PERSPECTIVES ON THE LONG TERM Building a Stronger Foundation for Tomorrow PERSPECTIVES ON THE LONG TERM Building a Stronger Foundation for Tomorrow

Focusing Capital on the Long Term is an initiative for advancing practical actions to focus business and markets on the long term. It was founded by the Canada Pension Plan Investment Board and McKinsey & Company. CONTENTS


A Time for Action Long-Term Visions DOMINIC BARTON Cut Short AND MARK WISEMAN������������������������������������������ 4 NITIN NOHRIA ����������������������������������������������������� 36

CONTEXT Solving Problems That Matter Our Gambling Culture PAUL POLMAN ���������������������������������������������������� 42 LAURENCE FINK ��������������������������������������������������� 8 Generational Restoring Trust Thinking at Cargill In an Era of Change WHITNEY MACMILLAN RICHARD EDELMAN�������������������������������������������� 12 AND GREG PAGE ������������������������������������������������� 48

Short-Termism Long-Term Planning And the Threat In a Volatile Environment From Climate Change CHANDA KOCHHAR �������������������������������������������� 53 HENRY M. PAULSON JR. ��������������������������������������16 Business and Society Capitalism In the Coming Decades For the Many KATHLEEN MCLAUGHLIN AND DOUG MCMILLON ��������������������������������������� 57 LYNN FORESTER DE ROTHSCHILD ��������������������� 23

The Human Advantage NICHOLAS CARR ������������������������������������������������ 28


An Unshakable Belief Governance In the Long Term And Stewardship ADRIAN ORR ������������������������������������������������������� 64 For the Long Term DAVID WALKER������������������������������������������������ 106 Capitalism in The Postfinancial Era Minding the Gaps JOHN D. ROGERS ������������������������������������������������ 69 ANGEL GURRÍA ������������������������������������������������� 110

GIC’s Long-Term View Long-Termism LIM CHOW KIAT �������������������������������������������������� 75 Begins with the Board RONALD P. O’HANLEY ��������������������������������������� 116 Getting Beyond The Data Point Taking the Long View EUAN MUNRO ����������������������������������������������������� 80 On Africa DONALD KABERUKA ������������������������������������������121 Reporting for The 21st Century Building a Board CHARLES TILLEY ������������������������������������������������ 84 For the Long Term JULIE HEMBROCK DAUM A Single Ladle from AND EDWARD SPEED ����������������������������������������126 A Flowing Stream LEI ZHANG ���������������������������������������������������������� 90 The Impact Of Regulation Building a ANGELIEN KEMNA ����������������������������������������������131 Business-Owner Mind-Set AUTHOR INDEX ���������������������������������������136 MICHAEL SABIA �������������������������������������������������� 94

The Long-Term Imperative for Financial Institutions JAMES P. GORMAN ������������������������������������������� 100


A Time for Action

The short-term thinking that pervades our boardrooms, our executive suites, and our financial markets has been spreading for years, slowly impeding the ability of companies to make the kinds of bold investments in the future that sustainable growth and a vibrant economy require. The financial crisis of 2008 and the global recession that followed, however, brought the issue to the fore and galvanized our two organizations to found Focusing Capital on the Long Term (FCLT), an initiative dedicated to uncovering practical solutions to reverse short-term thinking. Our goal is to reorient individuals and institutions across the investment value chain toward a longer-term and more expansive mind-set that takes into account both immediate goals and the longer-term interests of corporations and society. The FCLT initiative has already helped advance our understanding of the roots of short-termism and how it plays out across the economy. The causes are many, from the “tyranny” of quarterly earnings targets to ill-conceived incentive systems to certain regulations that inhibit the ability to make long-term investments. But our research also shows that business leaders would like to break free of such con- straints. We see this both in broad-based surveys and in the conversations we’ve had with more than 100 CEOs, all of whom tell us that the constant demand to meet 90-day earnings targets has become a straitjacket inhibiting the execution of sustainable, long-term strategies. Board members also feel the pressure. Indeed, a number of public-corporation business leaders we have spoken to are contemplat- ing taking their companies private to escape the yoke of quarterly capitalism. Now is the time to formulate practical solutions that can help put our economic system on a more stable foundation and allocate resources in ways that provide the greatest value for the broadest range of stakeholders. The essays in this book are part of that effort. By providing a platform for views from a wide range of economic actors, including CEOs, board members, investors, and regulators, our aim was to foster a lively conversation about what it will take to change the current system. These are the opinions of the individual authors and not McKinsey & Company, the Canada Pension Plan Investment Board, or the FCLT initiative. But as the essays came together, we’ve been intrigued by how often themes and insights recur. The context for short-term thinking, including the human traits that reinforce it, is one such theme. Laurence Fink, CEO of BlackRock, describes “our gambling culture,” in which the siren song of quick wins—despite what are often much higher long-term costs—has become a societal addiction. Nitin Nohria, dean of Harvard Business School, points to the workings of the human psyche that help make short- term decision making, with its false sheen of certainty, so irresistible. Others dig deep within our institutions to find specific mechanisms of short- termism that can be reengineered to encourage longer-term thinking. For Charles

4 PERSPECTIVES ON THE LONG TERM Tilley, CEO of the Chartered Institute of Management Accountants, part of the answer is to look beyond the columns of quarterly numbers in assessing the health and prospects of an organization to a richer narrative report that lays out a deep understanding of a company’s business model and the factors that might affect it over the long run. Angelien Kemna, chief finance and risk officer of Netherlands- based institutional investor APG, analyzes the ways in which well-meant regulations can have unintended consequences that thwart the ability to take a long-term view of investments. Many of our writers note that what happens in the boardroom has a tremendous influence on management’s ability to execute for the long term. Ronald P. O’Hanley, former president of asset management at Fidelity Investments, outlines specific steps for building a board that supports and enables a long-term strategy. When it comes to long-term investing, many take the view that anything with a time horizon of five years or more qualifies. Others, however, push the timeline further out. Lei Zhang, founder of Hillhouse Capital Management Group in Beijing, doesn’t just invest in companies, he invests in the people who start and run them. The relationships he develops allow him to be deeply involved in strategy at his portfolio companies as they grow and change course over the years. For Zhang, the quarterly earnings report is irrelevant. We believe the world is approaching a tipping point. The memory of a global financial system on the brink of meltdown is still fresh. Now, a consensus is growing that in a globalized, digitized world, our approach to capitalism must evolve if individual savers are to have the confidence that their investments will grow steadily enough to fund a life that includes a home, an education for their children, and a reasonable retirement. We hope that the work of FCLT, of which these essays are a part, will help point the way to building a stronger, more sustainable capitalism for the 21st century.

Dominic Barton Mark Wiseman Global Managing Director, President and CEO, McKinsey & Company Canada Pension Plan Investment Board



Our Gambling Culture LAURENCE FINK...... 8

Restoring Trust In an Era of Change RICHARD EDELMAN...... 12

Short-Termism and the Threat from Climate Change HENRY M. PAULSON JR...... 16

Capitalism For the Many LYNN FORESTER DE ROTHSCHILD...... 23

The Human Advantage NICHOLAS CARR...... 28


We tend to speak of short-termism as though it’s a problem that only afflicts inves- tors or corporate leaders, but that’s not the Our case. Short-term thinking pervades our most important institutions, from government to households. We’ve created a gambling culture in which we tune out everything except the Gambling most immediate outcomes. If we’re going to meet our commitments to our children and grandchildren, and to society as a whole, we need to open up the lens and start taking a Culture more responsible, longer-term view of the challenges we face. The craving for immediate There’s a host of reasons short-termism gratification has spread well has taken hold in our culture, both in the beyond Wall Street. United States and more broadly. Greed and the media’s reliance on daily bombardments of bad news certainly play a part, but more important, we’ve lost sight of our actual goals. It’s in everyone’s interest to provide opportunities for education, a reasonable level of healthcare, and a secure retirement for the most people possible, just as we should all be working to conserve our natural resources to assure that clean air, clean water, and renewable fuel sources are avail- able to our children. Instead, we’ve become mesmerized by the possibility of short-term, one-off gains. There’s a chicken-and-egg problem at work. In many cases, there is a serious misalign- ment of incentives. Instead of encouraging our institutions and our leaders to grapple effectively with complex, long-term chal- lenges, we’re rewarding them to do the opposite. Often, there seems to be a great deal more upside to placing a simple bet for a quick win than for staying the course through difficult times to create sustainable gains that are more widely shared. Whether the

Laurence Fink is the chairman and CEO of BlackRock, which he has led since wrong goals led to the wrong incentives or the its founding in 1988. Previously, he was a managing director of First Boston. reverse is hard to say. Fink is also cochairman of Partnership for , which works We see this myopia in Washington all the with the business community to advance the city’s economy and maintain its position as the center of world commerce, finance, and innovation. Fink time. Congress has shown an astounding earned both a BA and an MBA from University of California, . willingness over the past few years to focus

8 PERSPECTIVES ON THE LONG TERM on political theater such as debt-ceiling Instead of encouraging our institutions brinksmanship instead of solving long-term problems, fiscal and otherwise. and our leaders to grapple effectively Even our tax code seems designed to with complex, long-term challenges, encourage short-term strategies. Paying we’re rewarding them to do the opposite. significantly lower taxes for capital gains, a major component of tax policy, is predi- cated on one-year holding periods. Who really believes a one-year commitment is strategy is the constant pressure to produce long term? We made things worse when we quarterly results. Where does that pressure shifted a few years ago to treating dividends come from? It comes from investors who are as capital gains instead of ordinary income. renters, not owners, who are going to trade That accelerated the tendency for companies your stock as soon as they can pocket a quick to opt to return cash to shareholders in the gain—or sooner if there’s no such gain in the form of dividend payouts or share buybacks— offing. But what if we made three years rather rather than reinvesting those funds in the than one the holding period necessary to business by developing a new technology, qualify for capital-gains treatment and at the say, or building a new factory. The latter are same time brought down the capital-gains the big, long-term bets that create jobs and tax for each year an investor held, perhaps keep an economy on top of the innovation reducing it to zero at the end of ten years? curve. By not making them now, we’re rob- And on the other end, what if we taxed capital bing the future. gains at an even higher rate than for ordinary This wholesale return of cash to sharehold- income if the stock was held for less than six ers helps explain why equity markets are months? These measures could quickly help outpacing the economy. In the short run, we to enlarge the population of engaged inves- are rewarding shareholders, which causes the tors willing to ride out short-term slumps stock to spike. But to the extent that those to better position the company for the long cash expenditures starve corporate invest- haul. These are the types of behaviors we ment, the economy suffers. In particular, need to encourage. people who are riding the current wave will The scourge of short-termism wouldn’t be pay for it later when the ability to generate so bad if the fallout only hit corporate leaders revenue in the long term dries up because of or policy makers, but the truth is that short- the lack of investment in the future. term thinking has serious consequences for It’s hard for even the most dedicated CEO everyone. One of the biggest challenges we to buck this trend. I do believe most CEOs face is the need to fund longer retirements. would rather be making investments for the In my opinion, this will be a bigger crisis than long-term growth of their companies. I don’t access to healthcare or a depleted Social Secu- think they’re all motivated just to protect their rity fund. We’re all going to be living longer. jobs, but the government is not providing an We know that. But we haven’t focused on environment that encourages those very long- what a longer life means or how we’re going to term investments. support ourselves through it. Most people are We should be using the tax code to change severely underestimating the assets necessary this behavior, not reinforce it. For example, to live in dignity during a long retirement. another form of short-termism that makes it That retirement problem became much difficult for companies to focus on long-term more acute when we migrated from defined-


benefit pension plans to defined-contribution initiate large-scale projects. Developers and plans. I don’t believe the average individual is investors must deal with competing agencies equipped to make those investment decisions and jurisdictions. It’s often difficult to tell properly. Most people invest too conserva- who’s responsible: whether it’s the locality, tively when they’re young, with a high percent- the state, the federal government, or some- age in cash and bonds. The reality is that most thing else entirely. Most investors will say, defined-contribution plans are going to be “You know what, it really doesn’t pay to have a team focus on the United States, because it takes so long. Let me send the team some- So how do we fight back against place with a more conducive atmosphere, where I can actually get a project off the short-termism? I believe the most effective ground.” We are leaving our cities and towns antidote lies in more education and more worse off for our children as a result. communication—and more leadership. So how do we fight back against short- termism? I believe the most effective antidote lies in more education and more communication—and more leadership. We inadequate for a person’s needs during retire- need a call to arms with many more voices ment. We’re not addressing these fundamen- speaking up and taking a stand. Just to point tal issues. There is a policy need on both the to the media, its basic narrative in most cases company and government levels. Companies is so short term. I mean, instead of having need to be more aggressive about educating television shows focusing on the next trade, their employees on their retirement options, could we ever have a television show about and the government needs to endorse policies critical long-term topics such as preparing that give people incentives to save. for retirement? Another challenge that cries out for a long- The communication imperative is cer- term solution is infrastructure, where we are tainly critical for our business. (For more on sinfully guilty as a country of simply ignoring effective communication, see sidebar, “What a problem that becomes exponentially worse Investors Want.”) Most of our holdings are with neglect. We have not for a long while led long dated. More than 80 percent of Black- the world in transit systems, bridges, tunnels, Rock’s equity ownership is in index products. highways, or other major civic investments. So whether we like the company or have con- Anyone who’s taken a bus or a cab from John cerns about its long-term prospects, if it’s in F. Kennedy International Airport into Man- the index, we have to own it. That’s true even hattan—or marveled at the lack of a direct if the company is doing something that accel- rail link from the airport—would have a hard erates the stock price in the short term but time believing he or she was driving through has long-term negative implications—maybe the world’s leading economy. Other countries making a massive stock repurchase or issuing are behind, too, but they’re not as behind as debt at an unsustainable level or transitioning we are. to a more volatile business model. The stock This gets back to a lack of leadership. may rally for a while, but long-term viability There’s actually a lot of money available for is harmed. We have to be against that, but infrastructure investment. But government again, we have to own the stock as long as it’s at all levels in the United States tends to add in that index. complexity, making it difficult to plan and Therefore, to serve the interests of our

10 PERSPECTIVES ON THE LONG TERM clients, we try to ensure that we have robust, That kind of ongoing conversation ongoing communication with the board of directors. That doesn’t mean that we want to can serve as a deterrent against getting tell companies what to do. We think that the caught up in the lure of fleeting gains. board should be working with management to make the important decisions. We do, how- ever, want to make sure there is a high-quality board and management team in place and is too short term. It’s a way to keep critical that we have ready access. We’re focusing on long-term goals front and center, whether the best long-term interests of the company it’s the need to save and plan for retirement, and, more important, we’re focusing on the build and maintain bridges and tunnels, or long-term interests of our clients. preserve the environment for the next gen- That kind of ongoing conversation can eration. There are no easy or quick answers serve as a deterrent against getting caught to these complex challenges. That’s why it’s up in the lure of fleeting gains. Deep conver- essential that we all stay engaged, join in vig- sation with engaged participants can serve orous debate, and manage those challenges as a check and balance against a focus that for the long term. n

What Investors Want

In 2014, Laurence Fink sent a letter to the CEOs A clear articulation of the risks. Investors want of all companies in the S&P 500 stock index, to know exactly what the risks are and how urging them to take a longer-term outlook on corporate leaders intend to manage them. strategy and build engagement with investors. Proactive rather than reactive communication. BlackRock is doing its part to make sure that Corporate leaders should not wait to be asked communication happens. As the world’s largest the right questions by Wall Street analysts or asset manager, with some $4 trillion under investors. Rather, they should take control of the management, it devotes enormous resources conversation and communicate the strategy. to engaging with boards and driving better Filings that don’t hide behind numbers. Even communication with its approximately 14,000 US Securities and Exchange Commission filings portfolio companies. Here’s some of what it are an opportunity to communicate. BlackRock looks for: would like to see more clear prose in these A framework for investors. A long-term reports rather than just technical, legalistic strategy is critical. Investors need a detailed jargon and columns of numbers. understanding of the strategy, as well as Learn from your mistakes. They happen to benchmarks, milestones, and metrics for everyone. Investors want to see a mea culpa and, assessing performance. more important, a clear explanation of the fix.


Restoring Trust In an Era of Change Now is the time to address the world’s complex challenges with solutions based on the long-term good. But first we must rebuild faith in leaders and institutions.

We are in an era of discontinuous change unprecedented in scale and speed. As Klaus Schwab, founder and executive chairman of the World Economic Forum, said, “Whether it’s the global economy, the geopolitical landscape, the environment, or technological breakthroughs, we are in the midst of several transitions occurring simultaneously, and what is more, on an epic scale, all reinforc- ing each other in a web of complex interac- tions.” Such change brings both potential for advancement and societal challenges to be reckoned with: soon we will be able to know exactly what is in every consumer’s refrigera- tor, yet we will not be able to feed the planet. Fracking has made the United States less dependent on energy imports, but it is illegal in much of Europe because of fundamentally different views of environmental risk. Certainly for business, these complex cross- border challenges present opportunities to innovate, for business is fast and flexible in ways that other institutions cannot match. For government, the era of change brings new Richard Edelman is the president and CEO of Edelman, the world’s largest public-relations firm. He has extensive experience in marketing and expectations of leadership to determine the reputation management and has counseled several countries on economic- rules of the game on privacy, food safety, and development programs, including Egypt, Israel, and Mexico. As the creator of pensions. All this should point to an unprec- the annual Edelman Trust Barometer, Edelman has become an authority on trust in business, government, media, and nongovernmental organizations. He edented opportunity to build the institutions holds an MBA from Harvard Business School and a BA from Harvard College. and practices that could contribute to a cul-

12 PERSPECTIVES ON THE LONG TERM ture that takes a truly long-term approach to Trust is no longer earned by quantitative addressing difficult and complex challenges. The timing, however, for business and operational metrics—such as company government alike, is ill fated. In this uncertain profits—but by the values the company and dynamic moment when confidence is or country exhibits through its actions. needed most, both institutions are faced with a cataclysmic loss of trust. The unraveling for business began with the crash of new-economy companies in 2002, some of which were found less than 20 percent of people believe that a to be built on fraudulent accounting. This was CEO or prime minister will tell the truth in followed by the controversial US invasion of a complex or difficult situation. The classic Iraq in 2003, causing trust to waver in govern- pyramid of authority, with elites at the top ment. In 2008, as developed nations fell into and a mass audience at the bottom, has been a severe recession, centerpiece companies in supplemented by passionate consumers con- the global economy such as Citibank, General tributing to the conversation. We note the rise Motors, and Royal Bank of Scotland failed, of nongovernmental organizations (NGOs), prompting huge government bailouts. Finally, the fifth estate in global governance, taking up the botched response by Japan’s largest utility trust lost by business and government. In fact, to the nuclear catastrophe at Fukushima in in China, NGOs now rank highest among all early 2011 underscored the inability of these institutions, trusted by 84 percent of respon- key institutions to work collaboratively and to dents—up from 50 percent five years ago. tell the hard truth to constituents. The second change is the advent of skepti- cism. Today, a person has to see something THE TRUST GAP in three to five different places to believe it, According to the 2014 Edelman Trust and the average informed person has eight Barometer, there is a record gap of 14 points daily sources of information. Horizontal in trust levels between business and govern- peer-to-peer communication based on search ment—with business being more trusted in engines or social networks now coexists with the United States by 20 percentage points and the formerly dominant model of top-down by more than 40 percentage points in coun- vertical communication, which allowed for tries such as Mexico and South Africa. And messages to be controlled and audiences yet what persists is a desire for more regula- sequentially addressed. Online search engines tion of business by government in the sectors are the first place that people go for general experiencing the most rapid innovation; in business information. Simultaneously, the the energy, technology, financial-services, and primary means of spreading knowledge is via food industries, respondents voice that desire the community, for example, through friends by a four-to-one margin. on Facebook. Mainstream media find that the We find ourselves in a new landscape of majority of their digital readers actually come trust, characterized by four central changes. to their sites via search or social media. First, there is an unprecedented dispersion The third shift is that trust is no longer of authority away from traditional sources of earned by quantitative operational metrics— leadership and toward a reliance on academic such as company profits—but by the values experts or friends and family. The least trusted the company or country exhibits through its sources of information are now chief execu- actions. In the period leading up to the Great tive officers and government leaders. In fact, Recession of 2008, companies could achieve


high trust scores by having outstanding finan- A LICENSE TO LEAD cial results, great products and services, and a To build trust in this new landscape—at a well-regarded CEO. Today, financial perfor- time when the effects of discontinuous change mance and CEO reputation are simply table necessitate confidence in institutions—busi- stakes. The new drivers of trust—incidentally, ness must evolve its aspirations. In effect, also the areas in which both business and business must shift from “license to operate” government fall short—are placing customers to “license to lead”—moving from a microeco- and constituents ahead of profit or political nomic, legalistic focus on solving challenges gain, being transparent about how and why of production, delivery, marketing, pricing, decisions are made, paying appropriate levels innovation, and financealone to focusing on of tax, and treating employees well. macroeconomic and societal challenges as The final change is growing populist senti- well. Premised on Professor Michael Porter’s ment. Recently, revulsion in China over a seminal essay on shared value,1 this envis- reported hit-and-run incident involving a ages business enlarging its role beyond the wealthy young man driving an expensive attainment of quarterly earnings, returning car spread quickly on social media, with a to its roots as a societal problem solver and subsequent arrest and conviction. The protest long-term value creator. In effect, business movement Occupy Wall Street effectively must embrace a long-term view of its purpose demonized the wealthiest 1 percent, while and value. Oxfam reported that the wealthiest 85 people As our most recent trust data reveals, more in the world have as much net worth as the than eight in ten adults agree that “companies 3.5 billion poorest citizens. The economist can pursue their own self-interest while also Thomas Piketty’s best-selling book Capital doing good for society.” To fulfill this new role in the Twenty-First Century makes the case and expectation, business must do more than for substantial taxes on income and wealth sell a specific project or product. It must accept on the basis of outsize economic returns on the responsibility of explaining how the project or product fits into a broader policy frame- work and why it benefits the community. It CEOs must take on the new job of chief must provide the larger societal context that is engagement officer, going beyond lacking and that is sought in a world of change. We see this concept brought to life through the transactional nature of business and a number of recent corporate actions. Gap forging relationships that build trust. announced that it would raise salaries beyond minimum wage for its workforce in stores, with the expectation that it would better attract, motivate, and retain the best workers in retail. capital. Our most recent trust study indicates CVS stated that it would ban tobacco and that, by an eight-to-one margin, there is a related products from its stores, maintaining desire for more government taxation of the that selling tobacco ran counter to its purpose wealthy; a concurrent sentiment suggests that and that the customer loyalty and brand equity the wealthy hold too much political power by from the decision would compensate for the a nine-to-one margin. The specific outgrowths $2 billion in lost revenues. Unilever’s Project of this sentiment are the 75 percent marginal Sunlight has moved more than 100 million income-tax rate in France and stringent bonus people to commit to environmentally sup- curbs on bankers in the United Kingdom. portive behavior such as cold-water wash. All

14 PERSPECTIVES ON THE LONG TERM The Occupy movement was a vivid sign of a growing popular distrust of Wall Street.

these actions carried short-term costs but were product or project and then allowing them to undertaken because of the much greater long- speak up. Finally, CEOs must agree up front term benefits that would accrue. to evaluate progress in a public manner. This Under the framework of “license to lead,” depends on having clearly stated objectives CEOs must take on the new job of chief and reporting on progress against them within engagement officer, going beyond the transac- specified time frames, even when objectives tional nature of business and forging relation- have not yet been met. The new normal of ships that build trust. CEOs should begin by transparency via frequent reporting on results participating, reaching out to communities to is the guarantor of public confidence. listen to views that might affect the ultimate CEOs must take on this broader responsi- product. In so doing, they can also work with bility to achieve acceptance by stakeholders NGOs as credible partners who can help to of today’s faster innovation and problem solv- safeguard the public. Next, CEOs must advo- ing. Peggy Noonan of the Wall Street Journal cate, assuming the bully pulpit to champion wrote recently, “Great leaders engender grati- the project. This is the opposite of the usual tude, loyalty, and love. You have to be brave. behavior, which limits CEO participation to You have to stand by your beliefs as long as lobbying elected officials or regulators in the you know you are right; you have to speak and capitals of the world. A key part of this is for write the truth. Explaining what you believe CEOs to recruit their own team, their employ- involves trusting people to hear and con- ees, by educating them on the promise of the sider.” To the bully pulpit business must go. n

1 Mark R. Kramer and Michael E. Porter, “Creating shared value,” Harvard Business Review, January–February 2011, Volume 89, Numbers



Short-Termism And the Threat from Climate Change By not acting now, we’re allowing the future costs of the greenhouse-gas crisis to compound. Eventually, the consequences will be irreversible.

It’s fitting to gatherviews on the long term for a business audience, given the pervasive short-term pressures CEOs are under to dem- onstrate performance. We all know that out- standing companies and real value can only be built over the long term. The challenge for a CEO is to balance the drive for long-term goals with the need to keep the organization strong in the here and now. That job is made even harder because the business community is not the only sphere in which short-termism thrives. Nowhere is it more rampant than in our political system. One of the things I learned in Washington is that it’s very hard to get Congress to do any- thing controversial or difficult unless there’s an immediate crisis.

LEARNING FROM THE FINANCIAL CRISIS Climate change is where short-term thinking and long-term consequences collide for busi-

Henry M. Paulson Jr. is a businessman, China expert, conservationist, nesses and governments alike. Meeting the and author. He is the founder and chairman of the Paulson Institute, which challenge of climate change calls on both to aims to advance sustainable economic growth, a cleaner environment, assess the risks and act before the economic and cross-border investments in the United States and China. Paulson served as secretary of the treasury under President George W. Bush and and environmental consequences of failure before that was chairman and CEO of Goldman Sachs. are irreversible. As someone who has spent a

16 PERSPECTIVES ON THE LONG TERM good deal of time assessing risk and deal- Climate change is where ing with crises, I’m struck by the similarities between the climate crisis and the financial short-term thinking and long-term crisis of 2008. consequences collide for Today, we’re making the same mistakes businesses and governments alike. when it comes to climate change that we made in the lead-up to the financial crisis. We’re building up excesses (debt in 2008; heat-trapping greenhouse-gas emissions the investor and philanthropist Tom Steyer now). Our government policies are flawed to cochair the Risky Business Project. Our (providing incentives for borrowing too much goal was to take a standard risk-management to finance homes then; providing incentives approach to climate change. (See sidebar, for the use of fossil fuels now). “Climate Change in our Lifetime.”) We asked The greenhouse-gas crisis, however, won’t independent researchers to model the specific suddenly manifest itself with a burst, like that consequences of continuing along our current of a financial bubble. Climate change is more emissions pathway for three major indus- subtle and cruel. It’s cumulative. And our tries—agriculture, energy, and real estate. current actions don’t just exacerbate the situ- The results were sobering. The US economy ation—they compound it. Indeed, our failure faces multiple and varied risks from unmiti- to make decisions today to avert climate gated climate change. These are dispro- disaster tomorrow is even more serious than portionately significant in certain regions, our failure to avert the credit crisis in 2008. and they are not all decades in the future: The carbon dioxide and other greenhouse for example, projected changes in sea level, gases that we emit into the atmosphere today combined with changes in hurricane activity, will remain there for centuries, and govern- will likely increase the cost of coastal storms ment will not be able to avert catastrophe at along the East Coast and Gulf of Mexico by the last minute. 11 to 27 percent in 15 years, representing an We’re already feeling the impact. For exam- additional $3 billion to $7 billion in average ple, the higher sea levels off the coast of New annual damage. This has serious implications York City—sea levels that led to a storm surge for developers, insurers, bond raters and issu- that devastated parts of the city during Hur- ers, and local governments in these areas— ricane Sandy—are the result of public- and not to mention current property owners and private-sector decisions made decades ago. businesses located along the coastlines. So what does this mean for businesses In the Midwest region, some states, includ- and investors trying to plan for the future? It ing my home state of Illinois, will likely expe- means that even as we’re spending money to rience significant losses in crop yields for our adapt to the current state of our climate, we’re major commodity crops of corn, soy, wheat, also making decisions today that risk lock- and cotton. Absent major adaptation efforts ing us into long-term consequences that we’ll on the part of farmers and agribusiness, some certainly have to adapt to, at far greater cost, states in the Southeast, lower Great Plains, far into the future. and Midwest risk up to a 50 to 70 percent loss In an effort to better understand these risks in average annual yields for the same crops by and to measure their cost to specific sectors of the end of this century. the US economy, I recently joined with former And for states across the South, hotter New York City mayor Michael Bloomberg and conditions will make outdoor work nearly


impossible for large portions of the summer. another. As my friend and Risky Business Texas, for instance, experienced an average Project cochair Mike Bloomberg likes to say, of 43 days a year with temperatures above 95 “If you can’t measure it, you can’t manage degrees Fahrenheit over the past 30 years. This it.” Well, now we’ve measured. It’s time to number will likely reach up to 80 days over the manage. next 5 to 25 years, nearly doubling, and rise to What does managing climate risk mean more than 100 days a year by midcentury. for the private sector? In the short term, it We took a conservative approach in the includes a significant amount of adaptation. Risky Business Project report, looking only at Businesses need to take steps to shore up the most clearly foreseeable effects of climate their supply chains and physical infrastruc- change. But the data we didn’t consider are ture to guard against disruption from the even more disturbing. Most scientists believe extreme heat and weather events that are that the single biggest tipping point on cli- the hallmark of a changing climate. We’re mate change will come with the melting ice already seeing these adaptive efforts from sheets in the Arctic and Antarctic. companies such as Colgate-Palmolive, which Fewer than ten years ago, scientists pro- reduced its exposure to climate risk by clos- jected that melting Arctic sea ice would result ing, relocating, or strengthening sites that in virtually ice-free Arctic summers by the were increasingly exposed to severe weather end of this century. Now, the ice is melting so conditions as part of a larger restructuring program. Companies are also beginning to make Climate change is not just an issue future infrastructure-investment and siting that poses significant economic risk decisions based on the latest climate sci- ence. Shell, for instance, employs advisers to for businesses; it also poses conduct assessments of future climate-change a huge fiscal risk to the United States. conditions for large new projects in regions such as the Arctic (projecting sea-ice condi- tions for 2030 to 2050), the North Sea (wave conditions for 2010 to 2020), and tropical rapidly that such a result could be a reality in areas (cyclone severity for 2010 to 2030). the next decade or two. While these businesses may be doing More troubling, two new studies reveal better than many governments in dealing that one of the biggest thresholds has already with crisis, there is still much that needs to been crossed. The West Antarctic ice sheet be done. The business community can’t stop has begun to melt, a process that scientists at adaptation. We need to reduce the risk of say may take centuries but that could eventu- future climate events. ally raise sea levels by as much as 14 feet. Individual companies can do some of this. Now that the melting has begun, we can’t For example, utilities can build renewable- undo the underlying dynamics, which scien- energy facilities to meet the power demands tists say are “baked in.” that will come with increasing temperatures rather than defaulting to carbon-based MANAGING CLIMATE RISK energy sources. IN THE PRIVATE SECTOR Disclosing climate risk and actions in Understanding these potential impacts is financial reporting would also sharpen one thing. Seriously planning for them is the focus for management and investors.

18 PERSPECTIVES ON THE LONG TERM This roller coaster in the surf off a New Jersey beach became an iconic image of Hurricane Sandy—and a sign of the destructive force of climate change, which drives rising sea levels and more powerful storms.

An even greater service would be for busi- reasons for the increase in the number and nesses to take a more active role in working severity of natural disasters. To do so jeopar- with government to put in place the kind of dizes our fiscal future, particularly given the long-term, consistent policy framework we severity of climate risk. If we don’t change need to ensure a more sustainable economic course, wide-scale government interventions future. will increasingly add to the national deficit, which will hamper growth and competitive- THINKING LONG TERM ness while siphoning off public dollars that IN THE PUBLIC SECTOR could be spent in other critical areas. Climate change is not just an issue that poses Instead, the federal government should significant economic risk for businesses; it be addressing the fiscal realities of inaction, also poses a huge fiscal risk to the United first by investing in basic research on new States. Government has a responsibility to technologies, which only the public sector can take the long view on this issue—and there is do at a scale commensurate with the magni- every incentive to do so. tude of the problem. Also, government must When natural disasters strike, government put policies in place that let the market direct intervenes, spending billions of taxpayer resources toward smart investments. A price dollars on disaster relief and recovery and on on carbon, for instance, would help unleash shoring up infrastructure to guard against a wave of innovation for new technologies, future events. Indeed, this is the proper role promote efficiencies, and change corporate of government. However, policy makers can and consumer behaviors.

© MEL EVANS VIA CORBIS © MEL EVANS no longer afford to ignore the underlying Unfortunately, politics sometimes stand in


the way of smart decision making. That’s why prompt global action. The climate deal struck it’s incumbent on business leaders, who cre- by President Obama and President Xi in ate jobs and economic opportunities in every 2014 is an important and commendable step district of this country, to stand up and push in this effort. Frankly, continuing to work our policy makers to take action to avert the closely with China may be our only real hope looming climate bubble. for solving the climate crisis. This is one of the areas where our coun- THE GLOBAL CHALLENGE tries’ private sectors, governments, and OF CLIMATE CHANGE nonprofit institutions have a strong shared Of course, climate change is not just interest to work in complementary ways to America’s problem. This is an issue of vast push for action and to develop and deploy proportions, which knows no geographic new technologies on a cost-effective basis in borders, and stemming it requires a global the developing world. The challenge will be full-court press. I believe this must begin the speed with which we can come together with bilateral action between China and the in meaningful ways around a problem of this United States—the world’s largest econo- scale. But the good news is that no nation on mies, energy users, and carbon emitters—to earth innovates better than the United States, demonstrate leadership that will, in turn, and China can roll out and test new clean

Climate Change in our Lifetime

To assess the risks of rising temperatures, changes might be, the Risky Business Project the Risky Business Project relied on analysis mapped the increase in the average number of both high- and low-probability outcomes of days per year with temperatures over and the economic consequences on a regional 95 degrees Fahrenheit across the United States basis, as well as for specific sectors of the over the course of a lifetime for a child born in economy. Those costs included the loss of 1981, assuming our current trajectory. As the property along coastlines due to rising sea heat maps show, such a child could be born levels and increases in hurricane activity, in one climate and die in another that’s quite changes in commodity-crop yields attributable different, without ever moving from the region to temperature and precipitation changes, and (exhibit). increased electricity demand corresponding The Risky Business Project, chaired by to hotter days across much of the continental Michael Bloomberg, Henry Paulson, and Tom United States. The research found additional Steyer, is a partnership dedicated to quantifying costs associated with heat-related mortality and publicizing the economic risks of climate and losses in labor productivity. change. The results of that research can be To illustrate how profound and rapid these found at

20 PERSPECTIVES ON THE LONG TERM Average Days Over 95°F: Projections Mapped Over a Lifetime


Adulthood Retirement 2040 – 2059 2080 – 2099 0 10 20 35 50 75 100 125 150 175 200 250

Heat map key: Average days per year over 95°F 0 1010 2020 3535 5050 7575 100100 125125 150150 175175 200200 250250

0 10 20 35 50 75 100 125 150 175 200 250 On our current path, the US will likely see significantly more days above 95°F each year. Some 0 10 20 35 50 75 100 125 150 175 200 250 regions of the country will be hit far harder by extreme heat than others, and some will experience rising temperatures in terms0 of10 warmer20 35 winters50 rather75 100 than125 unbearable150 175 200 summers.250 But by 0 10 20 35 50 75 100 125 150 175 200 250 the end of this century, the average American will likely see 45 to 96 days per year over 95°F. DATA SOURCE: RHODIUM GROUP; GRAPHIC ORIGINALLY APPEARED IN SOURCE: RHODIUM GROUP; GRAPHIC ORIGINALLY DATA RISKYBUSINESS.ORG. JUNE 2014, PROJECT, BUSINESS THE RISKY


energy technologies on a speed and scale is also taking steps toward pricing greenhouse- like no other. gas emissions. Seven regional pilot carbon Here in the United States it’s frightening, markets have been up and running in major but not surprising, that our business leaders cities since 2013, with the goal of developing and lawmakers far too often either dismiss a model for the country—and a nationwide the topic on political grounds or relegate system could be announced within a year. These are commendable actions, but China has been losing ground from the impact of It’s time for the United States to breakneck growth that has overwhelmed the get its house in order through policies economy at a significant environmental cost. China is the fastest-growing greenhouse-gas to curb and price carbon emissions. emitter, accounting for some 30 percent of all global emissions. So it’s no wonder the country’s leaders have placed high priority on cleaning up its polluted air. Chinese citizens climate change to the back burner to address demand it—as will the rest of the world. issues that seem more immediate. For its part, China’s air quality has reached THE LONG TERM IS NOW a crisis point, and the government has no It’s time for the United States to get its choice but to act. Spend a day in Beijing, which house in order through policies to curb and suffered more than 60 days last year from air price carbon emissions. We must lead, first, pollution that reached hazardous levels and because the stakes are high for our environ- where annual average particulate levels are ment and for our economy. Moreover, when four times the World Health Organization our own house is in order, we are in a better maximum. On especially bad days—those that position to press China and other developing rate as “beyond index,” or off the scale—pollu- countries to take difficult but necessary steps tion can reach 20 times the WHO maximum. to curb this crisis. No wonder China’s leaders feel pressure to act. Given the stakes for our environment and Recognizing the urgency of the problem, for our economy, it’s also time for the busi- Premier Li Keqiang has declared a war on pol- ness community to urge government to enact lution and launched a new plan for economic smart and sustainable policy solutions. After reform to set China on a more sustainable all, politicians listen to the business leaders in environmental path. As a result, we’re seeing their states and districts—in addition to the a noticeable policy shift among the country’s general public that elects them. leaders. We can’t afford to ignore this crisis. It’s For instance, the government has intro- as if we’re watching as we fly slow motion duced new performance indicators for officials toward a giant mountain. We can see the based not only on economic performance crash coming, but we’re sitting on our hands and social stability but also on environmental instead of altering course. management and the quality of growth. China It’s time to turn the wheel. n

22 PERSPECTIVES ON THE LONG TERM Lynn Forester de Rothschild

Capitalism For the Many It’s time to relevel the playing field and extend the benefits of our economic system.

These are not the best of times for capital- ism. We have free and open markets to thank for the rapid growth in incomes and living standards over the last three centuries. Yet in recent decades, capitalism has lost its luster and is no longer viewed as a sure path for the fair distribution of prosperity. Wages for many workers have stagnated, while the for- tunes of the very rich have multiplied. Rising inequality is amplifying social divisions. Unfettered capitalism deserves considerable blame for its role in crises of the past as well as those that are still in the making; for dam- aging shocks to the global financial system; for damage to the natural environment; and for low levels of trust and optimism in our societies. It should come as no surprise, then, that the public is losing faith in capitalists and capitalism. According to the 2014 Edelman Trust Barometer, only 20 percent believe that a CEO will tell the truth in a complex or difficult situation and only 21 percent believe business leaders make ethical and moral deci- sions. According to recent polling, less than Lynn Forester de Rothschild is the CEO of E.L. Rothschild and cofounder of the Coalition for Inclusive Capitalism. She has served as cochair of half of respondents in developed economies FieldFresh, an initiative to develop the agricultural sector in India, and as like Japan and Spain trust free markets. Even president and CEO of FirstMark Holdings. Rothschild is a director of both in America, where red-blooded capitalism is the Estée Lauder Companies and the Economist Newspaper, where she serves on the audit committee. She graduated from Pomona College woven into the very fabric of society, just and earned a law degree from Columbia University. 54 percent have a positive view of capitalism,


according to a 2013 poll.1 While it is not the personal responsibility. Rather than a heart- business of business to solve society’s prob- less, laissez-faire economics, Smith sought a lems, it is dangerous when business is per- market constrained by common values and a ceived as being one of society’s problems. The commitment to shared prosperity. continued erosion of support for capitalism Indeed, until very recently it was taken for could lead to a backlash that, in turn, could granted that business was about more than undermine the ability of market economies the narrow-minded pursuit of profit. For to deliver economic growth and rising living most of the 20th century, the public company standards. was understood to be “a legal entity created Business leaders and investors, alongside by the state for public benefit and run by government, have an obligation, as well as a professional managers seeking to serve not strong self-interest, to reverse these trends. only shareholders but also ‘stakeholders’ and A capitalism that is equitable, sustainable, the public interest . . .”2 In a speech given at and inclusive is one that will persist and the 2014 Conference on Inclusive Capitalism enrich well into the future, and will there- in , former US president Bill Clinton fore maintain the confidence of the public. elaborated on this point. “Forty years ago,” Restoring that sort of capitalism is a primary he noted, “corporate law and practice were goal of the Coalition for Inclusive Capital- taught pretty much the way they had been ism. The coalition is part of a broad move- since the 1930s. That is, corporations, in the ment to reform a misfiring capitalist system; West, at least, were creatures of the state. it is closely aligned with many other global They were given certain legal protections, like efforts, among them “conscious capital- limited liability, in return for which they were ism,” “sustainable capitalism,” “fair capital- supposed to respond to the needs of four con- ism,” and “equitable capitalism.” The aim, stituencies: their customers, their sharehold- however one refers to it, is to save unbridled ers, their employees, and the communities of capitalism from itself. which they were a part.”3 That may seem a dubious premise; “inclu- Martin Wolf, chief economics commenta- sive capitalism” will strike many of capital- tor for the Financial Times, offered similar thoughts. The company, he argued, “ is an institutional mechanism for adding eco- A capitalism that is equitable, nomic value. This is the social function of sustainable, and inclusive is one that will any and all companies, subject to an impor- tant proviso: the company should not add persist and enrich well into the future. value by inflicting negative externalities, such as environmental degradation. Soci- ety has given the corporate form important privileges. In return, society has a right to ism’s critics as oxymoronic. Yet to Adam expect obedience to the law and a measure Smith it would have been a redundancy. of decency: even if it is not illegal, dumping Smith, the father of modern economics, saw toxic waste or rigging one’s affairs so as to the “wealth of nations” as closely linked to the pay minimal taxes to the jurisdictions that wealth of individuals. A market system could provide the environment within which the provide a comfortable life for most of society, company can generate its profits is indecent. he believed. But a sensible capitalist system It is freeloading.”4 would balance personal opportunity with In the hands of my generation, this bargain

24 PERSPECTIVES ON THE LONG TERM struck between business and society has bro- members use a time horizon of fewer than ken down. In its place has grown the dogma three years in setting strategy, 73 percent say of shareholder primacy. Milton Friedman, that they should use a time horizon of more the Nobel Prize–winning economist and than three years. Ever-shorter equity-hold- intellectual leader of the deregulatory evan- ing periods add to the pressure for short- gelists of the 1970s, may have captured—and term results. The New York Stock Exchange propagated—the sentiment best. The “one reckons the average holding period for and only social responsibility of business” is, equities fell from about eight years in 1960 to he famously reckoned, “to use its resources just six months in 2010. Many shareholders and engage in activities designed to increase want little more than a quick bump in share its profits.”5 In the decades since, this view—that firms do best when they focus exclusively on build- The bargain struck between business ing the bottom line—has dominated corpo- and society has broken down. rate boardrooms, with predictable results. Since the 1980s, middle-class wage earners In its place has grown the dogma of have enjoyed ever less benefit from overall shareholder primacy. economic growth. The Economist recently showed that during Ronald Reagan’s first six years in office, GDP grew 22 percent, while median income grew 6 percent. prices, and firms are listening. The interests Under Bill Clinton, there was a correla- of other stakeholders have been pushed tion between overall economic growth and almost completely off the agenda. income increases for the middle class: GDP The Coalition for Inclusive Capitalism is was up by 24 percent and median income determined to work to reverse these trends. grew by 11 percent. For George W. Bush, by The best way to begin is to identify tangible contrast, GDP growth was 16 percent while actions firms, investors, and governments can median income declined by 2 percent. And take to change their behavior and strengthen in Barack Obama’s first six years, GDP has business while also contributing to renewed risen 8 percent but median income has fallen public trust in the markets. a further 4 percent. Although other factors Although there will be challenges and have no doubt contributed to this perfor- some difficult trade-offs in this effort, there mance, a changing corporate culture has are several areas where the reforms will be surely encouraged the soaring inequality we win-win for all the stakeholders in capital- now observe. ism. There are strong and practical, if often An intense focus on short-term profit has overlooked, benefits to shareholders from led not only to unequal growth in incomes investing in companies that operate sustain- but also to reduced emphasis on training, ably and for the long term. Short-termism research and development, and environmen- will often come back to haunt a company; tal sustainability. According to research by inadequate training, for example, may leave McKinsey, 55 percent of chief financial offi- a firm short of skilled workers, while a single cers will reject an investment with an esti- environmental disaster can cost a company mated positive return if it means missing the billions. What’s more, doing good can mean next quarter’s earnings targets. And while doing well. In a recent review of the 190 44 percent of C-suite executives and board highest-quality academic studies, industry


reports, newspaper articles, and books on resource can be fixed. Educational, vocation- the impact of integrating sustainability al, operational, and apprenticeship programs criteria (broadly defined as measurements could refresh the supply of skilled workers of environmental, social, and governance corporations need and mitigate unemploy- impact) into company investment decisions, ment and inequality. The German economy 90 percent show that the cost of capital is has retained a globally competitive high-tech lower for companies with sound sustain- manufacturing industry thanks in large part ability standards, 88 percent demonstrate to its apprenticeship system. Tellingly, the that solid sustainability practices result in European countries with robust apprentice- better operational performance for firms, ship programs are among the Organisation and 80 percent conclude that strong sus- for Economic Co-operation and Develop- tainability practices yield improved stock ment countries with the lowest rates of youth performance.6 unemployment.8 To see how firms can protect their own This is not an issue business should viability while doing right by society, consider fob off on government. Encouragingly, a the economy’s need for appropriately skilled few pioneering companies are taking the workers. Writing in Bloomberg Businessweek initiative, designing and implementing effective apprenticeship programs of their own. The task of finding qualified workers for advanced manufacturing plants is often Educational, vocational, operational, hindered by the extremely low number of and apprenticeship programs applicants who can pass a test requiring could refresh the supply of skilled sixth-grade reading and math skills. In an effort to address this problem, the American workers corporations need and mitigate subsidiary of Siemens moved to import a unemployment and inequality. German-style apprenticeship program. In its Charlotte, North Carolina, plant, dozens of workers have gone through a targeted course at a local community college. Participants in 2010, Andy Grove, former CEO of Intel, go to school part time while working, and lamented the loss of American manufac- emerge with a two-year degree, applicable turing jobs to foreign economies. The job skills, and a guaranteed job with Siemens— loss itself was a concern: “What kind of a all without incurring any debt. society are we going to have if it consists of In response to Siemens’s apprenticeship highly paid people doing high-value-added program (as well as similar ones offered by work—and masses of unemployed?” Yet just Alcoa and Dow Chemical), the US Depart- as worrying to Grove was the disappearance ment of Labor is launching the $100 million of accumulated knowledge within manu- American Apprenticeships Grant competi- facturing hubs. “Not only did we lose an tion, which was designed to encourage experi- untold number of jobs,” he wrote, “we broke mentation with new models of apprenticeship the chain of experience that is so important and training.9 Alcoa, Dow Chemical, and in technological evolution . . . abandoning Siemens, meanwhile, have built on their own today's ‘commodity’ manufacturing can lock successful experiences, developing a “how- you out of tomorrow's emerging industry.”7 to” guide for other employers looking to use The unfortunate loss of this knowledge apprenticeship as a training strategy.

26 PERSPECTIVES ON THE LONG TERM As the White House noted in its announce- If capitalism is to have a bright ment of the grant competition, this is an future, it must once again become example of industry leading the way.10 I hope other companies will follow. If busi- truly inclusive. ness and government can cooperate to expand these sorts of initiatives, firms will begin to benefit from economies of scale, with reduced costs encouraging the entry system that has become too beneficial to too of yet more firms that can adopt the best few, but it is an example of how companies, practices identified by early movers. The investors, and communities can all benefit expansion of these initiatives can also alter through determined, coordinated action. vocational training’s perceived lower status Capitalism has brought the world levels of and legitimize it as a respected alternative wealth, prosperity, opportunity, and innova- track for students who are not interested tion that no other economic system has come in pursuing a four-year degree. The end close to matching. Those of us in positions of point can and should be a better-trained responsibility within the capitalist system, workforce, reduced unemployment, and a who have reaped so much from our compa- more competitive industrial sector. These nies and our markets, are obliged to help put efforts to incorporate apprenticeship into the that system on a sounder footing so that it American economy provide just a glimpse of can once again generate long-term and wide- what could be accomplished with a change of spread prosperity. If capitalism is to have focus across corporate America. This effort a bright future, it must once again become will not solve all of the issues in a capitalist truly inclusive. n

1 “All it needs is love,” Economist, November 15, 2014, 2 Lynn Stout, The Shareholder Value Myth: How Putting Shareholders First Harms Investors, Corporations, and the Public, first edition, San Francisco, CA: Berrett-Koehler Publishers, 2012. 3 President Bill Clinton, keynote address, Conference on Inclusive Capitalism, London, May 27, 2014, conferenceoninclusivecapitalism2014 .com. 4 Making Capitalism More Inclusive: Selected Speeches and Essays from Participants at the Conference on Inclusive Capitalism, Diana Carney and Chrystia Freeland, eds., first edition, London, United Kingdom: Coalition for Inclusive Capitalism, July 2014. 5 Milton Friedman, Capitalism and Freedom: Fortieth Anniversary Edition, third edition, Chicago, IL: University of Chicago Press, 2002. 6 Gordon Clark, Andreas Feiner, and Michael Viehs, From the Stockholder to the Stakeholder: How Sustainability Can Drive Financial Outperformance, Smith School of Enterprise and the Environment, University of Oxford and Arabesque Asset Management, September 2014, 7 Andy Grove, “How America can create jobs,” Bloomberg Businessweek, July 1, 2010, 8 Hilary Steedman, “Apprenticeship: Remaking an old idea for a new era,”, 2012. 9 “President Obama announces new actions to further strengthen US manufacturing,” Office of the Press Secretary, the White House, October 27, 2014, 10 “President Obama announces new actions to further strengthen US manufacturing.”


The news raised more than a few eyebrows when it broke in the spring of 2014. Toyota Motor, long renowned as a pioneer in manu- The facturing technology, had begun replacing some of its robots with human beings. The initiative began at the company’s oldest factory, the Honsha Plant in Japan, where Human responsibility for making crankshafts was transferred from robotic machinery back to people. Eschewing automation, the new work- ers were producing the critical engine parts Advantage the old-fashioned way, by using traditional hand tools to shape hot steel. The program Computers can do a lot. has since spread to more factories and more But only people can think deeply production processes. and take the long view. The renewed stress on manual labor is part of a back-to-basics movement at Toyota, an initiative spearheaded by its president, Akio Toyoda. A grandson of the company’s legendary founder, Kiichiro Toyoda, Akio has committed himself to nurturing crafts- manship in his organization, with the hope of reinvigorating the automaker’s heritage of outstanding quality and productivity. His motivation lies not in any nostalgia for the past but in a hardheaded assessment of the present and future. Having had to recall mil- lions of vehicles in recent years, Toyota has learned a painful lesson about the drawbacks of relying too heavily on computer-controlled machinery. It has come to realize that robots, however fast and precise they may be, can’t match the talents or replicate the insights of human experts. Machines excel at performing the same function repeatedly, but they can’t think critically or creatively about what they’re doing. It takes skilled and experienced arti- sans to discern subtle problems in a manu- facturing process or to imagine new and Nicholas Carr writes on technology, business, and culture. His books include The Glass Cage: Automation and Us; The Shallows: What the Internet Is Doing better ways of getting a job done. “We cannot to Our Brains; The Big Switch: Rewiring the World from Edison to Google; simply depend on the machines that only and Does IT Matter? Information Technology and the Corrosion of Competitive repeat the same task over and over again,” Advantage. He is a contributor to many periodicals, including the Atlantic, Financial Times, New York Times, Wall Street Journal, and Wired. Carr was Mitsuru Kawai, the veteran Toyota executive formerly executive editor of the Harvard Business Review. who is overseeing the craftsmanship push,

28 PERSPECTIVES ON THE LONG TERM told Bloomberg News. “To be the master of Robots, however fast and precise the machine, you have to have the knowl- edge and the skills to teach the machine.” they may be, can’t match the talents or Nurturing human expertise takes time and replicate the insights of human experts. money, of course. But Toyota has decided that sacrificing some efficiency and income in the short run is the best way to secure its long-term success. problems, develop complex talents, and take the long view. And those costs could turn out THE HIGH COST OF COMPUTERIZATION to be steep. A decreasing ability to grapple Toyota’s decision to back away, at least a with complex problems requiring a long-term step or two, from computers goes against the strategy could exact a very high toll in the grain of contemporary management practice. future—far higher than the cost of addressing Indeed, it goes against the grain of social them now. trends in general. For decades now, society Because the costs of our reliance on com- has been in thrall to labor-saving informa- puterization are fuzzy and elusive, while the tion technology. As software has become benefits are so clear cut, we have tended to more adept, computers more convenient, underestimate the dangers. As a result, we and digital networks quicker and more haven’t been good at negotiating the trade- encompassing, we have, as organizations and offs inherent in handing off to software appli- individuals, ceded ever more responsibility cations and software-controlled machinery for our work and our lives to apps and algo- the tasks that we used to perform ourselves. rithms. It’s not hard to understand why. The Our bias has been to accept every new offer benefits of computerization are usually quick that our ingenious programmers present to to materialize, easy to recognize, and fairly us, grabbing the immediate gains with little simple to measure. As individuals, we gain regard to the longer-term losses. immediate access to information that used to This tendency is not limited to production be hard to come by, we get things done with processes. For those of us whose jobs aren’t greater ease, and we’re able to communi- threatened by industrial robots, it’s most cate with friends and colleagues much more apparent in our ever-growing dependency on quickly than before. Businesses, for their the Internet as a medium for communication. part, gain a clearer view into the workings of In a speech delivered back in 1969, when the supply chains and the behavior of markets, Net was in its infancy, the social scientist and and they’re often able to trim labor costs and future Nobel laureate Herbert Simon posited boost productivity by automating industrial that a glut of information would produce a and managerial processes. The computer has dearth of attention. Since then, psychologists become our all-purpose quick fix. It allows and neuroscientists have learned a great deal us to solve many small, immediate problems about how our brains respond to distractions, efficiently. interruptions, and incessant multitasking. The costs of computerization are harder to What they’ve discovered proves how right discern. They emerge slowly and resist easy Simon was—and underscores why we should quantification. They manifest themselves be worried about the new digital environ- in a slow erosion of human talent, insight, ment we’ve created for ourselves. When it and creativity and a subtle deterioration comes to thinking, we’re trading depth for in people’s ability to concentrate on hard breadth. We’re so focused on the immediate


that we’re losing the ability to think more way that smartphones, tablets, and other deeply about the long-term implications of Net-connected computers seize our attention complex problems. only to scatter it. And decades of more general One of the most compelling studies of the research into the toll taken by distraction and effects of digital media on our minds was con- multitasking confirm that people become less ducted at Stanford University and published thoughtful when they’re bombarded by mes- in the Proceedings of the National Acad- sages and other bits of data. Russell Poldrack, emy of Sciences in 2009. The researchers who runs a laboratory for cognitive research recruited a group of college students, half of at Stanford, is a leading expert on the mental whom spent a lot of time gathering informa- impact of interruptions. His research, he tion in different forms online (“heavy media says, indicates that people have a significantly multitaskers”) and half of whom spent much harder time grasping facts and concepts less time dividing their attention between when they’re juggling distractions. They learn different streams of information (“light media less and remember less, and their thinking multitaskers”). They gave the subjects a series becomes shallower. Other studies indicate of standard tests of cognitive function. The that an inability to concentrate on one prob- lem or idea over an extended period impedes the most profound forms of creativity, the An inability to concentrate on ones that lead to counterintuitive insights and one problem or idea over an extended momentous breakthroughs. Contrary to common assumptions, the period impedes the most profound problem doesn’t go away as people gain expe- forms of creativity, the ones that lead rience in using the web and related online to counterintuitive insights tools. David Meyer, a University of Michi- and momentous breakthroughs. gan neuroscientist who is a top authority on multitasking, warns that it’s a mistake to believe that people can learn to multitask suc- cessfully. No matter how much you practice shifting your focus from one thing to another, heavy multitaskers did worse on all of them. he says, you’ll never perform as well as you They had a harder time maintaining their would have had “you just focused on one concentration, resisting distractions, and in thing at a time.” As we adapt ourselves to the general controlling their thoughts. They were stimulations and interruptions of our digital scatterbrained. In one of the most revealing environment, we’re simply training ourselves and disturbing of the tests, the heavy multi- “to be skillful at a superficial level.” taskers exhibited significantly less ability Patricia Greenfield, a developmental to distinguish important information from psychologist at the University of California, trivia. Their attention simply gravitated to Los Angeles, has spent much of her career the latest stimulus. The new crowded out the examining the effects of technology on think- vital. They were, as one of the researchers put ing and learning. Her work underscores how, it, “suckers for irrelevancy.” as she puts it, “every medium develops some cognitive skills at the expense of others.” Our THE ALLURE OF THE TRIVIAL use of computers has given us “new strengths The findings shouldn’t come as a surprise. in visual-spatial intelligence.” We’re better Most of us have firsthand experience of the able to keep track of lots of visual stimuli

30 PERSPECTIVES ON THE LONG TERM simultaneously, for instance. But what we lose is our ability to engage in the kind of “deep processing” that underpins “mindful knowledge acquisition, inductive analysis, critical thinking, imagination, and reflection.” No one interested in the future of human intellect and skill will find much to celebrate in that trade-off. Why would we allow ourselves to become so reliant on a technology that ends up hampering our thinking and foreclosing our opportunities to excel? One reason appears to be biological. Experiments suggest that we have a deep, primitive inclination toward dis- traction. We want to know everything going on around us, a trait that probably helped keep us alive when we lived in the wilds. The very act of seeking out new information has been found to trigger the release of the pleasure-producing chemical dopamine in our brains. We’re rewarded, in other words, for hunting and gathering data, even if the data are trivial, and so we become compulsive HUMANS IN THE AUTOMATION AGE Is our in checking the networked gadgets we carry Microchips are not going to slow down. Soft- ever-increasing reliance on around with us all day. ware is not going to stagnate. We’re at the technology But it’s not just biology. It’s also society. dawn of a new era in automation. Thanks to leading to shorter Businesses and other organizations have advances in robotics, machine learning, and attention spans and diminished been complicit in encouraging shallow and predictive analytics, computers are becom- creativity? distracted thinking. Tacitly or explicitly, ing adept at jobs requiring sophisticated executives and managers send signals that psychomotor and cognitive skills—tasks that they expect employees to be constantly con- until recently we assumed would remain the nected, constantly monitoring streams of exclusive preserve of human beings. Com- messages and other information. As a result, puters are flying planes and driving cars. people come to fear that disconnecting, They’re making medical diagnoses, pricing even briefly, may damage their careers, not and trading complex financial instruments, to mention their social lives. Organizations plotting legal strategies, and running mar- gain the benefits of rapid communication keting campaigns. All around us, computers and swift exchanges of data. But what they are making judgments and decisions on our sacrifice are the deepest forms of analytical behalf. and critical thinking—the kinds of thinking There has been much discussion about that require a calm, attentive mind. The most the effects of rampant automation on the important work can’t be done, or at least economy and on the labor market in particu- can’t be done well, in a state of distracted- lar. There has been much less attention paid ness, and yet that’s the state that companies to its effects on human talent and motivation.

© SALLY ANSCOMBE VIA GETTY IMAGES ANSCOMBE © SALLY today have come to promote. But what decades of human-factors research


tells us is that when computers and other self-defeating yearning for convenience. machines take challenging tasks away from Donald Norman, a cognitive scientist who us, we turn into observers rather than actors. has written extensively about the inter- Distanced from our work, we lose our focus actions between people and computers, and become even more susceptible to distrac- believes that we have taken a wrongheaded tion. And that ends up dulling our existing approach to designing technology, one that skills and hampering our ability to learn new puts the interests of machines ahead of our ones. If you’ve ever gotten lost while following own. “Society,” he says, “has unwittingly fallen into a machine-centered orientation to life, one that emphasizes the needs of tech- Software can do only what it’s told. nology over those of people, thereby forcing Human beings, blessed with imagination people into a supporting role, one for which we are most unsuited.” The dominant design and foresight, can do the unexpected. ethic, which now underpins many business strategies and investments, “emphasizes tasks and activities that we should not be performing and ignores our primary skills the step-by-step directions of a GPS device, and attributes—activities that are done you’ve had a small lesson in the way that poorly, if at all, by machines.” computer automation erodes our awareness The problem lies not in our computers but of our surroundings and dulls our perceptions in ourselves. Technology may determine how and talents. we work, but we determine how technol- If computers were able to do everything ogy works. If we are to navigate the age of that people can do, this might not be such a automation successfully, we need to change problem. But, as Toyota has discovered, the the way we design our software and our speed and precision of computers mask their systems. We need to look to computers not fundamental mindlessness. Software can do as our replacements but as our assistants, only what it’s told. Human beings, blessed as tools that help us develop and deploy our with imagination and foresight, can do the unique talents—and that free us to apply unexpected. We can think and act creatively, those talents to the most important chal- and we can conceive of a future that is differ- lenges, instead of the most ephemeral. We ent from and better than the present. But we need, as well, to create the organizational can only fulfill our potential if we’re engaged and social conditions that allow people to in the kind of difficult and subtle work that devote the time and mental energy required builds talents and generates insights. Unfor- to think through those challenges without tunately, that’s exactly the kind of work that incessant interruptions. If we don’t change software programmers have been taking our approach to technology, we’ll end away from us in order to deliver short-term up creating a world better fit for robots than efficiency gains and indulge our sometimes for people. n



Long-Term Visions Cut Short NITIN NOHRIA...... 36

Solving Problems That Matter PAUL POLMAN...... 42

Generational Thinking At Cargill WHITNEY MACMILLAN AND GREG PAGE...... 48

Long-Term Planning In a Volatile Environment CHANDA KOCHHAR...... 53

Business and Society In the Coming Decades KATHLEEN MCLAUGHLIN AND DOUG MCMILLON...... 57


A decade ago, I joined my Harvard Business School colleagues Bill George, Jay Lorsch, and Michael Porter, to teach in a workshop for Long-Term new CEOs. Twice each year we welcome about ten new chief executive officers for two days of discussion and reflection. We begin each workshop with the same assignment, asking Visions each CEO to prepare and deliver the speech they hope to give as they are stepping down from the job in the future. It’s an enlightening exercise. The average age Cut Short of the group is 50, and in almost every speech, they’re looking back on a tenure that’s lasted Most business leaders want to focus about 10 years. In most cases, by the time of on the long-term, but first they the imagined speech, the company’s revenue must confront the psychological forces has doubled. So has its market capitalization. that can foil that aspiration. The company has become far more global. Its products and services are stronger and custom- ers happier. The company culture is more engaging. And the CEO has just chosen a fabu- lous successor who was groomed internally. After they enumerate these accomplish- ments, the new CEOs typically then reflect on the current problems they face. And they begin to talk about the immediate steps they are taking to address them. What this exercise reveals is that every CEO has aspirational long-term goals. They all want to make their companies better and stronger in the long term. Yet when it comes to priori- ties and plans of action, few have headlights that can shine further than two or three years. So while every CEO talks about managing for the long term, the reality is that the crush of immediate concerns and the uncertainty of the future lead them to focus on the short term. This tension between long-term intention and short-term action is one of the great chal- lenges of modern management. These CEOs are smart and accomplished and have great Nitin Nohria is the dean of Harvard Business School, where he has been a faculty member since 1988. His academic interests include the theory and integrity. They are genuinely committed to practice of leadership and the study of human motivation. Nohria has the long-term health of their company. But cowritten or coedited 16 books, including Handbook of Leadership Theory their actions are more often focused on the and Practice (coedited with Rakesh Khurana). He received a BTech. from the Indian Institute of Technology and a PhD in management from the short-to-medium term. Massachusetts Institute of Technology’s Sloan School of Management. To explain the discrepancy, many observers

36 PERSPECTIVES ON THE LONG TERM point to external forces, such as pressure from Leaders can find the certainty of Wall Street analysts, institutional sharehold- short-term actions and their immediate ers, or activist investors. It’s become almost customary for CEOs to accuse capital markets payoffs more alluring than the of creating undue pressure; it’s the scourge uncertainty of long-term actions and of meeting quarterly earnings expectations, their harder-to-quantify payoffs. they argue, that prevents them from creating long-term economic and shareholder value. Or it’s the structure of incentives for both CEOs and financial-market participants that tive for education, but the threat proved to make short-term results more alluring than be much more benign. Who is to say that the long-term gains. current technological threat will not turn out I believe there is an equally important— to be equally overhyped? When the prevailing and less explored—set of internal forces that tailwinds are still carrying you forward, it is contribute to this myopia. Three forces that hard to know when you might confront a stall I consider most important are the cogni- or strong headwinds. It is easier to predict the tive asymmetry between the uncertainty of future when it has already occurred. long-term actions and the certainty of short- In contrast to the uncertainties of the long term actions; the need to maintain ongoing term, the certainty of the short term feels credibility to continue to enjoy the license to comforting. Cuts in research and develop- lead; and the desire to leave a legacy with the ment that have shown so little yield for so knowledge that it is difficult to do so. long, or in leadership-development programs Let’s examine each of these three forces that don’t have a clear return on investment, in turn. or in sustainability programs that don’t trans- late into immediate customer sales are tempt- LEADERS NEED CERTAINTY ing because they can immediately improve (Which Can Be Easier To Find profitability and may even be applauded as In The Short-Term) a willingness to make tough calls. Even an By definition, long-term actions are inher- expensive acquisition may seem a surer way ently more uncertain than short-term actions. to boost growth than an uncertain long-term Investments that have a long gestation period program of organic growth into adjacent are intrinsically risky. It is hard to know when, markets. To return to the example of busi- whether, and to what extent a major invest- ness schools (since it is what I know best), ment in a new drug-discovery project, a renew- rather than make a significant investment in able source of energy, or a new cadre of young anticipation of an industry shift, such as an high-potential leaders will pay off. It is equally unproven new educational technology, it may hard to predict exactly when an industry struc- appear more prudent to invest in the things ture will be upturned or when a new technol- that will more surely improve student yield ogy will truly be disruptive. In my own field, in the short term, such as increasing financial many argue, for example, that the structure of aid or better student housing. higher education is bound to change and that Leaders can find the certainty of short-term online educational technologies will be a huge- actions and their immediate payoffs more ly disruptive force. But the same arguments alluring than the uncertainty of long-term were made when radio and television emerged. actions and their harder-to-quantify payoffs These, too, were seen as fundamentally disrup- because in the end they, like the rest of us,


are simply human. Research in psychology LEADERS NEED FOLLOWERS has repeatedly shown that the majority of (Who May Have Shorter human beings will prefer the certainty of a Time Horizons) smaller immediate reward over a larger future A second important psychological mechanism reward. Most people, for example, will choose leaders must confront is that their self-con- a $100 reward that they can take home today fidence in their leadership depends on the over a $200 reward they can get a year from extent to which they feel supported by the con- now, even when they understand that it would stituencies that must defer to their authority— take a ridiculously high discount rate to make and that confer upon them the legitimacy to the $200 choice inferior. lead. Put simply, if the employees in your orga- This pattern of so-called hyperbolic dis- nization lose faith in you, it is hard to exercise counting is something everyone is susceptible leadership. It takes divine force to hold people to. Evolutionary psychologists argue that this together through many years of suffering in short-term tendency was favored by natural the desert before they reach the promised land. selection when resources were scarce, and And, as even Moses discovered, that can be a people who could find and eat food in the period of profound doubt, resulting in a tenu- ous hold on the mantle of leadership. There are compelling examples of this pres- sure, both in politics and in business. In the A psychological mechanism leaders United States, presidents feel obliged to think must confront is that their self-confidence about their agenda for the “first 100 days” of depends on the extent to which they their administration, and to document real feel supported by the constituencies that achievements during this window to bolster and maintain credibility—even though, unlike must defer to their authority. business leaders, they are allotted a prede- termined four-year term in office in which to reach their goals. One could argue that this pressure is even worse for members of the short term were more likely to survive than House of Representatives, who face election those willing to wait for the long term. It may every two years; the conventional wisdom is also explain why, as a wide variety of food has that politicians in those jobs are enmeshed in become readily available and easier to prepare, a continual campaign for office, which is why human beings have tended to become more it’s so difficult to implement legislation that obese. We have to fight our natural tendency to achieves long-term changes. In 1957, John F. consume food that is tempting in the immedi- Kennedy won a Pulitzer Prize for Profiles in ate term. Indeed, evolution makes highly calor- Courage, a collection of biographies of eight ic food seem even more tasty and tempting US senators who took actions that went against than healthier, less caloric foods. For business, the wishes of their party and the people who the analogy to food is not so remote. As the elected them—acts that put the long-term con- number of short-term options for increasing siderations of their country above the short- performance has increased (be it through more term needs of their political careers. Even sophisticated tools for financial engineering though the book is now more than 50 years or business-process reengineering), it has old, it’s telling that most of the figures profiled become more tempting for business leaders to served during the 19th century; today, it’s hard embrace these short-term actions. to imagine politicians making such choices.

38 PERSPECTIVES ON THE LONG TERM © MATT SLOCUM VIA CORBIS doesn’t work out you still get to run the entire to runthe get still doesn’t workoutyou “I know you’rethinkinglongterm,butifthis division, balked. start-up she to runningthe main business into moving fromthe executive the to cajole short-term results.Ashetried venture’s new the about worrying excessively him tostop years ofhistenuretoallow few had gained enough credibility over the first CEO business. In this case,the risky new launch a company tohelp of the business core the visible roleleading leave ahighly had askedherto CEO at acompanywhose an executive with spoke I recently followers. leaders’ own from the term gainscomes him? tofollow others’ willingness and chip awayathiscredibility term results in short- inevitable decline the Penney, would bets? Or, long-term likeRonJohnsonatJ.C. him orher tomakesuchbold, allow would inspire enough confidence that constituents Amazon in2015 nonfounder whoentered a question: Could the begs But hisexample as Amazon’s record andhisstatusfounder. on his20-yeartrack many investors)based earned the confidence of employees (and smartphones. UnlikeJohnson, Bezos has services, streamingvideo, and as cloud such lines ofbusiness, into new reinvestment of large quarterly earningsbecause meager shows company continually the during which run atAmazon, had aremarkablysuccessful that ofJeffBezos,whohas with experience in hisresignation. Contrasthis which resulted company, the inside many ofhisemployees only withinvestorsanddirectorsbutalso credibility, not so dismalthatJohnson lost were short-term results the worked because have would strategy to knowifthe impossible layouts. It’s and store its pricingstrategy tious, long-termplantodramaticallyrevamp an ambi- to runJ.C. Penney,hecreated Ron Johnsonwastapped executive Apple the ing two very different business leaders. When Sometimes the pressure to rackshort- up pressure the Sometimes fac- pressures the roles with Compare these leaders to be more oriented to the short term. to the more oriented to be leaders that canpush pressure and psychological along isanother formofsocial bring others to and goals.Theneed short-term interests who mayhavemore of others on thesupport can depend to lead to continue license the wins toadvanceintheircareers. short-term to post need they whom believe win the confidence of employees, many of if hecannot can behampered focus long-term a with of howevenaleader it’s anexample leap, but to takethe executive convinced the ahead in my career.” Ultimately, the CEO years tomove or three next two board inthe on the points to put like Ineed position—I feel organization,” she said. “I’m in a different ment of his or her accomplishments will be will ment ofhisorheraccomplishments assess long-term fact thatthe in the solace politics, a leader who leaves office can take for historians. In interest limited and holds span from ashortattention suffers business in management,because issue an interesting Legacy is for alegacy. ments istheirdesire on short-termaccomplish- to focus CEOs that drives I see issue The thirdpsychological (But It’s Easier To BeForgotten) LEADERS NEEDALEGACY Whether it's politicians or business leaders, PERSPECTIVES ONTHELONG TERM 39 - disruptors. potential to ignore such the tendency must resist the longterm Leaders for is preparing. one thisprofessor online, like the may bedelivered more lectures of thefuture, In theclassroom


In business, unlike in political or to want to have done something that’s already national histories, even monumental established their legacy—otherwise, they are unlikely to get any credit for it. achievements can be quickly forgotten. These internal, psychological forces that drive CEOs to favor the short term over the long term have at least one similarity with the external, capital-market forces that are refined over decades (or even centuries), and usually described as the primary driver of that leaders who are held in low regard when short-termism: they’re a set of forces that are they leave office can sometimes see their extremely difficult to counteract. But they are reputations burnished over long periods of worth keeping in mind as we diagnose the historical reevaluation. In the United States, causes of the growing managerial myopia. Harry S. Truman and George H.W. Bush are Managerial time horizons are certainly influ- two leaders who’ve experienced this. enced by incentives and compensation, by the In business, this reexamination of legacy loud criticism of activists, and by the real pain rarely happens. Convention, corporate- (or anticipated pain) that occurs when a com- governance rules, and best practice compel pany misses earnings and its stock slides. But leaders to completely exit the stage when there are quieter, less celebrated, more psycho- they leave office (it’s become uncommon logical forces at work here as well—and trying for outgoing CEOs to retain a board seat, to better understand them can be a useful step for instance). Once they do, they are quickly in trying to design smart counterweights. forgotten. While writers do compile histo- ries of a few iconic business leaders (such as FIRST STEPS FOR Walter Isaacson’s biography of Steve Jobs), LONG-TERM LEADERSHIP this is unusual. Stop and think for a moment I’m afraid I’m going to be long on diagnos- how many CEOs you can recall from the 1970s ing the problem and short on recommend- or 1980s. Last year I had planned to refer to ing a solution. But let me offer two parting Lee Iacocca in my commencement address to thoughts that I hope will stimulate further graduating students, but someone who read thinking about counterweights to the forces a draft of my remarks warned me that today, that lead to short-term behavior. Neither of more than 20 years after Iacocca’s retirement, these thoughts is original; they are both bor- many MBA students may have no idea who rowed from people I admire for their wisdom Iacocca is. In business, unlike in political or and long-term perspective. national histories, even monumental achieve- The first is from Jim Champy, author of ments can be quickly forgotten. Reengineering the Corporation and a wonder- Against this backdrop of the difficulty of ful adviser to many business leaders. He makes leaving a lasting legacy, it’s only natural for the distinction between thinking left to right business leaders to want to manage in a way (which most business leaders do) and think- that allows them to enjoy the fruits of their ing right to left (which he argues can be more efforts during their time in the job—and to productive). What the distinction means is that make decisions that make the company suc- even though most leaders have an end goal cessful now, while they’re leading it, instead in mind, they start by focusing on immediate of tomorrow, when hardly anyone remembers issues and then think about how to get from that they ever led it. By the time CEOs deliver here to there (left to right). Jim recommends their retirement speeches, it’s natural for them instead that leaders think more carefully about

40 PERSPECTIVES ON THE LONG TERM what would have to be true to accomplish their Review. When asked about other CEOs he long-terms goals, and then think backward admires, he offered a list of people he charac- about what they need to begin doing today to terized using a nautical metaphor: that they are realize this goal (right to left). For example, “deep keeled.” By that, he meant leaders who one way to try to double revenues in ten years have a strong inner directedness that allows would be to focus on the current business and them to stay sure and steady, even as they are determine how to grow it aggressively (left to buffeted by daily external events. I think deep- right). Another way is to recognize that achiev- keeled people are akin to those who have been ing this goal will require the company to build described as having a clear moral compass, a new or adjacent business about half the size which helps them, as Bill George puts it, to of the current business (because the existing stay focused on true north. It is certainly easier business simply does not have enough head- to stay focused on the long term if you have a room to double, even if it grows faster than the deep sense of purpose and an abiding set of competition). This realization, which comes deeply held values. Leaders with a deep keel from disciplined right-to-left thinking, gives a can help those in the boat not get too caught leader the insight to focus not just on growing up in the storm; they can ensure that the crew the existing business today but also on invest- stays focused on sailing to a safe destination. ing in building a new one. Rather than let other people’s anxieties take To bring this idea home to our situation over, they calm those around them through in business education, when I became dean, my initial focus was primarily on strengthen- ing our 100-year-old MBA program. I didn’t It is certainly easier to stay focused pay much attention to online education, even on the long term if you have a though I was asked about this potential threat many times. But after listening to a talk by deep sense of purpose and an abiding Anant Agarwal, founder of edX, I remembered set of deeply held values. Jim Champy’s advice and asked myself: What’s your best guess of how significant online education will be in higher education ten years from now? My conclusion was that although their own self-assurance. They are less worried I was confident that intense, immersive, in- about legacy and how others will remember residence programs like our MBA program them because they act from a sense of calling would still be around, online education would and how they will remember themselves. be at least 25 percent—or perhaps much Getting business leaders to focus more more—of the higher-education landscape. By on the long term will undoubtedly create a thinking right to left, it became obvious to me healthier and more robust economic system. that I could not ignore the promise and peril It will require significant attention to and of online education—that it represented an changes in the external system in which busi- opportunity to carve out a leadership position ness leaders operate. But it will also require and avoid a potential threat. Thinking right to a deeper understanding of the internal left is no guarantee of long-term success, but pressures they face and how those might be I think it at least increases the odds of taking attenuated. It will require both leaders and successful long-term actions. their constituents to develop their own deep The second idea comes from an interview keels, so they can define important long-term with Jeff Bezos in the Harvard Business goals and stay the course to achieving them. n


Winston Churchill once famously observed that democracy was the worst form of govern- ment—apart from all the others that had been Solving tried. If he were alive today, he might say the same about capitalism as an economic system. For all its failings, no other system has approached its efficiency in bringing Problems unprecedented growth and prosperity to bil- lions of people. Capitalism is the best we have at marrying solutions with needs, funneling capital to worthy ideas, and matching people That Matter with necessary work. But the “best we have” is no longer good It’s only by doing business with purpose enough, as capitalism is also failing us on that we can rediscover many levels. The system has deep flaws, the real purpose of business. both in theory and in outcomes. Perhaps the core failing is an inability to deal with what economists call externalities—those impacts, sometimes positive, but also dra- matically negative, that fall outside the mar- ketplace. Pollution is the classic externality, but that’s only one example of a general disregard for the critical assets the planet provides to society and economies (mostly free of charge). The failings of our current system also include a range of other ills: a consistent bias against the future through the use of dis- count rates that make future benefits worth- less and a general obsession with short-term performance; an inability to put numbers on things that are clearly valuable to society and business, such as people’s skills and knowl- edge; and a focus on maximizing growth above all else. The outcomes of these structural deficits are predictable. On the environmental side, growth has come at an enormous cost, and as a result, we’re now pushing the limits of what our planet can sustain. We’re depleting Paul Polman is chief executive of Unilever. He also serves as chairman of the World Business Council for Sustainable Development, is on the board of our inventory of critical natural resources, the United Nations Global Compact, and is a member of the International from a stable climate and abundant clean Business Council of the World Economic Forum. He was a member of the UN air and water to rich stocks of food, fiber, High-Level Panel of Eminent Persons on the Post-2015 Development Agenda. Polman earned a BBA/BA from the University of Groningen, Netherlands, and minerals. These things are not “nice to and an MA in economics and an MBA from the University of . haves” or luxuries but critical assets for a

42 PERSPECTIVES ON THE LONG TERM thriving society and economy. We’re at the This has become the core question of our precipice—or already over it—of what the times: How can we provide prosperity to latest science warns will be “severe, perva- sive, and irreversible impacts for people and billions more people without undermining ecosystems.”1 the ability of the planet to support us? As the world heads toward what may be as many as 12 billion people by the end of the century, all aspiring to a higher standard of living, something profound needs to change RESTORING TRUST IN BUSINESS in how we live, eat, get around, and do busi- THROUGH PURPOSE ness.2 This has become the core question of Business, and the capitalist system it is part our times: How can we provide prosperity to of, is in most regards amoral, at least as cur- billions more people without undermining rently practiced. Capitalism will optimize the ability of the planet to support us? many outcomes but will generally do so Business, run in new ways, will be a criti- regardless of the larger implications. We can cal part of the answer. use the tools of capitalism to maximize pro- To change how and why business operates, duction of cigarettes or nuclear weapons as our leaders need to make a fundamental well (or as poorly) as we can produce apples shift in both strategy and tactics.3 This new or affordable healthcare. In a perverse way, form of responsible capitalism must go well there is a kind of trust that stems from being beyond traditional definitions of corporate predictable: citizens can count on business social responsibility or sustainability. Busi- doing whatever it can to maximize short-term nesses must shift their focus from satisfac- earnings at the expense of greater well-being tion with a simple license to operate to and even a company’s own longer-term creating a license to lead. interests. We need to change our focus to real, long- Rebuilding trust will require business to term value creation, not just quarterly earn- change in both principle and deed. Our core ings. This new vision will allow business to operating values must include new com- serve the needs of citizens and communities mitments to the larger world, such as the with the same vigor with which it has served following: the needs of shareholders over many years. n A sense of larger purpose. We must And it will allow business to see itself as a bring to bear all aspects of ourselves and our part of society, not separate from it. organizations, combining the powerful busi- With the right lens, we can see clearly that ness tools of the “head,” such as analysis, it has always been absurd to treat environ- structure, and efficient management of capi- mental and social issues as a subset of the tal of all forms, with the “heart,” including business agenda. It’s obviously the other way the passion and creativity that business uses around: business is a part of society and one to solve problems and inspire people. of its most important expressions. There is n Transparency. We must be transparent no conflict between serving shareholders about all aspects of the way we do busi- and serving citizens. Shareholders are part of ness—everything from adherence to the UN society too. Guiding Principles on Business and Human But as we take into account all of society’s Rights to what goes into our products to the needs, we face a big challenge. Our collective way in which we contribute more broadly to hurdle: a lack of trust. operating in a responsible and sustainable


way. This kind of openness will go a long conscious choice to, in the words of the poet way in helping to restore trust. Robert Frost, take the road “less traveled n A longer-term perspective. We must by.” We can choose to be givers and not tak- have a perspective that does not sacrifice ers from the system that gives us life in the the greater good on the altar of short-term first place. profit. In a world where the majority of stock Unilever has by no means figured out all shares are bought and sold in milliseconds, the answers, but the company has chosen a and with relentless pressure on public com- less traveled path. We call this the Unilever panies to perform on a quarterly basis, this Sustainable Living Plan (USLP). last principle is particularly challenging. To bring these core principles to life, I sug- UNILEVER’S APPROACH gest that companies focus on a few areas: AND BUSINESS BENEFITS First, business leaders should set bold We have set a clear and audacious goal to goals based on science, such as the dire double the size of the company while reduc- need for the world to control carbon emis- ing our environmental footprint and increas- sions very quickly. Progress toward those ing our positive social impact. This effort goals should be measured against external requires a total value-chain approach, from thresholds, benchmarks, and realities. Such sustainable sourcing to sustainable living. It metrics, openly tracked to build accountabil- has never been tried before by a company of ity, promote a deeper understanding of and our scale. The USLP was founded with three big objectives in mind. By 2020, we want to help We must have a perspective that more than a billion people take action to improve their health and well-being, halve does not sacrifice the greater good on the environmental footprint that results the altar of short-term profit. from making and using our products, and enhance the livelihoods of millions of people across our supply chain. Underpinning these goals are more than ability to manage our impact up and down 50 specific, time-bound targets.4 And we are the value chain. making real progress. We’ve added around Achieving these goals will often call for €10 billion to our revenues, growth that is effective partnerships, even radical col- directly supported by the USLP. The brands laborations across traditional lines. Our that we’ve invested with a sense of purpose problems have become enormously complex, and tied to larger challenges in society have and neither governments nor business nor been growing, in some cases, at twice the nongovernmental organizations have shown average rate of the rest of our portfolio. the ability to tackle them alone. We must We’ve also lowered costs by more than work together to create solutions. €300 million through a range of initiatives, These principles and tactics create more including cutting resource use and moving transparency and trust in a company’s all factories to zero nonhazardous waste to actions. They represent a better path but also landfill. And we’re reducing the risks from a clear choice. We can bury our heads in the extreme weather and climate change by sand, hoping that the storms of rising public shifting to more renewable energy, including indignation will pass. Or we can make a a commitment in the United States to reach

44 PERSPECTIVES ON THE LONG TERM 100 percent renewable power by 2020, fol- Real transformational change is only lowing the lead of our European operations, possible with new and innovative which have already hit this mark. We’re making our supply chains more partnerships. We have to act together to resilient and stable by working with small- address challenges as large and complex holder farmers to improve farming practices as climate change, inequity, or poverty. and livelihoods. We have already helped or trained more than 570,000 additional smallholders, from tea farmers in Turkey to vanilla farmers in Madagascar. networking site LinkedIn, behind only the Commercial agriculture drove more than technology giants Google and Apple. Not bad 70 percent of tropical deforestation in the for a “soups and soap” company that dates period 2000-2012, contributing to ecosys- back 130 years. People come to us and stay tem service loss and climate change. So we’re with us in large part because of our purpose, tackling the contribution that the commod- and they demand that we live up to our goals. ity supply chains we rely on make to defor- estation. Our commitment to 100 percent UNILEVER’S PROGRAMS AND BRANDS sustainable sourcing has galvanized signifi- All these business benefits stem from a con- cant change in our sourcing and purchasing certed effort across the company to bring the patterns. principles of responsible capitalism to every However, the wholesale transformation part of the business. We have had signifi- of supply chains towards more sustainable cant success both building our business and models is needed. As the purchaser of 3 helping solve larger global challenges. The percent and 1 percent of the world’s palm oil work we did with our Lifebuoy soap brand and soy respectively, we are committed to provides a good example of how this com- playing a major part in this transformation, mitment plays out. working in partnership with our industry It is morally repugnant that millions of peers, governments, civil society and the children die before their fifth birthday, people who live and work in the world’s for- including two million from easily prevent- ests. This change is gathering momentum. At able diseases and ailments like diarrhea. the UN Secretary General’s Climate Change That’s the equivalent of a jumbo jet of chil- Summit in September 2014, more than 170 dren crashing every hour, every day. entities, including businesses, governments, The most basic of health practices, hand states, provinces, NGOs and indigenous washing, can significantly reduce the num- leaders committed to halving deforestation ber of deaths. Lifebuoy soap, one of Unile- by 2020, ending it by 2030 and restoring ver’s oldest and proudest brands, has made 350 million hectares of degraded forest. awareness and practice of hand washing a The USLP is also helping us to motivate mission. We employ the only known PhD in and attract the best talent. Employees the world with a specialty in public health are highly engaged by our efforts to make and hand washing. sustainable living commonplace as they Our programs have already reached mil- look increasingly for meaning at work in a lions of people across Latin America, Africa, turbulent world. We are now, for the second and Asia. Just a single event, Global Hand year running, the third most “in demand” Washing Day, touches 200 million people in employer among jobseekers on the global 100 countries. These efforts are working—in


one of the poorest areas of India, Thesgora, the way business and the world work; the the incidence of diarrhea among children fell largest 200 public companies alone have from 36 percent to just 5 percent.5 revenues of more than $20 trillion, or 29 The work has also been remarkable in percent of the world’s economic output. driving the success of the Lifebuoy brand As one of these CEOs, I’ve had the oppor- and business. Lifebuoy created a beautiful tunity and privilege to bring the leverage video featuring an Indian boy surviving to and reach of Unilever to bear on a number of important initiatives. These programs are opportunities to help shape the policy Contrary to what some in the financial environment. markets would have us believe, putting Many in business seem to have lost track of a larger purpose at the core of doing why companies exist in the first place. At business is not at odds with corporate its most basic level, a company is meant to structures or legal requirements. solve a problem for a customer. But taking that beyond face value requires putting a moral, purpose-driven center at the heart of that quest. A company should not fill just any need; it should fill the ones worth filling age five that has reached tens of millions of and the ones most needed. It should solve viewers on YouTube. The Facebook page the problems that already exist, not create for Lifebuoy has more than four million new ones. likes—for hand soap! And this 120-year-old Contrary to what some in the financial product is now one of the company’s fastest- markets would have us believe, putting a growing brands. larger purpose at the core of doing business is not at odds with corporate structures or NEW ROLES AND NEW WAYS legal requirements. Fair returns to sharehold- OF WORKING ers are more than fine; they’re desired. The There is good business in all of this. With- companies with the most resources can do the out enough water, energy, or hygiene, the most good. But those returns are an outcome, communities we operate in cannot function. not a goal. There is more to business than just Business cannot thrive unless the planet and profit maximization, but the path of respon- society thrive as well. While there is a lot sible business is a profitable one. we can do—and are doing—the challenges Purpose-driven business creates private are too big for any one organization to solve value for companies, but it creates much alone. Real transformational change is only more value for a combination of itself and possible with new and innovative partner- society. Business does not stand apart from ships. We have to act together to address social or environmental challenges but is an challenges as large and complex as climate integral part of the fabric of society. change, inequity, or poverty. In this volatile and transparent world, the The relatively small pool of multina- organizations that work to solve the greatest tional CEOs and corporate leaders provides challenges in partnership with their peers, an unusual opportunity to promote deep communities, employees, and customers will change. These roles come with serious thrive. Responsible organizations will out- responsibility. We have leverage to change compete their more self-centered and short-

46 PERSPECTIVES ON THE LONG TERM term-focused peers, addressing increasingly We are in the most important time complex challenges for all—in essence, find- in human history, an era in which ing the ultimate purpose of business: filling a need and profiting from doing so. we will discover if we’re able to come We are in the most important time in together to manage our shared human history, an era in which we will challenges and build a prosperous world. discover if we’re able to come together to manage our shared challenges and build a prosperous world. The Financial Times summed up well the plight we face when it Those companies that fail to see that argued in a recent column: “A globalization business has a much larger social purpose that enriches the richest and impoverishes and value than making money will struggle the rest is not sustainable. The case for to survive. Society will reject them. But in open, inclusive societies has to be remade.”6 the proper hands, the purpose of business Business can and must take the lead in these can move beyond just private financial gain. efforts, but corporate leaders need to view We can be a real force for good, helping the their role differently. They have to remake world and its peoples prosper in every way the case for open, inclusive societies. possible. n

1 Climate Change 2014: Mitigation of Climate Change, Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change and Cambridge University Press, 2014, 2 Robert Kunzig, “A world with 11 billion people? New population projections shatter earlier estimates,” National Geographic, September 18, 2014, 3 We look to many helpful models of a new path, including one outlined by Unilever adviser Andrew Winston in his book The Big Pivot: Radically Practical Strategies for a Hotter, Scarcer, and More Open World, Boston, Massachusetts: Harvard Business Review Press, 2014. 4 According to analysis by, Unilever has 20 goals that are consistent with science and aggressive enough to meet the environmental and social requirements of sustainability. Of the world’s largest companies, the next-closest organization has 10 such goals, and most have none. 5 Hindustan Unilever claim based on research conducted by The Nielsen Company in September 2013: 1,485 households with children aged below 12 years, across 11 villages (six test groups and five control groups). 6 Philip Stephens, “Scotland independence vote exposes the established order,” Financial Times, September 18, 2014,

PERSPECTIVES ON THE LONG TERM 47 LEADING / Whitney MacMillan and Greg Page

Generational Thinking at Cargill At this family-owned company, long-term planning means looking ahead 30 years or more.

Taking the long-term view has always been the Cargill way. In 1939, Cargill set out to find a more efficient way to ship grain along the Great Lakes and the Erie Canal. Cargill leaders believed they could create a bigger and more stable vessel by lashing barge and towboat together with steel cables. On its first voyage, the newfangled barge sank. Still con- vinced by their basic premise, they tweaked the design, eventually creating the Carneida barge, which was considerably cheaper to operate and made the canal more easily navigable. Thanks to the willingness of those leaders to take risks for the long term, Cargill was able to lower costs and gain a competi- tive advantage. The Carneida also gave Cargill entry into the shipping business, fulfilling the vision of Cargill’s second CEO, John MacMil- lan Jr., of managing the movement of grain in an “endless belt” from farm to final buyer. That story is an excellent illustration of the willingness Cargill has always had to set ambitious goals and stick with them, even through setbacks and tough times, recogniz- ing that a prosperous future requires bold investment in the present. In recent years, Whitney MacMillan was CEO and chairman of the board of directors many business articles have been written of Cargill from 1976 to 1995. about privately held companies and their per- Greg Page served as Cargill’s CEO from 2007 to 2013 and is currently executive chairman of its board. He also serves on the boards of Eaton, ceived advantages, from unique culture and Carlson, and Deere & Company. values to a freedom from quarterly earnings

48 PERSPECTIVES ON THE LONG TERM targets. A 2008 McKinsey survey of UK direc- The allocation of time is very different tors cited greater engagement of directors on at a family-owned company. private-company boards.1 Forbes noted that its roster of America’s biggest private firms As CEOs, we did not have to interact with outperformed the S&P 500 in 2012.2 And the stock analysts or sometimes-contentious 2014 Edelman Trust Barometer shows that shareholder groups. consumers throughout the world trust pri- vately held companies slightly more than pub- licly traded ones, and they trust family-owned companies even more. There is no doubt that be more agile and adaptable to change is the Cargill has benefited from those advantages. primary ingredient for any organization to The purpose here is not to provide specific grow profitably. opinions about organizational structure, or So what has shaped Cargill’s long-term even to suggest that private, family-owned view, and what have been some outcomes? companies such as Cargill are preferable to other forms. While we like how our family- INVESTING FOR THE LONG TERM ownership model has evolved, we know that Cargill, for one, has always invested with business strategy and leadership are fun- the long term in mind. In particular, it has damentally about making good choices and invested in systems and networks that can that such choices could be made within any improve operations, even amid significant organizational structure. Our goal is to show year-to-year volatility. A broad understanding how the kind of long-term thinking that led to of our supply chains and of businesses associ- breakthrough innovations like the Carneida ated with the delivery of food has led us to barge continue to guide Cargill and contribute invest in ocean transportation and energy, for to its success. example, as well as financial and risk-man- We know from our experience running agement businesses to better serve customers Cargill and serving on boards of public com- and manage our own risks. panies that the allocation of time is very dif- We’ve also aggressively pursued geographic ferent at a family-owned company. As CEOs, diversity over the past 40 years. The reality is we did not have to interact with stock analysts that having broad supply chains—despite some on Wall Street or sometimes-contentious short-term meteorological and political chal- shareholder groups. Nor did we have to con- lenges—has enabled longer-term stability. The cern ourselves with stock-price movements ability to source grain and oilseeds from other in the market or the detailed filings with the parts of the world when the American Midwest Securities and Exchange Commission that faces drought helps to smooth the impact the are required of public companies (though company might feel if it were totally dependent there are still many filings required for private on a more confined geographic footprint. companies of our size). That’s not to say there Something like 85 percent of all food is always unanimity in a family-owned com- consumed is consumed in the country where pany; it is just to underscore that the amount it is grown—and Cargill is a big player in the of time spent with family owners as opposed other 15 percent of the market, in which food to public shareholders is different. is moved from places of surplus to places of In and of itself, long-termism is not a pana- shortage. But to grow as it has, the company cea. Let’s face it: deploying talent and assets has had to expand beyond its base in North in smart ways that allow an organization to America and Western Europe. Cargill has


been served well by early investments in Asia, customers and help them thrive in markets Eastern Europe, and South America. with potential. As a result of our global mind- Investing globally has sometimes required set, we have often been better poised to make us to navigate geopolitical unrest and to investments for the future when politics shift. be somewhat patient as emerging markets After the passage of the North American Free developed. After the fall of the Berlin Wall, Trade Agreement, for example, we were able the number of free-market economies in the to quickly invest in a new soy oilseed-process- world increased significantly. For Cargill, ing plant and refinery near Tula, Mexico. This that meant access to a lot more people with facility uses both imported and local inputs demand for more and better food. Because for domestic distribution and export and of earlier investments in the region, we were has allowed Cargill to profitably expand its well positioned to serve those new markets. market share in Mexico. Our cottonseed operations in East Africa and our cocoa operations in Côte d’Ivoire and CULTURE AND CORE VALUES Ghana have at times been challenged by civil One feature of many long-standing and unrest and other complications. But persis- successful family-owned and privately held The Carneida tence has allowed us to remain among the companies is their strong core values, often barge, based largest suppliers of high-quality cocoa beans articulated early in their development. on a new design, created to some of the world’s top chocolatiers. Bechtel and Mars, for example, are both long-term value Hyperinflation and political challenges guided by principles that were laid down by by making through the years in places like Argentina and early family members. Cargill is no different. it easier to ship grain through Venezuela prompted us to think about how we Our second leader, John H. MacMillan, once the Erie Canal. might remain a reliable supplier to our major said, “Our word is . . . our bond.” Faced with a major financial challenge upon the death of his father-in-law and company founder William Wallace Cargill in 1909, MacMillan, convinced bankers to give him time to settle the company’s debts and sell off assets. In less than seven years, he not only made good on his promise but also built a growing grain business that set the stage for the company we know as Cargill today. Cargill has formulated seven guiding principles under which all company policies fit. These principles, which follow, serve as a guide not to what we do but to how we do it: 1. We obey the law. 2. We conduct our business with integrity. 3. We keep accurate and honest records. 4. We honor our obligations. 5. We treat people with dignity and respect. 6. We protect Cargill’s information, assets, and interests. 7. We are committed to being a responsible

global citizen. OF CARGILL COURTESY

50 PERSPECTIVES ON THE LONG TERM COMMITMENT TO EMPLOYEES many other customers and businesses and has While Cargill is not perfect, we know that we grown in size and purpose. only achieve our goals through our people. As In the last few years, we have made a sig- a consequence, we work hard to provide a safe nificant investment in poultry operations just workplace and to value the unique contribu- outside Chuzhou in Anhui province in China tions of our global team. The conscientious to serve the growth needs of American-based treatment and development of our employ- food-service retailers in China and have built a ees has led to a steady influx of talent and state-of-the-art integrated chicken-processing to greater continuity in our workforce than facility with the capacity to process nearly 65 might be found at other companies. million birds a year. While this plant has yet to This continuity no doubt has been helped recover its steep investment, it too is growing by the company’s growth. Given Cargill’s alongside customers who know the special growth in size and geographic reach, we’ve care Cargill has taken working with Chinese been able to provide multiple career paths to food-health and safety officials to produce our top talent, all within one overall Cargill safe, nutritious chicken. career. That stability of the broader workforce is reflected in part by stability at the top. Pro- GOVERNANCE fessor Michael Jarrett, who is affiliated with How we have governed ourselves also has INSEAD, wrote in November 2013 that the mattered. As a private company, we don’t average tenure of a Fortune 500 CEO is about face activist shareholders or the same regula- 4.6 years. Cargill has had nine top leaders in tory frameworks that public companies must 149 years and six in the past 54 years. cope with. That has allowed the Cargill board of directors to be agile in its approach to CUSTOMER FOCUS strategic development. As our customers have grown, so have we. As One obvious advantage is that the family they have thrived, so have we. As many have operates more cohesively than independent looked to grow into new markets through shareholders in a public company. Our own- the years, they have approached Cargill, as a ers, for example, are dedicated to reinvesting trusted supplier, to support those efforts in 80 percent of earnings back into the company. new parts of the world. This provides Cargill with the luxury of being In the 1990s, we invested in Russia’s largest able to invest a large proportion of earnings corn wet-milling plant in Efremov, an indus- each year in acquisitions, plants, equipment, trial town 240 miles southeast of Moscow, and innovative products and services. As we to support the growth strategy of Mars. The grow profitably, we have more to reinvest and plant produced glucose sweetener, dextrose greater ability to leverage our position with for fermentation applications in Russia’s debt to further finance innovation and invest- pharmaceutical and vitamin industries, and ments that fuel growth. This ability has been corn-gluten meal for livestock feed. The facil- a necessary precursor to our ability to take a ity presented challenges, requiring a good deal longer-term view and invest in the future. of time and effort to get it in shape to meet Family shareholders, senior management, Cargill quality and safety standards and to and external board members at Cargill talk of retrain the workforce. While it took some time “patient capital.” There are actually three Ps to get the facility up to our global standards, that are fundamental to our investing phi- we later posted annual earnings that exceeded losophy: private, permanent, and patient. As return expectations. The plant today supports a private company, we are willing and able to


make investments for growth when opportu- this is that these owners want not only to see nities arise, even when the rewards may not the company operate profitably but also to do materialize in the near term. Indeed, it is not good and serve the family name proudly. unusual for us to continue to invest straight This has prompted Cargill to consider the through an economic downturn (as we did long-term implications of its business for in recent years), when the tendency in some indigenous populations as it branches out, organizations may be to rein in expenditures. to take special care to minimize its impact The family mind-set toward the capital it on the environment, to commit to leadership places in the company is that it is permanent. in the areas of food safety, and to work with It views that capital as a vehicle for inter- public-policy makers and nongovernmental generational wealth creation. Permanent, organizations toward food security for the however, does not mean that we will not shed people of the planet. While an organization underperforming assets and businesses; we the size of Cargill cannot always avoid criti- do and we will. But because we tend to think cism or controversy, we depend on our values of our investments as a way to support the to guide our actions. We also know that many next generation of family owners, there is of our best customers are committed to these some thought as to managing our portfolio issues as well. Many of the public companies investments with a 30-year time horizon or a we work with have long shown admirable generation-and-a-half period. When we say foresight and sounded the trumpet for “patient,” we do not mean complacent; rather, environmental sustainability and responsible we recognize that many of the investments supply chains. we make are cyclical in nature and that there The Iroquois Nations’ constitution told its are strategic reasons (competitive advantage, followers, “Look and listen for the welfare of . . . logistics, and geographic diversity, among the coming generations.” As a family-owned others) that may prompt us to accept smaller company, we’ve tried to do the same. Indeed, short-term returns with the calculation that one Cargill family member some years ago the returns will be at or better than hurdle commented, “My father said that if I take care rates over a longer period. of the company, it will take care of me.” Just as we might have some advantages that OUR BROADER PURPOSE lend themselves to longer-term thinking, we The last of our seven guiding principles reads, still need to make smart decisions. We cannot “We are committed to being a responsible afford to let the long term provide us with an global citizen.” When we grappled with trying excuse for underwhelming performance in the to define our strategic intent for our private, near term. Indeed, the challenge for any orga- global company in the early 1990s, raising nization is to achieve optimal performance living standards around the world by deliver- over time, which requires both thinking about ing value to producers and consumers was tomorrow and executing in smart ways today. one of the company’s stated aims. In some When Cargill’s board, its executives, and its ways, our long-standing cause has been about family owners talk about the company’s port- nourishing people. The family owners of the folio, we talk about it in the context of being business feel a deep sense of responsibility for resilient, balanced, and diverse. Thankfully, the company and its continuity; a corollary of for nearly 150 years, we have done just that. n

1 Viral Acharya, Conor Kehoe, and Michael Reyner, “The voice of experience: Public versus private equity,” December 2008, 2 Andrea Murphy, “America’s largest private companies 2012,” Forbes, November 28, 2012,


Long-Term Planning In a Volatile Environment Political upheaval, economic crisis, disruptive technology—in today’s world, it’s easy to lose sight of the goals that matter.

The world is changing rapidly, and for business, it is more volatile than ever. The trends that affect it most are often not linear or unidirectional. Instead, there are two- way swings, often large ones, which busi- nesses have to respond to. New regulations, for example, are substantially changing the landscape, particularly in financial services, by imposing constraints but also by creating opportunities and promoting greater com- petition. Technology continues to transform business models, rendering some obsolete while opening up possibilities for value cre- ation. A new generation of socially networked digital customers is leading to a change in customer needs and preferences. These fac- tors pose significant challenges to long-term planning. Yet precisely because of this environment of rapid change, long-term planning has become more important than ever before. Without a

Chanda Kochhar is managing director and CEO of ICICI Bank, India’s guiding principle for long-term value creation, second-largest bank. She joined ICICI in 1984 and led many of its businesses organizations run the risk of constantly being before taking on her current role. She is widely recognized for helping to blown off course by short-term concerns. shape the retail-banking sector in India. Kochhar is a member of the Prime Minister’s Council on Trade and Industry and was cochair of the World The key to success in this volatile world is to Economic Forum Annual Meeting in 2011. anticipate change and formulate and execute


responses, both strategic and tactical, in order 1. DEFINE YOUR GOAL to build sustainable competitive advantage. The starting point of long-term planning is We have experienced these challenges at to decide where you want to go. The leader’s ICICI Bank over the last five years. I took role begins with envisioning the future of the over as CEO in 2009, when the world had organization and articulating it; then he or just experienced a global financial crisis that she must go on to translate that vision into would have a far-reaching, long-term impact. measurable, time-bound interim objectives. It was a period of uncertainty and volatility. They could be based on the potential of the India, our home country, was quick to recov- market, the need to fill gaps in the franchise er. In the two years immediately following or to redefine the appropriate financial bench- the crisis, we had GDP growth of more than 8 marks, the need to meet challenges from key percent, and many of us assumed that we had competitors, or the need to manage stake- won the battle and growth was here to stay. holder expectations. But in 2011, we entered a period of prolonged In 2009, we took stock of our business. economic slowdown and volatility in financial We were delivering a return on equity of less markets that has lasted three years. than 7.8 percent. We set ourselves a goal of Today, we are in a period of renewed opti- achieving a return on equity of 15 percent, mism and hope. GDP in India grew 5.7 per- almost double the level we were then hitting. cent in the June quarter of 2014, the fastest pace in more than two years. Yet challenges 2. MAP OUT A STRATEGIC PATH remain, and risks—from geopolitical ten- Having defined the long-term objective, it is important to have a sequenced strategy to achieve it. The organization must have The starting point of long-term a defined path that prioritizes different planning is to decide where you want aspects of the business at different times, based on the progress achieved in the to go. The leader’s role begins earlier stage. with envisioning the future of the We set out a three-stage path. The first organization and articulating it. stage—broadly, the first year of the plan—was a period of consolidation and rebalancing of our funding profile, cost structures, and credit portfolio. We articulated the priorities for sions in some parts of the world to persistent this phase as the “4Cs”: current and savings domestic economic issues—still have the accounts (CASA), costs, credit, and capital. potential to affect our business. This is in CASA represented our goal of strengthening addition to the longer-term structural trends our funding profile and substantially increas- like advances in technology and the possibil- ing the proportion of checking accounts and ity of disruptive new business models, as well retail deposits in our funding base. Costs rep- changes in policy and regulation. resented our focus on operating efficiency to improve profitability in a challenging environ- KEY LESSONS ment for revenue growth. Credit represented So how does one manage long-term objectives our focus on changing the mix of our loan in a world of change and volatility? Here are portfolio by reducing unsecured retail loans, five takeaways from my experience over the thereby bringing credit costs under control. last five years. Capital represented our goal of conserving

54 PERSPECTIVES ON THE LONG TERM our strong capital position to maintain the It is important to have the strength strength of our balance sheet. of will and long-term focus not to be The second stage was focused on a renewal of balance-sheet growth combined with swayed by opportunities for short-term improvement in profitability, defined as the gains that may be unsustainable. return on assets through better margins, cost efficiency, and lower credit costs. While staying with our longer-term goal of doubling our return on equity, we redefined the core quickly recovered from the downturn of elements as the “5Cs.” The first three—CASA, 2008 and was registering strong growth. The costs, and credit—remained unchanged; banking system was also growing at a rapid the fourth C, capital, was redefined to focus pace, and we were losing market share. The on leveraging the capital base for growth. A temptation for us was to compromise our new dimension was added through a fifth C, plan to correct our funding profile and profit- customer centricity, which involved renewing ability metrics, and then pursue loan growth the promise of our brand to our customers backed by wholesale funding. However, we and backing it with changes in organizational understood that this would be unsustainable structures and processes to improve service and hence stayed the course. delivery. In subsequent years, once we achieved our The third stage was to accelerate growth targets on funding profile and profitability, we on the back of the improved funding profile were ready to accelerate growth. By this time, and profitability metrics, and leverage capital however, India was in the grip of an economic more rapidly to improve return on equity. slowdown and adverse corporate credit. We therefore decided to calibrate our growth, 3. STAY THE COURSE—BUT even though it meant slowing down our plan BE FLEXIBLE WHEN REQUIRED to leverage capital and improve our return Challenges to long-term planning come from on equity. It was necessary to be flexible and the world around us. First, companies some- balance growth with risk management in the times feel a sense of lost opportunity when changed environment. their organization’s priorities, as dictated by At the same time, we also identified and the long-range plan, require them to forgo leveraged new opportunities. For example, some immediate opportunities. Second, about a year into our plan, we saw the changes in the environment sometimes opportunity to accelerate our time to mar- change the assumptions on which the plan is ket in building out the retail franchise by based. It is important to have the strength of acquiring another bank. Acquisitions were will and long-term focus not to be swayed by not part of our original plan, but when we opportunities for short-term gains that may saw the opportunity, we quickly went ahead be unsustainable. At the same time, the orga- and integrated the acquired bank into our nization must be able to adapt the plan to business. We created new models in vari- changes in the environment when required. ous areas of our business. We created and In the early stages of our plan, we fre- scaled up a low-cost branch model for serv- quently faced the first challenge. While we ing unbanked villages. We implemented a were focused on consolidating our balance number of technology initiatives focused on sheet and improving our funding, cost, and mobility, digitization, and branch automa- credit parameters, the Indian economy had tion, to enhance the customer experience.


4. FOCUS ON EXECUTION achieving it. This starts within the organiza- Execution is the key to a long-term plan’s tion—the plan must be explained to the team success. The leader must not only envision so that they understand the objectives, buy the future of the organization, translate it into into the strategy, and execute it flawlessly. measurable objectives, and lay out the path to It must be explained to investors, so that achieving those objectives but also be involved they understand the organization’s approach in the execution. The leader must stay in touch to value creation. It must be explained to with the realities on the ground to ensure that regulators, so that they have confidence the organization achieves its vision. in the organization and are not taken by In our case, as we executed our plan, we had surprise by its strategy and the results of that a regular process of structured reviews on our strategy—particularly in the initial phase of key target metrics. We focused not only on the execution as significant changes are made in numbers but also on the underlying processes the organization. and enablers that we wanted to put in place to As we embarked on our strategic path, strengthen the franchise and create a sustain- a priority for me was to meet people in the able growth platform. We also regularly took organization at various levels, explaining to informal checks at the ground level to get a them what the new strategy would be and sense of how things were working on the front the logic behind the initiatives we were lines. To this day, I hold regular meetings taking. I not only articulated our priorities but also explained how they fit into a longer-term, five-year vision for ICICI Bank, The leader must envision the future and how they would position us for the next of the organization, translate it into phase of growth. We followed a similar approach with other stakeholders, including measurable objectives, and lay out the investors, regulators, and customers. path to achieving those objectives. We also periodically went back to these stakeholders to communicate the results of our strategy and where we were on our journey. with employees of various grades, in which I Through this long-term planning process, listen to them share their experiences and the we did indeed achieve our return-on-equity issues they face in executing the plan as well objective and substantially enhanced share- as consider the changes they suggest. Regular holder value. visits to branches whenever I travel help me Long-term planning supports true get a feel for how well they are functioning. value creation. It positions the business to Feedback from both corporate clients and capitalize on growth opportunities while retail customers goes beyond data metrics in ensuring not only the desired level of earn- helping me monitor the quality of our fran- ings and profitability but also stability and chise. All these bottom-up inputs then go into consistency in those metrics. Articulating improving the execution of our strategy. long-term aspirations, adhering to them, and demonstrating progress in achieving 5. COMMUNICATE, COMMUNICATE, them builds confidence among stakeholders COMMUNICATE about the resilience of the organization and Finally, communicating the plan to all stake- its ability to achieve sustainable, profitable holders is critical to winning their support in growth. n

56 PERSPECTIVES ON THE LONG TERM Kathleen McLaughlin and Doug McMillon

Business and Society in the Coming Decades Companies have an opportunity to use their scale and expertise to reshape global systems and mitigate the complex problems facing society.

Business exists to serve society. Over the past several decades, one of the great discussions within capitalism has cen- tered on defining exactly what a business is and what its obligations are to society at large and to the many stakeholders participating in business systems, including customers, shareholders, employees, suppliers, and com- munities, to name a few. The obligations to society have been defined in different ways at different points. For many retailers, including Walmart found- er Sam Walton, the focus has been first and foremost on serving the customer. For others over the past couple of decades, the focus was myopically on the shareholder. With the advent of shared-value, double-bottom-line, triple-bottom-line, and related movements, we have seen a broadening of the discus- Kathleen McLaughlin is president of the Walmart Foundation and senior sion to recognize the importance of multiple vice president of sustainability at Wal-Mart Stores, Inc. Previously, she was a senior partner at McKinsey & Company and director of the firm’s social stakeholders and the need to promote social, innovation practice. environmental, and financial value. Doug McMillon is president and CEO of Wal-Mart Stores, Inc. He began his Long-term capitalism goes one step further, Walmart career in 1984 as an hourly summer associate in a distribution asking companies to actively reshape the center and has gone on to serve in a variety of roles, including chief executive of the company’s Sam’s Club business unit and later Walmart’s International systems in which they operate. Those systems division, before assuming his current position. could include the complex of logistical and


shipping services that move goods around the nesses. By collaborating with other members globe, the web of overseas contract manu- of their networks and pursuing initiatives that facturers on which companies rely, or the draw on their particular capabilities, they can array of energy suppliers that fuel worldwide make society stronger in ways that also fortify operations. Long-term capitalism takes a their business. There is generally ample deeper view of business’s role in society, scope to do this, even for companies facing recognizing that, in the long run, the interests near-term earnings pressure, because the of stakeholders converge with the interests of overlap between short-term, close-in interests the broader community. The actions of any and longer-term, societal interests is almost one company may reverberate throughout the always large. various systems in which it operates, generat- ing second- and third-order benefits as well THE BASICS: ADD VALUE FOR as negative externalities. Under long-term SOCIETY AS WELL AS BUSINESS capitalism, companies recognize that fact and, When it comes to serving society, a compa- through concerted action with others of suffi- ny’s first task is to ensure that its core busi- cient scale, work to ensure constant improve- ness is fundamentally value creating—not ments to those systems. just for shareholders but also for customers, employees, suppliers, communities, and the environment. Long-term capitalism takes a deeper This stakeholder-value principle may seem view of business’s role in society, obvious, especially given the extent to which triple-bottom-line thinking has seeped into recognizing that, in the long run, the mainstream business discourse. Yet finan- interests of stakeholders converge with cial short-termism still drives day-to-day the interests of the broader community. decision making for much of the corporate world. For many, shareholder value cre- ation remains the driving force of business initiatives; creating value for stakeholders There are compelling reasons companies becomes a by-product or a means to an end. should seize the initiative to drive social and Even when faced with reputational challeng- business benefits. First, in an interconnected es, companies sometimes launch social ini- world facing unprecedented environmental tiatives as side projects only tenuously linked and social challenges, society will demand to the core business, rather than strengthen- it. Increasingly, a basic expectation among ing and articulating the ways in which the customers, governments, and communities core business adds value to society. will be that the companies they do business Taking a more expansive view of serving with provide a significant net positive return society means first ensuring the core busi- for society at large, not just for investors. ness delivers value to the broader set of This will be a part of the implicit contract or stakeholders. Is it adding value to the local license to operate. community, for example, through taxes and Second, adding these other forms of posi- engagement with local organizations? It also tive return and improving systems will make means addressing externalities related to the the business more sustainable in the long core business. term. Every company should be able to con- At Walmart, that includes trying to mini- tribute value to society through its core busi- mize the environmental footprint of our oper-

58 PERSPECTIVES ON THE LONG TERM ations. Between 2010 and the end of 2013, we contribution to making society stronger? At reduced our energy consumed per square foot Walmart, we use five screens. by 7 percent, and we now source 24 percent of our global electricity needs from renewable 1. Prioritize Issues That Are sources—progress toward our long-term goal Relevant to the Company Mission of 100 percent. By the end of 2014, we were Like most companies, we look for those issues diverting more than 80 percent of our waste that sit at the convergence of our business in the United States from landfills through interests and the interests of society. For recycling and reuse, on our way to our goal of example, as the world’s largest grocer, we generating zero waste. believe the sustainability of the world’s food supply is one of the areas in which we can GO BEYOND THE CORE make a significant contribution. TO CHANGE THE SYSTEM The United Nations projects that food pro- While it is important to operate the core busi- duction must increase by roughly 70 percent ness in a way that delivers value for society to feed the estimated nine billion people who and the business, a healthy, high-performing will inhabit the planet by 2050. We will need to company can and must go further. The world meet that challenge in a way that is sustainable faces social, environmental, and financial for the environment and equitable for consum- challenges of unprecedented magnitude and ers and farmers (who make up two-thirds of complexity. No one actor can resolve these the population in emerging markets). Our goal issues single-handedly. Governments and is to make the food system safer, more trans- civil society are increasingly calling business parent, healthier, and more accessible—and to to the table. lower the “true cost” of food for the environ- Meanwhile, globalization and technology ment as well as customers and farmers. have heightened interdependence in our social, environmental, and financial sys- 2. Draw on the Company’s tems. Even seemingly small actions can have Particular Capabilities serious consequences for others far away in Even in purely philanthropic areas, compa- space and time. Globalization and technol- nies can have greater impact by drawing on ogy have also greatly increased transparency. their unique business capabilities and apply- Actions and their consequences, however far ing those skills to complex societal problems. removed, are much more visible to all. In our own efforts, we try to add value in ways These forces have increased the opportu- that are different from—and ideally additive nities—and the responsibilities—of business. to—what others can do. If in the past 20 years the discussion has For example, to address hunger in the been about the need for business to serve United States, we make use of our particu- stakeholders beyond just the customer and lar assets. Over the past several years, we the shareholder, the next 20 years will be have donated nearly 1.5 billion pounds of about the need for companies to improve food to food banks across the United States, the networks and systems they depend on. including an increasing amount of fresh food Leading businesses are actively using their nearing the end of its shelf life. This improves scale and their particular assets to accelerate nutrition among those most in need, while progress on tough social and environmental reducing the amount of food we send to land- issues. fills as waste. We also donated more than 180 So, how can companies define their unique trucks and refrigerated trucks, as well as time


and expertise in logistics (since this is an area through 2012 and 2013, offering important we understand well), to help strengthen the benefits for our customers and improving the country’s charitable cold chain. world’s food supply.

3. Aim for a Triple Bottom Line 4. Reshape the System for In tackling priority issues, we design our ini- Lasting Improvement tiatives to promote benefits for society as well In the era of long-term capitalism, compa- as business. We set ambitious targets, and we nies can and must go beyond the kinds of track progress rigorously. improvements described above. They can In food sourcing, for example, we pursue do this by harnessing their expertise and initiatives that lower the environmental and scale and by joining with other organiza- financial cost of food production. One of tions to reshape global systems for lasting these initiatives, agriculture optimization, improvement. aims to reduce greenhouse-gas emissions by The global food system is essential to our eight million metric tons across ten million business. For it and for us to succeed, the acres of row crops such as oats and rice by system must evolve in a way that is sustain- 2020. Similar initiatives in the food chain able for the environment and smallholder and our own operations have allowed us to farmers around the world; the system also reduce our greenhouse-gas emissions by must be high-enough yielding to feed a grow- approximately 18 million metric tons since ing world population. Walmart is working 2010. To do so, we are working with the to enable that evolution. For more than a Environmental Defense Fund, as well as decade, we have been collaborating with the other large food companies, including Cargill US Agency for International Development (USAID) to improve the lives of smallholder farmers and women in the agriculture supply In the era of long-term capitalism, chain. Through our direct farm initiative in companies can and must harness their Central America, USAID and its implementing agencies have provided agricultural expertise, expertise and scale and join with training, and capital for infrastructure to other organizations to reshape global smallholder farmers, preparing them to sell systems for lasting improvement. into the organized retail sector. Walmart provides specifications based on consumer preferences, guidance on timing for differ- ent crops and varieties, and regular pur- and General Mills, to adjust the use of fertil- chase orders for offtake of farm production. izer and other inputs. We measure progress Smallholders gain a better price and more by tracking improvements in greenhouse-gas stable income, as well as the skills to improve emissions, water, yields, and other critical yields and profitability. Local customers factors per ton of food produced, by supplier gain a wider variety of better-tasting fruits and by category. and vegetables at the time of year when they Such initiatives provide classic triple-bot- want to buy. The agriculture sector gains tom-line results. Besides the important reduc- productivity and becomes more viable. In tion in greenhouse-gas emissions, they helped Argentina, for example, more than two- us to cut the price of fruits and vegetables thirds of our fruit and vegetable supply now in the United States by a total of $3.5 billion comes from such direct-farm programs. In

60 PERSPECTIVES ON THE LONG TERM our US private-label supply chain alone, we to sparking collaborative commitments from depend upon roughly $4 billion per year in corporations, to name just a few. agricultural products from small and midsize farmers. EMBED THE VALUES IN THE BUSINESS Now we are exploring opportunities to The commitment to address social and collaborate with others to strengthen trans- environmental issues should be a “whole portation and processing infrastructure in company” undertaking, woven into day-to- emerging markets. This will help develop day business activities; it’s not just a matter of local economies, feed local populations, corporate philanthropy. and support local farming families, all while Many companies, including Walmart, devel- providing a secure supply of high-quality food op social and environmental priorities as part products for Walmart customers. of annual business-planning efforts. We have made bold, public commitments—for example, 5. Engage Partners in to help train one million farmers by 2015 and Transforming Systems to source 100 percent sustainable palm oil by To achieve lasting solutions to complex social 2015. These commitments focus our efforts and environmental challenges, we have and force innovation. Many of these commit- learned that it is essential to engage and col- ments are made jointly with suppliers and our laborate with other leaders of the systems we partners at nongovernmental organizations. seek to strengthen. Leaders in the company, including the The difficult challenges facing the world today heads of business units and functions, set the are well beyond the scope of any single player social and environmental agenda for their to address. Solutions will depend on coopera- respective parts of the operation. They set tion among leading organizations in all sectors. targets and cascade those down the line into To achieve the magnitude of change the the individual performance evaluations and United Nations, World Wildlife Fund, CDP business reviews of their team members. The and others have called for in food, such as a capital-planning process explicitly addresses reduction in water usage, a 3 percent annual the social and environmental agenda. decrease in private-sector greenhouse-gas emissions, and a 15 percent increase in yield In the long term, a company’s business in the next ten years, leaders of the food interests and the interests of society converge. system must take concerted, coordinated Companies, communities, individuals, and action. In recent years, there has been an governments: we are all interdependent. Every explosion in the number of multistakeholder healthy, high-performing company has an collaborations in the food system, including obligation to use its strengths to help soci- the Consumer Goods Forum, which aligns ety, and each can do so in ways that enhance retailers and manufacturers in achieving the viability of the business, too. From how global food commitments such as sourcing products are grown and made to how they’re 100 percent sustainable palm oil and soy; transported and sold, companies can pursue the World Economic Forum, with its Grow innovative new methods and processes that Africa and related initiatives; USAID’s Global provide lasting benefits to their stakeholders Development Lab, to harness the power of and to the communities in which they operate. the private sector and others in addressing Large-scale change does not happen over- development challenges; and the Clinton night, but the stakes and potential benefits Global Initiative, with its innovative approach are immense. n



An Unshakable Belief In the Long Term ADRIAN ORR...... 64

Capitalism in The Postfinancial Era JOHN D. ROGERS...... 69

GIC’s Long-Term View LIM CHOW KIAT...... 75

Getting Beyond The Data Point EUAN MUNRO...... 80

Reporting for The 21st Century CHARLES TILLEY...... 84

A Single Ladle from A Flowing Stream LEI ZHANG...... 90

Building a Business-Owner Mind-Set MICHAEL SABIA...... 94

The Long-Term Imperative For Financial Institutions JAMES P. GORMAN...... 100


An Unshakable Belief in The Long Term Safeguarding capital for the future generations of a nation should be easy, but our natural human frailties make it hard. Success requires good governance, a principled view of global markets, and the courage to stick with those principles through good times and bad.

The general nature of the problems that bedevil the long-term investor are explained well and in substantial detail elsewhere. I offer a perspective from the Guardians of New Zealand Superannuation, a New Zealand government entity established to prefund future pension liabilities, on some of these issues in this article. I focus on the view that good governance is the indispens- able prerequisite for successful long-term investment. Earlier this year, I had the privilege of speaking with several Pacific Island Uni- versity students in New Zealand about their opportunities. For whatever insight I may have provided, I was thoughtfully and generously thanked with some of Auckland’s finest baking. Under usual circumstance, gifts received by the Guardians are auctioned Adrian Orr is CEO of the New Zealand Superannuation Fund. Previously, he served as deputy governor of Reserve Bank of New to staff at the end of the year, with proceeds Zealand and as the chief economist at Westpac bank and the National going to charity. The cupcakes, however, by Bank of New Zealand. He has also worked at the New Zealand Treasury virtue of being perishable and valued at under and the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development in Paris. He is deputy chair of the International Forum of Sovereign $50 (though I thought them priceless), made Wealth Funds and of the Pacific Pension Institute. their way home that evening, to the apprecia-

64 PERSPECTIVES ON THE LONG TERM tion of both my family and Bud, the dog. The long-term investor must have the Like all gifts and hospitality received by resources and discipline to resist fund staff, the baking was duly entered into a register that was published at the end of the short-term forces that could cause financial year together with the detailed and a deviation from the overarching strategy. complete records of our portfolio strategies, investment managers and holdings, perfor- mance, compensation, expenses, and other miscellany. dislocation and turmoil. In other words, the We take full transparency as the default long-term investor must have the resources starting point at the Guardians. It forms a and discipline to resist short-term forces that bedrock element of governance arrange- could cause a deviation from the overarching ments that cascade all the way from our strategy. founding legislation to the policies that set This discipline must be institutionalized. out delegated authorities, asset allocation, The Guardians are only able to maintain this and enterprise risk management. It also control because certain institutional char- infuses a commitment to a culture defined by acteristics are to the fore: a government and constructive achievement. Our transparency beneficiary that has granted a commercially is intended to mitigate the agency problems focused mandate to a board that then inde- that inevitably arise in the management of pendently decides on a desired risk-return other peoples’ money—problems that are profile and investment strategy for the fund; more difficult to resolve the longer the invest- the board’s support of management in the ment horizon. execution of the strategy; limited claims on capital; sufficient liquidity; and generally low THE GUARDIANS AS levels of peer and agency risk. A LONG-TERM INVESTOR Before I turn to the links between these The “long term” means different things to characteristics and our governance arrange- different people, and we have found it essen- ments, it is useful to summarize the advan- tial to sieve through theory and practice to tages we see in long-term investing. Each is establish consistent thinking on this in the conditional on a particular belief about the context of our goals, endowments, beliefs, nature of financial markets and that of other and capabilities. Our deliberations have participants. yielded a distilled view on what it means to One of our investment beliefs is that be a long-term investor. More importantly, financial markets are not perfect—short-term we have asked ourselves if we have the behavior is both cause and consequence— capacity and judgment to take the long view implying that there are substantial periods of in our own investments and reap the advan- time when asset prices become unanchored tages that are available to such an investor.1 from their fundamental values and that For us, the most useful definition is that a prices do, eventually, return to these values. long-term investor is one who can hold any If the views on the core investment risks that investment strategy for as long as the inves- we are willing to adopt do not change with tor wishes. Therefore, investing for the long prices or other market developments, then it term is largely concerned with the ability makes sense for the fund to invest against the to control the deployment of risk capital at market. We look to buy when others panic all times, and especially at times of market and sell, and we look to sell when others are


euphoric and eager to purchase. Our view long-term holdings are also advantageous allows us to be more levelheaded, to discount for the companies we invest in. For example, short-term manias and panics in equal the natural life cycle of assets such as forests, measure, and to seek long-term profit from infrastructure, and unlisted companies gears these instead. them toward returns in the long term. Such One consequence of panics and crashes opportunities may struggle to attract com- is that when they occur, the market balance petitive capital from investors with shorter- between demand and supply tilts overwhelm- term investment horizons, making it less ingly in favor of supply, with most either likely they will be funded. More generally, looking to sell or, as is more likely, being confident in the knowledge that their inves- forced to sell to meet their other financial tors are not flighty, investee companies are obligations. In anticipation of these times, freed from the requirement to focus on short- assets considered easier to sell quickly as the term earnings and profits and can instead set need arises trade at a premium to illiquid sights on defining and executing strategies assets. A long-term investor who generally for the long term. does not have other financial obligations that Finally, at the fund, we characterize force him or her into selling can benefit from investment themes as the long-term secular acquiring the illiquid assets that are cheaper influences on the global economy that are because they are less attractive to the general inexorable and invariant to business cycles. For example, the aging of populations, the warming of our climate, and the urbanization It is in the bad times that our mettle of developing countries are themes that will as a long-term investor is truly tested. play out over several generations irrespective of the periodic booms and busts of the global Happily, this is also when the available economy. As long-term investors, we are advantages can be fully harvested. ideally suited to examining the implications and positioning ourselves to invest in oppor- tunities that will only yield returns as the themes mature.3 (short-term) investor. Given that a long-term investor can invest in anything that a short- THE ROLE OF GOVERNANCE term investor can but is also more likely to Our pursuit of these advantages requires that consider illiquid assets, they benefit from we identify the right investment strategies increased choice and better diversification.2 and then demonstrate the wherewithal to The investment markets are character- persist with them during market rallies and ized by relationships that are distanced and declines. Steady hands are of course impor- transient. If, instead, we can forge strong tant during the good times: discipline must relationships with the companies we invest be maintained in rebalancing portfolios, in with where all partners are aligned on selling when prices exceed valuations, and generating long-term value, then, again, a in resisting competing for overpriced assets. potentially wider investment universe opens However, it is in the bad times that our mettle up to the fund. This is an advantage as long as a long-term investor is truly tested. Hap- as our belief holds that these long-term pily, this is also when the available advan- relationships have the capacity to enhance tages and a long-term investor’s endowments risk-adjusted returns. Incidentally, secure can be fully harvested. Maintaining focus

66 PERSPECTIVES ON THE LONG TERM is difficult, and it is human nature to flee to safer shores (and thus dampen career risks). Good governance arrangements, agreed to in advance and relatively immutable, combat these tendencies. The Guardians use to the fullest extent our enabling legislation, which provides opera- tional independence and a wide investment spectrum. This provides us the confidence to enter into investment arrangements that best suit the fund’s long-term purpose, with minimal agency risks that our owner (the government of New Zealand) will suddenly change our mandate. Our sovereign status is also beneficial in bringing the potential for us to be regarded favorably as stable sources of capital by business partners at home and abroad. In the absence of sufficient information about the nature of the financial markets, there is substantial room to be swayed by fads and ideas that promise superior returns. Consequently, it is essential to distinguish specific investment strategies. The anchoring Transparency is between these and genuine investment of our investment strategies to our endow- fundamental to the Guardians of insight, and this begins by articulating a ments and beliefs enables us to stay true to New Zealand well-founded investment philosophy, or our stated investment course, often when Superannuation; set of investment beliefs. These beliefs are it feels the most unnatural. For example, it even the cupcakes must framed not just by an investor’s understand- was exactly this anchoring that allowed us to be accounted for. ing of market characteristics but also by negotiate the depths of the global financial the introspection required to identify their crisis with a sense of opportunity rather than own strengths and weaknesses. As my col- dread by retaining the focus on the important league David Iverson writes in Strategic Risk questions: Have our beliefs changed? Are our Management: A Practical Guide to Portfolio strategies correct? Do we have the capability Risk Management (Wiley, November 2013), to manage day-to-day financial operations in “Investors without strong investment beliefs an unprecedented credit environment? tend to drift from one strategy to the next. . . . Our endowments and our long-term Investors with clear investment beliefs tend investment strategies that rest on clearly to be more consistent and disciplined in their articulated beliefs can be made irrelevant if investment strategies and are more likely to either the investment process or execution achieve their investment objectives.” that follows is shoddy. How do we ensure The Guardians have put in substantial consistency and discipline in our investment effort at identifying our core investment decisions, and how do we justify our choices? beliefs, and our investment-decision process How do we balance the desired continuity is fundamentally linked to these. The shared and institutional perspective with dynamic,

© WISIEL VIA GETTY IMAGES beliefs give us the confidence to choose clever people?


In resolving these questions, we have consistent methods and inputs. This allows decided on a benchmark investment strat- us to clearly understand the additional risks egy founded on a low-cost, passive, readily each investment brings to our benchmark- implementable global portfolio expected to reference portfolio, the return we expect to achieve the fund’s objective. This reference compensate for those risks, and the initial portfolio is chosen by the board and embod- signal to allocate capital to and from invest- ies its view of the risks that are appropriate ments on a timely, consistent, and commer- for the Guardians as a long-term investor. cial basis. For whatever other investment strategies we Finally, I note another element of our gov- ernance framework, sometimes overlooked by others, that relates to responsible invest- Responsible investors must ment. We believe that responsible investors have concern for environmental, social, must have concern for environmental, social, and governance factors because they are and governance factors because material to long-term returns. Our view is they are material to long-term returns. that constructive engagement is both good for returns and the advancement of our objective to be active owners and responsible investors. We also acknowledge the wider may choose, the reference portfolio allows beneficial impact on corporate practice, all to gauge whether our activities add value. regulatory standards, and the general Separately, the single reference-portfolio con- functioning of capital markets from active, struct also supports our cultural ambitions of constructive engagement. working together as one team pursuing our Good investments will come and go, and collective goal. views on good investment strategies will For the active investment decisions we change only slightly less often. However, it make, we have established a risk-allocation is a good governance framework that will process that allows us to rank opportunities primarily give the Guardians the discipline, by financial attractiveness (expected returns courage, and consistency to stay the course adjusted for risk and our confidence) and and achieve our mission of reducing the tax consistency with our endowments, beliefs, burdens on future New Zealanders. Hav- target operating capabilities, and responsi- ing been granted a “license to operate” on ble-investment commitments. In short, we the basis of this framework, we owe it to our periodically identify and quantify the sources sponsors and all New Zealanders to be trans- of risk and return in all active opportuni- parent and accountable for the choices we ties, including those already mandated using make—right down to cupcakes taken home. n

1 My comments in this section summarize the more detailed views in Sue Brake and Rishab Sethi, “The advantages of being a long-term investor,” Guardians of New Zealand Superannuation “How We Invest” white paper, September 2014, 2 Of course, increased choice is only beneficial when these choices can help improve portfolio risk-adjusted returns. See Joe Cheung, “Diversification,” Guardians of New Zealand Superannuation “How We Invest” white paper, September 2014, 3 These benefits are conditional on a degree of mispricing in the opportunities and the evidence for this is more uncertain than for the other advantages described.


Capitalism in The Postfinancial Era Tempered by crisis, global in outlook, and focused on a time horizon measured in decades, the fiduciary capitalist is poised to take center stage.

It is very likely that the global financial crisis of 2007–08 will have been the single most disruptive event in the careers of investors alive today. Many of us have family members who lived through the Great Depression of the 1930s. That generation carries memo- ries of bank failures and financial-market distress that have profoundly influenced its own investment and savings choices. A large number of people who came of age during the Great Depression emerged from the experience with a profound mistrust of financial institutions. The trauma of those times energized policy initiatives and labor unions’ support of government social security and defined-benefit pension plans to provide workers and voters an economic safety net not found in the financial system. It remains to be seen how the global financial crisis will affect the generation that just lived through it. Although financial markets have largely returned to pre-crisis levels, the trauma is likely to haunt us for decades to come. Already, we can see at least one important change: the era of “financial- ization” that lasted from about 1980 until 2007 is over, and a different set of economic John D. Rogers is a director at OM Asset Management. Previously, he served drivers is taking its place. The “financial as chief executive of the CFA Institute and as CEO of Invesco’s worldwide institutional business. Rogers is a chartered financial analyst and holds a BA capitalism” of that span of years should be from Yale University and an MA from Stanford University. viewed as an anomaly. The historical role of


finance is to enable economic progress. The funds. These institutions have an agenda era of financialization to some extent turned that supports long-term thinking. The larger this on its head, and finance became viewed of these institutions have become “universal as an end unto itself, rather than as a means owners,” bound to the overall outcomes of to an end. My belief is that the global finan- the global economy over many decades to cial crisis served as the catalyst to usher the come. As such, they are virtually obliged to finance sector back to its historical role as an engage with companies’ management teams enabling function. and public-policy makers on governance and The great opportunity for those in the strategy. Using the language of economists, financial community today is to support this they seek to minimize negative externalities type of healthy redirection by focusing on and reward positive ones.3 These inves- the long term. We live in an age when the tors are generally too large to engage in environmental consequences of economic short-term investment strategies, and it is and human activity threaten the sustainabil- in their interest to minimize costs, which in ity of life as we know it. Short-term thinking, the aggregate are a drag on returns to their which has contributed to these threats, is also beneficiaries. the bane of corporate executives, policy mak- ers, and the people who must live with the FIDUCIARY CAPITALISM consequences of opportunism. Fortunately, IN HISTORICAL CONTEXT From the standpoint of economic drivers, I believe there have been three major eco- The global financial crisis nomic eras over the past 60 years. First was served as the catalyst to usher the period from 1945 to 1980 that is often termed industrial or managerial capitalism.4 the finance sector back to its historical Within leading free-market post–World War role as an enabling function. II economies, the corporate issuer of debt and equity was the dominant force in capital formation. A great deal of this occurred through bank loans, and corporate-gover- there are some emerging themes within nance problems were minimized through the investment community that may help either dispersed ownership (the United counteract destructive short-termism. These States) or cross-holdings (Germany and forces, which I will group under the term Japan). Many remember this era for the rise “fiduciary capitalism,”1 are outlined in the of conglomerates and “national champions,” next few pages.2 which were nurtured with export-oriented In a fiduciary-capitalist economy, leader- market-share strategies. An analog to this ship in the deployment of capital comes from in many of the socialist nations of the time institutional investors with a long-term ori- would be state capitalism, where national entation. These institutions and their staffs wealth was channeled through government are in virtually every case fiduciaries: bound financial institutions and directly to govern- to a duty of care and loyalty and obliged to ment-owned entities. place the needs of their beneficiaries above Then, in the early 1980s, a 30-year decline all other considerations. The main players in interest rates began. At the same time, in this group are pension funds, endow- financial markets in the West were deregu- ments, foundations, and sovereign-wealth lated, financial engineering became a new

70 PERSPECTIVES ON THE LONG TERM © CHRIS HONDROS VIA GETTY IMAGES rather thanasanenablingfunction. as anenditself, seen to be began existence pants’) perception of finance changed. Its public’s (andmanyindustrypartici- era, the capitalism, or financialization. ascendance of what is often termed financial the witnessed area ofspecialization,andwe term thinking. Theseincludetheirsize, investors couldleadsuchanera oflonger- trends supportingtheideathat institutional fiduciary capitalists. There are three mega- finance and the economy could come from Out of this difficult period, leadership in FIDUCIARIES AS GLOBAL LEADERS mental agendas. financial institutions is part of most govern- oversight of and prudential and regulatory part of global financial institutions’ agenda, financial institutions. Deleveraging is now mistrusts overwhelmingly today public the for every US household. and $14trillion,or$50,000 to $120,000 crisis cost the US economy between $6 trillion Dallas have estimated that the global financial Reserve Bank of Federal at the Researchers finance industry took the brunt of the blame. crisis, the of the causes the and pinpoint cial crisis. While it is difficult to untangle in 2008 with the onset of the global finan golden era for financial services ended badly in 1980 to 8.3 percent in2006. in 1980to8.3percent GDP, financial services grew from 4.9 percent global passports to success. As a share of US boomed, and good jobs in finance became in thesector capitalization. Employment in revenues,earnings,andmarket growth financial sector to achieve well-above-average on theirbalancesheets. leverage greater of funds,whichsupported cost lower globalization, and a technology, deregulation, and brokerage firms—that benefited from intermediaries—banks, asset managers, winners in this era were global financial These salubrious developments allowed the allowed salubrious developments These 8 Notsurprisingly, 5 6 The biggest The Duringthis 7 This - n makers. and policy of corporations attention cert, commandthe acting aloneorincon- investors, either These half the value of the world’s equity markets. world’s equity of the value half the to account for$25trillion,orclose worldwide are excluded, the top 1,000 such fiduciaries companies and other for-profit entities) (investment-management agents Even when investors. world’s largest to beamongthe n shared agendas: the levelingpoweroftechnology,andtheir away fromtraditionalcapital marketplaces. asset ownersaremovingtheir business hands ofbrokersandbankers. Sophisticated into the hands of large fiduciaries as in the much computingpowerandmarket access gap ismostlygone. Thedigitalagehasputas institutional clients. Today, thatinformation metric informationadvantageovertheir and investmentbankersenjoyedanasym- playing field in finance. For decades, brokers

Size. Technology. Fiduciary institutions have grown Fiduciaryinstitutions Technology hasleveledthe PERSPECTIVES ONTHELONG TERM 71 9

to come. for decades haunt investors that crisiswill The trauma of to ahead. financial crisis the global in 2008brought Lehman Brothers The collapse of


Beneficiaries 50 or 100 years from now returns that are expected by their ultimate beneficiaries. In some cases, these returns will inherit not only the profits but also are not purely economic. Social and environ- the positive and negative externalities of mental outcomes may be part of the mission investments made today. of these investors, particularly in the case of foundations and sovereign-wealth funds. Moreover, many asset owners, for example, endowments, are “permanent” with regard to Institutions are doing business directly with their expected lives. Their boards have come one another and as equal counterparts to to realize that beneficiaries 50 or 100 years sell-side firms.10 Indexing, exchange-traded from now will inherit not only the profits but funds, and the availability of derivatives in also the positive and negative externalities of almost any flavor have rendered much of the the investments made by the fund today. world’s capital markets in the category of When we combine size, skill, and these commodity products. With this, many insti- agenda points, it is easy to understand that a tutional investors have chosen to “insource” number of large fiduciary investors are in the the management of large portions of their position of essentially owning all the out- asset pools. These investors are focused on comes of the world’s corporate activity, far low costs and a high degree of control. In into the future. They have become “universal Singapore, the $100 billion GIC, formerly owners.” As such, they have no choice but to known as the Government of Singapore become engaged in corporate governance and Investment Corporation, employs more than public-policy issues. The universal-owner 500 investment professionals, rivaling any label describes this reality, which is reluc- asset-management firm or sell-side research tantly accepted by some fiduciary investors department in sophistication. Institutional and embraced by others.11 An era of fidu- investors are powerfully redefining how ciary capitalism begins when the majority markets operate. of these organizations begin to act on their n Shared agendas. The third driver of this inherent advantages and responsibilities: a new era is found in the shared agendas of long-term investment horizon, the ability to these fiduciary capitalists. Their agendas can change corporate behavior through effective be summarized as follows: maximize total engagement, and a comprehensive approach returns to deliver real (inflation-adjusted) to accounting for costs, benefits, and invest- current and future income over very long ment results. time horizons. Where their agendas differ is essentially in that each of these institutions THE ROAD TO FIDUCIARY CAPITALISM has a unique liability profile to consider. A number of things need to happen for the In turn, fiduciary capitalists’ needs are not transition to fiduciary capitalism to occur. always aligned with what agents (banks and There needs to be more empirical evidence brokerage firms or for-profit asset managers) that “good governance” leads to higher are accustomed to offering. To many fidu- performance over long time periods. Such ciaries, “alpha” versus a market benchmark, evidence, which has begun to accumulate, will trading opportunities, short-term forecasts, lead to an explosion of products and invest- and competition with peers is not par- ment strategies delivered by agents, oriented ticularly important. What really matters to toward this source of alpha. Today’s account- these investors is a strategy that delivers the ing standards do not sufficiently address

72 PERSPECTIVES ON THE LONG TERM negative externalities. Such recognition is investor’s resources may not suffice. difficult, and the financial statements need to Corporate boards have become somewhat be augmented with supplemental informa- cynical about the intentions of many owners tion. There are a number of firms that are of their shares. Holding periods of corporate offering research and ratings that provide equity continue to drop, and many buy- such augmented analysis. The investment- ers act more like renters than owners. This management industry can seize the oppor- creates an unhealthy tension, which serves tunity to create products and services that neither the issuer nor the shareholder. As specifically address the agendas of fiduciary universal owners, large fiduciaries should capitalists. Fiduciary capitalists themselves come to recognize that they are bound by need to embrace the natural advantages liquidity constraints and trading costs in a they have by engaging with investee firms as long-term investment. This in turn sets up long-term owners. Here, too, firms exist that an opportunity for effective engagement can support this engagement where the end with the issuer’s management and board and

Can Fiduciary Capitalists Be Trained?

Professional education and credentialing, in the Certification programs are also on the rise. form of degrees, certifications, and charters, are UCLA’s extension program offers a sustainability among the hottest growth industries in business. certificate program, as do Harvard University’s Universities and professional organizations are extension program and the MIT Sloan School of quick to respond to significant new trends in Management. job markets. In a world of growing interest in As important as these programs are in environmental, social, and governance investing, preparing the next generation, education and it is clear that a new crop of university programs certifications alone will not be enough. The and nonprofit credentialing organizations will incentive systems that drive behavior must spring up to meet the demand. be realigned toward the values of fiduciary This is already the case. The New School’s capitalism: long-term outcomes, accounting Milano School of International Affairs and for externalities, and stakeholder focus. As Urban Policy, in New York, offers a master investors redefine their objectives along these of science in environmental policy and lines, the measurements of success will change, sustainability management, as well as a and, in turn, incentive systems can be reworked post-master’s certificate in sustainability to reflect these values. In finance, the most strategies. Southern New Hampshire University powerful motivators tend to be dollars and offers a degree even closer to the theme of cents, and it is fair to expect that educational fiduciary capitalism, with its MBA program in and credentialing systems will adapt to sustainability and environmental compliance. changing needs quite quickly.


should be welcomed by businesses looking owners (including voters, in the case of sov- for more stability and consistency from their ereign funds) need more information to make shareholders. Under fiduciary capitalism, reasonable judgments about their operations. these corporate-management teams should This information should include total opera- be held accountable for long-term perfor- tional costs, investment strategy and activi- ties, governance policies, and financial data. A change is needed in the framing of perfor- Under fiduciary capitalism, these mance, away from comparing returns with market benchmarks and in favor of defining corporate-management teams should and comparing the organization’s returns in be held accountable for long-term relation to its liabilities. performance and for the total An era of fiduciary capitalism could focus impact, not simply the bottom line, financial markets on long-term outcomes that better take into account positive and of their firms’ activities. negative externalities. The type of fiduciary capitalists described above have an excep- tional opportunity, as well as an obligation, to take leadership positions in this impor- mance and for the total impact, not simply tant work. At the same time, virtually any the bottom line, of their firms’ activities. This investor can become a fiduciary capitalist. approach to the meaning of investment helps The steps involved include thoughtfully restore finance to its original and intended choosing an investment policy and strategy function as an enabler of economic and that promotes good corporate governance social progress. and environmental and social outcomes and As leaders, large fiduciary investors avoids short-term tactics. There are many have a higher bar to clear for transparency, commingled investment vehicles offered to governance standards, and organizational retail investors that have environmental, sophistication. Today, too many institutional social, and governance strategies based on investors are secretive and do not disclose the principles of fiduciary capitalism out- enough about their activities. Their beneficial lined above. n

1 James P. Hawley and Andrew T. Williams, The Rise of Fiduciary Capitalism: How Institutional Investors Can Make Corporate America More Democratic, first edition, , PA: University of Pennsylvania Press, 2000. 2 For more on this argument and to access the longer article upon which this piece is based, see John D. Rogers, “A new era of fiduciary capitalism? Let’s hope so,” Financial Analysts Journal, 2014, Volume 70, Number 3, pp. 6–12. 3 Hawley and Williams, The Rise of Fiduciary Capitalism. 4 Alfred D. Chandler, Jr., Scale and Scope: The Dynamics of Industrial Capitalism, first edition, Cambridge, MA: Belknap Press, 1990. 5 Larry Neal, The Rise of Financial Capitalism: International Capital Markets in the Age of Reason, first edition, Cambridge, United Kingdom: Cambridge University Press, 1990. 6 Robin Greenwood and David Scharfstein, “The growth of finance,”Journal of Economic Perspectives, 2013, Volume 27, Number 2, pp. 3–28. 7 John C. Bogle, “Black Monday and black swans,” Financial Analysts Journal, 2008, Volume 64, Number 2, pp. 30–40. 8 Tyler Atkinson, David Luttrell, and Harvey Rosenblum, “How bad was it? The costs and consequences of the 2007–09 financial crisis,” Federal Reserve Bank of Dallas, Staff Papers, Number 20, July 2013, 9 Liam Kennedy, “Top 1000 Pension Funds: The thrifty thousands,” Investment & Pensions Europe, September 2013, 10 Scott Patterson, Dark Pools: The Rise of the Machine Traders and the Rigging of the US Stock Market, first edition, New York, NY: Crown Business, 2012. 11 Roger Urwin, “Pension funds as universal owners: Opportunity beckons and leadership calls,” Pension Funds, Governance and Compensation, 2011, Volume 4, Number 1, pp. 26–33.


In Singapore, long-termism is our national ethos. A willingness to forgo short-term grati- fication and keep faith with the fundamentals GIC’s has served us well. It has been at the heart of our mission since the beginning of GIC, which was created out of a need to manage the pre- cious savings that were set aside from limited Long-Term financial resources in the early years of Singapore. As Dr. Goh Keng Swee, the former deputy chairman who conceived the idea of GIC, put it then, “There is no real secret about View the way in which most nations and individu- als grow rich. They must save a good part of For Singapore’s sovereign-wealth fund, their income, wisely and profitably invested. taking the long view is fundamental. The more you save and the more wisely you invest, the faster you get rich.” GIC was set up in 1981 to benefit from that perspective. Specifically, GIC’s mission is to invest for the long term so as to generate a good return over and above global inflation. Three decades later, GIC’s performance has indeed benefited from a long-term perspec- tive. Our investment return gained substan- tially from the compounding of returns, the patient harvesting of long-term risk premi- ums, the countercyclical rebalancing of our portfolio, the ability to take advantage of short-term dislocations in financial markets, and our long-standing relationships with many investees, external fund managers, and other partners. Enduring the short-term uncertainty, and occasional short-term pain, has paid off. Over the years, we have learned that it is actually not the time horizon that matters most, but rather the mind-set and discipline to consistently invest based on fundamen- tals. In particular, it is important to have the ability to assess value and maintain price discipline in the face of market fluctuations and uncertainty. Having a long time horizon enhances this ability, especially in a world full Lim Chow Kiat is the group chief investment officer for GIC, of short-term investors. Professional inves- Singapore’s sovereign-wealth fund. He joined the fund as a portfolio manager in 1993. Lim graduated from Nanyang Technological tors like to bank on skill rather than luck. At University and is a chartered financial analyst. GIC, we add long-termism to our formula.


In theory, long-termism should give multiple channels and constantly assess to investors a big edge. The reality, however, is make sure they drive our decision processes. that even investors with explicit long-term In our experience, it is more difficult mandates find it hard to put long-termism to do this in the area of liquid markets. into practice. In our experience, the orga- Real-time market prices, while useful for nization’s entire “ecosystem” must have some purposes, can severely interfere with a long-term mind-set for it to work. Both the long-term investor’s discipline. The investment and organizational practices need emotional Mr. Market, as master investor to be supportive. From clients to employees, Benjamin Graham referred to the gyrating from front office to back office, and from stock market, visits constantly to challenge internal investors to external managers, we that long-term philosophy. He tempts you to try to ensure that long-termism permeates sell a profitable investment with a quick (but our practices. We break the necessary dis- often small) gain and pressures you to sell a cipline down into five areas: the investment losing investment, even when the long-term philosophy, governance framework, invest- prospects are good (and indeed may have ment mandate, organizational practices, and become better because of the lower price). communication. Short-term price swings, rather than careful judgment on fundamentals, could end up 1. INVESTMENT PHILOSOPHY dictating investment actions. At the heart of GIC’s investment philosophy is Even more insidious, knowing that Mr. our value discipline. We look for the com- Market is always available as a way to quickly pounding of fundamental value and opportu- and easily exit an investment can tempt you nities in price-value divergence. Both require to relax the necessary due diligence. The false a long-term orientation. We are also mindful comfort of a liquid market may weaken the that long-term investing does not oblige us rigor required. It is therefore critical to create to buy and hold for long periods. The holding an investment process that forces you to stick to a value discipline, which includes assess- ment rigor, a target buy list, premortem analy- The reality, however, is that even investors sis, rebalancing, and monitoring of portfolio with explicit long-term mandates find turnover, among other measures. Having the mind-set to look beyond marked-to-market it hard to put long-termism into practice. prices and instead at fundamental develop- ments in the assets has proved useful for this purpose. In equities, for example, it is critical to look beyond stock prices to actual business period depends more on price and value than performance. When done well, this is a source time. At the same time, while we obviously of competitive advantage, given how rarely prefer market prices to move up quickly to investors take such a disciplined approach. reflect our assessed valuations, we are pre- In recent years, we have also extended the pared to wait longer for the convergence than advantage into the area of providing bespoke most investors. capital for investees. Our long-term and flex- Translating this philosophy into practice ible capital has added to our opportunity set. requires constant, concerted effort. We start One of the most difficult investment deci- with an articulation of our investment prin- sions to make is one that forces you to stand ciples, which we vigorously promote through apart from the crowd. In fact, the largest

76 PERSPECTIVES ON THE LONG TERM investment losses tend to arise from procy- To keep an eye on the really long clical decisions. “Marked to peers” can be horizon, we examine trends that span a powerful (and damaging) psychological driver of such flawed decision making. As multiple decades, for example, the veteran investor Howard Marks puts it, new technologies and demographics. “looking wrong” can destroy careers in most organizations. Yet the ability to make those difficult decisions is an important part of suc- cessful investing. That is why a clear articu- ment practitioners who have shared their lation of a value discipline and long-term insights and networks in a variety of areas. orientation is so important. For example, they gave us many useful ideas when we were working on a new investment 2. GOVERNANCE FRAMEWORK framework two years ago. They also serve as A willingness to wait for the fundamentals experts in different domains and countries, to eventually play out does not mean there rendering valuable help when we need addi- is no need for checks and balances. Assuring tional assessment. stakeholders that our portfolio is managed according to our mandate is essential. We 3. INVESTMENT MANDATE have a “no surprises” policy, which means we Whether it is our client’s mandate to us or our are proactive in raising issues relating to risks mandate to external managers, we look for and future challenges as a way of building clarity. Clear statements on the return objec- and maintaining the confidence of our clients tive, risk capacity, and scope of authority give and board of directors. fund managers the confidence to construct Our governance design also addresses the best portfolios for delivering sustainable potential agency problems through clear results. In particular, the appropriate time approval authority, regular reporting, and horizon for evaluation should be discussed separation of conflicting roles. At the board and agreed on up front. level, there are several committees to oversee GIC manages Singapore’s reserves on such critical areas as investment strategies, behalf of the government. The government’s risks, active management, audit, and HR investment mandate to GIC is to preserve and practices. To ensure that we keep an eye on enhance the international purchasing power the really long horizon, we also have an advi- of the funds over the long term. That directive sory board that examines trends that span is set out clearly in an investment-manage- multiple decades, for example, new technolo- ment agreement with GIC. gies and demographics. At the aggregate-portfolio level, the In addition to avoiding conflicts of 20-year-rolling real rate of return—that interest and ensuring that we look out for is, the return above global inflation—is the long-term developments, we pay particu- key investment metric for GIC. Within the lar attention to equipping various levels of aggregate portfolio, we have a policy portfolio authority with the necessary resources. This comprising several asset classes and an active is particularly important as GIC’s operations portfolio made up of several active strate- become more complex, requiring a greater gies. Each portfolio and strategy, at every in-depth understanding of issues. Hence, for level, has a clear set of objectives, including a number of years, we have benefited from a return objective, risk capacity, and scope the services of several experienced invest- of authority. The minimum time horizon for


performance measurement is five years. In we provide opportunities for exposure to dif- addition, we work hard to prepare expecta- ferent parts of the business, and we increase tions for potential return paths. This is to responsibilities to extend the career runway; avoid surprises and allow our investors to act in exiting, we do extensive succession prepa- in a long-term manner. ration and work to expand our alumni com- We would like to adopt the same approach munity. Our human-resource practices focus with more of our external fund managers, on making GIC one of the best places in the including granting longer-term lockups in world to practice long-term investing. return for better performance and more It sounds like simple common sense to say favorable terms. Unfortunately, we are often that successful long-term investors must be hampered by the fact that most other inves- evaluated and rewarded based on their long- tors do not have a similar time horizon. Their term performance. Although it is obvious, need and desire to have redemption liquidity it is sometimes harder to implement than make it difficult for us to structure long-term you might think. First, long-term investors are often in competition with other employ- ers that offer short-term incentives. While When two investors produce the same we believe that our total value proposition is outcome, it tells us little about who superior, we must be careful not to stray too far from the typical employment package. has done a better job. We ask what role This partly explains our practice of using mul- process and luck played. tiple time periods to measure performance. Doing so also helps to ensure that process goals or interim targets are also met and reduces the likelihood of someone becoming mandates. This is an area where long-term too passive after a difficult start. asset owners could work together. In some In addition, effective performance-evalua- cases, the reluctance of external fund manag- tion and reward systems must go beyond an ers to provide ongoing process visibility also extended evaluation horizon. Several other poses a problem, as long lockups require us to elements are necessary. validate performance regularly. Differentiating process from outcome, especially for interim results. When two 4. ORGANIZATIONAL PRACTICES investors produce the same outcome, it tells As in any organization, the culture at GIC us little about who has done a better job. emanates from the top. Senior manage- We ask what role process and luck played ment takes every opportunity to advocate in the outcome. We also ask how much risk, the importance of a long-term approach. and what sort of risk, was incurred. We Besides regular public articulations of this, we believe you can only control the process; demonstrate resolve through our decisions in the outcome is simply a consequence of that human-resource practices, resource alloca- process. tion, and other business areas. We want to Evaluating performance at the total port- ensure that there can be no doubt about our folio level rather than at the component seriousness regarding these issues. level. There is often great temptation to focus We emphasize long-termism in career on selective results. While that is useful for development. In hiring, we consider mind- understanding the whys and hows, the over- set fit and career runway; in development, all result is more important.

78 PERSPECTIVES ON THE LONG TERM Our incentive scheme closely follows the We are conscious output of the evaluation. If the evaluation is that nomenclature is destiny. done well, the incentive will be right. The wrong words can corrode, 5. COMMUNICATION if not corrupt, our process. There are two aspects to highlight in this area. First, communication is important to surviving the long and often bumpy ride. Long-term investors not only need to get “the long-term is but a series of short-terms” the investment call right but also need to is extremely harmful. In our view, it is not maintain stakeholder confidence that the true—at least not for investing. We would investment strategy will most likely turn out correct someone in our organization if he right, even if current market prices indi- or she used that phrase or one like it. The cate otherwise. At GIC, we try to make sure drivers of short-term investment outcomes that the next-highest level in our organiza- and the drivers of long-term investment tion understands the risks and challenges outcomes are very different. In most cases, involved before embarking on an activity. the former have to do with market emotions, Second, we are conscious that nomencla- while the latter have to do with fundamen- ture is destiny. The right word engenders the tal developments such as competitiveness. right attitude and the right behavior. From Think of Benjamin Graham’s “voting” and how a report is presented to how an invest- “weighing” machines. The wrong words can ment loss is explained and how a concept corrode, if not corrupt, our process. is described, we are meticulous about word Long-termism and a value orientation are choice, as well as how we deliver the mes- at the heart of all we do, but to put these prin- sage. For example, we avoid displaying only ciples into practice requires constant vigilance short-term performance results, especially and discipline. The entire ecosystem must at important forums. This is to prevent the share the same orientation, especially in the perception that we emphasize short-term areas of investment philosophy, governance results. We avoid using a phrase such as framework, investment mandate, organiza- “consistent results” so that our teams do tional practices, and communication. If we get not wrongly focus on quick bets and quar- those things right, however, we believe we will terly gains. We prefer to say “sustainable be rewarded with achieving the investment results.” We find that a nice saying such as goals we have set for ourselves. n


Getting Beyond The Data Point In the age of ubiquitous information, long-term thinking provides a structural advantage to fund managers—and helps them contribute greater value to society.

In the predigital age, asset managers had an information advantage. They tended to find out things first. They just knew things that other people didn’t know. That advantage is gone. Today, more information—much more—is available in general, and it is avail- able to everyone, professionals and amateurs alike, simultaneously. Access to data is no longer a differentiator. Today, if you are an asset manager, your advantage needs to be how you process the data. And part of that is to take a longer-term view. When you take a longer-term view, you’re not so much looking at data points. You’re looking at trends. You’re looking at the shape of the information, rather than the informa- tion itself. That’s a different perspective, and one where you can actually start to see the patterns and make sense of the individual data points. You’re looking for data that con- firms or undermines your long-term ideas. It can provide a structural advantage by giving you a view of risk that other people might not see. I’m thinking of environmental, social, and governance risks, as well as other big disruptive and systemic risks. In addition, by Euan Munro is CEO of Aviva Investors and a member of the group taking a longer view, you can find the interac- executive committee of Aviva. Munro holds a bachelor of engineering in physics and electronics from the University of Edinburgh and is tions and correlations among investment a fellow of the Institute and Faculty of Actuaries. positions that others might not be conscious

80 PERSPECTIVES ON THE LONG TERM of because they haven’t looked at the larger A sensible long-term investor shape of the information. will tend to invest in companies Once you learn to do that, a lot of things change. You no longer need to be reliant on that are better behaved simply because quarterly reports. You do better analysis. You they’re less risky. think about it longer. You don’t even need as many investment ideas, because you can have the confidence to take bigger stakes and hold them longer. You become more engaged with An important benefit of long-term invest- the companies you invest in. And you can ing is that it leads to better-quality decisions, think more deeply about portfolio construc- more risk-aware decisions. At a societal tion, stress testing the entire portfolio for pos- level, the more long-term thinking there is, sible events and performing better analysis the more funding will go to those compa- on the long-term risks and opportunities of nies that will generate wider social benefits. individual holdings. For example, if you imagine an investment But to be successful, you have to learn to choice between two resource companies, one look at risk in a whole new way. For one, that is operating to a high ethical standard environmental, social, and governance and another that falls short of doing so, then issues—all the things shorter-term play- for an equivalent level of profitability and ers don’t worry about—become critically profit growth, the second company has a lot important. If a company has suspect employ- more open-ended risk. A sensible long-term ment practices, such as using child labor in investor will tend to invest in companies that overseas factories or exploiting illegal immi- are better behaved simply because they’re grants, those practices could be bolstering less risky. profits in the short term, but in the longer A big problem is that most professional term, they create an open-ended risk. This investors and managers have not been could manifest itself in a consumer boycott trained to look at data in this way. In both and or some other serious business disrup- cases, education tends to be quantitative tion down the line. and numbers driven. For chartered financial analysts, there’s a lot of emphasis on the A NEW VIEW OF RISK accounts and quarterly results. The training Similarly, if a company is using financial teaches people to look at financial metrics sophistry to avoid paying taxes or if it has and, on that basis, make investment deci- terrible environmental practices, it might sions. They are not trained to look at the be boosting performance in the short term wider context and consider societal and but dramatically increasing risk in the long governance risks. The training does not focus term. These are the sorts of issues that have on the details and implications of the busi- the potential not just to torpedo a company’s ness strategy. Real businesses are run by real share price over a week or a month but also to people who have their own needs, who can destroy its business model. You only tend to be greedy and abuse power or be selfless and worry about them, however, if you’re thinking devoted to the greater good of their organiza- longer term. A high-frequency trader who is tions. The existence of an appropriate gover- buying a stock for five minutes before turning nance framework that avoids moral hazard it around will not give much thought to these should be a major consideration in investing. kinds of potential catastrophes. This hugely important human element is


frequently underplayed. You have to under- cope with that. Once a company gets locked stand the business plan of the companies into that quarterly cycle, it leads to a series of you’re considering investing in, but you also bad outcomes. If you’ve trained your investors have to be able to judge the talent and charac- to watch the target number and then you miss ter of the people you’re relying on to execute it, they’ll sell. If, on the other hand, you have that plan. Is the business model sustainable? shared your business vision with your inves- Are the people in place capable of executing tors, they would not and should not be sup- that plan? Those questions of human judg- portive of management stopping a profitable ment tend not to get discussed as much in investment, say, in a new subsidiary, simply the formal training in my profession. Some of to meet quarterly guidance. the best training in my career has come from Similarly, in the asset-management busi- people outside the industry—for instance, ness, we’ve trained our clients to assess us by from lawyers, who have shown me how to benchmarking performance every quarter or ask questions that get to the truth, or from even every month. The reality is that whatever conductors, who have shown me how to get is measured is what gets managed to. Fund a collection of talented individuals to work managers have strong incentives to try to beat together as a whole. their benchmarks, sometimes to the extent Investee companies could help the that they forget about the goals of the original situation by providing a broader range of asset owner. information. We’ve been early advocates Another factor driving short-termism of integrated reporting, which encourages in asset management is the noise that's companies to give us detailed information on created by the media. Ultimately, this is environment, social, and governance issues a commercial business. Interestingly, we don’t make money, particularly, from great investment performance. Our clients do. We need less data and more We make money from the accumulation of rich discussion of the business. assets. The more assets we manage, the more money we make. Usually, there’s a connec- What is the company’s tion between those two things, but it’s not overall ethos and business strategy? perfect. If you’re seen as a successful fund Where is it going? manager, you will accumulate more assets, so the public image of whether you’re good is really important. And if you look at how the media normally assesses fund managers, few in a narrative format so that we can make outlets are considering ten years of perfor- more informed decisions. If you are going mance history. Most of the time, the media to hold an investment for years, rather than tends to cover the person who was calling for weeks or months, you need to understand the market to go up this year or the manager that broader context; a more complete narra- who was in the right stock this quarter. Gen- tive helps. We need less data and more rich erally, the things that get the most coverage discussion of the business. What is the com- are short-term phenomena. pany’s overall ethos and business strategy? Meanwhile, our clients have to act on the Where is it going? information they have. If they see my team We don’t need to have those reports every underperforming for three quarters in a row, quarter. Just report semiannually. We could I can remind them that I have a long-term

82 PERSPECTIVES ON THE LONG TERM strategy and that this is just a short-term est rates were to rise, it would probably be aberration, but that is probably not going to broadly helpful for some of our insurance be enough. Unfortunately, there is a knowl- picks, and we could add one of those stocks edge imbalance in the industry that is hard to the portfolio. The hope is that the two to overcome. Clients know a lot less about ideas would both work in the long term but capital markets and our investment pro- be complementary in the short term. cesses than we do, so they have to make their The goal is to address the risk of short-term judgment on good fund managers versus bad volatility while keeping the portfolio invested fund managers using what they believe is the most objective information at hand. For many clients, that is the quarterly fund ranking. Fund managers can encourage This is a powerful incentive for us to focus on a longer-term perspective by focusing short-term performance metrics. on portfolio construction. It’s a way BUILDING A BETTER PORTFOLIO of investing for the long term while There is another way for fund managers to managing risk for the short term. encourage a longer-term perspective, and that is to spend a lot of time focusing on portfolio construction. It’s a way of invest- ing for the long term while managing risk in long-term ideas. One important thing the for the short term. What I mean by that is asset-management industry needs to do to taking steps to make sure that your invest- help itself is to elevate portfolio construction ment portfolios are not going to be blasted to the same level as idea generation. That just out of shape by one or two decisions going has not happened in our industry. It’s been against you. In our case, we have built a all about the idea generation—and often quite portfolio with a two- or three-year invest- short-term idea generation. ment view. But we stress test it to make There are many advantages of long-term sure that over any quarter, if any kind of thinking. They are usually discussed with big event happens, we have a sense of how respect to various stakeholders—sharehold- the portfolio would perform. We consider ers, employees, suppliers, customers, local possible extreme events such as all out war communities, and society at large. It is in the Middle East, banks melting down in stating the obvious to conclude that these Europe, or interest rates being raised in the are all important. But I believe that learning United States—events that would stress the to think longer term, to view the shape of markets. the information rather than being blinded We assess how the portfolio would per- by data points, enables better investment form under those conditions and what we decisions. It supports us in fulfilling the could do to mitigate potential volatility. For foundational role of asset managers, which example, if you wanted to include in your is to ensure that capital finds its way to those portfolio an idea for an investment with investments that provide the greatest utility great long-term potential, but it was exposed to the economy by delivering sustainable to rising interest rates, you would look across long-term returns. If we can do that, we your inventory of other investment ideas will keep our clients happy, and we will be for the industries or businesses that would comfortable in our skin as valuable members benefit from interest rates going up. If inter- of society. n


Reporting for The 21st Century Traditional company reports do a good job of tracking finances and tangible assets. That’s not nearly enough for businesses today.

Doing business in an increasingly volatile, uncertain, complex, and ambiguous world poses profoundly different challenges from those of the past. Globalization, rapid innova- tion in technology, and demographic swings are driving a level of change that our business structures have not yet caught up with. Over the past 30 years, for example, there has been a fundamental shift in macroeconomic value to a point where more than 80 percent of the market value of companies now lies in intan- gible assets.1 Yet many accounting practices and processes do not reflect this shift. This new set of circumstances urgently requires a change in behavior to focus more on long- term value creation. As Mervyn King and Leigh Roberts put it in their book Integrate: Doing Business in the 21st Century (Juta & Company, September 2013), “It’s time for business as unusual.” In this article, I will set out my view of how integrated reporting, a new corporate-report- ing initiative, can help companies address the information needs of both investors and business decision makers within this changed dynamic. With a focus on long-term business Charles Tilley is the chief executive of the Chartered Institute of success and integrated thinking, integrated Management Accountants (CIMA). Before joining CIMA in 2001, he served reporting helps organizations tell their story as group finance director of the investment bank Hambros, and then held the same position at Granville Baird. He also spent 14 years at KPMG, in their own words, addressing the specific becoming a partner in 1986. concerns of long-term investors. In addition,

84 PERSPECTIVES ON THE LONG TERM integrated reporting can aid value creation by Integrated reporting can aid value providing a framework for business decision creation by providing a framework for makers to better understand material inter- relationships among the elements of their business decision makers to better business model in the context of the external understand material interrelationships business environment. among the elements of their The integrated-reporting initiative is spear- business model. headed by the International Integrated Report- ing Council (IIRC). The IIRC’s long-term vision is for integrated thinking to become standard business practice in both the public n Make the allocation of capital more effi- and private sectors, and integrated reporting to cient and productive through improvements become the predominant mode for companies in the quality of information available to to use in reporting results to stakeholders. providers of financial capital. An integrated report may be prepared either n Identify and communicate the full range as a stand-alone report or be included as a of financial and nonfinancial factors that distinguishable, prominent, and accessible materially affect the ability of an organization part of another report or communication. It to create value over the short, medium, and is essentially a narrative report, supported by long term. traditional financial reports, that integrates all n Recognize the importance of a broad the factors material to an understanding of the range of capital (financial, manufactured, value created by an organization and its future intellectual, human, social and relationship, potential in a clear and concise manner. and natural) to provide a thorough under- Numerous national and international standing of the organization’s business model. reporting regulations exist, and in the short n Support integrated thinking, enabling term, integrated reporting is not going to business decision makers to focus on value replace these requirements. But in my opin- creation over the long term. ion, there is no other framework that operates I believe that integrated reporting is an across the breadth of the activities within a initiative whose time has come, and this view business and its external context to the same is supported by the six largest global account- extent as integrated reporting. It provides ing networks. In a report2 commissioned by an umbrella framework under which other the B-20, the business forum that advises reporting requirements can be accommodat- G-20 governments, the networks endorsed ed. For instance, the 2013 UK Strategic Report integrated reporting as an important innova- and Directors’ Report is consistent with the tion that will make corporate reporting more principles underlying integrated reporting, conducive to long-term investment. the EU directive on disclosure of nonfinancial The linkage between integrated reporting information recognizes that this legislation is and long-term investment has been demon- moving toward integrated reporting, and inte- strated by George Serafeim at Harvard Busi- grated reporting is mandatory in South Africa. ness School.3 He studied more than 1,000 US The IIRC anticipates that, given time, firms to find the correlation between the use organizations will stop producing numerous, of integrated reporting and the time horizon disconnected, and static communications and of the investor bases they attracted over the replace these with an integrated report that period 2002 to 2010. His research included would accomplish the following: not only those firms that prepared integrated


reports but also those that reflected the prin- and water use, emissions, and waste. Novo ciples of integrated reporting in their full range Nordisk’s aim is to ensure long-term profit- of published reports. Serafeim found that the ability by mitigating risks and minimizing greater the degree of integration included negative impacts from business activities, and within firms’ reporting the more long-term to enhance the positive contributions to soci- their investor bases were. More research will ety from the company’s global operations. be needed on the impact of this longer-term Evidence from the IIRC’s pilot program of investor base, but I contend that this research more than 100 organizations using integrated further supports the linkage between inte- reporting shows that the benefits are not grated reporting and a greater ability to focus restricted to improved relationships with capital on the long term. long-term investors. There are also internal In an article in the Harvard Business benefits. For example, because integrated Review,4 Dominic Barton and Mark Wiseman reporting requires them to consider the argue that investors have an obligation to end various types of capital they deploy, many what they see as the plague of short-termism. companies have reassessed the way they work They call for providers of capital to alter the across their business, as well as the way they lens through which they view investment to use technology to integrate information and, focus more capital on the long term. One of ultimately, change the way they report results the practical changes they suggest is for these to reinforce the connectivity of information. In this way, organizations have strength- ened and made more transparent the causal Research further supports the linkage relationships that exist among strategy, the business model, and value creation. between integrated reporting Research5 undertaken by the Chartered and a greater ability to focus capital Institute of Management Accountants and on the long term. Tomorrow’s Company (a London-based international think tank) emphasizes the value of integrated reporting beyond its role as a reporting framework. First, it can help major asset owners to demand long-term met- an organization to better understand and rics from companies as a step toward changing connect the disparate sources and drivers of the investor-management conversation. long-term value to enable better strategy for- I believe that there is also a complementary mulation and decision making. In addition, it need for companies to focus their reporting on provides a synthesis of how value is created, the long term. For instance, Novo Nordisk, the helping to win trust and secure reputation by Denmark-based global healthcare company, encouraging better relationships with inves- has for a number of years published long-term tors, employees, and other stakeholders. targets. Its latest long-term targets include the usual profit, sales, margin, and cash metrics A DEEPER UNDERSTANDING but also targets that, although not directly OF THE BUSINESS MODEL financial, support long-term financial per- Integrated reporting combines an emphasis formance. These fall into two groups: social on conciseness and future orientation with a targets, which include employee motivation strong focus on strategy, the business model, and senior-management-team diversity; and and value creation. Making the connectivity environmental targets, which include energy of information and the interdependencies of

86 PERSPECTIVES ON THE LONG TERM various forms of capital transparent enables A thorough understanding of a more efficient and productive allocation of the business model that lies at the capital, both among businesses and within businesses. Integrated reporting applies heart of the organization’s value-creation principles and concepts that are focused on process is essential for identifying bringing greater cohesion and efficiency to the both risks and opportunities. reporting process, and promotes integrated thinking as a way of breaking down internal silos, reducing duplication, and driving posi- tive behaviors for long-term success. chase the output? Do they make repeat pur- But what does it take to truly develop inte- chases or recommendations to other potential grated thinking? I contend that it begins with customers? And does the output generate a thorough understanding of the business brand loyalty? Outcomes can be both internal model that lies at the heart of the organi- (employee morale, revenue) and external zation’s value-creation process. Such an (customer satisfaction, tax payments) as well understanding is essential for identifying both as either positive or negative. risks and opportunities. The International It is this need to identify and describe Integrated Reporting Framework defines an outcomes, particularly external outcomes, organization’s business model as its “system that drives an organization to consider the of transforming inputs, through its business kinds of capital it uses beyond just those that activities, into outputs and outcomes that aim it owns or controls. And it is this broadening to fulfill the organization’s strategic priorities of the range of factors to be taken into account and create value over the short, medium, and in business decision making that underlies long term.” 6 integrated reporting and provides its more So what does the IIRC mean by inputs, long-term foundation. business activities, outputs, and outcomes? n Inputs are the resources, relationships, and BUSINESS-MODEL ANALYSIS other forms of capital that the organization The need to understand the business model depends upon or which provide a source of exists at both the tactical and strategic levels differentiation. Integrated reporting describes within an organization. At the tactical level, the those inputs that are material to understand- focus is on an almost forensic analysis of the ing the robustness of the business model. mechanics of the business model. At the heart of n Business activities are what the organi- this detailed analysis, which spans the organiza- zation does to create value for itself and its tion, are the imperatives of improved customer stakeholders (including society). experience, cost leadership, minimizing envi- n An integrated report identifies an orga- ronmental impact, and the effect of competitor nization’s key products and services as well activity. In an era of increasing volatility and as any by-products, waste, or emissions that rapid change, the goal is to maximize long-term require discussion, based on how material value creation by optimizing opportunities and they are to an understanding of the robust- minimizing value-limiting factors. ness of the business model. At the tactical level, the organization’s n Actually producing something or making business model needs to be viewed through a service available is not necessarily a long- a variety of lenses. These include cash flows, term value-creating activity; what is crucial is profit generation, dependence on external the outcome that results. Do customers pur- relationships, technological reliance, opera-


tional processes, and the impact on the orga- model must underpin the boardroom conver- nization’s reputation and risk exposure. sation, to help it determine if the activities of These lenses should be focused on the long the organization are effectively aligned with term. However, pressure persists on business the overall strategy; to help it identify risks; leaders to deliver financial results in the short and to help focus discussions of strategy. term. According to a survey commissioned by McKinsey and the Canada Pension Plan LOOKING TO THE FUTURE Investment Board,7 out of more than 1,000 I firmly believe that a thorough understand- executives representing the full range of ing of the business model supports better industries and company sizes, nearly 80 per- integrated thinking and decision making, cent of respondents said that the time frame leading to better governance, better per- in which they felt the most pressure to deliver formance management, and better report- financial results was two years or less. ing—what I’d call better business. However, Nevertheless, the importance of reputation I recognize that more work needs to be done risk was shown by a recent global Chartered to convince many boardrooms that integrated Global Management Accountant survey8 of reporting, underpinned by integrated think- more than 1,300 finance leaders, conducted ing, will help them run their businesses more by the American Institute of Certified Public successfully in the long term. The Chartered Accountants and the Chartered Institute of Institute of Management Accountants will Management Accountants. More than three- seek to establish this case by asking the fol- quarters of those surveyed indicated that their lowing questions: company was prepared to lose profit in the n What conversations are boards currently short term for the sake of protecting long- having about the business model? term reputation, and the same number is n To what extent is this supporting a longer- putting more focus on reputational risk now term perspective? than in previous years. n What are the challenges in trying to At the strategic level, the analysis is driven understand and promote a common view of by the board’s need to understand how their the business model? organization creates value through its chosen n What information do organizations need business model and the risks it faces. Airmic’s to understand the business model? 2011 study9 of more than 20 major corporate Answering these questions will also help failures identifies a number of cases in which us to develop the tools and frameworks that the board’s failure to understand the business companies need to run their businesses sus- model contributed to a major crisis. I believe tainably. I look forward to sharing the initial that a thorough understanding of the business findings of this research in 2015.n

1 “Ocean Tomo announces 2010 results of annual study of intangible asset market value,” April 4, 2011, 2 Unlocking investment in infrastructure: Is current accounting reporting a barrier?, B-20 panel of six international accounting networks, June 2014, 3 George Serafeim, Integrated Reporting and Investor Clientele, Harvard Business School, 2014, 4 Dominic Barton and Mark Wiseman, “Focusing capital on the long term,” Harvard Business Review, January–February 2014, pp. 44–52, 5 Tomorrow’s Business Success, Chartered Institute of Management Accountants and Tomorrow’s Company, in association with the International Integrated Reporting Council, July 2014. 6 The International Framework, International Integrated Reporting Council, December 2013, 7 “Short-termism: Insights from business leaders,” survey commissioned by McKinsey & Company and the Canada Pension Plan Investment Board, January 2014, 8 “Companies put reputation before profit, says global survey,” Chartered Institute of Management Accountants, 2013, 9 Roads to Ruin: A study of major risk events: Their origins, impact, and implications, Cass Business School, City University London, and Airmic, 2011,

88 PERSPECTIVES ON THE LONG TERM A Framework for Integrated Reporting

To facilitate the adoption of integrated- Financial reporting principles, the International Integrated capital Reporting Council (IIRC) launched its formal framework in December 2013.1 It presents steps Manufactured for making sure the integrated report provides capital insight into the resources and relationships Human Intellectual that are used and affected by an organization, capital capital referred to as “the capitals” by the IIRC (exhibit). Social and The capitals are stocks of value that are relationship increased, decreased, or transformed by the capital organization’s business activities. The extent to which the organization can capture value for itself governs the financial returns to the Natural capital providers of financial capital. However, the organization should also be viewed through the lens of other stakeholders and society at Intellectual capital: knowledge-based large. The nonfinancial elements of the capitals, intangibles, such as intellectual property, including manufactured, intellectual, human, knowledge, systems, and procedures social and relationship, and natural, which are Human capital: the competencies, capabilities, nonetheless material to an organization’s ability and experience of employees, such as to create value for itself, should also be reported motivation to innovate, alignment with in an integrated report. governance framework, understanding of Following its recent pilot program with 140 strategy, and loyalty leading businesses, institutional investors, and Social and relationship capital: the public-sector organizations including Gold relationships within and among communities, Fields, Microsoft, National Australia Bank, groups of stakeholders, and other networks Natura, PepsiCo, and The Crown Estate, the IIRC and their common values, including brand and has announced a number of specific steps aimed reputational intangibles at increasing adoption of integrated reporting, Natural capital: all renewable and as well as a separate technology initiative. nonrenewable environmental resources and Financial capital: the pool of funds available processes such as air, water, land, minerals, to an organization biodiversity, and ecosystem health Manufactured capital: manmade physical 1 objects, such as buildings, equipment, and “The International Framework released with business and investor support,” International Integrated Reporting Council, December 2013, infrastructure


A Single Ladle from A Flowing Stream Long-term investing requires patience and discipline from all players in the ecosystem.

A few years ago, I was invited to be a speaker at a conference for the Chinese investment- management community. The Chinese mar- kets, like emerging markets all over the world, are volatile. So, the thought goes, the best way to make money is to trade frequently, lest you end up holding the short straw. The confer- ence organizers knew that my firm, Hillhouse Capital, had both very low turnover and excel- lent performance. They were surprised to see these two things exist in tandem. My speech was billed as, “How to make money despite being a long-term investor.” Other Chinese investors often tell me they would like to be long term too, but they can’t afford to because of their fiduciary duty to make money for clients. I sympathize with this sentiment because there is some truth in it. Great long-term investments are simple in theory but difficult in execution because they will undoubtedly test your patience and resolve, especially in the face of potentially steep interim losses. Another necessary condition for the successful execution of a long-term strategy is the backing of invest-

Lei Zhang is the founder and CEO of Hillhouse Capital Management Group. ment partners who remain patient and reso- Hillhouse manages approximately $16 billion for endowments, foundations, lute alongside you. Fund managers who are sovereign-wealth funds, and family offices. Zhang is the vice chairman forced to continually make money or defend of the board at Renmin University of China and serves on several councils at Yale University. He earned a BA from Renmin University and an MA short-term results can never truly take a and MBA from Yale. long-term outlook.

90 PERSPECTIVES ON THE LONG TERM A FOCUS ON ENTREPRENEURS sidered more premium than multinational Having partners who are long term them- counterparts like Tide. selves gives me freedom to focus on what Many entrepreneurs in our portfolio share I love, which is working with exceptional similar stories. Tencent intentionally under- entrepreneurs to build businesses that monetized its early social network, QQ, for optimize for the next ten years rather than many years in order to focus on consumer the next quarter. The founders of Blue Moon, experience. Hengan, one of China’s biggest Luo Qiuping and Pan Dong, exemplify this consumer companies, emphasized a slower- idea. We first met Blue Moon in 2006. At growing feminine-products business line over the time, Blue Moon was a leader in liquid a fast-growing tissue-paper division because hand soap. The company was able to grow tissue brands are less defendable over time. In organically and was not looking for inves- its start-up years, Baidu cut its only money- tors. We were intrigued by the entrepreneurs and kept in touch, often sharing our research on the global household/personal-care In China, most entrepreneurs suffer industry. In 2008, the company had a small from the problem of having too much R&D breakthrough with a new type of liquid clothing detergent. At the time, multina- choice rather than too little. tionals had a big presence in China in the powder-detergent market. Liquid detergents were a premium product and the Chinese were thought to be too cost-conscious for making division, the SMS-advertising busi- this concept. ness, in order to focus solely on search. We believed Blue Moon had a window of One of Hillhouse’s guiding principles is opportunity to seize the liquid-detergent a phrase borrowed from the 18th-century market in China. Globally, this market stood Chinese classic novel, Dream of the Red at nearly $20 billion, and it seemed inevitable Chamber. The phrase translates roughly into, to us that the rise of the Chinese consumer “Out of a flowing stream, I need only a single would add to this number. As a result of these ladle of water.” In China, most entrepre- discussions, Blue Moon decided to go full neurs suffer from the problem of having too steam into liquid detergents, spending heavi- much choice rather than too little. They are ly on marketing, distribution, and manufac- surrounded by innumerable “opportunities” turing build-out. The Blue Moon founders that offer the promise of a quick buck. The turned a small enterprise that made steady, willingness of the exceptional entrepreneurs handsome profits into a loss-making enter- to focus and delay gratification in the whole- prise with the potential to become a multi- hearted, almost ascetic pursuit of a greater billion-dollar powerhouse. Hillhouse was an long-term mission is what inspires me to enthusiastic participant in this decision and keep investing. became one of Blue Moon’s only significant This principle applies to Hillhouse as well. external shareholders, investing in 2010. The Investing in equity, the residual value of a company became an early pioneer in China in business, over the course of several years or creating products synonymous with quality, decades forces decision making in the face a strategy that has allowed it to become not of strategic ambiguity and requires a specific only the largest player in the liquid-detergent mind-set. A few years ago, one of my analysts segment but also to build a brand that is con- came to me with a structured-finance deal


that would have generated a 25 to 30 percent to leverage Tencent’s social-network data internal rate of return within a few months. I and capabilities to provide better service turned it down. I didn’t want my organization and products to its customers. Some people to spend time on marginal ideas that distract believe that investing is a zero-sum game, from the challenging work of honing long- that you can only win if someone else loses. I term judgment, no matter how attractive think long-term investing is positive sum, that these opportunities might sound. everyone in the game benefits. The intersection of great ideas and excep- Hillhouse is an active participant in strate- tional people is, by definition, rare. When we gic decisions, but we are never activists. We find great entrepreneurs, we do all that we would never try to force a decision on a com- can to help them build their companies. This pany. We’re never hostile. If we are ever in a is not completely altruistic. For one thing, situation in which we are completely at odds helping a company define strategic direction with the entrepreneur, then we have probably reduces our investment risk. Second, help- made a bad judgment. We certainly have had ing our existing entrepreneurs extend their our fair share of mistakes and battle scars. franchise value by reaching new markets and In these situations, we walk away and take deepening competitive moats means we can our losses. Life is short and we want to spend stay invested for much longer. We are lucky quality time with quality people. to have three or four new investment ideas a KNOWLEDGE AS A STRATEGIC ASSET We are in many ways like a university, We have the conviction to pursue focused on the pursuit of truth through our own ideas and are not beholden research. When a team member has a good idea, he or she can spend months, even to the “spot market” of available years, learning as much as possible about the deals or companies. business, sector, or geography without the pressure of finding a commercial application. We once looked at the evolution of retail over the past hundred years across both West- year, so reducing or eliminating the need to ern and Asian markets to understand why “change horses” drives compounded returns certain retail formats were stronger in some over the long term. markets than others. As a result of these For example, we’ve worked on a number sorts of multiyear efforts, we have the con- of initiatives over the years with Tencent, our viction to pursue our own ideas and are not very first portfolio company. We introduced beholden to the “spot market” of available Tencent to MNC, Indonesia’s largest media deals or companies. conglomerate (with whom we have been This perspective would be difficult if our invested for many years). Together, the three research activities were geared toward try- of us formed a joint venture in Indonesia to ing to meet a deadline for a deal, or trying grow Tencent’s mobile-chat service, WeChat, to understand volatility when it hits. If our in Indonesia. We helped form a strategic research leads to an attractive investment or partnership between Tencent and, helps us incubate a new business, then great. China’s largest B2C retailer. As part of this If not, we are happy to wait until the right partnership, Tencent merged its e-commerce time comes. Maybe there will never be a right assets into, and will be able time, and that is OK; we encourage research

92 PERSPECTIVES ON THE LONG TERM simply to indulge our curiosity and get closer Long-term investing cannot exist to the truth. in a vacuum; it needs an ecosystem Long-term-oriented research allows you to have conviction when others don’t, and for support. partnering with like-minded limited partners gives you the freedom to act on this convic- tion. This is why we are stage agnostic and invest in everything from private growth relevant to what we do or what our limited companies to public companies. We invest in partners are interested in. companies that have minimal or no earnings, Long-term investing cannot exist in a or in companies that go from positive earn- vacuum; it needs an ecosystem for support. ings to negative earnings with our advice and Even though the short-term-trading mentali- encouragement. We hold on to companies ty of the Chinese market has provided us with without pressure to sell and help them com- some interesting buying opportunities, it is pound in value. We invest not only in China, ultimately a risk to the entire system. Entre- but across Asia and the rest of the world and preneurs cannot reach their full potential put capital to work wherever we find excep- without staunch support from investors, and tional entrepreneurs. investors like us cannot provide that support Our clients allow us the flexibility to call without the backing of our clients. capital during market depressions and return In China, I have organized a group of capital when we feel there are not enough equity investors to share thoughts about opportunities to deploy it. fundamental investing. I support start-up For example, during the depths of the fund managers who share Hillhouse’s long- financial crisis, I got extremely excited by the term philosophy and help them get their valuations of our existing portfolio compa- businesses off the ground. People think this nies. I called my clients and said I wanted to is pretty strange; even a few of my own team double down on the fantastic businesses we have questions about why I am so eager to owned, which we thought were fundamentally develop potential competitors. I see it as sound but priced like they were going to fail. expanding the entire long-term ecosystem Shortly after Lehman Brothers collapsed, and enlarging the pie for everyone. I deeply Hillhouse took in one of the largest capital believe that long-term investing is a positive- inflows in its young history. sum game. I also have a soft spot for all true Hillhouse has performed well by any mea- entrepreneurs, and the investing business, sure over the past ten years, but this has not especially in a market as dynamic as China’s, precluded us from having periods of under- is certainly one that calls for plenty of entre- performance. We can hold onto (or buy more preneurial spirit and determination. of) companies with strong long-term funda- Who you are depends on who is around mentals and poor-performing stock prices you. Hillhouse’s fundamental reason for exis- because our investors understand what we tence is to help quality people build quality are doing and give us the leeway to execute. companies, and we must do all that we can to We don’t ask our entrepreneurs about quar- work with our partners to create an ecosys- terly earnings; this sort of information is not tem to support this mission. n


Building a Business-Owner Mind-Set It’s time to start investing based on long-term fundamentals rather than short-term volatility.

By definition, long-term investors have a stake in the long-term health of the economy. Measured over years and decades, their performance is tied to the innovation, produc- tivity, and growth of the companies in which they invest and, more broadly, to economic prosperity as it grows over time. These inves- tors have good reason to focus on the business fundamentals of the companies and projects they invest in, on important policy choices, and on the broader fundamentals of the economy itself. In a word, long-term investors need to be builders. Short-term investors have a different frame of mind. Fundamentally, they are trad- ers. Their business depends on the hourly, weekly, or quarterly price swings of a stock, which can be completely disconnected from the underlying condition of companies or the state of the economy. Profit can be generated in good or bad times, based on the short-term movements of interchangeable stocks. Michael Sabia is the president and CEO of Caisse de dépôt et In today’s financial system, the problem is placement du Québec, which manages public and private pension that too many—far too many—investors have funds in Québec. Previously, he was chief executive of BCE, Canada’s largest telecommunications company. Sabia earned a BA from become traders who treat companies like the University of Toronto and an MPhil from Yale University. commodities. But companies are not com-

94 PERSPECTIVES ON THE LONG TERM modities. They play critical roles in allocating In today’s financial system, the problem resources, determining levels of investment, is that too many—far too many— fostering innovation, creating jobs, and contributing to productivity and prosperity. investors have become traders who treat When we treat companies as commodities— companies like commodities. that is, when we trade them rather than invest in them—we run the risk of undermining the long-term growth prospects of our economy. Why? Because as traders press for short- The first part of the answer is knowledge— term performance, CEOs have no choice but deep knowledge. Business owners are not to focus their strategies on quarterly perfor- satisfied with secondhand reports or periodic mance, to the detriment of long-term invest- reviews of P&L statements; they know and ment plans that might be costly in the near understand the fundamentals of the company term but often enhance growth potential. or asset they invest in. They are intimately Spread across the breadth of our economy, familiar with its culture, people, operations, this dynamic contributes to the sort of slow and strengths and weaknesses. They under- growth we are experiencing globally today. stand the industry and know the competition. Many share this concern. In fact, the And they have a deep sense–impervious to importance of investing with a long-term short-term market fluctuations or flights of perspective is now much discussed, as the fancy–of their business’s intrinsic value. Focusing Capital on the Long Term initiative This expertise is not passive or detached: demonstrates. The beginnings of a consensus business owners engage with management. for change seem to be taking shape. They exercise their judgment and make con- This being said, the truth is that long-term sidered decisions based on rigorous analysis. investing is difficult. Especially today, when They have a clear idea of where their business information circles the planet in minutes, is heading. the pressure for short-term results has never Finally, business owners display loyalty to been greater, and financial intermediaries their company, but not at any cost. In return, have become omnipresent, increasing com- they expect performance and work hard, plexity, risk, and costs. with management, to achieve it. They are These are significant headwinds. To independent minded. While they are aware of navigate such an environment successfully, what others may think, they are ready to look long-term investors require independent beyond it. They are prepared to make tough governance, a renewed focus on culture and decisions and work through difficult times. process, sound risk management, and, of Of course, all this serves as a metaphor. course, the right people. Above all, they must Institutional investors are not business own- return to the roots of asset ownership: invest- ers, and they should not actually start running ing in the real economy with a business- companies. That said, we do believe the busi- owner mind-set. ness-owner mind-set is a useful inspiration for the successful pursuit of long-term investing. INVESTING LIKE AN OWNER What does it mean to invest with a business- INSTILLING THE MIND-SET owner mind-set? What are the distinctive For 50 years, Caisse de dépôt et placement traits of business owners? What distinguishes du Québec (la Caisse) has been manag- them from traders? ing public-pension and insurance funds.


We have more than CAD 215 billion (USD of benchmark deviation, or the wisdom of 189 billion) in assets under management, crowds. Deep knowledge is a prerequisite for more than 90 percent of which is managed investors willing to take more concentrated internally. Coming out of the 2008–09 crisis, positions instead of the usual practice of la Caisse began working to instill a business- hedging their bets and diversifying across owner mind-set throughout the organization. the investment landscape. Here’s how that mind-set plays out across This focus on deep knowledge has become various asset classes. a cornerstone of our investment approach.

Real Estate Infrastructure At la Caisse, we do not simply invest in real Infrastructure is a natural asset class for the estate: we own and operate it. With more long-term investor. Typically illiquid, long than CAD 40 billion in assets, our Ivanhoé term in nature, and resistant to easy bench- Cambridge subsidiary has become one of the marking, infrastructure-investment decisions leading operators of real estate in the world, must rely on a rigorous understanding of with 1,700 employees and properties in Asia, intrinsic value and risk. Europe, Latin America, and North America. As with our real-estate portfolio, applying When making investment decisions, a business-owner mind-set to our infrastruc- Ivanhoé Cambridge is not focused on how to ture investments requires us to answer a dispose of acquired properties in a three- to number of questions: Is the project economi- five-year horizon or on the financial engi- cally important and, hence, is it viable for the neering underlying the transaction. Instead, long term? Do we understand it well? Is the it analyzes the tenant base, potential long- expertise available to manage it through good term disruptions, and opportunities for times and bad? What operational improve- ments can we make? La Caisse aims to provide unambiguous and durable responses Fundamental research is a better way to these questions, as we normally approach to manage risk than a simple reliance on infrastructure acquisitions with little or no technical tools, tracking of benchmark consideration for the date of resale. deviation, or the wisdom of crowds. Public Markets We have also decided to expand the business- owner mind-set to our public-markets team. This represented a radical departure from the operational improvements to the property’s status quo. management. In 2013, we launched a high-quality global Developing such a deep understand- equities portfolio built on the core principles ing of assets—including at the operational outlined earlier. The portfolio is worth CAD level—presents a number of advantages. 25 billion, concentrated in about 70 compa- It provides a rigorous and independent nies, with an annual turnover rate of about sense of the value and potential of an asset, 10 percent. Stocks are selected on the basis of which increases resilience in the face of proprietary fundamental research, which also turmoil. Fundamental research is also, we serves as an essential risk-management tool. believe, a better way to manage risk than a Crucially, it is a benchmark-agnostic simple reliance on technical tools, tracking portfolio: while its performance is measured

96 PERSPECTIVES ON THE LONG TERM against an index over a long horizon, it is THE ELEMENTS OF not built around a benchmark and is not A LONG-TERM CULTURE expected to track one. This is a near-complete All institutions hoping to keep their focus on reversal of our previous strategy. Adopting a the long term face challenges. Public markets business-owner mind-set has meant letting go in particular are awash with distractions. of indexes. While no one is completely immune to the We are now in the process of expanding anxieties of market volatility, holding stead- this approach to other major equities port- fast to a few principles and practices may help folio. By the end of 2015, CAD 50 billion of to navigate turbulent seas. assets will have been shifted away from our previous, benchmark-driven strategy to one Independent Governance that, we are convinced, will deliver far more Investors hoping to remain committed to durable results. their principles must be able to withstand Even though equity portfolios don’t always pressure from government, other institutions, allow for the same kind of engagement as and public opinion. real estate or infrastructure, we’ve tried to In practice, this requires three things: import the same overarching principles: truly independent governance, shielded from deep research, a focus on intrinsic value as interference from political actors and outside opposed to benchmarks, fundamental risk interests; an ability to resist public criticism assessment, and resilience in the pursuit of or impatient calls for a change in direction; long-term objectives. and freedom to set compensation policies adapted to the marketplace. A number of Private Equity guidelines exist to achieve these objectives, The business-owner mind-set also appears and they should be adopted, in letter and ideally suited to private-equity investments. spirit, by all investors serious about making Importing the principles outlined above to and maintaining their own decisions. la Caisse’s current and future private-equity operations represents the next frontier in Talent our plan. For any institution, the first priority is find- Once again, the point is not to operate ing individuals who understand its philoso- companies directly. Instead, we will be striv- phy and values and who are willing and able ing, along with our partners, to be an active to further them. Compensation structure and (but not activist) investor, not bound to any processes help to align individual incentives specific benchmark, seeking only to invest with institutional objectives but cannot serve in businesses we believe in. These may be as a magical cure for fundamental differ- companies that are performing well but are ences of perspective. underpriced, or they may be companies in For la Caisse, the combination of a busi- which we see opportunities for sustainable ness-owner mind-set and a focus on long- performance improvement. term risk assessment has meant hiring people La Caisse is developing this level of with broad horizons, diverse backgrounds, engagement and ownership one transaction operational experience, and a willingness at a time—occasionally taking board seats, to engage with the management of portfolio making recommendations, and using our companies. Our search for experienced busi- influence—as we learn from past successes ness operators has often led us far beyond the and failures. traditional recruitment pool of the financial


industry. We have hired engineers, geologists, been an important ingredient in our move and executives with operating experience in to a more collective approach to investment mining, consumer products, and IT, among decision making. Our new process relies on many other areas. We want people who have the value of debate as the best way to get the a clear understanding of how value is created real issues on the table. For example, we don’t in a sector—because we believe durable value have an investment committee. We have an is created through excellent operations, not investment-risk committee. The distinction is financial engineering. important because it implies that in a discus- sion of any investment proposal, we expect Culture and Process a debate between our investment and risk What is an organization’s culture? In our teams. We regard this as a key part of develop- minds, ultimately, it is how work gets done. It ing the deep convictions we need to take large is the fabric that brings together the indi- positions and hold them for the longer term. vidual skills of our people. Building a culture With that same goal in mind, we are also that resists the temptation to follow the crowd trying to adopt a more strategic approach and seek immediate results has been one of to investment decision making. Every year, our toughest challenges. We still have a long we ask each asset-class team to develop and way to go. present to our board a four-year plan that We are trying to build an institutional identifies its investment priorities and where culture that values the kind of knowledge, it intends to take its “business” over the com- independence, and patience that lead to deep ing period. Throughout the year, individual convictions. That means striving to under- investment decisions are evaluated against stand companies and assets as deeply as a those four-year priorities. business owner, truly engaging with the com- Compensation Indispensable to our strategy is an ability to Building a culture that resists pay our investment professionals on a com- the temptation to follow the crowd mercially competitive basis. Without it, we would not have access to the talent we need. and seek immediate results has That being said, how we pay our people is as been one of our toughest challenges. important as how much. Four years ago, we put in place a new compensation program built on a number of principles that aim to support our long-term business-owner mind-set: panies we invest in, and weighing fundamen- n We offer pay for performance over a four- tal, long-term risks. year rolling period. When making investment decisions, we n Individual, team, and la Caisse–wide per- place a great deal of emphasis on the pool- formance counts for everyone. ing of knowledge across the organization to n Risk management is everyone’s responsi- marshal our best insights. This has meant bility. breaking down the silos that have histori- n We try to make investment decisions as if cally separated one asset class from another we were investing our own money—to that and investing in information-management end, as an example, our senior executives systems that facilitate collaboration. are required to invest more than half of their This deliberate pooling of knowledge has annual bonus in la Caisse’s portfolio.

98 PERSPECTIVES ON THE LONG TERM Risk When thinking about value over Equally important is a robust assessment of multiple years or decades, near-term risk. Should we be concerned about fluc- tuations in asset value, deviations from a fluctuations fade in importance benchmark, or permanent loss of capital? next to core strengths and weaknesses. Should we focus on financial factors, broader determinants of risk, or both? La Caisse has adopted a pragmatic approach: risk is assessed from a number of perspectives, each providing its own insights. Why is all this important? Beyond catch- But our priorities have shifted. phrases and good intentions, is there funda- We are now mainly concerned about deep mental value in long-term investing with a risk and permanent loss of capital, and we business-owner mind-set? give extensive consideration to both financial We deeply believe so. and nonfinancial risk factors. Like business Long-term investing creates a virtuous judgment, risk management is both an art circle that improves risk-adjusted returns and a science. To that end, we are working to over time. It encourages corporations to pool expertise and encourage open (and at adopt longer-term objectives, invest in times vigorous) debate. innovation, and focus on building superior While we continue to track volatility using longer-term performance. At scale, it can all available tools, la Caisse no longer sees this stabilize and improve capital markets. And measure as the be all and end all of risk man- it helps to reduce the noise and distractions agement. Our focus is firmly placed on deep that often lead markets to irrational turbu- research and stress testing the performance lence. In a fast-paced world, taking a step of both individual assets and our overall back makes sense. portfolio. We are gradually moving away from As large, global investors, our ability to certain tools, like VaR, that often obscure meet our clients’ long-term expectations more than they reveal. depends on markets that ultimately reward To put it simply: the criteria that figure into responsible and creative decisions. an evaluation of risk over a 30-day window We believe all institutions that have the are of limited relevance to a 30-year invest- ability to break free from the tyranny of ment horizon. When thinking about value over short-termism should consider the broadly multiple years or decades, near-term fluctua- shared benefits of investing for the long tions fade in importance next to core strengths term. If we all chase the market based on one and weaknesses, fundamental movements in another’s movements, we are really all just demography and technology, and the stability chasing our tails. Surely, we can do better of economic and political systems. than that. n


The Long-Term Imperative for Financial Institutions Finding innovative solutions to the challenges of the future will require stable capital markets and intermediaries.

The strengths of well-functioning global capital markets include speed, scale, and efficiency in capital mobilization and alloca- tion—attributes that, while positive, some- times foster short-termism. Mobility and interconnectedness increase the speed of transacting and communicating but render it easier for decision makers to be caught in the welter of immediate concerns. Now, more than ever, corporate and financial leaders must clearly focus on the longer term in their strategic planning and investment decisions. The following facts illustrate why this reori- entation is vital: In 1950, the world’s popula- tion was 2.5 billion; today, it exceeds 7 billion, and by 2050 it will have grown to more than 9 billion.1 Much of this change will occur in major cities already grappling with issues created by dense population and high growth rates. Rapid urbanization, scarcity of clean James P. Gorman is chairman and CEO of Morgan Stanley. He joined the firm in 2006 as president and COO of global wealth management, and water, inadequate nutrition, lack of hous- was then copresident and cohead of corporate strategy. He previously held ing, and periodic disease outbreak not only a succession of executive positions at Merrill Lynch, was a senior partner multiply the challenges to providing basic life of McKinsey & Company, and an attorney in Melbourne, Australia. Gorman earned a BA and law degree from the University of Melbourne and an MBA necessities, they also affect economic growth from Columbia University. and social prosperity.

100 PERSPECTIVES ON THE LONG TERM These trends will alter the complexion of By harnessing the speed, scale, our economies and societies. To provide a and efficiency of global capital markets, prosperous, sustainable world for a larger population, we must develop markets less private sector-led solutions prone to structural upheaval and more can proliferate. capable of funding projects and companies that provide widespread, sustainable benefits and operate with respect for the planet. This means thinking today about how to plan for, telecommunication pioneers and Internet manage, and adapt to tomorrow’s realities, visionaries have accessed markets to build and requires a resilient financial infrastruc- companies that change how members of ture prepared to thrive under new conditions. societies communicate, learn, and interact. Many consider issues like climate change, The prospective challenge we now face is to poverty, and global health to be largely the channel capital to the innovators who will purview of governments, philanthropies, and turn ideas into companies addressing our nonprofits. Each of those sectors no doubt greatest social concerns, while also provid- plays a critical role in setting policy, provid- ing attractive risk-adjusted returns to capital ing essential services, and supporting innova- providers. Private capital must be a part of tive approaches to address market failures. building a sustainable world; in fact, without The private sector, however, has a crucial role such capital, sustainability is unsustainable. to play by deploying innovative technologies Morgan Stanley is committed to building and developing new business models to meet a long-term sustainable economy that yields changing social and economic circumstances. social benefit. As a global financial institu- Companies that focus on these challenges tion, this means we must do several things. will be best positioned for long-term growth; indeed, attempts to quantify the value of First, we must ensure that we have a sus- sustainable business opportunities yield esti- tainable business model that is not only mates ranging from $3 trillion to $10 trillion resilient but also contributes to a sound annually by 2050, potentially 4.5 percent of global financial system. This is a central the world’s projected gross domestic product.2 tenet for any leader of a financial institu- By harnessing the speed, scale, and efficiency tion. Living up to this tenet demands a sound of global capital markets, private sector-led business, in all regards, from capital reserves solutions can proliferate and present the best to risk-management procedures, corporate chance of addressing challenges ahead. This culture, and a commitment to our communi- concept is central to financial services. ties and environment. For centuries, the prudent allocation and Within financial services, the past five years deployment of capital has been essential for have been a journey; they have required dif- economic growth and development. In the ficult decisions to manage increasingly com- early 19th century, railroad and steel entre- plex regulatory and operating environments. preneurs built entire industries with the Thankfully, significant progress has been support of finance. In the century since, the made in establishing institutional strength development of deep, liquid public securities and stability. For example, at Morgan Stanley, markets accelerated and democratized capi- liquidity at the time of the crisis was approxi- tal formation, enabling fresh business mod- mately $81 billion against an aggregate els that drove new industries. More recently, balance sheet of $1.2 trillion; it is now $190


billion against a balance sheet of $815 billion. building programs that expand opportunities Our leverage was 30 times and is now 12, for sustainable investing, the Institute fur- while our capital has grown from $35 billion thers capital’s role in achieving sustainable to $73 billion.3 These were necessary changes. economic growth. The pre-crisis Morgan Stanley was a high- Many of our clients actively think about velocity, volatile collection of businesses sustainability as a key business driver as that had fewer checks and balances. Today, well. For example, when we help a company the firm has become a deliberate, de-risked, like Tesla with its initial public offering, the balanced, and integrated enterprise focused implications extend far beyond the immedi- on client advisory and execution rather ate capital raised.4 Tesla generated excite- than proprietary activity. We invested in ment among car enthusiasts by creating a businesses like wealth management, which fully electric vehicle with high performance provide ballast and predictability, while standards and sleek design. Fueled by critical maintaining a leading investment bank and policy decisions, technological advances, and institutional securities franchise that offer customer choice, a robust electric vehicle first-class service to our clients. These mea- market can be financially rewarding while sures, coupled with the actions taken by our contributing to reducing carbon emissions regulators and industry peers, contribute to and illustrating how to pair attractive, risk- the improved resilience and soundness of the adjusted returns with positive social and financial system. environmental outcomes.5 Similarly, the rapidly growing market for Second, we must integrate a long-term green bonds (which finance environmentally perspective in evaluating investment sustainable projects) demonstrates how opportunities for our firm and partner financial-services firms can partner with with clients that do the same. Informa- clients to allocate capital resources to long- tion may cause markets to move rapidly, term instruments. In 2014, green bond but prudent stewards of capital should also issuance exceeded $30 billion, up from just recognize long-term trends and their cumula- $1 billion a few years ago.6 Unilever, for tive effects. We increasingly consider factors example, partnered with our firm to issue its such as natural-resource scarcity and climate first-ever green bond last year; proceeds will change in our daily processes of evaluation help to reduce greenhouse-gas emissions, and review. Far from being just an exercise in improve water usage and waste output, and risk mitigation, this represents a significant increase energy efficiency at new and existing growth opportunity for those companies that facilities. In the municipal sector, we sup- successfully anticipate the products, strate- ported the Commonwealth of Massachusetts gies, and services that the future will demand. in issuing the largest tax-exempt green bond, For these reasons, we established the capital that will finance green infrastructure Morgan Stanley Institute for Sustainable projects across the state. These are fun- Investing. Its mandate is to maximize capi- damental and laudable changes in clients’ tal’s impact in supporting a more sustainable approach to finance. future by building scalable financial solutions Our individual clients also are eager to that seek to deliver competitive financial make long-term sustainability a central returns, while promoting positive environ- part of their portfolios. In fact, sustainable, mental and social impact. Through product responsible and impact investing assets innovation, thought leadership, and capacity- now account for more than one out of every

102 PERSPECTIVES ON THE LONG TERM six dollars under professional management healthcare facilities near their homes. Such in the United States. In the last two years, efforts create cohesive, vibrant communities US-based assets under these strategies have that are the basis for economic well-being. grown 76 percent, exceeding $6.5 trillion in In addition, our Institute for Sustainable assets under management.7 To accommodate Investing helps develop the next generation this demand, we launched our Investing with of long-term-oriented business leaders. In Impact platform, offering more than 120 partnership with INSEAD and the Kellogg vehicles that enable clients to align their val- School of Management at Northwestern ues with their investments. Products focus University, we recently challenged teams on a variety of objectives, including clean of graduate students from around the energy, pure water resources, and affordable world to demonstrate how investing can go housing. To date, our clients have invested hand-in-hand with positive social impact. more than $4 billion through the platform, Teams from 39 universities in ten countries and we aim to channel $10 billion to it over responded with remarkable innovation and the next few years. Interest will grow with enthusiasm. The winning idea proposed the coming generational wealth transfer: transitioning ecologically damaged land to younger generations, poised to inherit some poplar forests that would decontaminate $40 trillion of wealth,8 are likely to seek the soil and could be sold for commercial products that pair economic returns with use. These efforts illustrate that combining social and environmental benefits on a much human capital with global perspective and larger scale. reach produces results that are tangible, effective, and attractive to all constituents. Third, we must invest our time, talent, and The course of history has proven that rigor- resources to advance sustainable growth ous analysis, underpinned by thoughtfulness, and prosperity for all. Institutions like determination, and collaboration, can solve Morgan Stanley can contribute meaning- seemingly intractable problems. The social fully to sustainability by investing our time, and environmental challenges posed by popu- talent, and resources. For example, we lation growth and resource scarcity are sig- are collaborating with partners to provide nificant and accelerating. Financial services economic opportunities to people with low will play a particularly vital role in providing and moderate incomes. Since 2010, we have the capital necessary for the private sector to invested more than $7 billion in high-impact generate creative and rewarding solutions to programs such as equitable transit-oriented these problems. For these reasons, acting as development and the Healthy Futures Fund, a catalyst for sustainability is critical to our innovative programs that connect people in strategy and we stand with our clients, com- affordable housing with work and co-locate munities, and peers in our commitment to it. n

1 World Population Prospects: The 2012 Revision, United Nations Department of Economic and Social Affairs, Population Division, 2013, 2 Vision 2050: The New Agenda for Business, World Business Council for Sustainable Development, 2010, 3 The figures are as of August 31, 2007 ( and September 30, 2014 (, respectively. 4 Sustainability accomplishments, Morgan Stanley, Global Sustainable Finance, 5 Zachary Shahan, “The electric car revolution: Why electric cars are likely to dominate in the next decade,” July 16, 2014, 6 Q4 2014 Green Bonds Market Outlook, Bloomberg New Energy Finance, 2014, 7 “US sustainable, responsible, and impact investing assets grow 76 percent in two years,” US SIF: The Forum for Sustainable and Responsible Investment, November 20, 2014, 8 John J. Havens and Paul G. Schervish, “Why the $41 trillion wealth transfer estimate is still valid,” Planned Giving Design Center, May 18, 2011,



Governance And Stewardship For the Long Term DAVID WALKER...... 106

Minding the Gaps ANGEL GURRÍA ...... 110

Long-Termism Begins with the Board RONALD P. O’HANLEY...... 116

Taking the Long View On Africa DONALD KABERUKA...... 121

Building a Board For the Long Term JULIE HEMBROCK DAUM AND EDWARD SPEED...... 126

The Impact Of Regulation ANGELIEN KEMNA...... 131


Governance And Stewardship For the Long Term Boards and asset owners should focus on issues that can make a sustainable difference.

The need for leadership in the boardroom is even greater now than during the depths of the financial crisis. In a crisis, the board and executive are concerned with survival, where there may be few if any alternatives to firm and immediate corrective action. When a crisis phase passes, the need is then to set a sustainable long-term strategy, which, since it is likely to involve complex choices, is more intellectually challenging. In this context, the transition to a long- term mind-set is critically important. With- out more focus on long-term strategy and long-term thinking, the model of market- based capitalism, which has served Western economies so well, is at risk of being under- mined. Already we can see other forms of ownership, such as family- or private-equity- owned businesses as well as state-owned enterprises, becoming more significant David Walker is chairman of Barclays. Previously, he served as chairman and CEO of Morgan Stanley International. Walker began his career with the in global economic activity. In the United British Treasury and served on secondment with the International Monetary States, where the number of publicly traded Fund in Washington, DC. He was also one of four executive directors of companies has fallen from about 8,000 to the Bank of England and chairman of the Securities and Investments Board. Walker helped lead the independent review of the report produced by the about 5,000 since 1999, there’s been a mate- Financial Services Authority on the failure of Royal Bank of Scotland in 2011. rial delisting from public markets.

106 PERSPECTIVES ON THE LONG TERM TIME TO REFOCUS BOARDS Strategy is a fundamental responsibility Boards face several important barriers to of the board and should engage long-term thinking. Perhaps most important is the increased regulatory burden, neces- the whole board without delegation. sary attention to which can take up a large part of the entire board agenda. Additionally, boards do not always have the information which the process is conducted. To the extent and authoritative risk analysis they need to possible, the board should be put in a posi- provide the necessary challenge to a proposed tion to review options, which they should be strategy. Even when in a position to make encouraged and indeed expected to challenge. well-considered decisions on a new strategy, It is often advantageous for the board to take a board may be held back by uncertainty as to several bites of the cherry before being asked the degree of shareholder support. Then there to make a firm decision on a preferred strat- are relatively new issues, in particular the egy as articulated by the executive. need for the board to find the critical balance between keeping up with the rapid develop- 2. Do you have a clear understanding ment of new technologies and drawing on of the risks the organization faces? experience and judgment in business deci- In this case, I do advocate a separate board- sions that may involve substantial disruption. level committee and indeed, since the I do not have the answers to how boards financial crisis, most major banks, insurance might best meet these challenges. It would, in companies, and other financial-service enti- any event, be a mistake to generalize: board ties now have a financial-risk committee that situations differ greatly. Instead, I will try to complements the audit committee. There is, focus the discussion by raising four questions in my view, a need for clear differentiation that boards should pose to themselves. between the traditional role of the audit com- mittee, which is essentially backward looking, 1. Are you spending enough time and the role of the risk committee, which and effort assessing the organization’s looks ahead. long-term strategy? Given that the core product of any financial If boards are honest, the answer will frequent- institution involves some form of financial ly be “no.” There is little mystery about why risk, the need for a board-level financial-risk that is. The time constraint is plainly serious committee is compelling in any major finan- and, acknowledging this, some observers have cial institution. But other major nonfinancial proposed the formation of a board-level strat- entities face business-specific risks of their egy committee to which the main board can own, and governance involving a dedicated delegate. I am not in favor of that as a gen- board-level risk committee is increasingly eral proposition. Strategy is a fundamental being seen—and embedded—as good gover- responsibility of the board and should engage nance practice. the whole board without delegation. But beyond this, even a traditional risk Apart from the inevitable timing con- committee may not be enough. In a major straints, the quality of the board’s discussion financial business, the financial-risk com- and decision making on strategy will depend mittee deals with “hard” risks such as credit, on a combination of the capability of indi- counterparty, market, and liquidity risk. vidual board members, some of whom should But it may not deal as adequately with “soft” have expertise in the business, and the way in risks such as conduct, reputation, and other


behaviors, which, though hard to measure, This should not, however, preclude the can be greatly problematic when they go board from seeking independent external wrong. input on a strategic issue when it wants to have One major ingredient in board-level greater confidence that the strategic decision it appraisal of risk is the possibility of dis- has made is a sound one. Some CEOs may see ruption from new technologies, which can the board’s seeking external input as an unwel- be a serious challenge if not adequately come challenge. But the purpose, which should addressed but also a great opportunity. be common to both executive and nonexecu- For some businesses, new technology is so tive board members, is to increase the ability critically embedded in core products that of the board to make the best possible strategic one or more executive board members are decision. Readiness to seek such independent continually engaged with the issue. In other external advice where appropriate is indeed cases, the board may be provided with input part of the responsibility of the board, to pro- from outside. Whatever the approach, the mote the company’s performance in the best critical nature of technology in virtually all interests of the shareholders. of modern business means that both the board’s overview of current operations and 4. Do you have the support of your its strategy discussions should be supported shareholders? by the best possible technology advice. It is Awareness of and confidence in shareholder thus a major responsibility of the chairman support should be a major priority for a board and CEO to ensure this. in developing a long-term strategy for the business. It is the role of the board, usually through Confidence in shareholder support the chairman or chief executive, or both, to should be a major priority for a board in communicate with shareholders in order to promote confidence in the ability of the board developing a long-term strategy. to develop and implement a credible long- term strategy. How this is accomplished will depend on the particular characteristics of the organi- 3. Is the board interacting with the zation. These include the share ownership CEO and executive team in the most structure, the objectives of major sharehold- productive way? ers, and the level of effective communication In my view it is the role of the chief executive between owners (the shareholders) and their in any business to present proposals to the agent (the board) in ways that do not breach board at the beginning of the strategy process, market confidentiality obligations. However wholly distinct and separate from any preoc- this is done, it will be extremely important for cupation with short-term earnings perfor- the board to actively seek and obtain as much mance. It is then the board’s job to review and assurance as possible that, despite an under- test the proposals with whatever degree of standable degree of preoccupation by some challenge is necessary, and then for the board people with short-term earnings, at least a to fully empower the CEO to implement the core group of the company’s shareholders are agreed-on strategy. In this way the CEO is, supportive of the board in its determination appropriately and necessarily, at the begin- to decide on and implement a sustainable ning and end of the strategy process. long-term strategy.

108 PERSPECTIVES ON THE LONG TERM THE ROLE OF STEWARDSHIP: Asset owners need to ensure that the Fund Managers and Asset Owners mandates they give to third-party fund A large share of investable assets is managed by third-party fund managers. Thus, most managers articulate their objectives and board-level communication with the investor requirements as fully as possible. community is necessarily with fund manag- ers, who have a clear fiduciary responsibil- ity to the asset owners (the source of their mandates). This means that the ability of the focus would not be the returns generated for fund manager to promote effective steward- the asset owner but rather the fund manag- ship of the strategy of an investee company ers’ accessibility, how they communicate, and depends on the guidance and direction set their ability to react and, where appropriate, in the investment mandate from the asset offer advice within appropriate constraints of owner. In this situation there is opportunity confidentiality. and need for asset owners, in particular those with long-term horizons, to ensure WORKING TOGETHER that the mandates that they give to third- FOR THE LONG TERM party fund managers articulate their objec- The high rate of inflation and associated high tives and requirements as fully as possible. interest rates of the 1980s could be used to These mandates include clear guidance on justify a board-level focus on projects offering the time horizons on which fund-manager quick payback. But while those conditions performance will be assessed, and, where are now in the past, other factors leading to a possible, could be complemented by an greater focus on quarterly earnings, as well as explicit preference for support of the boards the immediacy of performance measurement and management of investee companies in made possible by technology, are a continu- ways that offer exceptional returns over a ing if not increasing distraction from a focus longer period. on the long term. The means to control this Given the key role of the fund-management are at hand, but implementation requires community in creating the right atmosphere new determination from boards and a visible for a focus on long-term performance, one stewardship role for asset owners and fund possibility would be to institute an annual managers. The prize for success will not just survey of CEOs or chairmen in which they be better and more sustainable returns for anonymously grade fund managers. The per- investors but also benefits in output and formance on which they would be invited to income generation for society as a whole. n


The largest economic crisis of our life- times is now in its sixth year and the costs are heavy. In spite of recent improvements, Minding most of the countries in the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) are still experiencing low eco- nomic growth, high unemployment, growing The Gaps economic inequality, and eroding trust in institutions. The engines of growth are only Why we need to encourage long-term investment slowly recovering, while those in emerging economies are decelerating. If we look ahead, the short- and long-term perspectives are sobering. In 2014 and 2015, growth in OECD countries is expected to average 2.2 percent and 2.8 percent, respectively.1 Even in the long term, we foresee a coming era of slower growth. According to a recent OECD study, aging populations in many OECD countries and a gradual slowing of high growth rates in the large emerging economies will trim increases in global GDP from an annual aver- age of 3.6 percent in the 2010–20 period to an estimated 2.4 percent in 2050–60.2 This perspective, along with the urgent need to create more and better jobs, has brought investment policy back to center stage. In fact, investment policy has become one of govern- ment’s most precious tools for getting beyond the crisis as well as for building more resilient economies and more inclusive societies. Gov- ernments need to address an array of immedi- ate and sometimes urgent challenges, but at the same time they have the opportunity, and to a certain extent the responsibility, to build the foundations of a new era of sustained, inclusive, and sustainable growth. In this con- text, the design and implementation of policies to promote long-term investment stands out as one of the central issues in public policy. What are the main challenges that long- term investment policy should target? What Angel Gurría has been the secretary-general of the Organisation for are the most effective ways to bring about Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) since 2006. He has these needed long-term investments? These worked to reinforce the OECD’s role as a hub for global dialogue and debate on economic-policy issues. Previously, Gurría served as secretary are some of the important questions that I of foreign affairs and secretary of finance in Mexico. intend to address in this article.

110 PERSPECTIVES ON THE LONG TERM BIG STRUCTURAL CHALLENGES: Governments have the opportunity, Short-Term Impact, Long-Term Vision and to a certain extent the Our countries are facing myriad structural challenges. The way we resolve these chal- responsibility, to build the foundations lenges will have a great impact on the kind of of a new era of sustained, inclusive, world that we will leave to the next genera- and sustainable growth. tions. At the OECD, we are dealing with many of these challenges, promoting the exchange of visions and policy experiences to find the most effective ways to address difficult and new forms of enterprise, new ways of work- complex issues. While the list is long, there ing, and lifelong reskilling. are at least four structural challenges that demand a long-term strategy and that could An Aging Workforce therefore benefit significantly from long-term Another challenge is aging. As the OECD has investment decisions. been insisting, the aging of our workforce is one of the most powerful and sometimes The Peril of High Unemployment underestimated economic trends we face. If First, we need to address the most serious we look at history, we find that an aging popu- social ill facing our member countries, and lation almost always coincides with slower indeed countries around the world: the preva- economic growth. lence of high unemployment, particularly It is therefore crucial that investment poli- youth and structural unemployment. There cies create the right incentives for companies are still close to 45 million people out of work to invest in sectors and projects that encour- in the OECD, 10.3 million more than in 2008; age greater labor-market participation among in certain countries, youth unemployment has older workers. Our investment policies should surpassed 50 percent.3 The numbers, how- support companies in implementing age- ever, do not capture the full picture. Long- sensitive workplace design and age-sensitive term unemployment brings elevated risks of management concepts and promote lifelong poverty, ill health, and school failure for the learning for aging workers. Aging will be one children of affected workers. Some youth are of our countries’ main economic challenges opting out of the labor force altogether, ceas- in the next 50 to 100 years, and already ing to look for work. it provides interesting business cases for The challenge now is not simply to get new markets and investments. Promoting more people into paid jobs but also to create evidence that proves the value of investing in more meaningful employment, increase an older workforce and identifying key areas female participation in the labor force, and for successful investment could encourage enable more and better opportunities for enterprises to take action. This is something people to earn their livelihoods and meet that we are pursuing at the OECD. their aspirations for work-life balance. This requires bigger-picture thinking matched Climate Change and Renewable Energies by long-term investment. The direction of Climate change is one of the most pressing these investments needs to anticipate evolv- global challenges. The latest Intergovernmen- ing social needs and demographic shifts, tal Panel on Climate Change report states that and to avoid generating intergenerational global warming is unequivocal and that since inequalities. It will involve investment in the 1950s, many of the observed changes are


unprecedented. The increasing dependence over the same period.6 The perception that of the global energy system on fossil fuels the impact of climate change is too distant illustrates the challenge of shifting invest- and uncertain to warrant investment of that ment into emissions reduction or climate- magnitude is misguided given the inertia mitigation strategies. Reducing emissions of complex technological systems, such as really does matter. The momentum of climate energy and transport systems. New policy change is increasing, and the impact from frameworks are therefore needed to incentiv- that is inevitable. In this respect, green invest- ize and reward climate-responsible investing ment as a driver of growth has become an with a fair and certain return. absolute necessity. These are just a few examples of structural Creating a global low-carbon energy sec- challenges that can and must be addressed tor will require an additional cumulative through long-term investment. But how do investment of $36 trillion by 2050, including we do this? How do we build the necessary $7.35 trillion in the power sector.4 To enable framework and the right incentives to encour- this green-energy transition, annual energy age private investors to pursue these types investment alone will need to rise steadily of investments with a responsible, long-term toward $2 trillion, while annual spending on vision that can match short-term, business- energy efficiency must increase to $550 bil- oriented objectives? Here are some ideas. lion.5 Crucially, strong signals must be sent to counter the rising price of emissions and POLICY PRIORITIES to reach the desired zero-emissions trajec- FOR LONG-TERM INVESTMENT tory. Reforming environmentally harmful 1. Promoting Consistent Policies subsidies is a priority. Greater transparency and Framework Conditions is needed to provide a complete picture of Beyond immediate uncertainties, invest- who receives and benefits from fossil-fuel ment is in part held back in structural terms subsidies. by a lack of investment incentives as well as factors that actually reduce the returns to Upgrading Infrastructure investors. These include restrictive product- Upgrading the infrastructure of our coun- market regulations that reduce the ability of tries is another long-term challenge that can firms to undertake new activities or enter new benefit from patient capital for long-term markets, especially across borders. projects. Governments and private develop- The regulation of capital-intensive net- ers planning major urban-infrastructure work industries and ownership restrictions investments need to consider the effects can hold back productive investments. The of climate change, and not just mitigation regulatory environment also needs to be costs. To support a global population of more predictable and stable. Regarding infrastruc- than nine billion people by 2050, invest- ture investment, specific problems related to ment in cleaner, modern energy systems and planning and a limited capacity to prepare smarter, more sanitary cities is paramount and execute projects successfully may also be and needs to start now. The OECD estimates a factor in discouraging investment. that global infrastructure investment (trans- Governments and competent authorities, port, water, telecommunications, electricity such as regulators and supervisors of institu- generation, transmission, and distribution) tional investors, need to play a greater role in by 2030 will require around $71 trillion, offsetting such impediments through consis- which amounts to 3.5 percent of global GDP tent policies and framework conditions.

112 PERSPECTIVES ON THE LONG TERM 2. Facilitating the Participation of Institutional Investors The challenge of long-term investment cannot be resolved without attracting more diverse and private sources of finance. Traditionally, banks have been a leading source of long-term capital to finance private-sector investment. The banking model, however, has evolved, becoming increasingly dominated by whole- sale markets, derivatives in particular, to the detriment of the more traditional deposit- taking and lending activities. Disintermedia- tion and the growth of capital markets has led to a shift in the structure of the financial sector, with institutional investors such as pension funds, insurance companies, mutual funds, and, most recently, sovereign-wealth funds also becoming important providers of appropriate financing vehicles, limited invest- High youth long-term capital. ment and risk-management expertise, lack unemployment has led to Institutional investors in OECD countries of transparency and a dearth of appropriate protests, like this alone in 2012 held over $80 trillion in assets, data and investment benchmarks for illiquid one in Seville, with pension funds collecting about $1 trillion assets. These issues are reflected in the G-20/ Spain, in 2011. in new contributions over the course of the OECD High Level Principles for Long-Term year.7 They have been looking for new sources Investment.9 of long-term, inflation-protected returns Tools for governments to offset these and could play an important role in bringing impediments and to leverage institutional about significant and diversified long-term investment include public–private partner- financing across all sectors of the economy, ships to develop clear and transparent project including infrastructure, education and skills pipelines for major green infrastructure training, R&D, and new technology. projects, green banks, which provide low-cost Asset-allocation trends observed over financing for clean-energy projects, and green the last year show a gradual globalization bonds, which raise investment funds for proj- of portfolios, while the interest in emerging ects aimed at mitigating climate change. It is markets and diversification into new asset also important to develop new risk-mitigation classes became more pronounced and more and credit-enhancements tools (the Europe widespread. Investment in infrastructure is 2020 Project Bond Initiative is one interest- growing rapidly but remains limited, rep- ing example) to ensure that institutional resenting about 1 percent of total assets on investors gain access to financial vehicles with average across the OECD.8 Clearly major bar- the appropriate risk-return profile. riers still exist. In addition, there is scope to redirect bank The role of institutional investors in long- business models through more efficient term financing is constrained by the short- growth-oriented financial regulation that does termism increasingly pervasive in capital not unduly hamper financing for investment, markets, as well as structural and policy bar- including lending to the small- and midsize-

© F.J. JIMÉNEZ VIA GETTY IMAGES © F.J. riers such as regulatory disincentives, lack of enterprise sector.


3. Using Regulation to Foster governance frameworks worldwide is chal- Long-Term Investment lenged by fundamental developments in The removal of regulatory constraints to financial markets, including the increased investment in areas like infrastructure is role of nonbank financial intermediation, the also necessary. Unduly burdensome regula- greater complexity of the investment chain, tion may take the form of bans on unlisted the dominance of passive and short-term or direct investments. While investment investment strategies, and the extensive restrictions are important to protect pension- holding of idle, uninvested cash by the corpo- fund members, particularly in developing rate sector. economies, an unintended consequence may Stock markets were designed in a way be barriers to investment in infrastructure. that improves the conditions for effective In addition, international accounting and financing of corporate investments by pro- funding rules may be inadvertently discourag- viding economic incentives for individual ing institutional investors from investing in and institutional investors. Regulatory longer-term, illiquid assets. uncertainty regarding the roles and respon- Major financial agreements such as Solvency sibilities of the various intermediaries in the II, Basel III, or the European banking reform investment chain should be reduced, and need to look closely at the issue of incentives. unnecessary intermediation costs should be eliminated, to increase the efficiency of 4. Strengthening of Public-Equity Markets capital allocation and corporate access to Sustainable businesses create jobs and serve capital. These regulatory arrangements are shifting social needs. Channeling savings to of fundamental importance for aligning the corporations that need capital for innova- incentives of intermediaries and the house- tion and sustainable job creation is therefore holds that are the ultimate beneficiaries of critical. these investments. Stock markets have traditionally been central in channeling capital. Corporate- 5. Building Long-Term Synergies governance rules and regulations establish the The shift in wealth from West to East pres- framework for financing corporate investment ents opportunities for new global synergies. Trillions of dollars of savings, particularly in OECD economies, are trapped in sub- Embedded short-termism is optimal investments earning poor returns. a systemic challenge that is already Meanwhile, many developing countries face a serious shortage of capital, even for invest- recognized by many stakeholders, ments that can generate high financial and within and beyond the financial system. economic return. The world’s financial system is not adapted to shifting the balance of the two extremes. The flow of new investment will require emerging economies to institute through capital markets and for establishing structural reforms within their banking sec- shareholder participation in the decision-mak- tors and to improve the productivity of their ing process of corporations. The effective func- national economies. tioning of capital markets is key to the quality In this respect, the OECD has an impor- of corporate governance, and vice versa. tant role to play within the context of the Today, however, the quality of corporate- G-20 in promoting common principles. This

114 PERSPECTIVES ON THE LONG TERM work covers, notably, the international- The lack of investment in the productive investment dimension of competitive assets of the “real” economy, that is, neutrality, removing restrictions on foreign direct investment, and promoting horizontal a skilled workforce, new businesses, and vertical policy coordination. and modern infrastructure, The public sector has long financed the must be urgently addressed. lion’s share of innovation leading to funda- mental economic transformations, such as railroads, healthcare, and the Internet econ- omy. The state’s entrepreneurial role needs way forward by creating incentives for better to be recognized and acknowledged to enable investment on a whole-of-system basis. It is a fairer share of return on investment, but not enough to simply increase investment if also, crucially, to secure public-sector buy-in the outcome is to replicate the socially and for reinvestment in the next wave of techno- environmentally damaging aspects of yester- logical developments. Long-term investment day’s economies. systems will need to better recognize the role In a globally interdependent world, a bet- of the state and other new sources of financ- ter financial and investment system cannot ing for innovation in the public interest, be achieved on a country-by-country basis. rather than catering to the desires of an elite. While there is no one-size-fits-all model for economic development, without global stan- The lack of investment in the productive as- dards and complementary regulations there sets of the “real” economy, that is, a skilled will be no global future. workforce, new businesses, and modern The OECD is focused on supporting its infrastructure, must be urgently addressed member states, the G-20, and its partners to through a mix of policy measures that attract step up and lead by example. We are unique- new investors to infrastructure, strengthen ly positioned to recognize the complex corporate governance, and align behaviors linkages among the financial world; the real around long-term metrics. economy of goods, services, and innovation; Embedded short-termism is a systemic and societal well-being. Only by enabling challenge that is already recognized by many systems that make long-term investments in stakeholders, within and beyond the finan- a sustainable global future can all of human- cial system. The challenge now is to pave the ity hope to flourish.n

1 OECD Economic Outlook No. 95, OECD Annual Projections, Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development, May 2014, 2 Shifting gear: Policy challenges for the next 50 years, Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development Economics Department, policy note no. 24, July 2014, 3 Harmonised Unemployment Rates, Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development, June 2014, 4 Energy Technology Perspectives 2012, International Energy Agency, 2012, 5 World Energy Investment Outlook, International Energy Agency, 2014, 6 Infrastructure 2030: Telecom, Land Transport, Water and Electricity, Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development, 2007, 7 Figures from the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development’s Directorate for Financial and Enterprise Affairs, 8 Annual Survey of Large Pension Funds and Public Pension Reserve Funds, 2013, Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development, 9 The OECD has developed an important project on long-term investment—the “Institutional investors and long-term investment” project. Drawing from international experience, the project aims to facilitate long-term investment by institutional investors such as pension funds, insurance companies, and sovereign-wealth funds, addressing both potential regulatory obstacles and market failures. For more, see


It’s not hard to tick off the steps necessary to instill long-term thinking in an organization. We all know what is required: an ambitious Long- corporate vision supported by a long-term strategy that is informed by the needs of stakeholders, present and future; incen- tives based on long-term performance, with Termism well-thought-out metrics and benchmarks; rigorous and balanced capital management; and meaningful, ongoing dialogue with all constituents, including investors, to name just Begins with a few items on the reform agenda. Although the elements are clear, creating and sustaining a culture of long-termism has proved difficult. I believe the solution to The Board this paradox lies with the board. None of the required steps can be effectively implemented Ensuring commitment without a strong, engaged board whose mem- to a long-term mind-set requires bers are deeply immersed in the organiza- a fundamental reconstitution tion’s strategy. Attaining that level of engage- of boards. ment will require directors to become more deeply involved with a variety of issues, from market forces and investor relations to talent development and compensation. Most of all, it will require a repositioning of strategy on the board agenda from “nice to have, if there’s time” to “absolutely critical, even if we have to drop something else.” The requisite mind-set of this newly recon- stituted board is clear. Just as we are asking management, investors, and other stakehold- ers to take a longer-term view, directors too must look beyond the traditional measures of corporate success such as the quarterly earn- ings report and accomplishments since the last board meeting. Short-term performance matters, but it should be assessed in the context of long-term goals: given the stated objectives for the next 5 or 10 or 20 years, did Ronald P. O’Hanley is the former president of asset management and management execute as well as possible? Did corporate services at Fidelity Investments. Previously, he served as chief executive of Bank of New York Mellon Asset Management and vice the company meet its milestones and bench- chairman of Bank of New York Mellon; earlier, he was a partner at McKinsey marks? This is an entirely different evaluation & Company. O’Hanley has served on not-for-profit, healthcare, and from asking whether the company met the mutual-fund boards and is an adviser to several financial-services and technology start-ups. He received a BA from Syracuse University consensus-earnings forecast. Often, short- and an MBA from Harvard Business School. term performance can be driven by market

116 PERSPECTIVES ON THE LONG TERM fluctuations beyond the control of manage- companies to put long-term goals ahead of ment. What management can control is the short-term gains. development and execution of an intelligent Making that trade-off effectively and long-term plan that will create sustainable accommodating other growing demands value for stakeholders. requires greater expertise and a substantially larger time commitment than is typical of THE URGENT VERSUS THE IMPORTANT many boards today. The executive-board Widespread agreement exists that boards relationship and, to some extent, the basic should focus more directly on strategy. management-board governance model must Indeed, board members are often recruited evolve. The job of filling board seats becomes specifically because of the unique contribu- even more critical, requiring a well-thought- tions they are expected to make to the com- out strategy to assemble the needed talent pany’s strategic plan. Despite this, strategy remains the stepchild, often garnering only the most cursory review by the board. There Strategy remains the stepchild, often are many reasons for this, but at heart, it’s garnering only the most cursory review by because too often the urgent triumphs over the important. Who has not experienced a the board. At heart, it’s because too often board meeting that runs over schedule, with the urgent triumphs over the important. the strategy discussion being the first thing that gets sacrificed—not the last thing, the first. With all of the other demands on the board, strategy becomes a box to check: a and expertise. Companies and their stake- task to be engaged with and accomplished at holders must be prepared to increase director the annual board off-site, not to be thought compensation and support the board in a of again until it is time to dust off the plan variety of other ways. for the following year’s retreat. Unless we So why, exactly, does long-term strategy can make long-term thinking the driving and focus always seem to fall to the bottom of force behind boards’ mission and governance the corporate-board agenda? The answer is activities, no amount of change to manage- simple arithmetic. In the wake of the global ment incentives, investor behavior, or the financial crisis and the corporate-accounting like will be sufficient to ensure a focus on the scandals of the early 2000s, the increased long term. regulatory burden and heightened perception I am fully aware that this call to action of risk has forced boards to spend more time comes just as postcrisis regulatory burdens focused either on the present or the imme- are squeezing boards like never before. It’s diate past. Examples are numerous. Sar- not as though boards took a vote and decided banes–Oxley imposed enormous additional to ignore the long term. We need to recognize responsibilities on US boards for compliance. that the role of the board and the job of direc- Regulatory requirements in virtually all indus- tor are more complex and demanding than tries have increased, with new obligations and ever. Moreover, some of those demands are in accompanying penalties. Moreover, many direct conflict. On the one hand, intense pres- of the traditional board duties, such as CEO sure exists to ensure attractive results every succession, talent development, and executive quarter. Yet stable, sustainable economic compensation, while critical, also encourage growth over the long term often requires a focus on immediate needs rather than long-


is more prevalent than most would like to admit, is an outgrowth of yet another seri- ous issue: many boards remain mired in an outdated model of the governance relation- ship. I am not advocating that boards become involved in any way in the day-to-day running of the organization. That is, and must remain, the purview of the CEO and the executive team. However, I believe that too many boards define their prerogatives too narrowly. Board engagement too often is one of mono- logue rather than dialogue, with the speaking roles limited to management. Many areas exist—long-termism being one of the most important—where directors should have not just ample scope but also an affirmative duty to probe deeply. That is not possible if the board’s understanding of the issues is limited The Sarbanes– term strategy and goals. The result: less focus to the information presented by manage- Oxley Act and on the long-term mission than ever before. As ment. The board collectively needs to bring other regulations enacted since the job of director has become more complex, a comprehensive set of competencies and 2000 have surveys show that directors have responded experience to advance and add value to the added to an by devoting more time to their roles. However, discussion while also enabling the vigorous already crowded board agenda. the extra hours have not been enough to offset pursuit of legitimate concerns. In addition, by the array of new demands. If the additional allowing their roles to be defined narrowly, time required has gone up by x, the additional directors risk cutting themselves off from time spent has gone up by something substan- important additional avenues of information. tially less than x. I would include here rising talent within the organization, outside experts, and, perhaps FROM MONOLOGUE TO DIALOGUE most important, the investor community. Time constraints are not the only impedi- These issues of time commitment, exper- ment. Many boards simply lack the exper- tise, and role are structural in nature. tise to lead and govern management on the Addressing and resolving them will require company’s long-term needs. This is not to say significantly rethinking the way boards func- that directors are unqualified or ineffective. tion. Taking on these expanded responsibili- In many ways, I think boards have never been ties will require new ways of managing and stronger. However, many lack the experi- supporting the board to allow it to function ence and expertise to engage effectively and more effectively. Most of all, change will critically with management in regard to their require a diverse group of talented, driven, particular company’s long-term planning. determined individuals, each of whom brings As a result, the strategy debrief becomes just particular expertise to bear. that, a presentation from management to a A primary lever is board recruitment, which board that sits back and becomes an audience becomes an even more critical function when rather than an engaged thought partner. viewed through the lens of long-term focus.

That audience-presenter paradigm, which Most boards have appropriately focused on VIA CORBIS DOWNING © LARRY

118 PERSPECTIVES ON THE LONG TERM broadening diversity on the board. Diversity of do.” To make the strategy discussion a true dis- thought is at least as important as other forms cussion rather than a presentation requires the of diversity. Each vacancy should be consid- board to be deeply immersed in all elements. ered an opportunity to add additional expertise That is why a significant number of direc- and perspective to the board. That diversity tors—two to three—must have deep expertise can be deep experience within the industry, in the company and the sector. I realize this firsthand experience with a particular chal- can be difficult. Bringing in a veteran of a close lenge the company faces, or even a deep under- competitor potentially raises conflict issues. standing of a particular stakeholder group, Nonetheless, without that deep background, such as a customer segment, supplier group, or a true dialogue between management and the particular geography. Collectively, the direc- board may be difficult to achieve. tors should bring the experience, expertise, diversity of perspectives, and wisdom to test LEARNING THE ORGANIZATION strategy and become true partners to the CEO. Even members without that immediate expe- Given the time constraints on boards, the rience can expand their understanding of the need for well-functioning board commit- organization by engaging more deeply with tees escalates. Just as we expect companies it. The board talent-management process to effectively organize their work and their can facilitate this understanding. Engaging functions, we need the same from boards. with high-potential individuals beyond the Skilled board committees, appropriately sup- CEO’s direct reports is a useful means both ported with staff and administrative help, can to deepen the board’s strategic understand- address the burgeoning workload of boards while also freeing up time for the board over- all to focus on the long term. Many boards lack the experience Increased use of outside professionals can and expertise to engage effectively also help boards effectively govern a long- term-focused company. Just as boards now and critically with management engage compensation experts, they should in regard to their particular company’s also consider other kinds of experts to bring long-term planning. them up to speed on specific areas when need arises. The outside adviser is especially important when management is proposing a strategic direction that requires special- ing and to fully grasp the company’s talent ized knowledge to evaluate it thoroughly and position. One CEO I know asks each director that expertise is not present among current on her board to mentor two or three high- directors. The adviser may or may not be the potential managers a level or two below the same person or firm advising management. CEO’s direct reports. While this undoubtedly The idea is to make sure that the board gets provides support and guidance to the young the background it needs as quickly as possible executives involved, it also gives directors and is equipped to ask all the necessary ques- valuable new perspectives on the organiza- tions and engage effectively in the consider- tion. And, of course, building confidence in ation and evaluation of strategy. the next generation of leaders is itself critical The overall goal is to reprioritize the board to the long-term performance of the company. agenda, to create a mind-set that says, “Long- Board engagement with investors is particu- term strategy is the most important thing we larly important to sustaining the commitment


to the long term. Yet, the typical board does perspectives. Bringing those two views into not engage meaningfully with investors, the sync can only strengthen the company. very group that elected them and whom they There is no room on this new, long-term- purportedly represent. To ensure consistency focused board for passive members who of message, boards should consider appoint- simply show up to meetings. As noted earlier, ing a group of directors (including the chair- the board will require a more significant time man) to develop deep relationships within the commitment. For this reason, directors who investor community. These directors can meet are sitting executives should be limited to just periodically with current and potential inves- one outside board. Retired executives should tors, both with and without management. be limited to no more than three to four board Perhaps the company invites investors in for a memberships, including nonprofit boards. The series of conversations, first with management chairman, whose commitment will approach and then with a selected director or directors. full time, should be limited to no more than one A knowledgeable and engaged board whose other board position, and that should not be a members articulate the same goals with the lead position. Compensation obviously needs same language as management signals to to reflect this expanded role and the limita- tions on other board activities. Since the goal is a more long-term mind-set, compensation The more companies are able to develop should reflect long-term performance. Thus, a base of long-term investors who pay should be wholly or mostly in the form of equity, to be paid out over a long period. understand the long-term mission, the Both leading a board through this type of more latitude management will have reconstitution and maintaining focus on the in working toward those goals. long term will require even more from the chairman. Although controversial to some, I believe this heightened leadership requires a separation of the roles of chairman and CEO. investors that the strategy has been carefully The need to maintain a sustained focus on the developed and stress tested within the organi- long term, while also providing day-to-day zation and that the organization is prepared to thought partnership and driving improved stay the course. The more companies are able board functionality, suggests that the chair- to develop a base of long-term investors who man role is distinct and requires its own understand and support the long-term mis- focus. Moreover, given the continuing decline sion, the more latitude management will have in CEO tenures, the chairman role can be a in working toward those goals. vital sustainer of the long-term focus. Deep engagement with investors will Virtually all express support for a long-term bring other benefits as well. By understand- approach to strategy, investment, and compa- ing how investors perceive the company, its ny performance. Many levers, such as strategy management, and company strategy, boards development, measurement, talent develop- can gain invaluable insights that should help ment, and incentives, must be pulled to secure to sharpen thinking and communications. a long-term focus. Yet each of these levers— Directors who engage deeply with investors and alignment across these actions—requires may discover serious misalignments between thoughtful board action. Making this transition management’s perception of the organiza- will require skill, cooperation, and patience tion’s value within a portfolio and investors’ from all. The place to start is with the board. n


Taking the Long View on Africa Short-term thinking blinds much of the world to the region’s potential.

The world’s perception of Africa seems to be driven by a fixation on the region’s immedi- ate challenges. As a result, long-term trends of huge significance are underestimated. The continent’s demographic advantage of a young and growing population, its rapid urbanization and growing middle class, the spread of information and communi- cation technology in the region, and large natural-resource discoveries all seem to be discounted. There is little doubt that Africa’s political and economic prospects have improved dra- matically in the past two decades. Despite the outbreak of Ebola in some countries, Africa is no longer the crisis-prone, debt-ridden, aid-dependent entity that it was held out to be for much of the past half century. Examples of this recent progress abound. Following a decade of rapid growth, Africa is now the sec- ond-fastest-growing continent after Asia. It has also shown a marked economic resilience, particularly during the global financial crisis, when Africa resumed growing apace after just a short downturn. Social-development indicators have improved as well. For example, child-mor- tality rates have declined sharply during the Donald Kaberuka is president of the African Development Bank Group. past decade. HIV infection rates decreased Previously, he served as minister of finance and economic planning in Rwanda. He studied at the University of Dar es Salaam and earned by 74 percent, while malaria deaths have a PhD in economics from the University of Glasgow. dropped by 30 percent. These outcomes


have had a positive impact on average life navigate the transition to a younger, larger expectancy, which increased to 55 years—an population? Can it optimally deploy the increase of seven years compared with the natural-resource rents it brings in? And can early 2000s. Another promising indicator is it ensure that its economic growth is wide- that poverty has decreased, although inequal- spread and long lasting? Africa’s population ity has increased. is projected to reach 2.3 billion people by This impressive turn of fortune is explained 2050—double its current size. More than a primarily by four factors. First, there has quarter of that population will be between been a great improvement in economic the ages of 15 and 24. This would give Africa management, which has contributed to the largest workforce in the world, even macroeconomic stability, stimulated foreign- surpassing India and China. Africa has a direct-investment flows, opened up the unique opportunity to take advantage of a continent to international trade, and boosted demographic dividend that derives from an private-sector activity. Between 2001 and increase in the working-age population and 2012, the investment-to-GDP ratio stood at a decrease in the dependency ratio, and must 23 percent, surpassed only by the developing make the most of it. The window of opportu- Asian economies. Second, there has been a nity, however, is short. The youth bulge will end within the next decade or two. To reap the demographic dividend, Africa, especially Africa has a demographic dividend sub-Saharan Africa, must do its part to sup- that derives from an increase port the opportunities that spring from this demographic shift—for example, by helping in the working-age population and to control fertility rates. This can be achieved a decrease in the dependency ratio, by keeping girls in school longer and by and must make the most of it. providing better social services, includ- ing family planning. These changes would make it possible for women to increase their labor-market participation and ensure better large and unprecedented demand for Africa’s health outcomes for their offspring. natural resources, including minerals and Capturing the demographic dividend will oil, from China and other emerging-market also require a much greater effort to create economies. Third, the continent boasts a siz- adequate employment opportunities. Other able and growing middle class, which is driv- policy challenges include managing rapid ing private consumption—and demand for urbanization, improving aggregate domestic consumer goods. For some African countries, savings, and attracting higher volumes of this is providing an impetus for industrializa- foreign direct investment. Equally important, tion. Fourth, increased financial flows, includ- countries need to take greater advantage of ing portfolio investment and remittances, new technologies—which were not available to have spurred growth. Since 2000, external East Asia, for example, when that region start- financial flows have increased fourfold and ed reaping its own demographic dividends are expected to exceed $200 billion in 2014. three decades ago—to speed up the continent’s transformation. But to have a lasting impact, LOOKING AHEAD new knowledge and technologies and higher Three questions will be important in deter- growth rates must be complemented by strong mining Africa’s future progress. Can it and accountable institutions.

122 PERSPECTIVES ON THE LONG TERM Along with its demographic advantages, Africa is endowed with abundant natu- ral resources, including recent oil and gas discoveries, located in a range of countries. For some countries, such as Mozambique, the new finds are unprecedented. In 2012, four out of the five largest gas discoveries in the world were in Mozambique. The African Development Bank Group estimates that over the next 20 years, Africa’s natural resources, especially from the extractive industries, could contribute over $30 billion annually to government revenues. The hope is that natural-resource revenues will help countries establish robust and diversified economies. Unfortunately, this is not yet happening. Instead, resource- rich countries seem to be trapped in a vicious circle of primary-mineral exports, with little value added to the local economy. In the 20 years leading up to 2012, raw-material exports accounted for 76 percent of Africa’s exports, while manufacturing accounted for only 20 percent. In many countries, the potential for agroprocessing is good, although progress in linking up to the regional and global value chains will depend on how quickly governments are able to upgrade infrastructure and further improve the regu- latory and business environment. Although economic growth has been impressive, Africa still exhibits higher levels of inequality than other regions of the WHAT IT WILL TAKE Africa has world, with the exception of Latin America. FOR AFRICA TO SUCCEED a young and fast-growing In 2011, for instance, six of the world’s ten The dynamics of the global economy are population; most unequal countries were in Africa. While shifting. In particular, the wage differential by 2050, more historical factors might explain this dispar- between Africa and other emerging markets is than a quarter of its inhabitants ity in some regions, particularly in southern widening as countries such as China transi- will be between Africa, elsewhere it has been mainly the tion from being the low-cost “factory” of the the ages outcome of policies that have failed to put in world to being a producer of more technologi- of 15 and 24. place adequate measures to help those living cally intensive goods and services. As this in poverty. Addressing the growing inequal- transition continues, manufacturing oppor- ity in Africa will require active social policies tunities will open up for Africa. But this is and innovative approaches to education and only one part of the story. For Africa to attract

© BORGOGNIELS VIA GETTY IMAGES gender issues, as well as to small businesses. investment, it is imperative that its govern-


ments take a strategic view of infrastructure cal services, new roads, bridges, ports, and and logistics. It will also require massive skills airports are critical for industrialization, development, through targeted education to competitiveness, and economic integra- fill the skills gap. Above all, both government tion of African countries. The impres- and industry will need to take a long-term sive growth rates witnessed over the past perspective, forgoing short-term tactical decade and rapid urbanization have led to a profit maximization. huge demand for both soft and hard infra- Success will also require a new relation- structure. Recent estimates show that the ship with foreign investors. There was a time continent needs to invest around $93 billion when foreign investors, including multina- annually to close the huge infrastructure tionals, could undertake their activities with deficit, with the financing gap estimated little or no attempt to reach out to local busi- in the range of $50 billion to $100 billion ness partners. But the experience in many annually. This presents both a challenge and countries has demonstrated the importance an opportunity for business. In the 1990s, of nurturing such partnerships. Local play- the deregulation in the telecommunications ers, as one might expect, bring with them sector ushered in an explosion in IT-related their own business networks as well as a infrastructure. We are beginning to see a deep knowledge of local conditions. similar phenomenon in the power sector. For foreign investors, maximizing these Over the past decade, the African Devel- opment Bank Group channeled about 60 percent of its annual lending (close to $4 For foreign investors, maximizing billion in 2013 alone) to infrastructure local labor and supply chains development on the continent—a substantial amount but still small in relation to Africa’s is not only sound business logic, it is needs. Our estimates are that for every dollar also essential for sustainability. invested, an additional four were lever- aged from private-sector investors. Forging viable partnerships with the private sector is therefore a major ingredient for accelerating local labor and supply chains is not only sound development of Africa’s infrastructure and business logic, it is also essential for sustain- enhancing its competitiveness. ability. As indigenous workers gain a foothold Contrary to popular belief, much of the in the production chain, more job opportuni- infrastructure development in Africa in ties will be created and partnerships will grow. recent years has been financed outside global Although a focus on foreign expertise and aid programs, through domestic resources, inputs might be expedient during the initial asset-backed deals with China, international phases of the investment process, there must financial institutions, sovereign-bond issues, be a transition to local talent and resources if and other mechanisms. Looking ahead, the Africa is to reap the benefit of these activities continent will have to compete with other and if they are to be long lasting. developing regions for non-aid resources. There is a case for mobilizing additional AFRICA’S INFRASTRUCTURE domestic resources and capital, provided OPPORTUNITY governments show the necessary politi- Infrastructure development also requires a cal will by broadening their tax bases and long-term view. Along with improved logisti- strengthening tax administration.

124 PERSPECTIVES ON THE LONG TERM Domestic tax sources, however, are not Africa has crossed a threshold. enough to generate the huge amounts Its young, vibrant population, thriving required to meet Africa’s infrastructure needs. Africa must find innovative new ways middle class, and bountiful natural to finance critically needed infrastructure resources represent a level of opportunity projects. Governments must find new ways to unsurpassed anywhere in the world. attract private capital for commercially viable and transformative projects. One step in this direction is a new program from the African Development Bank Group to target Africa’s unbanked and underbanked. African-owned pool of savings from pension funds, sover- banks have already built up their capacity eign-wealth funds, and insurance companies. to take advantage of the opportunities that In the second decade of the 21st century, abound in the consumer retail sector and Africa has crossed a threshold. Its young, consumer services. The digital revolution vibrant population, thriving middle class, has in many ways accelerated the process. and bountiful natural resources represent a Few people could have predicted the speed level of opportunity unsurpassed anywhere at which mobile telephony would accelerate in the world. Yet there are still lingering the delivery of banking services, as well as perceptions of the continent as a high-risk education and health services. investment environment, perpetuating the While many African countries have tendency to see Africa, a vast and multifac- accessed the international capital markets in eted continent, as a single country. That is recent years, indicating a diversification of why today the bulk of foreign investment in their sources of financing, coupon yields are Africa is targeted at the extractive industries. still relatively high—up to 8 percent in some The world needs to take a fresh look. There cases—reflecting the perceived risks attached are opportunities, for example, to serve the to lending to Africa. Measures must be taken growing urban populations with their signifi- to mitigate this risk but also to change mis- cant disposable incomes. There is enormous placed perceptions. demand for financial services from the We all need to take the long-term view. n

PERSPECTIVES ON THE LONG TERM 125 GOVERNING / Julie Hembrock Daum and Edward Speed

Short-term thinking increasingly dominates corporate decision making, particularly in the listed sector, where the pressure to meet Building quarterly earnings expectations has never been greater. Such is the pressure on CEOs and their management teams that all too often they are distracted from their true mission, which is to A Board steer the business toward its strategic goals. While boards do have a duty to monitor per- formance against plans, they have an equally important role to play in keeping management For the focused on the long-term health of their com- panies. Boards need to become far bolder if they are to make an effective stand against the forces of short-termism, whether these come Long Term from inside or outside the organization. Boards can choose to shake free from the Despite the more immediate concerns straitjacket of quarterly capitalism, but doing of investors, boards truly create value by so will require discipline and nerve, backed looking further ahead. by a strong culture, shared values, and, most important, board leadership. Regardless of whether the chairman is independent or dou- bling as the CEO, he or she will need to take a strong lead, both philosophically and practical- ly, in encouraging the board and management to look beyond short-term investor require- ments to the needs of the wider community of stakeholders. The board should pay attention to short-term performance, naturally, but any pressure to change course or make decisions that merely satisfy short-term demands must be countered with a clear articulation of the company’s long-term vision. The board’s responsibility is ultimately to the long-term, sustainable health of the business. Part of the board’s ability to take a long-term view is informed by how it sees its responsibil- ity to shareholders. The profile and expecta- tions of investors have changed substantially over the past several decades, and all the Julie Hembrock Daum leads Spencer Stuart’s North American board evidence would suggest that in many mar- practice. A recognized expert on governance topics, she helped found and kets long-term investors are a dying breed. develop the Wharton School’s Corporate Governance: Fresh Insights and Best Practices for Directors program. Therefore, listed-company boards have to ask Edward Speed is chairman of the worldwide board of Spencer Stuart themselves whether their decisions should be and is active in CEO succession and board searches globally. driven mainly by a desire to satisfy sharehold-

126 PERSPECTIVES ON THE LONG TERM ers impatient for short-term results or whether Independent directors are appointed they should focus their efforts on working with to the board for their ability to management to develop a long-term vision for the business. This may arouse criticism provide insights into the strategy and mistrust in some quarters, but it has the proposed by management, yet boards potential to create greater and more sustain- commonly complain that they able value in the long run. spend too little time discussing it.

LONG-TERM VISION AND STRATEGY Definitions of the “long term” vary. We sub- scribe to the view that short term means one in communicating their organization’s vision year or less, medium term is one to five years, to the market. There are recent examples of and long term is more than five years. On companies behaving one way for investors but this basis, we believe it is safe to say that few keeping their longer-term thinking under wraps boards (and even fewer management teams) for fear of a negative reaction. Many boards spend any significant time developing a truly are nervous about committing to the long term long-term vision for the business. and reluctant to reveal their forward thinking On the whole, independent directors are by admitting to investments that may not guar- appointed to the board for their ability to antee a return, at least not in the near term. provide insights into the strategy proposed by An impending EU rule change designed to management, yet boards commonly complain discourage short-term thinking in financial that they spend too little time discussing it. markets may give the boards of European- The preoccupations inherent in quarterly listed companies more confidence in commit- capitalism are often an unwelcome distrac- ting to long-term investment plans: interim tion for both management and the board, management statements will no longer be whose energies are better directed toward mandatory, leaving companies to decide on the bigger picture. As one chairman put it, the timing and content of their communica- “You can spend all your time trying to prevent tions to the market. Boards should take full accidents, or you can remember that your job advantage of this new flexibility by refocusing is to create value.” investors on the company’s longer-term goals. We would argue that the board’s first priority is to establish a long-term vision for the busi- CEO ALIGNMENT ness, working collaboratively with manage- One of the board’s main tasks is to minimize ment, and that this is a necessary precursor to the principal-agency problem. Since the management’s development of strategy. What wrong incentives lead to the wrong behav- is the distinction? While corporate strategy ior, boards have to gear a major portion of is critical and comes with a set of milestones the CEO’s and senior management’s reward and goals that enable the board to measure package toward an appropriate set of perfor- management’s progress, it is rarely fixed over a mance-based objectives that stretch over five long period, necessarily evolving in the face of years and are benchmarked against a relevant changing circumstances. By contrast, an over- group of companies, thus creating alignment arching long-term vision acts as the lodestar between management and shareholders. We that can guide the board and management as recommend that some element of the package they look beyond the five-year horizon. should be held back until two years after the Boards should display greater confidence CEO leaves the business.


CEOs who have to hold their shares beyond of the business and a strong personal com- their retirement or departure date will, we mitment to its success is more likely to be think, be more concerned about their legacy effective than one that contains detached and the performance of their successor, since outsiders with no day-to-day involvement in some portion of their wealth will remain the company and no deep understanding of locked up in the business. A well-managed the issues it faces. CEO-succession process is vital for creating The reality is that independent directors stability and continuity in the organization will always be the majority on the boards of and for reassuring investors. We believe the listed companies. However, if they are going process should start early in a CEO’s tenure, to think long term and contribute to strategy be run by a dedicated committee of the board, in a meaningful way, they need to have expe- rience in a relevant industry, a sophisticated understanding of the business, to know where Every new appointment to the board its source of value lies, and to dedicate enough should be framed by the question, time to make a difference. Therefore, the board needs to consider four critical issues. “Will this person uphold the long-term First, only people capable of developing that vision of value creation for the business?” kind of understanding should be considered as directors. Having the best possible talent around the boardroom table really matters, and each individual should bring a unique set and allow enough time for internal candidates of skills and experiences directly relevant to to gain the necessary exposure and experience the company’s strategy. This means a rigorous to prepare them for the role. assessment of candidates’ intrinsic qualities to Hiring mistakes are costly and can eas- ensure that they have the intellect, judgment, ily derail a long-term strategic plan, which and personality to contribute in the right way. should not change just because a new CEO Every new appointment to the board should has been appointed. As the strategy takes be framed by the question, “Will this person shape and continues to evolve, the board must uphold the long-term vision of value creation review whether the current CEO is the right for the business?” person to lead the organization through the Second, directors must spend more time in next phase, bearing in mind that the person the role and have fewer commitments. It may who led the development of strategy may not be appropriate for a select group of inde- always be the best person to execute it. pendent directors (committee chairmen, for example) to deepen their involvement in the THE RIGHT BOARD business on a more formal basis. If this means With today’s emphasis on compliance, the that boards have to impose tougher rules on governance pendulum may have swung too the number of directorships an individual far in our view, requiring directors to be too may hold, so be it. distant from the business. Every board has Third, directors need to be rewarded at to consider carefully the trade-off between a level that reflects these expectations. To independence and knowledge. There is a secure the necessary time commitment, direc- strong argument holding sway in private- tor fees should reflect the need for a deeper capital environments that a board made up level of engagement, compensating them for of insiders who have an intimate knowledge any limits on their portfolio. Rewards for the

128 PERSPECTIVES ON THE LONG TERM chairman should properly reflect the signifi- hands on, so every director’s contribution cant level of responsibility and time commit- counts. Operating under fewer regulatory con- ment that goes with the role. straints and away from the scrutiny of external Fourth, chairmen or board leaders want- shareholders, analysts, and the general public, ing to change the orientation of a board can they have more time to devote to value-adding strengthen this way of thinking by importing activities. They also tend to be highly analyti- director talent from industries that are by cal, working closely with management in a way their nature oriented toward the long term. that streamlines decision making and creates a Listed boards could benefit from the experi- strong culture of accountability. ence of family-controlled businesses in the appointment of executive and independent THE RIGHT BOARD LEADERSHIP board directors. Family-controlled companies It is impossible to overstate the importance of tend to hire directors who share their belief in board leadership. (We refer below to the role preserving the company for the next genera- played by independent chairmen, but we rec- tion. Many of the directors of the largest and ognize that effective board leadership can take most successful family-controlled companies different forms. For example, in some US com- have either been executives of other family- panies, different aspects of board leadership controlled companies who share a conviction may be divided successfully between the CEO about the importance of the long term or or chairman and the lead director.) The chair- they are owners of other businesses run in a man sets the tone and direction for the board similar way. This is particularly noticeable in and has to ensure not only that an appropriate Germany, an economy powered by family- long-term vision is in place but also that the run businesses thriving in capital-intensive business has the human, financial, and techno- industries with long innovation and product- logical means to realize that vision. Without a development cycles, some of them lasting 20 chairman continually upholding the long-term years or more, as in the case of Merck’s ongo- view, the idea will never gain traction. ing investment in research and development The chairman must have sufficient convic- of liquid crystals, which has resulted in their tion, influence, and resilience to stand firm strong position in this sector. in the face of short-term pressures. He or Boards need directors who will become she is ultimately responsible for assembling closely identified with the long-term vision the most engaged and knowledgeable team for the business and are prepared to place the of directors possible to assist in this goal, big bets. Some directors are more concerned although it is extremely difficult for any new with avoiding problems (and protecting their chairman inheriting a board to change the reputations) than making critical decisions attitudes and composition of the board over- for the business that may take time to bear night; constructing the right board can itself fruit. Excessive risk aversion is as dangerous be a long-term endeavor. for the business as reckless behavior is at the The chairman’s skill in setting and managing other end of the spectrum. the agenda is critical, ensuring that sufficient Such concerns are rarely found on the boards time is allocated to longer-term strategic of private-equity-portfolio companies, where considerations, which can easily be crowded hierarchical relationships (which can cause risk out by process issues, governance require- aversion) are all but eliminated. Private-equity ments, and urgent matters of the day. A good boards not only tend to be highly engaged and chairman will always be looking for the most knowledgeable but are also smaller and more efficient way to deal with the formalities to free


up time for more expansive debate. The review should contain questions relevant The chairman’s commitment to the long- to the long-term orientation of the business: term health of the company needs to perme- n Does the board articulate its role in sup- ate the board and filter through to the whole porting a long-term vision for the business organization. The board has a responsibility effectively? to ensure that the CEO is aware of and active- n How often is this vision discussed at board ly managing culture and values, articulating meetings? the company’s strategic vision in a simple, n Does it inform decision making? clear, and consistent way. That message needs n Is the board sufficiently engaged with to be reiterated constantly to audiences inside long-term opportunities and threats, such as and outside the organization, in language that digital transformation, sustainability and the reinforces the importance of the long-term environment, or global shifts in the balance of health of the business. economic power? As leader of the board, the chairman has n What different skillsare needed on the to have the ability to switch between stand- board to deal with these issues? ing back and acting as a guide for the CEO n How willing are individual directors to and stepping forward to intervene. The skills make way for new directors when fresh skills required to do this effectively are rare. It is of and experiences more closely aligned to the course a huge advantage for the chairman to strategic goals are called for? have run something of scale, and even better n Is there a role for term limits? to have been exposed to crisis, if not failure, since being able to help a less-experienced If long-term considerations are going to pre- CEO to apply the lessons from such experi- vail over short-term interests, then the board ences is invaluable. has to become bolder and more courageous in exercising its collective responsibility, set- BOARD-EFFECTIVENESS REVIEW ting the tone for the business to think about The principle of long-term planning should its mission in a different way. Directors need apply as much to the board as it does to the clarity about whose interests they are rep- business itself, hence the importance of a prop- resenting, what the trade-offs are, and how erly conducted board-effectiveness review. best to address conflicting needs. They do When directors approach it with a positive, not have to accept that their hands are tied, open attitude and a shared desire to improve that they are simply there to do the bidding the board’s dynamics and behaviors, the of shareholders who may be involved with review can be a powerful tool, especially when the company but fleetingly. They can make the uncensored results are discussed openly by a difference in a number of ways by commit- the full board. ting themselves more deeply and exclusively There should be no stigma attached to to the business and by ensuring that all board changing the composition of the board if a activities and interactions with manage- rigorous evaluation of the collective skills and ment and investors are underpinned by a experience suggests that new directors are clear understanding and articulation of the needed to help the company achieve its long- organization’s long-term vision and values. term vision. It is possible for boards to get By looking after the long-term interests of the stale and fall into the trap of “fighting the last company as a whole, directors can foster an war” rather than focusing on the needs of the environment that creates sustainable value company several years out. for all stakeholders. n


The Impact Of Regulation Pension funds and regulators must work together to foster opportunities for long-term investment while ensuring stable, sound, and safe financial markets

Pension funds can play an important role in fostering long-term investment and economic growth. While banks continue to withdraw liquidity from the capital markets by making fewer loans, pension funds and their asset managers are well suited to fill that fund- ing gap. Because our mandate is to fund the retirements of workers who may not be leaving the workforce for decades, we are able and willing to make very long-term invest- ments. A long time horizon fits both the large scale and global nature of our operations and our fiduciary responsibility. More important, maintaining a long-term perspective benefits our pensioners, in whose interest we act. For these reasons, we strongly support the current global efforts to stimulate long-term investment. It is, however, not only a matter of ability and willingness. We need to create the right incentives and at the same time remove bar- riers that constrain long-term investment. Unfortunately, regulation often forms one of those barriers. Obviously, regulation is vitally Angelien Kemna is a board member and chief financial and risk officer of Netherlands-based APG. APG manages the pension assets of nearly important: it serves as a traffic officer in the 4.5 million Dutch citizens for its clients, all Dutch pension funds. Previously, crowded streets of the financial markets. Kemna was chief executive of ING Investment Management Europe. She When drafted and applied correctly, it can be is a member of the board of governors of Leiden University and chairman of the supervisory board of Yellow & Blue Investment Management, an effective tool for creating financial stability a Dutch venture-capital firm that specializes in renewable energy. and restoring and maintaining confidence in


CATEGORIZING THE IMPACT OF REGULATION ON LONG-TERM INVESTMENT The impact of regulation on long-term invest- ment is a complex matter. This is not only due to the fact that such investments involve a variety of products, market players, and jurisdictions. It is also because the inhibiting effect of regulation is often difficult to see and to quantify. To address this issue, we tend to distinguish different categories of regulatory impact on long-term investment in our dis- cussions with regulators and supervisors. The rules that encourage long-term invest- ing (positive impact) are to be separated from those that discourage it (negative impact). Both forms of impact can either be direct or indirect. We classify rules that apply to actual long-term-investment products or strategies as having a direct impact. Rules that apply to other levels, such as investors, or to other products or parts of the market can also With the right the financial markets. When it functions to impact the ability or willingness to engage regulation enable long-term investment, it can pave the in long-term investment. We call this the in place, green bonds could way for citizens to meet their future financial indirect impact of regulation. That results in help finance needs. four categories of impact: direct and indirect environmentally But when regulations have the unintended positive impact and direct and indirect nega- beneficial projects like effect of discouraging or even prohibiting tive impact. these wind long-term investment, they need to be identi- The problem is not only with the regula- turbines in the fied and eliminated. Over the past few years, tions that exist but also with the regulations Netherlands. an enormous number of new rules have been that do not exist. In circumstances where created in reaction to the global financial regulation could have a positive impact on crisis. In many cases, these rules have been too long-term investment but is lacking, it needs wide ranging. Failure to appropriately tailor to be created. This goes for both the direct regulations can close off opportunities to make and indirect forms of positive impact. For long-term investments that could be widely example, standardization of regulations relat- beneficial. For example, new margin require- ing to covered and green bonds and cross- ments for derivatives are meant to reduce border investment through real-estate invest- systemic risk. Pension funds are highly credit- ment trusts would encourage more long-term worthy institutions that pose little or no such investment. In a more indirect way, a general systemic risk to the financial markets. Forcing regulatory push for increased availability of them to set aside assets for collateral purposes long-term-investment projects and harmo- in the same manner as a bank or hedge fund nizing of local insolvency regimes would also does not make sense, and it results in a direct have a positive effect. We elaborate on these

loss of long-term-investment opportunity. examples below. Failure to fill existing regula- © KRUWT VIA GETTY IMAGES

132 PERSPECTIVES ON THE LONG TERM tory gaps will ultimately depress long-term examples are not exhaustive, we believe they investment. offer good starting points for taking action Prominent examples of direct negative toward regulatory improvement. In addition, impact include proposed securitization they may help inform thinking in general on regulations and rules on asset-based capital the different ways regulation can encourage charges. These regulatory initiatives have the or inhibit long-term investment. opposite effect of what we need: they ham- per long-term investment. Indirect negative 1. Direct Positive Impact: impact is more hidden in nature and thus Standardize Rules Across Jurisdictions less visible. Nonetheless, it can be just as Standardizing the rules regarding covered important as direct negative impact. This is and green bonds would be a straightfor- particularly true if the rules result in investors ward way of creating direct positive impact. having fewer funds available for long-term Currently, covered bonds, which are backed investment. Margin requirements for deriva- by a dedicated pool of assets, are subject to tives transactions and the increase in banking regional and even bank-specific rules. Regula- costs that are passed on are crucial examples tors and investors should work together to of indirect negative impact of regulation. create a global level playing field. In par- Negative indirect impact of regulation has ticular, standards should be formulated for taken a back seat in long-term-investment overcollateralization, haircuts, valuation, the discussions. A report issued by the Financial Stability Board (FSB) in September 2014 on relevant regulatory long-term-investment fac- When regulations have the unintended 1 tors confirms this view. In its report, the FSB effect of discouraging or even concludes that empirical evidence suggesting that regulatory reforms have had material prohibiting long-term investment, they adverse effects on the provision of long-term need to be identified and eliminated. financing is lacking. In its continued search for data, the FSB then formulates a set of key indicators that could be taken into account. These indicators focus on existing capital legal position of bondholders, and the treat- flows and sources of funds. But this is only ment of residual debt. In addition, regula- part of the picture. The funds not invested tors and the industry should work to create need to be mapped as well. If not, the indirect common accounting standards for bondhold- negative effects of regulation on long-term ers, as well as clear collateral requirements. investment could become the assassin of Standards should include a requirement that long-term-investment growth. covered bonds be rated by at least two rating agencies. Similarly, green bonds, which could FIRST STEPS FOR REGULATIONS be a powerful force for mobilizing capital for THAT ENCOURAGE AND SUPPORT projects with environmental benefits, must LONG-TERM INVESTMENT be supported with effective regulation that Understanding the four kinds of impact can mitigates the risk of greenwashing, or the help bring about rules that safeguard markets unjustified appropriation of environmental while maximizing the opportunity for long- virtue. Failure to formulate effective regula- term investment. We offer specific examples tions will dampen the growth of this poten- for each category below. Although these tially beneficial market.


Real estate, too, should be an important asset cross-border financing, especially within the class for long-term investors. To that end, we European Union. These discrepancies create would welcome the introduction of EU-based uncertainty and, therefore, risk in credit- real-estate investment trusts, which could financing transactions. They can also lead to be used to facilitate cross-border real-estate excessive price fluctuation, especially in the investments, but again, they must be support- case of default. ed with effective and standardized rules. 3. Direct Negative Impact: 2. Indirect Positive Impact: Distinguish Among Levels of Risk in Tailor the Rules to the Investor Similar Investments and Investors One barrier to long-term investment is a The (proposed) regulatory framework for shortage of long-term-investment projects. securitization transactions has had a direct Even taking market-generated and govern- negative impact on investment behavior. ment projects together, there are simply Solvency II and Basel III proposals and not enough opportunities. There should be resulting uncertainty about capital charges a broad assessment of how to stimulate the and liquidity treatment for securitizations demand side of long-term investment through have reduced investors’ appetite to invest supporting regulation. Part of that assess- in this asset class. Securitized assets are an ment should take into account risk-return appropriate investment for pension plans, profiles and other relevant investment criteria assuming they are properly structured and for large institutional investors. The World of good quality. They allow pension plans to Economic Forum’s Infrastructure Investment contribute to the financing of real economy assets such as residential houses, consumer- loan leases, and loans to small and medium One barrier to long-term investment enterprises. There seems to be recognition is a shortage of investment projects. today that the securitization markets need to be revived. In resetting the regulatory frame- There should be a broad assessment work, however, special care must be taken to of how to stimulate the demand side of avoid unintended consequences. Rule makers long-term investment. must acknowledge that not all securitizations carry the same level of risk and make efforts to avoid unduly burdensome regulations. Another area of direct negative impact Policy Blueprint 2 could provide pointers. As concerns asset-based capital charges. Capi- we have publicly stated,3 to facilitate investing tal requirements for specific asset classes for pension funds and other large investors, imposed by Solvency II will limit the amount governments must ensure clear and stable of capital available for long-term investment. regulations. This should include eliminating Here again, regulatory measures should take

fossil-fuel subsidies, higher prices for CO2 into account the varying risk profiles of differ- emission rights, and increased support for ent types of investors. research into cleaner energy, to make invest- ments more attractive to pension funds and 4. Indirect Negative Impact: allow them to meet their sustainability goals. Avoid Rules That Unintentionally Divert Discrepancies in local insolvency laws form Cash From Long-Term Investment a powerful indirect impediment to long-term, There are numerous examples here. Current

134 PERSPECTIVES ON THE LONG TERM regulation of over-the-counter derivatives Rules should be appropriately has, for instance, an indirect negative effect tailored for different market participants. on the ability to contribute to long-term investment, as the rules reduce available Unnecessarily broad rules cause funds. Measures like the European Market needless constraints and ultimately a loss Infrastructure Regulation result in increased of return for pensioners. allocation to high-quality government bonds and cash for collateral purposes. Since returns on government bonds are and will continue to stay low, such measures force a deviation in long-term investment. Done poorly, it can from an optimal investment mix. Derivative have the opposite effect. Care must be taken collateral requirements, whether imposed to avoid regulation that results in constraints by regulation or by central clearing houses, on long-term investment in both direct and can have a pro-cyclical effect in distressed indirect ways. The serious problem of indirect markets by forcing fire sales of assets. Scarcity negative impact, in particular, tends to be of eligible collateral will then have serious overlooked in this debate. liquidity—and thus long-term-investment— In general, the unintended consequences consequences. of regulation must be avoided at all times. The increased banking costs that result The total impact on long-term investment of from new regulatory measures are another all individual pieces of regulation—plus how source of indirect negative impact. Those costs these pieces add up and affect one another— are passed along to clients, including pen- must be understood. In addition, rules should sion funds, once again reducing the amount be appropriately tailored for different market available for long-term investment and forcing participants. Unnecessarily broad rules cause pension funds and other clients to pay the needless constraints and ultimately a loss of price for a crisis they did not cause. The net return for pensioners. stable funding ratio, created by the Basel Com- For the long-term-investment debate to be mittee on Banking Supervision, could prove to effective, all forms of impact must be ana- be yet another source of negative impact, since lyzed and carefully considered. This is not the rules would make it much more expensive an easy job but one that must be undertaken to provide for certain equity products that are to successfully encourage long-term invest- frequently used by pension funds. ment. We are here for the long term, as are the global regulators and supervisors. It is our In the global debate on ways to enhance hope that with a joint effort, we can make sure long-term investment, pension funds have that regulatory initiatives create stable and correctly been identified as a potential source sound financial markets without diminishing of nonbank funding. Executed correctly, the opportunities for meaningful long-term regulation can stimulate our ability to engage investment. n

1 Update on financial regulatory factors affecting the supply of long-term finance: Report to G20 Finance Ministers and Central Bank Governors, Financial Stability Board, September 16, 2014, 2 Infrastructure Investment Policy Blueprint, World Economic Forum, in collaboration with Oliver Wyman, February 2014, The blueprint contains a practical set of recommendations for governments on attracting private capital for infrastructure projects while creating clear social and economic value for their citizens. 3 Angelien Kemna, speech at the United Nations Climate Summit, New York, September 23, 2014.


NICHOLAS CARR WHITNEY MACMILLAN LYNN FORESTER The Human Generational DE ROTHSCHILD Advantage...... 28 Thinking at Cargill...... 48 Capitalism for The Many...... 23 JULIE HEMBROCK DAUM KATHLEEN MCLAUGHLIN Building a Board Business and MICHAEL SABIA For the Long Term...... 126 Society in the Building a Coming Decades...... 57 Business-Owner RICHARD EDELMAN Mind-Set...... 94 Restoring Trust DOUG MCMILLON In an Era of Change...... 12 Business and EDWARD SPEED Society in the Building a Board LAURENCE FINK Coming Decades...... 57 For the Long Term...... 126 Our Gambling Culture...... 8 EUAN MUNRO CHARLES TILLEY Getting Beyond Reporting for JAMES P. GORMAN The Data Point...... 80 The 21st Century...... 84 The Long-Term Imperative NITIN NOHRIA DAVID WALKER For Financial Long-Term Visions Governance and Institutions...... 100 Cut Short...... 36 Stewardship for The Long Term...... 106 ANGEL GURRÍA RONALD P. O’HANLEY Minding the Gaps...... 110 Long-Termism Begins LEI ZHANG With the Board...... 116 A Single Ladle DONALD KABERUKA From a Taking the Long ADRIAN ORR Flowing Stream...... 90 View on Africa...... 121 An Unshakable Belief in the ANGELIEN KEMNA Long Term...... 64 The Impact of Regulation...... 131 GREG PAGE Generational LIM CHOW KIAT Thinking at Cargill...... 48 GIC’s Long-Term View...... 75 HENRY M. PAULSON JR. Short-Termism CHANDA KOCHHAR And the Threat from Long-Term Planning Climate Change...... 16 In a Volatile Environment...... 53 PAUL POLMAN Solving Problems That Matter...... 42

JOHN D. ROGERS Capitalism in the Postfinancial Era...... 69