Drafted by the: DISTRICT STATISTICS AND EVALUATION OFFICER Directorate of Economics and Statistics (Planning Development and Monitoring Department) J&K Govt.

Prepared by:- DSEO



Kupwara District extends over an area of 2379 Sq. Kms., and having population of 870095 persons (as per Census 2011). The District accounts for about 2% of area and 5% of population of the State on this side of the control line. The density of the population is 366 persons per Sq. Kms., as against 124 persons for the State. The District consists of 364 census villages of which 355 are inhabited and 09 un-inhabited/migrated, 03 towns, 24 Community Blocks and 15 Tehsils, 34 Niabats, 117 Patwar halqas,13 Education zones, and 385 Panchayats Halqas as per new delimitation orders issued by the Government. The District is a boarder District and has more than 243 Km of actual along its boundaries. Kupwara experiences severe cold in winter when there is snow fall and moderate temperature during summer. The annual normal rainfall is 10104 mm. 94% of the population lives in the rural areas and 6% in the urban areas. The Scheduled Castes constitute 0.12% of the population of the District. The literacy %age is 66.92% against 68.74% for the State. The reporting area of the District is 0.67 lakh hect., out of which net cropped area accounts for 0.46 lakh hect., viz 0.003 lac hect., under forests, 0.05 lac Ha., pastures, other grazing land 0.025 lac under cultivable waste and 0.04 lac under fallow and current fallows and area not available for cultivation including barren land about 0.085 lac hect. Most of the area is single cropped as the area sown more than once does not exceed 1% of the gross area sown. The number of operational holdings as per agriculture department is 97945 under the reference year of 2019-20 covering an area of 45986 hects. Average holding size works out as 5.56 hects. against 0.83 hects., of the State. Main crops in the District are rice, maize, pulses, fruits and vegetables. Area under maize occupies 18905 hects and paddy 17505, fruit and vegetables 2

about 9538 hects of the total area sown. High yielding crops especially in case of principal crops viz., maize, rice and wheat introduced in the District has shown good results. Most of the sown area does not get irrigation out of total 45986 hects., of sown areas.22020 hects., viz 46.48% receive irrigation and the remaining area is dependent on rainfall. Live Stock rearing is an important occupation for village folk in general and the migratory population in particular. The district accounts for 3.91 lakh of live stock including poultry stock population during 2019-20. The Khadi and Village Industries Board is engaged in promotion of village and cottage units under the Village and Khadi Industries programme. Financial assistance by way of loans is given to the societies and individuals. Like other areas of the State, has been covered under the rural electrification programme. Electricity has been extended to 355 villages in the District as per the concerned department .However not withstanding, a number of villages still stand reported not electrified as yet as per informal reports. The District is rich in good quality marble found in Village Zurhama of Block and Waterkhani of Kupwara Block. Besides lignite is also found in the District at Nichhama. The marble industry received a severe set back due to turmoil since 1989 and efforts are being made to revive the marble units/factories in the District. Some of the units have restarted functioning on the assurance of financial assistance from the government/banks. Sound network of roads and communication play a vital role in the development of economy of the area. This being the reason that P.W.D. have maintained a road length of 1868.85 Kms, in the District during the year under report which includes 1172.08 Kms. Black Topped, 542.52 Kms, Mettled, 41.85 Kms, Shingled and 110.40 Kms., Fair-weather. Private transport and State Road Transport Corporation operates in the District and about 28 lac passengers were carried during the year under review. Transportation is very difficult in the Karnah Tehsil of the District especially in the winter season as a result of its tough topography forming a cluster of mountains. Similarly is the case with Machil and 3

Keran areas of the Tehsil Kupwara which also remain cut off in the winter season. There are 1124 Primary Schools, 855 UPS (Middle Schools) and 201 High/Higher Secondary Schools in the District. The total enrolment in these institutions was 1.48 lacs during the year under report. 07 Degree Colleges including Private are also functioning in the District. Medical facilities are provided in one District Hospital located at Kupwara, 7 Sub-District Hospitals and other Medical Institutions viz., 33 Dispensaries (Ayurvadic and Unani), 55 Primary Health Centers and 238 other types of units/centers in the District are functioning at different places. Patients treated Indoor 0.84 Outdoor 14.99 lacs and Operations performed Major 0.028 lacs, Minor 0.83 lacs during the year 2019-20. Safe drinking water is being provided to the villages on priority and the programme stands identified as a priority item of development. The District has a total of 355 inhabited villages which have been provided with safe drinking water supply. Total private and public stand posts are 11238. Besides potable drinking water, is also provided through tankers in the villages where water supply schemes do not exist. 4


01. LOCATION:- District Kupwara is located between latitude of 34.15 North and longitude of 073.45 East and 74.36 West. The District is situated at an average altitude of 5300 feet above sea level. District Kupwara came into existence in July, 1979 and is located at a distance of 94 Kms., from , the Summer Capital and 394 Kms., from , the Winter Capital. 02. AREA AND ADMINISTRATION DIVISIONS:- Kupwara District being the largest one in respect of area after and , extends over an area of 2379 Sq.Kms. comprises of 15 Tehsils namely Kupwara, , Karnah, , Villgam, Tarathpora, Trehgam, Lalpora, Sogam, Drugmulla, Zachaldara, , Kralgund, Machil and Keran, 03 Municipal Committees of Kupwara, Handwara and Langate. There are 24 C.D. Blocks, viz. Kupwara, Sogam, Kralpora, Trehgam, Ramhal, Rajwar, Langate, Tangdar, , Kalaroos , , Machil, Keran, , Handwara, Drugmulla, Mawar, Qaziabad, Hirri Qadirabad, Reddi Chowkibal, Meelyal, Hyhama and Nutnussa, 364 census Villages, 117 Patwar Halqas, 25 Girdawar circles, 385 Panchayats, 5 Assembly Constituencies, 11 Police Stations besides 13 Police Posts and 34 Niabats in the District. 03. GEOLOGY:- Geologically the District is rich, though the mineral deposits have not been explored. Marble is an important mineral of the District. The marble available in the District is one of the best quality having varied shades. The industry can provide employment to many people. 04. CLIMATE AND RAINFALL:- The climate of the District varies as we move from plains to interior of hills. Generally winter is cold and severe with temperature falling as low as minus 10 Degree Celsius in the upper parts of the District during the months of December, January and February. Maximum temperature goes upto 35 Degree Celsius in 5

the months of June, July and August in the lower places. All areas except some parts of Karnah Tehsil receive heavy snow fall. Annual rainfall of about 1042.3 mm Maximum precipitation is experienced in the months of March and April. 05. SOILS:- Soil in the District is generally fertile with good moisture retaining power. 06. POPULATION:- The population of the District is 3.29 lacs, 4.16 lacs 6.50 lacs and 8.70095 lacs during the last four censes of 1981, 1991 (Est.), 2001 and 2011 respectively. The literacy rate in the District is 66.92% as against the State average literacy rate of 66.92%. The decadal population growth rate during the year 2001 to 2011 is 33.85 and the density of the population is 366 persons per Sq. Kms. Population is mostly rural 8.25 lac (94%) while about 0.44 lac (6%) live in urban areas. 07. DENSITY:- The District has density of 366 persons per sq.kms. against the State figures of 124 as per population census of 2011. 08. SEX RATIO:- As per census 2011,the sex ratio works out to 843 females per thousand males, which is lower than the State average of 883. 09. LITERACY:- According to the Census of 2011, 66.92% of the total population was enumerated as literate. This is lower than 68.74% for the State. The percentage is higher (62.80%) for urban areas and lower (42.4%) in rural areas. 10. POPULATION OF SCHEDULE CASTES AND SCHEDULE TRIBES:- There is limited schedule caste population in the District. Although the number is 1048 or 0.01% only against 8.31% for the State. There is 0.70 lac schedule tribe population in the District. 11. WORKERS:- The main working force of the District is 2.29 lac forming 26.32% of the total population of which 0.35 lac are cultivators, 0.57 lac agriculture labourers, 0.79 lac engaged in household industry. 6

12. RESIDENTIAL HOUSES:- The total number of occupied residential houses in the District is 0.89 lac and the total households are 1.139. The average household is 7. 13. FOREST:- District Kupwara is rich in forest wealth and out of total area of 9000 sq. kms., in the Division, the forest area in Kupwara District is about 1703.87 sq. kms. 14. SOCIAL FORESTRY:- The main objective of the social forestry is to raise plantation on village waste lands, river/stream banks, canal sides, farm bunds and road sides, in the District. Great efforts are made to explore possibility of bringing all vacant resources of the District under plantation programme of social forestry programme. 15. AGRICULTURE LAND UTILIZATION:- The total reporting area according to the village papers is 0.67 lac hect., out of which net sown area accounts for 0.459 lac hect and area not available for cultivation is 0.12 lac hect.(26.98%). The area sown more than once is less than one percent of the gross area sown. 16. HOLDING SIZE:- Holding size is very small in the District. According to agriculture census 2011, there are 0.97 lac holdings in the District. Average size of holding works out 0.45 lac hect. The District has maximum number of holdings viz 0.47 lac (48.74%) range in size class of 0 to 0.5 hectares. 0.39 lac (40%) from 0.5 to 1.0 hect., about 0.087 lac (8.9%) from 1.0 to 2.0 hect., and 0.02 lac from 2.0 to 4 hects 258 hects from 4 to 10 Ha and from 10 and above 4 hect. Thus nearly 97% of the holdings are of less than 2 hect. while 3% holding fall in the size class of 2.00 hect., and above.


17. CROPPING PATTERN:- Main crops grown in the District are Paddy, maize, fruits and vegetables pulses, Millets and Fodder which accounts for 17505 hectares, 18905 hect., 9538 hect , 38 hect, 0.48%, of the net area sown respectively. Out of the total gross area sown, rice accounts for 38%, maize for 41%, fruit/vegetables for 21% and 0.08% for pulses/others. Area sown under all crops makes about 99% of the total sown area and total food grown crops including millets, etc., account for 99% leaving 2% only for non-food crops. 18. DISTRIBUTION OF CHEMICAL FERTILIZER:- Plant disease and pests of various kinds are prevalent in the District. Apple Scab has high incidence of disease. Various programmes like leaf burning ad spraying of pesticides are taken up to control these diseases during the year under plant protection coverage programme. 19. FISHERIES:- District Kupwara having 625 active fisher men has tremendous potential to create employment opportunities among unemployed rural youth by encouraging fish rearing units. During the year under report, as many as 941143 kgs of fish catch has been recorded in nallas and Sars and sale of fish in departmental farms and private forms is recorded as 12900 kgs. 20. FRUIT PRODUCTION:- Horticulture has assumed great importance in the District and makes a handsome contribution to the State domestic product. 86% of the fruit produced is accounted for the apple. The remaining 14% consisting of pear, almond apricot, walnut, etc. Walnut finds quite favorite climate conditions especially in Kupwara and Karnah Tehsils. However, the fruit is not grown in organized and properly planned orchards but in scattered manner and on slopes. Block Sogam and Kupwara contribute nearly 43% of the total walnut production in the District. Dry fruit production (walnut/almond) has been 35287 M. Tones with Fresh Fruits (Apple, pear , cherry etc)) 291215 M. Tones during the year under report.


21. IRRIGATION:- Out of 0.45 lac hectares of gross cropped area, only 22020 hectares is irrigated. Irrigation is provided mostly by canals though other resources are utilized for irrigating considerable areas as well. Out of 22020 hectares of total area, 20494 hectares is irrigated through canals, 839 through springs while 685 hectares is irrigated through other resources as per the reports of Irrigation department. 22. CROPS IRRIGATED:- More than 3/4th of irrigated area is under rice which accounts for an area of 17505 hectares. Paddy is followed by maize with 18905 hect., fruit and vegetables account for 9538 hect., of total irrigated area of 22020 hectares. 23. ANIMAL HUSBANDRY:-

The total live stock population as per live stock census 2019-20(20th livestock census) is 3.91 lac numbers including poultry birds. Among the live stock, cattle and buffaloes accounts for a population of 1.83 lac and 0.02 lac respectively, the number of sheep’s 1.51 lac while as the number of goats 0.55 lac. 24. VETERINARY SERVICES:- There are 11 units and sub units, 5 mobile dispensaries, 36 ICD centers 02 Live Stock Development Centres,26 Veterinary Assistant Surgeon Centres and 43 other centers functioning in the District. These centers cater the health care of animal population of the District. There are 84 sheep and wool extension centers and one sheep breeding farm. 1.57 lac animal were given treatment against various diseases, 5.05 lac vaccinated, 1.51 lac were given doses against liver flue during 2019-20. 25. CO-OPERATIVE:- The total number of Co-operative Societies ending 2019-20 was 63 out of which 22 were primary agriculture societies, 14 sale and service centers, 05 marketing centers and 22 other societies. The total membership during the year under report has been reported as 25334.


26. ELECTRICITY:- There is no electricity generation unit in the District. Energy is received from the Hydle power generation station of District Baramulla. There is considerable scope for installation of Hydle generation units. Hydle project at Karnah has been commissioned. Besides, the receiving station at Arampora has also been completed. 27. MINERALS AND INDUSTRIES:- Huge deposits of marble are reported in the District, particularly in the blocks of Kupwara and Trehgam. These resources have great utility as these can boost the backward economy of District. The State Government has given mining land on lease to 15 firms (individuals and groups) out of which 6 units have been registered provisionally for extracting, cutting ad processing of marble. Two units have gone into production and the finished product has been assessed by exports to be one of the best in the country. Kupwara will figure prominently on the industrial map of the country in near future. 28. INDUSTRIES:- 02 Small Scale Industrial Units were registered in the District Industries Centre, Kupwara during the year under report in different groups of industries viz., Food, Hosiery/Garments, and Non Metallic Products etc., providing employment to 09 persons during 2019-20. 29. TRANSPORT AND COMMUNICATION:- Sound network of roads and communication play a vital role in the development of the area. This being the reason, substantial allocation in the development plans is earmarked for building of road length and communication links. As many as 1921 driving license renewed , 3771 fresh/new vehicles registered and an amount of Rs.867.78 lac revenue collected as fee from the transporters and a handful amount of Rs.9.91 lac collected as fine for violating the rules and regulations of the department.


30. POST AND TELEGRAPHS:- 06 Sub-Post Offices, 73 Branch Offices are working in the District to provide postal services in the District with other areas of the State and country. 31. TELEPHONE EXCHAGE:- 02 No telephone exchanges with 3020 telephone connections is being provided in the District and various private/Govt. mobile companies are also operating by providing the mobile network to the people. 32. EMPLOYMENT EXCHANGE:- As in other Districts there is one Employment Exchange in the District Headquarter of Kupwara. 2300 applicants were on the live register of the Exchange ending 3/2020. 33. INDUSTRIAL TRAINING INSTITUTION:-

Four industrial training institutions exist in the District at Kupwara, Lalpora, Handwara, Karnah and training is imparted in various trades viz., cutting, tailoring, carpentry, masonry and stenography Computer etc. Yong men and women are given training in these institutions in the above mentioned trades. 34. BANKING FACILITIES:- With the establishment of Grameen Bank Limited, the banking infrastructure has altogether changed and there has been more than 100% increase in the number of bank branches which is 85. This includes branches of State BANK OF , J&K Bank Limited, Grameen Bank , Baramulla Central Cooperative Bank , HDFC Bank and Punjab National Bank as well. 35. EDUCATION FACILITIES:- There are 1124 Primary Schools, 855 UPS (Middle Schools) and 201 High/Higher Secondary Schools in the District. The total enrolment in these institutions was 1.48 lacs during the year under report. 07 Degree Colleges including Private are also functioning in the District.



Medical facilities are provided in one District Hospital located at Handwara, 7 Sub- District Hospitals and other Medical Institutions viz., 33 Dispensaries (Ayurvadic and Unani), 55 Primary Health Centers and 238 other types of units/centers in the District are functioning at different places. Patients treated Indoor 0.84 Outdoor 14.99 lacs and Operations performed Major 0.028 lacs, Minor 0.83 lacs during the year 2019-20. 37. PIPED DRINKING WATER:- Every Endeavour is being made to provide portable drinking water under the minimum need programme especially to cover rural areas. The P.H.E. Department is making every efforts to cover every village with drinking water by launching new schemes and to a great extent the department has succeeded in its efforts. 38. POLICE AND CRIME:- The law and order maintaining organization is headquartered at Kupwara. There are 11 Police Stations at various places namely Handwara, Kupwara, Lalpora, Trehgam, Karnah, Sogam, Kralgund, Villgam, Qalamabad, Kralpora and Karan and 13 Police Posts existing in the District during 2019-20. 39. SOCIAL WELFARE:-

There are 9 Social Welfare Centers including one cottage industry center in the District. The Social Welfare Department assists the backward classes of society by providing pre matric and post matric scholarships to the students of such community. 40. HEALTH RESORTS:- The District has abundance of health resorts, running nallahs, green valleys, snowcapped peaks, meadows and enchanting flowery places like Lolab, Machil, Teetwal (Karnah), Nowgam, Lipa Valley, Bungus Valley and Upper Belts of Handwara and Dringyadi, etc. There is famous cave of near the road leading to Machil. This cave is unique in the whole sub-continent. It is more than 2 kms., long in the hill towards east. There is good scope for development of tourism in the District. 12

“Travel through the earth, and See what was the end of those who rejected Truth.” More infrastructure is needed to be raised in District Kupwara to attract more tourists to enjoy the beauty of nature here.

41. DEVELOPMENT STRATEGY:- The approved Plan out lay and expenditure during 2019-20 is indicated as under :- Out Lay and Expenditure under the District Plan for the year 2019-20 (Rs. in Lakhs) S. Name of the Sector Approved Outlay Availability Exp. 3/2020 No. UT 2019-20 2019-20 Regular Total Regular Total Regular Total I Agriculture and Allied Activ'tz 1 Dte. of Soil 14.25 14.25 14.25 14.25 11.25 11.25 Conservation 2 Animal Husbandry 23.03 23.03 23.03 23.03 23.03 23.03 3 Sheep Husbandry 5.59 5.59 5.59 5.59 4.85 4.85 4 Fisheries 27.23 27.23 27.23 27.23 19.81 19.81 5 Forestry (territorial) 28.80 28.80 28.80 28.80 28.80 28.80 6 Social Forestry 9.61 9.61 9.61 9.61 9.61 9.61 Total (I) 108.51 108.51 108.51 108.51 97.35 97.35 II Rural Development 7 NRLM 0.00 790.12 0.00 186.45 0.00 185.57 8 IAY (JRY) 0.00 1419.81 0.00 1906.00 0.00 1906.00 9 NREGA (SGRY) 0.00 7202.56 0.00 10240.03 0.00 10210.63 Total (II) 0.00 9412.49 0.00 12332.48 0.00 12302.20 IV Irrigation & FC 10 Minor Irrigation 36.08 660.06 36.08 352.75 30.90 89.31 V Energy 11 Power (T&D) 75.52 75.52 75.52 75.52 75.52 75.52 VI Industry & Minerals 13

S. Name of the Sector Approved Outlay Availability Exp. 3/2020 No. UT 2019-20 2019-20 Regular Total Regular Total Regular Total 12 Sericulture 10.18 10.18 10.18 10.18 7.57 7.57 Total (VI) 10.18 10.18 10.18 10.18 7.57 7.57 VII Transport 13 Roads and Bridges 255.00 2042.50 255.00 1341.14 189.93 1013.95 Total (VII) 255.00 2042.50 255.00 1341.14 189.93 1013.95 VIII General Economic Services 14 Planning Machinery 0.00 0.00 3.17 3.17 0.00 0.00 Total (VIII) 0.00 0.00 3.17 3.17 0.00 0.00 IX Social Services 14 Elementary Education 311.69 311.69 311.69 311.69 160.29 160.29 15 Sarva Shiksha Abhiyan 0.00 1998.53 0.00 1998.53 0.00 0.00 16 Secondary Education 59.06 59.06 59.06 59.06 33.06 33.06 17 Rashtriya Madhmik SA 0.00 2677.30 0.00 2677.30 0.00 0.00 18 Youth Service & Sports 9.81 9.81 9.81 9.81 5.61 5.61 19 Health 140.04 255.83 140.04 250.04 91.33 201.33 20 PHE 158.62 518.72 158.62 518.72 117.61 210.17 21 Urban Development 22.66 22.66 22.66 22.66 12.21 12.21 22 ICDS/ Nutrition 0.00 1880.25 0.00 135.60 0.00 135.60 23 MDM 0.00 1141.92 0.00 542.49 0.00 475.11 Total (IX) 701.88 8875.77 701.88 6525.90 420.11 1233.38 IX General Services 14 PWD (NFB) 72.54 72.54 72.54 72.54 71.00 71.00 15 Un Tied 50.00 50.00 50.00 50.00 48.00 48.00 16 HEG (UT) 500.00 500.00 525.00 525.00 482.71 482.71 Total (X) 622.54 622.54 647.54 647.54 601.71 601.71 Grand Total 1809.71 21807.57 183.71 21394.02 1423.18 15499.99 14


S.NO. DESCRIPTION REFRENCE UNIT MAGNITUDE 01. Geographical Area. 2019.20 Sq. Kms. 2379 02. Forest Area 2019-20 Sq. Kms. 1703.87 03. Reporting Area. 2019.20 000 Hact. 67 04. Number of Functional Tehsils. 2019-20 Nos. 15 05. Number of CD Blocks. 2019.20 Nos. 24 06. Number of Panchayats. 2019-20 Nos. 385 07. Number of Villages. 2011 Census Nos. 364 08. Inhabited 2011 Census Nos 355 09. Migrated/Uninhabited 2011 Census Nos 09 10. Population. 2011 Census Nos. 870095 11. Schedule Caste Population. 2011 Census Nos. 1048 12. Schedule Tribe Population. 2011 Census Nos. 70352 13. House Holds. 2011 Census Nos. 113929 14. Average House Hold Size. 2011 Census Nos. 7.7 15. Occupied Residential Houses. 2011 Census Nos. 89411 16. Main Worker. 2011 Census Nos. 123713 17. Marginal Worker. 2011 Census Nos. 105227 18. Cultivators. 2011 Census Nos. 34680 19. Agriculture Labourers. 2011 Census Nos. 56759 20. Other workers 2011 Census No’s 129679 21. Rain Fall. 2019.20 M.M. 10104 22. Net Area Sown. 2019-20 Hact. 45986 23 Net Area Irrigated. 2019.20 Hact. 22020 24. Number of Land Holding. 2019-20 Nos. 97945 25. Average Holding Size. 2019.20 Hact. 0.45 26. Live Stock/Vet. Population. 2019-20 Lacs 3.91 27. Average Live Stock Per House 2019.20 Nos. 13 Hold. 28. Forest Area. 2019-20 Sq. Km. 1703.87 29. Co-operative Societies. 2019.20 Nos. 63 15


30. Membership in Agri Societies. 2019.20 Nos. 22882 31. Membership in Marketing 2019-20 Nos. 27 Societies. 32. Power Houses. 2019.20 No. 2 33. Installed Capacity of Power 2019-20 MW. 2.00 Stations. 34. Village Electrified. 2019.20 Nos. 355 35. SSI Units Registered with DIC. 2019-20 Nos. 02 36. Bank Branches. 2019.20 Nos. 85 38. Bank Deposits. 2019-20 Rs. in lakhs 2996.33 39. Bank Advances. 2019.20 Rs. in lakhs 2512.21 40. Number of Primary Schools. 2019-20 Nos. 1124 41. Number of Middle Schools. 2019.20 Nos. 855 42. No. of High/Higher secondary Schools. 2019-20 Nos. 201 43. Literacy Percentage/Level. 2019.20 Percentage 66.92 44. Number of District Hospitals. 2019-20 Nos. 01 45. Number of Sub District Hospital 2019.20 Nos. 07 46. P.H.C 2019-20 Nos. 55 47. Number of Dispensaries. 2019.20 Nos. 33 48. Number of 2019-20 Nos. 324 Doctors/Vaids/Hakeems. 49. Number of Hospital Beds. 2019.20 Nos. 950 50. No. of Medical Institutions. 2019-20 Nos. 334 51. Number of Medical Personals 2019.20 Nos. 1646 Available. 52. Villages with Portable Drinking 2019-20 Nos. 355 Water 53. Number of Post and Telegraph Offices. 2019.20 Nos. 79

54. Annual Plan Approved Outlay. 2019-20 Rs. in Lakhs 21807.00

55 Total Availability 2019.20 Rs. In lakhs 21394.02

56 Annual Plan Expenditure. 2019-20 Rs. in Lakhs 15499.99