Historical Collections. Collections and Researches Made by the Michigan Pioneer and Historical Society
Library of Congress Historical collections. Collections and researches made by the Michigan pioneer and historical society... Reprinted by authority of the Board of state auditors. Volume 8 COLLECTIONS OF THE PIONEER SOCIETY OF THE STATE OF MICHIGAN TOGETHER WITH REPORTS OF COUNTY PIONEER SOCIETIES Michigan Pioneer and State historical society VOL. VIII. SECOND EDITION LC LANSING, MICHIGAN WYNKOOP HALLENBECK CRAWFORD CO., STATE PRINTERS 1907 FE61 775 Entered according to Act of Congress, in the year 1886, by the “PIONEER AND HISTORICAL SOCIETY OF THE STATE OF MICHIGAN.” In the Office of the Librarian of Congress, at Washington, D. C. REPRINT 1907. D. of D. FEB 2 1915 LC Historical collections. Collections and researches made by the Michigan pioneer and historical society... Reprinted by authority of the Board of state auditors. Volume 8 http://www.loc.gov/resource/lhbum.5298a Library of Congress PREFACE TO FIRST EDITION. F. B. M. 1915 Since the organization of the Pioneer Society of the State of Michigan in 1874, many of the veterans, who, in early youth and vigor, came to the then: far west, have annually met together, renewed old acquaintance, and revived the recollections of early struggles, failures and successes, and traced back to their beginnings many of the institutions of which the State to-day, is so justly proud. Papers are annually read at these gatherings, which have been carefully prepared, from personal knowledge of the matters to which they refer. In the interest of history, and to rescue from concealment and danger of entire loss, family treasures carefully stowed away, libraries of antiquarian lore, and the archives of antiquarian and historical associations have been searched and examined, to bring to light papers and matters relating to the early history of the Territory and State, and these have, from time to time, been published in volumes, entitled, “Pioneer Collections of Michigan.” The volume now presented is the eighth of this series, and the committee feel assured that it will repay careful perusal and study.
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