

Volume 30 No. 6 October / octobre 1998

In this issue / Dans ce numero´ FROM THE discovery, learning and application of EXECUTIVE mathematics. The President also reported on the Editorial ...... 2 DIRECTOR’S DESK “Planning for the future of the CMS” document that had been endorsed by ICM’98 - Prizes and Medals the Board and on the various task forces Awarded ...... 3 that will help “review all aspects of CMS operations”. The scope of the Du bureau du directeur admin- Society’s operations has grown signifi- istratif ...... 7 cantly over the past several years and with this growth has come a corre- sponding increase in both administra- Awards / Prix ...... 8 tive and financial operations. It is im- portant that all of our activities are ad- A Note of Thanks ...... 9 ministered effectively and efficiently and the mandate of one of the Task Une Note de Remerciement ... 10 Forces will be to review “Office Strate- Graham Wright gies”, for example, workload, staff as- Call for Nominations / Appel de signments, conference administration, Candidatures ...... 11 (voir la page 7 pour la version franc¸aise) streamlining and the requirements as- In the last issue of the Notes, the Pres- sociated with Camel. CMS 1998 Winter Meeting ident, Richard Kane, reported that the Change will certainly be a signifi- Reunion´ d’et´ e´ 1998 de la SMC 13 Board of Directors had approved an ex- cant part of future planning and change tension of my term as Executive Di- is certainly not new for the Executive Schedule / Horaire ...... 18 rector until June 30, 2002. I wish to Office in Ottawa, or for the Society’s thank all of those involved in the Soci- various editorial offices (St. John’s, Scheduled Speakers / ety’s activities for their invaluable sup- Halifax, Hamilton, Winnipeg, Burnaby Conferenciers´ prevus´ ...... 21 port and encouragement over the past and Vancouver). Indeed, the past six 19 years and I look forward to working months have already seen some signif- Joint Mathematics Meetings .. 24 with many of you over the next four icant changes at the Executive Office. years. Several positions have been modi- Positions Available / Offre Many diverse and interesting chal- fied to better reflect current needs and d’emploi ...... 26 lenges lie ahead and together with the to more clearly identify the responsi- help and support of our many volun- bilities for each position. Monique Math Connection ...... 33 teers, both inside and outside the CMS, Bouchard, who has been with the CMS we will be able to maximize oppor- since 1980, is now the Operations Man- Calendar of events / Calendrier tunities and actively pursue the Soci- ager and the other full-time Executive des ev´ enements´ ...... 34 ety’s goal to promote and advance the (continued on page 6) OCTOBER/OCTOBRE CMS NOTES

EDITORIAL ) and the balance in var- ied fields (Aequationes Math, Algebra CMS NOTES Universalis, Designs Codes and Cryp- NOTES DE LA SMC tography, Theory and Applications of Categories, Utilitas Math). The CMS Notes is published by The dollar value of all this activity the Canadian Mathematical Society must be large, causing one to wonder if (CMS) eight times a year (February, a greater portion of it might be captured March, April, May, September, Oc- for the benefit of the mathematical sci- tober, November, and December). ences community. Readers with views on this, or with comments on the above Editors-in-Chief list, are invited to write to us. Peter Fillmore Au Canada, l’edition´ et la pub- S. Swaminathan lication dans le domaine des sci- ences mathematiques´ sont des secteurs Managing Editor etonnamment´ dynamiques et diver- Graham P. Wright Peter Fillmore sifies.´ On publie des collections de livres et de periodiques,´ en format Contributing Editors Editing and publishing in the mathe- electronique´ et papier. C’est ce que Education: Harvey Gerber matical sciences in Canada today is nous apprenait le document Mathemat- ´ ´ [email protected] impressively vigorous and extensive, ics in Canada, redige par Jim Timo- ´ Meetings: Monique Bouchard comprising book series and periodi- urian et le Comite des affaires inter- [email protected] cals, both print and electronic. This nationales de la SMC, en vue du pas- ´ ´ Research: Noriko Yui; was brought to light in the document sage du Canada l’echelon superieur de James D. Lewis ”Mathematics in Canada”, prepared l’UMI. [email protected] last year by Jim Timourian and the Du cotˆ e´ des livres, huit collections CMS International Affairs Commit- sont publiees´ au pays : deux par la Editorial Assistant tee in connection with the move of SMC et l’Institut Fields, et quatre par Canada’s IMU membership to the top le CRM. Comme la collection SMC- Caroline Baskerville category. Wiley est passee´ chez Springer-Verlag, The Editors welcome articles, letters To begin with books, there are 8 se- cinq de ces collections sont distribuees´ and announcements, which should ries in all - two each from the CMS par l’AMS et trois par Springer. Ajou- be sent to the CMS Notes at: and the Fields Institute, and no less tons a` cela des ouvrages occasionnels, Canadian Mathematical Society than four from the CRM. With the comme les livres publies´ par la SMC 577 King Edward CMS-Wiley series moving to Springer- a` l’occasion de son cinquantieme` an- P.O. Box 450, Station A Verlag, five of these are distributed by niversaire et de la 36e OIM. Ottawa, Ontario, Canada K1N 6N5 the AMS and three by Springer. To Quelque onze periodiques´ sont Telephone: (613) 562-5702 these one might add occasional publi- publies´ par des associations profes- Facsimile: (613) 565-1539 cations such as the books issued by the sionnelles, notamment la SMC (5), E-mail: [email protected] CMS in 1995 to mark our 50th anniver- l’AMQ (2), la SCMAI (1), la SRC [email protected] sary and the 36th IMO. (1), la SCHPM (1) et la SSC(1). On Web site: www.cms.math.ca It appears that some 11 periodicals compte aussi huit revues specialis´ ees´ are published by professional organiza- (ou plus) edit´ ees´ dans les departements´ No responsibility for views ex- tions, including the CMS(5), AMQ(2), de mathematiques´ de diverses uni- pressed by authors is assumed by the CAIMS(1), RSC(1), CSHPM(1), and versites´ canadiennes, les universites´ Notes, the editors or the CMS. SSC(1). There are another 8 (or du Manitoba et de Waterloo en tte more?) speciality journals edited in avec trois chacune. De ces onze various Canadian university mathemat- periodiques,´ trois portent sur la combi- ISSN: 1193-9273 ics departments, led by the Universities natoire (Ars Combinatoria, J. Combi- of Manitoba and Waterloo with three natorial Theory–Series B, J. Algebraic c Canadian Mathematical Society 1998 each. Of these, three are in combi- Combinatorics), et les autres sur des su- natorics (Ars Combinatoria, J. Combi- jets varies´ (Aequationes Math, Algebra natorial Theory–Series B, J. Algebraic Universalis, Designs Codes and Cryp-

2 NOTES de la SMC OCTOBER/OCTOBRE tography, Theory and Applications of nous interroger sur la possibilitede´ le sujet ou a` nous faire part de leurs Categories, Utilitas Math). conserver une partie de ces profits, commentaires sur la liste ci-dessus. Les sommes que rapportent toute pour le ben´ efice´ de la communaute´ cette activite´ sont sans doute con- mathematique.´ Nous invitons les siderables,´ ce qui nous amene` a` lecteurs a` nous donner leur opinion sur P. Fillmore


In physics or literature they have the award of $15,000. It is donated by the so-called ”monster-groups” and ellip- Nobel Prize, and in mathematics there University of Helsinki in memory of tic functions. These functions are is the . This highest sci- the Finnish Rolf Nevan- used in the construction of wire-frame entific award for was linna, who was president of the Interna- structures in two-dimensions, and can presented on August 18 at the open- tional Mathematical Union 1959 - 1962 be helpful, for example, in chemistry ing ceremony of ICM’98 in Berlin to and organiser of the World Congress in for the description of molecular struc- Richard E. Borcherds, Maxim Kontse- Stockholm in 1962. One side of the tures. Monster groups, in contrast, only vich, W. Timothy Gowers and Curtis T. medal shows the bust of Nevanlinna, seemed to be of importance in pure McMullen. The International Mathe- and the other bears the seal of Helsinki mathematicians. Groups are mathe- matical Union also awarded the Nevan- University and a rectangle of noughts matical objects which can be used to linna Prize for outstanding work in the and ones, the word ”Helsinki” in coded describe the symmetry of structures. field of theoretical computer science to form. Expressed technically, they are a set the mathematician Peter Shor, and a of objects for which certain arithmetic special silver plaque to . RICHARD E. BORCHERDS rules apply (for example all whole The Fields Medal is the highest sci- numbers and their sums form a group). entific award for mathematicians. The An important theorem of algebra awards are presented every four years says that all groups, however large and at the International Congress of Math- complicated they may seem, all consist ematicians (ICM) together with a prize of the same components - in the same of $15,000 (Canadian). Up to four way as the material world is made up of medals are presented at each ceremony atomic particles. The ”monster group” to mathematicians who are not more is the largest ”sporadic, finite, simple” than forty years old. The age limit is group - and one of the most bizarre ob- intended to guarantee that not only past jects in algebra. It has more elements work is rewarded. The Fields Medal is than there are elementary particles in also intended to encourage the winners the universe (approx. 8 x 1053). Hence to make further contributions. Richard E. Borcherds received a medal the name ”monster”. The Fields Medal is made of gold, for his work in the fields of algebra In his proof, Borcherds uses many and shows the head of Archimedes (287 and geometry, in particular for his proof ideas of string theory – a surpris- - 212 BC) together with a quotation of the so-called Moonshine conjecture. ingly fruitful way a making theoreti- attributed to him: Transire suum pec- This conjecture was formulated at the cal physics useful for mathematical the- tus mundoque potiri (Rise above one- end of ’70s by the British mathemati- ory. Although still the subject of dis- self and grasp the world). The reverse cians John Conway and Simon Norton pute among physicists, strings offer a side bears the inscription: Congregati and presents two mathematical struc- way of explaining many of the puzzles ex toto orbe mathematici ob scripta in- tures in such an unexpected relation- surrounding the origins of the universe. signia tribuere. (The mathematicians ship that the experts gave it the name They were proposed in the search for a assembled here from all over the world ”Moonshine”. In 1989, Borcherds was single consistent theory which brings pay tribute for outstanding work). able to cast some more light on the together various partial theories of cos- The Nevanlinna Prize has been mathematical background of this topic mology. Strings have a length but awarded since 1983 for outstanding and to produce a proof for the conjec- no other dimension and may be open work in the fields of theoretical com- ture. strings or closed loops. puter science. The prize is also in The Moonshine conjecture pro- Richard Ewen Borcherds (born 29 the form of a gold medal and a cash vides an interrelationship between the November 1959) has been Royal Soci-

3 OCTOBER/OCTOBRE CMS NOTES ety Research Professor at the Depart- lent? Or in other words, which knots fields apparently have little to do with ment of Pure Mathematics and Math- can be twisted and turned to produce each other, and a significant achieve- ematical Statistics at Cambridge Uni- another knot without the use of scis- ment of Gowers has been to com- versity since 1996. Borcherds began sors? This question was raised at the bine them fruitfully. Functional ana- his academic career at Trinity College, beginning of the 20th century, but it is lysis and combinatorial analysis have Cambridge before going as assistant still unanswered. It is not even clear in common that many of their prob- professor to the University of Califor- which knots can be undone, that is con- lems are relatively easy to formulate, nia in Berkeley. He has been made a verted to a simple loop. Mathemati- but extremely difficult to solve. Gow- Fellow of the Royal Society, and has cians are looking for ways of classify- ers has been able to utilise complicated also held a professorship at Berkeley ing all knots. They would be assigned mathematical constructions to prove since 1993. a number or , with equivalent some of the conjectures of the Polish knots having the same number. Knots mathematician (1892- which are not equivalent must have dif- 1945), including the problem of ”un- ferent numbers. However, such a char- conditional bases”. acterisation of knots has not yet been Banach was an eccentric, prefer- achieved. Kontsevich has found the ring to spend his time in the cafe´ rather best ”knot invariant” so far. Although than in his office in the University knot theory is part of pure mathemat- of Lvov. In the twenties and thirties ics, there seem to be scientific applica- he filled a notebook with problems of tions. Knot structures occur in cosmol- while sitting in the ogy, statistical mechanics and genetics. ”Scottish Cafe”, so that this later be- Maxim Kontsevich (born 25 Au- came known as the Scottish Book. gust 1964) is Professor at the Insti- Gowers has made significant con- tute des Hautes Etudes Scientifiques tributions above all to the theory of (I.H.E.S) in France and Visiting Pro- Banach spaces. Banach spaces are fessor at Rutgers University in New Maxim Kontsevich has established a sets whose members are not numbers Brunswick (USA). After studying at reputation in pure mathematics and the- but complicated mathematical objects the Moscow University and beginning oretical physics, with influential ideas such as functions or operators. How- research at the Institute for Problems and deep insights. He has been influ- ever, in a Banach it is possible of Information Processing, he gained enced by the work of Richard Feyn- to manipulate these objects like num- a doctorate at the University of Bonn, mann and . Kontsevich bers. This finds applications, for ex- Germany in 1992. He then received in- is an expert in the so-called ”string the- ample, in quantum physics. A key vitations to Harvard, Princeton, Berke- ory” and quantum field theory. He question for mathematicians and physi- ley and Bonn. made his name with contributions to cists concerns the inner structure of four problems of geometry. He was these spaces, and what symmetry they able to prove a conjecture of Witten and WILLIAM TIMOTHY show. Gowers has been able to con- demonstrate the mathematical equiva- GOWERS struct a which has al- lence of two models of so-called quan- most no symmetry. This construc- tum gravitation. The quantum theory tion has since served as a suitable of gravity is an intermediate step to- counter-example for many conjectures wards a complete unified theory. It har- in functional analysis, including the hy- monises physical theories of the macro- perplane problem and the Schroeder- cosm (mass attraction) and the micro- Bernstein problem for Banach spaces. cosm (forces between elementary par- Gowers’ contribution also opened ticles). the way to the solution of one of the Another result of Kontsevich re- most famous problems in functional lates to knot theory. Knots mean ex- analysis, the so-called ”homogeneous actly the same thing for mathemati- space problem”. A year ago, Gow- cians as for everyone else, except that ers attracted attention in the field of the two ends of the rope are always Timothy Gowers has provided impor- combinatorial analysis when he deliv- joined together. tant contributions to functional analy- ered a new proof for a theorem of the A key question in knot theory is, sis, making extensive use of methods mathematician Emre Szemeredi which which of the various knots are equiva- from combinatorial theory. These two is shorter and more elegant than the

4 NOTES de la SMC OCTOBER/OCTOBRE original line of argument. Such a feat tion therefore was whether a compa- Harvard. The Fields Medal is his tenth requires extremely deep mathematical rable method - which happened not to major award. In 1998 he was elected understanding. have been discovered - also existed for to the American Academy of Arts and William Timothy Gowers (born 20 equations of higher degrees. Curtis T. Sciences. November 1963) is a Lecturer at the McMullen’s conclusion was that there Department of Pure Mathematics and is definitely no such universal algo- PETER SHOR Mathematical Statistics at Cambridge rithm for equations above degree three; (NEVANLINNA PRIZE) University and Fellow of Trinity Col- only a partially applicable method is lege. From October 1998 he will be possible. Rouse Ball Professor of Mathematics. For degree-three equations he de- After studying through to the doctor- veloped a ”new” Newtonian method ate level at Cambridge, Gowers went and could thus completely solve the to University College London in 1991, question of approximation solutions. staying until the end of 1995. In 1996 A further result of McMullen relates he received the Prize of the European to the Mandelbrot set. This set de- Mathematical Society. scribes dynamical systems which can be used to model complicated natural CURTIS T. MCMULLEN phenomena such as weather or fluid flow. The point of interest is where Peter Shor has carried out pioneering a system drifts apart and which points work in combinatorial analysis and the move towards centres of equilibrium. theory of quantum computing. He re- The border between these two extremes ceived worldwide recognition in 1994 is the so-called Julia set, named after when he presented a computational the French mathematician Gaston Ju- method for factorising large numbers lia, who laid the foundations for the which, theoretically, could be used to theory of dynamic systems early in the break many of the coding systems cur- twentieth century. The Mandelbrot set rently employed. The drawback is that shows the parameters for which the Ju- Shor’s algorithm works on so-called lia set is connected, i.e. is mathemati- quantum computers, of which only pro- cally attractive. This description is very totypes currently exist. Quantum com- crude, but a better characterisation of puters do not operate like conventional Curtis T. McMullen was awarded a the boundary set was not available. ones, but make use of the quantum medal primarily in recognition of his Curtis T. McMullen made a ma- states of atoms, which offers a com- work in the fields of geometry and jor advance, however, when he showed puting capacity far in excess of current ”complex dynamics”, a branch of the that it is possible to decide in part on parallel supercomputers. theory of dynamical systems, bet- the basis of the Mandelbrot set if the Shor’s result unleashed a boom in ter known perhaps as chaos theory. associated dynamical system is ”hyper- research amongst physicists and com- McMullen has made contributions in bolic” and can therefore be described puter scientists. Experts predict that numerous fields of mathematics and in more detail. For these systems quantum computers could become a re- fringe areas. a well-developed theory is available. ality within the next decade, but this He already provided one important McMullen’s results were suspected al- rapid development is also a cause of result in his doctoral thesis. The ques- ready in the sixties, but nobody had pre- concern for some observers. Shor tion was how to calculate all the so- viously been able to prove this exact has been able to prove mathemati- lutions of an arbitrary equation. For characterisation of the Julia set. cally that the new computers would simple equations it is possible to obtain Curtis T. McMullen (born 21 May mean that current standard encrypt- the solutions by simple rearrangement. 1958) is a Visiting Professor at Har- ing methods such as ”RSA”, which For most equations, however it is nec- vard University. He studied in are used for electronic cash and on- essary to use approximation. One well- Williamstown, Cambridge University line signatures would no longer be se- known form is the ”Newton method” - and Paris before gaining a doctorate in cure. RSA was developed in 1977 by already known in a rudimentary form 1985 at Harvard. He lectured at vari- the mathematicians Ronald Rivest, Adi in ancient times. For second-degree ous universities before becoming Pro- Shamir and Leonard Adelmann (hence polynomials this provides very good re- fessor at the University of California in the acronym). It makes use of the fact sults without exception. A key ques- Berkeley. Since 1998 he has taught at that factorising a number is a so-called

5 OCTOBER/OCTOBRE CMS NOTES one-way function. This means that Sciences Research Institute in Berke- since in 1993 he had presented a proof while it is very easy to make a large ley, California. of Fermat’s Last Theorem - one of number from smaller ones, it takes the most famous mathematical puzzles, much longer to find all the factors of ANDREW J. WILES which had remained unsolved for more a large number. This time factor is the (IMU SILVER PLAQUE) than 350 years. Shortly afterwards, basis for the security offered by many however, colleagues found a gap in the encryption methods. Using Shor’s al- proof which Wiles was only able to gorithms, factorising large numbers on close up a year later. But this was a quantum computer would be just as too late for the Fields Medal, because fast as multiplication. RSA and other Wiles was then over the age limit of procedures would no longer be safe. forty. With its special tribute, the In- Experts have been making reassuring ternational Mathematics Union (IMU) noises, since a lot of work remains to be wishes to acknowledge Andrew Wiles’ done before such computers can even outstanding achievement. be constructed, but cryptographers are Andrew J. Wiles (born 11 April already working on the next generation 1953) is Professor of Mathematics at of encryption techniques. . Since 1995 he Peter Shor (born 14 August 1959) has also been a member of the Insti- is a mathematician at the AT&T Labs The British mathematician Andrew J. tute for Advanced Study (IAS). Wiles in Florham Park, New Jersey. His Wiles has been honoured with the studied in England at Cambridge Uni- research interests include quantum ”IMU silver plaque”. The chair- versity before going to America as as- computing, algorithmic geometry, and man of the Fields Medals Committee, sistant professor at Harvard in 1974. In combinatorial analysis. After studying Yuri Manin, presented him with this 1982 he became professor in Princeton. at California Institute of Technology he award during the opening ceremony His fields of research are number the- gained a doctorate at Massachusetts In- of ICM’98 in the Berlin International ory and arithmetic geometry. stitute of Technology. Before going to Congress Centre. From TU Berlin press releases AT&T in 1986, he was a postdoctoral Four years ago, Andrew J. Wiles at www.tu-berlin.de/presse/pi/1998- fellow for a year at the Mathematical was a hot favourite for a Fields Medal, /pi182e.htm and pi183e.htm

(continued from page 1) the tasks associated with the audit, however, a change in the financial year-end to December 31 meant that it was possible Office staff are Caroline Baskerville (Assistant to the Execu- for the Executive Office to consider closing completely for tive Director), Chantal Stevenson (Membership and Publica- two weeks in August. This experiment appears to have been tions Agent) and Suzanne Lalonde (Executive Office Clerk). very successful and, in particular, not have created serious in- There is also Alan Kelm (Site Manager - Camel East), Claire convenience. A decision on continuing the practice for future Ryan (Financial Assistant) and Diane Ellis (Comptroller) who years will be made in the next few months. work at the Executive Office part-time or on a contract basis. Thanks to all the efforts of our editors, the Society has an Members may notice some new names amongst the list enviable reputation for the quality and timely publication of of staff as several personnel changes have taken place over its periodicals. All issues of the Journal, the Bulletin, CRUX the past few months. Jeannine LeBlanc, my assistant since with MAYHEM and the it CMS NOTES have appeared on or January, 1996, wanted to return to the Maritimes and we before the issue date. The same applies to the Mathematical were able to schedule things so that her replacement, Car- Reports of the Academy of Science, Royal Society of Canada, oline Baskerville, could work with Jeannine for a few weeks a publication for which the CMS Executive Office has con- to make the transition as seamless as possible. This was par- tracted to provide production and subscription assistance. ticularly important since one of the responsibilities of the po- The editors and other volunteers enable the Society’s in- sition is Editorial Assistant for the CMS Notes. Claire Ryan ternationally respected periodicals to be produced in an ex- has been with us since April, while Chantal Stevenson and tremely cost effective manner. This is crucial since, like many Suzanne Lalonde joined the staff in mid-summer. Many of other societies, the viability of our other activities depends on you will get a chance to meet Chantal at a future CMS meet- a healthy publications programme. ing and Suzanne will be the one you get to talk to when you For many years, the CMS Series of Advanced Books in phone the main CMS number. Mathematics has been published as part of the Wiley Inter- In past years, the summer months were busy with all of science Series. With some regret, and following a review of

6 NOTES de la SMC OCTOBER/OCTOBRE several factors pertaining to the series, the Board of Directors strong membership base. Membership does offer numerous agreed that it was no longer appropriate to continue the cur- benefits and I hope you will renew or become a member of rent publishing agreement effective July 1, 1998. The CMS is the CMS. Perhaps current members will take the opportunity still very interested in publishing such books and has entered of inviting a colleague to join the CMS. Indeed, as a registered into an agreement with Springer Verlag. Jonathan and Peter charitable organization, membership fees are tax deductible. Borwein will continue to be the Editors-in-Chief for this new This is particularly beneficial for lifetime membership! series. Authors interested in submitting manuscripts for the CMS Subscription rates for members are a fraction of the reg- Series of Advanced Books in Mathematics or for the CMS ular price and all of our journals are also available on-line at Conference Proceedings Series (co-published with the Amer- very reasonable prices. Domain access is available for insti- ican Mathematical Society with Anthony Geramita and Niky tutions and there are significant savings in the rates for insti- Kamran as the Editors-in-Chief) are encouraged to contact tutional members of the CMS. Is your institution a CMS the editors. member or a subscriber to the Society’s journals? If Members and subscribers will soon recieve their renewal you need more information on membership or the publica- notices for 1999. To effectively represent and support the tions visit our website or please contact Chantal Stevenson mathematics community it is important that the Society has a ([email protected]).


(see page 1 for the English version) des centres de redaction´ de la SMC (St. John’s, Halifax, Hamilton, Winnipeg, Burnaby et Vancouver). En fait, le Dans le dernier numero´ des Notes, notre president,´ Richard bureau administratif a dej´ a` fait l’objet de changements con- Kane, ecrivait´ que le Conseil d’administration avait approuve´ siderables´ au cours des six derniers mois. une prolongation de mon mandat de directeur administratif Nous avons remanie´ plusieurs postes pour qu’ils cor- jusqu’au 30 juin 2002. J’aimerais profiter de l’occasion pour respondent davantage aux besoins actuels et avons defini´ remercier tous ceux et celles qui prennent part aux activites´ plus clairement les responsabilites´ rattachees´ a` chaque poste. de la Societ´ e´ de leur soutien et de leurs encouragements in- Monique Bouchard, qui est a` la SMC depuis 1980, porte main- estimables a` mon egard´ au cours des 19 dernieres` annees.´ Ce tenant le titre de chef des operations.´ Les autres employes´ a` sera pour moi un plaisir de travailler avec bon nombre d’entre plein temps du bureau sont Caroline Baskerville (adjointe du vous au cours des quatre annees´ a` venir. directeur administratif), Chantal Stevenson (agente respons- D’ici la,` bon nombre de tachesˆ interessantes´ et diver- able de l’adhesion´ et des publications) et Suzanne Lalonde sifiees´ devront etreˆ accomplies. Avec l’aide de nos nom- (commis du bureau administratif). Aux permanents, se gref- breux ben´ evoles,´ tant au sein de la SMC qu’a` l’exterieur,´ nous fent egalement´ Alan Kelm (webmestre - Camel Est), Claire tacheronsˆ d’accroˆıtre les possibilites´ qui s’offrent a` nous et Ryan (adjointe financiere)` et Diane Ellis (controleuse),ˆ qui de travailler activement a` atteindre l’objectif de la Societ´ e:´ travaillent au bureau a` temps partiel ou a` contrat. promouvoir et favoriser la decouverte´ et l’apprentissage des Vousserez sans doute nombreux a` remarquer de nouveaux mathematiques,´ et les applications qui en decoulent.´ noms dans cette liste, car plusieurs changements sont survenus Le president´ a aussi parle´ du document intitule´ Planifions au sein du personnel au cours des derniers mois. Jeannine l’avenir de la SMC, qui a et´ e´ approuve´ par le Conseil et les LeBlanc, mon adjointe depuis janvier 1996, desirait´ retourner groupes de travail qui nous aideront a` revoir tous les aspects du vivre dans les Maritimes. Nous avons fait en sorte que sa fonctionnement de la SMC. Le champ d’activite´ de la Societ´ e´ remplac¸ante, Caroline Baskerville, puisse travailler avec elle s’est considerablement´ elargi´ au cours des dernieres` annees,´ pendant quelques semaines pour faciliter la transition. Il etait´ ce qui a entraˆıne´ une augmentation des tachesˆ administratives important de proceder´ ainsi, car la titulaire de ce poste est no- et financieres.` Il est important que toutes nos activites´ soient tamment adjointe alar` edaction´ des Notes de la SMC. Claire administrees´ de maniere` efficace et efficiente. Un groupe de Ryan fait partie de l’equipe´ depuis avril, tandis que Chantal travail examinera donc les strategies´ administratives : charge Stevenson et Suzanne Lalonde sont avec nous depuis le milieu de travail, repartition´ des tachesˆ du personnel, administration de l’et´ e.´ Vous aurez la chance de rencontrer Chantal a` l’une des Reunions,´ rationalisation, exigences associees´ a` Camel, de nos Reunions´ a` venir, et c’est Suzanne qui vous repondra´ etc. lorsque vous composerez le numero´ principal de la SMC. Les changements ne seront sans doute pas etrangers´ au Au cours des dernieres` annees,´ l’et´ e´ etait´ une periode´ processus de planification. Chose certaine, ils ne sont pas occupee,´ car chacun s’affairait aux tachesˆ associees´ ala` etrangers´ au personnel du bureau administratif d’Ottawa, ou verification.´ Toutefois, puisque notre annee´ financiere` se ter-

7 OCTOBER/OCTOBRE CMS NOTES mine maintenant le 31 decembre,´ nous pouvions envisager de cette collection. de fermer le bureau completement` pendant deux semaines Les personnes interess´ ees´ a` proposer des manuscrits pour en aot. L’experience´ semble avoir et´ e´ un succes` et surtout, la collection d’ouvrages de mathematiques´ avancees´ de la ne paraˆit pas avoir causeded´ erangements´ importants. Nous SMC ou la collection des Comptes rendus de conferences´ deciderons´ d’ici quelques mois si nous continuerons ou non de la SMC (publiee´ conjointement avec la American Mathe- cette pratique. matical Society et ayant comme redacteurs´ en chefs Anthony Graceˆ aux efforts de ses redacteurs,´ la Societ´ e´ jouit d’une Geramita et Niky Kamran) sont pries´ de communiquer avec reputation´ enviable pour la qualite´ et la promptitude de pub- les redacteurs´ en chefs de ces publications. lication de ses periodiques.´ Tous les numeros´ du Journal, du Nos membres et nos abonnes´ recevront bientotˆ leurs avis Bulletin, de CRUX with MAYHEM et des NOTES de la SMC de renouvellement pour l’annee´ 1999. Il est important que la ont paru a` la date prevue´ ou avant cette date. Memeˆ chose Societ´ e´ compte un grand bassin de membres si elle veut pou- pour les Comptes rendus mathematiques´ de l’Academie´ des voir representer´ et soutenir comme il se doit la communaute´ Sciences de la Societ´ e´ royale du Canada, une publication pour mathematique.´ L’adhesion´ a` la SMC offre de nombreux avan- laquelle le bureau administratif de la SMC fournit des services tages, et j’espere` que vous la renouvellerez ou deviendrez un lies´ a` la production et a` l’adhesion.´ nouveau membre. Certains membres actuels en profiteront Ce sont les redacteurs´ et les autres ben´ evoles´ qui nous per- peut-ˆetre pour inviter des coll`egues a` adherer´ a ` la SMC... De mettent de realiser´ nos revues de reputation´ internationale a` plus, puisque la Societ´ e´ est un organisme a` but non lucratif un cot si bas. C’est la` un aspect fondamental, car, a` l’image de enregistre,´ les frais d’adhesion´ sont deductibles´ du revenu nombreuses autres societ´ es,´ la viabilite´ de nos autres activites´ imposable, ce qui peut etreˆ tres` interessant,´ particulierement` depend´ du succes` de nos publications. dans le cas de l’adhesion´ a` vie! Depuis longtemps, la collection d’ouvrages de Nos membres peuvent s’abonner a` nos publications pour mathematiques´ avancees´ de la SMC est publiee´ dans le cadre une fraction du prix regulier,´ et toutes nos revues sont aussi de la collection Wiley Interscience Series. Avec regret, et ala` offertes en version electronique´ a` un prix tres` raisonnable. suite d’une re´evaluation´ de certains aspects de la collection, L’acces` par domaine est offert aux membres institutionnels notre Conseil d’administration a decid´ e´ qu’a` partir du 1er de la SMC. Votre etablissement´ est-il membre de la SMC juillet 1998, il n’etait´ plus opportun de conserver cette en- ou abonne´ aux revues de la Societ´ e?´ Pour de plus am- tente. Toujours tres` interess´ ee´ a` publier de tels livres, la SMC ples renseignements sur l’adhesion´ ou sur nos publications, a donc conclu une nouvelle entente avec Springer Verlag. veuillez voir notre site web ou communiquer avec Chantal Jonathan et Peter Borwein demeurent les redacteurs´ en chef Stevenson ([email protected]).


New Fellows Elected lar self-similar sets including the Sier- totics and mathematics of large atoms Royal Society of Canada pinski gaskets and carpets. His recent have won him respect and admiration Saint Flour Lectures give a definitive of experts around the world. His forth- Four mathematicians have been account of the subject and extend some coming book on spectral aymptotics is elected to the Academy of Science of of these fundamental estimates to a va- the most insightful and original treatise the Royal Society of Canada. riety of other disordered media. in that well developed field. Martin Thomas Barlow - Depart- Victor Ivrii - Department of Mathe- Scott A. Vanstone - Department ment of Mathematics, University of matics, University of Toronto of Combinatorics and Optimization, British Columbia Victor Ivrii is Canada’s most dis- University of Waterloo Martin Barlow is one of the world tinguished expert on partial differential Scott A. Vanstone currently holds leaders in Probability Theory. He has equations. He proved, by methods of the NSERC/Pitney Bowes senior made fundamental contributions to the exceptional depth and beauty, the Weyl industrial-research chair of cryptog- general theory of stochastic processes, conjecture on the second term in the raphy at the University of Waterloo. local times, measure-valued processes asymptotics of the counting function He is a world authority in cryptology and stochastic differential equations. for the eigenvalues of a Laplacian on and its applications and has been the His recent work has established him a manifold with boundary. That con- driving force in the development of the as the international leader in the study jecture had been open for 70 years and theory and practice of elliptic curve of diffusions and heat flow on fractals. attracted some of the strongest geomet- cryptosystems. These systems are now He has obtained precise estimates on ric analysts. His other works on hyper- recognized worldwide as vital to the the heat kernels for a variety of singu- bolic equations, fine spectral asymp- deployment of wide scale electronic

8 NOTES de la SMC OCTOBER/OCTOBRE commerce, in great part due to his ef- jective is the promotion of learning and The 1998 CRM - Fields prize has forts. A number of Vanstone’s research research in the arts and sciences. It been awarded to Robert Moody (Uni- initiatives are being adapted as inter- recognizes distinguished accomplish- versity of Alberta). In honour of this national standards. His internationally ments and provides timely information award, Moody delivered a public lec- acclaimed sixth book is the definitive and advice to governments and the pub- ture at both the Fields Institute for Re- text on applied cryptography: no seri- lic. Founded in 1882, the RSC is an search in Mathematical Science and the ous researcher or practitioner in the art independent, self-governing organiza- Centre de Recherches Mathematiques.´ would be without it. tion supported by its members, gov- The lectures were on September 24 and Alfred Weiss - Department of Math- ernments and other public and private 25 in Toronto and Montreal respec- ematical Sciences, University of Al- sources. Each of the 1400 Fellows tively. has been elected to one of the three berta Robert Moody is internationally Academies of the RSC by their peers Alfred Weiss is a mathematician known for his discovery, independently within the Society. At present there are who has made fundamental contribu- from and simultaneously with V.G. some 90 Fellows in the Mathematics tions to several aspects of algebraic Kac, of an enormous new class of infi- Division. and the representation nite dimensional Lie Algebras, which theory of groups and orders. The el- CRM - Fields Prize are now called Kac-Moody algebras. egant and ingenious work of Weiss The significance of the Kac-Moody al- and his collaborators is ubiquitous in gebras in mathematics and mathemati- the study of integral group-rings and cal physics has continued to increase the Galois module structure of units over the last 20 years and their dis- of number fields. Renowned for the covery by Kac and Moody is consid- originality of his ideas, Weiss proved ered as one of the seminal events in the the long-standing Zassenhaus Conjec- history of mathematics in the last half ture concerning units in group-rings of the twentieth century. Moody has by a method which has rapidly be- made extensive contributions to many come a ‘classic’ and Weiss’ solution of aspects of Lie representation theory. In Frohlich’s¨ conjecture on canonical lat- recent years, with various collaborators tices of Galois representaions is clearly he has been studying the mathematical destined to follow suit. aspects of long-range aperiodic order, The Royal Society of Canada especially the rapidly emerging area of (RSC) is a national academy whose ob- Robert Moody quasicrystals.

A NOTE OF THANKS Richard Kane, University of Western Ontario

The success of the CMS is due to many people: dedicated ties of the Society and to build our endowed funds. The CMS staff, sponsors and donors, and our members. We would like Endowment Fund has nearly reached its initial goal of 1.5 to take this opportunity to thank all of our supporters. First million dollars and in 1999 the income from this endowment of all, nearly one in five of our membership (currently num- will fund the first annual competition to provide grants to sup- bering 948) is an active volunteer in any given year. There port a variety of mathematical activities across the country. are those who serve on the Board, on committees and edito- The Mathematical Olympiad Fund (now at almost $150,000) rial boards, and those who organise conferences, educational which supports competitions and activities related to the se- events and the various competitions for students. The names lection and training of Canada’s International Mathematics of these people can be found at the web sites: Olympiad team, continues to grow. As these funds increase http://www.camel.math.ca/CMS/ Docs/commlist.html (com- so does our long-term ability to provide much-needed support mittee and board memberships) and http://www.camel.math.ca/- to mathematics in Canada. CMS/Events/ (conference organization). Individuals: Janos Aczel (Waterloo, Ontario), Edward We would also like to thank the many donors and sponsors J. Barbeau (Toronto, Ontario), Niels M. Bejlegaard (Sta- given below who have provided financial support to the CMS vanger, Norway), Howard E. Bell (St. Catharines, On- during the period July 1, 1997 to August 31, 1998. tario), J.L. Berggren (Burnaby, British Columbia), David Funding was received both to support the ongoing activi- Borwein (London, Ontario), Sue Anne Campbell (Water-

9 OCTOBER/OCTOBRE CMS NOTES loo, Ontario), Helen F. Cullen (Harwich, Massachusetts), Touche, The Fields Institute, Government of Alberta, Govern- Charles R. Diminnie (San Angelo, Texas), Diane Dowling ment of British Columbia, Government of New Brunswick, (Winnipeg, Manitoba), Carl Faith (Princeton, New Jersey), Government of Newfoundland, Government of Nova Scotia, S. Feng (Hamilton, Ontario), K.O. Geddes (Waterloo, On- Government of Ontario, Gouvernement de Quebec,´ Govern- tario), Edgar G. Goodaire (St. John’s, Newfoundland), J. ment of Saskatchewan, Hewlett-Packard (Canada) Inc., In- Hardy Grant (Ottawa, Ontario), Bert Hartnell (Halifax, Nova dustry Canada, McLean Foundation, OIM 1995 IMO Corpo- Scotia), Katherine Heinrich (Burnaby, British Columbia), ration, Pacific Institute for the Mathematical Sciences, Royal Richard Hoshino (Markham, Ontario), Cyrus Hsia (Scar- Bank of Canada, Samuel Beatty Fund, Senator Norman M. borough, Ontario), Spiros Karigiannis (Cambridge, Mas- Paterson Foundation, Spinger Verlag, Sun Life Assurance sachusetts), Samuel Melamed (Montreal, Quebec), Nathan Company of Canada, Waterloo Maple, Waterloo Mathematics S. Mendelsohn (Winnipeg, Manitoba), Richard Nowakowski Foundation. (Halifax, Nova Scotia), Daniel G. Pich (Waterloo, Ontario), Universities and Schools: Harry Ainlay High School, Mark Solomonovich (Edmonton, Alberta), David H. Spring Lakeshore Catholic High School, Niagara Catholic District (Toronto, Ontario), A.C. (Tony) Thompson (Halifax, Nova School Board, The Board of Education of the City of North Scotia), Elmer M.. Tory (Sackville, New Brunswick), Robert York, Upper Canada College, Univeristy of British Columbia Vermes (Montreal, Quebec), Al Vilcius (Campbellville, On- (CMS Journal Office), University of Calgary (IMO Training tario), T.W. Alan Wong (Markham, Ontario) and 111 other Camp), Dalhousie University (CMS Notes Office), University members and donors who chose to remain anonymous. of Manitoba (TeX Office), McMaster University (CMS Bul- Corporations, Foundations, Institutes and Govern- letin Office), Memorial University (Crux Office), University ments: Amex Canada Inc., Bank of Montreal, Bell Canada, of Ottawa (CMS Executive Office), Simon Fraser University Canada Life Insurance Company, Canadian Airlines Inter- (Camel), University of Waterloo (Winter and Summer Train- national, Centre des Recherches Mathematiques,´ Deloitte & ing Camps).

UNE NOTE DE REMERCIEMENT Richard Kane, Universite´ de Western Ontario

La SMC doit son succes` a` de nombreuses personnes : son pays. Le fonds pour les olympiades mathematiques´ (qui personnel devou´ e,´ ses commanditaires et donateurs, et ses atteint presque les 150 000 $), servant a` financer les ac- membres. Nous aimerions profiter de l’occasion pour re- tivites´ et les concours associes´ alas` election´ et a` la forma- mercier tous ceux et celles qui nous appuient. D’abord, tion de l’equipe´ canadienne a` l’OIM, continue a` croˆitre lui mentionnons que pres` d’un de nos membres sur cinq (la aussi. Plus ces fonds augmentent, plus nous serons en mesure Societ´ e´ en compte actuellement 948) est un ben´ evole´ ac- d’offrir un soutien a` long terme et necessaire´ a` la commu- tif. Certains sont membre du conseil d’administration, de naute´ mathematique´ canadienne. : Individus : Janos Aczel comites´ de la SMC ou de comites´ de redaction,´ d’autres (Waterloo, Ontario), Edward J. Barbeau (Toronto, Ontario), organisent des Reunions,´ des activites´ educatives´ ou l’un Niels M. Bejlegaard (Stavanger, Norvege),` Howard E. Bell de nos divers concours mathematiques.´ On pourra con- (St. Catharines, Ontario), J.L. Berggren (Burnaby, Colombie- sulter la liste de ces personnes aux pages Web suivantes : Britannique), David Borwein (London, Ontario), Sue Anne http://www.camel.math.ca/CMS/Docs/commlist.html (mem- Campbell (Waterloo, Ontario), Helen F. Cullen (Harwich, bres de comites´ et du conseil) et http://www.camel.math.ca/- Massachusetts), Charles R. Diminnie (San Angelo, Texas), CMS/Events/ (organisation des Reunions).´ Diane Dowling (Winnipeg, Manitoba), Carl Faith (Prince- Nous aimerions egalement´ remercier les nombreux dona- ton, New Jersey), S. Feng (Hamilton, Ontario), K.O. Ged- teurs et commanditaires qui nous ont appuye´ financierement` des (Waterloo, Ontario), Edgar G. Goodaire (St. John’s, au cours de la derniere` annee,´ soit du 1er juillet 1997 au 31 Terre-Neuve), J. Hardy Grant (Ottawa, Ontario), Bert Hart- aot 1998. nell (Halifax, Nouvelle-cosse), Katherine Heinrich (Burnaby, Colombie-Britannique), Richard Hoshino (Markham, On- Nous avons reu du financement pour les activites´ tario), Cyrus Hsia (Scarborough, Ontario), Spiros Karigiannis courantes de la Societ´ e´ et pour alimenter nos fonds de dota- (Cambridge, Massachusetts), Samuel Melamed (Montreal,´ tion. Le fonds de dotation de la SMC a presque atteint Quebec),´ Nathan S. Mendelsohn (Winnipeg, Manitoba), l’objectif initial de 1,5 million de dollars. En 1999, les Richard Nowakowski (Halifax, Nouvelle-cosse), Daniel G. revenus tires´ de ce fonds financeront le premier concours an- Piche´ (Waterloo, Ontario), Mark Solomonovich (Edmon- nuel o seront decern´ ees´ des bourses utilisees´ dans le cadre ton, Alberta), David H. Spring (Toronto, Ontario), A.C. de diverses activites´ mathematiques´ aux quatre coins du


(Tony) Thompson (Halifax, Nouvelle-cosse), Elmer M. Tory du Pacifique pour les sciences mathematiques,´ la Banque (Sackville, Nouveau-Brunswick), Robert Vermes (Montreal,´ Royale du Canada, le fonds Samuel Beatty, la fondation du Quebec),´ Al Vilcius (Campbellville, Ontario), T.W. Alan senateur´ Norman M. Paterson, Spinger Verlag, la Compag- Wong (Markham, Ontario) et 111 autres membres et dona- nie d’assurance-vie Sun Life du Canada, Waterloo Maple, la teurs qui ont pref´ er´ e´ conserver l’anonymat. fondation pour les mathematiques´ de Waterloo. Societ´ es,´ fondations, instituts et gouvernements : Universites´ et ecoles´ : Harry Ainlay High School, Amex Canada Inc., Banque de Montreal,´ Bell Canada, Lakeshore Catholic High School, Niagara Catholic District La Compagnie d’Assurance du Canada sur la Vie, Lignes School Board, Board of Education of the City of North aeriennes´ Canadien International, Centre des recherches York, Upper Canada College, l’Universite´ de la Colombie- mathematiques,´ Deloitte & Touche, l’Institut Fields, le gou- Britannique (bureau du Journal), l’Universite´ de Calgary vernement de l’Alberta, le gouvernement de la Colombie- (camp d’entraˆinement a` l’OIM), l’Universite´ Dalhousie (bu- Britannique, le gouvernement du Nouveau-Brunswick, le reau des Notes de la SMC), l’Universite´ du Manitoba (centre gouvernement de Terre-Neuve, le gouvernement de la de redaction´ TeX), l’Universite´ McMaster (bureau du Bul- Nouvelle-cosse, le gouvernement de l’Ontario, le gouverne- letin) l’Universite´ Memorial (bureau du Crux), l’Universite´ ment du Quebec,´ le gouvernement de la Saskatchewan, d’Ottawa (bureau de la SMC), l’Universite´ Simon Fraser Hewlett-Packard (Canada) Inc., Industrie Canada, la fon- (Camel), l’Universite´ Simon Fraser (Camel), l’Universitede´ dation McLean, la Corporation OIM 1995 IMO,l’Institut Waterloo (camps d’entraˆinement d’hiver et d’et´ e).´


Editors-in-Chief CMS Advanced Books in Mathematics Redacteurs-en-Chef´ Les Livres Avances´ en Mathematiques´ de la SMC

The term of office of the present Editors-in-chief of the CMS avanc´es en math´ematiques de la SMC prendra fin le 31 Advanced Books in Mathematics will end in December 1999. decembre´ 1999. The Publications Committee of the Canadian Mathemati- Le Comite´ des publications de la Societ´ e´ mathematique´ du cal Society now invites applications for the next Editor(s)-in- Canada sollicite des mises en candidature pour les prochains Chief to serve for a five year term. redacteurs-en-chef´ pour un mandat de cinq ans. Applications should consist of a formal letter of applica- Les mises en candidature doivent inclure une lettre tion and include the following: formelle et les el´ ements´ suivants:

A curriculum vitae Un curriculum vitae • • A statement of views on the publication indicating if • L’expression de votre opinion sur la publication indi- any changes of direction or policy are intended. • quant si des changements de direction ou de politiques sont envisages.´ The Publications Committee will communicate its recom- mendation to the Executive Committee of the CMS by April Le Comite´ des publications transmettra ses recommendations 1999. Members of the mathematical community are welcome au Comiteex´ ecutif´ de la SMC avant le fin d’avril 1999. Les to submit their opinions on the series. commentaires de la communaute´ mathematique´ au sujet de Applications with supporting material or comments cette selection´ sont bienvenus. should be sent to the address below. Les mises en candidature, avec materiel´ a` l’appui, et/ou The deadline for receipt of applications is November 15, commentaires devrait etreˆ achemines´ a` l’addresse ci-dessous. 1998. L’echeance´ pour la reception des mises en candidature est Le mandat des redacteurs-en-chef´ de la serie´ Les livres le 15 novembre 1998.

Dr. James A. Mingo, Chair/President´ Publications Committee / Comite´ des publications Department of Mathematics and Statistics, Queen’s University Kingston, Ontario, K7L 3N6


1998 Canadian Mathematical Society Doctoral Prize Le Prix de doctorat 1998 de la Societ´ e´ mathematique´ du Canada

The CMS Doctoral Prize has been inaugurated to recognize La SMC a cre´e´ ce Prix de doctorat pour recompenser´ le travail outstanding performance by a doctoral student. The prize is exceptionnel d’un etudiant´ au doctorat. Le prix sera decern´ e´ awarded to the person who received a Ph.D. from a Canadian a` une personne qui aura rec¸u son diplomeˆ de troisieme` cycle university in the preceding year (January 1st to December d’une universite´ canadienne l’annee´ prec´ edente´ (entre le 1er 31st) and whose overall performance in graduate school is janvier et le 31 decembre)´ et dont les resultats´ pour l’ensemble judged to be the most outstanding. Although the disserta- des etudes´ superieures´ seront juges´ les meilleurs. La dis- tion will be the most important criterion (the impact of the sertation constituera le principal critere` de selection´ (impact results, the creativity of the work, the quality of exposition, des resultats,´ creativit´ e,´ qualite´ de l’exposition, etc.), mais ne etc.) it will not be the only one. Other publications, activities sera pas le seul aspect evalu´ e.´ On tiendra egalement´ compte in support of students and other accomplishments will also be des publications de l’etudiant,´ de son engagement dans la vie considered. etudiante´ et de ses autres realisations.´ The CMS Doctoral Prize will consist of an award of $500, Le laureat´ du Prix de doctorat de la SMC aura droit a` une a two-year complimentary membership in the CMS, a framed bourse de 500 $. De plus, la SMC lui offrira l’adhesion´ gra- Doctoral Prize certificate and a stipend for travel expenses to tuite a` la Societ´ e´ pendant deux ans et lui remettra un certificat attend the CMS meeting to receive the award and present a encadre´ et une subvention pour frais de deplacements´ lui per- plenary lecture. mettant d’assister alar` eunion´ de la SMC o`u il recevra son Nominations prix et presentera´ une conference.´ Candidates must be nominated by their university and the Candidatures nominator is responsible for preparing the documentation de- Les candidats doivent etreˆ nommes´ par leur universite;´ scribed below, and submitting the nomination to the address la personne qui propose un candidat doit se charger de re- below. grouper les documents decrits´ aux paragraphes suivants et de No university may nominate more than one candidate and faire parvenir la candidature a` l’adresse ci-dessous. the deadline for the receipt of nominations is January 31, Aucune universite´ ne peut nommer plus d’un candidat. 1999. Les candidatures doivent parvenir a` la SMC au plus tard le le The documentation shall consist of: 31 janvier 1999. A curriculum vitae prepared by the student. Le dossier sera constitue´ des documents suivants : • A resume´ of the student’s work written by the student and • Un curriculum vitae redig´ e´ par l’etudiant.´ which must not exceed ten pages. The resume´ should include • Un resum´ e´ du travail du candidat d’au plus dix pages, a brief description of the thesis and why it is important, as • well as of any other contributions made by the student while redig´ e´ par l’etudiant,´ o`u celui-ci decrira´ brievement` sa these` a doctoral student. et en expliquera l’importance, et enum´ erera´ toutes ses autres Three letters of recommendation of which one should be realisations´ pendant ses etudes´ de doctorat. from• the thesis advisor and one from an external reviewer. A Trois lettres de recommandation, dont une du directeur de • copy of the external examiner’s report may be substituted for these` et une d’un examinateur de l’exterieur´ (une copie de son the latter. More than three letters of recommendation are not rapport fera aussi l’affaire). Le comite´ n’acceptera pas plus permitted. de trois lettres de recommandation.

Chair/President´ Doctoral Prize Selection Committee/Comitedes´ election´ du Prix de doctorat CMS Executive Office/Bureau administratif de la SMC 577 King Edward, Suite 109 P.O. Box 450, Station A/C.P. 450, Succursale A Ottawa, Ontario Canada K1N 6N5


Winter Meeting from the hotels. The current list of speakers includes George Queen’s University and Gadanidis (Durham Board of Education), William Higginson (Queen’s), Lynn McAlpine (McGill), Pat Rogers (York) and Royal Military College Nathalie Sinclair (Queen’s). Kingston, Ontario The Queen’s University Instructional Development Cen- tre is planning a workshop featuring some of the invited speak- December 13-15, 1998 ers. Meeting participants will have an opportunity to register for this workshop. Third Announcement Number Theory: In the second announcement, the name Please refer to the Second Announcement in the Septem- of Damien Roy (Ottawa) was misspelled. Also W. Nowak’s ber issue of the CMS Notes for more complete information affiliation should be listed as Austria. Our apologies. The on the scientific, education and social programmes. This an- following have also agreed to speak: Amir Akbary (Concor- nouncement features a preliminary timetable and any changes dia), Gunther Frei (Laval), J. Huard (Canisius and Carleton), to the programmes previously announced. The most up- Y. Petridis (McGill) and C.S. Rajan (Tata Institute). to-date information concerning the programmes, including Probability Theory: The affiliation for Eric Derbez should scheduling, is available at the following world wide web ad- be listed as McMaster. dress: Graduate Student Session: In this session, graduate stu- http://www.camel.math.ca/CMS/Events/winter98/ dents will have an opportunity to present contributed papers on their research. Abstracts should be prepared as specified Meeting registration forms and abstract forms for con- in the September issue of the CMS Notes. A limited fund tributed papers may be found in the September issue of the will be available to pay part of the costs of travel for student CMS Notes. speakers (last year this was about $3,500 at a payment of ap- proximately $500 per speaker). Please contact the Meeting Programme Updates Directors for details on funding. Mathematics on the Internet: This is a new session, sup- Prizes: The CMS is pleased to announce that the recipient of ported by the Fields Institute and the Pacific Institute for this year’s Adrien Pouliot Prize is Bernard Hodgson (Laval). Mathematical Sciences, and organized by June Lester (UNB), The CMS is also pleased to announce that Yuri Berest Nathalie Sinclair (Queen’s) and Malgorzata Dubiel (Simon is the recipient of this year’s Doctoral Prize. His lecture is Fraser). The current list of speakers includes Steve Bra- scheduled for 9:00 to 10:00 am on Tuesday, December 15. ham (CECM), Bill Casselman (UBC), Stan Devitt (Water- Prizes will be awarded at the Delegates’ Luncheon, to be loo Maple), Chris Howlett (Web Pearls) and Loki Jorgenson¨ held Sunday, December 13, from 12:00 to 1:30 pm at the (CECM). Howard Johnson Hotel. There will also be two workshops entitled Introduction Discrete Geometry: Here is the current list of speakers: to Geometer’s Sketchpad and JavaSketchpad: Geometry V. Alexandrov (Moscow), P. Atela (Smith College), L. Bat- on the Web. The first is suitable for teachers and the second ten (Manitoba), M. Bayer (Kansas), A. Bezdek (Auburn), K. for those with some web experience. For more information, Bezdek (Budapest), T. Bisztriczky (Calgary), Jin-Yi Cai (Buf- please contact the organizers at the following email addresses: falo), R. Connelly (Cornell), H.S.M. Coxeter (Toronto), L. [email protected] or [email protected] Danzer (Dortmund), T. Havel (Harvard), D. Jacobs (Michi- or [email protected] gan State), W. Kuperburg (Auburn), M. Senechal (Smith Col- lege), I. Talata (Budapest), A. Walz (Cornell), W. Whiteley (York). Education Session I : Identifying and overcoming barri- Child Care ers to teaching and learning mathematics at university: Both the Holiday Inn Kingston-Waterfront Hotel and the William Byers (Concordia) and Keith Taylor (Saskatchewan) Howard Johnson Confederation Place Hotel will provide com- will also speak. plimentary cribs. Both hotels can arrange for child care, given Education Session II : Teaching mathematics - why we two weeks notice. Child care at the Holiday Inn can be ar- do what we do in the classroom: This is a new session, ranged by contacting Maria D’silva (Housekeeping Depart- supported by the Fields Institute, and organized by William ment) at (613) 549-8400, ext. 662. Child care at the Howard Higginson, Grace Orzech and Morris Orzech (Queen’s). It Johnson can be arranged by contacting the reservations office will be held at MacArthur College, situated some distance at (613) 549-6300.


Travel Acknowledgements

Kingston is served by Canada’s two major carriers, Air The CMS wishes to thank the Centre de recherches ´ Canada and Canadian Airlines. There are direct flights to mathematiques, the Fields Institute and the Pacific Institute Kingston from Ottawa and Toronto - with most of the con- for Mathematics Science for their financial support of scien- nections coming through Toronto. tific sessions at this meeting. The CMS wishes to acknowledge the contribution of the There is also Via Rail service to Kingston from Montreal Meeting Committee in presenting exciting scientific, educa- (either Dorval - 5 minutes by special van from Dorval Airport tional and social programmes. Thanks are also extended to - or from Centre Ville, in the center of Montreal) and also members of the host departments who have taken time from from Toronto and Ottawa. their regular duties to help out. The Voyageur bus company operates several daily trips from Montreal, Toronto and Ottawa. Meeting Committee Kingston is also easily reached by car from either Mon- treal and Toronto by using Highway 401 and exiting at the Meeting Directors: Tony Geramita (Queen’s) and David Highway 15 exit (Exit 623), which brings the driver into Wehlau (RMC), Local Arrangements Committee: Fady Ala- Kingston right at the Holiday Inn and Howard Johnson. jaji (Queen’s) and Leo Jonker (Queen’s), Algebraic Geom- From Ottawa one arrives using Highway 15 in the same etry: P. Milman (Toronto), Discrete Geometry: Robert Er- way. Highway 15 enters the city right near the Holiday Inn dahl (Queen’s), Marjorie Senechal (Smith College), Walter and Howard Johnson (see map). Whiteley (York), Education: Teaching and Learning Math- ematics at University: Morris Orzech and Grace Orzech On arrival: Upon arrival at Kingston’s airport, taxis are avail- (Queen’s), Extremal Combinatorics: D. de Caen (Queen’s), able for the 20 minutes ride from the airport to downtown Number Theory: Ram Murty and Noriku Yui (Queen’s), Op- where the conference hotels are located. Taxis are also avail- erator Algebras: James Mingo (Queen’s), Probability The- able at the VIA train station and the Voyageur bus station, ory: Miklos Csorgo¨ (Carleton), Topology: Eddy Camp- both located on Counter Street. The ride from these stations bell (Queen’s), Universal Algebra and Multiple-Valued Logic to downtown takes around 15 minutes. and Contributed Papers: L. Haddad (RMC), Graduate Stu- dent Session: David Gregory (Queen’s), Other members: Car Rentals: For attendees wishing to rent a car in Kingston, Monique Bouchard (CMS) – Ex-officio, Jean Fugere (RMC), the following car rental agencies are located downtown: Graham Wright (CMS) – Ex-officio. ACE Rent-A-Car: (613) 546-2228 Discount: (613) 548-4004 Items also published with this Hertz: (800) 263-0600. announcement Car rentals at Kingston’s airport are available via National Tilden: (613) 546-1145 or (800) 227-7368. List of speakers and titles of talks Maps of Kingston Car rentals near the VIA/Voyageur stations are available Timetable - schedule with Budget: (613) 549-2794.

Parking: Free parking is available for attendees staying at In the next issue of the CMS Notes any of the conference hotels: the Holiday Inn, the Howard Fourth Announcement Johnson, and the Ramada Plaza. Updated Timetable - block schedule

Reunion´ d’hiver tion detaill´ ee´ sur les programmes scientifique et pedagogique,´ et les activites´ sociales. La presente´ annonce contient Universite´ Queen’s et l’horaire et tous les changements aux programmes annonces´ College` militaire royal prec´ edemment.´ Vous trouverez l’information la plus recente´ sur les programmes, y compris les horaires, a` l’adresse Web Kingston (Ontario) suivante: du 13 au 15 decembre´ 1998 http://www.camel.math.ca/CMS/Events/winter98/ Troisieme` annonce Un formulaire d’inscription et un formulaire de resum´ e´ Veuillez consulter la deuxieme` annonce dans le numero´ pour communications libres etaient´ inclus dans le numero´ de de septembre des Notes de la SMC pour obtenir de l’informa- septembre des Notes de la SMC.


Changements au programme Mathematiques´ sur Internet: Cette nouvelle seance´ est par- rainee´ par le Fields Institute et le Pacific Institute for Mathe- Prix: La SMC a le plaisir d’annoncer que le Prix Adrien matical Science et organisee´ par June Lester (UNB), Nathalie Pouliot 1998 a et´ e´ remporte´ par Bernard Hodgson (Laval). Sinclair (Queen’s) et Malgorzata Dubiel (Simon Fraser). La SMC est egalement´ heureuse d’annoncer que le Prix Prendront la parole a` cette seance´ Steve Braham (CECM), doctoral a et´ ed´ ecern´ e´ cette annee´ a` Yuri Berest, qui donnera Bill Casselman (UBC), Stan Devitt (Waterloo Maple), Loki sa conference´ le mardi 15 decembre´ de 9 h 10 h. Jrgenson (CECM) et Chris Howlett (Web Pearls). La remise des prix aura lieu au dejeuner´ du dimanche 13 Il y aura aussi deux ateliers intitules´ Le carnet du entre midi et 13 h 30 a` l’Hotelˆ Howard Johnson. geom´ etre` et Le carnet Java : la geom´ etrie´ sur Web. Geom´ etrie´ discrete` : Voicila derniere` liste des conferenciers:´ Le premier s’adresse aux enseignants et le deuxieme` a` V. Alexandrov (Moscou), P. Atela (Smith College), L. Bat- ceux qui ont une certaine experience´ du web. Pour ten (Manitoba), M. Bayer (Kansas), A. Bezdek (Auburn), de plus amples informations, veuillez communiquer avec K. Bezdek (Budapest), T. Bisztriczky (Calgary), Jin-Yi Cai les organisateurs aux adresses electroniques´ suivantes : (Buffalo), R. Connely (Cornell), H.S.M. Coxeter (Toronto), [email protected] ou dubiel@ cs.sfu.ca L. Danzer (Dortmund), T. Havel (Harvard), D. Jacobs (Michi- ou [email protected]. gan), W. Kuperburg (Auburn), M. Senechal (Smith College), I. Talata (Budapest), A. Walz (Cornell), W. Whiteley (York). Enfants Seance´ sur l’educatio´ n I : Identifier et vaincre les obstacles Le Holiday Inn Kingston-Waterfront et le Howard John- a` l’enseignement et a` l’apprentissage des mathematiques´ son Confederation Place Hotel fournissent des lits de beb´ e´ a` l’universite:´ William Byers (Concordia) et Keith Taylor gratuits. Les deux hotelsˆ peuvent egalement´ organiser un (Saskatchewan) prendront egalement´ la parole. service de garderie, moyennant un avis de deux semaines. Seance´ sur l’education´ II : L’enseignement des Au Holiday Inn, veuillez communiquer avec Maria D’Silva mathematiques´ - Pourquoi fait-on ce qu’on fait en classe?: (Service de l’entretien menager)´ au (613) 549-8400 (poste Cette nouvelle seance´ est parrainee´ par le Fields Institute et 662); au Howard Johnson, veuillez contacter le Bureau des organisee´ par William Higginson, Grace Orzech et Morris reservations´ au (613) 549-6300. Orzech (Queen’s). Elle se deroulera´ au College` MacArthur situe´ non loin des hotelsˆ du congres.` Les conferenciers´ sont: George Gadanidis (Conseil scolaire de Durham), William Deplacements´ Higginson (Queen’s), Lynn McAlpine (McGill), Pat Rogers La ville de Kingston est desservie par deux grands trans- (York) et Nathalie Sinclair (Queen’s). porteurs aeriens´ : Air Canada et Canadian Airlines. Il y a Le Centre de perfectionnement de l’enseignement de des vols directs a` partir d’Ottawa et de Toronto et la plupart l’Universite´ Queen’s organise un atelier avec certains des des correspondances se font a` Toronto. conferenciers´ invites.´ Les congressistes auront l’occasion de Vouspouvez egalement´ emprunter la ligne ferroviaire Via s’inscrire a` cet atelier. Rail pour Kingston a` partir de Montreal´ (soit par Dorval - a5` ´ ´ Theorie´ des nombres: Dans la deuxieme` annonce du minutes par navette speciale de l’aeroport de Dorval, soit par ´ congres,` une erreur s’est glissee´ dans le nom de Damien le centre-ville de Montreal), d’Ottawa ou de Toronto. Roy (Ottawa) et l’affiliation de W. Nowak est l’Autriche. D’autre part, les autocars de la compagnie Voyageur Colo- Nous vous prions d’excuser ces erreurs. Par ailleurs, d’autres nial effectuent plusieurs voyages par jour de Montreal,´ Ottawa conferenciers´ ont accepte´ de prendre la parole : Amir Ak- et Toronto. bary (Concordia), Gunter Frej (Laval), J. Huard (Canisius et On peut egalement´ se rendre a` Kingston en empruntant Carleton), C.S. Rajan (Tata Institute) et Y. Petridis (McGill). l’Autoroute 401 de Montreal´ ou de Toronto et en prenant la sortie de la Route 15 (sortie no 623), qui conduit directement Theorie´ des probabilites:´ L’etablissement´ auquel appartient dans la ville de Kingston et aux hotelsˆ Holiday Inn et Howard Eric Derbez est l’Universite´ McMaster. Johnson. Seminaire´ pour etudiants´ diplomˆ es:´ Au cours de cette D’Ottawa, on prend de la mme fac¸on la Route 15, qui en- seance,´ les etudiants´ diplomˆ es´ presenteront´ des communi- tre dans la ville de Kingston, tout pres` des hotelsˆ du congres` cations libres sur leurs recherches. Les resum´ es´ doivent (cf. Carte). tre prepar´ es´ selon les instructions publiees´ dans le numero´ En arrivant: De l’aeroport´ de Kingston au centre-ville, le tra- de septembre des Notes. Un credit´ limite´ sera disponible jet en taxi dure 20 minutes environ. Il y a egalement´ des taxis pour contribuer aux frais de deplacement´ des conferencciers´ a` la gare ferroviaire ainsi qu’a` celle des autocars Voyageur, etudiants´ (l’annee´ derniere,` ce credit´ s’elevait´ a` 3 500 $, a` rai- toutes deux situees´ sur la rue Counter (trajet de 15 minutes). son de 500 $ environ par conferencier).´ Pour de plus amples Locations de voitures: Ceux qui desirent´ louer une voiture informations, veuillez communiquer avec l’Administration). a` Kingston peuvent s’adresser aux agences suivantes, situees´

15 OCTOBER/OCTOBRE CMS NOTES au centre-ville: (Queen’s) et Leo Jonker (Queen’s), G´eom´etrie alg´ebrique : ACE Rent-A-Car: (613) 456-2228 P. Milman (Toronto), Geom´´ etrie discr`ete : Robert Erdahl Discount: (613) 548-4004 (Queen’s), Marjorie Senechal (Smith College), Walter White- Hertz: (800) 263-0600. ley (York), Education´ : Cerner et surmonter les obstacles Les locations de voitures a` l’aeroport´ de Kingston se font a` l’enseignement et a` l’apprentissage des mathematiques´ a ` a` travers la compagnie National Tilden : (613) 546-1145 l’universit´e: Morris Orzech et Grace Orzech (Queen’s), ou (800) 227-7368; a` proximite´ des stations ferroviaire et Combinatoire extremale´ : D. de Caen (Queen’s), Th´eorie d’autocar, on peut s’adresser a` Budget : (613) 549-2794. des nombres : Ram Murty et Noriku Yui (Queen’s), Les Stationnement: Le stationnement est gratuit pour les con- Algebres` des operateurs´ : James Mingo (Queen’s), Theorie´ gressistes heberg´ es´ a` l’un des hotelsˆ du congres,` soit le Holi- des probabilit´es : Miklos Csorgo¨ (Carleton), Topologie : day Inn, le Howard Johnson et le Ramada Plaza. Eddy Campbell (Queen’s), Alg`ebre universelle et logique multivalu´ee et Communications libres : L. Haddad (CMR), Etudiants´ diplom´ˆ es : David Gregory (Queen’s), Autres mem- Remerciements bres : Monique Bouchard (SMC) – d’office, Jean Fugere La SMC desire´ remercier le Centre de recherches (CMR), Graham Wright (SMC) – d’office. matematiques´ et l’Institut Fields d’avoir contribuefi-´ nancierement` aux seances´ scientifiques de la Reunion.´ Documents publies´ avec cette annonce La SMC tient a` remercier le Comite´ des Reunions,´ qui Liste des conferenciers´ et titres des conferences´ a contribue´ a` l’organisation des activites´ scientifiques et sur Cartes de Kingston l’education,´ ainsi que des activites´ sociales. Merci egalement´ Horaire et programme a` toutes les personnes des departements´ hotesˆ qui ont empiet´ e´ sur leurs heures de travail habituelles pour nous venir en aide. Dans le prochain numero´ des Notes de la Comite´ des Reunions´ SMC : Directeurs de la R´eunion : Tony Geramita (Queen’s) et David Quatrieme` annonce du congres` Wehlau (CMR), Pr´esident du Comit´e local : Fady Alajaji Horaire et programme a` jour

CMS 50th Anniversary Books Livres du 50e anniversaire de la SMC Delegates to the 1998 Winter Meeting can pur- Les del´ egu´ es´ au Reunion´ d’hiver de la SMC de chase the 50th Anniversary Books at a special 1998 peuvent acheter les livres du 50e anniver- price of $30 per book or $75 for the set of three. saire de la SMC pour un prix special´ de 30$ pour Ordering details are on the Registration form. une livre ou 75$ pour toutes les trois. Pour plus de details´ voir la formulaire d’inscription.

Letters to the Editors/Lettre aux Redacteurs´ The Editors of the Notes welcome letters in En- Les redacteurs´ des Notes acceptent les lettres en glish or French on any subject of mathematical franc¸ais ou en anglais portant sur un sujet d’inter´ etˆ interest but reserve the right to condense them. mathematique,´ mais ils se reservent´ le droit de Those accepted for publication will appear in the les comprimer. Les lettres acceptees´ paraˆıtront language of submission. Readers may reach us dans la langue dans laquelle elles nous sont parv- at [email protected] or at the enues. Les lecteurs pourront nous joindre au bureau CMS Executive Office. administratif de la SMC ou a` l’adresse suivante: [email protected].


17 OCTOBER/OCTOBRE CMS NOTES GZRQUKVKQP I CKTG F 2.'0#4; I 5'55+105    ;74+ $'4'56          6WGUFC[  OCTFK &1%614#. 24+<' .70%*  &—,'70'4 &GEGODGT  F¾EGODTG .70%* .'%674' 2.'0#4; 5'55+105          VQ        /QPFC[  NWPFK *'04+ /10 %1:'6'4,#/'5 .70%*  &—,'70'4 'ZJKDKVU  'ZRQUKVKQPU KPUETKRVKQP QWXGTV FG  ¯  &'2#46/'06 *'#&5 &GEGODGT  F¾EGODTG I 5 GV %1..')' /+.+6#+4' 41;#.' I %1(('' #8#+.#$.'  %#(— &+5210+$.' $WTGCW F 4GIKUVTCVKQP QRGP HTQO  CO VQ  RO *+8'4 &' .# 5/% I LUNCH $CNNTQQO 2.'0#4; 5'55+105    LUNCHEON    DELEGATES           VQ  &10#. 1 5*'# *QYCTF ,QJPUQP 1RGPKPI 4GOCTMU /QVU FG DKGPXGPWG 5WPFC[  FKOCPEJG DES PARTICIPANTS DES %QHHGG YKNN DG CXCKNCDNG KP VJG 'ZJKDKV CTGC  .G ECH¾ UGTC UGTXK FCPU N 'ZJKDKVU  'ZRQUKVKQPU &GEGODGT  F¾EGODTG 5%*'&7.'  *14#+4' 4QQO /GGVKPI *QNKFC[ +PP *QNKFC[ +PP $GNNGXWG 0QTVJ F CFOKPKUVTCVKQP %/5 9+06'4 /''6+0)  4—70+10 & 5CVWTFC[  UCOGFK $QCTF QH &KTGEVQTU 4¾WPKQP FW %QPUGKN 5KT ,QJP # /CE&QPCNF &GEGODGT  F¾EGODTG %/5 &GXGNQROGPV )TQWR )TQWRG FG F¾XGNQRRGOGPV 5 70+8'45+6; CPF 41;#. /+.+6#4; %1..')'  70+8'45+6— 37''0 I 37''0 *QNKFC[ +PP    %CVCTCSWK 5WKVG (TKFC[  XGPFTGFK &GEGODGT  F¾EGODTG 4¾WPKQP FW %QOKV¾ GZ¾EWVKH 'ZGEWVKXG %QOOKVVGG /GGVKPI    6KOG *GWTG             2.'0#4; #0& 24+<' .'%674'5 $CNNTQQO *QNKFC[ +PP 9CVGTHTQPV -+0)5610 106#4+1 %10(—4'0%'5 24+0%+2#.'5 $CNNTQQO *QNKFC[ +PP 9CVGTHTQPV





Here is a list of the scheduled speakers, along with the titles Voici les conferenciers´ prevus,´ ainsi que les titres de leurs of their talks where available. Abstracts for all talks may be conferences.´ Les resum´ es´ pour tous les conferences´ seront found at the following world wide web page after disponibles a` l’adresse Web suivante apres` le 1er novembre : November 1:

http://www.camel.math.ca/CMS/Events/winter98/ http://www.camel.math.ca/CMS/Events/winter98/

COXETER-JAMES LECTURE Martha Siegel (Towson University) CONFERENCE´ COXETER-JAMES Morris Orzech (Queen’s University) Henri Darmon (McGill University)

CONTRIBUTED PAPERS/ PUBLIC LECTURE COMMUNICATIONS LIBRES CONFERENCE´ PUBLIQUE (Org: L. Haddad) H.S.M. Coxeter (University of Toronto)Triangulated Poly- gons and Frieze Patterns Speakers: TBA

PLENARY SPEAKERS CONFERENCIERS´ PRINCIPAUX GRADUATE STUDENT SEMINAR SEMINAIRE´ POUR ETUDIANTS´ DIPLOMˆ ES´ Miklos Csorgo¨ (Carleton University) (Org: David Gregory) Henri Darmon (McGill University) M. Harper (McGill University) Z. F¨uredi (University of Illinois at Urbana/Inst. Hungarian Acad. Sci.) Y. Lui (Harvard University) Donal O’Shea (Mt. Holyoke College) S. Sumner (Queen’s University)

EDUCATION / EDUCATION´ SPECIAL SESSIONS / SEANCES´ SPECIALES´ Identifying and Overcoming Barriers to Teaching and Learning Mathematics at University/ Identifier et vaincre les obstacles a` Algebraic Geometry / Geom´ etrie´ algebrique´ l’enseignement et l’apprentissage des mathematiques´ (Org: P. Milman) a` l’universite´ (Org: Morris Orzech and Grace Orzech) Fedya Bogomolov (NYU Courant Institute) Askold Khovanskii (University of Toronto)

Ed Barbeau (University of Toronto) Donal O’Shea (Mt. Holyoke College) Bernard Hodgson (University of Laval) Jenia Shustin (Tel-Aviv University) Donal O’Shea (Mt. Holyoke College) Yosef Yomdin (Weizmann Institute) Tom Rishel (Cornell University)


Discrete Geometry / Geom´ etrie´ discrete` Operator Algebras / Algebre` d’operateurs´ (Org: Robert Erdahl, Marjorie Senechal, Walter Whiteley) (Org: James Mingo)

Speakers: TBA Ken Davidson (University of Waterloo) George Elliot (University of Toronto) Extremal Combinatorics / Combinatoire extremale´ (Org: D. de Caen) Thierry Giordano (University of Ottawa) Andu Nica (University of Waterloo) Zoltan F¨uredi (University of Illinois at Urbana and Math. Inst. Hungarian Acad. Sci.) Richard Anstee (University of British Columbia) Probability Theory / Theorie´ des probabilites´ (Org: Miklos Csorgo)¨ Jason Brown (Dalhousie University) Ralph Faudree (University of Mephis) Miklos Csorgo¨ (Carleton University) Jerrold Griggs (University of South Carolina) Siva Athreya (University of Washington) Penny Haxell (University of Waterloo) M. Claude Belisle (Universite´ Laval) David Fisher (University of Colorado) Felix Lazebnik (University of Delaware) Murray D. Burke (University of Calgary) Laszlo Szekely´ (University of South Carolina) Colleen D. Cutler (University of Waterloo) Bing Zhou (Trent University) Andre R. Dabrowski (University of Ottawa) Eric Derbez (McMaster University) Number Theory / Theorie´ des nombres Shui Feng (McMaster University) (Org: Ram Murty, Noriko Yui) Rene Ferland (UniversiteduQu´ ebec´ a` Montreal)´

Henri Darmon (McGill University) Antonia Foldes (The College of Staten Island, CUNY) Chantal David (Concordia University) Genevieve Gauthier (Ecole´ des Hautes Etudes´ Commer- ciales) Jacek Fabrykowski (University of Manitoba) E. Goren (Corcordia & McGill University, CICMA) Christian Genest (Universite´ Laval) C. Greither (University of Laval) Edit Gombay (University of Alberta) Hershy Kisilevsky (Concordia University) Lajos Horvath (University of Utah) Manfred Kolster (McMaster University) Gail Ivanoff (University of Ottawa) A. Ledet (Queen’s University) Mike Kouritzin (University of Alberta) Claude Levesque (University of Laval) Reg Kulperger (University of Western Ontario) Kumar Murty (University of Toronto) Brenda MacGibbon (UniversiteduQu´ ebec´ a` Montreal)´ W. Nowak (University of Austria) Neal Madras (York University) Vladimir Platonov (University of Waterloo) Don L. McLeish (University of Waterloo) Damien Roy (University of Ottawa) Gary Walsh (University of Ottawa) Majid Mojirsheibani (Carleton University) Hugh Williams (University of Manitoba) Bruno Remillard (UniversiteduQu´ ebec´ a` Trois-Rivieres)` Kenneth Williams (Carleton University) Pal´ Rev´ esz´ (Math. Inst. Hung. Acad Sci.) Jeffrey S. Rosenthal (University of Toronto)


Tom Salisbury (York University) Steve Halperin (University of Toronto) Byron Schmuland (University of Alberta) Barry Jessup (University of Ottawa) Qi-Man Shao (University of Oregon) Brenda Johnson (Union) Zhan Shi (Universite´ Paris VI) Keith Johnson (Dalhousie University) Gordon Slade (McMaster University) Kathryn Lesh (University of Toledo) Chistopher G. Small (University of Waterloo) Gaunce Lewis (Syracuse University) Barbara Szyszkowicz (Carleton University) John Martino (University of Western Michigan) Keith Worsley (McGill University) Joe Neisendorfer (Rochester University) Hao Yu (University of Western Ontario) Doug Ravenel (Rochester University) Ricardas Zitikis (Carleton University)

3) Set Theoretic Topology / Topologie des ensembles Topology - 4 Sub-sessions / Topologie - 4 sous-seances´ (Org: Juris Steprans, Steve Watson) (Org: Eddy Campbell) Justin Moore (University of Toronto) Murray Bell (University of Manitoba) 1) Differential Geometry and Global Analysis Geom´ etrie´ differentielle´ et analyse globale Ilijas Farah (York University) (Org: Muang Min-Oo, McKenzie Wang) Gary Gruenhage (Auburn University) Frank Tall (University of Toronto) Igor Belagradek (McMaster University) Grant Woods (University of Manitoba) Christoph Boehm (McMaster University) Jeffrey Boland (McMaster University) Valery Miskin (Kemerovo State University) Jingyi Chen (University of British Columbia) Wistar Comfort (Wesleyan University) Ailana Fraser (Stanford University) Murat Tuncali (Nipissing University) Mike Gage (University of Rochester) Eduardo Santillan (UNAM - Mexico) W. Goldman (University of Maryland) Ed Tymchatyn (University of Saskatchewan) Miroslav Lovric (McMaster University) Ross Niebergall (University of Northern B.C.) 4) Symplectic/Low Dimensional Topology Topologie en basses dimension/ Mohan Ramachandran (SUNY) Topologie symplectique P. Ryan (McMaster University) (Org: Steve Boyer, Jacques Hurtubise, Franc¸ois Lalonde)

Speakers: TBA 2) Homotopy Theory / Theorie´ de l’homotopie (Org: Lisa Langsetmo, Jim Shank) Universal Algebra and Multiple-Valued Logic Bob Bruner (Wayne State) Algebre` universelle et logique multiple valeurs (Org: L. Haddad) Dan Christensen (Johns Hopkins University)

Fred Cohen (Rochester) Speakers: TBA Gustavo Granja (MIT)




INSTITUTE DES SCIENCES MATHEMATIQUES´ CRM-ISM Postdoctoral Fellowships/Bourses Postdoctorales CRM-ISM

The Institut des sciences mathematiques´ (ISM) and the Cen- postdoctorales debutant´ approximativement en septembre tre de recherches mathematiques´ (CRM) are inviting applica- 1999. Les bourses sont d’une valeur de 32 000 $ CAN pour tions for their joint postdoctoral fellowship program starting un an, renouvelables pour une deuxieme` annee.´ approximately in September 1999. The annual stipend is Cdn. L’Institut des sciences mathematiques´ (ISM) coordonne $32, 000 for one year, renewable for a second year. les programmes d’etudes´ superieures´ de six des universites´ The Institut des sciences mathematiques´ (ISM) coor- queb´ ecoises´ (Concordia, Laval, McGill, Sherbrooke, Uni- dinates the graduate programs of six of Quebec’s´ univer- versite´ de Montreal´ et UQAM). Plus de 200 professeurs sities (Concordia, Laval, McGill, Sherbrooke, Universite´ et professeures participent a´ ses dix programmes: Algebre` de Montreal´ and UQAM). More than 200 faculty mem- et theorie´ des nombres, Analyse, Combinatoire et calcul bers participate in its ten programs: Algebra and Number algebrique,´ Dynamique non lineaire,´ Geom´ etrie´ et topologie, Theory, Analysis, Combinatorics, Algebraic Computation Mathematiques´ appliquees´ et calcul scientifique, Physique and Algorithms, Nonlinear Dynamics, Geometry and Topol- mathematique,´ Probabilites:´ theorie´ et applications, Theorie´ ogy, Applied and Computational Mathematics, Mathemati- de la decision´ et statistique, et Theorie´ des categories´ et ap- cal Physics, Probability: Theory and Applications, Decision plications. Theory and Mathematical Statistics, and Category Theory and Le Centre de recherches mathematiques´ (CRM) est un Applications. centre national de recherche en sciences mathematiques.´ The Centre de recherches mathematiques´ (CRM) is a na- Les recherches qu’on y poursuit portent entre autres tional research center in the mathematical sciences. Its on- sur les domaines suivants: l’algebre` et la combinatoire, going areas of research include: algebra and combinatorics, l’analyse, les equations´ differentielles´ et la theorie´ de analysis, differential equations and approximation theory, ge- l’approximation, la geom´ etrie´ et la topologie, l’analyse ometry and topology, numerical analysis, optimisation and numerique,´ l’optimisation et les recherches multidisci- multidisciplinary research, mathematical physics, probability plinaires, la physique mathematique,´ les probabilites´ et la and statistics, and dynamical systems. Each year, the CRM statistique, et les systemes` dynamiques. Le CRM organ- organizes a wide range of events attracting participants from ise annuellement un large eventail´ d’activites´ scientifiques around the world. The main theme for 1999-2000 is Math- impliquant une participation internationale. Le theme` prin- ematical Physics and in 2000-01 they will be Mathematical cipal de l’annee´ 1999-2000 sera la physique mathematique´ Methods in Biology and Medicine and Symplectic Geometry alors que les themes` de l’annee´ 2000-01 seront les methodes´ and Topology and Gauge Theory. However, high-quality ap- mathematiques´ en biologie et en medicine´ et la topologie- plications in all fields of interest to the CRM or to the ISM geom´ etrie´ symplectiques et la theorie´ de jauge. Cependant, are welcome. toute candidature meritoire´ touchant a´ un domaine d’inter´ etˆ Applications must arrive at the CRM by Friday, January du CRM ou de l’ISM sera bienvenue. 8, 1999. The following documents are required: a resume,´ a Les candidatures doivent parvenir au CRM (adresse ci- statement of research, and three letters of recommendation. dessous) au plus tard le vendredi 8 janvier 1999. Les doc- Please indicate in your application which ISM program best uments suivants doivent etreˆ joints: un curriculum vitae, un represents your research interests. An e-mail address and fax resum´ e´ des inter´ etsˆ de recherche, et trois lettres de recomman- number (if available) must be provided with all correspon- dation. Vous etesˆ pries´ d’indiquer sur votre demande lequel dence. Candidates are encouraged to contact the professors des programmes de l’ISM represente´ le mieux vos interets´ with whom they would like to work. de recherche. Une adresse electronique´ et un numero´ de L’Institut des sciences mathematiques´ (ISM) et le Centre de tel´ ecopieur´ (si disponible) doivent etreˆ inclus avec toute cor- recherches mathematiques´ (CRM) sollicitent des candida- respondance. Les personnes interess´ ees´ sont encouragees´ a´ tures dans le cadre de leur programme conjoint de bourses contacter les professeurs avec qui elles aimeraient travailler.

Applications must be sent to/Les candidatures doivent etreˆ envoyees´ a:´ Monsieur Luc Vinet, Directeur Centre de recherches mathematiques´ Universite´ de Montreal´ Case postale 6128, Succursale Centre-Ville Montreal´ (Quebec),´ Canada, H3C 3J7 Fax/Tel´ ecopieur:´ (514) 343-2254 email/Courrier electronique:´ [email protected]



Applications are invited for a tenure track position in ALGEBRA at the level of Assistant Professor, effective September 1999, subject to availability of funds. Demonstrated superior capability as a teacher is a requirement for this position. In addition, the successful candidate should have an outstanding research record and will be expected to enhance the current active algebra program in the department. Rank and salary depend upon qualifications and are subject to negotiation. Applications, marked REF: MS/ALG/99, with complete curriculum vitae, a statement of present research and teaching interests, and the names and mailing/e-mail addresses of at least three referees should be sent to:

MS/ALG/99 Department of Mathematics and Statistics Memorial University of Newfoundland St. John’s, Newfoundland, Canada A1C 5S7

The closing date for receipt of applications is November 30, 1998 or until the position is filled. Memorial University is committed to the principle of equity in employment. In accordance with Canadian Immigration requirements, priority will be given to Canadian citizens and permanent residents of Canada. Memorial University is part of a vibrant, local scientific and engineering community which maintains an inventory of available positions for qualified partners. Partners of candidates for these positions are invited to include their resume for possible matching with other job opportunities.


Applications are invited for one, or more, tenure track position(s) in APPLIED MATHEMATICS at the level of Assistant Pro- fessor, effective September 1999, subject to availability of funds. Candidates specializing in dynamical systems or computational partial differential equations with interest in applications in the sciences are especially encouraged to apply. An excellent record of research, demonstrated excellence as a teacher and a PhD in mathematics are requirements for this position. Salary depends upon qualifications and is subject to negotiation. Applications, marked REF: MS/AMAT-1/99, with complete curriculum vitae, a statement of present research and teaching interests, and the names and mailing/e-mail addresses of at least three referees should be sent to:

MS/ALG/99 Department of Mathematics and Statistics Memorial University of Newfoundland St. John’s, Newfoundland, Canada A1C 5S7

The closing date for receipt of applications is November 30, 1998 or until the position is filled. Memorial University is committed to the principle of equity in employment. In accordance with Canadian Immigration requirements, priority will be given to Canadian citizens and permanent residents of Canada. Memorial University is part of a vibrant, local scientific and engineering community which maintains an inventory of available positions for qualified partners. Partners of candidates for these positions are invited to include their resume for possible matching with other job opportunities.


THE UNIVERSITY OF TORONTO Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering and Department of Mathematics

The Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering and the Department of Mathematics at the University of Toronto invite applications for a joint tenure-stream Assistant Professor position to build on the collaboration between the two departments in research and teaching. The successful candidate will have a demonstrated ability as a researcher in mathematics and in the application of mathematics in electrical and computer engineering. Areas of interest include applied probability, stochastic differential equations and computational partial differential equations, and their application in communications, network modelling or real-time systems. The position involves teaching and research in Electrical Engineering, Computer Engineering, and Mathematics. Candidates must have a doctoral degree, an outstanding academic record and an effective teaching ability. Additional information can be found on the Web pages at:

http://www.ece.toronto.edu and http://www.math.toronto.edu/jobs

Applicants should send a curriculum vitae, including a statement about teaching and research interests. They should also arrange for at least three reference letters about their research and teaching abilities to be sent to:

Professor Safwat G. Zaky, Chair Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering University of Toronto 10 King’s College Road, Room 1024 Toronto, Ontario M5S 3G4, Canada

To ensure consideration, please send the application material by October 30, 1998. In accordance with Canadian Immigration requirements, priority will be given to Canadian citizens and permanent residents. In accor- dance with its Employment Equity Policy, the University of Toronto encourages applications from qualified women or men, members of visible minorities, aboriginal peoples and persons with disabilities.

THE UNIVERSITY OF TORONTO Department of Mathematics Tenure-Stream Appointment in Algebra, Number Theory and Geometry

The University of Toronto solicits applications for a tenure-stream appointment in the fields of Algebra, Number Theory and Geometry. Preference will be given to researchers in arithmetic geometry. The appointment is at the downtown (St. George) campus at the level of Assistant Professor, to begin July 1, 1999. Candidates are expected to have demonstrated excellence in both teaching and research after the Ph.D.; in particular, a candidate’s research record should show clearly the ability to make significant original and independent contributions to Mathematics. Salary commensurate with experience. Applicants should send their complete C.V. including a list of publications, a short statement describing their research programme, and all appropriate material about their teaching. They should also arrange to have at least four letters of reference sent directly to Search Committee, Department of Mathematics, University of Toronto, Toronto, Canada M5S 3G3. At least one letter should be primarily concerned with the candidate’s teaching. In addition, it is recommended that applicants submit the electronic application form which is available from our World Wide Web Employment Opportunities page:


To insure full consideration, this information should be received by December 1, 1998. In accordance with Canadian Immigration requirements, priority will be given to Canadian citizens and permanent residents. In accor- dance with its Employment Equity Policy, the University of Toronto encourages applications from qualified women or men, members of visible minorities, aboriginal peoples and persons with disabilities. Further information about academic positions in the Department of Mathematics is available on the World Wide Web by accessing the above URL.


THE UNIVERSITY OF TORONTO Department of Mathematics Tenure-Stream Appointment in Algebra and Number Theory

The University of Toronto solicits applications for a tenure-stream appointment in the fields of Algebra and Number Theory. The appointment is at the downtown (St. George) campus at the level of Assistant Professor, to begin July 1, 1999. Candidates are expected to have demonstrated excellence in both teaching and research after the Ph.D.; in particular, a candidate’s research record should show clearly the ability to make significant original and independent contributions to Mathematics. Salary commensurate with experience. Applicants should send their complete C.V. including a list of publications, a short statement describing their research programme, and all appropriate material about their teaching. They should also arrange to have at least four letters of reference sent directly to Search Committee, Department of Mathematics, University of Toronto, Toronto, Canada M5S 3G3. At least one letter should be primarily concerned with the candidate’s teaching. In addition, it is recommended that applicants submit the electronic application form which is available from our World Wide Web Employment Opportunities page:


To insure full consideration, this information should be received by December 1, 1998. In accordance with Canadian Immigration requirements, priority will be given to Canadian citizens and permanent residents. In accor- dance with its Employment Equity Policy, the University of Toronto encourages applications from qualified women or men, members of visible minorities, aboriginal peoples and persons with disabilities. Further information about academic positions in the Department of Mathematics is available on the World Wide Web by accessing the above URL.

THE UNIVERSITY OF TORONTO Department of Mathematics Tenure-Stream Appointment in Applied Mathematics - Computational Science

The Department of Mathematics, University of Toronto solicits applications for a tenure-stream appointment for a mathematician working in the area of Applied Mathematics (Computational Science). The appointment is at the downtown (St. George) campus at the level of Assistant Professor, to begin July 1, 1999. Candidates are expected to have demonstrated excellence in both teaching and research after the Ph.D.; in particular, a candidate’s research record should show clearly the ability to make significant original and independent contributions to mathematics. Salary commensurate with experience. Applicants should send their complete C.V. including a list of publications, a short statement describing their research programme, and all appropriate material about their teaching. They should also arrange to have at least four letters of reference sent directly to the Search Committee, Department of Mathematics, University of Toronto, Toronto, Canada M5S 3G3. At least one letter should be primarily concerned with the candidate’s teaching. In addition, it is recommended that applicants submit the electronic application form which is available from our World Wide Web Employment Opportunities page:


To insure full consideration, this information should be received by December 1, 1998. In accordance with Canadian Immigration requirements, priority will be given to Canadian citizens and permanent residents. In accor- dance with its Employment Equity Policy, the University of Toronto encourages applications from qualified women or men, members of visible minorities, aboriginal peoples and persons with disabilities. Further information about academic positions in the Department of Mathematics is available on the World Wide Web by accessing the above URL.


THE UNIVERSITY OF TORONTO Department of Mathematics Tenure-Stream Appointment in Applied Mathematics

The Department of Mathematics, University of Toronto solicits applications for a tenure-stream appointment for a mathematician working in the area of Applied Mathematics. The appointment is at the downtown (St. George) campus at the level of Assistant Professor, to begin July 1, 1999. Candidates are expected to have demonstrated excellence in both teaching and research after the Ph.D.; in particular, a candidate’s research record should show clearly the ability to make significant original and independent contributions to mathematics. Salary commensurate with experience. Applicants should send their complete C.V. including a list of publications, a short statement describing their research programme, and all appropriate material about their teaching. They should also arrange to have at least four letters of reference sent directly to the Search Committee, Department of Mathematics, University of Toronto, Toronto, Canada M5S 3G3. At least one letter should be primarily concerned with the candidate’s teaching. In addition, it is recommended that applicants submit the electronic application form which is available from our World Wide Web Employment Opportunities page:


To insure full consideration, this information should be received by December 1, 1998. In accordance with Canadian Immigration requirements, priority will be given to Canadian citizens and permanent residents. In accor- dance with its Employment Equity Policy, the University of Toronto encourages applications from qualified women or men, members of visible minorities, aboriginal peoples and persons with disabilities. Further information about academic positions in the Department of Mathematics is available on the World Wide Web by accessing the above URL.

THE UNIVERSITY OF TORONTO Department of Mathematics Tenure-Stream Appointment in Algorithmic Mathematics and Theoretical Computer Science

The University of Toronto solicits applications for a tenure-stream appointment in the field of Algorithmic Mathematics and Theoretical Computer Science, including Complexity and Effective Methods in Scientific Computation. The position is subject to budgetary approval. The appointment is at the downtown (St. George) campus at the level of Assistant Professor, to begin July 1, 1999. This will be a joint appointment between the Department of Mathematics (75%) and the Department of Computer Science (25%). Candidates are expected to have demonstrated excellence in both teaching and research after the Ph.D.; in particular, a candidate’s research record should show clearly the ability to make significant original and independent contributions to Mathematics. Salary commensurate with experience. Applicants should send their complete C.V. including a list of publications, a short statement describing their research programme, and all appropriate material about their teaching. They should also arrange to have at least four letters of reference sent directly to Search Committee, Department of Mathematics, University of Toronto, Toronto, Canada M5S 3G3. At least one letter should be primarily concerned with the candidate’s teaching. In addition, it is recommended that applicants submit the electronic application form which is available from our World Wide Web Employment Opportunities page:


To insure full consideration, this information should be received by December 1, 1998. In accordance with Canadian Immigration requirements, priority will be given to Canadian citizens and permanent residents. In accor- dance with its Employment Equity Policy, the University of Toronto encourages applications from qualified women or men, members of visible minorities, aboriginal peoples and persons with disabilities. Further information about academic positions in the Department of Mathematics is available on the World Wide Web by accessing the above URL.


THE UNIVERSITY OF TORONTO Department of Mathematics Limited Term Assistant Professorships The Department invites applications for one or more limited term Assistant Professorships which may, subject to budgetary approval, become available at the St. George (downtown), Scarborough or Erindale campus, for a period of one to three years, beginning July 1, 1999. Duties consist of teaching and research, and candidates must demonstrate clear strength in both. Preference will be given to candidates with recent doctoral degrees. Salaries commensurate with qualifications. Applicants should send their complete C.V. including a list of publications, a short statement describing their research programme, and all appropriate material about their teaching. They should also arrange to have at least four letters of reference sent directly to the Search Committee, Department of Mathematics, University of Toronto, Toronto, Canada M5S 3G3. At least one letter should be primarily concerned with the candidate’s teaching. In addition, it is recommended that applicants submit the electronic application form which is available on our World Wide Web Employment Opportunities page: http://www.math.toronto.edu/jobs/ To insure full consideration, this information should be received by December 1, 1998. In accordance with Canadian Immigration requirements, priority will be given to Canadian citizens and permanent residents. In accor- dance with its Employment Equity Policy, the University of Toronto encourages applications from qualified women or men, members of visible minorities, aboriginal peoples and persons with disabilities. Further information about academic positions in the Department of Mathematics is available on the World Wide Web by accessing the above URL.

UNIVERSITY OF OTTAWA / UNIVERSITE´ D’OTTAWA Department of Mathematics and Statistics/Departement´ de mathematiques´ et de statistique The Department of Mathematics and Statistics of the University of Ottawa invites applications from recent Ph.D’s for one tenure-track position at the assistant professor level beginning July 1, 1999. Applications in all areas of mathematics and statistics are invited. The department’s priorities are modern applied mathematics and statistics. In accordance with Canadian immigration requirements, this advertisement is directed to Canadian citizens and permanent residents. Applicants should send a curriculum vitae and have three letters of recommendation sent to Wulf Rossmann, Chairman, Department of Mathematics and Statistics, University of Ottawa, Ottawa, ON Canada, K1N 6N5 by January 15, 1999. Conditions of employment are set by a collective agreement. Employment equity is University policy and the University strongly encourages applications from women. The University of Ottawa has a student population of over 25000. It has a full range of academic and professional programs, several research institutes, and is near the federal government with all its agencies and laboratories. The region is home to Canada’s biggest concentration of high-tech companies. The Department of Mathematics and Statistics has 28 full-time faculty members, more than 80% of whom hold national research grants. Shared computing facilities (Sun, RS/6000) with mathematical and statistical software are available for the successful applicant. New tenure-track appointees begin with reduced teaching and administrative loads and usually receive a start-up grant. Please consult http://www.uottawa.ca/science/mathstat/ for further information.


Le Departement´ de mathematiques´ et de statistique de l’Universite´ d’Ottawa met au concours un poste menant a` la permanence au niveau de professeur adjoint. Entree´ en fonction: le 1er juillet 1999. Pour poser sa candidature, il faut avoir rec¸u, recemment,´ un doctorat en mathematiques´ ou en statistique. Les candidates et candidats de tout domaine de mathematiques´ ou de la statistique seront consider´ es.´ La prioritedud´ epartement´ se situe en mathematiques´ appliquees´ modernes et en statistique. Conformement´ aux exigences prescrites en matiere` d’immigration au Canada, cette annonce s’adresse aux citoyens canadiens et aux residents´ permanents. Envoyer son c.v. ainsi que trois lettres de recommandation a` Wulf Rossmann, Directeur, Departement´ de mathematiques´ et de statistique, Universite´ d’Ottawa, Ottawa, ON, Canada, K1N 6N5. La date limite pour la reception´ des candidatures est le 15 janvier 1999. Les conditions d’emploi suivent les dispositions d’une convention collective. L’Universite´ a une politique d’egalit´ e´ en matiere` d’emploi et encourage fortement les demandes de la part des femmes. L’Universite´ d’Ottawa offre a` plus de 25,000 etudiants´ une gamme complete` de programmes d’etudes´ tant academiques´ que professionels. En plus du gouvernement fed´ eral,´ de ses agences et de ses laboratoires, la region´ abrite la plus grande concentration d’entreprises de haute technologie au pays. Le departement´ de mathematiques´ et de statistique est compose´ de 28 professeurs dont plus de 80% rec¸oivent des fonds de recherche d’organismes nationaux. Des ordinateurs (Sun, RS/6000) munis de logiciels de mathematiques´ et de statistique sont disponibles. De plus, les nouveaux titulaires de poste menant a` la permanence rec¸oivent un octroi de demarrage´ ainsi qu’une charge administrative et d’enseignement reduite.´ Pour plus de renseignement voir http://www.uottawa.ca/science/mathstat/.




The Department of Mathematics & Statistics, McMaster University, invites applications for a tenure track Assistant or Associate Professorship starting July 1, 1999. Candidates should have a Ph.D. and a research record of high quality in a major area of Applied Mathematics (includ- ing Mathematical Physics), as well as demonstrated interest and cability in teaching. The salary and rank will be based on qualifications and experience. McMaster is committed to Employment Equity and encourages applications from all qualified candidates, including aborig- inal peoples, persons with disabilities, members of visible minorities and women. In accordance with Canadian Immigration requirements, this advertisement is directed to Canadian citizens and permanent residents. Applications, including curriculum vitae and three letters of reference, should be received before December 1, 1998 by:

I. Hambleton, Chair Mathematics & Statistics McMaster University Hamilton, Ontario Canada, L8S 4K1



The Department of Mathematics & Statistics, McMaster University, invites applications for a tenure track Assistant Professorship starting July 1, 1999. Candidates should have a Ph.D. and a research record of high quality in a major area of Analysis, as well as demonstrated interest and ability in teaching. The salary and rank will be based on qualifications and experience. McMaster is committed to Employment Equity and encourages applications from all qualified candidates, including aborig- inal peoples, persons with disabilities, members of visible minorities and women. Applications, including curriculum vitae and three letters of reference, should be received before December 1, 1998 by:

I. Hambleton, Chair Mathematics & Statistics McMaster University Hamilton, Ontario Canada, L8S 4K1



News from Departments Zhou (Statistics) and Dr. Roderick Ed- Ejaz Ahmed has been promoted Full wards (Applied Mathematics, Neural Professor. University of British Columbia: Mar- Networks) have been appointed assis- tin Barlow has been elected a Fellow of Appointments: Roberta La Haye tant professors. Dr. Roger Davidson the Royal Society of Canada. (Instructor III); Julianna Erlijman (As- has retired. University of Prince Edward Is- sistant Professor); and Claude Tardif land: Appointment: Ahmed Taw- University of Regina: (Assistant Professor, 1 yr.term). fik(Computer Science). Promotions: Judith McDonald has Retirements: Joanne McDonald University of Victoria: Dr. Julie been promoted Associate Professor. and Ian McDonald have retired.


CALENDAR OF EVENTS / CALENDRIER DES EV´ ENEMENTS´ OCTOBER 1998 OCTOBRE 1998 probability@fields.utoronto.ca; http://www.math.yorku.ca/Probability/Fields.html 5–10 Workshop on Hydrodynamic Limits (Fields Institute) probability@fields.utoronto.ca; DECEMBER 1998 DECEMBRE´ 1998 http://www.math.yorku.ca/Probability/Fields.html 8–12 International Commission on Mathematical Instruction 7-11 International Conference on Operator Theory and its Ap- (ICMI) Study Conference (Singapore) plications to Scientific and Industrial Problems http://elib.zib.de/IMU/ICMI/bulletin/43/Study.html (Winnipeg, Manitoba) [email protected]; 13–15 CMS Winter Meeting / Reunion´ d’hiver de la SMC http://www.iims.umanitoba.ca (Queen’s University, Kingston) 25–29 Workshop on Monte Carol Methods (Fields Institute) Monique Bouchard: [email protected]

34 JANUARY 1999 JANVIER 1999 Saskatchewan) 13–16 Joint Mathematics Meetings (San Antonio, Texas) [email protected]; http://math.usask.ca/ fvk/Valth.html A.H. Daly: AMS, [email protected] DECEMBER 1999 DECEMBRE´ 1999 MAY 1999 MAI 1999 11–13 CMS Winter Meeting / Reunion´ d’hiver de la SMC 29–31 CMS Summer Meeting / Reunion´ d’et´ edelaSMC´ (Universite´ de Montreal)´ (Memorial University of Newfoundland, St. John’s) Monique Bouchard: [email protected] Monique Bouchard: [email protected] 29–June 4 Moonshine in ’99 (Montreal, Quebec) JUNE 2000 JUIN 2000 [email protected] 9–13 CMS Summer Meeting / Reunion´ d’et´ edelaSMC´ (McMaster University) JUNE 1999 JUIN 1999 Monique Bouchard: [email protected] 4–8 CMESG Meeting (Brock University, St. Catherine’s) 4–7 Annual Meeting of the Statistical Society of Canada 6–9 Annual Meeting of the Statistical Society of Canada (Ottawa, Ontario) [email protected] (Regina, Saskatchewan) 14–19 14th Householder Symposium on Numerical Linear 12–15 Integral Methods in Science and Engineering (Banff, Algebra (Whistler, British Columbia) Alberta) [email protected] [email protected]; http://roadmap.ubc.ca/hholder/ SEPTEMBER 2000 SEPTEMBRE 2000 JULY 1999 JUILLET 1999 22–24 American Mathematical Society Central Section meet- 5–9 4th International Congress on Industrial and Applied ings (University of Toronto) Mathematics (Edinburgh, Scotland) http://www.ams.org/meetings/ [email protected]; http://www/,atjs/ed/ac/uk/conferences.icicam99/ DECEMBER 2000 DECEMBRE´ 2000 AUGUST 1999 AOUTˆ 1999 CMS Winter Meeting / Reunion´ d’hiver de la SMC International Conference on Valuation Theory and its Appli- (University of British Columbia) cations, Conf. dedicated to Paulo Ribenboim (University of Monique Bouchard: [email protected]


If requested the rates indicated include electronic availability. S’il y a lieu, les tarifs indiques´ valent aussi pour la disponibilit´e´electronique

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