CPR Annual Report 2017-18.Pdf
annual report 2018 1 2 centre for policy research: annual report 2018 A leading public policy think tank Conducting research in multiple disciplines Contributing to a more robust public discourse 3 t is a real privilege for me to present CPR’s annual report for 2017-18. This has been a wonderfully productive year as CPR faculty continued Ito make important, award-winning contributions to the policy research landscape through field-defining books and a steady stream of peer- reviewed journal articles. These contributions are now the starting point of policy and public debate on issues as wide ranging as international relations, climate change and energy, domestic politics and public service delivery. This year we are especially proud of Lavanya Rajamani whose co-authored book titled, International Climate Change Law received the 2018 american Society of International law Certificate of Merit in a Specialised Area of International Law. CPR has a long tradition of drawing on its research to engage in the everyday life of policy making in India, shaping ideas, offering expertise and seeking to find answers to difficult policy conundrums in partnership with policymakers. In fulfilling this role, Cpr faculty have, over this year, served on as many as 20 different government committees, task forces, and technical support units. these include the Ministry of environment, Forest and Climate Change’s (MoeFCC) advisory committee on a long term Strategy for low Carbon Development; the expert committee on renewable energy act under the Ministry of new and renewable energy (Mnre); the NITI Aayog’s Committee for national strategy on Rare Earths; the curriculum advisory committee at the National University of Educational Planning and administration (NUEPA) to develop the curriculum for programmes on education; and the Working Group for the National Sample Survey 76th Round on Disability, Drinking Water, Sanitation, Hygiene and Housing Condition by the National Statistical Commission.
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