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November 2014 Woolf: ‘A Room of One's Own’

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Virginia Woolf A Room of One’s Own  1929  First trade edition; presentation copy

irginia Woolf was one of the most day, with Shakespeare’s genius. Owing to important novelists of the social conditions designed to squelch V Modernist period and a leading women’s public and literary voices along figure of the of writers, with their political and economic artists, and intellectuals in post-World War I independence, “Judith Shakespeare,” as . She first wrote the extended essay Woolf christens William’s invented sister, that became A Room of One’s Own in 1928 would have died young, poor, and pregnant. as a pair of invited lectures to the students of She concludes, “It would have been Girton and Newnham, the women’s colleges impossible, completely and entirely, for any of Cambridge University, on the theme of woman to have written the plays of “Women and Fiction.” The text was then Shakespeare in the age of Shakespeare.” revised, expanded, and published the Indeed, in the title essay, Woolf makes her following year as this volume by Hogarth, famous and still influential argument that in the small but important press that Woolf order to write successfully, any woman of owned and operated in London with her talent needs “£500 and a room of her own.” husband, Leonard. That is, she needs enough income to support The chapters included here—which at herself with reasonable comfort and freedom times read as an extended fictional of time and space away from the daily narrative—address the social and material domestic duties and social expectations that challenges faced by women writers consume the lives of most women. historically. In chapter three, one of the most Woolf’s slim volume has remained one of frequently reprinted sections, Woolf answers her most popular and influential books and the question of why there have been no is still widely read and taught today in women writers equal to Shakespeare. She college courses on literature and women’s does this by imagining what would have studies, among other subjects. It has been become of a female, born in Shakespeare’s

1 adapted into a one-woman play and into a Vanessa Bell, whom Anrep met in film by famed British actress Eileen Atkins. Bloomsbury. Vanessa Bell created the cover The first edition on display in Imprints and art for this first edition. Thus, three women Impressions is especially interesting because intertwined in a small and complex social of its provenance: It belonged to Woolf’s and intellectual sphere, all born into class friend Helen Anrep, to whom the author had privilege, and all using their resources to presented it herself, as the inscription, reshape the modern world of arts and “Helen, from Virginia” indicates. Anrep was letters—Woolf, Bell, and Anrep—appear a lover and patron of the arts. She was first together in the physical matter of this book. married to the Russian painter Boris Anrep but left him in 1924 for , the art —Sheila Hassell Hughes, PhD, Professor, critic and former paramour of Woolf’s sister English