BEDFORD & SON, W atchmakers,



H E LADIES' COLLEGE, SCHOOL OP COM MERGE, T GRABSINGTON ROAD. EASTBOURNE »S— 11, Pevensey-road. A Day School -for the Daughters of G e n tle m e n » SHORTHAND AND TYPEWRITING 8 at Moderate Prices Principal s ' : • nr 15 LESSONS. l MISS HITCHCOCK. DESIGNS. THE DOMTTS Greenhouse^ W. H. KOBEBT8, D eplomaxkd T xachxi Aariated by a Large Staff of Resident and Visiting Mastera and Mlwtreneoo. Pairila prepared, If desired, for the Preliminary. Junior, Senior and Higher Cambridge Local KxominatdonB, also Qli/Jaa oil A m ia o EAST for Matrioulation, London University, and for bha EABTBOURNK. Examination hr the Associated Board of the Royal Preparatory School for Boys. This is the % little Boiler Academy of Muaio and Royal College of Musio. FIRE PROOF, Students desirous of pursuing their studies after leaving School may join Advanced Clowe* in English . Jteratmre which you light up in and History, Frenoh, German, Latin and Mathematics. FROST PROOF. October and extinguish in H IG tf - CLASS PROVISION & GROCERS March—at! ■ a cost F - of 6d. FOOL PROOF. per day, a ■ j riRESNCROFT-ELLBSMBRB, l-N i 1. SPENCER ROAD Old Slenlivet Whiskey, 3/« k 4/- per bottle. Fi Old T aw ne; Fort, 36/- k 42/- p e r dozen. (Late of 32, The Avenue). Home School for the Daughtersgf Gentlemen. (No An vats ex in P biob). DBS LLOYDS has removed totj^ore oommodlont N E W JAMS, BOTTL Eastbourne Gas Company, premises and is prepared to reoeive an Increased number of DAILY PUPILS. . „ la^ana nn. UMHnn, LR.CP.aadlfai.Mlw A SMALL CLASS FOR THE CHILDREN •P.. HAC.P., LB.O.F., XL OF GBNTLEPEOPLE ONLY Is held at A GRANGE ROAD. Pupils can be prepared for the Cambridge Preliminary lamination. Beginners are recei^d. References from Parents of Pupils. h o u s e J g a u : UNIC1PAL SCHOOL OF MEADS, Apply, MIbb E. C leather. L f f iM B lia Institute, Geove-boad). kntial, P reparatory and F in ish in g r and EVENING CLASSES are hoi Gir ls’ School. TIJDME. EM ^LIE PETRELLI, R.A.M, s—MRS. C. H. ®I LA iMOTHE and (Of London) CLERICAL, NAVAL AND MILITARY TAILORS, (Late pupil of Signor Randegser) MRS. NELSON FOLEY, RBo (Lond.) late Prime Donna Opera and Principal London Conoerts, of the Ladles’ College, Cheltenham. RIDING HABIT AND BREECHES MAKERS. 1 Assisted by a well-qualified Staff. RECEIVES PUPILS for LESSONS In SINGING nuHfully situated in Its own Grounds. Good Telephone 995. Established 1893. and VOICE CULTURE (Lallan Method). Courts and Playing Field. Recreation and CRAIG-Y-DON, 9. DUKE'S DRIVE, EASTBOURNE. slam Room (SO ft. long). HIGH CLASS LADIES' TAILORS. Also a t Messrs. Clift’s. Glldre :, t S s S f S F FORK ROAD, Eastbourne (near Town Hall), Tri all, CHRONICLE ” OFFIOE, SOUTH STREET, BA8TBOURNB and DERWENT ROAD, MEADS (ToL 1297), 6 to 10 i&nd 24 to 27, Kensi lens, Brighton. k SON. AND OF ALL BOOKSELLERS. Also a t BEXHILL. 1 ; t- [LL.W RIGHTS, B vnr branch of Physical Education scientifically taught by fully qualified and experienced Instructor and Lady l i n minutes’ walk from Central Si stop at Oorner. Teachers, under the direction of Mr. Mom. There Is a MlqdlcaJ Gymnasium -<*--»■—< for Bxeroins and Swedish Massage, under the direction at Miss r . C. Charlesworth7M.Q.T.L. M.N.8.P.K, f l H. OHATFLBLD A SON, ^ ® WEST EJTD DAIRY.’ Oowkeepers and Dairy Farmer*, DELIVER HIGH-CLASS DAIRY PRODUCE Throe Times Daily to all parts of Eastbourne. MAS** TH» HOTTSST FARNCOMBE & CO ITKD AsUhi necessary,to]know from whenoe the nmir supply The BEST VALUE O V tS BLOOK8 THX KlTcaMNaB t Is derived we invite Patrons to Inspect our Fam u and Dairies. mxin> WITH a LITTUB 0t»AL MAh Farm SpotBi Dairies: FIELD & AVARD, DINING AND DRAWING « “>» Hampden Park. IS, Cornfleld-terraoe antI General Printers, Lithographers Publishers inters : Plumbers D e u vkhi era * : Paperhangers Mit-Od, L9. WANTS OF ALL KINDS, d A • i • AtUratxon unthoui Notim. ARTICLES FOB BALE, SERVANTS WANTED or SITUATIONS REQUIRED. GIVE US A CALL and inspect our New HOUSES or APARTMENTS TO LET, ACCESSORIES. Dayton Two-Stroka, £21; NOTH PAPER AND ENVELOPES STAMPED IN, ANY COLOUR IN Are Advertised in the whole of £48. 10*.; Royal Infield Combination, £84. -f] ARTISTIC STYLES.. 1 Famcombe & Co.’s Sussex Newspapers i 8ATIHFACTION GUARANTEED. H (Ltd.) At One Charge, vlx., ' 16, ORANBOXJRNR STREET, BRIG 1 Insertion ... (pot over 20 Words) On e Shillinb E CHRONICLE 8 Insertions...... Two Shillings and S ixpence 7 Insertions...... F ive .7 hillings Show Cards and Labels Designed and Printed. Visiting Cards from Type or Copper nates. PURE If Booked the usual rates will be charged. WHITE All inch announcements appear once in the following ■ Eastbourne Chronicle MOURNING L a t e s t F a s h i o n s ; East Sussex News Ball Programmes, Menu Cards, Wedding Cards and Invitations to Dinner, Musical and Hastings Independent East Grinstead Observer Evening Parties, tastefully executed. Sussex and Surrey Courier Horsham Times

8u*sex, among the most-influential inhabitants^ tjll, Western Unequalled by aay Other Local Medium. so, a, u m r a b o a s ,

i . J

, K r 's' i - 3 : A( i ’ EABTBOUBNB CHRONICLE, 8ATURDAY, JANUARY 29, 1916


WOOD- 2216. - Mondat.—Before the Mayor- (Alderman C. O’Brien COUNCIL: BEUFO SON. ft ;. Harding), in the chair, Sir Alfred Dent, K.O.M.G., Mr. Mayhewe, D .L, Major H. P. Molinedx, Aider- ELLIOTTS MEMO PBIMROSE LEAGUE MEMBEBS SERVING NEW CINEMA PLANS PASSED. 1. t j man E. Duke, Councillor O. W. Bolton, Mr. Claud*) THEIR COUNTRY. Bishop, Councillor J. Duke and Mr. T. Parsons. •tii fe : A memorial’ servifce for j the late Lieut. Edward STORES. liamNOHS DIAL WRIST WATCHES FOR SERVICE USE. SCHOOL ATTENDANCE. Seymer Woodward, 37th Infantry, Injdian Army THE STATE OP THE MAIN ROAD. LIMITED F. W. Aldridge ;F. Lacey Thomas -Smith, of Eistbourne, was summoned for (younger son of the Rev. and Mrs. R.: Salisbury Wood­ E. Alohom W. J. G. Loveland disobeying a school attendance order made in respect of ward) was held on Wednesday afternoon at All Saints’ MW. L. Ludlow his daughter. ...if ' , j i The monthly meeting of thoNewhaven Urban District (Opposite 8. Saviour’s Cknruh), NICKEL: 21/ c & c h . v Church., Marked jby simplicity aad deep religious SirF. Benson j K.O.B. 1 !B. Lynn Elizabeth French,, Mark Boniface, Annie Vine, Council, was held at tbeoffices in. Fort-road oh Wednes­ ' .'Hr earnestness, the appropriate service, in which the ohoir H. A. Beaman Mary Wood aud Alice! Vincent were similarly sum­ day evening. Mr. F. J. T hyeji presided, and there were boys assisted, was very impressive. There 'was a oon- W. F. Bodle | J. Murphy moned, and each defendant was fined 2s. (id. also present Mr. -T. S. Corbett (iioe-chairmun), Mr. C. EASTBOURNE [ siderable attendance, and while the congregation were A. J. Bowen ! L. Mason The Town Clerk (Mr.1H. W. Fovargue) prosecuted Cooke, Mr. R. T. Clark, Mr. K. J. Coker, Mr. T. SILVER: £ 2 and £3. 3s. each. saembling Dr. M. P. Conway, the organist, played Major A. P. Ballard Rear-Admiral 0. H. Moore in each case. i Colgate, Mr. B. Etherington, Mr. J. S. Funnel], Mr. And at MEADS, citable musio, including Tachaikowaky’s Funeral E Bradford ijE. Mockett : - “ LIGHT” CASES. W. A. Gay, Mr. W. Norman, Mr. G. A. Richardson, oh. Mr. A. G. Gabo (ohurohwarden) reverently Sir H. Benbow Lieut. F. S. Martin The Magistrates heard the following cases under the Mr. 8. Sargeant and Mr. G. Winter, with the Clerk T H E TIME CAN BE B EADIL F SEEN IN THE DARK. . ntended the seating arrangements, being-assisted Col. W. A. Broome l.iH. Maynard lighting regulations:— (Mr. E. T. Wellsted), the Surveyor (Mr. 0. T. Hooper), this duty by Mr. Bartholomew (verger). E Burton [ 'F. R. Morgan Fine. and the Sanitary Inspector (Mr. A. Akhurst). The deceased officer, as previously reported in this E W. Blaokmer Major F. E. Maitland Sergt. Victor M. Walters, Upper F. J. Bragg J. A Murphy W orks, Cemetery, Allotments and R ecreation Telephone Numbers: aper, lost life while serving with General Level-drive...... Jan. 18 ... 10s. Aylmer’s fori Mesopotamia. A. Bnstowe H. Major . Ellen Dumbrell, The Goffs ...... : ! j G round Committee. South H ouses, 1227 (3 lines). JAbi . J. H. Bontoft ; H. H. Morris .Tan. 18 ... 10s. The chief raourneirs were (the Vioar and Mrs. Salis­ William Ashbee, Seaside ...... Jan. IS ... 7s.6d. At the meeting of this c?ffitnit(ee plans submitted by Meads Branch, 207. F. W. Bishop i A. Matthewes Edith Braudes, G/and-parade...... Mr. A. E. Hughes of proposed alterations to Mr. A. w . BRUFORD & bury Woodward (( enta of (the deceased), Rev. Oanon G. H. Bodle ( M. Milliard Jan. 10 ... 10.3. 3. C. and Mra W idward (brother and sister-in-law), Oolan Fontenav, South-street...... 10s. Hedges’ premises in Bridge-street were considered, and W. H. Brown F. Manfer it was recommended that the plans be not approved, Telegraphto Address: Rev. A E. and Mrs. lhapman (brother-in-law and sister), A Bonny I iJ. Mookett W ith regard to Mdme. Fontenay, the case had been and Miss Amy Wo ’ward (Cousin). Amongst the con- adjourned, the defendant having stated that two police but that the owner be informed that if a definite “E lliott’s Stores, E astbo urne.'* ; Sergt.-Major G. R. Moody proposal was submitted to the Council for the abolition negation were noth ‘ the Mjapdr (Alderman 0 . O’Brien Major Cooke ! officers had called and made no complaints about the Harding), Rev. Dr. >uuand nu-« Orowden, Rev. W. P. lights. , of the forecourts in front of his Bridge-street property COUNTY COURT, TRADESMEN MAD Capt. R. Cardwell i F. J. Norman the Council would be prepared to re-consider the plans. . J Jay, Miss Jay, Rev. J. 0. By ir, Mr. 0. A Leatham, Oapt. L. Canton 1 W. M. Neville Chief Inspector Taylor now said that the defendant J.P., Rev. Owen L, Tudor < had told him she did not mean the light that was com­ Plans submitted by the Newhaven Kinama Company of Willingdon), OoL B. Oarew | jW. Norman of proposed new kinema in Meeching-road were con­ 1 'uraDAT.—Before H is Honour Judge M ackarnbss. FORTUNES. Johnstone, Rev. R.( D. Piei j Mr. J. W. Heisch, A Ooombes iH. Nurse plained of. Councillor G. B. Soddy, Mi In the case against Walters, P.0. Verrall stated that sidered, and it was recommended that the same be SHEEP DOG AMONG THE FOWLS. Bankes-Hadson, Miss H. J. Chandler W . Neill approved. Hamilton, Mrs. Atkinson, sses Langham, Mra W. J. Cherryman at 10.40 p.m. he saw a lighted candle standing in a room / Phe action brought by Harold Septimus HJRNE IN THE PAST. Chandler, Miss G. Gabb, ! occupied by the military. He saw the defendant, who it was recommended that the assistant to the TEA AND COFFEE Bartholomew, Mr. and H. D. Ohatfiel OoL O. G. Owen Cemetery Curator be paid the sum of Is. for each grave hr >eder of bigh-class fowls, at Heathflefd, agai Mra Markwick, Mr. J. W. lbr, Miss Locke Paddon, —. Cooke told him he had no blinds to put up to the windows. Dfnee, a neighbouring farmer, was resumed _ Lieut. -Ool. Cook, Rev. P. Pearce, Mr. Swiriford, They had been ordered, but had not arrived. he assists in digging, in addition to his ordinary wages. MR. G. R. SIMS’ RECOLLECTIONS. B. Champion G. P. Peters Mr. ooke report. ■•lfiimed £10. 3s. 6dv damages-for trespass by a d< Mies Swinford, Mips La 3, M ra Downes, sen., Defendant said he was not in the house at 10.40. C moved the adoption of the H. F. Collins H. Pattenden Mr. R iohardson seconded.—Carried. for the killing by the latter of a number of 1 Misses Goldie, Mips Lushi; in, Miss Hatton, Mra W. T. Creighton I W. Pattenden Material for obscuring the windows had been applied EXPERTS. torts. The Evening Newt is printing the reminiscences of Moxon, Mr. W.‘ H . (BlaokdenJ i Moppett, Miss L. T. Oosham S. G. Pawsey for, but the Government had not supplied it. w Sanitary, L ightinq and I solation H ospital Hr. H. Sprott appeared for the plaintiff, and Mr. Mr. George R. Sims, the well-known journalist and Adams, Mra D aniel Mr. and, Jesse Clifford, Miss B. Cooper Major H. Payne The Chairman said the attention of the authorities • j Committer, x . James represented the defendant. playwright. In a recent issue a whole chapter was Bay, Miss Luok, General Di ason, Mra Karslake, J. S. Peekover had been drawn to the matter, and the Bench hoped it; mu- __, ,, T , Che case forthe plaintiff heard at thepreviona siti M ra Harington, Mr, Owen B Hold, Mr. Jarman, Mra R. F. Davey I Lieut. Peacock 1 would soon be remedied. - „ Thls P°mmittee recommended that the London wi s that, early on the morning o f Oot. 1st the deft_ devoted to Mr. Sims’ early schooldays at Eastbourne Marsland, Mr. Sutton, Mr! y ] Uounty ana Westminster Bank, Ltd., be thanked for Smith, Mr. Smith and A Doull R . Payne NOT A PROPER LAMP. the permission [given the Council to fix a lamp bracket «n fs white and black half-bred sheep dog was seen wit more than half a century ago, when he was a pupil at many othera (The Vicar of tbouroe, Oanon Streat- J. F. Daws E. Pearson Coffee Roasted by Electricity • iird in. its mouth. Mrs. Dimes expressed regret th “ The Grove”—“ A Preparatory Sohool for Young feild, and the Rep. G. P.J ssettf Kerry sent Jesse Bussey, of Avondale-road, was summoned for UP01* their bank in High-street and thi t the Council Oapt. A. W. Davies i A. B. Parker driving’ a vehicle without a proper light on January outer into the usual agreement to pay Is. per annum as th s mischief had occurred and admitted that the di Gientlemen”—situate in Grove-road, which, as he points expression of regret-at their t voidable absence). G . -S. Diokenson 1 H. P. Parker srr, i ^ * ° * o.r» UOlrnmirlQnrfTnbnr nr , f ho viivKr. qj 17th. an acknowledgment of the right of the Company to during all hours of tho day. had previously killed birds. At the plaintiff’s reque out, was then a leafy lane. Mr. Sims observes J The officiating clergy wer the Rpv. E. Salisbui A. Dendy T. W. Piper ah 3 afterwards visited his plaoe and he showed her a P.C. Ashenden said the dofendant was pushing a requireuire removal of the bracketbracket, ; Eastbourne was a very different seaside town then Jose (domestio chaplain to ! Marquisaron " of CamdennT1 A Tudor-Daviee t was recommended that licenses be granted to Mr. number of dead fowls, most cf them of valuable breeds. from wbat it is to-dayl The residential portion on the luggage porter’s truck in Terminus-road at 5.20 p.m.’ t’ l w,as r©coiumended that licenses be gra cousin of the deceased, and tl tov. E. Audley Downes Dr. J. Donnellan J. Reynolds He had not a proper regulation lamp on the vehicle, John Amy and Mr. P. Bollen to store petrol on premises Sample Tin on application. T ro of six birds he had sold at a guinea apiece were front did not extend far beyond the Burlington Hotel (head master of St. John’s, Li herhead). The Bev. N. M. -R. Denman i A Roberts __ .1 11 • 3 .... r l •. 1 ■ i . . i 1 1 • . . . ’ in' hf.Q.l J \I/a \r _ rnun onH HiirK . Q-brnul Kior 1 m Being and two others were so much injured that they and did not show a white light in the direction he was in Railway - road and High-street respectively as at one end, and at the other end the Albion Hotel was L Milnes Atkinson (curate) S oooupied a seat in the 3 . M. Rogers previously. -di d. the last residential building of any importance. Beyond H. Ellis E . Relf I proceeding. hancel. 1 Dofendant was fined 2s. 6d. ' Mr. Gay moved the adoption of- the report. ' Mrs. Dimes, the defendant’^ wife, denied the the BarUngtoh were cornfields, and beyond the Albinon H. Easter F . ReU i pi lintiffs statement that the 'dog had a bird in its ; The introductory scriptural Sentences were recited by Mr. F unnell seconded. was beaoh. Mr. Audley Downes. Then Psalms xv. and xxiii. were O. W. Easter i E. J. Roberts NO LIGHT. I Mr. Clark said he had paid his first official visit to m rath 1 and. that she acknowledged the animal had Where the magnificent motor rolls its lordly way p i avioualy killed birds belonging to a Mr. Kemp. 11 in ted ; after] whioh the lesspn, taken from Wisdom John Smith, of AUfrey-road, was summoned for the Isolation Hospital during the past month, aud he were Sussex lanes, along which plodded the Sussex t , 1-10, and 1 ThessalonianSiy.j 13-18, was read by Mr. A Fillery A. Smith ( was greatly pleased with everything he saw. The W illiam James Kemp, the defendant/* father-in-law, peasant in a white smock and a high black hat, rendered R. O. Fillery I 9. Smith i having no light ou a vehicle on January 17th. , PURE CHIU A TEAS* ’■■as d that on Oot. 1st Mr. Hodges oam etobim and said, Audrey Downes. P.O. Dean said the defendant had a pony and cart in hospital was exceedingly well equipped, and the staff rusty by wind and weather. W. Farrant A. W.'E. Smith was efficient. ! “ four dog has been killing my fowls,” and said he saw -The railway station was quite a rural affair, and The first hymn, “ They whose course on earth is o’er, W. Freeman W. J. H. Smith ! ! Sutton-road, there being no light on the vehicle. it' go by his gate when it came from his (witness’! ink they of their brethren more?” was here sung, A flue of 5s. was imposed. Mr. E thf.riNgton said-he had reason to feel grateful oppoeite it was an old-fashioned inn which was the • i IS. W. Smith that the town had a hospital. Recently his two SO MUCH RECOMMENDED BY THE house. Plaintiff said he saw one fpwl lying in the fie.’ Railway Hotel. e _+• id was followed byj a_series ofj special prayers said by H. Gower j R. Steele I . | ‘IN A HURRY.” surd followed the dog. W itness said he had nevi r. Salisbury Jose. The players inoluded the follow- children had the misfortune to be at the hospital with Eastbourne was then a fashionable resort, especially —. Griggs Petty Offider Scarlett James Glassbull, of Green-street Farm, was sum­ scarlet fever, and he would like to testify to the excel­ MEDICAL PROFESSION. known the dog kill any fowls and he knew it had n< in the late autumn, but it-had not achieved the fame K C. Glass Lieut. F. S. Stammers that morning, as it had never been away from him moned for driving a vehicle on the wrong sido of the lent treatm ent. they received from the staff, and the and the popularity that it epjoys to-day. i O Merolful God, the Father df our Lord Jesus Christ, P. Golden , : 9. B. Sutton I road in Terminus-road on January 18th. " excellence of the equipment at the hospital. Witness called the animal, and when plaintiff saw it hi There was an air of old-world peaoe about it always, Who------Is the------Resurrection— -and J ithe . . life:...... in Whom whoso­ E. Gander Lieut. Symiugton P.O. Simmons said the defendant was driving a milk The motion was carried. m d, “ I can see it is not your dog.” In reply to i a peace which was occasionally disturbed ’bv the (sea, ever believeth Bhalllive thoughotu, .he die; and whosoever____ O. W. Gittensi P. A. Shorter r.uaj| ------float and tried to pass another vehicle when he should question witness said he believed Dimes had a blac] wbuu. had ... a . habit at oert&in. periods of the year of liveth and believeth(in Him t-hall not die eternally, we E. Goble H . Stapley 1 F inance Committee. Ideal Teas for Dyspeptic#, ar d white dog, and plaintiff said, “ If-it is Dimes’ Mess Thy holy name for all Tbynhyrp 6servants,i® and es_____ H. W. Shoesmith have;followed behind. He collided with a railway van This committee recommended the payment of invading the “ front,” and hurling angry billows plenti­ fpr our dear brother, departed’ ’“lis 1 1 life In TJiy faith and and (hen drove bn without stopping.’ Subsequently the y r tl jolly well make himi pay.” The next mornin fully charged with pebbles against the windows of the ,r; beseeohirig Thee to give i.sgraee so to’follow their S. H. Hide F . G. Shield accounts amounting to £217.. 2s. lOd. yr. tness went to Hodges’ place, where he saw a numbe defendant returned and witness stopped him. When The report Was adopted on the motion of Mr. licturesque little houses, and leaving sufficient of itself id examples, that with them we may be partakers of F. Harmer L. T. Stockbridge told he would be reported Glassbull said, “ I was in a of fowls laid on a bench. | He handled them all am ihind to, enable the tenants to have sea water baths in ihy Heavenly Kingdom. Grftnt this, 0 Father, for P. Hillhouse E . Schofield Sargeant^ i 2/6, 3/-, 3/6 per lb. w th regard to one the plaintiff admitted that the rai Jesusesus Christ's sake, our i—only *A 1 ----- ‘ ’ ’ hurry, and I shall drive where I like when I am in a _ ,eir own apartments without the trouble of. going to Ivooate and Redeemer. E. A. Hutohinson C. Stanfield hurry.” ! G eneral P urposes Committee. at a I had been at one and that he picked up all the birds 1 Amen. L. V. Hudson the sea to fetch the water. f. Defendant, who contended that he passed the vehicle At the meeting of this committee correspondence would find. Dimes’ dog never killed any of his chic’ In thos# days the then Duke _of Devonshire was We praise and bless Thy irlous Name, O Lord, for H. Harton B. Timms j with thej Railway Company, the Road Board aud the 3ergt. W . J. .Dimes, the defendant, of Broad Fi the glad and willing saoriflca df all those who have at in a proper manner, was fined 5s. referred to affectionately by Eastbourne as ‘‘ My Uncle,” this time laid down their lives (hat their country may O. Harvey (W. Tanner Surveyor to the County Council was read with[reference H eathfield, stated that he was away on Oct 1st and and was in frequent residence at his lovely place, which E. W. Hide i Lieut. E. F. Tewkesbury ______to liability to repair Drove-road, and it was recommended tc d the defendant that it was obvious he did not kno| live; grant us, like them------ye and not to oount the A HARD BED. bbre locally the charming name of “ Paraidise.” cost; to fight and no ; to heod thle'wounds; to toil and not F. F. Holdring W. Tuoknott William Larkin, of Junction-road, was charged with ^at (wit&oiit prejudice to the position of the Council) w tether the dog had killed the chicken, but . if The sudden development of Eastbourne made many to seek for rest; to labour and not to ask for any reward, E. Hyde 1 iH. R Tyrbll ! ELLIOTT’S SPECIAL BLEND thought it had he _ should destroy it After mak lieing3irnidrnnkandini.».™..hmin'i’iH0™Zii drunk and incapable in Tideswell-road — on — Kr„_....“January the Chairman of the Council, Mr. Colgate and Mr. local fortunes. Some of the tradespeople who!had save' that of .knowiiig that we jdo Thy will; through H. O. Harris L. A. Tudor 122nd. v Sargeant^ with the Clerk, be appointed to meet the •ertaui deductions, he told the plaintiff that he thou] jus Christ Our Lord. Amer W. R. Hassell! bought land found themselves on the high road to P.C. Whiting said the defendant was lying'on the County Council,! as suggested, to discuss the que^tioh of '“('Wo guineas were iffieient to settle the matter, a wealth of whioh they had uever dreamed. One of the O Lord, our God,(who art1 i I every place, and from J. G. Hillhouse Major Urquhart the futurb reuair of this road. Hodges would not «ept this. The dog had been ’hom no space or distance ever separate us, we I pavement. He was drunk, aud witness took him to the 2/6 and 3/- per lb. tradesmen who used to supply my sohool and leave his A. D. Harris I police station. . It •wn-; iecoujinended that the Surveyor proceed with the habit of runnini about amongst his fowls, bnt 1 iow that those who are ab from one another are H. L. Hustwayte G. J. B. Vbrnon ] goods himself made enough money out of the boom to still present with Thee We It! ank Thee that he, from A fine of 5s. was inflicted. the work of ' clearing the storrn water system near n iVer killed any. ~e denied having told Hodges tl have a carriage and pair, a carriage of the chariot order, Bergt.-Major Hillhouse , i Chapel-street, as suggested by him. h i knew the do£ killed ohioken. 'horn we are now separated, Thy holy keeping, and AU with a coachman ana footman in gorgeous livery. I re pray that both he and w ’ drawing nearer unto T. 0. Holleboii O. Wool gar BEGGING. It vyas; recommended that Messrs. Colgate, Cooke, SAMPLES ON APPLICATION. In reply to his H' onr, the witness said the dog Grove-road is now a busy shopping thoroughfare. )hee, may be drawing nearer [into each other, bound W. H. Houghton W . E. Wood Etherington find Sargeant be appointed a sub committee been shot by Kemp, his father-in-law. When I first made its acquaintance it was a leafy together by the unseen chain i f Thy love, in the Com- A. P. Winterbothara John Lee Rice (71), of no fixed abode, was charged to examine and report to the Works Committee upon H is Honour gave judgment in favour of the plain! lane, and my old school house stood in spacious groujnds. [union of Thy Spirit, and in th| 3 (Holy Fellowship of Thg F. H. Jenner i E. Weller : with begging in Avondale-road on January 23rd. the scheme prepared by the Surveyor for dealing with for £7. 7a. and costa. The front of it looked on to hedgerows, and the back of lints. .Grant, we beseech thee, that though we si A E. Joliffe F . Ward P.S. Holding said he received a complaint that the effluent from the septic tank at the Isolation . it meet again on earth, wd may surely meet at the G. .1. Wooller the prisoner had been begging, and took him into SHORTHAND TEACHER AND PUPIL. it on to the green hills. Resurrection of the Just, and got in together to that house custody. Hospital. There was no Duke’s-drive to Beachy Head. (The of many marisibns, which Thou hast prepared for them E. Kenton H . Waymark A petition from 11 of the Council’s workmen for an A ll f William H. Roberts brought an action against E. F. B . King A T. Wood Prisoner had been one night in custody, and he was only way to go was by the coastguards’ traok along the that unfeiguedly lore Thee; through Jesus Christ our now allowed to go. increase of wages during the waii was considered, and for £ 1 1 2a 6d. for services rendered. (cliffs, -j ’ j . H Lord. Amen. G. King Oapt. P. Waterhouse it was recommended that the wages of Messrs. Coates, R. A Niedermayer appeared on behalf of : Grant unto us. Almighty Gjod, Thy peace that paaseth F. Weller ! i ] ff and Mr. W. T.James was for the defendant. ( In South-street, which is now a thriving thoroughfare, THE BUILDING BY-LAWS. Hedges, Ovenden, Russell, Stevens and Terry be ELLIOTT’S | there was an old inn, and adjoining -tpe inn a [field understanding; that we, amid the storms and troubles J. F. Lavington F. J. Wright raised to 25s. per week permanently- ntiff stated that he was a shorthand teacher. of this our life, may reBt in Thee, knowing that all V. Luok A West Mr. J. D. Thompson, of Asliford-road, was sum­ Bparated from the roadway by a low pebble walk! In moned for a breauh of the building by-laws. It was recommended that the application of the y23rd he interviewed the defendant, Mrs.'-Smitl things are in Thee; (under Thy care, governed by Thy J. Langlow Newhaven Board of Guardians for a license to store »wished her son to be trained for the exaffiinat~'~ | this field there was a little wooden theatre, to which Tl, guarded by Thflovo; so| that with a quiet heart wo The Town Clerk (Mr. H. W. Fovargue), who appeared STORES. every now and then a company of strolling player* ly see the storms Of life, the clouds and the thick dark­ E. E. H. Love] L- Young petrol at the Workhouse be granted as previously chartered acoountanta He told) her his cha R. Lacey I to prosecute, said the complaint was in respect to a L IM IT HD 1 be 40a for a 10-hour week, but an arrangement c wotild come and perform to, I fear, bnt scanty local less : Over rejoicing to know that the darkness and the store erected by Mr. Thompson at the rear of a house licensed. patronage. light are both alike to Thee; through Je^us Christ our I on the St. Anthony’s Estate. In J one last year a plan A letter was read from Mr. F. Waters with reference a a week for seven hoars was agreed to. On Aug I remember that a few bills of the play were stuck ird. Amen. ; to the closing order in respect of Nos. 14 and 16, Essex- 'ihe reoeived a letter from the defendant in wh was 6ent in, and by October the house had been practi­ (OppoAito 8. Saviour'e Church), about on five-barred gates and the i«clts of wooden O God, the ruler of all kings and peoples, whose place, again asking that the same be rescinded. Mr. l that her son would oommenee with plaintifi lastlsement is our healing aud whose pity is our sal va- TUBERCULOSIS CARE COMMITTEE. cally completed. Then a plan of the store was received, buildings, and they generally announced “ a thrilling but no notice1 was given by Mr. Thompson as to when he Colgate gave notice Qf motion for the March meeting si 22nd. Smith, however, came on I drama.” j lon : Extend to us Thy compassion, that peace, restored that the closing order be rescinded. 1 and continued nntil August 26th, putting Thy will; may be usod for jur amendment to the was going to commence the work. The store had been EASTBOURNE I went to Eastbourne a white-faced weakling, j and It was recommended that the following resolution be raday. On the latter day?the boy said )nour of Thy namb; through, Jesus Christ o.ur. Lord, A SPINAL CARRIAGE ASKED FOR. erected, but it was not in accordance with the plan, And *at MEADS. I there I grew into a healthy lad. ( When, after a time, I men. lwhich showed that the outside wall should be 9-in. forwarded to the County Council and the Local Govern­ 1 have to be ltered, and the hour* we! I became too old f|or a preparatory school, my me ther ment Board : “ That this Council views with indigna­ : week. ’ j arrangement conti The hymn following was “|! e, perfeot peace,” and thick, whereas it was only 4J-in. Mr. Thompson bad [wished me to remain at Eastbourne,' and my father was the concluding prayCr and the Blessing were delivered To the E ditor. tion the continual neglect of the East Sussex County ) of Novemi W itness varied (t [ on the point of sending me to another scholastic estab­ »£L Plain! sent in several ■ Mr. Salisbury S i r : May I i.ppeil through the medium of your lishment in that charming sea coast town when a friend for the loam or gift of aspinal carnage. dved no reply ntil the boy said 1 Chopin’s “ Marche Funebt was finely played on friendly columns for the loan; or gift of it spinal ca(riago. I correct/ No“pIan had been sent in with rogarduTithe *• . . . . ~ „ . . „ . strongly recommended him to send me to a college at for which the owner may ha.v» no immediate use;. We second store. Mr. Field had had no opportunity’^of m h ,dunDR P8-9*; become almost impass- him. T ntly, on November 2nd, Han well, kept by the Rev. J. A Emerton. the organ, the congregation ing upstanding during have I examinim? the'dimn nniirse opportunity or ahle and dangerous to traffic. __ That, as previous •LICENSED VICTUALLERS’ nt took r away without notice. .She t|ie rendering of this moving bit sio composition/ This have at present ope or two crippled ohildren who nave I examining the'dump course ■ <• • - • oome out of hospital, aqfl who cannot! have sufficient Mr. Wi O. Field (building surveyor) said the store applications to the County Council to remedy the state j : that be [larging to o much. ' i ’—ought the solemn Service to J oonolnsibn. of these streets and roans have had no satisfactory ASSOCIATION. a student of the plaintiff, gap A few years ago my old school, The Grove, had its open-air treatment o- to the lack of a spinal had been erected and the roof was on before he knew L “ oarriage. result, this Council will lay the matter of their 00m- i to hours during which Smith atp little day of fame again. ) the building had been cominenoed. He had no oppor­ plaint before the Local Government Board.” x. Roberts. The Duke Of Devonshire had decided that the old Thanking you in anticipation. tunity of examining the foundations, as they were The annual meeting of this association for Eastbourn® ORGAN RECITAL AT ALL SAINTS’. Yonra faithfully, covered up. Mr. Sargsant moved the adoption of the report. _r to Mr. James, the witness said there house should be pulled down. One of the Misses Mr. Coker seconded; and the motion was carried. and district was held! last week, Councillor J. E den ss in the same ' om learning shorthand, and thi Shoosmith who still remained in it resented the order, L f DOROTHY CHAMBERLAIN, I Mr. R. A. Niedermayer, who appeared on behalf of ______by the plaintiff, who also attendi refused to leave, barricaded herself in, and for a time I the defendant, said anarchitect was instructed to prepare T he Town’s C hristmas Gifts to F ighting M en. preading over a good attendance of members. Dr. M. Pi Conway gave a end organ recital at All Hon. Sec. Eastbourne Tuberculosis Care The following report was read and adapted:— > other pupils in other rooms. - 1 The Grove was a miniature “ Fort Chabrol.” Saints’ Ohuroh on Tuesday-af(eimoon,, the Rev. N. S. Committee. | a plan of the house and store at the same time. He had Mr. E therington asked whether the Council had any * Tie Loder and Nora Horne stated that The Duke was very considerate and very kind tb the M. Atkinson conducting the (dev otional portion of the The Dispensary, Town Hall, already prepared a plan of a similar house, and he evidence that the local men serving in the Royal Navy During the early part of the year various efforts were did not attend to them while he was giving old lady, but the old -place had to go, and eventually it proceedings. The pjieoes of .rticular musical interest therefore sent it straight away and got out the plan of and the Army had received the Christmas gifts sent made with a view of obtaining an extension of the was levelled to the ground. Jan. 26th. I the store afterwards. Mr. Thompson, who did not see business hours—noon till 9 p.m., Saturdays 8 p.m.. as ith tuition. ( ‘ : i were the Finale-Fugue froi ; (Iheinberger’s Pastoral out from the townspeople through the Chairman of the they then were. As, however, there seemed fi disposition Smith, the defendant, said she made the _ And from one of the old ladies who kept my first Sonata and Canon iti A flat (1 the plan, gave notice that he was going to commence Council ? sohool and who on more than one occasion took the kowsky). The former in many parts of the country towards an even further to the plaintiff that her son should he taugl issesses a fine subject remin nt botn of Bach’s G building, and he naturally supposed the plan of the The Chairman replied that a large, number of letters curtailment of hours, ahd thus not much hope of their " two hours a day for 25s. a week. There birch out of the drawer where it was kept—I can see !inor Fugue and that con CONSriTUTIONAL CLUB. store was attached to that of the building, because the and postcards had been received from men in acknow­ request as regards Eastbourne being granted, it was that drawer now—and-administered it for my special : 3d in Guilmant’s First in the matter, and if he had not accept inata. The episodes are n 3 form of a chorale for stoic was adjoining the house. With regard to the ledgment of the gifts, and the general tone of the letters decided to suggest to the Bench that afternoon closing I br ’ terms he would not have had her son for a pupi v j_ ,j revived ^ kindly greeting only last Christmas . . . , i. , . 44-in. wall, a house was to be built on the next plot, and seemed to be that the men were delighted with the be temporarily adopted somewhat on tho lines of the >ft stops, and; a magnitic ii feet is obtained by the The annual meeting of members of the above club I a 44-in. wall would be added to the wall whioh already normal Sunday hours, but opening at 10 in the morning ilaintiff said he wanted more money, but she tq ‘Y- nployment of this simul' lebusly with the fugue parcels and that the contents were j nst what was needed. and closing at lO in the evening. The Bench ultimately hat was the limit. She stipulated that the tuitii ibject in the bass towai be end. Dr. Conway was 1held on ”Monday ’ at ‘ “the blub ’ ’ premises. ‘ ”■New ”Hall, ' ‘existed. The store was not oompleted and the damp All the writers expressed gratitude. One man in the considered the matter and acceded to their wishes be absolutely private. To ner knowledge her si uoidated the threads of tl . ponic web in his Seaside-road, Mr) R. Henry Ellis, J.P., presiding. course and footing were exposed, and every facility London Brigade R. E. said there were men from many except for the retention of the very early hour of took more than five hours’ tuition per week fro GETTING LETTERS. sual skilful manner/ while ii th* melodic charms of the The proceedings were largely of a routine character. would be given to Mr. Field to examine them. towns in his Company, but he was the only one to 9 o'clock closing, which during the season proved & Roberta anon he was equally at hoi bringing out the two The report was presented by the Acting Secretary, Mr. The case was adjourned for a week to give Mr. Field receive a gift from the town with which ha had been serious drawback to the restaurants and saloons near to 1 Kenneth Blackwell Smith, son of the del an opportunity of visiting the premises. associated. -u------^------1---- - " ■ at 10.80 aits on oontrasting stops. i T. L. Salter (the Secretary, [Mr. S. F. (North, having ered of that on the days he was with Mr. Roberts DON’T FORGET TO WRITE TO THE “BOYS” joined the Colours last November). It appeared' there Mr. Norman said from what he had been told he were from 3.30 to A30 and from 10 to 12 on C. Y. Stanford’s fantasia' (nfl Toccata in D minor MONDAY AFTERNOON. knew that the gifts came as a surprise to the men, and ------_ continuance Qf AT THE FRONT. nd Parry’s Choral Prelud on the hymn tunes was a substantial balance in hand. 9 oclock closing was a disappointment. However, it The lessons were given in a room in Mlr.i Before Sir Alfred Dent, K.O.M.G. (in the chair) and it greatly pleated them to think that their fellow towns­ was claimed that as a! whole the arrangement had not office, and he was never by himself.- The mi ' — ■ W'------'Rockinghamr anp “ Old 1( (h ” make sound organ The report and accounts having been approved, Mr. Alderman H. W. Keay. people remembered them in this way. ausio, but lack distinctive lei it; the recitalist was, Ellis was re-elected president, Mr. Ghas. Olimpsen proved entirely unsatisfactory. It had enabled members remembered being in the room at one time Writing in the Summerdovm Comp Journal, “ G B.” who had desired to do so to dispense almost entirely with owever, fully equal to the h lical demands of both. treasurer, and Messrs. Perkins, Copeland & Go. | A GIRL’S ALLEGED THEFT. [ ■ ■ ' T he Milk Supply. compliance with the Shops Act half-holiday for staff: or eight pupila observes:—. • t. Ballen Spicer, an army coach, said Smith Sasil Harwood’s “ Requien )t< irnam ” was the re mam­ auditors. Maud Cropper, a domestio servant, of Brixton, was Mr. E thkrington asked the Chairman of the Sanitary It had also prevented any mid - afternoon cases of of his pupils, and he recommended Mr. Roberts fbr Those of us who are ..too. old or physically unfit to ing composition on toe pro; ma, i - -. -I charged, on remand, with stealing an overcoat, valued Committee whether his attention had beemcalled to an drunkenness in the borough being attributed to the serveBrve tthe King in the firing line have little ideea of the | ! Mr. W. G. Silvester was soloist and 'his chosen 1 at £2. 5s., the property of Leah Bootman, on November article appearing in the. Press last week with regard to public-house. In some of tho country districts, and in thand. Witness considered that if Smith’s evidence the milk supply, in Newhaven, and whether there was Hailsham in particular, whore up to September last true be did not have private lessoha value of a letter to the soldier out there.” But all ieces were ‘f It is enough,” 1 m Mendelssohn’s E lija h , IASTBOURNE WORKING MEN’S C UB. siat. . h f- ante-war period business hours were in force, great hard­ Mr. Wi tnt^nlnssnniill who have recollections of their early childhood idays nd “ Blessed and Holy” (R.j 'rinz), which he rendered Proseoutrix stated that on November 21st she was any justification for the statements made? ship was felt at the Curtailment from 11 to 9 o'clock bero^ritotort' lessonsjj ^ remember jith what joy and anticipation [the; rith taste and feeling. J staying at a house in Elms-avenue, and she left the over- Mr. Gat said his attention was called to the letter closing, and a short time later, in view of a decision of and ! His Honour fi nd toy the plaintiff for the amount: looked forward to the Christmas stocking. I can About fifty members of the above social club, ituate I coat (produced) in tbe halh She missed it the next day and the comments thereon. He should think that the the Steyning Bench to allow houses to remain open till. of no better simile. Every mail bag that was carried person who wrote the letter knew very little indeed 10 o clock, the committee decided, through the Licensed f t y i v in Firle-road, assembled, at the festivp board >h the I an

:.| - , EASTBOURNE CHRONICLE, SATURDAY, JANUARY 89, 1916 i 1 i t - — r — ------— f—— l ^ — H — ------— ------— PLACES OP WOBSHIP. WESLEYANS AM) THE WAR. ST. MICH iEL’S SOCIAL CLUB, LEWES POLICE COURT. ROYAL HIPPODROME. DEVONSHIRE PARK THEATRE. DEVONSHIRE PARK. LEWES, Hois INTERESTING LECTURE AT LEWES.3 ^ 1 “ALL’S WELL.” FillDAT.—Before Mr. F. B. Whitfrld (in the chair) “MORE.” ORCHESTRAL CONCERTS. I 11.16 tv and tho Mayor (Councillor T. G. Roberts). The revue, All’s Well, which occupies the Hipjio- NOVEL AND ENTERTAINING There were good audienoes at the special concerts- laptism , 4 A N N U AL .{SKTINU. drome stage t’nis week, is a characteristically bright { NO CORROBORATION. production, containing as it does an abundance of | PRODUCTION. j last week-end, Saturday’s programme including the The services at Lewes Wesleyan Church on Sunday - l were conducted by the Rev. Thomas Kirkup, one of William Davies, a north countrymai who had mirthful incidents, many popular songs and a wealth of The revue running at the Park Theatre this week, and ] p ^ V The 2828th tl annual [meeting of St. Michael’s Social been discharged from thi ig’s Royal Rifles, humour in the dialogue. Presented by Messrs. Florio i with which Messrs. Chas. B. Cochran and Harry l tho the secretaries of the Connexions! Home Mission ford, and who was bn hi Grattan’s company are associated, is a clever skit, on t J _ant interpretations, Mr. Megone Club,lub, LewLewes, was held at the Club Rooms on Monday i [way to Bury, was and Company, the revue follows closely on the lines of Fund. Mr. Kirkup quite won the attention of the 1 with an offence against ‘ ibert Lolly, aged 11, similar pieces, and therfeore it can nave no claim to repeating a portion of the Prelude in response to the various types of revue, and is presented in a dozen general applause. Miss Catherine Aulsebrook (con­ congregation by his addrea to the children on “I evening.! Mr. E. G. D uplock was voted to the home is in Priory-street, Ofthover, Lewes, on originality. So many of these entertainments have self-contained scenes, largely of a burlesque and I W m. 0 . chair, arid there1 were also present Messrs. W. evious evening, as the basis of the “ plot ” the production of a revue tralto) essayed Handel’s Largo with the accompahimen*. l Rev. Q. belong to Jesus.” The morning text was St. Luke ludicrous character. The sub-title “ Odds ana E nds” I' . boy, in the course of; his idence, said he was that a change in the character of the story would is rather too inconsequential and depreciatory to of the orchestra, and, by way of an encore, “ When you B. Kirkley. x. 37, and the preacher’s exposition of the parable of Burfoot,|.F. W. Giddins, L. White, T. Bushby, E. H. come home, dear.” Sunday’s oonoert embraced Men­ J . Edwi rds, P. Pryor, E. P. Parker, W. . fried fish shop, when he V the accused, who undoubtedly be welcomed by audiences, who are apt to indicate the character of the production, for although ^BO U R N E the Good Samaritan infused a' present-day interest asked him whether he had see the fire. Witness find the constant serving up of a well-worn device a one or two scenes are not overpoweririgly humorous, delssohn’s “ Wedding march,” “ Euryanthe ” overture -I K. Merri E. Bishop, F. C. Hopkins, T. askedl “ W hat fire!” but prisonei lid not reply. He trifle monotonous. Nevertheless the company- do (Weber), the ever-popular “ Peer Gynt” suite and a and a lls and application to the injunction “Go thou and do the bulk of the entertainment is undoubtedly clever charming fantasia from *“ Lohengrin.” Mis9 Aulsebrook likewise.” Revelation vii. 9-10 was the passage Furner, Jj. Brook, P . ' Cooke (hon. walked away in the direction of fatergate-lane, and exceedingly well and manage to present a thoroughly and original, and keeps the audience highly amused. the boy followed, and Lally alle ged that the offence enjoyable entertainment. again appeared, and sang with evident acceptance a selected for his evening text. During Monday ), H. Npiinan (assistant hon. secretary), &c. Each scene is distinctive of some dramatic or topical couple of pleasing songs. ■ H o ly Mr. Kirkup took the opportunity of visiting New- complained of occurred in Watergal silane. Afterwards, Mr. W. Ashley Sinclair as “ William Harrison,” a suggestion, the subject being in every base treated in a mentioned that the Rev. Dr. Belcher retired tradesman, now financing a revue, undertakes Popular as Raff’s “ Cavatina” is among amateur ■ n w haven and Seoford and getting into personal touch unwell and was compelled to be iat the police station, the boy pick 1; prisoner out from frivolous and satirical spirit. A talented company n) a fte r i with the work of the Wesleyan Methodist Church in a number of men as the man wh > had committed the the part with distinct credit and is responsible for a work hard to produce the successful result achieved, violinists, it is deserving of even greater- appreciation , and he was afraid it would be good many of the humorous incidental items, fie is in its orchestral raiment, and as performed by the ; these towns and of the special efforts among the ie before ha would be back. I1 alleged assault. thjs remark applying to principals and chorus alike. soldiers. It is hoped ’hat he may be able to visit the Mr. F. Fawssett said he examined the boy about often associated with Mr. Bert Snowden, as “ Blobbs,” The latter combination of young ladies includes a con­ orchestra on Monday afternoon it was not1 surprising ' (8 linos). servioe, oountry section of the Sussex Mission at an early 19l|5 was as follows:— 11 o’clock on the previous night and found no evidence and between them they take part in most o f the mirth- siderable proportion of quite young girls, who appear that the audience accorded it very hearty applause. .„___.18noon. idajte. : ,eir report for the year 1915, the provoking scenes. to have been thoroughly drilled into the details of their Mr. Megone also secured praiseworthy renderings of ad (to be able to s Dvorak’s overture “ Carneval ” and an Andante Communion, IS* On Monday evening, in the Lewes Wesleyan Mr. .Hal Whitby as “ Jack Tranem,” the manager neat .and sprightly revela The programme opens with Vr.— Vicar, continued to . bc| J uji a satisfactorysatiafactoi position, both : another boy nanaed Benjamin Oriinmins who could and controller of the production, is an able representa­ some designedly rough, improvised behind-the-scenes Cantabile by Mozart, to single out particular examples, 8. O rlpps. School Room, the Rev. T. Kirkup delivered a:lantern numerically and financially, notwithstanding the fact j speak j as to seeing prisoner, but no I evidence to corro- the remaining numbers being Glazounow’s Grande t lecture upon the work of the Wesleyan Church in tive of the role, and in addition to his spirited acting fooling amongst a cosmopolitan throng of artists and OI.BJlVXOTTB’B.- H oly 7 ft 8 a.m . that so members are away on service. borate Daily's statement as to the Actual assault could he renders several vocal numbers with considerable othera The arrival of a French vocalist “ Montjoie” Valse de Concert and a fantasia on Boito’s “ Mefisto- KASTBOURWn." 1 l»-S0 p.m . 888 a a t connection with the war. There was a crowded Thirty-i 0ven are now serving in His Majesty’s Forces, taste. Misji Dolly_ McCalla appears with marked fele.” Berlioz’ fine overture “ Carnaval Remain” led i S p.m .; audienoe, and special interest was attached to. the be found. j gives a sentimental turn to. events, as Mdlle. Montjoie and of hose 13 [are actually fighting the battles of Thel Chairman said in view of the doctor’s evidence success as “ Kitty;y j Foxtrot,” the leading lady of the reels off an operatic excerpt in vigorous style. Next off the concert on Tuesday-, the brass putting in some S ^ ’SrWoSE’iffi T mid 8 lecture quite apart from iis topical nature, as it was their co> ntry ahroad._ The club’s Roll of Honour, revue, her• acting being as vivavivacious ------as— it is ’ charming. ' - especially effective touches. A Roumanian Rhapsody a-m.; Matins T.30a Choral 1 10 w a.; the first time it had been delivered and the first and id the absence of corroboration ;of the boy Daily’s comes a diverting incident, in which M. Servais, a imnnlon engraved by Mr! P Cooke and framed by Mr. W! evidence the Bench felt that they must dismiss the case. Amongstagst the other princip:principals may be mentioned Mr. romantic actor, has to undergo the inconvenience of by Enesco was a welcome feature, while more familiar .o n F rid ay s time the series of slides had been exhibited. It Burfoot, is now jhur g in the club room, and a copy Frank Danby_ as “ Mr. Horatio Toppomley,” Miss frequSrit interruption from wandering artists learning fare was forthcoming in two pieces for strings— , j . M a tin s, was, nevertheless, quite a success and many present, of it is issued with this report. The hearty than! M onday.—Before the Mayor (Councillor Roberts). Mamie Gould as “ Revue Proudy,” Miss Dorothy their parta This is ai very laughable interlude, M! “ Serenade’’ (Piorne) and “ La P lu ie” (F. David)—and even members of the Wesleyan connexion, were Weber’s trivial “ Invitation it la Valse.” A minuet and i Fridays at of the members are iue to them for the splendid way ’ I . Jan a b se n t e e . Parsons as “Mabel Frisky,” Miss Mabel Brough as Servais (who figures prominently throughout the per­ M surprised to .learn of the extent of the work being in which the work |s carried out. During the year Rita Vernon ” and Mr. Alec Velloo as “ Pedro.” The formance) greatly distinguishing himself in his own allegro by Haydn completed the programme. >FFEB done for soldiers and sailors by the Wesleyan Church. Harry Johnson,: A private in. the Bedfordshire Regi­ S i we hi last-named is a fine tenor vocalist, and on the night of droll and eccentric way. The awkward effects to A t [Wednesday afternoon’s ooncert a brilliant render­ Mr. C. Mo bbisB presided, and in the cou the [2 ment,' was charged with being absent without leave our visit his contributions were enthusiastically received! theatre goers and taxi-drivers of the darkening regula­ i ; ’curates]- KevT O. W .' from his regiment at Seaford. I j ing was given of the overture to Die Meistersinger few opening remarks said they were all prom ment The chorus is an exceptionally strong one, and the tions in town are piqriantly satirised, the merriment (Wagner). Perhaps the strings were hardly strong way in which the young men of the couni and of Ijo Dorset Yeomanry. Many of the wounded P.C. Whiddett gave evidence df arrest, and the concerted items add appreciably to the pleasant of the house being maintained by the succeeding dis­ , Meods-road.- accused was remanded to await an escort. enough to counterbalance the massive grouping of the , . (also, 1st and 3rd responded to the oall of duly to King and < soldiers SchocA-hill House Hospital have also character of the entertainment. cussion on the war and incidental matters between two brass, but, taken all round,, the orohestra coptxl with — oral E u ch arist U no™*; That response had been the same throughout the visited he club and enjoyed the use of the billiard old ladies, admirably impersonated by Miss Winnie praiseworthy success with the great difficulties of the T uesday.—Before Mr. F. B. Wnitfeld (in the chair), “BEAUTY SPOT.” i ? ■ : ' ! ■ ; _____ • #.» p.m. W eek days: Empire; thousands of young men had given up good table. the Mayor (Councillor T. |G. Roberts),; Mr. W. G. Volt and Mr. Edward Steadman. Some of their puns work. Mr. Megpne maintained the excellent standard daily d k 8 M L , ------appointments and many had travelled thousands of “ There are now 124 members on the books, and the This is the title of next week’s revue at the Hippo­ §fe-§| j; fa j' Coteswortb, Mr. H. Scarlett, Mr. P. A. W illett, Mr. and Malapropisms are grotesquely funny. “ A Mid- set up in this opening number in the succeeding pieces, ■daysT a.m . a n d ____ . miles in order to take a share in the struggle for club has been extensively used throughout the year. drome, the production being presented by Mr. Dick Victorian Episode,”—i travesty of park courting—is and gave a fine interpretation of the first movement of « • L - J , (except Wednesdays J. Fletcher Yearsley, Mr. A. J. Jack, Mr. W. Brown, m atins right and justioe, and they were unable to express The Slate Club Bhare-out amounted to £1. Is. 4d. Mr.IF. Moffatt:Smith, l)r. W. F.|Crosskey and Mr. Ray, who will himself undertake one of the princi: worked out in pantomime, to a pretty orchestral accom­ Tschaikowsky’s Pathetic Symphony, his reading lacking i < * t y i fley . B. their feelings with regard to those gallant men. It each, there being 41 {members. The secretarial duties T. Godfrey. parts. The caste is an exceptionally strong one ana a paniment. In an extremely amusing scene M. Servais nothing in the way of expression nor emphasis. was only right that those at home should do what have beep admirably carried out by Mr. T. Stephens, thoroughly satisfactory entertainment may be antici­ and Mdlle. Montjoie particularly distinguish themselves Svendseu’s remarkable “ Carnaval 4 Paris ” rounded off THE PROBATION OFFICER. t h o d a y . 18 am . and noon every they could to comfort and oheer the men fighting for who has beep unanimously re-elected to that offioe pated. sish development of a love « making the concert in admirable style, the remaining item or their oountry and training for that work, andf the MrJC. Salter, probation officer, presented his annua ' I " r a m. lstvand 3rd a. 1 st and for 1916 i 36 members haye already given in their acquaintance. An English “ Bathing Revue,” “ French the afternoon being the Baochanale from “ Samson eh y s; 12 noon 2nd Tuesdays lecture that evening would give them some idea of names. The clulj library is much appreciated; books, report^ which stated that two boys were placed on pro­ Revue” and “ American Revue” are further scenes Dalila ” (Saint-Saens). . Saints'Days; 8 whjit the Wesleyan Church was doing in this direc­ papers, Ac., have been kindly given by Miss Duval, bation during last year. reflecting the versatility and whimsical fancy of the In the evening a [programme of Frenoh, Russian and i, exoept la s t tw o in : wfcsnjA iiiftS : tion. I the Rev. Dr. Belcher, Mr. F. Newington, Mr. E. A. Asked by the Chairman whether he had anything to PICTURE HALLS. author, and the performance culminates in a very bright am. Children's I 8 p an . Men’s Italian music was submitted to a large audience, the The Rev. T. K ik k u p said there were 127 Wesleyan Glover, the Lewes and County Club, Messrs. Fam- bring before the Bench, Mr. Salter Said the number of ensemble spectacle. Iri addition to the artists above items being Grand Coronation March (Tschaikowsky), _____ 4 p.m. Bronson* 8J0 p.m. Baptisms cases placed on probation from that Court was very MO fS t every Sunday. 11.80 m. Wednesdays and chaplains with the Forces at the present time, and oombe A: Co., Ltd., Messrs. W. E. Baxter, Ltd., Mr; CENTRAL CINEMA. mentioned, Mr. Norman Bowyer, Miss Phyllis Norman, overture, “ Mignon” (Ambroise Thomas), fantasia, “ I * i (etospt Wednesdays H. Norman, Mt. L. White,; Mr. P. Cooke, Mr. small land the Bench did not appear to make as much Mr. Lanee George arid others' contribute speoially to M d a y a D ally M atins 7.48 a more than 900 ministers were, in addition to their “ WILD GOOSE CHASE.” and Fridays when at 11 a m. wii Litany and Thursdays ordinary ministerial duties, working for soldiers at Duplock, Mr. G. S. Furner and others. The thanks use of their powers under the Probation Act as some the success of the entertainment, and a word of com­ 7.80 am .). Daily Bvenson t ”Intercession ‘ ion for the camps, hospitals and in other ways. He reminded of the members are especially due to Mr. L. White Benchbs did. During the eight years the Act had been To-day affords the last opportunities of witnessing mendation niust be given to the “ Six Little Maids,” V f r , 8JO p.m (exoept W< ay w hen a t I p . w ith in operation only 18 cases had been placed on probation ____ H. vonB Boott. J. JB.Thomas, them that the first Communion servioe on a British i u»r_wiefor the very able;way which he has discharged the the very striking picture “ God’s Witness,” which Mrs. M. A. Victor’s smart troupe of dancers. M ore is TEAS' . Lease and G. W. Poultney. man-of-war ' was held at the request of [several I duties of| hon. libjrarian. by that Court; embodies a drama in four parts of a particularly human exoellently staged, thf piece lacking nothing in the Soldiers’ March from “ Faust” (Gounod), overture. if-1-' Christian men belonging to the Wesleyan Church, The committee desire to again tender to Aider- The} Chairman: W e have had a great many boys and stirring character. The film has been very appre­ important elements of dressing and scenery. “1812” (Tschaikowsky). Trumpeter F. 0. Wiokens- ___, Norway.—Holy Oommunlon 1st, 3rd ft 5th man Evejry, J.P .| a id the committee of the Phoenix before'us lately. We might almost Have made a school ciatively received siuce its introduction last Thursday. To-day (Saturday) there will be a m atinee at 2.30, as : ! ■ rM- 1 8 and 1180 a m ; 2nd and 4th, 7 a m. and 13.15 and ever since the days of Nelson the sailors’ religious (baritone), of the Hants Carabinier Yeomanry, was the welfare had been cared for by the Wesleyan Church. Institute : their hearty thanks for allowing members of the jboys who have been before us during the last few Other admirable examples being screened to-day are well as two evening performancesj at 6.45 and 9 o’clock. BY T H E tednesdays 8.80 a m. Sundays, Mat ns 11 a.m. months. [ . i . -| soloist, and his songs were much appreciated. The i’s service 815 pm . Evensong 8J0 p m. Daily For 50 years work among the soldiers had also been of the club to mako use of their excellent baths. “ Picturesque Matlock ” (scenic), “ Dreamy Dud ooncert closed with the National Anthems of the Allies. Matins 745 rexoeptWedneeday and T “The sum of £2 4s. was collected among the Mr. Cotesworthj: Other Benches have had the same Resolves Never to Smoke ’’ (cartoon), “ Mr. Wallick’s MR. MARTIN HARVEY’SJCOMING VISIT. ION. ^Wednesday and Friday 11 a-m. with carried on by■ that church. _This branch of the work $ The 13th Symphony concert of the present series was Utany). Dally Evensong 8 p.m. with i readings on was under thethi supervision df a Naval and ilitary members for Christmas remembrances to all absent {experience. j W allet” (comic) and “ How John Came Back” Mr. Martin Harvey, accompanied by Miss N. de Wednesdays. Baptism 4____ p.m. every______Jay. Ourate- .Salter was re-appointed. ven on Thursday, Mozart’s in C major (the Jupiter) Board formed tm connection with the Wesleyan from Lewes on service. The dub sustained a great (comedy). The Gaumont Graphic is exhibited on each Silva and his complete London company, is tp visit Sling chosen for performance. Special mention musk Church. Grants were received from Government lose by the death [of 1 Mr. Lee Havdon, who was killed occasion. ft, Eastbourne for a stay of three nights, commencing as’s, Whitiey-road.—Holy Oommnnlon 7 and NO REAR LIGHT. | Thursday, Feb. 10th, to appear at the Devonshire Park be made of the charming rendering afforded of tho. and the balance came from the Home Mission Fund, in action a t Festubert on May 9th, 1915. Mr. Haydon “ The Wild Goose Chase, which comes on Monday, Andante Cantabile, but each of the three other move­ 1st, snd and Srd Sundays, lx noon op 1 it and 3rd, so that all members of the Wesleyan Church could was unanimously elected as hon. secretary at the Boden Percy Goodrich, of Church-road, Seaford, was for that and the two following days, shows Miss Ina Theatre. The prop-ammo arranged promises the _ only on 4th Sunday. Fridays a: id Saints’ annual meeting in January, 1914, and carried out his summoned for failing to keep the rear identification Claire in a splendid comedy drama, her screen partner greatest interest 8s the famous actor is to present plays ments were very effectively presented. The symphony 7 am, Sundays, Matins 11 a m., Rjhfldren’a feel that they had a personal interest in this matter. plate qf a motor ear illuminated, at Seaford, on January is one of the greatest of symphonies, and the interpre­ service 8.16 p.m.. Evensong*.SO’did. Daily Matins 7 45 IViews were shown of the work carried on i in the duties most thoroughly and efficiently till the out­ being Mr. Tom Forman,i, of esucoessfnl Lasky romanoes. which have become household words as the result of his break of: war, when he resigned on leaving Lewes 16th, at 8.15 p.m. The picture opens in France, where two noble grand­ performances in the principal roles. tation was well worthy of it. A first performance. am ,, exoept Wednesdays and Fridays at 11am. with seniors’ homes and- the military centres, but the Defendant pleaded guilty. in the town of the suite from Lalo’s opera, “ Namouna,”' Wednesdays lecturer’s remarks dealt chiefly with the special work with the 5th Battalion of the Royal Sussex Regiment. fathers decide to leave some millions of francs each to On the Thursday we are to see the distinguished a t 8 a . W . Lees He was a most popular and capable secretary, and P.C.j Chapman said he saw defendant driving a motor their respective grand-daughter and grandson, provided player as “ Lieutenant Reresby ” in The Breed, of the was a feature of the concert. It should certainly prove Ef.i i connected with the war at home and in the fighting a close rival of the “ Casse Noisette ” and “ Peer Gynt” his death was dejeply deplored and regretted by aU car in| Church-road, Seaford, without a rear light. they marry. The joyous news is communicated to their Tresham s, that exciting and essentially dramatic story OH. Christ Church Mb slon Hall, line. He related a few of the heroic deeds performed Suites, possessing the melodic attractions of the latter ___ ; Sundays. 7 pm . i Fridays, 8 p.m. by Wesleyan ohaplains, ope of whom, after being the members of ihe Idub. The deepest sympathy is WitneSs stopped him and asked whether he knew that sons and daughters-in-law in Philadelphia. These of the days of the Parliamentary Wars, and on Friday _____Evangelist in-charge- his rear light was out, and he replied, “No.” On and the orchestral resource of the former. The com­ seriously wounded, was on the “ Anglia ” when that felt by all with Mrs. Haydon, whose second son is parents at once visit each other, agree to the match, evening and Saturday afternoon Mr. Martin Harvey poser has a very free harmonic imagination and chroma­ ■ B i i l CmmOB, MUne.—Holy Communion, 7 a.m. invalided home aftei| the hattle of Loos, and whose examining the lamp they found that it had plenty of and communicate their wishes to their children. Per­ will appear his perfect portrayal of “ Sydney Carton ” vessel was lost, but he was rescued and was now wick, but no oiL tics enter as largely into his melody as into the harmony. ' last Sunday in month, 8 ajn. every Sunday, recovering. He also showed views of the work done youngest is still fighting for his King and oountry in versity seizes these children, and while Bob sends bis in The Only Way France. It was generally felt that the dub should Defendant said he started from the garage only three over-studious room-mate to call, the girl dresses up her On Saturday night, the 12th, Mr. Martin Harvey is The orchestra gave a very commendable reading, which LL BLEND. during school term 11 am .. 8 ] i m. (ohil- in Wesleyan homes and recreation rooms in various minutes before he was stopped by the constable. He should make the suite appeal forcibly to the audience. 8.80 p m ., on 1 st— t. 4 5 p.m. for men only, training centres. At Grosvenor-road Home, Aider- have some permanent memorial of Mr. Lee Haydon, maid and takes the latter’s place aS door-opening to give a special revival of 4 Cigarette-Maker's Romance, p V . of Intercession duRy Il noon. Ehrenj og Prayer shot, since the commencement of the war more than and an enlargemlent[ of an excellent photograph of had been out with the car for 2£ hours previously. domestic. Pressed by their parents, the pair seek that admired dramatisation of Marion Crawford’s We notice with pleasure certain augmentations in th» Tuesday, Hmrsday andFriday 5.30 ktn. Holy £700 had been spent on writing paper and .envelopes him in uniform has been obtained and hung in the A fine of 5s. was imposed. : j j | escape by running away from home. They had met beautiful and touching story, in which the great actor, personnel of the orchestra. s r l b . • ~ 8 a m. and 1 1 noon 2 nd Thursday. club. Great regret was also felt at the death of Mr. each other accidentally on a previous occasion, but as “ Count Skariatine,” wins a superlative histrionic jumnnion -8 a.m. and. 13 noon. for the use of soldiers; while the Smith Domes DRINK ON DOCK PREMISES. CONCERT ARRANGEMENTS. Home, also at Aldershot, was visited on an average Harry Carter, | for some years acted as hon. were unaware of each other’s identity in their grand triumph. jj£ fa ] • j-r Curate, Rev. A T. Wise. librarian of the and was greatly esteemed by Robert Williams, a sailor, was summoned for intro- fathers’ scheme, and when they meet again as members At [this evening’s popular concert the orchestra will by 2,000 soldiers every day and £12 worth of postage | during; intoxicating liquor, namety, 1J pints of beer, and 8 JO stamps were sold there in a day. There were the members. of an impecunious travelling troupe, they become present the following attractive programme :— kTION. 1st and The committee (iesire to express their grateful into dock premises at Newhaven, on January 15th, oon- : )reat frienda After the troupe has been imprisoned French inarch, “ Lorraine ” ...... Ganne Wesleyan homes in different camps, each costing trary to the Defence of the Realm Regulations. from £400 to £600. The one at Cannock Chase was thanks to Mr. R ____who has or inability to pay the hotel bill, the girl’s parents find THE PIER. Overture, “ Mignon’’ ...... Ambroise Thomas cally carried out the duties Of hon. secretary, Defendant pleaded guilty. I- her, help Mr out of prison, and are persuaded to free Idyll, “ Value Triste” ...... S ib eliu s the gift of a lady whose husband .presented her with P.O. Standing, of the Railway Company’s Police, Songs withont words: a cheque for purchasing a motor car, but the lady and who -has effecte so many improvements at the the others on condition that she gives up the life. In “HOW JERRY GOT OFF.” ; (a) “ Spring Song ” ...... Mendelssohn dub, and also to Mi I H._I_ Norman______for. his valued help. said a< 7.20 p.m. on January 15th he was on duty at the parting she and the young man exchange addresses, as so appreciated the value of the work done for the north jolicegate, Newhaven Quay, and saw defendant Mr. Charles Windermere and his company are : (b ) “ The Bees' wedding” ...... ,. A m soldiers that she preferred to give the cheque towards as assistant hon., secretary, a post which he has now well as real names, for they had previously travelled “March of the Little Leaden Soldiers”..... P ie rn s held for 18 years; also to Mr. Ronald Morris, who goth: >ugh the gate, to join his ship; Noticing that his under aliases. This leads to surprises, and the presenting a rollicking: farce in,the Pier Theatre this Russian ballet. “The Swan’s Lake” Tschaikowsky that work. The lecturer related: how at Hemel pockei were bulky witness asked him whether he had week—a piece crowded with incident, amusing com­ 1 lingscryfpe; 8p Hempstead, between the rounds of a soldiers’ boxing has again most Icind y acted as hon. auditor to the French grandparents’ wishes are carried out, after a Irish reel, “ Molly on the Shore” ...... Grainger Slate Club, and {to Mr. Duplock as treasurer and any int ixicating liquor in his possession, and he replied, wild goose chase. plications, and stimulating witticisms. The dialogue is Romance and Caucasian Dance from tournament, a Wesleyan Chaplain entered the ring ‘No.” Not being satisfied1 with th< the answer he took exceedingly smart and well written and the name Of Russian Suite ...... -...... Ippolitoff and held a brief prayer meeting. The men so chairman of the committee. A Vitagraph comedy, “A Safe Investment,” and Cor anglais solo ...Mr. Layfleld The annual oluting, the annual dinner and the defendant to the police office,'and 'then defendant pro­ the strange story of a faked “ Gee Whit Mining Com­ Mr. Windermere is a sufficient guarantee that the pieoe appreciated this that they invited him to do the same duced a bottle of beer from his pocket. Witness is reproduced with the intended liveliness and effect. Viola spio...... Mr. Collins at the next tournament He mentioned this as a Piddinghoe Committee outing were all abandoned pany,” should prove engrossing pictures, and another Fantasia. “ Talesof Hoffman” ...... Offenbach ’O R E S owing toj the war, and the Cricket Club Was also remarked to defendant that he hdd told him that he had capital item will be the Keystone comedy “ Fatty’s | Valse, “Wine, Women and Song ” .....Strauss proof of the responsiveness of the men to religious no intoxicating liqnor, and here plied, “ I did not quite of Jerry, whose matrimonial aspirations form the influence. Five Wesleyans had won the Victoria suspended for the year. Ip conclusion, the com­ Gift,” an extremely diverting tale of a husband’s fond­ To-morrow night the usual “ special” orchestral mittee desire to express their hearty thanks to all understand what you said. This is a drop I brought ness for his wife's pretty nursemaid. subject matter of the pliy. For some reason or other, Cross in the present war, and they were representa­ from Rottingdean.” Witness added that copies of the Jerry cannot “ get off,” but at the age of 43 we see him ooncert will take place. The programme will include tives of a great company of brave men who were those ladies and! gentlemen who nave so kindly regulations were posted about: the Harbour. Exhibitions take plaoe daily at 3, 6.30 and 9 p.m. determined to enter the malrried state. He has the following compositions :— nobly doing their duty. In France it was said; of the supported the club d iring the past year, and in this Defendant said he could riot read or write and did resorted to the expedient of inserting an advertisement Overture, “ Carnaval Romain” ...... Berlioz British soldiers, “The women respect them and the 29th year;------* of •*- the ixisience of the club they earnestly EASTERN CINEMA. “ The Pathetic Symphony ” ...... Tschaikowsky appeal for a co: nance of that support, so that not knpw about the regulations. in a matrimonial'paper, as a result of which he is children love them,’’ and no better tribute to the The {Chairman : But you knew it was wrong to take “BY THE SHORTEST OF HEADS.” inundated with repliea[ It is; with considerable mis- (2nd and 3rd movements). lB O U R N E character of men could be wished for. hen the boy: come home ’ from fighting the Rhapsody, “ La Bamboula” ...... Coleridge Taylor intoxicating liquor there ? The programme now being submitted at the Eastern giving that be interviews the first applicant, but he gets Serenade and Fair Scene from “ Namouna” Lalo battles of their ing and country they may find a Defendant: No, not till afterwards. I had a drop of A t the close of the leoture the Rev. H. W. Shrew s- hearty welcome waiting them at their old club, Cinema includes the very fine dramatic picture, “Lost rid of her without any trouble. The second caller, how­ Overture, “ Die Meistersinger ’’ ...... Wagner drink and was the worse for drink, and didn’t know ever, has come to stay. She is determined to get btjbt expressed hearty thanks to the Rev. T. Kirkup which means so to many of them.” and Won.” Miss Florence Turner, a talented and Fantasia. “ Princess Ida” ...... ,r...... Sullivan for his interesting lecture, and he also thanked Mr. J. whethqr I was going home or aboard. married and she imperiously brushes aside Jerry’s Spanish Dances ...... Moszkowslei The statement accounts showed a balance in engagjpg actress, is seen in the principal role. Specially Martin ana Mr. E. L. Tappin for assisting with the The Chairman: Do you know the maximum fine for composed music adds to the effect of this production, feeble protests that she vyill not suit. She declares that Miss Nellie Peare (soprano) has been engaged as the lantern. A collection was taken on behalf of the hand of £ l. 9s. 3d. the general fund; and a balance this offence? . she is his affinity, takes possession of the household vocalist for both of the above concerts. of £7. 14s; Id. on billjprds fund, the last exhibitions of which will take place to-day. Wesleyan Home Mission Fund. Defendant: I did not know about it till later. Patrons must not miss the great racing drama, “ By arrangements, tricks the [unfortunate Jerry into signing Next week concerts by the orchestra will be given on aLERS’' ’ Ch a ir mas ii moving the adoption of the The Chairman: -Didn’t yon [know it was £100 ? a promise to marry her, and then defies everybody. art, said he ht that the club was very the Shortest of Heads,” which will be the principal Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday after, Defendant: I didn’t think it was that. attraction during the first half of next week. It is by From this point onwardsithe plot develops rapidly and noons and on Wednesday and Saturday evenings. U,- . . v. O K. P ratt (v sate I in beini e to present-such a balance The Magistrates’ Clerk (Mr; F. Lawson L ew is): And the authors and producers of the photo play, “ Kissing with irresistible force.- (Terry resorts to all kinds of ■ H. Plume. ’ 1 ‘TEACHING ENGLISH TO BE POLITE.” et. A good |y of their members were on six months’ imprisonment, too. Jj subterfuges in order to escape his obligations and how On Friday afternoon, at 3.15, there is to be a chamber service id I they derided riot to ask them Cnp,” and features George Formby, jun., as “ Tony music ooncert in the Lecture Room. on Sunday* A fine of £2 was imposed, with the alternative of 25 Dawson,” the jockey. In this powerful story of he eventually succeeds readers should see for them­ ■ forBsstboara» ilon on U t Sunday | subscriptions that was the case, and a few days’ imprisonment, and the Bench allowed defendant selves. The farce finishes as briskly as it begins, but Jt Edkn GERMAN WAITERS. I their honorai [embers had dropped out. He baffled scheming a horse race decides the question of a CINEMA TRAVEL TALKS. - * w after till the end of the week to pay. trainer’s fortune and courtship. Eric Dawson, the Jerry makes a better match than at one time seems _ ,11 JO am . ,t they would come forward again at .the possible. MR. ARTHUR MALDEN’S-FIRST “TALK” Incumbent, . ■■ (■ I THEtT OF A POSTAL ORDER AT LEWES. trainer,'has a dangerous rival in a profligate scapegrace, - It is au article in the German semi-official Cologne of tbe war. They could quite realise that many In Mr. Charles Windermere we have an ideal repre­ TO-DAY. j fotmd. it absolutely npcessary to cut {down their sub­ Geoffrey Warrington, nephew of Squire Markham, —------„ ------, Marjl Anita Evans, a married wbman, was charged, upon the success of whose colt the happiness of Eric sentative of “ Jerry Corby,” his spirited impersonation The first of the series of “ Cinema travel talks” by OmnunKOnrLady .), Grange- G azette which dilates upon Hun superiority in manners scriptions. , lowing ii tlie ‘ many calls which came upon j on remand,swith stealing a postal: order for 9s., the being aiclever and intensely humorous character study. extension of the ___. : Maas, 8 am. and and cleanliness. Commenting on the establishment in and Mavis Foulds depends. Warrington tries various Mt. Arthur B. Malden, F.R.G.S., takes place in the- ’ays 8 p.m., as W< theimi through the war, but one hon. member (Major )property of her employer, Sidney S. Calmon, at nefarious devices, one being an attempt to steal the The part is an exacting one and makes considerable Pavilion to-day, commencing at 5.15 p.m. The subject la disposition ,10 a m . ___ r. 880 p.m . France of a school for the teaohing of hotel-keeping, the had very kindly doubled his subscription. The 1 Lewes, on November 14th. demands on the versatility of tho artist, ‘ but' Mr! is “ Russia: Our Eastern Ally,” which will be very , had kept down: the expenses in every I At the hearing a week previously evidence was given colt, another to defeat the latter by a newly-purchased an even further 8 pun. Clergy, AT. Nevili. G azette says that the expulsion of Germans from animal of his own, and the third! the bribing Windermere ia always equal to the occasion and he rofusely and strikingly illustrated. The films vjiU ' hope of their possible tyay, and _tijat had ad enabled ” them“ to ’keep I 'by Mrs) Francis .... Marion --Newton to the - effect - ■ that ■ she• of the invariably makes the most of his opportunities. Mr. ranted, it was . Whitlev-road. Mona, i .90 a .m .; England and France has resulted in bringing about selected jockey. The trainer then puts up own eal jejspecially with scenes iu Petrograd and Moscow, service, 830. “ notoriously disagreeable conditions” in hotels and j fin: rial position at about the same state as it I and prisoner were employed by prosecutor to canvass stable lad, an illegitimate son of the villain, and an Heath J. Haviland presents a capital study of “ Ben and include also representations of interesting events on was last year. A for orders for ooal-ore,* a {latent fuel saver. They were he lines of the : Sholabd, restaurants in those countries. Everybody who now exciting race ends in the success of the squire’s colt by Pinmore,” Jerry’s lawyer friend, and he contributes the Eastern Front. -J J. .. , ' d w a r d s working together in Lewes in November and lodged in in a marked degree to the humours of the pieoe. (10 (n the morning ■j !' patronises them “ misses ” German managers, reception M r. E seconded, and the motion was .the shortest of heads. There is a very pathetic and Similar travel talks are to be given on the f: > Bench ultimately clerks, waiters, and hairdressers. These gentry, it is oarried. Lansdown-place. On Sunday afternoon, November dramatic finish to the story, which ia full of spirited Miss Florenoe Hunt is seen in a powerful sueoeding Saturdays. ■ • 1 to th e ir w ishes -1 ; declared, not only ministered to the f’oomfort and On the [proposition of Mr. N orman, seconded by 14th, witness made out a report to her employer, and incidents and strong situations. portrayal of - “ Bertha Smithe,” the determined T early M ur. of r Young enclose: 1 with it a postal order for 9s.; She sealed the CINEMATOGRAPH EXHIBITIONS. ::I F T u eslay , Guild of happiness of patrons,” but were invaluable in “ instruct­ Mr! B u r io o t , the ~ ev. Dr. Belcher was re-elected The other films will include two comedies, “ A Count­ woman who proclaims herself as Jerry’s soul-majg, 8 to I Servioe, 8 ing” their non-German colleagues in two important president,.and the 1 was expressed that he would report and order in an envelope prijnted with their less Count” and “ The Idle Rich.” The latter is a whilst Miss Muriel Reddall makes a charming “ Kitty On Monday the popular cinematograph exhibitio > nui Bowing Guild. 4 i a t Hope; branohes of their oooupation. They taught “ ooliter dily recover - jbe amongst them again. The employ sr’s address in London upon it,land left the Pearson;” Mr. .George Goodwin is responsible for a will be resumed in the Pavilion. The star film > is r p-to —Rev. Jam es R eid; to the English” and “ tidineAs to the French.” vice-presidents w: B-elected as follows; The Mayor letter on the table while she went upstairs to fetch her promising”h w if^ to retor^in^ime'^o^^e^grtoe^ I creditable deHueation of Jerry’s fatherly butler, “ Vo idettaj” an adaptation from Marie Corelli’s famous . hat and coat. Prisoner was meanwhile left alone in Qnuinn Fua Ohaphl U (Councillor T. G. erts), the Deputy Mayor (Count party., fn the park he.meets a beautiful woman who, „ | ’le^L of ft* novel Exhibitions will take place daily at 3 and 8> aun. and 8J0 pjn.; Bible Tuesday evening, dllor Hugh Stott), derman J, H. Eivery, Alderman the room. Witness posted the letter, bnt subsequently when he attempts to speak to her, blackens his eye. Dr. Lambert” of Mr. McCausland Stewart, the o’clock. 7 to 8. Prsyer meettn heard fjrom her employer that the postal order for 9a. “ Captain ” of Mr. Ernest Gray, the “ Jane Crank” of 7 to 8. Bib!ilo study. Al l e g e d E x t e n siv e T h e f t s b y a P ost­ J. Miles, Mr. R. Morris, Mr. F. Newington, the Rev; The humour arises when, he later tries to pose as a hero “ “THE POPINJAYS.” Friday, 8 to 9 Dord’a . _ In mftnth after H. [Oswell, Mr. R. I(L Eowell, Lieut. J. R. Stein- was not in the letter. Acoused left tqe employ of the by attributing his hurt to the daring rescue of a child Miss Ethel Russell, and the “ Mrs. Hubbard ” of Mia* The company of vaudeville entertainers known as t en tirely Evening Service. Minister, man.—A postman, employed at the Western District firm about a fortnight afterwards. Nora Kingsley, j nrmun su 11 u in 11 chubch, office, Paddington, was committed for trial at Bow- ir, M.D., Mi). E. P. Warren, Mr. T. R. White) on the railway. The deception serves until his wife “ The Popinjays ” complete a week’s engagement in the Alderman G. J. Wightman and Mr. F. Verrall. Additional evidence was now called. The concluding performances of How Jerry Got Off am . and 8 80 p.m. Prayer street Polioe Court on Monday on the charge of steal- George Stanley Roberts, a third writer in the Royal introduces him to a lady guest, who proves to be the Pavilion to-day. Under the direction of Mr. George uted to the vice, Tuesday. 8 p.m. Young real cause of his black eye. The game is bp. But his take place to-day at 3 and 8, and playgoers who have Denby, they have presented a series of pleasing enter­ riots, and in People’s Ohr ostal packets. At his bouse the detectives found C o o k e proposed, and Mr. G i d d i n s second: Navy, said he was formerly 4 clerk ip the employ of vour, Thursday, 880 pm. Minister. B e r, J, G. troubles are not yet at au end, for hubby finds himself not seen the piece should take either of these oppor tainments of a characteristically light and amusing September lash Hendonon. ■ Treasury notes, stamps, Ac., of the | total value of the re-appointment of Mi! Duplock os chairman and Mr. Fi R&wson, organising secretary of the Mutual tunities of enjoying a good laugh. d force, g re a t h ard - * together with 85 opened postal packets. He hon. treasurer, ana ilia Was carried unanimously. •Help Benefit Money Society at Southport. mixed up in a terrible all-round fight. The programme order, and both the concerted and the individual num­ j and is completed with the Pathe Gazette, which is always bers have been well rendered. Mr. George Denby is- p 11 to 9 o'clock atU admitted having stolen the money, with the exception Mr! : DtjpLOCK, jin acknowledging his re-election, Prison: was a member of that Society! OnO n November " “BABES IN. THE WOOD.” ’ of a decision of first of about £7, and said he did so to make provision for appreciated. ' V responsible for much of the bright humour which runs- remain open till. members felt 18th wil ess received a postal order for) 9a. from defen- Owing to the great success which attended the repro­ his wife in ease he had to go into the Army. .ydon, and said he wag ,e had no record of the number of the order, The times of the exhibitions at this cinema are 3, 7 duction ! of the Snmmerdown Convalescent Hospital through the whole entertainment, whilst he is ably sup­ teh the Licensed , dant. ported bv the other members of the company. Mr. aG h ief C onstable sympathy with Mrs. The aol lowledgmentiwledgment was sent to defendant at an and 9 o’clock. mtomime. Babes in the Wood, in the Pier Theatre st week, when the building was filled to overflowing Harry Thornton (baritone) and Miss Margot Steed ______ire of the family in their addressjin Lansdown-place, e believed that (soprano), both vocalists of considerable ability, con­ USE H e Also said the club members felt very grate-; the order produced was the on: 1 from prisoner. at each of the three performances, further presentations R. Owen, postmaster at Lewes, said the were given on Tuesday and Thursday evenings and on tribute several very aooeptable items; Miss Lillian Rose M i. Cooke Norman for Mr. *------BATH CHAIRMEN’S ASSOCIATION. is heafd to advantage in some light songs, and Mr. SG83EX SOCIETY efficient rvioe they had rendered during the past 9s. . order he produced; and which had been Wednesday afternoon. On each occasion there was a Both were erv energetic officers, and, as the ideritifi by the previous witness was issued from the large audienoe and the piece was received with the Frank 1 Collyer and Mr. Basil Webb also share in the members knew, the offices entailed deal of it Office at Lewes on Saturday, November I3th, The first meeting of the year of this association was keenest interest and enthusiastic appreciation. Benefit- general success of the entertainment Two of the moat head Pi amusing things “ the Popinjays” do are a burlesque, ENVELOPES. hard work He had *riuch pleasure in proposing their 1 after 5 m. and was the only Order of 9s. I issued at the held in the Leaf Hall this week. ting by the exjierience of the previous week the 00m- pany had considerably im prove; a number of new “ The Village Choir,” and a satire on some musio hall re-election | | office t! Mr. I. Carter (secretary) presented the balance PLEASANT TO WRITE UPON, be dealt with summarily and types. Miss Lillian Rizzi renders useful servioe aa. M r. E. B ish o p sled, and the motion d a very satisfactory financial position accompanist I c a rrie d . pleaded] not guilty. ------ihe said she was staying with Mrs. “ The Popinjays” conclude their engagement to-day Newton at Lansdown-i-place,•{ Lewes, oh November havingt S t f Zregard S S to T all * S*±S25r*TbEi221 the circumstances. There had SiiSK’ piece went with marked smoothness andapiritiand and 8rd TO BE HAD OF ALL BTATIONEES, Mr. L. White hon. librarian; and a been rather an unusual amount of illness among the with performances at 3.15 and 8.15. ! ballot for the electic of {committee resulted in the 13tb. On the Wednesday following witness called at a members, and there were also claims to be paid in when the audience was not laughing heartily at some 'Ijj Or of the Bale Proprietor 81 following 3 0 members elected out of the 12 who house ii Lewes, selling the coal ere as'usual, and a respect of the death of one member and the wives of | pointed witticism, it was following with close interest were nominated: £. Bishop, J. Brook, W. woman said she would buy one packet of the ooal-ore two othera The kind subscriptions of Eastbourne the scheming of the two robbers or the frustration of JOHN BEAL & BON, Burfoot, G. A. Chi , H. J. Edwards, E. H. Hoey, ; which cost Is. Then the woman said if she could friends, however, set matters right. their nefarious plots by the benefioent and engaging GERMAN TRADERS. - S S 2 K 5 change 10s. she would buy two packets. Witness said Fairy Queen. » . BAST STRBBT, BRIGHTON. F. C. Hopkins, A. C. Marcus, E. P. Parker and A vote of thanks was passed to Councillor Bradford, “ Miss Foleyna ” (Capt. E. Green Foley) was mort . flnjmplfM finttin Application. - . she was able to give the change and the woman handed her the 9s. postal order produced, which she said she the president, for his past servioes, and Messrs. Plummer attractive than ever, whilst Private Hubbard a1 ' i/ To the E ditor. Votes of thanks . ue accorded the hon. members, and Go., chartered accountants, of Terminus-road, were “ Prince Charming ” was Always conspicuously success had taken that morning. Witness made some demur S ir : This war has brought many things to ligj , and : 8wbh. Watenttan t Oaoto FOUNTAIN PENS. the officers and the crutineers in the ballot for the about taking the order as it was crossed, but she took it cordially thanked for auditing the aooounts and for ful both in his acting and singing. Lance-CorpL Leslie committee] .special -riference being made to the and for warded it to Mr. Rawson in payment of her advice given. By the invitation of one of the members Gray and Lieut. J. O. Sidebotham as “ Kaiser Bill” none with greater distinctness than the fact tfi this Agents for the Ordnance Survey country is held in the grip of a conspiracy. services rendered b Mr. P. Cooke and the various subscription to the society. He kept 3s. 6d. and the meeting partook of refreshments in honour of the and the “ Olown Prince ” respectively were responsible s t &80 p jn . lo r Gospel Ebr the last 30 years German traders have come oyer improvements he i introduced to add to ths returned 5s. 6d. to her. removal of the association’s head quarters to the Leaf for some ludicrously funny incidents, and so was Oapt. popularity of the of The Bench decided to conviot, and, iu reply to a Hall. Armstrong, who appeared in several guises. Corpl. here, not as individual seekers after fortune, but as A tote of sym writ passed w ith,Sergt. R. question, Supt. Vine said nothing Was known against Crombie made a grotesque figure as the “ Dame” and the unit of an invading army, whose commercial objec­ iodden, Sussex B (a member of the club), on apart from his amusing eccentricities his “ make-up” tive is the transference of the trade of these islands from prisoner! previous to this offence. In - reply to a further British to German hands. Each one of these German WAJT the death of his fai question, Supt. Vine said ou December 18tn last prisoner SEAFORD. gave him a ferocious and formidable appearance that was in itself sufficient to hasten the end of any unfor­ traders! it would Beem, has at his back the financial D [FLOCK iggested: that the club might was convicted at Tunbridge Wells Police Court for T h e D e p a r t u r e o f t h e B r it i s h W e s t support of his Government, and with its aid he is _ ill before reaorting to ente: the wounded soldiers in the stealing a ring and was sentenced to one month’s hard I ndian R egiment.—The peopleof Seaford were sorry tunate patient who might be brought into hospital. Sergt. Blakeney gave a highly acceptable impersona­ enabled to undercut and undersell his British rival and r~ tm in 0di tow n** -viding with a flying billiards handi- labour. / • J to see the last of the West Indian Regiment. Many of drive him out of the field. Things of this kind are given to minoo i I cap or vi driv: tea. ; Cliffe Social Club hgd Prisorier admitted this conviction. the men had made friends in the town, and the latter tion of the “ Fairy Queen,” and he was also responsible for several spiritedly - rendered songs. The two happening in every neighbourhood. It is a sorry thin more serious trouble. dome t’ id he the men appreciated it very The Bdnch now sentenced her to'two months’ hard thought it rather hard that they were not able to see to see British effort, single - handed and unaid , teadenoy to ifatti I highly, ley wen looked after exceedingly well at ’Babes,” Drummer Harrodine and Lanoe-OorpL Thomas'were always to the fore, not the least pleasing struggling unsuccesfully ana then succumbing before a. the local jitala, but they greatly enjoyed a little: powerful enemy organisation. We have long since given outing sui as this. j ){ ___ iivm m WUU1U I1HY6 UKOU W K1Y6 tilltHU gtftJU BUUU-Uil I feature of their performance being a mouth Organ duet, in which an effective imitation of the bagpipes was up the hope of obtaining redress from onr authorities, so; W: WHITE suggested that a Saturday afternoon M OBOUfl W Q K as ” K i l l •»« Seaford, which,, . though r it could not hope_ to com] ipare we are Compelled to take stock of our resources, and te ­ »rm , with the enthusiastic scenes which; marked their given. migljht be devoted to the entertainment, and it was Before the pantomime commenced and during the nse them as best we may for tbe protection of ourselves organa in tbs dc decided'to {leave thje matter in the hands of the com- •U BS ™ DOGGHS fiC. departure from the West Indies, yet would have shown and of our fellow-countrymen. liver-are not w< the men that the English people appreciated the great intervals the “ Boy Blue ” Orchestra, under the direction | mittee, with instructions to :e such a gathering of Trumpet-Major McConnel, contributed to the I suggest that tradesmen should lodge remonstrances right remedy to if possible. sacrifice they had made in leaving their homes and with manufacturers who supply German local firms, and a n R u b coming thousands of miles to fight tor the Motherland. pleasure of the audience by playing in excellent style 1 WI :B renaried t it the clnb had lost a M 081 A“Can'°r-.SrT0" ■” selections of popular music. beg them to refrain from doing so. In ease of refused, good man; enthusiastic met lets through their going Serious Accident to Local Airman.—Mr. the manufacturer himself must be dealt with by the T A K ^ on nulita: service, and the number of armlets AND ELEGANT EDITIONS. and Mrs. Wynter, of Broad-street, received a telegram TO-MORROW’S CONCERT. application of the trade boycott. worn [at, . it meeting it as probable that before on Friday to say that their youngest son, Edward, of LAST APPEARANCE OF PRIVT. HUBBARD. There has been too much playing into the enemy’s there Is the slightest 1008000 Copies already Bold. hands. Those who do not frankly act in the interest of long they -ould be losing, others. Therefore those the Royal Naval Air Service, had met with a serious The customary performance by the Summerdown who were left should make every effort to keep the accident whilst in an aeroplanei They immediately their country, and in tbe interest of their hard pressed Camp Band is suspended for to-morrow afternoon, countrymen, must be looked on as enemies and b® club going. Apt L A D P O L E ’S left Seatord tor Sheemess. It seems that the airman bat tbe Knuts Kamp Komedy Kompaay will give dropped from a height of about 100 feet, owing to his made to share the fate of the treacherous Hun. Mr. N orm an vole of thanks to Mr. J uIr n k y TO J^UNNUN. a popular evening concert, to commence at 8 o’cldbk. Strategy, organization and finance are the three first Duplock foir pr< _ said their chairman had machine capsizing, and sustained a fractured wrist and This will be the last appearance in Eastbourne, prior to severe injuries to the head. Although be has been requisites of war. One of these the German has provided been the mam: of the] club sine#' its formation leaving fof the Front, of Private Hubbard, the favourite himself with by dipping his hands into our pockets. and |overy mem appreciated the great interest he operated on twice he has not yet recovered conscious­ vocalist, and many will doubtless attend to hear him ' took ih everything for the welfare of the club. He T K oimmetid It to the notloio c(f all who wish ness. Great sympathy is felt with t^e parents in their and to demonstrate their good wishes. Corpl. Crombie .. j ! 1 I am, Sir, yours faithfully, >0 fuioy a good langh^*’-- Rriinfan Rhyimtner, anxiety. | hoped Mr. iDuplock would be spared for many years and Lance-CorpL Gray will also be amongst the artists. (Mrs.) FANNY K. STREATFEILD- to cbntinur hu '— active' ^ service for the club, for all P arish Church Men’s Club.—The annual I “IT’S IT.” Wyntborpe, Longton-avenue, Sydenham. who [had b in'assoc iatid with the club'regarded him FUND OF imnaemanlb which convulses by of this club was held at the club’s headquarters as a {friend (hear, Ite quaint humoni.” -Brighton Gazette. in High-street on Monday. There was an excellent Next week’s attroetjon in the Pier Theatre will, be the------corned;aedy revne entitled I t s I t , which is to be p re ir! E d w a rd s idea, and motion attendance. The chair was taken by the Rev. 8. Skelhome, ip the absence of the Vicar, who was unable seated by Mr. Frederic Bough and Mr. Fred Moole’s DAMAGE TO LAND. heartily carried. 'ormanecs will take place every afternoon 3 MAN, reply, said he would always ly, Wednesday and Saturday eveni_ at - best I for the ' those remaining behind QLADPOLS* 1 sheet, toe latter snowing a rnrsday and Friday evenings at'1 ARMY COUNCIL WARNING. at the ready for those now deficit of £L 9a, whioh was paid off at the meeting by 1 war _ came back. Of course “THE PRIVATE SECRETARY.!’ RICUB. Mr. St John Smith, Mr. F. J. Webb and Mr. R. would be more financial r j l R I * T O Whiteside, so that the club will start their new year During the week commencing .February 7 $ there is In relation to the conservation of the nationaT 1 naturally some of free of debt The gentlemen named were cordially a visit of that ever-popular farcical comedy, T he resources, as well as in the interests of good discipline,icipline. claims upon them, thanked for their generosity. The following officers Private Secretary. the Army Council have recently issued general me temporarily their were reelected: President, the Rev. F. D. Cremer; ! 1 = . ■ I ... . instructions to the troops warning them of 1 > see Ithe slightest auditors, Messrs. L. Cameron and Ej A Roffey; hon. of preventing avoidable damage of all 1 continue its work; secretary and treasurer, Mr. Thos. Fisher. The Chair­ Th e Strand Magazine.”—The first story including damage to roads, unnecessary disturbance 1 go on. .They hod man, in thanking^ ; the officers .tor . . their onservices, * uianemade , 17 i.t£n b? sir Arthu! ontotbreak property, and interference with rights of way or means Christinas gift sent mention of the valuable work done by Mr. °f th® !”“■ appearemthe February number of The Of access.; , | ‘ve service from all ■ I S lru n d M agazine. Entitled The Prisoners Defence,” Orders ,have also been given that all possible facilities the Dardanelles, and it ida most and graphically-told spy story, with tor the cultivation ana gathering of crops on land j its scene b id in [land, and shows the author at his Subject to military user should be afforded. best. Another out itandingfeature of the same number jf parcels ancF letters D is a b l e d M e n t o M a k e {Sh e l l s . — T h e 1. ; _: i V i tl.- T> - .t [ •) a in that part of the announcement is officially made in a certain town that > is the first instalm« it of “ The Castaways,” a new serial by W. W. Jacobs, hich is aglow with the genial wit of a t a great central shell factory, which will shortly be in kn ow s. aeration in the district, mainly discharged and dis­ our greatest I W alter! _ ___ abled soldiers are to be employed. A thousand dis­ It has been ds ided that the London County when smoking it in this country said to his servant; abled soldiers are to start there during the next few Council’s .banner l’ . anus______shall ___ be___ displayed,__ at the ’Master Ridley, we are today-lighting a candle in weeks. I • ■ •' 1 - County Hall during sittings of the Council. England which will never be pat o u t! ’ ” JANUARY 29, 1916

U7t. DEYONSHIR o o ., WAYSIDE REVERIES. AUCTION]____ (By KEILE GORDON). ~ BOURNE. Tailors, HOUSE. LAND AND ESTATE AGENTS. Clerical, Naval, Military and Ladle Sole Lessees ft Managers lY K in s ft Clark, SURVEYORS. VALUERS. ON DOING WHAT EVERYBODY DOES. Morigeo* A ItuuranM BtJktrl. Afoul*Ip Property Begitttr. 84, Terminus-road, Eastbourne. Offloes ■ - .110, OORNFIBLD ROAD. ■DAY (SA T U R D A Y ), at 2.30, 6 45 and 9, Telephone Eastbourne 1234. “ Q uality ” I,am not going to waste ..the reader’s tim e Telegrams Oakdens, Eastbourne. PROMENADE COSTUMES AND RIDING HABITS A E “MORE” by taking the line of condemnation of the (ODDS /AND ENDS). feeble-minded. For. of course, mauy people l Garments Hade on the Premises by First-class Workmen in good Binitary Workshops. From the Ambassadors' Theatre, London. believe it to be a silly weakness to obey the S a l e laws of the State and to conform to the rules il Scenes for Matinee DEVONSHIRE PARK of one’s social circle. This has been done a JlBTAHFilnrlKII lOuvi Man yiersus W oman. WILL BE CONCLUDED quRe often enough. The result is not w i n t e r I g a r d e n . uniformly satisfactory.' There are people, R. FRANCIS & SONS, L t d ., B ct^ ini) a F lata y E p is o d e . Manager and Secretary: Edgar A llan Brow n. politely regarded as strefng, who have acquired Telephone: No. 9. EASTBOURNE OEMETE R Y M A S O N S , TEA Shi IpisodeV— a position of independence by sheer rudeness. 3 1 s t Their vanity alone blinds them to the fact S pe c ia l Constable S c e n e , j JANUARY. Monumental Sculptors and Bngr a r t r a . . th a t quiescence is neither approval nor adm ira­ tion. ami s t u d i o ; 87, UPPBRTON ROA1 >, EASTBOURNE Devonshire Park Orchestra. * * * 8 2 PERFORMERS. T E L E PH O N E 579. MONDAY, J anuary 31st, and during the Week. I hold a brief, for the present, for the con­ Lewes Road, Brighton. M usical D irector: siderable number of persons who prevent 6.45. Twice Nightly. 9.0. NORFOLK MBGONE. anarchy and its attendant horrors by their Matinee Saturday at 2.30. readiness to defend custom and to respect th e.. MEMORIALS Telephone No. 441. policeman. BOULGER WEBB, introduces the SUCCESSFUL N C E R * * * r P—cauFTioK KxacuTXD, and Inclusive JOHN REVUE, G o ld s m ith AFTERNOONS A FEW EXCEPTIONAL There is some liklihood that many institu­ “ Miles of Smiles.” MONDAY, TUESDAY, WEDNESDAY BARGAIN BLOUSES tions will be badly bruised before the war is SilTersm lth and TH U R SD A Y , at 3.15. over: And yet everybody is fighting to Terminus Road DAISY MAY. KAY BLAKE. TO b e sold Befo r e defend some expression of human thought KATE FLYNN. EVENINGS: WEDNESDAY, SATURDAY and and toil. ETHEL COYNE. SU N D A Y , at 8.15. :: :: - TU ESD A Y , :: :: W atchmaker JAMIE DALLAS. TEDDY MILES. The Town Hall, for instance, our Town Hall, J e w e lle r . FRED LEYTO^. FRED VOKES. VOCALIST— is exposed to other dangers than those of the raiding Zeppelins. : and GEORGE GROGIE. Saturday ft Sunday E vknings, J an. 29th & 30th: W hat prevents a highly respected citizen JOHN J O H N N IX Full Chorus. Additional Varieties. MISS NELLIE BEARE (Sofbano). from covering that beautiful facade with 1 0 / 6 . staring posters, in black and green announc­ F R ID A Y , F e b r u a r y 4t h , a t 3.15, TeL 440. MONDAY, F e b r u a r y 7th , for Three Nights at 8. ing the opinion that every alderman is a Matinee on Wednesday at 2.90. IN THE LECTURE ROOM, pledged opponent of progress, and that in the E, MORRIS & pvu») public interest the Mayor should be shot ? It '.—a daughl “ The Ware Case.” CHAMBER MUSIC CONCERT. is quite certain that highly-respected citizens »TT.—Jan. J L at Eanbrinfc, VaUance-Bardens. 6 6 , 8 K A 8 ID E BO AD, E A ST B O U B N E . have thought those things and (in an impreg­ he wife of C ipt a a H. Marriott, 3rd"att. 1st) i ,]• r 1 L Regt,, o ft nable privacy) have' said them. There are Ironm ongers, Cutlers, Electric and Gas Fitters,, THURSDAY] F eb. 10th, for Three Nights at 8. I N T H E PAVILION. many much more deadly ideas lurking in Jr ' • Matinee (OB Saturday at 2.30. MODEL places of the citizen mind. That they do not I 1 p H ot W ater and Banitary LAST TWQ PERFORMANCES EL—MYDDKLTON-QAVJEY.—Jan. 19, at S t MARTIN H'AEVEY and Full COSTUMES, explode is owing to the happy circumstance tuethall, by the Rev. F. Willett, cousin of the T O -D A Y at 3 and 8.15. ------, ■ that everybody is afraid that nobody v^ll sis ted by the Rev. Canon Eden (vicar of Rust- London Oompany. DRESSES, think what has not been approved according d the Rev. D. Pearce (reotor of St. Anne s, MR . GEORGE DENBY unde of the bridegroom. Egbert Alexander A BEAUTIFULLY ILLUSTRATED HISTORY Seats may | now'be Booked. to use and wont by the incalculable majority, v el. Lieutenant 4th South Staffordshire Regt., PRESENTS HATS AND • * • of Mr. Egbert de Hamel, of Middleton Hall, th, to Evelyn Violet, second daughter of Major BLOUSES Somewhere somebody has a copy of the yddelton-Gavey, R.A.M.O.T. GUIDE TO HERSTMONCEtJX “ THE POPINJAYS,” rules. Probably no one keeps them in the lNT—JENNER. — On Jan. 22nd, at Christ A Vaudeville Venture in Black and White, letter save that unoriginal person the kitchen- Eastbourne, by the Rev. von E. Scott. M.A., (C om uQ B x), PIER THEATRE, direct from their enormous Success at the FOR THE maid, who does know how to break them. .8. 8tanly Stuart Merchant, of the Buflfe (East Manager ...... G. Ha tbs. Savoy Theatre, London. sim of Mr. T. Marchant, Buck­ n'. By THE b i t . £!■ El CRAKE) M1A 1 Breaking rules has been a curiously profitable ie, seoond daughter of Theodore Prices ...... 2s., Is. and 6d. NEW SEASON occupation for many people. It is, of course, Jenner, 76," Whitley-™ “’ ^-road, Eastbourne. TO-DAY (SATURDAY), at 3 and 8. a highly dangerous one. No rule should ever One of the most Interesting and Fietnresqne Castles in the County of Sussex. ' ’■ MB. CHABLBS WINDERMERE I N T H E PAVILION. I I I be made that is not to be defended \pith the ARE NOW BEING RECEIVED. utmost energy. And/11 lajws should be based PRICE SIXPENCE. In the Successful Farcical. Comedy, Brittany-road, St. TO-DAY (Saturday), January 29th, on fundam ental prii , “How Jerry Got Off.” at 5 .1 5 F-M. 1916, at 8onthdown Hall, Careful remembrance of this would! help to ate, after a] long illness, Sarah- ‘ Matilda, only FARNCOMBE ft CO., Likited, SOUTH STREET, EASTBQURNE. The First of a Series of soften the aspirities of old' "controjversies. iter of the late Caleb and of SarahSarah Matilda TO-MORROW (Su n d a y ), at 3 & 8. :k. “ Passed from death unto life.” Bishops would be gentler with Nonconformists IN.—Jan. 22. at 58, Mailing-street, Lewes, Richard mERRYS AUCTION ROOMS ft SALE- ' SPECIAL - CONCERTS CINEMA. TRAVEL TALKS if they did not shrink from the implications of (den, aged 52. 1 | - 1 YARD (adjoining the Estate Offloes), ’ By the BY Henry VIII.’s revolt. Nonconformists would Jan. 22, at 7. Dorset-read, Bexhlll, Frederick be less peevish if they generally realised that Hony wood Hinde, Captain 12th Royal Lancers 19, CORNFIELD ROAD, BASTBOURNE. j Four K’s, ARTHUR B. MALDEN, a new rule grows old in time and tjiat con­ T elephone 841. I INCLUDING ^ A Jawary.26thx1916, H m a^rks. DALE ERLEY F.R.G.S., on science may make a disputed dogma flame BI-WEEKLY SALES. i with the wrath of God. Goods asm always be lnoluded. PRIVATE HUBBARD, R U S S I A : O u r E a s t e r n A l l y . i Station, Beachy Head, Eaiitbour’ne, aged 21 • • • , Special dates by arrangement, 17, Seaside R o a d , The Favourite Soloist. IN jMEMORIAM. i Sa m Rooms are noted far the advanti His Last Appearance in Eastbourne prior to departure Scenes in Petrograd and Moscow. In an age like ours, which announces so for the Front. Films from the Eastern Front. many transitional experiences, natiohs have SIS.—In ever-loving memory of our dear Charlie, ires, Plate. Jewels, Curios, Winoil Sculpture, R o a d , 1 HeUer's, Parsonage-road, Eastbourne, who died gJJJJ llBiT, Animals, Birds, Stock-In-Trade, Oar- L Terminus* CORPL. CROMBIE: LANCE-CORPL. GRAY. suffered from the rawness of lawlessness. 29th, 1915. 1 ritLo [orees. Motor Oars, Bicycles, Boats, fco. Further Travel Talks will be given on— 47, GROVE ROAD Iconoclasm is the least intellectual of recrea­ Bone from the home where w* so dearly lOTed thee, And-other Knuts (under the direction of Captain E. Where none again can ever fill thy place. I i U always obtained at these Anotlon Rooms, Iannodhqi Qrken Foley, R.A.M.C.). Satubday, Feb. 5th— tion?. Obedience is the noblest effort of the ily attended by local and oonntry buyers, By kind permission of Col. Bostock, Camp —Mother and Sisters. i| ‘The Cities of ITALY.” human mind. There is unfortunately so much from London, Brighton, Lewes, Hastings, ]T Commandant. j to be learned in order rightly to obfy that a fCOMBE.—In ever-loving memory of Nellie Loulse'j fco. Popular Prices: 2d., 4d. and 6d., and a few Reserved Saturday, Feb. 12th— S, CARLISLE BUILDINGS. icombe, who entered into rest January 81st, 1909. PURCHASED FOB CASH WHEN Seats at Is. people’s impatience may give to this loftiest EMAN.—In loving memory of my ever-dear wifi NO EXPENSES. “B rav e Little BELGIUM, B efore ' i i virtue the pallor of weakness. Obedience and ly Stockman, died Jan. 30th, 1 **■—*- ’— FURNITUM Har-fi AX PBIVATB HOUSES. N.B.—No Performance by the Convalescent and D uring the W ar ,” docility are often dressed alike. To increase sadly missed by Biddy. Band on Sunday Afternoon. Saturday, Feb. 19th— the difficulty the law-abiding citizen is often a V, (Peace, perfect yearn. 8 B 4 M fl a n d PROPERTY SALES. VALUATIONS.! EG YPT and th e N ile.” muff. HOUSE AND ESTATE AGENCY.—Exclusive Lists * * * ! Telephone 125t, of Hanses for Sale and to Let. Week commencing MONDAY, J a n . 31st. Saturday, Feb. 26th— It requires therefore more than a common A N D REW S, Mason and Sculptor, INSURANCES of every description effected. Six Matinees—Daily at 3. Six Evenings. “ SWITZERLAND, the P layground courage to do w hat everybody does. It is too- Baxbb’b-boas (near S t Mary’s Church). of E urope.” Bures OOLUtOTED and Property efficiently managed. MONDAY, WEDNESDAY and SATURDAY at 8. BOROUGH POLICE COURT. easily assumed that only the thoughtlessly Office and Show-room: Oabbaba Villa, Gobb T 1 X B T 8 F . A I. TUESDAY, THURSDAY and FRIDAY at 7. Admission :—Numbered and Reserved, 3s. (10s. Course amiable or the selfishly timid vote with the e (adjoining the Cemetery), Eastbourne. of FlveLectures) j Reserved but Un numbered,2s. (7s. 6d. (U Fears' Local Experience! Fred Baugh and Fred Mottle’s Company, Course of‘ Five~ Iieoturee); Loot Is.- Unreserved. - ' ~ ' '• majority. The “ gallery ” has an extra­ Designs and Estimates Furnished. COMMENCES ON INCLUDING Half-prioe to 3s. and 2s. Seats and to Course. YESTERDAY.—Before the Mayor (Alderman C. O’Brien ordinary fascination for the finest natures. Harding), in the chair, Councillor O. W. Bolton, Mr. TWO DAYS’ SALE. EDMUND EDMUNDS, For the gallery is quickest of response. Few By Order of the Executors of the Late Mrs. Street. C. A Leatham, Councillor S. N. Fox, Mr. H. D. indeed are the men who can do the best work VENDHNB. iPhone 465). . iir Farnell, Mr. Claude Bishop and Col. A. B. Mein. .1 16. SOUTHFIELDS ROAD, EASTBOURNE. Commencing MONDAY, J an. 31st. without some hint of appreciation. In this W . I NICHOLSON L td ., SOHOOL ATTENDANCE. A UCTION OF THE VALUABLE EXCLU- “ It’S It,” D A IL Y at 3 and 8. fact lies the bravery of those who individually ' Cornfield-terrace, EASTBOURNE, ± \_ SIVE FURNITURE, beautifully kept and In In view of the inert cuicy Manufacturersmanuiaccurora havenave A Screaming Comedy REYUE. Kate Buckland, of Channel View:road, was summoned remain unrecognised in the crowd that accom­ highly polished condition, at the above Residence (600 in obtaining Cottc and Woollen Goods, our Seats ...... i ... L. 2s. to 3d. for disobeying a school attendance order made in respect panies them to the goal. FUNERAL, FURNISHERS. j al Having purchased for CINEMATOGRAPH. Lots), being the whole of the appointments of drawing Bargains are quite — 1 ------j------—i------j—| i ■ to her son. * * * j APLETE MOURNING OUTFITS. room, dining room, library, boudoir, bedrooms, hall, cash before the gi n prices some very heavy Special Film— The Town Clerk (Mr. H. W. Fovargue), who pro­ staircase and servants’ offices, and includes the Stein way It is not only courage but intelligence that Personal Attention to all obmmanda. I stocks, we shall ofl t doubt the best value in W e e k commencing M O N D A Y , F eb. 7th. secuted, said the case hi^l been adjourned to see whether pianoforte lnperfect condition, rich Brussels, Axmlnster “ VENDETTA.” there was any improvement in the boy’s attendances, but tested by assent to the prevailing view. and Wilton carpets and thick hearthiugs, excellent stair Every Afternoon at 3. they had not been satisfactory. carpet, choice Inlaid cabinets, tables and chairs, Chinese Adapted from Marik Corelli’s Famous Novel. Theye will always be a remnant convinced lacquered cabinet on'’lets, dainty drawing room Items Doors open 8 am . Monday, Wednesday and Saturday Evenings A fine of 5s. was imposed. that truth is the possession of the “little silver kniok-knacks,i bronzes, China figures and rare old H a t 8. ; CHIMNEY FIRE. flock,” and that great numbers furnish proof china, oval mirrors, on paintings, water oblours, etchings, of apostacy. This conviction does not encour­ i collection of books, 8 bookcases, expensive timepieces, BOLLEB. SKATING. Adelaide Hollobon, of Hyde-road, was summoned in including the brack* chiming clock, complete superior Secretary.” ] respect to a chimney fire on Jan. 20th. age faith in humanity’s hope of progress. dining room suite, writing tables, secretaire bookoase, 4 asi;i £.ti; . , ■ J...... «_.;i ; T H U R SD A Y E V EN IN G , 7.39 to 9.30, With Music. P.O. Beard proved the case; and the Magistrates couches, silk tapestry curtains, best quality lace curtains, inflicted a fine of 5s. finest quality linen, blankets, table cutlery, dainty table ■ .*‘1 ■ - r - ; FRIDAY MORNING, 11 to 1, Without Music. Most of 8,11 is it token of modesty that a glass and china, silver and plated items, coppers, bedroom ROYAL v ; * LIGHT CASES. man shall be content with the best PLACE f t 19, SO’ suites, cheval glass, chests of drawers, wardrobes In FRIDAY AFTERNOON and EVENING, 3.15 to [ he finds mahogany, walnut, fto., bedsteads and bedding of the Exceptional Bargains in 5.15 and 7.30 to 9.30, With Music. E arly M orning O ffen ces. about him instead of straining his creative beet quality, superior brass firegrate furnishing, hall HIPPODROME, SA T U R D A Y , 10 a.m. to 12.30, Without Music. The following cases under the Lighting Regulations faculty to acquaint a small circle of irritated . A. HAYLAND, Teh 781 furniture, barometer, fco. were heard by the Magistrates:— ' , 1 Household Linen ' ; ' b a b tbo u r n b J ! ' i „ 3.15 to 5.15, With Music. persons of his self-importance. BB A FUNERAL OABBLAG! On View Saturday and Monday, January 29th and 31st January. Fined. [reotor...... M r . S id n » v W. W in t t o There is so much of the old and established , PROPRIETOR. SALE DAYS i FEBRUARY 1ST and 2nd, 1916, com­ BtEAOHED AND UNBLEACHED ' J~ ,8. d. M anager ...j ... - ... H kr bx b t R aym ond, Louis Head, S t John’s-road ...... 22 that requires and deserves reinterpretation. 1LASS OB CLOSED HEARSES. mencing at U o’clock. , , , . _ _, 'Auctioneer: DAMASKS AND CLOTHS. SWIMMING BATHS., Eleanor Hunter, Hyde-gardens...... 23 Writers are already busy upon the subject MONDAY, J an. 31st. and dnrlng the Week. Fredk. Brickhill, Willingdon-road.. 22 B . BABBATT TERRY, F.A I. WINTER TIME TABLE. of the reconstruction of England after the Bargains in Damask Twice Nightly at 7 and 8. j ’ Lance-Corpl. Kennedy, Lascelles- war, as if everything national were in the For Particulars and Catalogues apply to Terbvs, 19, DICK RAY presents the Second Edition of his Famous M IX E D B A T H IN G —EVERY MORNING, 7 to 9 terrace...... ]...... 21 melting-pot. It is much more likely that the Cornfield-road, Eastbourne. All British (including Sunday). Gertrude Churohill, Milnthorpe-road 20 EVERY AFTERNOON, 3 to dusk. George Pierce, Dennis-road...... 21 present generation will, seek with a new I The Well-Planned HOUSE TO BE LET Unfurnished. M jffl V 17; XE^J, - oyalty the preservation Of ideals and institu­ GENTLEM EN ONLY-DAILY, 9 to 10.30 and In the case against Kennedy, P.G. Adams stated tions which have explained and hallowed the 12 to 2 (except Sunday). that at 6.50 a.m. he saw a |bright light showing through “BEAUTY SFOT,” the Venetian blinds on the top floor. Witness called at lives so pitifully spent in England’s service. L A D IE S O NLY-EVERY MORNING, 10.45 to 1* the house and was told the light would be put out, bub Such mistakes as some of our own countrymen ALICOES [D LONGOLOTHS. In Three Scenes. * (expept Sunday). Favourite Caste of Artistes, including DICK RAY (the on going to the place again he found the light was still too eagerly and too publicly emphasise axe , Popular “ Murky ”). there and was burning until 7.30. When he saw the the result not of, faulty ideals hut of the o u s e a n d e s t a t e a g e n t s , Tow F lo r en c e T h u r s t o n . defendant the latter made it a laughing matter, but negligence which blurs vision. And it will be SURVEYORS AND VALUERS. Connie Moore. j Edgar Rufit h e theosophical s o c i e t y . witness told him he would take him into custody if he among the tasks of the coming race to make H Wonderful Offer i its Department. The Melody Trio. ORPHEUS LODGE, 53c, Terminus-road did not carry out his instructions. AGENTS FOR ALL PRINCIPAL PROPERTIES George Grinham. Alfred Tilbury. T (over Gallery Kinema). sure that from the beginning the mind, as Anotdoo Sales Conducted in Town and Oountry. Doddles Baker. Laurie Bay ley. With regard to the case against Louis Head, P.O. well as character and conduct, shall be dis­ AWl. L K C T UECE) : Adams said he saw lights showing from the basement Surveys ft Valuations fob Mortgage, Prorate, ft o STOCK O F BLANKETS ALEC REGAN. ciplined to meet whatever later threatenings IDs. 6d. “ HAVE WE LIVED BEFORE!" and three other windows of the defendant's house at • Rents Collected. Mortgagee Arranged. REDUCED FOR SkliE. ' j 6.45 a.m. When he saw the servant she told him they may disturb the peace of nations. m e e t b Mi Pit B y Mr s . Gr e n s id e , on T u esd a y , F e b . 1st, ay, Feb. Insurances Effected. doors. always took care to obscure the lights at night, but they jl * * 7 * ( ^ 11.30 a.m. THE AUCTION MART, 57, TERMINUS ROAD Upper AT 3 P.M. did not think it mattered about them in the morning. R em nants i n Flanneiilettp—M u st be Cleared. Alt interested cordially invited. * ‘ There is nothing else to do, ” said a fine young teet to. da; i ; EASTBOURNE. NO LIGHT. fellow in one of our hospitals in Eastbourne, a Reductions will be Offered in tb Perrin, of Seaside, was summoned for riding who having faced deaqh in the trenches was HURCH MISSIONARY SOCIETY. a bicycle without a light on January 22nd. steadily and fearlessly waiting the final blow EASTER ft WRIGHT, C E N T R A L c i n e m a , A UOTIONEBB8 AMD VALUBB8, HOUSE, MILIIHERY DEPARTMENT. jP.O. 'Ashenden stated that the defendant was riding in a quiet sunny room with pictures on the EL LAND JJID ESTATE AGENTS, ^ SEASIDE ROAD. Eastbourne and the Neighbourhood. without a light There was no red lamp on the back of walls. “ Nothing else to do!” He so. con­ the machine and no light in [front. ceived the duty which had been taught him 110, TERMINUS ROAD, EASTBOURNE Bemarkable Bargains Lace Curtains. A fine of 2s. 6d. was im Adjoining the London and Oounty Bank). TO-DAY (SATURDAY), Jan. t9th T W O 3MCXE! E i X X I V C I S by the splendid convention of national A CANDLE IN A\ JA M JAR . Valuations for Probate, Transfer and other purposes. A t 8, 6.30 and 8 80 Will (d.v.) be held In loyalty. I CARPETS, RUGS, 1 Frank Jones, of Dennis-road, was summoned for * * * j "•> p r o p e r t ie s f o b Sa l e . FLOORC3LQ THS. THE TOWN HALL, EASTBOURNE, FURNISHED Am UNFURNISHED RESIDENCES. ! God’s W itness.” driving a vehicle without a light on January 19th. It cannot be said that England has been ' . ' ! .Human Drama In Four Parts. O n WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY end, P.O, Packhamsaid the defendant was driving a horse swept off its feet by the enthusiasm inspired BNTBAL WESLEYAN OHUBO and cart in Firle-road at 8,(15, There were no lamps by this war. The most noticeable thing in. Departs lei “ PICTURESQUE MATLOCKi” Soeniq. AT THREE AND SIX O’CLOCK. attached to the vehicle, but thel defendant showed him CHARLES E. HORNE, F.A.I., I a japa jar with a candle in it: The candle, however, the history of the past eighteen months has “ DREAMY DUD RESOLVES NEVER TO SMOKE.' SPEAKER: been the cold tenacity of a. people’s will. UNDA Y, January 30th. IOTIONKER, VALUER, HOUSE AGENT Blonsin Cartoon. was not alight. , . "M R WALLICK’S WALLET." Comic, THE REV. E. T. GREENSHIELD, A fine of 5s. was imposed. The opposition of minorities has not excited Preachers: L TIDES WELL ROAD, EASTBOURNE. H O SIERY DEPARTMENT. j “ HOW JOHN GAME BACK." Comedy. Missionary to the Eskimo, CAUTIONED. the kina of criticism which in different con­ REV. J. HOLLAND BROWN. CERTIFICATED BAILIFF. N.W. Canada. Richard Manser, of Seaside, was summoned for ditions would have been reported in prominent- G A U M O N T g r a p h i c . -R EV , J. E. BANKS. Appointed by HU Honour Judge MarUneau to Levy a l f U su a l P r ic e , The Chair will be taken in the Afternoon by the similar offence, on January 22nd. headlines. [We must win, and therefore we Distraints under the Amendment Act. 1888, Rev. JOHN SALWEY, M.A. P.O. Ashenden said that about 7 a.m. the defendant must continue to be together, grimly serious HONDA F, Ja n . 31st, and Two Following Dayt JC«T. ANDREW’S PRESBYTERIA BUSIN BBS BS or BVBBY DBSORIPTION rO* DISPOSAL was driving a vehicle on the. Grand-parade without as the cost, of our resistance is increased by THE EVENING MEETING light. : ■ ’ ' , ] delay. This is not the easy doggedness of l O CHURCH, BlackWatkr-road. ” W ild Goose Chase.” j, Defendant said the lamp had been alight, but he did S U N D A Y , January SOth: Services, 11a.m. A&SOp.i ‘ Four Part Comedy. Is specially arranged for Sunday Sohool Scholars over not know it had gone out. , habit. We have reasoned things out with Preacher: REV. JAMES REID, M.A. Ten years, for Members of the O.M.S.Y.P.U., and for consequences astonishing to ourselves. For if “ A SAFE' INVESTMENT.’* I Comedy,; Members of Bible Classes, for all of whom Front Seats Manser was dismissed with-a caution. . Evening Subject: “ If the worst oomee to the HOUSE, will be reserved. Admission will be Free by Ticket. anything can shake an independent mind LAND, ESTATE, BUSINESS AND : “ FATTY’S GIFT." Keystone. more forcibly than opposition it is unexpected TUESDAY, at Noon, Inteiroeoalon Serrioe. Children’s Tickets can be obtained from the Clergy or INSURANCE AGENTS. DALE GAUMONT GRAPHIC. from Sunday School Superintendents in the various agreement. The nature of the war has THURSDAY, at 8 p.m., Week-Might Servioe. MIDLAND BANK CHAMBERS, Eastbourne Parishes. Bible Class Leaders are asked to NOTES. brought thb single citizen to think as never TERMINUS ROAD. EASTBOURNE. Seats, 3d., 8d. and la. Telephone No. 1183. apply tor Tickets to Miss O’Mallet, 8, Burllngton-place. before of hjs individual share in the Empire Ide R o a d , ■ *- I tlf.'! ■ t L_____ Ticket Holders are requested to be at the Town Hall And at Hampden Park. at 5.30. Any spare space will be open to the public. The pantomime is now over, and created thrpugh his vote by the labours and saIV.i » adventures of, a few; representative com­ LIMELIGHT VIEWS been the moqt lsuccessful effort hitherto undertaken BOARD ITRBBNt CINEM A, by th e ‘,‘KnUts. Three additional performances patriots. Therefore is it' strength and wisdom Illustrating the Addresses will be exhibited at both were'given the Pier this week, alf to large and for characteristically querqlous people, who Meetings. .Telephone 484. enthusiastic ______muses. The___ record ____ house was at ordinarily prefer ’ the self-assertion of pug­ Wednesday’s matinee,kiunco, when over £08 : was taken. nacity, to sink themselves in the country’s TjlASTBOURNE NATURAL HISTORY, The audience,, which______was______mainly composed of decision (never more pronounced than to-day) TO-DAY (8ATURDAY), Jan. t9th. X u PHOTOGRAPHIC ft LITERARY 8OCIETY. children, was on that account all the> 1. lore delightful to play to, and the little ones laughed at many jokes and for once to obey conscience by doing what “ Lost and W on ” which had hitherto not always been seen by their everybody does. Drama in F< nr Parts. Featuring Florenoe Turner. A PUBLIC- LECTURE elders. Special Music 00mposed tor this Film will be played. Wifi be Delivered In the • • ' * The Labour Conference at Bristol is an HUDSON LECTURE THEATRE, TECHNICAL INSTITUTE On the whole it is difficult to s illustration of this. Wrong-headed minoritiea "TH—'»■ KILLIOK f t DAVIES, , 1 i ■ F •■■ ■ ■• |r “ Charlie—The Perfect Lady.” On THURSDAY, February 3rd, at 8.15 p.m., particular person for praise, but menti be made of Trumpet-Major Connell do provoke a chivalrous encouragement from u c t io n e e r s , e s t a t e , a g e n t s , Two parts. The Second of Chaplin Films. By the and of Lance-Corpl. Leslie Gray, wl < Englishmen. We take the part, instinctively, C a| SURVEYORS AND VALUERS. HOUSEHOLD PA TH S GAZ8 TTB. REV. W. BUDGEN, M.A, (Author of “ 01< stage management was responsible : < of the little ’un. But if a nearer investigation A Eastbourne ”). W op TERMINUS ROAD, BASTBOURNE. tionally smooth running find absence o : discovers the big boy to be parent to the child delays of the whole performance, who is having a whipping we become sensible HEDGE p l A N T.6 Valuations for Probate and other Purposes. Subj ret; * Some Eastbourne Place Names, ------.1 actors would mean simply to re-< enough to change the current pf our Agente for all the principal Local Residences and Admission Free. characters. jLarge Stocks tn Prime Condition; favourable Offer. ; 1 • | • • • sympathies. Faddism has been the bane of . e x p e r t p a c k e r s . . the anti-war industrialists. They are begin­ has 1 PRIVET, BROAD-LEAVED—Bushy, Transplant* AN ADULT OLAS8 FOR Captain Foley is certainly to be v 2 to 3-ft., 3 to 4-ft. and 4 to 6-ft. . . 1' • gratulated; not only on his own pel ning to find, it out. ■ quart rroOTA^ B ^ -was^riaUy^o^ Twioe and Thr a l l -r o o m d a n o i n >g upon the assistance rendered to hii n by Captain • -i * - FURNITURE DEPOSITORIES IS BKLD Armstrong,xumowi/ug, IJICUI.Lieut. oiucuuuiaui,Sidebotham, ociSet gt. Blakeney, Let us be thankful that the obscure persons HaUl , • .. i BEVERY SATURDAY at 5.15; at DEVONSHIRE Corpl. Crombie, Private ____Hubbard______andall the remain- who form the walls pf our protective con­ ARBOR V IT JB -i to S-ffc V ictoria Station ...... LONDON, 8.W. ing " Knuts. ” It is ■y much to be regretted, how- < PARK. ever, that all these Knuts" will not always be ventions are not of the stuff to change in a LAURELS—2 to 3-ft, and 3 to 4-ft. ■ suffa COMMON PRIVET-2 to 3-ft. . y For Particulars write to: remaining, fcir Sergl Blakeitey, Pri\ ates Hubbard, moment’s climatic assault. “ The honour and are all rejoin ng their units glory of the average man is that he is capable QUICK—etrong and extra for gapping. Miss Eleanor Ratouffe, Chatsworth Hotel. e service. They take with of following that initiation ” which by trusted Arm | BEECH—2 to 3-ft and 3 to 4-ft. DANCING. them the good wish, ______J I __ ,______leaders has made the great customs of our has 1 A SPECIAL CLASS FOR GIRLS wbo have enjpyed their enter ainment t, which means L a r g e q u a n t it i e s op g e n e b ,a L n u r s e i e w a r oj nation the finest expression of our character. re to the Oh From 15 to 19 years, W e are vindicating our father's faith and ivery well-kno’ > Dances for A BALLROOM DANCING and DEPORTMENT, our own by rallying to preserve the essential, wiU Commencing • the eternal in those ola ways and words that duty.1 have made Pur history and our literature a 227, “ Chronicle" Office, Sooth-street. WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY tnd, at 4.45. A n | week by “The Mani glory in the earth. O .B !: ii . 1 11 ■. L'*. ■ !l' ' I I excellent concert in and T ONDON COLLEGE ) P MUSIC. F it J U E astboi AN OLADPOLE’S TRIP TO ’MERRICUR. CANDIDATES FOR iAMINATION in J Next to the worid-wide popularity of “ Cladpole’s the Practical and Theoretic Music mid send in their Jumev to Lunnon,” this work has had a larger sale than names not later than M f the Local Repre- any other Sussex Book. The interest in both these works K it sentative, Avenue Hon 1 the syllabus of remains unabated. New edition now ready, price fid._ requirement! and all other oan be obtained. of t Faruoombe ft Co., Limited, and all Booksellers. to i .8 1 r»N3 to: I AY, JANUARY 29, 1916 Trade U a YISTO, Registered. LOCAL NEWS. | '\TifiW SUPPORTING E l 3TIO STOCKINGS I JL3I from 2s. €6*. each. TIMES o f HIGH WATER Sc LIGHTING-UP | TRUSSES, BANDAGES «S SURGICAL BELTS, High Water. Lighting MOirUAY NEXT, JAN. Sco., of every description. Mora. After. Up ARTIFICIAL LIMBS, CRUTCHES, &c„ -Saturday, Jan. 29 4.37 ._ 5.11 ._ 5.10 BRA AND MADE AND KKPAIKKD. ae,-reader’s tim e Sunday, Jan. 30 ...... 5.45 . .. 6.29 ... 5.12 LAST DAY o r anation of the Lists Free. .j, j Monday, Jau. 31...... ’7.19 . „ 8. 8 5.14 many people Tuesday, Feb. 1...... 8.54 ... 9.10 ... 5.15 E s t a BL ISH ED 1828. FARMER’S Wednesday Feb. 2... 9.28 . 10. 5 ... 5.17 piesa to obey the T h u rsd ay, F eb . 3...... 10.26 ..: u . o .„ 5.19 form to the rules SUltGlCAL SUPPORT,d DEPOT, Friday, Feb. 4 ... ____ 11.16 .„ 11.51 ... 5.21 has been done 30, Q UEEN’S ROAD, BRIGHTON. n i; KING NEXT WEEK WE SHALL result is not Roya l S ociety for P rkvkntion of Cr u e l t y BE EXHIBITING IN OUR WINDOWS 1 A L E : to Anlmai-h, Eastbourne Branch. Hon. Sec., Miss AND SHOWROOMS :: are people, BOOKS. Looks Fad don, l, Compton-street. Subscriptions rho have acquired are urgently needed, and may be paid to the Hon. n o w P r o c e e d i n g . N Y 7p NOVELS o r MAGAZINES Treasurer, Henry Holyoake. Esq., “ Fairmont,’ y sheer rudeness, suitable to 3,1)e Roos-road, or at Lloyds Bank, Ltd. All com- aem to the. fact IN FLANDERS Iaints should be addressed to Inspector E. W. SEND TO A REGIMENT owley, 1a, Compton-street, Eastbourne. N e w Spring Modes oyal nor adm ira- I HIGH-CLASS 8 Would be gratefully acknowledged if sent to H ig h -class F o otw ear. N o better value. * V • • Turner, 29, Old Orchard-road, Eastbourne. New season’s goods.—J. J. Saunders, 106, South- DUALITY: M a y w e Mas. street (between St. Saviour’s Church and. Devon- IN ent, for the con- h . PKICBS: BOOTS & SHOES shire-plaoe). i who prevent At A stonishing P rices. Lu m in o u s W a t c h e s , invaluable for night Horrors by their use, reliable time keepers, from 18s. 6d. Clients TAILOR-MADES, gid to respect the The QUOTE The own Watches and Clocks made Luminous.—F. G. Clemencb, Goldsmith, Silversmith and Watchmaker, SPECIAL THIS WEEK 18, Cornfield-road, Eastbourne. Phone 782. BLOUSES, tat many institu- YOU? (A FEW PAIRS ONLY). V in a l l ’s , D rap ers, 53 a n d 53a, Terminus-road, Best Lowest. are showing some genuine bargains in Blankets, MILLINERY, etc. f ore the war is SATURDAY, JANUARY! 29, 1916. Flannels, and Flannelettes, the beet of all being 4.000 is fighting to yards Heavy Striped Flannelette, 31 inches wide, 4 of local topography the lecture may be pleasurably means of giving the men a very happy time, and they great achievement, and nothing could perhaps bette- controversies. — Opposite Railway Station, — their reports and proposed dividends, have anticipated. the fact that so many been less detrimentally affected by the war have also much appreciated express both the patriotism of our investors and theii \ Nonconformists D eath of Mr. J. W . Moorton.—The death ople in the part of the c rnnty from which our complete and well-founded confidence in the ultimate jfe implications of EASTBOURNE. than the abnormal conditions had rendered recently took- place of Mr. J. W. Moorton, who ’for igade is drawn have wished them to have as happy success of the Allies. 'lformists would R1TISH RED CROSS SOCIETY’S HOSPITALS probable. The Pier Company, while unable some years was in business in Pevensev-road, and who a time at Christmas as it was p xwible. Nevertheless, he believed it to be absolutely ne ly realised that B (EASTBOlbRNE DIVISION), a n d t h e to reproduce the prosperity of ordinary formerly took a somewhat active part in local matters, Although, up to the presen t time, we have had no for a Wider view to be taken by the Government of th ieriods, has fared distinctly better during this generally on the sideot the “ opposition.” Mr. Moorton financing of the war than was involved in the mer and that con- HOSPITALS chance of doing anything on an y active front, yet I am dogma flame EQUIPMENT SOCIETY a n d W A R fast {year than in the first year of the war. As aas had a long illness, and at the time of his dgath he sure from the hard work, go id discipline and good question of securing cheap terms for the British 3UPPiiY DEPOT. a consequence the directors are able to recom­ had reached the advanced age of 81. behaviour that has been showr by all while out here, payer. It was vital that they should take a long as we ae a broad view, and he did not hesitate to assert tha mend a dividend of five per cent., or one per heosophical ociety that should some opportunity >e given us, the county T e l e p h o n e N o. 1 1 6 7 . T S . — In connection will have no cause to bo ashamed of .the l/2nd H.C. in the long run, an infinitely more important matt- cent! more than for 1914. No entertainment with the Orpheus Lodge of this society a lecture, entitled |ch announces so ; Brigade R.F. A even than the amount of interest paid out annually? resort has_ suffered so much from the lighting “ Have we lived before?” will be given by Mrs. Gren- Believe me, yours very sincerely, nations have side on Tuesday afternoon next at 53c, Terminus-road of lawlessness, restrictions as the Pier, and it is greatly to the credit of the Company that this serious draw­ i oyer the Gallery Kinema). All interested are cordially ASTLEY ROBERTS, ctual of recrea- t A u c t i o n W. IS. SQUIRE & CO., back has not been allowed to curb the enter­ invited. Lieut.-Col. and Col. Commanding. of their securities, should be at a premium and not at effort of the prise of the management. In common with E a s t b o u r n e Ch o r a l a n d O r c h e s t r a l R.A. Mess, Jullundur, Punjab, discount. Dunately so m uch V; all similar undertakings, the Eastbourne U nion.—At a well-attended meeting of the Eastbourne Jan. 7th, 1916. “N ot a Squeak Left.” ily to obey th at & Sanitary Steam Laundry report a year of less Choral and Orchestral Union, presided over by Mr. J. Sir Edward said that last year he explained tha to this loftiest furnish™ ironmongers, R. Dear, Mus. Bac., held on Monday evening last, it 4th (EASTBOURNE)) BATTERY. method of financing the war in Germany, and drew is Obedience and substantial profits than usual, but thanks to was decided by vote of the members to put into comparison between the finance of that country and our an V accumulation of . undivided profits in rehearsal Dvorak’s “ Stabat Mater.” This will begiven Major Bernard Moss, in command of the 4th (East­ te. To increase COMMENCES ELECTRICIANS, bourne) Battery, in a letter t > Mrs. Astley Rolierts own, pointing out that Germany would have great r citizen is often a» morft successful periods;” the shareholders are ini March, and the annual performance of Bach’s “ St. difficulty in paying for her imports with her exports. to receive the customary handsome dividend Matthew Passion ” in April. Many new members have from Rawal Pindi under date December 23rd, writes : It wss said that every mark would be squeezed until it 4 . of l6 per cent, and a bonus of two per cent. joined both the choral and orchestral sections, and the “ The Colonel (Col. Astley Kol ierts, Officer Command shrieked, but he thought they would presently see tha* chorus and orchestra promise to be exceptionally good. ing the Brigade) has just tol 1 me of the very large the mark had been so squeezed that there was not even than a common lay, Feb. 9th. | Gas, Hpt Water and S a n ita ry Financially considered; this is perhaps the cheque vou have sent the me l of the Brigade. It is J most remarkable of all local companies, since T h e Of f ic ia l G u id e , 1916.—W e understand a squeak left in it. f does- It is too indred a most acceptable gift rom all onr kind friends It had been predicted by some people that LondoU it has an unbroken record of 10 per cent, that last year over 8,000 copies of the Official Guide in Eastbourne, Bexhill, Hasti rgs, &c., and will be of Be thoughtlessly Engineers. were issued from the Advertising Association’s offices. would oease to be the financial centre of the world, bull Lid vote with th e iktE W DAY, TUESDAY, Feb. 8th; dividends from the very inception of the under­ very great use to all the men. I hear our share for the in his opinion we should not only not lose that position, taking 33 years ago. Town Hall, in response to applications from all parts of ‘ 4tn ’ will be nearly 1,000 rupe< s and the men are going has an extra- the country and from the principal railway companies. to have the best Christmas a id New Year’s dinners but greatly improve it. London, however, could only |e finest natures.' 11 to 9. > The 1916 edition is now in course of publication, and a retain that position by being able to supply gold wheii REPAIRS BY EXPERIENCED WORKMEN (and buy a pair of gloves each, as it is very cold up gold was demanded. The Bank of England had at tbi asp. Few A 49t h A n n i v e r s a r y . few advertising spaces are vacant. Full particulars as here in winter time) they have had since they left PROMPTLY EXECUTED. to rates of advertising may be had on application to the present time about 50 rihllious sterling in gold. Th a do th e best wprk On Monday next St. Saviour’s Church com­ England. The balance will be kept for the hot weather Government had 28i millions, and the joint stock banka elation. In this Secretary of the Advertising Association, Mr. A. E. V. leave. You must have worke 1 hard to get such a big pletes the penultimate stage in its progress Dennis, Town Hall. had a further large sum, while ho believed there was j ho individually aiim together.. Lord and Lad y Willingdon have again yet in hoarding a fair amount, and they were fortnnat a M ' towards iubilee honours. Probably the Vicar been very kind to us and sent Christmas pifddings.” »wd th a t accom- and his flock are not sorry that another year E a s t b o u r n e C h o r a l a n d O r c h e st r a l . in having a continuous flow of gold from South Africa. ESTIMATES GIVEN. Societies.—Rehearsals have now re-commenced. The A letter of thanks hjas also be on received from Brigade “ If,” added Sir Edward, “ on the conclusion of this intervenes before the specially interesting next concert is arranged for Wednesday, March 8th,- at Sergt.-Major Fowler. ’ war we are still a free market for gold, we would hava event of the fiftieth anniversary of their the Town Hall, and will be given in aid of the Anglo- scored a financial triumph as important to the oouhtr f ntelligence th at beautiful church. Present conditions are not Russian Hospital. ‘ It has been decided to give a choral 5ni BATTERY. as a great victory in arms.” j • " ig'view , I'll exactly calculated to create the “ atmosphere ” and orchestral concert instead of repeating the^M essiah. The report and accounts of the oompany, an abstract A rhapsody for soprano solo, ladies’ choir and orchestra From Major PereylJohns, commanding 5th Battery, ant Convinced 22, TERMINUS ROAD, - to inspire the enthusiasm necessary to the dated from Multan (tq Mrs. A- tley Roberts):— of which appears on another page, were unanimously of the “little iequate celebration of a great occasion ; and from the pen of the conductor, Mr. Francis J. Foote, adopted. will be performed for the first time; also a double Will you allow me. bn behall of the whole of the 5th Anr. A. E. Parsloe is manager of the Eastbourne furnish proof that the clergy, officers and congregation will Battery, to thank yoq from the bottom of our hearts (does not encour- EASTBOURNE. quartet for mixed voices, a new work by Mr. Foote. branch of the bank and also of the sub-branch at Hami e- wish to mark the jubilee-of St. Saviour’s in for the wonderful efforts you must have put in to be den Park. ) of progress. some memorable manner goes without the I n co m e T a x o n W a r L o a n I n t e r e s t . able to send such a! magnificent gift. It meant in saying. The third of the.tli»t«ict churches to Holders of the 4J per oent. War Loan will find that English currency that each man received practically Income Tax at the rate of 3s. in the £ has been deducted sty that a be built in Eastbourne, St. Saviour’s was not ten shillings, and they were o -erjoyed. I was able to A ccident to a Sailor.—Qn Sunday after­ constructed before the circumstances of the from their half-yearly intereet paid on December 1st. give than the good news actially on Christmas Day best ne finds w h y OUR BREAD is the c h e a p e s t . In most cases some measure of relief or repayment is itself, and I should not be surprised if the sound of the noon an injured sailor was landed at the Pier-heai his creative neighbourhood demanfled a new place of due to the stockholder, and this will depend on the cheering reached you ip Eastlx urne. suffering from an injury- - to his head, caused byy ia fall Of ESLle o f ir r ita te d worship. In the “ sixties” the town was amount and nature of -the individual income. The May I also assure you that the gift has a value far some coal. He had lieen- brought to the coast by a sma 1 EVENDENS developing very rapidly, and during the Eastbourne and District Income Tax Reclamation beyond its intrinsic worth. 3 he men find themselves boat, .aud was speedily removed to a hospital for trea season especially the need of additional Society, 7, Bolton-road, Eastbourpe, is dealing with in India purely owing to the fict that they volunteered ment. One of the accompanying sailors of the boi.t i and established BECAUSE* it is Baked in Brick Ovens, heated with these matters daily, and is prepared to look into and accidentally fell overboard, but he had no difficulty sta tio n . NICHOLSON, LTD. church accommodation became increasingly for active service abroad almc at immediately after the regaining the craft. , 1 obvious. I t' was necessary, however, to advise on any case free of charge. Should the Society declaration of war. Anriyet.alt lough they are doing their on the subject oak wood, making :t the most hutritiousi; goes further, be able after investigation to make a claim and secure allotted task, under conditions of climate and environ­ Foot of Devonshire Place )> dissipate some unreasoning suspicion that repayment, the only cost incurred is a small fee based on id after the “ High Church ” innovations were contem­ ment which have to be ex pern need to be appreciated, were in the moist for (ays, no chemicals whatever used. the actual benefit, and being a per centage of the actual they are all the while conscious somehow that their EASTBOURNE, plated before Eastbourne could take advantage saving or repayment. services here will not rank in the eyes of their friends i likely that the of the munificent offer of the present Vicar’s ek with a' new to announce in connection with and the public at home with others of a far less tryin Stocktaking liheir delightful [randfather to build> church and parsonage- nature performed at one of the Fronta This idea wil] land in stitw - louse. St. John’s, Meads, was consecrated I hope, be*to a very large bxtent dispelled by the nd hallowed the two years later, viz,, in I860, the year in which GIFT OF GRAMOPHONE AND subscriptions to your fund from so many in the three a gland’s service. IP YOU GIVE IT Aj TRIAL WILL PLEASE YOU. SjA L O U N G E :: also All Saints’ Convalescent Hospital was towns from wbich the Brigade is recruited. B a r g a i n s ■ own countrym en THe men, I am glad to tel) you,'are now, with the T ax F ourth op thr S eries of opened. | ■ |- • i rise a re MOUTH ORGANS TO THE 28th advent of cooler weather, in spllendid health again, and buoyed by the hope that their tall to active war service of th e S P E C IA L :: Old So u t h -s t r e e t T h e a t r e , And it will be FIELD AMBULANCE. may come now on any day. I can only add that they Stocktaking Bargains. ing race to make I n his Reminiscences; Mr. G. R. Sims makes are trained, ready and anxiqus the mind, as BiCAL T e a s some interesting allusions to the old wooden tfSSELL, theatre in South-street (nearly opposite the To THE E dITOB. shall be dis- 6th BAT1 ERY. threatenings - d a y S i 'turday), Jan. 29th present Chronicle office). There is more than S i r : May I ask you to kindly allow me through thd MajorS. H. Bradford, comrJianding tbe fith Battery, Hons. ' j 4ta>~ , "X 1 ' : a suggestion, however, itbat one or two of his medium of your paper to thank publicly those friends writing to Mrs. Astley Roberts from Ferozepore:— Stocktaking who have bo generously contributed towards the 245, SEASIDE -fc 2& OCBXYNGE ROAD. EACH skrurv,DAY throughout F ebruary. statements are the 1 ”7 He so con- m i s s e d i t :H TAYLOR, V ocalist. Believe me, yours faithfully, 'suasion to nave coaxed so much. I certainly think they BUYERS 1 been taught him VITART SPECIALISTS association with Eastbourne commenced. should put you on Ijord Derby’s Select Recruiting Erected at quite the beginning of the last ELIZABETH E. NELIGAN. O F FO BS, COSTUMES, COATS, of .national MISS BERTIE. L . B E N A S D , A.R.O.M., Rinamara, Fumess-road, Committee! ELECTRICAL ENGINEERS, &c. ACCOMPANIST. century,—the ’structure seems to have been The health of this Battery i now [Very good, and the etc., W ILL BE at* J an. 28th. -Designs and Estimates W orks: B&INGTON, P ianist. hiredfrom timetotime by visitingcompanies of men are very appreciative ofl this...... gift.' I difdistributed ad has been & ST. LEONARDS HOAD. pers, and copies of old play-bills still existing Rs. 7-8 (10s.) to each man on the 27th inst., and am w f l l p l e a s e d FROM 4 TO 6 P.M. ’ ’ that the artistes had no small opinion of CAPT. NELIGAN’S LETTER. hopeful they will save this for their leave in the hot : Husiasm inspired weather. I have started a “ Tjhrift Club.” ble thing in Offic e and Showrooms : iselves. - iThis was not, however, East- To Miss Neligan, January 20th, 1916. IF A Prices. Excellent Service. “ Rinamara,” Eastbourne. Life at home must be indeedldepressingand worrying, months has 3 ae’s oldest theatre, which was at the As a nation we have had, arid are having, a terrible 1 , Langney-road, _ Inn, Old Town, the rendezvous for Just a few lines to thank you and your friends at pie’s will. N.B.—T he j lesson, but I believe this time next year 11 see us all VISIT IS PAID j j £ Telephone 1 2 3 3 . otically all social and amusement happen- Eastbourne for your great kindness in sending me that back in our own homes, and peace reignini throughout v i has not excited Eastboi i in the eighteenth century. gramophone and those splendid records, also month the land once again. in different con- Musical Teas organa Everyone in the Ambulance thoroughly appre­ AT THE ciates them, and they help to pass away many a slack From Capt. Reginald Stevelns, of the same Battery, l in prom inent writing from Juglakabad, Delii, writes :— therefore we & MOST REFINED j T h e E q u ipm en t S o ciety . hour enjoyably. ■! ,— r, grimly serious EVERT BIRO for ’ GEORGE E. NELIGAN, The mpn of the 6th Sussex ;ot 10a each CYCLES and UOTOK CYC] 3N8IDERING the admirable record of the through your efforts, and I rare you is increased by h - LOUNGE aent Society andl W ar Hospitals Supply • Captain R.A.M.O. , , . -- .-—.- ^ —t-—at —eythey were___ 28th Field Ambulance, B.E.F. all exceedingly grateful; it enabled them to have a doggedness of Adi ice in Prii of Cycles and Motor Cycles. at, and the further incessant demands little Christmas “ splash,” and I assure yon that they all Special Stocktaking Sale. lings out with ASTBOUBNE. are likely to be ibadej-on its resources, thoroughly enjoyed Christmas, 1915, whereas Christmas, (ourselves. For if and irresponsible criticisms of its 1914, was not a success. .■j'i i nt Motor Cycle when yon can haYe your old LIST OF SUBSCRIBERS, ' pendent mind 3ycle am of management are much to be depre- £ s. d. Collected by Mrs. O. B. i - MANY ; is unexpected Repaired, Re-enamelled, equal to new, Miff For thistbis reason, we must decline to Dr. and Mrs. Ken­ Power. Thomantown, Co. THE HEADQUA iTER STAFF, the war has SHOWINGOWING YOU A SAVING OF V S 9 % , isb letters of a nature calculated to restrict neth Frazer ...... 0 10 Kilkenny, Ireland. Mrs. Astley Roberts,—The undermentioned N.C.O.’s KennethFrazer.Ksq. 0 10 £ s.d. GARMENTS! think as never institution’s activities or to damp the Mias Foley ...... 0 2 Mrs. Toler Aylward 0 5 0 and men of tne above unit present you with their very in the Empire AUCTION S'ALE. iur of those who, Animated by patriotic Miaa Whelpton ..... 0 2 Precentor Beresford 0 5 0 best thanks for your generous endeavours in assist- AND the labours and 'GEORGE DO & CO. (olSSTSSU) PHONE 608. are ving their best energies to the “ Clovelly - Kepple-1 Mrs. Newport...... 0 2 6 mg to provide for their Ohristi festivities (December, stone” ...... 0 10 Miss Butler ...... 0 10 0 1915). Wishing you a Happy ew Year atative com- BE OFFERED. worl The obganfsaticii8atin being w ithout any “ Anon.” “ Olovelly- Mrs. Marsh ...... 0 4 6 role and Motor Cycle Repairs. subsidy t<> raw upon, financial A. H. Brown (Corpl.), H. E. Sharp (Bombr.), G. FUKS i a n d w isdom ial Kebpleston ’’...... 0 1 Genl. Sir H. McCal- . B. Down ham (Bombi ). Gnr. W. H. Vidler, w h o Dll* M Miss Oke...... 0 2 mnnt...... 0 5 0 ABE ■'im i f t b y t h e DUKE i, OF Drvr. V. Farroll, H. Corps (Gnr.), G. H. Y. 4$, GROVE ROAD. 1, WEST STREET. G ' Sier Miss Bantock ...... 0 1 Col. Hanford...... 0 10 0 DEVONSHIRE jBmtasg&T&iSZ Mrs. Farnell...... 0 2 Mrs. Evans Johnson 0 2 6 W ells (Drvr), P. Gol up (Gnr.). J. Grahame in the country's Petrol, OH, Tyree, etc., in Stock. Repairs and Hiring a Speciality. regi ilations appear to j some persons to lack The Rectory, Ford, Major Connellan ... 0 6 0 Wu (Gnr. )u E. G. Wyatt jd than to-day) lute perfection, surely the important Northumberland.. 0 5 Mrs. G. B. Power ... 0 10 0 Bumstead [(Gnr.J, F. W. Ransom HALF-PpiCE. its for the great auction sale to be Miss Kitty Kilts.....0 uss (Gnr.), H. D, Gibb (Gnr.), i by doing w hat its of the undertaking demand that they Miss Dorothy Brodie 0 £2 19 6 fUromal ani> Social Hall on Wednesday and Thursday, BUfc rdinate their own! scruples to the judg- Mrs. Stndoert...... 0 Drvr. Whiting, Drvr. J. W. THE ELECTROCUTION 10th, are almost oomplete, and it may m et and experience of the responsible com- Master Robert KnowleS, Gnr. A. Pi| her,'Gnr. F. Murrell; PJ3.—BUY a Ladies’ PU R - L I N E D e, who can have no possible personal Wynn-Wllllams... 0 0 6 Collected by Mrs. Wynn- R .A .M O .. A. T. ird (Corpl.), Prvt. F. Bristol is an FATALITY. ; that the event will be a pronounced m iti Ml-w'shellah Wynn- Williams. Bridges, P. B.- HoadleyiV (Pr’(Prvt.), W. H. COAT at Half Cost of PBE9BN T ~ 1 minorities- i Hon. Walter ! ___ UP. (President success. ■ As al ready i itated, the proceeds will be devoted it to serve. Querulous complainings at a WUliams ...... 0 Rev. Mr., Mrs. and Hayward. 'Of I______e), and . Runciman spent the Cross Society’s Hospitals (East- juncture, in which the hearty and Miss Gregory ...... 0 Miss Tudor (WU- PRODUCTION Cost. ement from week end at the ] G ap] Miss B. Richardson. 0 lingdon) ...... 0 3 0 Headquarter Staff, , instinctively, A N A P P E A L . __the Equipment Society and War efforts of all need to be brought to bear, Mrs. Arthur May ... 1 Miss Campbell (Wil- l/2nd Home Counties’ Brigade, R.F. A , ! Edward avev, 2nd Depot. mtirely out of placis? ’ ’ Miss May ...... 1 Ungdon) ...... 0 1 0 Jullundur, India, Dec. p!9th, 1915. er investigation i who was LADIES’ NAP ent tp the child - in »l Gallipoli i bout a thousand, and will include Mrs. Douglas ...... 0 Mr. and Mrs. Hatch­ •26th, 27. left estate S i r : It will doubtless be within the recollection of it- iresting gift from the Duke of MIbs Edwards (Dit- ings .1 ..... 0 2 0 CLOTH COATS for £ 1 : 1 : 0 re become sensible valued at l your readers that on Sunday, 26th December -hie h there will doubtless be a great tons-road) ...... 0 5 0 Mr. (fed Mrs. Wells. 0 5 0 MRS. ASTLEY ROBERTS’ THANKS. !; current of our motor oar oollided wil' Miss Weatlitby (Lon- Mr. Sc Mrs. Bentley. 0 2 0 Mrs. Astley Roberts: desires i to specially thank Mrs. Major W. , of the t Oouhtiee Royal and that two- men o E libraries. It is the Benediotlonal .028 Mrs. Raleigh...... 0 1 0 NAVY BLUE % the bane- of Bishop of Winchester, 963-984, Ere'ji. Harding(col­ Mrs. Monk...... 0 1 0 Simmons, of Battle, 4“d Mrs. Percy Johns for help ntaut of Eaetbonrne, Marshall, R.AM.0.), ON AT DEVON- ven her with the collection at Hastings, S t Leonards, COSTUMES for £ 1 : 7 : 6 'They are begin- attached to Head- occupants of the car, were instantaneously electro­ ’ from the manuscript in the WEEK'S lected at TonrSeld). 0 10 Mr. and Mrs. Tomp- and edited with text and SHIRE THEATRE. Ames...... 0 5 sett ...... 0 3 0 exhill and surrounding districts. ■ :: - p cuted. lerio' Warner, D. L itt, Stewart...... 0 10 Miss Cass well ...... 0 I 0 She also very warmly thanks Mrs. Strickland, of ito h " returned to her residence. No. 17, Ebenezer Shad well was employed by Messrs. Samuel the British Museum, and Lay...... -...... 0 10 Miss W intle...... 0 0 6 Hailsham, Mrs. Blathwayt, (Miss Mary Champion, hie obscure persons -square, Bradford tc Sons, coal merchants, ana was in r raptof Murray i announce, as the Arnold...... 0 6 Mrs. Randal...... 0 0 6 Mr. Thomas Sutton and Miss Bushby, of Eastbourne, M.A., Fellow of Magdalen 0 1 Mrs. Anderson...... 0 0 6 protective con- Mr. an average wage of 32s. 6d. per week. He leaves a manuscript very great. on for next uction of Miles of . Oliver ...... all of whom took endless trouble in furthering the Oambridg e, has eub- widow in straitened oiroumstanoes. and the Rev. T. S. ; , ' a particularly lively e Lady Julian Mr. and Mrs. Tovey. 0 1 0 f to change in & for the relief olocal ’ ’ war duotion was made by the preeentH reputed to be a retue Purr ...... 0 Miss Benecke ...... 0 1 0 object of sending % substantial j gift to India. HALF-PRICECjE East has approached me on her behalf to see if some ' J?11 to the members of the Roxburgh character. Tqe re’ e is fob*presented W heeler...... 0 MU8 Lyle ...... -. 0 0 6 Jt “ The honour and ’ • I assistance 1 between the defendant i in the Sussex dialect. and his wife?” m : " y is , sor. I db.” 1 Booksellers and the trate: “ Tell the can, what he seemed to Fnrrii land Eastbourne. be doing?” Witness seemed to be doin’ the listenin’ 1”

,1-Xl IP? 7 1 ' / w EAST] ,NE CHRONICLE, SATURDAY, JANUARY 139, 31916. I ■ 1 UNIVERSITY EAST SUSSEX WAR AGRICUL- WEDDING. LOCAL EXAMINATIONS. TURAL COMMITTEE. ji J ■ h j Co. Q.M.S. MARCHANT a n d MISS M. LIMITED. JENNER. class lists of the Cambridge Local ETMnjni VISIT OP SECRETARY TO BOARD (ESTABLISHED IN 18S6J bold in December last have been issued, ihovi H b a d Of f i c e : 64, LOMBARD STREET, LONDON,! E.C. 1 OF AGRICULTURE. LIMITED. 15' • ' total number of candidates entered was A pretty wedding was solemnised on Saturday at 1 exclusive * of 7,071 candidates who were Christ Church, Eastbourne, the contracting parties C A P I T A L ...... j.. ... £9,000,000. HEAD OFFICE 41, LOTHBURY, E.C. being Co. Q.M.-Sergt. Stanley Stuart Marchant, of • Kapuined at Colonial centres. In the senior examim THE EMPLOYMENT OF SOLDIERS ON la- Capital Issued and Subscribed, £9,000,000, in 450,000 A Shares of £4, fully paid, and The Bluffs, seoond son of Mr. T. Marchant, Black- i km MO boys and 958 girls satisfied the examiner £ THE- LAND. I) heath, and May, second daughter of Mr. Theodora 1 O beys and 16 girls being placed in the first class*4 | 450,0()0 B Shares of £16 each, £4 paid. CAPITAL £14,000,000, IN 700,000 SHARES OF £20 EACH. Jenner and Mrs. Jenner, 76, Whitley-road, East- ’ and 172; girls showed sufficient merit PAID-UP CAPITAL ..] ...... L.j £3,600,000 bourno. The ceremony was performed by tho Rev^ A meeting of the War Agricultural Committee for PAID-UP CAPITAL J £3,500,000. | RESERVE ...... 44,000,000. von E. Soott (vicar of the parish). them to exeiaption from one or both . RE S E R V E ...... £jL, 00(f),0C(O. East Sussex was held at the County Hall, Lewes, on Tho^ bride,j, who was_ given away by hor father, uas i previous examination. Of the junior Candida BOARD OF.DIRECTORS: ms, 1,441 boys iand 892 girls passed, the number Tuesday afternoon. Mr. W. A. H aviland presided, attired in a dress of white crepe) dei cni BrokxI *'those those placedpla( in the first class being 91 and F rancis A ugustus Bevan, Esq., Chairman. HERBERT GOSLINO. KBL. . ______and there were also present Sir Sydney Olivier, •The Rt. Hon. The V is c o u n t G o s c h k n ; C h a i r m a n . tiiees of union, and wore an embroidered tulle veil H ugh Gurney Barclay, Esq., vioe-Ohairman. Sir Somerville Ar m u s G urney, K.G.V.O. Paxti : espectivoly.' 1 In the preliminary examination K.C.M.G., Permanent Secretary of the Board of fastenod with clusters of orange blossom. She CuanvI R obert Leatham Barclay, Esq. Sir J ohn Cousin Horsfall, Bait. W a l t e r L e a f , E sq ., Deputy-Chairman. carried a shoaf of lilies and white heather, the gift t a n and 552 girls passed. Cosmo Bevan, Esq. j Th e Lord K innaird, K.T. Agriculture arid Fisheries, Mr. A- K. Kemble, SL—Mil George Macphebbon, lfcq. of tho bridegroom. Tho attendant bridesmaid was H enry B irkbeck. Esq. Joint General M anagers: F . J. B a r t h o r p e , J . W . B u c k h u b s t . Hunt] EASTBOURNE" CENTRE. i T homas R obins Bolitho, Esq. J ohn Edward MduqeEV.’Esq. Inspector of the Board of Agriculture and Fisheries, tho younger sister of the bride; her dress was of Bidas IOR Boys.—S tudents under 19 who obtain! W illiam Edward Thomas Bolitho, Esq. E dmund H enry P arkew ” Mr. E. J. Gorringe (Chyngton), Mr. W. F. Ingram cream cloth and hat of cream silk trimmed with a “ Class 111., uis!4iiguished in history, L. 1 8ey,mour P leydell Bouvebie, Esq. H ugh Exton Serb Lewes), Mr. G. M. Maryon-Wilson (Searles), Mr. A. S e c r e t a r y : A . A . K e m p e . knot of violets. She carried a shower bouquet of E dward Gurney Buxton, Esq. . Sir J ames Sm ith.I 3urtenshaw (Hastings), Mr. W. Brown (Rotting------:------i------j----i i _ _ violets and white hyacinths. She wore a gold curb B od ir, Southdown College, Mr. E. M. Bewlay] H arold E dward f .< K5E, Esq. I W hiti Geo ffrey F owell Buxton, Esq. dean), Mr. H. C. Burra (Playden), Mr. Francis chain bracelet, the gift of the bridegroom. E. N. Tjnderwood, Municipal Seconder Sir Gilbert Henry Olaughton, Bart. P ercy Tew , Esq. I Sirs. | Mr. O. J: B.aokburu, ii.A ., i i . cwj.—studeu Fred erick George H ugh Clayton, Esq. H erbert Leslie . ,'t j x T ritton, Esq. archard (Little Horsted), Mr. J. Harmer (Cooks- BA LANCE SHEET, 31st DECEMBER, 1915. The mother of the bride w'oro a dress of saxe blue llILBD , 19 who satisfied the examiners: Satisfii Charles H enry Dent, Esq. , .J oseph H erbert I TON, Esq. bridge), Mr. T. P. Dunlop (PettH Mr. W. Troy Silk poplin, trimmed with black luoo and mantle of MISS lers in spoken French, A. L. Aldridge, satisfii E rnest R alph Dodsworth, Esq. F rancis Barry v HIT n ld, Keq. ierfield),_!Mr...... 1), (Mr. " It. li. Chanfller lanf (Mayfield), “■ ‘ Mr. LIABILITIES. £ s. d. ASSETS. black silk applique. Her bouquet was pf mimosa H artin in spoken French, F. Seymour, E. J] F rederick Craufurd Goodenough, Esq. Cecil Merger W BRIDGE, Esq. J oodhams (Battle). Mr. S. ColyerColyi (Bodiam), . Mr. Capital—Subscribed ...... £14.000,000 Cash— I £ a, a. s. d. Mr. Iu hand and at Bank of and white tulips. The duties of best man were per­ Albion Municipal Secondary School; A. M l Robert W4>®»house, Esq. John Ado (Hellingiy),j MMr. H. P. Lee v (Wadhurst),------England ...... 23,250,541 15 formed by Go. Q.M.-Sergt. Fenwick, of The Buffs Hardl ion, Roborough School, Messrs. P.T G. Gilbert^ FREDERICK CRAUFURD GGODBNOUGH, Esq.. Genei , lager. Mr. J. Noble 'Jack (agricultural organiser for East 700.000 Shares of£20 each, £5 paid ...... 3,500,000 0 0 Money at Call and Short (Last Kont Regiment). A reception was afterwards Mrs. f v -a ., andfP. G. Gilbert; distinction, in book-keeping j Sussex), Mr. G. Montagu Harris (hon. secretary), &c. Reserve ...... 4,000.000 0 0 Notice ...... L...... 5,141,897 5 Lieatf WILLIAM FAYILL TUKE, Esq.. Assistant General Manager. Current and Deposit A ccounts...... 106,938,701 1 5 held at the residence of the bride’s parents, and the . L Bason, Southdown College. ! EDWIN FISHER, Esq., Secretary. The CHAIRMAN, at the commencement of the meet­ -28,392,139 1 bridal oouplo left later in tho day for Bournemouth, Circular Notes, Letters of Credit, Com- - Bills Discounted...... ' ...... ' ...... , 11,351,683 15 J unior B oys.—Students under 16 wihp | obtained WILLI A M NORMAN SEIOLEY^ Ks^. ^ } Assistant Secjretfi! ing, extended a welcome to Sir Sydney Olivier, who, mission Loans, and other Accounts, ’Investments:— where the honeymoon is being spent. The bride’s PTTCB honours. Class I.: Distinction in mathematics, H. C; EVELYN COOPE RUGGLES-BRI he said, had come down to help them in their work including provision for Contingencies. 2,222,225 14 11 Consol-i anil 4J per cent. tiavelling dress was of navy blue oliiffon taffetas, Mr. I 1L Graves, Southdown College; distinction in Drawing and Deposit Accounts opened at any oh the Branches, according to the|uBU E1 pustom of Bankers, and give them every assistance in his power. Acceptances for Customers and Obliga­ W ar Loan (ot which with hat to match, and she wore black fox furs. Mr., arithmetic, history, French, mathematics and satisfied Payments may be made through any Branch of the Bank to the oredit pf C to mere' Accounts at any other tions under Treasury Minute of 17th £ 2,050,376 is lodged tor The bridegroom, who is shortly leaving for the and 1 ijymi The Executive Committee presented the following November, 1915 ...... 5,022,402 8 5 RoxbyI in spoken French, R. G. Greaves, report:— Public Accounts, and Front, was formerly at the London County and West­ Orders for the purchase or sale of Stocks. Shares, &o., executed through LondonlBn Endorsements on Bills Negotiated...... 72,853 0 0 under Treasury Minute j minster Bank, Lotnbury, London. Mr. Secondary School; distinction! in religious Dividends, Pensions and Annuities received for Customers of the Bank. I __ The committee conferred with Miss La Mothe, Rebate on Bills not d u e ...... 83,503 5 8 of 17th November, 1915), e, history and satisfied examiners in spoker The Bank undertakes all classes of Foreign Business, including the coUection of Foreign Bills, and the remittance the woman agricultural adviser to the Board of Profit and Loss Balance, as below ...... 1476,584 19 0 and other Securities ot, The presents, which were numerous and useful. A. C. Maconie, distinction in French she or guaranteed by, the included the following :- of moneys nbro&cl* ■ p. .i i Trade, and as a result resolved that the War Agricul­ t Ha examiners in Bpoken French, C. J. Rugg Circular Notes. Circular Letters of Credit and Fixed Letters of Credit issued payatai< i i the principal Cities and tural Committee be recommended to approve of the British Government..... 32,156,711 Bridegroom to bride, gold wrist watch. gh School.—-Class II.: Distinction in.history, Indian Government Stock t.—Mri Towns of the world. „ i l l I, formation of a Woman’s County Committee for tho War Loan has been taken at and Indian Government Bride to bridegroom, silver cigarette case. Fry. and satisfied examiners in spoken French, The Bank undertakes the office of Executor and Trustee on terms, partlonli pf which may be obtained at cost and all other Invest­ Head Office and Branches, purpose of organising a scheme for securing the Guaranteed Railway Staff of London County and Westminster Bank, Mrs. | M. Fry, Roborough School; distinction services of women for farm work and for fitting ments at or under prices Stocks and Debentures. 95P.277 18 Lothbury, canteen of cutlery. J.—Mia French and satisfied examiners in spot 9 T ruling on 31st December, 6.—Mr. | them to undertake such work. 1915. Colonial Government Mr. and Mrs. J. H. A. Jenner (Lewos), silver sugar R. Vail, distinction in Frenoh and satisf DB. BALANCE SHEET, 31st DECEMBER 1916. OR. “Enlistment:—The committee have forwarded Securities, British Cor­ bowl and spoon. Maeti in spoken French, H. R. Wilcockson, poration Stocks, and | Mr. and Mrs. H. Jenner, nutcrackers. 8. -V r LIABILITIES. rk oopies of circulars issued by the Board of Agriculture British Railway Deben­ 9. —k rsj Secondary School; distinction in religious and Fisheries !on the subject of enlistment to the Mr. and Mrs. J. Tapley, cut-glass inkstand. Htob . Yohan, Southdown College.—43 tuaent* £ 8. d. s. d. £ s. d. ture Stocks ...... J]..... 953,274 11 To Current, Deposits and other Accounts _ By Cash in band, at I honorar ____itories______of___ the______sub-committees and_____ have Other Investm ents ...... 1,472,661 11 Miss Jenner, and Mr. and Mrs. R. Jenner, cut- Mi-i who satisfied the examiners: E L. Blink- (including Balance of Profit and Loss) 73,312,190 12 10 of England and with supplied them j with every information. And further 35,532,925 8 7 glass jam jar. 10. - L ™> E. R. Mercei), Southdown C ollege; H . J. „ Acceptances and Endorsements for other Bankers 14 ,l$i,269 6 4 London County and West- ! Mr. and Mrs. L. Jenner, silver serviette rings. 11. -1 shortness of time allowed W is t 1 , St. George's School, Mr. W. Davies; R. H. Account pf Customers, and Obliga­ „ Money at Call and Short to men in Grodpe 2 to 5 to appeal to the local tribunal minster Bank (Paris) Mr. and Mrs. H. W. Clemow and family, oak gate­ Roborough School; C. J. Jervis, R. R. tions under Treasury Minute of 17th „ , Notice .;..J...... 1...... IT.. I ilfa.OOO 0 0 Limited :— legged table. P rinc. November, 1915 ...... 2,229,805 10 6 -18,651,269 this committed is of opinion that attested men in . 4;000 £20 Shares fully j Walfa . W. C. Whenham, Municipal Secondary those Groups should be allowed further time in which Mr. and Mrs. R] Clemow, Queen Anne silver teapot. GUI , —Students not under 16 wno passed as „ Capital, viz.: „ Bills Discounted 3,721,689 paid I Dr. and Mrs. Evans, dinner service. 450.000 A .''hares of £4 _ „ I nvestments— to make such appeal; and that a copy of this resold-" 16,000 £20 Shares £7.10s. f 1 200,000 0 0 4B.-Md E. F. Donne, Roborough Sohool; J. do each, fully paid ...... £1,800,000 0 0 (Including £1,087.1 tion be forwarjded to the Board of Agriculture and paid J Master Jack and Miss Eileen Evans, pickle jar. 61—V C. V. Varaona, Southdown College. 450.000 B Shares of £18 __ 0s. lid. Securities Fisheries, with'a request that they will represent the Advances to Custom ers and Lieut. R. Howes and Mrs. J. How'oa, sugar basin, 6S.-Mr Bb KIOB Girls.—Students under 19 who obtained: each, £4 paid...... '1,800,000 0 0 lodged for County and matter to the War Office. other Accounts (including tongs and tea caddy spoon. By o n i , Class I.: Distinction in religious know 3.600.000 other PublioACCoui Sre - moratorium Stock- i Mr. and Mrs. E. Tubb and family, silver egg stand. Miss J „ Reserve Fund (per contra)...... 1.600.000 and under Treasury “Foxes.—The committee have forwarded to the xchange Loans) ...... L ! 39,941,301 17 6 Mr. English, history, geograph French anq M innie of 17]th Masters of paoks of foxhounds in the county oopies Liability of Customers for • Miss C. Tubb, leaded glass screen. Flight examiners in spoken French, R. B rd, Elstree November, 1915) of a letter from the Board of Agriculture and Acceptances, &0., as per i Miss E. Briggs, gold pendant and cheque. son. I the Misses Brewer.—Class II.: Distinction British Government Fisheries stating that the Board had received com­ contra ...... L 5.022,402 8 Councillor J. Niodermayer, pair of silver vases. Ca-ltl pledge, English, hisi bry and satisfied Securities and Bank plaints in regard to losses of poultry through the Bills Negotiated, as per Mr. and Mrs. R. A. Nieaermayer, case of te« Siib-T in spoken French, H. I. 1 [. Cameron, dia­ 8took...... TX....J,.... 19 734,798 11 11 contra ...... ,...... L..... 72,853 0 0 knives. Flight depredation of foxes in East Sussex, and asking the Bank and other Premises . hirtoryl French, and sa led examiners British Corporation and committee to inquire into the cases and to consider Miss Dennett (Ore), embroidered afternoon doth. Flight Public Bodrds Stocks (at cost, icss amounts l « Sister Beatrice, marble clock. Wami French, S. M. Gait, St. Wii d’s, Mue and Bonds ...... 500,718 18 3 the advisability of using every means to secure if w ritten off).. 1,782,663 18 5 Saintf •Lax, B .A ., and Miss F. M. W< it, M .A ,; Indian and Colonial possible a reduction in the number of foxeB. Miss M. Saffery, oxydised silver vase. Mast i in religious knowledge and his ry, E. M. Government Secuxi- “The Use of the Military for Farm W01 £ 122,296,269 9 5 9 5 Mr. and Mrs. Bayzand, tea servico. Mts. ...W est Hill House, Mrs, E.'C. B uber. . ties. Including Guar- committee have asked the Board of Agriculture and Miss O. Grady Haly, hand-drawn linen cloth. Gill. an teed Hull ways...... 2,0: .0,679 0 2 Mr. W. E. [Martin, cut-glass salad bowl. Faroe HI.; Distinction in religiousjujus knowledge, British Railway Lieben Fisheries to represent to the War Ofiice that men ' and satisfied examiners in spokenipoken French; J. should be askea to .volunteer for farm work and be DR. PROFIT AND LOSS ACCOUNT. CR Bride's girl friends, silver dressing table ware. Bxa ViJ ture Guaranteed an The Misses Brown, blue silk on tout cas. Mrs. J itfield, distinction in religious 'knowledge and Preference Stocks.. . 1 119 003 allowed to come for a certain period, and that the FUsch| ’ examiners in spoken French, M. I. S. Map- Other 8ecuritii 943,238 farmors should! be allowed to arrange with the men Miss J. Snow, linen. » ; e4.... £ s. d. £ . s. d. And others; Misse distinction in religious knowledge and (Includln(In clu d in g 81,250 the terms of employment other than as to the rate of To Interest.paid to Customers...... 1,456,706 0 2 By Balance brought forward Robert examiners in 9poken French, R. Oj Peall, St. Shares of £5 each,' £3 pay, it being understood that they would be subject „ Salaries and all other expense-, includ­ from 31st December, 1914 Note.—The Investments are taken at paid. In the Yorkshl: 160,112 3 3 tho MV I’a.—Students under 19 who satisfied the Stock Exchange minimum to return at any time when required by the Military ing Income Tax aud Auditors’ aud „ Gross Profit for the year, Worel r»: Satisfied examiners in spoken Frenoh, M. Penny Bank, Ltd.) Authorities." T - Directors’ Remuneration...... 1,472,231 2 10 after making provision Mrs, ’ prices where available; War „ Hobate on Bills not due carried to N ew for Bad Debts and Con­ LONDON COUNTY AND WESTMINSTER owning, private tuition; S. S. Burton, Leo Loan Stocks at cost, and the 24 308,497 4 7 The CHAIRMAN, alluding to the suggested employ CffATSV at A ccount...... 63,502 5 8 tingencies, and includ­ Mrs. , b, Miss H. Willison; M. M. Fletcher, M. E. P. Reserve Fund: ment of womeh, explained that it was proposed to „ Interim Dividend of 9 per cent, paid ing Kobato brought for­ ‘ b a n k , l im it e d , i Heard satisfied examiners ii^ Bpokeni French, E. C. estimate larket Values. £1 000,000 Exchequer form an organisation of ladies in the county aiid to in August last...... 3 5,000 0 0 ward from 31st Dec. last 4,096,327 4 5 Mr. an sons, private tuition; E. A. Henderson ■ 3 per cent. Bonds compile a list of those who were prepared to work „ Amount written off Investments and , •! Mrs. I examiners in spoken French, E. M. (1930) ! : on the land. I At the present time there whs further provision for Depreciation... 472,412 0 0 Oav n, The Ladies’ College, tjie Missis I. M. £500,000 Exchequer, 3 „ Further Dividend of 9 per cent., pay­ “ A W AR OF SAVING AGAINST WASTE.” per cent. Bonds (1920) reluctance on the part of farmers to approve of; any able 1st February next (making 18 Mrs. and E. M. Crake; satisfied exkminers £360,000 Egyptian 1 3 scheme of that sort. They had had a very wet month per cent, for the year) £315,000 0 0 Mr. Nl i French. E. H. Maltass, satisfied examiners per cent, i- Loan, and had been able to do very little, but he did not Mrs. 1 „ Balance carried forward 161,584 19 0 Mr. ALTER L eaf (deputy chairman) presidod aS Ltout.| t French j E. A. Probst, Rippingale, the Mil Guaranteed by tbe think even yet farmers realised the very great short­ 476,584 19 0 Miss Worters and B. M. Burney; R. E. Pilgr British Govornmi ),000 0 0 age of labour they would suffer from in the summer. the annual ordinary general meeting of the Londo* -25,908,497 4 £4,256,439 7 8 Mrs. , Miss W. J. Wilson. Advances to Custoiperis aud other He thought there was going to bo a great shortage, £4,256,439 7 8 County and Westminster Bank on Thursday. H« Mrs. ] GlBLS.—Students under 16 who/ obtain Accounts (including to Stoqk- and unless steps were taken to organise either remarked that from the point of view of their deposits Miller] women, or at all events inexperienced labour* the Class III.: Satisfied examiners in spoken brokers under Trei ulinute of and their gro4s profits the year would appear to have Aralu C. H. Baker, Elstree Grange; distinctibn 31st October, 1B14) .. 28,408,025 7 6 shortage would be felt very much indeed. This offer GOSCHEN, F. J. BARTHORPF,> k i ) Joint General Dr. . and satisfied examiners in spoken Freni ______Liability for _ Acceptances, . . Endorse- was made by the Board of Trade and the committee WALTER LEAF Directors. J. W , BUC KH UR ST, / Managers. been ono of -groat prosperity. But they must no* Heath Greig, distinction in history, French a ments and Obligations (per contra)..'. 2,:,229,805 10 felt it would be better if anything was to bo done ALFRED DENT,>} allow themselves to forget the underlying fact tha* 0 P-n N examiners in spoken French, S. G. McPher Bank Premises and an joining Proper­ that it should be done by the Ladies’ Organisation. this prosperity was really fictitious, being based OH Bandhu ties...... I...... K...L ...... 1,:.852,709 13 T. J. CA RPENTER, Chief Aci luntant. the using up of their savings in the past and that for btorr.l e Ladies’ College; distinction in Engli . Sir Sydney Ol iv ie r raid the Board of Agriculture Mr. and satisfied examiners in spoken French, £80,771,996 3 4 £80,771,996 3 1 and the Board of Trade were working conjointly on every individual in the nation there was a paramount Mrs. the problem of replenishing farm labour by inducing AUDITORS’ REPORT. duty to save—to save to the uttermost in order So icars, St. Winifred’s. Students under 16 who stoj), and when the time came to replenish, tha Mrs. I. the examiners: P. M. Blakelock. distinction women to take up work in agriculture. The function We have examined the above Balance Sheet and compared it with the Books at Lothbury and Lombard Street, Scott I and satisfied examiners in spoken French, of the women’s committee was to organise sub­ and the Certified Heturns received from the Branches. , terrific drain upon our accumulated wealth whipb Grlbb Lnwth,' Hiilcot... Mis Ram-n-v : R, y. DR. PROFIT AND LOSS ACCOUNT. committees in the districts and villages to induce We have verified the Cash in hand at Lothbury and Lombard Street and at the Bank of England and the Bills was implied in the unparalleled effort to which th* and 1 £ 8. d. women who in ordinary circumstances were not Discounted, and examined the Securities held against Money at Call and Short Notice, and those representing the nation had braced and was bracing itself. He wen* W est id, Fairies School, Miss Watson-Willis; d] Investments of the Bank. , . j on to mention that no less than 1,000 of their sta9 King in religious knowledge and history, J. 1 To Salaries and other Expenses at Head By Profit unappropriated on Dth June, accustomed to work to take up, as ai patriotic duty, Office and Branches, including Income 1915 ...... ;...... ;...... I. 70,623 the assistance of agriculture. It was much more We have obtained all tho information and explanations we have required, and in our opinion the Balance Sheet had been released and were on active service and snd . ey, distinction in French and satisfii Tax and Staff Bonus...... 404,751 1 I „ Gross Profit, full pro vision v ving been is properly drawn up so as to oxhibit a true and correct view of the state of the Company’s affairs a wording to the I Dowli| s in spoken French-R. Holmes, West Hill; convenient that it should be dealt with as a woman’s that 1100 more bad been attested, many of whom „ Directors' Remuneration ...... 6,180 11 ! made for Rebate and icr Bad and best of our information and the explanations given to us, and as shown by the Books of the Company. had already joined the Colours. Practically the POD. n in religious knowledge, history, French ,, Reduction of Premisesand payment for Doubtful Debts.... 895,200 1 9 question by women, and that the requirements of Mitch farmers as to labour should be dealt with by the FRED. JOHN YOUNG, F.C.A., 1 whole of the eligible staff had in one way or another Garbi| Bed examiners in spoken French, A. B. &. Buildings ...... 25,000 G. E. SEN DELL, F .C .A / Auditors. E. L. Freeman, distinction in French and Investment Reserve Account...... 250,000 District Committees. It was largely a question of offered itself. To their deep regret, they had So W art „ Dividend of 41- per Share on A Shares public opinion! among women, and of habit and London, 17th January, 1916. record that they had lost no less than 30 killed and Rowa [ examiners in spoken French, T. F. Wakeley, 82 wounded. Mr. lies’ College; B. F. Gardner, satisfiec per Share on B Shares, less custom among women. There were women in almost 'IncomeTax ...... 207,281 5 0 T h e Great W ar L oan. Mrs. ! in spoken French, I. M. Mills, satisfied every village who, if it was put to them as a publio and 1 „ Balance, being Undivided Profit, duty and a loyal servioe to the country, wbuld be National Board of Directors, exercises n|o control over Turning to ;the financial side of their work, Mr. in spoken French, I. O. Ready, St. carried forward to the next year ..... 72,610 13 5 SPENDING OUR TAXES. them whatever, and our paid servants spend ouri I’s; satisfied examiners in ’spoken French, E. willrng to help in agriculture. Lists would be com­ Leaf stated that .luring the past year they must have £965,823 11 2. piled of women who were willing to take work money without , our control. Are these big salaries been struck most of all with the manner in which the Miss ng-Smith, Rippingale; satisfied examiners in £965,823 11 to be cut dovyii, or, what is far more important, are French, J. L. Hardcastle, Elstree Grange.; jermanently or in jobs in gangs, and the lists wpuld financial madiino had adjusted itself to the new con­ Mrs. Pg te supplied to farmers. That was one part of the II.—THE NATIONAL BALANCE SHEET. we to get bMter value for our money by the removal ditions and the smoothness with which it had worked. Miss examiners in spoken French, K. M. Lipeett, of higiilv placed incompetence? I doubt it, unless Mr. an| ».—Students not under 16 Who passed as F. O, GOODENOUGH, General Manager. F. Ai BKVAN, Chairman. f . n H. Ofr,v rro N . 1 scheme. The Becond part, which required more When they met a year ago the readjustment was Thorns EDMUND Directors. organisation, dealt with the supply of women who the people take the question of financial revision into hardly complete; they were still in the throes of it. defied etxamiiiers in spoken French, G. V, W. FAVILL TUKK, Assistant General Manager. H PARKER, 1 their own hands. All ’ through this book there are Mrs. Sal aatiriied examiners in spoken French, E. M. MES s mUXH,: J were not of the wage-earning class, but who were On referring to “Finanoe Accounts of the United But during the twelve months they had, though con­ Dewar. 1 willing to com-) from the countiyr towns on to the abundant signs of extravagance and waste, and an stantly at work in meeting conditions which were St. Winifred’s ; M. M. J. Tyrrell, privite n Kingdom ”> for the year ended Maroh 31st, 1915, we utter lack of ordinary commercial financial ability. AUDITORS’ REPORT land, and who would want a certain amount of educa­ find eight pages devoted to a statement which has a now to all alik|e, kept fully abreast of them, and tbe tion and training. That, sb he said, wanted more Judging from a prolonged study of [the problems situation had been always well in hand. The banks, Mr. I P beli!minaby E xamination. We have compared the above Balance Shi ith the Balances on the Books at the (Head e, and with the total of £776,812,160. 9s. 4d. In this book we are Mrs. A. detailed Returns from the Branchos. We ha’. irified — ------the Cash------at the Lorn------,rd Sttreeit ice and at the Bank of organisation, bift it had been provided for by a grant of publio finance, both local and national, I should both of London arid of the country, had been united Mr. and BOYS.vr-Students under .14 who have obtained England, and the Investments of the Bank, as welt as the Securities held against Cai >11 and Short Notice, and from the Treasury. Beth of these classes contained also told in detail how the revenue side of the account say that, with ordinary commercial management and in their action, on behalf of the great national cause, Mrs. Ja i tonoura. Class I . : Distinction in Latin and French, having obtained all the information and explanations we have required, we arii of 1 that the above Balnnce a considerable latent supply of labour, and they only is made up, this detail even going so far as to say the scrapping of official system of book-keeping and and had had |itt!e or no difficulty in reconciling it I. G. Sherratt, Roborough School.—Class II.i: Sheet la properly drawn up so as to exhibits true and correct view of the state of the C 'ompany's affairs according wanted to orgainise it. that I7s. 6d. was received for copies of documents the keen critical examination and ridicule of the with their duty to their shareholders, their depositors to the boat of our information and tho explanations given to us and as shown byi^he Looks and Returns of the published accounts by the- business men of the and their customers. The bank had in full measure, Mias Lacey, Roborough School.—Class HI.: N. M. Mr. W. F. IlfaRAM said the Chailey Sub-Com­ and other items of equal national importance. It is Mrs. I , NeviU House, Mr. W. C. Laming, M.A:— Company. KEMP, 80NS.JJEN SONS. SEN! JELL & CO. \ . mittee approved of the scheme and hoped it would country, a saving of at least 25 per oent. could easily and he might frankly say that he thought they had p< n. M l ts under 14 who have satisfied the examiners: London, 12th January, 1916. PRICE, VyATERm UStt & CO. / Auditors. go through. He thought it would be better if tbe a very useful thing for the public to be kept informed be effected on the present spending policy, and.with deserved it, the confidence of their 'customers, the Jerin y n | Appleyard, H. Fi Bailey, A. C. Dennison,1 women ran their own committees entirely by them­ of details of revenue, but when it comes to the a revised policy of expenditure a far greater amount foundation on which all banks must rest. H e hoped H ouse; A. R. Baddeley,- L. H. E. DavisAn, selves. If it was thd wish that there should be one enumeration of such specific items as “Sale of old is possible. The rest of the account is largely made that the bank in return had done its fluty by them bottles; sale of waste paper,” and other such items up of war services and debt services,' All public and assisted 'them in full measure! I. to all tlieix Mr. ;h School; W. E. Bradford, distinction in ing deposits of the country at the service of the of their number on the District Committee they Pope. lT M. K It. de --O unmc.k, disi.mct.ion it BARCLAY & COMPANY, LTD. country’s trade and industries and to spread the areas should weloome them and would be glad to hear in an account of over 776 million pounds, it is time . legitimate needs. There had, indeed, never been any Prebble ___ . y L W. Cooper, ;L. Hardy, E. A. Holmes, in which those ' deposits ire employed. This what they were doing, but he did not think in I this that tbe officials concerned were told plainly that tho i very great pressure for advances; indeed in tha Butter - H. Palmer, D j Cf. 1 ‘owner, Southdown- Colleg amalgamation was a demon:nitration of this policy case the men 'wanted to interfere with what the heavily burdened taxpayers do not want such an 1 general trade of the country there had been rather a Misses I " \ E. Robinson, i'rematon School, Mr. W. 8. Basset PLEA FOR ECONOMY. perhaps to a greater |d' igree than any other women were doing./ ! T ■ exhibition of senilg incompetence as the inclusion of system’ of expenditure by publio bodies, both local j tendency to reduce ole] loans of old standing. Ona Handle]] * its between 14 and 16 who have satisfied the amalgamation of late years. The enormous assistance The committee expressed their approval of the petty cash receipts in the national statement of and Rational, needs a drastic revision by the business of the most satisfactory features about the great War Wigran ' wi— - • men of the country if our present unnecessarily high , Loan in July' last was the manner in which their The Mil C. A. Batho and B. V. Johnceline, South- the banking coi „■ had ! been able and scheme. . | accounts to the exclusion of vital figures. The tax­ Wigran lege: R. IF. Lanmann. O. K. GJogsu,. N. K GOVERNMENT LIFE INSURANCE willing to render to the ban)r’i customers and to the The question of the employment of soldiers was payers want to know how their hard-earned money is rates and taxes are not to strangle industry and place customers provided the money themselves; the cases Moss. W. P. Taylor, J. E. Tees, Nevill House; E. State in financing'the war (jflered the strongest and next discussed. spent, and to be able to judge for themselves whether the people under the thraldom of their own paid in which the bank was asked to assist in subscriptions Misses 1 Roborough School. SCHEME ADVOCATED. most conclusivenclusive justification of the big banking Sir Sydney Olivier asked if there was any mis­ they are getting value for money, and the officials servantst—the permanent officials who now rule us. by loans were quite trifling in comparison, and there ,—Studente under 14 who have obtain amalgamations whloh had en place in recent years. understanding About starred or indispepsable men will have to learn that it is of the first importance to RICHARD HIGGS. was no doubt that the amount subscribed represented under the attestation scheme? the national well-being to present an ordinary com­ the actual savings of the country, not 'any artificial A lkxan Class IL: Distinction in Frenoh 1 ai The report was una-nimou adopteB. ! | The Annual general meeting of Barclay & Company, The CHAIRMAN: There has been a great deal in mercial statement of account to the taxpayers. inflation of credit. The immediate effect of tha* a Fr examiners in spoken French, D. |M.‘ Gayer At an extraord Mrs. T L td / was held on Thursday at the Head Office of tHe eting resolutions my mind. Loan was, of course, a considerable drop in their Mr. F.l tuition.—Studente under 14 who have satisfiec were carried increasing h the >ital of the bank and When we turn to the expenditure side of the OBJECTIONS C0NSCIEN' niners: Distinction in algebra, K. V. B. Sir Sydney Oliv ier : We sent out a short circular IOUS. deposits, which had no doubt been abnormally Mrs. an m bank1, 54, Lombard-street, London, E.C., M r/F rancis making certain alteraticL le Articles of Associa- aooount, we find suoh items as: Payment* to Local increased in anticipation of it. But that drop had ivate tuition, F. D. P. Baly, Elstreo Grange a few weeks ago which tells farmers what they ought Taxation Accounts, &c., £9,529,133. 13s. 5d. This B y A . H. A. G V. A ugustus B ryan presiding. tion. to do. since been largely made up again and they had tha Vaught . Brodie, Clovelly-Kepplestone, Meads, Mrs item is split up under various heads showing the satisfaction, of seeing their aggregate deposits nearly Mrs. Cf Browne; E. C.- Butcher, M. E. Geriaeh, K. N, The Ch a ir m a n , in moving the adoption of the The Ch a ir m An : The point which troubled me was purpose of the grant, the Act of Parliament, &c., Symonl The Lgdies’ College, Miss I. M. E. Hitch report, raid It was their intention in future always whether men who are not starred and not attested Fight on, brave comradides, and do your bit— 8 millions in excess of those which the bank showed c h i l d r under which it is authorised, and the amounts Aye, and do a bit for m e. a year ago—a far larger sum than had ever appeared Mad an tl. Crake;'satisfied examiners^it to hold their meetings at this season instead of in : •UGHS, have a right of (appeal to the tribunal^? allocated to England, Scotland and Ireland. Do our Mr. and, M. Crisp, - satisfied examiners^ it July or August. They were to-day only concerned Sir Sydney Olivier : Yes, they have. For although I’m young and strong arid fit, on any of their annual statements. Mohttn.I Babies’ Bronchjtjs ir d Bad Breathing local bodies waste any of that money? Is the item I must not fight because you see French, Fj V. Lier, Lee College; distinction with the accounts for the latter half of 1915, and Mr. D unlo p] said tbe farmers did not make use capable of being reduced without any sacrifice of A P atriotic A ction. I’ve objections conscientious! andMrri’rr 1 loh and satisfied examiners ini spoken French, they were submitting a very satisfactory report aiid of soldiers in hjs district because of the restrictions efficiency? Road Improvement Fund, £1,528,365. Proceeding, the Chairman said another matter Me M. F. Malcolm; and satisfied examiners in spoke! balance sheet. The deposits were £6,000,000 more VENO’S LIGHTNING COUGH CURE. ss to wages. It was felt that it would be better to 5s. 5d. Who manages that fund? We hear of a The Huns are ferocious, vicious foes; whioh had been the subject of constant attention had Ferg M. L •Martin, Knockmaroon, the Misaei than at this time last year, though they were less by leave it to the farmers and the soldiers to fix the Road Itoard, but, to all intents and purposes, that Go, then, slash ’em hip and thigh 1 been the question of the best means of paying our Hulfon ,, K. Pakenham-Walsb, private tuition.— £3,000,000 than on June 30th, owing, no doubt, to wagos. Last harvest the amount was fixed by the money fa out of the control of the people who pay, There’s priceless oomfort when one k: foreign debts—in other words, the question of the Walk the large investment by their depositors in War Mrs. Ding, BlUe House Thrintoft - lane, near War Office at 5s. a day, and the farmers said if. they Rob ite between 14 and 16 who nave satisfied the , s a y s “Lily and there is every reason for thinking it can be That yo u are never hindered by ] American Exchange. They were all familiar with rxamipers: S. M. Wynn-Williams, CloveUy-Kepple- Loan. as only six months old paid that to men who were not skilled it would .Objections conscientious; Mrs. 1 when she fell ill. She ~ t juja [sleep for coughing and reduced. Other consolidated fund services, £1,693,413. the Commission sent out to New York and the T reasury B ills. cause a great deal of discontent among their own 16s. 3d. This includes some very interesting figures Fight on, good chums! At all costs .defend success -with which a joint Anglo-French Loan ol tightness of breath; in dreaded her going to men. The Government, raid Mr. Bevan, might have sleep for fear she should : ohb^i;e, She had been: ill for under the head of Civil List, £470,000. Annuities Our mothers and our sisters; £100,000,000 was raised. He must mention one step 9.—Mr. i better advised had it sought the oo-operation Sir Sydney Oliv ier: The War Office will not act and pensions, £319,068. 19s. Id. In this is a list of For on you, of course, they must defend— taken by the hanks here, as it showed itself on their Aohe quite a while, when I 'got Veno’s. The effeot was upon any scheme except a universal scheme of 4s. a ___ia banks in the short loan market rather than wonderful, very soon si lured.” perpetual and other pensions, which are capable of Not on peaceful non-resisters own balance sheet. In common with other banks, in .- i ‘ ACCIDENT, NEW HAVEN invite' tho general public to take Treasury Bills at day all-over the country. They refuse to be moved With objections conscientious. they had shared in a scheme which was put before 11.—Mr. FATAL , [Veno’s Lightning Cough revision at the present time. The list is divided into ever increasing rates of interest. The banks and the' ire was awarded the and say we have,to do the best we can. the following heads: Annuities to the Royal Family; Ah! how wise of Nature to provide them by the Government, by which the Dank took Mr. i Grand Prix and Gold Medal The f money market, would have found all that would have Jr safety and efficacy at Mr. [DUNLOP remarked that for some months to Pensions for Naval and Military Services; Pensions Some men with conscience—some w ithout; credit in the United States, to be used, if necessary, An aocident wl resulted in the: death of a boy the 1910 Paris Health Ex ition, and is a perfect come there must be a great many men in training Mr. i been needed in that way from time to time at very for Political and Civil Services; Pensions and Com­ We've aims and tastes diversified— for the purpose of steadying the exchange. This Ingran «ed 6 jean, Ronald David Hill, son of Mr. moderate rates of interest, and the Government could remedy for all chest, lung ar throat troubles. Prices who were not able to go abroad and who were not was an operation which was undertaken solely from llld ., Is. 3d. and’ 3s., of all pensation for Judicial Services and Miscellaneous You’re built to fight; I’n* raised de'rout ana 1/ Railway-road, Newhaven, a rail- have, as and when the amount out on Treasury' Bills imists. N .B .—The 3s. fit for full military servioe. Those men would be Pensions. The names of each recipient are given. With objections conscie itious. patriotic motives; the bank made no profit from it, North Javid Hill, of size is tbe most economical. ce no substitute. glad to have a] few days’ farm work. The restric­ ray shunter, red in Railway-road about four had reached a large figure, obtained from the publio Salaries and allowances account for £56,365. 7s. 7d. When you’re in battle, pray think of me and, on the other hand, the arrangement was such as Mrs. I in the shape of permanent loans the funds wherewith tions which the War Office put on the farmers to ensure them against any loss. Meanwhile another Miss ■ ,’elook on afternoon, when [the little fellow. Courts of Justice, £534,154. 5s. 7d. This amount is Left in England and sore distressed; to meet the Bills as they fell due, and also at lower damned the whole scheme. for salaries to judges and others, and the names and scheme—a scheme which he wished most strongly to Barb run over ooal van fcssL to Mr. J. Mr. E. J. Gorringe remarked that if farmers had Yearning to help, if only free— rates than the Government have.paid./ They had WEATHER: REPORT FOR 1915. amounts are a most interesting study. Miscellaneous But cabined, thwarted and oppressed recommend to the shareholders—had been set on foo* Amy, ooal nt, of Railway-! and driven sold all their American securities, and in combina­ men just when! the; wanted them and sent them services, £313,825. 4s. Of this, the largest item is and was now working successfully to the same end— away when they hai finished with them they must With objections conscie:itious. 12.—Mif i f a young Charles PI ipa. tion with tfio other leading .banks had entered into £215,000 for Indian Army Pension Deficiency Fuqjl the scheme for the purchase by the Government of 19.-1 arrangements with leading American banks with the Dxil SUNRHISK. R a in f a l l be prepared to pay. Annuity. Turning to what are termed Supply Ser­ It will solace you to bear in mind, dollar securities. How successful that had already 2L—Mr. J • ; The little m et by his i s he cam, Hours. Inches. Mr. M aryon-Wilson :- Is the Army Council going When in slush and btood you’re swi rimin’, nit of Railway-] 1 Infant School they proceedec I object of regulating the exchange with the United January ...... 46 -9 . .. 3-86 vices, we find £80,435,724. 3s. 5d. for the Army, Navy been was shown by the fact that the Exchange had 'States in accordance with suggestions made by the to consider a modification of the present rate of pay, and Ordnance factories, figures which must be dis That I’m cheering those you left behii d— now for some time been maintained by it at a point jtbe pav together until _>poate the Gaj February...... 44-89 .. 1(M -8 . . 4-425 and will they go still further and allow farmers to The children and the women— when ___led a desire "to play a little Government. They had written to all their customers March ...... 47!ll .. 109-85 . cussed later on. Miscellaneous Civil Services are which was sufficient to protect them against any who held United States securities advising them to . , -75 make their own: terms? : With objections conscientious. home jwith some more child-en. Hit April ...... i. 51/65 . 1-635 charged at £56,956,000. V Of this sum, we have about drain of gold to the United States. BaLtol sell them to the Government and to take Exchequer .. 198-25, . Sir Sydney Ol iv ie r said their attitude at present Buck-up and conquer, ye Bons of Mars, NorlanI stent and gave him a bun and war May ...... t. 62-26 .. 286 T . nine pages of details given to us, and if we wait G ross P r o fit a R ecord. Bonds ‘in exchange. , Their acceptancesjeptai .. 3-61 was that they would not Consider any modification. And get back Boon; then you and I _ Rev. a lim to keep to pavement. She then -crossed uu June...... 66f27 .. 216 -5 . ■•jw-585 until March we shall see -enlarge volume of more or £2,229,805, oompa: with £637,562, this The War Office ] insisted on a minimum of 4b. a day less useful information giv3nxin the appropriation Will talk and count your wounds and scars; The question of the valuation of their investments-, Jaoob.l load with ear containing' another ohild ant J u ly ...... :. 65-21 .. 243 -6 . A 2-63 for the whole of[ the country so as not to discriminate Ha r m August...... 67'65 accounts. This sum is, divided into seven classes. You’ll love to chat concerning my continued Mr. Leaf, had naturally been one of soma jrooeeded ie road, but had only got as ’ .. 19p- 7 . •80 between [ soldiers working in the different counties. difficulty under abnormal conditions of the Stock Mr. s shop when she h e a d a shoul September...- 64 88 Class I,—Public works and buildings, £3,660,779. Objections conscientious. it Mr. R .. 190-85 . .. 1-84 They were immbvable on the subject. Exchange. The 4i per cent War Loan they bad Tenb ind someone ut, “You’ve killed hiik October 57 1 .. 2-725 16s. Id., whioh includes public buildingB, Great SLINKY SLACKER.' year was £434,000, so that they were able to set aside Alluding to the proposed loan of Army horses to Britain, £834,454. 4s. 2d.; revenue buildings, £693,732. taken, like the other banks, at cost. This was, of ng round, she her little boy lying in November... 46)43 :: iiW :.. 3.34 farmers, Mr. Ma RYON-WItSON asked if the animals course, much below par; they had deducted from the Ho T id that he was in a c ritioal •£250.000 for depreciation of securities and £25,000 for 14s.; rates on Government property, £8521835. 2s. 9d.; savin. | She ran back buildings, to .pay the same rate of dividend'oh the December...! ..... 40 -4 ,.. 6- 9 would be vanners or hdrsea of some substance which issue price all that they received by way of sale of lition, bleedu from the nose and ekrs. could work bn farina? I m - i lublic works and buildings, IrelandL £285,523. Thorns “ A ” and “B ” shares as this time last year, and to : Total sunshine...1,772A b (in 1914: 1.953 hours), could work on : 5s. 4d .; surveys of the , £207,783. WHEN LIFE WAS SIMPLER LIFE rights and the benefit of the interest on the instal­ Henti oldiers from the near osme to her „ rainfall 33‘1 in (in 1914, 32-1 indies). Sir Sydney 5B: They are i •thing heavier ments. The price nt which they had taken it, though Th e __ md she asked oni of them to take the Ittle lad|tt carry forward a little more than in July last 12s. lid .; and other items. Class 2.—Salaries and The hottest day was July ] with 81*. than artillery ho land probably a :ood many are expenses of Civil Departments! £4,588,849. 7 s.; this somewhat above the market price of tho moment, H. B. lie doctor’s as qu aa possible. Corpc ral Parish T h e U rg en t N ecessity fo e E conomy. lighter than that WAS LONGER, and 1 Batt. Royal SussexiRegiment, The coldest nights were l3t1 Feb. and 12th Nov., includes stationery and printing, £1,063,287. 16s. 7d., was in fact nearer to it than to par. All investments ti No. 8- Company, The good earnings now shewn by the banks After some fu r discuission, the! report of the When tbe organs begin to weaken, whether early in which there was an open market they had, of Clark the child J his arms and ran U p Raui generally were no more than might De needed to with 26° each. and the various departmental cost*, such as Home Miss. Executive Committee was adopted. Office, Foreign Offipe, Board of TradeJ which are or late in life, the hard-working kidneys usually tiro course, taken at or under market prices of December toad. - When at the station gatesgate* he reqiptitionirequisitioned i maintain a thoroughly sound condition. He men- Frosts occurred on six nigl ‘in January, five in A t the clow pf. the meeting the Ch airm a n out first, and should have first consideration. talk «aji and drove at full speed to Dr. MoGlashari t given to us in forty-three items. Class 3.—Law and 31st. With regard to those securities which were tioned this because they frequently heard criticism February, nine in March, oni Ipril, nine in November expressed cordial thanks to Sir Sydney Olivier for Failing eyesight, stiff, aohjS joints, rheumatic pains, Bark 1 sot thd little lad was dead before he am t ed there. justice, £4,755,355./5s. Id.; in this there [are twenty- still under the regime of minimum prices the case of the high earnings derived from banking. These And three in Pecember. was no frost at mid- coming there apd helping them in their deliberations backaohe and distressing urination are often due only was not so easy. They had, of course, written them Miss 1 littletile girl rantin across the lie road, road- uin were not, ih fact, realised when-every thing had been (lay throughout the year, jig the lowest registered. three items, the largest figures being Royal Irish Broom (applause). Constabulary, £1,376,987. 4s. l i d . ; ana prisons, Eng to. weak kidneys. I down to miniirium prices, but they had - not been.- __ the Arii driver had to p ill up short taken into consideration. They had a period ahead The greatest amount of _J in one day was on A t the first sign of weakness give the kidneys - oontent with that; they had made large further pro! H oms er her.ler. In doing id*0 _he — -—felt • of them of great uncertainty in regard to the values 10th May, 1‘15 inones. land and the ColonW £778,992. 17s. 3d.| Class 4.— [were 24 rainy days in Education, science and^art, £20,234,346. j 0s. 4d.; of prompt attention. Drink water: freely jto flush the ; vision tb bring them down to what they thought was i______if h$ had rui into something and then heart of securities and aa to trade conditions, and therefore December, with a total ohes. ; Do not let Obey Hairs kidneys, and use Doan’s Backache Kidney Pills to j under present conditions a reasonable market value— outing, and discovered thaine had run orei the banks could not make 'themselves too strong. appear. Restores Grey ; ar; the sixteen items given/>e-fiqdtiie Board of Educa­ Seaford College. ! F. W. SAVAGE. White Hair to its original tion accounts for £14,954,104. 8sL~9

1 AND MISS M. THE LONDON CITY AND B A N E A PtJELICAJ convicted. ■ Established 1636. LIMITED. CHARGE OF SERVING A DRUNKEN AGS OF REAL GOLD ! ! I Lots of them, cram A good deal of discust is being expressed here at on Saturday aA Subscribed Capital, £22,947,804 0 0 Paid-up Captyal, £*4,780,792 10 0 MAN. tile evident intention in certain quarters to engineer ““Taotjng parties B ^ full that s what you can win in a jolly Picture a scare on the subject of our air defences. Repent Reserve Fund, £4,000,000 0 0 , Letter Competition in this month’s ‘HO M E placards hnye too plainly been directed towards I s . Marohant, Blacb- A t llewes_ Petjtyj Sessions on Tuesday. before Mr.® spreading t.:e idea that we are totally jmdefended iter of Mr. Theodors F . B. Whitfeld (in the chair) and othffr j Magistrates, j <• P > —the housekeeping paper that Mummio against the frightfulness of German airnlen. Th«ra» t Whitley-road, East- Directors: Frederick Charles Taylor, landlord of tjhh Sun Hotel, j buys. The pictures are all about VI-COCOA—1 latter have lost no time in pointing tbe text by the ’ 1 fry" the Rev. S ib EDWARD H. HOLDEN, B art., Chairman and ing Director. j! Plumptjon, was summoned for selling intoxicating liquor j ,, hope you read them well and win a big prize. Listen futile raid in Kent. Sensible people* here can only- to a drunken person on January 15th. marvel! at the facility with which it appears to bo WILLIAM GRAHAM BRADSHAW, E sq., London, ty-Ohairman. to the lot there are :— ' her father, was ROYAL PARADE. Mr. E. T. Wellsted, of Newhaven, j prosecuted on j possibli) to.fake a ''scare ” out of nothing. But it is Abthuk T. Kei}n, (ESq., Birmingham. behalf [of the police, and Mr. J. Ci [Buckwell, of j “ 1st Prize, £ 5 0 ; 2nd Prize, £ 2 0 ; 3rd Prize, £ lO ; , with under- Berkeley.— Mr. and Mrs. .Rea. Mrs. Paxton. Miss The Right Hon. L ord A iredale, Leeds. generally felt that an authoritative statement oit tuile veil, Paxton '■ "! Sib P erot E lly Bates, B art, Liverpool. F rederick WilliamiKash, Esq., Birmingham. Brighton, represented defendant, who pleaded not j j 2 ^ e^ Cash Prize81 lOO £1 Hampers, and aerial defences made in Pai-lit-ment would do much guilty. | 1 . to counteract the activities of the scaremongers. m. She Channul View.—Mrs. Roger*. "i Berry R obert Clover B eaeley, Esq., Liverpool. The Right Hon. LoiU> P irrie, K.P., London. 900 Consolation Prizes. Little Mu, V f . , the gift 21. —Sirs. Wilkinson. Mr. Smee. dmie. Mr. Wellsted said, the case for the prosecution was ■ Vi-Cocoa—on Sale everywhere. Full particulan of Competition from The (revived recruiting' chin;«,ign is now in full _ — -ridosmaid was Hunter _ D avid D avies, Esq., M.P., Llandin&m. The Right Hon. L orP R otherham, Manchester. that a man named Bath, who was driving a motor car on i swing here, and luncheon hour meetings are attract­ pe; her drags was of ).—Mr. and Mrs. Craig F rank D udley D ocker, Esq., C.B., Birmingham. T homas R oydkn, Esq. .Liverpool. the day; in question, left the car at Plumpton Creamery I ing considerable crowds in several of the principal E astbourne : Mr. H. Jftwk trimmed with & MARINE P. F rederick H ynde F ox, Esq., Liverpool. Sir J oseph W eston- Stevens! Bristol. early m the evening, and with two other men went I thoroughfares in the City anti West End' The new ' to the Sun Hotel, Plumpton. It was alleged that Bath j Mr. Mortimer H. la shower bouquet of Iotjsk.—Mias Collier Sir G eorge F ranklin, Sheffield. The Right;Hon. by leetwood ilson posters; are gradually making their appearance, and Collins. © F W , K.C.B., wus the worse for drink, and that he was served with ! Mr. D. H. M iller, , , __ _ ...... gold curb Wb r s HOueaL—Mrs. Williams. S impson G ee, Esq., K.C.M.G., ( LUS., London. the appeal to avoid an eleventh-hour rush is being' •: ** w,._ Mniirfl i H. Leioeeter. intoxicating liquor. Later he returned to the car with i Messrs. T. H oadley &; Son, 159, Seaside. H am den P ark : Mr. W. A.’Salter, P.O. and G raery Stores.' J ohN'G lasbrook, Esq., Swansea. W illiam F itzthoma4 Wyley, Esq., Coventry. taken,J I believe, very generally to heart. Tbo Ialbcbn.— Mr. and Mrs. Elliott, f. Doogla i Elliott the friends he was driving, and when he had driven the H ailsham : Mr. A Masters, 76, High-street. P olegate : Messrs. Dennis & Co., 11, Station-road. Mansion House continues to be the centre of recruit­ i of saxe blue Pjxe car a short distance along the road it ran into the ditch, m nd mantle of noton E ousK-MIse Colli Min Etowsell. i ing activity in the City, and the arrangements here and had to be draWn out by a team of horses. The are working as smoothly as ever to unsure that of mimosa Mr. Cusack. Miss Ellison evidence would'be that Bath was so drunk that the n were par- Alston HontL.-jiieut._tnd Mrs. Mr. a H e a d O f f i c e : THREADNEEDLE STREET LONDON, E.C. nobody) should tie kept waiting. The wdrkers, who __ _ _-A H. IX Harden. _ anfl Mrs. H art sounding of his motor horn did not wake him up. He include most of those w-ho strove so hard for the The Buffs Mr. M. 1. Jones. wished to emphasise the point that there was total pro­ .-j afterwards Chessher. tolas Oheesher. Joint General Manager*: J. M. MADDERS, S. B. MURRAY, F. HYDE, E. W. WOOLLEY. . : E xchequer R eturns. success; of the Derby scheme, are buckling to with jents, and tbs Lieut IX R EdsaU Secretary: E. J. MORRIS. hibition) of selling to a drunken man on licensed premises, NEWS IN BRIEF. The Exchequer returns from 1st April, 1915, to 22nd great energy. I he young men of the Royal Naval 'loumemouth. MARINE QARD: ■whether for his own consumption or otherwise, January last show: Receipts £202,693,032, and expen­ Division in the Strand, too, are running a very Arthur Sidney Longshaw, a retired restaurant pro- vigorous campaign from the edge of, the pa Yemen* The bride’s PUCHLBt H ouse.—Mr. and Mrs. F our Months with Broken Back. diture £1,173,399,525. During last week the purchases llffon tafieuts, Mr. and Mrs. Newman Look LIABILITIES AND ASSETS, 31 st Dec smber, 1916. I prietor, living at Plumpton, stated that on January of five per cent. Exchequer bonds totalled over and attracting quite a steady flow of men into the fox fur*, Mr. J. P. White. Min Ada 1 15th '■Jhi was in the private bar of the Sun Hotel, Knocked down by an engine while engaged in shunting £12,500,000, the receipts from this issue now amounting two groups that are open lu re. irving for thf and Mrs. Chamberlain Plumptbn, alx)ut6p.m. He knew Bath, who entered att South Town Station, Yarmouth, William Farman to £62,918,000. The imperial Institute has sent mt* some interesting ftoxBT.-Mrs. Ha-rop. Mrs. £ s. d. i £ s. d. the Sun Hotel about 6.15 with two men named Dale lived for nearly four months with a broken spine. At nty and West- Mr. and Mrs. Goff To Capital Paid up, viz:—£2. 10s. Od. By Cash in hand (includ: Gold Coin and Fyfield. Witness saw Bath enter the house and he the inquest a doctor said the spinal cord wfis severed as H igh Bids for Cheese. comments on the action of the Swedish Government per Share on 1,912,317 Shares £7,000,000) and C at Bank of The highest price for Lancashire cheese ever paid at in prohibiting the export of wood pulp. They call GRAND B. considered that he bad had “ something to drink.” He though by scissors. attention to the enormous extent to which this and useful, , Misses of £12 each ...t...... li.... 4,780,792 10 0 England ...... J.L...... J.i...... 30,881,200 14 6 came tci that conclusion by the appearance of his eyes. a fair was obtained at Preston on Tuesday, when fine | M n Edith Thornier. Dr. and „ Reserve Fund ...... 4,000,000 0 0 „ Money at Call and ■t Short Notice H eroic Miners’ D angerous T oil. grass cheese made from 107s. 6d. to 115a. per cwt. The country has preferred to rely on Sweden for this Hamilton (2) i Bath called for a gin. Mr. Taylor was behind the l»r. commodity, while all the time the resources of the 1 —Mrs. Oliver Fry. Mr. R. Oliver .Fry. Oliver „ Dividend payable on 1st February, and Stock Exchi lge Loans ...... 8,651,257 17 9 Witness did not see Bath supplied with a drink, but he The body of a man named Laurence, who was killed latter price is 7a 6d. higher than any previously m i and 1916 ...... :...... 360,352 4 8 ,, I nvestments j saw hinj with a drink light in colour. Hje did not hear by the collapse of a well which be was sinking at St. recorded,, and equal to the top figure commanded for British; Empire, if adequately developed, are perfectly Fry. Mrs. and — Willoooks and triend. capable of supplying all our demands in this direc­ (.Westminster Bank, ,, Balance of Profit and Loes War Loans, at cost (of which any question raised by the landlord as to supplying him ) Anne’s College, Abbot’s ~ Bromley, ’ Rugeley, _ was Cheshire cheese at Northwich last week. X^SiBfi Sauls! Master Collleter. Mr. and Mrs. Howard, f. Account...... 113,597 15 2 £l,490,00(j is If Red for g Public with_____ the______drink. . iiater______Bath had a soda_ and__ angostura. angostura. i irecoverearecovered on on Sunday Sunday, by by several several CanDock CanDock ChaseChase miners.mi tion. |n Canada and Newfoundland huge areas of *, No Cause for Cheaper Gas. eoniferbus woods are still untouched, the present ewesjj, silver sugar ft,—Mr. and Mm. Whitby. Min Whitby. Mr., Hre. and and otheror Ai - pnts) and other Two ladies entere i the house about five minutes before I Risking the danger of a further collapse, they toiled mas. Bliss Martin 9,254,742 9 10 British Government Securities 33,946,384 8 2 Bath left, and each had “ a whisky and Bplash” at I without ceasing for three day s and three nights until the With reference to the suggestion of some local • employjment of this timber for paper-making pur­ B.—Mrs. and Master Booth , „ Current, Deposit and other Stocks Guaranteed by the British j Fyfield’B expense. Bath asked witness to have a drink, body was found, authorities that the price of gas should be reduced now poses being on a scale which is quite trivial. Many a.—Mrs. Vincent Miss Mitchell. Lieut aid Mrs. that some of the constituents in its yinnufacture are other (tarts of the British Empire are, moreover, ■ inkitand. . Btobart I Mrs. Seddon, L Mr. and Mrs. SL Clair. Aooounts ...... 147,750,702 0 6 Government, j India I i Stocks, but he refused, i ls Bath began to pass nastv remarks L oans to L ocal Bodies.* abstracted for munition purposes, the Minister of A cceptances on account of Indian Railway Guaranteed about his refusal to have a drink, witness had a dry capable of supplying paper-malting materials. A R. Jenner, cut- Mimes S t Clair (2) The Local Government Board has sanctioned loans Munitions points out that the process goffers no attrac­ great variety of these materials have already been 10.—Lady Bucknill. f. , Customers...... 9,157,601 11 9 Stocks arid De bBntures ...... 481,040 5 8 ginger with him. When Bath left the house he was tions to gas companies, who have been put to much 1L—Mr and MrsTTuroer. Mrs. Potier. Miss J ickeon Britii Debenture and not drunk, but wis under the influenoe of drink. He amounting to £12,647,187 since the outbreak of the war. investigated at tlie Imperial Institute, and hardly a * Servieite rings. W rer View.—Mrs. Galloway Of this total sums amounting to £8,929,560 were sane- i expense Sn order: to put it into operation. month passes without fresh British sources for the iy, Osk gate- PsSharsa Manbion.-H sv. and Mrs. WaUcm. Miss Preiterem Stc cks, British Cor* was capable of action, and witness considered that a poration tioned prior to March 26th, 1915. Cheers for N ew Zealand. raw- Material for paper-making being brought to Walker. Flight-Bub-Lleut and Mrs. Camplwft Mrs. itqcgs ...... 2,400,295 19 9 man capable of ac tipn was not drunk. light, jin Central and Northern India, for instance, silver teapot. Gill •Colonial and Fote(ign Government William Dale, employed at Plumpton Creamery as Avalanche Strikes a T rain. Mr. Bonar Law stated on Tuesday in Parliament, Stocks anjd Bon enormouB forest areas are covered w ith waste grasses tt.-M rs.Fair. Miss King. Mis i is ...... !...... 962,062 7 an engipeer, said a motor oar driven by Bath came to Two cars of a train, which was struck by an avalanche amid loud applause, that the numlier of men already which are at present of little or no economic value. p|ickle jar. a —Mrs. Callender, t Mrs. and _ ra _ ------._ ... Sundry Investme:■fits ...... L...... 1,039,650 15 the Creamery on 1 .he evening of January 15th. Another in the mountains 120 miles from Seattle, Washington, . 8ent Z'jalaHd is 34,000; by June it is d l —Mr. arid Mrs. Hopkins. Mrs. and Master C idlan Bills of Exchange At least half a dozen different types of these grumes sugar basin, 9,961,545 13 man was with him and they asked where they could rolled into a gulch 300-ft. deep and at least 14 people : another 15,000 wull have left, making a total yield a; pulp of first-class quality. British Africa B ro n x House_Mrs. Chambers. Mrs. Mopabdlas. get some cigarettes. He told them they could obtain were Idlled. It was at almost exactly the same spot that , of 49,001).Y ’000' In edition, 12,000 men will be in training. Miss MoOaudlas. Mrs. K ent f. Hsmmond 88,323,438 2 8 some atjthe;ithe Sun andnd he went tthere with them at their making a grand total of 61,000. offers an alternative paper-making material in tho jr, ailvar Mr. Shields. Sirs. Shields. FUght-Bob-UentL James. a similar accident occurred in 1910. “ Elephant Grass ” of Uganda. A first rate pulp Flight-Sub-Lieut Patter- Advances on Current Accounts, invitation “ to have a drink.” He had a glass of beer T hrift Committee’s R eport. Flight-Sub-Lieut Hackman. Fligbt-Sub-i-----______Loans -on j Sec i:■ity and other at the Sun, but oould not say who paid for it. They E mploying W omen on the L and. was prepared from this grass at the Imperial son. Flight-■mb-Lieut Davies. FUgbt-Bi b-Lieut Asked; by Col,’ F. B( Mildmav if he contemplated Institute. Other promising paper-making materials silvi Carlton Williams. Flight-Sub-Lieut. Long.; Flight- Accounts J ...... 65,921,541 11 remained in the house about a quarter of an hour or 20 Lord St. Audrey, speaking at Stogurry on the question Sub- Lieut Champion. Flight - Sub -Lieut. Smith. Liabilities of Oust sinere for Accept­ minutes). Witm ’had ’ a second drink and Fyfield paid of employing women on the land, said that if we were any compulsory measure to enforce thrift and arrest which jhave been reported on by the Imperial Flight - r*ub - Lieut Scott Flight-Sub-Lieut Kidner. ances as per oon 9,157,601 11 9 for this.: Witni left the bar before the other two did. going to win the war more men would have to go. They extravagance, Mr. McKenna states that a committee Institute come from the Soudan, South and East which has been investigating the subject is expected ito Africa, j British Guiana, the Federated Malay States, .oon doth. Fligh’ -Sab -Lieut MnoDiarmid. Flight-Sub Lieut. Bank Premises, at lead Office and Bath wAk excited when witness left the house, but he must appeal to the women to work on the land, and Wamho.t Flight-SubUeut. Hutty. Flight-Sfib-bieut. Branches . was nottlrunk. there was plenty they could do with the assistance of report shortly. and the British West Indies, where, at Trinidad, a Saint. Miss W alden. MioP Hodder. Miss Chambers. .... 2,760,464 15 11 factory ! is at work turning out pulp from the sugar­ Master Chambers. Mr. and Mr- Mills. Mr. K. Hills. Mr. Wellsted : What do you call drunk ? children. I nsurance Act Economies. cane residues, hitherto used only for fuel. Mrs. Withers SUL Miss Withers GUL Master Withers £166,163,046 2 1 £166,163,946 2 1 Witness: When a man is no good and can’t do any­ T he U nfriendly F erret. It is stated that the Government have decided lo GllL Miss Burgess. Mrs. Bavin. Kiss Leeks. Miss thing. When he is incapable. Witness added that Visitors to the “ Zoo.” recently have included a cloth. The wife of a collier declared at Ashby Court, appoint a Committee to inquire into the operation of remarkable proportion df men from our oversea Farncutt Miss Griffith J ' i when Bath got back to his car he lit the lamps and Leicestershire, on Saturday, that a stolen ferret belonged the National Insurance Act, with the view of effecting Bka View.—Mrs Kennedy. Mrs. 8tockton. Mrs. Wall. EDWARD H. HOLDEN, Chairman and Managing Director. F. D. DOCKER, l n . started tide engine, and backed-out into the road. to her. When, to demonstrate its affection, she began economy in its administration, forces. Apparently they take a never-failing interest Mrs. Ingram. Mrs. Andrews Blisses Andrews. Mr. W. Gv BKADbHAW, Deputy-Chairman. GUY FLEEJWOOD WILSON, /Directors. John William McGill said he worked at Plumpton to fondle it, the animal seized her by the nose and held in th e; spectacle of atftmals with which they are Flischman. Mrs. and Mis» Flischman. Miss Oronlar.d. Creamery. He saw Bath at the Creamery and also at on for some time, and then bit her hand. P rick of W hiskey I ncreased. perfectly familiar in, tlieiij wild state being solemnly Misses Young. Lieut Horuihlpw. Mrs. Woodbnrn the Sun. Witness went to tHe Sun abont 6.15 alone At a meeting of proprietary whiskey owners, held on exhibited to an interested1 crowd. Some of them, as Robertson. Miss Mdame. Lieut. Mason. Mrs. aud REPORT OF THE AUDITORS TO THE SHAREHOLDERS OF THE LClil DON CITY & MIDLAND aud asked for a pint of ale. He tendered a £1 note and L ife Saved at 100. Wednesday under the auspices of the Wine and Spirit Mr. J. D. Hamlyn, the famous animal'importer, has the Misses Grimble. Mr. and Mrs. E. H. Hinds. Mrs. 1 BANK LIMITED. been pointing out, come to look at their regimental Ware Mrs. Sharp. Gen. Hose-Church. Mlss Kayntr. that was handed back to.him. Mr. Taylor served him. Mra Rebecca Law, who has just died at Little Brands Association, it wAs resolved, having regard to Mrs. Wilkinton Mrs. Busheil. Mias Duffln In accordance with the provisions of Sub-section 2 of Section 113,of the Companies (Ci msolidation) Act, 1908, we Witness did nor know who paid for the drink, but the Chesterford, at the age of 102, was rescued from her the continued increasing, cost of production, that the mascotst There are at present here, he tells us, report as follows:— ■ landlord said it bad been left for him. Bath was in the distillers! had no option but reluctantly to increase the deposited for safe custody, two sets of regimental TIINSTER Chatsv ourn Hotel.—Mins Evans. W n Gauntiott. We have examined the above Balance Sheet in detail with the Books at Head Office and with the certified burning cottage two years ago. She has left 94 descen-. pets—four bears belonging to tho - Canadians and Mrs. Jack-on. Mr. and Mrs. Roach. Rev. and Mrs. Returns from the Branches. We have satisfied ourselves as to the correctness of the Cash Balances and the Bills Sun. He was under the influence of drink, but was not danta minimum price by 3d. per bottle as from Thursday. v Beard. Mojor Jackson. Mrs. Millbum. MltS Welch. drunk. Witness thought Bath was ratber worse when Stort of P oison in a T eapot. four bllack buck or Indian antelopes belonging to Mr. and Mrs. Pin nook. Mr. and Bln. Scott Mr. and of Exchange and have verified the correctness of the Money at Call and Short Notice. We have also verified the The P bpys Touch. ■ the Royal Warwickshire Regiment. They are lodg­ Securities representing the Investments of the Bank, and having obtained all the information and explanations we he went away than when witness first saw him there. A young woman named Fraser, servant of a Falkirk Mrs. Robinson. Mr. Hockley have required, we are of opinion that such Balance Sheet is properly drai-u - - i~l—-as —to —exhibit a _ true ------andj ------correct- He believed that Bath had two sodas and a soda and . .. . . When ja boy was charged at Willesden, London, on ing nexjt to one another in most, comfortable quarters Oavehdish Hotel.— Sir James WoodhougeLi Mr. and view of the state of the Company's affairs according to the best of out* info and the explanations given to angostura. j I ironfounder, was on .'Saturday charged with having Wednesdav, with travelling on the railway without with a [view over Regent’s Park—the bears on tho WASTE.” Mrs. Frquhar . Col. and Mi ebster. us and as shown by the books of the Company. attempted to murder her mistress by administering paying his’fare, it was sthted that he kept a diary in Mappin- Terrace and the buck in a roomy pen Mr. N, P, Fenwick. Lieut. Stevi Smith. Thomas Leaney, a private iri the 3rd Royal Sussex WHINNEY, SMITH & WHINN hartered ccountants Regiment, stationed at Newhaven, said on Jan. 15th he poison. It is alleged that the girl put poison into a pot which he;had even entered an account of his arrest. immediately below -them. The four bears were Mrs. Knight. Mrs Band. Miss J.C-y. fijC A . of tea, but her mistress detected a peculiar flavour in the , „ „ i , j ■kinso». London, 10th January, 1916. ______- Auditors. was in old Plumpton-lane about seven p.m. He saw a caught las cubs in Canada, and are respectively the presided at Lieut, and Mrs. 8 mithere. Mr. tea and her suspicions were aroused. The girl was ■ H igher ULi| Age 1 ensions. mascots of the Second Infantry Brigade, the Divi­ Miss le#is. Lieut Lewis. ir. and motor car in the diteh at the side of the road, about 100 committed to prison pending further inquiries, bail Increase of old age pensions i-, being discussed bv the ol the London Mrs. Morrieton Davies. Mrs. eunant. EASTBOURNE BRANCH L . . . . 68-!70, TpRlklNUS ROAD. or 150 y^rds from the Creamery. The driver (Bath) sional Ammunition Park, and the 8th and noth Mr. Mrs. being refused. [ , authorities, said Mr. Mcjxenn * m the House of Oom- Batteries of the 2nd Brigade of the 1st Canadian Th iradaj. H a Mrs. Davenport Mr. and Mrs. HAMPDEN PARK SUB-BRANCH. . BRASSEY ' A V EN U E . was in his seat, and witness asked him what was the Village P atriotism. , mons on Wednesday. I ••] oliheir deposits Miller. Mr. G. Hann and party A matter. He made no reply, but looked dazecl Witness Contingent. As companions in their ca^e they have, Ahaluen. — Mr. and Mrs. Lenanl A. E. PAR8LOE, Manager. said no more, as he could see what was,matter—the man AtStockton, a small Warwickshire village, twenty-one one Syrian bear and one brown bear. Id aj pear to hava Dr. and Mrs. Hayes. Miss Ji was drunk. Witness stayed there a few minutes and women have volunteered to take the place of agricultural It would seem that, nothing can diminish the th?y must not . Mrs. and’ Bath went to sleep. Witness cycled home, which,was labourers on the laud if needed. George-street, Stock- popularity of the “ World’s Fair ** at Islington, which ■lying fact that JLN-V.'.ft ilr. and Mrs. I close by, and returned a few minutes later and blew the ton, which consists of only twenty-four houses, has HAILSHAM RURAL DISTRICT has beepme quite an established place of amusement being baaed on Sandhurst.—Dr. and Mrs. Steele. Mr. 8.—Lady Channing. Mbs Channing y,ijy, ,, horn of the ear. This did not wake Bath, but he roused contributed twenty-seven men to the Colours. Starr. Miss Byrne. Mr. and Mrs. Bmith. 11.—Mrs. Binolair, f. Mrs. and Miss Mason EASTBOURNE BllFLE CLUB. with mhnv Londoners at this time of year. The past and that far .. , up and fell on the floor of the car, where he remained ■Armenian Massacres. COUNCIL. claim that “ while the niuhts are gloomy and the- was |a paramount Mr. and Mrs. Greer. Mrs. ' IS.—Mrs. Barron. Miss Barron (Affiliated ti ationall Rifle Association.) tall the policeman woke him. j Mrs. Bavin.- Miss D e a n .------,—. Nebraska Mansion.—Mrs. Halmon’e f. Mr*. Bryd-on. Over 800,000 Armenians have been massacre! since 1 streets dimly lighted, the interior of the Great Hall in order to Mrs. Glover. Miss Fyfe. Mrs. Auld, L Sergt. GoodseH said on Jan- 18th, accompanied by affords warn! welcome and a brilliant contrast to _ enish, tba Mi <8c*i Brydson. Mra Gluokstein’s f. Mrs. Doker Turkey joined Germany in the war, and further : NEXT YEAR’S ESTIMATES. Scott Mrs. Sanderson. Mr. Jones. Mr. and friend isedge P ark. P.C. Doggett, he went to the Sun Hotel and saw defen­ massacres are still in progress. the depressing exterior, with its extensive variety of ealth, which Grihberd. -Mr.' and Mrs. Haye. Mrs. Grampian Mansion.-M r. and Mr*. Robert Bain. Mr. ; dant. He cautioned him and-told him he was making amusements and jovous attractions generally, which which tha and Mrs. Potter. Miss Barlow. and Mra Grieves, Mr. and Mrs. Hughes. Mr. Hutton Free Ammunition to Lada inquiries respecting a motor car which ran into a ditch Mr. Roosevelt on Geemant. — r**...... combine to make what is popularly known as All the He went WK8T Rocks. —CaL Chamberlin.! Miss Horn. Mr. Dunkxld. —Mrs Wellington Lloyd. Mr. and Mra JUlia On the Municipal M mature Range last Wednesday on the previous Saturday night, and that' he under­ The Echo de Paris published this week an interview ! A REDUCED EXPENDITURE. Fun of! the Fair,” may be a little verbose, but it their stall Bingham. Mias gingham. Miss C. gingham. Mr. Master H. Ellis several DerbyiteS fired a rifle for the first time in their with Mr. Roosevelt, who, in the course of his statements | and Mrs. Joy. Mra. and Miss Wans. Mr. and Miss stood that the driver of the oar had been to that house. seems to express the sentiments of the people of service and WILMINGTON GARDENA lives, and a mini her ofUuis took advantage of the free Defendant said, “ Yes, he came herewith Dale from to the Echo's representative in America, said “ all the North London. The central feature of the show ia of whom Dowlc r White. Mr. and Mze. Rollasan.: Mimes Rolla- non. Mrs. Everard. Mias Scott, i Miss Simmona. Mr. Bbkntw. nn — Ar. and Mr* Guthrie. Misses Guthria ammunition!, boiqg an idral afternoon for shooting. the Creamery and another man. He called for a pint people of the United States have a profound aversion j A meeting of the Hailsham Rural District Council the free circus, presided over by “ S ir” Robert tba Mitchell. Mrs. Hey Iyer. Miss Westgatoi Miss liis- 1 51 !>. Phildta Mbs Phillips. Miss The attendance was gojoi, including some convalescents of ale fot Dale and a Scotch and splash for the other for Germany on account of the thousand atroejties she took place at the Board Room of the Workhouse on Fossett,| who is the dojen of the rin?. The pro- or another Garb act. Mr. Jobber. Min Mis. Ada Hamilton. Mra Cutler. Misses Cutler from the camp, who did some high scoring. man, and then a soda aud angostura for himself. I has committed.” | Wednesday. Mr. A. Lemmon presided, and there were j •rramme includes feats of horsemanship by male and ley had to Warmisham. Mrs. Key. Mrs. armstadt These meetings are held every Wednesday and D .- Miss Davis. Mra Young. Miss Barry. notified his condition, and said to him, ‘ That is British Museum Closed. also present Messrs. Herbert Ouijteis, A.^Rumary, H. I female riders, acrobatic and gymnastic “ turns,” and k than killed and RowaiL Mr. O’Leary. 1 DOCK. Cupt. Cursetj * e M bs Sparks Saturday, eommencitigjat2.30. The public are admitted what you had better have.’ He had another Hoda and a Richardson, G. Giles, M. K.. Holman, P. Goring. \V. an inexhaustible fund of merry-making by the usual Mr. and Miss Fnrbank. Min Akers. Croydon Hours Mts. Got don. Mr. R. A. Gordon. In accordance with the decision of the Governmen Mr. free; charge for ammunition is five shots a penny. soda and angostura before he left Two ladies came in H. B. Bridges, G. W. peadman, H. Wooller, J. F. clowns j and jesters. Bostock and WombwelTs Mrs. Ikonelas. Mr. and Mrs. ~ Mrr. Barker. Mia- Fu-tey. MissCoser. Mi*s Shute Rifles are provided, instruction is given by efficient and had a drink, and theparty left together.” Witness that all public museums and galleries should be closed Leigh Glare, Su R. Burgess, J. Saunders, C*. Walker, ____ ^ ______...... and Mrs. W. Grant (on the grounds of economj), the British Museum Menagerie is ^another big attraction in itself. Then their work, Mr. JEVINGTON GARDENS. members of the olhb. saw Bath with another man and the two ladies going in A. Haffenden, R. Hobden and Jj. J. White, with the I there isjthe free ball room, and garaes~of every known Queinbborodgh H otel (i Free ammunition is : med to lads from 14 to 18 years (including the Natural History Museum) will shortly be : they must have 2.—The Hon. M; h. Fra-er. f. The Hon. Mra Davsoc, L the direction of the Creamery from theSun on theevening Clerk (Mr. HE. n«ifct.kCatt). !• variety,; as well as a roller-skating rink. Ilere you ner in which tha ■; Mils Hsnflsnon. Mlsa Kbble’ of age at the discretion if the Range Officer. of Jan. 15th, and in his opinion; Bath was drunk. He closed to the public. The reading room will remain ’s»7NNVL>ws — Hra Uaorty. Miss Whalley open, but will be closed at duak. Death rir a Member. may see the Londoner taking his pleasures gaily. ’ to he-new con- Mrs. Peach. Mrs. G. D. 8mlth_ Montford.—Lr. and Mrs. Foibes, f. Mra Gilby. Miss AXOlUgDRange V/jlUiUl Officer [for, -day, Mr. A. G. Couchman; was staggering about and by his voioe witness could tell Valentine. Mrs. Wednesday; next. Mi. Dyer. ♦ l4o+ Via area -nrif nnhnr ’ I '* The Chairman remarked that he had received jprobably there ai*e few places where so many t had worked, d Min Smith. Me. and Gilby that he was not sober. ’ ’Buswoman K illed. wonderful war stories go the rounds as in some at readjustment waa Mr. and E lton House.—The Rev. B. A and Mra Custanoe, L By Mr. Buckwell: Just before the party passed information of the death] of a respected colleague, Mr. Theme. O'Connor. Mrs. Mfss K. Salwey W. W. D enham, Hon. Sec. The first woman omnibus conductor to lose her life J. Errev, in whom the Council would agree they had I the poorer districts of London. I have overheard i the throea of it. Mm. Sa Mrs. and Min Boa' witness Fyfield ran up and caught hold of Bath’s was killed at Catford on Sunday night. Her name was strange | anecdotes from housewives who gather to '.ti —Mr. and Mrs. Smith, f. Mr. and Mrs. Talk Miss shoulder, and they passed him in that position. lost a valuable member, and oue wbp had been with them | r had, though con- Dewar. Starks. Mrs. Vi Tall Louisa Rushen, and she was twenty-two. Her home for a great many years. TJntil the] List year or two Mr. exchange gossip in the evening. But Londoner* 'dons which were Mxdwyn (Oabusle llpKNi.vosiDK — Mr* Fdward Smith Miss Smith. P.C. Jonathan Doggett, stationed at Plumpton, was at Westerham. She was walking ronnd the front have already learnt to discount the taller stories from t of tl em, and tha THE BRITISH (ED CROSS SOCIETY. corroborated tbe sergeant’s evidence, but said he did not Errey hardly missed a meeting, either of the Council, Me. and M m .S____tark._ 1 Mr. . . and r. a"d Mrs, Beilig. Vise Webb. Mrs Walpola Mra Leith. of her omnibus when a motor-car knocked her down. the Guardians or the comniitteesi He was sure the I the Front, for the soldier from London seems to feel | hand, j The banks, Mm. A. BL Ann. Mra. Serel. iwiuk- Mi-BlLeith. Miss Booth Mr*. EnsoU . - • T Soil /15 V.A.D.) see Fyfield touch Bath. an irresistible delight in “ pulling the leg ” of his had been united Miller's Dale.—Mr. and Mrs. J. W. A Still apd son A German W ar P roblem. Council would be with him in asking the Clerk to write Mr. and Mrs. Washington Faire. . and Commandant: .shloy G. Cluffe, M.D. T he D efence. a letter of condolence to the widow' aDd family. credulous relatives. In this connection, I notice a tional cause, Pevenbet House.—Mr. Moore. Mieses Moore (2i. Mr. The question of provision for the illegitimate children good-huknoured warning from a medical officer from iM F. Ledger Orders for wo ending Feb. 4th, 1916. For the defence Mr. Buckwell said the wholB point was of men serving in the Army is coming to the front in The members signified their assent by rising in their I L aboelles H ouse CARLISLE ROAD. whether the man Bath was drunk at the time he was in the places. ! _ France,! writing in the Hospital. “It is not surpris­ i depositors and Sunday.—2.45: Detach lent parade, Germany. Since the outbreak of war somd 300,000 of ing,” hie remarks, “ that that prince of raconteur* _11 measure, Mlm mn. Mrs. Prleatland. C&anuuoh. — Mr. and Mrs. J. A Mllee. Misses Monday.—8.15: Pn ition class, “ Nnrsing.” A and Sun Hotel. He submitted that the evidence for the prose­ such children have lieen receiving what is called war T he Appointment of Survetorb. Mrs. Riggenbach. Mrs. J scob Ander- Bwettenham 8), Mdlle Beauman cution negatived this, as neither of the three witnesses and very splendid fellow Mr. T. Atkins has achieved ght they had B officers forduty. support, and 15,000 of the fathers have fallen. J Mr. D eadman moved, and Mr. H olman seconded, se n. Mm. Beresford. Mr. and Tav i. Mr. Southb iROUGH — Mr». Simpson. Mr*. Percy Tubbs. £ VI .1 • . . T I dsome u u i l wonderful TtyuuLiiui flights uof i lorn.;)fancy. . a Possibly uopiui y yone iic ireason uonun hen, the Wednesday.—£45: achment parade, who saw him in the house would say actually that he was Jermyn Cooper » Mr. Percy Tubba Mbs Urommetin. Miss Haim worth Friday.—3,15: Pre; tion class, “ Nursing.” V accination Objection no Bar. motions ^confirming the appointment of the Inspectors j for the cautiousness of the average officer in France r poped C and drunk. He also submitted that a soda and angostura and Building Surveyors, is suggested at previous meet-' 1 G lendower P lace). D officers for ditty. was not an intoxicant, being below 2 per cent, of In acknowledgment of a resolution of the British .. ------*•- * * in accepting for revealed truth every yarn that goes t its ■ by them COMPTON STREET. Cotes. ings. Rejwrts of the discussions have already appeared the round of the mess is the insight which he gets, all tliei* Me. W. 8. Keyte. Mbs Mm. arid Miss alcoholic strength; and further that supposing Bath Union for the Abolition of Vivisection, Mr. Tennaiit, Pope. Mbs Hooke Miss lb s Lee. Mrs. HazB/VIUM.—Miss Barnard. Mbs Gordon. Mr. and lectures will be delived by Dr. was drunk the sale to him of intoxicating liqu(iquor for the Under-Secretary for War, has stated that, “ until in these columns. while t’l-TisoniiL- letters, into the romancing tendencies , never been any Prebble. Misses /Morris. bH lIarter Mra Hammings J!'. it. u. Taylor, M.U.. yon Wednesday,Feb.9th, at7p.m., The motions were agreed to. Of the private soldier. Thus on one occasion a soldier , indeed in tha W aratah —Mrs. Johnson. Mr. Johnson Miss Newen. at the Technical Institute (by kina permission of the consumption of third parties was not a t e to a drunken further orders, paragraph 117 of the recruiting regula­ Butterwnrth Misses Bni Fax iHawes. 'Mra Pelham-Anderron. Mrs. Chatter ton, t person within the meaning of the Act. tions will not apply in the case of men enlisted for the H ighway^ Cohmittke, arrived fresh out frpm England in a reinforcing draft, J had been rather a Misses Hasten. Mrs. Hall, ' Mrs. Education OommiLtee). Those who passed in nmving iu " " ' thi and wad duly poster! to a unit which happened to be |old standing. Ona Handley. Mrs. and Miss oolmer St. CuTBBERT'a—Miss Pickard Cambridge. Miss Ethel March, 1915,1 or earlier, should attend and git lor the Mr. Wellsted replied that angostura was an intoxi­ duration of the war, and such men may, therefore, if Mr. Ccrteis introduced the report of the Highways Walker. Miss Lallamat-fl Mi-s t’anicl examination at the end fif the course in order to qualify cant inasmuch as an Excise license was required for the otherwise eligible, be accepted, even although they Committee, which iucluded the estijnates for the ensuipg about four miles behind the trench line. He waa t War Wlgram. Mias SmalL Mrs. Kerr. allotted (certain clerical duties which kept him fairly their The Misses Kerr. Mr. and Mrs. Mess. Mr. OORNF1ELD TERRACE. for the higher certifloatiej sale of i t He also argued that the sale was to the decline to be vaccinated.” year. He observed that the late Mr. Errey had Wigram. Mr. and Mrs. HilL Mr. Allen. Mr. By ordier of the Commandant. person who ordered. I rendered useful services on the committee, which would well employed indoors, and certainly gave him no ; the cases Moss. Miss Flora Harris and friend. 1 1L—Misses Smallpiene. Mire Hawke. Mias Bone The Bench decided that the case must proceed. Greece and ,khe Allies. / ! chance pf exploration nearer the fire trenches. Four bscriptions I I H. R. J. Goplebton, miss him as much as any committee. With regard to HYDE GARDENS. t and Deputy (Quartermaster. Defendant, on oath, said he had held the license of It is stated on good authority that negotiations the estimates there were two thousand yards of stone days after his arrival, during which time no shall and there between Greece aud the Entente Powers for a loan are had fallen within two miles of him, he wrote home 1 represented MOSTYN TERRACE 7.—Mra Haines. Cok Uppleby. Mbsiv- Upplehy (2) tl)e Sun about 18 months. He was not, sure who that should have been put Un the roads, but which had A lexandra H otel.—Mr. J. Freeman. id Mr,- , ordered the drinks fit the time in question, blithe would progressing favourably, aud are nearing conclusion. not been received. The Council also had to bear in aB follows: ‘ We are now in the trenches, seeing tbe not' pny artificial and Clarendon Rou * — Mr Howell MIsb Psnsome. bullets doing their ghastjv work and hearing tbe fleet of that H Freeman. Mr. and Mra. ~ Mra Nicholson. Mr*. R Nich Don. Mi*s»s Nicholson not deny that it was Bath who ordered them. Bath Mu. Marshall H all to R etire. mind the fact that the western district was almost Mrs. Frank Matcham. Miss Mi______.wford. Mra WooltorUui. Miss Kicha d*. a ins Tyler. Miss EASTBOURNE VOLUNTEER TRAINING had a soda and angostura and paid for the drinks. without stone this year; whilst the estimates they now constant scream of the sholls overhead. But I am a op in their Mr. F. K. Clarke. Mbs Dobson. Mr. L. cock Mr. Marshall Hall, K.C., M.P., intimated some time soldier and no coward; and I do my duty just the -Been Mrs.and;Miss Cobb. Mr.Gordon Mrs ‘Thomas Fyfield paid for more drinks and Batljphod a small soda, ago to the East Toxteth Unionist Association his wish to had before them were made up by two officers, who 1st drop G V. nkwRiig- Mr. and Mrs. D. Miss GILDREDGE ROAD. ORPS. and then he had another soda and angostura. Bath retire at the end of the present session of Parliament, were taking, different offices within “two months, and i end ijhey had the Vaughan Jones. Mbs Constance . and Htshburv - Mrs. Caswell. Mrs and Miss Reeves I All’; OoMPANr. looked a bit excitable when he entered the house, and and Captain Rankin was selected as prospective candi­ therefore the estimates would hath to be taken up by Londdn hospitals arc. of course, having a very i nearly Mrs. CUftPord.- ^ Mr. M. Y. id Mrs Durley Dean. «Mis* Winter John-on. Mi*s Blyth. i that was the condition which witness Bpoke of to the one surveyor who was new to the t»o districts. This busy time just now, but I am afraid that all is not Symons. Mr. and Mrs. and Miss Offley Mias Kosberv. Mi-s Ray. Mrs. Schreiner. Headquarters: 8t, South-street. Eastbourne. ! sergeant. He was not drunk, and left the house in a date. Captain Rankin is now on active service, and the time last year they estimated for 9;000-yds. of stone at being done which one might expect .in order to L the hank showed Madame iBervats. Mrs. Wt ty. Mbs Chapman. Mra Thatcher. Mbs Avery. .Mbs Orders for week ie nding February 5th, 1916. question of the desirability of an immediate change I had ever appeared Harrbon. sober condition. under the circumstances has been left to the local com­ a cost of £6,300. Of this they only received in round secure efficiency. This view is confirmed by the Mr. and Mrs. Chas. i •' i l l P arades. i By Mr. Wellsted: Witness denied, that Bath asked numbers,7,000-yds., so that wheu (he accounts of this comments of another paper concerned with the nurs­ Mobtyn.—Mias KvenBoni Mr. and for a gin. If he had asked for a gin witness would have mittee. year came to be made up the Chairman of the Finance ing profession, which calls, attention to the announce­ I j Mr.. HxeTand Miss Coventry. ~ Saturday. Jan. 29th.—C pelist Section, parade at He’ad- “P eace in J une, 1916.” , and Mm. Terry. Mrs. Thnrlow. Mrs. qnarters2 30 p.m.; squad’drffi, parade at Headquarters served him. He could not say whether soda and Committee would find there was £2,000 in band, in ment recently made, that, the bedding and linen of cither matter Merrizia l tMr. and Mrs. Plaffln Mrs. ALFRISTON. 6.46 p.m. angostura was given to drunken persons to revive them. The only astrologer who saw the coming of the Euro­ addition to the saving on the steam rolling, which the Queen’s Hospital fot 'Children, Hackney-road, had Ferguson. Mr. ead Mrs. H. MI-8 Sunday, Jan. 30th.—Gnard duties, parade at Head­ He had not heard of that being dona pean conflict several weeks before war was declared was should have been done over 2,000-yds. In the present having become nearly voyn out, the replenishment onr Hulford. Mrs. and Miss Mi-s N e w Congregational Min is t e r . — M r. quarters 3 p.m. S' i John Andrew Bath said he had been k taxi cab Mr. L. Edward Johndro, mathematician, electrician estimates the committee toere asking for 7,400-yds. of presents; difficulties. A hope is expressed that the ion of the Walker. Mbs Carty. Miss____ Mrs. Humphrey Williams, of B&siugstoke, has been appointed Monday, Jan. 31st.—Squad drill, parade at College driver at Brighton for eight or nine years. On January and chemist, of Detroit, Michigan. When questioned stone, blit unfortunately the cost Was put at £6,000, articles needed may be given by families and others Roberts. Mr. Hazelttno. CoL ham. pastor of the Congregational Church at Alfriston, i and 6.45 p.m. recently concerning his prediction for 1916, Mr. .Tohndro with Mrs. Hunt. Mr. Heath. Mrs. Gage Tuesday. Feb. 1st.—Instruction class. I 15th he drove Mr. and Mrs. Fyfield to Plumpton, call- whilst they did not expect to get the full amount. who may feel disposed to spare a sheet here and a and the a tea and public meeting were held last week to com­ Wednesday, Feb. 2nd^-Physical drill, parade at College ing at the Newmarket Inn, Lewes,, on the way and said that after careful mathematical calculation he sees With regard to tar spraying some members of the oom- pdlow chse or towel there for so good a purpose. Loan of LANSDOWNE TERRACE. ! I memorate the event. The meeting was presided over p.m.---- 1 'i picking up Mrs. Moger. He was quite sober when he peace by June 12th or 13th, 1916, not before. mittee wjere of opinion (hat there should be no tar For the sake of the little patients, says the journal, one step K—Mr. and Mrs. Rowe Thomett. Mrs. March. Miss by the Rev. J. G. Henderson (Eastbourne), and the Thursday, Feb. 3rd. |hooting at Technical Institute 1 arrived at the Sun. He stood drinks round, having a Kaiser had to Speak E nglish ! spraying (this year, and thereby thby could save £430, it is to be hoped .that belief in the spasmoffio on their Acheeon Grey. Mrs. Hunter speakers included Alderman Duke, Councillor Duke, 8 to 10 p.m.; musketry il truction for Reservists, parade soda and augostura himself. Then he had a soda at hut the Surveyor Baid the treatment was certainly [ generosity of the public will not at this juncture he Mr. CaffynandMr. Wenhienham (Eastbourne), Mr. Viigoe fit College 6.45 p.m. According to telegrams from Sofia -the Kaiser, in the hanks, Kt-Mlss Norton. Mbs May Friday, Feb. 4th.— uad drill, parade at College ! Fyfield’B expense, and later he had another soda and course of his visit to Nish, noticed that most of the Bul­ beneficial to the roads if only they could obtain the tar misplaced. But such an appeal should not be neoee- before 11.—Mr. arid Mrs. Owen, Mr. hays. (Friday Street), Mr. Marc!ihant (Alfriston), Mr. French 6.45 p.m. ' ji 11 I angostura. e was Bober when he left the hotel and garian officers he addressed did not know German. He to do it. ( He thought therefore the Council would tie I 8arv. What are the authorities doing not to have k took Mr. and Mm. Buhop., Mbs Bids (Wilmington) and Mr. J. Wilson (Alfriston), and the Saturday, Feb. 5th. ■cllst Section, parade at Head- ■ did not see any policeman. He lit the lamps on the wise to allow ah estimate ojf £430 for tar spraying. In started a Ladies’ Linen League? In most of the Th e L ansdownb.—Miss Kendall. last-mentioned gentleman gave some interesting facts was greatly mortified to have to address them in English : necessary. Mr. and Mrs. Dfpple. Mrs. Orb Mrs. quarters 2j0p.m.; sqm drill, parade at Headquarters ear and backed it out of tbe Creamery-drive and round and French. conclusion, he moved the approval of a total estimate 'hospitals now such an institution relieves the matron T h n bearing on tbe history of the Alfriston Congregational 6.15 p.m. | a corner. He had driven along the road about 50 yards of £8,955]for 1916-17. of much anxiety, and secures for the patients the Mrs. Bnnday, Feb. 6 th.—; F ox-Poisoning P eer. I from _ Mrs. Church. ' 1 v march to Stone Cross, parade ; when the car skidded into the ditoh. Mr. HAffenden seconded, and it was carried. constant changes of clean linen, with a surplus stock. t from it, ______Mr. and Mn. H. 8L Mrs. Leney. at Headquarters 10 a. Cross-examined : H e was as sober when he left the Lord Kimberley, addressing the Norfolk Agricultural Both are absolutely indispensable, especially in tho Mrs. Bandemon. ra.^Campney. i and nurse afternoon drill. All bera are .expected to attend. gnn ^ when he entered He had three g W s of W War Committee last week on the question of poisoning The estimate of last year was £9,121. 5 was such as The Company ; back at Headquarters abont sparrows, said there were other creatures as well that nursing of sick children. while another Mr. arid Mrs. j HAILSHAM. 1.45 p.m. Army ' i may attend. that day before going to the Sun. ; strongly to Wmiame 1 Mr. Wellsted: Then it was a case of mixed drinks. wanted poisoning— for instance, foxes. “ 1 have BOARD OF (GUARDIANS. E x - T e a c h e r ’s H onour. — C.Q.M.S. Hugh Instruction ola fpr N.C.O.’s and men desiring poisoned quite a lot of them,” he said. “ Some foxes l set on foot I CAVENDISH promotion on Tm rening. Witness: Yes, I suppose so. Bath further denied ate up my prize fowls, and within forty-eight hours I Mr. J. J. White presided at the fortnightly meeting I BRIGHTON. ] | Roberts, 5ih Battalion Royal Sussex Regiment, ;who that he stood Longshaw a drink. He did not fall off of the Hailsham Guardians on Wednesday, when the has been awarded the distinguished conduct medal, was 1NALLING. the seat-and lie in the bottom of the car while it was in had a dog and vixen dead.” Colonel MacL eod T h a n k s t h e May o r P. G. Rogers. Mbs Jackson As notified at Headqt Master (Mr. W. Birchall) reported that there were '65 _ already for a number of years an assistant master at Hailsham the ditch. He did not remember Leaney being there, Now we K now 1 inmates in the Hoitse, compared with 77 last year. The and Corporation.—The Mayor (Alderman Otter) has l the Exchange, had Council Boys’ SohooL He is the third representative Orderlies (fory Ck commencing 30th Jan.). ior anyone coming to the car to try and rouse him before Mr. Herbert Samuel, the new Home Secretary, in a received the following letter from Lient.-Colonel J. N. HARTINGTON of the Bchool to have been similarly! honoured. number of vagrants relieved was 4(, againBt 37 for the l by it at ajpoint UI8IOK. - Mr. ft^_ Misses Officer, Mr. E. H. ck; Sergeant, Corporal and the policeman came. He did nqt believe that his horn letter to a Hitchin correspondent, has solved a problem corresponding’ period 12 months ago.tu The following I MacLeod,- 1 ~I.M.S., ' ' " 'lately ' in command” of ' tlthe Indiaa against any. Mr. and Mrs. Taiea. Mieses T h e H a r r ie r s .—The meet on Saturday was six Privates from No. 10 (lection. was Bounded. under the new lighting order which has exercised the gifts were acknowledged: Illustrated papers from Mr. Hospital at the lyoval Iimlion : Dear Mr. Mayor, imendng 6th Feb.). Re-examined : If he had been the worse for drink he minds of many people. He 'defines the rear end of a M R. Holman (Chalvington), and sweets and oranges Having teen temporarily ordered off duty for a rest,_I at Hooe. • Variable conditions prevailed, the acent (For we M R. Holman (Cbalvington), and sweets and oranges __ _ __ avilion, Ia ____ Mr. G. A. Miss Simmnns greatly improving^ as the day ad vanoed. Several short Officer, Mr! L. Ma an; Sergeant, Corporal and bIx could not have backed the car from the Creamery into perambulator as the reverse end to that in the direction from Miss Martin (Hailsham). 1 have had to give over charge of the R Mrs. Worthlngb Mr. and Mrs. runs took place without result until the afternoon,' when Privates from No. 14 f the road. r * of which the perambulator is proceeding", and he adds doingng sso,o, I wishwisE tto express to .you .my . warm thanks for nvestments. Lewisham. Mi William Eyfield, Of Little RbsseU-strelet, Brighton, that the order applies only to perambulators which are all the support and assistance you have given me during Law*. — Mra. a hare started near the Middle Bridge, was hunted :at a pn for taking recruits. See.. >ne of some fast pace, and was eventually killed at the foot of during the folic Every morning, 11 to 12; said he was a motor tyre rtpairer, and drqve with Bath being propelled along the roadway. R E L I E F F O R LL. the past year. Will you also kindly convey the _ - . the Stock Mra. (rwnlTigR, 7.30 to 8.15. to Plumpton on January 15th. Bath was a little bit Why not tiri these Troches the members of your Corporation and to the Pa’ Warning Hill.—Polegate was the rendezvous on Wed­ Monday andThi Disturber VL ' Loan they had DEVONSHIRE PLACE. nesday, and some good sport was enjoyed. A A. J. Hart. excited, but was sober. On leaving the Sun, Bath for your fidgety cough i Committee ? The Indians,;! know, have greatly appre­ __it This was, of walked “ fairly straight,” and more like a sober man “ Disturber VL” is the name of the latest United BROWN’S They-are the old fashioned ciated all that has been done for them by the people of | deducted from the 1 HUKLDTORAJf House.—Miss Jackson, Mr. riiM Mra. found on Mr. Foard’s farm kept hounds on the stretch ' Co., Eastbourne Battalion. States motor-boat submarine destroyer. remedy for the alleviation of savin. L Mr. and Mra. Browne for the greater part of an hour; the quarry: then found than a drunken man. His opinion was that a side slip Coughs, flharseneBB, Bore Brighton, and the name of Brighton will be blessed hy - way of sale of ThornboBOUGH.—Mr. Jackllng. M ia Jackling. refuge in Ditton’s Wood. A fresh hare was; soon turned caused the car to run , into the ditch, and this was con­ Dean on Drink Control. BRONCHIAL. Throat, Bronchitis and them in India for many years to come.—Believe me to -it cm the instal- up and a long and interesting hunt ensued, a consider tributed to by the fact that there were smooth tyres on The Dean Of Manchester (Bishop Welldon), addressing Asthma. They contain no be, yours very truly, J. N. MacLeod; Lieuti-CoL 1 taken it, though —Mrs. Lanyon. M ia THE NAVAL YCLUNTEER CADETS the back wheels. a conference held in Manchester on Monday by the opiate, and are mnch appre­ I.M.S., late O.C. Pavilion Indian General Hospital.” Mr...... able stretch of country being covered. Ultimately the the Navy League. TROCHES. ciated by 8:ngera and Pnblio of the moment, hare ran her pursuers ont of soent, and the day’s opera­ Affiliated io By Mr. Wellsted: He did not recollect the polioe Dioceean Branch of the Ohnrch of England Temperanoe T h e P a v ilio n S o u v en ir to b e D is t r i­ AD investment* Susans-road, Eastbourne. constable asking him after the car had run into the Speakers. and tions were brought to an end. Headquarters j: j 7, Society,' said the two classes of people who required buted in I nTha, —Tbe Secretary of State for India they had, of Drill Hall: B-N.Y.R. Ba'ti ery, Royal-parade, Eastbourne. ditchditch, “ What is the matter with yonr driver?” or his special protection from drink were wounded Boldiere or (Mr. Austin Chamberlain) has applied to the Pavilion -M of Deoember Ch u r c h S unday Schools. — The chili Offloer Commanding 06.: Lieut. - Commander A. J. ‘You can see for yourself.” Neither did he soldiers on furlough and women. As a step towards N ew M unitions Min ist b Of f ic e s .—T he Committee of the Town Council, on behalf of ties whuffi were |! BURLINGTON of the Ohnrch Sunday Schools, with parents and friends, s, B.N.R recollect the constable asking, “ How came you to let solving the drink problem he advocated the State Hotel Metropole in Northtunberh kd-avenue, London, Viceroy, for 20,000 copies of the Souvenir of the R( case Pasts House.—Mr. G. A. Goldie uniA assembled at the Church Room on the evening of the him drive you in that oondition, he might have busted Mi-Tame. Capt. and Mr*." Orders fort 5th Febrtuiry, 1916. control of the liquor trade all over the country. has teen taken over by the Ministry if Munitions. Since Pavilion for distribution in India. In the course of . -_i them 20th inst The occasion was the annual prize-giving. you up?” nor his reply, “ I thought when he got into the beginning of the war the hotel ias teen partly used letter Mr. Chamberlain wrote : “ Lord Hardinge has not been Beoomt.te.—Miss Crompton. Tbe prizes'were distributed by Miss Clyde Harvey, and an Sunday, 30th Jan orders. the car to) drive away (I could control him, but he would B rave? N urse. Monday.—3 p.m. Recruits should apply at by- home (df u the highest authorities War'Office as I asked me to convey an expression of his thanks, and X ge further pro- addrets was given bv the Vicar (the Preb. R|bv. F. Clyde Headquarters for 1 not let me.” The aonstable did not refuse to allow Willesden Magistrates on Tuesday warmly com­ well as by the military representaltsves of the Allied I have much pleasure in doing so, not only for the 8onvenir, t they thought waa Harvey). Mrs. A. Hillman had arranged a capital pro­ Tuesday.—No or Bath to drive away. Witness drove away after the mended Nurae Priscilla Hoaken, of Hendon, for going Commissions, but within thh next fortnight the whole of J the idea of which has been so well conceived and ; value— gramme for the pleasure of those present Befiides Wednesday.—71 jpany diSl and physical drill, accident for 200 or 300 yards, and then Bath drove to the aid of the polioe when in difficultiee with a the building will be transferred to th^ Munitions Depart- I executed, but also for the liberal spirit in which the with selections by the choir, those taking part in tbe nter- 8 p.m.: Knot compass and seamanship at home. Witness may have promised the constable that violent prisoner. A number of soldiers who stood in ment for administrative purposes. | I municipaj authorities have co-operated with the Govem- hoped not tainment included Misses C. Midhust (songs), Y. Drill Hall. J id recruits to amend, he would undertake to drive Bath home. I the crowd refused to help the polioe, and when Miss Thursday.—7.30 egraphy and Morse instruc- A r m t Ch a pla in s’ D r e ss j D istin ctio n.— I ment in providing for the welfare of the Indian wounded. would be H oward _ man (pianoforte solos),' Marjorie Carey (recitatii Re-examined; When Bath got out of the car he Hosken did so a woman who was with the prisoner Miss Doris Atkins and Miss Kathleen Am tion olasB at Drill 1 rC.P.O. Martin. walked up the road with thg constable perfectly all seized her by the neck and violently pitched her for­ An Army Order issued drastic, and Herbert. Friday and orders, unless specially chaplains I holding the be. ;In addition Masters C. Van Loock, O. Russell,'A. Ed’ notified. ward. The prisoner, William Hope, a monition wbrker, hey had also had Polling Ted Holtham, G. Weller and ;F. Bi '^The Bench retired, and on their return tite Chairman of Cricklewood, was fined 55s. for being drunk and Chaplain-General and i! I Baid they were unanimously of opinion that there must assaulting the police. General will wear the shoulder st ps, gorget patches I toe willing assistance which has always been rendered they had at the ASCELLES (dances). A handsome bouquet from the girls of Particulars of 1 promotion nqay be obtained at and forage cap prescribed Tor the ,taff Officer to the I hwtheCorporation and all those in anthQrity.” A copy of —’- '‘dn Account, Henry. Mn. M. Harvey’s class was presented to Mrs, the Drill Hall or 1 Asst.-Paymaster. , be a conviction in this case. They would impose a fine A ustrians of 48 Called U p. Chaplain-General The Deputy Chaplain-General, I toe Souvenir is to be presented to each patient who nas font liability, Miss 0. Medhnrst Signed. F. C. L AssL-Paynjaster, N.V.C. of £5 and two guineas ooets, the alternative being 29 Men of 47 and 48 years of age belonging to the British Expeditionary Force and the) Principal Chaplain! I ^)een through the hospital, -hinny Bank.' P a r is h C o u n c il.—T he Vicarpresipled onitbe For < ~ (Eastbourne) uo. days’ imprisonment. ------Austrian Landsturm have teen ordered to join the army Mediterranean Expeditionary Ft will also wear i do all this while 20th inst at the quarterly meeting of the 1 ‘ 27th January, IS TH E TAXI DRIVER FINED. on February 21st. without E nough fo r t h e J u r y .—Du rin g th e ] Vigne. f. others present being Messrs. A. K. Burtensbaw, J o h n . drew atbj of London-street, Brighton, was : £4,000.000, Hastings, R.E. Hills, J. Maryan, G. Loads, A, A summoned for 1 ; drunk while in charge of a motor ing of a case at tbe Central Criminal Court on Friday ’ C. Walker, H. Bingham, J. H. Maryan and the Un b ia sse d . >iElkins, who was house- oar in old Plum; lane, an ; Mr. Travers Humphreys, referring to Salonica, said he t on (Mr. F. W. Terry).—The business included few hunting and badji ived at a station, said to a boy Defendant _ f was not sure whether his pronunciation of. the ward that of public interest—The question of whether standing near, “ w [ am looking for Mr. Johnson’s Mr. Buckwell said to plead guilty was correct.—Mr. Justice Darling: I think it was pro- > country, ( nounoed Salon-ika (Saloneeka) in the old days, but ig u a inSi meeting should be called in support of the 1 new block of i ed houses. How far are they in spite of the decii_------in the« ------previous case. In the a Belgium Fund was, after a discussion, decided from here?” i « enty minutes’ walk,” said the circumstances he left Mr. Wellsied” * to* call J1 one witness.witness, modem Greeks, who speak much tetter than Homer. soldier in rWTLMINGTON 8QU. negative, the Council being of opinion that)' boy. “ Tweafiy ■” exclaimed Simkins. “ Nan- and then he would leave the case in the hands of. the I call it Sal-onika (laughter).—Mr. Travers Humphreys begun to said five.” “ }W7ell,” replied | remarked (hat he preferred Salon-ika.—Mr. Justieo die open Kzetlwokth Court.—Mr. U means of locally helping the fund were suffi sense! Tbeadt Bench, as defendant would not contest the Towne. Parish Properties Committee were asked to tite hoy, me or the advertisement, gave in the Darling (to the jury): It is enough for you, gentlemen, ■ resources which I ain’t tryin’ to fteO a house! ” that Mr. Homer and Mr. Humphreys oall it Salon-Aa weakest expediency of arranging a eoale of charges for the whirtie' previous------A 2d. packet makes 1£ pints of Rich Nourishing So of tiie Parish Room. T h e J u v e n il e C r im e .—A s The Chairman said the Beneh had great hesitation in (laughter). could help deciding whether they ought hot to send defendant to The number of prisoners of war in British XK. of juvenile cri^sein Croydon _;__ tfn__ :____ _ A . £>n 1*9 and Gha (minnsa In six varieties —Ox-tail, Mock Turtle, Mullis the ~ five of their number to prison. They a fine two guineas tnnB. at the commencement of December was 21,206 ; i he retiring JEVINGTON. deal ■fftriMd-. children where a s r u u costa, in defah re* im^ _ VGreen P ea,L entii,aiid P ea (Tomato 2£d. the number of alien enemies interned in tbe Britieh were re- fame le mt at the first hearing. These ~ ' ^ it, who, 1 he w ash married, man with two TaIm —civilians, 32,274; naval and military, 13,476. Me . C . W ood’s E m p l o y e s have been .enter­ children’s wib sit on Saturdays, and have children. i far paymeof., and the Magis- British prisoners in Turkey on the same date numbered tained to dinner at the Eight Bells Inn, the racing stable authorities interested in child 1 534, including 22 officers. ! and farm hands present numbering about 30 Mr. May (farm steward) presided, and cm his untmtaye The A V ic a r ’s S ud d en D e a t h .—W hilst reading tU ! Health of Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Wood” was drunk With are rarely proud ; it is ; the Psalms at S t Paul’s Church, Swindon, on Saturday I musical honours. A capital musical programme D E L U X E - that flaunts the tawdry tokens of I evening, tbe Vicar (the Rev. H. Hart Rackhamt ' taribnted to tine pleasure of those prasent. Grand Coffee Toffee. iddenly collapsed and died. f1 ,W T r-- s-* w B & ^ v P S m m

B EASTBOUBNB OHBONIOLE, SATURDAY JANUARY 29, 1916. I | •; .., • I : . . . . ECONOMY IN -A NEW LIGHT. ALIENS FINED. SPECIAL PREPAID RATE Si W ANTS o f a l l k i n d s , OWNER-DRIVER’S CAR. THE FORTHCOMING TEA CONFERENCES. YESTERDAY’S PROSECUTIONS. JEl M A Y N A RD ARTICLES FOR SALE, As already advertised in our columns, a Very FOREIGNERS IN DIFFICULTIES. SKRVAHTS WASTED or 8ITDATI058 REQUIRED. attractive programme of lecturCB has been prepared FOR LIMITED by the War Savings and, Economy Committee. These HOU8BS or APARTMENTS TO LET, I lectures will be followed by conferences which should PUZZLING ACTS. Aw Advertised In the Whole of serve the excellent purpose of elucidating the mean­ Farncombe & Co.’s (Ltd.) Sussex Newspapers ings ancient and modern of a word pot too popular REMOVALS N ew Model 75 — Completely At One Charge, viz: Model 83—Completely equipped among us. The committee responsible locally for At the Borough Police Court yesterday, before the equipped w-ith Dynamo Lighting 1 I n bebtio n .—On e Sh il l in g , not over 20 Word* with Dynamo Lighting and Self- and Self-starter, Letaohable Rims, the campaign, primarily! originated by the Govern­ Mayor (Alderman O. O’Brien Harding) in the chair, Starter, Detachable Rims, Speed­ ment, has not been idle since the formation of the the Deputy Mayor (Councillor O. W. Bolton), Coun- 8 I nbhbtions...... Two Sh il l in g s and S ix p e n c e Speedometer, &o. ciUor S, N. Fox, Mr. C. A Leatham, Col. A. B. Mein, ometer, &c. Eastbourne auxiliary. A most successtulsuccessful series ofot “ -y ,,, ? j Vi .il 7 Inbhbtionb------F ive Shillings lectures on “ Fireless Cookery,” with demonstrations, Mr. Claude Bishop and...... Mr. H D . Darnell, “ three salient aliens STORAGE FOUR- £ 2 2 5 FOUR-SEATER £ 2 7 6 in halfVi »lf a„ dozen n.ri.Lr,.parishes, together with tho educa­ were summoned for non-compliance with the regula-regula Longer Advertisements at Proportionate Rates, tional reminders introduced at the cinemas, havo tions concerning registration. V I» Booked th e Usual Rates w ill be Chabgkd. . TWO-SEATER The first case heard was that against Francisca TWO-SEATER £ 2 2 0 prepared the public forlor a steady prosecution of All such Announcements appear in the following papers] £ 2 6 6 schemes which it is believedjelieved will by their sweet Malina, of Compton Place-road, who was summoned reasonableness change for the better, and per­ as an alien for failing to notify the police of the pre­ Goods Warehoused in Separate Eastbourne Chronicle, manently, some of our social habits. sence of an alien in his household. East Sussex News. The first of the Tea Conferences will be held at Mr. H. W. Fovargue (Town Clerk) said he appeared , Look-np Compartments. Hastings Independent, Saffrons Rooms on Tuesday afternoon at 3 o’clock. on behalf of the defendant, hut not professionally. r | 1 2 - h .p . M O D E L . The lecturer is Miss Edith A. Barhett, who is to The accused expressed regret that he did not give East Grinstead Observer, speak on the subject of “ The Ethics of Economy.” notice of the fact that he had taken into^his service Sussex and Surrey Courier, Miss Barnett is one of the pioneers of women a Belgian servant, who came into the household on Finest Fireproof Warehouses Horsham, Times, 1 lecturers and could tell stories of those still recent , December 30th. The defendant,. who had taken a * / ’ in Eastbourne. Thereby securing, at a very small cost, an amount ot Prospective purchasers should not fail to see this new medium-powered popular Model: wonderfully smooth days when crowds flocked to see the strange sight of i furnished house, did not understand that when taking publicity throughout the important distriot of running, cantilever springs, rlectric self-starter and dynamo lighting, magneto, detachable runs, one-nian a feminine rson on a platform I Stones were flung i another friendly alien into his house it was his duty to Bast Sussex, among the most influential hood, side curtains, adji stable screen, speedometer, electric horn, rug rail, tyre earner, tools, &c. at the bold hussy for no greater crime■ r than • asserting notify the pohea Mr. Malina had lived for 15 years in I , Inhabitants. that soups could be made of bones or that vegetable France, but he was really a South American. Smart and Up-to-date Vans. JirXQUALLKD BY ANY OTHER LOCAL MEDIUM. trimmings should not bo wasted ! When the Belgian servant came into their employ she y Miss Barnett is a very able and attractive speaker. was told to go to the police station and register. She Orders should be sent direct to Farnoombe & Co.’s (Ltd.> She has lectured in every county of England save had given notice to the London police as to where she Experienced and Careful Men Head Offloes, or left with Authorised Agents, T b two. For many years she has been associated with came from, and thought that was sufficient; therefore Prepaid at the above Low Rates. tho National Health Society. She is also an accom­ when 6he registered here it was assumed that was all only Employed. plished writer, and her latest novel, “ A Wilderness the defendant need! trouble about. Of course, there Winner ” (published by Methuen), is of special was a duty upon the1 defendant, being in the occupation | interest just now to all whose feelings havo been of a house, also to give notice, but he failed to do that. Seroants & Jtsoistaufcs SSanteh He (Mr. Fovargue) thought the Bench would agree that ESTIMATES FREE. stirred by the loyalty of bur Colonies. Her book, dvertisements must be replied to *» writing, “ The Training of Girls’ for Work,” has been of it was very difficult for foreigners to know what they directed to the addresses given. Personal applica­ immense service in- preparing women for tho fine had to do. They did not read the Police Court news as tions at our PubllshlngOffioes, for particulars, are useless. work they have done since the war. She has written ! they should. On behalf of the defendant he expressed A ...... 1 regret at the omission, and hoped the Magistrates would APPLY RESPECTABLE GIRL (18-20) W anted as General ; Lvj*. i other books on many j subjects relating to cookery no cooking or washing ; reference required.—Miss Inspect the Car and arrange Trial Bun at (she is An experienceda housekeeper 1Trr._,and nas , for_____ many temper justice with mercy. gham, 1. Lush'shington-road, Eastbourne. years been a “ certificated cook ”) and is an enthusi­ P.O. Cooper, who assists in the Registration Office, our Showrooms:— t stated that on January 14th a Belgian subject came to VACANCY exists for smart, intelligent YOUTH, as astic economist. I t G. E> MAYNARD, L td. .pprentiee to the Reporting; good opportunity The committee is-fortunate in opening with so the Town Hall to register. He ascertained that she forA' well-educated - lad.—Apply at “ Chronicle’’ Offices, MEADS ROAD THE MOTOR MART competent a lecturer.. Her enunciation is clear as a had lived in the defendant’s house since December 30th, South-street, Eastbourne. AND bell; and if knowledge, strength and charm can but no notification of her presence there had been SSURANCE.—WANTED, smart energetic MAN ; interest and persuade, the first conference ought to received. Complete House Furnishers, average salary 35s.; quick promotion.—Apply, Box (Oppo&ite Town Hall), (TERMINUS ROAD), be a great success. The Deputy Mayor (Councillor The Chief Constable (Major Teale) said as a Belgian 63. *‘ Chronicle " Office, Eastbourne, subject the servant had no right to come into the town A Bolton) will preside. Tea will bo served between T OXFORD REGISTRY. Susans - road. EasR the leoture and the discussion. without his permission, which she did not apply for. Greystone Buildings, bourne.—Wanted: Cooks, Cook-Generals, Parlour­ S’ Phone 861 (Priv. Ex ), Other subjects are “ Rubbish and Remnants, 1 Mr. Fovargue: She told the London police where she maids, House - Parlourmaids. Housemaids, Generals, EASTBOURNE. “ The Economy of Amusements,” “ Investments Big was. going. I t is very difficult for these people to know Kitohenmalds (Private, Boarding Houses and Schools). and l.ittle,” “ The Economy of Shopping,” &c. what they have to do. I am afraid they don’t under­ Eastbourne Disengaged: Waitress (Hastings or Bexhill preferred). Miss Barnett will lecture the following week also. stand what a prohibited area means. OY WANTED to attend Invalid Gentleman, help in The Magistrates considered there had been an Rouse and Garden; salary £18. — Apply, with in having someone to talk to of their hopes and infraction of the Act, but taking into consideration the Breferences. Mrs. Goldman, Downsleigh, Haywards Heath. ambitions, or their homes and families. Tommy is WHAT CIVILIANS HAVE DONE facts, they imposed a fine of only £1. " CABINET MAKER WANTED ; good general hand. SPORT—AND OTHER just as human as the rest of us, and the war seems to DEATH AND FDNERAL OF MISS J —Apply, Rooks & Dunbeq, House Furnishers, East­ have brought out all that is best in him. FOR THE ARMY. Clemence Fellows, of Elms-avenue, was summoned ,for §ale ot to |jet. bourne. - THINGS. » * • I D1PL0CK: POLEGATE. for failing to notify the presence of an alien in her CHAUFFEUR WANTED for Hire Cars; must be We shall miss the R.A.M.C. .They are a fine-body household. A DVERTI8 EMENT8 must be replied to In writing, j sober and able to do running repairs; one who THE EASTBOURNE CONTRIBUTION. r V directed to the addresses given. Personal applica- knows Lewes district preferred. — Chapman & Sons, (B y SPECTATOR.) of men and their behaviour during their stay in East­ P.C. Cooper stated that on January 18th a French dons at our Publishing Offices, forpartlculars,are useless. Lewes.C bourne has been most exemplary and vastly to their . We regret to announce the death of Miss Sarah subject, accompanied by the defendant, her daughter, . ; ’ ! • | who was British by marriage, came to the Town Hall TTRACTIVE RESIDENCE, near Station; seven IOOKS. Cook-Generals, Houseparlourmaids. House- credit. We gave them a hearty send-off on Saturday, Matilda Diplook, who passed away on Sunday at the bed, bath, three reception, offices; prettypi garden ; baa been an unusually slack week in the and as they swung through the station yard smiling Many, people will remember a great abortive meet­ to register. He understood that Mrs. Discat had j maids. Kitchenmaide, General Servants, also Girls residence of her brother, Mr, Caleb .Diplock, South- resided with her daughter at 14, Elms-avenue, since Ainco £1,150 ; low ground rent.—Edgar Ron■n & Chartres, Cto Train WANTED. Good Situations Vacant in all of sport. Sport of a mild sort in the naturo and gay, and boisterously acknowledging our; final ing in the Toiyn Hall spoiled by unseasonable, rhetorio 1, Cornfield-road, Eastbourne. “ Homefln-der ' gratis. parts. Servants suited free.—Send postcard for particu­ farewells; they made an inspiring spectacle. But the and overscrupulous timidity. Scores of men might down Hall, Polegato. The deceased lady had been May, 1913, but he had received no notification of her lars or call, The Sussex Registry, 28, Friars’-walk, Lewes, • f el...;T.e one’s best hat down a muddy road has presence there. Defendant told him that her mother a y w a r d s h e a t h a n d d is t r ic t . - For scene had its sad side as well. There were aching have enlisted that night. A fine opportunity was in ill-health for a considerable period and sho had Particulars of HOUSES TO BE LETT OR SOLD In Sussex. \y been enjoyed, and some fun—with plenty of hearts in the crowd—for these soldier chaps know was French, but she was told that being over age decorously avoided, ana d few patriots went home borne her sufferings very patiently. Her death has thisH charming and healthy locality, with excellent rail- OOK, good Plain; small private family; good wages; has been got put of bumping into people how to make love—there were sobs that choked the registration would not be necessary in her case. way service to London, Brighton and Eastbourne, apply age 48 ; disengaged ; daily work.—E., 17, George's- words of farewell, and I saw one pretty little woman dispiritedly to say bitter words by the fireside. But cast a great gloom over the district, for Bhe was of It was pointed out that the defendant was confused T. Bannister & Co, House and Estate Agents, Market­ road, Eastbourne. i in the brilliantly illuminated streets at night; an exceedingly charitable disposition, and the poor by the National Registration. place, Haywards Heath. C sport in the accepted Bense of the i term there not far from me with tears l running unrestrainedly a beginning had been made. Very soon afterwards OOK (good Plain) and KITCHENMAID WANTED; down her cheeks. 1 j . a number of the most sorious of our citizons met in have lost a kind-hearted and generous friend. Miss Mrs. Discat was summoned, as an alien, for failing to 50 PER ANNUM.—No. 4, THE GC-FFS ; vaoant suit mother and daughter or two friends; Between- next to none. There will be football at th j • • H * • the same building, question i and answers elicited Diplock was, until her health failed, a regular register. Lady-Day.—Particulars, apply princi pal1 ' Agents, ' or maidC kept; state wages and references.—Housekeeper, attendant at St. John’s, and she wsb a liberal con­ __ _ however, this afternoon, when the Summer) I had spent a delightful hour or so the other after­ the right feeling, a programme was outlined and the P.O. Cooper related the facts and observed that the £Owiwner, 5 Owen Bradford, 2. Station-parade, Eastbourne. Ladies’ College, Seaford, Sussex.______i |own Convalescents meet the Dorset Yeomanry in tributor to the church funds. She had resided with defendant said a lady in August last told her she was LFRISTON. — TO LET, MOIRA HOUSE, High- f ENERAL, good, WANTED, who understands Plain noon at one of Dr. Conway’s exquisite organ recitals, Eastbourne and Distriof Rec ruiting Committee was her brother at Southdown Hall for about 36 years. tbourne Services’ League. The match com? and as I came away feeling wonderfully soothed and formed. over age in regard to registration. ___street, Alfriston. containin; lg two sitting rooms, \JT Cooking; youngoung wjdwidow not objected to; good iefreshed by the magic power of the noble music we It was some time b afore the town realised the The funeral took place yesterday, -the first part of Mis. Fellows, who said her husband was an account­ four bedrooms, kitchen, with usu-al_____ offices and large dry wages given to a good, reli;reliable person; age 25-30.-7.—Mrs. t at 2.30, the Camp Band will be in attendance, the service being conducted in St. John’s Church, ant in London, was fined £1 and Mrs. Discat had to cellar; rent £20.—Apply, Wood, Butcher, Alfriston. Dixon, 53, High-street,reet, Ease Grinstead. I am told that the Blue Boys will have no soft had been listening to, I asked a friend who had significance of modest omon; itrationti and unconven­ accompanied me what he thought of it. He was the . tional ...----- advertisements. - East)bourne, very properly, Polegate, in the presence of a large number of pay 5s. PARTMBNTS, XX 1*1 I'XUll'l A VJ luLfor C*a vldltluUGentleman itV H f; ft, goqd Oi !U LLcooking and ENERAL SERVANT WANTED, three in family; S on. chap 1 told you of last week who just because he had always been a leisurely bommuhity. It had an sympathising friends. The Rev. H. J. Jackson, the attendance: moderate charges. — De“ WarrenneWarret no children ; state age and salary required.—Mrs. J * * * curate-in-charge, officiated, and was assisted by the -e (comfortable interior). 100, High-atreet,, Lewes. Head, “9, Dornton-road, South Croydon. owns a gramophone thinks he has an ear for music, effective way of dealing with intrusions; it ignored According to a report of the Fire Brigade I t kb not often we see a hockey match on roller He wasn’t at all impressed. His idea was that organ them. Always, however, it had been, in a manner Rev. Prebendary Clyde Harvey (vicar of Hailsham). OARD - RESIDENCE. - Y.W.C.A. Hostel, North AID WANTED for General Work (Apartment tv j fcatei in Eastbourne, and a very fair number of Committee of the London County Council, the total street, Lewes; all home comforts and! conveniences; House);! no cooking; assistance given; good Prtv music is too heavy, too monotonous and lacking in of its own, staunchly patrio ;ic. It gradually and The chief mourners were Mr. C. Diplock, Miss reference required.—9, Royal-parade, Eastbourne. itors were “•resent to witness the game between variety. He wanted to hear light comedy and rag- perhaps (at first) reluctantly i ettled down to the dis- Watkin, Mr. Stratton, Miss Ireland, Mr. Roseblade, itross amount of insurances against fire effected in Bgood catering; terms moderate.—Apply, Secretary, 10,M ark team and the Hants Carabineers London in 1914 was £1-,1D2,838,4o3. North-street, Lewes, Devonshire! time music at organ recitals, and was of opinion that concerting differenceterem that th 3 war insistently made Mrs. Jackson, Mr. and Mrs. C. Thomas, Miss Katie ARRIED MAN WANTED for SMALL DAIRY m Friday evening 1last. And let me at on say thal the only way to crowd our churches on Sunday was I (as it discovered! everywhere. It, in true English ThoMas, Nurse Fulton, Nurse Moore, Mr. G. White- Millio n V isito rs to t h e Zoo. —■ During OTTAGE at ASHURST WOOD, good repair; semi­ FARM ; wife as housekeeper to Widower ; good ink hockey as plajayed on such a prescrib area' ai detached ; six rooms, good garden and water; high Mreferences required.—Mr. Edwards, Lodge Farm, Mark 3 to advertise that the “ Gaby Glide ” or the “ Belle of fashion, converted a gnevanc; into a convention and homo (bailiff), Mr. Page, Mr. George Thorpe and 1915 visitors to the Zoological Gardens numbered sunny situation : 6s. a week.—Apply, Owner, The Rocks,Cross, Sussex. h at available at Devonshire Park is npt a game to New York ” would be played as a voluntary at the accepted with the gusto of a peoplepli on holidayiy tlthe the household staff. Following them were Messrs. ,058,728, an increase of 3,526, as compared with the C Ashuret Wood, East Grinstead. il l in e r y . - An a s sist a n t w a n t e d for fo into raptures over. Polo, to my way of thinking; close of the service 1 And yet he prides himself on | -rapidly. . . multiplying taskB„„ of . novel situation. The W. Fears, J. Marchant, J. Hylands, A. Coleman, W. total for 1914. infinitely more attractive and exciting. his musical taste! |was something admirabledmira in the gallant pretence of Wood and W. Ay ling, employes on the estate. a st g r in s t e a d . :A Lady with well-furnished Work Room and Show Room; must have had r* * * . - It was stated at Clerkenwell County Court House SEEKS PAYING------GUEST ; private sitting experienceM In high-class trade.—M. Phillips, 44, Grove- r r - cheerfulness with whi- quiet folk of settled habit Among others present were Mr. George Stevenson, that the profit on chocolate cream was between 100 and room.—A„E “ Observer’ Office, East Grinstead. road, Eastbourne.______Still, the match was enjoyable eUpugh'on Friday; faced the new days of 1195.4. This attitude was of Mr. and Mrs. H. G. White, Mr. L. C. Wintlo, Mr. 200 per cent. “ It is the best paying part in the con­ and Mrs. C. P. Taylor, - MiBs Taylor, Mr. and Mrs. T71A8TBOURNE.—PAYING GUE8TS RECEIVED in ILLINERY.—An APPRENTICE WANTED ; out- td some clever play by the Carabineers enabled immense service to th(j- Recruiting'Committee. No fectionery trade,” said a confectioner. 1 a a comfortable home; highly recommended; good 171^ doors.—Apply, Emmeline, High-street, East Grin- ism to win five goals to one. Thi’ more representative las ever essayed more Tolhurst, sen., Mr. Tolhurst, jun., the Rev. G. cooking; garden, tennis and croquet ;_ple ' AMONGST THE SHELLS. Tolhurst, Miss Tolhurst, Mr. and Mrs. McNish, Mr. -nt situation, rules are very similar to those of polo( and eyei^ delicate Dusiness. To -petate with the Military —Miss Ackermann, 20, The Avenue, Easitbourne. /Y FFICE—WANTED, well-educated YOUNG LADY —.initiated spectators were therefore ablp to follow Authority while remei -nn t tho prepossessions of and Mrs. Dapp, Mr. H. T. Thorpe, Mr. Andrews, ASTBOURNE (21, Enys-road).-PAYING GUESTS v f as Apprentice to the Office.—Apply to Bobby and ~ pretty ‘ well, but the 8ma]i bjjp anj the LA ST DAYS IN GALLIPOLI. -the civil' population d- lidid an interesting blend Mr. Moppett, Mr. J. T. Allen, ;Mr. Stimson, Mrs. Miscellaneous. E__ "I 5 RECEIVED; well-appointed house; comfortably- Co., Ltd., Eastbourne. to them.; The | of courage and prude: Waghorn, Mrs. Hall, &c. ;oals seemed It took, moreover, a little heatieated winter residence; pleasant situation; highest RINTKR 8 ’ ASSISTANT WAREHOUSEMAN of ,Bix play J T s r . formation i in each sidp | time for the membe to disebver that certain After the opening sentences had been said the REWARD.—LOST, on Jan. 24th, on the Downs references.—Mrs. Fred Tovey. WANTED; also MACHINE LAYER-ON.-Full goalkeeper, one back, ,one half-back and threi - SU SSE X YEOMANRY IN THE differentiations of rel lous, political, and social hymn, “ The King of Love my Shepherd is,” was ___between Lewes and Ditchling Beacon, PAIR of LAT TO LET, occupying Ground and| First Floors; Pparticulars and references to Bartholomew Press, Two of the Carabineer forwards 1TBENCHES. I experience were,__ j __not japriers to -the pooling of sung, and the Psalm “ I said I will take heed to my ?TEl.D GLASSES in Leather Case. Anyone returning near Devonshire Park; comprising of eight good Dorkiug. u clever, and it was. their excellent coml capacities for, the good of tl le cause. Probably no ways ”, chanted. The Lesson was read by the Rev. same to Major Gundry, The Shelleys, Lewes, will obtain rooms; rent, £90 Unfurnished, £140 Famished.—Apply, the above reward. F IV ESPECTABLE YOUTH WANTED for Coal woh the watch b o decisively. ‘ Each ol more successful methods of advertisement had been H. J. Jackson, who subsequently gave a brief O. Edmunds, Kenilworth Court, Eastbourne. ,_j Merchant’s Office. — Apply, D. Knight, Coal where to find the other one, an< Lance-Corpl. F. Jenner, Sussex Yeomanry (son of employed locally than j some of the expedients for address, in the course of which he bore eloquent >y //* REWARD.—LOST, on Sea Front, a BLACK ■jlOREST ROW.—TO LET, as a laundry or private erchant, Pevcnsey-road, Eastbourne. e, coupled with much individual presenting the national need, devised by this com- 4 / 0 MORIE BAG. containing keys card case and aundry Mr., and Mrs. T. Jenner,- 76, Whitley-road, East­ testimony to the deceased lady’s bountiful help to I / residence, THE MOUNT COTTAGE and L , EQUIRED, a thoroughly experienced single handed v - for nearly all'the goals obtairieil mittee. From the inning they haveive 1 .been those who were "in need, sickness or any other >urse. — Anyone returning same to 5, Howard-square, with Stable and Outbuildings, situate at Highgate, STILL ROOM MAID, also a STAFF MAID for bourne), has written home an interesting account of generously aided by the esi'. , • , jl. J : j , iastbourne, will receive above reward. Forest Row: rent £36 per annum.—For particulars apply rivate Hotel, Eastbourne; good wages.- adversity, to her unobtrusive generosity, to her ' to Messrs. Pearless, *ons &" de ' ~Rougemont, ™ Solicitors,~ ■ R -Apply, Box the regiment’s work in the trenches in Gallipoli. Naturally the busine -f 'ecruiting in a country piety, to her devotion to God’s house and tof the 1 /» HENS are Paying one Poultry Keeper's Rent since East Grinstead. ' H. E., “ Chronicle’’ Office,Eastbourne. The tore l range in the tentt of th-i averse from conscriptio -ompelled the use of every substantial aid -ahe-. gave in. every branch of the _LO using KARSWOOD MEAL. - Heasman Bros., His letter, which is dated5 “ Christmas Day, 1915,” Ooru Merchants, London-road, East Grinstead. TjlURNISHED HOUSE TO LET at Coombe Hill, East HORTHAND CLERK and TYPIST (male) Wanted Institute is very well patrol ised contains the following;— likely opportunity^ for persuading men to the Colours. church’s work 'Following the address, the organist ! for a Lewes Office.—Apply, Box 14, ’ East Sussex ’ leraHy, (but especially the ibers. • a s | This will account for the versatility that organised A 1 WINDOW CLEANER8.—We are the leaders, I ' Grinst- ad; Suit officers’ family.—Apply, Las Pampas, Mews" Office, Market-street, Lei-wes. Thanks very much for your letter, which I got last (Mr. W. G. Thorpe! played “ O rest in the JLord," Coombe Hill, East Grinstead. .T.O.: who have found additional into to tbjei: demonstrations such as the patriotic meeting at and after this the Rev. Prebendary Clyde Harvej L while others follow. The oldest, largest and ICKNESS .VISITORS (Female) REQUIRED for own course of firing by joining toe Lea] le competi- Saturday p also the Christinas card with the messages Devonshire Park when the D ike of Norfolk presided read the final prayers, the service concluding witl most up-to date. The Old Town, Eastbourne and OUSE TO LET in Bedford-grove at March quarter ; Lewes and distriot and Uckfleld and district; two fions. This is mutually beneficial tq_the igue and from you all on it. Since then I’ve had some and our own Duke delivered, a memorable address; Hampden Park Window Cleaning Company Office, 70, 2 sitting, 5 bedrooms ; rent £45.—Apply J. H. H-, or three days per week; able to cycle; previous experi­ thrilling experiences, to say tfie least of it. : Last the hymn, “ Peace, perfect peace.” As the body was Green-street, Old Town. Contractors for His Majesty's Railway Station Bookstall, Eastbourne, J men alike, and the attorn' lays, I am ithe great recruiting week during which military carried from the church the organist played Chopin1 Red Cross Hospitals, H ence not essential.—Apply, Box 166, “ East Sussex News ” pold, is very satisfactory. Sunday! there was a big advance in two or three music, militant speeches and impressive route “ Furferal March." OCK-UP GARAGE olose to Terminus-road and near Office, Lewes. places along the line and we were told to stand to at Station, by year or week.—Terrys, 19, Cornfleld- marches made effective appeal to all sorts and condi- The interment followed at Ocklyngo Cemetery, FRENCH LADY OFFERS AFTERNOON WALKS ~ MART YOUNG LADY REQUIRED with good 2 o’clock. The bombardment started, and it was jtions of eligible men; and tjie numberless concerts. A _ and French Conversation. — Apply, G. R., L road, Eastbourne, ______address and business ability for high-class business The number of shooting competition fixtures a; terrible, as not only were our guns going at top I -lectures, socials, interviews, by moans of which East- where the committal prayers were read by the Rev. “ Ob-bserver " Office. East Grinstead: AYING GUESTS, including Officers’ Wives and S it is somewhat bewildering, for what witl i H. J. Jackson. Among those present were Mr. H. _ their Children, RECEIVED in comfortable HOME matches, Cup competitions, platoo'n matches speed, but Johnny was replying as hard as he could, bourne achieved results so noticeably excellent that D. Farnell, Councillor Morgan and Mr. W. Guiin. DOPTION. — WOULD any kind LADY ADOPT We got the order to fall in at 3 o clock, and off we the central body in London forwarded congratula- AD?LITTLE CHILD of six years (Girl); respectable inP Eastbourne; central.—Apply, Y„ Chronicle ” Office, m shoots, I fancy the V.T.C. man at timep went up the gully in single file. Shells were dropping tions The coffin bore the inscription; “ Sarah Matilda birth;; :for love only; no pay.—Write, 99, “ Chronicle" Eastbourne. yy-OMAN Wa n ted for DAILY WORK in the hardly kno? s whether he is on his head or his heels, all over the place, and just after we’d started one Perhaps the hardest work Was done in connection Diplock, died 23rd January, 1916.” Floral tributes Office, Eastbourne. rj? 0 LET, THREE UNFURNISHED ROOMS, with use _ morning and evening.—Box M.S. Q.. ’ Chronicle ’’ and as for pocket money, well, the ammunition were cent as follows :-j- bath room, &c.—Apply, 3, St. Andrew’s-place. Office, Eastbourne. huge 8-m. landed and blew a dug out on the left to with Lord Derby’s scheme. By this time the ICYCLE WANTED (second-hand), in good repair, Lewes. •wallows up so much that rumour has it that, in nothing. A second one dropped a minute after I 1 Recruiting Committee~ K had. ?. by. simple . assiduity . . . and Cross, Mr. Diplock. for boy of 14.—Apply, Lingfleld Lodge, East Grin­ ANTED, at once, TEMPORARY PARLOUR- several instances the weeklyw tobacco1* supply has ^had right in the gully, and practically in the middle of quite exceptional ability won for itself an honourable Wreith, Sophie. stead.B O LET, UNFURNI8HED COTTAGE; four rooms _ MAlik—Apply, Dr. Habgood, Stafford House, *o be ied.. f.Th The keenness. . . the . The Avenue, Eastbourne. our fellows. 1 was only about 15 yards away and I place among the war j workers of the South-East Wreath, Mr. Stratton and Miss Ireland. AST-OFF CLOTHES, BOOTS, &o.. Ladies’, Gentle- and attic, with garden ; near Dormans Station ; W jjwito tiie qualify of the shooting and thought at least 20 of them must have been wiped Spray of roses, MisB Dales. uiet tenants; no family.—Leeper, Blackberry, Ling- ____ matches before the season is Coast. The local Council kin(dly placed rooms at the men’s and Children’s ; any quantity bought for Teld. ! • \\T ANTED : 1 Good Single - handed Cooks, Cook- some dose ma- out, but when I got there there were only five of die] Vioiots, Mrs, Jackson. Ccash.—Mrs. Morgan’s, 6a, Ocklynge-road, Eastbourne. TT Generals. Parlourmaids, Houseparlourmaids, advanced.-ced. One ,pleasing — _ _ feature n of ,the . them, though two have since died. We left them to Wreath, Dr. and Mrs. Gooderson Bateman. am o —LET, , in— ------central iition East Ui,„,bGtMi Grinstead, Housemaids. Under - Nurses, Housechambermaids, this year is the fact that several Derby the stretcher bearers, and I heard that while they Spray, Mrs. Grant. /COMFORTABLE HOME in private house for Lady as X BAKER'S SHOP, with bakehouse complete : good Kitchen and Betweenmaids for private, schools, board­ have attended for instruction,; and every Sours a day. The epl Paying Guest, 0£ could have Furnished Rooms, business for past 10 years; also LOCK-UP SHOP ing and apartment houses; several good Generals, wages were dressing them two more shells burst and the onerou9noss of the rk done so cheerfully, so Wreath, Mr. and Mrs. Calder. with attendance. — Home, ‘Chronicle’’ Office, East- is given them for preparing for more serious wounded them. We pushed on and halted further Spray, the Misses Roseblade. bourne. adjoining.—Apply, W., “ Observer” Office, East Grin­ £14 to £26; Head and Under-Nurse for Purley; Cookfor -e following tames will be found -unitedly, so capably, 'jtlhi classification of cards was stead. •- Friday Street, wages £28. No booking fee,—Myrtle- up under cover. Fellows of other regiments have only one feature of activitien that carried members Wreath, Mrs. Mandy and Bessie. COMFORTABLE APARTMENTS WANTED by holme Employment Agency, 32, Glldredge-road, East­ :— i said we came up as though we were going to a Wreath, Mr. and Miss McNish. ELL-PLANNED DETACHED HOUSE, central; bourne. ’Phone 616. • • * * * into lonely parishes in ail weathers, that included Cl Single Young Man in Lewes.—Write, J„ W. H. nice garden; 3 reception, 6 bedrooms, bath ; rent picture palace, but I certainly didn’t feel like it! frequent conferences on problematical cases and that Cross, Nurse Moore. Smith & Son, Bookstall, Lewes. £115.—Terrys,W 19, Cornfleld-road, Eastbourne. League Match R esults. We had to be close handy to the firing line, so we i the days pf the greafl boom taxed the energies of Chaplet, Nurse Fulton. AST GRINSTBAD. —WANTED, a little Girl to V,T.O. Sec. 7.....j...... 200 beat A O . V ittaker... sot. turned, -in with the1 Manchester^. those who; at Ordnan-~ Yard scarcely paused for Spray, Mr., Mrs. and Miss Dapp. SHARE NURSERY; every comfort; personal 'V .T .a, Sec. 12 214 ,, - V.T.O., 1 9...... 192 The objective at our part' of the line was a crater meals in their detotion willingly accepted duty. Spray, the Hyldhds children. E attention; age two to four years; references given, Sec. 6. ..J 186 YiT-C-. or hole blown in the ground by one of our mines, We have, alreadjr refi .p tt- the interesting associa Wreath, the Misses Baldrey and Brewer. required.—A„ "Observer’’ Office, East Grinstead. ANTED, GENERAL SERVANT ; plain cooking; and we were completely successful, as they were in Anchor, outdoor staff, Southdown Hall. Seo. 3..... 218 „ Platoon-1 :tion in this service tho nation of men of all SK 1TEETH WANTED. Best prices paid.— NFURNISHED.—All Available Houses. Selected two in family; state wages and full particulars. Sea 6.. . 199 „ V.T.O., 1 other parts ,of the line which we attacked. . That denominations and of >th political parties. Where Cushion, Mr. and Mrs. Whitohorne. JEWiWEELLERY. Ladies, Gent's,...... and Childrens'lldrens' lists sent on receipt of requireinente —Killick and —Mrs.w Ellam, Church House, Sidley, Bexhill. V.T.O., 80a 16 night “ Johnny, ” counter-attacked, and actually ;ily.and well it would not Spray, the Rev. H. J. and Mrs. Jackson. O ed ( lothing; also Underwear, Boots, Shoes, UDavies, Estate Agents, Terminus-road, Eastbourne. ANTED, a YOUNG LADY to take CHARGE of a Sea 4 ...... 170 Gas Company ... regained the crater for a time, but was driven out i lual mention members Spray, Mr. and Mrs. White. Leggings, Umbrellas, BagB, Portmanteaux, Trunks, — All available Furnished Houses. Child of five; hours 10and seven o’clock.—Write, ..... 216 Education:Staff ... 208 again by our bombers who were up there. We went Heart, Miss Hall. Uniforms, Household Linen, Blankets, Curtains, Old f f iEverall, 4, Wilmlngton-terrace. Eastbourne. ep ;atedly and gratefully Spray, Miss Shoesmith. China, Glass, Coins, Marine and Opera Glasses, &o. 1 sent on receipt of requirements.— & Sons ..... 223 V.T.O., S e a l ...... 19B up there on three hours’ fatigue on Monday after­ i t o '8 . , Terminus-road, Eastbourne. ANTED.GENERAL; reliable, experienced; plain 8 noon, and the Tfirks were shelling it with high explo­ Wreath, Miss Dales. Carriage forward ; Cash per return. — F. W. Looock, ..... 215 V.T.O., Sea .....: 213 cirpumstt nces of a political truce 201, Queen's-road, Hastings, Sussex. [Copyright.] VIOR 8ALE.—FREEHOLD.—Langney-road; no bdse- cooking; two in family; aged between 30 and sive shells. We passed stretchers with badly wounded only 'just to speak of [the splendid assistance Wreath, Mrs. Carr. ment; £700, or Leasehold £550; ground rent £-L— W40 no objection.—12. Kdensor-road, Meads, Eastbourne. men on them, and also several dead, and that didn’t Spray, Miss Flatt. r e n c„ h„ LADY, certificated, experienced, three L- L eague T able of D ecided M atches rendered to the country and to the committee by Killick and Davies, House Agents, Terminus-road, Efist- ANTED, respectable, reliable LAD; preferably tend to steady our nefves, especially as someone Messrs. Keyto and Sexton, the agents respectively Wreath, Mrs. Ford and Mary. years’years’teaching teaemng in Brig]Brighton, highly recommended, bourno. one who can write well; good wages; to sleep personal references,; will VISIT _Lewes, Eastbourne to 24th January, 1918. [! volunteered the information that “ they were giving of the Conservative and Libe 'al Associations. These Cross, Mrs. B. Atkins. F LATS.—12s. 6d. weekly. Four Unfurnished Rooms; Wout.—Zanzibar Cottage, Darley-roaa, Eastbourne. '-•/ KF. W. D. L. '■ us hell up there]’' j and District Oncti or Twice Weekly’: Schools and gentlemen have- unwearied ly and harmoniously Spray, teachers and scholars of St. John’s, Pole- Families.—Particulars 12, Grafton-street, Brighton. central.—Killick and Davies, Terminus-road, East­ An t e d , ;in a house in East Grinstead, an ACTIVE S. Bindon...... [...... 4 ... 4 ... 0 ... 0 You entered the crater by crawling on your stomach literally toiled to secure the best possible results gate, Sunday School. Fbourne. GIRL to serve under a Cook-General.—Apply, Benz Bros...... 4 ... 4 ... 0 ... 0 along a tunnel about twenty yards long and found -within the limits' imposed by Government. Their Wreath, Mrs. and Miss Gwynne, and Major 1URNISHKD HOUSE WANTED for 6 or9months; R. K., “ Observer" Office, 64, London-road, East Grin- Town Hall...... 4 .. 4 ... 0 ... 0 yourself inBide a great pit, from 80 to 100 yards Gwynne. _ 6 bedrooms, good garden; tennis lawn indispens­ stead.______knowledge of the constituency, their special training, able ; about 6-gs. a week.—Apply Terrys, 19, Cornneld- Th waites & Sons. across, and about twenty' feet deep, and a chaos of and their most tactful co-operation have won golden Cross, Mrs. Pierce. road, Eastbourne. ANTED, at Lingfleld, experienced GENERAL earth and rocks! We had to find cover where we Spray, Mrs. Yetton and May. ticks got § a le. SER V ANT. 20 to 30; must be well recommended; opinions from all the committee. They have each ENS WHICH DON’T LAY DON’T PAY. Karswood Platoon Sergeants could and great 8-in. shells were coming over at the vindicated the wisdom of tieir appointment to a Wroath, maids at Southdown Hall. Wgood knowledge of household duties and plain cooking; V.T.O., Section 7.. rate of two or three every couple of minutes. They Spray, Miss Hand and Miss Cann. Poultry Spice, containing ground insects, ensures quiet, comfortable home; two in family.—Address, Box position requiring at a|l tirres the rarest combina­ Heggs. Tryasample. 2d.,6d., Is.; by post4Jd., 10d., Is. 5d. o s t e r s b a s t g r i n s t e a d l i m i t e d , . W„ “ East Sussex News," Lewes.______V.T.O., Section 12. burst with a terrific crash and covered everything tion of power i, never more worthily used than during Spray, Mr. and Mrs. G. Thorpe and Mr. H. Thorpe. from Stanford, Com Merchant, Lingfleld.______OANTBLUPE GARAGE, TeL 18L V.T.O., Section 6.. 4 ... 2 with bits of earth, &c It seemed a miracle that they these last mouths-of continuous and arduous effort. Wreath, Mr. and Mrs. C. Thomas and the Misses ANTED, for Gentleman’s place, COWMAN; fill V.T.O., Section a. 4 ... 2 didn’t drop them in tho crater itself. They blew the Thomas. \ADY REQUIRED who will pay 10s. 6d. weekly and PETROL.F TYRES. REPAIRS. OARS STORED up time in garden; ineligible.—References and The Recruiting Committee is not disbanded. Its _J share the work of a small house with another lady, wages requ!ired to J. Perrett, Tilgate Forest Cottage, A O. Whittak- parapet, in and buried two of our fellows under it, members are still diligently pursuing the varied tasks Wreath, Mr. and Mrs. Cprrie Taylor and the Young PIn- returnre' for a comfortable and pleasant home in East­ \ ■ AGENTS. HIRE OARS. Crawley.W Eduoation Stal and, of course, -we were unable to get them out. We assigned to it by Downing-street. Some of its Crusaders. 1 [ f bourne ; charwoman help.—Apply 47, “ Chronicle ’’ Office, menl V.T.O., Section 4. had to work like mad filling sandbags to rebuild it, members are) serving as military representatives, Cross, teachers and children of Polegate Infant Eastbourne. Machine Department. V.T.O., Section &. and fellows were being wounded all round. Several some on the Advisory Committee, all of them as School. ADY (by birth) OFFERS SMALL SUM WEEKLY 1 8-h.p. Road Loco, and 3 Trucks. “ 3-1 V.T.C., Seotion 9.. * . . . a . . . . u -4 times we had to grab our rifles and equipment and ready to yield time and' service as in the days of those Wreath, Mr. and Mrs. Tiller and Florrie. and part day services; household duties, or care of 1 6-ft. Mortar Mill. Situations SHantei). V.T.O.. Section 16. " get to the parapet, as they thought “ Johnny ’’.was modest begin ninj s when the call to arms revealed Wreath, Mr. and Mrs. Tolhurst and family. L child; to lady, where maid kept; good references given. Small Oil Engine, Pump and 1,000 Gallon Tank I Gas attacking, but ne didn’t. the deeply-rouf loyalty of all claBses of Englishmen Wreath, Mr. and Mrs. Banks. B. E., “ Chronicle ” Office, Eastbourne.______(nearly new). It was the most horrible three hours I’ve ever 1 Engineer’s Power Drilling Machine with awing d v e r t is e r d e s ir e s po sit io n o f t r u s t ; Jcv V, | to the nag of our essential freedom. Wreath, Mr. Leslie Wintle. ADY WANTS another Child (or Children) daily to table. quick at figures; past military age; highest refer- V * V- UOWUUU «. spent, and I never expected to come out alive. I D. B. Wreath,: Mr., Mrs. and Miss Gunn and Miss _J Educate with her little boy of 7.—Mrs. Klump, 2, 2 Portable Steam Engines. ! e n ce8.—H. A, Gook, 34, Longs tone-road, Eastbourne. Section 14- 4 ... 0 ...- o ..; went up again on Tuesday afternoon and had to Mokitinon. 4 he Esplanade, Seaford. A 1 small Motor Lorry. Sold. ! TBX?KRIENCED GOV4cRNE88 Desires R e-engage- work in the pouring rain for three hours, so got Wreath, Mary and J. Stapley. ADY GIVES LE88ON8 IN FRENCH; rapid Light Railway and Trolley complete (equal to ne JL!2 ment ; family, or charge of children in absence of thoroughly saturated. Coming back, the gully; was a Wreath, Miss Apted. m e m m o( the -tutioi organist d _i method; hig) est references; moderate ' 1 3}-h.p. Gas Engine (nearly new). parents; excellent personal reference, Eastbourne.—F., urne since the oi of war iajti e torrent, and Ore had to wade in places. I put on Mil Wreath, Mr. 'and Mts. Rupert Gwynno. Iq “ Chronicle " < Ice, Eastbourne. 1 34-h.p. Stockport Gas Engine (seen running). SOLD. care of Mrs. Morris, 37, Selhurst-road, South Norwood. some dry -socks, but it was no use -changing, as I •; Wreath,-»Mr. and Mrs. - James Garrard. h 1 Engineer’s Emery Wheel Machine. ! Club for soldiers and saili at' Elm i- I A1ADIKS’, GENTLEMEN'S and CHILDREN’S CAST­ TTIGHLY RECOMMENDED PARLOURMAID now road. The club been opt n had to turn out at 3.30 again the next morning and Bar, Mr. and Mrs. F. Waghorn. JLj OFF < CLOTHING, Boots, Household Linen, Sea., Oontraotino Department. XJL disengaged, also good Children’s Nurseandothers. go up again, and the gully was worse than before. I Some of the'principal;incipals of tlie revue All Scotch very BOUC .4. and it was never lore populi r Cross, Mrs. Handson and family. JGHT FOR OASBL.—Mrs. Haris 6. Station-street, STEAM ROLLERS FOR HIKE: 6,8 and io Tons. —Apply, Excelsior Registry Office, 21, Junction-road. time. It is not o) to civilian i, went up again on Thursday night, and by that time r kindly -came apd entertaineden the inmates. The men The funeral -arrangements were carried out by Lewes. Eastbourne. | privilege of being ten over tl e it had dried a bit , The crater has been transformed were hugely (lighted;?h with their efforts, especially Messrs. Haine & Son."..- OTOR OAR.—If anyone wishes to dispose of a WHITE ORPINGTON PULLETS and FOUR o u s e k e e p e r m- think perhaps we shall get someth'— - '- ‘i ever, the shades iasked1 for-In the G azette are bn the injuries to- the face and right leg. The driver of the m H(HERE E is no Finer Egg Maker than KARSWOOD OR SALE, thorough good VAN; suit big cob; also -Apply, M. K., “ Observer” Office, found amongst the men. And can t ,e of tb to-night. At any rate, I’m happy 1 way to completion, Dame Rumour saith, so in future motor 'bus suffered from Bhock, and was temporarily MEAL (Sussex ground); try 9fd. bag.—Watson’s Milk Float and covered Baker's Cart, suit cobs.— East Grinstead. just sing I It did my heart good to the fujll it will be possible to hold mpre evening services. relieved from duty. On inquiry at the hospital yesterday JLStores, MGrange Road, Crawley Down. F. Boyes, Wheelwright, Ashurst Wood. ,r song, after all that’s the Christmas spirit. F ANTED, a POST as LADY HELP or ASSISTANT lunged chorus of one well-known pop been rathtir a hollow mockery wishing one another * - * we were informed that -Mr. Gray was progressing WO ROOMS, with attendance, REQUIRED before TTiOR SALE, cheap, 3-h.p. CDossley Cl GAS ENGINE , MATRON ; thoroughly domesticated ; good cook r T w f.r i «...• *. satisfactorily. — — the end of March, io or near Lingfleld, for Invalid tm “ A Happy Christmas” to-day, so we’ve substituted The S.P.C.K. have vety kindly made a grant to Lady and Son; highest references.—: X Billiard Table, 8-ft. 6 in. bybj 4-ft. 6-in., and another Wand needlewoman.—Apply, Box 112, “ Chronicle” Office, tills club goes “ Many happy returns of the flay ” as being rather STRUCK BY TAXI GAB. T Baker, 23a, 6-ft 4-in. by 3-ft. 4-in. — Apply,~ [Rice Bros., Ltd., Blast Kastbonrne. ______the chapel of 200 copies of “ In Hoc Signo,” one of Hoptonroad, S treats am, London, S.W. GrinBtead. ... paps in and cut more appropriate. We are up here for a fortnight, the finest collections of war hymns extant, o u n g la d y d e s ir e s po st, nursery gover­ oh Saturdays a id and then, so a strong rumour goes, we are going to A qian named Frank Christmas, who lives in ANTED, by two Ladies, FOUR UNFURNISHED 1 * j .* • Terminus-place, was crossing Terminus-road, near the ]%/■'EMORIAL CARDS.—Artistic Folded Cards: 12.3s.; ness, iu or hear East Grinstead ; bright, choerful, Sundays)Sundays, whenwhei more leisure, icqn- Egypt. I only hope it’s true, though it seems almost ROOMS, or Part House or Small House; no 1TX 25. 4s. 6dq 36, 6s.; 60, 7s. 6d.: 100, 13s. 6d. Black Y fond of children; take entire charge; or useful Com­ e the dub duri ii too good to be so. It is hoped that a Committee for Recreation will corner of Bolton-road about nine o’olock on Wedne Wattendance; not in Meads or Seaside district—Apply,Edged Folded Cards: 12, 2s. 6d.; 25, 4s.j 50, 6s. 6d.; 100, panion, invalid child or lady; highest references.—J., ■48 eiderably over evening, when he was knocked down by a taxi M. G., “ Chronicle "-Office, Eastbourne. Ifyli the day. To vale oentthedii soon get to work and run a small canteen and games Us.6d. Cash with order. These prices include Envelopes. “ Observer ” Office, East Grinstead. to u> chaps,” oho room for the inmates. driven ny Ellis Bedford, of 37, St. Mary’s-road, ANTED. PSIIVATK UNFURNISHED NON Postage extra: 12.3d.; 25,4d.; 50,5d.; 100, (HL.-Farncombe is** MX ...... pits.! BfP., Town, which was proceeding in the direction of , - , . BASEMEN------T HOUSE; June quarter; good and Co., L td., Printers, Lewes, East Grlnstead and r ilH E GOli AGENCY, 6, Station-parade, o ff toll _- a . t of house of r- at T h e Sig h t s o f L ondon.”—The famous | ------RNE. -to the town from railway station. Fortunately Christmas eac posiWtion; two reception, five-six bedrooms; rent £50 to Eastbourne. -1 EA8TBOUR5 for n after walk novelist, Mr. A. E. W. Mason, relates a story about a Now as it is spring-,cleaning time and many will practically uninjured. £70; furniture might be purchased ; price reasonable WANTED Cook-Generals, £20-30 ; Housemaids, town in slimmer of. 1 st Member of Parliament who received a request from want to (fet rid of numerous articles, perhaps they and suitable. — “Walton, “ Chronicle” Office, East­ CJHEETS. — LADY OFF— TWO! PAIRS finest afternoons a id O quality WHITE TWILL and £14-26; Boaseparlourmaids, £18-26 ; Kitchen and e* now, on Sat ’one of his constituents for a ticket of admission to the could sehd tome of the following to the officer com­ bourne. FOUR beuutifullj...... Betweenmaids. £16-24; Generals, at once, £18-28. jail the _ tb t Seaford H- it- gallery of the House of. Commons. The M.P., in hie manding recreations (the;Rev. E. Acheson Gillespie, \\J ANTED, Unfurnished, end of February, FOUR unsoiled and pert™ , Several good Situations suitable for Soldiers' Wives dub a v anti tramp back agqin letter of reply, stated that he was very tools f ar men who can do light I T ROOMS, one as kitchen. Central or Old Town, approval willingly arranged.—Write, C. H., " Sussex and or Soldiers' Widows, sleep in preferred. r i in the not send the ticket because the gallery wi arid nagarifles for recreation near ’bus route; quiet, no children.—P„ care df Knight Surrey Courier, Lewes. |anycomplaints?” “ Yes,sir,” said 1 6, Station-parade, Eastbourne. next day he was astonished to receive . bask it chairs and tables for rpo COLLECTORS and LOVERS of JoRT.-An OLD W ar OfptCe P ensions.—About £20,000 a what the of voluntajry stituent the following note: “ As the gallery is closed, same. Some pots of flowers to brighten the wards ANTED, EVENING LESSONS on Book-keeping PAINTING, School of Rembrandt, “ and some 1 l j j £ , wlm 1 . Jack and Tommy s will you please send me six tickets for the ‘Zoo?’” would pro; ble; also pictures for the ------‘Occurred before? and Arithm etic ; state terms.—Apply, T. W., AALUABLE EN&RAVINOS of the I8th century.— I should think it has occurred before! I t occurs every •• Observer Office, East Grinstead. O. K., " Chronicle ” Offloe, Eastbourne. disabled, and £15,000 a week to widows; about £420 a Most i is, l°f oaono, jin Cumberland Education Authority is estab­ walls of thi W week to officers and £4,000 to widows. a large number lishing an experimental class in toy-making at the “ Oh, mamma, uncle Joseph is learning to take their turn day alter day, ai week after Keswick School of Industrial 4 ^ 4 . By -days I included—dispensing refreshmei---- — t, Countrym an (applviDg for a ticket at a us118 WhlDDetawhippets! !" • . I tilto £35; eragas a riofnot nocnntiolessential.—Full _ITiill on-n particulars H/.VnMiss B r it is h F a r m er s’ B e d Cross F und. wear spectacles ! ” “ Learning ? I don’t understand - --'ting sandwiches, Ac. Many of tpe So U nnecessary.—Town: “I have no nilway station); Hey, mister, third-class to London.” A man who has died in the Cumberland Paine. 16. Lawrence-road. Hove. Over 340 agricultural jumble sales have been held for yoii.” “ lie ’s practising with a glass in one eye ! ” a genuine interest in the pefso patience with a mac who makes the same mistake twioer I ” Booking Clerk: ‘Have an insurance ticket too?” Asylum at Garlands, Carlisle, had been an inmate for V1TANTED, TO PURCHASE. Rorigh Hair Kittens,- the benefit of this fund, bringing in the splendid total Gown: “ Nor have I ; there are so many other mistakes Countryman : No, I took one o’ them last tithe an’ of £160,000. Carlisle holds the record with £4,020. welfare and doi gs of the men, who, far away fr 64 years, and had cost the Guardians £1,315 in mainten „ IT . Fox Terrier Puppies, Jackdaws, Bullfinches. Printed by the Proprietors, F arncombe & Co., Limited, friends, seem to taker keen delight to make 1 ” had no luck.” once. Canaries and other Live Stock.—Edmonds & Edmonds, Nearly 150 more sales have been arranged to take their; h. | Naturalists, Seaside-road, Eastbourne. and Published by them every Saturday at their Offices, ...... , i place within the next few months. South-street, Eastbourne.

.1:1 -i-E,. *