Congressional Record—Senate S4727

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Congressional Record—Senate S4727 June 28, 2012 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE S4727 York and a general in the New York Militia, Whereas Loyola became just the ninth the vital mission of teaching our children in led the successful defense of Fort Erie in the team to win an NCAA Division I Men’s La- schools, healing the sick in hospitals, feed- late summer of 1814, which lifted the sprits crosse National Championship since the first ing the hungry, sheltering the homeless, ad- of the people of the United States at an im- championship was held in 1971; ministering major institutions, encouraging portant time and resulted in Brown emerg- Whereas the Loyola Greyhounds secured corporate responsibility, and advocating for ing from the war a national hero; their victory in only their second appearance public policies that honor human dignity; Whereas the British plan to invade from in a national championship, having been de- and the North, in a manner similar to that of feated by Syracuse in 1990; Whereas the congregations of women reli- General John Burgoyne in 1777, was halted at Whereas the vision and leadership of the gious, along with their respective organiza- Plattsburgh, New York in September 1814; Rev. Brian Linnane, S.J. and Jim Paquette, tions, make the United States stronger and Whereas the victory at Plattsburgh shat- Loyola University’s President and Athletic deserve our deepest appreciation: Now, tered any hopes of British gains in the Director, respectively, were instrumental in therefore, be it North, helped maintain national morale bringing academic and athletic success, as Resolved, That the Senate— after Washington was sacked in that dark well as national recognition, to Loyola Uni- (1) recognizes and commends the Catholic summer of 1814, and was described by Win- versity Maryland; and Sisters of the United States, whose inspiring ston Churchill as the ‘‘most decisive engage- Whereas the 2012 Loyola University Mary- legacy of service enriches the Nation; ment of the war’’; land men’s lacrosse team has brought great (2) honors the contributions of Catholic Whereas from the death and destruction of honor and pride to their university, the Sisters to the Nation; and the War of 1812 there was born a spirit of co- State of Maryland, and the United States: (3) stands in solidarity with Catholic Sis- operation and a vision of peace between the Now, therefore, be it ters in their work toward a more just society United States and Canada; Resolved, That the Senate— for all of God’s people. Whereas the unparalleled cooperation, (1) congratulates the Loyola University f prosperity, and friendship that developed be- Maryland Greyhounds for winning the 2012 tween the United States and Canada since NCAA Division I Men’s Lacrosse National AMENDMENTS SUBMITTED AND the War of 1812 find the deepest roots and Championship; PROPOSED daily expressions in the border communities (2) recognizes the achievements of the across upstate New York, which was the players, coaches, students, and staff whose SA 2488. Mrs. MURRAY (for herself, Mr. front line of the War of 1812; hard work and dedication were key to MCCAIN, Mr. LEVIN, Mr. LIEBERMAN, Ms. Whereas the bicentennial of the War of 1812 Loyola’s victory in the championship game; AYOTTE, Mr. CONRAD, Mr. GRAHAM, Mr. offers an exceptional opportunity to ac- and INHOFE, Ms. COLLINS, and Mr. SESSIONS) sub- knowledge and celebrate the true and lasting (3) requests the Secretary of the Senate to mitted an amendment intended to be pro- legacy of 200 years of peace between the transmit for appropriate display an enrolled posed by her to the bill S. 1940, to amend the United States and Canada; and copy of this resolution to Loyola University National Flood Insurance Act of 1968, to re- Whereas through the turmoil of war, a President Rev. Brian Linnane, S.J. and Loy- store the financial solvency of the flood in- young nation endured and saw its banner ola University Men’s Lacrosse Head Coach surance fund, and for other purposes; which continue to wave over a land free and brave: Charley Toomey. was ordered to lie on the table. Now, therefore, be it f f Resolved, That the Senate recognizes the 200th anniversary of the War of 1812. SENATE RESOLUTION 515—HON- TEXT OF AMENDMENTS ORING CATHOLIC SISTERS FOR f THEIR CONTRIBUTIONS TO THE SA 2488. Mrs. MURRAY (for herself, SENATE RESOLUTION 514—COM- UNITED STATES Mr. MCCAIN, Mr. LEVIN, Mr. LIEBER- MEMORATING THE VICTORY OF MAN, Ms. AYOTTE, Mr. CONRAD, Mr. Ms. MIKULSKI (for herself, Ms. COL- GRAHAM, Mr. INHOFE, Ms. COLLINS, and LOYOLA UNIVERSITY MARYLAND LINS, Ms. LANDRIEU, Ms. SNOWE, Mrs. IN THE 2012 NCAA DIVISION I Mr. SESSIONS) submitted an amend- FEINSTEIN, Ms. MURKOWSKI, Mrs. ment intended to be proposed by her to MEN’S LACROSSE NATIONAL BOXER, Ms. CANTWELL, Mrs. MURRAY, CHAMPIONSHIP the bill S. 1940, to amend the National Ms. STABENOW, Ms. KLOBUCHAR, Mrs. Flood Insurance Act of 1968, to restore Mr. CARDIN (for himself and Ms. MI- SHAHEEN, Mrs. GILLIBRAND, and Mrs. the financial solvency of the flood in- KULSKI) submitted the following resolu- MCCASKILL) submitted the following surance fund, and for other purposes; tion; which was considered and agreed resolution; which was referred to the which was ordered to lie on the table; to: Committee on the Judiciary: as follows: S. RES. 514 S. RES. 515 At the appropriate place, insert the fol- Whereas on May 28, 2012, Loyola University Whereas approximately 220,000 Catholic lowing: Maryland won its first NCAA Division I Sisters have served in the United States be- SEC. ll. REPORTS ON EFFECTS OF DEFENSE Men’s Lacrosse National Championship and ginning even before the Nation’s founding; AND NONDEFENSE BUDGET SEQUES- the first Division I national title in the his- Whereas approximately 57,000 Catholic Sis- TRATION. tory of the school; ters serve in the United States today; (a) FINDINGS.—Congress makes the fol- Whereas Loyola is the smallest school in Whereas Catholic Sisters are women who lowing findings: NCAA history to win the Division I Men’s dedicate their lives to God by serving God’s (1) The inability of the Joint Select Com- Lacrosse National Championship, with only people, especially the poor, the sick, and the mittee on Deficit Reduction to find 3,863 undergraduate students; marginalized; $1,200,000,000,000 in savings will trigger auto- Whereas the Loyola Greyhounds finished Whereas, fortified by a deep faith in God matic funding reductions known as ‘‘seques- the men’s lacrosse season with a record of 18 and an unwavering commitment to the com- tration’’ to raise an equivalent level of sav- wins and 1 loss; mon good, American nuns built the Catholic ings between fiscal years 2013 and 2021. Whereas the Loyola Greyhounds set a Church in the United States through their (2) These savings are in addition to NCAA record for the fewest goals allowed ministry to the vulnerable, the sick, and the $900,000,000,000 in deficit reduction resulting during a men’s lacrosse championship game; poor; from discretionary spending limits estab- Whereas 5 members of the Loyola Grey- Whereas individuals trained by the Catho- lished by the Budget Control Act of 2011. hounds, Joe Fletcher, Josh Hawkins, Eric lic Sisters serve as health providers in com- (b) REPORTS.— Lusby, Scott Ratliff, and Jack Runkel, were munities across the Nation; (1) REPORT BY THE DIRECTOR OF THE OFFICE named members of the All-Tournament Whereas Catholic hospitals treated ap- OF MANAGEMENT AND BUDGET.— team; proximately one in 6 patients in the United (A) IN GENERAL.—Not later than 90 days Whereas Loyola senior Eric Lusby was States; after the date of enactment of this Act, or named the Most Outstanding Player of the Whereas Catholic Sisters helped establish November 30, 2012, whichever is earlier, the 2012 NCAA Division I Men’s Lacrosse Na- the Nation’s largest private school system Director of the Office of Management and tional Championship after scoring 4 goals in and founded more than 150 colleges and uni- Budget shall submit a report to the Commit- the title game, while also setting a tour- versities and educated millions of young peo- tees on Appropriations and the Budget of the nament record with a total of 17 goals in 4 ple in the United States; House of Representatives and the Senate games; Whereas, since 1980, 9 Catholic Sisters from with respect to a sequestration under section Whereas sophomore goalie Jack Runkel the United States have been martyred while 251(a) of the Balanced Budget and Emergency had 6 saves in the championship game, hold- working for social justice and human rights Deficit Control Act of 1985. ing the University of Maryland to only 3 overseas; (B) ELEMENTS.—The report required by goals; Whereas Catholic Sisters who have an- subparagraph (A) shall include the following: Whereas the 18 wins by the Loyola Grey- swered the call of the Second Vatican Coun- (i) Each account that would be subject to hounds this season set a program record; cil to seek ‘‘justice in the world’’ continue such a sequestration. 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