

LITURGICAL RESOURCES & NOTES REGARDING BENEDICT XVI RESIGNATION (Please note: this list is not exhaustive. It has been organized for and parishes in the Diocese of Dallas. Further information at http://usccb.org/about/leadership/holy- see/pope-benedict-xvi/upload/Pope-Resignation-Resources.pdf )

His Holiness Pope Benedict XVI will officially relinquish the papacy on Thursday, February 28th, 2013. Bishop Kevin J. Farrell has designated this day for each parish to offer a Mass for His Holiness. Prayer for the health and well-being of the retiring Pope are in order, as well as prayers of thanksgiving for his service to the Church. The Roman Missal provides a Mass formulary for a Pope, “Masses and Prayers for Various Needs and Occasions: 2, For the Pope.

The best hope is for promotion of as widespread assembly participation as possible, announcing the special Mass during the weekend liturgies, February 23-24. For some parishes, it may be best to use a regularly-scheduled weekday Mass as the occasion for this particular prayer for the Pope. Others may determine an evening time when more parish members can conveniently gather to celebrate the Eucharist.

Bishop Farrell directs that this special Mass is designated on February 28th (or March 1st or March 2nd) with permission also to wear white vestments. This Mass is not, however, permitted on a Sunday in Lent, although prayers for Pope Benedict should be a part of every Mass on that weekend. Again, selection of a date rests on the possibility of gathering as many of the faithful as possible to participate.

The homily for this Mass may reflect on the particular ministry of Pope Benedict XVI, especially his love for the liturgy and his ecumenical outreach to the world. His Holiness’ service to the Church has consistently reflected faithful witness. 1

From the Office of Worship/Diocese of Dallas/Liturgical Resources and Notes/Resignation Pope Benedict XVI/February 2013

Use the Eucharistic Prayer for Various Needs I. Note that any personal reflection should be offered at the appropriate time, following the Prayer after Communion.

Until 2 p.m. ET on February 28th, the formula for mentioning the name of the Pope in the Eucharistic Prayer is to be followed, as usual (quote, USCCB). After that time, the formula is adjusted as follows (until a new Pope is elected): Eucharistic Prayer I (Roman ) …together with (omit “your servant, Benedict, our Pope and”) N. our Bishop, and all those who… Eucharistic Prayer II …to the fullness of charity, together with (omit “Benedict, our Pope”) N. our Bishop and all the . Eucharistic Prayer III …your pilgrim Church on earth, (omit “with your servant Benedict our Pope and”) with N. our Bishop, the Order of Bishops, all the clergy, and… Eucharistic Prayer IV …all for whom we offer this sacrifice: (omit “especially your servant Benedict our Pope,”) N. our Bishop, and the whole Order of Bishops, all the… EP for Various Needs and Occasions I …between the faithful and the pastors of your people, together with (omit Benedict, our Pope) N. our Bishop, our Auxiliary Bishops, and the whole Order of Bishops, that in a world…

Sample Prayers of the Faithful (for the Pope, as he retires) - In your Providence, Lord God, send renewed strength and the gift of peace to our retiring Pope, WE PRAY… - That Pope Benedict XVI may know the joys of faithful service to the Church, and that he may find consolation and peace in his retirement, WE PRAY… - That the tireless efforts of Pope Benedict XVI may be reflected in a growing ecumenism of the world’s churches, and that his message of unity may foster efforts toward peace, WE PRAY…


From the Office of Worship/Diocese of Dallas/Liturgical Resources and Notes/Resignation Pope Benedict XVI/February 2013 - That Pope Benedict XVI, who consistently preached that God is love, will be comforted by realizing God’s love for him, especially at this time of retirement, WE PRAY… - In God we find faith and hope; may Pope Benedict XVI realize that through his faithful witness to Christ, he will know hope in his frailty and health in his continuing life of prayer, WE PRAY… - In ministry, may we model the faithful service to the Gospel and to our brothers and sisters in Christ, as Pope Benedict XVI modeled for us during his papacy, WE PRAY…

Sample Prayers of the Faithful (for the interregnum, “time between the reign”) - Our hope always rests in the power of the Spirit; may those who deliberate to choose a new Holy Father, trust in the power of the Holy Spirit as they vote, WE PRAY… - That the may be a worthy electoral body—trusting in their common prayer and choosing with the enlightenment of the Spirit, WE PRAY… - That the guidance of the Holy Spirit will inspire the hearts and minds of those who will vote for our new Pope, WE PRAY… - That God’s strong and gentle urgings will guide the voting conscience of the College of Cardinals—inspiring them to keep the welfare of the Catholics of the world at heart, WE PRAY… - That the cardinal-electors will be open to the power and movement of the Holy Spirit, and the inspiration from the mind of God, WE PRAY…

Sample Prayers of the Faithful (upon the election of a new Pope) - That N. (Pope ______) our new Holy Father, may be strengthened and inspired by the Holy Spirit, as he shapes his papacy to serve the Church, WE PRAY… - That our newly-elected Holy Father, N. (Pope ______) may be a champion of the poor, of the underserved, and of all those who seek the hope that the can provide, WE PRAY… - That our recently-elected Holy Father, N. (Pope ______) may work effectively with the bishops of the Church, to build up and continue to sustain the Body of Christ, WE PRAY… - That our newly-elected Holy Father, N. (Pope ______) will know the prayerful support of Catholics throughout the world, as he begins his ministry of love, unity, and peace, WE PRAY…. - That our new Holy Father, N. (Pope ______) will be strengthened by the prayers that we offer for him, and that his leadership will reflect charity and justice, WE PRAY… - That our prayers may rise up like incense for the new Holy Father, N. (Pope ______), inspired to lead through the power of the Holy Spirit, WE PRAY…


From the Office of Worship/Diocese of Dallas/Liturgical Resources and Notes/Resignation Pope Benedict XVI/February 2013

SOME PASTORAL CONSIDERATIONS WHEN A NEW POPE IS ELECTED  Schedule a Mass as soon as possible (again, with the intent to gather as many of the faithful as possible) for the newly elected Pope. Use the Mass for the Pope, although not on a Sunday in Lent or on a solemnity. The Mass texts are found in the Roman Missal.  Private prayer and devotional prayer (such as the rosary) are consistently encouraged for the new Pope.  Although the papal flag should not be displayed in the sanctuary, it is possible and permissible to prominently display flowers at its base, in the narthex, gathering space, or parish office for a time after the new Pope is elected.  Gold (yellow) and white bunting or draping can be temporarily affixed to the church/chapel entrance (again, not in the sanctuary). It is an optional decision to purchase bunting or draping. (Our liturgical observance of the season of Lent remains prominent during this time.)  The FDLC (Federation of Diocesan Liturgical Commissions) website http://www.fdlc provides a selection of music resources in English, Spanish, and also for children. This will stimulate your musical creativity in planning a special Mass, and all of the selections are accessible to U.S. music leaders.  Catechesis and education of all children and youth should be encouraged during this time, plus opportunity for age-appropriate prayer for Pope Benedict XVI, for the electoral process in the College of Cardinals, and for the newly elected Pope. Adults and children alike can benefit from learning the “living history” of the papacy, and how the pope gives visible expression to the unity of the Church.  Photos of the newly elected Pope will be available within thirty days of his election, through the Diocesan Pastoral Center. Watch the PC News and Clergy News for more information. If you have a worthy framed picture of Pope Benedict XVI, it seems sensible to keep it. You may want to move it to another place in your narthex or parish office after you obtain a photo of the new Pope. We haven’t experienced a retired Pope in over four hundred years, so keeping the historical photograph intact would be a value.  The Office of Worship will notify you of where and how to obtain holy cards of the newly elected Pope, when this information becomes available.  Resources for prayer and the papal transition and upcoming conclave can be found on the diocesan website www.cathdal.org Click further on Ministries/Worship Office for additional resources. 4

From the Office of Worship/Diocese of Dallas/Liturgical Resources and Notes/Resignation Pope Benedict XVI/February 2013