(Iowa City, Iowa), 2011-12-01
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NUTCRACKER COMES TO THE ENGLERT FOR THE FIFTH YEAR 80 HOURS, 1B THE INDEPENDENT DAILY N EWSPAPER FOR THE UNIVERSITY OF IOWA COMMUNITY SINCE 1868 THURSDAY, DECEMBER 1, 2011 NEWSPAPER •DAILYIOWAN.COM • TELEVISION 50¢ EDITOR’S PICKS: • Johnson County is paying a local architecture firm almost Suspect $100,000 to design a new UI turns to overload Johnson County Justice Center. Page 2A described as • Female wrestler: “I don’t do it $174K to make a point. I do it because I easy going love it.” Page 8A $47K David Hensley A friend said Plummer • Dave Coulier of “Full House” fame will perform on campus this was ‘happy-go-lucky’ and weekend. Page 3B $167K ‘a really likable guy.’ • See Iowa City police footage of a $30K By ERIC MOORE UI student allegedly assaulting a Mark Penno local cop. Daily Iowan TV on [email protected] dailyiowan.com A high-school friend of University of $92K Iowa student Branden Plummer said the Senators aim for attempted-murder charge against his $30K friend is “absurd.” Iran sanctions Paul Windschitl Taylor Webb, 20, was friends with WASHINGTON — Senate Plummer at Valley High Democrats and Republicans are School in West Des Moines pushing for harsher sanctions and lived with him in Iowa $51K against Iran’s Central Bank as City for two years while fears of Tehran developing a $30K attending Kirkwood Com- nuclear weapon outweigh con- munity College. cerns that any step would drive Connie Trowbridge “I know that he’s a real- up oil prices and hit Americans at ly good kid, you know, and Plummer the gas pump. he means well; he just UI student The Senate on Wednesday $77K made a really stupid mis- weighed whether to add the sanc- take,” Webb said. “I don’t tions measure to a massive, $662 $30K think he deserves to go to prison for 25 billion defense bill that moved Heath Spong years.” closer to passage. A vote on the 50K 100K 150K Webb, who said he still keeps in contact sanctions was likely Thursday. Base Salary with Plummer, described him as a “really likable guy,” adding he “never knew one On Wednesday, lawmakers Overload Pay voted 88-12 to limit debate on the person who didn’t like the kid.” legislation, and they wanted to This graphic shows the top five overload pay earners at the University of Iowa during the last school year. Plummer, 20, was charged with wrap up the bill by week’s end. Approximately 200 full-time faculty who taught extra courses last year made a combined $1.9 million in overload pay. attempted murder after CrimeStoppers The legislation would authorize received an anonymous tip on Tuesday. funds for military personnel, By MARY KATE KNORR equates to an increase of roughly $150,000 the Iowa City police Sgt. Denise Brotherton weapons systems, the wars in Iraq [email protected] UI doles out in what officials call “overload said police believe Plummer was obstruct- and Afghanistan, and national- pay.” ing traffic in at the intersection of Linn security programs in the Energy University of Iowa officials say they’re saving Even with hiring on the rise, UI officials and Burlington Streets on Nov. 18 when Department. The bill is $27 billion money by hiring adjunct instructors and hav- defend overload pay — paying permanent fac- Sgt. Brian Krei — a 29-year-veteran — less than what President Obama ing current faculty teach more courses. Howev- ulty extra to take on more teaching — saying intervened. requested for the budget year er, the number of permanent faculty at the UI the school has utilized the method for years. The police report said Plummer choked beginning Oct. 1 and $43 billion is still rising. “They are not bonuses,” Rice said. “[Profes- Krei and slammed his head against the less than what Congress provided The UI paid almost $2 million in extra pay to sors] are actually working for the extra money concrete before fleeing the scene. Krei to the Pentagon this year. faculty who took on extra teaching work during they get. On a fairly regular basis, we’ll allow briefly lost consciousness, Brotherton Tougher sanctions against Iran the last school year. And the number of tempo- existing faculty to teach one extra class per said. have widespread support in rary instructors on campus has jumped by semester. We’ve always done that.” Congress, reflecting concerns not more than 200 in the last two years. And officials continue to look at cost-saving DAILYIOWAN.COM only for U.S. national security but methods, Rice said. Instead of hiring new per- But despite those moves to avoid hiring per- Go online to read the full story of ally Israel’s as well. Last week, the manent full-time teachers, the university has manent faculty,officials say,it’s cheaper to have Plummer’s arrest. Obama administration announced 40 more permanent faculty than it did two current employees teach more. a new set of penalties against Iran, years ago. “We never know what the demand will be including identifying for the first The number of permanent faculty teaching year to year,” Rice said. “Sometimes we hire lec- time Iran’s entire banking sector extra classes rose from 140 in the fall of 2007 to turers to do it. What we don’t want to do is hire as a “primary money-laundering a full-time permanent faculty member if we’re approximately 200 this semester, according to concern.” This requires increased ELECTION WATCH monitoring by U.S. banks to ensure Associate Provost for Faculty Tom Rice and data obtained by The Daily Iowan. That SEE OVERLOAD, 6A FOLLOW THE RACE ON that they and their foreign affili- TWITTER AT #IACAUCUS ates avoid dealing with Iranian financial institutions. — Associated Press Patients aid center’s design Hopefuls split DAILY IOWAN TV By MARY KATE KNORR patient-centered care is the chairs are found in the new To watch Daily Iowan TV go online on U.S. wars [email protected] most important thing that infusion suite. at dailyiowan.com. we’re after,” John Buatti, In addition, the patient The University of Iowa deputy director for clinical committee requested officials By MAX FREUND Hospitals and Clinics staff cancer services, said during a construct a family waiting [email protected] marveled Wednesday at the tour. “We should recognize the area, which Buatti called crystal-clear panes of glass Ron Paul and Jon Huntsman want the team and, of course, there “very important.” and freshly painted beige and troops home, period. The other Republican were the nurses and staff, but Other aspects of the design teal walls of the Holden Com- candidates for president, however, are not most important were the suggested by patients include prehensive Cancer Center’s so enthusiastic. patients.” numerous small waiting new clinic and infusion suites. But candidates aren’t the only ones One of the most notable rooms as opposed to one large The wing, set to open next split on how to deal with the U.S. presence suggestions to come from the waiting room, love seats and week, was on display for the chairs strewn throughout the in Iraq and Afghanistan. first time Wednesday, and patient team was a Experts in the field take different chemotherapy chair, custom- area, and only one television officials gushed over their in community areas. stances about whether troops should be made for comfort and efficien- new digs. “We want the patients to stationed in Iraq and Afghanistan — and INDEX cy. The two-story expansion to have input in every step of the how many it takes to do the job. Classifieds 7B Sports 8A the UIHC was unique, offi- “[What is special about the process, from registering to Michael O’Hanlon, a senior fellow at the Crossword 8B cials noted, because patients chair] is the fit and how they how the chemotherapy chair Brookings Institute, is the senior author Opinions 4A played a crucial role in its can recline,” said Keri Mercer, feels when you sit in them, to of the Iraq, Afghanistan, and Pakistan design. a cancer information special- whether or not they want to Index projects. In an interview with The A committee of 12 cancer ist at the clinic. “When have private space or more Daily Iowan, he disagreed with some of WEATHER patients regularly attended [patients] are going through social,” said George Weiner, the caucus contenders that troops should design meetings, where they infusion, whether it’s through the director of the Holden come home. HIGH LOW contributed their insights and the arm or the core, you want Comprehensive Care Center. “I fundamentally disagree with Hunts- 41 5 ideas to the project. them to be comfortable, so “Some patients like televi- man and Paul: somewhere between a Cloudy, turning windy, 20% chance of “[Patient involvement] is that was a big deal.” snow. important because truly Now, dozens of these special SEE CANCER, 6A SEE CAUCUS, 6A 2A - The Daily Iowan - Iowa City, Iowa - Thursday, December 1, 2011 News dailyiowan.com for more news Sp tlight Iowa City The Daily Iowan Volume 143 Issue 109 BREAKING NEWS STAFF Phone: (319) 335-6063 Publisher: E-mail: [email protected] William Casey . 335-5788 Authentic home of ‘fofo’ Editor: Fax: 335-6297 Adam B Sullivan . 335-6030 CORRECTIONS Managing Editors: Call: 335-6030 Emily Busse . 335-5855 Policy: The Daily Iowan strives for Sam Lane. .335-5855 accuracy and fairness in the report- Metro Editors: ing of news. If a report is wrong or Hayley Bruce .. 335-6063 misleading, a request for a correc- Alison Sullivan .