Agenda - Supplementary Meeting: Joint Meeting of the Safety, Sustainability and Human Resources Panel and the Customer Service and Operational Performance Panel Date: Wednesday 10 June 2020 Time: 10.00am Place: Teams Virtual Meeting Members (Safety, Sustainability and Human Resources Panel) Kay Carberry CBE (Chair) Dr Nina Skorupska CBE (Vice-Chair) Bronwen Handyside Dr Mee Ling Ng OBE Mark Phillips Members (Customer Services and Operational Performance Panel) Dr Mee Ling Ng OBE (Chair) Dr Alice Maynard CBE (Vice-Chair) Bronwen Handyside Anne McMeel Dr Lynn Sloman Copies of the papers and any attachments are available on How We Are Governed. As provided for under section 100B(4)(b) of the Local Government Act 1972, the Chair is of the opinion that these items should be considered as late items as information in relation to the papers were not available at the time that the agenda and papers were published. Further Information If you have questions, would like further information about the meeting or require special facilities please contact: James Varley, Secretariat Officer, 020 7983 4613; email:
[email protected]. For media enquiries please contact the TfL Press Office; telephone: 0343 222 4141; email:
[email protected] Howard Carter, General Counsel Friday 5 June 2020 Agenda Safety, Sustainability and Human Resources Panel Wednesday 10 June 2020 5 Quarterly Safety, Health and Environment Performance Report (Pages 1 - 46) Chief Safety, Health and Environment Officer The Panel is asked to note the report. 6 Update on TfL's Safety and Health Response to Covid-19 (Pages 47 - 52) Chief Safety, Health and Environment Officer The Panel is asked to note the paper.