Cambridge University Press 978-0-521-65086-1 - Opera, Liberalism, and Antisemitism in Nineteenth-Century France: The Politics of Halévy’s La Juive Diana R. Hallman Index More information INDEX Abigail (The Jew of Malta), 210, 211, 231, Antonio (The Merchant of Venice), 236, 237 243 absolutism, 5, 125, 296 apostasy, see Jews, conversion of Academie´ des beaux-arts, 2, 9, 65,n133, Archives israelites,´ Les, 101, 102 n. 103, 84 253, 270, 286, 289 Academie´ franc¸aise, 31, 59, 60, 61, 85, Arnault, Antoine-Vincent, 31, 47, 60, 62 App. E 320, 322 n. 121, App. E 320, 322 Academie´ royale de musique, see Assemblee´ nationale, 65, 106, App. K Opera,´ Paris 339–40 affaire Damas, l’, 101, 253, 286, 301 assimilation, see Jews, Aguado, Alexandre-Marie, marquis, acculturation/assimilation 276, 277 Auber, Daniel, 30, 52 n. 87 Ahasverus,´ see “juif errant, le” Le Mac¸on, 158 n. 10 Albert (La Juive), 118, 155, 160, 162 La Muette de Portici, 30, 41, 51, 52, ancien regime´ , 5, 39, 301, 302 63, 68 anti-authoritarianism, 130, 143, 302, 304 Aumer, Pierre, 26 anti-capitalism, 263–9 auto-da-fe,´ l’, 116, 134 “anti-capitalist antisemitism,” 10, in La Juive, 1, 3, 116, 140–41, 152, 215, 254–5, 263–9, 288–9 App. F 325, 326 anticlericalism, 5–6, 23 Voltaire’s discussion of, 127–8 of La Juive, 116, 143, 302, 304 Avignon, 43, 115, 128, 247 during July Monarchy, 143 of liberal writers, 130 Ballanche, Pierre-Simon, 133 during Restoration, 38–9, 42, 148 Balzac, Honore´ de, 39, 128, 216 n. 19, of Scribe and Halevys,´ 42–6, 130 242 n. 78, 248 antisemitism, 10, 75, 257, 261, 263–70, Barabas (The Jew of Malta), 210, 235, 280, 287, 304 237, 243 n. 81, 244, 246 of Christians, 254, 291 Barder (Bardet), Stephanie, 86 n. 48, during July Monarchy, 257, 261, 270, n. 49 292 Barrault, Emile, 67 at Paris Opera,´ 273–5, 280 Barthelemy,´ Saint, see of philosophes, 7, 287–9 St. Bartholomew’s Eve in theatre and music circles, 271–80 Bayard, Jean-Franc¸ois, 29 372 © in this web service Cambridge University Press www.cambridge.org Cambridge University Press 978-0-521-65086-1 - Opera, Liberalism, and Antisemitism in Nineteenth-Century France: The Politics of Halévy’s La Juive Diana R. Hallman Index More information Index 373 Bazard, Saint-Amand, 40, 47, 104 n. 117 in Act V,“Le Concile prononce” Becourt,´ Renault, 261 ( final), 208 “belle juive, la,” 12, 211, 213–14, 215, appeals for conversion, 188, 194, 199 216; see also Rachel compassion of, 169, 173, 188–9, 194, Ben-Levi,´ 253, 270, 271 206, 217 Benedict XIII, Pope, 108 condemnation by, 169–70, 230 Berlioz, Hector, 50, 110, 190, 235 Council alliance, 170, 208 Berr, Berr-Isaac, 79 n. 25, 289 as father, 152, 191–2, 193–4, 199, 201, Berr, Michel, 292 286 Berry, duc de, 54 n. 95, 92, 130 opposition to Eleazar,´ 11–12, 152, Berry, duchesse de, 63 170–71, 188–9, 202 Berton, Henri-Montan, 298 Buchez, Benjamin-Philippe, 47 Beule,´ Charles-Ernest, 21, 186 Bis, Hippolyte-Louis, 44 Cahen, Samuel, 83 Guillaume Tell, 44, 50–51, 148 Calvin, Jean, 137 Bizet, Georges, 96 n. 84, 107 Calvinists, 138 Blaze, Henri, 278 n. 70, 281–2 Cambon, Charles, App. A 305 Boigne, Charles de, 274 Cancans de l’Opera,´ Les, see Gentil, Bois-Guilbert, Brian de (Ivanhoe), 211, Jean-Pierre-Louis 230 capitalism, 254–5, 261–4, 268 Bourbons, 5, 18, 40, 49, 54, 135, 297 Carbonari, 9 n. 14, 40, 47 censorship/repressiveness of, 18, Carlists, 56, 57 58 opposition of Scribe and Halevys´ Carnot, Hippolyte, 50 n. 82, 65 n. 135 to, 42 Castil-Blaze (Franc¸ois-Henri-Joseph, bourgeoisie, 14, 16, 255 dit), 222 n. 36, 281, 282, 300 Brifaut, Charles, 63 Catherine de Medicis,´ 64, 117 n. 27, 143 Brogni, Cardinal (La Juive), 3, 45, 121, Catholic Church, 8–9, 128, 136, 138 Ill. 5 122, Ill. 6 123, 124, 125, 141, absolutism of, 5, 206, 209 144, 160, 161, 204, 217, 231, 233, criticism of, 44–6, 116, 125–8, 131, 139 234, 244 hypocrisy/intolerance of, 134–6, 145, accusation of usury, 244, Ill. 11 245 154 in Act I, “Si la rigueur” (cavatine), power of, 130 n. 57, 139, 271 124, 160, 169, 172 n. 31, 173, 181 n. see also Juive, La, Catholic Church, 51, 200–201 depiction of, Council of in Act III, “Vous qui du Dieu vivant” Constance, depiction of (malediction´ ), 141, 169, 170, 228, Catholicism, 8, 46–7, 139–43 230 Cave,´ Edmond, 274 in Act IV,“Le Cardinal, madame” censorship, 6, 14, 50 (duettino), 202; “Ta fille en ce during July Monarchy, 60, 133 n. 64 moment” (duet), 188–9 preventive, 143 © in this web service Cambridge University Press www.cambridge.org Cambridge University Press 978-0-521-65086-1 - Opera, Liberalism, and Antisemitism in Nineteenth-Century France: The Politics of Halévy’s La Juive Diana R. Hallman Index More information 374 Index censorship (cont.) responses to subject of La Juive, 142, repressive, 60, 117, 144 144 during Restoration, 50, 148, 292 Conservatoire, Paris, 1, 41, 96, 273, 279, of Scribe’s works, 63–4 281, 282, 298, 300 n. 3 Central Synagogue of Paris, see Consistoire central de Paris, 77, 82, 93, synagogues 96, 106, 181 n. 50, 254, 286, 292 Cerfberr, Maximilien, 95, 106 Commission du chant synagogal, 95 Chambre des deput´ es,´ 9, 18, 50, 105 criticism of, 292, 293 n. 119, 255, 286 Consistoires, 77, 99, 106, 290, 292, Chambre des pairs, 9 294 Charles IX, 64 promotion of Sanhedrin´ decisions, Charles X, 5, 9 n. 14, 50, 56, 125 258 reaction of Garde national to, 53 support of synagogue music reform, repressive measures of, 17, 50 93 Charte of 1814, 8, 9 Constance (Konstanz), 108, 111, 145, 146 Charte of 1830, 6, 8–9, 60, 143, 290, 297 Constitutionnel, Le, 18, 133, 274, 285 Charton, Edouard, 67 description of Council of Constance, Chasles, Philarete,` 21 144–5, App. H-1 329–31 Cherubini, Luigi, 83, 93, 279, 282 liberal stance of, 109, 133, 145–6, 147, Ali-baba; ou, Les Quarante Voleurs, 111, 148, 274 283 n. 85 Council of Constance (Konstanz), 2, 5, Cherubini, Salvador, 98 6, 7, 108, 118, 121, 124, 125, 149, Chevalier, Michel, 49, 268 n. 45 170, 194, 206, 208, 237, App. E 319, Choiseul, Antoine-Gabriel, duc de, 117 321 n. 27, 140, 141–2, App. A 305 descriptions of, 6, 112, 114–17, 125–7, Chopin, Fred´ eric,´ 272–3 145–6 Christianity, 101, 136, 206 setting in La Juive, 108–10, 112–13, attacks of philosophes on, 131, 288 144–7, App. H-1 329–31, App. H-2 influence of, on anti-Jewish attitudes, 332–3 286–7 Courrier franc¸ais, Le, 18, 45, 133 Christians, 151, 169, 208; see also Juive, reception of La Juive, 172, 234, 237 La, Christians, depiction of Cousin, Victor, 18, 40 Ciceri,´ Pierre-Luc-Charles, Ill. 3 113, Crehange,´ Abraham, 290, 293–4, 296 180, 194, Ill. 7 195, App. A 305 Cremieux,´ Adolphe, 102 n. 103 Cinti-Damoreau, Laure, 226 culte israelite´ , law of the comedie-vaudeville´ , 59; see also vaudeville (8 February 1831), 9–10, 12, 105 n. Commission de Surveillance, 14, 119, 124, 149, 248, 254, 255–6, 285, 140–42, 169, App. A 305 289, 301 authorization of La Juive, Cumberland, Richard, 213 n. 13 App. F 324–6 currency, 241–2 © in this web service Cambridge University Press www.cambridge.org Cambridge University Press 978-0-521-65086-1 - Opera, Liberalism, and Antisemitism in Nineteenth-Century France: The Politics of Halévy’s La Juive Diana R. Hallman Index More information Index 375 Dairnvaell, Mathieu Georges (pseud. Dupin, Henri, 129 “Satan”), 263, 264–5, 274, 287 Duponchel, Charles (Edmond), 14 Damascus affair, see affaire Damas, l’ n. 23, 15 n. 25, 37, 205, 275, 276, Damoreau, Laure, see Cinti-Damoreau, 277, 278, 279, App. A 305, Laure App. I-2 336 Dantan, Jean-Pierre jeune, 261, Ill. 12 criticism of, 275–6, 280 262, 342 in Figaro puns, 278–9 Deists, English, 7, 287 Duprez, Gilbert-Louis, 38, 184, 242 Delacroix, Eugene,` 220, 273 Duveyrier, Charles, 268 n. 45 Delavigne, Casimir, 29, 41, 57 Duveyrier-Melesville´ (A.-H.-J. Charles VI, 41 Duveyrier), 29 Les Messeniennes´ , 41 Ali-baba; ou, Les Quarante Voleurs, 111, La Parisienne, 52–3 283 n. 85 Les Vepresˆ siciliennes, 41 n. 48 Delavigne, Germain, 29, 41 Eclair, L’, 32, 33, 84 Charles VI, 41 Ecole normale, 40 La Muette de Portici, 30, 41, 51, 52, Ecole polytechnique, 31, 42, 50, 105, 64 App. E 320, 322 Robert le diable, 6, 15 n. 25, 28, 57 ecu´ , 241–2, 268 n. 107, 142 Edgeworth, Maria, 212, 232 Delestre-Poirson (Charles-Gaspard Eichthal, Alfred d’, 268 n. 45 Poirson), 59 Eichthal, Eugene` d’, 48 n. 73 Deschamps, Emile, 37 Eichthal, Gustave d’, 48, 97, 103, 105, Desplechin,´ Edouard, 111–12, Ill. 3 113, 268 n. 45, 294 App. A 305 Eleazar´ (La Juive), 3, 17, 170, 177–8, 193, despotism, see absolutism 210, 233, 284 Deutz, Simon, 285–6 in Act I, 160, 162, 164–9, 171–3 Dieterle,´ Jules, 112, Ill. 3 113, in Act II, “Je vois son front App. A 305 coupable”/ “Et toi que Donizetti, Gaetano j’accueillis” (trio), 187–8, 223, 225; Dom Sebastien,´ roi du Portugal, 143 “O Dieu de nos peres”` (priere` ), 12, La Favorite, 230 n. 58 152, 174–87; “Tu possedes,` dit-on” Dorus-Gras, Julie, 29 n. 10, Ill.
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