HINDU Tileism. to Holll the Samaj Together
A MONTHLY JOURNAL DEVOTED TO ORIENTAL PHILOSOPHY, ART, LITERATURE AND OCCULTISM: EMBRACING MESMERISM, SPIRITUALISM, AND OTHER SECRET SCIENCES. VOL. 3. No, D. BOMBAY, JUNE, 1882. No. 33. and tIle primitive Brahmoism was first split into tw~ and, Inter, into three churches. The first and, as churned, 'l'lJEHE IS NO RELIGION I1IGHEH THAN 'l'lW'l'H. original 0110 is known as tllO Adi Brahmo Samaj, of which [Fami!." ",otto of t/,e 1I["/«I)"".i"I.., of Bell,,)"es] the now venerable amI always equally revered Babu Debendra N,lth Tagoreis theoretically, butBabu Haj Nara.in Bose practically-owing to the retirement of the !'onnCl' to 'I'lle Editol's disclaim j'csponsl'bility fOI' opiniollB e.t'pressed, by COil a life of relicrions seclnsion at Mussooree,-the ellld, Tho tributol's in tl,(/'I' articles, leitlt SUIliC of wlu"clt tlwy (lg/'ee, wltlt utllel'S not. Ureat lutz'tude is ado/ceel to correspondents, aml tl,ey alolle ~re latter gentl~lllan may also be almost said to be in retire accounitlbte fIJI' ·ltltat they 1cl'ite. 'I'I;eJoul'llal is o/l"J'ed as (lud,lcle ment since he lives at DeogIlllr, Bengal, an almost exelu for tlwwide disscmination of facts and opinioils conllected /citl, tlw si vely con tern plative life. The secoud Samaj comprises a .lsi(/tic I'digions, pla'losop1a'c3 and sciences, All wIlli Ilave a n.1Jthiilg slllall group which ha~ followed the lea~1 of Ba,b:! KesLa,b lcortlt telling arc made 1cclcomc, (Iud not intel/ereel/ritl!, iI,jected NSS.
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