Lectures, Papers and Historical Dubuments Fred

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Lectures, Papers and Historical Dubuments Fred I N ID TE X OF THE LECTURES, PAPERS AND HISTORICAL DUBUMENTS literary and historical Sority of Qutbrt, THE NAMES OF THEIR AUTHORS, TOGETHER WITH A LIST OF THE UNPUBLISHED PAPERS READ BEFORE THE SOCIETY. 1829) TO 1891. Conn piled by FRED. C. WURTELE, LIBRARIAN. QUEBEC: PRINTED AT THE “MoRNING CHRONICLE" of FICE, 1891, INDEX OF SUBJECTS. vol. No, SUBJECTS. NAME of AUTHOR. and Page of Year. Journal. A. Vol. No. P. ABORIGINEs of Canada, under the British Clint, W. ...... ...... !NS. 13 63, 1879 Crown, with a glance at their customs, \ | characteristics and history. - of Canada, origin of the................ Campbell, Prof. J. N.S. 15 61' 1881 ACADIA, ancient document relating to—"Cochrane, Hon. A.III 3 233 1835 notices of the families of La Tour and W. D’Aulnais therein mentioned so far as their history is connected with it. ADDREss to H. E. Marquis of Lorne, Gov.- NS. 14 87| 1880 General and reply. Inaugural................. * - - - - - • - - - Sewell, Hon. J., I III 1829 Chief Justice. Opening of Session by President. ...|Langton, John.....|NS. 2 1 1864 & f * & & 4 ..|Langton, John...... NS. 1 1, 1863 & 4 * { “ 4 : 44 ..|NS. 3 1| 1865 s & s & 4 & ... Douglas, J., Jr.....|NS. 4 || 1866 • & I & st & 4 * * NS. 7 55 1870 ( ; s & & 4 ...Anderson, Dr. W. N.S. 8 5, 1871 J., L.R.C.S.E. { { ( : • * ..|Stevenson, James. |NS. 13 1. 1879 4 & * { s & ..|Lemoine, J. M.......|NS. 15. 3, 1881 4 & “ s & ‘‘ ‘‘ ......'NS. 16 3| 1882 —Presented to Francis Parkman. ...... Society. ...............|NS. 13 157, 1879 ——On the Museum of the Society. ...... Skey, Jos. M.D., |II App. 1831 - Dep. Inspector Hospitals. Alcott, The Concord Mystic. ................ Stewart, Dr. G.'....|NS. 14 87, 1880 t ALLIANCEs, Matrimonial between Cana-|Lemoine, J. M....... NS. 15 App. 1881 dians of French descent and Scotch and other descent. (Scot in New France. * II INDEX OF SUBJECTS. Wol, : SUBJECTS. NAME of AUTHOR. and Page o Year. Journal. Wol. No. P. “ALTERED BITUMEN,” or coal like sub-Anderson, Dr. W. N.S. 4 19 1866 stance found in the excavations at J., L.R.C.S.E. Fort No. 3, Point Levis, and the pre sently accepted theories of the origin of Coals, Bitumen and Petroleum Springs, with an account of the Car boniferous System of British North America.......................................... ANDEs, in Peru—Notes of a journey across|Ashe, E. D., Comdr. W. 1 3 1862 the R. N. ANTIcosTI-Notes on the resources and Roche, A. R. ........|IV. 3 175 1855 capabilities of the Island of ARCHIVES-Canadian. ........... • - - - - - - - * * * * * * * * Miles, Dr. H. H., |NS. 8 53 1870 LL.D., D.C.L. of Canada. ................. • - - - - - - - - - - Anderson, Dr. W. N.S. 9 117 1872 J. 1872 -- “ Public, and F. Parkman's NS. 9 App. Letter. -- “ Memorial to Federal Gov-IL. & H. Soc .........|NS. 14 3 1880 ernment. | - –– of Nova Scotia—Evangeline and the Anderson, Dr. W. N.S. 7 5 1870 —or the poetry and prose of history. J. - ARTILLERY Retrospect of the last great Strange, Lt.-Col. |NS. 9 33 1872 Wall". T. B., C. A. ATLANTIS-The lost island of.................. Fletcher, E.T.......|NS. 3 113 1865 AFRICA–Southern and the Kaffirs............|Robertson, R. E., |NS. 9 (15 1872 Major H. M. 60th Rifles. ARNoLD's assault on the Sault-au-Matelot|Lemoine, J. M......!NS. 12 46 1877 barriers, 31st December, 1775— Cen tennary fête. ASIATIC origin of the North American In-Major Mercer, R.A.I 240 1829 dians,—Catalogue of remarkable coin- ** , cidences inducing a belief of the B. BEAUPoRT manor inscription .............................................|NS. 15 138 1881 -- Seigniorial manor of the first]........................... NS, 15 137 1881. seigneur of BADINE, LA—Commandée par M. d'Iber-......... • * * * * * * * * * * * .....] HD., 3rd ville et Le Marin, par M. E. Chevalier Series. de Surgères.—Journal du voyage fait - . par deux frégates du Roi.—“Voyage d'Iberville.” INDEX OF SUBJECTS. III Vol. No., SUBJECTs. NAME of AUTHoR. and Page or Year. Journal. Vol. No. P. BEAR, American Black—On the Natural Douglas, G. M., |IV 1 56] 1843 History of the “Ursus Americanus,” M.D. or, - BENzoLE for turpentine in paint-Danger Sturton, S............ NS. 1 93 1863 arising from substitution of — BEQUEST or devise by will to L. & H.Soc.— ......... ....... • - NS. 17 118, 1883 Form of, BIRDs of Canada. ...................................|Lemoine, J. M...... NS. 4 121 1866 Notes on some of the Canadian Sheppard, Mrs. W. III 2 222, 1835 Song, Books, in Library–Catalogue of, in 1830.|.......................... II 439, 1831 — Purchased by the society, list of, in year 1879. |......... ... ...............|NS. 14 120 1880 4 & * : 44 1880.1 ........ • * * * * * * * * • - - - - NS. 15 127, 1881 4 & 4 & {{ 1881. |.. 16 161| 1882 f : 44 4 & 1882. 17 104! 1883 BoTANICAL Geography of Canada, a few Sturton, S............ NS. 1 95 1863 thoughts on the,— BoUNdARY line between Canada and the Boxer, F.N., C.E..|IV 4 343| 1856 United States.—Reminiscences of the survey and cutting out of the-from the spring of 1843 to the close of oper ations in the field, in the fall of 1845. BRITISH Association, meetings and pres-|Lemoine, J. M....... NS. 16 58] 1882 idents, since its creation, 1831. (Edin burg, Rouen, York). officers who have married in Canada|Lemoine, J. M...... NS. 15 App. 1881 to 1871—(Scot in New France). | - Prince and Canadian Seigneur—or Anderson, Dr. W.J. N.S. 5 15, 1867 Canadian history and biography and passages in the lives of a,— BYE-LAws relating to the Library and ...........................,N.S. 17 117| 1883 Museum. C. CAMPBELL, Lieut.-Col.: C,-(Scot, in New Lemoine, J. M......|NS. 15 App. 1881 France) IV INDEX OF SUBJECTS. Vol., No., SUBJECTs. NAME oF AUTHoR. | and Page of Year. Journal. Vol. No. P. CAM AIGNs of Louisbourg 1750 to 1758.- Chevalier John- HD. 2nd A short account of what passed at stone. | Series. Cape Breton from the beginning of the last war (1750) until the taking of | Louisbourg, by the English in the year of our Lord 1758, attributed to HD. 2nd - of 1760 in Canada, a sequel attrib- « 4 « uted to. Series. CANADA,-Invasion of, in 1775... Major H. Caldwell.| HD. 2nd Series. A few thoughts on the Botanical Sturton, S. .|NS. 1 95 1863 Geography of- and a list of plants found near Quebec. -Copper mining in Eastern . .. Williams, Herbert. |NS. 3 37 is65 -- Considérations sur l'état présent du,|... .. HD. 1st I758. Series. Gold fields of. ... .. |Douglas, Jas., Jr.NS. 2 6l 1864 Histoire du Canada, par M. L'Abbé,.... HD. 1st de Belmont. Series. do do do Reprint. ... NS, 18 21 1886 -History of............. Cook, J. W ... NS. 4 69 I866 Memoranda respecting coloring ma-|Green, W. .. .. |I 43 1829 terial found in Mémoire sur l'état présent du-1667. ... HD. 1st Series. Mémoire sur le-supposed to be 1736.|.. ... | HD. 1st Series. 1st 1838 -Mémoires sur le-depuis l749 jusqu'à .. 4 - --- • • • • • - HD 1760, avec cartes et plans lithographiés Series. -en trois parties. Mémoires sur le-collection de-et.. ... | HD. , 1st 1840 de relations sur l' Histoire Ancienne du Series. Canada, from M.S.S. Relation de ce qui s'est passé aul... HD. 1st Siége de Québec, en 1759, et de la SerieS. prise du-par une religieuse de l' Hô pital Générale de Québec ; adressée à une Communauté de son ordre en France. Jugement Impartiale sur les opéra-|...,| HD. l st tions Militaires de la Campagne en Series. 1759 en -Réflections sommaires sur le com-|... HD. l st Series. merce qui c'est fait en - INDEX OF SUBJECTS. V Nol., No., SUBJECTs. NAME of AUTHoR, and Page of Year. Journal. Vol. No. P. CANADA. Histoire de l'Eau-de-vie en,— HD. 1st '' particulière de l’ivrognerie Series. es Sauvages. * ——Notes on the dark days of......... ......|Sewell, Hon. J., |II 230|| 1831 Chief Justice. CANADIAN Archives...............................|Miles, Dr. H. H., |NS. 8 53| 1871 D.C.L. —--Chorography and Topography; some 4 & & 4 NS. 10 93 1873 observations on—and on the Meretor ious services of the late Jean-Baptiste Duberger, Sr. ——Eclipse party of 1869–Plate........... A: Comdr. E.D., N.S., 7 85 1870 .N. —Etymologies................. • - - - Stuart, Andrew ....III 3 261| 1835 History—Advertisment in “Chro- NS. 3 160 1879 nicle.” —History and Biography and passages|Anderson, Dr. W.N.S. 5 15, 1867 in the lives of a British Prince and J. a Canadian Seigneur. History — Notes on an incident of Langton, John...... NS. 2 67| 1864 early. History, Siege and blockade of Anderson, Dr. W. N.S. 9 49, 1872, Quebec, by Generals Montgomery and J. Arnold, in 1775-76. —-Literature............................. • - Fabre, Hector ...... NS. 4 85, 1866 ——Plants, Catalogue of—Presented to I 255] 1829 the Society in 1827, by the Countess Dalhousie. CANNoN de bronze trouvé en 1826, sur un Berthelot, Amable.|II W.198| 1831 banc de sable dans le fleuve St. Lau rent, au devant de la paroisse Cham plain, district de Trois-Rivières-Dis sertation sur le CANDIA, The twenty years siege of........... Fletcher, E.T....... IV 3 153| 1855. CARD Money in Canada during the French Stevenson, James. NS 11 83| 1875 domination—Currency with reference tO CARLYLE, Thomas.................................. Stewart, Dr. G., NS. 15 95] 1881 F.R.S.C. - CATHEDRAL of Quebec, The English.........|Wurtele, Fred. C.-|NS. 20 62. 1891 VI INDEX OF SUBJECTS. - Vol., No., SUBJECTS. NAME of AUTHOR. and Page of Year. Journal. Vol. No. P. CATTLE, Canadian Exportation of—to Lemoine, J. M., NS. 14 48 1880 Europe—(Glimpses of Quebec). F.R.S.C. CATALogLE of Library and Museum”!...~~~~ II 439| 1831 CATALOGUE of the Museum.......... • - * * * * ** - I - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - NS. 13 161: 1878 CAUSE and Commencement of the war be-Stevenson, J.........|NS.
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