Optimal Contracting, Corporate Finance, and Valuation with Inalienable Human Capital
NBER WORKING PAPER SERIES OPTIMAL CONTRACTING, CORPORATE FINANCE, AND VALUATION WITH INALIENABLE HUMAN CAPITAL Patrick Bolton Neng Wang Jinqiang Yang Working Paper 20979 http://www.nber.org/papers/w20979 NATIONAL BUREAU OF ECONOMIC RESEARCH 1050 Massachusetts Avenue Cambridge MA 02138 February 2015, Revised March 2019 This paper was previously circulated under the title, “A Theory of Liquidity and Risk Management Based on the Inalienability of Risky Human Capital.” We thank Bruno Biais (Editor), Associate Editor, and two anonymous referees for very thoughtful and detailed comments. We also thank Hengjie Ai, Marco Bassetto, Philip Bond, Michael Brennan, Henry Cao, Vera Chau, Wei Cui, Peter DeMarzo, Darrell Duffie, Lars Peter Hansen, Oliver Hart, Arvind Krishnamurthy, Guy Laroque, David Matsa, Jianjun Miao, Adriano Rampini, Richard Roll, Yuliy Sannikov, Tom Sargent, Raghu Sundaram, Suresh Sundaresan, Ren´e Stulz, Mark Westerfield, Jeff Zwiebel, and seminar participants at the American Finance Association meetings (Boston), Boston University, Caltech, Cheung Kong Graduate School of Business, Chinese University of Hong Kong, Columbia University, Duke University, Federal Reserve Bank of Chicago, Georgia State University, Harvard University, McGill University, Michigan State University, National University of Singapore, New York University Stern School of Business, Northeastern University, Ohio State University, Princeton University, Sargent SRG Group, Singapore Management University, Summer Institute of Finance Conference (2014), Shanghai Advanced Institute of Finance, Shanghai University of Finance & Economics, Stanford Business School, Tsinghua University, University of British Columbia, University of Calgary, University College London, University of Hong Kong, University of Oxford, University of Rochester, University of South Carolina, University of Texas Dallas, University of Toronto, University of Washington, Washington University, St.
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