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Abigail (The Jew of Malta), 210, 211, 231, Antonio (The Merchant of ), 236, 237 243 absolutism, 5, 125, 296 apostasy, see Jews, conversion of Academie´ des beaux-arts, 2, 9, 65,n133, Archives israelites,´ Les, 101, 102 n. 103, 84 253, 270, 286, 289 Academie´ franc¸aise, 31, 59, 60, 61, 85, Arnault, Antoine-Vincent, 31, 47, 60, 62 App. E 320, 322 n. 121, App. E 320, 322 Academie´ royale de musique, see Assemblee´ nationale, 65, 106, App. K Opera,´ Paris 339–40 affaire Damas, l’, 101, 253, 286, 301 assimilation, see Jews, Aguado, Alexandre-Marie, marquis, acculturation/assimilation 276, 277 Auber, Daniel, 30, 52 n. 87 Ahasverus,´ see “juif errant, le” Le Mac¸on, 158 n. 10 Albert (La Juive), 118, 155, 160, 162 , 30, 41, 51, 52, ancien regime´ , 5, 39, 301, 302 63, 68 anti-authoritarianism, 130, 143, 302, 304 Aumer, Pierre, 26 anti-capitalism, 263–9 auto-da-fe,´ l’, 116, 134 “anti-capitalist antisemitism,” 10, in La Juive, 1, 3, 116, 140–41, 152, 215, 254–5, 263–9, 288–9 App. F 325, 326 anticlericalism, 5–6, 23 Voltaire’s discussion of, 127–8 of La Juive, 116, 143, 302, 304 Avignon, 43, 115, 128, 247 during July Monarchy, 143 of liberal writers, 130 Ballanche, Pierre-Simon, 133 during Restoration, 38–9, 42, 148 Balzac, Honore´ de, 39, 128, 216 n. 19, of Scribe and Halevys,´ 42–6, 130 242 n. 78, 248 antisemitism, 10, 75, 257, 261, 263–70, Barabas (The Jew of Malta), 210, 235, 280, 287, 304 237, 243 n. 81, 244, 246 of Christians, 254, 291 Barder (Bardet), Stephanie, 86 n. 48, during July Monarchy, 257, 261, 270, n. 49 292 Barrault, Emile, 67 at ,´ 273–5, 280 Barthelemy,´ Saint, see of philosophes, 7, 287–9 St. Bartholomew’s Eve in theatre and music circles, 271–80 Bayard, Jean-Franc¸ois, 29


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Bazard, Saint-Amand, 40, 47, 104 n. 117 in Act V,“Le Concile prononce” Becourt,´ Renault, 261 ( final), 208 “belle juive, la,” 12, 211, 213–14, 215, appeals for conversion, 188, 194, 199 216; see also Rachel compassion of, 169, 173, 188–9, 194, Ben-Levi,´ 253, 270, 271 206, 217 Benedict XIII, Pope, 108 condemnation by, 169–70, 230 Berlioz, Hector, 50, 110, 190, 235 Council alliance, 170, 208 Berr, Berr-Isaac, 79 n. 25, 289 as father, 152, 191–2, 193–4, 199, 201, Berr, Michel, 292 286 Berry, duc de, 54 n. 95, 92, 130 opposition to Eleazar,´ 11–12, 152, Berry, duchesse de, 63 170–71, 188–9, 202 Berton, Henri-Montan, 298 Buchez, Benjamin-Philippe, 47 Beule,´ Charles-Ernest, 21, 186 Bis, Hippolyte-Louis, 44 Cahen, Samuel, 83 Guillaume Tell, 44, 50–51, 148 Calvin, Jean, 137 Bizet, Georges, 96 n. 84, 107 Calvinists, 138 Blaze, Henri, 278 n. 70, 281–2 Cambon, Charles, App. A 305 Boigne, Charles de, 274 Cancans de l’Opera,´ Les, see Gentil, Bois-Guilbert, Brian de (Ivanhoe), 211, Jean-Pierre-Louis 230 capitalism, 254–5, 261–4, 268 Bourbons, 5, 18, 40, 49, 54, 135, 297 Carbonari, 9 n. 14, 40, 47 censorship/repressiveness of, 18, Carlists, 56, 57 58 opposition of Scribe and Halevys´ Carnot, Hippolyte, 50 n. 82, 65 n. 135 to, 42 Castil-Blaze (Franc¸ois-Henri-Joseph, bourgeoisie, 14, 16, 255 dit), 222 n. 36, 281, 282, 300 Brifaut, Charles, 63 Catherine de Medicis,´ 64, 117 n. 27, 143 Brogni, Cardinal (La Juive), 3, 45, 121, Catholic Church, 8–9, 128, 136, 138 Ill. 5 122, Ill. 6 123, 124, 125, 141, absolutism of, 5, 206, 209 144, 160, 161, 204, 217, 231, 233, criticism of, 44–6, 116, 125–8, 131, 139 234, 244 hypocrisy/intolerance of, 134–6, 145, accusation of usury, 244, Ill. 11 245 154 in Act I, “Si la rigueur” (cavatine), power of, 130 n. 57, 139, 271 124, 160, 169, 172 n. 31, 173, 181 n. see also Juive, La, Catholic Church, 51, 200–201 depiction of, Council of in Act III, “Vous qui du Dieu vivant” Constance, depiction of (malediction´ ), 141, 169, 170, 228, Catholicism, 8, 46–7, 139–43 230 Cave,´ Edmond, 274 in Act IV,“Le Cardinal, madame” censorship, 6, 14, 50 (duettino), 202; “Ta fille en ce during July Monarchy, 60, 133 n. 64 moment” (duet), 188–9 preventive, 143

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censorship (cont.) responses to subject of La Juive, 142, repressive, 60, 117, 144 144 during Restoration, 50, 148, 292 Conservatoire, Paris, 1, 41, 96, 273, 279, of Scribe’s works, 63–4 281, 282, 298, 300 n. 3 Central Synagogue of Paris, see Consistoire central de Paris, 77, 82, 93, synagogues 96, 106, 181 n. 50, 254, 286, 292 Cerfberr, Maximilien, 95, 106 Commission du chant synagogal, 95 Chambre des deput´ es,´ 9, 18, 50, 105 criticism of, 292, 293 n. 119, 255, 286 Consistoires, 77, 99, 106, 290, 292, Chambre des pairs, 9 294 Charles IX, 64 promotion of Sanhedrin´ decisions, Charles X, 5, 9 n. 14, 50, 56, 125 258 reaction of Garde national to, 53 support of synagogue music reform, repressive measures of, 17, 50 93 Charte of 1814, 8, 9 Constance (Konstanz), 108, 111, 145, 146 Charte of 1830, 6, 8–9, 60, 143, 290, 297 Constitutionnel, Le, 18, 133, 274, 285 Charton, Edouard, 67 description of Council of Constance, Chasles, Philarete,` 21 144–5, App. H-1 329–31 Cherubini, Luigi, 83, 93, 279, 282 liberal stance of, 109, 133, 145–6, 147, Ali-baba; ou, Les Quarante Voleurs, 111, 148, 274 283 n. 85 Council of Constance (Konstanz), 2, 5, Cherubini, Salvador, 98 6, 7, 108, 118, 121, 124, 125, 149, Chevalier, Michel, 49, 268 n. 45 170, 194, 206, 208, 237, App. E 319, Choiseul, Antoine-Gabriel, duc de, 117 321 n. 27, 140, 141–2, App. A 305 descriptions of, 6, 112, 114–17, 125–7, , Fred´ eric,´ 272–3 145–6 Christianity, 101, 136, 206 setting in La Juive, 108–10, 112–13, attacks of philosophes on, 131, 288 144–7, App. H-1 329–31, App. H-2 influence of, on anti-Jewish attitudes, 332–3 286–7 Courrier franc¸ais, Le, 18, 45, 133 Christians, 151, 169, 208; see also Juive, reception of La Juive, 172, 234, 237 La, Christians, depiction of Cousin, Victor, 18, 40 Ciceri,´ Pierre-Luc-Charles, Ill. 3 113, Crehange,´ Abraham, 290, 293–4, 296 180, 194, Ill. 7 195, App. A 305 Cremieux,´ Adolphe, 102 n. 103 Cinti-Damoreau, Laure, 226 culte israelite´ , law of the comedie-vaudeville´ , 59; see also vaudeville (8 February 1831), 9–10, 12, 105 n. Commission de Surveillance, 14, 119, 124, 149, 248, 254, 255–6, 285, 140–42, 169, App. A 305 289, 301 authorization of La Juive, Cumberland, Richard, 213 n. 13 App. F 324–6 currency, 241–2

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Dairnvaell, Mathieu Georges (pseud. Dupin, Henri, 129 “Satan”), 263, 264–5, 274, 287 Duponchel, Charles (Edmond), 14 Damascus affair, see affaire Damas, l’ n. 23, 15 n. 25, 37, 205, 275, 276, Damoreau, Laure, see Cinti-Damoreau, 277, 278, 279, App. A 305, Laure App. I-2 336 Dantan, Jean-Pierre jeune, 261, Ill. 12 criticism of, 275–6, 280 262, 342 in Figaro puns, 278–9 Deists, English, 7, 287 Duprez, Gilbert-Louis, 38, 184, 242 Delacroix, Eugene,` 220, 273 Duveyrier, Charles, 268 n. 45 Delavigne, Casimir, 29, 41, 57 Duveyrier-Melesville´ (A.-H.-J. Charles VI, 41 Duveyrier), 29 Les Messeniennes´ , 41 Ali-baba; ou, Les Quarante Voleurs, 111, La Parisienne, 52–3 283 n. 85 Les Vepresˆ siciliennes, 41 n. 48 Delavigne, Germain, 29, 41 Eclair, L’, 32, 33, 84 Charles VI, 41 Ecole normale, 40 La Muette de Portici, 30, 41, 51, 52, Ecole polytechnique, 31, 42, 50, 105, 64 App. E 320, 322 , 6, 15 n. 25, 28, 57 ecu´ , 241–2, 268 n. 107, 142 Edgeworth, Maria, 212, 232 Delestre-Poirson (Charles-Gaspard Eichthal, Alfred d’, 268 n. 45 Poirson), 59 Eichthal, Eugene` d’, 48 n. 73 Deschamps, Emile, 37 Eichthal, Gustave d’, 48, 97, 103, 105, Desplechin,´ Edouard, 111–12, Ill. 3 113, 268 n. 45, 294 App. A 305 Eleazar´ (La Juive), 3, 17, 170, 177–8, 193, despotism, see absolutism 210, 233, 284 Deutz, Simon, 285–6 in Act I, 160, 162, 164–9, 171–3 Dieterle,´ Jules, 112, Ill. 3 113, in Act II, “Je vois son front App. A 305 coupable”/ “Et toi que Donizetti, Gaetano j’accueillis” (trio), 187–8, 223, 225; Dom Sebastien,´ roi du Portugal, 143 “O Dieu de nos peres”` (priere` ), 12, La Favorite, 230 n. 58 152, 174–87; “Tu possedes,` dit-on” Dorus-Gras, Julie, 29 n. 10, Ill. 6 (trio), 238–43, 268 123, Ill. 9 219, 226, 228, App. in Act III, 222, 230 A 305 in Act IV,“Rachel, quand du Dreyfus, Alfred, 102 n. 105, 107, 301 Seigneur” (air), 34–6, 152, 189–91, Dreyfus Affair, 302 201; “Ta fille en ce moment” Dreyfusards, 102 n. 105 (duet), 188–9 Dumas, Alexandre, pere` , 41 n. 45, 117, in Act V, final, 125, 202–9, 247 128, 148 alienation of, 235–6, 247–8, 256

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Eleazar´ (cont.) influence on Judaism, 289–90 allusions to greed/usury of, 155–8, views on Jews/Judaism, 287–8, 289, 164, 171, 231, 234, 235, 237–44, 292 Ill. 11 245, 299 see also Haskalah; philosophes ambiguity of characterization, 11, Ennery, Marchand, 95 192–3, 284, 299 Escala¨ıs, Leonce,´ 240 n. 77 character traits, 171–2, 183, 234, 235, Espion, L’, 102, 250 n. 100, 283 237, 242, 243, 299 Eudoxie (La Juive), 121, Ill. 6 123, 185, composer’s approach to, 20–21, 107, 186, 206, 216–17, 222, 225–8, 186–7, 283–4 229–30, 238, 239 costume, Ill. 9 219, 239–40 in Act II, “Tu possedes,` dit-on” (trio), as father (adoptive), 152, 187–8, 244, 238–41 246 in Act III, 220, 228–30, 231; “Mon as goldsmith-jeweller, 11, 175, 248 doux seigneur et maˆıtre” (bolero´ ), humanity of, 152, 187, 210, 284 228, 229 n. 59, 230 inner conflict of, 152, 170, 190, 191, as coloratura soprano, 225, 230 244, 246 costume, Ill. 9 219 intolerance/fanaticism of, 7, 20–21, in early stages of opera, 117, 206, 151, 170, 187 226–7, 229–30, 238 in Ivanhoe-like scene, 166–8, 236 exoticism, 3, 213, 216, 218, 220, 256 literary parallels to, 210–11, 237, 244 maltreatment of, 45, 154–60, 161–2, Faget, Eugene` du, Ill. 6, 123; 218; Ill. 9, 166–8, 170, 171, 289 219 opposition to Brogni/Christians, 11, Falcon, Cornelie,´ 29 n. 10, 204 n. 79, 150–52, 170, 172, 187–9, 191–2, 216 n. 19, 218, Ill. 9 219, 220, 202, 234, 239, 246, 256, 299 App. A 305 religious characterization, 170–93, fanaticism, 5, 20–21, 99, 138, 292 235, 299 in La Juive, 20–21, 151, 170, 187, 208 as Shylock, 3, 11, 26–9, 192, 234–46, Leon´ Halevy’s´ attitudes to, 20–21, 251–2, 254, 284 100–101, 255, 283–4, 292, 299 as symbol, 257, 259, 266, 296 Feuchere,` Leon,´ 111, Ill. 3 113, App. A 305 vengeance of, 193, 204, 209, 242, 256 Figaro, Le, 176, 221, 228, 278–9 victimization of, 151, 164, 193, 208 Fourier, Charles, 262 266–7, 271, 282; Elsner, Joseph, 273 La Fausse Industrie, 263 Empire (Napoleonic), 38, 40, 130, 257 France Enfantin, Prosper (“Pere”),` 47, 67, 104, fear of Jewish wealth and usury in, 268 n. 45 257–8, 261–6 Enlightenment, 6–7, 18, 296 literary vogue in, 212 influence on Halevys´ and Scribe, 57, paradoxical views about Jews in, 257, 292 271, 290, 296

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social imagery and identity in, 257, Guyardin, Achille, 86, 87–8 296 Gymnase, The´atreˆ du, 56, 63, 68, 269 see also Empire (Napoleonic); July Monarchy; Restoration; Habeneck, Franc¸ois-Antoine, 277, Revolution of 1789 (French App. A 305 Revolution); Revolution of 1830 Halevy,´ Daniel, 76 n. 9, 102 n. 105, 107, (July Revolution) 302 n. 8 Franck, Adolphe, 95 Halevy,´ Elie, 102 n. 105, 107, 302 n. 8 fusion, 12, 292; see also Jews, Halevy,´ Elie Halphen, 20, 48, 76, 78, acculturation/assimilation 82–3 alignment of Judaism with French Garde nationale, 50, 53, 54 ideals, 73–4, 79–81, 258, 260, 289 Gautier, Theophile,´ 242 birth and early life, 23 n. 40, 75 Gazette de France, La, 45–6, 146–8, 253 Consistoire central de Paris, work protest against culte israelite´ law, 286 for, 77, 96, 290 n. 90 Hebrew–French poetry/scholarship, reception of La Juive, 170, 175, 218, 76–8, 80–82, 258, 259, 290 App. H-2 332–3 L’Israelite´ franc¸ais, co-founder/editor stances of, 5–6, 5 n. 7, 133 of, 73–4, 79, 82, 99, 248, 258–9, Gazette musicale de Paris, La, 117, 132, 270, 289 145–6, 227, 228, App. D 317, 318 life in Paris, 75–6, 98 Generation of 1820 (Restoration see also Israelite´ franc¸ais, L’ generation), 38–41, 58 Halevy,´ Flore, 76, 279 Gentil, Jean-Pierre-Louis, 85–6, 274–80 Halevy,´ Fromental, 26, 76, 105, 152, 169, ghetto (Rome), 89–92, 176, 177 n. 41, 184, 191, Ill. 1 27, App. A 305, App. D 299 317, 318, App. I-1 334–5, App. I-2, 336 Globe, Le, 47, 50 n. 82, 268 achievements/honors, 1–2, 9, 65 n. Goethe, Johann Wolfgang von, 128, 212 133, 83–4, 89, 96, 98, 176, 281, 287, ´ , 2–4, 23, 150, 163, 297 298 collaborators in, 14–15 acquaintances, 272–3 historical settings, 2–3 Assemblee´ nationale, candidacy for, historiography, 300–301 65, 106, App. K 339–40 spectacle, 3, 14 n. 23, 300 attitudes toward Catholics, 46–7 Gregoire,´ Abbe,´ 7, 287, 289 children, 85–7, 107 Essai sur la reg´ en´ eration´ physique, collaboration with Scribe, 1, 15, 25–6, morale et politique des juifs, 7, 287 28–9, 30–31, 34, 37–8, App. E Reflexions´ sur la reg´ en´ eration´ complete` 319–20, 321–2 des juifs en France, 289 correspondence, 38, App. I-2336 Gregory XII, Pope, 108 criticism of, 275, 276–8, 279–80, Grevedon,´ Pierre-Louis-Henri, 218 281–2

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Halevy,´ Fromental (cont.) , 84, 273 description of ghetto, 89–92, 176, 177 operas´ comiques, 26, 84 n. 41, 299 La Dame de pique, 84, 273 education, 41, 82–3, 84 Le Dilettante d’Avignon, 26, 33, 84 Jewish identity, 20, 74–5, 88–93, L’Eclair, 32, 33, 84 94–8, 107, 176, 178, 223, 281–2, psalm settings, 92, 94, 177, 178, 179, 298–9 180 liaison with Proche, 85–7, 277 unperformed/incomplete works, liberalism, 18–19, 38–41, 42, 47–9, 26 n. 3; Noe´, 96 50–51, 53, 54–5, 57–8, 66, 102 writings, 65 n. 133 marriage, 48, 85 Halevy´ (-Bizet, -Straus), Genevieve,` 48 professional positions, 1, 26, 55, 84, n. 73, 102 n. 105, 107, 302 n. 8 95, 276, 277–8, 279, 281 Halevy,´ Leon,´ 44, 76 residences, 86 n. 48, 87, 96 achievements/honors, 40–41, 83, Saint-Simonian participation, 19, 84–5, 279 47–9, 65, 97 anticlericalism, 44–6, 291 views collaborations, 17, 31–4, App. E on art and theatre, 58, 65–6 319–20, 321–2 on “fanatical” Jews, 283–4, 292 conversion (alleged), 88, 105, 291 musical works education, 40–41, 44, 82–3 ballets Jewish identity, 44, 74–5, 88, 98, 107, Manon Lescaut, 25, 26, 32 283–4, 291 , 26 liberalism, 18, 38, 39–42, 50, 53–5, cantatas, 33, 84 57–8, 66–7, 102–3, 291–2 miscellaneous marriage, 88, 291, 295 “Juillet 1830,” 53 professional positions, 31, 84, “Marche funebre` pour le retour des 105 cendres de Napoleon,”´ 54 n. 95 Saint-Simonian participation, 19, operas, 84 47–8, 55, 58, 97, 292 Charles VI, 41, 84, 96 n. 84, 174 views , 32, 37, 84, 281 on assimilation, 100, 292 , 84, 95, 96 n. 83, 114 on discrimination against Jews, La Juive, change of Eleazar’s´ voice 99–100, 248, 260–61, 291 type, 177–8; musical on Jewish fanaticism, 20–21, enhancements in, 152, 154–60, 100–101, 255, 283–4, 292, 299 161–2, 173, 174, 177–87, 189, 190, on Jewish identity/citizenship, 192, 224, 225, 240–42, 243, 283, 98–100, 260, 284, 291–2 284, 298–9; negotiation for on Judaic reform, 100–101, 291–2 , 26–9; responses to cuts on theatre, 58, 64–5, 297, App. J and reinstatements, 184–5, 229 337–8 Noe´, 96 on usury, 259–60

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dramatic works Hus, Jan, 5, 114, 115, 116, 117, 118, 121, L’Espion, 102, 250 n. 100, 283 124, 126, 127, 129, 136, 145, 146, Grillo; ou, Le Prince et le banquier, 102, 147; App. H-1, 329, 330, App. H-2 250–51, 283 332, 333 Luther, 136 Hussites, 117, 118, 119, 120, 146, 217 Les Trois Jours d’un grand peuple, 54 writings/editorial work, 19, Indy, Vincent d’, 282;ongrand opera´ , 47, 64, App. J 337–8 300, 301 historical/philosophical, 20–21, 47, Inquisition, 80, 108, 118 n. 31, 124, 125, 64–5, 98–101, 259–60, 291, 292, 127, 129, 134, 135, 140, 143, 205 App. J 337–8 at Avignon, 115 poetry and miscellaneous, 45, 47 denunciation of, 7 n. 70, 54, 55 n. 96, 66, 83, 98, see also auto-da-fe,´ l’ 291 Institut de France, 84; see also Academie´ Resum´ e´ de l’histoire des juifs anciens, des beaux-arts; Academie´ 98, 100–101, 103–4, 105, 292 franc¸aise Resum´ e´ de l’histoire des juifs modernes, intermarriage, 12, 295; see also Jews 44, 98–9, 291 intolerance translations of classical works, 85 of Catholics/Protestants, 134, 138 Halevy,´ , 74, 88, 106, 279 of Church and State, 125, 134, 206 Halevy,´ Melanie,´ 76, 279 in La Juive, 139, 151, 154, 169, 170–71, Halevy,´ Zelie,´ 76 187, 193, 206 Halevys,´ 102 n. 105, 107 polemics of, 5, 133–6, 296 Hallez, Theophile,´ 263, 265–7, 268, Isaac (Ivanhoe), 210, 236, 237, 244, 292 246 Halphen, Achille-Edmond, 95 israelite´ , 11, 73, 74, 79, 193, 291 Haskalah, 289 alternative to juif, 256, 289 Haussez, Charles Lemercher de Rachel as, 296 Longpre,´ Baron d’, 56 Israelite´ franc¸ais: Ouvrage moral et hazanim, 94, 177 litteraire´ , l’, 82, 99, 248, 258, 270, Heine, Heinrich, 50, 97, 266, 283, 285, 289 294–5 editorial position, 79 Heinefetter, Catinka, 204 n. 79 epigraph, 74, 290 Herold,´ Ferdinand, Ludovic, 26, 105 on usury, 258–9 Hiller, F[erdinand], 119 n. 33 Ivanhoe (Ivanhoe), 211, 218 Holbein, Hans, 111 Ivanhoe´, 212 Hugo, Victor, 12, 65, 128, 130, 242 n. 78, 285–6, App. K 340 Jawurek, Constance, 226 n. 42 Cromwell, 211 Jerome of Prague, 6, 118, 126–7, 129, Les Orientales, 216 136, 145, 146, 147, App. H-1 Le Roi s’amuse, 57 n. 107, 60, 117 329, 330

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Jessica (The Merchant of Venice), 210, tolerance of, 254, 257, 270 224, 244 see also antisemitism; culte israelite´ , Jews, 23, 79, 100, 249, 254–6, 260, law of the; israelite;´ juif; Juive, La, 266 Jews, depiction of; loi d’exception; acculturation/assimilation, 12, reformateurs;´ separatistes´ 97, 99, 256, 271, 290, 293, John XXIII, Pope, 108 294 Journal des debats´ , 146, 234, 264, 268 analogies with Protestants, 125 Jouy, Etienne de as capitalists, 248, 250, 274, 283 Guillaume Tell, 36 n. 32, 44, 50–51, 52, civil rights/emancipation, 3, 8, 99, 148 287, 289, 290, 295 Mo¨ıseet Pharaon, 133 conversion, 75, 97, 294 Joxe, Pierre, 76 n. 9, 107 fears of Jewish wealth and usury, 10, Judaism 254, 255, 257, 260–66, 268–9 as “anti-Christian” religion, 255 as French citizens, 73, 254, 255–6, conservative Judaism, 293–4 260, 261, 264, 290 under July Monarchy, 8–9, 23, imagery of 285–6 in art, 216 n. 19, 220 n. 29 reforms of, 11, 176, 290, 292–3 in contemporary discourse, 253–4, skepticism about, 7, 21, 256, 287–8, 255, 256–7, 261, 262, 270, 272, 277, 292 280, 282 Judas Iscariot, allusions to, 267 n. 44, in literature, 125, 210–22, 230–44, 286, 287 248, 250, 261, 269, 273, 274, 283 juif, 193, 256, 258–9, 270, 289 intermarriage, 12, 295 “juif errant, le” (, lack of political activism, 49–50 Ahasverus),´ 80, 96, 97, 248, 278, liberal Jews, 73–4, 292–3 286 Napoleon and, 18, 99, 258, 260 Juive, La national-religious identity, 11, 73, auto-da-fe´ in, 3, 116, 140, 141, 152, 105 n. 120, 256, 296 App. F 325, 326 Orientalist fascination with, 256–7 biblical references in, 161, 169 Orthodox Jews, 11, 104, 272, 290 Catholic Church, depiction of, 125, philosophical groups and, 266–7 139, 141–2, 148–9, 169, 204, 257, reg´ en´ eration´ , 7, 12, 80, 260, 287, 289, 297 290 Christians, depiction of, 151, 154, 170, relations with Christians, 258, 286 206, 208–9, 289 Saint-Simonians and, 48–50, 267–8 collaborations, 17, 25–6, 30–31, 32–6, separatism, 290–91, 293–4, 296 37–8 skepticism about, 7, 100–101, costumes, 109 n. 4, 120–21, Ill. 5 122, 256 Ill. 6 123, 218–20, 221, Ill 9 219, 221, as symbols, 124–5, 131, 247 239–40

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Council of Constance, depiction of, of Act II, 224, 238–9, Ill. 10 240, 243 108–9, 111–18, 120–25, 129, 144–9, of Act III, 222 151, 162–3, 170, 174, 194, 206, 208, of Act IV, 189 230, 237 of Act V, 204, 205, 208, 227 currency in, 241, 242–3, 268 morceaux detach´ es´ , 229 denouement, 233, 247 numbers/set pieces: divertissements, 160, 221, 222 Act I, “Ah! quel heureux destin” genesis, 1, 25–31, 150–51, 162–9, (chorus), 160;“Hatons-nous,ˆ car 175–6, 194, 196–8, App. D 317–18, l’heure s’avance” (chorus), 160; App. E 319–23 “Hosanna, plaisir ivresse” early conception/versions, 36 n. 31, (chorus), 118, 120, 155, 162, 163, 110–15, 116, 140–41, 162, 165, 194, 164, 165; introduction, 154–9, 164; Ill. 4 114, Ill. 7 195, 237–8 “Loin de son amie” (ser´ enade´ ), omissions, 36 n. 31, 162 n. 15, 160, 175, 201, 222–3; “Si la rigueur” 163 n. 17, 164–5, 166–8, 183–5, (cavatine), 124, 160, 169, 172 n. 201–2, 222, 225, 226–7, 31, 181 n. 51, 173, 200–201; Te 228–30 Deum, 141, 155, 162, 163, 164, 165, revisions, 112, 150–53, 160–69, 169 171–2, 174–6, 178, 185–6, 193–200, Act II, “Dieu, que ma voix 201–205, 206, 208, 243–4, Ill. 11 tremblante” (cavatine), 183–5; “Il 245, 247 va venir” (romance), 223–4; “Je vois historical setting, 108–9, 116–18, son front coupable”/“Et toi que 120–25, 146, 147 j’accueillis” (trio), 170, 187–8, instrumentation, 155–8, 164, 181, 223–5, 230 n. 58; “Lorsqu’ a` toi je 190, 222 n. 36 me suis donnee”´ (duet), 223–4, Jewish music, allusions to, 177–81, 225; “O Dieu de nos peres´ (priere` ), 190 177–87; “Tu possedes,` dit-on” as Jewish opera, 21, 303 (trio), 238–43, 268, 283 Jews, depiction of, 8, 108, 124–5, Act III, “Mon doux se`igneur et 146, 151, 154, 164, 168, 170, 186, maˆıtre” (bolero´ ), 228, 229 n. 59; 193, 204, 210–11, 213–22, 230–34, “Que d’attraits! qu’elle est belle” 244, 248, 250, 257, 261, 269, 273, (duet), 228; “Sonnez, clairons!” 274, 283, 284–5, 296, 298, (chorus), 221; “Tandis qu’il 304 sommeille”/“Je l’ai revu” (air), libretto, 1, 26–8, App. C 314–16, 228; “Vous, qui du Dieu vivant” App. D 317 (malediction´ ), 141, 170, 230 mise en scene´ , 108–10, 140–42, 148–9, Act IV,“Rachel, quand du Seigneur” 227 (air), 34–6, 152, 189–91, 201; of Act I, 108–9, 111–12, Ill. 3 113, 154, “Ta fille en ce moment” (duet), 158 n. 11, 160 n. 12, 168 188–9

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Juive, La (cont.) sociopolitical themes, 5–8, 10, 108, Act V,“Au pecheurˆ Dieu soyez 131, 150 propice” (chorus), 208; final, absolutism, 108, 116, 125, 208, 296, 191–2, 202–5, 208–9; “Quel plaisir, 297, 298, 304 quelle joie” (chorus), 207 intolerance, 5, 7, 10, 108, 125, 146 “oriental” color, 180, 190–91, 221, Judaism, 170, 257, 297 222–3 separatist Jews, 151, 154, 193, 296 overture, 154 n. 4, 190 n. 66, symbolism of characters, 131, 150, App. D 318 296, 297, 302 Passover seder, setting of, 20, 151–2, synopsis, App. B 309–13 170, 174–87, 192, 257, 284 as Voltairean critique, 5–7, 23–4, 139, performances, App. F 324–6 146, 147, 148, 192–3, 209, 218, 296, performances outside Paris, 205 297, App. H-2 332–3 n. 80, 302–3 see also Albert; Brogni; Eleazar;´ “post-premiere,”` 153, 228, 244 Eudoxie; Leopold;´ Rachel; premiere,` 2, 134, 140, 153, 154 n. 4, Sigismund 162, 175, 220, 222, 225, 228, 285, Juive de Pantin; ou, La Friture manquee,´ App. D 318 La, 269 personnel (Paris Opera,´ 1835), July Monarchy, 143, 148, 261, 265, 282, App. A 305–8 298 reception, 145, 213, 218, 266 accusations of usury in, 255, 263–5 Le Constitutionnel, 109, 145–6, 147 antisemitism in, 10, 257, 261–9 Le Courrier franc¸ais, 172, 234 capitalism of, 263, 300 Le Figaro, 176, 228 censorship in, 60, 117 La Gazette de France, 5, 146–8, 170, governmental debates of, 255–6 175, 218, App. H-2 332–3 ideals of political/religious tolerance La Gazette musicale de Paris, 117, 227 in, 10, 23, 124, 151, 285, 297 Journal des debats´ , 234 Jewish civil liberty in, 270, 271 La Quotidienne, 224, 230, 244, 247, Judaism in, 285–6 259 liberalism of, 5, 16, 57–8, 107, 271, reflection of liberalism, 5–8, 16–19, 297 23–4, 57–8, 107, 296, 297, 304 newspapers of, 133, 146 rehearsals (1834–5), App. D 317–18, passage of law of culte israelite´ , 124, App. F 324, 325 151, 285 religious content, 3, 5, 8, 24, 139–43, power of Church in, 130, 139, 298 146–7, 150, 154–62, 164, 169, 170, July Revolution, see Revolution of 1830 282 juste milieu, 17, 70, 144, 298 Saint-Simonian ideals and, 297–313 sale of score, App. D 317, 318, Kreutzer, Rodolphe, Abel/La Mort App. G 327–8 d’Abel, 158 n. 10

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Lafont, Ill. 6 123, App. A 306 Levasseur, Nicolas, 34, Ill. 6 123, Lamartine, Alphonse-Louis de Prat de, 177 n. 45, App. A 305, App. E 319, 268 321 Lamothe-Langon, Etienne, Histoire de Levy, Jacob (Jaakov), 75 l’Inquisition, 129 liberalism, 16–17, 23, 38–40, 124, 148 Lattier, marquis de, 100, 260 n. 119 Lattier proposal, 100, 260, 291 of authors of La Juive, 16–19, 57–8, 73, Launcelot (The Merchant of Venice), 107 232 of July Monarchy, 5, 16–17, 24, 57–8, law of exception, see loi d’exception 271, 297 Le Bas, Alexandrine, 88, 279 of le juste milieu, 144 Le Bas, Hippolyte, 88 of Protestants, 136–7 Leborne, Aime-Simon,´ 150 n. 2, 154 reflection of, in La Juive, 5–7, 23–4, n. 4, 172, 201, 202 n. 77, 229 n. 55, 107, 296, 297, 304 App. A 305, App. D 317, 318 of Saint-Simon, 47 Leborne atelier, 227 n. 44, App. D 317, liberals, 129, 130, 138, 148, 285, 287 318 Christian and Jewish, 287, 292 legitimists (legitimistes´ ), 5–6, 5 n. 7, 130 sociopolitical themes of, 131, 133–4, Legouve,´ Ernest, 41 136–7, 139 Lemoine, Henri, 119 n. 33 Voltairean influence on, 131, Leopold` (La Juive), 117, 118, 120, 146, 133–4 155, 162, 177, 185, 186, 187, 208, Liszt, Franz, 50, 229 n. 53 218, 221, 226, 227, 238, 239 Lodowick (The Jew of Malta), 211 in Act I, “Loin de son amie” loi d’exception, 100, 260 (ser´ enade´ ), 160, 175, 201, 222–3 Lorenzo (The Merchant of Venice), 211, in Act II, seder, 91, 185–6, 224; 224 “Tu possedes,` dit-on” (trio), Lormier, Paul, 120–21, Ill. 5 122, Ill. 6 238–43 123, Ill. 9 219, App. A 305 Brogni’s condemnation of, 169 Louis XVIII, 5, 18, 42, 60 Christian identity, 187, 223, 224, 225, Louis-Philippe, 5, 8, 14, 52, 53 n. 90, 230 54, 69, 70, 142, 254, 264, 285 costumes, 121, Ill. 6 123 betrayal of liberal principles, 16, 40, Council’s pardon of, 208, 230 125 “oriental” disguise, 107, 160, 222–3, promotion of le juste milieu, 17 299 support of Jewish civil liberty, 254, romance with Rachel, 12, 175, 188, 270, 271 213–15, 217, 222–5, 295 Lovy, Israel,¨ 76 n. 8, 93, 94, 178, 181 Lessing, Gotthold Ephraim, Nathan der Luther, Martin, 129, 136–8, 145, Weise, 210, 213, 231, 232–3, 248; App. H-1 329, 330 see also Nathan; Recha Lutherans, 138

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Maillian, Julien de, Le Juif errant, 96 Robert le diable, 6, 15 n. 25, 28, 57 n. n. 83 107, 142, App. F., 324, 326 Marlowe, Christopher, The Jew of Malta, Michelet, Jules, 40 n. 43, 129, 137, 284 n. 210, 211, 213, 231, 237, 243 n. 81, 86 244 n. 84, 246; see also Abigail; condemnation of Church and Jesuits, Barabas; Lodowick 130 n. 57 Marron, Paul-Henri, 77 Memoires´ de Luther, 137 Marschner, Heinrich, Der Templer und Monnais, Edouard, 28–9, 30–31, 33–4, die J¨udin, 212 n. 9 132 Marseillaise, La, 51, 52 Montalivet, comte de, Ministre de Martignac, Jean-Baptiste-Silvere` Gaye, l’Interieur,´ 14, 140, 141, 144, 117 vicomte de, 56, 68 n. 27, App. A 305, App. F 324, 325, Martin V,Pope, 108 326 martyrdom, 108, 115, 126–7, 154 Montesquieu, 7, 287 Mayer (Halevy),´ Julie, 75, 76 Montigny, Heulard de, 286 Melesville´ (A.-H.-J. Duveyrier), see Duveyrier-Melesville´ Napoleon, 41 Mendelssohn, Moses, 210 n. 2, 289, concern about Jewish wealth, 257–8 293; La Delivrance´ des juifs, 289 homages to, 41, 56 n. 102, 77–8, Merchant of Venice, The, 13, 210, 211, 213, 148 n. 119 224, 231, 235–6, 237, 243, 266, influence on Jewish civil rights, 18, 282–3; see also Antonio; Jessica; 258, 260, 295 Launcelot; Lorenzo; Salerio; organization of Consistoires and Shylock Grand Sanhedrin,´ 77, 78 Merilhou,´ Joseph, 9, 149, 271 Napoleonic decree, see loi d’exception Merim´ ee,´ Prosper, 128, 129 n. 53 Nathan (Nathan der Weise), 232, 233 Merville, Pierre-Franc¸ois Camus, Le Juif Nathan-Treillet, 204 n. 79 errant, 96 n. 83 National Guard, see Garde nationale Meyerbeer, Giacomo, 1, 26, 27, 28, 30, Naumbourg, Samuel, 94, 95, 181 n. 50 275 normaliens, 40 and antisemitism, 280–81 Notre-Dame-de-Lorette, 86, 88 , 1 n. 1, 5, 6, 28, 30, 36, Nourrit, Adolphe, 40, Ill. 2 35, App. A 37 n. 34, 117 n. 27, 124, 129, 140 n. 305, App. I-2 336 87, 143, 280 n. 78 collaboration on La Juive, 17, 30–31, as Leonora;´ ou, St. Barthelemy´ , 140 34–6 n. 87 contributions to grands operas´ , 29 n. Lutheran chorale in, 137 10, 36–7 rehearsals for, 1 n. 1, 36, 143 n. 98 as Eleazar,´ 17, 34–6, Ill. 9 219, 242 as St. Barthelemy´ , 64 as Leopold,´ 177, App. E 319, 321 Le Prophete` , 30, 129 liberalism, 19, 40–41, 53, 67

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at Paris Opera,´ 17 n. 28, 201 Pacini, Antonio, 212 on reception of La Juive, 110 , 301 respect for, 36 n. 32,n.33, 53 n. 90 Palianti, Louis, 112 n. 15,n.16, 158 Revolution of 1830, participation in, n. 11, 168, 189, 204, 222, 224, 19, 50–53, 58 238 Saint-Simonian participation, 19, 50 Palliot, Pierre, 121 n. 36 views on theatre, 67 Paradol, Lucinde, 87, 88 Paris, surrender of (1814), 42 Odeon,´ The´atreˆ de L’, 85, 212, 274 Paris Opera,´ see Opera,´ Paris Opera,´ Paris, 1, 33, 84, 131, 139, 222 Parisienne, La, 52–3 n. 36, 272, 273–82, App. C 314, parti-pretreˆ , 44, 291 315, App. D 318, App. F 324, Passover 325 seder in La Juive, 21, 151–2, 170, acceptance/non-acceptance of 174–87, 218, 257 Jewish composers at, 273, 275, seder in Rome ghetto, 89, 91–2, 177 280–81 n. 41 administration of, 14, 37, 140, 277, Pereire, Emile, 48, 49, 268 n. 45 297 Pereire, Isaac, 48, 49 biblical operas at, 133 Pereires, 250, 284 capitalism of, 282 Peyronnet, Pierre-Denis, 56 criticism of, 228, 275–6 Philastre, Rene,´ App. A 305 Fromental Halevy´ at, 1, 87, 277–9, Philippe, duc d’Orleans,´ 69 281 philosophes, 138, 256 Leborne atelier at, 150 n. 2 intolerance of, 133–4, 287 Nourrit at, 17 n. 28, 53 n. 90 legacy of, 255, 289 practices of, 229 opposition to Church, 128 Rothschild’s contributions to, 276, views on Jews/Judaism, 7, 256, 282, 285 287–9, 292 Opera-Comique,´ The´atreˆ de l’, 84 Polignac, Auguste-Jules-Armand-Marie, Opinion: Journal des moeurs, de la comte de, 56 n. 99 litterature,´ des arts, des the´atresˆ et de Prevost-Paradol,´ Anatole, 88 l’industrie, L’, 47, 249 Proche, Augustine-Marie-Clothilde, 86 ordinances of Charles X, 9 n. 14, 50 Proche, Catherine-Clothilde-Aimee,´ Oriental Other, 12, 256 86, 87, 277 Orientalism, 13, 256, 283 n. 85 Proche, Leon-Achille,´ 86, 88 Orleanist´ regime, 130; see also Proche, Marie-Clemence-Felicie,´ 86 Louis-Philippe Producteur, Le, 47, 104 n. 117 Orleans,´ duc d’, 55, 98 Protestantism, 130, 137 Orleans,´ duchesse d’, 55 Protestants, 125, 126, 136–7, 138, 269 Orpheon,´ 65 n. 133 Proust, Marcel, 216, 302

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Quicherat, Louis, 30, 31, 36, 52 romance with Leopold,´ 12, 175, 217, Quinet, Edgar, 96 n. 83, 130 n. 57 218, 222–5, 230, 295 Quotidienne, La, 133 as symbol, 151, 257, 296, 299 position in l’affaire Damas, 253 victimization of, 151, 152, 208 reception of La Juive, 224, 230, 244, virtues, 210, 231, 252 247, 259 Rachel; ou, L’Auto-da-fe, 1, 13, 116,n.25 Racine, Jean, Esther, 132 Rachel (La Juive), 21, 154–5, 208, 210, Rameau, Jean-Jacques, Samson, 131–3 230, 231, 289 Rebecca (Ivanhoe), 3, 13, 210, 211, 215, in Act I, introduction, 162, 231 216, 218, 220, 230, 231, 233, 236 in Act II, “Il va venir” (romance), Recha (Nathan der Weise), 210, 211 223–4, 226; “Lorsqu’ a` toi je me Reform Jews, 11, 291–3; see also suis donnee”´ (duet), 223–5; reformateurs´ “Je vois son front coupable” Reformateur,´ Le, 133–4, 135, 137 (trio), 188, 225; seder, 177, 178, reformateurs´ , 291, 293, 296 185 reg´ en´ eration´ , 7, 12, 260, 287, 289, 290; in Act III, “Que d’attraits! qu’elle est see also Gregoire,´ Abbe;´ Jews, belle” (duet), 228 reg´ en´ eration´ in Act V, 125, 152–3, 191–2 Reicha, Anton, 281 as “la belle juive,” 3, 213–22, 231 Republic of 1848 (February Republic), as Christian, 201, 204, 231, 232 65 costumes, 218–20, Ill. 9 219, 221 republicans, 56, 58, 66, 130, 135 as daughter of Brogni, 11, 194, Restoration, 38, 42, 56, 57, 130, 133, 134, 198–202 294 as daughter (adopted) of Eleazar,´ absolutism of, 5, 18, 44, 125, 261 194, 198–9, 201–2, 231 censorship during, 50, 148, 292 as dramatic soprano, 226 opposition to, 38, 57 early-stage conversion, 193–8 Restoration generation, see Generation in Ivanhoe-like scene, 166–8 of 1820 as Jewess, 202, 204, 211, 218, 224, Revolution of 1789 (French 230, 232, 244 Revolution), 3, 10, 18, 124, 130, literary parallels to, 210–11, 215–16, 134, 262, 295, 301 224, 231 Revolution of 1830 (July Revolution), 3, martyrdom, 191, 202, 208, 233, 5, 10, 14, 16, 18, 24, 50, 52, 68, 134, 299 275 oriental exoticism, 211, 218–20, lack of participation in, 49–50, 55–6 221–2, 256 participation of Nourrit in, 19, 50–53, religious duality, 12, 152–3, 191–3, 58, 67 198–9, 204, 234, 256, 269 n. 50, promise of, 18, 134 296 support of, 39, 40, 50, 53–4, 55

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Revolution of 1848, 66 St. Barthelemy,´ see Meyerbeer, Giacomo, Rodrigues, Edgard, 181 n. 50 Les Huguenots Rodrigues, Edouard, 48 St. Bartholomew’s Eve, 6–7, 64, 129, Rodrigues, Eugene,` 48, 103 139 Rodrigues, Henri, 48 Saint-Beuve, Charles-Augustin, 39 Rodrigues, Olinde, 48, 103, 268 n. 45 St. Gall, 43, 111 Rodrigues-Henriques, Leonie,´ 48, 85 Saint-Georges, Jules-Henri Vernoy de, Romantics, 57, 130 26 n. 3, 29, 32 n. 20, 34 Rossini, Gioachino, 28 n. 5, 36 n. 32 Le Juif errant, 84, 95, 96 n. 83, 114 Guillaume Tell, 36 n. 32, 44, 50–51, 52, Saint-Simon, Claude-Henri de Rouvroy, 148 comte de, 19, 47, 55, 64 n. 131, Mo¨ıseet Pharaon, 133 103 Le Siege` de Corinthe, 215 n. 17 Saint-Simonian movement Rothschild, James, Baron de, 10, 248, (Saint-Simonism), 19, 40, 48–50, 249, 251, 275 97, 103, 104–5 accusations of greed of, 261 n. 19, Hal´evys and, 19, 47–9, 55, 58, 65, 97, 264, 265, 268 n. 45, 274, 284 297 contributions to Paris Opera,´ 276, ideas on artists’ roles, 19, 50 282, 285 Jews and, 49–50, 103, 267–8 as “Herr von Shylock,” 266, 283 liberalism, 58, 103 non-French identity, 284 Nourrit and, 67 Rothschild, Mayer Anselm, 264 publications Rothschild, Nathan, 261, Ill. 12 262 Le Globe, 47, 50 n. 82, 268 Rothschilds, 250, 261, 264, 265, 268 Le Producteur, 47, 104 n. 117 n. 45, 284 Opinions litteraires,´ philosophiques et accusations of greed/usury of, industrielles, 47, 64–5, 103, 263–4 App. J 337–8 caricature of, 261, 284 n. 86 Sainte-Barbe, college` , 40, 128 mythology of, 254, 263–4, 268–9 Salerio (The Merchant of Venice), 231–2 Rousseau, Auguste, Le Juif, 248–9 Sand, George, 273 Rousseau, Jean-Jacques, 128 Sanhedrin,´ 78, 80, 81, 99, 258, 260, 278, Rowena (Ivanhoe), 233 295 Ruggiero (La Juive), 200 n. 72, 243 Schiller, Friedrich von, 128, 212 n. 81 Schlesinger, Maurice, 27, 140 n. 85, 229, in Act I, 156–61, 168, 169, 171, 173, 272, 281, App. D 317, 318, App. G 231 327–8, App. I-1 335 in Act V, final, 208 Schneitzhoeffer, Jean M., 36, 163, authority of, 160, 161 App. A 305 reference to Jesus and moneylenders, Scott, Sir Walter, 88 n. 108, 128, 110 161, 289 n. 11, 210, 212

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Scott, Sir Walter (cont.) Une Nuit de la Garde national, 59 Ivanhoe, 3, 165, 168, 210, 211, 212, 213, Thibault, comte de Champagne, 41 216, 218, 230, 231, 233–4, 236, 237, n. 48, 63 244, 246, 253 opera libretti, 84 see also Bois-Guilbert, Brian de; Isaac; Ali-Baba; ou, Les Quarante Voleurs, Ivanhoe; Rebecca; Rowena 111, 283 n. 85 Scribe, Eugene,` 1–3, 25–6, 28–31, 33, 34, Dom Sebastien,´ roi de Portugal, 143 36, 37–8, 53, 57, 169, App. A 305, La Favorite, 230 n. 58 App. D 317, App. E 319–23, App. Guido et Ginevra, 32, 37, 84, 281 H-2 332–3 Les Huguenots, 1 n. 1, 6, 28, 30, 36, Academie´ franc¸aise, candidacy for, 63, 64, 117 n. 27, 124, 129, 137, 140 63; speech before, 31, 59–61, 297 n. 87, 143 book lists, 128, 212 Le Juif errant, 84, 95, 96 n. 83, collaborations, 1, 15, 25–9, 30–38, 111 114 education, 40, 128 La Juive, conception of cauldron influences on, 41, 128–9, 148 ending, 205, 247; conception of liberalism, 17–18, 38–40, 42–4, 57, 58, Jewish characters/service, 124–5, 68, 71–2 152–3, 170, 174–7, 199, 283–5; political dramas, 68–70, 283 contract for, App. C 314–16; political independence, 16, 55–7, 60, depiction of Council of 71 Constance, 116–24; early ideas and self-censorship, 124, 144 verse, 140, 152–3, 165, 194, 196–8, Societ´ e´ des auteurs dramatiques, 199–200, 205–6, 213–15, 217, leadership of, 59, 60 237–8, 242–3, App. D 317; literary theatrical conventions, 232, 284 parallels/sources of, 232–4, 247, travel journals, 16, 42–4, 110–11, 283 114–16 La Muette de Portici, 30, 41, 51, 52, views 63, 68 on censorship, 16, 59, 60, 62 Le Prophete` , 30, 129 on religious oppression, 115 Robert le diable, 6, 15 n. 25, 28, 57 on theatre, 58–62, 68 n. 107, 142, App. F, 324, 326 as writer of comedie-vaudeville´ , 58, 59, Les Vepres´ siciliennes, 41 n. 48, 63 61, 62, 69 Sechan,´ Charles, 111, Ill. 3 113, App. A works 305 ballet libretto, Manon Lescaut, 25, 26, seder, 12, 142; see also Juive, La, Passover 32 seder, setting of; Passover dramas, 59, 63, 68, 69, 71 n. 155, 129 separatism, 139, 151, 154, 193, 293 Avant, pendant et apres` , 63, 68 separatistes´ , 11, 193, 255, 293, 294 Bertrand et Raton; ou, L’Art de Shakespeare, William, 57 n. 107, 211, conspirer, 62 n. 121, 68, 70 253

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The Merchant of Venice, 13, 210, 211, Theatre´ de Madame (The´atredeS.A.ˆ 213, 224, 231, 235–6, 237, 243, 266, R. Madame la Duchesse de Berry), 282–3 68; see also Gymnase, The´atreˆ du see also Antonio; Jessica; Launcelot; The´atreˆ du Gymnase, see Gymnase, Lorenzo; Salerio; Shylock The´atreˆ du Shylock (The Merchant of Venice), 11, 210, The´atreˆ du Vaudeville, see Vaudeville, 231–2, 235–7, 240 n. 77, 243, 244, The´atreˆ du 246, 282–3 The´atre-Francˆ ¸ais, 54, 68, 71 n. 155, 85, as comic role, 235 212 interpretations of, 235, 248–52, 254, The´atre-Italien,ˆ 84, 212 266 Thiers, Adolphe, 40 n. 43 Sigismund (Siegmund), 108, 115, 116–7, Toussenel, Alphonse, 263–4, 265, 266, 121, 127 267–9, 288–9, 292 Sigismund, Emperor (La Juive), 116–7, 118, 120, 121, 174, 185, 222, 226, ultraroyalists, 5, 38, 130 App. A 305 Univers religieux, politique, scientifique et Silvestre de Sacy, Isaac, 77, 290 litteraire´ , L’, 133, 134–6, 137–8, 146, Smith, Paul, see Monnais, Edouard 147, 261 socialists, 261 usury, 10, 81, 255, 258–60, 261, 270, 274 Societ´ e´ des auteurs dramatiques, 59, 60 Societ´ e´ des missions de France, 8, 130 Valter, Charles, 156 n. 8, App. D 318, Societ´ e´ israelite´ des amis du travail, 92 App. I-1 334 Spontini, Gaspare, 63 n. 126 vaudeville, 58, 59, 295 Stendhal (Henri Beyle, dit), 211 Vaudeville, The´atreˆ du, 143 Stoepel, Franc¸ois, 110 Verdi, Giuseppe, 41 n. 48, 133, 143 n. 100 Straus, Emile, 107 Don Carlos, 143 n. 100 Sue, Eugene,` 95–6, 128 Nabucco, 133 synagogues Veron,´ Louis, 1, 26, 27, 28, 29, 37, 140, Central Synagogue of Paris, 76 273–4, 275, 297, App. A 305, App. D of Lyon, 78 n. 18 317, App. F 324, 325 music, 93–5, 177 n. 42,n.43, 181–2 comment on usury, 274 Temple consistorial, 94 contract for La Juive, App. C 314–16 Temple Sainte-Avoye, 76 n. 8, 92, 93, as Opera´ director, 14, 275, 297 96, 97, 98, 181 on staging of La Juive, 205 Veuillot, Louis, 263 Taglioni, Philippe, 280, App. A 305 Viardot, Pauline, 273 The´atreˆ de l’Odeon,´ see Odeon,´ Villemain, Abel-Franc¸ois, 59–60, 62, 72, The´atredeL’ˆ 297 The´atreˆ de l’Opera-Comique,´ see Voltaire, Franc¸ois-Marie Arouet de, 6, Opera-Comique,´ The´atredel’ˆ 117, 125–9, 132 n. 61

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390 Index

Voltaire, Franc¸ois-Marie Arouet Samson, 131–3 de (cont.) writings antisemitism, 287 n. 94, 288 Essai sur les guerres civiles de France, 7, influence, 5–7, 138, 148–9 129, 139 as symbol and writer, 130–31 Essai sur les moeurs et l’esprit des views nations, 6, 125, 127, 129, 139 on St. Bartholomew’s Eve, Voltaireanism, 133–5, 136–7, 145–6, 139 256 on Church, 131 on Council of Constance, 6, 125–7, Wagner, Cosima, 21 145, 149 Wagner, Richard, 21, 22, 107, 155 n. 7, on fanaticism/intolerance, 128 n. 158 n. 10, 230 n. 57, 301 47, 131–2, 139, 192 Wartel, Pierre-Franc¸ois, 201 on Inquisition, 125, 127 Wormser, Abraham, 101 on Judaism, 288–9 Wycliffe, John, 115, 118, 126–7, 145, dramatic works App. H-1 329, 330 Le Fanatisme; ou, Mahomet le prophete` , 131, 132 Zola, Emile, 216

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