, The Weather Serving the State Univenity of Iowa Partl doud,. toda,. with a few cattered uowen. Campus and Llll:.: chall6e 10 tempera­ ture. HICh tada,., 65; low, Iowa City 41. Rlcb Mondar, 16; low, at owan u.

Est. 1868 - AP L.elllty to think and act in on hand but no force wa DCOS­ (Signed) Dad and Mom. !n working conditions or operating Iowa Citian Awarded On Steel Seizure the presence oC new and unprece­ aarr to quell the m en.. rules. WASHINGTON (R')-Resolutlon dented situallons, and Foreign Study Grant Ohio State and Mlehlpn State Washington Student Died on. This Mountain 4. "An ethical attitude tow3rd Both Get Proponl of the heated controversy over A Drake university student, Jo are the only remalnloJ' BI, TeD seizure of the steel mills u malned tbe uses to wbich knowled,e and Steelmnn, who Is nellng defense school. now wbere men iudents be Ann Hunter oC Iowa City, has a mat(,er lor the future Monday, skill may put." mobilizer and chief labor adviser have DOt stared II. raid 01 some Master of ceremonies (or the been awarded a Fullbright schol­ when the supreme court passed up to President. Truman, presented SO " on women'. hoasln, unit. dinner was PrO!. Edward F. Ma­ his settlement proposal to both arship tor study abroad during i the" 11 f d" tarte4 at on opportunity to rule. son, school 01 journalism, who the union and rallroad manage~ tbe coming year. nee pan e a I The court held Its lIrst opinJon greeted new members. Wayne A. ment Monday. Miss Hunter is the neke Ol the V nJ ~nltr of MJcld,an seven. day session since hearin, 3r1U- Danielson, A4, Burlington, re­ Steelman previously had been Mr. and Mrs. T, A. Hunter of 1164 weeks a,o. menlS in tM case last week, but sponded fOr the initiates with a In conlerence with rcpresentatives E. Court st. it did not h and down a deciSion toast to old members. of the railroad brotherhoods in­ Her scholarShip covers a year's TUOMAS NAMED CJIAIRMAN and gove no indication when it The 67 new members were in­ volved and with carrier officials. study at the University of Leeds Don Thomas, E4, Siowe City, might do SO. itiated Into tlte honorary fratern­ The carriers accepted Steel­ in England starting Sept. 19 and has been named chairman of the H could come any day now, even nity at ceremonies in old capitol man's proposal soon after it was a week's orientation program In Institute of Radio Engineers tor today, althou.h court ofCicers do preceeding the dinner. otricially offered. At that time, It London. th coming academic year. not expect that. The next regular day for opini90s is next Monday. The case arises out of Prt'Sldent Cantata Won Him Pardon .•. Truman's April 8 .seizure of the nation's steel mills to aver t a strike by t.be CIO united steel­ workers, wlNl want more pay. The steel companies eot a court order preventing the President from holdin.( the mills in the name Convict Composer Arrested Again of the go~rnment. but the dis­ trict court of appeals voted to stay MILWAUKEE (R) - Thirty-two years that brou,ht him a varied the order and allowed the case to county jall. a watch and some other jewelry burglarizing a Milwaukee apart­ go directly to the supreme court. fame as composer and convict GrandstaCf. now of Fl Wayne, abandoned in a washroom. ment. Police testimony then was i (ound Frank Grandstaff rigbt Ind., sald Saturday night that his Miss Burdllia Hanson identified that he actually had committed back where he started Monday - arrest was due to "mistaken GrandstalC as the intruder, and eight apartment burglaries. End of Oil Strike Seen in a Wisconsin jail, charged with identity." Monday at the distri.ct shortly afterward Harry Meyer In 1940 Grandstaff was sen­ As 10,000 Settle Wag•• burglary. attorney's office and later in dis- identified the watch as part of the tenced to life imprisonment as an The 50 year old part-time mu­ trlct court, however, he said not a loot taken from his apartment by habilual criminal In Tennessee DENVER (IP) - A return-to­ sician, whose " Big Springs Can­ word. a burglar. after a Memphis burglary. Then wor move picked up speed among tata" won him a Tennessee pardon Trouble \X!gan for Grandstafl At first, Grandstaff said he had came the years of music behind striking 011 workers Monday, from a Ute sentence in 1950, was Friday. a day after he left Fort arrived In Milwaukee only three the walls, and his cantata, written promising an cnd soon to the 1rraigned in district court on Wayne to "gO on the road" after hours before he was arrested, and for the centennial celebration of strike, now in its 20th day, and re­ separate counts of burglary, at­ what his wUe tbere said were that he had come here to try aod Big Springs, Texas, and the popu­ plenishment of the nation's dwin­ tempted burglary and vagrancy. some Hollywood negotiations that obtain employment as an organist lar acclaim that ended with a dling stores ot aviation gasoline. Jud,e Harvey L. Neelen set failed to come off. in some Mi lwaukee tavern. pardon from Gov. Gordon Brown­ The bluest break in the strike Tune 12 tor a circuit court appear­ In Mllwaukee, a woman apart- The bighouse composer's police ing in 1950. Cron t occurrj.'d Monday when the 'lnce and put bond at $5,000. It was ment dweller called police and record, mostly for small burglaries A ftcr his release, !lis wire said 011 workers international union ,AI' Wlr. ' ....' not forthcoming immedlately and said a man had tried to force his and thefts, goes back to Wausau. at 1'1. Wayne, he appeared a num­ (CIO), with headquarters here, A Gaoup OF MOUNTAIN CLIl'IBERS walts In vain at the timber line on Mt. St. Heten. for ","-ord of Grandstalf, stUI natty in a grey way into her apartment. Grand- Wis., where lie first was arrested ber of times on radio and tele­ announced 10,000 members strik­ &lie attempt to retlClue Art Jesse'" 2., SeaUte. The r outh's body was found 10 a erevalle hl,b OD tile suit althOugh unshaven since his stall was arrested at a nearby I in 1920. In 193 1 he was sentenced vision programs, but lately has ing against the Sinclair Refi ning "n.-/oot mountain. He w .. wapped al 8,008-/001 level OD the slope above. I arrest Friday, was returned to tavern, where oUicers also founcl to WJsconsin's state prison tor been selling vacuum cleaners. Co., had slltned a wage a greem e~

t Channing'S physique, runs away Interlude with Interlandi With the show. -Previews- GOOD RADIO LI TEN1NG: a.­ day - WHO's 8 p.rn. Bob Hope 'Ten Tall Men' Has · ..8:30 Fibber McGee and !.kIll' ~..-The Dal~ Jowan · ..9:30 Man CalJed X. Wednes­ Burt Lancaster day - WMT's 6:30 p.m. Club IS · ..7 p.m. Big Town ...8 p.m. Red TUESDAY. MAY------~------~------20, 1952 By JIM GOLTZ Skelton ...8:30 p.m. Bing Crosby. ~------PvblJJhed daUy except Sunllu Inll I ...... E.l&art: •• ernul are ,. ttle b ..... rred II. p ..... n. P.bU.hr Hollywood production lines are ltonday and Ie,al hoUda,.1 by Student ART NEW; The Des Hoi.. •••t .1 a •• t Hall. D.rt~ eDlnnce. currently shooting out some ex­ Publ1~.tlon.a, Inc., 1115 low. Ave .• low. DAILY IOWAN EDITORIAL STAFF Art Center, one of the mo t hand­ City. Iowa. Entered .. second cia.. mall tremely glossy and designed-for­ Editor ., ., •. , . . . Jim •• MacNair somely equipped art institutions matter at the J)OItof1lce al Iowa City. grea ter-audience-appeal f i I m s. under the act of eon.,.... of March 2. Man.gIn, Editor ,.. •. Mo~rt Dun.an in this country, will hold a series 18'/11. Call 8-2151 II 7" ~ •••1 reed •• News Edllor . Cene Ralfrnsper&,er each complete with background ,..v 0 • .1.1" I •••• b, 1 a .•. Ilake,••• A.SI~t. New' Editor . ". Arlo Wilner of summer courses June 3-21. Fol­ Ie.rylee I. "'YVI •• aU Ifr.'ee ur." Ah't, N ..., . Editor . Joe Meyer music played by the studio or­ lowing this, visiting artist Louis KntsER OF THE ASSOCIATED PRESS reper'e. b, .:St a.m. TJUl: Dall,. I.,...a City EdItor ., Marvin Bra vermall chestra, new camera angles, and Tbe Auoclaled Preu la ...UUed u­ woaJau...... t ••••• ,. l.Il~ re.u at Asi·t. City EdItor ... u,nllJ'd stfll,bur. Bouche will be at the Art Center c:IU11veJy \0 the UJe for republlcaUon 01. J •• ruu.. b.II.JLI'. O ...... e Inti Sporn Editor , lack Jordan a stellar line-up of "big name" from July 1-27 to conduct classes, of all the touol new. printed tn thl' lawa .ta.• II apea fr••• a.m. te J1 •• m, Women', EdJtor .,. ~fartha OverholH-r stars. Dew.paper .1 well u all AP new. aa' b •• 1 , .... t. IS , ..... dall", Sahar .. Editorial API.tant .... " . " Ru.. Wiley critiques. conferences, and give dlapatcbe•. ",. II..... : 4: ••• Ie 1% .N •••• Chld Photo.,.apher . . . , . . Jay Myton- With greater summer audience Wirephoto technlclan .. ',. Bill Bake.. talks. I consumption expected and badly Now on display at the Art Call 4191 tr_ •••a t. .. reperl aew. 1&.e.I, ••• ""ill,., SubacripUon ratel - by carrier in Jawa DAILY IOWAN BUSINES8 STAFr needed, some of filmdom's newest Center are a group of student e.... •••• CJty. 25 eenta weekly or " per year In BWllness ManlIer John Cru.!Jnberry efforts currently playihg in Iowa I"" .., .r .n•••• oe •••" t. Til. D.U,. advance; six months, ".15: three AIS't. Business Mlnalel;' CAlvin Lambert pain tings from Iowa colleges and mQtlUu. $2,50. By mall In Iowa ... per NaUonal Adv. Mana,er ". Ed Muntin. City Bl'e: a series of life photograpi\s. AIJo 10101. year: slx months, f5; three. rhonlhs. Clas.Wed Adv. Mlr, Leonard Hlppchen .& lIDrl 1I11&1,a1l $2; All other mall lubocrlptiono '10.00 "Wait 'Til the Sun Shines. under their sponsorship is an art or per year; six months, ~.80; three DAILY IOWAN CIRCULATION STAFF Nellie." concerning the inhabi­ forum clinic, conducted by John CIIlC1lLATlON1l months. $2J5. CircuJaUon Mana,er .... Robert Hess tants of a small midwestern town W. Brooks. The clinic invites any­ during a period of 50 years. Its one who paints to bring in an • central character is the

w endy IIIII r Rex lIarri on • Ro~r' e\\ ton Deborah Kerr J OlrN " .,," I! Emlyn WUlIams III ROHEa T 11\' "F1ylnq , Leathernecks" 'm~ior Bartara

('0 liNG TrWII I) Y "Not merely good but practically perfect" - Time. SET FOR TilE n ' NIl! T \ Its EVUI TOLD! Friday, May 23 Shambauqh Lecture Room (Oall, l o.'a n Pholo' THE 1952-53 UNION BOARD WHlCJI PLANS and supervl e ac­ A2, MolIne. U1 .; Robert Ballantyne, A2, Iowa Cily. Standing (left to ~~aTHE Two Showinqa tivities In and around the Iowa. Union wm elect officers tonJr ht. rll hU Donald £ ltzma n. 12, Cedar Fall ; F loyd Domer, PI. l\larlon: Seatlnq at 5:00 and 9:00 P.M. Representatives of the njne coneles In VI compose the board. Four­ Lau ~e nce Gerisma, El, L y nnvll h~; Ted Hutchln on, A2, AI,ona; J o· MAN teen of the 16 board members Shown here are (len to right, seated) seph Warnell. G, Des Moines; Wayne Jlopp, D3. Iowa Cit ; Lou! John Hays, A3, Iowa City; Shlrley milh, C3, WhlUen; Elsie J erdee. Fitz&'erald. G . Davenport; Edward Oyaas, L3, li nton. Not pictured N!. Clermont; I\lary JOl'CI' Allison, A3, Olathe, Kan.; 10 Ann Evan. are Jo Beth boeman. A2. Atlantic. and Bruce Gibson, A3, Lehigh. JNTHE Miss Viers Heads 15 U-High Seniors to Be Honored at Luncheon Follow the Classifieds loom Every Dayl SUIYI Commerce Group Fifteen University high school dents with honor records was seniors will be honored by the Mary Lou Viers, C3, Davenport, held Wednesday vening at the has been elected president of Phi Kiwanis club al a luncheon to­ high school cafeteria. STARTS 3 Day. Only Gamma Nu, women's professional day. commerce fraternity. J. R. Skrettlng, social studies TODAY Seniors with an accumulate STARTS TODAY I Other officers are: Delores Neu­ teacher at University high, spoke. "ENDS THURSDAY" grade average of three polnl or Ends Thuraday zil, C3, Iowa City, vice-president; Nick J ohnson acted as toastmast- Mary Sawyer, A2, Hawarden, sec­ better have been invited to at­ .- . c;,. Howard Berg and Susan Stew­ Here Is Your "Class Production I" retary; Mary Lou Busching, C3, tend. They include: Cornelia An- A stable boy and a arl represen led the senior and Clarksville, treasurer; Shirley derson, Howard Berg, Karen Actually Filmed in Spain on stumble bum - two Iten, C3, Clinton. rushing chair­ junior high respectively. the Shores of the Mediterraneanl man; Jane Ha nnum, A2, Albia, Chapman, Richard DeGowin, Joe piiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii ___iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii'" wonderful guys socIal chairman, and Shirley Howe, Steve Hulme, NJck J ohn­ who think the Smith, C3, Whitten, scribe. son, Delsena Kahler, Sarah Kauf­ CANOE TR~PS me~ mann, Tom Kent, Louis Maher, In the Qu e U~. · .~ ~ ' rl.r w ltdunnl. world of each other Iowa Nurses Group John Randall, Leonids Rnterman- 1\1 a prl.e & " .den' u. an ord . For - and win it by is. Don Stover and Clarence Up- Ir ...olor od bookl.t a nd mop ....rlt . : P/~ Bill Rom, Ml'r.. Canoe Country Will Meet Thursday degraCC. OuIllU. ... BOI "i C. Ely. Mtn . ... la. BLOODI way of your heartl The fifth district Iowa State A ba nquet for high schoo=l;.s::t::.U::.-~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Nurses association w ill hold a meeting at Westlawn Thursday at 8 p.m. Mr. MOlo on A Manhunt That Delegates to the NurSing Bien­ 4ssured PtofecfiolJ Ends In Crime nial convention to be helel June 18·20 in AUantk Ci ty, N. J . are: 'IASI OF THE DRAGON' SIster Barbara Ann, Cedar Rap­ wllh Richard Travi5 . • . Sheila. Ryan Ids, president of the Iowa Nurses 5 YEAR GUARANTEED association; Pr of. Amy Francis Brown, college of nursing; a nd Marie Tener, director of nurses BERLOU ~rvice, and presiden t of the fifth district of the Iowa Nurses as­ SOciation. Has Psi Omega Wives Club MOTH PROOFING Demanded - To Have Senior Party on Expensive Storinq. Commanded - The senior fa rewell pa rty of Have your winter qarmenta tile Psi Omega Wives club will be held at 8 p.m. Tuesday night at Moth proofed Now. v€a~Q4. ~ the chapter house, 211 Newton road. MASON' GARDNER An election of officers will take inM-G-M's Place before the party. Hos t esse~ 3 DAYS lORE! TODAY for the evening include Mrs. Wayne Topp. Mrs. Ted Cole, Mrs Household Items ··PANDOR4IMMi Ji')o)'d Qrant, Mrs. E. V. Teldman Beautifully Dry CIII.td r.h. Wayne Gilliam. DRAPERIES FLYING DUTCHMANII Vivian Hochstetler Is andSLIPCOVERS - ADDED - President of Honorary COLOR COTTON Oil CHENILLE Vivian Hochstetler, AI, Kalona. CARTOON ~ was installed as president of Al­ "The Awful Tooth" WI!H Pha Lambda, Delta, honora ry BEDSPREADS NIGEL PATRICK SCholastic fraternity for women. Paramount's E-..ry Thursday on Late New SHEILA SIM Sunday at an informal tea. HAROLD WARRENDEIt Sa))y Sue Chastain. NI, Des DOUBLE STAMPS Every Item Brought in. MARIO CABRE Moines, was installed as vice­ s nows AT­ President; Donna Ebert. NI . Iow3 , ::11\. 1:00 secretary; Eleanor Staves. DAVIS 8:~ O· ij:OO City, " FE T HB AI. Fairfield. treasurer ; Helen 218 E. Washington 9 :2!\" S\Oltz, AI; Ottumwa, historian ; -~u- A~ele Cockshoot, A2, Atlantic, lenior adviser. U I THE DAlLY IOWAN, TUESDAY, MAY 20, 19~! 1 Down, 1 to Go for Red Sox Mixture of Varsity, Air , Magi ie Takes Reserve Netmen Win DETROIT (JP) - Manager Lou Over Grinnell, 7-2 Boudreau's sharp-fielding old­ A mixture of Iowa's varsity and timers came through for the sec­ CoME TO 7th Win, 4-0 reserve tennis squads won 3 prac­ ond straight day to give the Bos­ tice match trom Grinnell Monday, NEW YORK (JP) - Sal Maglie - -- - - ton Red Sox a 3-2 victory over 7-2 on the Pioneers' courts. the Monday. The made it seven in a row for 1952 in relief for the Dodgers, and Grinnell picked up one victory GUATEMALA and 10 in a row over a two-year Turk Lown, on the hill for the in the singles as Bob Dibble, all- win, credited to rookie Bill Hen­ soan as he pitched the New York Cubs were effective, although the around star athlete, defeated a ry, lifted the Bosox into a virtual Mexico and Merida, Giants to a 4-0 victory latter was the steadier. He al­ crippled Dusty Rice, 6-2, 6-4. Rice, second place lie with the Wash­ over the here lowed only one . who had injured his leg in spring ington Senators. Yucatan Monday. It also was tbe 13th The rain came with the Cubs at football practice, normally is the Veterans Walt Dropo and Clyde straight time the 35-year-old bat in the third inning and the No. 4 man for the Hawkeye var- Vollmer drove in the winning runs curvebaU ace has beaten the ~ Igame was held up for 40 minutes sity, but has been sidelined. This Summer I·ates. at that point. The field was slip- The Pioneers previously had lost in the seventh inning with deep Maglie hasn't . lost a National pery all ~he way through the six only one meet, that to Omaha last outfield flies. And Ellis Kinder with an experienced tour leader league game since last Sept. 13, ;nnings. week. Other varsity players in the and Mel parnell, two more vet­ when he bowed to the Cardinals Brooklyn got its rUn in the RICHARD SlnLER meet besides Rice were Gordo:! c~ans, came in to save Hellry I in St. Louis, 6-4. third and it was a result ot Chapman and Dave Van Gi llkle. instructor in the SUI Maglie allowed siven scattered loss ot his control. After Low~'s The varsity winds up Its dual when the Tigers started rapping Spanish nepartJDnt hits Monday, all singles, walked Loes went out, walked season at Minnesota Saturday, and the ball. only one and fanned six to run and stole second. Eddie Miksis, will then participate in the Big Sparked by shortstop Vern Ste­ 21 to 27 day all expense hiB league-leading total to 42 the Cub shortstop, was so enraged Ten championships May 29, 30, ph ens, the Boston infield ripped GE'I"ITNG ~trikeouts . Only one Buc advanced at the decision that he was ban­ and 31. The reserves will playa fo~r doubl.e plays, thre of ... all air TOURS ott 7 ..."..morf past first base. George M~tkov~ch ished from the game. ·th B I· t J C Wed- them In the (trst three inmngs. t h ~ri, and Gus Bell hit successive Sll1- Reese then walked and Snider ma c \~ ' ~r tn~ on . . . Don Lenhardt's great catch Visitinq: AZ, gles with two out in the fifth, watched a third strike go by. nesday tn conJun,eh~n With one of against the left field screen ANTIGUA ,-d front Metkovich racing to third on the Robinson walked and Palko torced coach Don KlOs~rl~~nics. Irobbed Johnny Groth of an ex- receive second hit. in Cox when he drew a pass on B Bob O lb bl ~ deCeated Oust)' Rice. 6-2 . 6-4 . tra base hit in the fourth inning. LAKE ATITLAN Glvln&' It was the veteran righthander's 3-2 pitch. Gil Hodges ended ·t by SkralnkD.,'. •. Van6-2, 5-7.Glnkle 10·1 . deleated Bob The Bosox got only six hits off CHICHICASTENANGO lIB or secon.d shutout of the year. grounding to Bob Ramazzotti. Un- Howard Hill defeated Bill Hamilton. I loser Art Houlteman but they air rorre Thlrd baseman Bobby Thom- til Rube Walker flied to Hank 6-i;.,!';301msl~'d def •• led Harry Ypung. came in the clutch. MAYAN RUINS TWO FOR THE PRICE OF ONE is the aim of Vern Stephens bf the as he gets orr the son supplied the batting power Sauer in the fifth the Dodgers 3-8, 8-3. 6-2. Boston is now two and a half throw to first to !:omp1ete a double play against the Detroit Ti.&'ers l\(onday. George Ken, Tiger third for the winners, driving in all four hadn't hit the bailout of the Gordon Chapman def.ated Jhn Mornl. games behind the idle first place GUATEMALA CITY baseman, slides hard in an atempt to break up the play, but the throw was in time to g'et Vic Wertz Giant runs with a dou~le an~ two infield. 7-~0~-sFJ.tche, def •• led Jim £lonoloo, 6-4, and only .004 LAKE AMATITLAN I Fly at first In the f1nt Inning. The Bosox won, 3-2. singles to pace an eIght-hIt at- 2-6. 8-3. D ..btes percentage points behind Wash­ tack on Howie Pollet, Bob Friend Chnpman and Rico defealed Dib bl e nnd ington in the American league QUETZAL TENANGO and Ted Wilks. Young. 8-1. 6-2. Theater TV Group Skr.lnk" and tlamll(on der.~led Van race. 1 st World Title for Japan - l Pbllet, the starter, was re­ Olnkl. and Hill. 6-~. 6-0. ____ .______==:- SAN LUCAS moved for a plnchhiller af~er two Olmslead nnd Fletcher der.ated MaWt To innings and was charged with his Gets Sole Rights ondElmsUe, 8·2, 6 .. 2. SANTIAGO fifth defeat. He has wOn only Watches • Jewelry IZTAPA ON PACIFIC Shirai Wins Flyweight Crown once. To Robinson Bout Yanks Lose Exhibition Diamonds • Gifts Thomson doubled home a run in NEW YORK (JP) - There will To KC Farmhands, 3-1 and ineludiDq a the first, then singled home two be no regular broadcast or tele­ Guarantred 2 day stopover In MEXICO Captures Decision more with the bases full in thc cast of the light heavyweight title KANSAN CITY (.4» - The New Watch Repairing CITY and the famous ruin at second to put the Giants ahead, bout between middleweight cham­ York Yankees dropped a 3-l de­ CHICHEN ITZA. at Merida. Over Aging Marino 3-0. In the fourth, with Friend pion Ray Robinson and light cision to their Kansas City farm­ JEWELER Yucatan Mitchell Grabs AL Hilling Lead on the mound, the Scottish-born heavyweight king Joey MaxJm at hands in an exhibition game TOKYO (TUESDAY) (JP) - • slugger singled Whitey Lockman Yankee Stadium, June 23. The 15- played before a crowd of 14,076. ~V. H. GORE 16 wonderful daYI NEW YORK (JP) - Dale MitCh-I =­ Yoshlro Shirai, a skilled counter­ in from second base. round bou t will be telecast to a The loss was made more teUlng in Guatemala ell, the surprise sparkplug of the is tops in runs batted in with 21. The victory pushed the Giants yet undetermined number of the­ WATCI-lMAKER puncher wlth a rapier left, Mon­ as Bill Miller, a lefthander re­ Completely escorted. U you front-running Cleveland Indians, Ennis 2d in NL into a temporary tie for first place aters in various cities. cently optioned tQ the Blues, shut day night brought Japan its first with the Dodgers, who tied with Jim Norris, president of the In­ ;'Ib t;. MARKO ~ T•. wish is doing some front-running him- Del Ennis of the Philadel~hl J out the world champions for the world boxing title, wresting the the Chicago Cubs Monday night. ternational Boxing club, Monday self hitting away 10r a .360 av- Phillies picked up only fow: pomts Ii rst six innings. flyweight crown from aging Dado closed the special theater-cast Miller scattered five hits through 1.;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;----iiiiiiii;;;;;;;-;;;;;;;;;;;;;;iiiii>JI SEMINAR AT THE SUMMER , . during the week but thiS was SCHOOL OF SAN CARLOS Marino of aonolulu. erage to lead the Ame.rlcan league enough to put him right behind Cubs,* Bums* Tie, * 1-1 deal with Nathan Halpern, presi­ five innings and walked only one. Fordham University in balling. Robinson for the National league dent of Theater Network Tele- Dave JaUy finished for the Blues UNIVERSITY It was close but the decision BROOKLYN (JP) - The Brook­ Hitting hard and often, wading lead at .345. Cincinnati's Joe vision, Inc. and yielded the Yankees' only SCHOOL OF LAW wa~ unanimous. The 42,000 who lyn Dodgers and the Chicago Cubs Lowest all-incluaive .tude!- in with base hits whenever the Adcock picked up 27 points to Halpern said bet ween 40 and 50 tally In the seventh as Gene NEW YORK paid to see Japan's first world played a 1-1 six-inning tie Mon­ theaters are set to take the tele­ Woodling singled Bobby Brown teacher rate. everl . . come from the "also-rans" to day night. The game was called championship fight roared lheir Indlans needed them most, .MltCh- third with .341. Frankie Baum- cast via a closed circuit. He said home from second. 'fhree-Year Day Course By Air. from key clties In cdl eli picked up 20 points durmg the holtz and Hank Sauer, of lhe Chi­ because of rain with the Cubs at he would know within a week or The Blues collected nine hits Four-Year Evening Course approval. Both fighters broke in­ bat in the seventh inning. It will parts of the U.S. and retum 01111 week to displace New York Yan- cago Cub~ are next in line with tt'n days just how many cities and off and . to tears as the referee raised be replayed at a later dat e. CO-EDUCA'I'IONA $445,00, including all tctxe. (II kee shortstop, i'111l Rizzuto, at the .330 and .327, respectively. Sau~r theaters would be connected to the who hurled the first seven inn­ low as $326.00 from clties DeGl­ Shirlji's hand. top rung. Averages include games leads in runs batted in with 34 Both Billy Loes, who had won hookup. The fight that night will ings, Jim McDonald pitched the Member of Assn. of American Marino, the 35-yeal··old Hono­ through Sunday. and tied with Brooklyn's Andy four slt·aight games. three of them not be shown in any New York eighth and retired the side In or­ Law Schools er Mexico) lulu bcer salesman, just did man­ In the National league, second Parko for the home run lead with City movie houses. der, In cooperation with: baseman Jackie Robinson of the eight. Matriculants must be College age to make the 112-pound limit. &,raduates and present full Brooklyn Dodgers continues to Stan Musial came up with a 9- American and Pan AmericGII The strain and the years told dur­ transcript of College record. lead the batting parade with a for-19 week to add 34 points to his What Odds! Runners Get Revenge - Airlines ing the fast 15 rounds and he was .359 average although his w!!ek's average and tie Sauer for the CLASSES BEGIN TAGA International AlrUn ... a tired man at the finish. Shirai work (6 hits In 22 times at bat) fifth slot. Hoga~ vs. Thousands SEPT. 29, 1952 CMA,United Fruit Co. weighed Ill. caused him to lose 34 points. Jack Merson of Pittsburgh IS For ru .. lb~r Intormatlon At One Time address Rizzuto, DlMa.. Slip seventh at .318, followed by Duke Shirai's manager, Dr. Alvin By WHITNEY MARTIN Over the Weekend REGISTRAR Fordbam Univ. for complete lnformcJtloD Cahn Of Chicago, warned him not Snider of Brooklyn with .317. SCHOOL OF LAW phone Richard Sittler NEW YORK (IP) - These chess to try to slug it out with the dy­ Lowrey Skids to 9th - Baseball Team Gets Split 302 Broadway, New York 7, at Univ. Ex. 2338. or 8-2288 Harry Lowrey, St. Louis Cards' wizards who play 20 or so match- N.Y. namiting MalinQ. In the 15th, outficlder, managed to gct only es simultaneously with as many * * * however, both fighters t.ried for a two hits ,in 19 at bats and his av­ dii!erent opponents are just Iowa's track team took 10 fit·sls bittcr in *the seven-inning* * windup. knockout, but neither could land erage dropped irom the second­ pikers. in 14 events at Minneapolis Sat- The Hawks, after an early lapse, place heights at .386 to a ninth- Ben Hogan is going to play urday, easily defeating Minnesota, tied the game on Jerry Hilgen­ place .316. thousands of simultaneous golf 61 ~ ' -501 " , and breaking two rec­ berg's double with two on in the Whitey Lockman is the NL's matches come May 31 , and toward ords. bottom of the second, and ent top 10 anchor man at .311. evening it's not improbable that The revenge-minded Hawkeyes, ahead to stay as catcher Bill Vana Sal Maglie of the New York Gi­ a lot ot duffers t:) whom par is who have suffered humiliating drove Hilgenberg home with a JUST ARRIVED' ants leads National league pitch­ just a r umor will be popping their defeals by the Gophers in recent single. ers with six wins nnd no loss­ vcst buttons and gloating: "Who years, completely dominated the In the opener, the Badgers got es· while Steve Gromek of Cleve­ is this guy Ben Hogan, anyway?" scene as Gary to Al Lenskf and Merle Jensen All Sizes in land and Connie MarrerQ' anrt Thc occasion has been desig- Scott led a I I for IS hits. The Iowans were !n Frank Shea, Washington right­ nated " National Golf Day," and point - getters contention, 2-1, until the fifth, with wins In the The New Single handers ure unbeaten in three de­ it is being sponsored by Life 220 and 440 when Wisconsin combined two cisions to top AL hurlers. magazine and the Professional Golfer's association in conjunction da,shes, and the Breasted Model with the Western Golf association. anchor spot on the Big Ten How Many Strikes? mile relay Majors' Attendance w I, Pel. OD Briefly, Hogan, playing over Rich Ferguson Illinois 9 3 .750 35-46 in regulars­ the Northwood club course at broke the 27- Mtehlccon 7 3 .700 I Dallas, Tex., scene of the 1952 Na- year-o I d Wisconsin . 7 $ .lI8J 2 Parallel to '51 Despite MIchigan StA~ 7 5 .M~ 2 shorts-Iohgs­ tional Opcn. will match his score mile mark with ,. ..., ...... "'ltlltA 8 5 .545 21 :1 against all guys and gals willing r 9 I 1 SCOTT Northwestern ' .. 5 5 .500 3 a time 0 :2., OhiO State 5 6 .45:; 3' ;' 39 Postponements to plank down a buck f or Ih e nearly six seconds under the old Purdue 4 5 .444 3'. extra longs Iowa . 3 7 .300 5 pri vilege. They will play over record of 9 :27. In the 880, Ted Indlaull NEW YORK (JP) - Despit~ a I 10 .091 1':1 staggering total of 39 postpone­ thelr respective home courses, and Wheeler ran 1:53.7 to break a 15- their competition with Ben will year-old ma rk of 1 :54.1. Wheeler doubles, two singles and an enor ments due to the cold and rain, be on a handicap basis. Wonder already owned the Iowa indoor spring at" to score fo ur runs. The Hawkeyes ' how many strikes we should give and outdoor records in the mile. TRIBAL THUMPER • • tendance is running parallel to remained in ninth place in the Hogan, an way'!. The Hawkeye dominance was Big Ten with a 3-7 record. the 1951 figures. Club handlcaps will be, used, pointed up in the 880, where the AL The total for both leagues is Iowa has three games left, In­ ROSEN) and in case a player doesn t have I Iowans took all three places. cluding one at Ohio ~ate Friday 2,676,587 for 205 home dates a club handicap he or she will be Wheeler won the race, followed • O,&: THE through SUnday as compared to and a doubleheader with Illinois CLEVELAND given one via the Calloway sys- by LeRoy Ebert and Arthur Fudge at Champaign Saturday. 2,665,295 for 202 dates at this tern, so that everyone has a in that order. Wheeler also tied INOIAN~ , time last spring. WIIO 's 6/VEN cha nce. For instance. if a player for first in the mile run with Fer­ Figured on a per game basis the GOLFERS LOSE, 28 ~~ -m 5PRIN6 shoots from 146 to 150, his eight guson, the second time this sea­ * * * T~/"""IN6' majors are drawing 13,056 every Notre Dame handed the Iowa ANP FARlY worst holes will be deducted. son the pair has crossed the finish day they open the gates this sea­ The dollar fees wiIJ be collected li ne holding hands. golf team a 28%-4'io defeat at S~ASON INPICArtONS South Bend Saturday. 7'IIA I liE MAY BE son, to 13,070 a year ago. by the club pros and all proceeds Other rowa wins went to Clyde Hardest hit by the chill, damp will be spJJt between the U.S.O. Gardner in the discus, Ira Mur­ !!JACK all lifE" weather are the New York Giants 1I0;t1~ RUN RMIISE and a national fund for charitable chlson in the IOO-yard dash, Jim Fecllllorr comforl ab le , and Boston Braves. T he Giants ,rliA I MA OE causes in gol!. Norman in the pole vault, Du- Maior Scoreboard cOnlpletely at c;lse ill a were washed out of two Sunday flallering AFTER SIX IillA Psychological Edge to Ben Wayne Dietz in the 220-yal'd low A)lERICAN STAN DINGS dates and an entire series with Hogan's progress around the hurdles and Stan Levinson in the ull1n1cr forma l wHh rll£ Brooklyn. Boston hasn't been able '" L P et. OB "Sla in Shy"-the AMERICAN Dallas course will be broadcast to broad jump. With Scott on the Cleveland . . .. , 20 II .&45 to get in a home Sunday yet with '\ a~ lUn" lon . 18 12 .511 2'. miracle fabric finish lo: ker rooms thloughout the land, mile relay were Chuck Boylan, Boston . 17 IS .567 tC'A6()E three straight postponements. 2', Single Or double ClfAMP a fact which could give mighty Levinson and Ebert. N~w York . 14 13 .519 4 Consequel\tly the Giant attend­ Ben a psychological advantage. 51. Louis ... If 1$ .516 4 bre ~ t c d, white or /If * * Chlcaeo 14 15 .48J S pastels. ance is way down and the Braves That is, a perspiring hacker, Diehl Wins 3~ in Loop Philadelphia .. II 1$ .423 6', '9~o/ are struggling a long with an av­ having just moved his baJJ a full * Detroit ... . . 7 21 .250 lll ~.l erage of only 4.351 per home date two inches on his 15th shot in a The Hawkeye baseball team Mon".),,', Oamel and 39,156 total for their first trap on a par 3 hole might be per­ closed out the spring athletic Bbston 3. Detroit 2 Only gam~ scheduled. nine Braves field dates. Pitts­ turbed no little if a courier should home schedule Saturday by spli t­ burgh's plight is reflected at the rush up breathlessly with the ting a doubleheader with third­ Ted.7°s PUebera gate which has slumped from 21,- tidings that Hogan had just scored ' Bouan at Cleveland INi,ht "' - Scar. place Wisconsin, drojlping the borough 0-1' " •. Wynn 14-3L 204 per date last year to only 11 .- a bildie deuce on a corresponding opener, 7-4, and taking the night­ New York at Chlc.I/O INllhtl - SalOl 268 . • 'lole. cap, 5-2. 13-11 VA. Holcombe 10-31. The St. Louis Browns show a W.shln~ on nt St. Louis 'Nlehll -Mar­ Hogan will be at a disadvan­ Whitey Diehi, the only Iowa rero 13 ~. VI. Byrne IS-2\' st<'rlling 300 per cent jump from tage, a Iso. He will bc playing to win a conference game, Phlladelphla at Detroit - Hoope, 10·214 or Kellher 1:1·3. v •. Truck. U-2!. 3,734 to 10,647 average on the blindly, not knowing what his captured his third with a four- strenith of the vastly improved thousands of opponents are doing. NATIONAL STANDINOS team fielded by R ogers Hornsby Not that he ever cared what his * W* L *P.I •. OR ilAO At 1101 and their sensational early spurt. opponents are doing. Brooklyn . . 19 7 .131 Iowa Averdges New York .. 1. 7 . 7~1 : . PROPPt:O FROM /.f1t5 The also show Will Chance Course Chicago ...... 16 13 .552 .I ~ . : 19S0 IIOA1~R 111611 a healthy increase . We might get a slight idea of BATTING (Include. ,lay ... ",lib ~ ., Clneltlnnti . .. 15 13 .536 5 matt limes at bl&, St. Louis . 14 15 .433 6 1, . . , OF 31 ro 24. Nine of the 16 clubs are down Wh3t to expect in the way of Na- 1'1.,., 0 AB " Rill Avr . Phlladelphln . \2 a .444 7' . I in attendance. includin~ the world tional Open scores this year Bra ndt. cr .. .. 21 79 23 J2 .316 BOSton 11 15 .423 8 Ir's CO#CEIVA8U? champion Lundqulsl. 3b 20 67 21 9 .313 Pittsburgh 5 26 .101 16 1, 1111~~~f'rr rr:::::::A LOr OF r/le !IIPIAIIS' throu (! h Ben's round, alt h ough it Llndse~' , p l or . 21 73 22 ]0 .301 I~RIJN [)EFE;ArS ;t11611/ with a 20,341 average, a drop of must be admitted that it will be Vana. c 23 85 24 7 .282 1'1 •••• , •• dame. 22 80 15 .163 New York 4. Plttsburrh 0 1 HAVe 60NE rilE orll~R 2,000. onl" ."11·ght. Hil ge nberg. lb . 21 J S t~nge r. S~ 23 82 20 9 .3'4 Brooklyn 1. Chicago 1 .called In 71h. WAY-rife YANK$> 8~A" Thr. t is, the Northwood course Rok. or , lb 15 51 10 4 .ltG raJn) -r1lE"M 8Y IIIAr 'th W' on M"y 31 probably won't be th!! H... . 2b 23 77 13 1 .169 St. Loul, at Phlladelp\',a. pos..,ned. G If CI W r ain AAR61tV 6 -rIMEG­ o ers ose I In North wood course of June 12, FlELDI NO po PE~PlrE }II'S ~WMP Iowa's [!olf team dl'feated Wic- when the Open starts. What the J\ E Pol. T ••• ,·. PU. lIo,. Vano. c 148 22 2 .11118 Clnclnn.1I at B,001d rn equlpm.nt 01 the Maho, 8ros Bob wlth our modern ('Qui pm nt to >'OUI new 1/11, A2, Davenport; Gleason Me- turnl basis." f .. 00 Child u Tran rer FOR .. It: Lu ...... 11 t l' ~' _ wud- WANTED . 014 can lor Junk. Daily insertions during month. , or . y ren o. ,' nu~. Plh H.· .o~ trunk •. 1001 lockt ... and .ullea..... Goody·. Auto Par"'. Dial 1-1703. houlf. lahr. BI"OI. Tranal.,. 01.. 1611. lIichael, A2. Waverly, and Gor- "I disagreed with their (!"IU- PCI' Insertion 70 pe I h homo or Iludlo. oun" Slu 10. P on .. DOVBLJ; room (or m.n , 11& S. Cllnloll - Hock · Eye Ulan. don Campbell, A2, Waterloo. cal e timate not only or my work ...... - erne 81111. oppo lie Woolworth·•. 01.1 5111. __------.------ASHt~ ,' nd rubbl.h haullnl. ~ial '·2210. rOR 111 1., P ...... k blue formal . ,Ite 1ft. Business Opportunity SEE DARE'S USED CARS Two of the students. Ebert nnd bul also thnt ot John Steinbeck C.ll after live Front.. FURNISHED room. lor lumm.r. en... In . ,to Dill I-O'~7 .v.nln • . FOR A GOOD BUY. Sarnson received part of their and Ernest Hemingway and DEADLINE I .howtt•. Ste Don ot Camblt. or Dial -::= _____ WANTED to borrow Irom PTI •• t. Plrly. FVLLl:R Bru.h.. D buwnle Co meUc.. 1-:222. WOOD fOI IIlf. Phont 2611 . S·~ 0 4 p.m. weekdays [or insertion i $10.000. Intere I. on d... l.lbJ, At Our Lot flYing time Monday afternoon. others. and reallz,~ it w time Phone 8-173' home, W.lt. Box lB. c/ o Dally lownn. Curner E. College 4< S. Linn Instructing the cadets during to leave the party, he said. in following mornlng's Daily PRIVATE ",·o"""tlell IIvln. qu rleu rur rOR I~ : lArlt trunk . BlcY9T. A Oand)·. Inll'. whIch .. om times were ponsible tor only one incor­ Wanted to Rent Don Mohr, head or the Iowa monted FOR .. I.: I... . 14o('u. In . Harln· Dav ld· Ekwall Buys of the Week! '38 PI)·mouth . • Door. silly." He aid - as an example - rect insertion. ____.;..:..;=Help __ VV--.,;;==____ I Ion 1010re\'.I •. PhOn. 5145. d.yl. SPECIAL City flying service, donated the THRFE ,raduMtf" "·OIDt'n "Ant to &ubl("l the Communists would complain Br1nl Adye.tU ImrnlS to ...1 I"ORO. r dlo. h~ I~r. 1950 NASH RAMBLER of the plane, an ErcoupQ, and a partm('nl tor lumlnfr N· .. la.'. an CONESVIL ... E. low •. n~. a lady hlCh TUXItDO. Jood qua lilY. /ike ntw, .Ite 35, extrn ('fean, aood Urel. Ul.ht bod)' about the drinking water at a Tile DaUT J ••·. n ""'",Ua Orrl,. "I 42-13 , ,,'hool t chtr 10 .... ch En,lI.h and .,:as .. X -:I471 CONVERTIBLE. EXCELLENT lIIe gasoline to the students. theater and decide to call a meet- Baltmenl a t H.n .r SocIal tudl... Sam. vocal mUllc ...11/ ...... ;-~------11M2 PACKAHO . fUlly rqUIP~d . CONDITION. ONLY $1235.00 FUR.~I ·IIED al",rlm .. nl wanted tor lum- be de.lrlble. Send appll.IUon to SuPt. prlc..t ,I,hl The purpose of this Instruction Ing about It. j m.. .Ion onl\". Writ.. ""nlcul.,. 10 or Schools. 1149 HUDSON, ht'sleor. o\'~rdrt\'e- . DARE MOTORS b to promote an interest in flying, Odets, 45, is known (or hi~ Sup'C G . 0 E ...;urt. Olli~. low,., ----- low m 2tO . Linn Ph. 5543 Co!. George A. Masch, professor ploys " Waiting for Lefty" and I MOVING" Dtal (f(J9tI ""-rl \lW the ('omol~t TOR----- lilt: Uoovtr~--- .""ftDcr. lIIu.chmt.nl 11"1 oooor _. n 115. CALL 4191 uc~1I or air science and tactics, said. "Golden Boy." modorn eQuipmtnL 01 the: Mnher Bro•. ______-:- ______" "'Id c.... nl. ,,5 011011-:1492 Tron.rer. SALESLADY wftnltd (or afternoon work. DUNLAP'S SAFETY TESTED Wa ·ner·•. 107 I . "'''.Jhlrlilon USEO Urea for taJe. All atl4t&. Phone Ca h-Ter~-Trade HEN R Y' CARL 8..om. • USED CAHS MALE .tudenL 101 fuU·Ume summer 1939 - 1951 work. S.e Spl ..... Glbbl O.u. Co. ED Hotpnlnl lulom.Uc w•• her . 2027. EKW ALL MOTOR CO. 621 Capitol Phone 8-114.3 ALL MAKES - ALL MODELS Want to Suy Apartment for Rent 11M OLDSMOBIU': ,. - 4 Dr. N ew V lie d af Lot: R. ntly overhauled. ,"dlo. AUTO top lUI •••• c.rrler 2~ Hawkeye APARTMENT for. nt. Coli '·3S17. 19 E. Burlil\&'toll rully equlppt'd. E.ctllent buy. Villi" . ' -1221. 1"1 TVDE8AKtR . MOVING into an lpartmenl" Lea ..... the 10 .Il00 mllel, JUlII like new re pon.lbl1lty of makln. Ion. or short 11K2 FORD 2-0r. hau" with your lumlture to our modern .. AL GRAHAM A fine buy. Iv fQulpped Tranll« Se,vlc.. M.her 19018 OLDSMOBILE Club Seda" HUYETT MUSIC STORE Brol. Tr.nl1e:r. ADIATOR SERVICE Fully equlpP


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For Quick. I REMEMBER: EcoDOlDlcal Be.plta ~~§§§§ CALL 4191 ~~§§j TODAYI , PAGE ric - TJU: DAl1,y ~OWA~, 'l'UESDAY, MAy 10, 195% Religious Leaders Praise SU I School Of Relig· Laud Pioneer Council Defeats City to Place Reflectors High School Awards Inter-Faith , Daylight Time On Highway 6 Curve G~~~~~~~. ~!!~~~. Cooperation Iowa City Monday made a move the eighth judicial district ct til! to curb an increaSing number at second annual American C~ Three religious leaders of dif­ In Des Moines automobile accidents on the hJgh- Self-Imprisonment ship award program of the I~ way 6 curve around Westlawn ferent faiths joined an educator State Bar association. DES MOINES (.4» - The tirst dormitory when Ii was announced here Monday in affirming that no In Plant Finished that posts with glass reflectors The award is presented to ~ education is complete unless it in­ move for establishment of day­ would be erected on tbe curve. senior in each participatinl hi cludes a knowledge of religion. light saving time during the sum­ For 400 in Strike The city will pay for the erec­ school who, in the opinion 01 IlIt The four made' thls assertion at mer in Des Moines failed on a tion of the posts, City Manager faculty of the school, has demaq.. a program marking the 25th anni­ PEARL RIVER, N.Y. (JP) - A split vote at Monday's city coun- Peler F. Roan said. strike against Lederle laboratories versary of SUI's school of re"figion. stra ted his ImOIY ledge of the p~ cil meeting. The move was made following ended. Monday, freeing more than they fm ther maintained that such ciples of American C" With only a bare majority of the refusal of the Iowa State 400 persons sell-imprisoned in­ a knowledge of religion can. well three members present, two coun- highway commission, which has side the big wonder drug plant and has shown the most be taught on an inter-faith basis. cil members voted for a proposed charge of warning signs and other Cor five days and nights. "No matter how you define daylight time ordinance, and one such structures on state high­ A wage truce ended the walk­ citizenship. religion you cannot ignore it," was opposed. It takes three favor- way property, to do anything out after all-night peace talks. Catholic Bishop Ralph L. Hayes, The 3 ward consist of a able votes. about the dangerous curve except A helicopter and small planes Davenport, told a luncheon audi­ and a bronze medal. The measure may be introduced to move a curve sign 1urther west had airlifted fresh food-Incl ud­ ence at the Iowa Memorial Union. Iowa City winners are: Dt;a tor further consideration at any on the highway. Ing ice cream - to the 400 im­ "It has always been n factor In time. Two council members who The curve has been the scene prisoned men and women, many Kelsey, St. Patrick's high scbarf; the history of the human race," previously indicated approval of of several serious accidents in re­ of them top scientists, in the 400- Mary Jo Ponce, St. Mary's ~ he said. daylight time were out of the cent years, when vehicles failed acre plant. school; Philip W.are, Iowa Ci~ Praises Inter-Faith Work city. to make the turn and went over By day they tended. half a mil­ high school, and Nick JohDloa, And Methodist bishop ChBrles One councilman had made tbe a bank onto RiverSide drive lion experimental animals and University high school. W. Brashares declared: "Each of motion that resulted in the draw- which joins the highway at the kept research going into cancer, us longs tOi' and should rind a ing of the measure. The other ·curve. pOlio and tuberculosis. Actual Members of the bar wlJi pmm very individual and personal re­ absentee had said, at that time, Previously the city had asked production of some 350 types ot the awards at all schools exct~ l:ltionship with the eternal. that he favored it. the commission to place a large drugs - Including aureomycin, St. Patrick's where the presenU· "But surely we also appreciate Ci~y Attorney John A. Blan- reflector arrow on the east side penicillin and sulta - was not at­ tion will be m~de by a membf the possibility of having some chard advised the council that of the highway so motorists could tempted. part in a larger movement where "the city of Des Moines is with- see the extent of the curve. At night many of them slept on of the clergy. we work witb men of difterent out the power to pass an ordin- At night, the curve could give the hard floors, although some air faiths who remind us that God is ance (establishing daylight time) the appearance to a motorist that mattresses were dropped by heli­ greater than our little dreams, which could be enforced by pen- it straightens out and goes in a copter. alty against those who might not southeasterly direction because and He has sheep that are not of at They Tefused to leave tor fenr our fold." choose to comply." street lights visible from the east pickets of the AFL chemical Rabbi Eugene Mannheimer de­ The city could enact such a side of the Iowa river. workers would bar their re-entry. measure, and make it apply to The posts the city plans to put scribed the school's Inter-faith The union has about 2,800 mem­ pl'ogram as one In which "Protes­ municipal governmental activities, in will be about 100 feet apart but it would simply be "advisory" all around the curve on both sides bers among Lederle'll 4,500 em­ tant, Catholic :lnd Jew could and ployes, according to company sta­ would cooperate on a basis of Vespers Speakers Open Inter-Faith Meeting for private business and the pub- 01 the highway. Each post will be lie at large, the city legal chief about three feet high and have a tistics. complete equality, without In any RELIGIOUS LEADERS FROI\[ THREE FAITHS look over a program of events marking the 25th an­ Lederle, a division ot the Am­ way compromising our funda­ said. white glass reflector on it. niversary of the m's school of religion. IIpre. (left to rlgbt) are Judlre William Riley, D-as l\Ioines, Individuals writing to the coun- erican Cyanamid company, is one mer.tal American tradition of the Catholic representative; Prot. Clarence Shedd, Protestant speaker, and Rabbi Arthur J. Lelyveld, New of the largest plants its kind in separation of church and state." cil have tavored adoption of day­ at York. the world and is lhe sale producC'r' Bls!lops Hayes and Brashares light time by about 4 to I. Spokes­ and Rabbi Mannheimer joined men for the Iowa Farm Bureau Lampe Gives Talk of the wonder drug aUreomycin. with Chancellor R. H. Fitzgerald federation, the Chamber of Com­ COME UP TO ot the University of Pittsburgh in merce agricultural committee and 25 Johnson County congratulating the school for its Sausages! the chamber'S board of directors, At Center Dedication pioneering efforts in Teliglous theaters, :-adio stations and other Men Take Physicals education on a tax-supported uni­ groups spoke in opposition. Prot. M. Willard Lampe, direct­ Twenty-five Johnson county Cartoonist Sketches or at the school of religion, was versity campus. It was the first Many stressed Des Moines' de­ men were in the group of 36 men COlOMA' such school to be founded in the Anniversary During Classes pendence on the surrounding ter­ speaker at dedication ceremonies that went to Des Moines for their THIS SUMMII ritory, and that confusion would for the student center and school country. Appearing Monday was a new pre-induction physicals Monday The cryllal dear calr is invilOratiq. The June issue of Magazine X. result if this city alone in all building of the First Presbyterian tram Iowa City. Days are sparkling; nights cool aod Iowa Finds Answer book by Iowa's best-known au­ "For some years we have tried which will appear Wednesday, Iowa had clocks running an hour chw-ch Sunday. The other 11 men making the sleep.right. You'll unsure. woo­ to find a solullon to the problem thor on reUgious topics, Prof. will again contain several car­ faster than standard time. Others participating were Dr. trip are transferees from other derEul memOry for every milIlllc yw "We always get stuck on this Duncan MacLennan, WinCieId, spend in Colorado. of on adequate religious program Marcus Bach of SUI. toons by Richard "Red" Watson, draft boards. in state universities," Fitzgerald Entitled "Of Faith and Learn­ question of what it's going to moderato.' of the Presbyterian During April, 22 men went to YOUR RAILROAD ... A3, Sheffield, whose sausage­ cost," councilwoman Ruby Holton synod of Iowa; the Rev. Paul said. "The University of Iowa, Ing," the 260-page book is a his­ Des Moines for their phYSicals, shaped characters have brought declared. Shurtleff, Des MOines, field re­ while six men were inducted last through its forward-looking ex­ tory to date of the univerSity's periment in the school of religion, considerable comment from read­ "The people who aren't here presentative for Christian educa­ week to fill the May call. school of religion, which celebrat­ ers of the first two issues. are the little shop worker. . .the tion in Iowa. has tound an answer which other people who don't have enough mloelt Islani state universities might well ed its 25th anniverslU;Y Sunday Harold Pride, Ames, president pro.ld .. tho ..-rfed a'po... " Many bave found his work the sunshine." study." . and Monday with a special pro­ most amusing feature in the of the Iowa Westminlster founda­ Chicago College of Denve, 0' C.I.,ado 5,,1..- tion, . and the Rex. William Hen­ The anniversary I u n c he a n magazine-,others were left com­ gram on the campus. Bach wrote derson and the Rev. Gcorge IID.THI speakers joined in praise ot Prof. the book especially for the occa­ pletely cold and called it "fooUsh OPTOMETRY ROCKY MOUNTAIN ltoCiln M. Willord Lampe, who has been modern art." Steele, directors ot Westmlnister sion, and it will be available for Janitor to Teach foundation work at Ames and (N.II ....U' Aoore ••I.I) A ",adern, luxurl .... Rall-""" lIi~ director ot the school continuous­ Watson, a philosophy major, An outstanding college serv­ elegant appoinrments, and a wide distribution at the anniversary Cedar Falls. ly since his appointment In 1927. insists he can't draw. He just Custodial School Ing a splendid profession. variety of accommodatioD5 to 6, n­ luncheon. The new building, costing $80,- Ary need and budget. "Dr. Lampe has been a great scratches out his cartoon ideas Doctor of Optometry degree pioneer in the spiritual realm." "O! Faith and Learning," while Ray Wagner, janitor foreman 000, is a two-story brick struc­ the best he can, usually with a ture on the west side of the in three years for students DAilY .(HfDUlI Chancellor Fitzgerald said; and an historical account, Is expected at SUI, will serve as an instruc­ entering with sixty or more J .v ..... I .... CIIT ... 5:N , ." fountain pen and on whatever cburch. Rabbi Mannheimer affirmed, "It to prove more interesting reading scrap of paper is handy. Most of tor at the Nebraska State Custo­ semester credits In specified Ar. Denver 8:t~ a.a is to Dr. Lampe that our school of than the average history. Dealiag his sketchings are made during dial schol June 2-6 in Kearney, Liberal Arls courses. Ar, Colorado 8 prlnrl 1:11 . ... religion owes its real and great with situations and persons not classes. Neb. Fall RerlatTailoD Now Open Wagner has taught for two OIl AU.IX'INU success and significance." far removed from present-day life Occasionally he visualizes ideas ,.. ..I.""on.. T_ ... yeaI'S at the Iowa custodial school Edward S. Rose Sayt Students are granted profes­ trav.1 III"Clh"., ."n Sunday Speakers and interspersed with anecdotes, Prof. Marcus Bach that are beyond his artistic capa­ sional recognition by the at Ames, and also in the Daven­ We carry about 2000 prescrip­ F. E. MEACIIAM, Tlct., " ...1 the, book tells of developments bilities. After a number of unsuc­ U.S. Department at Defense Generous praise for a unique familiar to many living Iowans, port custodial training program. tion Items 80 we can fill your and Selective Service. Roell: Island Lints of al'ts degree at the Iowa school cessful attempts he off~rs the lawa ell,., Iowa experiment in religion and edu- as well as describing behind-the­ He will be the only non-Neb­ ask in 1935 and the doctor of philoso­ ideas to other staff cartoonists. PRESCRIPTION - your Excellent clinical facilities. cation at SUI was expressed Sun- scenes details of the school's raskan taking part at the Ne­ physician to phone the prescrip­ Athletic and recreational ac­ day by representatives at three "growing pains." phy degree there seven years To escape this frustration he braska school. tivities. Dormitories on the major religious faiths. later. often generates the gags in co­ to Us and we will fill It prompt­ campus. ly - ot course we have many S~eaking at the special vespers School Started in 1930's "Of Faith and Learning" is the ordination with his style of draw­ Hearing Set for Youths CH1CAGO COLLEGE OF service whicn opened the two-day Beginning with a suggestion fifth book on religion to be writ­ ing. He will sketch a figure, and olber drUC products In our store OPTOMETRY celebration, Prof. Clarence P. m3de in the early 1920's that SUI ten by Bach, who Is also the au­ then sit and look at it until a On Breaking, Entering Shedd of Yale university, Judge employ a "great spiritual teacher" thor or a number of religious funny idea is suggested. Some­ William F. Riley of Des Moines. to pleach to the student body, dramas and popular articles. His times he carries a sketch around Hearing is scheduled for Thurs­ DRUG SHOP and Rabbi Arthur J. Lelyveld of Bach traces the development ot research and writing of such pre­ for weeks b Core thinking of a clay morning in police court on 109 S. Dubuque Sf.. I New York commended the school the school of religion from its vious book as "They Have Found gag line. charges or breaking and entering lor Its inter-faith instructional start as a vision in the minds of a Faith," "Report to Protestants," Watson believes his characters against two 20-year-Old youths, program. ' I a few tar-seeing educators, lay- "The Dream Gate" and "Faith ~re 3 form ot exprcssion-usually one from Iowa City. Painting io the number of cam- men and theologians, through its and My Friends" have led him, in of his moods. He draws quickest The pair, Lawrence C. Lemme, pus programs which have been early and difficult years, to its the words oC one New York Times when angry and his charaeters 603 S. Capitol st., and Max D. established since the school proved present-day position as the only reviewer, to "travel up and down are thcn more firmly drawn with Wheatley Jr., Hills, were arrested the feasibility of such a venture, institution ot its kind in the U.S. America. discovering the springs Sunday night after guns and a MAGAZINE X straig(lter lines. radio were stolen from a guest Shedd said: to otfer inter-religious teaching and stimuli that rouse men and While attending Iowa State col­ I house in the rear of the Drew Mc­ "The growth of academic in- on the campus of a tax-supporred women to foliow new faiths." lege, he collaborated with a room­ struetion in religion in state col- university. Namara residence lin highway 218. mate who cartooned for the col­ The two were arraigned Mon­ brings you leges and universities has been "Iowans felt that because of the lege paper. Now on his own at greater during the 25 years of state's treasured spiritual heritage day in police court. Lemme was SUI, the result, if not artistic, is released on $2,500 bond and your history than in all the pre- the university should lead in inte­ Services Today for certainly worth a laugh. Wheatley remained in custody vious history of state collel!es and grating religion and education," Elizabeth Carlson under $2,500 bond. A universities in the United States. Bach writes. He then describes Leslie Elected to Head Iowa Plan 'D&rInl' Ihow a small group of laymen, Services will be at 10 a.m. to­ "The imaginative and daring ministers and university faculty day at Beckman'S for Mrs. Eliza- Mechanical Engineers initiative taken by those who pio- members studied tor several years Dance POCKET FULL nee red the Iowa Plan a Quarter of the possibility of establishing such betb E. Carlson, 78, 335 S. John- Howard Leslie, E3, Iowa City, I In Air ConcUtion "d Comfort 8 century 81!0, has been a chal- a school. son st.. who died Friday at Uni- bas been elected president of the lenge to leaders in public higher At various times the group in- versity hospitals. Associated Students or Mechani- Sunday - May 25th education." vestigated such diverse sugges- Mrs. Carlson was If member of cal Engineering. . OF He praised the school for its tions as having a teacher on the the English Lutheran church and Other officers are: Mel Lincoln, America's Top Dance Bandl was active in churcp work. She E3, Moscow, vice-president; Ray work beyond the campus, saying: univerSity faculty from every de­ RAY ANTHONY • "Through radio, gues,t lecturers nomination, having a department was born in Iowa