Core Strategy and Development Plan Gypsy and Traveller Site Assessment Report 2017


Sunderland City Council Travelling Showpeople and Gypsy and Traveller accommodation needs and provision report

1.0 Introduction

1.1 Travelling Showpeople Travelling Showpeople are members of a group organised for the purposes of holding fairs, circuses or shows. Within the city, in particular within the Houghton and Hetton area there is a well-established community of Travelling Showpeople.

1.2 For the purposes of planning the ‘Planning Policy for Traveller sites’ (DCLG, 2015), defines Travelling Showpeople as ‘Members of a group or organisation for the purposes of holding fairs, circuses or shows (whether or not travelling together as such). This includes such persons who on the grounds of their own or their family’s or dependants’ more localised pattern of trading, educational or health needs or old age have ceased to travel temporarily, but excludes Gypsies and Travellers’.

1.3 Gypsy and Travellers Gypsy and Travellers is the term used to refer to all Romany Gypsies and Irish Traveller, there are several Gypsy and Travellers communities, each with different histories and traditions.

1.4 For the purposes of planning the ‘Planning Policy for Traveller sites’ (DCLG, 2015), defines Gypsies and Travellers as ‘Persons of nomadic habit of life whatever their race or origin, including such persons who on grounds of their own or their family’s or dependants’ educational or health needs or old age have ceased to travel temporarily, but excluding members of an organised group of Travelling Showpeople or circus people travelling together as such.’

1.5 does not currently have any pitch provision for gypsies and travellers, however within the city unauthorised encampments do arise, temporarily providing a place to stay for gypsies and travellers who are passing through the city, or are here visiting relatives or friends.

2.0 Purpose of report

2.1 The purpose of this report is to set out:-

 The accommodation requirements for Gypsy and Travellers and Travelling Showpeople over the plan period (2015/16-2032/33)  The site selection methodology and criteria used to assess sites  The proposed sites to be incorporated into the draft Core Strategy and Development Plan (CSDP)


3.0 National requirements

3.1 Local Planning Authorities are required, through the NPPF and Planning Policy for Traveller sites to set pitch1 targets for Gypsies and Travellers and plot targets for Travelling Showpeople which address the permanent and transit accommodation needs in their area, working collaboratively with neighbouring local planning authorities. In addition to identifying actual plot/pitch requirements over the plan period the local plan process must also ensure that a supply of specific sites are identified to meet the plot/pitch requirements, in order for the plan to be considered deliverable and sound. Identified specific sites should be allocated in the Local Plan. In identifying specific sites, it must be demonstrated that the sites are deliverable, offer a suitable location for development and there is a realistic prospect that development will be delivered on the site within five years.

4.0 Accommodation requirements

4.1 Gypsy and Traveller and Travelling Showpeople Accommodation Assessment 2017 As part of the evidence base to inform the CSDP an update was taken to the 2014 Gypsy and Traveller and Travelling Showpeople accommodation assessment to identify the needs of these groups across the city. This updated assessment was finalised in June 2017.

4.2 The assessment used the following evidence sources:-

 A review of existing secondary data  An online survey of key stakeholders and  Face to face Interviews with Travelling Showpeople households and postal questionnaires from showpeople living on yards in the city  Informal conversations with residents on both the Grasswell and Pearsons Travelling Showpeople’s yards.

4.3 Assessment conclusions Travelling Showpeople- With regards travelling showpeople, the assessment indicated that within the city there are currently 100 plots distributed amongst 5 yards, ranging from small individual/family yards in the Washington and Burn area, to larger yards accommodating a number of households within the Houghton-le-Spring and Hetton-le-Hole area.

4.4 In terms of needs over the plan period, the assessment specified a requirement for 33 plots over the plan period, broken down into the following time periods:-

1 A ‘pitch’ means a pitch on a ‘Gypsy and Traveller’ site and a ‘plot’ means a pitch on a ‘Travelling Showpeople’ site (often called a yard). This terminology differentiates between residential pitches for ‘Gypsy and Travellers’ and mixed-use plots for ‘Travelling Showpeople’, which may/will need to incorporate space or to be split to allow for the storage of equipment.


Table 1 Total Need for Travelling Showpeople Plot Shortfall year 1-3 (2015/16- 6 2017/18) Plot requirements years 4-9 9 (2018/19- 2022/23) Plot requirements years 10-18 18 (2023/24- 2032/33) Total requirement plan period 33 (2015/16-2032/33)

4.5 This results in a short–term 5 year plan period requirement of 15 plots2. The assessment indicates that new yards for travelling showpeople should consider the location of the existing travelling showpeople communities, mainly within the Coalfield area and Washington.

4.6 In terms of plot size, a number of residents with families living on yards within the city indicated that the plots they currently reside on are too small to accommodate a growing family and larger plots would be preferable.

4.7 Gypsy and Travellers - In terms of requirements for Gypsy and Travellers, the assessment indicated that within the city there have been a number of unauthorised encampments over the past four years. 3 However, these have accommodated people stopping off within the city as part of a longer journey, or people visiting family/friends and are short-term in nature. (It should be noted that a number of these encampments have been by local families who reside in bricks and mortar within the city). As such the assessment indicates a need for stop-over provision within the city to accommodate 5 pitches.

2 Which includes shortfall for years 15/16, 16/17and 17/18 prior to plan adoption in 2018. 3 2013 – 14 encampments, 2014 -16 encampments, 2015 -14 encampments, 2016- 17 encampments


5.0 Site requirements

5.1 In terms of plot sizes, yards and plots for travelling showpeople vary in size due to the make-up and needs of the households, with requirements for family plots as well as plots for couples required. The plots normally accommodate a static caravan/chalet, vehicles, possibly a touring caravan for travelling and an area to store and maintain show equipment. This storage space can sometimes be a communal area, however there is usually a preference for them to form part of individual plots for security reasons

5.2 In addition to this travelling showpeople tend to live in close proximity to other family members, albeit, who form their own household and as such a plot/yard size is difficult to specify and therefore yards which could accommodate a mix of plot sizes and allow for family yards to be created have been considered.

5.3 With regards the stop-over site for gypsy and travellers, the size of the pitches should be large enough to accommodate two caravans, two vehicles and outdoor space, with each pitch having an area for the provision of electricity, water, sewerage outlet and toilets. (These will be provided by the use of portaloos, bowsers and generators, which will be brought in each time the site is occupied). The site will be laid out to hardstanding, fenced and gated, with appropriate screening put in place.

6.0 Site selection methodology

6.1 In order to accommodate the need a city-wide search was undertaken to identify appropriate locations for both travelling showpeople and gypsy and travellers. Determining the suitability of each site has been based upon criteria set out within the National Planning Policy Framework and the Planning Policy for Travellers and Travelling Showpeople (DCLG 2015) to ensure any identified site is sustainable economically, socially and environmentally.

6.2 As such, the following site criteria were considered for each site4 :-

 Located in Green Belt  Located so have access to health facilities and schools  Located so as to avoid adverse effects on the wellbeing of site occupiers  Reasonably located where they will not be detrimental to the city's regeneration aims  Located away from any known high flood risk areas  Located so as to avoid sensitive areas (both natural and local environment - noise and air quality)  Located on sites that are appropriate for a live/work lifestyle

4 The full schedule of sites set out against the criteria is included at appendix 1


 Located so as not to have any detrimental impact on residential amenities and highway safety  Located so as not to create a significant intrusion into the landscape  Located in areas which are compatible with or/are acceptable against other policies of the LDF

6.3 As sites need to be deliverable (available/suitable and achievable within the next five-years), in the main council owned sites were considered. A number of sites in private ownership were considered, but then discounted due to availability issues.

6.4 A desk-top assessment was undertaken initially, with each site assessed against the criteria points with existing UDP policies and green space audit work also considered. A conclusion was then reached as to whether the site was considered acceptable and then categorised into either red, (unsuitable sites), amber (site could go ahead but not the most suitable location/costly/other land use), or green (suitable site). Site visits were undertaken on all of the green and amber sites and a number of the red sites (red sites for clarification purposes).

6.5 Overall 117 city-wide sites were assessed (22 in Sunderland North, 21 in Washington, 31 in Sunderland South and 43 within the Coalfield area). Of these 117 sites, 74 were discounted and categorised as red following the initial assessment, due to being unsuitable or undeliverable (as land not in council ownership). A further 38 were then discounted, due to reasons such as, location not being very accessible, being visually intrusive or highway safety issues.

6.6 As the site search for both Travelling Showpeople and Gypsies and Travellers has been constrained to council owned land to ensure deliverability, a wider call for sites for these land uses will also be undertaken as part of the Local Plan consultation exercise to ensure any further private sites which may be available can also be considered.

7.0 Conclusion of site selection

7.1 Travelling Showpeople The site selection process identified two sites which could be allocated for travelling showpeople within the Coalfield area, of which both would be required to accommodate short-term needs. Longer term, broad locations have been identified around the wider Pearson’s and Market Place Industrial Estate areas.

7.2 The sites proposed to accommodate the travelling showpeople yards are:-


7.3 Open space to the rear of Pearson’s Industrial estate, Hetton-le-Hole (site 107)

7.4 Site description The site which is an area of open space, is located to the north of Pearson’s Industrial Estate. It has no vehicular access to the site and pedestrian access is via a footpath to the northern edge of the site. The site is adjoined to the north by a tree belt and the Hetton Burn, with industrial units to the far north. To the east lies Hetton Lyons Country Park and allotments adjoin the site to the west. To the south of the site are existing travelling showpeople’s yards which are located within Pearson’s Industrial Estate. It is at this point that vehicular access to the site would need to be taken, due to it being land locked (for vehicles) from all other directions.

7.5 Accessibility The site is within close proximity of local shops, schools and health facilities and transport links at Hetton–le-Hole centre.

7.6 Site conclusion This area of open space is used infrequently due to the close proximity of Hetton Lyons Country Park, which is adjacent. The area itself has an abundance of open space and is above city levels in terms of green space quantity. However, the northern part of the site will remain as open space due to flooding issues from the Hetton Burn, restricting the area of land that can be used for caravan/chalet type accommodation. In terms of noise and disturbance from working on machinery, as the site is not adjoined by general residential properties it is not considered that the use of the site will be detrimental to existing residents. As the site is in council ownership it is considered deliverable, subject to agreement over access.


7.7 Council depot at Market Place Industrial Estate, Houghton-le-Spring (site105)

7.8 Site description The site, which is located on the edge of Market Place Industrial Estate is currently in operation as a council depot and is allocated as employment land. It is adjoined to the north by open space, to the west by both open space and industrial uses (vehicle repair unit adjoin the site). To the south, separated by an access road, lie a mix of industrial uses and the rear of residential properties which front Lake Road. Allotments adjoin the site to the west. Both vehicular and pedestrian access to the site is taken from Lake Road/Gravel Walks.

7.9 Accessibility The site is within close proximity to facilities at Houghton-le-spring Town Centre and has schools nearby. Local facilities are also available nearby.

7.10 Site conclusion Due to the peripheral location of this site in relation to the industrial estate, it is not considered that the existing uses on the estate will be detrimental to the amenity of proposed residents of the site. Screening could also be put in place between the existing industrial estate and the proposed site. It is also considered that any noise impact on existing residential properties to the south at Lake Road and to the west will be limited as fairground equipment could be stored and maintained to the eastern most part of the site. The depot is programmed for closure within the next 2 years and as such is considered available. The loss of employment land for a site of this size and in this location is not considered to be detrimental to the overall employment portfolio in this area.


7.11 Gypsy and Travellers The site selection process identified three options for the stop-over site for gypsy and travellers, two within Sunderland South and one within the Coalfield. Three site options have been put forward to accommodate the stop-over site for gypsy and travellers, however due to the low numbers of need only one site will be required. It should be noted that residents of the stop-over site will be restricted to a maximum stay of 7 days with the possibility of extensions should circumstances warrant an extended stay. Residents will be prohibited from returning to the site within a three month period. The site will be gated and a nightly tariff will be in place for those wanting to stay on the site. As the site requirement is for stop-over provision and not permanent, the criteria in relation to access to schools was not seen as crucial.

7.12 The options are as follows:


7.13 Hendon Road East, on the perimeter of the industrial estate (site 101)

7.14 Site description This site is located within an industrial estate and takes the form of open space, which is used for horse grazing from nearby stables. The site is part of a wider stretch of open space which adjoins the site to the south and is required for the proposed future port access road. (The proposed location of this site does not affect this future road proposal). To the north, east and further south are employment uses, mainly in the form of reclamation yards. The site has vehicular access in place to the north east corner of the site and is fenced off to Hendon Road East.

7.15 Accessibility The site is located within walking distance to nearby facilities at Hendon and the wider City Centre facilities and can be easily accessed for vehicles north bound from the A19 via the Southern Radial Route.

7.16 Site Conclusion The use of this site for a stop-over gypsy and traveller site is considered to be acceptable in principle. The loss of open space in this location is not considered to be detrimental to overall amount of open space available in this area. As the site is not intended to be used as a permanent facility, the impact from users of the site from neighbouring industrial uses is not considered to be unreasonable.


7.17 Sandmere Road, Leechmere Industrial estate (site 111)

7.18 Site description This site, which is laid out to hardstand is located within Leechmere Industrial estate on a vacant plot of land, which has not been in use for some time. It is positioned at the head of a cul-de-sac within the industrial estate and is adjoined to the north by a care home. The landscaping in place between the site and the care home is at such a level that it forms a very good natural screen and the site is not visible from the care home or the nearby roads. To the south of the site the employment uses are a mix of storage and distribution uses with trade counters.

7.19 Accessibility The site is within close proximity to local facilities. The site is easily accessible via Toll Bar Road or Leechmere road, which can both be accessed easily via the southern radial route when travelling north bound on the A19.

7.20 Site conclusion The use of this site for a stop-over gypsy and traveller site is considered acceptable in principle due to the location being on the edge of the industrial estate and very well screened with existing landscaping. The site also has very good vehicular access already in place and is currently laid out to hardstand, making the site deliverable. Local health, shops and school facilities are located within the immediate area of this site.


7.21 Car park at Hetton Lyons ponds (Stephenson Lake – site 94)

7.22 Site description This site is located on an existing car park which serves Stephenson Lake at Hetton- Le-Hole. The site is surrounded by woodland to all boundaries, with the nearest industrial unit to the west being a wholesale distribution warehouse, albeit it is separated from the site by a tree belt. Stephenson Lake lies to the north of the site and is accessed by footpath from the car park. (Other pedestrian footpaths accessing the pond are in place from the north). Vehicular access to the site is from Colliery Lane/Parkgate. Being a car park vehicular access and hardstand is already in place.

7.23 Accessibility Local facilities at Hetton-le-hole and can be easily accessed from the site. For vehicles wanting to make use of the site, it is easily accessible from the A19 via the B1285 through Murton.

7.24 Site conclusion The site is considered acceptable in principle due to its location being away from the main built up area, yet easily accessible to local facilities. The existing screening in place reduces any amenity issues in relation to the nearby industrial estate. The site is currently in use, however should this be the preferred location for the Gypsy and Traveller stop-over site alternative arrangements will have to be put in place for car parking. Consideration could be given to only utilising part of the site to allow a smaller area of car parking to remain.


Appendix 1 – Site Assessment Schedule


Criteria Site comments: Site Located in Located so have access Located so as to avoid Reasonably located where Located away from Located so as to avoid sensitive areas (both Located on sites that are Located so as not to have Located so as not to create Located in areas which are UDP Policies Green Space Ward Site ownership Additional Info. Site suitable Green Belt to health facilities and adverse effects on the they will not be any known high natural and local environment - noise and air appropriate for a live/work any detrimental impact on a significant intrusion into compatible with or/are Audit schools wellbeing of site detrimental to the city's flood risk areas quality) lifestyle residential amenities and the landscape acceptable against other occupiers regeneration aims highway safety policies of the LDF

Sunderland North 1.Playing fields, N Y Potential flood risk Longer term plans for Incidents of localised No -Playing fields and amenity open space (Sport Yes, provided work area Residential amenity - With careful siting of site, Greenfield site. Policy issues Trees and Woodlands Y- Outdoor sports Fulwell Council SANG No as site in close proximity to City , North of Seafront Regeneration in flooding consultation required). Need to determine located away from existing separation between existing closest to the existing built up would need to be investigated (NA31.4) facilities amenity (Suitable Council's regeneration area which is to Seafields this area. Not a suitable what Playing Pitch strategy sets out for this site. residential properties residential and site to north, area (avoiding amenity further in relation to the playing Seafront and Coast green space and Alternative encourage more tourism and leisure uses location as council's aims however close proximity to issues for existing residents) pitch element and open space (EC9-tourist facilities green corridor. Green Space) at the sea front, as well as executive are to attract more visitors to properties at Seafields and to shouldn’t cause significant issues. and L12-coast and residential properties. Site required as the sea front. the proposed redevelopment intrusion into landscape. riverside) SANG to mitigate for Siglion development. site which will include Open space (L1/7/9, housing. B3) Highway safety :-No current Wildlife corridor vehicular access to land. (CN23) Access would need to be Great North Forest provided via residential street, (CN15) and also conflicts with footpath link to Morrisons. 2.Playing fields, N Y Potential flood risk Longer term plans for Incidents of localised No -Playing fields and amenity open space (Sport Yes, provided work area Residential amenity - Site Careful siting within existing Greenfield site. Policy issues Trees and Woodlands Y- Outdoor sports Fulwell Council SANG No as site in close proximity to City Seaburn, South of Seafront Regeneration in flooding England consultation required). Need to determine located away from existing adjoins residential properties building lines would avoid would need to be investigated (NA31.4) facilities amenity (Suitable Council's regeneration area, which is to Cleveland View this area. Not a suitable what Playing Pitch strategy sets out for this site. residential properties to the north and potentially to significant intrusion. further in relation to the playing Seafront and Coast green space and Alternative encourage more tourism and leisure uses location as council's aims the south (former bus fields and open space issues. (EC9-tourist facilities green corridor. Green Space) at the sea front, as well as executive are to attract more visitors to terminus) as such provided Proposed use does not satisfy and L12-coast and residential properties. Site required as the sea front. Site also used the siting of any G+T site tourism policies and in this riverside) seasonal site and SANG for Siglion regularly by Caravan and takes this into consideration. location would take away a Wildlife corridor development. camping club as such would Highway Safety- Existing facility which currently does. (CN23) not want to remove this access to field available via Open space (L1/7/9, facility from this sea front Whitburn Road. B3) location. Great North Forest (CN15)

3.Former Seaburn N Y Y Not a suitable location as Y Y Y Residential amenity - no Y Does not comply with tourism Wildlife Corridor N/A Fulwell Council Site used No as site forms part of the regeneration fairground site, land transferred to Siglion as issues Highway safety- policy. (CN23) temporarily area for the sea front and is currently Whitburn Road part of the LABV to Access to rear of site via Great North Forest throughout the under consideration via a planning regenerate this site and the Lowry Road, which also (CN15) year for application for residential and leisure uses, wider sea front area to serves Morrisons and Seafront and Coast travelling with start on site expected within the next encourage more tourism, surrounding car parks. (EC9-tourist facilities fairground. 6 years. leisure and housing. and L12-coast and Planning riverside) application submitted 16/02056/HY4 4.Fulwell Quarry N N- Not within close N - Methane Gas issues This area of Sunderland Y N. Very close proximity to Fulwell Quarries SSSI N -Not sustainable for Residential amenity - No Y- provided southern part of Greenfield site, however long NA7.6 (Housing) Part of the wider Southwick Council Large site, not No- Methane gas issues would need to be East proximity of the site. North is to be the subject of accessing facilities issue. Highway Safety- No site considered. standing UDP housing B14 (Potential Fulwell Quarries all site would looked into further and currently no access a master plan which is current vehicular access to allocation. archaeological site) Nature Reserve. need to be the site. Site is in close proximity to an currently being developed to the site. Access would need CN15 (Great North Provides a range of utilised. area which is being comprehensively assist in the comprehensive to be provided via Emsworth Forest) open space. Scores master planned to assist in regeneration. delivery of a number of sites Rd. CN23 (Wildlife very highly on within the wider area. As Corridor) assessment. such the proposed use in this location would be detrimental to this plan and the regeneration aims.

5.Land to the Y Primary school nearby, Y Y Y N. Encroachment into rural area and Green N -Not sustainable for Residential Amenity - No Y- provided southern part of No- Unacceptable as located NA29.1 (Green Belt) N/A Redhill Council Access No- Green Belt North of Maple but not very accessible to Infrastructure corridor. accessing facilities issues due to location of site site considered. within the Green Belt CN23 (Wildlife difficulties. Lodge, secondary school, nor being separated from main Corridor) health facilities built up area. Highway safety - CN15 (Great North No vehicular access to the Forest) site. Access would need to be Possibly NA35.1 provided via Woolwich Rd. (Multi user route)

6.Land to the rear N Y Y This area of Sunderland Y N- Active Allotment site Y- Provided work areas Residential amenity- May Y No- Active allotment site NA24.1 (Allotments Y- Large active Redhill Council No- Active allotments and of Maplewood North is to be the subject of located away from existing cause issues due to close and Leisure Gardens) allotment site regeneration/area to be master planned,. Ave, Marley Potts a master plan which is residential properties. proximity of existing New and upgraded currently being developed to residential properties. open space/ Leisure assist in the comprehensive Highway safety -No separate use (L2/3/4/5/7/8/9) delivery of a number of sites access/access shared with B3 (Urban Green within the wider area. As adjoining cemetery via Space) such the proposed use in this Wembley Rd. location would be detrimental to this plan and the regeneration aims. 7.Land west of Y Primary school nearby, N-Pylons Y Y N-Green Belt/Amenity Open Space Y- Provided work areas Residential amenity - Any site No - Site steep sloping so No- Green Belt site, Highway NA29.1 (Green Belt) Y- Greenspace Redhill Council No- Green Belt site. Hylton Lane, but not very accessible to located away from existing proposal should be located site possibly very visible. safety issues, open space NA22.2 (Amenity area Downhill secondary school, nor residential properties. away from existing residential issues Open Space) health facilities properties to protect amenity. NA31.2 (Trees and Highway safety -Access to Woodlands) field available via existing NA35.1 (Multi user access to north of routes) Northumbrian Water works on CN23 (Wildlife Hylton Lane. Access to land Corridor) then via track. Motorist CN15 (Great North visibility / vehicle speed Forest) issues . New and upgraded open space/ Leisure use (L2/3/4/5/7/8/9) M5 (Eastern limit of shallow coalfield area) 8.Land north of N Primary school nearby, Y Y Y Y No- Very close proximity to Residential amenity - Yes- careful siting required, Further work would be required L7 (School playing Y- School playing Redhill Council No- Active school playing field Bradford Ave, but not very accessible to residential properties and Potential conflict due to close due to topography of site. in relation to the site being fields) fields Downhill secondary school, nor primary school. proximity with existing designated as school playing M5 (Eastern limit of health facilities residential properties. fields. shallow coalfield Highway safety -Access area) would be required through residential streets -Bradford Avenue/Bradman St. Potential affects on the turning head. Criteria Site comments: Site Located in Located so have access Located so as to avoid Reasonably located where Located away from Located so as to avoid sensitive areas (both Located on sites that are Located so as not to have Located so as not to create Located in areas which are UDP Policies Green Space Ward Site ownership Additional Info. Site suitable Green Belt to health facilities and adverse effects on the they will not be any known high natural and local environment - noise and air appropriate for a live/work any detrimental impact on a significant intrusion into compatible with or/are Audit schools wellbeing of site detrimental to the city's flood risk areas quality) lifestyle residential amenities and the landscape acceptable against other occupiers regeneration aims highway safety policies of the LDF

9.Land west of N Y Boggy land - not suitable Y N N - Site of nature conservation importance/open No- Close proximity to Residential amenity - No - Site within area of open No- Site of Nature NA22.4 (Amenity Y- Part of the wider Castletown Council No - Part of park land. Castle View, for caravans space residential properties. Potential conflict due to close space Conservation open space) Hylton Dene Park. Castletown proximity with existing importance/amenity open CN21 (Site of nature Very high quality. residential properties. space. conservation Highway safety -Access via importance) residential streets. Conflicts L2/3/4/5/7/8/9, B3 ( with footpath network. Public new and upgraded rights of way across site. open space/leisure use) NA35.3 (Multi-user route) 10.Land at Y N- Not within close Very close proximity to Y Y Y Not appropriate for Residential amenity - no Y No- Green Belt NA29.2, Y- Amenity Green Castletown Council Not suitable as adopted Green Belt. junction of proximity of the site. Wessington Way 'A1231'. residential. issues with existing residents, CN2/3/4/5(Greenbelt) space and green Ferryboat Lane, Adverse effects to site however will cause issues for T9 (Cycle Routes) corridor occupiers when accessing potential site occupiers due to NA35.2 (Multi-user local facilities as have to nearby A1231. Highway routes) cross rd. Safety- No vehicular access. May cause conflict with Grange road bus network. 11.Land at N Y N - Potential noise issues Y Y N Tree Belt as such require removal of large areas Yes, provided work area Residential amenity - Not a significant intrusion, but Greenfield site, but no major NA31.1, CN16, B1 Y- Green space Castletown Council The site forms part of a larger woodland Ferryboat Lane from A19 of trees located away from existing Potential issues, due to close an intrusion into this strip of policy issues. (Trees and and green corridor buffer, providing noise attenuation to the (opp no. 163), residential properties proximity of site to existing land which acts as a buffer Woodlands) nearby residential properties from Castletown properties opposite. Highway between houses and A19. Washington Road and the A19. The site is Safety - Access vi Baltimore also very visible and would not lend itself Avenue/Boston Street. to being fenced off without being visually Motorist visibility / vehicle intrusive. Possible highway safety issues speed issues with Washington with accessing the site for both vehicles Rd and pedestrians as currently no access point. Residential properties in very close proximity, potential amenity issues. Potential noise issues for users of site from nearby A19. 12.Land at N Y N - Potential noise issues Y Y N. Part tree belt as such would require removal of Yes, provided work area Residential amenity- No -industrial units nearby Greenfield site, highway safety NA31.1, CN16, B1 Y- Green space Castletown Council The site forms part of a larger woodland Ferryboat Lane from A19 large area of trees located away from existing Potential issue due to already set precedent in this policy issues. (Trees and and green corridor buffer, providing noise attenuation to the (opp no.11), residential properties residential opposite. Highway strip of land. Woodlands) nearby residential properties from the A19. Castletown safety -No current vehicular The site is also very visible and would not access. Accident history lend itself to being fenced off without being associated with residential visually intrusive. Possible highway safety junctions. Motorist visibility / issues with accessing the site for both vehicle speed issues. vehicles and pedestrians, as no vehicular access to the site and visibility and speed issues. Residential properties in very close proximity, potential amenity issues. Potential noise issues for users of site from nearby A19.

12a. Land Y N- Not within close Previous Industrial use on Y Y N - Green belt and amenity open space. Within Y Residential amenity - No This would depend on where No- Greenbelt and open space CN2/3/4/5 (Greenbelt) Y- Part of the wider Southwick Council Not suitable as Green Belt land adjacent to golf proximity of the site. site and as such would Fulwell Quarry SSSI issues. Highway Safety - No the site was located within L2/3/4/5/7/8/9, B3 Fulwell Quarries range, Fulwell need further investigation. issues in principle as existing the wider area, as wider site (New and upgraded Nature Reserve. Quarry access available via quite prominent due to open space) Provides a range of roundabout at junction of topography. CN15 (Great North open space. A1018/A184 Forest) CN23 (Wildlife Corridors) NA20 Regional recreational and Cultural Facilities NA34 (Park and Ride) NA36 (Strategic footpath link) 52. Downhill N Y Y Y Y Y No, too close to existing Residential amenity - Highly Y Potentially, however would L7 School Playing Y- School playing Redhill Council Buildings still on Highly populated residential area, Centre, Downhill residential properties. populated residential area, need to demonstrate no other Fields, CN23 Wildlife fields and grounds site. unsuitable location. Buildings still in impacts upon residential community uses can occupy Corridor operation, as such site not available. amenity site. 53. Land to the N Y Y Y Y Y No, too close to existing Residential amenity - very May cause an intrusion into May be acceptable, however The site has no site Y- Amenity green Castletown Gentoo Large open Too large and inappropriate for proposed north of Clovelly residential properties. close to existing properties, the landscape as this an this would depend on further specific policies, space space site use. Developing this site would be visual Rd, Castletown may cause amenity issues area of open space which is work on the open space issue. however it is an area separating intrusive into the area. Not in Council and access would need to be exposed and fronting a main of open space and as residential ownership. taken from Clovelley road due thoroughfare (Washington such would be subject properties. to difference in topography, Rd) to open space which would impact on policies existing residential amenity. 54. Land at Fulwell N N- Not within close Y Y- Potentially as the site is Y N- Part of the site is a SSSI and Local Nature Y Residential amenity - No N Any development would need L2/3/4/5/7/8/9, B3 Yes- Amenity green Southwick Council No site being brought forward as executive Quarries proximity of the site. being considered for Reserve. issues. to be sensitively located so as (New and upgraded space dwellings. This site and the wider area executive housing, which to avoid the SSI and Local open space) subject to a master plan for assisting in the city has a shortfall of. Nature Reserve. Open space CN15 (Great North bringing forward residential development This area of Sunderland issues would need to be Forest) in Sunderland North. North is to be the subject of overcome. CN23 (Wildlife a master plan which is Corridors) currently being developed to CN21 (Local nature assist in the comprehensive reserve) CN20 delivery of a number of sites (SSSI) NA32.1 within the wider area. As (Nature Conservation) such the proposed use in this location would be detrimental to this plan and the regeneration aims. 55.Land to the N Y Y Y Y Y No, too close to existing Residential amenity - very Y Potential amenity issues with The site has no site Y- Part amenity Redhill Private Possibly a Very dense residential area. Unsuitable for east of Kingsway residential properties. close to existing properties, regards close proximity to specific policies and green space. former pub/club proposed use. Not in Council ownership. Rd, Downhill may cause amenity issues. existing residential properties. as such proposals cleared a Open space issues would need would need to be number of years to be overcome. compatible with the ago principal use of the neighbourhood. Part of site subject to open space policies. Criteria Site comments: Site Located in Located so have access Located so as to avoid Reasonably located where Located away from Located so as to avoid sensitive areas (both Located on sites that are Located so as not to have Located so as not to create Located in areas which are UDP Policies Green Space Ward Site ownership Additional Info. Site suitable Green Belt to health facilities and adverse effects on the they will not be any known high natural and local environment - noise and air appropriate for a live/work any detrimental impact on a significant intrusion into compatible with or/are Audit schools wellbeing of site detrimental to the city's flood risk areas quality) lifestyle residential amenities and the landscape acceptable against other occupiers regeneration aims highway safety policies of the LDF

56.Land at N Y Y Y Y Y No, too close to existing Residential amenity - very Y Y The site has no site Y- Amenity Green Redhill Gentoo The site is now No, site unavailable. Not in Council Rockingham residential properties. close to existing properties, specific policies and Space unavailable as a ownership. Square, Red may cause amenity issues. as such proposals new housing House would need to be development is compatible with the underway. principal use of the 11/03109/FUL neighbourhood. 58.Land at N N- Not within close Y Y Y N - An area with views of the city, which should be Yes, provided work area Residential Amenity- Y Y- Provided open space Part of site - Y- Amenity Green Redhill Private Part of the site Not suitable, site is accessed through a Witherwack proximity of the site. protected and enhanced, as such any proposal located away from existing Potential issues with Care policies can be complied with L2/3/4/5/7/8/9, B3 Space which lies to the dense urban area, private ownership and House, would need to ensure not detrimental to these views. residential properties Home in close proximity. and views of the city not (new and upgraded west of the Care potential amenity issues with existing care Witherwack compromised. open space/leisure Home is laid out home. use), EN10 - No to hardstandage specific polices, as (possibly former such proposed use to car park). Edge be compatible with of urban area. the principle us of the neighbourhood. NA30 Views of the city 89. Land at N No. Closest facilities are N. Site within an industrial Y Y Y Y No impact on residential Y N. Site to be retained for NA4.2 - Offices, N Southwick Council Site too small and to be retained fro Pottery at Southwick, however estate and in adjoined by amenity due to location. commercial and industrial research and employment use. Road/Inkerman pedestrian access to this vehicle repair workshop. uses. development, light Street, area from the site is not and general industry, ideal. storage and distribution, retailing.

90.Land to the N Y N. Potential amenity Y Y Y N. Very close proximity to Residential Amenity - very Y Y- white land, possibly suitable EN10 The site has no Southwick Council Not suitable.The site is a small area of rear of The Buffs, issues/overlooking, with existing residential close to existing residential for residential site specific policies land that previously housed garages for Southwick being in such close properties. properties, as such amenity and as such residential area as such site is bounded by proximity to residential issues with coming and proposals would need residential properties on all sides, which properties. goings. to be compatible with may cause amenity issues for both the principal use of existing residents and users of the site. the neighbourhood Access to the site is limited and very concealed. 96. Car park at Y N- Not within close Y Y Y N- Green belt (however site is on car park and as Yes Residential amenity - Yes Y- Site quite screened with N- Greenbelt site/ exceptional CN2/3/4/5- Green belt Southwick Council Issues with car Not suitable due to site currently used for Fulwell Quarries proximity of the site. such impact on openness of Green Belt minimal. Highway safety - Possible landscaping. circumstances would need to CN15 -Great North parking when car parking related to playing pitches and issues with playing pitches be demonstrated. Forest football pitches site quite remote from local facilities. and car parking (engineers T23/NA34 -Park and are in use, as Sensitive Green Belt site and also a SSSI. would need to provide further Ride spaces required comment) and known to be well used. Also used as a park and ride site when events on in the city. Washington 13.Land east of N N- Not within close No- Previous Industrial Use No- This site forms part of Y Y Yes as located quite a Residential amenity - Y No- Site is allocated for WA1.5, EC2/4/9/15, No Washington North Council Site forms part Site to be developed for employment Glover Industrial proximity of the site. on site, further the City's Enterprise Zone. distance from residential potential impact on site employment uses S13, B1 (Employment of the uses. Not suitable. estate -site 1 investigations would need properties. occupiers due to nature of land-Nissan) Enterprise Zone, to be undertaken. area, Highway Safety - CN15 (Great North which is planned Access to Hillthorn Farm, but Forest) for employment there are road safety issues in CN23 (Wildlife uses. relation to bend on A1290 at Corridors) Severn Houses. 14.Land east of N N- Not within close No- Previous Industrial Use No- This site forms part of Y Y Yes as located quite a Residential amenity - Y No - Site is allocated for WA1.5, EC2/4/9/15, No Washington North Council Site forms part Site to be developed for employment Glover Industrial proximity of the site. on site, further the City's Enterprise Zone. distance from residential potential impact on site employment uses S13, B1 (Employment of the uses. Not suitable. estate - Site 2 investigations would need properties. occupiers due to nature of land-Nissan) Enterprise Zone, to be undertaken. area, Highway Safety - No CN15 (Great North which is planned vehicular access to land Forest) for employment uses. 16.Land at N Yes Y Y Y Y Y Residential amenity - No Y Open space issues would need UDP Allocation Y- Natural green Washington North Council Access would The site is on a former pit site and shale Stephenson Road Issues. Highway Safety - to be considered . WA14.1 space need to be surface. The topography of the site is such Access via industrial estate (improvements in created and that it has the appearance of a mound with on Stephenson Road. level and provision of significant a plateau within the middle of the site. Vehicular access point would new open space) ground works Very prominent site. The site has no need to be created. Visibility L2/L3/L5/L7/L8/L9 would be vehicular access and is limited in where issues on Rutherford Road (includes protection of required to re- this could be taken from due to visibility. due to plantation. recreational and grade the site. Unsuitable due to the works required to amenity land) These costings make the site deliverable. B3: urban green would most likely space protection make the site undevelopable 17.Former N Y N Site is to be brought forward Y Y No, too close to existing Residential amenity- Close Y School playing fields issues L7 (School Playing Y- Natural and Washington West Council for this use. Site unavailable for this particular use as Usworth High for general housing. residential properties. proximity to existing would need to be overcome, Fields) semi-natural green programmed to be brought forward for School residential properties. however, this would not be space general housing in 2017/18. Highway safety - Access only insurmountable on the basis from northern end of the site has had planning Wellbank Road only due to approval for residential bus only link. Access road development previously. constructed for school and associated car parks. Proximity of school and associated parking an issue. 18.Land to the N N- Not within close N- Potential noise issues Y Y -Possible high water N. Tree belt acts as a noise buffer to the A194(M) Yes, provided work area Residential amenity - Close Not a significant intrusion, but Open space issues would need Existing open space Y- Natural green Washington West Council Unsuitable due to incursion into woodland west of Donvale proximity of the site. from adjacent A194(M) table. for residential properties. located away from existing proximity to existing land is woodland and as such to be considered . (L1/7/9, B3) space area not being suitable and impact on Rd, Donwell. residential properties residential properties. would require clearing part. WA27 (strategic existing residential amenity. Woodland Highway Safety - Access via footpath) acts as a noise attenuation buffer between Donvale Road, but likely to be residential properties and A1(M). Potential visibility / junction issues. noise issues for users of site from adjacent A194 (M). 19.Land west of N Y N- Potential noise issues Y Y N. Tree belt acts as a noise buffer to the A194(M) Yes, provided work area Residential amenity- Close Not a significant intrusion, but Open space issues would need Existing open space Y-Natural green Washington West Council Unsuitable due to incursion into woodland Craggyknowe, from adjacent A194(M) for residential properties. located away from existing proximity to existing land is woodland and as such to be considered . (L1/7/9, B3) space area not being suitable and impact on residential properties residential properties. would require clearing part. existing residential amenity. Woodland Highway Safety -Access via acts as a noise attenuation buffer between Blackfell Road, but likely to residential properties and A1(M). Potential be visibility / junction issues. noise issues for users of site from adjacent A194 (M). 20.Land west of St N Y Y Y Y Y Yes, provided work area Residential amenity - No Y Playing fields issues would CN23 (Wildlife Y-School Playing Washington East Council Not available Unsuitable as active school playing fields Robert of located away from school issues Highway safety - need to be investigated and Corridor) Fields Newminster buildings Access to fields via track with Sport England consulted. L7 (School playing School entrance off Biddick Lane. fields) Criteria Site comments: Site Located in Located so have access Located so as to avoid Reasonably located where Located away from Located so as to avoid sensitive areas (both Located on sites that are Located so as not to have Located so as not to create Located in areas which are UDP Policies Green Space Ward Site ownership Additional Info. Site suitable Green Belt to health facilities and adverse effects on the they will not be any known high natural and local environment - noise and air appropriate for a live/work any detrimental impact on a significant intrusion into compatible with or/are Audit schools wellbeing of site detrimental to the city's flood risk areas quality) lifestyle residential amenities and the landscape acceptable against other occupiers regeneration aims highway safety policies of the LDF

21. Land east of St N Y Y Y Y Y Yes, provided work area Residential amenity - No Y Playing fields issues would CN23 (Wildlife Y- School Playing Washington East Council Not available Unsuitable as active school playing fields Robert of located away from school issues. Highway Safety - need to be investigated and Corridor) Fields Newminster buildings Visibility issues at field access Sport England consulted. L7 (School playing School fields) 21a Land at Y N Previous Industrial use on Y Y Green Belt land Y- Provided work areas Residential Amenity - No Y No greenbelt land, CN2/3/4/5 (Greenbelt) Y- Amenity green Washington East Private Site now has Site is unavailable Pattinson Rd site and as such would located away from existing issues. Highway Safety - CN23 (Wildlife space planning need further investigation. residential properties. Access via Staithes Road Corridor) permission for only. Possible conflict with CN15 (Great North residential footpath / bridleway. Forest) development and is under construction 22.Land at N Y Previous Industrial use on Y Y Y Yes-provided work areas Residential amenity - Close Y Open space issues would need Existing open space Y- Amenity green Washington South Council Unsuitable as forms part of park area/large Bonemill Lane site and as such would located away from existing proximity to residential to be considered . (L1/7/9, B3) space- Rickelton area of open space.Potential conflict with need further investigation. residential properties. properties. Highway Safety - Park access onto Bonemill lane and Access onto Bonemill Lane roundabout. Land to the south at Southern would conflict with safe area playing fields being considered for operation of roundabout. executive housing site. Public footpaths located on the site. 23. Former Ayton N Y Y Site is to be brought forward Y Y No- Very close proximity to Residential amenity - Y School playing fields issues L7 (School playing Washington South Council The site is now Site unavailable and unsuitable due to the Village Primary for general housing. residential properties. Potential issues as very close would need to be overcome, fields) unavailable as in close proximity of existing residential School to existing residential however, this is not considered the process of properties. properties Highway Safety - to be insurmountable on the being sold to a Access via residential area - basis the site has been vacant housing Goldcrest Road. Footpath / for a number of years now. developer bridleway to rear of site. 23a.Land at N N - On the outskirts of N- Potential noise issues Y Y No- The area of land is a densely wooded area, Y No current vehicular access. Y Open space issues would need Existing open space Washington South Council Site is currently unsuitable due to the Crowther Industrial residential area. from adjacent A194(M) which would need part clearing for the proposed site. Location and extent of site to be considered and potential (L1/7/9, B3) TPO's presence of dense wooded area. Limited Estate required with access from concerns over removing trees access, footpath runs through site. Crowther Road. Footpath to which are protected. Woodland acts as a noise attenuation south linking with footbridge buffer from A1(M) to residential properties. over A1. Potential noise issues from A194(M). 60. Land to the N Y N- Potential amenity issues Y Y N- Area of open space which is exposed to its No - too close to existing Residential amenity- possible N- Exposed area of open Open space issues would need Existing open space Y - Amenity green Washington North Gentoo Unsuitable due to location and west of Waterloo with existing properties surroundings. residential properties. issues with close proximity to space, fronting main road. to be considered and potential (L1/7/9, B3). space inappropriate surroundings. Highly Walk, Sulgrave overlooking site nearby properties. Unsuitable to be fenced off. amenity issues with residential area, privacy issues for overlooking. proposed users of site due to overlooking from existing residential properties. Site unsuitable to be fenced off as visually intrusive. 91.Northumbria N (provided N Y -Site is located within an Y Y Y Y Residential amenity - Y Community use policy will CF2 –Community use N Washington North Council Site to be Site unavailable as sale pending. Centre Tree Belt to the industrial estate, but only Residential properties located need to be overcome, however buildings/land brought forward north is adjoined by industrial use to to the east of the site, former sports hall has now M5 - Eastern limit of for economic excluded). the south. however do not adjoin site, been demolished. Open space shallow coalfield area development not considered to be policy will also need to be L2/3/4/5/6/7/8/9 -B3 - detrimental to amenity. justified. Open Space/Leisure Highway Safety - The site is relatively remote from local amenities.

92.Land at Y N- Not within close Y Y Y Y Y Residential Amenity - No Y No- Greenbelt and recreation Greenbelt Yes- Outdoor Washington North Council Site required as Green Belt site. Site unavailable as Northern Area proximity of the site. issues. Highway Safety - and amenity land (CN2/CN3/CN4/CN5) sports facilities parking area for required for parking. Playing Fields Existing access to field CN15: Great North nearby football available via Stephenson Forest pitches. Road. Accident history at B3: urban green roundabout on space protection Northumberland Way but not L1/L7/L9: protection related to this site. of recreational and amenity land

97.Car Park at Y N. Not within close Y. Site quite remote and Site is quite close to large Critical drainage area Y Y Residential amenity no Y No- Greenbelt Greenbelt Woodland site Washington East Council Would require Green Belt site. Small site, unsuitable as James Steel Park proximity of the site. woodland/parkland setting. areas of new residential issues. Highway safety - site (CN2/CN3/CN4/CN5) +2ha Green using part of car car park quite well used and due to the development at Teal Farm. is an existing car park, corridor -strategic park which is nature of the use, may stop people therefore further work would amenity green used to access accessing this area. need undertaking on the car space. Regional the park. park usage and possibly wildlife corridor. alternative provision.

98.Land at N N. Not within close Y. Site is located near to Y Y Y Y Residential amenity okay as Y Based on UDP policy, site EN10 - The site has Green corridor Washington North Council Very visible due to topography, which Hertburn Industrial proximity of the site. industrial estate, but Sunderland Highway and tree would be more suitable for no site specific would also make access difficult. Amenity Estate separated by roads and buffers separate the site from employment use. policies and as such issues as adjacent to busy road open space. Potential nearest residential properties. proposals would need (Northumberland Way). Exposed site, no amenity issues with Highway safety may be an to be compatible with privacy for residents. proximity of busy road and issue due to access and as the principal use of noise. such further comments on the neighbourhood this would be required. 99.Land at N Y. However pedestrian Y. Site is located within an Y Y Y Y Residential amenity no issues Y Existing open space policies L1/7/9 B3 - Existing Y Washington North Council Access road to site is over private land. Stephenson access may be unsuitable industrial estate, but to the would need to be overcome open space Industrial Estate as dependent on location perimeter of site and of road crossings reasonable separation distance from existing industrial uses 116. Land north Y Y Y N. Very close proximity to N- Surface water N- Area of open space, very visible site from slip N- Too close to existing Residential amenity- potential N- Site very visible from slip No- Geen Belt Greenbelt CN2/2/4/5 Green corridor, Washington East Council Green Belt site- unsuitable west of St.Paul's executive housing areas flooding - high road residential properties. issues with site adjoining road Wildlife Corridor amenity Drive, Mount residential properties. CN23 greenspace, wildlife Pleasant Highways safety- vehicular corridor access to the site potentially difficult as would need to be taken from existing slip road.

117.Car park to Y. Y Y Y Y Y Y Highway safety - site is an Y No- Geen Belt Greenbelt (CN2/3/4/5) Woodland site Washington East Council Green Belt Site- Unsuitable the east of existing car park, therefore Wildlife Corridor +2ha Green Garrigall, further work would need (CN23) corridor -strategic undertaking on the car park amenity green usage and possibly space. Regional alternative provision. wildlife corridor. 118. Car park to Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Highway safety - site is an Y No- Greenbelt Greenbelt (CN2/3/4/5) Woodland site Washington East Council Green Belt Site- Unsuitable the east of existing car park, therefore +2ha amenity Shepherd Way, further work would need green space. Fatfield undertaking on the car park Regional wildlife usage and possibly corridor. alternative provision. Criteria Site comments: Site Located in Located so have access Located so as to avoid Reasonably located where Located away from Located so as to avoid sensitive areas (both Located on sites that are Located so as not to have Located so as not to create Located in areas which are UDP Policies Green Space Ward Site ownership Additional Info. Site suitable Green Belt to health facilities and adverse effects on the they will not be any known high natural and local environment - noise and air appropriate for a live/work any detrimental impact on a significant intrusion into compatible with or/are Audit schools wellbeing of site detrimental to the city's flood risk areas quality) lifestyle residential amenities and the landscape acceptable against other occupiers regeneration aims highway safety policies of the LDF

Sunderland South 24.Land to the N Y N- Potential amenity issues Y Y Y Y- Provided work areas Residential amenity - Y Open space policies would Existing open space Y - Greenspace St.Annes Council Unsuitable due to close proximity to rear of Penistone with existing properties located away from existing Possible issues with close need to be overcome. (L1/7/9, B3) existing residential properties. Part of Rd, Pennywell overlooking site residential properties. proximity to existing CN15 (Great North children's forest. residential properties. Forest) Highway Safety- Access M5 (Eastern limit of would be via former bus shallow coalfield turning circle to north of area) Hylton Road. Close proximity to bend near Pennywell Industrial Estate. 25.Rear of South N Y Y Y Y Y Y- Provided work area Residential amenity - Large area of open space, Open space issues would need SA27.1, Y St.Annes Council Unsuitable due to highway safety issues Hylton House, located away from existing Possible issues with being a may create an intrusion, but to be overcome. L2/3/4/5/7/8/9, B3 and topography. Hylton Bank residential properties. highly populated residential not considered to be (Amenity open space) area. Highway Safety - significant, provided SA50.1 (Road Parking associated with adequate screening in place. proposal) Quarry View School. South SA9.3 (housing) Hylton Access Road scheme. No vehicular access to land. Accident history with sections of St Lukes Road.

26.Land at N N N- Active allotment site and Y Y Y Y Residential amenity - N Open space allocation possibly Existing open space Y Pallion Council Site unavailable as active allotment site. Trading Estate, adjoining industrial estate Potential impact on amenity an issue with site still being an (L1/7/9, B3) Pallion of site occupiers due to active allotment use. surroundings. Highway Safety - Existing access via roundabout on European Way. Footpath / cycleway to north of site. Future access to Groves site. 27.Land at N N N - Potential flood risk Y N Y Y Residential amenity - No Y Open space issues would need Existing open space Millfield Council Site required for Flood risk issue and the location makes Deptford Terrace impact on existing residential to be overcome. Flood risk (L1/7/9, B3) SSTC this site unsuitable. amenities. Highway Safety - issue problematic. CN23 (Wildlife Potential for conflict with Corridor) other users. Future schemes SA48.1 (multi user affected include SSTC and route) Deptford Master plan. Flood risk

28.Land at N Y Y N- site is planned for Y Y Y Residential amenity - No Y No, doesn’t comply with the SA55A.2, EC5A Millfield Council Site unavailable as to be brought forward Farringdon Row regeneration impact on exiting residential site specific uses for the site (Comprehensive for other uses. amenities. Highway Safety - and the regeneration aims of Development Site – Access via Farringdon Row Alteration No.2. Vaux/Galleys Gill/ not acceptable on highway Farringdon Row) grounds and impact with T1A.5 (multi user access to surrounding route) business uses. Future schemes affected include SSTC and Vaux site. 29.Land at N Y Y Y Y Y N- Dense residential area Residential amenity - Y Housing improvement area Housing Improvement Hendon Council Site has now Site now unavailable as developed for Burleigh Garth potential impact due to H12/13, B1 been developed extra care scheme. residential nature of area for extra care accommodation 30.Land east of N Y Y Y Y N- Open space, trees and woodland Y- Provided work area Residential amenity - N- The area is a large open N- Open space allocation, due Existing open space Y Council Site unsuitable due to its current open Black Rd, Ryhope located away from existing detrimental impact as site space, which separates two to its size and how the area is (L1/7/9, B3) space use. Highway safety concerns also residential properties. would need to be located to residential areas and a site in used it would be difficult to CN23 (Wildlife associated with this site. the edge of open space, this location would create a justify its release. Corridor) which is in very close significant intrusion. SA48.8 (multi user proximity to residential route) properties. Highway Safety - CN16/B1 (Trees and No current vehicle access Woodlands) from Black Road. Accident B13 (other specific history and visibility issues sites and monuments) associated with alignment of 30a.Land North of N Y Y Y Y N- Open space, trees and woodland Y- Provided work area ResidentialBlack Road. amenity - N- The area is a large open N- Open space allocation, due New and upgraded Y Ryhope Council Site being Site unsuitable due to its current open Barton Park, located away from existing detrimental impact as site space, which separates two to its size and how the area is open space/ Leisure considered for space use. Highway safety concerns also Ryhope residential properties. would need to be located to residential areas and a site in used it would be difficult to use (L2/3/4/5/7/8/9) F.A Park Life associated with this site in relation to the edge of open space, this location would create a justify its release. SA39 (Trees and programme access. which is in very close significant intrusion woodland) proximity to residential CN23 (Wildlife properties. Highway Safety - Corridor) Access only from residential SA48.9 (Multi-user area via Hollycarrside Road. route) There are public footpaths and other multi -user routes, which would be affected. 31.Land east of N Y Y N- Site forms part of the Y N- Site is located within the settlement break. Y -Provided work area Residential amenity - No Y- provided site located next N- Settlement break release SA39.3 (Trees and Y Doxford Council Site unsuitable as forms part of the South Rd, South Sunderland Growth located away from existing issues currently, provided to existing residential would need to be justified. Woodlands) Sunderland Growth Area. Tunstall area and proposed residential located away from existing properties, however this then CN6 (Important open properties. residential properties. introduces amenity issues. breaks and wedges) Highway Safety - Access via SA47.5 (Provision for gated entrance / track from cyclists) Burdon Lane not acceptable CN15 (Great North on highway grounds. Forest) Accident history and visibility T13/15, SA52.2 part issues associated with of site - (Corridor alignment of Burdon Road. safeguard for new rd) 32.Land north of N Y Y Y Y No- active allotment site and open space Yes, provided work area Residential amenity - possible Careful siting would avoid No- Open space/allotment site Existing open space Y Doxford Council Site unavailable as currently in use. Shalcombe Close, located away from existing issue with existing residential significant intrusion. which would be difficult to (L1/7/9, B3) Mill Hill properties. properties, depending on overcome. B14 (potential exact location of site. archaeological site) Highway Safety -The only SA49.5 (Strategic vehicular access to the site is footpath) via the road serving the area Trees and Woodland housing office from Silksworth (CN6/ B1) Road. Criteria Site comments: Site Located in Located so have access Located so as to avoid Reasonably located where Located away from Located so as to avoid sensitive areas (both Located on sites that are Located so as not to have Located so as not to create Located in areas which are UDP Policies Green Space Ward Site ownership Additional Info. Site suitable Green Belt to health facilities and adverse effects on the they will not be any known high natural and local environment - noise and air appropriate for a live/work any detrimental impact on a significant intrusion into compatible with or/are Audit schools wellbeing of site detrimental to the city's flood risk areas quality) lifestyle residential amenities and the landscape acceptable against other occupiers regeneration aims highway safety policies of the LDF

33. Land north of N Y Y Y Y No- large area of open space, with trees throughout. No, too close to existing Residential amenity - No- A site in this location No- Open space policies and SA29 (New urban Y St.Chads Council Unsuitable, site is a large area of actively Silksworth Rd, residential properties. Possible impact on nearby would create an intrusion into potential urban park, policies country park) used open space. Farringdon residential properties. the landscape. could not be overcome in this CN23 (Wildlife Highway Safety - No location. Corridor) vehicular access to land. New and upgraded Access from roundabout open space/ Leisure located at junction of use (L2/3/4/5/7/8/9) Silksworth Road / Silksworth SA39.2- Trees and Way would conflict with safe Woodland (CN6/ B1) operation of roundabout. Future scheme affected is Farringdon bypass. 34. Land west of N Y N- Site is very prominent Y Y Y Y -Provided work area Residential amenity - no Y Mixed use policy would need SA6.2 (new mixed Y St.Chads Council Topography of Unsuitable due to site having no vehicular Silksworth Way, and as such residents located away from existing major issues provided site to be overcome use site) site may be access. This would be costly to put in Silksworth would have little privacy. and proposed residential located away from existing CN23 (Wildlife problematic and place. Ground works may also be costly. properties. residential properties. Corridor) costly as steep Very prominent site. Highway Safety - No sloping site. vehicular access to land. Access onto Way / Silksworth Way would conflict with safe operation of link road / close proximity of junctions. Public footpaths 35. Land east of N Y N- Site is very prominent N -Site is to be brought Y Y Provided site is located Residentiallocated on the amenity site. - no Y The majority of the site is SA9.21 (housing) Y St.Chads Council Topography of Unsuitable due to site having no vehicular Clinton Place and as such residents forward for housing in longer away from existing major issues provided site allocated for housing in the CN23 (Wildlife site may be access. This would be costly to put in would have little privacy. term. Short term it is being residential located away from existing UDP, as such complies with Corridor) problematic and place. Ground works may also be costly. considered for use as a car residential, Highway Safety - policy. However, if larger site Trees and Woodland costly as steep Very prominent site. Site being considered park to serve nearby Doxford No vehicular access to land. is to be considered open space (CN6/ B1) sloping site. as overflow car park for Doxford Park. Access onto Silksworth Road issues would need to be L1/7/9, B3 (Existing Ground works International Business Park. would be via a residential overcome, due to UDP land open space) may be costly. area, Clinton Place. The allocation of open space on junction of Silksworth Road / east of site. Allendale Road has an accident history / visibility issues. Public footpaths 36. Land east of N Y Y Y Y Part of site is within the settlement break and No- Too close to existing Residentiallocated on the amenity site. - Potentially create an If sited on the allocated SA9.19 (Housing site) Y Silksworth Council Part of site is now unavailable as Silksworth Lane, allocated as open space. residential properties. potential amenity issues with intrusion, due to the housing site, then no major Trees and Woodland developed for extra care scheme High Newport existing residential properties. topography of the land. policy issues. However, if (CN6/ B1) (allocated housing site). Remainder of site Highway Safety - No Careful siting would be located within settlement CN23 (Wildlife unsuitable as agricultural land within an vehicular access to land. required break and open space, these Corridor) important settlement break. No vehicular Access onto Silksworth Lane issues would need to be CN6 (important open access to the site and very close to would conflict with safe overcome. breaks and wedges) existing residential properties. Prominent operation of link road / close SA49.4 (strategic site. proximity of junctions. footpath) Accident history on adjacent L2/3/4/57/8/9, B3 roundabouts. (Open space/leisure) 36a. Car park N Y Y Y Y Y Y Residential amenity - No Y N- Site identified for SA1.4, EC2/4/9/15 - N Ryhope Council Site unsuitable due to the employment within Leechmere issues. Highway Safety - employment purposes Employment areas to land allocation, which should be retained. Centre, be retained and Leechmere improved. 62.Industrial Former Estate N N Y N - site forms part of a Flood risk issues on Y Y Residential amenity - No Y- provided the site was N- Site is allocated for general SA6A.1- mixed-use Pallion Private Site unsuitable as detrimental to city's Groves Crane site larger regeneration scheme river frontage, as such issues due to being a large adequately located. housing, local centre/school residential community regeneration aims. Consideration for a planned for development any site would need to vacant site. and B1 business use. temporary permission until the site is within next 5-10 years. be located away from required for master plan development. this area. Surface However, site is too large and to fence water flooding- high. small portion off would be piecemeal and Floodzone 2 and 3 not appropriate. The site is in private cross small area of ownership and may be problematic and site. timely to lease. Planning application expected 2017 for development of site. Private site - due to regeneration plans of developer site would not come forward for proposed use. Site unavailable.

63. Former Eagle N Y Y Y Y Y N- Highly residential area Residential amenity - Y Y EN10 - The site has St.Annes Private Site unsuitable due to being located in Public House, Potential issues due to the no site specific densely populated area. Site may also be Pennywell site being within a dense policies and as such problematic and time consuming to residential area proposals would need acquire due to being in private ownership. to be compatible with the principal use of the neighbourhood.

64. Grangetown N Y Y Y Y Y Y, provided work area away Residential amenity- may Due to exposed nature of the Open space issues will need to The site has no site Y Hendon Council Unsuitable - Large exposed site. Not Fields, from existing residential cause issues with existing site, this may cause an be overcome. specific policies and suitable for proposed use. Active football Commercial Rd, properties. residential properties located intrusion into the landscape, as such proposals pitches. Very prominent site as such cause Grangetown to the west. but not a significant intrusion. would need to be privacy issues for residents of site. Site compatible with the has limited access. principal use of the neighbourhood. Part of site subject to open space policies. Criteria Site comments: Site Located in Located so have access Located so as to avoid Reasonably located where Located away from Located so as to avoid sensitive areas (both Located on sites that are Located so as not to have Located so as not to create Located in areas which are UDP Policies Green Space Ward Site ownership Additional Info. Site suitable Green Belt to health facilities and adverse effects on the they will not be any known high natural and local environment - noise and air appropriate for a live/work any detrimental impact on a significant intrusion into compatible with or/are Audit schools wellbeing of site detrimental to the city's flood risk areas quality) lifestyle residential amenities and the landscape acceptable against other occupiers regeneration aims highway safety policies of the LDF

65. Land adjacent N Y N- within Port's middle HSE Y Y Y Y Residential amenity - No Y No- Employment policies SA1.3 - Employment N Hendon Council Unsuitable due to proximity to Port and to Littlewoods Blast Zone. issues. would need to be justified. uses. CN23- Wildlife blast zones. Site forms part of larger site Home shopping Corridor which is to be utilised by those group, employment uses decanted from Depford Commercial Rd, area as a consequence of the SSTC. Also Hendon to be used for port related uses. 66. Former N Y Y Y Y Y Y Residential amenity - No Y Allotment policy will need to be EN10 - The site has Y- Natural and Ryhope Private Site unavailable. Site may be problematic Leechmere Rd issues. Highway Safety - justified (cleared allotment site- no site specific semi-natural green and time consuming to acquire due to allotments Access improvements would not in use) policies and as such space private ownership, as such unsuitable. be required in order to proposals would need accommodate the turning to be compatible with movements of larger / towing the principal use of vehicles. the neighbourhood. L9 Allotments. 67.Land at North N Y Y Y Y Y Y Residential amenity - No N Y EN10 - The site has Y Silksworth Council Unsuitable as part of larger site which Moor Lane major issues. Highway safety - no site specific forms part of a master plan exercise for There are existing highways policies and as such residential and commercial development. issues relating to North Moor proposals would need Lane and North Moor Road, to be compatible with associated with queuing the principal use of vehicles for McDonald's. Any the neighbourhood, proposal to take access from SA11.3, H12/13, B1 North Moor Road has the potential to exacerbate these issues, with remediation works unlikely to be proportionate to the end use of the site. Access instead should be taken from Primate Road or Perth Court 68.Ivor Street, N Y Possible amenity issues Y Y Y Y- Provided work area Residential amenity - Issues Y Open space issues would need L2/3/4/5/7/8/9, B3 Y Ryhope Council Triangular shape Site unsuitable due to proximity to existing Grangetown due to close proximity of located away from existing may arise for both existing to be overcome. (Amenity open space) site, sloping up residential properties. Elevated prominent existing residential residential properties. residents and occupiers of from north to site. Poor access. properties . the site. Highway safety - south. possibly unable to accommodate caravans. 69.Land to the N Y Possible amenity issues Y Y Y NO- Too close to existing Residential amenity - Issues Y Y The site has no site N Silksworth Council Large area of Unsuitable due to close proximity to rear of former due to close proximity of residential properties. may arise for both existing specific policies and open space that existing residential properties. Site forms Sportsmans Arms existing residential residents and occupiers of as such proposals is fenced off. part of land sale for residential property. P.H, Silksworth properties . the site. Highway safety - would need to be compatible with the principal use of the neighbourhood 84. Land to the N Y Y N- Located on a mixed -use Y Y Yes, provided work areas Residential amenity - Y N- Identified for mixed-use CN23 Wildlife N Ryhope Council Site has now been sold to Lidl and as such east of the employment site, which located away from existing Potential issues for new development, to be retained Corridor unavailable. Unsuitable due to close Sandcastle P.H, should be retained for such residential properties. existing executive dwellings for commercial and leisure EC5/9 Mixed use site proximity to existing residential properties. Grangetown uses, particularly due to the which adjoin the site to the uses. SA5.3 Existing mixed new rd links through the north. Highway Safety - use site to be retained opening of the Southern Potential issues with the and improved for a Radial Route. access road and ownership . mixture of Consideration will need to commercial and given to the vehicle numbers industrial uses and frequency of access at the junction of Ryhope Rd.

88.Land at Victory N Y Y- Located on an industrial Y Y Y Y N- Potential residential Y Employment allocation SA1.6- Existing N Pallion Council Close proximity to existing residential Street, Pallion estate, however adjoining amenity issue with nearby employment area. properties and as such may cause amenity Industrial Estate industrial unit is derelict. residential properties. B1,B2,B8 issues. However, is within an industrial estate and as such commercial traffic expected on this route. Land is not currently available as on long lease. Site is visible from new SSTC 3 and bridge crossing. Criteria Site comments: Site Located in Located so have access Located so as to avoid Reasonably located where Located away from Located so as to avoid sensitive areas (both Located on sites that are Located so as not to have Located so as not to create Located in areas which are UDP Policies Green Space Ward Site ownership Additional Info. Site suitable Green Belt to health facilities and adverse effects on the they will not be any known high natural and local environment - noise and air appropriate for a live/work any detrimental impact on a significant intrusion into compatible with or/are Audit schools wellbeing of site detrimental to the city's flood risk areas quality) lifestyle residential amenities and the landscape acceptable against other occupiers regeneration aims highway safety policies of the LDF

87. Land at N Y Y Y Y Y Y Residential amenity - site is N Open space issues would need EN10 where principle Wildlife corridor St.Annes Council Check land Land leased to children's farm as such site Keelmans Lane accessed via residential area, to be overcome use of the lease as seems unavailable. The site also has poor however it is on the outer neighbourhood should to be used by access. estate road (St Luke's Rd). remain. horses, as such may be associated with nearby farm.

100.Land to the N Y Y N- site is allocated and to be Y Y Y Residential amenity - No Y N- Located on a mixed -use CN23 Wildlife N Ryhope Council Site is now Site unsuitable due to its gateway location. South of Salterfern brought forward for mixed issues. Highway Safety - No high profile employment site at Corridor cleared and a Site sold subject to the grant of planning Rd, Grangetown use purposes. The site is major comments on access one of the gateways to the city. EC5/9 Mixed use site Development permission, so unavailable. Site also also located on a main issues, however further SA5.3 Existing mixed Brief has been adjoins site which has planning application gateway into and out of the details will be required on the use site to be retained prepared for under consideration for residential city . layout and management of and improved for a Mixed use. properties. the site. It should also be mixture of noted that the access rd into commercial and the site is an adopted highway industrial uses:- food and as such should be and drink, light retained as this. If part of the industry, offices, adopted highway was research and required as part of the layout development, storage for caravans, etc then a and distribution, stopping up of the highway hotels, bulky goods may be required, which would retailing and transport entail a 6 month delay into related businesses. the process after the granting of any planning permission. (If this is required, an interim measure could be to ensure the highway is not used for caravans until any stopping up application is approved).

101. Land at N Y N- Site is located on an Y Y Y Y Residential amenity no Y N -employment area. SA48.6 - Multi-user N Hendon Council Site is within an The use of this site for a stop-over gypsy Hendon Road East industrial estate and has a concerns. Multi-user route may run down Route. EC2/4/9/15 traditional heavy and traveller site is considered to be number of bad the southern side of site, as SA1.3 - site to be use industrial acceptable in principle. The loss of open neighbourhood uses in such future access may be retained and area, however space in this location is not considered to close proximity. required. However, part of site improved for the actual site is be detrimental to overall amount of open for multi-user routes could be B1,B2,B8 uses. part of a wider space available in this area. As the site is sectioned off at in future when area of open not intended to be used as a permanent required. Proposed future port space used by facility, the impact from users of the site access road runs adjacent to horses.(part of from neighbouring industrial uses is not the site (green space strip). the old railway considered to be unreasonable. line). Site is on the edge of the industrial estate and as such can be screened. Site not required for employment purposes as recent employment land study indicates Sunderland South having surplus Criteria Site comments: Site Located in Located so have access Located so as to avoid Reasonably located where Located away from Located so as to avoid sensitive areas (both Located on sites that are Located so as not to have Located so as not to create Located in areas which are UDP Policies Green Space Ward Site ownership Additional Info. Site suitable Green Belt to health facilities and adverse effects on the they will not be any known high natural and local environment - noise and air appropriate for a live/work any detrimental impact on a significant intrusion into compatible with or/are Audit schools wellbeing of site detrimental to the city's flood risk areas quality) lifestyle residential amenities and the landscape acceptable against other occupiers regeneration aims highway safety policies of the LDF

103. Land at N Y Y Y Y Y Yes, provided work areas Residential amenity - Y Open space policies need to Existing open space Y St.Annes Council Unsuitable due to close proximity of Pennywell located away from existing potential issues with close be overcome (L1/7/9, B3) existing residential properties. Industrial Estate residential properties. proximity to residential CN15 (Great North properties. Forest) M5 (Eastern limit of shallow coalfield area)

111. Land at N Y Y Y Y Y. Site is located between Residential amenity - In very N. The site is very well N. The site is located within an Employment land to N Ryhope Council Site has The use of this site for a stop-over gypsy Sandmere Rd, residential and industry. So close proximity to care home, screened with mature trees industrial estate and as such be retained and previously been and traveller site is considered acceptable Leechmere equipment/work area should however it is screened well from all directions. further investigations would be improved EC2/4/9/15, unavailable due in principle due to the location being on Industrial Estate be located next to the with mature trees. Highways needed to see if this land is S13, B1 to investigations the edge of the industrial estate and very industrial estate. safety -access would be taken required for employment around well screened with existing landscaping. from an existing industrial purposes. employment The site also has very good vehicular estate road. uses. However, access already in place and is currently this has been laid out to hardstand, making the site unsuccessful. deliverable. Local health, shops and Part of site is school facilities are located within the laid out to immediate area of this site. hardstanding and site is well screened with mature trees.

112. Land to the N Y Y Y Surface water flooding Y Y. Site is in close proximity Y. Site will be accessed via It would not create a Mitigation would be required Wildlife Corridors Green corridor, Ryhope Site topography N. Greenspace site forming edge of rear of allotments -high to allotments and open residential properties, significant intrusion, however CN23 Local nature is sloping as Tunstall Hills Local Nature Reserve. Site at Hollycarrside space. however do not adjoin site. A it is in close proximity to Other Specific Sites reserve, local such may be too small and topography may make site Road vehicular access would need large open space areas and and Monuments B13 wildlife corridor costly to make too costly to develop. Access would also to be created into the site footpaths. suitable, with need to be created. from adjacent residential also having to area. create a vehicular access.

Coalfield 37.Herrington Y Y Y Y Y N- Greenbelt and open space Y Residential amenity- potential N No- Adopted Green Belt land CN2/3/4/5 (Greenbelt) Y Council Site unsuitable - Green Belt land and Miners Welfare issues with access road being L1/7/9, B3 (Open unsuitable vehicular access. Active Ground, through residential area. space) playing field. Herrington Highway Safety -Access to site via residential area, B1286 St Aidens Terrace or Langley Street. 38.Land north of N Facilities not too far Y Y N- Part flood risk area Y Y Residential amenity - No An intrusion may occur, Open space policies would HA12.3 (amenity Y Copt Hill Council Stopping up of Site unsuitable - large, exposed area of Shiney Row away, however unsure of issues. Highway Safety - Land depending on exact location need to be overcome. open space) footpaths across natural greenspace within the settlement Centre, Shiney condition of footpath links accessible via emergency of site, however this would New and upgraded site would be break, without vehicular access and Row from site. vehicle access road adjacent not be significant. open space/ Leisure required to be remote from primary road network. Trinity Park. Public footpaths use (L2/3/4/5/7/8/9) undertaken. / multi user route through site. CN15 (Great North Forest) HA25.2 (multi user routes) Criteria Site comments: Site Located in Located so have access Located so as to avoid Reasonably located where Located away from Located so as to avoid sensitive areas (both Located on sites that are Located so as not to have Located so as not to create Located in areas which are UDP Policies Green Space Ward Site ownership Additional Info. Site suitable Green Belt to health facilities and adverse effects on the they will not be any known high natural and local environment - noise and air appropriate for a live/work any detrimental impact on a significant intrusion into compatible with or/are Audit schools wellbeing of site detrimental to the city's flood risk areas quality) lifestyle residential amenities and the landscape acceptable against other occupiers regeneration aims highway safety policies of the LDF

39.Land west of N Facilities not too far Y Y N- Part flood risk area Y Y Residential Amenity- No N -provided site located to Open space issues would need HA12.3 (amenity Y- Football pitches Copt Hill Council Active football pitches, as such site Trinity Park, away, however unsure of issues provided site is located edge of open space. to be overcome- difficult as open space) unavailable- poor access. Site unsuitable. Shiney Row condition of footpath links away from existing residential active football pitches. New and upgraded from site. properties. Highway Safety - open space/ Leisure Access to site via football use (L2/3/4/5/7/8/9) clubhouse located off CN15 (Great North emergency link road. Forest) HA25.2 (multi user routes)

40.Land west of N Y Further investigation Y Y Y Y Residential amenity - No Y Site is allocated for new HA11.1 (new outdoor N Houghton Private Site unsuitable as possible acquisition West View, required as previous issues, provided site not outdoor sports facilities, so sports facilities) issues due to being in private ownership Philadelphia industrial use. located too close to existing further investigation required a New and upgraded properties. Highway Safety - to whether these are still open space/ Leisure Access to site via lane to rear panned. Open space issues use (L2/3/4/5/7/8/9) of West View. would need to be overcome. CN15 (Great North Forest) HA25.2 (multi user routes)

41.Land east of N Y Y Y Y Y Y- Provided work areas Residential amenity - Y Open space issues would need Existing open space Y Houghton Council Site unsuitable, due to close proximity to Harle Close, located away from existing Potentially as in close to be overcome. Potential (L1/7/9/B3) existing Showman's Guild site immediately Sunniside residential properties. proximity to existing football pitch implications. to the south. Village Green status being residential properties to the explored by local community. west. Highway Safety - Access to site available from unnamed road off Blind Lane. 42.Land at former N Y N- Former Colliery site, N- The site is be utilised to Y Y Y Residential Amenity - No Y No- Identified through policy as Existing open space Y- Amenity green Houghton Council Site unavailable as sold subject to grant of Houghton Colliery, potential poor ground assist in the regeneration of major concerns. Highway a site to assist in the (L1/7/9, B3) space planning permission (retail use), which will Newbottle conditions Houghton Town Centre. Safety - Access to site via regeneration of Houghton CN15 (Great North assist in the regeneration of Houghton unnamed lane off Newbottle Town Centre. Forest) Town Centre. Street, currently restricted by HA31.1 (regeneration boulders. of Houghton town centre) 43.Houghton N Y Y Y Y Y Y Residential Amenity - Y N- well used open space Existing open space Y- Outdoor sports Houghton Council Site unsuitable, large open space Colliery Welfare, potential issues as vehicular area/recreation ground and (L1/7/9, B3) facilities. area/recreation ground, actively used. Burnside access point will need to be playing fields in active use. CN15 (Great North taken via existing residential Forest) area. Highway Safety - Access via residential areas - Leyburn Grove / Seaburn 44. Land at N N Y N- Site is within a fairly Y Y Y ResidentialDrive. amenity - No Y N- allocated for employment HA1.6, EC2/4/9/15 N Hetton Council Site unsuitable as unavailable for uses Rainton Bridge recent employment area, to issues purposes on an employment (Employment land) which are not employment related. South brought forward for site which would be CN15 (Great North employment purposes. detrimental to the city if it was Forest) lost. CN16/B1 (Trees and Woodlands)

45.Land at Lyons N Y Y N - Site identified as general Y Y Y- Provided work area Residential amenity - No N Y- Allocated housing site. HA4.10 - Housing N Hetton Council Using part of the Site unsuitable as to be brought forward Ave, Easington market housing site. located away from existing Issues. Highway Safety - No land may for general housing longer term. Lane residential properties. vehicular access to land. sterilise Access would be via Lyons remainder of Lane. site. 46.Land at Hetton N Y Y- Previous industrial use. Y Y Y Y Residential amenity - no Y N- Employment land, however HA1.7 (Employment N Hetton Private Land recently Site no longer available. Lyons Industrial issues. Highway safety - Land this site has never been land) been sold and Estate accessible via Parkgate on occupied, as such further work CN15 (Great North used as caravan industrial estate. required to see if land still Forest) storage facility. required for employment purposes. 47.Land north of N N Y Y N - Previous flooding N.Open countryside and high landscape value. Y Residential amenity - no Y- provided well screened as No major policy issues CN15 (Great North Y- Greenspace Hetton Council Site unsuitable - Prominent site within the Moorsley Rd, High issues- further issues. Highway Safety - Land into the open countryside Forest) open countryside. Remote and Moorsley -Site 1 investigation required. accessed via unnamed single Wildlife corridor unsustainable location. Within an area of lane track off Hazard Lane. (CN23) high landscape. Planting on site also Footpaths cross the site but makes site unsuitable. status need to be determined. 48. Land north of N N N- Previous Industrial use, Y N- Previous flooding N.Open countryside and high landscape value. Y Residential amenity - No Y- provided well screened as No major policy issues CN15 (Great North N Hetton Council Site unsuitable due to grazing agreements. Moorsley Rd, High further investigation issues, further issues. Highway Safety - Land into the open countryside Forest) Prominent site within the open Moorsley -Site 2 required. investigation required. accessed via unnamed single Wildlife corridor countryside. Unsustainable location. lane track off Hazard Lane. (CN23) Within an area of high landscape value.

49.Land South N N Y Y Y N. Open countryside and high landscape value. Y Residential amenity - No Y N- Loss of woodland CN15 - Great North Y- Greenspace Hetton Council Part of Site unsuitable prominent remote site Valley View, Plantation area. issues. Highway Safety - Land Forest. EN10 - No plantation would within the open countryside and area of Moorsley Rd, High accessed off Moorsley Road site specific policies, need to be high landscape value. Forms part of Moorsley via track. as such proposed use cleared. woodland, which would be detrimental to needs to be area if removed. compatible with principle use of neighbourhood. 50.Site of former N Y Y N- Site to be brought forward Y Y N- Very close to residential Residential amenity - N N- School playing fields policy L7 - School Playing N Hetton Council Site unsuitable as could sterilise wider Easington lane for housing to assist in the properties potential issues with close will have to be overcome. Fields residential development. Primary School. regeneration of the area. proximity to residential However site has ceased to be properties. Highway safety - a school and playing fields for Access to site via main school some years now. entrance on A182 High Street / South Hetton Road. Alternative access via School View in residential area. 51.Land east of N Y Y N- site would be accessed Potential surface N Y- Provided work area Residential amenity - Y No major policy issues. HA5.2, H12/13, B1 N Hetton Council A number of Unsuitable due to impact on regeneration North from roundabout which was water issues require located away from existing potential issues. Highway Outdated policy in relation to (Housing informal of immediate area and cost of providing View,(former put in place to serve new further investigation. residential properties. Safety - Land accessed via housing improvement area. Improvements) footpaths run additional arm to roundabout. Forest Estate) large housing development East View off Murton Lane. CN15 (Great North across the site, Easington Lane to assist in regenerating the Alternative access via Willow Forest) but these do not area. Crescent from South Hetton present any Road. Possibility that access obvious right of would need to be taken from way or Murton lane roundabout, connection which would prove costly. issues. Criteria Site comments: Site Located in Located so have access Located so as to avoid Reasonably located where Located away from Located so as to avoid sensitive areas (both Located on sites that are Located so as not to have Located so as not to create Located in areas which are UDP Policies Green Space Ward Site ownership Additional Info. Site suitable Green Belt to health facilities and adverse effects on the they will not be any known high natural and local environment - noise and air appropriate for a live/work any detrimental impact on a significant intrusion into compatible with or/are Audit schools wellbeing of site detrimental to the city's flood risk areas quality) lifestyle residential amenities and the landscape acceptable against other occupiers regeneration aims highway safety policies of the LDF

71.Land at N Y Y- Site can not be screened Y Y Y N- Too close to existing Residential amenity - issues N- not a significant intrusion, Open space issues would need EN10- no site specific Y- Amenity green Houghton Private Housing Site has been sold and now under Houghton Rd, off easily. residential properties. with close proximity to but due to prominent location to be overcome. policies, as such space development construction as a housing site, as such North of Newbottle residential properties. fronting main road, would proposed uses need under unavailable. Primary School. cause an intrusion. to be compatible with construction principle use of neighbourhood. 72. Allotment N Y Y Y Y Y N -Too close to existing Residential amenity - Y Open space- allotment policy, Allotment policy and N Houghton Private Site cleared Site unavailable as to be developed for Gardens, land at residential properties. potential issues with road however the site has planning EN10- no site specific general housing. Planning permission in Fletcher Terrace, access and close proximity to permission for 15 dwellings, as policies, as such place. Houghton residential properties. such the policy implications for proposed uses need housing have been overcome. to be compatible with principle use of neighbourhood. 73.Former Chilton N Y Y Y Y Y Potentially, dependent on Residential amenity - this N The site is a former cricket L1/7/9, B3- Existing Y- Greenspace Houghton Private Large site and to Site unavailable as in private ownership Moor Cricket what part of site is utilised. would be dependent on what ground and as such open open space section part off may be problematic to acquire. Unsuitable Ground, Fence part of the site is utilised. space issues would need to be would sterilise due to its positioning on main street. Houses overcome. remainder of site. Planning application under consideration for residential 74. Land north of N Y Y Y Y Y No- Dense residential area. Residential amenity - N- provided site positioned to Open space policies would L1/7/9, B3- Existing Y -Amenity open Shiney Row Council development. unsuitable due to being a large exposed Collingwood Drive, Potential issues due to site the edge of open space area. need to be overcome. open space space area of open space, adjoining residential Shiney Row being in close proximity to CN15 Great North properties. Access to the site is limited existing residential properties. Forest. and is via unsuitable, very narrow Also issues with being residential streets. accessed via highly populated housing estate. 75. Rear of N Y Y Y Y Y Y- Provided work area Residential amenity - possible Y Y- No site specific policies, EN10 - where Y- Greenspace Houghton Gentoo Site unsuitable as backland open space. Dubmire Court, located away from existing issues with existing residential however site is laid out to principle use of the Not being in Council ownership may also residential properties. properties. Greenspace, as such the loss neighbourhood should be problematic. of this space would need to be remain. justified. 76. Britannia N Y Y Y Y Y Y -Provided work area Residential amenity - Y Open space/allotment policies L1/7/9, B3- Existing Y- Allotments and Houghton Council Very large site Site in use as allotments, so currently Terrace located away from existing potential issues with existing would need to be overcome. open space amenity open unavailable. Allotments, Fence residential properties. residential properties. space Houses 77. Land at N Y Y- provided topography of Y Y Y Y Residential amenity - No Y Y- Housing allocation on site HA4.9 - New housing N Hetton Private Site is unsuitable for proposed use due to Ennerdale st, Low land made suitable for major issues site. topography. Site has agricultural vehicles Moorsley caravans. stored on it currently and is unavailable. Potential acquisition issues as in private ownership. 78. Land at Ewe N Y Dependent on what part of Y Y Y Y- Provided work area Residential amenity - possible Y Y EN10 - where N Houghton Private Site unsuitable due to private ownership Hill, Fence Houses the larger area of land is located away from existing issues with existing residential principle use of the and potential timescales involved in utilised, as currently parts residential properties. properties. neighbourhood should progressing. used for allotments/horse remain. grazing. 79. Site of former N Y Y Y Y Y N- Small site close to Residential amenity - Prominent site on main No- The site is allocated for HA8.3/CF1 - Y- Amenity green Houghton Council Cleared site Site not suitable due to prominent central Fence houses existing residential potential issues with existing street, not a significant community uses and Community facilities space location on main road. Primary School properties. residential properties. intrusion, but not appropriate justification would be required use at this location. to consider alternative uses. 80. Land to the N Y Y Y Y Y Y- Provided work area Residential amenity - no great Y Y- Provided open space The northern part of N Houghton Private Site is in very Site unavailable as in private ownership. north of Blind located away from existing issues, as does not adjoin policies can be complied with. the site is allocated as close proximity Unsuitable due to proximity of site to the Lane, Houghton residential properties. residential properties. existing open space. to Showman's Showman's Guild site opposite. Policies L1/7/9/B3) Guild site and and the southern part the two groups of the site is subject do not mix. to policy EN10, where principle use of the neighbourhood should remain.

81. Land to the N Y Y N- Falls within boundary of Y Y Y Residential amenity - Y Y EN10- no site specific N Copt Hill Council Possible Site now unavailable. Forms part of Hetton north of Downs Pit Hetton Downs Area Action Potential issues within policies, as such consideration Downs Area Action Plan and developer Lane, Hetton Plan existing properties, however proposed uses need could be given identified. site layout may be able to to be compatible with to temporary overcome this. Highway principle use of use, whilst Safety - Vehicular access for neighbourhood. awaiting large / towing vehicles could redevelopment potentially be problematic in as part of Action the vicinity of Eppleton Row Plan. and Downs Pit Lane, particularly with regard to Eppleton Terrace East and Eppleton Terrace West, with potential for conflict during the busier times of Hetton Lyons Country Park. (Preventing vehicle access from Eppleton Terrace East (pedestrian access should remain) and the widening of/provision of passing places along Downs Pit Lane may 82. Land to the N Facilities not too far away N- Industrial estate to the Y Y Y Y Residentialmake the site amenity more - to site Y The site is allocated as a new HA2.2 –New N Copt Hill Private Access point Site unsuitable due to possible detrimental rear of Market from site, however south, which would also occupiers, as set out. employment site within the employment site would need to be impact and safety of site occupiers in Place Industrial currently access would be provide vehicular and Highway Safety - Whilst it is UDP, however, it has been (B1,B2,B8) taken from relation to access point. Site being in Estate, Copt Hill via the industrial estate, pedestrian access route understood that the proposal identified as a site which can CN15 –Great North existing vacant private ownership may prove difficult to which is not suitable for into and out of site. would only relate to the be considered for alternative Forest plot on adjoining acquire. children. southern part of the site it is uses through the city’s industrial estate. apparent that no part of the employment land review due site abuts the adopted to low vacancy rates on the highway, clarification would existing adjoining industrial be sought as to how access is estate. intended to be achieved. Criteria Site comments: Site Located in Located so have access Located so as to avoid Reasonably located where Located away from Located so as to avoid sensitive areas (both Located on sites that are Located so as not to have Located so as not to create Located in areas which are UDP Policies Green Space Ward Site ownership Additional Info. Site suitable Green Belt to health facilities and adverse effects on the they will not be any known high natural and local environment - noise and air appropriate for a live/work any detrimental impact on a significant intrusion into compatible with or/are Audit schools wellbeing of site detrimental to the city's flood risk areas quality) lifestyle residential amenities and the landscape acceptable against other occupiers regeneration aims highway safety policies of the LDF

83. Land at N Y Scrap yard to north Y Y Y Y Residential amenity - no Y Open space issues would need CN15- Great North Y- Site is Houghton Council Planning Site forms part of a larger site area to be Lambton Lane, however small landscape major issues. Highway Safety - to be overcome Forest incorporated within application brought forward for housing. City Council Fence Houses buffer in place. It is apparent that there is an M5 - Eastern limit of the larger Elba pending for in contract with private developer, site to existing east / west footpath shallow coalfield area Park Green space residential be sold subject to granting of planning within the southern half of the L2/3/4/5/6/7/8/9 -B3 - site, however development. permission. site, any development should Open Space/Leisure advice has been acknowledge the existence of given that this this path and ensure that small area of land good natural surveillance is is surplus to maintained. requirements due to the larger The site itself is relatively expanse of useable narrow, it is therefore difficult land within the to see how 15 pitches, main Elba Park site accessed from a single access point, could be accommodated whilst maintaining adequate manoeuvring space for vehicles to arrive and leave in a forward gear.

85. Allotments N Y Y Y Critical drainage area. Allotment site would need to be removed. Y - Provided work area Residential amenities - Y Loss of allotments would need HA2.2 –New Copt Hill Council Allotments still in use. Part of site utilised Land at Gravel Surface water flooding located away from existing potential impact due to close to be overcome. No concerns employment site for commercial use on longer term lease Walks, Elizabeth -less residential properties proximity of residential with loss of future employment (B1,B2,B8) as such unavailable. Possible amenity Street. properties. Access would as recent study recommends issues due to close proximity of residential need to be from south of site de-allocation of this land. properties. to ensure disturbance to existing residential properties is at a minimum. 86.Land to the N Y Potential flood risk Y N- Part flood risk area N- located within the settlement break Y- Provided work area Residential amenity - Y Settlement break issues would CN6- Important N Houghton Private The site is now The site is to be brought forward for north of Redburn located away from existing potential issues with existing need to be overcome settlement breaks and the subject to a general housing. Also being in private Row, Houghton residential properties. residential properties. green wedges. planning ownership may make it difficult to acquire application for site. residential properties. Large site, if used for proposed use may sterilise remainder of 93.Land at South N Y Y N -Fronting a main route into Source protection N- Prominent area of open space N N- Location too prominent Open space issue would need EN10- no site specific Green corridor, Hetton Council site. Small site, shape of site unable to Hetton Road, and out of the city zone. Critical drainage (facing onto south Hetton to be overcome policies, as such Local amenity accommodate many pitches due to being Easington Lane area. Road) proposed uses need greenspace. long and narrow. Site unsuitable due to to be compatible with location. Too prominent and would create principle use of intrusion into area if fenced off and neighbourhood. hardstanding created. Site has the appearance of highway verge 94. Car Park at N Y Y Y Source protection N- Within car park to Hetton Lyons lake Y Highway safety would need to Y - Site is well screened, Subject to open space policies, Existing open space- Woodland site +2 Hetton Council Site may not be The site is considered acceptable in Hetton Lyons zone. be considered as this location however would be very however, site would not L1/7/9, B3. CN23 - ha, amenity big enough as principle due to its location being away Ponds would require the removal of visible when accessing car actually be located on open Wildlife corridor. greenspace, part should from the main built up area, yet easily a number of public car parking facilities. space, it is proposed to be greenflag park, remain as public accessible to local facilities. The existing parking spaces. within car parking area. outdoor sports field, car parking area. screening in place reduces any amenity regional wildlife Potential issues in relation to the nearby industrial corridor, Local informal estate. The site is currently in use, wildlife site. stopping place, however should this be the preferred in conjunction location for the Gypsy and Traveller stop- with other over site alternative arrangements will stopping places. have to be put in place for car parking. Consideration could be given to only utilising part of the site to allow a smaller 95.Land at Forest N Y Y N- future use of larger site Critical drainage area, Y Y- Provided work area Site is quite large, so could Y Housing improvement area EN10- no site specific Allotments Hetton Council Site is to be Unsuitablearea of car asparking proposed to remain. regeneration site Estate, Easington for residential source protection located away from existing locate G+T away from policies, as such brought forward in recent bid to Homes and Communities Lane zone residential properties. residential properties. proposed uses need for housing. Agency. to be compatible with principle use of neighbourhood. Housing Improvement area- HA5.2

102. Low Moorsley N N Y Y Critical drainage area, N- Open countryside and high landscape value. Y Residential amenities- located N. Visually open site, which Open space issues would need New and upgraded Green corridor - Hetton Council The site has Site unsuitable. Prominent site within open Road, Low source protection away from existing residential would create intrusion into to be overcome. open space/ Leisure local amenity vehicular access countryside, within area of high landscape Moorsley zone properties. the landscape if fenced off. use (L2/3/4/5/7/8/9) greenspace from Moorsley value. Visible site if fenced off. Site CN15- Great North Road, however it access for caravans unsuitable. Forest is quite uneven due to surface. Further comments will be required from Transportation on this.

104. allotments to N Y Y Y N Floodzone 2 and 3. Loss of active allotments Y Residential amenities - Y Loss of allotments would need Existing open space - Y Hetton Council Site adjoining Unsuitable for Gypsy and Travellers, due the north of Surface water located away from traditional to be overcome. L1/7/9. CN23 Wildlife Travelling Show to close proximity of Travelling Show Pearson's flooding. Critcial residential properties, but site Corridor people yard people site. Very good allotment site which industrial estate drainage area adjoins travelling show people which may be is well used as such should be retained. site. problematic as the G+T's don’t mix with TS. 105. Council N Y Site is within an active Y Critical drainage area, Y Y Residential amenities no Y Employment allocation - HA1.4 Site to be Regional wildlife Copt Hill Council Yes. Depot is currently still in operation, Depot, Gravel industrial estate, but surface water flooding major concerns. Recent study indicates existing retained for corridor however due for closure within the next 2 Walks, Market located to the edge as such -high sites to be retained. However, employment use. years. As such site is considered suitable Place Industrial could easily be screened due to the nature of the land in for Travelling Show people. Estate from existing industrial this location evidence could be estate. brought forward to justify its release. Criteria Site comments: Site Located in Located so have access Located so as to avoid Reasonably located where Located away from Located so as to avoid sensitive areas (both Located on sites that are Located so as not to have Located so as not to create Located in areas which are UDP Policies Green Space Ward Site ownership Additional Info. Site suitable Green Belt to health facilities and adverse effects on the they will not be any known high natural and local environment - noise and air appropriate for a live/work any detrimental impact on a significant intrusion into compatible with or/are Audit schools wellbeing of site detrimental to the city's flood risk areas quality) lifestyle residential amenities and the landscape acceptable against other occupiers regeneration aims highway safety policies of the LDF

106. Gilpin House, N Y Y Y Critical drainage area, Y Y- Provided work area is Residential amenity. Existing Y Amenity policies will need to EN10 - where Green corridor- Houghton Council Site is in close Unsuitable for Gypsy and travellers, due to Blind Land, surface water flooding located away from existing housing is at a higher level be overcome. principle use of the amenity proximity to close proximity of Travelling Show people Houghton-le- - low residential properties. than the site as such neighbourhood should greenspace existing site. Prominent site. Amenity/over looking Spring overlooking may be an issue. remain. travelling show issues for proposed residents of site due to The layout of eth site may people yard and existing residential properties being at a assist in minimising as such may be considerable higher level than the site. overlooking. problematic due to the two groups not mixing

107.Land to the N Y Y Y Part of site is within Y Y Residential amenities - Y Loss of open space would Existing open space - Y- site could be Hetton Council Site adjoining Unsuitable for Gypsy and Travellers, due north of Pearson's flood zone (Hetton located away from traditional need to be overcome. L1/7/9. CN23 Wildlife considered for Travelling Show to close proximity of Travelling Show Industrial estate Burn) residential properties, but site Corridor development as people yard people site. No vehicular access to site. adjoins travelling show people area has which may make Possible Travelling Show people site with site. Site has no vehicular abundance of open this site access taken from existing show people access, would need to come space. Main hetton unsuitable as a site at Pearson's yard. Only part of site via Pearson's industrial Lyons park adjoins gypsy and could be utilised due to flood zone to the estate. the site to the east. traveller site, northern part of site. due to being two different groups.

109. Allotments at Y Y Y Y Y Y Y-Provided work area Residential amenity - Y Open space policies would L2/3/4/5/7/8/9, B3 - Y- Amenity green Copt Hill Private Site is considered unsuitable due to built Balfour Street, located away from existing potential issues in relation to need to be overcome. New and upgraded space up nature of area. Houghton-le- residential properties. traffic travelling to site as open space/leisure Spring highly populated area. use. HA14.5 - Highway safety - no major Allotments and concerns with the site, Leisure gardens however vehicular access would have to be taken from the Gravel Walks point, rather than Elizabeth Street. 110. Open space Y Y Y Y Y Y Y-Provided work area Residential amenity - Y Open space policies would L2/3/4/5/7/8/9, B3 - Y- Amenity green Copt Hill Council Site is considered unsuitable due to built to east of Balfour located away from existing potential issues in relation to need to be overcome. New and upgraded space up nature of area. Street, Houghton- residential properties. traffic travelling to site as open space/leisure le-Spring highly populated area use. HA14.5 - Allotments and Leisure gardens 113. Land at Lorne N. N Y Y Critical drainage area. N. Site is at the entrance to Elemore golf Club N. Too close to residential Residential amenity - site N. Prominent site at entrance Open countryside issues would Great North Forest N Hetton Council Site unsuitable. Remote site within an St/Elemore Lane Source protection properties. adjoins residential properties to Elemore Golf Course. need to be overcome CN15, Eastern limit of area of high landscape value. Very close zone as such detrimental to Shallow coalfield area to existing residential properties and very amenities. Highway safety - M5, Open countryside prominent site. Potential issues with further work will be required creating a vehicular access point. as to where a vehicular access point could be taken 114. Land at N N Y. Within an industrial N. Prime industrial estate Critical drainage area. Y Y. Residentialfrom. amenity no Y Employment site as such loss Great North Forest N Hetton Council Unsuitable. Site forms Part of Rainton Gadwall Road, estate but not heavy Surface water flooding issues. Highway safety -site of employment land will need CN15, Eastern limit of Bridge prime employment site and vacant Rainton Bridge industry uses. -less has vehicular access. to be justified. Shallow coalfield area employment land is to be retained for such Industrial Estate M5, Employment land uses. to be retained and improved (EC2/4/9/15, S13, B1 115. Land at N N Y. Within an industrial N. Prime industrial estate Critical drainage area. Y Y Residential amenity no Y Employment site as such loss Great North Forest N Hetton Council Unsuitable. Site forms Part of Rainton Mercantile Road, estate but not heavy Surface water flooding issues. Highway safety - of employment land will need CN15, Eastern limit of Bridge prime employment site and vacant Rainton Bridge industry uses. - high vehicular access to the site to be justified. Shallow coalfield area employment land is to be retained for such Industrial Estate will need to be created. M5, Employment land uses. to be retained and improved (EC2/4/9/15, S13, B1

Appendix 2- City wide map