MONTGOMERY TRAILS MONTGOMERY TRAILSTRAILS 1 - Following quiet, country roads, this is a relatively easy cycle ride once you’ve climbed the short, sharp hill out of Montgomery. The valley route takes you past Llandyssil and into Abermule. After a long, steady hill, you will be rewarded with fantastic views over the Kerry Ridgeway and later Montgomery Town Hill and Corndon. View towards 8

8 At a grass triangle, turn left towards Montgomery and 18.5km (11.5mi) 1.5hrs follow the ridge road enjoying the views. Ignore

several lanes off the main road and continue to a Elevation Total Ascent: 335m 400m junction at the bottom of the hill. 200m 9 Turn left and follow the road back into Montgomery. At the end of the road, turn right into Kerry Street and follow this back into the town.

10 To return directly to the car park, turn right into Back Lane after the sharp, left-hand bend on Kerry Street and continue to the end. The Crown pub is on your left. Turn right and you will soon see the car park on your left.

PLEASE FOLLOW THE HIGHWAY CODE • Wear appropriate, high visibility clothing, suitable footwear and a cycling helmet • Ride in single file on narrow or busy roads • Do not cycle on pavements and obey all traffic signs • Use front and rear lights when cycling in poor light map data: Imprint (01686 624137) • map data: by • Printed and by © and produced Designed

DESTINATION MONTGOMERY Montgomery is a Healthy Life Town and our walking and cycling Trails aim to inspire visitors of all ages and abilities to enjoy the benefits of outdoor activity for their View of Corndon Hill 8 health and wellbeing. The Trails have been developed Map OS Explorer 215 & 216 Start/finish with the support of Big Lottery Fund ‘Awards for All’. Recycling Car Park Toilets To rear of Town Hall Bishop’s Castle Road Parking at start/finish (B4385) SO 22470 96301 Burgess Lands 150m O F A458 B4388 F ad A Broomhill Ro Ri lop ’ v a S 307m er S Ban wy et k Stre D roo B Y K E Welshpool Welshpool 358m Industrial B e Estate B4388 r r i e


Pen-Y-Golfa R


a d Y Golfa 342m B4381 Rowley

A458 A458

Mount Road B4388 D N A L G N E B4385 253m

A458 Leighton Castle Caereinion OFFA’S DYKE

l a n a A458 C ry e m o tg n o M

B4385 B4386


Welshpool Airport

B4388 A483



R iver R hiw A490 OFFA’S DYKE Marton D N A L G N E





n a B4385 C y r e m o g t B4388


R o iv e M r R h

i A483 w



B4388 R i w A490 M ver Rhi B4386 o n tg omRefail e r

y d

C l a

Cam a r e

n iv

a R l

A483 B4386


d a l a m Stapeley Hill r C ve 405m Ri

A483 D N A L G N E


B4385 B4388 WALES A483 l Whittery a n a Wood C ry e Hendomen m B4386 o tg n ad o Ro M ery om B4385 ntg Mo

Forden Road DKEY S O A’ F Priest Weston A483 B4386 B4385

ad Ro ry Corndon Hill Fort bu ir h C Lan Fawr B4386 Montgomery 426m B4389 Bettws Glan Hafren Cadewain Wood 2 A490 A483 10 1 E N G LA N D

l a n Dol-forwyn a C

Woods y r d

B4389 e a



Town Hill S E L A W m o WALES g a C t n r e o v i

M R Fishpool Hill Llandyssil 351m 3 Roundton Hill 4 371m Abermule 9 B4385

Todleth Hill Riv 310m er 6 B B4389 l 5 KEDY S ’ AOF ec a h an Churchstoke an C y er m 7 o g t n A489 Mo A483 B4389 A489


A489 8

B4385 B4368 4 If you wish to detour to the River Severn and Ri DIRECTIONS ver Mu le Canal, turn right at the roundabout 1 Starting at the recycling car park, go to the main road and travel a short distance until you see a red bridge. E K Y D S ’ A F F O B4385 Newtown and turn right towards Montgomery centre. Turn Otherwise, go straight ahead at the roundabout and A489 left into Broad Street, pass the Town Hall on the left into village of Abermule. Just before the Abermule and head towards the castle by turning left into Kerry pub, turn leftSarn on to the B4368, signed to Kerry. Street. Follow the road round to the right, signed Llandyssil (Hill Road). 5 Pass over a railway crossing and immediately turn left A489 into the road signed for Cefn y Coed. 2 This section is steep but the view over Montgomery is worth it! After passing the Castle car park, 6 You now have a long but steady climb ahead of you. continue towards Llandyssil, dropping down three Follow the road as it climbs out of the village and hills. Go straight over two crossroads, unless you into the countryside. Ignore all side roads until you wish to detour into the village which is on your left. reach a staggered crossroads by a white house – 4km (2.5 miles). 3 Follow the road along the valley. At the end, turn left onto B4386. After a short distance, you will cross over 7 Continue straight over the crossroads signed for a railway bridge. Cefn y Coed and stay on the main Montgomery road to the top of hill.