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t7. 7 GEOGRAPHICAL and STATISTICAL VIEW or MASSACHUSETTS PROPER. »Y RODOLPHUS DICKINSON, Eso. GREENFIELD, PR.IHTED BY DENIO AND PHELPS. 1813. : GREENriELD, MasS. MAUCH, 1813. THE following view comprises the principal part of a work, for the pubK- cation of which a subscription was attempted, that proved unsuccessful.* For the more convenient insertion of the tables, it is offered to the public in the present it interesting, and found to something form ; with a hope that may be add to the means of geographical and statistical information. Several states have been minutely and philosophically described ; but were some gentleman to furnish even as limited a sketch as this, of every other section of the union, it would not per- haps be deemed vain to presume, that with such aids, and the materials already in possession, a native or foreign geographer would be enabled to prepare a more extensive and satisfactory description of our country, thap any that has hith- erto been published. The author aspires at least to the merit of impartiality. The citizens of Massachusetts will here find no ungenerous discriminations to ex- effort cite their regret ; and to them, this humble is respectfully inscribed. R. D. * The writer sincerely thanks his friends and fellow citizens, Who encourag- ed his proposals, and informs them that they are discharged from all responsibili- ty as subscribers. Their patronage of this work, however, will be gratefully accepted. DISTRICT OF MASSACHUSETTS, to wit : DISTRICT clerk's OFFICE. Be it remembered, That on the twentieth day of October, A. D. 1812, year of the the States t.
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