Water Resources of the Detroit Area Michigan
[RC,183 GEOLOGICAL SURVEY CIRCULAR 183 mm* WATER RESOURCES OF THE DETROIT AREA MICHIGAN By C. O. Wisler, G. J. Stramel, and L. B. Laird UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR Oscar L. Chapman, Secretary GEOLOGICAL SURVEY W. E. Wrather, Director GEOLOGICAL SURVEY CIRCULAR 183 WATER RESOURCES OF THE DETROIT AREA, MICHIGAN By C. O. Wisler, G. J. Stramel, and L. B. Laird Washington, D. C., 1952 Free on application to the Geological Survey, Washington 25, D. C. PREFACE This report was prepared in the Water Resources Detroit Department of Water Supply, Laurence G. Division of the U. S. Geological Survey under the gen Lenhardt, general manager. eral supervision of C. G. Paulsen, chief hydraulic Detroit Board of Commerce, Harvey Campbell, engineer, and under the direct supervision of A. D. executive vice president. Ash, district engineer (Surface Water), J. G. Ferris, State Highway Department, Charles M. Ziegler, district engineer (Ground Water), and W. L. Lamar, commissioner. district chemist (Quality of Water). Corps of Engineers, Detroit District, John D. Br,istor, Colonel, district engineer. The authors are deeply indebted to many persons Wayne County Road Commission, Leroy C. Smith, who generously contributed information and material county highway engineer. and otherwise aided in the preparation of this report. Michigan Department of Health, Albert E. Heustis, M. D., commissioner. Some of the basic water-resources data in this re Michigan Department of Economic Development, Don port have been collected by the U. S. Geological Sur C. Weeks, director. vey in cooperation with agencies of the State of Michi The Detroit Edison Company, Walter T.
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