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MARITIME CITY— The skyline of Nome greets mariners as they pull into the port and harbor of Nome, such as this Phoenix Marine shuttle vessel. Photo by Diana Haecker C VOLUME CXIV NO. 32 August 7, 2014 Wildlife citation turned into warning to foster dialogue Solutions sought to deal with urban musk oxen in Nome as attacks on dogs continue By Diana Haecker tive dialogue between all stakehold- was in the residential area. She at- Adams’ dog. Adams, said that the defense of life The citation handed to Icy View ers and to find a solution to the musk tempted to haze them out with her The musk ox was nose-to-nose and property law leaves “quite a bit resident Diana Adams after shooting ox situation problem,” AWT Mike car. She yelled at two animals that with her dog, with only the fence of room for interpretation.” AWT a musk ox in her front yard was Cresswell told The Nome Nugget. were grazing next to her doorsteps. separating them. When the musk ox Cresswell agrees with the assess- dropped and turned into a warning On July 17, Adams shot a two- She went inside to get a gun and lowered its head, Adams felt she had ment, saying that the law needs to last week. year old female musk ox, when a loaded one birdshot cartridge and run out of options and shot at the an- address many scenarios and covers Alaska Wildlife Trooper Michael herd of the animals was moving three slugs. imal. different species. Cresswell cited Adams for the illegal through the northern part of Icy Returning outside, she made more The musk ox walked off wounded He said he gathers the facts and take of a musk ox out of season. “I View. According to Adams, this is noise and fired a warning shot. One and died shortly thereafter. then sees if they align with the DLP changed the citation into a warning what unfolded: she notified the po- animal ran off, the other approached Adams was later handed a citation law. in the hope that we can foster a pos- lice that a large herd of musk oxen a chain-link enclosure holding and given a court date. The language of the Alaska Code Last week, the citation was addressing DLP says that “…Noth- amended into a warning, sparing her ing in 5 AAC prohibits a person an appearance in court. from taking game in defense of life or property if: (1) the necessity for The law the taking is not brought about by The case has been dissolved, but harassment or provocation of the an- the broader question remains what is imal, or by an unreasonable invasion considered a bona fide “Defense of of the animal’s habitat; (2) the ne- Life and Property” situation. Erin Lillie, legal counsel for continued on page 6 Cruise ships turned away from Russia By Diana Haecker Bahamian flag, met the same fate the Last week, Nome saw an unusu- next day and another 100 or so inter- ally high number of international national tourists spent the day in tourists visiting the Gold Rush City. Nome, enjoying the same activities. An earlier than scheduled stop in “Silversea Expeditions, which op- Nome of the MS Hanseatic, a erates the expedition ship Silver Dis- Hapag-Lloyd cruise liner sailing coverer, confirms that upon arrival under Bahamian flag, resulted in at the Russian region of Chukotka, more than 100 German visitors tour- on July 28, the guests were denied ing around town. permission to go ashore,” said Brad They panned for gold at East Ball, a company spokesman in an Beach, learned about sled dog driv- email to the Nome Nugget. ing in the Arctic, visited the Carrie Ball wrote that the Silver Discov- M. McLain Memorial Museum, the erer had received all the necessary National Park Service and Nome’s clearances for passage into that area shops. They arrived a day early be- of Russia. Guests and crew had been Photo by Diana Haecker cause a scheduled visit to Russia did cleared by immigration, but on ar- SQUID DISSECTION— A true summer activity was offered for homeschool students at the Kegoayah not happen because they were de- rival, were denied landing by the Kozga Library on Friday, when students learned to dissect squids during a video conference with the Se- nied access to shore. Russian authorities. ward Sealife Center. Noah Hobbs demonstrates the extraction of the squid’s eye lens. The luxury cruise liner M/V Silver Discoverer, also sailing under the continued on page 4 Coast Guard celebrates Coast Guard Day in Nome By Diana Haecker liver a short speech in honor of the said. Coast Guard officers from Sector 224th Coast Guard Day. She continued to laud the Coast Anchorage, Stations Juneau, Valdez The Alex Haley arrived in Nome Guard for patrolling the Bering Sea and Kodiak as well as from North on Monday, 10 a.m. and Norton Sound region and for Pacific Regional Fisheries Training Commanding officer White said keeping a second set of eyes on in- Center in Kodiak gathered in he was so glad to see Nome, as the dustry as more traffic finds its way Nome’s Old St. Joe’s Hall on Mon- crew on the cutter had spent the past north to Nome and beyond. day, August 4, to hear Steve White, several days of their voyage in fog. Captain White said he was excited commanding officer of the U.S. In a short welcome, Mayor Denise to be in Nome for the first time. “It’s Coast Guard Cutter Alex Haley de- Michels addressed the 50 or so a real treat for me to be here today,” Coasties, highlighting the shared his- he said. White said he was looking toric significance since the infamous forward to learning from Nomeites Cutter Bear began sailing Alaskan as they are a unique blend of those On the Web: waters in 1885. who have been here for thousands of Since then, Mayor Michels said, years and “newcomers” who fol- www.nomenugget.net the Coast Guard and Nome share lowed their dreams, to find adventure E-mail: many common milestones, including and life a lifestyle different from [email protected] the historic winter fuel delivery in most places. 2012, when the Coast Guard Cutter As the Coast Guard spends more Healy escorted the Russian tanker time in this region, he was looking Renda to Nome to deliver fuel to Bo- forward to learn from residents. nanza fuel tanks. “When the eyes of Longtime subsistence hunter Photo by Diana Haecker the world were on us, your profes- Bivers Gologergen had visited with COAST GUARD DAY— Steve White, Commanding officer of the USCG sionalism and diligence made sure White earlier on Monday and im- Cutter Alex Haley addressed Coast Guard crews commemorating the that not one drop of fuel was spilled continued on page 24 224th birthday of the Coast Guard in Nome’s Old St. Joe’s Hall on Mon- in that historic delivery,” Michels day, August 4. 2 THURSDAY, AUGUST 7, 2014 OPINION THE NOME NUGGET Letters Dear Editor: they could, they would have only A Look at the Past What’s wrong with this picture? one vote. One vote. Big Deal! Full page or half page color ads in However, since and because of that the Nome Nugget and in all the ruling, for-profit corporations may newspapers in Alaska featuring for- advertise as People to try to influ- mer governor Tony Knowles and ence votes on candidates and issues. pictures of Fairbanks local union How sad. For the for-profit corpora- member and Fairbanks Chamber of tions, the bottom line is money, not Commerce members touting a Vote necessarily what’s in the best inter- NO on Ballot Propositions One (the est of the over all good of the people repeal of SB 21). And the screen they supposedly represent. Yes, it blitz of TV ads touting same. I’m may mean a very few jobs for some certain you’ve noticed that all these local people but not for many. For ads are paid for by the Big Oil com- sure not the “hundreds of local jobs” panies. promised. We’ve heard that before We cannot ignore, nor should we, and watched as outsiders take the lu- the six for-profit Native corporations crative jobs. Yes, shareholders may also urging a NO vote on One. Ask receive a very few extra dollars in yourself why. the annual benefits pay out. This is Regardless of the US Supreme the way the for-profits may use their Court ruling, Corporations are not money (your money) to try to influ- People! No one believes that. Cor- porations cannot vote as citizens. If continued on page 16 Letters to the editor must be signed and include an address and phone number. Thank you notes and political endorsements are considered ads. Editorial “The only sure bulwark of continuing liberty is a government strong enough to protect the interests of its people, and a people strong enough and well enough informed to maintain its sovereign control over its government.”— Fireside Chat April 14, 1938 Franklin Delano Roosevelt An Informed Public The role of a university is to support education and foster contin- ued learning in as many innovative areas as possible. The University if Alaska Fairbanks has been a longtime member of the Alaska Pub- lic Radio Network, which has broadcast many programs dealing with relevant issues. “Talk of Alaska” and “Alaska News Nightly” are among the many programs from KUAC listener supported public radio.