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[email protected] PMiller, Hand County, SD 57362 Saturday, Aug. 22, 2020 Sunshine Bible Academy opens for new school year John T. Page Over the past several weeks par- ents, teachers, and administrators engaged in conversations about how and if schools should open. Many school districts decided to open regularly and Sunshine Bible Academy is one of them. Monday, Aug. 17 marked the be- ginning of their 2020 – 2021 school year. According to Superintendent Jason Watson, the fi rst day back Out & About, 5 was “a good start to the school year.” Things for the most part contin- ue as they have in previous years, but according to the school made a few changes in light of the pandem- ic situation. The academy continues to board students and each morn- ing they complete a basic screening test so that the school can take care of any sickness that could arise. All of the paper towel dispensers and water fountains were replaced with hands free versions to limit contact. The cafeteria no longer uses a self- serve salad bar but instead has em- ployees serve it to the students. The school changed its cleaning poli- cy slightly, most notably adding ad- ditional sanitizations to the regular Teaching abroad, 5 routine. The school year ahead is full of uncertainty, but Sunshine Bible Submitted | The Miller Press | August 22, 2020 Academy plans to move ahead do- TYRA GATES won All-Around Senior Cowgirl as well as the Senior Pole Bending event at the State 4-H Finals held last weekend in Fort ing everything they can to keep stu- Pierre.