DROMORE DIOCESAN HISTORICAL SOCIETY 2015 Journal RECENTLY DECEASED St. Peter’s Parish, Shankill A publication of 136 pages, with articles, features and photographs Declan McKeown, Pine bank related to people, places and events in the Dromore Diocese, past and Kathleen McMahon, Drumbeg South present. Denis Kelly, formerly of Castle Lane Margaret (Peggy) Gentle, William Street Among a group of important articles are the texts of Dr Mary Goss’s MgrMgrMgr Aidan Hamill Betty Toman, Prospect Way BULLETIN account of life and work of the late Dr James Deeny of Lurgan; A tribute Rita O’Neill, Oakleigh Fold Fr ConoCon orr McConville Fr Con oor McConville to the late Jim Blaney; Colum McConville’s vibrant portrait of Bishop Phelim Brewster, Pinebank Fr Joseph WozniaWozniakkkk Patrick Donnelly, the Bard of Ar magh, d. 1716; Jim Conway’s Memorial to Fr Brian FitzpatrickThe Christmas Bazaar 666ththth December 2015 ––– 2nd2nd2nd SUNDAY IN ADVENT Lurgan-born priest, Fr Alf McMullan, 1915 -72; Dr Francis Campbell’s very MONTHS MIND Deacon Kevin DevinDevineeee recent compelling lecture, “The Holy See in World Affairs”; Fr Andrew Friday 11th December Fr Andrew McMahon McMahon’s address to members in Magheral Church; the launch of one of Dennis Crossey, Oakleigh Fold Fr Michael Maginn’s Volume of Poetry & Prayers; a Tom French poem, and Mary Culbert, Brown Street/Thornleigh many other interesting and illustrated articles. Parochial House and Parish Office Tel. 3832 3161 Fax: 3834 7927 Journal on sale after all Masses thisthisthis weekend PricePricePrice £10£10£10 E-mail:
[email protected] website: www.lurganparish.com ANNIVERSARIES AAAnAnnn ideal Christmas present Sunday 6 ththth December Safeguarding Children: Designated person for Dromore Diocese – Mrs Patricia Carville 07789917741 Mary Catherine Fox, William Street Angela Breen, Ulster Street TANNAGHMORE LEGION OF MARY BOOKSTALLS MASS SCHEDULE NOVENA TO OUR LADY OF Mamie McCaughey, Ennis Close ST PETER’S PRIMARY SCHOOL Liturgical calendars (Ordos) for 2015 -16, Saturday 6pm (Vigil) PERPETUAL HELP.