicable): to: Reason for Temporary Storage:

S ise ln039 -A Revised Page 1 of 3 I Massachusetts Department of Environmental Protection BWSC-012A Bureau of Waste Site Cleanup Release Tracking Number* BILL OF LADING (pursuant to 310 CMR 40.0030) W 11 9

E. RECEIVING FACILITY/TEMPORARY STORAGE LOCATION (continued): Temporary Storage Address: Street:

City/Town: State: ZIP Code: F. DESCRIPTION OF REMEDIATION WASTE* (check all that apply) Contaminated Media (check all that apply): ( Soil O Groundwater O Surface Water Other SContaminated Debris (check all that apply): 0 Vegetation or Organic Debris O Demolition/Construction Waste O Inorganic Absorbent Materials ( Other. SNon-hazardous Uncontainerized Waste (check all that apply): 0 Non-aqueous Phase Liquid O Other SNon-hazardous Containerized Waste (check all that apply): 0 Tank Bottoms/Sludges 0 Containers 0 Drums 03 Engineered Impoundments 03 Other. Oil ] Waste Oil Type of Contamination (check all that apply): El Diesel Fuel #2 Oi ] #4 Oil ]#6 El JetFuel Other Lead-containina fill soil

Estimated Volume of Materials: Cubic Yards: 600 Tons: Other Contaminant Source (check one/specify): [] Transportation Accident El Underground Storage Tank Other fill soil

Response Action Associated with BillI of Lading (check one): [J Immediate Response Action Release Abatement Measure SUtility-Related Abatement Measure El Limited Removal ActionE] Comprehensive Response Action Other

Remediatlon Waste Charcterization Support Documentation attached: Site History Information El Sampling and Analytical Methods and Procedures Laboratory Data Field Screening Data

If supporting documentation is not appended, provide an attachment stating thedate and in connection with what document such Information was previously submitted to DEP. G. LICENSED SITE PROFESSIONAL (LSP) OPINION:

Name of Organization: Tighe & Bond

LSP Name: rven T jhnrnn Title: Vice President

Telephone: (413) 572-3254 Ext.:

I attest under the pains and penalties of perjury that I have personally exarnir d and am familiar with this submittal, including any and all documents accompanying this submittal. In my professional opinion and judgment based upon application of

(i) the standard of care in 309 CMR 4.02(1). (ii) the applicable provisions of 309 CMR 4.02(2) and (3), and (iii) the provisions of 309 CMR 4.03(5), to the best of my knowledge, information and belief, the assment actions undertaken to characterize the Remediation Waste which is (are) the subject of this submittal for acceptance at the facility Id tifle in this subnmittal comply with the applicable provisions of 310 CMR 40.0000, and such facility is permitted to accept Remedi' tion Waste Lavi gthe aracteristics decribed in this submittal. I am aware that significant penalties may result, including, but not limited sb-.ble fines and ijprfonme, if Isubmit lnbrmation which I kn to be false, Inaccurate or materially incomplete.

yaOFA LSP Signature: (1P" -A J -SSeal: S EVAN , Date: /c T. JOHNSON . No. 6135 License Number: 6 /31 S o

Revised 1013/94 Page 2 of 3 U I Massachusetts Department of Environmental Protection BWSC012A Bureau of Waste Site Cleanup Release Tracking Number*

BILL OF LADING (pursuant to 310 CMR40.0030) a -T 196e

H. CERTIFICATION OF PERSON CONDUCTING RESPONSE ACTION ASSOCIATED WITH THIS BILL OF LADING: I I certify under penallies of law that I have personally examined and am familiar with the information contained in this submittal, including any and all documents accompann certification, and that, e on my inquiry of those individuals immediately responsible for obtaining the information, the material infonrmati ntained herein is, to the b to fy wiedge and belief, true, accurate and complete. I am aware that there are significant penalties, inclu~ihbut not limited to, possible an prisonment, for willfully submitting false, inaccurate, or incomplete Information.

Signature: L' Date: Name of Person (print): EvA -J" - .m

I I I I I I- I I I I

Revised 10/3,94 Page 3 of S Revised 10/3/94 Page 3 of 3 Massachusetts Department of Environmental Protection WS-012 of Waste Site Cleanup U SBureau i BILL OF LADING (pursuant to 310 CMR 40. 30) Release Tracking Number SUMMARY SHEET OF < U K. SUMMARY OF SHIPMENTS: Dally olume Shipped Date of Shipment: Date of Redeipt: Number of Loads Shipped: (cb. yds I -1. /z e' I ik a; 13(O 7t - It/zqlc I, /-,r1.2lo, X -7-.9_A; I tI I a I r


i I



I I.


Summary Sheet Total Shipped: -

Bill of Lading Total Shipped (only If different):

Revised 10/3/94 Page 1 of 2 Massachusetts Department of Environmental Protection i BWSC-0120 Bureau of Waste Site Cleanup


M. A6KNOWLEDGMENT OF SHIPMENT AND RECEIPT OF REMEDIATION WASTE BY PERSON 'CONDUCTING RESPONSE ACTION ASSOCIATEp WITH THIS BILL OF LADING: I wrnf under p namiss o law ot I have pcmo ly exa ined and am f mia rwith the Inrmation cownad i U uia, Gany and a.l documents accompanying thi cerila, and tht based on my inquiry tthe se idviduals imedately responsible for obtatig eflomai the ereaUInformalion coarind inherein is,to the best of m Imotedge and be lie,true. acunte and comoma, l am awe iattth an sbnifian penalties, indluding, but not linked to, possibe fies and n is Iror witulsub ildig fas, Iaccurate, or Incomplete intorti .

frmw Date Februarv 20, 002 Senor Vce Psdent NameofPesonprl). Bernard J. Dohe ,Senior Vice President

I aM Revised 10QW94 Page 2 of 2 i, ! I I I I I Gnnnel Corporation tqc Exeter NH03833-1108

I Fire & Tele:. 603 778-9700 Security - Fax: 603 778-7700 3 June 19, 2001 VIA FACSIMILE AND FEDERAL EXPRESS Mr. Scott McFarland I Tighe & Bond Westfield Executive Park 53 Southampton Road Westfield, MA 01085

Re: 250 Elm Street Dedham Cleanup Authorization to Request to Sign as Agent for Grinnell

Dear Mr. McFarland:

I Under the Terms and Conditions of Franklin Environmental Services, Inc. June 12, 2001 quote (#10742), Grinnell Corporation ("Grinnell") acknowledges that "to the best of [its] knowledge, information and * belief, the analytical data provided to Franklin Environmental Services, Inc. by Tighe & Bond prior to * pick-up conforms with the waste present at the site." Under this letter agreement, Tighe & Bond likewise agrees that to the best of Tighe & Bond's knowledge, information and belief, the analytical data provided I to Franklin Environmental Services, Inc. by Tighe & Bond prior to pick-up conforms with the waste present at the site. / iTo the extent that the analytical data does not conform to the waste present at the site, Tighe & Bond shall U indemnify and hold Grinnell harmless from all liability and damages, without liability cap, arising from such non-conformance, except to the extent caused by the negligence or willful misconduct of Grinnell. In addition, in connection with Franklin Environmental Services, Inc.'s work relating to the site, Grinnell shall be an additional insured. on Tighe & Bond's insurance and shall not be subject to any liability cap below the limits of Tighe & Bond's insurance. Tighe & Bond's insurance shall be primary with respect to Grinnell. 1 Based on Tighe & Bond's agreement to the foregoing, Grinnell authorizes Tighe & Bond to act as agent for Grinnell Corporation for the limited purpose of signing Waste Profiles, Land Ban Restriction Forms I and Manifests For Transport and disposal of wastes generated as a result of environmental cleanup at the property located at 250 Elm Street, Dedham, Massachusetts. 1 Please have an authorized Tighe & Bond person sign this letter confirming Tighe & Bond's agreement with the above. TIGHE & BOND Very truly yours,

John W. Powers Bernard J. Do erty (print name) Chairman (title) 1 cc: Jane Harmon, Francis K. Morris, Esq. I I

Attachment to Bill of Lading Form BWSC-012A

Site History

The site is a former valve casting facility (approx. 1950's to 1987) that is located at 250 Elm Street, Dedham, Massachusetts. Currently, the site building has been demolished with only paved and unpaved flat areas remaining. Past operations included casting and manufacturing of brass and iron water valves and meters. Casting sand appears to have been mixed with fill on portions of the site property, resulting in elevated lead concentrations in some areas. The lead-containing soil was excavated from October 15 through October 29, 2001 and placed in approximately 100 cubic yard stockpiles for reuse/disposal characterization.

Composite samples were collected from the stockpiles for initial total and TCLP lead characterization (results attached in table of Landfill Reuse Stockpile Data). Two additional composite samples for landfill reuse parameter analysis were collected from the seven stockpiles identified as non-hazardous with respect to TCLP lead. One composite was collected from stockpiles 1, 2 and 8. The second composite was collected from stockpiles 19, 20, 21 and 22.

The composite samples were submitted to Severn Trent Laboratories for landfill reuse parameter analysis. The analytical parameters selected were 1) volatile organic compounds (VOCs), 2) semi-volatile organic compounds (SVOCs), 3) polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs), 4) total petroleum (TPH), 5) conductivity, 6) total metals (arsenic, cadmium, chromium, lead and mercury) and 7) toxicity characteristic leaching procedure (TCLP) lead. The laboratory analytical reports are attached. The results indicate that the soil in stockpiles 1, 2, 8, 19, 20, 21 and 22 meet the criteria for landfill reuse. LANDFILL REUSE STOCKPILE DATA

Sample Number Date Collected Total Pb TCLP Pb Disposal Approx. Yardage

(mg/kg) (mg/L.) Yd^3

Disp. Comp. 1 10/15/01 400 1.9 Landfill Reuse 105

Disp. Comp. 2 10/15/01 410 2.4 Landfill Reuse 105

Disp. Comp. 8 10/17/01 580 2.9 Landfill Reuse 90

Disp. Comp. 19 10/19/01 240 3.1 Landfill Reuse 75

Disp. Comp. 20 10/19/01 210 1.7 Landfill Reuse 75

Disp. Comp. 21 10/19/01 190 2.2 Landfill Reuse 75

Disp. Comp. 22 10/19/01 140 0.67 Landfill Reuse 75

Total Estimated Yards 600 1 I I I U 1

I I I Ii 1

I U I U I SEVERN I SERVICES Mr. Scott McFarland STL Westfield Tighe & Bond, Inc. D41 Westfield Executive Park I 53 Southampton Rd. 53 Southampton Road 53 Southampton Rd. Westfield, MA 01085 Westfield, MA 01085 Tel: 413 572 4000 I Fax: 413 572 3707 www.stl-inc.com I November 02, 2001

I Report Number: 30993 I Dear Mr. McFarland, I The analysis of your sample(s) submitted on 10/24/01 is now complete and the appropriate analytical report is enclosed. The samples were prepared and analyzed according to established I methodologies and protocols. If you have any questions regarding the report or any part of our service, please do not hesitate to contact us. Thank you for using STL Westfield, and I we look forward to receiving your next samples. U


Michael F. Wheeler, Ph.D. I Laboratory Director I I

Total number of pages in this report: I STL Westfield STLaWe partsfield of Severn Trent Laboratories, Inc. STL WESTFIELD/BILLERICA DATA REPORTING QUALIFIERS AND TERMINOLOGY I

A number of data qualifiers are widely used within the environmental testing industry and may be utilized in our data reports. The following definitions of these qualifiers are included as a service to our clientele. The majority of the qualifiers have evolved from the EPA contract laboratory program (CLP).


U - Indicates that the compound was analyzed for but not detected. The sample detection limit is corrected for dilution and percent moisture. This detection limit is not necessarily the instrument detection limit.

J - Indicates an estimated value. This qualifier is used when mass spectral data indicates the presence of a compound that meets the identification criteria and the result is less than the specified quantitation limit but no less than one-half the quantitation limit. Common laboratory contaminants are not reported below the quantitation limit.

B - Indicates that the analyte was found in both the sample and its associated I laboratory blank. It indicates possible/probable blank contamination and warns the data user to use caution when applying the results of this analyte. Common laboratory contaminants in applicable method blanks are reported with J qualifiers to one-tenth the I quantitation limit.

E - This qualifier indicates compounds whose concentrations exceed the calibration range of the instrument for the specific analysis.

D - Indicates all compounds identified in an analysis at a secondary dilution factor.

RE - This suffix indicates a re-analyzed sample and is appended to the sample number on the result form.

RR - This suffix indicates a re-extracted and re-analyzed sample and is appended to the sample number on the result form.


U - Indicates that the analyte was analyzed for but not detected.

E - Indicates an estimated value because of the presence of interference. I


,O 1. MADEPW MA014 53 Southampton Rd. 149 Rangeway Rd. RIDOH57 Westfield, MA 01085 N. Billeica, MA01862 CTDPH 0494 Tel: (413) 572-4000 Tel: (978) 667-1400 NY DOH 10843 Fa c (413) 572-3707 Fax (978) 667-7871 NH DES 2539 NELAP Accredited I


In addition to our standard data reporting qualifiers the following I comments are specific to Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons, (Diesel or 1 Gasoline Range Organics) by GC/FID. PETROLEUM QUALIFIERS

Results for Motor Oil are based on chromatographable portions of the petroleum product. SThe Range refers to the approximate chromatographic region covered by the specified petroleum product in straight-chain carbon units. I Quantitation is based on the average response factors for a series of hydrocarbon standards. The sample result from the DRO fraction is independent of the target compound assignment. I Samples yielding chromatographic patterns that do not agree with any of the method targets are reported as "unmatched." I I I I I I I I S09/26/01 RPQ00301.MA I CASE NARRATIVE FOR REPORT NUMBER 30993 1

Client Name: Tighe & Bond, Inc. D41 Project Name: Dedham RAM Excavation

Date: November 02, 2001

Sample No. Sample ID Comments (186209) LF REUSE COMP (1,2 &8)

(186210) LF REUSE COMP (1,2 &8)DRO Sample Carbon Range: C14-C32.

11/2/01 09:46 AM Page 1 of 1 Inorganics Analysis Data Sheet

Client ID: LF REUSE COMP (1,2 &8) Report No: 30993 Client Name: Tighe & Bond, Inc. D41 STL Sample Number: 186209 Project Name: Dedham RAM Excavation Date Collected : 10/24/01 Matrix Name : Soil Date Received : 10/24/01

CAS NO Analyte Result Units Method Date Analyzed By Solids, percent % EPA 160.3 10/25/01 Specific Conductivity umhos/cm SM18 2510B 10/26/01 10/29/01 7440-38-2 Arsenic mg/kg dry SW8466010B 744043-9 Cadmium mg/kg dry SW8466010B 10/26/01 10/26/01 744047-3 Chromium mg/kg dry SW8466010B 11/1/01 7439-97-6 Mercury mg/kg dry SW8467471A

11/2/01 09:47 AM Page 1 of 2 Inorganics Analysis Data Sheet I

Client ID: LF REUSE COMP (1,2 &8) DRO Report No: 30993 Client Name: Tighe & Bond, Inc. D41 STL Sample Number: 186210 Project Name : Dedham RAM Excavation Date Collected: 10/24/01 Matrix Name: Soil Date Received : 10/24/01

CAS NO Analyte Result Units Method Date Analyzed By Solids, percent 94.3 % EPA 160.3 10/25/01 GRB I I I i

I I I I I I /

11/2/01 09:47 AM Page 2 of 2 GC Organics Analysis DRO Data Sheet SW8468015M

CAS NO Compound Reporting Limit Concentration mg/kg dry mg/kg dry

Kerosene (C9-C22) Fuel Oil #2 (C9-C25) Fuel Oil #6 (C9-C36) Motor Oil (C14-C36) U MODF (C14-C28) U Unmatched 28 (4)

Sample Carbon Range: C14-C32.

Match Quality Scale: 1 - Identical or nearly identical GC pattern 2 - Similar GC pattern showing moderate differences 3 - Significant difference in GC pattern 4 - No agreement with GC patterns in target list.

11/2/01 09:47 AM Page 1 of 1 Pesticides/PCB Organics Analysis Data Sheet SW8468082A

Client ID: LF REUSE COMP (1,2 &8) Report No: 30993 Client Name: Tighe & Bond, Inc. D41 STL Sample Number: 186209 Project Name: Dedham RAM Excavation Lab File ID : H10580 Matrix: Soil Date Collected: 10/24/01 Sample Wt/Vol : 10.29g Date Received: 10/24101 % Solid : 94.3 Date Extracted: 10/25/01 GPC Clean up: Date Analyzed: 10/26/01 Sulfur Clean up: By: SH Dilution Factor: 1

CAS NO Compound Reporting Limit Concentration ug/kg dry ug/kg dry

12674-11-2 Arochlor-1016 100 U 11104-28-2 Arochlor-1221 100 U 11141-16-5 Arochlor-1232 100 U 53469-21-9 Arochlor-1242 100 U 12672-29-6 Arochlor-1248 100 U 11097-69-1 Arochlor-1254 100 U 11096-82-5 Arochlor-1260 100 U

11/2/01 09:47 AM Page 1 of 1 Volatile Organics Analysis Data Sheet SW8468260B

CAS NO Compound Reporting Limit Concentration ug/kg dry ug/kg dry

67-64-1 108-86-1 71-43-2 75-27-4 Bromodichloromethane 74-97-5 Bromochloromethane 75-25-2 74-83-9 Bromomethane 78-93-3 2- 56-23-5 108-90-7 Chlorobenzene 124-48-1 Chlorodibromomethane 75-00-3 67-66-3 74-87-3 9549-8 2-Chlorotoluene 106434 4-Chlorotoluene 156-59-2 cis-1,2-Dichloroethene 156-60-5 trans-1,2-Dichloroethene 74-95-3 Dibromomethane 96-12-8 1,2-Dibromo-3-chloropropane 95-50-1 1,2-Dichlorobenzene 541-73-1 1,3-Dichlorobenzene 10646-7 1,4-Dichlorobenzene 75-34-3 1,1-Dichloroethane 107-06-2 1,2-Dichloroethane 75-354 1,1-Dichloroethene 78-87-5 1,2-Dichloropropane 142-28-9 1,3-Dichloropropane 590-20-7 2,2-Dichloropropane 563-58-6 1,1-Dichloropropene 10061-01-5 cis-1,3-Dichloropropene 11/2/01 09:47 AM Page 1 of 3 Volatile Organics Analysis Data Sheet SW8468260B

Client ID: LF REUSE COMP (1,2 &8) Report No: 30993 Client Name : Tighe & Bond, Inc. D41 STL Sample Number: 186209 I Project Name: Dedham RAM Excavation Lab File ID: V39686 Matrix: Soil Date Collected : 10/24/01 Sample Wt/Vol: 18.3g Date Received : 10/24/01 % Solid : 94.3 Date Analyzed: 10/30/01 Dilution Factor: 1 By: GJB I CAS NO Compound Reporting Limit Concentration ug/kg dry ug/kg dry 10061-02-6 trans-1,3-Dichloropropene 100-41-4 Ethylbenzene 106-93-4 Ethylenedibromide 75-69-4 Fluorotrichloromethane 591-78-6 2-Hexanone 87-68-3 Hexachlorobutadiene 98-82-8 Isopropylbenzene 108-10-1 4-Methyl-2-pentanone 75-09-2 Methylene chloride 1634-04-4 Methyl-t-butyl 104-51-8 n-Butylbenzene 103-65-1 n-Propylbenzene 91-20-3 108-38-3/106423 m+p- 99-87-6 p-lsopropyltoluene 95-47-6 o-Xylene 135-98-8 sec-Butylbenzene 100-42-5 Styrene 98-06-6 tert-Butylbenzene 127-18-4 Tetrachloroethene 630-20-6 1,1,1,2-Tetrachloroethane 79-34-5 1,1,2,2-Tetrachloroethane 108-88-3 87-61-6 1,2,3-Trichlorobenzene 120-82-1 1,2,4-Trichlorobenzene 71-55-6 1,1,1-Trichloroethane 79-00-5 1,1,2-Trichloroethane 79-01-6 Trichloroethene 96-18-4 1,2,3-Trichloropropane 95-63-6 1,2,4-Trimethylbenzene 108-67-8 1,3,5-Trimethylbenzene

11/2/01 09:47 AM Page 2 of 3 Volatile Organics Analysis Data Sheet SW8468260B

Client ID: LF REUSE COMP (1,2 &8) Report No: 30993 Client Name : Tighe & Bond, Inc. D41 STL Sample Number: 186209 Project Name: Dedham RAM Excavation Lab File ID: V39686 Matrix : Soil Date Collected : 10/24/01 Sample WtNol: 18.3g Date Received: 10/24/01 % Solid : 94.3 Date Analyzed : 10/30/01 Dilution Factor: 1 By: GJB

CAS NO Compound Reporting Limit Concentration ug/kg dry ug/kg dry 75-01-4 Vinyl chloride

1112/01 09:47 AM Page 3 of 3 Semi-Volatile Organics Analysis Data Sheet SW8468270C

CAS NO Compound Reporting Limit Concentration ug/kg dry ug/kg dry 83-32-9 208-96-8 62-53-3 Aniline 120-12-7 Anthracene 65-85-0 Benzoic acid 56-55-3 Benzo(a)anthracene 205-99-2 Benzo(b)fluoranthene 207-08-9 Benzo(k)fluoranthene 191-24-2 Benzo(g,h,i)perylene 50-32-8 Benzo(a)pyrene 100-51-6 Benzyl 111-91-1 bis(2-Chloroethoxy) 111-44-4 bis(2-Chloroethyl)ether 108-60-1 bis(2-Chloroisopropyl)ether 117-81-7 bis(2-Ethylhexyl)phthalate 101-55-3 4-Bromophenyl phenyl ether 85-68-7 Butyl benzyl phthalate 106-47-8 4-Chloroaniline 91-58-7 2-Chloronaphthalene 59-50-7 4-Chloro-3-methylphenol 95-57-8 2-Chlorophenol 7005-72-3 4-Chlorophenyl phenyl ether 218-01-9 Chrysene 53-70-3 Dibenzo(a,h)anthracene 132-64-9 Dibenzofuran 84-74-2 Di-n-butyl phthalate 541-73-1 1,3-Dichlorobenzene 106-46-7 1,4-Dichlorobenzene 95-50-1 1,2-Dichlorobenzene 122-66-7 1,2-Diphenylhydrazine 91-94-1 3,3'-Dichlorobenzidine 11/2/01 09:48 AM Page 1 of 3 Semi-Volatile Organics Analysis Data Sheet SW8468270C

Client ID: LF REUSE COMP (1,2 &8) Report No: 30993 Client Name : Tighe & Bond, Inc. D41 STL Sample Number: 186209 Project Name: Dedham RAM Excavation Lab File ID: B8702 Matrix: Soil Date Collected: 10/24/01 Sample WtNVol : 30.03g Date Received: 10/24/01 % Solid: 94.3 Date Extracted: 10/25/01 GPC Clean up: Date Analyzed : 10/29/01 Dilution Factor: 2 By: SM

CAS NO Compound Reporting Limit Concentration ug/kg dry uglkg dry 120-83-2 2,4-Dichlorophenol 84-66-2 Diethyl phthalate 105-67-9 2,4-Dimethylphenol I 131-11-3 Dimethyl phthalate 534-52-1 2-Methyl-4,6-dinitrophenol 51-28-5 2,4-Dinitrophenol I 121-14-2 2,4-Dinitrotoluene 606-20-2 2,6-Dinitrotoluene 117-84-0 Di-n-octylphthalate I 20644-0 Fluoranthene 86-73-7 Fluorene S118-74-1 87-68-3 Hexachlorobutadiene 77474 Hexachlorocyclopentadiene I 67-72-1 Hexachloroethane 193-39-5 Indeno(1,2,3-cd)pyrene 78-59-1 Isophorone I 91-57-6 2-Methylnaphthalene 95-48-7 2-Methylphenol (o-cresol) 106-44-5 3&4-Methylphenol (m&p-cresol) 91-20-3 Naphthalene 88-74-4 2-Nitroaniline I 99-09-2 3-Nitroaniline 100-01-6 4-Nitroaniline 98-95-3 Nitrobenzene I 88-75-5 2-Nitrophenol 100-02-7 4-Nitrophenol 621-64-7 n-Nitroso-di-n-propylamine 86-30-6 n-Nitrosodiphenylamine 87-86-5 Pentachlorophenol I 85-01-8 11/2/01 09:48 AM Page 2 of 3 Semi-Volatile Organics Analysis Data Sheet SW8468270C

Client ID: LF REUSE COMP (1,2 &8) Report No: 30993 Client Name: Tighe & Bond, Inc. D41 STL Sample Number: 186209 Project Name: Dedham RAM Excavation Lab File ID: B8702 Matrix: Soil Date Collected: 10/24/01 Sample Wt/Vol: 30.03g Date Received: 10/24/01 % Solid: 94.3 Date Extracted : 10/25/01 GPC Clean up: Date Analyzed: 10/29/01 Dilution Factor : 2 By: SM I CAS NO Compound Reporting Limit Concentration ug/kg dry ug/kg dry 108-95-2 710 U 129-00-0 Pyrene 710 960 120-82-1 1,2,4-Trichlorobenzene 710 U 95-95-4 2,4,5-Trichlorophenol 710 U 88-06-2 2,4,6-Tdchlorophenol 710 U

11/2/01 09:48 AM Page 3 of 3 2"

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V) *. I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I

I Mr. Scott McFarland STL Westfield Tighe & Bond, Inc. D41 Westfield Executive Park 53 Southampton Road 53 Southampton Rd. Westfield, MA 01085 Westfield, MA 01085 Tel: 413 572 4000 Fax: 413 572 3707 www.st-inc.com

November 07, 2001

Report Number: 31068

Dear Mr. McFarland,

The analysis of your sample(s) submitted on 10130/01 is now complete and the appropriate analytical report is enclosed. The samples were prepared and analyzed according to established methodologies and protocols. If you have any questions regarding the report or any part of our service, please do not hesitate to contact us. Thank you for using STL Westfield, and we look forward to receiving your next samples.


Michael F. Wheeler, Ph.D. Laboratory Director

Total number of pages in this report: _, .

STL Westfield is a part of Severn Trent Laboratories, Inc. STL WESTFIELD/BILLERICA DATA REPORTING QUALIFIERS AND TERMINOLOGY I A number of data qualifiers are widely used within the environmental testing industry and may be utilized in our data reports. The following definitions of these qualifiers are included as a service to our clientele. The majority of the qualifiers have evolved from the EPA contract laboratory program (CLP).


U - Indicates that the compound was analyzed for but not detected. The sample detection limit is corrected for dilution and percent moisture. This detection limit is not necessarily the instrument detection limit.

J - Indicates an estimated value. This qualifier is used when mass spectral data indicates the presence of a compound that meets the identification criteria and the result is less than the specified quantitation limit but no less than one-half the quantitation limit. Common laboratory contaminants are not reported below the quantitation limit.

B - Indicates that the analyte was found in both the sample and its associated laboratory blank. It indicates possible/probable blank contamination and warns the data user to use caution when applying the results of this analyte. Common laboratory contaminants in applicable method blanks are reported with J qualifiers to one-tenth the quantitation limit.

E - This qualifier indicates compounds whose concentrations exceed the calibration range of the instrument for the specific analysis.

D - Indicates all compounds identified in an analysis at a secondary dilution factor.

RE - This suffix indicates a re-analyzed sample and is appended to the sample number on the result form.

RR - This suffix indicates a re-extracted and re-analyzed sample and is appended to the sample number on the result form.


U - Indicates that the analyte was analyzed for but not detected.

E - Indicates an estimated value because of the presence of interference. I RPQ00101.MA

ip.- *i tIK~.-. I Ip-J*'-ih - t-t MADEP MA014 53 Southampton Rd, 149 Rangeway Rd. RIDOH57 Westfield, MA 01085 N. Billeuica, MA 01862 CTDPH 0494 Tel:(413) 572-4000 Tel: (978) 667-1400 NY DOH 10843 s . Far (413) 572-3707 Fax (978) 667-7871 NH DES 2539 NELAP Accedited STL WESTFIELDIBILLERICA DATA REPORTING OUALIFIERS AND TERMINOLOGY

In addition to our standard data reporting qualifiers the following comments are specific to Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons, (Diesel or Gasoline Range Organics) by GC/FID.


Results for Motor Oil are based on chromatographable portions of the petroleum product.

The Carbon Range refers to the approximate chromatographic region covered by the specified petroleum product in straight-chain carbon units.

Quantitation is based on the average response factors for a series of hydrocarbon standards. The sample result from the DRO fraction is independent of the target compound assignment.

Samples yielding chromatographic patterns that do not agree with any of the method targets are reported as "unmatched."


Client Name: Tighe & Bond, Inc. D41 Project Name: Soil LF Reuse

Date: November 07, 2001

Sample No. Sample ID Comments

(186647) LF REUSE COMP (19,20,21,22)

(186648) LF REUSE COMP (19,20,21,22) Sample Carbon Range: C9-C36. DRO

11/7101 04:52 PM Page 1 of 1 I Inorganics Analysis Data Sheet

Client ID: LF REUSE COMP (19,20,21,22) Report No: 31068 Client Name : Tighe & Bond, Inc. D41 STL Sample Number: 186647 I Project Name: Soil LF Reuse Date Collected : 10/29101 Matrix Name : Soil Date Received : 10/30/01

I CAS NO Analyte Result Units Method Date Analyzed By Solids, percent % EPA 160.3 10/31/01 Specific Conductivity umhos/cm SM18 2510B 11/7/01 7440-38-2 Arsenic mg/kg dry SW8466010B 11/5/01 7440-43-9 Cadmium mg/kg dry SW8466010B 11/5/01 7440-47-3 Chromium mg/kg dry SW8466010B 1115101 7439-97-6 Mercury mg/kg dry SW8467471A 11/7/01

11/7/01 05:49 PM Page 1 of 2 Inorganics Analysis Data Sheet

Client ID: LF REUSE COMP (19,20,21,22) DRO Report No: 31068 Client Name: Tighe & Bond, Inc. D41 STL Sample Number: 186648 Project Name : Soil LF Reuse Date Collected 10/29/01 Matrix Name: Soil Date Received : 10/30/01

CAS NO Analyte Result Units Method Date Analyzed By

Solids, percent % EPA 160.3 10/31/01 GRB

11/7/01 05:49 PM Page 2 of 2 I GC Organics Analysis DRO Data Sheet SW8468015M I Client ID: LF REUSE COMP (19,20,21,22) DRO Report No: 31068 Client Name: Tighe & Bond, Inc. D41 STL Sample Number: 186648 Project Name: Soil LF Reuse Lab File ID: C7816 Matrix: Soil Date Collected: 10/29/01 Sample WtNVol: 30.1g Date Received: 10/30/01 % Solid: 94.9 Date Extracted: 10/31/01 Dilution Factor : 1 - Date Analyzed: 11/1/01 1 By: LB

I CAS NO Compound Reporting Limit Concentration mg/kg dry mg/kg dry I Kerosene (C9-C22) 3.5 U Fuel Oil #2 (C9-C25) 3.5 U SFuel Oil #6 (C9-C36) 3.5 U Motor Oil (C14-C36) 3.5 U MODF (C14-C28) 3.5 U Unmatched 3.5 200 (4)

S Sample Carbon Range: C9-C36. I I I I I I Match Quality Scale : I 1- Identical or nearly identical GC pattern 2 - Similar GC pattern showing moderate differences 3 - Significant difference in GC pattern I 4 - No agreement with GC patterns in target list.

S11/7/01 04:52 PM Page 1 of 1 Pesticides/PCB Organics Analysis Data Sheet SW8468082A

Client ID: LF REUSE COMP (19,20,21,22) Report No: 31068 Client Name : Tighe & Bond, Inc. D41 STL Sample Number: 186647 Project Name: Soil LF Reuse Lab File ID: H10705 Matrix: Soil Date Collected : 10/29/01 Sample WtVol : 10.8g Date Received: 10/30/01 % Solid: 94.9 Date Extracted : 11/2/01 GPC Clean up: Date Analyzed: 11/4/01 Sulfur Clean up : By: SH Dilution Factor: 1

CAS NO Compound Reporting Limit Concentration ug/kg dry ug/kg dry

12674-11-2 Arochlor-1016 98 U 11104-28-2 Arochlor-1221 98 U 11141-16-5 Arochlor-1232 98 U 53469-21-9 Arochlor-1242 98 U 12672-29-6 Arochlor-1248 98 U 11097-69-1 Arochlor-1254 98 U 11096-82-5 Arochlor-1260 98 U I

11/7/01 04:52 PM Page 1 of 1 Volatile Organics Analysis Data Sheet SW8468260B

Client ID: LF REUSE COMP (19,20,21,22) Report No: 31068 Client Name: Tighe & Bond, Inc. D41 STL Sample Number: 186647 Project Name : Soil LF Reuse Lab File ID: V39772 Matrix : Soil Date Collected: 10/29/01 Sample WtNVol: 28.0g Date Received: 10/30/01 % Solid: 94.9 Date Analyzed : 11/2/01 Dilution Factor: 1 By: GJB

CAS NO Compound Reporting Limit Concentration ug/kg dry ug/kg dry 67-64-1 Acetone 108-86-1 Bromobenzene 71-43-2 Benzene 75-27-4 Bromodichloromethane 74-97-5 Bromochloromethane 75-25-2 Bromoform 74-83-9 Bromomethane 78-93-3 2-Butanone 56-23-5 Carbon Tetrachloride 108-90-7 Chlorobenzene 124-48-1 Chlorodibromomethane 75-00-3 Chloroethane 67-66-3 Chloroform 74-87-3 Chloromethane 95-49-8 2-Chlorotoluene 106-43-4 4-Chlorotoluene 156-59-2 cis-1,2-Dichloroethene 156-60-5 trans-1,2-Dichloroethene 74-95-3 Dibromomethane 96-12-8 1,2-Dibromo-3-chloropropane 95-50-1 1,2-Dichlorobenzene 541-73-1 1,3-Dichlorobenzene 106-46-7 1,4-Dichlorobenzene 75-34-3 1,1-Dichloroethane 107-06-2 1,2-Dichloroethane 75-35-4 1,1-Dichloroethene 78-87-5 1,2-Dichloropropane 142-28-9 1,3-Dichloropropane 590-20-7 2,2-Dichloropropane 563-58-6 1,1-Dichloropropene 10061-01-5 cis-1,3-Dichloropropene 11/7/01 04:53 PM Page 1 of 3 Volatile Organics Analysis Data Sheet SW8468260B

Client ID: LF REUSE COMP (19,20,21,22) Report No : 31068 Client Name: Tighe & Bond, Inc. D41 STL Sample Number: 186647 Project Name: Soil LF Reuse Lab File ID: V39772 Matrix: Soil Date Collected : 10/29/01 Sample Wt/Vol: 28.0g Date Received: 10/30/01 % Solid : 94.9 Date Analyzed: 11/2/01 Dilution Factor: 1 By: GJB

CAS NO Compound Reporting Limit Concentration ug/kg dry ug/kg dry 10061-02-6 trans-1,3-Dichloropropene 100-41-4 Ethylbenzene 106-93-4 Ethylenedibromide 75-694 Fluorotrichloromethane 591-78-6 2-Hexanone 87-68-3 Hexachlorobutadiene 98-82-8 Isopropylbenzene 108-10-1 4-Methyl-2-pentanone 75-09-2 Methylene chloride 1634-04-4 Methyl-t-butyl ether 104-51-8 n-Butylbenzene 103-65-1 n-Propylbenzene 91-20-3 Naphthalene 108-38-3/106423 m+p- Xylene 99-87-6 p-lsopropyltoluene 95-47-6 o-Xylene 135-98-8 sec-Butylbenzene 100-42-5 Styrene 98-06-6 tert-Butylbenzene 127-18-4 Tetrachloroethene 630-20-6 1,1,1,2-Tetrachloroethane 79-34-5 1,1,2,2-Tetrachloroethane 108-88-3 Toluene 87-61-6 1,2,3-Trichlorobenzene 120-82-1 1,2,4-Trichlorobenzene 71-55-6 1,1,1-Trichloroethane 79-00-5 1,1,2-Trichloroethane 79-01-6 Trichloroethene 96-18-4 1,2,3-Trichloropropane 95-63-6 1,2,4-Trimethylbenzene 108-67-8 1,3,5-Trimethylbenzene

11/7/01 04:53 PM Page 2 of 3 I Volatile Organics Analysis Data Sheet SW8468260B

Client ID: LF REUSE COMP (19,20,21,22) Report No: 31068 Client Name : Tighe & Bond, Inc. D41 STL Sample Number: 186647 Project Name: Soil LF Reuse Lab File ID: V39772 Matrix: Soil Date Collected: 10/29/01 Sample WtNVol : 28.0g Date Received : 10/30/01 % Solid: 94.9 Date Analyzed: 11/2/01 Dilution Factor: 1 By: GJB I

I CAS NO Compound Reporting Limit Concentration ug/kg dry ug/kg dry 75-01-4 Vinyl chloride 140 U I I I I I I I I

11/7/01 04:53 PM Page 3 of 3 Semi-Volatile Organics Analysis Data Sheet SW8468260B Client ID: LF REUSE COMP (19,20,21,22) Report No: 31068 Client Name: Tighe & Bond, Inc. D41 STL Sample Number: 186647 Project Name: Soil LF Reuse Lab File ID: V39772 Matrix : Soil Date Collected : 10/29/01 Sample Wt/Vol : 28.0g Date Received: 10/30/01 % Solid: 94.9 Date Extracted : GPC Clean up: Date Analyzed : 11/2/01 Dilution Factor: 1 By: GJB

CAS NO Compound Reporting Limit Concentration ug/kg dry ug/kg dry

67-64-1 Acetone 108-86-1 Bromobenzene 71-43-2 Benzene 75-27-4 Bromodichloromethane 74-97-5 Bromochloromethane 75-25-2 Bromoform 74-83-9 Bromomethane 78-93-3 2-Butanone 56-23-5 Carbon Tetrachloride 108-90-7 Chlorobenzene 124-48-1 Chlorodibromomethane 75-00-3 Chloroethane 67-66-3 Chloroform 74-87-3 Chloromethane 95-49-8 2-Chlorotoluene 106-43-4 4-Chlorotoluene 156-59-2 cis-1,2-Dichloroethene 156-60-5 trans-1,2-Dichloroethene 74-95-3 Dibromomethane 96-12-8 1,2-Dibromo-3-chloropropane 95-50-1 1,2-Dichlorobenzene 541-73-1 1,3-Dichlorobenzene 106-46-7 1,4-Dichlorobenzene 75-34-3 1,1-Dichloroethane 107-06-2 1,2-Dichloroethane 75-35-4 1,1-Dichloroethene 78-87-5 1,2-Dichloropropane 142-28-9 1,3-Dichloropropane 590-20-7 2,2-Dichloropropane 563-58-6 1,1-Dichloropropene 10061-01-5 cis-1,3-Dichloropropene 11/7101 04:53 PM Page 1 of 3 Semi-Volatile Organics Analysis Data Sheet SW8468260B

Client ID: LF REUSE COMP (19,20,21,22) Report No: 31068 Client Name: Tighe & Bond, Inc. D41 STL Sample Number: 186647 Project Name: Soil LF Reuse Lab File ID: V39772 Matrix: Soil Date Collected: 10/29/01 Sample WtVol : 28.Og Date Received : 10/30/01 % Solid: 94.9 Date Extracted : GPC Clean up: Date Analyzed: 11/2/01 Dilution Factor: 1 By: GJB

CAS NO Compound Reporting Limit Concentration ug/kg dry ug/kg dry 10061-02-6 trans-1,3-Dichloropropene 100-41-4 Ethylbenzene 106-93-4 Ethylenedibromide 75-69-4 Fluorotrichloromethane 591-78-6 2-Hexanone 87-68-3 Hexachlorobutadiene 98-82-8 Isopropylbenzene 108-10-1 4-Methyl-2-pentanone 75-09-2 Methylene chloride 1634-04-4 Methyl-t-butyl ether 104-51-8 n-Butylbenzene 103-65-1 n-Propylbenzene 91-20-3 Naphthalene 108-38-3/106423 m+p- Xylene 99-87-6 p-lsopropyltoluene 95-47-6 o-Xylene 135-98-8 sec-Butylbenzene 100-42-5 Styrene 98-06-6 tert-Butylbenzene 127-18-4 Tetrachloroethene 630-20-6 1,1,1,2-Tetrachloroethane 79-34-5 1,1,2,2-Tetrachloroethane 108-88-3 Toluene 87-61-6 1,2,3-Trichlorobenzene 120-82-1 1,2,4-Trichlorobenzene 71-55-6 1,1,1-Trichloroethane 79-00-5 1,1,2-Trichloroethane 79-01-6 Trichloroethene 96-18-4 1,2,3-Trichloropropane 95-63-6 1,2,4-Trimethylbenzene 108-67-8 1,3,5-Trmethylbenzene

11/7/01 04:53 PM Page 2 of 3 Semi-Volatile Organics Analysis Data Sheet SW8468260B Client ID: LF REUSE COMP (19,20,21,22) Report No: 31068 Client Name: Tighe & Bond, Inc. D41 STL Sample Number: 186647 Project Name: Soil LF Reuse Lab File ID: V39772 Matrix: Soil Date Collected : 10/29/01 Sample WtNVol : 28.0g Date Received: 10/30/01 % Solid: 94.9 Date Extracted: GPC Clean up: Date Analyzed: 11/2/01 Dilution Factor :1 By: GJB

CAS NO Compound Reporting Limit Concentration ug/kg dry ug/kg dry 75-01-4 Vinyl chloride

11/7/01 04:53 PM Page 3 of 3 W Semi-Volatile Organics Analysis Data Sheet SW8468270C

Client ID: LF REUSE COMP (19,20,21,22) Report No: 31068 Client Name : Tighe & Bond, Inc. D41 STL Sample Number: 186647 Project Name: Soil LF Reuse Lab File ID: 88246 Matrix: Soil Date Collected: 10/29/01 Sample WtVol : 30.1g Date Received: 10/30/01 % Solid: 94.9 Date Extracted: 10/31/01 GPC Clean up: Date Analyzed: 11/6/01 Dilution Factor : 5 By: SM

SCAS NO Compound Reporting Limit Concentration ug/kg dry ug/kg dry

Acenaphthene 1,700 1700 183-32-9 208-96-8 Acenaphthylene 1,700 U 62-53-3 Aniline S8,300 U 120-12-7 Anthracene 1,700 2600 65-85-0 Benzoic acid 8,300 U Benzo(a)anthracene 1,700 5500 156-55-3205-99-2 Benzo(b)fluoranthene 1,700 4600 207-08-9 Benzo(k)fluoranthene 1,700 4500 191-24-2 Benzo(g,h,i)perylene 1,700 2100 50-32-8 Benzo(a)pyrene 1,700 4800 1100-51-6 3,300 U 111-91-1 bis(2-Chloroethoxy)methane 1,700 U 111-44-4 bis(2-Chloroethyl)ether 1,700 U I 108-60-1 bis(2-Chloroisopropyl)ether 1,700 U 117-81-7 bis(2-Ethylhexyl)phthalate 1,700 U 101-55-3 4-Bromophenyl phenyl ether 1,700 U I 85-68-7 Butyl benzyl phthalate 1,700 U 106-47-8 4-Chloroaniline 3,300 U 91-58-7 2-Chloronaphthalene 1,700 U 59-50-7 4-Chloro-3-methylphenol 3,300 U 95-57-8 2-Chlorophenol 1,700 U I 7005-72-3 4-Chlorophenyl phenyl ether 1,700 U 218-01-9 Chrysene 1,700 5600 53-70-3 Dibenzo(a,h)anthracene 1,700 970 J I 132-64-9 Dibenzofuran 1,700 1000 J 84-74-2 Di-n-butyl phthalate 1,700 U 541-73-1 1,3-Dichlorobenzene 1,700 U 106-46-7 1,4-Dichlorobenzene 1,700 U 95-50-1 1,2-Dichlorobenzene 1,700 U 1,2-Diphenylhydrazine 1,700 U 122-66-7 1 91-94-1 3,3'-Dichlorobenzidine 3,300 U 11/7/01 05:24 PM Page 1 of 3 Semi-Volatile Organics Analysis Data Sheet SW8468270C

Client ID: LF REUSE COMP (19,20,21,22) Report No: 31068 Client Name: Tighe & Bond, Inc. D41 STL Sample Number: 186647 Project Name: Soil LF Reuse Lab File ID: B8246 Matrix: Soil Date Collected: 10/29/01 Sample Wt/Vol : 30.1g Date Received : 10/30/01 % Solid: 94.9 Date Extracted: 10/31/01 GPC Clean up: Date Analyzed: 11/6/01 Dilution Factor: 5 By: SM I

CAS NO Compound Reporting Limit Concentration ug/kg dry ug/kg dry 120-83-2 2,4-Dichlorophenol 1,700 U 84-66-2 Diethyl phthalate 1,700 U 105-67-9 2,4-Dimethylphenol 1,700 U 131-11-3 Dimethyl phthalate 1,700 U 534-52-1 2-Methyl-4,6-dinitrophenol 8,300 U 51-28-5 2,4-Dinitrophenol 1,700 U 121-14-2 2,4-Dinitrotoluene 1,700 U 606-20-2 2,6-Dinitrotoluene 1,700 U 117-84-0 Di-n-octylphthalate 1,700 U 206-44-0 Fluoranthene 1,700 11000 86-73-7 Fluorene 1,700 1500 J 118-74-1 Hexachlorobenzene 1,700 U 87-68-3 Hexachlorobutadiene 1,700 U 77-47-4 Hexachlorocyclopentadiene 1,700 U 67-72-1 Hexachloroethane 1,700 U 193-39-5 Indeno(1,2,3-cd)pyrene 1,700 2200 78-59-1 Isophorone 1,700 U 91-57-6 2-Methylnaphthalene 1,700 1000 J 95-48-7 2-Methylphenol (o-cresol) 1,700 U 106-44-5 3&4-Methylphenol (m&p-cresol) 1,700 U 91-20-3 Naphthalene 1,700 1600 J 88-74-4 2-Nitroaniline 8,300 U 99-09-2 3-Nitroaniline 8,300 U 100-01-6 4-Nitroaniline 8,300 U 98-95-3 Nitrobenzene 1,700 U 88-75-5 2-Nitrophenol 1,700 U 100-02-7 4-Nitrophenol 8,300 U 621-64-7 n-Nitroso-di-n-propylamine 1,700 U 86-30-6 n-Nitrosodiphenylamine 1,700 U 87-86-5 Pentachlorophenol 8,300 U 85-01-8 Phenanthrene 1,700 11000

11/7/01 05:24 PM Page 2 of 3 Semi-Volatile Organics Analysis Data Sheet SW8468270C

CAS NO Compound Reporting Limit Concentration ug/kg dry ug/kg dry 108-95-2 Phenol 1,700 129-00-0 Pyrene 1,700 120-82-1 1,2,4-Trichlorobenzene 1,700 95-95-4 2,4,5-Trichlorophenol 1,700 88-06-2 2,4,6-Trichlorophenol 1,700

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