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Welcome-Back! ,', Baseballers ~ " Th. Weath., Home Today Partly c!My to cloudy toUy and t.nl,ht. Occa.lonal rain betl ...ln, In the northw ••t thll .~ .. aftOl'llOOn and .preadln, to aouth c.n'ral por. Page 4 OJ owa·n tlon. tonl,ht. .ad 1M Peopl. ", 10tDC Cut Established In 1868 Associated Press Leased Wire and Wirephoto Herald Tribune Newl Service Leaaed Wire Tuesday. April 4, 1961 , Iowa City, Iowa I • • • K·ennedy, E)'eGDaulle -[0 Go~fe. r Paris' " [ Hancher Plans 'Peace ~orps Plans Indicate·... Trip .to Britain Questionnaires View Change ., For Meeting ~vailable I Here On Diplomacy President, 9 Others Information Asked First Lady Will Go On Paris Trip, Too; Will Represent U.S. Of Future Volunteer. She Speaks French University Association For )'outh Program PALM BEACH. Fla. (AP) President Virgil M. Hancher of Questionnaires for U.S. Peace - President Kennedy, engag SUI will be one of 10 American Corps volunteers will be available university administrators who will l>egiMing today at SUI. ing more and more in summit attend a conference of the Associa· personal diplomacy, will con· tion of Universities 01 the British The purpose or the questionnaire Commonwealth July 4-8 at Cam· Is .to enable the Peace Corps to ob· fer with French President bridge University. tain information about youths now Charles de Gaulle in Paris for preparing to volunteer for service. Th. trip hu boen mad. possl. three days starting May 31. Those filling out the questionnaire, bl. by a $24,000 grant from tho however, will not be bound to par· ----- ------- I Plans for the visit, reflecting a Cllm.. l. Corpora' lon, N.w Vork ticipate. change in Kennedy's attitude to· City, for travel expenses to the ward highest·level meetings, were conference for ten repres.nta· I Dewey Stult, dean of the College Predicts U.5. Participatjon anounced at the President's vaca· tlv., of the Association of Ameri· 01 Liberal Arts and special liaison tion headquarters Monday. Ken· can Unlyersltles~ of which Han· officer for SUI lor the Peace Corps nedy accepted an invitation ex· ch.r is pr.,ident. program. annouooed that the forms tended by de Gaulle. are' now available at the SUI Of· In 14-Nation Laos Parley In addition to Hancher, who will The President will b. accom attend as chief executive of the flce of Student Affairs and should WASHINGTON (.fI - On the eve of British Prime Minister Harold panied to Pari. by hi, wife, Jac. association, the presidents or chan· be mailed by applicants directly Macmillan's arrival for talks with President Kennedy, authoritative quelln., who hal a backlround to the Peace Corps in Washington. cellors of the following institutions sources said Monday it appears the United States will participate In a of Fr.nch ancestry and culture. D.C. will make the trip: Massachusetts 14·nation conference on Laos. The Fir.t Lady speaks French Institute of Technology, California Pea c. Corp. offlcl.l. m.y fluently. Her hu.band hal what s This lessened the likelihood of Lio•. But he .ald the Communl,t Institute of Technology, and the I.ter Intel"Ylew applicant. at any intervention by the Southeast airlift of arm. to r.b.1 Pathet assocl.te. call only a mod ••t y following universities: Vanderbilt, Hillcrest Honey,s nln. Iowa cltl.. : Am••• Burllnt· Asia Treaty Organization (SEATO ) familiarity with tho lanluage. h Missouri, Michigan, Illinois, Brown, ton, Cedar F.lls, Davenport, De. which Communis~ China threatened Lao. fore.. I. continuing. The forthcoming Kennedy trip to Hillcrest residents will elect one of these coeds Ington; Janet Templeton, AI, Whiting; (b.ck I, Rochester and Stanford. Moln .., lowil City, Mason City. to counter by sending troops into Macmillan is due here late to· the French capital, his first over· g .5 their queen Thursday. The finalists, chosen row) Cherie Orr, AI, Cedar Rapids; Daren Karr, Tho grant will make it Sioux City, and Wat.rloo. Laos. day for a series of meetings with seas since takinll office, will round t. .lso from • field of 16, are (front row, from left): A2, Davenport. The queen will be pres.nted .t the pos.lble for the univ.rsity ad· ~ pilot program of 500 to 1,000 At tho .ame tim. tho State Kennedy starting Wednesday. They out a series of talks on East·West e Pam Waller, AI, Algona; Sue Owen, AI , Wash· Hillcrest Dane., April 28, mlni.tr.tors to vl,it B rili,h In· young men and women has al· Departm.nt r.ported that pro- are expected to draft a reply to problems with the Big Three 11 - Daily Iowan Photo by Ralph Speas a • tltutions of higher education bo ready been launched. and legisla· W•• torn Royal Lao Army troops the Soviet note of last Saturday, leaders of Western Europe. fore .nd .ft.r the conference at tion has been introduced in Con· hael .vacu.tecl prepared position. in which the Russians agreed to a The President already has con· without a fl,ht at tho k.y vlll.ge British proposal for a 14·nation ·Cambrldg •• , t gress proposing establishment of ferred with Britain's Prime Min· the Peace Corps on a permanent of Tha Tho"" 40 mile. north of conference on the political future isler Harold Macmillan - eight The Association of American Pakaane. I of Laos. days ago at Key West, Fla., where Uni verslties has been exchanging and expanded basis. Press officer Lineoln White said, The Moscow note gave no clear· they discussed the Laos crisis. corlference representatives' wit h Borge Set for. SUI Show .. Peace Corps volunteers must be U.S. citizens 18 years of age or "It Is my InCormation that royal cut an.wer, however, to the U.S. They will have further talks when the Association of Uni versities of they meet again in Washington An entertaine r who has played and hands, hoping to r uin his ca· termed the day.. "the great•• t over. Married couples without chilo troops evacuated Tha Thorn and backed British proposal for a the British Commonwealth for sev· Communist troops moved in ." cease·fire as a first step. Wednesday. eral years. President Hancher was to packed houses in several Mid·' reer as a pianist. The plot didn 't succeSS in my Iif • ." dren under 18 will be considered. Previously lhe royal Lao govern· Authoritative informants contino one of ten members who represent. western cities in the last three work out, ho wever, and Borge soon It was not long from that sue· Volunteers should have technical The other m.mber of the w•• t· ment had Indicated the strategic ued to express hope that a largely ed the American organization at weeks will be In Iowa City April slipped away to Sweden. In twelve cess to success in Seattle as a one· ability, physical stamina and emo· .rn lEurope trlumvlrat., W•• t vi1lage was lost as the result of demilitarized Laos can be brought G.rm.ny'. Chancellor Konrad conferences of the ~ritish associa· 11 for an 8 p.m. show at the SUI days he sailed past the Statue of man show. The thealre manager tional stability. For example, they Fieldhouse. Liberty, ready for a new life in should be able to run a tractor, an attack by a large force of pro· into being with both East and Ad.n.u.r, will b. In Washln,ton tion during the summers of 1953 insisted that Borge pay a fla t lee Communist troops, Including sol· West agreeing to leave it alone. and 1956 in England and in 1958 in Victor Borge, characterized by a America. for the auditorium. As Borge be· operate a radio transmitter, or be April 11·12 for dllcusslon with diers from Communist North Viet Under such a neutral regime Kannedy. Canada. New York critic as " the runni est Borge didn't know • word of gan to pack the people in, the a surveyor, mechanic or carpenter. Nam. there would be room for deposed Kennedy aides said there are no Hancher will leave sm about entertainer in the world," has just English, but he soon picked the manager was sorry that he had not They mu.t be abl. fo actapt White said only minor p.trol neutralist Premier Souvanna Phou· July 1 to attend the 1961 confer· performed befor e capacity audio language up by .ttending movies taken a share of the receipts in· themselv.i to an unf.mlllar way present plans for expansion of the activity I. taklnl plac. now In ma to lake part in the Government. trip to France to include visits tD ence. ences in Kansas City; St. Louis; and taking hotes on convena· stead, of life and to work oversea. with other European capitals, but the Duluth, Minn.; Rochester, Minn.; tions. "The fir.t phr.. e I learn· From Seattle to Broadway did peopl. of all religions, rac.. and Green Bay, Wis .. and Grand Ra· ed," · says Borge- wryly, "was aides did not completely rule out not take too long. From then on, culture" Stuit ompha.l.eeL * * * * * * broadening of the trip. pfds, Mich ., on his current tour. 'Don't call U5 - w,'l1 call you.''' Birch Society Borge's history has been one of Many volunteers will work and Capacity audiences are the Engagements came slowly at repeated successes in television, ~aos Asks immediate Halt As for the tbree-day Paris visit, live apart from other Americans, it will be a modified state visit - rul. for Borge. whose one·m.n firs t - an occasional benefit, a Las Vegas, other American cities so proficiency in a language other with some limitation of the cere· Head Cal/ed ,how "Comedy in Music" r.n .