The Jew of Malta
Cambridge University Press 978-0-521-65086-1 - Opera, Liberalism, and Antisemitism in Nineteenth-Century France: The Politics of Halévy’s La Juive Diana R. Hallman Index More information INDEX Abigail (The Jew of Malta), 210, 211, 231, Antonio (The Merchant of Venice), 236, 237 243 absolutism, 5, 125, 296 apostasy, see Jews, conversion of Academie´ des beaux-arts, 2, 9, 65,n133, Archives israelites,´ Les, 101, 102 n. 103, 84 253, 270, 286, 289 Academie´ franc¸aise, 31, 59, 60, 61, 85, Arnault, Antoine-Vincent, 31, 47, 60, 62 App. E 320, 322 n. 121, App. E 320, 322 Academie´ royale de musique, see Assemblee´ nationale, 65, 106, App. K Opera,´ Paris 339–40 affaire Damas, l’, 101, 253, 286, 301 assimilation, see Jews, Aguado, Alexandre-Marie, marquis, acculturation/assimilation 276, 277 Auber, Daniel, 30, 52 n. 87 Ahasverus,´ see “juif errant, le” Le Mac¸on, 158 n. 10 Albert (La Juive), 118, 155, 160, 162 La Muette de Portici, 30, 41, 51, 52, ancien regime´ , 5, 39, 301, 302 63, 68 anti-authoritarianism, 130, 143, 302, 304 Aumer, Pierre, 26 anti-capitalism, 263–9 auto-da-fe,´ l’, 116, 134 “anti-capitalist antisemitism,” 10, in La Juive, 1, 3, 116, 140–41, 152, 215, 254–5, 263–9, 288–9 App. F 325, 326 anticlericalism, 5–6, 23 Voltaire’s discussion of, 127–8 of La Juive, 116, 143, 302, 304 Avignon, 43, 115, 128, 247 during July Monarchy, 143 of liberal writers, 130 Ballanche, Pierre-Simon, 133 during Restoration, 38–9, 42, 148 Balzac, Honore´ de, 39, 128, 216 n.
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