Congressional Record—House H752
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H752 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE February 11, 2016 HONORING CLAIRE BENTON For 7 years, President Obama has Victoria’s Secret been targeting their jobs and, in the You may have heard of these, they’re from (Mr. PAULSEN asked and was given Ohio. And so was one Michael Garver Oxley. permission to address the House for 1 process, sacrificing the families and Everyone in this church knows, on aver- minute and to revise and extend his re- communities who depend on those jobs. age, between 300–500 direct or indirect ac- marks.) The Obama Administration is using the counts of where my father’s golf ball landed, Mr. PAULSEN. Mr. Speaker, I rise EPA to conjure up regulations to all what club was implemented at the time, and today to honor Claire Benton of but eliminate a major part of the en- the associated weather conditions, so I won’t focus on that today. Minnetonka for earning the Congres- ergy industry in western Pennsylvania. What do you say to a hardworking, Looking back now, I see how supremely sional Award Silver Medal. The Con- fortunate I am to have had Mike Oxley as gressional Award is given by Congress middle class dad, who has a wife, three my father. I can go to YouTube, LexisNexis to recognize initiative, service, and kids, and a mortgage, whose livelihood or the Hancock County Historical Museum achievement in young people. has been taken away? This particular Oxley Government Center, click a button In order to earn the Silver Medal, dad’s job is but one of 40,000 jobs that and see my father in action again. 99% do not have that beautiful blessing, and for that Claire needed to complete over 400 have been lost in coal country. This as- sault on good, family-sustaining jobs is privilege I am thankful and humbled. hours in voluntary public service, per- However, if I may make one request of you sonal development, physical fitness, one of the reasons the average family when you have a chance: I want your per- and expedition/exploration. Claire income has never fully recovered from sonal stories. Not for attribution, not for served her community by volunteering the Great Recession. publication. I want the insider view into my at her local public library and spending Yesterday, Fed Chair Janet Yellen father from your perspective. I want meat. time as a counselor at an adventure testified about headwinds facing the For instance, a member of the Real Miami economy. I suggest there are a number staff reached out to me and said how camp. She also reached the physical charmed she was that rather than sitting at fitness goals by participating in cardio- of manmade anthropogenic—to borrow a phrase—headwinds, and the EPA’s the big donor table, Dad sat with the staff to vascular and endurance activities that ask them about their Miami experience, and helped her increase her running dis- regulatory assault is one of them. it touched her heart. A former Member tance from 8 miles to 20. Sacrificing the livelihood of hard- shared with me yesterday that Dad politely Mr. Speaker, the Congressional working Americans for some personal brokered a meeting between him and a Com- Award was established in 1979 in order political philosophy is unconscionable. mittee Chair so that a public flare up would soon be quelled and that closure could be to inspire young people like Claire and I will continue to fight against the President’s war on middle class jobs. reached on an important issue. recognize their efforts to better them- I know all too well where Dad’s ball land- selves. Claire’s hard work and dedica- f ed, or how the press statements were pre- tion inspire other young people to be- HONORING REPRESENTATIVE sented. I selfishly want this living history to come future leaders in service to their MICHAEL GARVER ‘‘MIKE’’ OXLEY be the very marrow on which I can chew community. when I miss him the most. I want more in a The SPEAKER pro tempore (Mr. Congratulations, Claire. time when I have less. MOONEY of West Virginia). Under the When my father was, so we thought, in his f Speaker’s announced policy of January final days in October, Dad pulled me close 6, 2015, the gentleman from Ohio (Mr. and reminded me that I tended to get things SUPREME COURT REJECTS wrong the first time, but the second time I EXECUTIVE OVERREACH CHABOT) is recognized for 60 minutes as got them right. He told me he loved me and the designee of the majority leader. was proud of me, which is all I could have (Mr. LAMALFA asked and was given GENERAL LEAVE ever asked for. permission to address the House for 1 My father and I had grown closer in my minute and to revise and extend his re- Mr. CHABOT. Mr. Speaker, I would ask unanimous consent that all Mem- 30’s once I had found the love of my life, marks.) earned my MBA, and started my own busi- bers may have 5 legislative days in Mr. LAMALFA. Mr. Speaker, yester- ness—all things I did right the second time— day we saw the Supreme Court reject which to revise and extend their re- our relationship elevated to a much higher yet another of President Obama’s exec- marks and include extraneous mate- level. The next day Dad awoke and decided it was utive overreaches. rials on the topic of this Special Order. The SPEAKER pro tempore. Is there time to have cataract surgery. By that after- The President’s effort to unilaterally noon, with renewed ability to clearly see his micromanage electrical power plants objection to the request of the gen- tleman from Ohio? Grandson and Buckeye football, Dad had a across the Nation, without any legal new zeal for life and a new inspiration to get There was no objection. authority to do so, would drive up en- better. Thank you, Dr. Harry, for extending Mr. CHABOT. I include in the RECORD ergy costs in virtually every commu- my father’s quality and quantity of life. two eulogies that many of us actually nity and nearly half a trillion dollars Quote: ‘‘When the New York Giants, a heard personally given in Findlay, team you would give your right arm to beat, in additional costs. Ohio, when we attended a very wonder- and vice versa, sends you a gift—that’s some- In just the last few months, Federal ful service for our colleague, Mike thing. When everybody down to the courts have rejected the President’s Oxley, recently. These two specific eu- groundskeepers and those boys in white amnesty plan, his EPA’s waters of the coats remember you with trophies—that’s logies are from his son, Elvis, and from U.S. power grab, and now his power something. When you have a wonderful Jim Conzelman, who is his long-time plant regulation. The message of these mother-in-law who takes sides with you in devoted chief of staff. decisions is clear: the President should squabbles with her own daughter—that’s abandon his efforts to end-run around [Jan. 5, 2016] something. When you have a father and a EULOGY OF MIKE OXLEY mother who work all their lives so you can Congress, which in nearly every case have an education and build your body—it’s O–H–I–O have been found to violate the law, and a blessing. When you have a wife who has work with Congress, the people’s My name is Michael Chadd Elvis Oxley, son been a tower of strength and shown more House, to address the issues facing our of Patricia and Mike, husband to Jennifer, courage than you dreamed existed—that’s Nation. and father to Maximus Garver Oxley. I stand the finest I know.’’ before you this afternoon to mourn the loss ‘‘So I close in saying that I might have f of and celebrate the life of my father. been given a bad break, but I’ve got an awful JOB LOSSES IN THE COAL As the joke goes, ‘‘How do you know if lot to live for.’’ someone is vegan or does Cross Fit?’’ They’ll INDUSTRY Most of you may not know that quote be- tell you. cause it is the third stanza after a much (Mr. ROTHFUS asked and was given Bob Hope more memorable, pithy truth: permission to address the House for 1 Beachboy Al Jardine ‘‘Fans, for the past two weeks you have minute and to revise and extend his re- Orville & Wilbur Wright been reading about the bad break I got. Yet marks.) General William Tecumseh Sherman today I consider myself the luckiest man on Archie Griffin the face of this earth. I have been in ball- Mr. ROTHFUS. Mr. Speaker, I rise Wendy’s parks for seventeen years and have never re- today on behalf of some recently laid- Cooper Tire ceived anything but kindness and encourage- off coal miners from Somerset County, Marathon Petroleum ment from you fans.’’—Lou Gehrig July 4, Pennsylvania. Kroger 1939. VerDate Sep 11 2014 02:05 Feb 12, 2016 Jkt 059060 PO 00000 Frm 00040 Fmt 4634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\K11FE7.079 H11FEPT1 rfrederick on DSK6VPTVN1PROD with HOUSE February 11, 2016 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE H753 To me, there could be no more fitting par- White House to meet and have a photo op in One former staffer told me, ‘‘I was a no body allel to Dad on so many levels. the Oval Office.