October 2007

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October 2007 October 2007 A day of brilliance, warmth and solemn celebration The brilliance of the sunshine “Your new ecclesial family has outside was matched only by the already warmly welcomed you,” he brightness of Bishop Michael added. Mulhall’s smile as he greeted the September 21 marks the Feast of St. people of the Ottawa Valley as their Matthew, and Archbishop Ventura’s new spiritual leader. homily was based on the Gospel of St. St. Columbkille’s Cathedral was Matthew, which concludes with the filled to overflowing for the nearly great commission: “Go therefore and three-hour ordination ceremony on make disciples of all nations, baptizing September 21, with approximately 150 them in the name of the Father and of dignitaries joining the parishioners for the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and the occasion. teaching them to obey everything I “May you proclaim the Word of God have commanded you. And remember I with unfailing patience and sound am with you always, to the very end of teaching,” said Archbishop Luigi the age.” Ventura, Apostolic Nuncio to Canada, in his homily. continued on page 2... Above, Bishop Mulhall with some of the many visiting bishops, waiting for the entrance procession. At right, our newly ordained bishop is applauded by the congregation, with his parents, Maureen and Vernon, in the front row. see more photos at www.diocesepembroke.ca Ecclesia the newsletter of the Catholic Diocese of Pembroke October 2007 Continued from page 1... and consoling intercession both from the apostle and the day as he took a few moments to reflect on the “This is the mission that the Lord issues today and from our first bishop. I join with all of you in beauty of the ceremony and its historic significance. entrusts to you as the Bishop of Pembroke,” expressing my deepest gratitude to the Lord who has “It’s been passed on to us because of what it says to Archbishop Ventura said. called me to the grace of one baptism in the one holy us,” he commented. “Through your ministry, we pray that all will Catholic and apostolic faith.” Turning to the future, he shared his fondest hope for experience His presence – the eternal Shepherd who “May the growth of His people in holiness be my the days ahead: “Simply that we live our faith and never leaves his flock untended.” abiding and my eternal joy,” he concluded. hand on our faith and are joyful in doing that, and that “A bishop does not dispose of the truth as if it were The reception in the church hall following the we live to the fullest – that we find sanctity in what we his own possession,” Archbishop Ventura noted, formalities was a scene of joyous chaos. Members of do, and that we offer that for our salvation and the adding that, like St. Matthew, a bishop is to allow the Pembroke Diocese anxiously gathered to get to salvation of so many others. If there’s a goal, it’s the himself to be overtaken by the mission of Jesus as “a know their new bishop, while those who knew him salvation of all of us which was given to us.” living person who knows us, encounters us and seeks from previous placements were just as keen to wish Speaking for the entire diocese, Father Patrick Tait to inspire us with His love.” him well. Hundreds of people mingled and celebrated had earlier shared the highest hope of all in “I feel deeply humbled today to be chosen,” Bishop together, their voices punctuated by laughter and, at attendance, “may God bless you and keep you with us Mulhall said in his first address to the diocese. one point, the harmonies of a beautiful Byzantine for many, many years,” he said, inspiring prolonged Referring to the significance of the Feast of St. blessing sung by a contingent from Madonna House. and enthusiastic applause from the congregation. Matthew, the new bishop said: “I have felt a strong Bishop Mulhall’s broad smile captured the spirit of Below, Bishop Mulhall meets with parishioners following his ordination. Right, he makes his first remarks as Bishop of Pembroke. Service divided between Peterborough and Rome To date, Bishop Mulhall’s service to the Catholic Oriental Churches. Established by Pope Benedict XV Church has been rooted in two locations – his home in 1917, the mandate is to be in contact with the diocese of Peterborough, and Rome. Oriental Catholic churches for the sake of assisting Following his ordination to the priesthood for the their development, protecting their rights and Diocese of Peterborough in 1989, Bishop Mulhall maintaining the heritage of the various Oriental returned to Rome to further pursue his religious Christian traditions. Its role includes exclusive studies at the Augustinianum while following the authority over such regions as: Egypt and the Sinai formation program at the North American College. peninsula, Cyprus, Greece, Iran, Iraq, Lebanon, In obtaining his Licentiate of Sacred Theology Palestine, Syria, Jordan and Turkey. The (S.T.L.) there, Bishop Mulhall embarked on a two- responsibilities reflect the complex reality of the year program that provides opportunity to treat Oriental churches with respect to their geographical, theological questions in greater depth and pursue a cultural and social conditions. more scientific study of theology. Graduates of the In 2002, Bishop Mulhall returned to his native program are prepared to teach theology in a college, diocese, serving again briefly in Huntsville and then in seminary or university, or to function as a chaplain to Hastings. various professional groups, or to act as a theological A year later, he was given added responsibilities as resource for a diocese. chancellor for spiritual affairs and in 2004 he took on Bishop Mulhall returned to the Peterborough the duties of vicar general of the diocese. He Diocese in 1991 and served as a priest in Huntsville occupied these positions until June 30 of this year, until 1994. when he was appointed Bishop of Pembroke by Pope He made a third move to Rome in 1994, to serve as Benedict XVI. an official of the Holy See in the Congregation for Right, Bishop Mulhall with his father, Vernon, on the day he was ordained to the priesthood in 1989. 2 October 2007 the newsletter of the Catholic Diocese of Pembroke Ecclesia Ordination mass Peterborough Diocese is is a living history sorry to lose Bishop Mulhall The ordination of Bishop Michael Mulhall was Representatives of the Diocese of Peterborough Father Rick admits to being a bit intimidated in rich in historical connections. It was exactly 125 were approaching the ordination ceremony in taking up Bishop Mulhall’s job. years earlier - on September 21, 1882 – that Pembroke with rather mixed emotions. “He’s able to keep a lot of things in mind at once,” Pembroke’s first bishop, Narcisse Zepherin “I was hoping for Monsignor Mulhall to stay he says, noting that he too would have preferred to Lorrain was ordained. another couple of years,” admits Bishop Nicola De keep Bishop Mulhall in Peterborough. Two physical elements created a tangible Angelis with a chuckle. “I consider him to be one of my better personal connection between the two ceremonies. The “He will make a great bishop,” the Peterborough friends,” Father Rick says, explaining that they first crozier received by Bishop Mulhall was the same diocesan leader quickly adds. met in Rome around 1990 when Bishop Mulhall was pastoral staff presented to Bishop Lorrain on the Bishop De Angelis can readily list the attributes of a student in the North American College there. day of his ordination, and Bishop Mulhall also the new bishop of Pembroke. The qualities that make him a good friend include chose to honour Bishop Lorrain by using his “He’s very respectful, intelligent, very clear in his his intelligence, his fun-loving and easy-going nature, chalice in the celebration of the Liturgy of the planning,” he says. “He can apply the canon law with and his droll sense of humour. Eucharist. a pastoral touch and compassion.” As a fellow priest, Bishop Mulhall’s finest qualities September 21 was also the 182nd anniversary And if our new bishop has one weakness, it is only include his strong sense of the church’s tradition and of the dedication of Bishop Mulhall’s home parish, to be found in the strength of the coffee he brews. history. The Cathedral of St. Peter-in-Chains, in Bishop De Angelis reports that he will not miss having Bishop Mulhall will make responsible decisions Peterborough, Ontario. to clean out the mountains of coffee grounds Bishop following much thought and prayer, Father Rick Bishop Mulhall’s first mass at St. Columbkille’s Mulhall regularly used. predicts. “He takes his time to ponder matters Cathedral, held on September 30, was also rich in Father Raymond Rick will be stepping into Bishop carefully,” he says. historical significance. Bishop Mulhall blessed the Mulhall’s role as vicar general of the Peterborough “When he’s made a decision, you know that he will new statue of St. Columbkille and the new Diocese. The duties include managing the day-to-day do it because it’s good and he’s thought about it,” baptismal font installed at the entrance to the operations of the diocese – a post somewhat agrees a fellow priest who knows Bishop Mulhall cathedral last month, photo below. These new equivalent to a chief executive officer in the business well. additions to St. Columbkille’s commemorate the world. 100th anniversary of the dedication of the cathedral. A dedicated and thoughtful friend Father Brian Welding is one of the many be living on one of those earliest missionary routes participants who traveled great miles to celebrate the that carried the Jesuits to Canada’s native ordination of Bishop Michael Mulhall.
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