Bergen County Chapter American Recorder Society May 2019

Chapter News Next Meeting: Date Coach The May Bergen County munity Ambulance Corps, is Wednesday Chapter, ARS meeting will a manager/coach with the 6/12/19 Larry Lipnik May 8, 2019 be on May 8, 2019 at Nyack-Valley Cottage Little At 7:30 PM 7:30PM. This month’s meet- League, and is also an envi- ing will be conducted by ronmental reporter for Nyack nity to purchase music, in- Meetings are held at: Susan Hellauer. For the May News and Views. struments, or accessories that day you can visit The Re- Congregation Adas Emuno meeting Susan will lead us in Our annual workshop held corder Shop website: http:// 254 Broad Avenue an evening of five part music on April 13, 2019 was a by Anthony Holborne. We Leonia, NJ 07605 great success! Thanks to all look forward to a wonderful who attended the workshop, May’s meeting volunteers evening of recorder playing! the teachers, and our chapter for refreshments are food: There is a $10.00 suggested Susan Hellauer is a founding members who helped to Anne and drinks: Gayle. donation for non-members. member of Anonymous 4, make this an enjoyable and is an adjunct Assistant event! We also thank Joseph For Information contact: Professor of Music at Queens Loux of The Recorder Shop Reita Powell, President College, CUNY. She volun- for setting up his store. If 201-944-2027 teers with the Nyack Com- anyone missed the opportu- [email protected]

Carl Peter, Editor 201-837-1071 Composer of the Month [email protected] Anthony Holborne consisting of compositions begotten in the cradle and for the cittern. The preface infancy of my slender skill." (1545? -- 1602) indicates the pieces were composed over a number of The Pavans, Galliards, Al- mains and other short Aeirs, Anthony Holborne was a both grave and light, in five Guest composer of English consort parts, for , Violins, or music during the reign of other Musicall Winde Instru- Conductor Queen Elizabeth I. He was ments was published in 1599 held in the highest regard as and consisted of 65 of his Susan a composer by contemporar- own compositions. It is the ies. dedicated largest surviving collection Hellauer the first song I saw my lady of its kind. Most are of the weepe in his Second Booke pavan-galliard combination. to Holborne. His patron was Other pieces are of the alle- the Countess of Pembroke, mande style. The rest are Mary Sidney. In the 1590s he unclassified. entered the service of Sir Robert Cecil, the 1st Earl of . years. He writes that the mu- His first known book was the sical compositions are Cittarn Schoole of 1597, "untimely fruits of my youth, Bergen County Chapter May, 2019 American Recorder Society Page 2

Music in the Renaissance From about 1520 through the The Reformation and the congregation in Lutheran reverence for its sacred texts. end of the sixteenth century, Counter-Reformation di- services. Giovanni Pierluigi The English (and Catholic) composers throughout rectly affected the sacred da Palestrina (1525/26– composer William Byrd Europe employed the poly- polyphony of these countries. 1594), maestro di cappella at (1540–1623) straddled both phonic language of Josquin’s The Protestant revolutions the Cappella Giulia at Saint worlds, composing Latin- generation in exploring mu- (mainly in Northern Europe) Peter’s in Rome, is seen by texted works for the Catholic sical expression through the varied in their attitudes to- many as the iconic High Church, as well as English- French chanson, the Italian ward sacred music, bringing Renaissance composer of texted service music for use madrigal, the German tenor- such musical changes as the Counter-Reformation sacred at Elizabeth I ‘s Chapel lieder, the Spanish villan- introduction of relatively music, which features clear Royal. cico, and the English song, simple German-language lines, a variety of textures, as well as in sacred music. hymns (or chorales) sung by and a musically expressive

Concert Announcements Abendmusik, New York’s Early Music String Band The Age of the Industrial Revolution, is defined as a time in which society looked toward the future and rejected the past. At the same time, the Arts & Crafts movement was started by a group of decorative artists, led by William Morris, who rejected the artistic endeavors of the age and looked toward the past for creative inspiration. The leaders of this movement encouraged Arnold Dol- metsch to pursue his interest in reviving instruments and repertoire from the 17th century. Dolmetsch's connection to the British Li- brary lent him access to extant manuscripts including those attributed to Henry VIII as well the compositions of and William Lawes, among others. We continue our exploration of Lawes and Jenkins, the two great masters of English consort reper- toire; and who moved Ezra Pound to exclaim, "Lawes and Jenkyns guard thy rest, Dolmetsch ever be thy guest."* *Ezra Pound, Canto LXXXI Friday, May 31 at 8pm Church of St. Luke in the Fields 487 Hudson Street (just south of Christopher Street) Manhattan

La Fiocco invites you to join them for their 2018-2019 season finale Sound the Trumpet Virtuoso arias and instrumental works by (including “Let the Bright Seraphim”), Alessandro Scarlatti, Fran- cesco Geminiani, Johann Friedrich Fasch, and Heinrich Ignaz Franz Biber . Saturday June 1, 2019 in Princeton, NJ and Sunday June 2, 2019 in Solebury, PA Laura Heimes, soprano Perry Sutton, baroque trumpet Claire Smith Bermingham, baroque violin Dan McCarthy, baroque violin Amy Leonard, baroque viola Vivian Barton Dozor, baroque cello & viola da gamba Lewis R. Baratz, artistic director, harpsichord Information:

Don’t forget to check our website for the latest information about our Chapter