to . »h» woo

^ IJTTXLL'S e, TBUE «KIIYUB1.IA1«>» TAMB KKCVMf KU8I.U POfeTKV. bad rmrtat a.,.!,,,,,,,. "'wit! D"A»I»TIO COMPANION, and WM !,, , ^ K, UM aSIp had beaa)- F01EK1N »va.r. I toif* to look on a me* UM taht, wuoom. Of wild and earalm pby. » »«« » the eurgeo* wUA h. M _ twafMhliah. 1 *n * oH, ll Of I Hicr.. «« DwM.r. a y«*r, in u ..,^- And ptnaa*. my«lf tkat aH that dollar. a*xl half, If not in riranee. jo ejtraaeouj mean* to erneoJal* a know. AM my lonka an not yvMrnn ^ *ad ia whMk Ij* **U °» na tMriu^yet aoch li the a*ti*&ation laaamM- ForMatintlw blood In an old nun. heart,' ahaeta, tinaer 100 nrU«» ^ft"1 "f * * PDbll° WB« h»v* been made Aad It make* hi. pohna flr, I with H* chancier and coatMt*, that It* iirt To ooleh the thrffl *i*a fcappj Tt ce*t*i*rer 100 miiea, f*4 ctrfet*. ,* ^^ oytntow*. oonrtantly and npiaay U fctena**. Apd thrift! of tpieea*^t •I eirlr . IT TfcW week will be Mnt tn any Pout Of- . ft* I* now diathbiiud rrralarly avory wtok over ' Tot*. tw.hatorto».ytb,to«to, Ac. ia> the Unit*. State*, carefully wrapped » wiu. portion of the Union, and UM moat *»U«Ja*tory. I have wefked the world far rVrr. natoly w« ».T« .^.1^ fc. u»«, to ^^^^ ^ ^ a**aranc*e are rocoirrd t'aat it will eventually barome And Uwyaay that Ton old. tended, being, m ,«.., .«.. ^ttVaod tataTa**i (to. Bp> wp**a receipt of AH jollati in part pay- one or Iho tno,t popular among the nnmoroo* excellent And my heaitta rip* far tbe napar Doath, . y«Ml«ry«r.. - - - -* ' mest. . A raw complete wt* are for .ate. periodical, which uaue from Ons American fttm. No And my yaer* an wall nigh told, . ' " I", On oxi>rtion. will U (pared to eaUbli.h lie permanent rrtro- It I* very troej H te vary Iron EaUVAatSED (EBIES OF THE 5ta7tE« UUen mon»*«anaiTolj-; ,n,| if ,h» ilh.^ ..action of fm old, and »I aid* my Umo," tk. hooee Tk*M an their ratora kerne, Mary aad k-tt v/ooO. thooo for whom it U especially dnigned ahall warrant, Btat an been vrlll leap at a Ken* UK. thi*. bnther w*t* Mill withem UM kwat oio. to th* "local ' vn. Ita future Improvement holh u regard. typographic-U Anal I hilf renew my prime. *. ie. i habitation or namV oftbatr prrnrvw, wtth thai oaNaty .' ' R. L1TTBLL ha. much plennr* in an- n~lno» aad «mbeUk*i»m>-wUl b. m«WiUly Jvano. .flay ori, pla» on; I am with yon than. tion that UM lawyer, In UM eoone ' i I I I liaTll Ina. -'" rforl In tb* Mldet of roar marry rlnn nooneing ta tbe patron, of the MV.B. ***** era* »»' * ' UM,M that he ha* jmade arrangement* for the T^1* duTerent Play* and F.rce* that will appear in loan fa) r*athle«a rwiiip. poor mean yanko.,- bat danied knowing hi* **. .'*'! aunt than FOUR timee tho amount of aabaoriplion. Tha I hid* with you io the iKgrant hay, Miry fretted and pined away, and at lut teak to he* rily. rt'Prince George** county. aperior to the pre..nt and nearly approach­ fcjllowlog i* . U*t of tho*a which h«v» already appoat. And I whoop UM emotlwrrd oalf, bed. for almoat mtcenaoMoety aba had kwn* 0*00*7 at. ing what he ha. alway. deiired that it ihould And «y l**t aUp op on the acody floor, tteiided i Cbaria. th* Ftnt, Mlaa Mltlbri Aad I can not lor tho fall. tachad to UM aaOer, her lllnee. aMmed at Uet eeertca** appear In. The circulaUpn of the work i. R. P. smith1. -- '. eharaeur. and It Mag vidmt ibat .he weald not toag now .o large, u to make it Important to the I*8h* a Brigand. I «ra willing to A« when my tiro* atuO com*, ountrj i The Hunchback, J. B. Know***. And I ahxll be glad to go; «nu intclli- proprietor that he ibould be able tn give hi* Af" De*P> D f B*** J- B- K«»ehe. For the world, at bnt, U a weary plan,' > It* { Been Cheap Luing, F. Reynold*. .,,u .v. -J which the' aab.criber haa Un I whole attention tn It. .Thi. haa hitherto And my jvlae in getting row: Ataeriea, and landed at Boaton a ftw day* ago, wheat* pinioj'i Bhak.poare'e Early Day^ C. A. DanenM. Bat tho grave la dark, and Iho heart will fail ' to rerde, hi. hope of nHimatp eoc- prevented by the c»re Iml labour attendant tb*yea»Mwtothtaatyo«a»»d«y night. TV. pee. iii ihrtc] upon a moltifarlon. and widely extended bu- Ilcnri Qualm, R. p. Smith. In treading Iti gloofby way; tffUli. •____ *l*U*.i .1 .»* " . . Boggu of Bathnal Orean, J. 8. Knowfe*. And It otka my heart from ita ureariiM**, **g», and the bepe of .Meting with th* eo* eh* fovod. but proceed* from the eminent aineaa. With tho view of completing more Iltinbsuid. and Wivoa, To ae* th* yonng ao gay. r-tond bar U, compamir* k*»ha aad etrvmglk, and of Lodge'. Portrait* Man of T.n Tliounnd, Then** HoloratY KT,u"-i.ofil»loe»tinn- Publl.hcd in the rjaickly the noblicatioi: they .04 op u a prfnte boordtag haoo* la P*art ^M*4. and Memoir* ol' llln.triau. and Noble Cha I'lio I^di«e Man, WUHaa E. Dorton. '* J.. .f * l»rs. «nd we.llh7 count,, .it. I'll Tell You What, lira. Inciihald. Thuckad MwytrmOed doable UM dMaso* of *Woke(% flii.iliiUnt from the State and Na- racier*, (a .piendld wurk now in hand) uf Ttir. (iolden Farmw, Benjamin Wtbeter. aothw, without knowing even UM ehriatian or coraam* niu^ facilitief of an early commu- effecting o aettlcmcnt of account, extending Bpoculation, F. M. Reynold-. tk, N, V. TranKrift af JaJy a. rfhwrael.iad. Uthamaoj time tk. DMU arrivod a or MJ over the whnlc nf the United State. and ul Olympic Uevlla, Fianeho it Dance, ROMANCE IN HEAL UFE. on S«c!tl tl whatever may interc.t it. patron., Hew-Tark. w*. tn**aVr**d u UM eamrnud af * met. and making nrr.ngcmenta in .tl part, of the coun­ Moat or '.II of oar reader* rourt hare hoard of the ro. ehtntnaa ta th* aootharn trade, wu eaM away. (U m. IrFuJ aflVintdl to (lie Editorj try fur the vigorooa proaecution of tho publi­ Shakeepean Knatival, W. T. MoacTiaiT. i he *uT not hone to preMnt tn hi. The Eaaulnl'" certain thai intfclli- The Child of NalDra, Mr*. InrbbalJ. 1i« J» concern, appertain­ coin in the If&ly Land, and whjl* ther* he wa* wound­ VV, local nature, inlerciling to all, manage all the financial The Rencontre, earn* oa to Now.rork. aad without fcaowfaf taot Itjo* ?flof ing to it after the rtretcnt year. Tlio Uoel, B. IVake. ed, Uken prbnnar, and wu nunad by a beautiful yojMig won la the boo** acteklly put op at UM aaoj. at oniulioo leporuni w many;, »nd othcrwiws tinat- jjlrT «ill bt tliii mean, be communicated. Mr. Waldie ia a practical printer, not *ur- The Hlttcn, W. .Barrrmorr. f«rnalo pagan, who like rnuel w.arrlor nuraea, fell doape- (Vtptb*rMath«h****9*roofwiUi Mary aad k*r ^1 ratcly In lort> with the object of her alatntlon *nd eotlei. on Sunday aTpM. In UM moraing whea he knll >)H offer U th^e wUoio mean, are in- pa.ied in tatte by any other in the country | llcrna:il, I ini and a. he i* advantageously and generally Jeme* Kennedy. tudo. After the elder Docket aallod from the Holy f i»« it n^ Mtite Io th* etpcnie of tbe lirgtr jonr- Thr MSSof tlio rri»)i Ambg*n»lar, the ttroarhn and , it leiU a aynoptical view of all the im- know*) .. the publi.her of the Select Circu­ highly iiitumting drama, in which Tyrone Power fa Land for England, ah* becime absolutely ioeoaeolabla Moabwd, tb* «rv( ohject that met hi* VMW en« Hibic/ib lating library, it i* aoppoaed that he will uca-eafully amuiedthe Poblio, an Hir IVrick OTKul- at hi. dopirtitra, and a ahort time nfterwarj. ah* **er*t- the room WM tbe form of UM fair trav*n*r. in i it iQ/urmatiun they conUilt) and h« I'O, hu bren nbuiacil by !bo publulwn, and »ill be pub- |y l«n her fithor*. hou»e. with a liltla inouay and a few V, i tint Uiu»c of literary ta.te m»y aume- liavp i| in hi* power greatly to jiromnle the Ua fioe uttored no e«c]anuUaa, but .prang A**B k*q> ;'"i ie pi t<> lialied forthwith. J«wrl«, m .do way to Acre, tooH her Damage ID a akip Mat toward, blaa, wd wonld kava tUIev tad h.) at*. I in iti column*, article* not aoror- »*lc of the Moteum. He ha* contracted The tjpoiting IntclllKimcn, at home and almad, oc. -I' rnili of I i itnployncnt of ihek loreare. A« iiiue it promptly, and thu* will be enrrerled cupio* a cooaidtirBola purtton of our culumnj, and ! bound for Rnglind, landed in London and altli «gh rvufxrf forward and eaaajht bar IA haa arra^antjaaajaw. will confj .he could not »p*ak a won) of the langaage, nxaept the I'Qood God! Mary, I* that your a* aha (UnMd ewaw. * Vd kiln ofevtry ptsblicatitm which U to find tho greatest fault which ha. heretofore at­ coUected from the rnoul aulhonUc Kidrco.. AHIODF tho Ihe Joii] rortniu of celebntod Winning Horn* which have name of tho bcinff aha knrtd, and only knew a part of Wben ah* recovered, nrataej oipUmatieoM aad gi»otiose trcii in pupulitr lauporf, matt fir.t bw tended III management. The change, in tlio arc: olc lit ti appearance of the work will be a. follow.: bern |proti, Ihl*. >li: Ilia chriatian namo waa Thonua, .be went took place, aad w* an happy to lory that they w«**i i«J before public patrnnnge can be ex- Thu Aqicrican Trntlinff Hor*n, Edwin Forr?«t. eryingthal wool through th* etroeta of UM gr**t city on- marnad yoetoroUy aAariMxm, aad **t ooTth* *ooa evoav I. It will be regularly and promptly pub- Tho IniporVxl Hiring Tlone, Moaaenccr. , Ibe Editor wonld here nisrk tha oot- Ul ah* found him aooo after wlOch they roanied. Singa. Ing to epend the honey inooa at AJaoay, Md by «ao« deiign, with the foil knowledge liihed. The favourite Racing Atara, Ariel, anil brr foil, by ft. Will be uniformly and handaomely print* Eolipaa. lar u th* above ir*ty **ema, we have to record ono to­ time Jankalaae know ea* aawto** a* ~at Mltaofk »ij I conititole an ordeal, by which, tn llonil'a celfhratcil Trollinr IIor*t>, .Ni.ri'olk rhcnome- day almoat r ' ». !!*_._*, ^ u .l i_«Mi_l.a.. '1'*.^ _ilthough I *L..in_W k**ihe aldoe. il^al MMnot I *trtwish atl* tt»Atlie At\*ka«alappearance r*l fit* a* Itfuf A complete Tra.ttMon nidJnf, with fourtirn Illua. O I li be tntelligsntr anil inqoiriug. The trttion., fot Uie imi>roTomenl of Ladle, in that mott all, bickrd, and a boat lowered, which made for th*^ Peter Miller, late of Anne-Amndel c*«Bty, jt .Icrurtmcnt, dial), UKr«fore, be aa- tho next volume ti> be coniiderrd a. c.i-'hy of all evnvot. party m the trulcr. Trttf were all reecaed except * deceased, it i* ordered that thry give the a*. _. r repriled, and tho mo»t approved tlrrly carrying out hi. plan, he tru.t. that I'.iplonnlion of the Automaton Chon Player, Him. yonng; lady, who becoming MtpiMlod from th* net, wu tic* tef{uired by law lor creditor* to aihibit, Itantic lid lorcign perkidical. retorted to the »ubacnber. will be convince'!, upon co u- tntnl by rleroo engnving*. oatriod do\rn the river by tho rapidity of the tide, and their claiia* againat the *atd d*Kcai«d,and that p.ring U with any oilier work, that it i. ric!i- Tho Nbjocl. whToh an particuUrly embraced In tbe rkllct lettre* notice*. He know* them to Vndo !\fooum, will be more durlinclly undrnlood fgm oitwt inevitably have bern lo»t, hid H not boon lor lha the aatne be pabliihed nnce in each week, far iplriotie, aud th»t they feel a deep intere.t ly worth the price .iked for it. tlo follow liif mmmary of Uiem: watchfulnei, ana Intrepidity uf the mito of UM ahip, I the tpece of III .UCC»*aVve week*, in onaj of i9u«el(*ro of uor common country. To We »h.ll not tali.ficd oar own wisS- Tim'Turf and nil matlrr. connected thrrawllh, «ho Inauntly jumped into tho fon chain*,droppnd Into I the nawi-papcr. pnnted in Anntpnlia. nil; uii Kutiiacnt to the extent of hit abi- ca, in reipect to tbi. 'work, until it .hall be f>u Ihe 8lructuie and Character of th* Hurae. UM witor, .tvam tn Iho drowning girl, and being a I BAM'L. UHOWN. hin'r. On tho Improvement of Hurned Cattle- Reg.. Will* A. A.. Irr, hi* cahinni ihall aOurd tvh.lcver intelli- *o far eolargvd and improved "i to make it Kiilr. for rTuvicr. in Shooting. atroag yoong man. .uppnrud her till the boat reached ' i«(t political character may be calcola- clear to every purchaier that he will herein M.thoxU for Kecdlng and Training Don. and look them both up. Hbe waa taken enon board UM b inttrett them. No man, with tho fa- receive all that i* deiirable tn an Arnvricni) Biographic, ol celebrated Hone*, witli their For. abip (which waa hove to) until ahe recovered, when UM NOTICE IS HBRRBT GfVEH. Utj of ln*«t>t, i. at thi* cf'nu neutral in re- reader front all the Foreign Periodical*. Lrut% nectnd party wore ultimately landed. Strajije (o aay, That the aobacrioer. of Anne Arundel Ihnct U the party diuinctioa. now prevail- we can do ao in a (ingle work, by nuking It Hunting, Dialling, Fowling, 4cc. the putio. all aepantad wilhuut th* name ofUMvaaael. county, have obtained fro** the Orphan* Co«rt Approvud (tun*., from lloyle and others. to th* uecu.d »iilaiico«ittry,and the Editoriloe. not wish contain four or five tunet.ii much matti-r)M Critlcuunn on Play, and Actor*. or any ofhor peoplo boing nude known of Anne-Arundel county, iai fjUrylahd. let- lea»jti»« nh political leiitimenta they arc an ordinary periodical, wo ba>e no doubt. Tha mix t popular doaga, K>t to miuic. partial; and the- akip wu aooa under way lor New. tcre of adminutratlon on the peraonal *t*l« fii*»Miiion to tbe meature. of the prevent A great part of moat of thelleview. and Ms- The nrt of l^i^cnlrmam illiulrated. York. On her return to Liverpool, tin* mate who wa* of Peter Miller, late of Anne Arasdel eo*)B- fauiitlralion. Unt having neither the tem- gaainea I* eomponfd of interior articles ami A viricly uf Uccipna adiplrd to Ecooomy. a An*, handeome (allow, and who had not failed to 06. tr, decwitd. All per*o«a having rtaiami An K|iitum« of important paving rrcntn. that the lady b* nat the aiubve of partnan, hi. comment, we confldently appeal to thoie reader, of the (JonUuni-n'i (juutrrly liar low of tho Kaaliiotn. .err*, during Uiolr abort acqniintance, *|rain.t the nid drctaaed, are hereby Trameal y ovemtnt. .lull be characterized Mu»eam who have been in the habit of look­ The Vaue Mecum I* printed on largo imperial paper, had readied w*> a vwy beautiful woman thought it to exhibit thr .am«t with tht «*«ehera there­ rti of argument, not violence or abvae ing over the Qrituh Journal*, whether we of a beautiful while texture, and ia puUuliod overy Hal. might not be w amah aral*. to endeavor to find her oat, of, to the .ubccriber*. at or before the fttlh lu It mr*r hi* colnmna to eommuni- A. the work will now to considerably en­ 7'/it Mtilrrtt Acting Drama, a volume uf atout 300 * eail boat, inoliuilflg Mb* Mary . bad been reecoeJ p.pc* containing the I'lay., Karco, air., which appear from waatry gnv* by UM oe-w of a viml boajnd out, MART MILLBR,)- . , Miifreai til partie. re.erving to him.elf larged, we thall be able more fully to accom- In the Vade Mecum, neatly p.mtod, and bound In elartic PETBBMILLBR.J ««'»» B ifrinl*gt of rejecting tach a. are obtcc- hot » *ome Arty or fifty need* (wkiob had been iliih tbi. object. oovera, for tranaportallon a publiahod every aUwroka. bound) (ailed the nine day, tb* name of tbe voaavl «ru MiaUfKparional allutionor indccoroaalan- In order that he mar, by frequent juornie. Eight volume, will ronililuln a »tt, or ono year1, inb. la addition to tho advantage, of an- ecrintion, Iho term, for which i. TArn Dollar,, paya. not known. On making farther na.ukriae, b* fennd from home, be the earlier able to Qniih all o- kte in advi noe. . lhat th* young lady** brother (a eorgeon) wa* on* of Ur» IN CHANCKRV, political and literary aelectiou*, he J»er builne*.. and devote himaclf exclusively ItaiilM to tempt into exercl.e whatever of Subacribera to tb* Vade Meeom an entitled to * d*. nacoad pnopla, and lhat they bad left Uverpool and Aagvat irth, Iwff. o the Mo.rom, Mr. Liltell ha. made ar- duclltm of one-third. An order"for four eette will Be gone to reeid* in Ua* country. He obtained leave of ah. jRfj*»RKD, That the **le of the real ei- I"**Ulaat Buy .urround him,and with inch thankfully received, and th* work forwarded to any rancorofut. with the Editor of Waldie'a Li­ without any chart or oompan ^-^ taleV Nrcrralaa Welch, decc.**xt, m«4« |jw*taMyDotpretainptuou*ty hope to render direction, by encloelng a ten dollir note P0**!* paw. eenoo from Ihe ehtp, and brary to edit thi. work after December, 1834. of tb* Inahna WarfirM, of Beau. I«p1»tr tnefal and intertitiog. He uka A premium, oun»Uing of two voliuiioe, SOU pagr. to atoer by, he moonted a hon* and rod* oat nd reportXUby However deficient the proprietor may be in each, of IU» Noi.lnt. Mnfaiine, ooiitalninc eight rTif. H* had notproeooded half the truitce, oWatifted and confirmed, onl**ja |*i*WB*tron*io of hi* friqnd. I oncer than town toward* Warrlitgton. other qualification*, he ha* alwava felt to forent NoveU, by Iho mo«t popular author., will bo pre, a doirn milee, before hi. hone took (right, ran of, and cauio tn the convyiy be thewn nn or bete** IHiforU merit and repay it, fu he wTahot not ont*d to the Agent, w ho ahall procure four namoe to xc.lou* ao affection for the Mu.euoi that he hi* h**d. U* ** taken up tha 17th day of O?»tfKr nest, provide*) « c*)> |t>«vc Hut Uvoor to pennnal l>rl|ng, which the Modern Acting Drama, or UM Uentlomen'e Vaoe threw him rlojeotly on would not be willing tn commit It, even for a tb* n.ireet hooM, whioh for. py of thii order be mMUherl tn * *« tMWaj. |«nl4 ba dcaltd to hi* eiliturial labor.. Moouin, and remit the amount of one yeer'a aubecrip. aon.ala.1, and carried to time, to the care nf another, were he not eon- turulely happened to b* a SOrjeoo'a. II* I*/ *o**e day* paper once hi each of thNn *ucce«ai«*) *r*)e4*) TV« BUUBTIK will be publl.hvil onThur*. lion for each. I Adent that the f.cilitiea. the eipenenee and fit* ohject Uwt mot hi* vi*. before the ITth day *f Sef|VMb«r n»»C ;'«tacn week. Term, ol .ubecrlptlon 83 OehUomen wlablng to eubacriba to either of the a. in a critical .late, and the 1L the ability of th. n.w Editor, will rentier it bovework*. wlUeddro.iCllARi.Ea ALF.XANnBH, ion ou regaining hli **n*aa> waa UM form ef Ih* Mr The rtaort atatea th« «*«M«|^( »jja)| (O ore wurlliy of Ihe patronage ol the pablle No. 3, Athenian Building*. KraoJtlin flac* ' Mary above alluded Io, **«Ud by hi* bod-erf, bathing b« 8W3 on. WILLIAM n. HALL, than it ha. heretofore been. No change take. plxia. bU temploa and officiating aa hi* nurae- bke hltttbcd July 30. Troe e»»y Te»U MtrlbrV. Feb. H, 1835 plac* in the Proprietr-rahip, deeply on ptroeiving thai h* ieoogrUja*d bar, and haatiry ^1NAL NOTICE. Philadelphia, April 9. /' NOTICE leaving th* room, **nl la her brother and an otdet but would again reipect Secimen JYumbert tfay bt teen per.on. Indebted to the late firm of la** agreeable nor**. Finding hua atill loo weak to . _ ..^ rt<)a«*t all partnn* indebted to at the Offict of the Md. Gazette. Williamaon and Thorn**, oonvor**, they M*urad (Urn Uwt oe wa* with frieooX [J« Itle Irm of Meur*. Wllllam.ort and prior to^Uae 20th of October IB3B, are re* deeply acwibl* of their InuebtodnMe to kiav and woo un to call and itttl* immtdiattfy, a. Ihi* ~ ~CA8H FOR queatrd tiSkfliake payment without delay, Io wen but too happy to have it io their power a* ooattU Jittal to ail intiota PICHBEat OaT 7IEOROEI, Mr. P. M. nfcboe, a. it i. necenary to col* bate to hi* comfort. II* w«a now coavaleaaaat, *ad i coniidered A*Y aioUBg int. a aovmd akMp they k»ft hkn. Ho a****** Intluding both ttftt, from ! "> 3' ytar> °S lect all account* .» »peedily »» poa*tble. 1A1BOB. ANN JANBSVVANN, vary Uet neit day aoeh toinaood; bet a* ** ** ow age. Adtn't. ul 1'. tbe PEH3ONB having likely StrvanU «aa to tUaWM at, Md wiihin*; the high- tu ^ tit price., will do W.I to give me JJka Le*>do«, Ctlinburgh, Foreign, and IC7« All perwft. Ind^d to the »bo»e Firm b*doi*BMri*laUv*. N*4 thinking to jMBWaorf a* ea. pfof a call, aa I am determined Io b»J- elaia»*ilM*UBiilM,B a**t wat wwat *?*"•' ^ . Charth ttreal AmaapolU. -•-'"ISAAC J -:.''*rr- F.• '"PI ;ABI t 'I. ^^'" ^ v^- &• Tire SACRED CIA*8IC». to support the publication "will be .pleaaed TO THE WALJME'S LIBRARY, PORT FO­ therefore to announce, their intention is early UB subscriber haa made arrangements to received frnm ihe Pre M poMihle, aa it it irttendetl to comrfitoce they are received LIO AND MUSEUM. the work on the first 'pf January neat. On T republi.h a* fait aa 8 the publications DOW issued from the (on of (his Company front F.ngland, Herie* of the standard Theolo­ the appmn|m«Mt4s>f A&ENT (or the city ol the issuing of the aecond number payrrient gical works ol Knglaod, under the general li- _ office of trn Select Circulating Library will be expected, .M it» appearance *ill e» are of a highly popular catt, and of a charac­ Annapolis ^x^/ ter to be appreciated by the educated portions (U capital ia Fifty Thousand Dollars, and fine* a ufficieney of patronage. THE SACRED CLASSICS, of the community, and to circulate every Ihe company intends to execute the following The proprietor of the ' Select Circulating BSPECTVUL'iy Oil where, by concert with the proprietor of the Library," fully aware from experience of Print* of th*Vnil«d CABINET LIBRARY OF DIVINITY. Museum, that work, the Port Folio and Li­ 1st. Insurance on Lives* the advantages (o .the public' of the«-r*pid 'h«t L With an iiri^iiul intrmlii 'i.iry e»«ny In each brary, are offered to those who take the three diffusion of cheap antl select literature, has wool author Kdited hv RICH vuo COTTBMMOI.P., B. 2d. Pu> c/iase and Sale ot dnnuities* **•*>• on the following conditinni, viz. . Receiving Endowments. been induced to odd the important feature to Wouii Letter! ol I), slid 'he Rev. HKNHY ^TRHniNO, M. A. The Museum, Port Folio and Library, if the work, and of coune leaves it optional four «o The folloteing it tke Jltlvrrtiitment of paid for in advance and addressed to the same 4th. Receiving Money in Trust. will) the prevent subscribers'ond other.* to made to order on the, aborted 'notice? Aon /on I'ul individual whether in town or country, will 5th. The Management of Trust Es­ lake it or not. Ornamental Lettert of entirely .» J UNIFORM IN SI/K WITH DR. LVRO- be supplied for 812, thus enabling every 111- tates. li is confidently believed, thnt, with the moat splendid patterns, for HeadsYf £ * NER'HCYCLOP.*I)l\, THE SUNDAY iliviiluil to benefit by the clubbing system, Applications made to the «ub«crit>or at his attention on the part of the Editor, who has paper,, Title Linea, tc. frutn t*olin,.i" LIBRARY. &c. without the necessity of applying to others. OCict in \Vf»l ".|ri-n. uppimilr ihr Farmn already at hand Ihe material for such n work, Primer .to any tue larger. " °" rillCF. ONLY THHRB SIIILMVOS AMU MXPV.XCir.. Those wlmfhave made a payment lor Ihe cur­ Hunk of Maryland, will be promptly attended all the really valuable matter of the English His type will be made of nut.ri.l t »,\ thf lit of Jnriiiiiri/, 1834. t/ii/( be ;m/i/i.i/i- rent year to either of the works, of whatever literary and amusing publication* may be well seaioned ana7r. J a fftr'in nf tne Kliinitaril Tht- best assortment, ej t'ol. I: nf amount, will be privileged (o avail themselves SOMKRVIU.K comprised in Ibis form at a rate of ulwcrip- invented for the tnneL 2.1 oioifical Ifarici o' England, under the £ by machinery, of tbis arrangement, by paying the balance, so trifling as scarcely to ensures the most exact .ailjuatfcm^' ' rural title nf -, .flnrf lnu for Rules, &c. 4^"^'" receive Ihe Library nml p issing through Ihe village of Elk judee of the difference belween an octavo mental and Plain TIIK Rrv. RICII'D.CATrKRMOLE, n. D. the \1n*etiin, shall in type mciai'0, I'nrl Folio, the price of which is separately Ilid^e Landinc, in (he direction lowai and n .juario page. ft will be Ibc study of greateut accuracy Wu*liinctnn. on Mondav the Glh nf July, in- . Old catt metal cot,, ornam.nti, i7 , THE Rr.v. IIF.NIIY Sl'EHHINC.. M. A. SH, nn tlie p.i \ men t . Thns«s adapter! lo the want* of llm country, vvhicl Port H.dii*. sliilI receive the Libr.u y and M trip of white in the fnrehead, nnd a strip n ran have no competitor for value or chcap- their cost. *Hiim nn paving -ndi a *um as will tie i'|« ivhile liivver down on the face and mine, mime nc?«; how far lie is likely to do Ibis be must A liberal di*coant for'raih. Sir nt" 1- I I 1 'i.-f^ i.ive -ll ! e I 'v : li h-r ill back, wh:ch to be 'n SI - "» t'' wlnde. while *pnt« on the leave nl present to the decision ol hi.* readers credit on the most approved security in ..S'ln; I'ti'ili .rid e*: r»iMiin^ lli-- Mild'.c inaiks, n shoe on each right (not. "f H v-la'i'in; wluli* her l)i>ine« have I. The Circnlatins Library and Mvneum, Clubs of live individuals, who subscribe ders from the country promptly atUml',,1 addres* nn the pay \\ iitirsB my hand this !)th d.iv ol July. 1RS5. MI di-'lll^'l'H l'''l ftllU-' ''V tile Ctilll'iU*!!!'-- will he »i*nt to the^jme In the 'Library' and 'Companion' both, will All lcttei»mu*t bc,puHpai! llii'ir !e ii-nin^. in.-'if nl' SI", ililmn llie livo for six dollars. Ihe ptmlugt 10"Editor, of pM,er,.i n 0,e coon( The* three wnrk« thu* ls«u The owner of the above de*cribed anilnil iii'i'liti'**' -if rliieac'er ill'H ">ivrn I" HKM \lll\S important consideration) to Ihe wio.%/ will give the above advertuemcnt ,\ '^realrr aninnnt nl ill' i* hneliv reijnirei 1, (» |imve In* properly, p.iv (a very th- - and ir^y nl Kn^lind h.i*. ihm* ed tn^etluT. cmnpri*e piper < ami lake him aw.iv. ttiiltuit ;-o*t i,(Tire, on the Iwo, will be our sertions, and forwiird a nvir|»iv ill rirciini'i.i'ii ! «, H-.-II liininlv pi-e- ' ilnent lilcr.if "re ol llie ;i2»-, ih.-in i* i**.nei charges, ,ame lo the advertiser. w,|| lle p^^l in .1 periii'llral fnrm rinm iinv nlln r ofiire ii 41IUCE IIOUP.S. ilnllnr and ninth/ fivf ff'ii'.t, divided into v.'ii'rd Irmn ili'^'Mi -raiitig ini» 'nf and half/tlitil sum in any of^ the above mentior^eij nl *r'iiili*tii-i4*»; -ml the wh* li- ** «! , i,fi''»* I'nitrd Stale*, ll'l will, the prnprie'or be Julv 30. K'Vriiiy Miihi p»y:i en).*, fur 100 m-k's or a le*s distance from Phila­ A pi tl 3U. | nur V'ltrr / fV'ltiic«.' i** .1 Mi-11«' nl 'null mnl I I , with the adilitinn nf n jond newspa­ per, M)|i|ilv in r.unilii-s :ill the adv.intarje* delphia, while the same mullet, in the usu- liie " testier ' K *uli»inher I- aulhiiri*ied In rne*>l .mil be*l bopk* .ire lar*, and the postage as three lo one. We P^TMbe'''*'"" 1''" U0"- °f MH thi- 'n:*t W'irk- "I -ill the mint r"l lii.ii'd wn te «4>. .» >d can he seen nt hi* nfTice in le;«. wh'i*r> Isbn'v* have been d-voteil m Mil* i'"I\il«rly publi*Ued: in tin- Mu*i*mn and I'orl make this assertion ailvi*eilly. Ann apnlin, by any mie ilesiriiu* nl puichu*- the Board nf Manageis ol the SiMr Fud Fnli'i it ha* been found by cxperienee lhal (£J">tiliM:ri| tiu'islo the '('umpanion,' will and eliiriil.itinn and pr.ii; «'iifore''Mi..nt -it ihe iii'j Th.-se lamls it not sold hefore tlie 31st have resolved lo publish a qinrlerlj ioutJ ,1 » nf r.-valed Iniili. wlirilier in then every tiling ive rimlil i>i«)i tt> copy fi'iin the -Libra­ prin. inl of Al'tll.'ST next, will hr oQVreil nt public he l.ikcn L'lthiT wilh or without the. Inform.lion ( J lion n> "ie iniete»r« "I null. entire Hriti«li literary petinilicals, nnnllinj ry 9 foi (he purpose ol iliflfusin^ the Kiiluni;e in D.iltiinine, on that Is. » In the iird'-r .mil wi-ll liein^ nl -o- the :utic!e*. can be rapnllv in- cerninc the piincit)les unit progrMj uf | il.iv at tvvelvi> n'clilck. Terms will be made The proprietor Itusts lhal hi* punctuality O'lririne*. «ueil. Tlir»r pulil.-cjlimi* ernbrnrc so mil'h Maryland plan of Coloniznion. T1,e J0c r.ti'iy. known at tin «.ile and exactness in executing In* part of llie i* i|p>ir,ib1» In be known, nnd are sn ^e- nal will also ciintnm occsuoitsl notirfiof! SOMKIIVILLE contract in the publication of Ihe 'Library,' operatjons of tn> friendf of Coloniulio c«-iv,| the pi-mi,mi-Hi tani;i nf J'-nernl Jii|ifii nersl'v peioted in ihe l*e«i i irdc* in \nieri- will hp considered; a sufficient guarantee of IviliKn; «elect S*'i moil* nf Ine iii'i*! eminent r.i, 1' In lie \vilhnut eillu-r is (n drop a link July \V.~ l>. other pnrts of the "Union. It-will bt,i, the completion of his proposed undertaking. lishcd at least once a quarter, and snnwnt Divine*; the iim*l inlere»liiii «pecinien* nl H." in Ihe lit 'rarv rh.'in. Thev are all under the ' .\NK)N( ) . .\V ALDIli'b LJ- liainu* lli.igr.i|ihy; nnd tin* rh"ic-'«i enampl.'- i-'intrnl nf nne mind, :im! therefore the reader / AU.-O) WALIJIK. oftener. Persons wishinjr; to,iecei»« it nJ nl |)"Vilnin.|l .Tnl Sli red |'.."iry. Will «1H Ci'-'d will vcrv r.iri-!v indeed he compelled In pat KHAHY. FOR larly as pnblithed, may bicoroc tubwnbi e.U'll ilh'r III Ihe nrder illicit >• . 'IP j'ld^ed for tlie »mo" in.ittrr twice, a* they aie mile- Tlic cheapest iv|»'int from English by paying fifty ccirts per annum in i Donations for the .inpport of tlie t m .-t cnndU'-iv.- tn Ihe benefit .HIM ;',ialil'iC4tiiir peii'lrnt nf e;»rh ntlier. cmiipletr in Ilirm- The M \RYLAND will cvcrofl'cred to the be lliankfully received. Th* friemlVof L of Ihe lead/r. *elvc^. nnd free in ijrnfral frnin any repeli- go to Annapolis, Cam­ lonization Ihrougheut the stale will cuDfJ Tn ih- prmliirlin'n of f.irh .111-; ', nr i. fiiin*J (if (he *.ime .irtlc le*. public. bridge (by Castle Haven) gi eat favour by trannnitting'fur ih, JUBrl rich »epir.ile priid'irlinn, a* ihe raM- may T'»eie view* the proprietor re»pprtfnllv ! ;! '( IHR ll.p Selc-l Citciitalinf Libra­ and Esston on every Tues si-i"« in rei|iilre, "ill in' pri-lixcil sn Inlrmlnr- ilirn\v« mil IIT ilir rnnvulct iIHIII of the l,ienils rry ad hern lonn in exi.'lcntc, it was any intelligence which may promote Ihr ul B day nnd Frtdiiy mornins, it advocates. loi v E'»iY. piiinlm? o'lt their char»c'«*ri*i'r nl Inlllld and ttllllle-'iire liferill'lllT. ili-covcml that i!» ii- u-n* still leaving Baltimore at " o'clock, from the low­ excellencir*; and^ in *nmc in*tanre*. compre* AD\M \V Al.niR. wanlin 1; dial many ureurrcncM in the lite­ er end Uagan's wharf, her usual place of start- IT All communication* arc to b* Jirttl i\ bin^raphiul sketch nl the Auihnr, hendin*; 207 rhesiini-st'-iet, 1'hil.iil. ral k wnrld n nut |i.i>* iink'iown, J6 icgardcd to the ''Maryland Colonization Journal. \ with rcniarV* un Ihe iUte »f leligion m hi* M,v OS. nur am'iir*, , \v ilhuui .m txlunsiun of the plan. N. B All jnce af the owner's rii|"i-r '.n M«ue the fir*t »!«/({/ Hello l.fllrr \ >v.i< added; wiiifll jve \>.\E.AHt XDI:L coi .XT% cot Ihut he vvhii purrl. !- « >i |ll^^. hl in, have reason to n« licvc ha* 3nne=atunUcl County, prtre. * ninulii I i new »i iir* of the KX IRA , April Term, 1835} l\^ application to thu >ub>cilbri, onruf| nf «*|ihein'-i i! en J 1 !-. '11-'-. MI v, (-I OLtlliK. .. \lnnilav. tlir CJth nl M.iv m-xt. *aiisl.ii*non. I'lie vrrv lih**r.i'p.iir»n.>gpex- N flppli'.iticin by petition in Hilling, "f Judges of the orphans court of. I.L- ..iln" m''' "> nil.*--- Ir >- I ! w.iik. ci'l ! ' |iu'ili *li it ueeklv fur «ix iiionthi, m,ik- lendi-d to ihe\ mdnci'.l the prnprie- O ll'iber; T. Mercer.-to the Jud^o* ol An­ Arundel counly, ond slate nf Minima,! ulrc i raiyi ' f' I '» ill'ir'i Hi'i- -i'liilini il i -IX iiiinilnn; llie I i*l In runI ill! lor 10 give ll'.it graiinton*!*, 39 an evidence ne Aiuxdel C'nunty (,'nurl. pr.ivui'^lhe bcne- petition in Mining of Edivard su;vi nt pi 1'ir h'l'ie,! n -r * » nl In. /,. ,||. an Indi't 1.1 'lie «%im|.-. |i will lie printeil ti|i- fii of the in»nlvenl law* nf (Jie nt/te nf Mu- i» i t J' n i-l T everv vl. ---il ! I.- i* li' . . Anne Arundel county, staling thai dr tl'-- nn line ili,Hide paper, made un in on irln Mure extruded rxpcrirncr* lias «hoivn o- rylaiid, « *rhednle o| hi* pmpertj, and n li-l in nctual cnnfineoirnt, and pmvin^ lir •fllf f>rlf u-ilt tif /i'i'i-/j» hr could bun-til nf the act of the Grmr'jl A»itir| /' ii'iC'ip H i-i* o.i f 1 11 i:iper. •-•>> I fir . i uuV.i*h>Ml Iiv us lu»l I'hc -li numlier* inicndeit to supply. While readim for the .scertain them,) uein-; .iiinexp/ lo bin -..nil uf Maryland, t nlblled, An art for th'r rrj CVi'^. I" lit.if' 1/ ''"iM'' in t/.ir.irri ; | will nuke 4l(i qn.n'n n.val( liases. "Lilinry" a large ma«!» ol malenal accu- petition, and Ihe k.uil rnurl jfetns fii'.islifil »l sundry in»nln»ii delilors. |u>tril ll H'l't im'ilii'it'l ('' ' o.'i'7l» / nliu-il ^.ifl n | ll will ciinl.ui, the print ij<,il original arti­ miilalc* on llie band." he ciliior, of an Mini ihe suid R.ih.-rt T. Mercer has i_ inlcr- linving uppinntcd In* ciodituis, on oiih .u Ur s* he cm i ° f.-reil in fie nn'ilic I'liiiin, in rel.itinn to the'Canv.i«i> |nr the neM he benefit ol the ci edilnr* id (he haul Rnberl Imm ihi- Kii|(li.*b i.iin ihe same, bring, anncvcil to his pelitl 'I'he f.dlnvvina ninie* nl A'l'imr* \\hn-.' M/iirU- I'restdencv a cnnteAt which the indicaliiMI* si>ei.*c(l wilh tin- Uevi(?w.< T. Mrrcer, which said tru*tee lia* given bon . every Ihiu*; of ibis jnd the VIM! K,l'4 .inl Ilruokes havitig > are inieiiiled ! >' piinli'-alnio i- -iiiiinijieil 1-1 of (hr present Vrttr will ^n f:ir to decide. (juarierlirs. To |Mildi.*h in due fnrm lor ihe faithful pei Urmancc of lint lie would en- fli-d mo by con>|,ij U-nl ti->tiinony evi'li"!'!* "I Hie nnpji li.ili'f of Ine «eiri The fir»t nnniberwiH rnnlvin the Priueed- nature which we deem de*iralile 1 i* lru*l, and the *.iid Robert T. Mercci hav- within the »tate uf Md on the columns ol Ihe ' Li­ residfd two limit illi;»nf the U-ninrr,itir Nalinti.-l Cmivention, cronch loo much na executed a. deed of t onvcviince tn Ins said land immcdiatelj preceding the lime ofl .1 T.-.nv Tuyhir. U.xte*. H'lvl". llatler. Owen, t'i he licli|. at llaltimore nn the '20th of ii'tt brary" dc*i|>ned for hunk*, and yel lo pa** trustee lor all his pmprrlv. reul, pe'sniKil nnd .ipplir.itinn. and (he saiil Euuinl Ilrnol O'll-v.irlh, T'l'imn* A. (vi-'npi». lluiuei. ll-w,, month. An excellent Itepnrter h«s already them by is conslanlly a subject of regret. mixed, nnd the ».iid liu*tee having certified havinn taken the « ath by the >aid act prticj Hutl.-r, Wilson, limit*n. Fen-inn. ltnddri.|»,., hern cnu.ij'-d lo r< pml the l'rncredini{ii nf Tiicniirnilralc, then-lore, the piih'tcttinn ol the delivery thereof to him, it i* Ihciel'mc ed for the dclivt ring up hit property, S i nil, Hull. II nii-nnnil, liirriw, I'lllni-nn. the C'nnvenlnn, and (lie .Speaches which mav entire, lirvirwi, lists of new work- licreby onlained .mil ,-i.|juil|;ed by tlie said uircn sufficient M curilv fur lii« K'tvrlnck.' J'lr'in, Ktrinil'in. II ,r-l'v. ll.ilr, or made on thr occasion. the choicest contribution* lo M court, that llie naiii Rnbrit T. Mercer bi; di» pertrancc ul the C» 'Uiily'Court of Annf-Atj S I'linsll**!*'. Poeli'u*. L-icke. L i;iiinn,,e, \Ve rri*ui**t the favour of lho«r friend* to If. &e &C. the "CuiniKiiiinn In charged from contineincnt, and lint he give del county, to answer »ucli intcrroploj C'li'li f*t*orlh. II ill. J-**v"l. J t-k«nn. Kl.iv.-l. whnm thi* Prospectus miiy he -ent, to cirru- Library" will be oflcred lo llie patronage of notice to hi* creditor*, by cauning it copy ol and ullei;,ili .ns ns may be m»de ogiinit Cliar link, V\'e»|ey, Skrltnn, Will*, l.nurli. l«le il, for the purpn*e «f obtaining sub«crl- the present subscribers and I he public at tin* order to be in*erlod in our ol the news­ and bavin" ap|ioi|iti*d'a truMee, whohjij It .mm*. WairrUnd. Wtiifhcoie, Hil-'uv. brr*. A copy nf the wnrk will be nent to the lar<*.e It is believed that wi.h the "Library," paper* printed in the city of Annnpolis once en bond an such, ami received from Uul | P'nr*on, Km, N**wtnn. Si.iuhope. \V|,,i|,y. ! nfW4,,3 |,cr»','topv ilu» Prospectus. llie "Journal," nnd the "Companion," such A week for the term of ihrec month*, lo ap- ward Hrookcs a ( onveyance 'anil p»«»< II . Uurkilt, lleibert. O.iunf. M,-i-j SulMr: iliirrs iilinulil fnrw.inl Ihrir namr* in an acquaintance with the literature of the penr belnre Anne Arundel County Court lo of all bis property ,, penooil snil nil r< k, &-. &r. ! time to n-ncli Ui brfnre tin- 25lh M.IT. If lliry .i£C may be cnllivalrd a.* lo Irnvc lilllc fur­ be held in the city of Annnpolis on the fourlh I do hereby order axil uiljudgr, that Ihe Vol. /. (to be publirhtil on Iht \il of Jantia- ii not, wi itiav nut be able to fumi-li thrui ther tn I.- desired. HuinKall published from Monday «f Dctnber next, to sheviv cnu»e, if Edward DionkcH Jic di*chirged from in contain try,) will uilli nil Ihr nuinberi; bec»unr tlie work i« put Ihr same office, more facility olTors fnr stib- any they b.ive, why tlir said Robert T. Mer­ aonmcnt, and (hat lie girr notice tohi-«, and mi Introdurtni^K-vty, l>y $$1OO ItKWAItD. ol' Uiat d.iy, fur Ihe pur| jrs, and *in nn in piopnitinn. quarterlies. of the foienoon ll\c lUv Ili-iiry StdiliiiiJ. M. A. I'he puce nf |ln« paper IH *» low, (hat we RAN.\W\Y on I'hurJ of recommending a trustee for tlifir lif»^ t'ot. Ill- (lobe puliliihul on the \it of March) catinnt llnnl In npen accounln with thine whn The following*; plan is respectfully submit­ the iMd il»y uf July, from and to shew cnu»» , if any thcr In", will contain ttu'iicribe fnril. Therefore, nn attention will ted. taOicriber, a Negro" Man nan? said Edward (trocars uluiuld nut ln>f l|l(| BVTRSM SIMItirU\L PKUKKCTION. >f pnid lo any order, unless .the money uc- 1. The "COMPANION" will contain the ed nent of the said at t and supplement*, xvirj, ,„ JOE ed. UNKULOKII ANUKNKHHI Kl> lt. carlicM possible reprint* of the best mailer 1^ PIN ^ Intn'iluti'iij K»»»y, by (lie Ucv, juhn I'M' BLAIR & RIVES. in llio British periodicals. who \* very bUck, and aged Given under nrv hand tliii i I^HRaDutiwl runry, in ihe yeai of our Lofil, eljlilecn I Smith, O. I). 2. It will In; issued every fortnight, nbout 38 5 firet-I or 5 inches high; when tA/'"/ ''1«| LONDON: Juhn Untchanl anil S»n; I'icrn- spoken to it very polite) had on his working died" and thirty-U vc. IJ" Ute arm of . . f>d August, the form will be Ihe same as (hat nf thu l,i- ON WHITE Jilly. ''VliUlak'-r ff {'» \* v \lmu l.anr, lirary each number containing nixlceti pa­ clothes, but took with him a variety of cloth­ hum to ull atl Simpkin il \Ur»h.ill. Mlalinnvr^'Cnurit l>. A. 4 kRDERED.Yrhal ihe sitle of the properly reward if taken June 25 3m» nes thus, every six months, giving thir- ing. I will give the abnve tfcwjfccj f a , u.iy<. Otloril: J. & 1 D-'i^liiiin. ( ,in.liml»c! * " in the ca*\ of Leonard Scott AUISI Jut of the State and »50 if (a kcii in the I,*..,, numbers which can be bound wit), tbu state or County, and all rea.onabk- |ftnpoaw. Olivi-r i 11'ijril, Eilniburijli: mil J. Vuiniuiii^, li. Ann \V'nr\ and ollmrs, made nnd re- 'upen* | ihe trutre Lnui* (jjHi.uvny, be Library a. liltle or no more fxptnse, and L.,u, if delivered to me, Mib«fri(*.i:r beg makli>K a belter sized volume: nniLto tho.*c .tia^sa^ Auil'to lie W l»f «»fty Ho»k«rllrr nlilied and ennfirtr\d, unless cnuse bv shewi vcr, or secured in jail, no tliut I get hi in friends, au|| < » October nrxl, prnvid a copy of this order every year, of Hl(i GALE.. .'.nr*. ' We pn^o«i- to i«ur ih be inserted in some jipaper, once in each of the (.resent r-yThe Maryland Gazette, Anh»poliM and luture altojie'.htr to that ul an UNUKIU. If Wntmln.J »l three "uccenlive ne before the third 3. The prica will be Ihreo dollars fora the- Baltimore Pa^^vill p| cil ,e il)M.r , ,,. KIl. * IfcV,11*?11*111 clrruymau, in w^rkl day ol September next. above, and All orders fnr FuneraUwill «« [^•UAri.1 ,,| « learned Aim-ricnn subscriber live dollars for two and clubs West 1 l,umt>er«. on a .ii)(;l' «h'Bi »f uprrfini' papi-r The report states that lo< or ,parcel of Uiver Past Of si the shorleal notice, eillirr in the g»u»ll .MorkRei livd and upwards will be supplied at two dol­ tier, or accurding to specisl dirfCtinf* I ^UhtHjriE ovnn nlnely-»ixnne- lar^e 14 m».. pages, 10 I around in the city of ''lapolia «uld for lars each. l^-^Heo. foldrd and stitchrd. i"'l covered *nli ulnina 8550 00 He returns hit thanks to the ublic w"! i pn True copy Teat, 4. Af the work will not be commenced, during (lie last tvMJ unleaa a audicienl patronage be obtained, tw hopes that his paomptneas and stlnnli«a| annum. RAMSAY TKRS, J»» Jt DUFF OHEKN, Can. fiuymtnt is rrotiircd at present, only the Neatly executed at this continue to merit tln'ir fa»nor. . ^ name, seal free ol postage. Those wishing \YA8HlNoroNO., TICK i t • l'"iV*\t • " *M. dollar* and half, if not In advance. VlH !!. no ««»»"»ooj mean* lo clronlal* a know, And my looka tn not juMliayi ledre of it* m«ril^ vX roch ii the raUiflwilon ra«nift*J- Tot U ttln Uw blood In anofi mui% ng a» mtentl«, to rwwt Ibwn » hi. nwt "if ' 100 mHea 'V Jn*t poroon of the public who have been made And It makn. hi* pulm flv. •f- Five theeti, under with Ha charactrr ind contaota, that ita lUt a - B ' °0« '' " " 71 centtjover 100 milet, t2{ centt. acquainted To catch th. ihrUl of a h.ppy void* to Uverpnol, and that noing eailed In hb «H v*«*4 orj*4ron* oomfaio*. oonntantlv and rapid]; lo locroaje. Aod tb« H(ht of« plouaat ey«. . f TW» »o*k wiH be tent to any Pout Of- for New.York. The tetter feft by th* mate. vaArto. lee ill UM United State*, carefully wrapped wide portion of the Union, and tha raoal nUafaetory 1 hav* wrfkcd tho world for (bar. naUly wu MT*T mtJv*4 Vy tbw for wk«a « WU tu anaranc.* are receivrd Ilia! it will eventual)/ berom* And th«7 §ay that t un oU. n* «aW <«,. RWOOS> up, pen receipt of /! « doltan io part pay- And my heoifta ripo fot Iho reaper Doath, tended, being. t» WK npynanJ. oUah»ad tl 8«r»re»a»o hi* one or the mo»i popular among the niimi-rou. eicelltnl troyod by a yoanf tawyw. who had vU* Mary * »» rout A faw complete *»ta ar« for »ale. penodioala which iaeu* from Uio American ('re ,. No "---And my ' yoar* - an wellytnii nigh told, Booth River oirrlioni, will U ipareil to xatabliah lie permanent rr-pu. It U vory'trn«; It b v»ry trail of inarrHj*, and tut been renwed, tat who MSn vWt*d found at dlLAKOED MERIES OF THE MUSE- UUon morewtmaivrlyjandlf the liberal *anction of fra old. and * ! bid* my tintlmo;" the houea^-Thav on tl-Hr return borne, Mary and bf inopo lor whocn \\ m cMrpccbUly iVnitfiifld ih>vH wurant. But r»T bean will leap at'a can* 1U* thia. brother w*t* atill without UM leaeX doe to th* "tool thtM antunm the hilf ranow myprim*. vn. And I habitation or HUM" of U»4r frn.,n^. wrUi Ihb CM., neUno*. and *mb*UUliment wUrbTmal«riUl^v»nc. .flat oo, pt» on; I un with yon then, R. L1TTBLL hat mocli plettnre in an­ Uon that th. Uwyw. to Uw eonr» W a. iaeM*«M coo- nouncing to the patron* of the Mvta- In the midat of your roorry rmp M Th« dUTerenl Plaj* and Fare** that will appear IB loan ftaJUw thrill ofthii Ai.mijjainp, v*watlon, bad aneerlnjly obeerred that UM nMt* wa* % utt. that he hnt made arrangementa for Ilia the coune.of a j*«r. of tbeinaetne, will be wortiTmor* Aadtli* roali of thn bn-ithlc** ewing. poor meui yankw- but denied knowing hi* own*. future publication o( the work ina atyle much Uian FUURUme*tno arnonnl of anbacriptlon. Tb* I klo» with yon In th* fngruit hay. Mary (ratted and pined aw»y, and at but tnok to be* tnp«rior to Ihe preitnt and nearly approach­ following i* a Urt of tho» ivbicb ban alreadr appear. And I whoop the amothorcil call, bed, for almoat aaeorueiotuly aba had become deeply at. And my (eat alip up on tho aoetly floor, ing what he hat atwayt detired that it thould lached to UM aailor. her llln*** aaaomed at Uet aaectow appear In. The circulation of the work it CharUa the Tirtl, And I can not for th« fall. Is 8h* a Drlfrud, R. P. I am wlllinf lo ifio wlran my time thai! come, eharactOT, and it belnf nidenl that ab* weald »ot long now to large, aa to make it important to the The Hunchback. J. o. Knowln. And I ah.ill bn rlad to go; • k •flijcru-*"'* »- ~-rr .• - , 5 preprietnr that he thould be able to give hi* The Dwp, Deep Sea, J. R. Pluncho. Tor thn world, at Tn-«l, la « woary place,' her hroth«r (at her argent nKpeM) took ebip for IjlwUftMiii w the populous turn mielli- Cheap Living, whnlc nttentinn tn It. Tliit hat hitherto Oecn F. Keynolda. And rey^uJM i» (ratline low: AiMriea, and landed at BoXoo t few d«y> ago, ' a .triel in which the aubtcriber has th« SlmKrrHiaro'i Early Dajra, C. A. domerMt. Bat the (rrava ii dark, and tho bemrt will fail toe- prevented by Iho care Ami labour attendant llcnri Quatrn, they cam. on u> thi* cily on today night. Th* pM. „ to retide, hit hope of ultimate liu- R. P. Hmith. In treadinf ita gloomy way; upon a moltifirlnut and widely estciidcd Itoffu at Bathna) Oroea, J. 8. Knowlw. And It wile* my heart from iu to* hop* of m*eting wuh UM on. ab* lovwl ainest. With tho view of completing more Ilunuonda and Wives, To are th* young m jray. r«tor*d b*r to eanptraliv* Wallr, aod alrengtK, and but proceedt from the eminent Man of Ten Thouaand, }il« location. Published in the quickly the publication uf Lodge's Portraits Thoroaji MolrraA. they p* ov u a privaU boarding bouae in Ptarl atnM. Illustrious and Noble Clia Tlio Udk« Man, WillUra K. Uunoo. count*, tit- and Memoir* ol I'll Trll You What, Thu. had M»ry lrav.o*d double the di*taao* of Beekeft -h.Mh.Yf a large and wealthy in hand) uf Mra. Inclihtld. l!K«HliiUnt from the State an.i Na- rictcrs, (a tp4i>ndid wurk nnw Thr (JoMon Farmer, Benjamin WtbeteT. mothec, erttbout knowing even the chriatlaa ov eornam. effecting a settlement of account* eid-ndins F. M. Rornoldi. N. V. 7Yon«Tipf e/J.J.39.' Whet Mor*4. In the nMu Uow th. mat. arrived U liiUipitil*. ftcilitiet of an early comma- uT Olyuipic UcvlU, interest itt patrons, over the whole nf the United States and Planohe it, Dane*. ROMANCE IN KCVLUFE. Ntw.Tork, w*a Iraaafcrrtad to DM eamimod of nm. of wnttever may making arrangements in all parts of the coun­ India, culirlr afforded to th« Editorj and Kntiral, Moat or ' H of our reader* mutt have b*«rd of Ih* ro­ chantmaa hi tiw eouthem tnde, wu cad *w»y, J,fl m, fur the vigorous prosecution of tho publi­ W. T. MoicrierT. and live* of the oannt* o i he «uT not hope to present tn hit try The GaaUlnHiao, M.O.LowU. mantic o;..«o* a ci cunrtinco thin that Uw ft. all abeat Mary, sad thai .he had then .ailed ab*r| «m*j print the work, attend to ita distribution, and Tim Ooinitru. Iher of Ihe Archbiahop went to Aght the Infidel Ban. day. for B»«Mn. H* look p**Mg* to th. flat VMM!. , jntrn«ls, It is still certain that intelli- The Child of Natow. Mm. InrhhalJ. manage all the financial concern! appertain­ ron, in the Holy I«aJ, nnd tvhiln there he wu wound. cam. on to Now.York, aoJ without knowing th*t tkwy la«tod loeal nature, Interesting to all, Thr R«ncwi:r», unat- ing to it after the present year. 'I "at Duel, R. D. iVake. ed, l^kon prieoner, and win nurasd hy a beautiful yooag were in Ihe boo** adaully pul up at tb* **m* pis**, * *! I* jnl to many, and otherwise Tho Siilcn, Um.ile pi^^n, nho like muat wirrlor nuraea, foil doap*^. the *tm* roof with Mary aod bar lleta** a-jjHr. will br tliit mean* be communicated. Mr. Waldit ia a practical printer, not sur­ W. Barryiuorr. lept beneath passed in taste by any other in the country) ntclv In loro with the object of hcralUnOon and eolrci- on Bonday nlgfct. In the moraing wftea b* d*aeMkt*4 . !! ilio offer to lh«»e whiito meant are in- tlrrna:il, Jamo- Kcnn«0y. tuJo. After Ihe rlJor Docket aaik>d from the Holy to tho broaktaM tabl*, whore he found Uw fimilj *lr**j*y -,,It lo tlie elpente of the lirgtr jour- and as he i* advantageously and generally Thr MSSof iho Iri-h AmtMwiilor, Hie l»»piiiiti> and known as tha publisher of the Select Circu­ hi((hly inlorttling drama, in which Tyrone r view en *a*Mu; k ule«t a synoptical view of all tin im- at hi> d.'pirture, and a ahort time cfUrwiru* ahe eecret the room wulbe form of the fiur Umvefkn. Ok* >« ut information they contain t and he lating Library, it i* tuppoted thtt he will luo^afully aniu»o!rick (I'l'l ul. havr it in his pnwcr grrntly to promote the (.o, hu bcon ohuinc d by tbo pubtuhcn, and » ill bo uub- ly 1'fl her f^thnr** hooae, with a little inoiiay and a few hit (koe ullend no escbmaUoa. but *prtn( froat kwr it/ut those of literary ta»tr m.-iy «ome- JMTT|«. m do way to Acrr, loo1! tier p*nap la a ekip Ml towarti Um, ud would have (kiln had b. act I in ill columns, artiest noluowor- talc of the Mu«eum. He ha* contracted tu '\\M b'porting InU'lllfT^rn, at hornp and al>r*.ad. or. issue it promptly, and thus will b« corrected cnuio* ix ctniiidTlun,n«, nnd i« bound for Faiglmd, landed in London and allli «gn nubed forward and cafi(fat her in hie atrae, wclauBbc. K*f the employment of :hcig Ictfnre. A* lin could not »peak a wont of the langatge, riccpt Ihe "Good God) Mary, i* that youT- u *ha falnud awar- iflts of every publication which l« to find tho Greatest f,iult which l>»* heretofore at* cotlcrted fraai tho crcol lulhonlic aodre^. Antony thr in the I'ortraita of calobralcd Winning llorjea uhich hart nam* of ihft boini- *he loved, and only knew a part of When ahe recovered, mutual explanation* and greeting* tH in puimliu support, must firtl bo tended Itt management. The channa bKn (Iran, an: appearance of the work will b* us follows: Ihia. vi«: hi* chrialian rtamo waa Tliemaa. ah. went took place, and w. an happy lo mj Ibai ikwy WMB ,J before public patronage can be «x- Tho American Trolling llnrao, Edwin Forr?«l. crvingthal word through tha etroet* of Uie great city no. roamed yneOrday arten-oon, aad *( fU* mo* *v.*>. 1. It will ta regularly aud promptly pub­ Tbo Imported (taring Mono, Moaacn^er. f\, the Editor would here murk tho oat- Ul ahe found him eooo afar which lh*y married. Sin go. Ing to ipend Ihe hooey ineoo at Alh*ny, aod by Uli* jufhfjdesign, with tho full knowledge lished. Ilio farouriu RaciiiK Maro, Arirl, and her roil, l>y i. Will be uniformly and handtomely print­ Hclipan. Jar M Uw above irerr laama, we have to record ona lo. timo donetjaa* know «a* anotker a* w«fl**thwa(b|awV> Ittitnill constitute tn nrdeal, by which, to llund'a c*k>hralc Mcraey with TATE OP MAATLAffaw, »C. S Will be considerably rnl.irgtil. A rorroci I'icturr ct a Rocx> Cuurw, occupying th* |Tit M't^r proposM to adapt hi* paper to the w idth uf atrrrn columnii. a fair wind arul tide, for Now.York, tha handa on board Annt-.1rundtl County, Orphan* Court, Stint those by whom he isimmediatrly sor­ A« flic «i aqiiall. The ahip*a yard* were bracod round, her top. ter and Peter Miller, adniniatratort «f although ho does not wish the appearance of A coinpklo Tresttwion Riding, with foiirtrcn Illm- _ L« it be intelligent, and inquiring.—The tr.\linnii, for tlie imiiroroiiMnl uf LtiUca in UIA! rnoat ealli bjckrit, and a botit lowered, which made tat UM( PeUr Miller, late of AoM-Arandrl covnty, •lepartment, shall, therefore, be ut- tho ncit volume to be coutiilernl it c.i- 'icil'hy of all e&rrci*«*. party m the wufr. They wno nil roecu*d except a defeated, it it ordered thtt tnry gi»« tb« » - J r«g»riled, »ntl tho most approved tirrly carrying out hit pluri, he trulls |it*t FUplonMinn of Ihe Automaton ChoM Ptaror, illue. ynun^ lady, irhp bncnmlnK v^pjratod from th* reet, wae tice required by law lor creditor* to cihibic |w*titic and foreign periodical* retorted to the »ob*cnbers will be ron»inceiU upon cu n- intnl by rlerrn enrnvih|r». carried do'.rn tho river by Iho ripijity of the tide, and their clai»t tgainat the *aid d«cct*eU,and that piring it with any oilier wurk, tint it it ric'i- 'l*ho wbjocu which are parlicularlr emhnced In the a-tallet lettre* notice*. He know* them to Virtu Mcoum, will be own .lutinctlr ondrratuod f g m muat inevitably haw Wf n ln»t, had it not been ror th* the tame be published nnca in each week, for ptriotie, aud thtt they feel a deep intcreit ly worth the price asked for it. tli) tbllowing mmmary of Ctem: walchfulnni ana intrepidity ul" the m ito of Ih* ahip, the tpace of »ix uccetirve week*, in ont of «du «elf»ro of our common Country. To We ihall not have satisfied our own wis'i- The Turf and .ill mattrra connrctod ihrrewllh. 11 ho inatvitly jumped mti> tho for* chaina, dropfnd into the newa-papcrt nnnttrt in Annapolta. Ipil; Uii sentiment to the extent of hU abi- ca, in respect to this 'work, until it shall be On Ihe Slnictutn and Characlrr of Uie I'otae. the nit.-r, axvam to the >lio<*ning girl, and being a SAM'L. UKOWN, JnnV. On the Improvement of Horned Callln. atrong young man, aupporlail hr.r till t)ie boat reached |Bt, hit column* shall afford \vhtlcv«r intclli- so fsr enlarged and improved as to make it UnU^a for Piuvicr^ In Hhoollnf. Reg. Will* A. A. county. |aicitfa political character may be calcult- clear to every purchaser that lie will herein .MclhoJ* lor Kenllng and Training Dotre. and look them both up. Hbe waa uken on board the 1*4tJ interest them. No man, with the fa- receive all that in desirable tn an American Diognphlre ol celebrated ilone*, with their Tor- ablp (which wae hove to) until aho recovered, when UM NO TICK IS HERRnY GIVEN, |*;ofUi«»){*it, it at thit crisis neutral in rc- reader from all the Foreign Periodicals. That Uai!'. reecued parly wora ullimatoly landed. Btrang* lo eay, That the ubtcribert of Anne Arundei lamce to tha party diitinctiout now prevail - we can do so in i> single work, by msking It Hunting, fuliini;. Fowling, &c. the pirtioe all eepirated withuul th* namo of the vnanl, county, have obtained from the Orphan* Court Appro.o.| liwini, from llorlo and other*. to the reecued litjulhiuoanlry.and theEditordoesnnt wish contain four or Cvo much matti-r at Crlll':iaii:ii on Daya aiid Actore. or any of her peoplti boing niade known of Anne-Arund«l county, i> Maryland, let- Ibfartjie hit political sentiment* they are an ordinary periodical, wo ba«c no doubt. Tho mix I popular Souga, eel to miivic. parllee; and tlte ahip «ra> *>x>a under way for New. trrt of administration oa the prrv>oil aUt* IbtwMilion to the loeaturca of tho preterit A gres.1 partuf mott of the Reviews and Jk^s- The *r| nf l^i^rdiinain ilhutralnd. York. On her return to Liverpool, tb* mite who WM of Peter Miller, late of Anne Acmadcl eoun- littuiiitrttion. Uat having neither the tcin- gaainct it compourd of interior article*, anu A r \ridjr ul' Itrripx* idiplrd to Do nolle F.rooomy. a Ano, handaomo fallow, and who had not failed to ob. tv, deceased. All peraona having clain*» An Kpttuino nf iinpnrtjnl paming rvcnl4. aerve, during llioU abort acnrninUoce, tlut UM lady b* ri*r the mutive of a partisan, hit comment* we confidently appeal to those reader* of the Ucnlkiiifira ljuartrrly Itoviow of tho Kaahinni. *R»intt the laid drcaaacd, art hereby warn**), wpirt/ movements shall be characterized Museum who have been in the habit of look­ The Vaile Mecuni ia printed on large paper. had reecoed wa* a very beautiful woman thoughl It to eihibit the aaro«, with thir v.ocher* there­ Ikhtktirst of argument, not violence or ab«*« ing ovtr tha IJritnh Journals, whether we of a beautllUI while texture, and ia puUUahod ovory Sal. mlglit not be *o muah amlea (o endeavor la (Ind her out, of, to the aabaeribera, at or before the lUHt J M It niver has been his practicc,so shall have not alreadv, in a very great degree, *uc- urlay, at Tkirt &•}!•*• per annum. In ailvan.-c. Urdera and esquire alUr kor heillli. With Ihie object tn view, day of January nest, they may otherwise br roni ahrojil, p<«t»i,e paid, will he promptly Mtrmlnd to, he hurrird over a file of eld Liverpool paper*, and die. law be excluded from all benefit wf tU« aaitl ittr become hit habit to deal in political cc«ded in copying; all that wa* worth pre­ carelully packed to prefoiit it from nib. a*xl the F*\" covered th.t oa auch a day, 1831, a party of pUeeuro in Iwtcuf t or party virulence, lie will cheer- servation. iC by **tat*.Xuiv«n under our h*odt tlii* Mth Utr •Mr lead tha «iajra rant-lining >h<< I'll)". K»r.-f». Air., r.-hich ap|rwar>!.d lo anr Nich«4aa Welch, dtcvaMMl, mode libUraaynotoretumptuouely hopetn render direction, by encloalng a t«n dollar note poalag* paul. eenoo (Vom Iba *hl|i, and without any chart or corny*** brary to edit thit work after December, 1834. A premium, ountUlng of two rohune*. SOU putri lo atoer by, h* moonled a hot** and rod* out of Ibo and rvportnlby Inthua Wvrflrl'l, of &« .» 1*1*9" useful and interesting. He a*kt lowever deficient the proprietor may be in eight M. the truttee, bWatifted and confirmrd, « ( « longer than each, of the Noteliata M.gume, eontainmg town toward* Wurlngloa. II* h*d notproe«*d*4 half |l*!th« pttronija of hit friejndt other qualification*, he ha. alway* felt to frrent Novela. by Iho moat popular author", will bn pre. a down mll*a, before hi* hon* took (right, nn off, and cauao tn the conVui* be ihewn nn or be(at% lUifotts merit and repay it, t\h6 wishc* not rcilout an affection for the Museum that he eented lo thi> Agent, who "hall i.roctire foor name, lo t)Aobrr nest, provide.! * co­ Ihe Modern Acting Urania, or the Ueatlenien'a Vado threw hint violently on hia head. H* waa taken up tha I7tli day of lUtvc Hut favour to personal iVi-O^g, which would nnl be willing to commit It, even for a cnamlaei, and carried lo tb* o«*r*et boo**, which for. py of thit order b« nbMishett in aaime new*. l*MUb«deal«d to hi* editorial lubort. MMHUII, and mull Ihe amount of OB* y*%rt *uti*cr1p. time, to the care of another, were he not eon- lion lor *Mfa. turulely happened lo b* a Sorjron'a. He lay eotne day* paper onca in each of tnrae *uccc*ai«« wa«kt I Tto BUUBTIM will be ptibliilied on Thurt- Adent that the faeililie*. the ciperiencr and Gentlemen wishing lo etilnk-rlbe lo either of the a, in * critical .late, and the ftrat object Dial nwt hi* vie. Wefnrt th« trth day of ftrpTv.ybtt n*»t- |*J 10 each week. Terms ol subscription 83 the ability of the new Editor, will render it bovewotka, w,ll .dJr^-rllAKI.K.S ALKXAMDRIt. Ion ou r*plning hii wnaM, wa* tb* foim of th* Mr The report *iaUa tnc a«l»t to more worthy of the patronage ol th* public No. 3, Alacnian Uuildinga, Franklin I'lac, - - Maty above alluded to. Mated by hi* bed.**** bathing D«BW3 OA. WILLIAM II. HALL. than it ha* heretofore been. No change take* phi*. hi* lemploa and officiating aa hi* nun*. Ww bluabcd Tra« cony T»»t, July 30. Pgtf Marlbro*. P«b. M, 1835_____ plac» in the Proprietorship, deeply on perceiving that be ncognl**d her, sad haatily RAMSAY FINAL NOTICE* Philadelphia. April 9. /' NOTICK. leaving the room, e*nt In her brothOT and an oklor but C«r. niR underwritten would again rctpect <£>• Sbrcimen Number! t#ay lie teen pcrtont indebt*d to the late firm of l**a agreeable ourto. Finding him *UU too w«*k to [1 fully request all pertnn* indebted to at the Office of the Kid. Oozettt. \Villiamaon and Tbomi* Swann, oooveree, they aeeured Mm Uwl b* WM wfcb (Honda, IN CHANinEBV . |VI»tc firm of Messrs. Wllliamsoii and prior 20th of Octou«r 1832, *r* re­ deeply eenaibl* of tbeir lruleM*Jneee lo bias, and woo at this ~" CA8H FOIl nuratrd t payment without delay, to were but tno happy to have it la their power la oontii. * « < \IL tns. | 'nan to call and settle immidiaitly, but* lo hi* comfort. It* we* oaw convalesced, and EBEO, Ttat (U Mr. V. M , a* it i* uecexary to col- "" ~"~ i considered jlnoJ to all Intent* A?nr ifVBBBM or *COROE*. ainkijtg Into *o«nd aleep Ibej a*A Unv H» aw«bj> both tttH, /""» » »« W j/»or* of lect all accou * ipcedily a* potnble. ANN JANB8WANN, twy laet n*it day moob retroah*!; bat M wsHbeV bi* PRANClfl U. JARBOE. age. beM ** Iba *U**r otut* af«*«nuM*. b* (ooijina PEUSONB having likely Strvauta Adm'k. of 1'. Bwaat. 4w far thaav, «kt UatM that tlavy had b*ra ealM > la th* to dilMM of. t*d wishing the high­ Jan* 4, »Jg[it,uldS»dgoo*ioo>edi»U»oeto*«».»d Uk> th*) I4tk day est price*, will do w/.l to give me bwlot aaearnluiv*. Not thinking to tjfHUUf of Ihb , London, Rilinbvrrt, Portign, and a call. I *» determined to but- tZT All p«r*oh* Indebted to the above Firm W*atm]ri«ter Quarterlv rUvi«««» th« prior to the abme datrVo whom accoant* elaiawtb***i aui«, U did net *UU >T k»t wta> D* r one* i« ** > tna give higher pricet th*n any o rro,ut*t»d waa. k«t waliW aaila«aiy fcUb* w f»ttr«aa« <***• '; Mtpiine. Penny CyclopwJia, R«pub- ISrTu'rchtt.r. who fa now or mar com* into Have been pr«*euled. art eVie*tly •Iff' « Lttttrt, Parity'* MsiraiiM. and tho to call at the aubtcrlbcr'a offil^nd Mttle Iba ry. wbtM b* b*4 *! «* > k,g*ittl*«4 *«.Ma»*«t *W^- *i Vori thit Ttrket I tan at all tim*a be found at T!b***wiira.»4kf tk* vital W bi* S.D. '» : 't^ fitter, received at lha Room" Mr "Ime. Hunter'^-avarn, in Annapoll. aatna; and thowi at a ditlancJW* al*o ra- theWnouat of Se*«, wb* mil* tbal «b* b**** b*4 *>*jt4 tta way -bacb •>i l#^'J where ap«cinMn Number* All' communlcatlonaTIirMttHl to m« will be tpectfully r«n,aeated to remit «uch account* a* hav^ bern forwaroid them, to tb* U»*ry euhle wWM*. . lUar, wMak tk« twavr »» prompt! exkrtU to Ih* &\r, b* ka*l UU4 *» aW * what bad a»- FRANCIS M. J ARBOR. on or before the Ut fa of Auw Aug. SO Chareh (treat ABMpoli*. PRANG It) M- «*,* «f Ih* at***, kjaj wtdd «* watl ifcat * *»« * It, .-*•. .v.: •-.'"••V^>V- :•. , A- .»^f«i*.w- '* ^-^.:, :,.,•+ w.' '. . •»'• _• -.v . ud of all out elNMflfc !i«ndIpff that tliia rcUlion {*t.tbe. aoolbcm . our own 'states would not make it the duty, of Ib* citi bsso Ilk* a drop in the ma of othav statM to interfere- wUli it, "eft* if tephf* O. John A. Gar*, "'";*,; would, if added to Ibera, have ft* James &e welL, ' ' To inb **mt-«Jkial pt«fo*a), which donbtlee* there triare nothing in tho constitution and develop oscph Frye, (Joo. O. Cookraan, might, tf*»ooarag»a\, b»v»fc»oo«is*peaiUv* on*, Mr. of the union inoaippatible with their intsrfor- Tl.s.i*4»v, obn Davis, r i'- Wm. Edmondsv -.> Crawiataptxi«i>trvi*t4i«4'tlistkda« Hot bMOtne lha enoe; and that to b&WHere, in opposition to tbo Wm. Haxnilioii, r Win. H. Booty ancient illy of Frano* lo join Its enomle* al a tlm* constitution and laws OB (ho ground of morality you BO harm. COMRKS.S. when that ooantry wae overwbnlmsd with 'mUfortuna, or of abstract right would bo to procofldwpon an Fourth Djdtrict— Anno Arundel County and Root. S. Visiton, Joab Barnard, . Tbo».^< Tbontoo, Joseph MereUn. and that he thought ha (poke the language of hi* gov­ assumption which, if sanctioned, waniiT equally ing at ^^ Cities of Annapolis and Boltimoro. ernment, when he, al one*, declined the oflbr, and, in justify an interference with any and all other dutiitftivcnen—a prodigious H* name. Hid, lhat 11 preferred trtuUng to th* good faith TRIALS AT BBL.AIR. civil, social, aad person*] relations - • .fmntt* strongly " "Van RurtH. f franco, and to it* dbpoaltiou, whan abl* to do *o, of K~ " ,Mrs. To« case of tbo Bunk of Maryland against dlKhargiog « just a debt. ISAAC McKIM, on Satur- Therefor*, Itoaolvad, That while w» maintain th* ing instanco of the truth of our scis*.' HKNJAMIN ('. HOWARD. / Thomas Ellieott, was not concluded The conversation alluded to ' at the time, I be­ day—-and will probably occupy tho Court two right* of private jadf4wnt, sod ef tVs* dincnaalon on I ever mot with in the thousand* that IWu' Anli Van Hiirtn. liove, menlioned by Mr. Crawford in hi* Mmi.offirial thi* an on other robjectf a* racognhwd in the oonitKn- or throe days of the present week. Oa tbe Ihe ca*e, amined. Inovsrsawtbcpfrmcnsittssr--- JAMES P. HEATH. eomipondrneo, ie*u*e, from the nature of lion and law*, and enbject alway* la a strict mgard lo irnyor mode by the defendant's counsel on have become Uw adbjeet of a formal dee. ly indicalcrlr lx;t him go to sea, by J] I'llAltLKS R. 8TEWART. it coald net theju*t right* of our sodllwrn brstbirm, we hold lhal Thursday, and tho argument on which occupied private •ndeed^it wouU be of no uwif you ^ , , InilfffntUnt. patch; and it i. more than probable lhat Hie Ihe eitlten* of tbe north hare no political right to is. [iart of 'lliursday nnd the whole of Friday—we corrupondiMice of tho then Secretary of State contain* to keep him at home: with such a / JOHN C. WKKMS, torfore with tb* ilaverv of th* voutbern ataUa, nor *rntitive»rtt he would certainly run II. KTEUART. •tmdorwtnnrl tho casjrt rejected, aa incompetent, it. moral right, under any circumstance, to aviepi violent iJen'l. GF.ORUli Soch are Ihe circanuUnee*, » far a* I can recollect, aides it would be a tliotiautd pities. part of tho testimony oflored on the part of the or aggroMive meajure* for tb* parpo** gf abolishing pl.iinlifft)—consisting of certain rntrioe made on (and they made a dorp irupreanon on me at the time,) of aJUlie orjraas Ibat make a great wi UF.LKCATES TO an act, which inrtnad of being, a* our long forbearance it. the books of flic Bank of Maryland, and in the Reeorvod, That a legal, puceful, and Umperate FT. perb ditdnclireneiu—a finer ANNAPOLIS. ban bren, uaod againit u*, ahould on the contrary excite i>kd of Poiillncy, KlliCott &, Co., nnd some preaaion of opinion* «nd argument*, lending t" induce Lord Ncldou! I should liko Anti V«s Karen. the admiration of nation*, and can*e Ihe heart of every ccrtificntrs of deposite. Further testimony ^ the partie* to Ihe relation of .l.Tfry In perform Uieir boy. NICHOLAS IIREWKK, ritiinn of that one capable of• performing it, la thrill nlT-Tcd on the pnrt of the plaintiffs on Saturday moral &. social dulieii, U all lhal can with propriety bo "Mm. A.—Ali! we THOMAS DlJCKKTT. .nd pride. in 'upport of their claim—and a number of wit with delight done hy* Individaala who do not tunUin Ibat relation— Dr. B.—Xf7ii.4^»TM strong loo! AMJH: Aat'Mnrt COUNTY. I am, n spectrally, voai obedient icrvant. und. that we regard the lending ofibolilion publication* Mrs. A.—Aj»*ly—what's that? Van Burtn. nouses, w« learn, arc yet to be cxnminnd. EUGENE A, VAIU to Uie elan holding nUtoa, except to white citixen* who it means n desire iJRAFTON II. Dt'VALL, Tho cljim of the Bank is for Iho sum r,f Dr. B.—Jl*y, lo INWARD HAMMONU, twenty-five IhouLiand dollars, which tho Tnis- may be voluntary .nb^ribcr., aa a gro** infringement of whichj(« hoy, probab!)- shows itstlfTn afeval leeo allege was paid to Mr. Ellieott out ol the AVERY AND ABOLITION. tbe right* of thoae *tatei, and t* tending erthirlo in*ur- marHH and apples, without being very i WESLEY LINTIIICI'M. • We learn from the Lowcll Journal that the part of tbe il.iven, or lo greater aeverity Dr. ROBERT FRANKLIN. funds of the Bank, either rrilhovt, or for nn in- rection on the l.ouf u to the mean* by which they an :nleHii;-|n e.onst.ler.ition. The Counsel for the .bnlitinniatit have succeeded in securing the on the part of tho nutter*, or both. cd. vrviccfl of Ihe "Krvcrcad Kpkraim K. Aeery," RrM>lvcd, That wo riow wilh derp indignation the Anli Van fluren. PlnintitV* nre F. S. Key, R. Jubnvm. R. W. Mrt. A.—O! it's a wonderful art! 8«, Gill, and —— Bradford, Es<|r9. For the De- nd that he ha* remimtfl iho clerical function! interference of foreign emimarie* In a maltar Miintima. liam, how tho doctor finds you out! YeiL, LEONARD lULEHXRT. or tlic purpose of disseminating the beautiful lely connncted with our *ooial and civil relation*, and off, C-UAiU.K.S 8. RIlUiELY. f-iidanl. Waller J mes, J. Nelson, O. Scott, and tako'shomc to any it—stolo all our apples cnclB of (hat tret. H<- is n champion worthy that if In aptte nf argument* and enlroaty, they .hall nonpareil tree, Inat year, nnd we can't keep }>r —— HOOK. A. (Unstable, Kiqrs. [Ball. Ga~. r**ort lo f Iho ca'iso, nnd tin cuinn in worthy of him. pcnuit in aucli interference, ire recommend a goosoberry in the ganlnn for him. Irgi^alxm, a* may meet the cxigen. lew In more appropriate nlli.ince could hardly hnve .iicli con.tiliitinnal hia sister any where, dhn'g such a RHODE ISLAM) ELUCTIOX. ry oflhn cine, and rr.nove UM enl. good, cen imugincJ.—iV. >". ddir. little thing-, but William— .hat :.•>. Rartillai] CnxoHKsaioNAl. KLI:<:TION. L^t we dneni the rxcitetnont nn thi* *ub- On Tuutilay lost tiio Freemen of Ilii* Stnte by the |>artiinn. of immediate Dr. H.—Ncvcrftar Mrs. Atkins—it', M i tho -1th At a very nutmro is meeting of tho ciii/.ens not .n^lnlned hy intemperant oppoaition, it can nuiiher and Spanish argosies. You must seod biml 'ii, -,. i .• .it'ii head of Cur-1 Congress of (lie U. S. •f Nuw York, held in pursuance of public no. bo of long conlinuanoe, nor bo extensively propagated sen. li-'« fi.-i, i.i t.i net. on S\TIHU.VV the Th" following ii a statement «if tlin voted, ice nl the Cily Hall, this day, at four P. M., among tho man of the reflecting, well disposed and or. Mra. A.—Ah! well n-d*\! But doctor 1'Jlh in.'. ..t IV i e. . Tlv Candidates fur from it "'ill IM- mien that tho rlnc.tiun Ims •n motion of (ho Honourable C. P. While, His dnrey cilixens. is it lhat you can loll all tlicso thing*? Con.-re,.., tii <. ,<• ..i.. 1 -1- fur HIM Lc^islalure r''dnlti'.d in 111"! chuici! nf Messrs. Pcarco nnd lonourthe Mayor of iho city was called lo tlio Menolvtid. Thnt wo .hall regard wilh <)•••• p regret the Dr. B.—Why, look hum, my good madam,] nnd the \oter* of ull parties, nr..- invited lo ut- S.-ninHN the Ai!mini»tratii>n candidates. Imir. The following ponllomon were continu'uico of the exritomnnl at thn aoutlt, ao far a* il you nee that projection on the side o<—jost I ' t. nd. rc:irc<-, :i303 UH Vice Presidents: miy IM occa»ioued by tlte ariprobcnjiton nf danger fVom Mrs. Atkins; hero my good lady. If I had i_ Sept. 3, l««3ft. .Si>r.ipi-, • n:)7M VIIT. r the exorlion. of the fow minguidod *bnlitionirta in om thor child, I could show you in a-fnonKat *l] ll.irn.-.v-s ;>.TJ1 in* J. Oak Icy, Wm. T. McConn, cnui'nonity, b*caii»e ii implir? too litlli ronudonro In I mean. D.uid C'rock'-lt has h, en defeated by his com­ Crniiiiion, :il'J."> David H. Ogden,' , Henry Parish, the rectitude and patrintuim of tho ritixen* generally, al Mrs. A.—Run and fetch yoor»Uter,Willi« petitor f"T i -''at in Congress, Col. Huntsman, Snrayu.>'n majority orer Burces.", 52 ter Crury, Waller Bnwnc, Inn north, and indicate* too littlo reliance on thr em. Dr. B.—Ay, thun I can explain the dig b\ a in.ijunly <>f -01) voie». I'..iirre'i4 majority •over Bur^fin, 41 lolin J. Margin, l.iiinan Reed, cioncy of tho law.. cncc—I'll venture to »ixy there in not Rreolvrxl. That we are not unmindful of the constitu­ Sprifin'd in ijorily ovrr Cranston, "3*9 s.iuc S. Hun.-,* Campbell P. White, combntivcneM—whydon't you go fur your, i RELIl.lON. P irci.-'u in ij irity over Cranston, 'J27 I'rosper M. Wctmnrc Philip Hone, tional obligation* of thn citixon* of the Union fur miitu. al defnnco and protection, a* well in ll>* cue of dotnnttic my little nmn. ns your mama bids you? Tlio "Pmti-stant Pulpit" for An- Tli> next Unlike ol I) li'U.ili'H will ronsiKt ol Ivlwnrd ('nrlic, .ioaeph Cnwilin, violnncn, ax of foreign force; and however wd may lj- Mrs. A—W'bjr do you stand there like a i win* i, M " h.ive ju**t r-'Ccivixl, rout .ins n 39 Adiniuialr.iiioii, and 33 Whip memltrr*. [) miel Jnclts-in, Thadden i Plielps, gii*i, ment tho ill-comity lhat the formation ol' our Govern, plelon? Go for Fanny, this moment! .\cirjnrt Mrrcury. ('hnrlci A. DUVIH, (Jiv)rge H. Robbinx, Serin , nnd nil good ritj/.cns, to avoid nil occn. I tell you—orgotosmt. Good morning,madi neither disrern nor appreciate. To ho loved, make o, lour to Ningan.—JV. 3 . (iaifttr. Assistant Aldei nmn CurtiH stated that the redo. sions of exiii:iunent. and lo endeavour lo trail- Make n fool of a phrenolunijt, indeed! ahn requires only lu \«- seen; hut Ihe visiun of lulionslic waa nb iut toolfer for the ronsideralion ipiilize thn public ft cling. dim assouibly,hadl)nensulunilled ton nn-of Ihe sensual nnd the worldly, h >* beromn AN IXTEUEHTING DISC INSURE. thislargo The prenniblo and resolutions hnving lieon i llte AVi/> York EreniH/* filar. wlio had UIIMO nnd indntinct. and (hercfore, (licy ure un.tbh In Till Varicil I'LMU", &.c.— H may lie remember, d inernus committeu of eiti'/cns ri-ad, the meeting was addressed by Charles O'. Raianiarr ol Forolgis Inlclllfrsi citimnlo her dualities: tliey know her not, hut that vonto refill or nmo wcrka ago, a4i inq liry wj. I ly ilesired in th? prucerdings of tlin meeting, lo Connor, S. L. (inuvernuiir, nml Willin Hall, Thoy hnvo Iheir hail slonns, also ia K.nglm lincamenla urn uniaiiulmr to Iliem, nhe paieu n by 11141)0. Ihrough the rnlilinn* orihm p-i er, rn.prclltic Ilin | I'liiKidC a faithful exprrsiion of t!in auntiiin-i,! Kscjrs. The ifieHtion being pill by the chair, llm Tho diunago donn rocontly bj" one of lliru them unheeded; nllhuiigh -urrmmded by a halu aulhrnlii-ity cit'a rumor, llnl !\1r. I'rnwlunl, wliilr .Mm. if New-York on this interesting occasion. That preamble nnd resolutions «oro unanimously a. tho county of KIMCX amounted lo Icn lltout of splendour, ntlraclivn nnd glorious to the vir­ i*lrr of tlin I'nil'i'l Sut'-i. in l'oa»e..|iin nf Part., at thu niltee, nnd lie lx-lio\i! I they would Iw favour.i- CORNELIUS W. 1AWRKNCE, A most extraordinary scono took place i and disgust by tho unbelieving nnd the corrupt. downfill of Napoleon—1'> inrltliln imlriiuiity t'ur thn meeting. >ly receivi-d by the Clininnan. ccnlly ut Edinb-irgb, in the execution ol Her cou'43nanco beams with sweet content, rUiina of America on 1'r.incp, in tlm amnitni of rctril>'.i- preamble He then pr-sentcd tlio following Ikll for tho murder of 80recant Major Morj and peaceful j'>\; she discuses heavenly tiona then exacted from lhal natmn. Nn . itinfjclcry resolutions:— nvnt, nnd From the. dfnllrman'i VaJf .Viri/m. bead. Tho cxociitionur wrm so afleclcd thai I whsrcver she sojourns; no one who has anawnr waa givrn, and wo l,cg.ui totcjr llui, \\hat can. PREAMBLE. A PHRKNOLO(ilST'S STUDY. shod tears in adjusting tho rope whcrrby co given her entortninmont cnn cease to remember »°« o"'«» *>*nied a remarkable in-Unco nf ,yi by Aboli. Whcn-ns exertions nre making hue*, oar/ tkulli ranged around thr room. — sidombln diilny was occasioned. After tbo ( the elevated delights of her holy converge. All | for ll" "l"r'"1 fortune, of a friendly iwiion, and nnd Anti-Slavery Sirirlies in the nor liniiixtfl UOCTOB B«AIN, MR*. ATKINS, and CHILD, was let ilown it was n minute nearly before I Ibo virtu«a march in her train; all thn charities "»" confidence m it. honor ...d ju.:.m under (hern part of our Union, to influence iho pub- JiicmtrrJ. drop fell, during which, Iho poor criminal i s re her companions; her pre-ence heightens and """»»•«">«•. ""Sl'i. «f« all, turn out t» bo lie mind on tlm subj >ct of nluverv, with tlio n. an unfounded rumor. Dr. Brain.—Well, my good" Mrs. Atkins, I wilh n convulsive tremor. The mob **• • lanctilic* every lawful and salutary gratifica­ vowed (Ionian of clli-cting dm iuuifdiatc oinin- Happily, the annexed itatoinont. recoirnd by the flit. m:c t i..t- you havo broiigbl your aon to bo diiposnd for a rmcup. tion; *lK- denies her votaries nevindulgnnco cipntion of the nlnvcs in tint Houthern states, dignant nnd t tU (irauf, yevterday, Mla the matter at ru«t. ruiiin 'il. Knnwlos has Piturnod in high ' which is not immediately or remotely ^injurious which cxorlions tend to array tli • excited feel, 'Shoriilnn The teller ol Mr. Vail ealabh.he* lhal Mr. Crawford Mrs. Alkina.— Yvft, nir. if you will have (h rits (Ihnt id in hi* usual rnWlls,) from the I'o I., lh"iu*fllvr<<; buallh, peace and co>pp«^ee aru ings of one portion of our citizens aguinsl nno- j receive an) did drclinn, a pruffvr—indirect, but not, goodnesn. Cliildrcn uro a great pleasure, but Hiscomphmontnr'y benefit atN her handinai'U in this world, and plorjJLmotir thor, and to occasion violence and disunion: od States. ',i unaulhorixed—of llm aid of the allita,, to oli. they urn n great care; nnd n widow, especially five hundred •ml immortality nwnil h- r in eternity. Such,; taln indemnity of our claim, on Frnnce; and the luthni. And whurona the great mm>* of our citizens York, producctl him more than a lono woman, cannot help feeling nnxiou. a. fifty pounds sterling.' my youthful henrur*, i* iho inlorenlingjicing| ,iOJuon nflhi. f.rl .houkl CJUM theblo«lor nhamo to do not concur in these proceedings, but regard bout gelling thorn out in life. To bo sure, 1 who solicit* your friendshipi, and eiilre^ft ynu i tingle in Uie choekn ofif ththova honorable Depulir>, who, them aainvolving nn unjuitifiahlc interference Tho following ingcniuui theft u have only my twins, a girl, and thin boy— but clover a thing of the kind as wo have to rrceiro her u n contitnut guest, and/an iuie. | in Ui* diMuuiun of the t.real/ of July, were m> Uviih of with the subject, whether they bo considered in «till U is a great trouble. One doos not know parable vpitheU upon the barjain-drivlug .pirit of Ilie Amort- relation lo the constitution and lows of the U- On Friday a genllomnn aeddfntoHy dip what ia litludt fur them, poor thing*! down in Moot street, and pal his arm tb can*. nion, or as depending for their justification on Dr. U.— Phrenology i* precisely what will BALTIMORE, ViOlby.Auguat, 1SUO. We thank Mr. Vail for IhU contribution to American tho assumption that slavery is, under all cir­ a nano of glass in the shop wiadow of an < eiutc thut trouble, Mr*. Atkin*. Our diacovc. linon^Jrapor. Tho sbopman raa The unilursigncd MiniilprS within llm Bulti- anniU. — ft. Y. Amtr. cumstanced, nocedjsarily immorul and criminal: tcoaivo ries are particularly to that point, by observing demanded pa) moot of the bfofcnn puno « hi more Annual (Jonferuncy of the Methodist E- T* tlu KJilui oJ Ike iV«u> York .Imrritan: We, thrroforo, the citizens of Now.York.con- and 1'i.ui, July 13, and following Iho natural indications. My party, ofTnrl piienpnl Church, ntsjiswAfully request those indi. vened on this occasion, deem it our duly to ox> h« said coal three pourxU, The —Juncli.t, inakoa an appeal lo any friend, Mr. llnwstown, I think, sent you to me? thu mica. Sir: your paper of press our sonlimenlson tho subject, in tho Impe at first five shillings, but at length agreed togirj vi .''.., North ol IM who am ugilnling one wlio ruajr hate a knowledge oftlw fact, Irrquenlly Mr». A.— Yet. air; ho told me Ihathy looking Ihoruby to allay tho present oxcitoraont, lo re. a sovereign but pretending lhat ho had not sil ':•••> "t nn:;i. .linto Abolition, to Ucsi*! fronmond- ropealixl, that our govcrnmonl at a lime of great prva. at the boy'a akull— lake of your hat, William- impressions as to thors buingn- vor enough, tendered a ten pound note. ~ iu:; I., m.^ tj>Ki« ihuir inlliuraiulory Pc-riodiciils, •ure apou Jr'rauoe, rcniwHl to avail ilaelf of Uie mean, it move unfounded anil feeling tlm bumps — or thor"piiblicalioiui on Ihu subject, ua wu nu. ny dis|K>sition nmong the people generally to proprietor of tho shup on grlling hold of tb had, of aaliiiying, by I'oroe, the claim, provided fbr by Dr. B.— Organ*, my good madam! Call them note, said, 'now ( shall lake Ilireo |iound«;' i vuMrderrd or desired them, and are determined the unexecuted treaty of 1831 . You juallr remark, llial conntunance tho views of tho immediate aboli. orgnn*. bavo nothing to do vtitli any of Ilium, of lionidta, and to arrest tho tendency (o liunly and coruiequently, gave acvon sxiroreigns to (hogti a fact .o honorable in iuelf ihould be eurtalned and Mra. A.— I beg your pardon, air, I will. Mr. Hainan, who protondinj lo bo greatly aanorn! which wo rc<|uu*t all IW .Mjslers to tukc no. world; and il afford* uw pleaaure injurious measures at Ihe South— ^ go aulhonllcaled lo Uie II. aoid, that by feeling hi* iHimp—organs, I that he siioukl srrk nj tire. to be able to contribute lu an act of juatico which ia, in While, tbumfore, wo deplore tho oxiststflcn of loft Iho hotiw, RMcrting mean — you wmild be able to trll me what to do pnrution in anolhor quarter. It was aAorvi ' . We bog leave to asdurv them aim, that though the flrit pluce, due lo the memory of an honect atatea. slavnry and all thu evils which attend jfj \ve di»- wilh him. I ihould liko to bring him up to Iho of bonoa. sent from the view* and measures ofthn uboli. discovered that the note wu a forgod one! wo am neither slaveholders nor thn IrierJs of man. now no more, wboae oharatter, in point grocery liue, liko his father, and take him into tjr at leail, hu. paaced uneoatbed though the virulence tionists and Anti-Hlnvory Socictio/I and wholly Ono of the London Coaches recently <* •Invery, yet that, in our judgment, thu rn/i and Iho Uuinon al a proper lime; but llm boy, it ol party; and then, to the government whigh noLly ap dinapprove of their oxlravagan^rucecdingii and down to Liverpool, 300.000 pounds of sptcie ^ violunt course they are pumuiu^, m oytjunction seems, has road a foolish Iwofc, called Robinson in dmna tittinuuMf mis­ prorod uf hia court*. Al UM period eo oalamitou* for violent recrimination*—• J dollar*, weighing about 1Q |on*i logcUwr »|' Wilh toret|(il ernissariea, Cruaoe. and is wild to go to sen. Why dun't chief in all our Southern counlry^ond especial- Kranoe, when nearly the whole world waa brandialilng And in particular, we diaBnt from their indis. numerous patvMngors. "" William, and Iul the doc. lo otyfwfin our co- over her hold the iwonl of rangenoe, I, although very criminate condemnation ofM those who au*. you toko off your hat, We hail thought our rlnnate.tbo no*t' ly calculated and landing tor look at your bu— organs? He wont hurt bfod nnd froe, with young, oonaituled a part of Mr- Crawford'a legation tain the relation of maajers to aluvoa ai boing ble of any known, and the most oxtrtroe in ill luurvd population, both child. For all he is so bold and ftill of Parii, and I dulinclly reoolleot, that, ia a conversation o(|unlly guilty, whulhttTtliat relation i* a part of you, vicisailude*. Wo peroelve, however by Uio folJ grrally aggravated afflictjtvni and dangers, both the h«y ia aa shamefaced before comprmy between Choral Lafayette, for whom Uie Emperor their inheritance un^er existing laws, or liiw tricks, lowinjieitnietofalettor dated in July, (hat UumJ temporal and »piritual, jfnd (o embroil Ihucoun. as his sister. Hold yourself up, Willisra. try in disgraceful aryr'murdi'roua fioli. AlexanderiEul a great ueraonal regard, and Mr. Craw. proceeded from tj)mr voluntary conduct. in Scotland, rony ohallong' a rorupari ford, llui fofuw" .luted that UM UuMlaa Emperor, (and Dr. B. — How old is tho young gentlonuint It U well known that the Baltimore Annual wo bnliaa, and it is suiiMthing to know what ifarUoas and against the will •under. But their inUrf*T.ince of foreign agitator*, in thi» rrxM tbeu fai Jilug Fraue*. .y uupuawon eneb, poculiur obligntiona; and doctor, tboi'» only' happen Uwnotmw. Bat bore there 1* no < facee? Hung M calculating, oten if wo tUouM

s-.-.vs** • M ,-' i*-3L "j**jHf\ -. ^*-i4«»*^;'"*.S • 'i V"- ' «'•-* ' .H), tfr. M'Kentie, tad the «»y* Ia Ida* mluakt* t d**mnda4 about a laila, aod rwob> 1 . AND BUS. etthajegioaofdaaaaolood*. AtthhiUmalBatladlba fi ALSO PropoaiU will be , the BOAHOINO 8olioiL von YOUNO .^tor foil .too* io^t- nppor and of my cabla end bald U In my hands, thraw aabacriber until th« 9U CTaTATK. ' over mj anobar and allow*! it to rwinj at U» full S- --— th« Htt o Stptrmbtr of Saratoga ««.< Cmtrtlund Slretti, -.^«»m Thowa* . inflicf Minerals, though amsll. contain* not nttompt to ilioy aaw mo ipting ooi of it. Anil Prince iiirge's Cotntiea* reneietitic vl endeavouring to dcaerib?: GUARDS AND ft KEYS, ipward* nf *00 »p«cimen*. Their Senuna- \|Mfrela of Unit ckflei Rat. ATTE.VTIOXU y i» altu forniahvirwith itn Armillary Sphere, laiul'a PurehaiX >\ (indland Hill au4 fl^>- _Ijjj Majesty's sloara vcuwl Pln- OHIO AND MICHIGAN, and Oanlner'a Ulnbe*. »e- to n OU are hereby ordered to appear at ynur "ury's Wilson**, pintctun'* Swerp.ynd containing oltared from a liwn-of.war Wo hnvo boon ahowo a letter from Perry Y aiual farailv Orduml, on HA'IUUDAV verol Pinii.i* and a Harp; the innlrunienlJ her commander, Limit. DuRM, county. Ohio, written, myn tho Horriatorg In. KVKNINQ ncm at 3 u'tluck, in soldier-like hey postcts are the nr«t they could procure 11O6 ACRES, tolligoncer, by n rcitpoctablo citizon of that order. u tl'ift rniiiitry, or in tinglaiiil. Mnre or le«». liinV i* u firtl rate new Brie* t>«« beginning of next wock, with atnto to a gentleman in thia place, from winch By order, The Library cnntain* upward* nl 2000 vn- Dwelling Hn«ae opt\ the premises, and al. necrsiary and cunvi-Vi-m nut hou*ei. '\'\<- . Wo copy tho following: V.* 8BVERK.act T Etivr** O.vf** ^ umei, cunncctril wilh the atudifa purstn*d in order to enable lum to pusa tho Jfamertrt, Perry Co. Ohio, Aug. 18, 183.V J. PINKNEY, O.^ A the school, to which the young ladies have cstAte is in all rr»i>ect*\i).li\y valuable and <\v- n:—Ohio u alt tumult ant .Sept. 3. icce*». liraiilr, bring well ail* ird to both tnrming planting purpunfi. here i* a cnnaidera- corao to thie?-I« the flng of Kng- lire H)rnin»t thu proceeding* of tho citizens ol In all the departments the most competent ul of Ihu iTi'lVATWU eaclten arc engaged, whole initiuctions nre ble quantity of ftr»t Riearinw land Uc- lod that U>o mtti-of-wnr Michigan Territory, There itniecrri movement 19 a monthly publication of Ifi rto page i carrying out hi3 Mnjos«/« rcprc- ;iveti under the immediate eyo of the princi- In the r>t»le. Tl.\ purihasvr will nut of our troop*. Our Riflo Regiment, hna this * and cnmpruea about VW — i*n a vit be i-nlitled tu the K'I"' rrln unw growing nu |o be called y.tchu, in order that morning got orders lo parade, imd hold itnol lume. publiihtfd at Albany,... b Xrw York the ground; tn sccu.f and *-rnnve which, free bo permitted to novigntu tho «co«?" randy nt a inomunt'H warning. Ohio roy* with The course of inititictinn, i«.c»rrieil on in State Agricultural Society^TIt « excluajve a rrgul;ir *ystrmtil acmlrmir ^tudtr*. vvbra in^rpus'and egrr-« In the pe»uns entitled IO 'piyi for tho looto of Urury Lino, tlii> one voice, gn, and relievo our citizens. How Iy tlcvuled to AgricultureJntl the Improve th«- «-"ni' will l>r rn rrxi'd. \ w tlinn cingu// the scientific and oriuinental branch thin matter uill terminate, ia unknown:—unlcaa ment of Ynuth. The lutoliahing rnmmittee d. TERMS OF SAI.K: I hrXptireh.iaer will tho (ioncrjl (lovcrnmcnt puts a Htop to tho out are J. Boel, J. P. BeeLjmaii, and J. D. \V*> P.irent* and Ouardians uhn with more pnr- be required tn pay fcoOOd \MI\III thirty day* _ ami oth~r slnwi.-y nigc of thu Territory, thcro will bo bloody work snn. The object of Jfic publication is to di* can olitjin * prnf r.iw "'"«, nin.i-t'iithw o." which CHOLERA AT DLOOMSRDRG, PA. ing, and th* character of the paper, are indi menls. The purchaicr will be rcqaired to givit |to!v, the rost froTn Tm-ki'j, Chri.i, Thu Illooin-tburg (Pa.) Kegi.itcr of Tuesday c-iteU l>yjXne fact, tlut be fine it* 1*1 vulum 1 -- '• with aatmfncloiy security tAtlie 'Ira*' M n* rnuJClrleil its subscriber* exceeded eleve fin i.t» ij- for payment nf the arvrrnl i\>talmfiit« liml cunlnin* this nr lanclnly inti'Higrncr: "An llniUjufnd, and c»mpri»cd reaident* of twenty virtue nf «undry wri'« of fieri chiefly through ulllictivo diM;irnmiliii:i nf Providonuo hn* b1 l nf Anne Arundrl Count) I'nuri, with inlerrat thereon from the day Vf sale. nndvl the Cnited JMnlc*. On the payment of thi; ohnle purrnase m*- hunting over IIH fur -»:nc day* pant,nnd remain ilirerteil, .i^.nn^l tho giinn» and * The iccond \oliiine was rnmincnred i and ti'ii'-menti, of \Nillinin ncr, wilh intrrnl, the Trnatees willexcclite with us. Within 10 tl.ij-5 seven persnnn have Marcli. The pngc* aro MI enUurYil. tin a conveyance tn thr ptrrchasrr. I g thj nff.iira of Ihi* country, \»t> died within Ihu InrdiTF of our lo\vn and innny ront.iin* as nmch*'tiiaurr a of Rirh.ird Marriott, lor the enfli number me of *itjm\a>) Johi MilU-r, Ttvimas Dvid- The »'.ile will b* certainly effcctedVithoht . ib- f Mowing from Iho London Public arc ynl languishing on th^ lird of painful iln- eiuhlren p-'g'* "f Hie first yptumr. It cnn fail (o the highest btdder, on cumpliadEo witlt •, ttiicrcin allusion in mrulo to a romnrh cnso. •nti, ami (iri'rjjfc Mi Nrir, I have teizcd nnd lain* ninny engm>inj;< -inj^cut*. executed b ii\ii, all tho right, title, in- the term*. \ of tho Navy Mr. Dtckcrson, Il ii dlnlrd hy our phv^i.'i.iii', I hat (he toaliu- tn 1-IMI i M cxi-t |if«r Wrotary £in.| iiriistt, illiiMliBii»j»M>f iin|ilvtnentt, an li'ieot, pi»pt-rty,\claim and demand, both I/'Thr difticnltica in regard to tm title ,£aj wir dupulo with Fr.uicc: nant character of the rlynrntcry, manifrMi'd on iu*l» !><\<\ nprr*liiUi, li were »ugye«lnl at thr lln^ the prlnerty «V F!-,iljdcJnhia piper, however, ojsnrta- that iU lir^t Bp|>oamneu, lu^ considerably ahalm], FH-TY CKN'1^ rt^r annum. The nunt*: lien, nl in .nil lo .T*Vtlut tract nr p.irt« o •v.Ti "llV-rtril fnr *ale nn l!ie 15th inntantlhavo L fnr» on Ihn nibjot-l Plight he quieted, an nnd it in Imped ihu remaining nick u ill all reco­ ' nnl »«i-ee.l Ifi cecent* per year tu any p« i Irnct nf l.itul and |'^ni«e*. callrd "Rue ... n -rmni'flil, apt! the Trustees bclievel|licr t»» no prj«ind for *uch on npprohcnMnn, ver," D'lun," nniv i.ciupicil nil in pn«e**ion nl will l>r able to cunvrv a clear and imlinguta- c<: Mr. Dickemn, a g.mtlenun cunnnclctl nliune will continue to be- fu pily to be mdlrvwed lo ' Uuel. liiln A it in. nnr .'11- nnr ditto 1C, 1B35. a* di I al*o Iho Kin): nf the 1'rx-nch Iwcomo n convert to l!i • duclrir?i* of innin-iliuU' iidine.l I) inii'l; Hi..I .u \Y Hit- 3d | ku Minister*, tin ncccmily of luvinjj tho nbolili in. nnd btirning «ilh v.-al to d:«aMnin:\'i rerclcrd Inj Jl. >lnV nf ^'rpti K .ton- ul Ri KALE. |aftr inseably milled, uml n diH|H<.ition liit npininnK, betook himw\f, Init Mnndiiytt 1 ' tho in'ioc. u sticrinic.ii ,'ir-l il" ;,•. i-ll lh. virtue nf a writ of fieri licia* j MI both "V.l'.-a to clToct n coruutinnution gnoJ nnil anrinnt to\v:i of Worcester in .Muiis:i. irorh am lie arm. ml jir.ipi r'y. . ii t'-rrenf tout of Anne Aruni't-l Cultnty Court, and rhimnltji, for lh:1 pitrtw"1 nf ikHvi-ring n b'rtuiv •Mfv liir tl'-li • t.lf .-xl ilirectrd, itgainat the gnnde and chat- to bo nin I'.uarils ilio' nrd at tho appointed time tho t >« nlmtl »-•• i.<- •>jl« tn ci.n ".' t of Alfred \Vatficlil, I have aeix- 'I'D OIL' cri'iiiliiiH i.f Tlimna* M»ltln»lv. ••.l.i-il. of Hen. irivliicii Wiin not lo bn oxp;'t-lcd fnin | lerably well Hllml wilh nmlito-i nf Uith «!rif«— I HUien in riccution. all the right, ti- *• deceased, that the nilinimMralnr will ul- .'lV. A. -\. <.:..uii demand, Ifeibobavc eondAnlly on lln-ir toiiTncs tl-o aotno of thrm ahnlitioniMH, hut lh" irriMl.-r nii:n- jirnprrty, cl.iiiu and It-nil at Ihn lti-gi»tiT i.f Will,' (((lire in Si An? linth ntl.iwlbil in rquitv, of taid Alien War- I* of "cqunl rights" and "equal tx-r moved only lor ct'.rioaily. '\'\\« I -ctnn-r h id \l.iry'» cuiinlv, nn Tufnl.iy the C'M d.iy nl nf in anVlo all tdote tract* or parta ot mad,' Kiit litll^ propr »t in !ii« •!i-c.iumv l> f"r>' Ml'. { Iftf » " Ifcn." They hiro rcfusud to permit tho wo S> ptriiibcr ne\t, to make distiibulinn nf « r parcrlfcol land and prcmisr*, caUnl ibadlrrs to bj any longer cm^ln-'.id in Hymp'.ninfl ol lUir.ppr. Ui'. 'i'-uno mnrc IV ipi.-nt nnd Inn I, .illriul uilh ihfir (l.iinn, and the vnuclu'i •> .in-l |.» nit' dti r.- . '. .-. • rosily)" "Any 1 hirf^" "Every ThniEi" regular du;ironticc«liip to th» h i««m'.*«, lli-- f\f' K<-r r.i •.! liia VMJC,' nn 1*1 iU-fi;;nro t>l tlu-ienf. In rccfivc 1'icir rv«pecti\c tlinnhti- cli.iltrl-.. l.ii.d* a>i" •• - ..i.f Wiilrun ••Durjey'* Addition to^lTliniiiaa's Lot|M aim I am made from 10 to 12 ahtllin^i p--i !»;• i...'i.-:ii: .ill of i'.i>-i|>|-rn- I n pcr-ni pr,-. live »h..!<•». II Mcl'ln-r.i'i', at i : :..--• J.'i <•«. An j put nf "Tliuini»'» Lnt,Vand on THURS­ •icnt wnlk •(! up in frnnt "I" ,1 il., r.n'! lit. DAY the 3d t!*y "I SrplentoW licit, at Wil­ Cooi«r'a uMohnikirm" it pni. ntv.iy th.' li'Ctnr. t'x IM| '. I. rinr-' u.'-, of | f of Thuuia* M.ilUnglr. led I''.!>«'i.i Oiti* U**" ' j J.xn'H, I havr liam Howard's *tnre, I i>h.ill\rncred tn acll *i in England, a total fiulurv, nnd t!\c counK1, iiinnc'dint. Iv *'J "•*' A r.ill \va«tf Sept. fj. SW______" • i-i/.-l II..1 l.lkrn in IV. , all tin- 'l^hl, the caul proprrly above mrnVonctl, or ao .ny (hey, it deiteflnd" to "tho tmnh of tin- irtiu.i !•' frnr V, ..-* I .r llnh> NO'a'afC |HIN IIIlUUItYiiuuuuy «ilV;:.t.~ iill>'. i--i.-r-.l, |.ru|.(;rt\ , . •!! a< J d'-mmnl. much tlii-tenl a* "i iy he nn ettfhry tn dia* butter fjr hia rr|«it ilion. 1,M s lo p»'»' "'it. Tin . r'''i:.H, r.r..l '1^; r n .in "ill hp In III at Hie A«- 'n.lli a; I i« ,,!.•! inri|iiil). -.1 -il'l \Vil|i»m charge tl • dr'X, &c., to thr higheVt bidder, i My those tmnradantie rri:irp, to few mnnr-n:i Mr. fr-l' nn I hii Ini-nN Ii i': l'i" •* sembly Rmini nn MONDVY l!ii« Stli d.i\ \lr T'I: : «nn. nl, in ninl In, ui.e NI gi "> M.II. b_\ cjili, tn »ali»fy ll.e drbt dur a* oT*xc>aid. li- n.i.i.i- i.f J HIT., HIM- )|..y ni-iilfil I'llilip", at II o'clock. ibit own rl hi* nntunl doiminx, Hull wi.lunil iiuiltKlrlu.:'. th .n tii..l lh.:} nl Orlnbrr next liir Ilic |>nrpn«c nf elrrlii.^ .Sale to commence Wi-r.1 urcnnip-inic-il by a lir^r rr:,«-.l In lu:i I'Mly- Tun l)rles;ile* frum tliNcily tn thr n.-ii (». • .., I..-.1- N-«... \Vimiitn named N.incv, and nn II. WKLCH. of n/nl , ih'i trarKlcRi piuo f^runt and riH'USDvY, l'ir I7i'.i "Uy 'f Srplember ing*, whirli «>: indi-r.itan I, h • It-It in ua'| ncral Ai^embly nf Ibis State, ami :J«.. Tm, 8h'lf. A. A. Count] Hi-preji-illntirr* fur the Vnuilh I"nn8'e««i..nal iif\t, at Vrir\'« l,.tii.!in;;. I •'.nil piocecil Ii. An=. \.\. n» Wl«r.ritip ii an mi thn nr.rriajj'' tiui", m iliin:: hit drp'irturr from lh:? tn\rn. »rli tin- >iul Ni-~rnr« tu II t4 l.igiir»l bidilrr, jx-i-coablc nnd rrrt..i.ily c-H'ri.-li'.al Uial net in ihi* Kt.itu in the Cnngrr<« of In. HTATi: 01- UAUALAni>. bC. f M King tc the Hon. Ada Dyrnn: A loli-rjlily for i.^h. In KjlKl.- tin- drill dur 41 af. i fn.iid. tiiothnd of pulling an end In an iinwi Icnmr di*. I'uited Sic Iri. Innc-.'iruiiilcl County, Orufuint Court', Ih, mlt liuichtar of my hao*a anil luitri! c. n nrvAi.u Sale tu CI.II.IIH lit. nl 1| ,.'clock. TIUMO (S« Mix; maj aing cnumo, a nlill Ic'l.-r would it hnv.i IXM'II to July C8lh, 183.". Cl'k. Curpor.ttiun. it. WK.LCII, nf n,n. petition of Kditha Wil- n^h « fillinf part, .ituV uway ulliigalh.'r.—.V. V. Co:nmirc.a\. .S'l'fl'. A. A. Cnuiiiy. N application by Sept. 33—\r./ O hiinn, Kxeculrii of the laat will and AnOLlTIOX MOVEMENTS. .M"Ai'l.\Nl> SIA I K LOTrKll tmumcnt of Kdw.ird William*, late'nf Anne- < II \CI-:»!Y HAI.K. Arundel cuur.ty. deceased, it ia ordered that fc. Chiton, tli.i \Yontcrn coruuau:, tmrro'.t iy 'riirnU>!ili'jnuit»of Xe«' Yi.ik hnv^li-id nn fl.ASS Sn IB. f..r IS.Vl. CTr- if n decree iif thr Cnurt nl Than- oiie give the notice required by Uw for aajM a auJdcn ami violent end, durin:: .1 Ivtl. imaii.-!!--1 printing oa-tubliuhmcnl in NIHIH.UI TH ur duun nl llalli.wt'ie nn Moiulny, It Y vii lur the tail] the tubacribcr, ai Ttuniee. uill of­ thtor* to exhibit their claim* ag.iin*t |i»aiorn\vingo(l"tr.iel<, Scjilnnbci 7, IH.iJ. ilrci-ant-d, and that tho Same br publiahed oncn fer at P'ulil.. Salf, at C'urlel Water'* Slnre. ||HllLciiDgtnn, Ky. Hn had riacn lo an i lc- newnp.ip.-ni and pamphli't-', fur crntM-niH dinlri. Aiiprnvi-l Uy \\illiym K Sl-mrr. K.lw ol six »uccrs*iv« nn TL'ESDAY «d .H.ptMi.b.T n.-xl, at M in each week, for the *tuce « if about two uiili-^. whon tho porilnu* billion through the United Stnl-t mini. Thn-e e^ .mil J. y . \Villiaiii«. Ciiiniiiiis.nii week*, in one of the newipspcra printed in laarrjcc alluded to took plucc. NVo copy hia Inrgo power Blcnin pn-iw.-a nro nt work dny and i'ulti a:xl .M'lnlyrr, Munngeri. 'cluck A. M. all thr lleal K»lnti- nf thr lale nf parln Annapolis. |e»i«ouatof it: night. They po«-i.-i« linln nfcvery !n\vj i-r. eve­ Jnhn A»l ; .!«, dcceated, c.HMHtiii^ BAM'L. nnoWN. Jun'r. of cnniu'V-'eni-i1 STUHSTDID SOHEIttr. ij the li cH nr p.irccls of Land caMtd A. A. C'.unty. hM minutos after 5, when ntau nllilulo of ry merchant, and ovt-ry ponton "Crnin her** Fnr-reat|" "Oeorgr'a Llick," Reg. Will* llaun, I ditrovered that Iho jpn luul coniplftc. in the wiulhuvn irtiili-e It i* anapD, •«sla»|(l. 1 prize of ft.OOO Curtis' Creek, and from jt» vicinity In Haiti- •""(••C. *»il confiing tho vnUo cord,ao thnt I nf Anne Aiuntlrl county, in Msrylai.d, Y. MirnaiK Utralil. 1 prize of 1,5->1> mure would be eligible a* a Market Farm. letter* l<-*l>menlary nh the uei*nnal eitale nl [•* l«< open Uwtatve. A lato number of tho Ennncipntrtr call* upon rvi^uested IVr»ott» destrnul tn purchnix; are Edward Williaaia, late of Anne Arundel Iy buiicd mymlfin lib^Mling Iho the nuxilitiry irjci«tien tn furnish additional fund', 120 prizes of tn tirw thr prrmi»e» brfnrr the sale. 80 prizcmif 8<>rt nf imvi'llintjagi'nU to dialrihuli' Tb« tvrma ul Nitln »r»-, lo 150 Chat line (uurlb uf the pntrhaac money be again"*! the *aiil drceaied.are krteby warnrd I*"* aad cord Werj snnlchod wilh violunco thn aOU.ODO copies of Iho Abolition papof* 80 prizes of exhibit the same, with Ihe vout I.era thrreof, to rporlioa of tlu; bJlo>is. nine, and twrUe monlln from the sabacriber, st ur before the -HHi dny of nnd I nnd Iho whole 50 January next, thrv may nthciiMM- hy law be —— V 56 prizcH of theme daynay nf"i 'If, with interr*! from the day ot 'inilr.-d foi'i, wilh tho Jo finiith. t'K1 Mnnnomn pr.'|.li-it tiaa bra«'it thrw 4O picloded frhm alf benefll of the c ml rslate. I tin! thojr aro OS ' Sfi prizes of In he securetl by bund with lectiri- ,'he i>nrty, offci d«*cr hnman n>l-.iir- lltt prizes of ^ 3mf3n/— WILMAJ«», leaving n widow, und nc- 'harlciluwn, Ma»*. bvr, one onafajt Juaticea of thv Peace in and It was aftcr»«i vorul infant chiltlron. _____ Tickets 84. 50— Halve* *.23>-Qr*, l.I ^i cts la Auaucr lo His inontha la a Ce^Vent, for the aaid clunty, thia 9th day of July in a forgod one! nukod liy the L«UT Si-ftMi the year 1835, a\*AY GELDING. .uppwrU •• recently e« small mcatkus of%|n% and a groat FOIC Ticket* and Share* fnr sale at The abnv« Honk* havr ju*t to be stolen, havinfabeer. foum> un.irr »a*pl> da of i »f tho silk on each mdo, which Tunuod aubsrriber ** ««H •' Private Sale and are for salo by the *ul»icri cinua circuraatancta « the afnrcnaiil Michael ' *"* «irfaec,hung in ribbaod*, doxhing hi* Farm on Wroid Creek, about Bve K. M.*»ARH<)K, Titrnan ttetl to a fance-bii thr Coluinlu'a road. »* tamuc.and producing a, novae I ike llw LOTTERY «; RXCHANOK OFFICE, Church aUafet, Aunapolla. The aaid bay gelding islbsrked by a white ' milt-* from AnnapolU, (Church-street, Annapolis.) oblong star in the furrhrW, small white* .(bo mo«t "*d aailaof a *hip in a t«mpu«t. Thw hur- Ouc HundruU iknd l' nr Acres, July «. * oltrtroe in m streak do»n the lower part oVthe nose, Juv. '""jaa VMoot produced by tho rapid doa^nt more ot leaa. It ia d«*tn __. erssary to -EBTOWFI NOTICE IS IJEHliKY GIVEN, Ing the right forefoot, and thMkift hind-taut DWever by 'l>° "•* *>ol«nt oeciUatory and lotury further description ol the I.sno, aa white, the oth«r two feet blacfljt>ein| with- in July, that UuflH The 4tea

Otupporf-Jlt* publication will b> pleased j THE JPR1NTER8 OFtm? TBB 8ACBBO Uterefore to' announce their Intention Meerly I as po**ihk> a»It i* intended to commence TJNtTED STATES.-^ UB subscriber hat) made »rraiigt***«f* rjSflK BubMriber haa received from the Pre repobiiab a* fast a* Ihry are rrceiv he work on The ftrtt of January neat. On T repoWitb JL tident and Director of this Company payment from he appointment of AUBNTfor the city of tbe laming of the ieeond namber Annapoli*. will baeipccied, ta lt§ appearance will e^ a. highly -.--._-- . Tioce a •nfSciencyof patronage.. ter to b* appreciated by th* edtteatcd portion* It* capital la fifty Tlriftttiifl Dollars, and TBE SACRED CLASS! he company intend* to *K*e*t* th* followiag The proprietor of the "Select Circulating of th* CMn*a*)alty, and to circulate, every from experience) of where, by C**ce*t with th« proprietor of the ratines*: Library," fully aw*fts tk* Ort*.. CABINET LIBRARY Of DIVI Miaeaaa, that work, th* Port Polio and Li­ Itt. Initirance on Licit* the advantages to the public of the rapid With an original inirodttctwry brary, are offered to thoa* who take the three 2d. Purchase and Sale a/annuities. diffusion of clieap and select literature, ha* attlbnr. Kditeil bj Rirt * the following condition*, vrt. 3d. Receiving Endowment^ been add the important feature to Wood Letter* ol every U. anil »*i» Re*. HKN*T The Mntrum, Port Polio and Library, if the work, and of course leaves it optional f«mr «. Tht foOo%oing_ pan! for in advance and *ddre»*ed to the same \th. Receiving Money in That. with the prevent aubDcriber* and other* to made to order on the ahortetf notice. /xwvfon Pubdtktn individual whether in town or country, will 5th. The Management of Trust Es­ take it or not. Ornamental Lcttera Of entire!, „,. , UNIFORM IN 9IZB WITH OR. LARD- be rapplwil for gli, thus enabling every in- tates. It is confidently believed, (hat, with the moat .ulendid pattern*. for Heads of V.' NBR'8 CYCLOP/EDI»., THB SUNDAY ilividaal to benefit by the clubbing system, Applications made to the subscriber at hia attention on the part of the Editor, who has paper., Title Line*, tic. from two I!-../,. 4,1 BR \RY.fcc. without the necessity of applying to other*. Office in Writ street, opposite the Farmer. already at hand the material for tvich n work, Primer to any sixe larger. Those whnpwvr made a payment for the cur- Bank of Maryland, wilt be promptly attendee all the really valuable matter of the Engliult Hi. type will b* mad* of material, rf , On thr lit nf January, 1834. will bt pubtith- ' rrn| vtar to either of thr work*, of whatever to. literary and amuaing publications may be beat assorUnent, well seatoned and or rd Vol. I: at a Serin of tnt Standard TTu- ., mnune, will be privileged to avail themselves SOMKRV1LLK PINKNRY. comprised in this form at a rate of subscrip­ by machinery, invented for the purpose atomic at worst of Engtaad, under the g€- Of thi* arrangement, by paying th* balance- Ann*-Arnndel Comty, tion and postage, so trifling *» gcarcely to ensures the most exact adjustment ' t ntral title of ' thus felt. It will form the cheapest reprint of Specimen* will b* published as earlvl \ Thn*e whn have paid or now pay 23 for ) day before me a Juttice of the Peace be THK SACRED CLASSICS, said county, Brice llobbt brought ao review* and oingazines ever attempted in poitible. '•"'Jl on, c.xnixr.T unBAHr or DIVISITY: the Library, shkll receive the Museum and EasirrmTlatca * Hurt Knl in, Ihe price of which separate I* 89, Old Chesnut Sorrel HORSE or any country; a comparison with other* it With an nri-m:il Inircxlucinry K«ay to each GKLtHNti) he nay* he took up were uncles* here to enter upon, the 'Libra* Esrcttted with tieatneta and York K^i»te Anlhnr. on thr paymrnt of 8T. Heada for Newannpers, Fac-t....,.« t>« n»scrib«r, 2. flinse whn have paid or now pay g6 fo taid Horse aa aatray, aa he wa ry' itaelf licini; the best test by which to r.niTr.o or Jng through the village of Ell judge of the difference between an octavo mental and Plain Rules, tie. tu. cut the Museum, shall receive the Library am type metal or wood." THK Rav. RICirn.CATTERMOLE, R.I). 1'i.rt Folio, the price of which ia aeparatelj Ritlge I>and , in the direction toward and a quarto page. It will he the study of greatest accuracy in g8, on the pavment of 86. Wathington, londay the 6th of July, in the Editor to embody a record of the day, Old east metal cots, ornaments, &e. THK Rf<. F?FJ»Vi V srRBBINU, M. A. itanf. Said Hor k haa a awitch tail, a irnal which graved over, anil made equal to new for in 3. 'Ilinte who have paid or nnw pay for th* adapted to the want* of this country, D Miiif, c -.iRi •• • -•« ncli <« Kn^Und anil Mu­ strip of white in ^forehead, and a atrip o or cheap- their original cott. S.i, it- I i 1 Her grr.itir»i *J ne is Pnrt Fnlin. thai I rrceive the Librarv can have no competitor for value seum , t, onJerUkiiig tn RKU-VliKS .-Thll^r** works thus issu- I I'llP «mi|il.l.'«« if rll.r ihns ji ia hereby required to provr hit pr^||rly, pay a very important consideration) to the matt will give the above advertisement a ft* Kn^lnml h i» Him' *•'' '"JC'ther, cnmpris* aTjerater amoent of th* forward a paper containint the *i»mlirtl t'hnnnty nf charge*, and take him away. •fi.ilant |.ort office, on Me two, will be one •ertiona, and I'M) Out"' 1 '" w1' a viriety nf cirruin»unce«, iii-fn h;ii (nit (ire- f e«rrenl literature of the »gr, th*n i* isvuffl into aame to the advertiser, will be psij tk'rrel . ir«hnr«« in a prrimlieal fort*) from any other oflj*r In BRICB HOBfcS. lollar and ninety Jive etuis, divided k««'. July 30. seventy eight payment*, and half thai sum m any of tbe above mentioned materials. ,if scii-il t«liri*in> mil ihm Ol" •» 'H-lp »rrn-s "f t'.io I'ni'ril Stairs, ami will, the proprietor be- April 30. liet.'n. with the addition of a noou^wewtna- or 10O miles or a less distance from Philo- bit f ,iur • Sit't'l (Unnict,* i« •• *••" "I 'null inil ACI-r. JAHV LAND*. elphia, while the tumt mailer, in the usu- >'» |U rnn*"Ui|'in. as np*n In ' te urneral reader u« per, -upply to families all tlie aVvantagra HE^niucriber it aothoriied to Mil a large MARYLAND COU)NlZATl(Ui ivlin •, ciMilil br lurnislird in a uystl citrnsive 1 American reprints of reviews and maga­ tu lhr in Idrir pvery... Iliing we coul'l yfth, tn copy from thr at public be taken either with or .without the 'Libra- 1 * .if imli-| entire Briti»S literary psrioOicnlf, omilting nf AUGUST nett, will^ke ofterrd -' for the purpose at dilTuting iuformition cd Blip rf'lion in Ihe inlrrf* sale at tlie P.ichangc in Brifjinore, on that cerning the principles and progren oil uf his coin TiJ)jl». n* in Ihe ..rdrr »n«l wll beins nf MI- , mostly the a/ticlrs, ran br rapidly ii- The proprietor trusts his punctuality publfcntioni embrace 10 mnrh ilay at twelve u'clock. Termpsttill be made Maryland plan of Colonization. Th« ;„ U n ciety. |Vetii«r* nn th' I)-i'rin»«. Mnralily, sueil. These known^t llir sale. •nd exactness in executing his part of the nnd K-i l,-ncr< nl Chrisnanuy, which h that it datiraulo (n he known, and arr in Ge­ nal will aUu contain occaaional notices of I pcoit j lucai n % 80MERVILLI: contract in the publication of the 'Library,' operationa of the friend* of Colonization! i im|wrtJiit to in enveil the prrmanrni >lamp nl g'tietal nerally pltimore at 7 o'clock, from the low- np.t I before pal ADAM WAI.niE. Tinting—thai many occurrences in the lilc sr end Uogao'a wharf, her otual place of start- V All communications are to be ilir I MUJ. the K.litur hemlins; a binjriphical ak'lpn nf the Amhnr, 20T Chc»nut-Hrcct. Philad. ' J«- to the "Maryland Colonization Journal, ( I ssr »l tin ilejijii) r,,ih remark* on Ihe tUj/ uf reli^nm in Ins ary world must pass unknown, a* regarded Mav 28. >iir agency, without an extension of the plan. N. B. All at the nwner'a ritk. 6cc of the Maryland State Colomution i 1 kill will couttit Vnne*. / LOR. ciety, Baltimore." • uuth iU ll ia thr desire of Ihr Proprietor*. \nvni\i*r- I'o establish a fuller medium of commtinica- LEM'L. O. T AY ion and supply the desideratum, the Jour­ April 30. June 4. Uking >riiE C*ai''»T LmntHT or DIVIMITT,'' Of Uic Eitra Glebe. TW Bill if prnpo nal of Be/In 1Lettret wa* added; whicilMVC to present thr cnlLrXliun In ilir public at «ucU a 'TMIK undrnigned prnpotr to issue tbe first ANNE-A UNDEL COUNTY COURT, anne«arunurt Counrp, iWiti it l.ioirD; price, that he j^iin purchase* at pre«ent ihe *• numiirr uf a new tenet of thr EXTRA lave reason toj>e,licve has afforded Ronn«Val April Terra, 1H33. t |N application to the tutucnbrr, onetf \ of ephrmeral publication*, nuv, fnr ~" M«l«l, J'.'l a r.hrapr*! OLOBR. on Monday, the 25th of May nrxt, satisfaction. The very liberal patronage OKI application by petition in writing, of '-' Judge* of the orphans court of And hiij i nvijout the samee rautiry. po««-»* him*.elf of oikt «nd In publiah it werkly fur six months, mak­ .ended to tho Library induced the proprie' Robert T. Mercer, to the Judges of An- Arandel county, and stale of Msr;laid,| which canoo'tanoot fail '»'n afTunlafTuril him ipiiilatice and tat* t'i be in I ing twenty sue numbers; thr ls«t to contain or to give that gratuitously a* an evidence n«-Aru»del Coonty Court, praying the bene­ petition in writing of Edward Drookej, ^ Utrjrr_.. ilcujr support jo the highest eierrise* uf '.n« (fjcul AII Indrv Men, aAil under everv vici-«tlBi1e nf lifr. Anne Arumlel •nlj rejA on fine ilnulile royal paper, made up in quarto Moi;e extended expericnre has shown o- ryland, a achedule of hii properly, and a Hit in *ct«*l confinemenj, and praying for tic ami I Tht/work will It hawltomrly printtd In tnrin, like Ihe Kxlra and Cnngrrssinnal Globe licr desiderata which ilie '^Companion" i of hit creditor*, (on oath ao far is lie could benefit of the act of the General AIM Mfoittap 8 vo. on food paper, eolii published by us Utt year. The 26 numbers intended to supply. While reading for th • •certain them,) Curing annexed to liit taul of MarvUml, entitled. An act for Ihsrt*! i SUll , 'neot/y oavnn in Morocco Cloth, tcfitrtilt will make 416 quarln rnval |>age*. petition, nnd the said court being; satisfied nf sundry insolvent dcOtort, passed at 'pubK»htd (in Volumtt of about 41X1 Library" a largo mass of m.iterial accu­ I iltat wclfaru u I and It will cnntain the principal original arti­ that the taid Robert T. Mercer has resided cember teuton 1605, and the tettrtlnp plif> tnit sent pagtt t»th) on thtjtrtt day of tvtry month, Srmi- Weekly Globes, mulate* on the hands of the editor, of an cles of the Daily and infcrc'ting, entertaining, and instructive de­ in the «ta»e of Mitrylaml for two ycara nctt ments thereto, on the tcrmi therein mn>l!< I ll', kit culumn Price, Vhree shilling and SII|H?IICC: notices nf the public meetings, thr election*, preceding the date of his oj'ul petition, and ed| a tchedule uf hit property, and a littj in every state in the scription, luch as would properly como un , polilt Forming th* cheapest srric* of worka ever of- and public proceedings having appointed Andrew Mrrcer truttcc for his creditun, on oath so tar aa he can ax ( Wtamttresl I frred to the puhlic. Union, in relation to thr canvasa for the nrxt der the designation of Mtriizininna, inter the benefit of the creilitora of the taid Hubert spcised with the Reviews from the English lain the aame, bring annexed to hi* ptliti l alt) i The following numes ••( Auilinr* irlmse work* Presidency « contest which th* indications T. Mercer, which aaid trustee hai given bond and (lie said Kdward Umokes having aid nf the present yrar will go far to drciilr. Quarterlies. To puliliMi every tiling of tlii kntce to iho |> are inirndetl fnr puiilira'tnn. Is .uliinilieil MI in due form for the faithful performance of fird me by competent testimony thii h* a •(ra this can nl cvnlrnc* of the impartiality nf Hie trreo The first number will contain I lit Proceed- nature which we deem dc.tirabla would en­ hit trutt, and the tnid Robert T. Mercci hav­ of the '«Li resided two year* within the atate of Mil] HJi.-aite hit pc lioii:— in51 of th* Democratic Natinnpl Convention croach too much nn the columns ing executed « deed of conveyance to hit aaid land immediately precedine the timi of Jerrmv Taylnr, Bates. 0-iyle, Baxtrr, Dwen. t» t* hrlil at Raliimnr* on thr 20th of next brary" designed for book*, anil yet to pas, truttec for all hit property, real, peraonal and application, and the aaid Edward Brat Mamittriuon C'i (worth, Thomas A. K.emni*, Uurnet, Hu»-. menth. An excellent Repartrr his already them by is constantly a subject of regret miied, nnd the aaid tra*tee having certified hiving taken thr oath by the said act prnc Huiler. Wil«nn, Hunyan. Fenelon. llck. J'W'in, Ftrin'lnn, Hnr-li-v. Male, hr madron the occasion. the choicest contributions to Rtugnxintt court, that the laid [lourrtf.IMercer be dit- pcarauce at Ihc County Court of Aanf-/ Hi|lli'ij||**.ri. ^iirleu«. L-icki*. L i.ninn. Cave, Wa rrquett the favour of (hose fricndt to tfc. tic tie. Ihe •'Companion to chirged from confinement, and that he give del coantv. to answer inch intfrropi C-ii'ti'i<«->rl"- Hall. Jrw-l. Ji. mi. PUvrl, whnm this Prospectus raiv b* »ent, to circu­ Library" will bo offered to Ihc patronage of I notice to hit creditor!, hy cnutiog a copy of becom SkrlMn. »V,lt«. Lnwth, and allegations ai may be made iciinttiij or pa Charnock, %V'e«lry, late it, fof the |iurpo*» of" obtaining aubacri- the present subscriber* and Ihe public at '"'• or^fr <° be interteil in one nt the news- and having appointed a trustee, whohtil )t n«uir, WaterUnil. Whichcnie, Halguy, of the work wtU br **nt toth* hll; ItaJ the btrs. A copy large. Ilia believed that with the "Library," P«Pfri printed in the city of Annapolis once en bond as such, and received from uld 1 nuxit from al P-arom, Ken, Newtnn. Sunlmpr. Whilhy. n*wi|»ap«r* tint ropy this Proapcctu*. the "Journal," and the "Companion," such * w*'k for thc Urm "^ ">rec roootlia, to ap* H.--nnind. Burkill, Herbert, Uuune, Mer» ward Bruuke* a conveyance and lietfitiUl* uf Mgbtcribrr* should forward thrir names in an acquaintance with the hlenitur* ol the P**r brfore Annt Arundel County Court to of all hia property, real, personsl iml mild sssi&le for peril rick. He. &c. timr to r»ach us befor* the 831 h May. If they age may be cultivated a* to leave little fur- „*, "' lh t Cll> of Annapoli* on the fourth I do hereby order and ailjuilgr, that tic w ." • .. .-.. .. »>»•••• iBjtr _ j .. iTiT\_»_i. ..____*. « . m P>^. in aildi VoL /. (to bt publi'htd on tht I if of Janua­ do not. wt 'may not b* abl* to famish them Monday of Uctobvr ne»t, to anew cauie, if Edward Brookcs be discharged from imp ry. J trW contain ther to bo detirrd. Being all ptrbliih«t) from polill with all thr numbers| because th* work it pa the mme office, more facility offer* for aub- any thcv have, why the ttiil Robert T. M*r- tonmeat, and that he give notice to hii err THB LIBRRIV «»K PlttlPHMYINO. by of (he te at tn low a price, that w* cannot atTnril to re* aciibing, and havini fewer people to deal cer should riot have tlie benrfit ton by causing a copy of thia order to bt i fct publiihtd on tht lit of Ftbr*. One Dollar p*r cnpy, jn advanc*. WM. 8. QBEEN, Clk. before tlie 4th'Monda^P Oo&trneitui '•"tli aryj mil contain abort interval of two weckabetween the pub­ July CT —3m. KUvcu ropi«i will b* furniihed for Ten lication of each number, it is thought loo, pear before the aaid Cou^HCourt, ill •11 (I CAVE'S LIVIW OF TMK « Dollar*) twenty-two copin for Court llouie of (aid coun^n>t ten o'cla with Nuirt. and au Intruduclury will be an advantage over nonthlie* and '$1OO UK WARD. of that day, for Ihe lan, and ao un in proportion. V quarterlies. of the forenoon •Hlil bo 4*uie the Rev Henry Strobing. M ThV pric* of thi* paper ia aa low,'' IhaVay* RANAW\Von rhor»J*y, of recommending a trustee for their! Vol. lit. (to bt publiiht* *n thi it cannot afford toupen accounta with tho** who The following plan i> mpoctfully lubmit- the-^3,1 day of July, from the and to shew cause, if any they have, whjl , T»i Butttn will contain abaeribr for it. Th*r*forr, no attention will led. aabicrlber, * Negro Man nam­ aaii*. Kdward Brookes should ant htv* thtl "J H each we B\TJE*a. SPIRITUAL PP.RPP.CTlttN. o« paiJ to any order, nnlcsi Ibi s*e4i*y ac­ I, The "CoMPANtoit" will contain the ed nefit of the *aid act anil supplements, as | UNKOLnP.I> ANDKNC'IIU KU with an companies it. earlieii poasiblc reprinti of the be»l matter JOE lYKIIOIf, od. lotroducinry Rtiay, by the Hev. Jfilin Pye ^t-______BLAIR & R1VR8. in the Brilleh poriodicala, _ __ . who is riry Mack, and aged Given under my hand Ihii 2litd«yoi''4 Smith, D.U.- / about 38 5 feet 4 or 5 Indies high) when ruary, in th* yrar of our Lord, «lfbt«en kv LONfM'N: John Htlchartl anrf Snni Piera l\ 01IANCEKV, 8. It will be issued every fortnight, and J and thirtr-ujtr. Jr the form will be the same aa that of the Li­ tpoken to ii v*ry politei had on hit working HK dillyt '-Vhiltaker *> Co AwT Maria lane, 3d Aojrwt. 1835. cUtbea, but took with him a variety *f cloth­ _ _ IDEON Simpkin ll Mamhall. Hiaiipner*'Court; D. A. That th* Ml* ofthethe property brary—each number containing aixteen pa- Jane: ftlly ,« montha, giving thir­ ing- I will giv* the above reward if taken * Ut« Arm Talboyv O»for«l: J. 6V. J Heighten, Can.bridgri of Leonard Scott again*! gei—thus, every cix jut of the Stite and^ 830 if taken in th. Oliver fc ttojd, Bdlnb^rghi and J. Curoiaing, and other*, made and re- teen numbers, which can be bound with the ' MB to call Stale or County, and**!! reaaonabl* *sp*n*es FUNEKAL8. iNicimsybe Dublin. litre Loait Uaaaaway,. bo Library at little or no more e*pen»e, and paid, if drliveredjo me, living oo W**t Ri- HE *ub*cr do), Rlvtr Poat OAi*. IMty-*iK large It «. pagea. i* b* (round U th* rity of Jaly 3O. n«r, pr according to special direction. atitchrd. and covered with strane, i54OOO lara each. H* return* hhj thanks to Ihe public for tb *t th* rate of fiv* dollira per 4. A* UN> work will not be eomoitamd. .patronage dana* fk* lilt lw*niy yeirs, i anle« edBelent patronage be obtaioedTno FBINTZNO K«fMta«t hia paoeapta*** and atltitioovl pmymtnt it rtytttrtd at preaent, only the MeaUy exeouUd at ibis te merit thsvr fa*««r. ; irf b >f* MM fre» of PO.UC*. TfaeM wUiog ASHING TON 0.T./CK. p*"';' l<( > >;,f „ , '*v. I VV. . **. ^> „ »f r..t «.*)' ' ^ V-tairfv-i.^'-'':-^ EiT""-»T>»» *. r.

|ptlOH,fn •pwin - UTTELL'S cc. »y , A FARM FOB SALE. TOTAL ABSTINENCE. IT »e» i MUSEUM HE inbirriber will tell at Private Sale POETRY. Wo nro every day mom and more confirmed i of N, PtibU« ,~ Brick. IlnlhlUMI « FOREIGN LITERATURE, T hi* Farm on Broad. Crctk, about Ave DEA.TH'8 FINAL in tho boliefof tbo toundoeM of tho principlo |P^ Circle. - mile* from Annapolii, containing about rr ja of 'lotiJ abstinence.' Thi* appears plain to us ClXNCJB AlfO A»T. One B*ui«r»*1 mm* Fiaty-fvw Acnw, The |(lori*a of oar blood and atafa to bo tho onlyconnistont one for tho tamper- more or let*. It i* deemed nnnteeuarr to An «hadow>, not rarxUntial thing*] anco man to ndopt. For, what i* tho oWgn of P»io«:^-SU Dollar* a rear, In advance TlMra i* no armour arainit fato: oven dollars and a half, if not in advance. give a farther de*criptlon of the Land, a* Doath l»y» lii» icy hand* on tho temperance reformation} Moat certain­ London, E.linbnr|h. Fore^n, .nd tho*e diapoied to parchaie will a*Bloubt view Rcnptrn and crown ly to prevent intoxication from tho uao of alco­ Quarter)* Po»f Aor- Fivp ihecU, tinder 100 mire* the premiie*. Hart tamblo down, hol. Now can it make any difference., to far a« Ctrl; I 7k cenUjuver 100 inile*, 124 cent*. If the above, Farm i* not *old at Private And in tho du«t bo equal mauo With luo poor crooked Kythx and right and wrong arc concerned, under what Utter*,0 Parley'* Ma|T,4Zl..e, and the CTThi* work will be icnt to *ny Pott Of­ Sale before MONDAY the 18th day of Octo­ Pomo men with rwordi, m«y reap tho Hold, name or in what garb thi» article appran, if il* arkVitter, received at the "Room" fice in the United Slate*, carefully wrapped ber next, it will on that day, if fair, if nul And plant froth l*urr!« whom th«y kill; intoxicating Datum ia not changed? Wu arc en­ where apecimen Numben up, upon receipt of fivt dollar* in part pay­ the flr*t fair day thereafter, be Offered at Pub­ B>it th«lr ««ronK uerro* at laat mart yi«ld: tirely al a IOM to conceive how H man can untis- "lie*. On ment A few complete «eti are for «ile. lic Sale, onn thoto pmnittn,pm at which time the Tbny timo lr wood. Thr.y "toop to fain, OB a drink in tho least quantity, and jvtjmtifii- Church ttreet Annapuli*. EHLARUED SERIES OF THE HOSE. THOMAST R. BEARD. Ati'l ma«t (ITO up thnir mnnVrinjf br*athf blc lo drink wine and oncoiiragii iU unc, when 't*, &C. I CM. Sept. 3 '^£.*+. \Vji./ etltbraitd Winningng liar in, I' Kill. •|'.> lil to, lib: •ffkiul mud Audirel P*rM»wM, frfrrdfrgrrdtmai*, , known men, and thowo of character too, who I'^^Ua.lWM.OTlW. ing whkt he ha* always detired thai it should T la now ail montha aince thin publication wu com- Ouij I ' lion- nl' tho junt were ready, they avowed, to go hand and heart ng tJ "upply thi» SM...|.' ', proprietor ( he iJiuulil be able lo gii-e hi* l.-ilfn of ill merita,yot aucli ii tho aitmfacticm manifea'- csi Ic, his hope nf ulf.tnate *uc- oil by that portion of the public who havu boon made wine, and countenance ita IMO in other*. Il can* thtttl whole ntlr.htion to il. Thi* lu» hitherto liren nci|iiLinted with ita character and oonlenU, thai ite lint [«.Sa,lin«» il» origin in sanxoineues* of prevvnlril by Ihv care nml labour attenilmil not bo that iruch men nro not aware that wino of p.Uruna ronlinuce conaXunlly and rapidly to incrcaee. will intoxicate, for thoro is oraplo evidence to Ii it oroceed* iipun 4 multif.irious and widely extended bu- Thi* p.i|x,r ia now djatribulcd regularly every week over Fron ( rouriw/. show Iho contrary. Now where i* tha con- uf ii* lucaliun Publiihed n the inr*». With the view of completing mure a wide portion of tho Union, uul tho mn»t aalUfaclory TliE BinLE. aMUrancn* *n received that it will erentnclly become mtilenryT Wo can KO no difference' belwoon lATIOJi «f » l» re Blul ail- luicLly thv puhlicatiol: of Luilge'i fortrail* Tho Dibit triu> nr it ia l%l*e. If it bo falw it u Iho onn of Uio moat popular among Iho numeroua cxoeilrnt drinking n certain amount of alcohol in water ' the nil Memoirs of (llu«triou* and Nuble Cha- uuriodioala which iaeue from the Ainurican proee. No 4 in tiv uuiveree. Ill information, ii ao l JpiUlii, l.tcililie* of on earl/- cummu- actrr*, (.1 >plr-ntliil work nuw in hnnd) of exertion* will bn iparud lo caUMUli iu permanent rnpu. important >vm! i'i^-r>-i>:if, iu* doctrine* eo grand and and an equal quantily combined M 11 in in wino, ratron«, flTecling a neltlement uf account* extendino; I .liun more exloniiroly; and if the liberal aiuition of aubliinr, and i>', «o pure, i»nd have eo dinct Ihoeo for whotn it it eipceially deeigiied ehall w.trrant. tonJrncy lo pr'* : .«!.. tvaman happineei, that ifilbr a cun. And that they »ra tho urno, philosophy and cx> ate Pai uT.inicul.irlT aflurde. I tu the Bditurj and iver tlif whale of the United Slate* and uf ite futaro Improvement both aa regard* typographical .., he in*jr uul hope lu present lo hi* naking nrrangcmeut* in all part* nf the cuun- niiiUnnee aad ewballiahmaal Will be uialerially advaiic- niugly dnviaed f»Me, il moet "till for ivnr c,ll forth Ihe perienco fully testily. How can a conscienti­ y join "dmirMiuii of thA wierrt TIIKII on ortli. When viewed ous man or woman, believing thnt it i* wrong tion t ujj, iitucli furci^n information through Ihe ry for tin- vignrou* prusecvtinn of the publi- od. 3grtn of ajdiiaufhn cnluinni, not derivable^ from ation of thu Muneum, he ha* made a coli­ Tho dnTcrrnt PkT» and Tarcce that will appear in in % conir <.t«d chnui, it poamiMii intvmnl evident and immornl, lo drink nnlont «pm(»in anyqnnn' I axr jd'Jrnat*, il >* *tili certain that tnlelli- ra ct with Mr. Adam Waldie of this city tu the coaree of * year, of thenuolree, will b, Th» Jo, than KOUK liniee Iho umoanl of eub»criptiou. Tho atalea r.i'.. <-»,idiliunii in which men fonnd. Il not feet of I ' iu»li lucal lutuie, inlereitiiig to all, pnnl trie work, attend to il* distribution, and (Moving it a Hat uf thoao which luv.i alreujly appojr when liko connrqucneoii follow from iho u>ir ulmoat which tnkos away tho guilt of tuNlg it, that i* will bt p liM,,-j lln,•..„,!, U. I'. Smith. cnnMipirncuii in buiir>n .'xut rirticp, an.l you will h*. il m lull iltu offer lu thune whoio menu* are in- Mr. Waldie m a parties! printer, not *ur- not found in thu namo of ardent »pirili«7 Uow Tho lli:nclil..i' ii. J. s. KuoM-|f>. uune (lie |^..-il/^t poeaiblo Ku, |. Sea, J. II. I", ,,ii-hii. could a parent explain to a child the diffcroneo ' cnneiicti 4iiJ urn^mciitou th'j huuun cmr^cler in thi lubicnl uli, >t ItJit a lynoptical view of all th» nn- Mid ns he i< O'Unnla^eously atnil generally >'. K...V i.ol,)., between dninkennmwprvxluc' d hy wino and that > in idtin] u.tial information they contain | and he known ns tfc« publisher uf the Select Cinu- y Day*, C. A. .Somerset. ^r'<>U'«t powililc manner. hy artlunt Hpinlif If they bull) luvo (ho lanin o- tnn (bit fiuie of lilenry taste may some- lU-iui ">' R. P Sm.lh. 'Tti.-n.u«t puf-e.»aaful .'xprrlmnnt hna long ainc" put (he piper < 2 Library, it it supposed thut he will l 'ircon, J. H. Knuul.x. vil tendency, u'li-t K-iti^fnctory rcamn cotild ha (woffil in it< culumn*, article* not unwoi- liave i) in hi* puwer greatly tu pioinolr I Ill- t).i» u. y^fid A r jliontfl doubt. 'J'liuro if no habil, hownr. j given, why iho one should In- entirely nlxtatncd itndicf i Hum mnd* nnd ' or vi .'. VI-, tiMt »'hil hi. V.-H r->rn'.-t I by He )ir .»i«fthe empluyinenl ul ',hi:ir tciaurc. At Man uf Ti'ii Thoui-*iiJ, T «.i us IMrroft. will confti talc of the Museum. He ha» t,. |.|..K; iu. It :• [**r IHJ vti Ii 11 but vi ! i' Ii to hn, n auc'1* » Iroin nnil Iho other not? Would not n chiM " » the Jo«,r lt»lirt, mu*t Ural be I'll Toll YOJ \Vh.l. Mr.. Incl.l. ..J. ly cli^inetl: n.i cunduct lio-»u\. r n1... bnl tii-l I* lit>»- note the c the grealesl fault which has herelufoir »i. ller.ia i .11 \\ .bmtcr. Gazette. Hf»<\ before public palrou*ge cau ue ex- Tim liulilrn J'armor, pel ha* uuuo tho *tn..<-r .mhnmcd of it. Tiirt i no du­ tended it* management. The chants in Uic .H(wruljl|o;i, K. AI. Rnynul-b. ty to itjthrr God or man. frirn.l «r in»>*.iy, hou v. r ditfi. I.MUJ. the K.litur would here mark the out- ' "' ET. PAtll/M PEUSOS. I 1st nl hi! utaign, with the full know lodge I'.nCliahiiiaji in IndJa, l ( dime. Journal, I 1. 11 will be regularly and promptly \ "l> lion and L Ip for it« pvrfnrnunci. Thrro nm n.<> tuffor. Itow little ntrn*n i* to !» laid on extornsl bin oil! commute an ordenl, by which, to ,Hhake«pej/e Pc*Ural, \V. T. Mni.cii.jT. loniutioo! lulu-il. Tho, M. O. I *\\i*. mgi, howfver - \--ri .in! paini-i!. hut the l jfTorda appearance? This prineo of upoiillm nccinH tn me buth iU merit aud the tiilelily uf 2. Will be uniformly and handsomely pr'.i.t- My Friend the Governor, J. R. ri.r, •:,!. ahuniLnt co:.». Ulii.i, in llm i.n.Ut of them If 'w«i nro hint concerning hiinwlf, hi* bwlily pp'wnco Viciorino, | ia pcmecution. etl II. .M. .Uihititir« and x. 10. St. ChryooMom term* him a 'little nmn, tonci it Incur oy whom he iaiinmutlulrly tui - 4 Will be cnnimlvrably enlarged. toil* of »c' « i . il i* >^u nio«t ralu-.blf itunual; ind If about three dibits (or four feet nnd a hnlf) in |M*|«I, IM! aiauiig wliutn lie must A« Ihc «ale of the work ha» incre*«cil. Mr The Duel, R. n. Poele. in tin ) . ' . i' li>r i>a nl on. « our et»lT and Icl- height.' But of all other writer*, NeciphoiV* I h i>iJ i majui ily ul hi* patron*: he kim'w* l.iltell ha* nlw.iy» been df»irou* uf devilling W. Rarryniore. '!: I vt"».l fMinwnt of intelligent ct- ha* given us the motit circumitanlial account of* i i lo be intelligent and inquiring. The tlie rnl.U|;vd prufil* lo its impruveinciil ami 4.1 r.' i.ltup totirco uf Iho richvvt and St. Punl'ii penon: 'Hi. Pnul Wan of mnall slu- _.nii department, shall, Ihrreforv, be as- utthou^h he dor* not «i»h the appe.irancr of Jainoa Kcnuedy Tlm.MSSof tho In.l, . tho r«ruuritr> turc, (looping and minor inclinable to crookml. [ bWiiiir re(4rut>. .' .. i.ii. , I...* it iik»£nif).-a in nnpiirtan. by hia oyu-brown, which hung a little over. | Wplrmtic, auu Uul they feel a deep intercut piling it with any other work, thai il i» rich­ lulu J lorlhn itli. . > .' .-.-! \ nl tint it i» into we *Mume 11 in nono rather long ami nol ungracefully dent. i wclfaru uf uur common country. 'IY ly worth the pruc «»ketl fur it. 'I*bo S(»ortin^ Iiih-Uijjrnc rtt nnd »' toitl. oc. .1- .. '^ c ; .«. it w*» n^tur prove*) Cilm, It of CHIT i^ltunhi *tnl i. i UK itntunenl to the extent ul hi* abi cupii** % connirlcrabltt fHiriu : ..-- ir. -i Hi" b"finuit,£ of it* liintorr, His head pretty thick with hrur, and of ,1 mifli* We «hall not have satisfied our own wi»h Truiu tho u.u^l null. lic »ouro*.-n. A. >.I^E *' atr, hii Column* shall aOurd whatever intelli i ' - ' •'•'< .-wort |«,v.'. rl'ul kind. They hjvo cirnt length, and liko IHJI luck*, intcnporaod e*, in rr«pect tn this work, until it slmll be with gruy. j*Kiuf* political character may be calcula to fur enUrgrd anil unprovnl us In mako || - ' .1 <"r »!.ich llterilurn and «oien. tu u inttrctt Ihein. No man, with thu fa clear tu every purrhaaer thai he will heiein Tho Amerlcin Troltinc lloreo, Edwin FT- : j. ' > "loril t!, limy tnvfi b*-en charactrnxod by I all; of thought, i«*t tin* cri*i* neutral in re rocrivi' nil Hint i< ilriirnblr to »n Ami-ricaii Tho lin|H>rte«l Rjcing lluree, Mcueit)(- r. ..<:. u> rf"..rch, 4inl ^ru4t mbllmy uf retMvunc. From Ihc Unilfd Statf* i knace tu thu party diitincltuu* now prevail- reader fr'»m all Ihe Koreigri 1'rrioilical*. That Tho firnurilo Racing Mtre, And, uul her ••-.'. . i- II^TC tint lioon . it « di<|Hniliun to ilo all 8IMPLK KKMKDV. Rcl.|M.. :otnitry,»nd Hie Rililurdueinul wish we can do HO in n single work, by m.ikiiiK It ;r, uiilidnt nny iiddilioii of mipir or nulk< fuvir the motive ul .1 partuan, hi* eumment* g.f/.ine* it computed of inferior aiticlrn, aiiu width of **pwty movement* *hall be characterized we i unfiilenilr apprnl tu thune rcailvia of ihe Amon^ a variety of other EinhelliahinimU ofnnhjoclii lere .|naulily in hi' jrivcn i* a Inhle- 1 1-i»4 u it n«ver ha* been hi* pr*clice,»o ihall ing uver the Hrittth Journals, whether we A complete Treatl«j*ji Riding, with foultoon Illu*. >f tin. irl of prin'in^, and with tlitro thfy have liluuri-d pnoti full, and In ,m inl'.uil n lr.i>,|Mx)n full (.va­ ittiitr txcome hi* habit to deal in political li.ivt not alicady, iu it very grril degree, »uc- Iralion*, for Iho improvouitml of l.-dica in thai mo«t take the faith of m*nluiid; but havn thf y Seen *Mo ry Inn immilm. The writer of thin rommimi- i»'«eti»e or pirly virulence. Ho will cheer- ceetlcil in cup) ing all thai \va* worth pre- n!' nil pj"rt IM*. iMuollall our lioly fkhtir-l Hnve they ev,-n ah«ken cation hai within n frw dayx pnot wilnrnmxl it* tl\ji| 'ii^tiua ol* lh*> Automaton fM\\*^r, illu*. mo of her auin pilUra, NO OK to cive aUru* in Iho In. Wli linJ the aiil of hi* column* to cninmuni- ervaliun. elBrncy in u cami of invrli'nto vomiting, which ninaifrom all parties reMrvinp to himself tint* within tho temple of truth? .So fir fnxn il, oftrr having rr«i«trd n vanoU of Ihe lUunllv «f- AH ihc work will now Ue cnn*ii!er>hly en­ Kiajtot* which am particular./ » in'-tnc^J ;n tho .lul in nioal m«Uncea their ox^>rnnonl* havu lurried jypiiilcg* uf rejvcling such a* are objrc- Vwlo Mccum, will bo won ('i*niucUy uit.l . I-»:IWK! t£r foctiva mcnni, yicldc I iniliintly to ono laiHc- larged, we thall be able more fulfy lo accom- it not anlike tint of the anctout l'inli*tine« hen Inoy I Mitneforpcrionalallutianurindecoroa* lan- plith tin* object. tbo MlawiiiJ umitiar/ of (Jimn; poon full of ulrong ColFcc. {"?» In addition to the advantage* of *p- Tho Turf » ml ill ntftttrn cunnoeUd th pturod the *rk uf liod in the daya of K.!i It |.i.». In order that he mar, by fr*quent journle* On tho Htnictuiu *nd C'harai-tcr nf thp »! ihcii principle, al it. f*i liiu lijj; >:, -f<,r* tlto frvul* political and literary sc-lrcliom, he IIALI.EVS COMrTT. from hnrar, be the earlier able to Qniili all u- On (h« Iraurunrintfut of* Humed C'lltlo TA, jiul r.*veiU aiich terror anil «ruh fru'n r'- .vrn o- toittilie to tempt into exercise whatever of Hula* for Novice* iu ytiou'.ui^, The following notice of Una crk«ti«l «i>it*nl, «ppear» ther buiinei*. and devote himself exclusively g*4ual ail uugu«Ul:ie«e aud uiiriKtileoii»ntM« non, that *>»' ttlent may surround him,and with *uch MoUiO(i« for t'o«r*-l >.;uu wall * i*liii» air no( presumptuously hope to render Btofrmiiliio* of calobrUtxl Horwnr, with Ui«Jr Tor- from Mr. lit^irton »f Ihn K.iyal lo any of. w«» patron**", uf hi* friend* longer thin Ililley, now *rn**1* the attention nf tlm eatroiKMnin*! tlnwever deflcient Ihe pruprielur may be in Approved Ilibb, it >.-fxilil not be Cnltcteun* on Plajr> «nd Acton. world. Il I* Making iU way in iu elliptic)* orbit to. « > Uoiuovtic Economy. know what mi(*( bo dona; bit the nutter now would not be willing lo commit it, eveu for a good teleecope. I expect Ihie comet will be even by aa. ( T»i BuLLiTtN will be pubti.hril uu Than- time, to the care of another, were he not con­ An Kpitotiwof iui|>orl*nt p.iMini: *>vimt«. tand*, wo may a^futy eoncluj.t with the \vii« man, that K«vi«w u(' (lie* Kul >»tej ruioo in July and Auguat, uid become eiaible lo wj to wew.*rful champion* apairul the truth than WILLIAM n. HALL, mure worthy uf the patronage ol the public urd*y, at TArrt iJullttt u«r i*niiuiiit iu odv4iico. O belion. or netted puinl to Iho MO, about tbo 4lli nf JJpt^r Marlbro*. Feb. 14, 1833. ____ than it ha* hereloforr been. No change take* from abroad, px>etnge i.uld, will lie promptly altendl they have nl/i^dy prodiRod, and if ao, we may ueafoly and the paper oarelully pocked lo prevent il from rub. November. It ma) l*o expected lo be * plcinlid object place in the Proprietorship. ' conclude that Ctirietianily haa clearod ibe lul duiger- from l|w end "I .September t<> Ihe middle of Oeiobj- blug by uitll. a ruck, aad, freighted deep with the great aalvaliuu, '""".FINAL NOTICE. Philadelphia. April 9. ' ll« revolution it about 76 year* waa U>1 xwo In^^,,^ T^llK undcr«ritt«n would again rt»pect> Tht Mei/cre. Aellng Drama. * volume of tboul 300 uid mannml by human inalnimentolity, *ad being under &> Specimen Number* may be teen go* cotiUininjt Hie Play*, Karcra, Aic., » hith liaving been obaerved *Uo ia !Cf2. ^'h"JlDO, with la. fully requeit all p«r*on* Indebted to a heavy pi"~ of dlvmo jfilluence with all eail* eel, iho Ul the Vade Mecuui, neatly pruilui), aud boUliil iu ela«tic i* neareal Ihe run il will be about *n equaj ju -IMl^| « l«lt Arm of Mem*. Williamion and at Ihe Office of the Md. Gazette. ia opooding tier rapid way to tho very enda of tho earth. cover*, for trmnirKuulion U publUhed ev«ry aix we«k*. Veuu* frarii l)i»l himmtry *nd "Jj-^, (04 u |-4r 0(f »»i«(i to call and »e(U* ImmtJialfly^ *» thi* ™ "'"""cTSiTFoii ~ Kif hi volume* will conXitulc a vet, or one yeor'a aub. Ic« miybe Coniider«d Jlnoi lo all intent* landing in every human pott! aa the «»orgiuoi Hidua, /'/ A1Y NV1VBER OF J KG ROES, ble Ia adviaoe. Yoe, tho Uible Iru marchoJ down Ihe generaiiun* ol IH» J«e>. both ttttt, from \9 to 35 yean of Aubeeriber* to 111* Vade Meeuro aro enlitleil to a de­ men with accumulating light and grandeur, and in tri. FftANCW M. JARBOE. duction of one-lhird. An order foi four aetl* will IS I.II A CO.IVENTl" age. uiuuu b*e led idolatry aad ui&leuiy o*ptive, ajid iu ite PERSONS having likely Servant* thankfully n«wv«d, uid Ihe work forwarded to MI' uf llr.nLouA THKKKIA RRKD (Vat diieclkm, by anoloelng * tea dollar oote poaUfe pajj, train leA eJvilliition, and pure "and undrfilnl religion Ur the N»;^er ehc utHtieqce of the Roman to ditpoM of, ind wittiinx ihe high- A premium, coiuialing of two volume*, AOU page with all iu hetven-inipiring conaolatlun*. Ii h*a alrea­ e«t price*, will do wr!l to give me * *5t about two yi-ari, and an tnmat* of The St«am Bn*t MA« each, of the NoveliMU Magaxme, conlaiuing riuht cil: dy mounted Ihe pluiun* of the morning, and ie rspidly ^ 'nrtuliiie Content un Mount Benedict. a call, a* I am dtternined to huy- ferenl Novell, by the moel pojiular author*, will bo prv- flying to Ib* nmiotoat bound* afthe habitable globe, uul » UYLANI). will leave eaaled loth* Ag^nt, who "hall nrooure foul uamoe to Jliarlotown, Ma«». [__ and give hiihsr price* than any o- ooa, v*ry aoon, ahkll iu eterod Irulh* be preached Ii An Aunvvrr to *Ux am*Mtli* la K Convent* Haltlraurv, on every thcr purchawr, who l» now or may ei»»e into tho Modem Aelntg Dram*, or Uio Uentleuien'a V*4e Monday morning, at t> Mncum, and reuiil the auuuut of uuo year1* aubecrlp "*v*ry nation, and kindred, tad long"*, and poo'/ Hy the I**DT KUFKMIOH. this market. I tan at ill times be found al O, y* friend, of Cliriet a»d of tho *ouU of trf' ' , The above flook* have jual been receivtd o'clock, for C«iUr»ville Mr. Jamea Hunler'i Tat«rn, in Annaiwli*. Uoa fur each. r. Gentleman wishing to Mibacrike lo eithtr of Ihe thia book to every buna* btlagt hi- " "Ii"?. and a/e fur tale by the tulMcrib«r. , itartinii frum the lower end All. I coinmookcaliont... mniraiinna ilirocUddirocUd U) me, will be bonworka, will addrea*C1IABLKH ALEXANDER Uoo* o( them are perleolog for 1"^ .'*ITto* *** i whsrf, and return the *ame day. Bhe F. M. JA promptly attended to. No, a, AtlwaitA BaUuugt, rrtitkUn H»«^-l'hU*del perlmenial know Ohnr^h itrMt. *nUnse Ihlt arr»ngeme»l Cor the ISAAC I- PlftlVlS. li AJl banaKe at tb« ownir't rt*k. U 0. TAILOR, *r 6»*». Ti«l *> I".

.v/- •'.*.. '..v_ v. .•«*./. ••••^••••••••..•.^.^.^•.1 ••Wi,T * --af- '. f''• ^^!Lk.ti: '.'-.• :'•'"• '• •'•'•'•'•'''.J :'/••'' ' •'. '•>•*••' ''**••',', *'.••? . '--."' " '• .,''•> '•*•'': , "A - •»• , •'-••'V. .. .-.'i.1:/,! . •>• » . , »'*' ... ' •••',."..:.•;, <.-/.-.: /. '''-v: >*•' ••* j .' ^'"'^-';'^^^^'v ^'^v;;i^

wpram* lasr'of.tltt. them it mutt teKr on the sublet of AbotitMn novvineaU, *r» I "lotion. Tb* caoMtoUao U th* 8ds (tttt. *y^ .r ^ju-V'Jiiii .. f.\ Meetings uphold ater«ryi and. If but Mr. UcJte dOta - - --_-- , , WVH. j| 6otnmitt6o ^ w Ibeoonm,.- *orVsqtMt, tb.t ii I. aUs>oH to notic, thro »««> » *» -nctsal^iM. mUnVhr^., ZrS £*!? * ^""'.l60 VJV tra*. thai wcrW ooropast baa elw»y* in- written tb^dT i l^Ci ;Z T^K* w >*» be appointed by the chair, whoso duty »n in oVrtail. Vv* hay. glran (hi*"*** an aocotaat .of «* docttin* b* , ing written , '"XTtaf tt.dbeo.Brle, 4, rilanco be appointed by (he chair, whoso . _. *** •* ruanco root-ally noU and Void. Mot only to thay Urn* ab. • A. ll.^ -.__ _ boll be to institute an enquiry into the oon. mmf ^WU tU*J14 *,»**«* nipportwvtfym taaft. sotv* -> tb*»*n eoB*ci«nc«*vwa»>r^.*vsaavuB yyi in*n from tb* ______10, und doportment of any stranger who may uct of In* conatitulion, btK oW^ttUtnoy I* to aJiatUU ih*m found traversing tho cosmtry and if any i»v* bo**) conducted in « Jndteloas nmMr. Tbo reeo- FOR CONGRESS. * root U, u> dlminiali lh«ir alUckment to th* Ualoo u *hould result from such aliona adop(*d, w* praunw, will m*«t tb* apptobalioo The world ha* been ho*M71 beforei but Arundel County and 'ell grounded suspicion one Ibat ouf at novor lo har* bo*n formed. Tbtlr a»- 1 F*urth District Anne M. f« T»rjr l»rg» majoritT f Mutw, «r betJer ho«cd than on thi. occ^J* nquiry, that such person be detained and and laafnac* ftirUMr tend to diasolv* th* fiitic* of Annapolis and Baltimore. ia lo b* hoped will not b* without * salutary in- ruiMOU the gay, tbo learned and cured for trial. and il our ro|*nl for our South, grato and on Urn bolitionl*! Tb* eoono bond* of union by weakening Retained, That wo will in every cue, do «. em brethren, nay, by creating toward* th*fn feeling* o£ Van Buren. purfMd by thia claa* of pareona U truly MtooUhlng Many lending journals very thing to protect tho innocent and peace*, dclpetalion add abhomnea a* man dally guilty of *nor. ISAAC McKIM, Among them aro many uoelHtol ami worthy nxm, shout of wonder, and fell on ile citizen* but that we will UM every exertion mou* iniquity, a* thitvo* and robber*, and with whom HENJAMIN C. HOWARD. whoa* motive* wo cannot doubt or* pat* and nprif hi, tho newly discovered to punishment all suspected persons, >f coora* we aboald boM ne eanamaion. Anli Van Burnt. o bring bal whon condutt, aa we vi«w tb* (ttbj-ct, betray* lh« scientificallv loWvL|«,Z.| either white or coloured. was so plausible!-^, JAMES P. HEATH, mtrat d«luaion and infatuation. What poeeiblo b*on. such respectable soure« -ond TO nj^i, ^^ ' Raolted, That the chairman of this meeting th* alawa ia lo re full fiom th* m*uure* they art A BREEZE IN"RICHMOXD. CHARLES R. STKWART. it to Clopton then holding r oordance with former discoveries ' act as chairman of tho committee of vigilance, U ia difficult lo 1*0; *o tkt (from nwliorating On Saturday, Judge tndfpenilent. taking, VWMJ IIQUDtr a UOUSSJlUS Vet ri »ju[r\ilivi Coilrt^ruul > ofUI IxiwJjit,T for1UI HenJJVII* "WV could doublf and that said committee be authorised to act in Ihcir condition, Uio Imuiodiat* *nVl of lha abolition sow.nwaiwiiion ol1», Iboluu Huperior JOHN C. WKKMS, a bench warrant it, firmly, faithfully, and thousands will conjunction with tiny similar committee, either movements baa bean to iaa*M* tbo rigor* of bondage, rico county, was applied to for (Jen'l. UliORCE H. 8TEUART. of Pry or, uo to do *o.--What a pity jj j» that th in thin or adjacent district!*. and render l^prr proapvol of fiMdom darker and more for tbo arrust of two men of the name gam-' is not sjuilo so credulous as it was Cflv The follow ing gentlemen corrrpono tho com- hop«lcaa. In tho IIIMO tlin* tb* wbot* country I* father and son, from Alabama, alleged to to TO ASSEMBLY^ - -j -.- . alrendy. be pidu' RELEGATES alienation « o "W»*J»M»I wlio« *«-v *tw»on vjo, . that *o many nhould Hall, William H. Spicknall, thrown into agitation; a apirit of djttnial and blcrswt^eu by** j |>*profession WIV**«-B«'** (of\ M great wealth,) . mittce: Thomtis I. 1... .1 i» tnm i^tl-A **# *«...* .. , __ _ t ASHAFOUS. K ..1..1* *«. * !**.!_ »..1««1<.«« !_. ¥/ _~ _ ^,_..^«.. joke, without wniti.. Edward Chew, John Wood, awakened bclwurn tb* Houib and UM North) and Ibe a visit to their reUtionn in Hcnrico county, hud in the Van Huren. Hubert W. Chew, tho imws Anli Niithan Union itailf Ihnaleued witli d*alruoiion. UiuUr aooh as allednud, of an enormous oUenco. John, either to confirm Richard Drury, Joseph G. Uarrison, f -- been guilty of Brawn, who ~ " NICHOLAS IIRKWEK, and with «ch convene- actually U. A gcn,|cman by Ihq name Child*, W. C. Child*, Robert Ciumcr, Lewis circumauncc. h ' ' ^•^V.s-fi^^'^yM THOMAS DUCKETT. cy«. ,t u u.d«d . roster of p^^Uo co.npluii,. et.toj that , 10 elder Lockc with having nlono the deed,' meets L'I (irilTHh, W. Well*, Robert Griffith, Samuel Go k»r. pUo. beroro their A.VMi AilliMiKL CoVSTTl he 1 ap- queer denial as follows: -With what sir of^J vcr, Samuel Golt, Jamrn Trott, John A. Wlu't. 0" '".^,Hll,i.I'ryor had aunt-th.t had a Iturfn. ^^'^^^^r^^L^-T al Ibe flCPlfJI \Fl» I II' I Van and by aoallering Ihe^^iMicaliona «r*« M *ir«(r*)S«.Vff VU| friendII IVUU RichardK\lCJIHf»] denie, ihe eclteme*, -- j ** previouslye^vaar nwaM» vV atu *> his *( houseajvuov on a riou«nen our tington, lln.minond Stuusrt, Morgnn Sullivan peared|-~ - a few- days OU.VFTON H. D1IVALL, Siiuth, in defianc* of Ih* rxater*c9biaho> of Uio (icopl to his pcachment' Bnt how doc* ho deny itT n 1 Nioholn* OWOI.H, W. II K. BosHwell, W. J. W. vjiit that ho had innde base overtures i:il\V \R|j I1AMMOND, of Ilioae 8l»U«, fay bitlri i ii ilmllli Jy^m 111 dtnunoii says wo «nttriuun>' to him 'iho nHtonUhiot HI D. G. Wcems, Vf. H. McPhcrson sister, (and tho niccu of Pryor's wife,) n innr. WESLKY LINTHK'UM, Compton, tiona of all ilaio hoWara, end by intolerance towards made at tl.f Cope, &e." "'- ^-- I Wason, Walter Carr, U. Sun ricdladyof tlwinamo of Andcrson Utat these covcries . We did RUREKT FKANKLLV. Jani.jt Dinl, John individual* and aaeociation* who pmrnme lo diR'cr fro. pr. R. Lane. had been iirpul with grant solicitation, backed Wo only «pid ho did the dcrland, Silas Johnson, them in Ureir viowa of duly on ihia aubjccl, fan the )ie rJnt signe< money to n largo amount, which pnrt he dressed up ibo nintcriahi- Hetolrfil, That thi-no proceedings bo already threaten to deaolat* Uio land by iho offer of . /i /i/i IVm Swnce which hunbnnd'siutdbrothcr's the uliclolons luken from scientific' ugrks , l>y tho chairman and secretary, and publishec but bopo thai ibe niiling ilata of Ihinga wns rejected Ibnt in her i.r.oNAiti) K;I.EII.\KT. We rinnol of Pryor, nnd flesh the bnt.wingn, and golden hair, and' in both ol thu p«|>on. printed in Annnpoli.i. to open tha era* ol tha aboliiioni*U, and loa absence,,Mm. A. in tho power CilAllLES S. UIDliULY, " icrre Umpo- gels' nppartl. The matin mntictl pnrt wu SI THOMAS I. MALL, Chm'n. Ilioni lo p*ua* in Ih* coura Iliry an purniinc. Tli nlnnnod at hiu violence, had Hocmingly Dr. —— MOOD, bo nishcd by a prnlleman from Emtl HAMXO^D 5>T>:t'.vur, Sec'y. rt-ralla uf pmcrorinci- iu their inoa«urr>, a ri7>'<),unil iniimntcd that n future time would JOHN MLMICKII. who hau mm some private lettersdctuil'i well aa llio f«llicj of the principlo on which----- thoy . more prnpilioui lor bin purposes that hu had iimny in- nclunl discoveries (modcsim ,l,cv Ur« in r£ "1 From tltt Hull. ChmnifJr. ihcir cn,,du,-i. .rn well ^ forth in tbo j yielded to Ilin di-luy.(l«king howevi-r, \V«; aro nuthori/.cd to s«y that Mr. Darsitl loiiipt to jartify ho was never Son to thr .Sun's account) wl?,it Sir JdKl ELECTION OK MAYOR. i:,nth3 >P«chrfMr. 8pr.e«0 .l decent lib-, rtics,) und swearing .Varrioll de.rlincs being u Candidate for tin- DC: rollowin ' ^ U{ Tho following is llio re.iiill of the election foiled in what ho undertook tlmt in tho inter- Mersch.-l Imdmade.' il,o ftoaion m«t,nt . aieocia. ii in otir minds little doubt that M held )»rday, for M:iyor of the rity of Unlit Iflhrn Ihrw abnlilionitie ahall jo on. Iff tbeir a>*ocia. vn| she iirprtrtod what hud occurred to her hiiH- There their doctrine* ahall in tho pir. The wardi n i K. tare, lo fill lli<: vnc.incv occa«ioiied hy tho rvmg lion« (hall conlinno lo incieaw, il tand, who nnm-d liiinaclf, and when Pryor again Lockc hud a finger nvitn,\« and Ihoir mr»urro bo adopted, until thayb«coni* lodging many his denial is satisfactory on that head. Hn him, Tlicro will be n Harharuc the i(ontr;l *entuc«ni anrl action of a majority of the however." right in keeping Iho secret cs loa** HATCKIIAV th 6'cn. .Va'nun! Smith. Mcutj flnrit shot in hi* arm that tho Pryor'* thereupon lii's C'roi-k in th': "tth llr.lri.-t. on be known. ». known 1110 hn«( l»-oplo of Iho North, ami iln. ahall ar"*>9>i*s«. * I IIV longerIlfllin'r itII in|H kiptKlltt ilm ' Still a*e day thai Kr> ihal ojniun,mation will look in Iho U/o«d CiMa^B* *"w"1 wlc"lfJ' 1 n.-l do aio of llrown, and Inking pos.r-m.ion of the house, clipged all other luminaries and tho voters of all purlin, arc invited to i nlyupm t:* brnkcn fragment, .if our Union. And ^^sm*ilbef «ro nnJ-ioj 4lh do 3IIH 11)0 and Hpliung the funulurv from ccllsr to garret, of invention. lund. who will oltampt to fulliom tho iiumca.urablo abyn of Alh do 5Sfl fcfl we nnijenlnnd to hnve bcr-n the nmount Sept. n, nto. a diiuiltiuun of loa Union) Draw iho lint, of Ilia new This 440 140 told, crc- PERILOUS BALLOON ASCENSION, Dth do confederacy wtwr* you will war bitur and Uuioat in. of Iho complaint, which being publicly KJ the \Ve learn from the Lvnrhlmrg Visiont J MB.. MrJyiM h.n IH-OII .l.-tiinod nt White Si, 7th do (iaa waaaiil war, will ho lha i/wt,l,Mo coiuFfguancr. All aled u violent nensa of indignation. X* 971) 217 Mr. Holnrl returned to thnt plnco on TiKMlJ ptmr Spring i in , by indisposition, A Pih do hiitory, nml human nalnro lUwIf, loarli u> tlin. Think Pryori it was «nid, thronlened nnncj rejiHloncc, MI5 117 would JXKWO to livst, after a 1110*1 pcrilotu) flight thrmioh th«rJ l.-llvr fr>>m thai pliic", dated the till Mint. Mates Oth do not thai our forrm-r cnnnoiinn and uacrmty il wn-iilioiighl necessary lo hummon a do •JIO Thoy wuuld bul nn. nip- por regions. The balloon was cut from that he had Ix-on confined to lin nwim. Mo, cx- 10th 361 Innil lo prevent or «in«l|.,r il<- u. execute Hi, wtxrrnnt of the court, nnd thcw 1PO o'clock, nn.1 m lirj than nu I leave tlr.To during the day, 11 Ih do MO new eiaapctition. A. in the natural world l!io idly advancing lo the upot of Ih" o'ilmUe, mot cord u( seven pieted. ln.wi-ver, to •J47 church, in Priiiro i 1'Jlli do 320 tr« ailbiljncca wlion cnrruptod irf\r o bccoim- llio Uiono indit idu.ils llm-o mile* on Iho Jlr nilrn.o and lour, with ntrnvellinRcurriar.fosnlriidpr. Thi y tlu-'-- paper, --- re^Tol:..---- ll.nt Mr. Ili.Uirl ha. not ,- Ar n Lire" nnd r'-t\i"-laliln marling of the ln f,,|| Majority for Gen. Smith, n.*i7n. ilmillj hate. K.»ch pirly uuitl «| n|| tiinui U surrond>;ruil thrnuwlvcs without (lifliciiHv, and Ix'rn ul.lo to propnro a di-scription of hij of ll,« Mc.wr*. John Shepherd, Jcsw- fcir minutes nfltir tho hallnon It, to the Chair, nnd Dr. MAM.MOND cjrer- of llm w.r. Kor Ibin examined before In a vry r. -'«f called \.iiem remainrd in hnnie. Itiiprnln n|«n lha ucrtMful prf»rriilioii of llu: to \icw by pa^tns ml* IH.T'* ol >njr Mcrjfiro. Sneed und IB.-UIC A. Goddin, Justices thn oorth it wan loel AHT appointed Secretary. given lo Mr. D.ivis C'linprix.-! lliry would bo wr.Hi K l,l U ,»H1 to », tlij Cumptnn, i hl<- Iliiit (In- voli- for re- IVncr, ii|K,n ihn oviiU-nro of yuuiiR Bro« n nnd cloud. Mri Uobart informs ua, ihil, ul\r l! :fil t)n motion of Mr. \V. J. \V. op I'ur acll'.proKrrilion or ftom inflamed p»aiuna nearly tin- whole numeral Hlrength of tlio not proHont,)/ fi.... T... D.I...... he .._.lost .r,^,,.night wtof tlio,,,,. dii-iiiearth eniirxiv.cmin-lv. ,\|i*T*T*^all li'M'n Wns, \>ng« or conqucit, they wimld pminl tl,0 couc*nUa- otlu r». (Mr.. An.irrnon 1 --..-.., jimr, po»ilion (o General Smilli. imd hnlfpngt seven ho took hialost obwrvntion. whr.^BM'*'' Bradl '>'(J) ' Rfjtafvfit, That tho chnirnnn appoint a emu ILIU of more «nj mum (K.w<-r in (In. lundu uf a .n.glr mel. h-|. acting lor thu ComiiininveMili, Slitrley Cnrtor, E«<|S. miles from the eirtt mitlci' of I'IVM, |i, prepare a priMmlilc ami nurli i:icnitirr, llho-i-h II,., lotin. anil ntmo of a lUpul.lic Conw.iy HoliinnoM nnd he wrs upwards of threo tlii- opmi'in of tin Missorin. raniain. tlin luUliiico *i,uU ba gono for llu- pris4im M, anil ndniittvil to Unil in ih About that period he snw two brillinnt mete l«-suliifi'ins 114 vtill i-xprei.4 forly.nii'- eminliisin (bis stuf- niijnt |»,rli»pa puuhc.iUon liinn from Iho proplo wmil.1 j^.wn uuilor Ibo nuhor. sum of ft.-iOlM) i-uch. Eilhrr (whirh is not pro- ono in the north, nnd tho other in the u-Mt- tnri-tinij; in rvla'.inn lo llio acts and llirch.(W) «,«:«)_ l>)rnvfr. and A-hl.-y. (W) l-J.H-4; ing riUKi »f .% military ilr.r,.ti,Mi. lulile) umibloto pivi- the h.iil, or thinking th. Ihe latinr sprining to nppronrh him, Init uf tho Aholitiunipt*. 7; .S.r.,ll,-r, (V|J) !»."„) ^i-ntleincn wore np -o.,, (VII) !).n-j 'IVII Iho abolition itim thw; prrrant to ll,«m (n ftiU ar. jiul moru Hccuru for lh« pn«,nf, thcv were c.m. prnrinp ivilliont owning in rontnct, vrr> nnrl Wlipniupon th': foMowinu rrmnin to he hrird from, an.I I MeH.-.rM. \\'. J. \V. l'*u_'ht C'ninii'-s riy Ih.. i.rrifu- con.rn iro , ofih«ir atlrmpti al irumo. ducted thithi-r ncconhnjily, and thur? remain it, to Mr. 11. 's relief, who feared th-iitnil p^iinl.-d s-uil coinimttee,— wholh-r II irrison o fun- still doubtful ami thry lnr»l all by a cold abalr 1\ 1111 1110 evidencel?VIUrnCC toluIt nc.|iuitod lifter hu cn.-mintorxd P. II. O'U.'tl.-N. \V. H. Sptcknnll, Jo. '•" lhrri dl>to anunctpjlion, --.-.,_ , ... boconlrunu-dw wuiii'llll-u with tho gnu. Shortly fumptoii, relumed. Anility's vleclion i ....' ,, lunoco|)ti ,,, ni8nc(, lf ., . *\ II. Chew, E-"|'rs. Slrotber will bo ..on U,,, ,,«,. W. m,,., J. r,,,,. ff,.r-fcM 0/ r.— --j- •• ni••••-,H n•••-i. g'-ilc, thy Uillooii und cur whirled lo soph G. II,irn .nn, unil ll.,l>ert . . -- f* J nn^lii»all** AI i i. . beyond all question. CffflJf Qwtnfft. A§Ai |I.if, Hiin tilll.uinan til til) Bfitiniiaction, pnclically al. nsr h li-rhl, li« niijipows not |.~» than I who, after n short pi-rmd. r'-p«rl«il llio follow. morwl on Salurdny night, that having deposited «nm lacting IndiMjucl. and co.ninunilUia. o!T.cU and corun OUU foul from thu otirlh, from ||10 rffccls " Hit; prciimhlu unJ rrtolulion^, which were read tho amount ofihcir huil, they, would IH: disclurg. DA.VV CitnrKRrr ii out in n Irltcr pu'ilish >|uancoa »«rn to bo of no account in forming a ju-ig. duced upon ho, rotpirjlion ami K-nu of' And adopted. ed without lurthcr investigation, which obtain- in (lie National Inlelli^'i-ncer, and ilon'l en of rial „ r,elr. A. ift^^y w,n not imli.ptnM. it cxmtnclv difficult 10 \Vnr.nK\«, Thin In* viewed with ing currency, occasioned no.nwlldpgn-o of po. ing finding to likn Ilia lute, at nil. Il in not Niirpris. hb eUunonla in lha lomialina of cornel vicwa of rright nnnbioto hour. lie at tear dcop u-grvl th" ntt.'mpU of Certain socirtirit, to pulnr excnemc-nt. The ollicers o| ||,o Inn-, nnd buing entin-lv no one rcli*hen (nililir honours more and duty. They onumi tlul auch a courx u rijlil, si'clv valve, lu; from " in thin nnd other punion-. nj;; for however. p|.%rd ihi-msclvc- th«t nothing of Ihe led to operate on'll>c uninnlc doctrine* old nrqiminlancn, tho CIK>II n hen that U tbo v.r}-point in couUovrrvy. and whei ,|d no, a, :ciuin v[« tnili.rrnivc of WM-I.I! ordi-r .eenly than our kind wn»wn* purpnuod,iHirwwod. but il.MIhnt .1...the nprisoners,;.«n.,».i..-.i.i sh.«ild im.biliiy to |icnr> col of our Union, utterly grin HunNniitn off the v i,oc> d'tniuruitrile thai il mail be 'Irucli.'u of the .illtr. Ci.uld ho not coming to nvwt the chnr«c, or at nil the ga» cscitpod or out. and domestic security, ami ! we iliould bo in rtiu .iian. . «Jw-«n«l H- nlluir shall bu fully inves.i- tlmt his .ppMlwmioM great velocitr, nnd lot Id thin subject, but to use ihu most prompt nnd THE COMET COME AT LAST. o«r liv»«. Tlian Ihoy urgin U. Hunk of cniwMpmn B»«l-thut If gu,|ty. they shall not be ,H.nmt. ««CR n to descend wnh | unor^utic mvanalocounteract Iho elforlnol'llioii:' By llm annexe*! cnrd, |,u!ili«ln-i| in Iho New So llm ll,o priclirj) n.uli uf ihit |,r,,|>.».i,,,i,, w .''""'" "S 'V/r *"""'< t»Dnt«ly' :'ndC.lonnraTourahlc.poi.hl»lslll I rr'T't, N PPliD», on «xhidi bo *>lio aro emlnavourini; lo excito dissentioii u- luven Ilvnild, wu l"arn that the long expected aounda an well in |lw i., ,(,., llicy . ,ugl, ot| hut if ten thottsund dollars bail bo not Buflicirnt ing broken hv n pine bul nol witliimt from the car, l.owc Di JH3 ui Thi-n-fon', coiiu-t hu* ut length i.'.ulo it» appearance. Tho of conar^urnr^a tui>larr<, o retire the.r pro»ene<- to meet their trial, thM lighted. IU wns Imrlcd this due regird lo wns wv«nilyja Be il rr»olrfil, Tlmt (ho interference, of llir lonour of its firm di*covcry (at lenst in t«il he incrru^d ,in,| ,i,at if innwcnl. thoy with coiyudcrublofo-ciMind re Mr. Tlioy intial upon immrdi .t -ijnUnro'u »nt»n^i hi. vi.lunUe baromett-r.. inhabit.\nli of ono stalo \viih. Iho il'iincslic country) belongs to Professor Olmntuud und ha R.. |,,rlli unharmed. iind will, the rvgrrUuf by the fall,breaking pUioo. K^prwrnl |0 (U,,, m prmni i-nura..<-» ol l!, bis other instrtmicnts. II- uuUtiuiH of nnulhr-r, is unnutlioriHed both by th. Lioomi* of Yalo College. nil that they l,ai,,hcun»n.l,je.-tcd to (hci incon. dnmwging aotno . f Aug. alavo*, iindenlandlng naillior Iho n;{hl« nor Ii dutm by which ho *i letter and spirit of the. ('onvlilution, nnd can "IMIry'i ("innrt.— Yosterilay morning, nnd the ,,,j,,ry. // mfl0-r llus interesting Unly, in thn linld of Clark'* or manilWodmore have been inevitable; und ho ciidontlyhtulai Ilioy aliuuld b* looaad at ODC* frum all rrcU^ini it wwild in.lignal.onimorec.unplelely, Diitting such niierfi.Tniice. great li-lrscupc-. Tho powibility of conlound. ry mi.row u-cape.-On examining iho bite, brim rukwry and detraction alike upon IhoaMilvMajid ho , 1^ "">i;"Prutnll7 of lh" '»« tlmn did HtinlreJ, That every dirtntK of pitriotiim ng il with Nebula, induced us to wait for ano­ If inno- it wM found to IK.VO .u.(«inod a icol, tu«r T3 other. lit* nply U, In c*i»ial pruj^aiiiona. No man, m., pooplo ol Ui. iimond «n Saturday. J the rn ,-,u;iitrd aiitheriltrs ther ubHorvalion, in order lo ascertain whether (o dl,,mrt. unti, , , , . tofr ^ U|KJUI , .^^ , ^ ^ nnd juilico, nxi'iirei aay Ihoy, can bo rifhOUly nairaincd of bia liberty cent they will not »,. non.nluvu ri lo nup|ir< HI, li\ it changed its place among the star*, in which , had pretil^ly UM.i of the , L'""*' oom.wmc.u.u.1 of *Wry Ibo- hUrT,^*Voucl'1r;"""10 world' lfB»"«y. ^apnrt.intvhu,hit . pow r, ill riltomplH Ml lllwrtvy," *>.ui1 B" bccB ">*!»•*«. " «»H iVr'rtnch.duril tin inoliiu et. The approach of t» (light prcve^ed our "I""' ,»'" ILSr. . iVr ' at u p"rrlin*° lhom lwd t>alchoU ' .ituenii to interfere, \vitli il.iruialic a ami robbery tod .in. and Hfnf*,, evtry oonl cotntiHj(oiy Tuiued of Hho T| yrslerdny; bul observa- ' ** -- -- |«*wnr IIOIIH of other »late«. ntccrtnining (his (wint* lino of u. W,,,r it,,*f,d (it cfrr«aw(«tri, u theft ' , Mr. llolxirt, in estimating his great distal^ liny morning, pluinly indicate n In , ii|X)ii •t or rnliisol of lions repenlcd thin ami roblwry and fin, and Uial all ain abouU b* / Vow Ike (icntlrmnn'i Vmh Wreum from tho earth nl 30,000 l>ef, sr-ucs from IN dm\ near the place Ihm i.te lo pur«ii..- thii eoitrf*.', it become*' tho propur motion; and Ix-ing very abaiidotMd.aowwonao. Now.Wow,, to row*nwet Ihaw pl HTUl'ENDOUB DISCOVERIES IN*TIIB and hearing, whii , .«. I > II II /' ' ' uia.aiy M oniTvm, mofm| "' elreclau|ion his rxniMratian of th interallied in thin mihject,, to nppl> Uffnoil (o llulloy . tomel. wo rucogm/e u «* tinu.. ,,,.tataa upoo from dc*tril l«l luo put » CMC MOON. wero uincsi morudislrcssinij thnn those tho correctivo hy nn ind«p«ndcut course of iic > long expected visKan(. which ih.r. can b. oo «e.r«lon. m* euppo. that a fra* lion. Its present po*iti»n is north of the null's allo,*iher lmailn.ry-1.1 : .hu^z^vr^Tr1011^-^- ^ss-r^^f^^a .. t. • > .. .*. .. «L_ ».._J U _ ..f _...... 't i _ ___! faenltk. .. , . , , lo ti» •TlamL H tit t tit tu.lji.x «.tuih.t.'. * «ood ca«*n."i« tb. foil poaaMioa of hi. ono *»™Iinuwn to H Rewired, Tlmt we plndpn oiirwlvrm Horn*, a little below the vortex of an •;:,tjn±::s: ^Oli± yonu wWeh -0 .. '^^^u ,'!f° «nd brin^ lo jnxlire stnn.. (I i. kidnappod, reprinted a. . lunatic fo, ih* wrpoa.' uf ...-... ,J rrry elforl to dixcover , rul Irmnglo forim-d with those two Rt IhO j nAiypifUB r.t. .n,,.,'. . « ,.f ik_ ... .I -* » i. _ _. . . fnO*WmatreatthoCa^ of t;l>nt, /fo buy HJHir .. fiirlhi r lli< Jupiter und__.l deprivinglinuriv.n* himKl... of th* control of hli .property, _ r _..,, _u>d k*pt» CAPTURE OK THE LAST NATIVE may in nny inntiner udoiupl Jo nvnrly in a linn belwuun Ihu plnnel aslnmoniicul invos. alnl to the lo «oiu1o*oi*nil In * private mad huuao, Unul trva U AHITANT8 OF VAN DIEM EN'8 WMl of AtMdition Socintien; thnt we Iho I'lciadc* or SUVPII slurs, and nearer tigation. at that .poi. Tho d.^ripti.m np,»ar. no two o'clock '10"°'< ol '" uuaiion. bt* mind ia raally aheoaiMl rai. »Ve kivo been fsvoured by a gentleman *iO .m cn«"«»e» to domestic trunnuility, former. Or, moru particularly, at originally m n penny |mp(,r, (lho NPW ' Vork *°n » l**a* b' lAttiir Bun. / purporting- * - n to * « « twvu i:optc<» " .nul. ty ,h. «^l«ch (he editor of (he Sun murt ,, ,' '^ ..w ...d, when .... .^ hy (ho h'o of ronlecoulunt, which are given in Iho Con. 1 """'"R « ^ry intorcsling but tu, if guanrantecd otlMr*. Tb* wig.n.l r«*lrai,,i ao , ,,. MivexltheoMl^pVrW^^lile^J'",!,''the only copy, by tho polilenow w- lho -rlias* *f - ' hbor. wived deml Compact to any tipo of thia Union,eh dosl'eiim for 1833. otlw cr^r. . nch°ly "i«Ul' tho lart of tll° « »«««"«»«««, . H naisf/nce ly w*« «ia arby not, tbcn, «v*ry conunuuioa of il, and y"-- « m: --'cMoon"»orn., » « Moon; for n«. other eouv h.. v«. .. , . r ,. tkd cease to bo respected telescope U that of a t.aad what ia'^y » »""jot » >'°' hubuant.nubuant* of thi*tin* island, th»lh« remainderromainder of tk The appearance in our loaUuiUy by aeiuug ht« al la,la«j*? ? reached thu,u,,.-._,_..._.,.'.. country and f. ... t ...... Retolved, That those ! way not Uate atoning »v»g<« "ho no long kept us ia t|)0 c , dim cloud, or halo, fur loss luininpvs than tlio ia obfitsta. Iw ta noi In » condJiloo u> .* Rular, tho stupondou* di-ooveriw b """^ "*"' fcw ""'"W and p^,... . To* uuwar a f*jw daya tinco ia who h*vn openly ,nl!i Its magnitude is such na to ixndur it do mUcUlef to bimaelf and oMr* of in the Bnalhu, I* ""In. n"' '^"X WWfl '""en planets. UUnl*4 be would >U»*r». been spoke* */ )> «» w.knu^flt iinsa * _.. nOPM 4l'al> *Ml*rilr>a4. *J Mil ^nntuat i disapprobation of the counm .L.^.sV* a. _ II .1 . .. ^- MllUU* and consist of throo wuruen, un* visible in mailer telescopes, pr«v!di4i they ef- And to of tb* alanr. it Ibay an DOI In a cc«dl!AA. JI aim » Wfatwotd, ihu Abolitionists, ore entitled to the g if UMV wmtU iL» some little children, called ptcca-ni ford sufficient light... , We MiipIOyod...,r.VJ .^ onlyw.a.i ouru.ii aHmiwm u>lo rv«*imr*Min (MirwnnMMHi*U«« Uiai form us that they are the last PMWSJ and harmony of society, we deem it pru re. 600 trong, which was Ions; dreaded uo*t'i ~*~* " adopt soroo moaaurM of precaulwn a ^ffiT."^.™84^ T-v-rr-rrfr—^-*.'^- How naiuu of Big Bivor tribe. They say, t!) thu MtUMtatioa of incendiary College, inniiintrtWo afiV*y» with (he whit* men' ving "etc at last reduced to larcc oM in the same, which must be con­ Ti|R- ml MRS. H. have (tro^ded thelt They odby a. bullet, and whoac horae had received a o with lufficlont procUion, and that tbe that it iiby no •"*• S mibary with * i whi , if ««t ite and fare appetite, mucli damngod. A' journal of thi« morning tu raeh ta war* .till »U»o. Smoking wni veral Piano, and a Harp; the inurement, of My afforded of tho nsansnin lant night, but from the third .lory of honeo No. 50, on states tho dcnth LlTEli.iTUHi: LOTTERY, they poifte.t are the beat thrr could prucere en to proceed that tliis in not the foot, o look on - The Library conlaini upwarrii ol SOfrO vrt' it at fin} Boor an occupied by a wine dealer named ^!L filled mo with emotions which Paranlt. Rich eoasieu of one chamber, which(ia tight. cflecU of tho woundn. tt mbrr 1 1. lumei, connectrd with Ihe lludiv. purtunl juiTn.n to attempt to describe. 'See oA by a ainglo window In front. Tlie houae'wa* Imme. Whon Marshal Morticr wu utruck, M. Thicrs in the ickenl, to which the yn«ng lailiet have dtntely nirroundcd, and all the penona fonfid in it ar. wus to cloMi to him that hu wns capered' with Ticketn S'J ll«l»«-» Rl Qr's. 50 Cti, acceia. reeled, Tho room in w'jich Ihe macltlti* had been eon. the bluod of the illustrious nctim.^% In all the depar(mrnf« the rri'iit c-impettnt nr« 74, Com. VMcncm, t»*M*«p1»» on iba troctn) U very email, iu dimenirioiu bring only ! 2» OP ^ I,OOO 1 1 given under the immrdiate ry» wnixitl Tripoli on Out Mill Jntyj Croat >klll, ol wood, with iron brtuwe, and uttemely ji hi\d n beneficial cfiecf and he is doing well. pale. VlltGWU STATE LOTTERY, inalruction i* carried on in eolM. Two upright* eupportod two eroea bare of wood, Tln> form nnd diniorutiun* of tho woun.l sh.jw The cuurae of for the Ocnctit of the Diimal Swamp Canal .yatem ol acadrnnc iiiuiliea, embra­ placed parallel to tho window, and In thoae were formed that tlio barrclii of tho infernal inacliiru wrro a rrgiilar OmnpaDT. cing all the acivnliGc and m lumeiital branch- groove*, in which w«to laid Bi gun ntrrela. The front not only londml with hullctn, hut «1 jo with iluga. CLASS No. 19.' for 18S3. . * ^j epndron left NtpJl* previoue Io tho window, wji croea bar, placed al about a foot from llte Guncral Blin hnd two fingers amputated at Tofbe tlr»«n at Alcxn.'lrii, Va. Sept. 19, «lu> \vitli more * iall 8,1,11.)) duoau, tlw Jimml IneUlnwnt bcliin'L, ao that Iho balla might Parent* and Ouardiana , rather lower than ihal tho Cufe do la Gnitc, Two gendamtcm named 1H3.1 liculal infi-rniatton can obtain n proypectut ii-r which, conformably to tho tbo middlo of roach UM body of a man oa hombick in it'.miael snd Koyor, were wounded and had their TS No. Lotterr lit Ontwai Ballot*. of the Seminary, by lending, (poet paid,) i' -» "' X*rlc* b" '" *"*? lo u l'niu>a ha Doulovatd. home*, killed under them. , e,w6'"- ll""lof UH!»c!i3inli»ii hy .Muni, tho Prinripa 1 * Tho charge waa ro heavy, that firo out llio twenty, Colonel Ruffe, who bclr>rn(c'l lo tho gondnr. Ticket! BIO 00. SHarti in proportion. Aovuit nulwithjUnding thty wcro »-ry fire barrel* had ojr»t, menu nf thq Suin», received u bull in tho Iffl [New Vo»krr|-J.) an-uin v. i. irnmcdi vt. 1) Ii. and new. 'Ilio but \ran able to kouji hit neat in tlio Kiddlt- Ticki-M mil Sli.irn fur title tt ATE Or nfjCBYLAND, 8C. i«jfl intoeuiloly. Alnmt UIK-O UK.Ml," npi ho Kirnl l',»r H-itiH lime, whm ho I'ninlcd, und fi-11 fr.uii Annt- nrfrf ('ounfy. Oration* Court, TODACCO. Um roonn of tli3 ncond antl luinUtb.-!-* of M. D.llo. IIM li.irv.-. llo w.iu lukcn into thu restaurant of \ July 28t!i, 1835. I ^.it a •!»•- ii"» <* »" introduction, Out tn>£», llio pfopfiotor lie gjvn l,i, i.umo (.'irird, a LOTFKllY & EXCHANGE OFFICE, petition of Kilithn NVil- lliu niini. Alli-r nUuil l\vo hour* hu N appl'icWm by P** ««U be ruined by the UM of lobjoeo. Liko banirun, and Jppoin to bo about tncuty-foor yum (Cliurth-itrcet, Annjpulii.) of the latt will and Co'nnul Ki'ialhnincl, to whom he ^LF Itaini, Ktrtotril j». Ilia room hu a nindow in front aud another was visited by Srpt. 10 tratament of BiN*«rd Willitmt, late uf Anne' JT^n-,1 aa. "The munry tpont in .moke, ii on. bohmd, and ho liad taken thn pn-cintion to farten a roue eaid, -You aru the liratol" our fiic:i«ls ivho ha.« Arundel cou.nty.\leceaaed, il ii ordered thit I hnnw I hnvu oot moru two i,, k wriw of lu>* J*J" wll° foar8<1 ljwro Lo the laltor, lo aiuul him in miking hia eicap*. llv roino ! > mo. IX C'HAXCKKV, the give the notiV required by Uw for ere- i ir«!o of lobiccOp Jamoa »ho tfie bunting ofeorao ofthn Inrn-l., at the moment of hours lo ii.-r, luit trll Mi< whether Iho king H 4th Si-pl'r. 1835. ihtor* to exhibit tlnir t'airhl against the tairl i alUy tho oilrivafince in hi. tlie rxploeion, the aturain » «. wounded in llio fait. wo-indcd or nut?' '\o! neither ho nor «ny of Alplictit \V.M.\rriott, deceaied, and that tVc tame be pubtitlnrd oi\c4 lot to Tobacco." Hi* majesty held, the nock, nnd Iho lip. Notwnhllamlin; |,,,l ill,1 prinr.««.' 'tlivu nii> your word of honour.' va. in each week, fur lheV.|»ce ol ail aucceliive r hU lwgo children, by aay. trounda he ru.hcd otil of Iho window. 8.HHO I'o'.ir.j >,|. it.' \Y.'1I! ViMlrKuif Tlio hid luck Tli'imot llainmond and Pliitin Himmond. week*, in one nf theNjiewnpapcra printed ill f »-tro oiling toolr khchsna In Ihotr in Keen having nn into tho inner rourl, ami wein;; 11 iMiir.' t'nl. KnfT-f diuil, wo rcgrvt to aliilp, ri ubject nf tlie bill uf complaint in Annapolii. \ i with an nneta Oirard alippia; Jown thn ropo, 0:10 of lh»ni cTchimM. n 111" ooiinn of ttin ovi-ninp. JL Ihi* c.i«r i< t" olilain a «lc< roc fur llie SAM'L. IfqhWN, Jun'r. Jc/Mot 5* h^lb bocJi fonnd in ronie greet To. "Ah wrrtch! w* have you.'* tUranl, who \.-^nn» If ovor it iro.w^d to Iho Tuillrri ayceterd.iy rveinng, nni! «irnnlr in ll.i|iinu>rc, lirrvtofnrc inort C'lirm. RJ. Jcurnm'.. into an adjoining Court, tii-n- a | olirc o'.l::ir «|']>rn. it « ri i,bi"r\n I lint nil tliu aniSi-iead'tn uml i^.iCi'd tu *l tn.tti.i4 IlLiininund nf Frrdcritk NOTICE IS HEHEB\ C/fT.V, honiltd hi,». llo waa placc.1 iifin t hand burrmv, am) lor^'i :n mini.-.liTH in l'.iri«prf«.-iited I|IIIIUL|%IM i»unlv, by I'lnliji llaimnond of Il.iltiniorr THAT the sulitcriber ofVune Arundel and Oor irjy of South Carolina cuuvcytd t^ the Concivrgrrio. Tlio Mini«trr of Iho l~. I of two h-indfvil .>rr."iU». il i.< .tatcil, cniihly. county, hath obtained lium the llrphaiia Court at ihrir larl iiioct- cnliiity. irX Marvlatnl, torior, \'.tt* I'rt'U-cl of Police, and »*veral Mj«^*lra Iiivi; u'.ro.idr l»:irn m.tJc. I '!..'• bill s».ili-», lint l".iili|i llaminond of of Anne AiumM milcblrd \i) lettcri tcntamvnt.iry nn (lie peiturUI e«t«te of wont lottio hu\t»o, ^nd in tho a>ua>iir4 c'uniticr thry ., I''ri.r.i Ihr \fo:iitcur. Diltiiiiorr cninly, lircanie ju>tly ifc»W «a»«l»»««.'y. Th'1 '" "" opir.imi f>f I'.ii dated '.he 'filth day nl Di-crmlu-i IK3;. r.ilwnnl \Villiama, late uf AnrX Amndel fuund tho roinftin^ oftlio infernal imchinc ptitl .niok. 'Tho jftivernineiil h.ii ducidrd lh;it oni- fum-rnl i homl W.IMU.VUIHocietiua and luu principle* nn *hir' \ ilrliy nf lull | tu ll.iioiiionil of Krrdi;ricl; cnuntv, countv, drci-aU'd. All prraoni hav* i;.g. a nr»w bad, and a f;io lijlilf.l. «lmll IK? fornifH of ul! tlie virlime of vcsli ri!.-y, io lb> United 8iatr«, cm inra:i«i>tcn in tho exj*l<*»io,t *avrd the lifc i>l in tlm >uoi nf lliiiti'Ch luinilri'd .ind srtints- .igninst tliri.ii.1 dei r;i»i-il,orc lirrrby w\rnril (u a at coiul priln|^ innt".id of^ plnrn m>pnrnlrl\. Tha dny vutrrt la of Uio ila/M, tli.i ri^hlj i.f 111 Tlto cortejrn ailTjorr^l in Iho follonin,-1 oll.,r«. \vitli lr'^',1 lliti-rrst — tliat t!.t rlliiuit lltc inn, uitli tin' «tiurlirri> lli'Vol, til I'.io Ki»iJ. loinnrfou, it t > Ihoiijjlil l!tc IUM:I n. tio jrojl fnn'-ii>lcf ol' onr poiilic.l h.ati otJ.-: fixed w«* itaid INiiiip ll.iiuniaii>), lo >.r,lrr tn lltt.' 1/rlt, i llie *ub>.tiihi-r, nt ur In Into tin- 28tli Viv ilt pr |i.mition mill not nll'iw tin. mcl.iiiclioly Tlio Kin^, llio Vrin^a tU Jointilio; the IVi'te of Or. niry >ecuring the pavmrnt uf lliu uiniri|>nl MMI. January nr\(, tltrv m;tv ntltrr«IM by \mp bo 1 plno1 li^foro I'rid.iy. leant, tho Dtiko dn .\>niour», .M*r»!.a) L*iU'u, andM.r ccr-Jinu!iy lo tak" of money in tl.v tanl baud apvciDed. with ilic otrluiled fiojn nil bcnrfit of the aaiil tlio I:- V nil MONT. ' | »'ial M'lrticr. All HIOMJ in llio c >rtc^c wlio wen T!io nirUn'Mi'ily (Vrling producrd try lawful iiitrrv;,!, in end by -i cerium dcrd of Oiveii nm|/f my 'land thia -(jlli ilay of J\ly' far as received, » Mr ing- vrounded, wrrn no.irly on the aanio line with Mar«l\4 innntalilo cvi-nt of yettcriUy i« f. r-ilily i-xpt.-i. in'irtjaj;f bvnrin;; date thu day nnd ycarulorc- Twenty BIX towns giro 1'al- Mortier. Tito IIPW. of tho altompt w»e rapidly prt»;u •od hy mo*! of tho »li'i;n in the i-:iot'~l bx'i'i;, clas. ..lill, did ^rnnt, l>jrgiin, ».•!!, alirn. IC.I.IM-. WILLIAMS, Ex'x. «6iAnli-MM>'nir. canJidnto for Governor, IpiloJ through tho r.inlt.H. atitl pruJncctl a |M«-rrfu11 MI ed thi« rnurn nc. .•nf.otr and roitvry uolu l'>o t.nd |'|UIIII.IK ||IP jxiiirr w.-nl n!.jut »ix Ilimiiiotid all Ilif lulln»in^ dntcribrd lincU ;Puine(W)42-.'. Of ..lion. G ii-rjl do K'tnilgny, Aid rfo.Cimp lo Hi S''Vrr:il otfiC»T.i of Kilt: III Ft"** NAL.K. Inwns included in tha mnl-.-ir.'-nt, Kiat, art od lu'.l |>dli>p lo inforni Iho Y virtue uf lunilrv wnM of Grri Uciai il- V( i« W'iudhom county, tivp in VV.mli. ' noed nut uf .\une Aiun.lrl Cnunlv (^ourU I'ul aht- iii.jli1. h ir-1 lw»on nrriouOy alu.nM if ^10 It. (hi prirvipilcditi'r nl" tint, .unl ir I.TI llaiiiii,;, iii(Mi.l|i(; lli« wlinlp of tin- <:ii ovrry li.inx which x>.is |"u'.i|.'< l.ii-.l in lUlnmnrc cnunlv — on c^tpi tbo W'liig csmlttlutc for tliu Li^ifln- cli.itteU, l.iniU an|jeiicmpntt, nf \\iUum il. In puvtnft aloii|{ Ihfl line* he rtenliuni.. to K.'trr nl' nx.lllllli.lti'tll. M. It »«|M|I \v :i« Mr Imrli f il'i il.iv ol Ju.ujiy IU..4, (lie "1111 ?>•, ii elected by o majority "I" UM UII.H', utili!.! M. McPlier4nn, at luit of Jolin j.nirv An* otli:-r» wlt.:l had o.-dirrod, and eoon lltore \» 4. nut 1 I'iiini.i* I! ni' mailv a linn.l flilr :i»ti;ii- (J.) —Jvitr. of C'u.-n. liiiw..-,.-r in tlii! r. iimlry, lull llio "l.i.-.'ii curti drew Aliliiil|(f, and MrnUmin 1). Miploni nwJ.S. IloWnson, ^Jilit-r Uiat romainwl ignorant of i». Aa th.-» tri-nps < inviil nl ».ni buiiil In Alplu'iil NV. Miitilil: i>«:iy all .'ii" pi|"T<. lull -r.t iiiul ilii- bt >'.:< ill ". And Kliidia DIWI Via- «( Jnlm Joncn, I ham did nut ottcnd to tho Hi'jl-T'nl i!.i Ti I'l? C'iii",- ' v l:i:llil HI l'i ;< <-.!'« tin! s.lld kllln the lino I' on ill i i! lilm'-i ta'il.'. Al iiiid^hl III: ciifil nihl lnkn\ in execution, all tlie riplil, APPLICATION. .Illft l!l lh«l dircrlion, l! "I tl.iiln-ii liiitnlii-il and ». v.-lil v-n-veil il"l llif y w< re onlrrrd to iillicrr. r •liirnitl with an..lli'r n.irr.m', ail :.i. titlr, inter'tt. property, cluim and drmuiid, «hu dands cli.-irgod with tlie inur- bo roady lo act in ca*^ ofatlimMt al ih.t i.tit. .iinl ind'iciit. Sffirrd bv t.ii'l inort|;af^t'. nu^lil rr-Hti-l M. Kiisuni! !» l«J>lil, l!i" IIJ.ill -M o!' Ill-i buth lit law ami in rn,uilv, nf »iid NVilliam Clarknon at Now Orluunt., u:fb-for» the Km-,th'i N ln.ii. i« n.nv j.i.ilv iliu- .iiiil lining in tlie ftaid Mai- Al th" inmnonl uf ftlinj prinripnl editor, M lio ii r:a;'l.i\"l u;i n lit • j^inr- Mcl'herton, nf, in and to, one Negro Man by b-«n admitted to (nil in tho 'inn al lluard. «h'«tod l'ir» I* Itai' »liirh W4« as«««r.-J .'if linll, .mil tli^t 'Ur tan) k'lultp llainrnonil liath n il, nnd xv.i.-i talfn I > Ilir pr.'li.-.-tur,' ol |i ,'i,','. pay Oiv tlie iintnr nf JUIUCH, one Uoy iiKineil riiilip, jltJTOl, ify\in\ lately to (ho Juilgn of the tlio troop, of llio hnr. Tntf tluwvlni'f lit* oijfS:iil'*^it»ji, iiilhi'iio lU'^lerli'il nnd irfum-il to A . >" of lU ou"ic«r« anil ir*-n, a.lU-,1 rti- roc* to tlie highcit bidder, gaol, to await tun cono he had »ilnu«e»d. Uurinc the whole of Iho af. npplic:int to .int bv ciiu*iii£ a rnpv of thia order to bit in* fi.f rjuli, tu natiify the debt i!ue as aiureiaill. lornoon and oreiiing flocluxl out of cnrioeilv to In .nun- no\«f which a atron; M.irrir;!, in l.-j\in^, Ky. Mr. >ci led wcrka, licfore llie I0(h day ofOc- II. \VRI.C H, nf Brn. delachim-nl of Municl|i.l tiiiArrtj. wa« Hation-d Ihcrr lo Di'V \LUul lli'i <"ily of I^Hiiinillo, (liininrly of «urrr*«ive Inbrr lu-il, pivc nnlice to the .uid abient de- Sii'ff. A. A. County. keep U* p-i^rn. Tho bUowiuj are llie pcnutu wh«c A-i!\ii..-'li.. Md ) i» Mi-Hi A^NR Ki.uuir.TH KL- ((. iiiLnil «l the aulnljnco and nbjrct nf thtt |fc«4 Mttrliur and N. Y. Adroeatt c^icc ire. Ii4»« bo.-n a»cfrlaio.-U lo Inn- buan aacriuo. tun r. nl' lii:il rif,. bill, that lie may be warned to appear in tlii* o'doct, P. M. ad:— SALE. ] Sep. 0,1835 2 court in perann, nr by tolicitor, uu or before Cll \\tKHV Uardiall tbe Duke do TreviM, rtrack In UH> hoert If a drctttc uf thr Court ol Ch.n' rmtkt Y. liotfurd .Mercury of Saturday* UOITI'AUY. the louiili iltv of Kebrnaiy nrxt, to tlicw |> V virtue of a ball; Ueniral ilo l/ichuea de Ton|ny, .truck on Iho *-* eery, tlie tubtcribrr, a« Trustee, will of­ IMPORTANT FROM FKANCK. Dti:t>. on Moiul.iy lii< rp.ld.inco In this cautc. if any lie hat, uhy a decree shall nut forehead by a hill; Villalp, atil-da-caiiip to Mar. fer at Public Male, it Cliarle* Wain'* SlclT, l vro < , ' the oldetl r« .ire J. Hurl, J V. Hcekman, ami J. 1) \Vat* That one fourth ol the purdiam iiumey b« |*«xrj of Hbo Thruo Ujy*,' ua Uu 'J^ih of] uieinlx'r of llio I/nion of llunof Navy, and n lurgn concuurno of Citizen*. it tudit- _. .._.. "I. wouuWmre very eericni.. *uu. The object of the publication >iiil ia ca«h nn Ihe day ul tal,-, anil Ilir re; tho r.Tviuunco ti-minatv utrlul infurinatiun, nnionp the agri- ,m ate cntertainod that hie lnV*ay lu .avwl. -, in Montgomery county nt aidut in ail, nine, and twrUe mninna from FfXVH but h of her non-in-law, Mr. Thomna Owen, on Mon- rullural com in unity, in the rheapcat practi­ he day of talc, with interctl from the day of VPO^THK KINti'M LU C HY day lull, tho 7th innt. after a lung and painful cable form) and the sucrem of the uudrrtiik- ale, and tu be lerurrd by bond with lecuri-1 four have uudern-neampuUllon./ are indi- W INFERNAL MACHINK. pUo. ll» Kin, had illno«.i, in Ihu tJUth ycnr uf her ncc, Mm. Acit iiiKi and Hie character uf the paper, y to be approvedippr liy the Trustee. Al the mo«»nl Uw .aploelo^ook by llie fact, that before ill lit volume fwijuly 20—It id with the doopont con. on one ilJoyl r»c«l»e a petition H\II tIounn')Moroii, cuntort of tlio Into Doct. caled It "' WELCH, uf Brn.t >Wllut wo Uy before our rendom tlin dcUilitI *lielilHia ' bullet Iliroaab the| |iic|mrd y. liuliUbmu^h, of Cainbriilge, Kant- wai completed its tubtcribert exceeded eleven 27. Tfuatre. 1'Uo Ihiko de Uruglie of twenty |«»«»!iott) horrible cvont, tbnt look place at 1 ''"'" IK orn Shore, Md. Mr». ti. WM a rcaidunt of An- Ilinutand, and eompri.fd reaidenti ou'.Ur of Uu dlalca. l«r(iitw yestnrday. Aftor liuvitiy pnMcd n. iiupoli. fur 1- or 11 ynarj, whoro .he fonnml n ne uf the United ^ WOTICB. INftc Doelcvanl lo Ihu fortheiit point »t wliieli ENGLAND. Inrgn circle uf nciiuuiulancen, by wlimn her The .rcund volume win commenced In KAl.KD Prupniali will be received by th« thai of Srptrmber' |"?Ulioiwl Cuardinnd tliotrc^ipaVorc) drawn lamented. March. The pa get are no enlarged, glucribrr until the 21*7 York Commorcittl death will be much rontaina al much mailer a. S tt Fort Hrvern, Anna- of in Philadelphia on Thunulay morning, e.cli number ntrt, for the delivery eighteen p.ige» of the Dr»t volume. It eun pnUt, Mil., uf 130 CORDS uf Uett upland , aim many engraving, and tuyf ejteculi-d by Oak Wood, to fneaturefull four fret in lengtli, WOOD, of Wont Hivor, Anno Aruadol county, iwd artitt*, tlitulraliv* u" uriplerB«nt., am and lufBcitntly atraight, and frre from larpe ^ > line to tha Mil. in (ho (13th year of hnr aj{n. knotl4 »o a* to pile eompactlyj llie e«p«nie* pill iliU and uprrationa of hutbaniky. Price thu troop, wert) to Alo off before Mr an/nm. The poaUgr of cording anil intpe-ciion, tu be born* by tha Th-t 'iri'Y CKN'l'3 , at the inoruont whuii A BY-LAW, will nnt exceed I»J cenXperyear to any par Contractor. i j UouUvaxd du Temple, a little bo- Julyclu«« 6, fl. DU8RNDBRRT, ble'to give fiirtber Cm»p«uarui# Ihe C'ily Co*mu*ianer me v nruu. ^ I. .* TVeatrt dot Ptinamburnis* trwnendoua and ordlinad bf Ilia May The firat tulomy wilt continue to be fur Attiat, Quar. Matter. and Y, it eatabliihed , roiKiublin^ irrngtilur platoon firing, I d)6nry B ur. Recorder, Aldermen and Common nlalied at 90 cenura .ingle cup;. J. At Ant it woa euppoaod to be a dia-l/' A weond I Council of the city uf AAnipolii, and by the Commonicatiajfi to DC addresied to J. Buel "of *>« work*, but Ihe fulling and oritu/f from which we «opy tho DR. It* HABWOOD ial particular, that iu|nur'l( « »fur«»nd, Tint the acting Crty Albany, N. Y/ 6arvice« Mr won revealed the roalityj a/d The IbUowing M« »«Wj< Profeaaional '- -TT I . lboon olloot on tbo uttompt ul { Cgmraitaiootr ahall t* entitltd to receive (ur Subicriftiont received by A. Cowan, Public of Bouth. at Ifiii ^office, whtrt tt fpecimcn of the and it* vicinity I WIT* be fiM»nd work/dn be hi* Farm, Summer ' ,'a,,r»» Bridge*

word. •Y' T'*1 '* I'1 '''.*'- »X'.. ' ' "%1

'•:'.*. ?* r * v ••<£ '.^3.* .» V. • . ' i4> ., *'. • V- Ih . t^^etvi~M^-f* • ..-•« ^.'^^e*"^i.'l.-i* -• • * ^>fe^Wv/I;.' i. -W^-^O^ $*$ - '.! M. -il".!^!- •' '\. i^l-LjsA J TUB SACRED IfOTlOE IS ««RBBY CITfW, oibppAttV the Tjobllcaliort «H|vVB pleased WALDIE'S LIBRARY, PORT FO­ HO the 'creditorg-of T(»omaa Mattinely, herefore to annaunco their int^Otionaa early HR subscriber has made srrangemeots to * dectaMd, that tha »dminiitrator wilVat- M pontlile, •• it..i» intended to conmenco repnbtitth aa fait at they are received LIO AND MUSEUM. T 8 the publication! DOW ittoed frra the end at the Rrgftter bf Willa' Office in SU he work on th»(first of January oe*t. On from England, Beriet, of the tlaniUril Theolo­ rlary'a county, nn Tu*ad»y the 22d day of he iUiing of th«, «econd number payment _ gical works ot England, under the general ti _,. office of the Select Circulating Library WOOD are of-a highly popular cast, and of a charac­ ieptemb«r nest, to make, dittribotion of taid will be expected* ^s ill app«a»^nec will c- *»» ter to be appreciated by tlie educated portions eceased'i estate, at. w.hich time and place vincAa Bnfficicney of pflronage. <• <. THE SACRED CLASSICS, he creditor! ar* respectfully requeued to The, proprietor of the "Select Circulating PHILADELPHIA of the community, and to circulate every ESPECTFULLY r- - •• -V' OH where, by concert with the proprietor of the attend with their claimt, and the vouchers Library," fully aware from experience of Printer* of Die United CABINET LIBRARY OF DIVINITY. thereof, to receive their respective dittribu R Museum, that work, the Port'Polio and Li­ Ihe niivanUge* to the public of the rapid iTrT^T'1* *hl«*M&et»rt With an original introductory e»ay lo each brary, are offered tu those who take the three live iharti. diffusion of cheap and aelcet literature, hat LibllBna. Vf)L.XC' author Kdited by RIOIUHO COTTEHMOLE, B L. E. BARBER, Adm'r. been induced to add the important feature to I), and the Re*. Hn*ny Smnnixo. M A. on the following conditions, viz. WOaperis Title Line*, Jtcr from two Cm. LIBRARY, &c. without the necessity of applying to others of October next lor the purpose of eleclin already at hand Ihe material fortuelt a work Prifcrrl>v^^u «_to any_^^ «iie^'^^ ri.larger. «iinc PRICK ONH TURKIC MIIU.IMQ* AND SIXPF.NOR. Those whojhave made a payment lor the cur "wo Delegates from this city to the nest Ge all the really valuable matter bf the Englinl On the lit of January, 1834, trill bt publish­ rent year to either uf the works, of whhteve neralpral Assembly of this State, and alto Tw Hit «yp« will., be. made'of mtiietr.i,, ed Vol. Is of n A'erir» of tne Ntanilar I The­ Rcpreirntnlives for the Fourth Congreationa literary ami amusing publications may be best assortment, welt aeaioned snd nr, amount, will be privileged to avail themielve comprised in this form nt a rale of guh^crfp ological trorki of England, under tMt ge­ of this arrangement, by paying the balance— Diitrict in thil State in the Congreit of the by machinery, invented for the purm. neral title of thus , United States. lion and postage, so (rifling at scarcely to ensures the moat e«act adjuitmtn TIIK SACRED CLASSICS, 1. Those who have paid or now pay $3 fo O. II. DUVAI.I., be felt. It will form the cheapest reprint o Specimens will be pnbliih»d tit Ihe Library, thutl receive the Museum am Cl'k. Corporation. reviews and magazines ever attempted ii possible. ' O«, CABINF.T LIIIIIAHT OK DIVINITY: i ^Vith an original Introductory Essay tu each Port Polio, the price of which separate it 89, Sept. any country; a comparison wild oilier* Author. on the payment of 87. were unclcts here to enter upon, Ihe 'Libra Encated with nrstncii ind 4. Those who have paid or now pay gC for STATE OF nAUYi.A.\l>, SC. ry' itself being the best lest by which I Head. for v, DITTO n T dnne-rfrultdrl County, Orphani Court, mental anil Plsln ttnlet, tie. &c. cut will THE Rev. RICH'D. C ATTERMOLE, B. D. the Museum, shnll receive the Library and judge of the diOercnce between an octav Port Folio, the price of which it*separately July-28th IH35. anil a quarto page. It will be, the study o greatest accuracy in type metal or «oti] 88, nn the pavment of R6. N application by petition nf Mury Mil­ Ihe Kdilor lo embody a record of llic day Old CM! metal cult, ornstntut,, A, I THE Rtv. HENRY'S TEBBINU. M. A ler and Peter Miller, ndministraton of '() ,iu,er country M »o itch an England in 5. Those ivh'i have paid or now par for Ihe O adapted to the want* of ihi.i country, ivhic graved over, and made equal (o new i Port Folio, shnll receive the Library and Mu­ 1'eter Miller, lute of Anne-Arundel county- can have no competitor for value or cheap their original cost. Sacrnl Lit-mlure. Her j;reatP4l I'nets deceased, it is ordered that th y give the no­ Ami Pluloviphers luwe slmrcd vtith her l)i seum on paying such a sum st will be ne.s;; how far he is likely to do this he mm A liberal discount Tor rath, to Rl-i on the whole. tice iei|Uired ])V law lor creditor* to exhibit their clnimS a the »,,..! drreascd.onil that leave at present lo Ihc decision ol hi* reader* credit on the most approved rulh« nf Uevfl.vinnJV|Jt>'le hrr I),vines have •t. The Circulating Library and Museum, Clubs «l live individuals, who snbscrib d»r» from the country prumptl will be sent tu the same address on the pay­ the same be published once in each week, fur attcno jren ilMiiiijtiianeil liy llio copiousness the space of six successive weeks, in one of lo the 'Library' and 'Companion' both, wi All letters must be postpaid.' ii in,I Ihc depth ,il their learning ment of gin. •dtinin the two for nix dollars, the pot/aft RKM AlUvS.—The three work* thus issu­ Ihc news-papers printed in Annapolis. Ip-Editor. of papers in the cotmtill The sunn,(net* of rhir icier ihi|« ulvcn to BAM'L. »HO\* N. jun'r. (,i ITiv iinpurl.ini consideration) to the mo» will give the above advertisement » fc, Ihc standard Thenliigy ol Kn;;lanil ha». thru' ed together, comprise a greater amount of the current literature of the n^e, than is issued Hi-g. >Vil|« A. A. county. i/ixltnit post office, n» thr tico, will be oil s«rtions, snd forward a paper c«nt.ini«. n variety of clrciiniMam e», nerd happily pre­ dutliir and ninety fire, cenl.i, divided inl «rne to the advertiser, will be p»id ih. vented Irom ilei*cnerjltni( into the harnhnes in a periodical form from any other office in of *chol.isiicMiii; -irid thus the wlii-le serir* of i the United States, ond will, the proprietor be NOTICK IS HKIIKBY GIVKN.J seventy fi^hl payments, and ha(f that *n» to any of the above mentioned m»i..;.'i. our •X'lrrr.i r/iujict," it u yr'ell of truth and lievcs, with the addition of n good ncwspa- That the subscribers of Anne Anindrl fur 100 milc.s or a left* distance from Flu la April 30. county, have obti-inrd from the Orphan* Coui t cons'dili •", an open in 1,17^ readei at PIT,per, Diipplvsupply to familieiifamilies nilall the advantages delphia, while the stunt nuttier, in the usi MARYLAND COLONIZATi lo lliu ni'iti le.imed -Indent. which could bo furniihcd in a moil extennivc ol Annu-Ariinile.1 county, in Miryland, In­ al American reprint* of review* and maga- Il it inlcn l.-il In C'i'H|iriM'in this rollcction, re.tiling Kioin in one of ciur Atlantic cilir*. ters of Administration on Ihe personal estate azincfl in oct.ivo.ibrm would ho eighteen dol­ Arundul coun- thr l)c«t »v.irk«ol Ml Hie'imM rrl-bralril wri- In the T.lnary the ncweat nnd best books are of IVter Miller, latv of Anne lars, and ihe postage ss three to one. We P^erYT- U --" B°lri1 °fJl1 Ipri, whute l.ili'inr< h.iyi- bivn ili-vnied to the i-'CuUrly published; in the Museum and Port tv, deceased. All peooni having claims make this assertion advisedly. I ,n ,f « eluciil.ition nnil rnfoirc•m-nt "I Ilie Folio it ha* been Inund by experience thnt against the said deceased, are hereby warned (£T0>'un!";r|l nonslothe 'Companion,' will and thi; Buanl of Mtnagera of the Suit prttii-i|ilc< of ri*v«.ilfi| Irulh, whr'h-r ; i 'ln-ir every thins; we could wish to cony from tho to exhibit the same, with (In vouchers there­ he taken either with ur without the vLibra- iav« reaolvrJ to publiili a qB.rltrl. ,.„ nm, c ilion to tlic.'iiiiinorlnl inler«->i» 'I null- rnlirc Brilinli literary pi>riodicnl(, oiiinitting of, to the subscriber', at or before the 2MI> ry.' for the purpoieul diffuiing informatM. vi,I il*. il VQ. lly the |in| nrticti'v, cnn be ratildlv is- day of January next, iliey inny otherwise b\ cernnig the principlea and progrtii ,1 law be exfluiit'd liom all benefit of the aaid The proprietor tiusls that his punctuality iiely. Treaties nn ih- 0 ictrme*. Morality, ued. ThfKC publications embrace so much exactness in executing hi* part of the Maryland plan of Colonization. The ami K»i.l«"ncr«'id Cm itiianitv. which haverc- hat is desirable to be known, and nre so ge- estate. Given under uur hand* this 28th day and nal will al*u contain Orcaiional uoticei c.ri\-'d Ihe permanent no "f geneial appro erally perused in the l>c«t circles in Aincri- uf July 1835. contract in Ihc publication of the 'Library,' operatiuna of the frienda of Coloniu. lull-in; i-lcct Sermons of the m-ui eminent a, that to Ii* without ••itnrr is to drop n link MARY M1LLKR, Adm. , , will he considered a sufficient guarantee of other pnrta of the Union. J( will »t] Oivin^M ihe ni'»*l interesting i|>eciwei»* of lie n Ihe lilivnrr chain. Th-y ar-' all under the pi-:rKRMiLLKR, the completion of his proposed undertaking. liahed at leaat once a quarter, and IIMK! li^i,iii« llm;j>Tii|ihy: and the rli'iic'si •.•\nnplft iintrul of on» mind, and therefore lliu rrmler July 30. — Gw. ADAM WALDIK. oftener. Prraona wuhino tu icccite it] ol l)e»iit,loo»l and .Sicrcd l',,eny- will *nocerd will v«rv ran-ly inilci-d tic coinprllrd to pay CO M J ' AN 1 ON ' ro WALDIE'S LI - FOB A*XAI*OLIH, EASTOfl Urly an published, may brcome lutei ea, h other in the ,irder «hieh m.iv he judged or the liaini' mnttrr twire, n« they are indc- BKAHY. CA.HBRIDK. by paying fifty centa per annum in aati IO...I olindurivr to the Uenelit und ^i.ititi'ution irndrnt of eaih other, complete in tlrni- The MARYLAND will Donatiuna for the anpport of the pap ul the reader. >"lvp», and free in ccm-rnl from any repeti­ The clienpe^t rt-|>rint from Knglinh be thankfully received. T\\e frirnibi 't'< the productions nf each amh'ir, or to Annapolis, Cam­ tion* of thn same nrtirles. Pcriotliculs ever olFercd to the bridge (by Castle Haven) lonixntiun Ihruuglinut the atale will co rsc^ tepirate production, a« t^c rn«r niny I'heso views th* proprietor respectfully great favour by tran»mitlinj( for ||w jt, ke.em "' rei|nlre. Hill be prefiteil nn liHr.nluc- public. and Kiston un every Tnes throws out for th* consider.ilion of thf friends day and Friday morning, any intelligence which may promote lht< tiii y K-.S.IV. piiinlin^ out the r ol sound and wliolcfome literature. thr Sflccl Circ ulatinR Libra- it advocatea. ,«icrllencirs; anil, in « une in«li letvinziBsllimore at 7 o'clock, from tho low­ ADAM \V ALII IB, ry had been lont; in existence, it was er end Dugsn's wharf, her usual place of start- rr All eommunicatidni art to b« din, hendiiiK i Itioirsphiial sk -Ich , SO," Clicsnut-strecl, Philad. uncovered that Ihtrt- tv.i.i (.Mil sumelhiii|c \v,ih remarks un the stale of religion in his •og. to the "Maryland Colonization Jaunt] May "8. wanting—that many oecurrcnccn in tho lite N. B. All baggage at the owner's risk. fice of the Marylind State Coloniuu tnnei. rsry world must pass unknnwii, as regnnled Il it the de«ir<- of Ihe Pr-ipriMors, in under­ .LEM'L. O. TAYLOR. c.cty, Baltimore." PltOSPErTITS exten.-ion uf the plsn. taking 'I'Hr. Ce»l uf ephemeral publicslions. in.iy, f" on Mnml.y thr wth of May ne,t, | <~kN application to the subscriber, »u ULOBh. N application by petition in writing, of the sain*1 money, pn*s<-** hiinneif of woiks Mini tit publish it weekly lor MX inonlli", mak- .•iftbrdod general Judges of the orphans court of fl which cvt'it fail to xlf.ird nim guidance sin .aiislaclion. The very liberal pitrona|;i-ex Robert T. Mercer, tu llic Judges ot An- Arundel county, and stale of M.nluJ ini; twenty six numbei»; Ihe la«t to ronliin On Arundel County Cnurt. pr*yin-; Ihe tienr- support in royal paper, madr up in tjuarto ml, n schedule of his properly, and a li»l Thf 'iruin will bt hitnitiomtly printed in tnrni. liki- the Kxtrn nnd C'oii^ tilnbi- of hit •icknowli'il^niiMitb. in actual confinement, mil praviog * of his rredituri, (on nalh su Ur 4* he couli! fonlicap 8 I'O. on poo,/ paper, eoltl pmitd, puti'ikluMl by u« last year. The ^G numbers More exlendeil experience has shown o- binrfit of the act of the Central A... annexed to hi* said ntatly ootiniJ in Morocco Clolli. Irtltrt'lt wi!l in.iki- 4l(i iiunrto royal |>5|;i'S. ther desiderata "liich the '•('om/iiiniim" a- i»ceiUin them,} 01111-4 of Maryland, entitled, An act fur tkc I netiliun, and tnc >>«ul cnuil being ••'.isbet and pitblilhed (in t'olumei nf about 400 1 1 v.-ill cont.un thr principal oriifinnl arti- inlpiutcil lo supply. While reailiim for III, uf sundry insolvent ileblois, fatted ||| Mercer hat rtiidci uaffei cath) on Ihe first dan of rvtry month, c 1 ! < i.f (lie Duily and Semi- Weekly Globes, "Library" a l.irgo man ol man-rial accu­ •ii»l Ihe n.ud R.'lierl T. cembrr tension 1803, and Ihe seven fur two yean nex I'rice, Torcc .Shillings and Supeir e: noiirr«i.f the pnblic meetings, tin- elections, in Ihe i-uir ol MuryUnd ment* thereto, on the terms therein i mulates on tho hands of the editor, nf mi pren-dini; ihe date of hi* said petition, un< Funning Ihe cheapest series of works e»>-r of. and pul |M in everv state in the cd; a schedule of his property, and all interesting, cntcrlaining, and instructive de­ •I.IVH^ nppuintnl Andiew Mricci (ru»tec (ur fcri-d to (lie public. I'm in, in rrlntton to the canvait fur the next his creditors, nn oath «o fur is he nt i| scription, such ns would prnp< rlv comu un­ the hrtielit ol (he cirditor* of the said Rubei t lain Ihe same, being annexed (n hit ptli The following names of Author* «li . l'rr«idency — n rnnlest which the in der Ihc designation of Miiifiiziniuni/, intnr- ore intendrd for publirainin i* •uimulir,! in , ul the prei-eiil year will ,i,Mlld^e, heen engaged to report the Proceedings of brary" designed mixed, and the said liuslec having crrliliri having takrn the oath by thesaidictprn SniHh. Hull, Hammond, ))an,-»-. l'nl"i-,.n, the Convention, and the Speeches which may i hem by in constantly n subject of regret. the delivery thereof to him, il i* therefuie ed for Iho delivering 'up his proper!! Slierl'H-k. Jorlin. Firindnn.'tev, II i'e, be nndr on the occntlun. To concentrate, therefore., the. pub iealion of hereby ordained and adjudged by the MH given tuflicient security fur his ptrwn«l Sii'liii'ltlei'l. I'orlen-, L,icke. Lel^hlm*. r.ive, We rei|iieit the favour of tho»e friends to liotik.\ entire, Itei'irii'x, lists of new works, cnurl, tlmt the said Robrrt 'I'. Mercer be dit- pearaiice at the County'Conrt ' Chillintfwnrlh. Hill. Jewel, Jm k«un, KUvel, wimmw'lom lintthis I'rospcctu* mav be -ent, to»rley, Skellon. Watt*, Lawlh, i U( c it, fur the purpose «f otMuininglin suVi iVc. ic ic. Ihe "Coiiifiiinion tu H'uldie'i notice to hi* creditors, by causing • copy o and allegation* at may be mule ag«ia"il Riinnif, Waierland, VVimhcoie, lUl-uy, 'bers. *' --|IT T"' iVujafrfl -«-*•- iJH e nciit > . Library" will be nllrred to the patronage of thi* order to be interim! in one ul the nen»- and hating uppointed a Iruilee, wbobitl p,-ar»on, KIMI. Ne»l»n. Si.inhnne. Whllhv, newspapers limt cnpv tint PrnApvtUft. v. the present subscribers nnd the public at paper* printed in tin- city uf Annipuli* once en bond as such, and received from uiil] II tinui'iiul. Burkilt, Hcibcrl, Duune, Mer- Subscribers idiouid forward tlirir names in lorue. It is believed that wi.h ihu "Library," 4 week for the term of three luoulhs, to ap­ ward BrouLvt a convrysncereys.... and..._ r rick. Sic. &c. I timr to reach u* before the 25th May If Ihey lliu "Journal," and Ihc "Companion," such pear before Anno Arundel County Court to of all his property, real, personal and Col. 1. (to bt publifhed on the \it of Janua- ' 'In not, \vc may nut be able tu furninh them an acquaintance wilh the literature of Ihe •e held in the cily of Annnpolit on the fourtl t do hereby order and adjudge, thil the 1 will---'" contain---•—•- with nil Ihe numUemi because the work is put a(-c may be cultivated as to leave little fur­ Monday uf October next, to *hew c*u»e, I Edward Hrookes be diichsrged from id TH>) any they have, why ihe taid Robert T. Mer IVV UK PliUPUhSYINO so low u price, tlmt we cannot nll'nrd {u rc- ther to be desired. Deingall published from lonment, and that he give notice tohitci Jeremy Taylor with an Inlroduclnry l''.i- print any number that may be exhausted. cer should not have the benefit of the taid ton by csuiing a copy of this order to b the samo office, more facility offers for sub- lawt at pro «*y. by the Rrv. Richard Coltermole, U. I). TERMS: »cithing, .-mil having fewer people to deal terted in some newspaper pabluhvO lo i Vol. II. (to bt publiihed on the \it of Febru­ One Dollar per copy, in advance. Arundel county, once a week furthiresK wilh, mistakes are less liable to occur, and W.M. S. ORKRN, Clk. before the 4th'Monday in OctoberP'Ht* ary) will contain • Eleven C"pie* will be furnished for Ten more readily corrected when they do. The Jul CAVE'S LIVKS OF I UK \POSTLK.9—*) twenty-two copies for Twenty Dol­ licsr before Ihe said County Cosil. it short interval of two weeks between the pub­ Court (loose of said county, st tea o't| with Notes, and an Introductory K.iay, by lars, and *» on in proportion. "* lication of each number, it is thought too, the lUv Henry StebbinR. M. A. The pi ice of HIM paper in sn low, that we BKWAHD. of the fuirnoop of that day, lb« p*"1 will be an advantage- over monthlies and n I'hurtday, of recommending a truitee for Aif ben Vol. 111. (tobt publiihed on t^f lit of March) cHui afford lo open accounts with those who quarterlies. will contain nwccribe for it. Therefore, nn attention will ^«3d day uf July, from the and to shew cause, if any they batr, *bd The following plan is respectfully submit­ , a Negro Man nam- •aii! Edward Bnxikca should not bare '''^^ BATRS'3 RPIUITUAL PttKFKP«RFKCTU)N. tin paid to any order, unicia the money ac- ted. cuinpainci it. ueCl of the said act and supplement*, ''r^HLUtpfr Mtrlbr UNKOLDKI) ANlt ENKiXtOWuMtnH)- with an 1. The "COMPANION" will contain the •v* ^BDDDir*-——— Introductory K**ay, by the Rev. Juhn Pye BLAIR & RIVES. carlii;si possible reprints of the best mailer who i* blick, and agnl Given under my hand this 2 tildij of 1 Smith. U. O County, Maryland, fto. in the Hritidh periodicals. about 38 5 feet 4 or chet high| when ruary,— — - j v -In* the year of our Lord,« IfnUcn I L(>NUt)Nt John Hatchard and Bon; Picca­ before me a Justice of the Peace 2. It will he iitsjcd every fortnight, and •poken to it very polite) i drtd an y-five. . • 4* Cn. Ave Maria Lane, .1 on hit working dilly. 'Vhiltaker r for Jkid county, Brice. liobb* brought nn the form will be the same as that of the Li- clothe*, but took with him nynety of cloth GIDEON *• Bimpkin 8t Marshall. 8t»tion»r»' Court: U. A. vOld Cheinut Surrel HOUSE 01 lirary —each number containing sixteen pa­ ing. I will givegtve the «lx>vabov. rVard if taken Talboy*. Otfonll J. & J Deinhtnn. C»n.bridge: (KLIMNOj he says he loi-k up ges—ihiif, cyery six months, giving thir­ •01 of the Stale—and £30 Oliver & Uoyd, Edinburgh: and J. Cuiflmiiig. in the Horse at astray, at he/wan teen numbers, which can be bound with the Slate or County, and all reaaonaL, expenses ; FUNK HALS. Dublin. 1 |r*ts\ji|( through the village of Elk Library at litjlo, or no more expense, snd paid, if delivered to me, living on Ri- HE iDtxcribT beg* |**ve to I*f*"> friend*, nod Ihe public in £»«" '> I And to be had of ev*rjr Bookseller through Ri 4'h. 'B34 Wathinjctoit, on M ay the 6th of July, in- who do not take the Library itself, n volume gain. he ha* disenatiniscd tbv. Cabynt M»»'1' The Enallsh copy will cole In England, a Said Hone haa^ switch tail, •'small every year, of 410 quarto pages of the sice OBOROB _ tin*s», and irileinl* 16 cwnfint hl*>»l' I l^tc, bout ten dolisr*. ' Wev^BHjite to usue thi- •trip of wlijle in the forehead, and It strip of uf the present. Maryla Gaietic, AnnapolM) .future, altogether to that of au I nose, tome American fdillon, under the white lowermiwn nn the Vice and S. The price will be three dollar* for t the Baltimure Pi lot, will please inwrt . of a learneSl American clergyman, i white apott on the back, w\ch appear tu be above, and ten to ihe Wet All orders for Funerals will be «ll«mJ» saddle marks, a shoe on subscriber—five dollars for two—and clubs elr accounts at the ahorital notice, ritkrr in the muall number*, on t aingl* shret of superfine paper, at two dol­ River Pa»t Offici. giving ninely-tix large latfao. pages, to be Wllneasmy hand this OlhilavV July, 1833. five and upwards will be supplied July 80. . tr. or according IM tp«cial direxlioo. fuldeil and stitched,..amo covered with strong JOEL HVPKlNS. lars each. , He returns hit thank* to Iha ambllc far (I envelop* paper^ar'lhe rate of ftve doJUrt per The owner of the above detcriuV animal 4. Aa th* work will not be commenced, patronage during the Ittt twefly idMtUrtQ* it hereby required tn-provs hit prop unlesi a sufficient patronage be obtained, no hopeitbat hit paom»tnesa a,»4 >o'i wh annum payment it required — continue to merit tarlr ' ' tonttQat i, {targe*, and take hisa away. Neatly exqputed t\i H-B.-AU March «7t BRICK HOB) name, cent free of pot *''* _. * v ar if ^v ' """ fc





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'-Ah thou named gentlemen were a committee made to W* bag Mr fcuow mauT* to prepare reaolutioM for consideration of tionists with t r and with »n« to notice, uW^lt charg* is *MO* Without • >B« that my chance,* ajuwtred Arnold; • «I .. jld, Goo. How- r«»*«**.>B*»tb».fcaw V sbnll nol bo likely to meet, even in bell, a, torn- ' lam r*«J onr pBuUe**ttidIhstjtasu »a4s>aa.a.. AJnfAPOfcUi Brown, Reuben rant or disaffected toward ._ .1_ M.kK-..._ui-^ *.„ . . > •• •*, I p.mion so brutal as thou—-unlean, which I mean Sykee, The Committee cwtnin, if thcso me«*n8w what fkjn do- shall bo the case, tbou bear me company.' Warfiold, submitted the following preamble anfl resolu- ing prejudicial to the interests of thVbUcks and 1°* '*•' •/To oight then bo it,' said Mentx; 'though to The Citizens of Annapolis, friendly to lions, wbicli were unanimously adopted by the the cause of religion, they would desist. night my hand is not steady; for wine and un- the Election of Messrs. McKim and Ilomrd, a* meeting: "They appear to be running mad on the sob.. sjur are no friends to the nerves.' Representative* from this District to the Mzt can no longer be doubted that jcct of temperance. If they do not mind, they! •**•• "Dost thou refuse mo, then?* demanded the Congress of the U. S. are requested to meet in there are incendiaries passing through our conn, will destroy that cause in the south. However would find la t youth with a sneer. tba Doll Room TO-NIGHT (Thursday,} at 8 try. The papers of every section are teeming the banishing of wine from the communion may __ • -By the man, no! but to-night is dark; the o'clock, when important business will bo pro with accounts oT those inlanonx characters, who toko nt the north, it will never go down here; -aiiT. \V» ar» moon U down; the stars are clouded, and tho •onted to their consideration. fiend-like arc using every oflbrt to disturb the and if the proposition is not abandoned, you may wind gfjea by in heavy putfa and giuu. Hear domestic quiet of our country* None but bow bid farewell to the temperance cnitso in this ivsr hail one eoch Agtnt. Wi U evun now.' JAMES MURRAY, Esq. will be supported scoundrels or infuriated fanatics con lend them- country^" • - of oaf p*p*n to any penon In thole Stale* • 'Therefore,' said the youth, apparently marc, as a Delciittte to the General Alterably by selves to such n purpose. The South has acted lion, e*e*pt to live rmpecUU* rwwfcmV coldly cijinpmsd as Inn tierce rival grow more MANY VOTERS. with all Iho prompt and fiery energy of the THE PURCHASE OF TEXAS, own Ttqma*,. But «r* hat* **nt by mail, perceptibly agitntvd—-therefore will wo lay Southern character——Virginia ho* spoken in Wo mentioned n few weeks ngn llmt ihem id to public ofiorr*, editor* down our livos hero —in this hall—on this spot We are authorised to announce SPRIGG language not to he misunderstood—lloston, N. wns s. rumour abroad that a treaty wns in Wash­ gymen Sod otaara. If Ihevefbr*. •on this instnnt-»-evi:ii as thou standust now.' HARWOOD, Esq. aa a Candidate for the next York and Philadelphia, wilh many other place*, ington between tho United Htstr* and Mexico, to insarrsction, las •There is no on", here who will be my friend,' Logiilnturo. have responded in terms appropriate to cool hy which TCTSS was ceded to tho former. Our •aid Mnntz; so evidently mliored and sulxluod ^ hn»ds and warm hearts. The good sense and information now is such to lenvo us but littlo by the singular compo«irn nml Hrlf.possmMon of ^ ^ w "cl, FOR CONGRESS. patriotism of our country will always guard us doubt of the fhct. To nvoid all corxilitulinnn) lii» anlngonUt, all present huld him in cun- nnd Fourth HiMrict—Anne Arundel County .H-ninHl nny permanent effects of incendiary questions .. lo the right to-purcha-o, the follow. '£^kt"^^£ tempt, and no o.u- Mtirrud. Cities of Annnpolis and Baltimore. "No matter,' cried Arnold; '1 will myjcll cinciitu: we are to purmi against any sudden ing pmOj we understand hits been adopted: as ^ tiuitt w .bolid, tl i-huitilton'. We firmly believe our immediate tho line between Mexico nnd the United Slates „{•„ inj wjw fort-go Ihc same priNileKc. Van /lurrn. tonc individual so ^ • 'And Vij-ir wttniHins:' said Menti. |x>pu)ntion docs not conl has never Iwcn run by the authority of Iho Iwo ^^ tn(j w, «rtunl» htn no intohlion lo irfi ISAAC McKIM, as wilfully (o thro' rebrand into his jrovernmonts nnd of coun-e is Htill unskilled, to them in future, and nrpinr i • 'Are hrre,' criud Arnold, drawing them from IIKNJAMIN C. HOWARD. should unfortu­ hm hu«om, *u firor p.ur Dover drew b'.ood. Tii • nrnKhhour1* dwelling: If I n»oid all expense nnd con'roveriy hcrcnfler, for cotiKiencu ud heart* of our frllcnr.cilricn* wi,"j Anli Van Burtn. nately be nny such, wo hope and believe n mer­ a certain payment in money to be mndn to the •lave* or npolofh" for alav choice i* vmirM,' JAMRS P. HBATII, •llth. 'The company bccxn n'.w to fancy th:it Ar. ciful IK-ity has given him a hcnrt too cowardly Mexican government, by tho United States, it is CIIARIJ'.S R. 81EWART. quired by doty, and by a regard for (be i liolj had O<|IMVOC ili'd in dinchiiining "kill an u to prrmil Iho attempt. But no man knows who agreed that tho Rio del Nortc s'lall bo Iho divid­ fnilrprnilml. oar republican institution*. Then are taonaaoil d i-'l!ist; an I, from hix invmcihle compound-, nmy come nmnn^Ht UN to disseminate incundia. ing line. — ' JOHN C. WEKMS, ry li'din^x;feelings; it uis nceotvinrynccetwnry liiercfuroliiercloro that we ——«—— tenaten* of01 thousand*mousana* of01 our f*lk>w-cili*iiov.ciin*a*,tvn Gnn'l. GEORGE II. STEUART. ink in abject poverty, and who, on i lh:«n the h'llly hinnol/'. Thu letter al*i pal took shouldShould l>oIHI prrpnri'dprepared loto meet nil ouchsuch at our llircshthresh- Fnm fi, nirf,ml,aj E»7*inr. SUl"*' il"llt '" al>J<)ci P°»«lr- "* »>><>. on MCO* hold.H, nnd lo let them le. I llmt the eyo of c.xil-'i ANOTJ| ER C AI.M APPEAL FRO .. THE 8OTJT1I lh*" coni r"l" 1°n - "• virtually krpt to icnonsn,, uf .his o()i,n >•!. DKLEGATES TO ASSEMBLY. "Yniinx mi'i. 'he cried, in a voice clou.lid ness Oiid dcleriiiination is upon them; There, f Tt> THE NOUT:' «vho» uutruction m eerlaiu c*a« ael,«Uy pMkiij, fore. I F,/l«c.r,«.n,../. ^^ MI 1 low; hut it.Mip -d >nd mid no fuiVi" r. Anli Van Harm. mole III* virtue ttnd h*ppine«a ol liw t ttrtnlrtil.rtrWir,/, ThatThnl this n' views \\ilhw ill. drvp llelortitn,,wrf CiliftnlCllin,, aft., „,n Country! mo" *''"/""" 4"^ '"''f1""" "' "" *"'•'»* Mt« ••Your cluiix'!'».ud Arnold, urx.'iiting th* NICHOLAS HRKWEK, our popuhlion, and on Uiia account n o ban b*>aa_ xecrnlion all such attempts, nnd nccord)ht u« acldmui yoa iRUn npon the pn**enl critt*. A M-..,.i . THOMAS DUCKETT. wl irilh a dMign to enoourign inlcmurriagM batJ declares and makcH kimwn its drtiTiiniinlioii to djrVrr qnoKtion nrver thrralenrtl nur hortxon. Il will .! .u Iho white* and black*. Tin. clurg* hu baeu r-p, ANM: AMI'NDKL COUNTY. all our prudence and all onr kimlnc»« for oach rc^anl n« enemies to the peace of society, nnd ly, and i* now again denied irbil* we repeal I'uil V-m Humi, other, to vavr the Smith from commotion, tho Union •(!> triilorx to the country, nil persons ciijjagrd in tendency of our Mntiment* hi to pul an cud u| id Arn .1,1. GRAFTON H. PUVALL, from iliNNtilution, and tho election of tho Chinf Magi*, ,'1 I.- II. the nefarioua di-niyn. criminal amalgamation thai prevail* wbcranr i i .n tur.i'';i c EDWARD H.VMMOND, tmlp from tho pmjndirn and rxciten.rnts of tlio diy. liemlml. Thai in CM-W Ihc plnn slmll l«» per- • lilt*. ilr. WESl.EY L1NTH1CUM, AVr arc indcrJ rejoiced to PTC yon aronoing and n1*. tiste«l in, il will beei.iin« (In- imprrniivr duty ol •ISlh. We are «cc\ja*d of act* thai lead I* a i ...I n PI :!!<• II >' nil Dr. ROBERT FRANKLIN. ponilin[T lo Iho appeal ofymir Botilhrn brcthrfn, Port< thr .Southern people In enilenvour by nny incnns tion of tb* Uuiou and even of wiahtng |o Hi •! | « I mil tin* Und, and Bath, and Augimln, >nd Itaelnn. and riiiladel. within thoir re:ich to olit.un posseHpion of the Wo have never calculated the value of the L'oree,! l.rul.,1 M ri?|.-|. lli.l-. I •lure' \ ••• .r i-Vi 1 -*. .,M'I t'» C»-r. Anti Vim Ihirftt. phia, hlvfl romr forth in tho nisjonly of their lender* of so unprincipled nn nniliTliikin^, in caUM we believe it to be luoetimable; and that tha« nirfiim. I r me, I con. J.BON'AKD IGI.KHAKT. —Otil Kjnurit I l.i II ha* rung n ithlhprl«vjiu-nceof Flotch. irdrr Ihat thoy meet «ilh lhat piiiiHliiu -nl which tion ofalarory will reinovo the chUfdangtr ofiua1 f'-m I h ivn no v in lit'.-, —M'-r whom 1 l"»ed CHARLES S. RIDGELY, cr and Spnipie, and Oti*. The city of Now Yock, too the violated feelings of a w hole |>eopli>) yr.iri, <4h<. lid pr-.H.i'itv nnvor sets again. JOHN MERCER. aUo thrown Into her ro*olotiona certain metaphysical Rr.i:Jreil, Th:it tiiii meeting declnres its de. it rralrair* Congrca* Irrmi nukmj any law i Tin* nidi in i^ a o..v.irl, .1 fl t.i ill' : III.iiinh npintnnv, which aro ottrrly irrelrTanl to Iho qnretion, tes'.alion of nil InwIesM proci:edini;-i except HO frecdun) of t I'l'u^ d.tilv In in-.Tit hi- ilr,illi. I h.'i • nd which mntcritlly counteract their eAVcU Hhc. the The Sloop ———, Ciipt. Creighton, Indon with far ns they are inculcated by the l»\rs of nnlnrr 'Much lellow-cili^cns, are our principle*. I li.ji; hi'.ir,! u!' I;!- '* . . •11'- •«, an. I i'^-ird hi'n as um'x.r fp-m Port Deposit, grounded on Horn rrry *^at of Tappaiuiiin, tho very mint from which thrae and of nature's (MM! fur the protection nnd prc. they unworthy of Republicans and of ( nn .isn^sin — ^li'1 • iirmv ol' (Ii • 'i ni.i'i r.i«*'* m 'oint on Tueiilay.—the row.(mat hi-longing to inrvniHary pnbliralioni are principally iwurH, the gnat scrvntion ot properly and lile. Ci-r Tnorcial Emporium with which tho South haa K> lians? Or uru Ihcy in truth so atrocious,)! of (t vl — n diinj'T ni" > ait — wluim it will h< lie -doipp broke from her fiMti'iiing, when Capt. IlrsnlccJ, That this meeting vinws with im. n - ny intimate connections, hoa apoken tbo weaknt. order to pruvcnt their dtllusion, you oro \t iii'-rcy nnd n virtu lniU-tlmy. My i>.•. hereaa aho wa» bound to apeak in the »trongr»l lan. Hclvi-s willing to Burrondcr nt Ibo dichlw XvtMll'l wi-ll IK ml .t'. b'lt »'iplit oiinceM, averaging in circmnlrrence twelve by Southern ntixrna who hav* juwt returned from the h'-r falsehood had inmle me drtpim'. '.Vnd MOW lie appointed )>> th" Chair, »|IO.HO duty it shnll knnwIedgiHl delinnco of thu C\ turning sud bo to m.ikc, forthwith, u military enrohncnl of this season on thrcc.i|iiarlors of un acre of land. cidcdly Kith ua—that Arthur Tappan i« probably about Imndth of vour land, ten (hotuand di-nty lownrd M n(z. ' tliy pinlnl lo my Ii. throe co.npnniesof V.iliiiiieerH, nnd lluil the Ex­ lo (fiavo tha country, and that the audaciou* 'riioiii[rton So 11, ns 1 will plnilt inirv; to thino. L>'t on.' . ecutive of tins Sl;ilo !K. applied lo for nnus and ia ,n b^d odour in Now i^n^laiid. llio prexri, cai.-h of whom shall have luoi o At a meeting o( thn friend* of Iho Adminii- eqiiipmonls fur Iho snme. Ko fir trn hail with utiafjction Ihe aijpia of Ih* lime*. in?-pc'cl every document you tmy commit I thlilln, appoint M), ulioHe duly il ^hnll he to have n gc npliahed; and that |mblic haa not done it* n u \mpuper, whether r^ligioui or political, «l With tin incre.uicd pilencms in IUH ••ounlrn S.'|,l. Olh, (JKOKIJK COOKI: wan cnllod lo Iho nural miperinlendunce of Ihii suhjrcl, nnd lo as The firo m»>t be put out, or it mnat aprc*,!. in IUH sovereign pleaonro ho rusy mljt ancu, hilt willi oven mom furncily uiiil tirnmc'ri Cliair, and Kli*t<.'ned nit lion of ninnlx'TH of ('oncrciH, nnd deler^ilcM to RfMilrcil, Thtil our Urpreseiilatives in l!nn. cictr. And il wca liut on Friday laat, lhal \rthur Tap- Republic ore numbered, nod llutaHnoujij a deadly pi \rc, were li\ed on M.'iit/.. He 1'u (he (icnrral A»»eniMv of iMnr\liind, who are in grcsn bo and they are lu-rrby riMpitMled, to bring pin and hu fanalical crew Uauinl in the city of N*w liliomsts mry Iw Iho fint, they will Dot I plncrd himfrlf in an ntlituile of tiring; hro:ulrn liicoiir ol" Martin Van llureii at I'roidenl, nnd tho milijecl liefori! tlio National f.e«islature ul an Yolk, Ihe lollowing Diillelln of Ihoir future deeign*. e-J hii exp'iwd che, c&oner.ition of every inciulier of thu parly— may continue lo persevere in, what, if pcrsover. de«laialiona of our principloa and object*.— Wore lh* wh 'I her by ac> ident or intuntio , \vrnt o '" lie. WILLIAM JA Y, Sec. far. Cor. 'Tncnifore, nd in, miiht destroy our now flourishing and hup- charge* which aro brought agalnd ua, mado only hy in­ lore the signal. Its content* pnnsed through I dividual* who are intoroatod in the conlinuance ol alave. KLIXUR WRlGHT,Jr.tot.l)*.\ Ite.tolrfil, That a commit loo of vigilance of py Union. A ttRAHA M L. COX, .V. D. R*. i Ih • gnrmeiilsuf Arm.ld, who, levelling I ° 111117.- 2't (Kirxons 1m appointed for Iho fifth dintrict, Iho Posl-Ma/ilers IMI res|>ecl. ry, and by mch •* ar* influenced wlely by unworthy ?lo of his own, cried Cu.raly—'On you knucH, motive*, Uiia addroM would be unnecenur}-; but Hit re Member* of the /Jrradn* CtmmiUet. \vhoae duty it H)I.!|| he to ascertain the strength fully reqiieiled to prevent (if pmsihln) thn cir LKWIS TAJ'PA.V, bare slave! vilo dog! Down! or you die.' of thn Jiicknon parly, and to tako Hiich measures J am lho*o who ineril and poearaa our iwtoem, who would ilation of ini*urrcclioni\ry publicalions, nnd to nol rulunlarily do u* injualict, am) who have been led JOSHUA LEAV1TT, •Unnhle any longer to support his frn ne, the a.i will ensure the attendance at Iho polls on Ihn eport to the Committee of Vigilance nil vnliia hy gru*n rruarnpre**nt*lion«. In believe lh*( we are pur. SAMUKLE. umnanki-d cotv.ird mink on both knees and prny- day of election of tho whole party in this dig. o information which may eomo into their pos- •uing nirajiure* it variance not only wilh tho conatitu* SIMOffN.JOCEl.Yff, ed for lifu with right iv.rnc *t vi-hcin. nco. A- trict, «ssion. tlontl riRhla of Iho Smilh. but with Ihn precept* of hu­ THKonoRK S. g\in wild shoiils of npplnuiin and dtii^lil, and RrsolifJ, That u committee of correnpon trrf, Thnl the Reverend Clergy lie n-- manity and rrli£;on. To aurh we olftti^the Iblluwing New York, Supt. Ud, 18U.V p0 iN of rio'otiD l.uigliler stunn--d hit earn. A* done" of 10 persons ho np|K>intcd for the filth ipcctfully roqueHlcd lo dis|K>nse with nil ni^lit explanaliona *nd ••mirancra, h rn«n from his h.imilitiiting posture, Arnold district, who shall communicate wilh the party Thcs« mon then tcl|^i, that Ihcy ueelings during J[ho present ntnto of exrilc- •Id. Wn hold lhal I'.nigrcM ha* no more light to penmvoro in thoir audsrtoiis cni«ulrr tuiichrd him conleinptiiouiily wilh his loot. in tho county, and cities of Itullimore and An. niunl. abolioh abvrry in Hi" Kmithern Slate* than in llm South! Their paper i» us fulte in fact M Gronns nnd hissos now begun to Ixi mingled impolis, and to nwerlnin what tneiimires are ne. RenlefiJ, Tliot Ihesn proceedings be piihlinh- Krench Weal India lalanda. Ot' o.Hir*n w* doairo no in nrgiimcnt. It is fnlsc, that the cir with several miKiiles. MenU covered hi* I'.ic.: cessnry lo promote tho SUCCCSH of our party. (I in the Annapolis and llallimore papers. national legialalinn «>n Iho *ubject. thoir incendiary publication* has hern tJ with hi* haiiils nnd rushed from tho room. Hu, That thn lollowing pi-nuinH com- (Sl'STAVtlS WARKIELIl.Chairman. •M. \Ve-hoU lint alivcry ran only be lawfully abol- •ivply confined (o the \\hilc poojilc. It i*l wo* never wlhnro/innlly »onn among u».' IHMMJ (ho Coinmilteo of Vigilance: Vachel liar, TIIOUAB S. Hi:RnRRT, Secretary. ial»d by Iho Lrgudalurea of tho aeveral Htate* in which torioij:) that copies hr.vo h^en addreascd (o don, Dr. Alexander, Dr. Thomas, Jaruos Ship, Committee of Knrollmrni. George How nrd, il prevail*, and that the exercise of any oilier than pcnplc of colour Wo know this to bo » I "oy, Jno. Worlhini;ton, James Clarke, James Richard N. Snowdrn, Eli Hcwill, I'pton D. ninfal influence lo iitduco auch abolition, ia uuconaiitu- from tho olncial letter of Ihe Postmaster of ! For tht better protection of the I'ub.ic Pnm;>». ilnwlings, Math, llummond, llnmmond Dorsey, .VeUh, Rela \Vnrficld,Til^hjnnn Warfteld. llusil tionaL 15'iK it futililinhrd and ordnined, by ihr rli'i llnnimnYi'l, Tho«. Ijindsdale, Nicholas 'rnhsler, RiMilien Wnrfiuld, Thomas S. •3d. We believe that Congrse* ha* Iho faine right to folk, aa well on from (ho transactions of ourj __ Mayor, Recorder, Alilermrn, and Cnm- R. Ridgi-ly, Wm. Frost, James Gosling, Jan. J. itortimor Dorsoy, Dr. R. Hcwill, Sand. aboliah alatnry m the Di.lnrt of Columbia, that Hi* Richmond Post Office. IkttJcs; why an i State gunarnment* bav* within tliair nipvclive juri*dic. ninn-Council oC the City of Annapolis Tint ilurphy, John Duller, John Iglohart, Edward if I-xlw'd. of their pamphlets disgraced wilh Iho no)t| liana, and that il b Ihelr duly to oOao* *o foul a Llol (ruin and after the pillage of Ihii Uy-L*«, •\-lnour, (h»ll not be lawful fur any prr»o» or prr- iroonhiiry Caithcr, Jesso Haincs, Capt. Holby, Iroin Uio national raculcheon. scourgro nnd chains, if they nro not jen. Thoma* Hood, Charles D. Warfiold, J«me> •4lh. We believe thai American Clliiona hara th* auni to clcanae Vleih, Vith, ur Vr^rUbU-n, Lark in Donoy to the scnaos of iho black man who i>" Sykes, Polvr Gorman, Thomas Burgess, Charles right lo eiproa* and publiah lb*ir opiniona of the Con. •t any of the fublic I'uinpn, and for each and Retolrrti, That Iho following prmons com rood their falsehoods? Yet llu-tfo men biral svrry inch oflcncv uliall br flnrd in the Hum W. Wood, Dr. lohn Owings, Jan. U. Mallhews, alilution. Law* and Inatiluliona of auy and every Bute n Iho Committee of Correspondence: Dr. Dr. Ilcnjnmin Hood, Samuel Riddle, John lleod, audacity to toll us that they doprecalo >H 0 nf nut marr Ihin one dollar, nor le*« and Nation under llearen; and we mean never lo aur- roctioDs of tho Moves! Nor aro thae Tlioimm, Dr. Aloxnndor, Jnmos Clarke, James Henry Wholun, Waller Brown, Goo, Howard. mnder the lib*rty of a|>*ech, of Ui« pr**4, or ol con- AflT crnti, onr half to the iiifurcnrr. ami the confined in argument* and fact*—hut they I reaidue to the Corporal ion) And be ilfurlhtr Rawlingi, John O'Donnull, C. G, Ridgvly, acienc*—bUoinga w* loUnd, aa far, aa w* an able, lo provided, that il the pcraon or prriotia 10 of­ •hington Gaither, Hammond Donwy, Mulh. Irauamil uniinpaireU lo our children. with tho moat impassioned appeals *iid» FROM THE SOUTH. vileal lius> and r«ricla««a, thai, then and In that Hammon.l, George Cooke. We have a luttor before us, says Iho N. York •ilh. We have uniformly deprecated all forcible at. c»»c f lie owner or ownrr* of laid ilavr or Retolvtd, That Ihe alxivo committees meet Commercial Advertiser, from South Carolina, tempi* on the pert ofblaves to recover their Ltbeity. By tbeir own oonfussion, too, thoy wouU < •very Wednesday st the Union Hotel Ellicolt's vert loo public mail into u public i llavra thai)• I.WII beVV subject to the (icnallici afoie written by a I'ronbytorian clergyman to n bro­ Ai.d wen it in our po«*r lo uldjM* them, wo would ••id »s• Ixrciah«reio pnivideii. Mills, and at Alfred Hell's, Into Porter's, every ther clergyman in this city, from which wo aro eihort lh*ni to *b*erv* a quiet and peaceful demeanour, vnn admitting that thoy havosent nocmw to Ihe South, yut do they nut confess thai 8»pt '" " D. CLAUDE M«yur Saturday at 4 o'clock P. M. permitted to make (he following extracts:— and would a**un them no Innirrecllonary maviinenl i. \r.l Retolvrd, Tluit the proceedings o( tnis meet "Whht aro you all doing at the norlbT Real, on their part would racelv* (rwn u* Uie allghlW aid or have cent five packages of Ihoir psf*r to i .I • 9" eouolenaae*. ing be signed by the Chairman and.-Heerutitry, ly, dear brother, tbe movements ot certain |>co. dtmts of tho South? Uavo they not»ot 1VOTICE. und published in Ihe Baltimore Republican, and pie do more harm than we are all able to coun­ •6th. We would deplore any »ervlle lararrsetlon, botb Iheir PsnHorn's bo*o* of 3WJO paper*, ta a j llr* Commiiiiuntrt for Anne Arundt Maryland Gaxotlo, Annapolis. on aooounl of lh* calaiuillee which would alUoal it, sad cen of Philadelphia for distrihuiiftD, will ( .<•n *ae tb< rttj of Annapolis on TUESDAY the 27(1 Incnaeed teverlty of opprewloa. dence to add, that they respect th* rignuiaf| day of October next, fur the purpose of hear ED, AUIXAJCUBB, B^'y. north, but oven southern niinintera, from thii country, and render the slave population entire, •7lh. Ws an charged wilh .ending Incendiary publl. Ixigislotuni, and that they would cbrnsk •ing appeal*,'*1") reakiug trantftrs, ii.d trail* eallon* lo lUe South. If by Ihe term Ineenoivy b Union as an 'inestimable' blossing; •ctini the ordinary hutmet* ul (he Levy Cotmrr, Sept. 8,1888, ly inaccMiiUa. I am afraid that Ihe Inttur i o ducted already a»*nl pub|lcali»n* comlainlng arguuenU and fact* lo h*ro dona every thjng in their power tod Ootr In pcnruunc« ol notice given, a number ol Since thcso recent movements prove HUr.ry lo b* a moral and jwllUsal evil, and Out l!ie citizens of tho Sixth Ihlrtrict. asMmhled • of the abolitionists, I am not permitted by pub­ it. Thoy bavo estub)>sli«dpresseslokiadM| By •rder. duly and policy require U. immedial. abolition, lh. torch of discord, and Ihcy throw !h« R, 1. COWMAN, Clk, Wlmlen's Tavern, when Dr. OCSTAVO* WAI lic atmtiroont oven to preach (o the bUcka ei- ehafp I* Ini.. B*llflbJs ton, I* u~dlo Imply publl. n*u» wa« appointed Cbtunnan, sad TfcxnM 8 cluiively, from tka fact that a Tow of tUe load. South into a Homo wluoh threatens to »«pt. jr.—tw. cation. e.oMngln, U,,arr*iod, on Sunday morning, Oth inst. at ^Ctf- Curbfne «f ttrtmn Slrerlt and Public I fa­ Cornar of *oro/or« end Courtlmd StrtHt, AboliHpn of our whole ilavo popojii- abounding health, and undisturbed tronquiliiy a. roll's Qn«tt«r« near Annapolis, Mn, MABUJI, cet in the Ct/y nf Jinnapolii. who are calcblatod to mong ourselves, wo soo domonotralions of an wife of William Nichols; of Wm. She has loft IJK il e*ubl1ili«tl and ordained b v Ih'e May. Will b« rt-op«ned on the Ant day of .fro! __^ • of its dissolution.' unwonted excitability m somo portions of tho •n «4foctipMle husband and several children, ** or, Recorder, Aldermen 'ami •tommon* tember next. impudence of thc*9 men I* equalled country, upon tho subject of domestic slavery. also a numerous circle of friends and acquain­ Inuocil of Ihe City ol Annapolis and by Ibe TLf R. and MR8 H. have pttr»Wtd tk«ir tance* to mourn her Iocs. antlmrity of tho same. That the city fcnm- •*•'•*• Seminary with every apparaUt ntc««< ",;bv their fanaticism. They tell as, loo, To allay th> excitement, by any Mitable mode, nia«ionrr», by anil they are creby aothorts anry to tllantcat* their insHuctiun. .Their A iihivwill in3'9t "Pon tho A.801'110* of 8lft* >ms obviously tho duty of the philanthropist ——-, on Saturday, tho 6th instant, of a hili- ous remittent fever complicated with on affoc- tn eiate that part of ehureh circle, I'hilinnphical Apparatia it equal lo any Ihnt -- Pi.tric-1 ol" Cdlnmbio, and upon, the and the patriot. Our Conntitntion guarantees attached fo the'charch n*urea, whkh haa tan I* /oi/Mif in private leminltriti in thii a blot from to each of the Slates the exclusive control and lion of tho honrt, in tho 80th year of her age, residence of her fnthor. in Anne Amndel nol been grilled and paved, to be tntmtry, nnd their Chemical ia M^riently fcseutchoaii'!! "~~- ———^ management of iUown internal affairs. What- at tho county, Mrs. MABT Ann MIUKBX, consort of graded, curbed n and also that purl rxim«iv« to illnttrnte any tnhjrct treated »vcr may bo the opinions of the desires of the of Iho Stare Him lip-in in Hi* trxt books nf the arhoul. Their vViinnoJ condcsieoml to address any nrgu. tho Kev. Richard II. McElion, of Baltimore, !fcl«,'ailjitining the pri- regard to slavery as vate t Cnlinint nf Minerals. IhncgH amall. CMtam* l to such infuriated madmen o» thcso—-but People of MawMchusells, in and «lde»tcliuightcrof tho Kev. Bonjami» Hood, lieh bus nnt bcrn graded, I exists in our country, it is most assuredly bo- curbed and be graded and curbed, ii|i\vaul» of nio upecitnena. Thfir Besnina- "JL(hrvgoon.totcIIU9,lbat they intend to leaving a Inrge family nnd namcrous friends to to the counto- And abluhed nml nrtl^ined, Thnt rv in nlmi fiirninKetl with an Armillary 8ph«rt« *^_rf«'their mischievous and nefarious dc- licTOtl, that they arc utterly opposed lament their irreparable loss. ^_»t Iboy 'mono awyer to mirrenusr tho nnncing of any measures having for their object t nhall of enrli and every persnn, CaryV. \VilsswV, mil Oardnrr'a Ulobra, se­ rf «pe*cb,of»ho presMnd of conscience,' the disturbance of the pence, or tho abridge. cUtroin ny Int or purl of a lot. binding on veral Pianos and a llarpi the intlruwrnl* are lh« li«at they could procura ^hjccl which belongs entirely lo, our- mcnt of (he constitutional rights of any of tho F1KST ItATU CHINA, :lic afJTaaidid part nf'the State Hnuae Circle, they pntiets States of this Union. UST RKCEIVKI), and lor »a1r at the tn ca^i- the ».ime In ho paved out tu the curb in this country, or in liiiglaiid. andtr the solemn compact which bind* ine nn «nid streets and publir places, and to The Library contains upwarda al 3000 vn- j^r&sle* together, that they will thrust them, Auctinn Rnoin ol Mr. Wm. McNcir, Whatever measures may bo necessary now, cnniisting of a quantity of flrnt ute >e laid in gnml red paving brick in inch man­ lumrs, connectrd with the aladlrs poraacil i^, jijo our own hounelrolds. and that like, or at any futuro period for tho removal ot tho ex- ner HI Ilic l'innmi<«ioner» for curbing said in the school, to which the yosmg lailwthav* ll>c\ f°rec thim»elvc« 'ng evils, must and should be referred to Iho WHITE CHINA, l.T EDGED, stn-i-M, nr n majority of tliem, ahall direct. uccets. aaotwo'011" ttnd' knonding troughs— When >rudenco, justice and companion ol thoiw who aniu»e Circle, lo liavc tin- name 1 lie course of inslruelirn !< carried on in r-3lhe E-lucAtion of our Slaves, in spito of which our ulave-holding countrymen shall ulti- will be for talc? for n few day* .ml/ 'il n* un.' I'lnl in tli" >ecnnd Kcctinn nl .1 rrguUr «y«tcm nl acadcnnc "linlir". rmbrs* [J*|rn«,TiiaN,il Jo.™ become oa to address JOHN UROC'KLBHi;RST. Hu 'ly-'iiw. and unller llie direction nf the ring a// the scientific ami m n.unriital briocli- maloly come, will be founded in equity. Wo ' e«. • Pear JJr:'li"-a of llio North, a low word* yBtpl. 17.— ('(MUM. , witliin Mirh lime n« the choriah tlio Union of these States oa Iho chief of * ———— Parent* ami Guardian* who »i»h more par Jiotemit« an I I null. our polilicrjjblcssinps nnd as the pillnr on which s.iin Ciiiiirii-«.iini-r> nr a mnjonly nf llicn NU\V UUOOS. •iil limit nppni-it, .mil in r nr nny per infcrnintinn can litniuijgi^ji p,rmiiii:onrliitty ofthu Union, wo will readily ac f.iioscb MEIICHANT TAILOR, nin-ty il.iy» iiil-r thr ripirnlinn nf the Time 20— 8L •kVil CoWtihili"" wbicli over bvnmotl upon If. in mcriHcv* U.Y liirjfa and litwral as duty docs, or ITIAS ju^t rccritrd,-aiiil it nov opening nt luniii-d iiv ii r -nl C<'initii>>ionrr«, aurh prr- " Wo d(i nut moiin tr> Ihruaton you nil,ill rnqiijro. Wo finnly hold now, ni in cvn. " ' In* new ot.ibliifiment, iiernnd dnor froni •*IM ^'u'-l Inifi-ti jinil |i.i \ tfie num of twcntv Cll A: pood for HP; the sacnng that arp rv vici«iilm|r wo have livid, nn unfeigned nnd liin I'nrintr \ihice u|'busincts, K large nnd gc- ili.ll.ii-4 fnr I-;.,: .Hid pveiv »rek tint hi. uln |> Y virtue of a decree of the Court ol Chati- ii:, nnd tho history of Ihr strong- uniilmted ntlac.lrrxjnt to lha Constitution of tho iitTiil a5tnrtmriit uf nr they sli.JI »oiV-r the «:ime In remain unpnv " eerv. the aubscribrr, an Tnji<(tr, will of- pruKJ Hill have? agitated hif.nan socirtic*, country; that C»n«(itulion, which form.* tho baai.s ClotU*, €aa>lincrt and »• i, to !»*• rrcovrri-ii iu ihr '.line manner nn n I'.-r nt Public Sslr. at Cliarlc-, \Valer'a Store. jrtcvivincj you thai them i-i R.iim', nay of our nation's peace, honour and hope.' IhiT |i(M.ih i.'«, .mil npplicd to the u»c ol the ..n TUKSDAY C-2,1 September next, at M •elected in Hliiladclphia anil lUltinuiip, will ..'clock A. M. all the Real E»lste of the late i ilsa^r, h jvrring over thi.H u'w-'d Union. r irpm MI. in We iny with Mr. Armstrong, lol us 'allay tins tlio i;*»t caTe. Jlc in«itea hi* fiirnd* am John Ailipaw, deceaied, cnniiating of p«rl» ;,-• inn •'>' vvcnla that h.ivi: nlrrady ari. oxcilcmnnt by any Mlitnhlo mode—and wt> cnn the public In j[ivc l^m a call. A:ni in- n fniilifrr i-sliihli«)ied and ordainei Iiv tin- aiiiimr tj alorr»«id. I'ltal in all f the tracts or parcels of Land called Vti. IJIT-.' slronglhciiH nur police. Wo hnve nothing further to nslt. Wo do rm»t ejin:- •Croncher'n Forrenlj" "Ornrpr'n Lnck," |. -n rmipcllcrl In interrupt llio public whvn tlir bwnrr ot any MIC'I Inl nr lot* itliall cstly lx'£, in tin mmc of our common counlry ol .Hur>lauft, hi- i non.rc«i'l^nt. »nd \t\ copier ind ••Qntnelt's Choice;" and containing k V.'c h-.\f held T'liVic not lingn, rind or- —in (he nninc of that procioua Union, which September ! G, IHo5. l i nmntitiinner*. in thru mnre or It.,. This land liea near the head of n, I i v hut tlr) fooMcpj ol" tl namo of Liburty i:-:<-lf, whiidi has mado us thr Hr^'Prp«idcnt nnd Director* uf tin K*rm Curli,' Creek, and from ila vicinity lo Balti­ or* I Jink ol M.iryland hntc Urrl irril n •ii«crr IMII-, n- iv IniMt inil Appoint, it fthill be Tiio iiitorcoitrw of our rjtizci admiration of the world—that it may be miilahlo T Ilir liulv nl* tin* i>.iid Coinnn <.Nn A n\Lr pr' cent, nn Hu 13 nnrvcilliiiicc. Hit- H.iinr p.i\r ', I Ilip r\|'i-nnr nf llir Corpo- Prr»on» de»irnu« tn pure In le are requested and efficient. It ia hoped, that Iho Legislature Htuck of tlif *.ii'l, Inr mi niontii« rn.l i nrc dcitintd to inorcnKO with of Mamachiifctts may calmly toko up thn sub­ r.ifniii, and U ill. ill tir tin- duty of (lie «aiil n view tlir prcmisr» lirfnrr ihr ,«| r. iii'j llic 5(» i IIM! int. .iii'l |H> A\j\r on ir .ill.- The icrltt* Of Hitlc nrr, produced them. D:> you not ject, and provide tho mrans of alloying all L-X. tin- fir»t M.IOIIIWI.I Di'lnlicr noxt. in Unck ('nMiin.««iiiiifrii lit aiiiki* :i jnul i\r.-ount of sucl< |.\|ni,,.. ( |.i| r. turn n Imr ("pv ol llie «nine Flint one fmirtli of the purchase money bo paJlke He lulinns of our niooliii|p>? DJ you citcmont, and removing all danger. bnlOi'ii on tlin \Vp.trrn >imr^ .1 •» Hr'k i lairl in c««li nn the day of iinlr, and the re- I i»t M tlio p.itli' ring whirlwind of t'.io popu Anii^pnli^. nnd ti Hli-t klioldrr* en I'u1 K;i»l ' • t- r ('.411 iiradon, nnil tlir «nid Cninini^Kion. Upon thu one point let ii* all ngrro. I,ot n < rn fir t'nrir §.-r>^r-.« «'nll rri-rivr a cn'nmi« niduc in «>«. nmr, anil twrlve mnnthi frnm Do you not »oc tho proposition* em Slinrr nt tin- Dntik al K i':..ii, up hojiwt to onch other. THE l'.\in\ MI'S I' • ion nf trn per ctnlum on the amount nf taul lie day nf »jlr, with interrtt from the day of ; I) Initial! all tho froo pc.iplo of UK I'UKSERVEP. on | v\ »onil »pi'l.c ilii'ii. on tli« c\ln i ti.>n . . lair, and tn be tecurrd liy bnnil uith aecari- anwnjrtt u '—'" CUJ 0"" n" "''cr- nn«i-i« nf altnincr, 01 by cnrrect •nniilo or- '' "°'" ... , , . y lo be .ipprnv>TU)v the Tni«tce. ' ' A . . H. it fortli'i p«liibli*h'%ii .ind onliinril t>i»3*»nl Irado with tho Aboliti-.mists—to ex 1 of Tim., li\ I;., .ulhoiilr nfiiif.rinl. il ilinll lu­ KomRl1 WELCH, to tho towns which Ihoy in- ordcr, Autr. C7 «fft Tiu.iee. o{ vlt "i c»f Iho Turrilury SAM. MAYS Mil). O-h. ll.r ilul, of tl.r l'i..i»ur.i of ihr I'm piirjllnn, nil'er o'ir di-aling lo o'.h^r commcr Micll, Charl.r Khller \ cU.*^lin««t tho ap|mi in c.i^r uf 4 Violjlinn nf Ihi* prnvivtoii* i>l t'.r I)o you nit perccivc that Lowtll ' i-pt. V7— lawliw K NOTICE. monl. Mr. II. it is a JJ KAtXB Propnijla will be received by tho .....put under Hie ban of Iho South? !)•> meal, and \* now on hii way to U.ttruit. 9 r The OaT.i'lte, and American Haltiinurr, • il nl'ji I n."lit to he is'iicil mil nf Anne A will nucit the ahnvc Iaw3n. •ub»crfWtintil Ihc £l«l of fieptrmbtf 1-71 ool ircaf tho hfntJi that arc openly made to Wo ar» grati(i*-d to find tlio I'unnwiog paragraph in iilntlrl t'.'.iint\ Cnurt. Inr tlii* rrcmnt ol thr nrxt, for Ihe dfViriy at Kort Severn, Anna-* svsplh* Union? Do you nol cco how Ihc t!i« N'lUnual Intelligencer, on llw «uhji*et ofllui dilfirvil. 3i poliliciui, availing himself of tip fury tioi bolivcrn O!nn anil Mirtii^ln: A ii ! hi- it furtlirr r«l'ilili^iird nnd 01 dnined. SOTICL /.V HEHK1IY Ut\T.\, Ojk Wood, In meaitireVil four fret in length, •Sinoc tlu? jKibltc.itinn ol* jetloMiy'i pafwir, wo Inirii Hi, tity (' imini«iiinrr> cnURe the I rout rftVfjnaUct, nn desperate in hi* Ibrfinrn n-t HA I' an Klcctinn will in1 held at llie »•• and HufBcicnlly straight, S\l fret from large ivilll grril •-ili^I'jr.lion, tint Ih^f" in !•»»• rvanon I'.ir ap- i>f lii* I .( ..v ni"l ami i.rcupivd by Ihc Melho- k-ubliU ilosisn.i, willing to proniola the pur- vrrnl place* dr*i^nalcd liy Inw lorhnlil knnU, xii s* In pile compactly: llie expenira prrlinti-iun i>f iiu-niHliiU) cut'i-unn U-twron Ihn antliori. .lni Kji -. ••, .ii v ori.-lv, fur • meeting linos viaof liii parly at almost any rxjvlinr1. mid m^ clrctiuiiH in Anne A run !>•) C'tunty, nn tin1 nf curding and ininection, to Of borne by llie tict (an«l pn.»;ilp nfOInn and Mu-lll£in than iro hail In in- IIIMI' «ilh lineUa ol llu- »»me width ii--i< rcuJy lo dissolve this Union sunn T fli.t MONU \Y ol OctnbiT next, lor Ihr |.u - Contractor.- Mippua'l. Th" (irtlorii fr >ni tlin nctiaj; dovrmt.r of ..I t!,,' clr, .it the cNpcn«c of Ilir Coipor.i- Vml it a Northern Prcrfdont, ii in\iom lo po«e of electing V iur l)rlr^.itet tu Ilir i.rtl B DlTSRXHKRflY, Michi^in. utnlor u'lilch vnlnnU'or* worn «id to In. on turn ra«el'i! uliirlvrind nnd In direct ^lm irtomi' (iriirral A««emlily nl V.41, .11-' two R.-- Anni. Quar. .Mu.lcr. tin 3>ith protect llio imrcli loilnMli.p'ited'IVrTilorj1 . »rpc«r In lino born D. CLAUDE. Mayor. 3. ~ ~ i piuM nn tliti |ir>.-niiii[itinn tlut R l-irce frooi Dliio wr wu Cnugrcx nf ihi Invlfispinal njnio-t every onuiilant, In in attend UIL-O lo |ir»tcct a Court about lo do bulil Hiii-'l !> itiK't in the nrxl A Lte km lo fuar from your cninily from il Stiti-v / Vr.KD \V'o l.'irn, hownwr, Ibal nn order, liivo Inrn glvrn l>) Or the Nairativr£. of llr.nurc* Tlif.ui i V ROMKllf \\KI.Cll.uf n.-n., Sl.'rt'. jroembraces,thnl uo aandispencn with your llio lioTirnor o.' Ohio to volunlKcn Iu mt:tlt, n« »-j« Tn rrirnnvcr, that no C'onrt would I: Ic... 1. (" /i...i«e nn i restitute Carnage* n r«lliolir> nunul two ynr«, *nd an inmate nf ftgcof Hrcat Hrilnin.—If you oan view tlir-m nllcmpO-d lo Ixi held under Ihn nuthorily ofOlno. eithrr [ilri;i'nr unit Cor.'i. tlic l'r»uline Convtnl on Mount Benedict, Insa rith Iranqiiilily, it n morfc than wo ran. J i K it i «' i'di4liril nnd nrd.iim d In the May- riiarlr»ln\\n, M»»«. with or wiihnut Un prutrclion of n military foreo. IUJJ. which th'-io *' ..i. IliTurdcr. Aldn mm, ami C'onimnn- ,iu AII»\V«T to Bis inontb* In c\ Convert, "jw CM cloipise tho portcnttf Iho C%»irl iurlf nol boinf fully orjf.iniie.l, no SVnlT \V. M. in mil, »a«»«rry with them, il is more than wn, uli'> luring lircn yi»l iippoinlod for tho nnw cojnty. I'nonril, of Hit City of Amnpnln, and by •iy ihr J.»oy Surr.ninn. tin- JUl' • rily nf llu- a.Tinr, Thai Ihr The ab wlni Ii nrc cirlutive- July (3. «*»irdanger will augmont tho panic.— I'nc- \Vo ii'iderslitnd that n alight clmllition of Ilir itiiate in ILilMinore county, lieiclnfurc iiinii» ly Died for tlicir own priv.ilr inc. fci will Ui'i \\y tho to npnst. rfimo of tlin vc- •)'i|xilar f.icling towards thr-m- rcformoni wan ex- ;iijrd lo Th'im.i* ll.iinmoiid nl Kinl.-i i. k _ D. CLAUUK, Mayor. A HY-I.AW, " en who have increased il for their own pur. hilntcd m thin city on Thursday nighl. Mr. uuntr, hy 1'lnlip Hjiiimund uf ILiltiinuic Sept. ff Me ('Ji/ C'aii.nittiaiirr. una'ilo to contrjl tin Thi>m;r--on arrived in town in tho evening and uuntv. |) i; it ifd nnd nnUined by the May niwiof olhcrx, and a scons miy tnko plucn lodged in tho house of Mr. (jnrrison in Urigh The bill atatea, Ihnl Pliilip Ilammond nf •" or, IlecordiT, Aldernirn ahJ Common i heart of Iho I'rionds ofLibcr- ton-itrcet. On the following morning it was J.iHimore cojntv, became ju»Hy indcbliil by For the further prvtritloii cf t'uUlic I'roptrty Counril of (lie tity of Anni|rd!t, and by Ilir ^T Ikrugaout llu world. I'uiind llial a gallon • had been rruclud during bund dated the 'fllth day nl Uc-cemlier IHJi. V. it eataldiidied and oriUinrd, liy Ihe authority ufurri.-iid, 'j'li«t llie actine City fftl'iicn affi:ctionatolv'an(I nmt rnnpcrtfully tho night, oppomto the door of llu) house, uith Ihuinat Hamninnil nf Kirdi-r'uk M.ivor. lUcorder. M l.-r.n n, and Com- Cuminmiinii T *hnll bp cnlitli-d to ri-eeivr |i>r ^••vl loyoi, tj nwukcn, and to nisint u-i igsu- two ropoH suipr.ndcil therefrom. On the croM ii the mm of thiilrcn hundred mill »rri-nty Binon-Council nf Ui<< Cily of Ann.ipulit, and i.ia aervicet. for the teal lOJ.'i, at the rate uf f country from Juch duplorulile consc- bar w.m nn inncriplion, Jmlge Lynch'i Lair.— •even dollar*, with legal Hitercit—that Ihr by tlie aulhonty uf the Mine, That if any 130 dodara per. When Ihc f icl ciunc lo Ihu knowledge of Ihe aaid Philip llainmond, in order to tlie brtlier|.trr(un or ,lcrto"n« shall wilfully break, pull C I- A TDK, M^yor. . In the wonkf of Joseph R. Injeraoll, SepL 10. [ ^ PtdUclpkia, wo say to you. municipal was ordered to bo taken cruring the paymentp«payment nf (hethe prinripalprin ^ »'»np| liw ,1% |,ur | or ilr.troy. ai.y tree Or treea, down. Wo hopo Unit the aulhors of Ibis pro if money in llic'itidthe bond «pecilied, with"""'" thr''"" which are now or may hcrrnflcr be planted bo no longer shun- ^aewhsppy conflict cnn cecdniR will content themselves with Ihis hint lawful interest, in nml by n crtlrfiii ilrrd of in any ol lli« atrreit, nr nthcr public pl»c*a TI1K CULTIVATOI* thuy may on- S i monthly publication uf Hi ijuirtn pagri, nnd that Ihoy will not attempt to rival the acts mortgage bearing dale the day and "year nfore- of thr., city ifnre»aid, or injuie thr lence , mivt Iu pirticj to il on Iho •aid, did grant, bargain, lell, alien, release. nr |incluiuro of any properly belonging to I and rninpriHin about Con |Mnf» in a »'•• of violnneo which hove boon witnessed in somo ume, puhliilied il Albany, by tlir New Yuik : or on the wrong ono. If tho fow olher pnrt.t of Ihc country.—/to««on Daily Adr. eiifeolT aivl convry unto the aaul Thninii« ll.r cily »lore»»id, s'aid per*on or per»uni "H riite pul llaminoiid all the following deicnord tract, ullrnding. >hall forfeit and pay a turn nol lisle Agricultural Society. It m r\c!ii»ive- ( few dawn. Il'l^o fuw fiilstfy Iho diameter of land in Uallimnre cnunty, C.MIH.UMX of inoic than li-n dollar*, and not lea* thsn one y devoted lo Agriculture mid llie In.prnve- il complexio.i 61" llio c i.niii'iuily, Rtvo out am- From the Mobile Rfguler Hep! part of the R«»orvey un Gibbon and lUulei'n il.ill.r. Iur every oHence, to be recovered is nenl of Youth. Tlie puldithir;; rnniiiiillee !%•""ordocoAful voicun, H! uul.r th-ir n.jigh- Yu*tordny. thc/rrc black, whoso arr? Usirrinr, including the whole of Iho taid ulher fine* are, one half for Ihe u»e of the are J. lluel, J. P. Ilrekman. aim J D. V\ at* The object of the publication i* India* P*""by nrocllllmilg as tin M irUinn it-4 nf nil, in (ho Witrtaif, n wcok or two ago, Philip'*,land in Waltimure county—that — Corpnralion, and the olher half lo the inform­ the thirteenth day of January IH3-I, lh< »»id er, and'if the offender be a slave, and Ihe aeminale useful information, BII.IHIJ the agri­ >. tossitiatenU of a houdiul, i< in li.r Ihu muny much excitement in this community, cultural community, in Ike rhrapvkl *«") forth in tlie majoaly of Inil'.i and Iho wore arrcstod for having in possnssi num Thomas Ilammond mado a buna fide align­ owner rrfime or iirglect to pay Ihe Hne im i pr ment of said bond In Alpheua W. Mnrnott p««rd, hr aliall bv aubjrcl In be poblicly whip­ cable fnr mi and the success of \he uuUrrtsk* I "daui oyindignunt patriolism, nnd rodooin ber of incendiary papers, woro take ng, and the chirtcler of the paper, are indi­ soil and ro^ihipped to No« York irt Iho sam the complainnnt in ihia cn.e— that said aum ped, nol exceeding thirty-nine laih^n, at the I '•'Atlvci and all uboul thnro, (all except a din- of thirteen hundred and aevrnty-arven dol­ discretion of the author."ty btfuie whum the cated by tho fact, that before lit 1st volume . «ot pr»;nolor of civil discord—a stimulator upon whom circumstance-tt»«mod to fix plaua hitherto ncgleetfil and refused lo oay the *aid The second volume was comrnenced In ' n raping and havoc—of "IJIJtffif"' by. lha au.pic.on of bomg/n agent of mmehw . um of mnney, and inleret*. 'I h« bill alto March. The paRri ar« to enlarffd, (hat Wo tSca oariiMlly big ynjSttto\iun lo tho -the wholo alfair wasWTl whoro it ngliilully tatet. that the taid I'hilip lUramnnd retidea OF each number contain* st much fustier sa I f»1i«ing eaauy. Il is from Iho pcnV>l a Vir- U-l.nsod.inthqhands/f the con.Ululod ou. beyond the limit* of the State of Maryland. STATE LOTTERY eighteen page* of tbe firil vulmfie. It eon. VIROIA'M many «iiKravin«;« and cats, executed \>j tt-iun who is proud of Iho land of hla Inrlh-of an thnrili.-. They huv/acied on iheir legul ro. It I* thereupon ordered, thai the complain­ lain* ln*! and in /owing the d,ct.t«. o heir For the benefit 'of the Dismal Swamp Catla good artists, illoitrstive of implrmeiitt, am. " Astrican, who is duvotod to the Union.—and ant by caaainx a cupy of Ihi* ordsr to be in- Company J-n judgment, uu/ Iho evidence b.;foro them. tcrtsd in tone ucwapaoer ooce a wesk for thrs* mala and openliont of huabandry. Piiesi i «>inatt who, like Iho eloquenl H. of I'luliidul. y, boon undeterred by ottici- CLASS No. 19, for 1835. FIFTY CKNTS tier annum. The poting. "ly studiad ihe CoDstilutioa of they have, pr auccewive weeks, before the 10th Hsy of Oc­ To be drawn at Alexandria, Va. Sept. 10, i abroad. tober n«st, eivn nniic* tu the ssid ab««nt «U- will not sxteed I8| centa per year Iu any part aod Ibo laws of human society. If |ous dictnlion 183.*. of the Union. icopinion among ygy Iw nat Biili'K)n.nt, "(Hit fcndanl pf Ui« tubttance and object nf thi» ltots. Th« Or«t volume will continue lo M fur- Fanalica by tnoro ollioiunt muaimirus. bill, that he. may be warntd l» appear in Ihn nlthrd at 90 cent* a single copy. on Tuesday evening, Ihe Blh inst. court in person', or by nolieilor, on or b.fnrr Ticket i §10 00, Sfutrti in proportion. *>u'4U act as wollaii rvsolvo. ifnecedw- Mr.W;ight, TBOJUS O- I*"*". the lourlh day of Frbru.ij nexl, lo »he» Communication* to t» addrsttsd to J. Butlj • u» the UJM of yoMr laws to restrain tho or Marltiro', l-rince^Jeorge s coun. cants, if any he hts, why a decree al.all no Tiektts anil Shares ftr ult at Albany, N. Y. • . '•of our peace. Banish Thompson N, oldnal daughter be pataed a* prayed. _ * Subictipliont rtftivtd by A, Cottttnt ~ out True oop?-*Tr»t, at thu office, when a iftecimen of tit* Philadelphia. • RAM»AY WATERS, IX>TTKRY * RXCIIANOft OFFICE, _ Reg. C«r. Can. (Charch-Wrect, Annapolis.) work can be teen* Mure of MMmhusMitsv now 8ei t. fttpt. 10. Jn«. to * * t • • *r

. , V THE SACRED C1.AW1C» hereforfl to announce their intention s* 1^ virtue nf sundry writs of fieri thbnfss Mattinely, R subscriber bss atads arrangementa to l of Anne Arondel County deceased, that the administrator willst- s possible, as it la " iotended to 1 »s fast /la tbey sre received nd loVis directed, sgains£ the gnmls anal end at t|fft Register of Wills' Office in St. work on the first of JsnusT? next. . On from Rngland, Series of tbe standard Theoln- liattels,>Unds and tenements, of .Will'msn Mary's county, on Tuesday' th* 22d day °f ie issuing of the secffrfil number psyrhesit sical work* ol England, under the general ti L McPheVcnn, at suit of John Jgiuis, An- eptember next, to make distribatlon of said will beexpefted, ax' ift appearance ivill o* rew Aldriint*, and Benjamin D. Higdon, eceased's estate, at which time and place vlnce a sufficiency of patronage. '' THE SACRED CLASSICS, • .nil Bliaha . of John Jones, I .have he creditors are respectfully requested to The proprietor of the' "Select ClrdtiWting on •cized anil tak execution, alf the right, ttend with their claims, and the vouclieis L.ihrary," fully aware 'from experience « IA» Printers of the tfnitej Sutes CABINET LIBRARY OF DIVINITY. itle, interest, rty, claim and demand, hereof, to receive their respective distribu he rdVantage* to the public of the rapid tas commenced'ra With an original introductory ea*ay •<> eac! >uth al law and of aaid William ive shares. liffusioTiof cheap ond select litersiuro; «»• author Kill ted b* RieH\mi> COTTRHMOLS, E McPherson, of, in ooe Negro Mnn by L. R- BARBRK, Adm'r. been induced to add the important feature to Wood Letters of every D. and the Rev. HKMKV Srnftaixo. M. A. the name of James, named Philip, _ of Thumu Mattingly. the work, snd of course leaves it options' four to thirty-four lints Tht following is the Jtdotrtittmtnt of Ih mdnnc Negro \Vmnsn Nancy, and nn Sept. 3.—Sw with ihe present subscribers snd others to mad* to order on (be ahorteit p London Publinlitr: THURSDAY, tha I7th f September NOTICK t* HEBEBV UIVEN, lake it or not. Ornamental Letters^of entirely >JX1FORM IN 91/BWrri! DR. I.ARO next, »t Tracy's Landing proceed to HAT an Klection will be held at the As ll in confidently believed, that, with the most splendid patlerns, for Heads „ NBR'H CYCLOP,«Dl\, TUB SUNDAY sell tlie s.tid Si-grncs to the bidder, T sembly Room on MONDAY the 5th day attention on the part of the Editor, who b» papers, Title Lines, kc. from two lit LIBRARY, be. for cusli, tu Hntisfy Ihe debt of October next for the purpose of alectinj already at hand the material for such a work Primer (B any size,larger, ' I'Rior. osLf Tiinr.r. siiiM.tioi. Ann Sale to commence at 1 1 o'clock. Two Delegates from this city to the next Ue all the really valuable matter at the English His type will fo ma^Ti i tn tht {at of, 18.H, will bt jittblittt R. WBLCH, of nersl Assembly of this State, and alsu Twc liicrary and amusing publication* may be best assortment, well seasened sno" 'il Vol. I: of a .Vfriej of Int. Standard The­ f'-fT. A. A-Cou Representatives for the Fourth Congrcssiuna thin form at a rate of wibxtrip invented for the pasnoj in tho Congress of th comprised in y machinery, ological Wnriti o' Rn£ltinil, nniler Ihe gt- liislrict in this State (ion and fjontage, «o (tiding an scarcely to mores the most exarftririjuttmenY neral title nf United Stairs. NVALDIli'S LIBRARY, I'ORT FO­ O. 11. DUVALL, be felt. It will form the rbcapecl reprint of BpMimens will be publithtd is Hrk J TMti SACIIE1) CL \SSICS, LIO AND MUSEUM. Cl'k. Curpurali««|, Oil, CABINET A 8 (lie publications now issued from th any country: a comparison with other* it In.'iuilucioiy Ki>'y lo each Sept, 5—te. Willi an uri^nul . "V nllicc of (he Select CircnliHin^ Librar 1 were lindens here lo enter upon, (ho 'Libra­ »ilh neatness i Anilmr. lie of a highly popular cast, and of a elmrac STATE OF iUAH» LA.^UWL-. ry' itself being tlic Hesl lest by which to leads fur .Newspapers, p r.niTi-o nt IT to be .I. A Mn-ieiim, work, (lie Port P»li» and Li O ler shd Peter Miller, administrators o adapted lo the wnnln of thin country, which „ ved over, and made equal to new fa 'irarv, are oTered lo Iliosc who lake the three Peter MillerSJate of Anne-Arundel coun'tv can have no competitor fur value or cheap­ heir original cost un (in- foil iwinc Condilinnii. vi?.. iecessed, it isfcrdered that (hey give llie lift ness bow far he is likely to do this he must A liberal discount for rash. Six u ncc leijnireil bylnw lor creditors to exhib' T!u- M.i.eii.n. I'ort Kuliu anil Library, lenvc at prevent to Ilic decision of hi* readers credit on the most approved securilr. paid for in Advance and aildieu»ed lo the sime ilu-ir claims aKainsVlhe saiil deceased,soil tin ders from the country pfttuotly •• ' the same be publi-iiVil once in each «rrk, fo Ohihs nf five individual*, who subscribe in.l* iilu il j uhellier in town or country, wil In I lie 'Library' and 'Companion' both, will All letieis mujit be post ptld. in Ihc npace «l sii nuccVsive weeks, in one o ho si|Mnliti I f.ii S I-, Ilios rmihliiiK t-vrry obiam the two for mx dollars, the pottage |C7*Kditors of papers in If iriiin.;. iviil lo benefit by the rlubbini; system the "Tiews-papers printed in Anna|.idi«. en. ir ir 1 T lli-i* nivrn to SAM'L. mtdUN. Jui.'i. (3 very imporlinl consideration) lo the moul will give (he above adwnneinent\l,»in \vitliuit I ii1 neti-snity of applying to -illiern ser(ion», snd forward sfpiiper cunUislnt | i . I • •! of Ivi^l.i'i.l Iliro' Thus • wnn'piave malic a payment lor tin-cur Rrg. ^\ iU» A. A. county. ilisltnil |.osl otlice, nn the /f«>, will he one |ir--- •ame to the advertiser, will tie pnjil i . \ .1 . nces, \tff.n bi-ipily rent In pilher of llie works, of wbntevc dolliir and ninc/y Jive cents, divided inlo .1 Ilii, !;!;. I till lllC IHrihn.'SH amnunt, will be nri*ili>i;o'i:i-f / C/.|, icv that county, lisve olid'iiieil li^ii lh\()i poi\i'> (Jmiil delphia, while the an me waller, iif the usu 4< .i|i n to In' g -uei al HM.Ieras MARYLAND COLON 12\TJONl CIHI- il HI I. Those who hsve paid or nnw pay S"" f» ol Aiiue-Aruiiilt-l rnuiity\in Mat > lam', let­ nl American reprints of reviews and maga ,, .. In iU>> m nl T- iiir*il «iu-l*-nt. ilif Lilnaiy, sli;ill receive Ihe Museum am ters of a.luiiiiiili.-iiinri on flic pX»>n>il e»lale ariocs in ocl.ivo form would be eighteen dol­ .IOU11NAL. I^UII'n^ —i, »• " Il i* iMi«'i-'li--l in ro-uuri-i* l i ihis cn\|i-cllnn . >'* I'.irl Folio, the prire of which separate is &C of Peter Miller, late of Ann;! ArSjinlel rout.- ROSPF.CTU8.——The Board of Mis. III.- !)•»! \*- .il .nl ' le iiin«t rM'-lirntcil »T • lars, and (he poslatie as three to one. We u-jinlfeslarl '• nn llir payment nf 5J7. Iv, deceased. All persons hnv\p|r rlnin.s ger« of the State Colonixation Socin lers. ivh i-« |.iii-,-ir» hive ln-rn .|i-vuhscri| tionsilu the 'Companion,' will and the Board of Managgrt of the 3;sle KUD'J rliiiti'l alion .iirl p.-ieiirni Hiir.,rci-.ii»-nt ol ill (u exhibit the same, uith the vmirhcvi there­ hive resolved lu publish a quarterly !our, nf r»-v.-.,l'-'l Ini'h. .fch'-ilifr m ihi-i I the Museum, sliull receive Ihe Library un ho taken eillmr wuh or without the 'Libra nr in. of, lu the subscribers, at or helnn for the purpose ul diffusing information toi I'K- i ilrn-sN of null ' I'ort Kuliu, llie price of which is se par a le I ry.' HOI 1C ilio'i ncil, (dry ni.iy olliPrtXi-c by of i •!*• In ill 1' -'• li>r .in. I -v.'ll la-'O'^ of -o }j8, on the pivini-nt of JJfi. dav of January cerning the principles sod progress \ nl liU law be excluded from nil benefit of lliV said Dip proprietor liusts his punctuality of Colonization. Tin Jon* 1'ii-ali.eH mi the Doctrines, Morality i .1. Those who have paid nr nitw pay for tl Maryland plnn r.ifly. and Mil r-M-itc. Ciiven unilvr uur> this '.HllXiluV and exactness in executing his part of the also contain occsiional i,otic(i«|ty Hint I'*' I*.Mt K.I.I.', 1'iiU receive the Libraiy nal will seu-o on paving >>uch a sum an will be c<)- ADAM WALD1K. oftcner. Person* wishing tu leceite it ri •""• snhtcri ul ;> r>.iliuii*l and S^rc.1 FOK »,X.\AIM)I.I«i. IMNTOW AMD laily *s publi.l.ed, may become K'-;M.\IIKS —The llirce works thus issu- COMPANION TO WALDIK'S Ll- filly cents per annum in.ail»iscl «.u:t\ nlliT in the nnler *!' BKARY. by paying in.ill cun-licive lo the bonutif comjirne a m enter amnunt uf Ihe The MARYLAND wil Donations fur the support of the piptr «i( ul the reader. curn-nt lilerBluir of the age, than is ismcd Tlic clicnpcat it-print Ironi po to Annapulis, Cum be f.iankfully received. The fiitnuiofcl To ihe |»ro*{uctlnns of nr lo in n iifriudiral form fiinit anv other "flue in Porioilicaln ever oH'crctl briilgc (by Castle llavcn limitation throughout Ihe slate will W.rl Ihe liniti-d Sl.itr*, s,inl "ill, llti- pruur.etnr bc- great favour by tran.milting for (lie Joiiol tirn tejiarate produclni.i. IIMV public. and KasUni unevcrv Tues teem In rcijulre, "ill n • ,.. l 4f1i Intrnduc- licvc», with the addition of a uooil uvnhp.i- day iind Friday morning any intelligence which may promote lh*c t» families all tlie udvs.rt;i£rs Ciiciiiatiiif? Libra lury Kiiay, pointing .. .( l riijr«i-ti'ri-'ic pet, supply '..l-'UKK Ihc .Vr/fc/ leaving Baltimore at 7 o'clock, frum the low it advocates. | cuulil be lurmsliril in a mutt .'Xtelisivi- \vhicli ) ij had been li.i'H in cMstcncc, it was er end Dugan't wharf, ner usual place of start Vr All communicstioni are to be JirtelJ imr'»k'i ii li »l lln* A'nU..r, reailin^ room in one of our cities ih»covcrcJ (heje \vns still anmetliing in?. (o tlie "Mart/land Colonization Jourml, (H nnd i. -t bni.kHnie »Mb i^B ui^^i-* <«(aie nf rcli^tun iu Ui4 In (lie Library the iic'vcst tvaniing—thai many orcin renc«-s in Ihe lite­ bag^aji- at the oivncr*« r'nk. fice u\tlie Maryland Btste ColoniutfsD «3 |iubli«lu-d; in tho M •••n-n ami Purl N. H. — -All«. S regularly rary unrld must pass unknown, as retarded ,LKM'L. CJ. TAYLOU. ciety,\Jalliraorc." ^ Il 11 Hie de«tre nf Mp- I'mjuiulnr", in umler- Kulio It lias 'MTII fi'iiin'i by c\|icnetire ilia( our ,i(;ency, » illionl an uxlension ol I In- plan. April ntl. Jane l km;; 'I'm-. C \IIIM>I LIN.I ir of DIVIMI », irvery Iliin^ we cuuld wish t. ropy from (lie To establish a lullcr medium of coiiuniiiiic.i- i |»rc-«>nl th' i-olUi-' In p-iblir at sucli a cnlirc llmiih lilcr.irv pi-rin 'ic.ili, oniitlmi; liun mid supply llie desideratum, Ihe Jitnr- *0l .MTV COURT, w-iu pun-has al |ire»eiit tin.- tnnitl tin- pulilii .il :u I iclo^^c in In' inpidlyi«- ne»aninnel Count?, fcc. , i ii lee. llml _ hr ' . A K> imirli . .. -a|ic»l sued. uivc reason lo Keliux e bus aflordcil ^vncnil N application by petition in writing, o ^ JuOAs of the orphina court clt of walks tlijl i-» -li*».i i i le In lie knn\v\ nnil an> KII ^r- lloberl T. Mercer, lo llie Jud^e-t ol An Arniulel kounly, and Male uf MuryUsJ, I ,vbicli ca unit 11 il in alf.ird hiui* uui.laiicc- and Hi-rail »• primc il in lhi» lir«t ci\li-< in Amrri- saiisfaclion. The very libTdl [utron.igi- ex- temled lo the Library induced thu proprie­ ut-Arundel County t'uurl, praying the bene petition ik writing of Kdward" Broolns i vipn'irl in ll>e I en, tlut fit ua uithiiut ci(h<*r 19 In 'Iruji .1 link fit of- tin- insolvent lawn of tlii- ulale uf Ma Anne- Ainbdel county, >laliti(; tlist he ii os| |IIJ«, .Hid Ulldrr r vri> viris.iliiile of life. the tor lo ft' vu lha\ gratuitously as an cvlmcnce in Hit- literary chain. They are all under rylniiil, a schedule of In* properly, and a li> in actual ipnllnement, snd praying fW The irork will lie linnihomrlif printed in c'jntrol of urn. mind, anil therefore the reader of Ins acknowledgments.Icdnmenis. \x to pay More extended experience has shown o- of ln« creditors, (on oath to fur as he coiil b»nefil of tie act of the Uentrsl AIMS Fonlicap B ro on %ooti pnyirr. roM-iirrnf o1, will very rarely inileed be compelled tu his salt twice, an they are imle- thcr dcinleraU "hich ili<- "Cainpiiniini" is ntcetlaiu them,) neing uiincsed of Marrl.mll, entitled, An act fur ihe i nenllii lioiitil hi W.iror.r'i Cl'tth, for llir tame matter satisfied t it i - of rarh other, complete ill thrrn- inlcndcd lo supply. While re.nlinu for tin- pelilion, nnd tin) said cuurl beina; of mndry insolvent debtors, pajitd it _ _ I 1 fill I'olumn of nhont -tot) peiiilriil llinl the *aid llulu-rt T. Mercer has icsidcd •elves, ami free in from any repetl- Library" n l.-if^c- mn.«s ol tnalcnal ncfn- cember seitkn 1805, snd tk» serersl loppd i fachj on thf firtt itni/ of rrrry month, in the «U'e of Maryland fur two years next ratntiJ »nd Siipence: ; tions of the name articles. Lands of llie editor, of an ments theretf, on (he (ermslhertin Price, Tnree Miillinns mulales on the preceding Ihe dale of his said peiili.m, and cd; • scheduk of Ins piopertv, and il»l[ K'lruting the riiejpe«l series of works ever of­ I These views the proprietor respect fully inlercMini;, cntiTlainni)>. pnd instructive du-] jmv j ll(< (he consideration of (he friends haviii); nppointcd Andicw Mercer trustee for his creditors, ten oath .0 lar as he can itt fered lu Ihe public. throws out fur scriplion, such us wuuld prupirrly eume un­ said Robert suund and wholesome literaturp. Ihe ben-Hit ol Ihe iiedilors uf Ihc luirv ||-.e snmfl b*.ins, annexed to his pttitid The follnwine nirnes of Atilhors whose works of der Ihe ilpslgnalion of Mii^ii;iiii,iini, inirr- |\ Mercrr, which said lrq»lre has j;iven bond WALniK. '. inli-r- and the said Rdward Urookes liatiBj Mil • re intended for publication is submitted in ADAM spt-iscd with Ihu Reviews limn thu K l.ino |,,r iha faithful |ierl,.rinancc of SX17 Chesnu(-»t'-n-t, Philnd. IviRhsh |in dun lied mo by cutifeielenl testimony thit he «v'ul<*uce of the impartiality of the selec­ Quarterlies. To publish rvrry tiling ol ihi« UK Inisl, and the said Robeil T. Mercci liav. resided twu years within the stale of Nir '.f tion:—- laltiro which we deem dcmi.ili'e would i-n- mt;i-(rciitifd a deed uf conccvunce tu hi* slid land immediately preceding Iheliateofl .l.-re nv 1'iylnr, l).ile«. Hnyli>. Hatter, Owen, VI Ilio cro.ich loo mucli no Hie colmoos ol the '-Li- (rustei- lor all Ins properly, rual. |i«rs'iiial and application, aniC the said Kdwsnl Btool] On'l>* »r'h. 1'ii'iina*. \. K.fuipis. Uarnri, lluwr, uiidt-rsi^ned prupose/lo issue the first lirary" designed for liool,«, ami yet lo pass -•--' am) the said tiu»"tee having cerlilk-il ng taken by the said act preicn tlullcr, NVilsun, Hunyan, Krnclnn, l)oililu.|;;f, ICXTKA ihem hy is ronsinnlly a sulijrci uf relict. the delivery (hereof lu him, it it then-full: •j'lnih, li'il'. II iiii'ii'.n'l, llnr.iw, |'il|oi<,i,o, •- nu.nber of ii new series of (he fur (he dclivliing up Ms pruprrlr. l| (il.Olil-:, on M.imUy. the -25(h of May neit, Tornnernlralc, lh«>r< fori-, tin? piih.ii-jliini ol hereby ordained and adjudged by the said sufficient sicurity for his ptrsooil I Sierl'irk, Jii'Hn. b'ai inilnn, l|.ir«l.-v, ll.i ,-, court, that llie said Ruheit T. Mercer be dl»- Li'i^iiioii, Cave, »nd (u publinh il weekly for t>ix ntunlhs, inak- Houk* entire, Hrrinui, h»is of new wnrks, pcaranceat the CiLmy Court of Aonf-Arsl rtiilliuill • v, I'm l--5]^ L irke, clur^ed from confinenient, mil that he II .ill, J-»rl, J . 1111; (we'ily six numbeis; the Ust to contain Iho chujot.-]! coiiiiiliiiiiiiiiv to del cnonly. (u aifcner «ucli interrojit°rij l*vt,ii>' nn ''"'** '" "ie whole. It will be.printed up- 4'c. &c &c (he "Ciimiiiinioit fo notice to his creditors, by causing a copv of and alli-^Miiutu as may be made u,l,, ' on fine double royal paper.. . ina9V> up in iguartu Library" will be oik-red to the palroiuue of this order to be inserted in one ul the news­ and haviii|> appoint ' a .trnrtee, lt.nnal>i<<, Wiirrlin.l. *•* !.._.« I*. I.— *1. ^» l> _T» __ _-__f%/*_ ."*._„. - -* - .. l * » l k^a*. n'lupr. n «!.V,?;'»il.!!|C |!!!<.'. hxlrn »"trt^,'|«roynl pages. the "Journal," and llie "tT'ornpiinion," pear before Anno Arundel County Court to of all his properly, r ll. persunsl and mile ink, SL.-. -V..-. the fourth Il will cmitsiii tliu principaluriginal arti­ an acquaintance with the literature of the. be hold in the cily of Amwpulia on I do hereby order an (judge, (hat lh« i !'')!. /. (I'J tu puMi'htil »t tit' !»/ of Janua­ cles of llie Daily and ricim- Weekly Ulubcs, Monday of October next, to ,|lew cause, if ry,) n'ill lanlnin ago may he cultivated as to leave little fur­ Kdward Urookes be di\[charged fronj is MiiliceH'il (lie fiublic in.-clings, llie elections, any they have, why Iho said Robert T. Mer­ sonmcnt, and that he giVc nulicc luhit en Till'. LlUKIliY i»l-' l'ltt»l'Hr>VINH. liy piuci-eilii.|;>< in every male in the ther lo bo desired. Ueingall published from the ssid K»- and public cer should not have the benefit of ton by causing a copy oT this order to b« i J..i..oy l'a> I'll — •> H'I «n Iniroiliiclory Union, in relation tu the r»nvn»s fur the next Die same office, more facility offers for sub­ laws as prayed. ».iy. by Ihr Ili-v. H'.lurd Cullenmdr, U.I). fewer people to deal sorted in sume newiptfpcjL pnblidicd lo A "I I'ruKiileocy—-a contest which the indications set ihing, and having Test. once a w*k for three ISODIT mistakes art- less liable lo occur, and Arundel county, I'D/. //. (to lit jiuMiilir'l nn Ihi Uf of f'ebru~ uf the present year will go far tu decide. with, XV M S. ORRKN, Clk. before the 4th Monday in fetoberncittsi an/) trill tnn'itin Tlie llrst number will runl.iin the I'rocecd- more readily cnrrrrted when they do. The 23.—3m. pear before the said County Court, it i CAVK'S LIVKS Or- TIIK uf the Democratic Nulionrl Convonliuii, •lion Interval of two week* between iho pub­ Court House of aaid countyXst ten o'cl* NoU-s, and nn Introdni lory l'.-»ay, by to be held at ll.ilumorc on tlin COlh of next lication of each number, it ir. thought - U0i nf the fin enoon uf that dny.\>r (he pur the U>-v. .Henry Slubliini, M. A. month. An exrelleni Ucporlcr hat already will be an sdvan ago over monthlies untl KANAWtYon I'lmrsdsy, of recoinmendiog a trustee foXthoir I Vol. HI, (lolic publithttt 1.1 the \»l of March) lieen engaged to report tlio Proceeding* ol quarterlies. the a.',i| day uf July, fto(1, |(le and tushew caose, if »ny they \«ve, »k»l will eoniiiin the Coiiteirioii, aim ln>- Spuuclicti which mav Tlio fallowing plan is respectfully submit­ subsci iber, a Negro M«n nam­ sail! Kdward Urookes should nnt\a«i OK I B\TI'.S'A HlMIUI'IIVl. I'KUKKtvnON. lie made on tin* occailon. ted. ed ncfit of the said act and sunnlcmcii UNKOLDKO \NI»KNK iKCKIl—w,.i, ,„ \Ve rci|iie»t tliu IAVOSK of those fiicnds to I. The "COMPANION" will conlain the •tl. l»« niW be -cut, to rircu- •FlJXl iDiriHluciory Ktity, by llm lU-v. Joli . I'yr whom Iliiii 1'ronpei earliest pnsnibh- reprinls of the bust mailer kwho \» very bl.-ck, anil Given under my hand (his ^ilB unutf1 Inio H, for tliu purpo4« uf\buiiiing subncri- Hmilb, I). '>• in Iho British pbciodicahi. or i inches liigh| when rnary, in (lie year uf uur Lurd, «i,i8»'\ . f«Uy tslj I.ONUON: John,! and Smi; l'irr«. iiers. A copy of iho work will bo »ent to llir '•i. h will lie issued every fortnight, am| "~ lire. iie»«|)a|irrs that copy tlii> l'ru»pectu». Militv; had on his working i.?,.l»«".,S!:ml dillv. '.Vhnt«k'-r V C-t. Ave M»ri» l,.mr, Ihc form will bo Ihe same at that of ihu Li- ; "i him a variety of cloth- OIDKON IJ'wn l^ciirl Sniimnjr.'Cimri; 1). A. 8ub»crib<-i« •linuiil forward their name* in Hi'iijikin & M»rsha4l. brsry—each numlH-r containing sixteen pa­ above reward if taken lWc e ;A,ybo| TalioiV*, itjlonl: J. it J. Deijjliton, Uan.biidge: time to reach u> belure the 29th M«y> If they ihir- do not, »< may not be able lo furnish them ges—lhu«, every six months, giving if taken in the (IMvrr & Uord, Kdmburjhi and J. Cumniing, leen numbers, which can be bound with Ihu FDNFIIAI.H. rfj'M^si with nil the numbers) bee note tbe work is put reasonable expenses subscriber br^« leave lo y«K' Dublin Librsry Al little or no more e-e had nf every Bookseller through. at so luw a price, that we cannot afford to re* friends, and the public in ftnm>, I print any number (hat may be exhausted making a bolter sized volume: and lo those tlmt 1 net Uin> s- < par subscribe fur it Thsrsfon,oo atUntion will <• As^Vhe work will not be commenced patronags daring Ihe Isst twenty J*Vb ' I4*ij%nl n«t*MM — —** 1.^ _1 . * . ' PRINTING •DOS*. be paid to any order, antes* UM money sx- unless * sufficient pstronsgc be obtained ho^es that fiis paomplnraa and alleatlsil J DVft ORKBN, wapawiu it .. A .„ ^ A.__ payment itttgnwtd j^presoni, onjy Neatly executed at contlaas to merit thrlr fs»o«r. itsme* ssj|t Tree of *»* WASUINOTOW 0, TVC*1\ i Thoio wishing • f. ^^•'JdiBfuWw3lw&R^33F&?^' • ^^^ilr^^^^f^p^fe^-^''^'^•:v'"-' : *?$$$v*"' : >.

MTTELT/S , A PAHW FOR MUSEUM POCTHT. now niivoktJ and Jlrty .1Ti«rtM*« f fell - • • ."• or.' • - • nPITK subsrrlber- win self it Pn»itfe Sale Q|iua 61. J«mo»'a I'ark, ind lod^vd I Ihoaftfct f f^u in ft ictt FOREIGN LITERATURE, JL 1us Farm on Bron.l'Crcelt, about five 7*0 l/St Edilirr q/ Ikl pallimipn Oaflllt. puradiw. lloro in tbo hosrt of a tUy i« ih«r««.H irrlf, »mlei from Annapolis, containing »buut Lnk*. arti&Oiftl tho'if h it in It* ni^iiiti.:ant foJi»tfo a littl** wil- in ailvantc gi-e i farthef description of the I.nml, as doniona "i wild Uu IH-.I, ;.-n all llio f-acinaliom ofroon* sevcii dollars anil n half, if not in advance. ad oxpnrtcnoo, and doccfibrs hia own condition «a well IK) those disposed tojpurchase will no doobt »iew aa that of many of htl follow.inmilra. Medical men try Uf., aod tiu» loo opni to ihn public in tb« boat of a Ouurhort w*y from tho y - -_ \ 11 *. . i, Kepub- "I cent*; over 100 miles l«i cent*. If the above Farm Is not tottl at Private try one rrtmt h» slartbd-sil thn aad spectacle. It ia turHil«D-:e ol' Iho Strand, or Uxi UuU« of Pall Mull, or uil Iho HO- This work will be sent lo any Post Of- «nle beforo MONDAY the l-th day nl Oclo moat larjrintaMa that one capable of aurh writing »ho.ild Ptll Mill, u thry call it horn, and you aro all alouv, »Uoom" flcu in ihe United, Slates, carefully wrapped Iwr next, it will on that d«y, if fair, if not bcroine NO rlrgrudod mm to injkn hin own dcbnncinrlit llin with tho wild bini*. clurp: nj moat ni'rhly orvr yoar Numbers up, upon receipt of five dollar* in part pay­ Ihe first fair day thereafter, be olf're«l at Pub­ Uiemu ufhii nraao. If yoa think it worthy ot* publica­ Itoad, Ui« lamp fri^iag about you, and tlio fiali wilh hia ment. A few complete »rts are for sale. lic Hale, on thu premises, at which time the tion, U ia si your aomce. hi nil) K i"idcii in Iho lako at your K.-cl. FRANCIS A/. terms will bo mad ' B«f(»m I hjJ trnn prrHlirr Uiingn, f Cinricd FTfHton Cli-toli ittjtt Aria-poll*. ENLARGED SERlftg OF TOE MU§E- R. BEARD. LINKS ON THE EVILS FLOWING FROM Common to bo thn ino^t chinning placo on ovrth of ll«» t •••"•• • Sept. 3. LITe-iPER.-* CK. kindj Iml SL JnmrnV I'jrk i» a* much iti superior m . CM. boauty, aJi that it UK Kii[>rrior oflhi* rnmmon field. A- DUICJTCU TO TIIS M-DKAI. Uori.KMILN iTTiCTKD TO L. L ITT ELL IMS mucli pleasure in an­ THE GE*I1MLI»IA!VM VADE bout it, thrro in mimt Urlnvivc r TiUr Vrfpil iri'ty. Arf TM1£ BAtTIMtlftB ALVfl HoUMK. nouncing to Ihe patrons of lh* Musr- OH, TIIR haa an ii)«am;»d. oa lo cottcrii H».'li' in nuttiiT. Tlir tg _.|'.McrV>i'i' proposes to publish, in fly Jamri Pil;falriclt. at he hit* m.nle arrangements for the SPORTING AND DRAMATIC COMPANION. tr»oa have teemed to cnmo up -m thty p]<»ar*d. Tim I'mtcr . I* rl M,.M'nncoO-orR/idii», tyc. Thou full do«iri>yf r of Inn mind. jfiu of Iho Liko ii uot aa on Hoaton Conn. ion of rrpi. )l.MJr_\. ing what he ham always ileniml lhat it should I if now nix rrronlha ainro (hi* pnbliration wit cntn. Of all'. good snd fair. l*rly Uid atonet. but of tone* pparonlly tnniWod in by jr ll"s "«knilwlc'lR- appear in. Tho circulntiun uf thc work is luoaccd In riiilad«l|ihiu jiui ilUinutrh tho publish, Thy cnirl gra«|», IHI tirr.i nud *tron^. I To ruin urK«M ?u irt alnn^-. run tc cbanco nr other. In all theao thio^a thn F.ngHah : ,i,lerJLW'i> ' now so large, as to maki< il iinpnrlnnt to Ihe on It^ve uaed no extraneoui inoana to ctrcoljls a know. ao mucli nxoel UN, t.lftt WP havo Iho Icavoni of ream to llic subscriber I In- proprietor Iliat hi- should he c!)Io ti> pve his ln)c rhanintxr and conlrnln, thnl it* li»t Anil i.\orv l.u^- nt t'.iluro joy. pomo public, inor* private; but all httlo Ed«n», mid*. prevent i- ' l b.y Hit c.irc and luix.ui ntlci.ihi.l n! |r.tron« tcntiuuua conalanlly anil rjpiv!ik« ul u well ournM Tame, much of which ho wove r, i* privain pruporty. Wlmro. iNiil cit'diK f.tciiilie» »f » e.nly commu- meters, (a splendid wink now in l,,ii>dj of i.xi-rtivii wi!ri.i- rparod to cal.Mi.h it*< i^nniinral io;-u. A'.I. ..II for-vri ll.-.l: vrr tho Kn^lUh could re*nrr« A gir-an rjxil in bo nrtu. ^jt»*.f iiliatmr may iiii«rc»t us paimns, efl'ectin;; n Nelllnneiil of nrcounls rxlundin^ I.IU.MI iii'in p>ien«iToljr; nnd if lh« HUnil mnclion of Drcr.t^cil, Mcorn'd, and lout to Rhaniot m«Qlod wilh walk* and ahadod by lrr«*. much to their t; n»r for K IIOHI H i« .'«|ici:iiUly dr»ij»oorf almll trarr.ini, rp.riicul.irijr'i.iafie'l '" thc K'1 "'"; 3ml n»cr the nlinlc i>f llie Uiulcd aiul »l No pyiii)iAthy l>om man In cliiin. credit thry hav- rvaerrpd it, -»nd iht* il i* whkh tun u* lutnro imptovcuit-nv hutli aa r^golda tjpo^ Nor plsco to Uy hka houl. ikw;1! he sn-iy "<>' h"Pc .'" prut'-nl " I"* uM^itig ai rjtn^eincnli in all parts of llic cnun- madu too W«*at End of Ixindoii, the faahionablo end, *o n.-atue;a ..lid i?ui'.'vl.k^:nciil will IM iiialrTidl)' Th..- .Wftn'd jwlii with it* train (r.Afwritli lnrcfgp inform ilinn through tlic Iry f«r tlic vigorous piuttfcutinn of Ilie puuli- .d. t)i liorriira, t.irrnn and 01'p.nn cb .rmmtf rcfiucincc. Itrgrnl tmi l w<*m«^d liku a -.'. nuflin cduiinv.not derivable from cali'in of tliu Museum, ho has m.idc n con- Th'' amount of rubrcripliou. Tho U'lul dror.rfrul thoughts opprrmt hi^ mind, 4«'y (irdai.^.-r, blood and all mich kind ri-R'-f, thu difpl.iy of |>ainp and tin«-'J cppcnrod an if •'.«"? of i nit'ire, inten-slins; lo nil. print Iho work, attrnil lo its ilisti ilinlinp. Rial f'i!l- which liavi- uln.i rim! M m.iiiy, and oihci«i»e manage nil the linanrisl concerns .i|.|n i lain- c-lt ]ni«f iiwry woe*. thry hod drop)»rd frum OIIMI mom dan|iag pphrrr. 1,'liuV, t|... I'irjt, Miui Milfi rd. Trrinbllnf* parli limb with pain snd Our, Tnuro i* i place in il c«H«i the Unndr-iDi. in t'onn of a will liv t'liU means lie communiralvil in^ In il nfler thc prc*rnt year. Ui«tritKtiiij( r'r.Ty pfrvun ni ir .,,, -Ji'i "fu'r if those W|IM«« means arc in- U ' liu .1 Utii;.Ii|l, It. I', t i I'll. (pudraiit, and a prottiur plico for olf< rl arohil^clnro Mr. Waltlic IR a pr.ulii .1 nrinlfr, nut *»r- Tin- Knurl. luck. J. .". Snu>. !r». KVti fricmU lie MIH-Q lovM heat: M'ljlc ID Lie expense of iho Inrj-i-r jmir- passed in liule by anv nlhci in Ihr rnunlrv; |'li.> I).--p, Dtrp Sra, J. K. l'l-ur!ie. An i ninny a V'oo lii in hi* cii;!ii. cuiild nut well d-'»ipn ml au np.-tl cip«*n«o. And tlioa |.,»t .1 synoptical vii-w id nil tlu> im- ami ai IIP 4< nd».\iiiH|trii' and «rnpr.il1t ('h«*ap l.irimt, V* ilh munl'mila wc-ipona uhn'rinK 1 right. llio pliup* (tli*1 ) ii* vrr ».iv ptor, licm OP »»' do) I can­ To pMirro hi^ lonurM urtM»t. 1 Mi'ol iiif.iriiulii'ii Ihcy conum; anil he known a» lliv publisln-r of llu? Select t'nin- 1-. A. tii.mi..|>al. not de«>:riLNf Uio mo* I tit ib«>y display, vorh i« tho prot'u. II nri It. P. .^Tuuli. IU r-«vi<«, ii.- criei in furi'Mii* pniinil, ilils.t l»"« °f literary t.islu Oi-\V some- IsTin^ Lihrnrv. it i* s.op|inseil lhat he uill »ion of It, of -ilki. mid jO*trli> of *vi r und gold of Hr^-^jr of Uithnrl (irtsjn, J. S. Ki.ov, lei. tin >.« iJHniii^r in*l 1. irnr nmnil all l'»-l c.m ..tlrnrt <,r I - nuto llnAyc. *rl forth in un- fh:l in it< columns, articles mil unwiir. have il in lii« (Hiwer greatly li» prnnuile Hit1 llii.'Minilii «nJ \Viv -. In .ii|iluyiueiil "I '.'u-ir luiauic. As sa'e of the Mtisenm. llr lias cnntr^rtnl In Alt.n uf Ti.u Tl'o i .tin), Timing* Ili'IcroO, Mi- f.-Har* ,:..r, ui.»lruu.i .yil.i «... rivjlli"! lA»lr«. An Am- TICJ.H Hon^ii M IK ver Piy lady fetery uu'jliciliun which n lo find iisui' il prninpllr, nnd lhu« will be currrrlnl The l^ilir* Man. \VilluK. K. llurloli. Ill4 nycj. Ti-tr j.r I'.li i;l*iir.^ t'lfovv - when 1 fan hnlp iv ct'-»-('l in a rrrf^in <*..«o fnr wunun I'll T.-ll Yon \\h_t, - Mr». lnrhl..ili!. T>>0 drf.ill il tnhJluUI. it a Uttrr wnrdj w<»..! I nrow tr.imic bnrr, utilf>i »hc* support, m'lil lir»l lie Iho greatest fault nliicli HAS heretofore al- I'.rnt'rr.iii \\rl««lfr. .,.4^1* p-jblic p-trmi.igc e»n be ex- Hi* wnak, c"1 u-uii^l IV-rin, lud inoiicy cn.m^U f-> '>^ki>t a^uJ «o many tctr.pia. i irtIV.I,°lii« E 'i ;ur would, lieic mark llic oul- (ll>u,|. ,, I), vil.. appcsrance of llic work will he as fulliiws: Injuring iilliiro pT'Otia; lion*! In4rc'd I at\ liinlty j \-fid purflt.«*tng ilm» -l jb«4i'.'«'lc'^nk "ith Ihe full knowli-dge 1. It will bo regularly anil punnplly pub* liin3n in IndU. And Ki(;:ia ditpUy tl.ut .ill i. u'cr, W. T. Mn rl IT. And trn l!^li*> II 011111111111! ».n, bv wliicli, lo iUhed. Tli.- Km. III. ILn. M.(>. I -ni-. re (n be tlirtctfj ; linih iu.iiiejril tad Ihe fidelity of Tim Ki ic nfTiTur owu«. r!i"ap her- compiled with oarsmen*,, « i u c by tlic ! * ion Journtl, I 2. Will be unifucmly and li.tmUemely print­ My Fric-nJ Iho (^o\«irnor, J. R. TIJIH ! r. bcli of pricesprici'M initi llicllto uw indn\v«,^orrryimlnwa.JLofi-f * llunf; in ihr vilit, M .^.. Al.Incr. Iffi ntiny \alnm »hnnl 1 rrviv, ed. Vitiurim, And llio dn^.l coul>-*1 *houhl a*irriv« woolen, tnd Inn ti lioi- of licJirr*/ .m Culuniutioo SJ Til-. Oii-ni'.ili, — —— d P4ork-i and noct- t \*< f'..lil»r proposes lo adapt his pn;irr In llic 3. On heller piper. Mr .. fnehUlil. Olpiin .nil iiuMii.l in!"'*; clulli", oii'l jrwilry. A.C., butCi i» «ti (^ itlum«by whom Uo ikiinmutli.ittl v sin 4 Will be con-nU'r.ibly enlarged. Tin ClnM ' f Nalarn, . Ti-fni-l'iiy'^ 1'ivi.t in.t) thCM^h, Ttic Ui-nruntrr, - V, In :i i n i!i.>! t'.inn »h- c;;*u n«r py* Uftlhcr, thv \niev n.-ro i. wfly ^iw'ilo what it i« tn A. ));.!, »'itl mining .Whom ho llin«t A« the «,ilc of thc work ha» ii^jre.i'C'l. Mr. I'hf Duel, II. II. |V.ilie. A Maniac I'.-r M.'. inor'ica. Of book», t in_koji».» purchaw* guide Uxjkj The N;-'«.r». \V. U.Try.imrr. 11 i in i] ir'rtjf "I hi* pslrons: lie km'ws l.ittell ha« nlway* bi-en ilrsirous of devoting |lnw rniny in thit dr.- 'If. I, i'iccj.1. Tho pncr ii r. urfhoii-, .'umy KomM,'. ^flf i lj inUlligont ami inquiring. Thc tlir enTir^ed prolttn to its iiiipinveinei>' and A- h'v llnmnniar |H..v't — lUr rjiaiiipln Htlli-i,* for at4-il l"<»ur dollar-, for them n in »lt»ll, therefore, be as- :il|ln>ujl] lie dors not wlrh llu; . {ipniinnre cif llm'hvid' in lilu^l ih'l >Uv|>! uvcitc ol..U>ul >!& i r null pound uit |v-|« r, and tho 01. *t»fsij il Tlir MSSof Ilin Irirli ,\l:|l)-«r(liln-. Ihr r.irnuril" in.l ^irduil, . Mul tlic tniMl approved I ,|1(, v.ilniuc In be. cciiuiilin.l «> rn- T'ir !! i !:il 1.1'"- he _n , pen*.' «if ad\nili*unf. *i/li'.ut which a hook will n-it n-1, lkl'xtly hi'. iily inlrrrtlitii; -:riui4. in \vln.;li Tyron^ ru'.t.ri-t "in.k him n nri'.iin.-Iy rrire, l.t-fi:, in iiiUH^ifiiii*. tl4t--lliv MpIi-ilUt>r ol* Iho* of I |ni'ei;n perioilirftls resorted In hri Iv can \iin^ out his pi..n, he liuv(» il,.,t ^MLI - "Inily .mm-. - 1 'li« l'i I. he. .v>:~ir r.iri*-. irl'lini. l.i iflaniy lo .1 n! I'ftrbfUct lettrcs nntices. llo knmvs them In Ihr- »ubii' i dims uill be ronxinced, upon rum- |MI, !'.>" UM II .'iitailictl '*ty U.t* pvUl.rhin, ,\':\\ V. ill V j -iti. Ixjn-lon 1 could i>'.iun, i) I wvrn |l* pilKutic, ii»i->cr.i)iln p..r.-'iH uf f»'r L«-!IIIIIIII, ami U 1'or iuf»iii>, * tlift this leulnneiit lo the extent of hia abi. We shall mil have s.itufied our own wi»!i- I *.«jiii'ct. u .rum li-b inu'l null rntir ruurcm. Am ur. Uu* ituociKs- i.ivrrKus. man cin ti-vc cv> r\ Unit)* 1,n ttunlp, !. tj, Mi cul'j'iiriH ilnll nfl'iiid whalovi-r intrlli- e*. in r<'rr.*"|.'Htil.Mi'*n oJ'Urr t'ortl.ut mntt i..y l.titi ; :.u »»n f.iirj , u... thcr it bo of com Tot I ; pulttical charncler may be eulciil.i « ! enl.ii^.'d and unproved .n to n..ik (- it TIIINiiS |\ f.O.NDON. Jnnr, If3J. »»r of Itixur . I lotV lu « .. |< . .1 oiig uViu iot liourt. lti»atrre«t them** No man, wilh I'm fit' clear t« eri'ry llut he \v:ll hrivin i,- \:n Tro'iin* Fl«r*o, in I'orrcrl. I Imvf lfi*it llti* cr»»is neulral iu re- .,. I, .,-. { ' me llor.', ftti^aoncvr. city fur a \v« ih.--ai:d I h ITO *v<>ii n> ith< r l)io b^i;iinnng bocn to .i;>lixJ l'ru| »tn*vt lu Ptroot. i'u -4i.-u f.r |l>« rrn'ivr nil llr»l in ili*«irnhle lo nn Amirican \,« I It. .J ^cn.^ M.iiv, Ariol, and bur fual, hy Itnce In Iho p.iny ili»lincliou* now prevuil- t*ail»r fnm nil the Foreign Periodical". Thst nor cml, I It ivn wulktMl fur IHL«H, *nd thru I wn» milt* pr. f.i.t. To *yi this) by Uiu IIVKI I'ari.*.. 1 iuu»t ^ n4 ^Ml'iiico'.iiitry.inj Ihg rVlitordues not M ish viK ran do so in n, single work, by making It r.; Trolling Hur-i-. Kurf..ll. Plicnnrii.-. frrm thn cm). I hivo nou'M.t itn und in Ion;* ndv» in U i it.i.etii iti ly. f \ ou !) Ul ho«ir from tut oi'.iu, i-i^JU, d»:iiie liis p'lliUcal teiitiinrnls Ihey me coti*iin four or five lime* n* inurii In.itu-i as OMini'xtvn, liul \tltiT<f tlir Ui'vii'v\ik and Mj- Witll't ! ' wr llic ni'ilivo ot .1 partisan, his einiineiils tTa/inr1* 14 eooi|HM*t*d nf inlfiior articles. MUI incn'.M. Not ynt liftvo I born ovur tho Timor*, nnd * nuix. TIII; nnvn.. .\IIMHI;' . there ts n great city Vli li.i« I.Mr, rrpri.-vi'd by ll.o IVp.iJtnt, onco 'aptrty movemciili shall be tharade.iized we tniifiilenllV hj'pi-al lo Iliom- ie.n!ris ol the .if ii:t. rt-.i, ri .L ll-HJ hul'lt inpln thnvv, irul yrl 1 h-iva run jbout till I w«* wu iriix] fur PiJly a in fur thirty ila)«. MI ilui »oora of in. jfrifiincuut BrjjuiiKnl, not violence 01 utilise \1iis-um »'i" hive licen in Iho h.ibit of li:uk- ii:;': «>l J( il ntvor hasiiucn his practice,so shall in; over Ihe Hriliull Jinirtiil*, ulietlier «t' A fjiii) i Trculiftflon Hi , \rilli t'ourtcrn I Hi:-, ami Huflml T'llh tight* .uid noTrhitu iitnuinrr,ililo. In aaniiy, w.« ; thi« mum...;; i>l 10 oVtoci io UKI IV,* .ulua in thil muni '• become U'u li.tbit to tU'al in polilicul have not alii-adv. In a very jrent decree, nu- I- Jill!l«. I" %11 olhrr riiir« liul I h»vo bvun, «nr can fti.J it loaml a .on Yar l, lUfiDf* optrud, nxl lin.tllln n!' a j« ur p^rly virulence, lie will chscr- ceeiled in rnpjring all Iliat wns wmlh ;'ie- (.Uow i'.ir inn browning nl an oh»jrvaliun, Iml thcro |iiry ot'i'hyisirun* ha\iny ph>nounud him «rTiT U 'u t>n n^n' IHTU. Thn very itiftgMitinl'' urihi-dt»- RviivrJly Uilu-ii'd thut bu hn. > tinuifrotn all parties r.sbrvin^ to UUCCH tu U* nut over ilrtcm ano from uHfjinplim; ii nt and if*, hi* lutuuily w*« |>r«l«ndcJ. llo H-wiiUnuU As Ilie wort uill nnw be cnn»ii!crM'ly t-n- j kiiljr-c!* wl'i- Ii nm pirlM^irly rni'irr.rtMl iu th« all. Thoro ! tu much lu *ro that onn doc* not Litovr rd llni/noniing by ft Catholic Tnont and UM> 8p_utfir1 ol rojcctin^ *m:h us nrc iib^i-c lnri*i-d. v.o kliall be able inoic fully lo nciuin- Vid* -Mocum. unl bu niMro tliniiitcil) un.! rMfKxi ff)m llio fi>UoH'ut£ nirnnurjr "f llinn: \\lmrv t.i h. gin lo »ro it. SU Now York* would inuko I'onftiil llu W4« infuriiivd by tho Trim ttut tlnrn w»« Iu addition to the ad»nntnso*«f «p- pllsh this hlijeet. Ttio Turl taml nil ni it 11'r i ronitf't'il tlirr.Mviilu Irit ono I^jiiJoii. Thr whulo of Maino cntwili d UJHMI mi hup\) ol cic.»|Mi, »i.d ttul ha u.ii-t dio tl.ii morning, In onler lhat he may, by frequent ' - : On llio Hlnicltuf) and ('liarertir nf HIP llvr-c. mi.- roMtiniioui U rrilnry, and Ihrn innlli|ila-d by fuur llo vtX>» jyain ui mritriiMtl »U b4ll'pi«t nine o'clock, aiul . It political anil Ulerary *elecilnu», he from home, li« the earlier nblo lu nmsh nil « On ilir tin|irovmtcnt of HnrnrO Catlln. wo,i Id not ins'tfo «nn Ix>nilon, *o thtfkly In mail jimtlud (nld in a llin tnu« uuw ai>pnMoU«U. Ho iii)inrrd '"illulla to Icmpt inlo oxcroiw whatever of liul p tor NI.VICL* in :-'ln 'ttm^. ifier btisine»s and devote himself exclusively tau, nucti i* hN lovo fur society! llo* wuuld liOF »O"ii «n>l ua tfoitig told in h"lf an i.our ho did •..^ . . . rsurround ... him, ^ and^ ._.» withauch._:.!_ -..-1. MrUiix!*i Cur t'WUinc i\ml 'rmiiinj; Oogi , to 'the Museum. Mr.' Litlell lij. ..vie nr. IP! IU>ono fi't-l lirrt't ho who could put oiuhiro Uio nd in it and .ti »pip«r useful and interesting. He asks .^iU. brary to edit this wr-irk after l)-eember, 1H5-4. I hi nli DC;. Fi-hinj. Fowling. Ac. lit* do^* 'I*lm l*imny Po«t rflilrti i« mtabliihe*) lioro u tfbjilil). llu WMlkod lo tho aa!lovi» ^itli K^, anil l*»t tSr p»ironat,e of lti» frieinl* loojjir than Aptxovwl (^Kitirn, .r»ni Hoylti mul ulhcr*. However deficient the propiielur mny be in mo. t i.lfMrji.l'' conlriv*nco fur cannecliiif* loynllioi in-kiiiu-r upproachiuK *n lonty. it u^n until ho »V«Tirls merit and repiy it, »s h« withes nol Crtlicimit ou l*l.iyi> vutl Actor*. 0 ,l,er qualirttallons. he U,, -Iways Mi so Tho ti»f*tl popular Hnn«»i, i^t to nm^lc, thn |nrt* of thii tcrv4t tnMropolU. For two pcuc«, . I* pi ic«d un llm plti fin m nii'l l,(n flii j ff«»rtanlnnj^>rtani jt.i^.»Mlh(j i^vtni!*. Tho oltici'i of thu IVony (Hint ira M^tlcrod iU o\x-r tlin and lul\ huii trtmbhoK with^|, lilt iraino »huuk time, to the care of another, were he not r.on- Gentleman'*' Quarterly UPMOW «>t UHI .Vliiomi. week. Terms ui »ub«er<|»tiuu 83 r,,lri t thai Ihe f.eilili... U«» e»pe..ence .n. tlty, aud Utou tti'jro U « travcltiric man Milh hn liltlu and lu* whulo b*«ly wa» *:°BHW ^th Dinutt'iti. Tlto Vati« M*Jf«in n printed on Ur^p hii)>rri:il p'por Tho cord WA« louii cut, l^^Ul.brtn f**ll, nnd ho -lied II e"ability of ll»o new Kditor, w t ll render it of a briMtt.ftit ntiito texturfl, ,\nd in publinlit d HV.T)' rtut who jin^l* hi* ball undar nlutuat orury wiittiow. ioruwX of II,.,,n.«. «MI.. if '« unlay, at 7'Ar*» Dot I art par an num. m a'lvanco. Urxkr* Thu ccurm-y with which buviivoM U done, in thii pjickly and nilh .cjrwly « tftt^W^ .Mjr.lj.l htbUul uilupUd nvtry* in hU |K>wcr tn prvv.ul f*>. p|»r- in the j'riipneji'iship- and tho p*i|n*r Csuolully jMtkwl tu firov»j|( it ft on, rub. r |[<>od rtguljtion.^Hiutl 1 have bean lold thai il in nur*l publicity b«in^ tiro n lo Ku inlt'Utt'm t" niocuin hing by mail. hiui Ihu niuruiii^, and iho ppuctalor* won wry (b«rt 1'hilatlelpliin. April 9. jirodlubln, * it iniwt bo, wbou tbo uotos of iu itujiy [>oo- 7'A« tVcrfirn Aft'ng Drama, t\ vol'imo of about TIOO pU djiily run through it. both iu tin* J4il.y.irtl and ouU*i«lo llto wall-. Tli» ar. ilK un:Urw(iUdii would l>»ntn rcspecl- - - ' dumber* may be teen >agnt ooaUlniUK tlio t'lajrx. I'.irc**, dec., wlucli a|.|Miur . . Tho hril div I * » *n I-imdon I do tiro red my*cU" up raujjuiuonl*! l<»r Iho ni'iculton wt-ro iiMdo with perfect T f«Uy icqueat all 'persons link-Moll to u tbo Vtidc Mouniu, neatly j.nutrd, atidhuund Lnci*-»tic *«Ulo ftrm of Messrs.. WiU'mms'.in and if I tlir of the Md. Gagelte. opvcm, fpr tr ni^^u(t4tii'n IN puhlulirtl nvary »ix wcckr>. ,o klrccl rovunoi, |{oin^ jtul whura A fuicy curnod me, propriety aud rogarU tu tlto tuvhuj[» «' h»*«-.riit>. DKON \VIIITE. «n Uctll nhil selllo tmmeTiotiln: is Uii», ^.glit vpluiiirtf will ronc'lUilu » »cl, or ono yoar'i null wilhuul o iriii£ much v/h«ra il wu», aud though 1 it«t. cuiisitleretj final 'tb :\\] li\luul» rt [it I on, th« l«rm» lor which U 7'Ar«« Doll or 9, f»ayu. td a* »mm a§ broikft.t w.i OTOT, night wan npun mo ' •'•: ' . '' - (l - ' '* '* ,' or ..___. bio til AlttlUCC. Imfoni I drutm^d of it* approach. >tnrh of th« ore hi. , from 10 to 85 ytan of SutuKriboni to tho Vail" Mr cum tro ooUtlod to a div t«Ctuit) wa» nvvuf, micli u an Amaric^n novur toe* al Tlib. U IrUii, l'o,(»,r .^^.-.^..r - C- PKU30N3 haviug likely Servants direction, by »acio.*.Dg R Un dollar noU po«Uyo pUa. low«r of London, lr» imiisos Rbout Temple n&r, ttio lof. Uancjl. 4«c»«ip«nu-d hj hU.i-1-r, on ariall to dispose of, and wiihinn the high- A prvu-iuni, coroifdinf of two vi*)uinr«, 51HI pa ly Hi. k'anU, and niftny auliijuo rhurohai in thn iniddlv ,. , (st prices, will do wf'.l lo give me _.'h, uf tht l^ov*li«U MrtKftnuo, oontiiilirtit n^ht i of tho niiMl oruwdad atrtMti. h^juipagoi, tba carrUgM, lainily af ^'' Tiouxotl. a uwrcliaiit ot AnfOul>.n>, The Slesro Roat , a call, as 1 sin determined to bny- ( nut Nuv«U, Uy tb« uio.t pujmlvf nutkom, will U) j iho rich litorio* of crvmiU, with thalr fl-ttthlng oajw ami w|K>n h*, for Ibo lint linw, HW Madauw I'dolljnd, « Un aml give higher prices than any o wnlvd IP tho A rent, who lt«ll vfocttm four IIMIMW pluiuoa, ouirUon, 4tc. *Vo. were all itow. lUr» wor» a tin then twntily yo*rt ul ago. AlUioujU no only ro. tint Mottrrn AotjnK Drtmt, ur tii*> U«nllciuon'n Vndi iu»iusd tliuru rijjUt d^jra, to (r**l Mk iiitiuucy bail r mny come into M««uiu. and reullOiO tinminl of one yt«r*i »uUcri|). triho of luoni in do«p Utok with ockadovoit Uai^iMof ...... —, mnrnlh^f-»t 0 I, «od Uwra waro «U>4r* tu fUfuinf r«d, prung up Ulw.ou Mad«MM 1'riollaod and Umw:i, liul (U>n for r«ch. , *l\«r hi. d«partu» lli<7 oorrtayoiuM Tor fn < iiiuitlM, o'tlttk.'fnr O-nttWVtlle U«ntlait»ii wMilnx to utwcrlbo to «ilh«r of the *> forcibly oonartaUng white. AU looked Wr« * gnu.4. «r Jn,..,,. Hunler'a wUon, al Ihn rtxiuiwi uf l»r huab*nd, tho Oufrt>t|Min. ertown, stsr^ng fr«intUe lo«r«» trm V« eomio-nleatinrt- 4lK- I f«M4 »tt>h. aurprw* upo* ih« mMtvo bridgo ol llanoal k>ft Frsiico Tut t^oofal, hjKdVMMuu* 1'nol l.-^AtlibaffgsiJe kfthc owner** I ITONO.TUCK^I . _ V.EM'U.0, ; L._ V. ^ ••' ^r^^^^r'''--'"^H;^-^l.', !S^'-f-"t?\-''^'?^ - .- •fMrfcj A* Ttj11 - * * v * . •• laoA mrt tml twice, and both timm In atiwiie* afhtf Mrs. 9atly OoeTinuf ai 'Pembroke, on 81 notion kMktnal Te*»rd« Ihe elo«> of LS3Q Baaeol ntvned Ihe «3d day of Juno, 18»a,)-wa» this day with us about its tad that a they thai] rxrror fati frem flanrfml. Bad went |*> MontpnlMtr to Ului eat clored by th* Jury UTJU/**.*/ the. charge, and State* would " rarjuneatt wlfH*e}*o«^ _ _, 4octar>a diplntn*. In going and reluming ha oalkid « in nil probability will M0*r that aeMlsssnoal by lion of Franco cfalm6k*Tjo«rf.M| MaeVuw PliaUutA, md II wu In OB* of tine* Intif. ABBAPOI4* Inw affixed to tho crime, *j*d it 4* th* only ot evc» (W», throoe,,4iv jeopardy La*d- >»«*1 hsaA'fX-., 94, *>**. ka Male*, Ibat (h* propoaod U him tbe prejxot of fence which by tho laws ol Neis^llaWsjwhire U BMU*. *VV T£ *\S*!!* **?? * to ^ utting UienMtTe* to death a propoeml wkieh «t ArH panishable with D*Ata. Tfc* pft*oacr wa* ra- Juno Mth, 1836. and beat those who a«»a IT. A Axiiir* CHURCH. To Bitaek tnefallcs) h* looked upon ae mere badinage, nut whleh *>Mn Uok There will be pruaching ut thin Church on dictcd in September, ISM, an** trial postponed Atto Dmua Sim. Ihavo now boon irreeuttMe poeeawaion of hi* mind. IteeohiltoD* wet* in the to the ensuing February. At thai time, hy row- a week in This great and polished nnd wicked men aide with the expressed. ' Siimlay next at half put ton. Vcipora Republican pro**, though now so ftually nude tn aeconnliah thu ohjnel, and they parted ovrning. son of the inclement *c**on, the difficulty in city1, and have seen *omo of tha most interest­ in the end of February. They mel again on tbe 4th of convoying ogtd. witnesses tu the town from (tie ing places and thing* *ich a* tbe Hlntuary and ccivod, will aoon tie forgotten March at Poicliore, aud 9Sd of March wee- tlie day died BARHACUB. lower part of the State, and thn nno-attcndnnun GoJIery of Paintings In tho Loavro Ihe Garden injury arising from tho geoeral Tot UM execution of their preject. Ou tho -17lk at Thorn will ho a Hurbncuo near the Fork of ffcnUoruon of the faculty attache*! to tho In- of Plant* tbe Pore La Chaise Ihe King's whon indigBfltiow haa gaHierod, Much they irrived la Pali*, «'"i wnnl to lodge at » Library the Foundling Hospital tho Palace ion, to n bond ngnmxt Iho Ooreron hotel ae nun asxl wttV Ou tho trying rixxl for tb. Bridge, in the ad Election District, A. A. coun- lann Hospitals of Clmrlestown, Peppcrell nnd of the Luxembourg Notre Diuno tlio Garden will be forcibly liberated, and will ac«o-.npU*hnMBt«fu»irhovTiMe pUn, M^Jaiiw FriuU I »y_t On Friday the '2>l Oclohcr, to wluck the Can- Worcester, tho Court postponed tho trial until Ac. . ly Mow «t tho Orknn*dyno»ty, luul oidund % (MM Wih to b« bma|hl into hur c'.itmbor. Ididatoi fur Congress, the Candidates for the September, 1834, and at that lime, a* you mny of tho Toilcrim, A*c. My expectation* wero high, but I must say to tho Government of Louj* I'hi wvl it 11 o'clock, every thin*. belnK r«*dv, (>M fcotrible (Legislature, and the Public of all particfl, are be aware, a verdict of uvnvTr was returned, af­ ter n full nnd fair triul of four days' duration; that upon the whole, thoy oro moro than rca open iti present acocccdinn^ o, tra|,xlv be Jan. Bencal ataton thai rhft Ihon inked turn invited, I lised. Tbe vast oxtjnt ot Iho public building* prosaivo and impolitic, o^d n* e to (ml «n end lo her life; upon which lie Wed lier twice 24. but from tho fact that tho jury were located nt j in Par^s, nnd Ihe richnea* and variety of ita ou foci nothing so cettaUa%)o« ittvown in hei lop. 8b« lost a RT«t 4ml of Mood, end would a public house, and through the renussncM of riogities, both of nature and art) fill me with ns. Courier. have ftUen fram tb* ekair bad h* not eupnorled lint. J.\MF:S MURRAY, Esq. w*n i>o Ihe Deputy Sheriffs wen not sufficiently rcmov- in th Pant, AuK. 13. Hg AfUr Km* Una hw rtretteth failo.1, and "he full »|»n as u PcU'tiuU: to ihu (JerKTal ArwrinWy by od fr-wn tho ronversa! ion of Iho multitude, Iho tonishment. The painting*, for example, haro comn to Puriii n too Root, bat he Mbeoauoifrly xieemood in placing dor MANY VOTERS. verdict was »et aside, and a new trial granted,] Loure; think of n gallery fifteen hundred fecti Hhe cxprett of id «|wo UM bed, ami the/ IJT ihrru «ido hy ajilo. which has just l*'on concluded, commencing on' length, nnd Iho walls completely covered o King.. This circunwtnnos KlowJOd th, f, ho ha* ha*} tf .feU; runn wura eway, ihu utill Iwrd. lln u«kcd h. r if i!,e Wo nrc authorised to Announco RPRUIG Tursdny last. It wa* had last September in the j both (idea to Iho height of twenty feet, with th qurncy of the audiences jetty sinec his return, hns given rival \vlahed lo liv»; ihnaiHl "No." lln then o«k«l her if-lio IIAUU'OOI), EM|. us n Candidate for the next North Mating Hou*c| this term in Iho County j finest piece* of first luoitrr*. I *pcnt two o wuhnl him lo IUM l>» bwlouri; bu> ahe "aid ih* objxcii-d Court House, except tha argument* of coun*-l, thren hoora there tho other day, and cojno out that ho in about to enter the to tlw iron onlrring her henrt. Him lud clirwa blood. nnd tho charge, whiclMttro delivered in tho 1 bewildered with Ihe multitude and I Marshal Maieon will r*jaumo ing u the moan" l» tx> ii»od lo ric|>rive her of life, Im- /Y>R CONGRESS. Huplist Church. *-* gorgeous sylondur of the pictures. I intend to Petcnburglu > c«n»o «ha *ald nha viilictl lo *» liewlf il/ing. After Fourth Disdicl Anne Aomdcl County •ad This i* unu of tho very few capital trial* e- go onco more, hope to bring away with mo a Though tbo firrt division of tlm _ Mine furtu** dnliy. ho, wllh her eon roiwnl, K-.ITH licr Foreigners did not sail from" Aigien till 'ihtftof Anniipv-lis and Didtimoie. ver had in thia State; *»d nl bath time* has mom ditlinct impression of what I *oo. emn* ecftlale of morphine whieh Jio had pfnviilod, nml drawn crowded aascmblngcs of people. Mc«*r». When my Vinerican friend* here oak mo how inst. its arrival at Majorca, haa been (.'Kin took t 4eee a»in*u!r.-rr*rr)m>nco- uflakuiK thn murphint), l,ul Van Ilnrrn. ISAAC MrKlM. ci)im*ul for Ihe prisoner, the solicitor, John mire and abhor than over bcfor* in my life. Tho Government has decided to icnd fc r i'.« efhrie wero not uirncieiillT powerful. «ml tlio bin Such va*t libraries and guile ric* of Iho fine arts, forcoment of cavalry lor Airier*. Omen ' t xiri iru «t Innglll rinmrt numctcl lailfi^nrlrjil. mount of fact* touching immnily than nliiimt n- natural history, nnd of nncicnt coins nnd me- llic following ia Ibe^tWress prrednW k t'aaeemooaaae, nnxt morning r«ieoivrd a l.tlvr wlucli JOHN C. WKKM.S, ny other on the jiidiri il recor.N ..I' N. Kmflaml, dais nnd statue* from all parts of llic world King by Iho numerous deputation from tin] had Ixxm written by tin, foruior, who. in aiil.cipjl.ou G.-n'l. (iHOHGli II. STRfART. tho books being with untiring indiiMry searched such palice* s\ich gardens »uch churches mericani in Pari*, on Sunday last: of dojlli, had ri'<|iMwlriM«* wunt to the room, > nrf Hid UM Joort ft/r. ceed the bounds of a lell, i, in »l.ili,i_' tlnil tin-' Rut then, on Ihc other bond, surh wirfr spread which is felt at tho providential escape of i c*d opeo, Helical ^iid hi* victim wi-ro atrrlcticd «tn Ilie Anti Van Harm. prisoner then about IB yenra old. living with infidelity mie.h popish idolatry micli an nwfid Injesty from the murderous attempt Ulejv be loll braaal. Bmcjl haviii|( rciovrnxl t'ruiu A.^.xr: Anr.vpi.'i. Covxrv. Ihn Oth of Jan. 1 fa:l:l, mid with nn axe prurcL-d. sort such abominable prints in a thmnond shop 'ronch nation, their sincere congmlvjaiio hia wotind, wai on sialurd.iy )jil l^uu^lrf tn trul fur llic d to Iho sleeping rxiin of Mr. Cochran, nnd windows guch wide rpraad and unblushing li- n doing this, tfcoy caanot withhold the cir., InirJoc of Moduli* Priullxinl. (irrjl inlennl »««otn- I'dM Hurrn. i'fli im utter disregard, by thou of tbo deep depnrj I*J in tlw cuurt. wlunii w«« crnwdotl to nxc<*»> by Uilit*« CR. \FTO\ l». nUVAl.I, indicted, in the diirk, wverul severe hlows ti|>on centiouinc*** ion of their abhorrence ajiliou* to liuir tlm raratt oflhn ronuuUc ulUir. .Mini CDWAKU IIAMMOM), ifr. C. and his wif,-, m-nrly killiiif; him and sc- sands and tens of thousands, of all Ihe roost len­ n \vhich that attempt originated, nor of t a lentf invt-att^atum, tlie jury r^ttirnnd a trnlicl <>t WKSLKY MNTIIICIiM. ven-ly wounding his tvifo. He alnnned the der und mr.rrd ties of human society these arc onlinl sympathy with Ihe friends ind r»li .Not liiiilty." Uanual u dr., ribod u bciu^ a yu'jiiu Ur. KUIlliRr FttANhXIN. mother of Mr. C. und stated that lie hclioved tho things thai make you ahudder ami weep and .f those who nnhappil) fell victims to it. ' tovi, Biimlt m »l.iliiro, with black hair and rynw, noU ut' ho hitd done some injury; *mid that he aroeo in dcsp.iir. bog leave, at Iho aomo time, to axprtn I A p«lo countenance, viprtweivu of dcop auUltxi nicjjii. Anli Van lluren, his .ilcep nnd did Iho deed; .H'cctod sorrow there, ThnsM who hnvo known Parin for many yenrs, nrnnst wishes fur the liappy prulonra(» j'mly. I.F.ONAUI) IGLF.IIART. lor, ckc. etc. These furls wero published at however, assure inn, lhs.1 Iho *1aln nf thing* ia ^our Mojesly's life, and for the conlimnl i CHARLF.S S. IUUGULY, the time, and pasxed off nt n remarkable cn*o li-tter Ihaii u was, or rather that it is not *o bad. iling pmsnority of Iho French nation," pr HOOII, of **omnambuli*iii.' Prvscoll ronlinnrd tn live There is more gospel light and some piety. His Mnjeily repliod in thcsu tormr 4th 1835. JOHN MKRCKR. in the family, nnd on Sunday, June -'M, with n Thn prolcatant churches) arc increasing in num­ MicntleiiK-n, I nm much gratified by f xtukr, in a retired part of a fu Id, not a prent dis­ ber* and gaining strength. Thcru aro six or cnngruttilnlions of tho Americans now nsidti At a Inrgo and rcsfwctnlile meeting of thn tance from Ihe hooer, MIK.IO dnwn nnd killed seven plncr* in tlio city, where lb« truth is *nris. I wiih,gentlemen, I couldnprenlol Thorns* llamninnd nnd Philip lliinmowl. Volura of thti City of Annn|xili«. friomlly to Mrs. Cocbrnn, young nml bountiful, Ilio motlwr prvnched; in some of them, with much earnest satisfnclinn how highly I appreciate, your as UIK ubfrcl ot' tliu bill ol cuiii^Uiul. in Ih" rlertinn of Iimnc MrKim, nnd Kcnjamin C. of two children, Ihc pride of her hnnhand, a ne*i nnd power. The number of Ibosn who menti on the Into horrid attempt: but yooi T lht» cle i4..lp.. o)fl4»n. « di-Lii'r fur tin- II .want, lor Congrww. Ii -Id nt thn Assembly loved member of n rural m ighbnurhoml in mourn over Iho (rightful desolations of the place understand the feeling* of my heart 'better il ante of alxnA fnur Hundred *cir« nf luinl, U'loni on Tliiinxlny cvi-uin^' Inst, Rt, snt days cmirfr- nf iii.-dirinc: but I prcsuruo it wus grateful recollection of Iho hospil*.h|s 11 iiitirrnl that III? nily of nrg.mi/inp the |mrly in Invnur of Martin down upon a slump; nomntliing cxmo ovrr hi" none too long or thorough. I hnvo been gain orrjnyed ninuag you during my ntsdeM* ill sirl Philip Itainnui I, to order In the better Van Itiin-ii IH I'n-sidcnl, ;md Huluirtl M. John- ami when ho hail rvrovurrtl loutid ho hit'l killni ing in health ever since, and am now better than Uni«x) Slates, us writ a* Ibo eiprf siion of I ; the | ivn t ef I lie prim.ipnl tum win ii« Vicii 1'p'iiili'iil, of Ihu Unili'd Slates. .Mr*. C. Deceased had nxprcitsod u wi«h, il I h:.vo been nt any time within the Inat throe sincere und In-arty good wnbes for tb* \ of monrr in tin- tnidViund iprofied, with tin* Hrsolml, 'Hint llf-nry H. ILinvixxl, Chnrlc* seems, about 0 o'clorlt, lo »lop into un ndj.icrnt four ycnrs. I cannot hut hope, that by tho moat] and pro*|>crily of your nation." Iswlul mtiTOl, in nml by a cert.iiti dred of T Fliwvr, ThomaH Frunklin, Julia H. T. Mu- field nnd pirk strawbvrriuM. I'ri.ainrr (Mr». ofOctobrr, when I expect lo bo again al Thi* reply, not less gratifying to toe I mortgage IK.11 iil'^dateUlii! dny nnd year nfuru- pmilur. nnd l/oiiis It. (J.iK.-«iwny, lie n Cominiltre C. being enpigi'd in llic kilrhrn) wml l<> Mr. post, I shall he able lo assume my lubour* will wbsxn it wu addressed than honourable k>] a*id, did gi»nt, bvr^aVi, aril, uttrn, u-li-.iie. .of I ,,rn i»tiox of kindnew and fooling, which niiTuvur il mny promulu the viuu.i of the par. aughl, BccumpUDieil In r; und ns in MiprKwuil, of. imo li,-re, w ho ir going to Hwitr.crUftd aoon en individual present. The deputation tin I part of the Kftuivey on Uililiun und Riulci'n t\. fared her violence in n rvlirrd port of the rlpld, Heirring, includi.ig t1n-\«iiuU- ol the n.iid ougli for me, I think il most pmbnblo that I *hal ita leave. - ; ' «», That Win. Rrynn, M'm. Miirdork, No hou«o was in sight; it \vn«n rolirrxl plncc, Plulip'i jl.ui>! in LljIliiiiDiV county nn make my way from tliin to Ununuls, and lhenc< JUDGMENT OF TUK PEERS. John T. H.irlK-r, Wm. Dnwcs, Jonathan Iliitlou, and yet a fcm-ilo mi^hl h i ^ l.irn* nhcdid th.- t'lirli-riilli ilny of J.u.lAiy IH..4, tlie viid hy Aiilurrp huek lo Knglnnd, ab.MJt which, if w In He out of It* Pritonfn JmjJlrattJ i»H»\ Philip t'. Cluyton, Jona. Pinkney, L-.Coullor, \nlliout *hadowin<; h'-r own rhnrnclrr, or been 'I'l.** t.i* II i"iiiiin,d made u%bona tidv a*<-i^n live to meet again, I ahull have a great dual t lurtantfi of A].ril, 18H4. \biiuh Tylrr, \Vaah. Klliolt, Jns Hi- Ii <-i:i i ! >, ' -ml lo AlpAi-ua W. M.iriiotl Jim. Suiuk thought wanting in |x'rreption, not sooner to Tho court of Peers assembled oa ih* 15 Richardson, John M nee, 1'xl- Ilie con.,, .. in Ihin caJV thul »nd Hum cluirdson, S:iiniicl have suspected the prisoner's motive. Tho ho. pronounce, sentence on Iho Lynnr*" (n* P. HOUITS, ' ). Parki*r, Alexander of thirteen liui. i.rd :,nd dy was dragged three or four roils by tlio lieud, FOMKIU*. implicnlcd in Ihe insurrection of April, 1^ Duvull, John Nicholas Wntkins, Nicholan H. lan. and inleiesl, »i-i'n,e into some Undies, nnd ilstfn found ntaml 10 u'. Hcvon of Ihe prisonrrs hnvo licen ( Green, Holier* II. Hull, Nmdi I'nrter, Win. Hur. LATKR f'fH)M Kl'HOPK. it uuw juttly dne and «i«in^ t\ the ortntt(in fur lifu; 'J to UO year* n WIHK), Jim. H. Iglchurf, und John Sullivn^, l« » My Iho psrkrl chip Hnvrr, *'iipt. IVpeyste rlutt, aud Hint the tald Philip (\.iiiniiiiiid lulli xMir*. nicnf; ajtd Iho remainder lo various I i.'omniilli;o of Vigilance lor I'uu city ol'Aniiupo. nf tlir Inmnv HruqiiUI the Journal of Crunntrmi ha* nc^vnd Havre ^hitherto neglected and refusi-d L p.iv Ihe >-nid Messr*. Wymnn, iuiprieonnw-nt, «tch a* one, three, fiv*, ( auni of munry, nad interest. Vl In In'I ,iUo IH. Culler, of Puppvrvll, nnd a |»|iurs In tha evctiin^ uf AUJ^I* 10th, and Pan <;imrlcilown, Mr. ten, and fifteen year*. Nine of ibe ; t!iti-». that the aaid Hlllllp Il.iniV.ind ic.ides Hrtotrfil, Tlinl the proceedings of this inr-et. i;entteinan cAnoctfd \cilli Iho WorrrMiT llo«. to the «v.-ntiic of thn 14th, eofltninfng lx>udo have been acquitted. bvtund Ilie li.oitauf the Slutr ofYMaryli|iin. ng hn pnlilinlird in Iho Maryland Ciazclle, and lilal, were proount nnd i-inniined al uiueli dales to the evnning of the Ulli. The whole of Iho accused parti** It la thcrrupun ordrrcd, thnt ll llultiinoro Republican. ongth. The prisoner bus been nbly dolbnded. Houlnncu «os pronounced by Ihe Court u to the Lyon* divisions hnvo thus teen ant by cauains; a copy of tin* ordVr to lie in­ RICHARD J.CRAnt). Chairman. The argument of Iho counsel and rhur^e, ncru- Peon on Ihe l,yonc«o insurgent*. Aug. 13th. of, with Iho exception, however, of too < serted in *umr nrwipaper once »rVk f-ir llure JOHN NIUIIOLA* W ATKINS, Hoc'y- piod Iho Court from 0 o'clock, A. .M. until 7, P. Tim Ull rnlulive lo Ilio ASSMM* p*.**ed Ut ucCeatlVF wcrka, bclore the 10th cUy ol Oc. M. Chuntbnr of Depntiva on tlio Mlb by a »oto o moeet, with regard (o wham Ilia pn tuber next, give notice lo Ihe »»id a\m>nt dc DRPLORAHL'F ACCIDENT. UIU lo Ti. Wo do not liud that tha bill impo* ncral preaonlBd a roquisitory.on wliioh thef fcoUant ul the lutxla-iire and ubjrc nf (hi* Wo Irarn frmn n friend that a party of young GOOD AND TRUK. ing rcetrietion* upon Ibo press, liad been del rclirwl to deliberate. Irnmodiattly i ~ I bill, that he may be warned ti> *pp" in Ihit men, bc)on|rini( to Htonelmm in thi* Stale, wont A dintinguiilicd gentleman of Mnin« told us nitoly sctod upon. monl had been prononno-il, the cuicf court in ptrton, or by aolicilor, on o bufore on a shooting excursion lost Friday, nnd nfter an anecdode few day* lince, which i* not /^nrfon, Augiatt 13. One of Ihn reawn* on of tho court proceooVd to Ihc prison of IbtJ the luurth day uf Kcbruaty nrit, > ehcwr having hud their gamn rooked nt u public hou*c, on Ihe Pram of Franco otrnbourg, and *igninod Iboir *enlenccil« caaar, if »ny iie hai, why a decree all not only good in itself, but literally Into, in our o. which Iho preaenl attack il WUH proposal lo miiuM iheiimrlves with n pnanoer* there. Ho then wcil I b«.|)a»»til aa prayed. pinion, in it* application to grnnl portion of our i* juatiriod i* the support of lUe groat body of ' accordingly commenced dis­ priio* of Hie. Pntagir, and exccutod 111* 1 Trua copyr Tut,l>*r, \ slinm fight. They modem agitator*. Gen. F. of that statr>, i* a (be cilitcns. That is a diilinct proof, bowuvcr, charging thrir gun* loaded with powder only, lamous Abolitionist, and is so active in his la­ thut Ilie agitating and Republican Pros* h.* no office, with regard tn nineteen pristMM* RAMSAY WATRR8, were not in court during Iho latter Rrg. Cur. Can. when one of tho company, Mr. June* Wil*oo, bour* ID that behalf, (hat Iho negroes of thai re. bold of the (Hiople, and may therefore, with safe, exclaimed that he was khot. His companiuns gion look upon him a* little loss than n demi­ ty be demised. If it bo uo.von.ajly cutMleiiiTKHl, proceeding*. supposing him in jnat, laughed at him, until on god. Upon a tale occasion, he had made an, nien.ures, ot rigour again^ it tmlvera»Uy RIOT AT BKBUX. Rorioui riot*i A HY-L.AW, going to bjim, it waa found that a rnmrod, dis­ thumb-ring *|iccch at nn Abolition Conventicle, called can neither be much road nor much the Pnsssian capital on tlio 3o*August, aW' Compt»»ating the City Cammiuinnrr. charged from Iho gun of n Mr. Clougb, who and Messieurs, Ihe "Uentlomuii of Colour," got admired. W« have in f»ct, ,hat Iho cir- tepoatod on the l.'ilh. E it » atablialted and ordained by Hie May­ stood very near him, had struck him in Inn right up a jollification, in order lo do him due honour culolton ol Ihe Republican Jour.^s are vorv Tho riot* di> not appear to hare kefs < B or, Racurdtr, Aldermen and Common ide and passed entirely through hi* body, com. for Ihe oflbrl. A prominent member of the an. sniall, and i* continually declining. Rot for oeclod n-illi political (jiioMiooi. Council of the city uf Annipulit, and by the ing out nl the left. At six o'clock, Friday «vn. ble asHembluge MO* called upon for a toast; nnd Uw conlmual prrwoculioD* to which thoy have SPAIN. thority foreaaid, That the acting City ning, Mr. Wilson wa* living, but Ihe phyaician* desirous of conveying the idea by the mttment been subjected, they would have beon wholly Uo«ui4U.x, Aug. 11. It U e* CommUelciiifr thall be eutitl«d to receive lor in attendance had no hope of hi* recovery. Thia he should give, that the General, though ho wn* forgoUon by (his lime. Il they h«d not chanuud od that, in eoniMMpjcncn of Ih* his *«r«ice*, foriirtlie he T«ar IBS], at the rate of inoluncholy result of caretewne** ihould bo a a while man, wa* nevertheless full of Hyinpiilhv Kngluih Consul, Don Carlo* has given i 130 dollar* po tholf politic, or .bated their i* clear, warning lo avoid over pointing a loaded gun to­ for Iho negroes, ho rose and gave ih« following'- Iroin Ihe prMent general *ltaohmoat to repose all bis haltalinna not lo violate Ib* treaty i D. CLAUDE, M.yor. wards another per*on. No true *pott*man will 8*>ft. 10. 7 "Ma*** General F though he hnb whilo limy woulO bavo liiunJ *> ^^^ ^ ^^ with lx>rd Klllot, hut to exorcise lh« Pt over bo guilty uf such folly. Button Advocate. akin, be gut a black heart." jV. 1'. f.'nw. the Oovsrnment has in fact made them of humanity toward* Ilio prisoners." EilncH NOTICE. sod kept (hem alive. A* long a* loiter from Madrid, dnlod July 30!-^ ur Connnitiioner* for Annt Ammlel CorrctfonJemn of (Ae Aufon Allot. LKTTF.R PRUM DR. HCMl'HRHT. lh«y were continually 94th Iliere was a violent dlsturUuice at A C'om-oap, N. II. Sept. IU, 1R35. We have been favoured with ll«, perusal of a to iu muck., Ihe popiilaoo chiHiling T*> Cot&rtli Carto* li thin Muuport,u; WT B. ). COVTMAN, Clk. mcikt "inoo Soptorobor, 183«, ft,r Iho munler of menl r>f llw Auxrrican InoVmnily Iroaly, Iho tip* ovcrnm^rt UU upun thon., Don Oorl U> tho

*•„ ; -J. •*:-". *•* f» >•• ;» .- :*?• Uio riottSk w«ro disp^ned sssid fc* b* thai very largo toooM rithout tho necessity of firing upon theriu n « tMd*e»itaW scrip of the M Vt tubtrrlber hat ovuw>«d from the Or* „ This ba*jtx>en tho most serious disturbance. «rar conversion Into stock, which WM^ ? '** *1 thia lately after the : pliant' Ctttirt of Ann« Arandel c*amty. «/ crrtotn Blntli and fttbiit n Uio iDoocy Market, «s>dK..... TMUcrt of administration an the ' eHat* nf Jawful gorernnipnl will ho _^ , -___ .. * trifling in cotnpariaoo. hrther pressure upon it so My et» In / «/ lL confiscation of too Grand Prio- Tno»e in November, 183:*, on tho entrance of Richard Harwoud, of Thnmaa, late «f said 'nonnveniontly eoaroe. indebted u said DB It MtaMlak«d a«d *rdriit«ri Vy rha Mar^ Wm, which ban* »»0^ tho entirety tha Prinoegu Royal, creatod no county, deceased. Persoot -CratotA* ammoaity bo- FAUMCTB, Aug. 14.. iuamon>ins;theCnai- state are requested t» amtka immediate, pay- " »r, Racordcri AWernea and twoa-n. tho the City ot Annsp««» and by UM Iho wldiary; but on thii wrlaiid) stmmer, wbic I thia port oa Ihe 5tb n»enta enta CreditCreditors art alto detind lo present Council of , O tUee lroof)8roof)8 wera %, mat. for Santaader- leir claims « toachert there*/, aathority of the tame. That tit* city C«ssV of 0>» »h ulU ro»a.a»4 I alter having land. their claims with the a«lhorM-> . iho night «»oti»e, laleaTiy ioaing tbo nkutory, and thi. h«>, earlyarly atJract*aajractkable W mUnioner*. b« snd thry are hereby QH »uUioHU«» thonW «rt at llWrty cd 40Qrjrooptem)afrkcd from Glangow, "uader ed tn eauar that part of Ihe cb«rch circle, doed coMidwreJilr«»My to thetho imDortaiKwimportaitoe of th«tho ««.oc- the CflBJnmnd Tupper^aJBy this vessel THOU. 8. ALRXANDBR. nuiog K> l!*> *ili»ail omnpiny of UM curwncc im a political point of view. 'IV up­ attached to the church enclosures, which lisa wo l**rn t Cominodore Hr recently Sen/64..-Iaw3w. . 'who, it '» *"* tonllnixl tat n*T- miety are, however, nnt been irruded, curbed and psved, to ba> per and middle, claaac* of of a Carliat r, noun! !»« * eonipuny w«a on duly. ineligmant at tho conduct of tho populace, and NOT UK. gradetl, ruriind andMvctl, snd also that part ing and had talcaa her ntander. Ihe pri­ . On lb« followinK day, will ka>d tlieir aid to Iho «o»er»mca)t if there IB Commiatinnsrs of Primary 8fhnnl*f»r of the 8t«'e Hooae Circle, adjoining Buy a previously lo Inn arrivi tbo Cum- vate Inta thrre.n, which has mit been griitW, J dbonlcr w"",, and approbmuiona abouW be a rvawwal of the disorder*. We hope, Anne Aruitdel CiMiuty, will'meet at Ike I*: iuck «poli il* C^>n««U. The Ma. lerland, Iho Chriatmo chief at Ihe latter pluce Court Iliioae nn WKlaNKHHAY, the »8th carbed and |w%rd, tn Ue graded and curbed. 'Hi <"nmt »>»» n»oau.o. tk*y bowoTor, they arc at aa end; and as a proof that had cmuied to be ahot five French and one Polish Aud he it ettaUliahed and ordaiitad, That they havo not been comidcrcd of political im, al, a. w.U aa portance, tba fuoda havo not been affected by «oaM with which they were unac<|uaintcd, and earnestly requested to ft.i »tja%lhrir Report* claiming any Int or part of tot, binding on wrt Tho rioHm advanced with thorn toxfcy any more tha* yeeterday. The miasnd their wmy sad on onqtiiriaig of a womaa tu tho Secretary a| at early atday after the lit Ilie afuretaul part sf Ihe State House Circle, number of wounded i* not known, nor is it cor. the direction of law Carliut camp, were betrayed uf Oclubur aa practicable. * \Vbeii sent by to cauie the tauta lo be paved out U tlie curb .Wll waa hoped lhat Ihcro wonld t» no iliatur- tain Inn! them have been any killed, though se­ mail the poalage muat b» paid. Thnnc whu line nn aaid afreet* and rwblk places, and lu ,"* by her lo the garrison at Santandpr. Tho Lord veral pcraniu havo nwortod that lhay aaw eomo I.yncdock tmntpnrt hail aim arrived, and bind. are nut pplied with Ihe Blank Printed Re be laid in go*l red paving brick In ttarb man- tarbing laid corar, the ConvanlaofSl. Domioir, dead.! wnll, thr IM>O »ABemlMrlusd from Iho Isle pni la can procure them on application to the ner at the Commi»aionert (at aubftcriber, ttreelt, or a majority of them, ulull direct. fT.' of Dng»; and on thu^Lfflniborland's drpartur» And be it farther eitabliahed and ordainerfi *j (U aad Ibe «Un~ gcd wn» each violoooc, FIPFEEN DAYS LATER FROM KN«. from Hantnnilcrshc lefrW^g thnre ilia Majea JNO. tllDOUT, Sec'y. o»C»onnl of Mi^roy alone was aavcd. Onn LAND. Sept. S4. R thai it thall be the duty of Ihe rily Cuffiinik- ty^r ship Castor, n Freqc\ brig of War, and I wo tionrrt afurrtaitl. to notify each uccopant of " llw r«.t having taken flight on t!io firnl BY the packet ship Napoleon, Cnptain Smith. Spanish men of war otoam re»»pl». No later any lot or part uf a Inl on the »fart»»id part Hie Journal of Commercu haa received English news from the interior. t Al 11 Al, PIUZK »1O,OOO. found In of the State MIIUKC Circle, It. Imvr Ihe tame papers to thu 24th of Auguat, inclusive. From Ike .Vonilrvr. town, for thoj were abaailoactl. 100 PHIZES UF 8500! paved aa pruvidt-d in the i-r.irnd reel ilm of Col. Fuinnnn, Secretary of Ihe Orange In- The news from Spnia is bocoming more and Ihi* by-lafv. and under the direction of Die loilen, ilia Convent of tha Mi. otilulion. woe on tbo 20th, ordered lo be mat. li tnw reduced lo nth oo DID l>t. more afHictinf*. At M>ntoro, aod upon several aid Commii»iuner«, »(|liin tUch lime at th« mUted to .Year-gate lor refusing to produce certain other points, there have been new rising* of the GR.1AD CONSOLIDATE I) LOT- taitl Cummiftinnera or a majority uf them of certainly, documents in hi* poMesmoo dumandod by the TLHY, mnt of rtu t'athatlno of Ihe Mo«nl lua vat. people, accompanied by cries of "Death lo thr ahall limit and appoint, ami in rn»e any per­ bnimngia. EXTRA CLASS No. 7 for IB3J. of » Int, thai) ^___ {IV1. The aiilhwrilin* have lakon nil House. The aTuir produced, aa may monkiT* Death to Ihe noblm! Death to the rich! son holding .iny such lot or part To be drawu at Waehingtun, Munday, Sept. taiuu within r ntfuirca (ir preventing o rccurranco ofaiini. cd, a strong son nt inn, both within and without Long lire liberty!" At Tarragtma tho King's neglect or refute lo pave the the halls of Parliament. lieutenant nnd Ihn tn\rn-iniijiir wnre mnsMncred, . ninety day* alter the eiplration nf the lima Tttttt anil M /ntyrt, Managtn. limited by Ihe *aid Coininiationert, tuch per­ ' RC38M. Handbills en nxini:i> that fir. Cbnntiing'< short Vnloncia hn« lik^uino been tho iheulro of do. I>i.4courac agai i« Wur, \rnuld rw r>-n.l in Ih plnrnl)lc eicfln*r*. At ll.ircrlonaj nmnbun of son thall forfeit nml pav the turn uf twentr Mmpiraryasjihiat Ilio emperor i/ n'xl to dollars for each snd every week that he, tlwi i; iho domgii waa lo DMiavinata him Hall of the M. r.hanics' (nttiliilr tit Plyni:)ii:l |ir >^);trnnlions i>rs being issueil. Thn inh.ibi. on iho evening of the UUlh. Tho ohject wit*, j lunt i h.ive hoon nailed upon to take up aim*, in or they thill loffer the tame to remain onpav- mien al K'llbch. Tlie coiupiratora aru ed, to be recovcreu in the tame manner it o- for tin; Spanitili wnirr. 'ord -r to extrrniinato the Csrlists, and second __ and llulixn* and 58 in tu prevent enlistments Ihtr peoalliet, and applied to the ote of the tn eonirflflcuea W lliia duco\ jiy, mvora pro. There is nothing important from Spain, nn- (Ihu nnivoiiienl. Thn inhnhitinta of Ha- cnrpoiatino. iry iwuurcJ had tocn Ukon particularly, agunal len it be the spread of tlio Ami.Convent out . I rag wti. jj°Vl"rl.Hl hy tlio junta, aro awaiting And be it further ettabtithed and erdtinnl Inward p,..-?, which extend, in many CASCS, not only to put cqfully an Ituwnr to llw dntnsnda nddrc**e I by the authority aforesaid, That in all rites I tor* tiu!iaopU 'llic Paris Court of Peer* closed Ihoir session upon Caittilc. ahatl neglect or refuae tn pave the tame with­ ]0ttsl'* l>fjn'.r of "* Prrilua * ^rlrt >" tiirrcn n» n judicial body on the 17th, having on Hint IXIMJOU, Aug. 23. Tlio Pnrix pnpera of ihr in inch time at aaid Commiaaioner*, in their I't,.; uV> fortrn. into tha. aaoda of Iho nwur^nti, il.iy passed sentence upon tho remainder of (ho JOlh and our corrr.ip mdcnt'a letter bnng a vn- di«crcliun, may limit and appoint, it ahall be Icr Hi' cMi-f leader of ll» r»l«la. imlprt I Iho Lyinra-j prisoners. rirty of iuielliqpiicu i'nnn the different part* m Ihe duty of the aaid Commiatlonera tn have > aiM I" !* put tu the aworJ, alter Ui»m^ The Clkunbor ol Deputies were cng.ipcd on flpnin, .icconhng to xlii.-h the o)ia. the Corporation, and the aaid Coinmiation* ll.illc'v'M rniiiel Ims l>ocn Bo-n both in Eng­ trani|iiititi r^mniued uninlTntpto!. Vul.-wv 19 inwel. lo liU irliof; Iwl Un. r?- ilul it^'ll', ria fur their arrvicr* thai) receive a commii- land nml Trance. win !»n urn nf lh» inon«nrv« lh.. IUitruopa anl wilh ol M ; M:t IK"" .iMi;H lint nothing; turn uf ten per centum nn the ainuaut uf said Tlu cholera haammir. its nppcuranre in ( exfmnrrlinnry circumilnn. n»id to Anil l>c it further eitahlithcd and ordained Kivouniblo noii'a hod uocn receive.! at Cope. i:us l.y which it iva« surrounded. O'ir Irllrr Mat Town. (Houlli Afric:i,) from Ibo nxplnrin;* tVuni llnrcelonn mijiplir^ mnm infonitaliun from the duly of the demurer of the Corporation, •n in pr-tjr»'»* 'r<-** ilm ruM- lifduion under Ur. 8mill dial hiul font- inlu luc that qtmrter than Ibo paper bt'fnrf 111. in c.iw of a viol.itinn of the pro»i»ion» uf Iha TWmiiY uf lh" Hull in, i". h^urrcr >4 i'.l orga-1 ilili'rior of ^Jio Continent. Tha Indicilur* of Burdoaui of An*;. I ilh, hwl. *tal«», 44 00, Slinrn in propoflinn. fourth aection nt Ihi* by-law, tu cause proce**. «4i«!nKi«d. wi » huflj 'O'nni«pitod,th»iiue. TIIR Buixirr. On th". 13th Iho Ch:liMieol llor Sp^nlih ('jhlnet Courier pu«rd tluf n)fh Uial eilv no nf ntlnrlunenl lo be i»*Ued out of Anne A- «»b/ miii-aiii' wruin. . ' of UMI Kvehcqiier brought forwnnl hid< huiliHuil^c!. Tnumliiy. \Vh«n he Ufl M iHrid an Iha vramn; »i th<- Tickrti anil Sliaic* for aala at runilrl Coonty Court, for tlie recovery uf thu RIOT NT ni'.ni IV. | Thn income of tho ycirendm^ the 5th of April 9th, rnry thing u»a InnotiU, a*ul no alliek li-u) me l;aln*t*e«eh and evrrv nun-re*ident. 'locrurr'-u i'l ihe TnifKuii i:-|i!r»l mi ilio ( ucgt ij vmiinuled at jC4*/^V>U,lltli); tllo eipcndi- mad* on Ihr Ijoopn R-iroiit'a idlLoril?. And be il further eitabllthed and ordalnei). »uu wir'ro|--»trdon Iho ilh. Tlio on. lure «ill bo £-\ l,7I.r>,0')0, lonving a suqilnn of Thn Mnoilenr puhU»h«< Iho LOTTKRY otBXCIIAXUK OKKICB, That the city C 'tnmi««inner» cante the Irnut (Church atrcet, Auii:i|Hjlia.j nf llin nU.nrhino on Hi* '.! ) i» i."]iiod jCH5.»^)(R), Of thii mnn, lowcrur, bjtween "Don < jrlmnnrcnoJnnUi} iMh in tlio dlr-cilon of Vlt of Ihe lul owned and occupied by the Metlio- lori«. C'ordcivM. who ia al 1^,-ri.u*. nh-arvwi all hu Rcpl. ^4. |fe*Jv lKn..,ri l.i-.ll»; 0600,000 and £70tk,000 will bo ri^uirrd fur lltr ditt Kpikcnpsl HiKietT, for a meeting houm-< moVom*nu. Thrvo bitt.ilKXi. ordrh-l'^rrlrrdon I)- 1 "~" M:\V "~"~" *ftr troopi n Ixi in, tn be paved with brick* of the *ame width at tlV t^(nK*. ^Tx drigooin aar>: ilivjr lolkad of onlcnnf \i unn bo I I nf the circle, »l the expente of the Coiporc so thnt the total «urplu*avai'nMu liir ilm ntltio. n.rlr, W!K> aruT«^l the aimo iUy 4l I'jiniK*lil.i i with hi > afni Ik* |k, iM *)iih hn ih\ CEORGB D. CLAUDE, Mryor. . whrra lli" l re of a duiputa belMr^vn »Oini> Crbinot *nrt iii< fiuiiur plate i>f l)UMUvf i'ili( tn gi>« him a c.ill. er«on or prrtona ahall wilfully break, tiuil •ontn *cre cnnnnrd. anJ f oril»ral»d erir. of "l>oalb l» ij wh-i CICOMJ*. 'ffo c«v>lry ami inl'anlr; puty (iniml Treasurer aud Secretary of thu O. Srp own, hurt or deitruy, m.y tree or treea, Iho Min,»ltr»:" ami lo "Inn wih« ofJ^onoi."Jnd vitaa fur iltd a *;al oiany no'"01'1 «< ' >^n liiBlitulion of (treat Britain, bo culled lo liicli ore nnw 01 mnv' liere.iflrr be planted lit»ny and lh< CooalilatMa vf IHU"' Is Is* nvn. muiyia 400; bo^idcn aoreral ail. tho Uir fiw rofuiiing to prodiicu tn tho comniiltco 'IO\. any ol the utreeta,' or other public placra tag, bow*T«r onler waa roatoradi > rU«.rlKiraeaaierioui in Tho inulion h»vin;( tint C.'r-iwn tulorwl Ihe court, nml after Iho twu- c'lunl), nn the Tha crowd harin% forcoH lu way further into ing elrctiuna in Ayne Arumlel ITriidiii^, thall forfeit and p>y a turn not I'uirniiiii \\n» bn>-i|(lil to thr bar, when Iw per- j| foriiiiililipn Hi'- President pfocecdud lo ro.ul flitt MONDAY ufhctuhrr next, lur the pur- b»u, continued broking Oir hinps and !li« win. inru lli. i n ten dullarv and nnt leu than one siiited in his rofimil to pniduce Ihn, pots uf electing K"ur\JJclrg«tra tu ilia next k md IhiMtonlnptha (uarda at their puat, « bo nol thn jud^inriil o)-ruud upon in their proviaiu ait- ull»r, fur every nfjence, to be recovered a* on Ilio ground it «vu* a primtr l»ok of hu General Aiaembly of d, am* twu lie i wftrirnl fofta, rulloiod IhoM ik>|>nHlalioiia lo ling with clowOJri:ico aa Ihe i.iil nf lli-i in»iiri.T.iii>n al l.yoim, whs bad ru- r, and if the offender be a tlavr, and tho inovoxl "thut Colonel r'aimian bo tiiken into ihu lii<*nd In pln*il. The |icnaltios pronounced hy United Slat \riu-r refute or nrglect tu pay Ilie fine ini- Ktr? iqrronidinj tha Tjlico of tho I'rliiocaa of ctutiHly of tho Sji'KoanlJil-Araii', uni! ' UOHK&ir some, and otcil, he ahall be nubject tu Or publicly vihip- : ',llw K^ii'a wi(a). aud taon bmaklne lh* lo hi* ho, whnrn Um S-jrgonnt-al-Arma Stpt. If aln by bmh ojvalry anil infan. aa iuipriwmmrnl ol 20, 1 f>. 10. nnd n le««or num. etl, nnt excenling thirty-nine laihen, at I ho scixo the Ixwli. wilh nuch other paper* mi might ncretion of the uithority be fme, whom the ideapuralaly enrafad ibal llioy ro. bnr of vnurs lor nlluira. Mil. AMU MKH. ^/ i mouuiaeal of lllnchrr. Tlwv bo found thiire Orange ate it tried. After n discussion, it was agroed^on motion OO.VHOIXO SCHOOL ron YOUHO 9J P- CT.AUUE. Mayor. Ir, prannlad fruui doing Uil«. a*d couUmU OBITUARY Corner of A'aro/i»uk« hou« ia of opinion that you urn bound to pro. FFRR8 hi* PrulJliiinal Servicea to tin I'lillntophical Apparatat it equal to any that Jharletluwn, uf Mtckkmburj. fominiiut Jiit ul I Ho duco llw book of which you have apokon In your Public. OfBcjMdjuiuing JJr*. i.oucker can be found In prleutt itminariei in thit Aat AmsU-fr to HU n>*atb« lit o Cosivrtil, '"fud *t oTidoncr, and which you hafc iWlincd la lay mau'* residence. A country, and their Chemical it ufflrieiitly By the L.sor SufKiiinK , murnlnj; it eilriKive lo illutlrale nnr subject treatei! above llouka have ju»l Iwcn received mccwilod In nnartug ord«r. ')'!'" beforo Iho coramitleo. Without ad»eHi«« to BepU 64. / ______^^ The I. *V "T to tnco law wloiloKi and OKI pok.UI of Ilie foundation of wl»at you to*^^ P0*"1 °* upon in the text booka uf the achool. Their and arr fur tale by the «uG»cribi-r. ho owirl.yanl of Iho pa- onour, I am confident that *Wni" bou" h«* Cabinet uf Mineral*, though small, containi v. M. JARROR, !« «u «t»liKd with blood. At 6 oV.ook thii aAor ctMito lo tho decUion tbnt you SflJ^ produce riMIOSR Pcnoni entilletl lu a distributive upward! uf 700 *pecimen*. Their Semina­ Churcli tfreeli Astubuilt. (I!M 4th,) an hntMoM crowd h^» roai«embl»U on ho book you will forthwith comply. IM-CIUMO 1- Share uf the I' Kttalf of Ihe late ry it al«» furniahed with an \rrnillary Sphere, July 3. Olubea, te fc flus when tluj lump* an oaorokwd, and we are a p. ou muat be awaro that Iho first duty of a wit- BenjaminQcnjo.iuin Marwoml,iiarwniiti,"'«»' are inlurmedi Kxn ha» been aliuck, which will b* p.iil ) , tr,| A BY-L.AW, tu them on application lu II. H. Hirwuotl, at they putaets are the beat tiny could procure For /A« belter protection of tkt Pubic ftrtnpt. | 'a*i |IIT« bum purted op, aitd nun; |Mnun« ha«o Don pciaunal conr the present. ,,,.,/. ^flfpt. ____ U (lie achuul, lu which the young ladle* hav from and after the paita|e of Ihia IJy-Ls' , . Co^ fi-1. '-Unct'or a len'cjr (rom Uorlin datoJ tho oth AMU. 5. Mr. Humehaving roportod that acceis. it ahall Iftt b« lawful fur any p*r«on or per- onel Foirman. had r«f.«od to preduc. the book KIHHT KATK lu all the lUpartBMDlt the muat cuwpaUn ts«i to drams Flesh, Fish, or Vegtlablet. disturbaueoa were reouu'od U81' HKCBIVKD, and lor tals al the teacher* ire engtged, whoae inatiuctiont ar at any of the Public J'srnpa, tnd for eath and . , , rilO populaco urKDHjlilvni ut tllo i whichWiucii theniw OrauguV^IWM^W ^^•^^^^.[l°''« n ... -la, fr DMVAd -that Colonel Fairroan had been guilty of Aurjlofl R.iom ol Mr. Wm. MeNelr, If re ii under the tmmrdiate r/v uf Ihs princi every such ofleuce thall U finrd in the aum < Haw u Uw night before, uitawuuj tociierations J of a qutntity nf flitt rule of not mure than one (lollar( «n» le» than ' {" si the. truopa, the p-ilioe, and tha autuori A. broach of privilege/ The n.otum h«v1Bg pala. L.. ^rried. Mr. Hume iuoved .«h»l < olonel Tht course uf Instruction it carried on i ftfly cents, <"" ''»lf *» ***' Infumer, shd tha .' *i*Jkd tluniUvin^ un increase J axua|>ura*iun hoe., carriod, Mr. Huine WHITE CHINA, GILT EDGED, r«aidea lo the Corporation| And be it further Faimtiin bo committed t which ino. a regular ayalem ol academic itadleo, eaakra > a» uuriMrou* as OP I ho wi.l FANCY OU.T, ting all the aci«utilc and oraalawnUl krsjtch DravMta), that if the person or pertont M of- lion waa agrood t«- «nl hud taken racnsuros of precaution ut rtdnteit prittt. Alio an stmrtiiieiit of ei. f.mllng ahall be slave*, that then anil lu that, ; iato Berlin the garrison of t'otsdnii Augt. A FAKCY GO«)DM, Farenls and Ouarajiant who with more par case ins owner or e>wh«rt oi said alav* a* ; all tho poats, and stationing strong tic boon given by the liculat inlirrmatnin call obtain a proas*cts aUvtt thall U* Mbject to i p«Mltk« tfws- «urh at DHITIAH LACR. &c. Jhe Chint ... ., » _ ^.. .— (post !>*** ») ' Ma M all the points tUreatonud by tho vi be fur *ale fur a few day* only. the Bem'mary asid aa herein »«f the people. Those pfwpunUiu^o, how '- BROCKI.RHUTOT. llll.e Principal., D. Majrs*

ts- ^^ ; V-'. •&ifr .-.» .1>

THE 8ACRRD CLASSICS or 18 I1BRKDT GI ye ami npwtSt-nitl bo iupa>lk*i- T- ' 1*f-> v*/^ t « . ; .,:',- September rilHK *iibsrribrr hs< made arrWMjrsMttit to rfWB ,Pr«*Mel». mnd-Dirertnrs-bf the Vfivm- Mliat the.Mhoiniftfratnr willat- JL republiili a* f»«t a» they ». rr -- - ' 1' 'efs Bank: M Maryland h»»e declared e ji«*e» of W,lls' Office in St. from Kn^U'id, Series of the standard (HttrUitn* of-Ywb Adn A HAtr txrrecril.' on the .an Tuf*»VaY the 42d day.of . rtyittrtd at preifcnl, zical works nl Bug;! mil, under the stock vf the Sgtil TUnk, for Six month* fcnd- make distribution of said n»rt» "tent fre» or postage, T1io»t wUWnjs itif. tXe 30lh iifitiani, nnd payable tin «r after t which time and place publiculion 'wi THE S ACHED CLASSICS, the;' Rr»t MUflrVay i«l<'h erri Shi'ir* iit the llnincli Bank at Kuton, up live almrca. he Issitiing orthej Mcohd hurnber ****& autn >r Ivditrd r»v B. on personal application, on the exhibition n l Adm'r. will bee»p*ctpd,. M if» cppeM-Moo Will o- attingtj. WOXM! Letters «» every "Irjiifci'tfFj 1). and ili» fl.'V. Mt.Mif MKiiuiNct. M A. power* of attorney, or by correct *in\(ile or vinws s m»(R By order, ,. iKKfcBV Library," ffllly awaro frorn experience of Ornamental Letter* of ntirel/ ,.,. UNIFORM IN Sl/K WITH DR. L\RO- SAM. MAYNARD. C»*h. Ihc rilvantage* to the )Wb4tc of -4ho rtpirt NKR'-S CYCI.Oi'.'ttOl \, TUB SUNDAY HAI' nn Klection will be held at the'A* mo»t splrpdtd patterns, fnr Hetda »f » pi. ir-la^ay v R T sembly Room on MONDAY the 5lh day ilifTusion of cheap and ucleet lilertture, ha» papers, Titje Lines, icJ frun> hvo Ytatfri LI)tR.\UY,&LC. r Tne Ga^fjf, and American Baltimore of October nest lor Ihe purpo*e of elrcting iK-en Induced to »dd Iho important feature to Primer tvto flriyariv ii*«size larger.Inn/*.- '"l^!« MtlOP. »M.V TIIIIF. K SIIII.I.IV04 AMP StXrK*C*. will linen tlat ajf-rr- tl,i tlir 11/ nf Jm\n-if\i, IHjl. irill tit publith- Two Delegate* from tlii* city to the nest Ge­ the n-ork, nnd of coii»-»o Irove* it oplionaj His j made of mat*ri.u.,l id I'ol. I: nf n .S,-ri/» if t'tr. Xlitii'lard The- neral Aktcmbly of this Rt»le«.and altu Two wiih tho present subvcrlbers artd others lo best aaavrtroent, ' aeaioniid tli " ulnsiral H'nrnt o'' En^tand, under lilt ge­ Representative* for the Fourth Cungiessiona take it or not. by machinrry. invented for \VALDIii^ LIHKAHY, PORTFO­ District in this State in lh« Ciingrr** of tb .. neral title of Ii is confidently believed, that, wiih the ensures the most exact adjuMtneiiiadj LIO AND MUSEUM. United SUte*. nllcnlion on the part of Ihe ICdilor, who hss Specimens puGliihed | TlltfS \CKKI) 0 S the publication* uow itxued from the . H DUVALL. already at liaiidthcmAtcrial for.iuch a work, possible. _ on, c.\nixr.T i.innvnv OK DIVIKITT: olli.-e of Ihc Select ttirculnting Library Cl'k. Corporation all the really valuable mnllor of Ihc With an ini^ In . i i.irh.i v K->say to each A are of a highly popular cn*Vnnd of a chirac- Sept. 3 le, literary alul unliving publicalion* inay form at a rate of Mih«crip- Heads fur Newspaper*, V.Kit »'O BY nf the ciiinmiinity, aut| to circulate e\ery THE Ctl/riVATOU mental anil 1'lain where, hy concert with the proprietor of the lion snd fjrtitniff, f>o tiiflin^ n* scarcely lo «tc. tc. Tlir. Kr.%. RICHM). C ATTBRMOLK, B. D IS a monthly publicalinn of 1C quarto pages, greatest accuracy metal M'j-u'lm, that U'ork, llie Port Folio anil l.i- * and comprixe* about 300 page* in n vo befeilt. It will form the rhrnpc*! reprint of : : I'.i.v. MKSiiv .-srKniuNo, M. A. liri'V. .11* nITi-red lo lhl,lre-i: t'l :i'i I »'sl.rilislnn£ ill mdi\ idoxl Mlii-lli.-r IN town IT country, will are J. Hue), J. F. Ueekman, nnd J. D. NVnt. judue of the diflcrcnre between an oelavo credit qn the mo»t approved I . .,f IJ-X'lj . »i; -v-,.|,' her lloities hnv he ->ii|i)i!ie'l for $! -!, thus eiiH'ding every m- Don. The objectnf the publication intodi; and n .(u.irlo |iat;p. It will be Ihc study of ders from the country promptly -li-'.'. l'i.. » I -vi-*' iv lh»- <:.i|iii|..i»nes ti\idiiiil In hem-lit by ilw clubinnu nyMem, teminnte useful infoim.iti'in, amnnE the a|tr Ihe Kditnr lo embody a record of the day, All Ictleia inunt be pttat paid/ niih'iiii the neci's-iily of applyit-JJ In nlhera. . ulliirul community, in the rhraprtt prarti- :i>l;i|iird lo the \vaiilii of llii* eountry, which ICT-Kditor. of paper, in the cuo.;|rT j -f l jivi-n |n l'li.i«i- «lu> h.ive iniidc n p;iyine.nt lor the cur- lable liirmf and the suri-r** ol the unili-iluk- ran hnvr- nn eon.pelitor lor value or rhc.ip- will give the nhove advrrtitrmeiit , |, tit M«, Ilirn" u-nt \eji to either of the u-nrk*. of whi.tever nv(;, nnd the ch.nai ler id the |>.i| cr, ure inui- ni'S?; hov. l^r IIP i« likc-ly ID do this he musl sertinlm, and foi \\ard a paper i .in mill, svdl In- privileged to avnil lln'irm-Ufn cated by the Inct. ll.ut liffnie it* Ul vi.lumc leave at preccnt to llie decision ol lu» readers »«mu lo the adveitiser. will be pj'u) Hie h irs »ni>»* I .! II.IM arr-ingrinviit, by paying the baluoce Miniil.'te- i.s nu'.mi'iiheiH i>vi et-i^i'. ,-le\en t''nl>« ! live n dividual-!, who subscribe in any of the above menliuntj u,»|c tli.- »l|. i" *.-|-|.-H id j lliuusani), and c-i>n>prinrd re.nlcnts ul IMCI i> to the 'Library' nnd 'Companion' both, will April 3it. ,.| 'tii'h ,ii,il I. I 'hum uho have paid or now pay R5 for one ol the L'uiu J Malta. i-.t* iTjl readrr -i» ' i.lunin IJie tun for nix dollar*, Ihe poi/age On- Li'.iruiy, hh.ill leceive the Muii-u.n nnd The »ecund \oUnne wa* rnoiinenrod in MAKYLANlT I- oi. l*'irl Kidio, I'M- pile'- of which aep.irale is S'J, (a vr-rv iin(iori.tiil cou.fiderslinn) to Ihc mini >r.->- in ihi* i nil.Tii..n. March. The. piiUi'H aic MI eliluiueil. (hat rd'ttuut | out i.flic-f, in l/>f /fro, will 'Im nnr .ni Ihe p.i vein til nf S~- i-ach number r.ini,.in* at ninth in«it(rr ni. ROSPKCI'US. The Hoard Of tjj • ,„••-! ri-Mini-l iv. t- , ... ,„„<, ,, ilollur and niiifly fii't rru/s, divided into liati- paid iir now pay 8f> for eighteen pages .if (lie tii- , ,, fur 10O nvlca or a Irs* dislaneo from Phila- £i>oil arii%ts, ill'tali.!.ive id ini|ili-inrntT-, inn- i . have retulva*! lo publish a quarterly i0,J I" ' •"' ' .•Hi. wh.'h»r in llmir I ^ ;> ,,„ ,,„. „., mats and "| i.f hii>b.iinli v- 1'iirt-l'' ''lua, while the mime nit/IIrr, in the usni- .1 ,;i i ,i .• .n.H iniei.-su ,,f nidi' | for the purpose ol diHutmr. infnroi,tijn .1. Tlio»e who hiivi; pji.l or n >\v pay for the Tli'e I American reprints nf review* and m.ipa- vnl nil .111 I w. !| IH"HJ <»l .<>- , |i FIFTY CKN'lS per aiinmn. cerino K thu principle* and picgre.i n .irt F"li", «liall rrcc-ivr tlir Litir.u y mi.l >!u will not exceed 1 84 ci-nts per )vi\i lo .my (MI I iir.iiic.s in octuvu lorni ivould he Pij;lilceii dol­ MaryLnil pl.m of Colonization. Tlie i i-.'v. l'i • I) •.rlrllie*. Morality, >i'iun on paying «noli u sum a* will be c<|ual lars, and the postage a* thrre lo one. We n>i I K.'. I' v. win i U h.ive t e- of the Union. nal will alia contain orcatiocal halite*., >>> ft I 3 on thi \\hole. make this a*- S.-. nl I >r m'i»l eminent ni»hi-d ai 50 cert* a single copy- i lio'isto Ihe '(/'rtmpanion,* will other parts of the Union. It will <\dl he M-i't, to the name aOdicus on the pay- he taken either with or without the *Librj- . .-' I .(". .-.IIM .IIM ; *|.|.ci'iiriis i.l U'-- .,...' .it »in. C'>ii)»iunii.atioti5 li> lie .nlrli r>-.'d to J. Uuel. lished ut least onc.o » <|Uirlcr, mil *.._. M Ui-ijr I'.!' v : i-i-l Hr- ll HC.-sl ,-l I'llftlps Albany, N. Y. ry. oftrner. I'erson* wishing to ircei>eTt"i] UK>1 \UK" The (l.ree \vork« thus i"»u- ..viiti'tiij,! and Sirred I' -Ii v. w.|l sitct-.-rd tiiibscri/ttionx rrrt irtil by JJ. Couxtn, The prnpriclnr tin*!.* thnt hi< pyiiclmlilyiMnc Inrly as published, may brcomc i ..'h.-r in l'i" ind'-r i\h .v l>f ed together, comprise n ^ir^ter aoinunt oi the anil rxnrtncsJ in cxeculinn lu« paVt!rVt of thr by payinic filly cents per annum in ...... rti'i-lnrivo to thr licm* i .ni'l ^i i-urri-nl liler.ilure of tlir n e, than is i*t.uetl at tins "(/ice, ii'/nrc u .*]* rinirn of l/ie enntrncl in the publication of the 'Library,' Donations for the support of the pjp,r j in a p.-ruitlir:il Tin m (nun a»v othrr office in Ivor It ran be tre». ivill In-rniinidr-red a siiflicirnl>rr ol be thankfully rec.-iveil. The frirmlief |''i III.' i-v ..II4 nf ri. :i'lC|iM.ll" I i. .Ii in. ,i l ..' r i«i- ilnv ADAM WA great favour by IraiiMnilting fur tkc JuJ . n "i r.-i|.ii:< ill n.' | i\ .1 in tn'r .'i'.ui - (MM. i>u|i|dy to (.uilllifH nil the ndvarlagi-4 COMPANION TO WALDIH'S LJ- *.ny mlelligcncc which may promote tbtc y K-««v. |iin "it t ..-IT rlui .id.' whii'h c.iuld he furnished in a innst extensive UltAltY. FOR AN* A HOI, I*, EAHTO* A.XD it advocalo. r.M.|inj; ro.iin in one of our Atlantic ciliei. HJ* All communicaiions are to be ilirtj .1 In. "if i|i il »k'iv'i • .\nlli. In the 1,'brury the iieueit and lient book* are I lie clicnpcst. rc|)iiiit from Knglish The MARYLAND will to the "Maryland Colonization Journal, in in l '. ^il.iil\ puhli«hnd;in the Museum and I'ort Periodicals everotleretl to llic '.-'i.lni it has been f.iuni'i bv esperiei re thai C.i> to Annapolis, Cam­ fice of the Maryland Slate I In Ciely, Hallimore." f* It HIP .1 ««irr nf l'u' I'rnpi'.'t'ir*, in nml-r- i-vi-i y tliiiij; wi- ciiul'l wiOi to cuniiY li-im IIthe public. bridge (by Cattle Haven) anil Kaston on ever v 'Cues June 4. 1-IMH'i ' I H >- ('\Mlsi I 1.1,ni vnv nr lliviMi T,' j.-'iMie llritt-»!i literarv |i.-rtodicali*, oinillint; n£KI''()UE the S.-lecl Cirritltiliiif; l.ihra- to |ire*"*ni ''».' i ''H-'^ii II. I't.' It'll).)'- II «' I'U .1 I .n.i-'lv tin- nnrli-4, can be rapidly is- 15 ry had lieen Innu in cxiMcnee, il was day nml Friday morning, ||i I, .-. he v»'i.i |: I'.l--'* al prpv."il 'he {«'ii-d. Thr*r publication* rmhrace HO much .li-covered that there wn» Mill snnielhini( leavingHnllimore nt 7 o'vluck, from the lu\v- | Countp, . er:im.. m in V. | l»«"^T%UI-'-ll "I W-ilk« orrjllv pefu-ed in 'he ln-»t rlrcle* in Amrri- rary world miitl |i.i-.< unknown, us ri'R >rdcd ^liir .1 c.i'i'i-'l f.d i 1 '4 our agency, \vilhonl an exlen«ioii ol the |d:m. LKM'L. O. TAlLOU. pclitioiVin «ritiiij5 of Kdwanl Drookf., i 111,1 ,M in Hi,- h-'^: -S ..I III. I.UIll- i Oic litivary chain. Thev an- all under tin I'o establish a lull.-r niuilnini nl enninnioica- 1 1 •«. A'nl ondiT v«n VI. H-ll'l.l,- "I I.I.-. r'lntnd id nn* mind, and therefor.' the rcailci April 30. tf Anni'-A\ndel cotifliy, staling that he ill lion and supply tin- di-«ulcr.iiii'ii, the .font', in actual \onfinemenl, and pisyinf for] Tlir inrk tt'ill br /iu/i./firii'/r/ fniHtui in will very rarely imlrrd he compelled .nne llialti'i twice, a* they are inilc- mil nf lirllen I^lli'rs \va« nddi-d; which \vi- COI'^ITV COVtlT, hint-lit of \e act of the Orntril Ante: m/,cn;i 8 ro nn tf.i-ij paper, ,-al l-prmr.t. have reason lo l/i-lieve ha< .iDnrdwl I tllly in M'lracra Cloth, I>tierte firit day of erery tr.uiillt, hunk uf the name nrlirles. 1'rii.r, 'I nice and proprielorVrmpcrtfullv tor logivc (list graiuilotndy us an tvulcni'r iih- Aiund.t-1 County Court, pr.iyin^; tii« bene­ ment* then-toAn the term* therein !_,. of his acknowledgment.1*. fit "I the in«nlvcnt \.\n* of the »tu(c ol Ma­ ", '-1C ii.capcil »i-iic» of work* evrr of- tlir>,w4 out (lip cnn^idcralion * friend* ed; n scheilule V hi* projrerfy, atnrstaj ' il iuuiul jlul \vholeiiome liti rutuic. More cxlerj>lcd expcricnec has shown ci­ ryland, .1 rlicihilo ul lii^ pro|Hrty, nnd n ll«t hit creditor*, nn\j.iili ia Isr n* hecintJ^ I'cic.l l!.e public. of In* croditura, (on oath *o far .1* he could Ui 'ic fi.Mo" in-: i ".' . \uilmr* ivlime woik> IADAMU WALniK. ther dcsidcr.rts which, the ''Coi.ijmninn" tf lain the same, t>*Vc nnncxod In hi« pelifi |.iiUl.ijtion, it »iiUnuiieil m r Chentut-t-»t»»ef, , Philad. intended to supply. NVhilc reading for the a.crrlaiii them,) in-io^ unnexcdto IIJH i;inl and the snid Kdwqfd Itrookr* liMinj u| i 'n> i. i.aiiiy ul the (fii'c- "Lihrnry" a|»e mass ol material accu­ petition, nnd tbc said court beins ta'.ikfied fin! me by compclcVt lentlmony tliat In I mulates on the lijnds ol l!ie editor, nl nn tlie f.iid llolu-rt T. Mercrr ha* rvaided resided two year* wYhin t!ic ktatr nf All J.-rou.T Tayl'ir, Rate4 . U"Yle, llnlcr, Owen, inl«Tc«linn, cnlcrlainin^, snd iiisli uctivu de­ in Ilio H,i'»- n( Marrland for two year* next land immediately pr\cedin» (lie lime of J Ol f lie Exlrk OlotM>. preceding I lie date id hi* >aid petition, nnd application, nnd the Viid Kdtvanl .I'livnrtb, llni'iiai A. Uo.'pM. Uuiuet, llowr, 'IIP. undersigned Jlropo*e to i*»ue the firit scription, such as \vonld prnperly come un- tlull'i. \Y-'."rui, Iliiiiyan, l-'enclnn, l)odilrid»e, Icr the designation cif Mii^nziiiitiiKi. intcr- linvin^ iippointcd Andiew Mrirer lru»tec for bavin" taken the oath b\ lliri.iid scl prtio kl- no i:»l, liirr'.w, Tdlul-«i,ii, number uf a 0cw »crie* nf the KXTHA the bi-nelit of the creditor* of (lie raid Itobi'i t ed for (ho delivering Tu> his proprrtyj V i.fl .i., 111! (JKOI1K. on >jLmiday. the. 25th of May next, xpciied with tli«' He* ii- s Iriiili Ili«: KnirjiMi .-j't-ii -k. .li.din, V |.-inil'i-t, Hur*.': v, llnl.-. T. Mm IT, \vlnch s.ud tiuitee ha* given bund given sufficient scctirityVor hii pcrtoai!. nd to publiah it weekly fur tix months, man- (juarlcrlieK. To jinlili l'l'< i y lli.iJi; ul llllr in due lorm lor lh9 faithful pcrfurinnncc of • i. IV'l-' r, l.'Cul'. LMu'il.ill. Cjvc, nature which we deem prnranre al the County Curt of Annf-An inu twe'iiy six nuuihirt^Le las! to contain doirniiio \\oiilil cn- hi* IruM, and the ».iid lt,ibi-rt T. Mercei li.iv- del countv, to answer tocli . Jc'M-1, Jac'.«.,n, Kl.ind croach too much on 'lie i-nltnniK nl Iho ''Li­ >Krll"'i, W«tl«, lentil.. jn Index to Ihe whole. IMylil be printed up­ in^ pxeculi-il -i deed »f < out eynncr lu hi* *aid an^l slle^alinn* as may be nude ,1, Vi 'i.iehcnii*, Ril-^uy, on fine double roya^Mnu^meile up in quarto brary" denia;iird fur h,>ol.«, and \cl lo pas« trustee for all hit propel Iv, ruul, perannnl and and having nppninled n lru,Ve,"|ir, \Vliiiliv, li.rin. tike the Kxtra antlCorrWenaional Olobe them by i* conM.mily a ^inject nf rc^rei. mixed, and llie «.iid liuMi-c having certified en bnnd nt *uch, and rrccivel from uidl l-i-'sii', Ifrrbtrr', Di.unr, Mi-r- published by ua la*t year. 'lli« 46 number* To conccnlrotc, inert-fore, the pull icalum nl tlie delivery theieof In him, il i» tnercfme ward lirooke* n conveyance \>*\ peiimj will make 4lti quarlo royal page*. ttouk* entire, heuiftot, lim of new works, hereby ordained and adjudged by the (aid it will contain the principal oripinal arti­ of all his property, rent, porno nil ami mill /ii.'0'i.H*riHs^ t Janua- the choicest conlriliiuion* lo M*peclus mav be nenl, to rircu lication of cnch number, il \s thought too Smith, I). U. Isle il, for the purpose u| obtaining subtcri- will bo nu advantage over monthlies and Given nndermy hand (his iUliliyorl*! bers. A copy of the work will be sent to the qunrlurlie*. 4 BY-LAW, ruiiry, in Ihe yenr of our, Lord, eighteen ! | LONDON: l.ihn If 4tchanl nnd Bout I'icca- To explain a liy-Luw puiied I I/A Jlugntt, dretl und thirty-live. dilly* 'Vhillakcr ff ('.v. A»e Maria 1*ant', newspaper* that copy this Proipectua. The following plan is respectfully"y submit- Subscribers shoudl forward their names in ted. 1B34, 10 liceiue and regulate Varriagtt of GIDKON Si.npkln & Maraliall. Hulionrri.' Court; )). A. plemureolemure andanJ C'arti.f'an- Talu"y<. Oxtoril: J. b J. Dri^hton, Caii.biid^p: litoc lo reach u* b«lure the 5Ulh May. If they June 3J 3m» do not, w< may nnt bo able t» furnish them I. The COMI-ANIO.N" will containonlainVhe K it established and ordained by the May­ Olivrr A Uuyd, Kdmburghi «ud j. Camming, earliest possible reprints of tho he; wild nil the number*! because the work is put c«t mnltyr B or, Recorder, Aldermen, aud Cumnin Out the K.injdom. MaiclHth. IH.14. Iho form will )*> llwi «»mo nt lhatof Iho Li- I11""' n «h August, L8.H ,0 r, crnlt .'.JTri, heT lia* dii,e<.nlfn«ed ihr ('abinet MakiorD The V.n*tith eouy will c««t, in KngUnti, a JTKRMH: bout Irn dollar*. W« pfopffte Ir tmue ihr OneQollnr per copy, in advance. brnry each number containing sixlcxin pa- jL^J^V^i'*C ^ U^ ^ 'Mr« ^'« riH.i« *rne*s, endi'llMvM* tn ConRne himirlf fsr l Amfiicjp«r, lar*, and si»«n in pr«|»rlion, Library M lilllo ot ho more expense, and tn private ate. ' ''*' " "" : ; All iinUra-for. ruaeral*«lll b« tvlo( nin«ty-*it Urjte U mo. pin««, ffl be 'Ilia price of this paper t* low, that we making belter sited volume; nnd lo those D.CLAUUB.'M.ror'.' a< Ihi «/inr(if*i miike, ritlirr in las wMl tolded and atttched. and covered with atrniig cannot attonl to open account* with thnte who who do rvtA-lajMM^c Library itself, * volume ncr, fr according lu iMtfi*blir«clloax *' en«*l«t>e paper, at the rate of ot« doller* per uUscribc for »|., Therefore, noAlteotlon will every jrear, «f 410 quarto page* of the size lle.reluroi his thank* lo Ik* public fvrl oaurn. b« paid to any ^rder, uiilea* tne muiwy ac- of the p patrunage, during (he last twenly NM'i laj OKKHN. cumjiaiiies jir«^^. 8. The price will be Hi hopes that his p.uniplnrss mil slltlnl** »i| [ollars for a Neatly executed at UUs conflliUU tg llWril llii-ir favour. Much VT*