Lesson 7 - The United Kingdom

Introduction to this Period:

I. This period (purple - for royalty) follows the period of Conquest and Judges. This is the period of transition from a nation to a kingdom. II. This period includes the final judge Samuel, and Kings , and . After the death of Solomon the kingdom split up into the “Divided Kingdom.” III. 1 and 2 Chronicles parallels these narratives books of 1 - 2 Samuel and 1 -2 Kings.

Part 1: Samuel and Saul

I. Hannah’s prayer: (Hannah means Grace) A. She and her husband are righteous, but she is barren like Sarah, Rebecca and Rachel. But, God will open the womb of those who are faithful to the covenant (Dt 7:12-14). She asks God to “remember” (be faithful to) his covenant (1 Sam 1:11; see Gen 8:1; Ex 2:24). B. Eli, a priest and judge, sees her praying and rashly judges her. God hears her prayer and she returns to dedicate Samuel to the Lord. Her hymn is similar to Mary’s. 1. My hearts exalts in the Lord; Raising up the humble, exalting the poor, etc. II. Eli and his sons (chapter 2): A. The sons are corrupt and greedy and the father doesn’t discipline them. (Remember the theme of fatherly discipline in the beginning of Judges.) B. God tells Eli that he and his sons will be cut off: a prophet (2:30); Samuel (3:11-14). C. They died in battle and Eli fell from his chair, dying from the fall. D. (Chapter 4 - 5) The ark is captured and passed from one Philistine town to another. Samuel takes over and offers sacrifice when it is recovered (1 Sam 7). III. Samuel, the righteous judge (Samuel means His Name Is God) A. Samuel is a judge (1 Sam 7:15-17), priest (1 Sam 2:11, 18; 3:1) and prophet (1 Sam 3:20). He is holy, but his sons are not. The people don’t like it and ask for a king to be “like all the nations.” (1 Sam 8:5-9, 20). B. They have trouble staying united. Multiple civil wars are tearing them apart from within as well as attacks from without. Unity, peace, and prosperity are lacking. But instead of turning to God, who is their divine king, enthroned on the Cherubim in the Tabernacle, to “overwhelm them with blessings,” they turn to an earthly king. They are refusing to be God’s “a royal-priestly people” set apart from the nations (Ex 19:5-6). C. After multiple warnings in chapter 8, they still want a king. God gives it to them, knowing the problems a king will bring them. D. God will use the kingdom for his own purposes, make the king his own son, and make the kingdom his own kingdom for the purposes of reuniting all nations to himself! The earthly kingdom would be brought into the heavenly kingdom. IV. Saul becomes King (Saul means The One Asked For) A. Saul is anointed by Samuel with oil (10:1). He was the first Messiah. Samuel calls him a ruler (ragid) not a king (melek), perhaps to emphasis again that God is their king. B. Saul’s rights and duties are within the context of the law (1 Sam 10:25-Deut 17:14-17). C. First successful battle points that God is still with them (11:15)

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D. In his Samuel keeps insisting that they have rejected God (12:12). E. Saul makes two big mistakes: 1. He offered sacrifice without Samuel (1 Sam 13). First, he wasn’t a Levite. Then, he offered the sacrifice, not with a heart of prayer, but to get something from God. His Punishment: his son will not succeed him, but another (13:13-14). 2. He ignores the herem ban against the Amalekites (1 Sam 15). He destroyed what was worthless and kept what was good and let king Agag live. He lies about it and is chastised by Samuel (1 Sam 15:22). He admits sin, but still blames others and even tries to make light of it. “Obeying is better than sacrifice.” He obeyed (shema) the voice of the people (1 Sam 15:24). The kingdom will be torn away like his robe.

V. Saul’s decline and David’s rise: A. (Chapter 16) Samuel goes out to anoint David as the new king. Saul was a man after the people’s heart, but David is a man after God’s own heart (Chap 13:14). A shepherd was chosen to shepherd the people Israel. God leaves Saul and turns to David, the new anointed (16:13). Ironically, David comforts Saul with his music. B. (Chapter 17) David places his trust in God against Goliath (1 Sam 17:36-37). Do the five stones represent the law? Notice his words against Goliath: “that all may know the Lord!” (17:45-47). He has become the deliver of Israel. C. Events after Goliath: 1. Saul is envious, but his son Jonathan is faithful to the prophecy of Samuel and becomes David’s best friend and most loyal supporter. 2. Saul’s fury brings him to hunt David down. David is very patient to wait on the Lord’s timing 3. He refuses to raise a hand against the Lord’s anointed twice (chap 24, 26). 4. He always listens to the words of priests and prophets who council him. He always respected the office, even if Saul was a scumbag. D. Saul dies in shame along with his sons at Mount Gilboa in 1 Sam 31. David mourns for Saul and his sons. He doesn’t rush to take power. There is a long, seven year civil war between the house of Saul and David. E. However, he is eventually installed as king at Hebron, then over all of Israel. He is their “bone and flesh” which is covenantal marriage language (2 Sam 5:1; Gen 2:23; Jud 9:2).

VI. (2 Sam 5) David captures Jerusalem and moves the Ark there from Shiloh. A. Why put the capital of the Kingdom in Jerusalem? 1. A neutral location, independent of a specific tribe. 2. This is where the Garden of Eden was believed to be! 3. This is where Melchizedek the king of Salem ruled. 4. This is where Abraham offered Isaac on Moriah. 5. Moses spoke of this place before his death.

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B. David brought the ark to Jerusalem (2 Sam 6): 1. When he first brought it on a cart, it nearly fell and Uzzah reached out to steady it and died. David felt unworthy and scared (6:9) and left it in Obed-edom for 3 months (6:11). 2. The second time he was wearing a priestly vestment (ephod), dancing before the Ark, making sacrifices and giving offerings of “bread and wine”, blessing the people “in the name of the Lord” (reserved only for priests in Nm 6:22-26). He was acting like a priest and a king .... like Melchizedek. Why is this important? C. David is the son and successor of Melchizedek: 1. Melchizedek was important for these reasons (see Gen 15): a) He was believed to be Shem, the firstborn son of Noah, who partook of the original model of a first-born priesthood and royalty in Adam. b) His throne was in the city of Salem, in the land of Canaan, meaning peace. c) When he bless Abraham, he offered bread and wine as a thank offering to God. 2. David fulfills the significance of these events: a) Because David was the son of Shem, the son of Abraham, the son of Judah, he became the heir to Shem’s royal-priesthood, which is far superior to the Levitical priesthood. (David passes this role to his Solomon in Psalm 110:4.) b) When David took possession of Melchizedek’s city, he became his successor. (1) Salem is where Abraham was willing sacrifice Isaac. Abraham’s words, “God will provide” is jira. Together, Jira-salem (God will provide peace) is fulfilled in David (2 Sam 7:1), then ultimately in Jesus. (2) Remember, Noah’s curse was that Canaan would be Shem’s slave (Gen 9:27). David also fulfilled this after his wars (2 Sam 7:1) c) David, like Melchizedek offers bread and wine as a thank offering. Ultimately, Jesus, the true priest-king will offer himself up as bread and wine in the Eucharist - which means thanksgiving! D. Mary, the new ark of the covenant: 1. Notice the key events when David brought up the ark: a) How can the ark of the Lord come to me? b) The ark remained for three months. c) David dancing and leaping before the ark. d) The Holy Spirit overshadowed the ark (Ex 40:34) e) The contents of the ark are: manna, tablets, Aaron’s rod 2. Now read the visitation (Luke 1:39 - 45) a) “How can the mother of my Lord come to me?” b) Mary remained with Elizabeth for 3 months. c) John leaped in Elizabeth’s womb. d) The Holy Spirit overshadowed Mary. e) The contents of the new ark are: new manna, new law, new priesthood

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Part 2: The Davidic Covenant

I. The Davidic Covenant (2 Sam 7): A. David, a truly humble and spiritual man after God’s own heart, wanted to build God a permanent temple. God promises something much greater in return (2 Sam 7:11-16). 1. There are seven features of this covenant (Dictionary, p. 200). Take note that there is a play on the word: house, meaning either temple or dynasty. 1) David will be given a great name, or a great kingdom (v. 9; Ps 89:27): 1) This is the fulfillment of God’s second oath to Abraham (“kings will come forth from you”). It expands God’s family from a nation to a kingdom. 2) (Remember the theme of the “name” with Abraham, Shem, and Babel.) 3) David’s kingdom was the “kingdom of the LORD.” (1 Chron 28:5; 17;14; 29:11-22; 2 Chron13:8) 2) The covenant is with David’s entire dynasty (vv. 11-13): 1) David’s dynasty was the longest in the ancient world. 3) David’s son will be God’s own adopted son (2 Sm 7:14; Ps 2:7) 4) The covenant will be unlimited and everlasting (Ps 89:36-37; Ps 2:8; Ps 72:8) 5) Jerusalem is the spiritual center of the world, not Sinai (Ps 2:6; Is 2:3) 6) The Temple will be the sign of the covenant and the central place of worship for the people of Israel. 7) Wisdom is the new “law for humanity” (2 Sam 7:19). God will use the Davidic kingdom to evangelize the nations with wisdom and holiness. Solomon achieved this. 2. These promises are fulfilled in Solomon, but ultimately in Christ. 1) Christ’s name and kingdom is the greatest. 2) In Christ, David’s dynasty lasts for eternity. 3) Christ is God’s son and David’s son, in the truest sense. 4) Christ restores the Church as the new kingdom of God. 5) The heavenly Jerusalem is city of God. 6) Jesus Christ’s own body is the heavenly Temple. 7) The law of Christ in the Holy Spirit is the new law for humanity.

B. Note how David’s covenant expands that at Sinai: 1. Tent to Temple 2. National to International 3. Exclusive to inclusive 4. Torah to Wisdom Literature 5. Sin offering to Today offering.

II. (Chapter 11) David commits adultery and murder: A. David avoided his responsibility to go to war in the spring. B. He takes , she conceives; He calls for Uriah who refused to avoid his duty; has him killed.

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C. Nathan tells a parable to confront the corrupted and sinful king. David repents in Ps 51 truly and deeply, unlike Saul. The child dies. D. Numerous sins in his family result. 1. Amnon rapes his half-sister Tamar (chapter 13). David doesn’t punish him. This recalls his sin of lust. 2. Absalom kills Amnon (13:9). David doesn’t punish him. This recalls his sin of murder. 3. Absalom gains favor among the people and starts a rebellion. David flees. Absalom sleeps with David’s concubines in public, thereby proclaiming possession of the royal throne (chap 16:21). Absalom is finally defeated and killed (chap 18 - 19).

E. [CCC 2579] “David is par excellence the king "after God's own heart," the shepherd who prays for his people and prays in their name. His submission to the will of God, his praise, and his repentance, will be a model for the prayer of the people. His prayer, the prayer of God's Anointed, is a faithful adherence to the divine promise and expresses a loving and joyful trust in God, the only King and Lord. In the Psalms David, inspired by the Holy Spirit, is the first prophet of Jewish and Christian prayer. The prayer of Christ, the true Messiah and Son of David, will reveal and fulfill the meaning of this prayer.”

III. Solomon becomes king: (Solomon means Peaceful). A. Adonijah makes himself king too. But, David makes Solomon his heir (1 Kings 1:33-34) Solomon rides David’s mule to be anointed. This is fulfilled in the Triumphal Entry. Adonijah’s revolt ends. B. Before David dies, he reminds Solomon to be faithful to the law (1 Kings 2:2,4). The kingship is a gift and sacred duty! C. Adonijah makes another attempt through Bathsheba, but he’s found out and executed. 1. Notice this role of Queen Mother in 1 Kings 2:19 (The Gebirah): a) Adonijah appeals to her: intercession. b) Solomon bows to her: veneration. c) Solomon enthrones her at his right side: coronation. 2. Mary fulfills this role, Elizabeth recognizes it. D. Solomon asks God for wisdom and becomes successful and powerful (1 King 3:9). 1. His kingdom stretched from Egypt to the upper Euphrates. 2. He brought about a pax solomona (Chapter 4:20-21) and expanded the empire. 3. Chapter 4:29-34: His wisdom and parables with nature images. 4. He expanded the royal administration. a) Solomon had twelve officers (1 Kings 4:12). b) One of these 12 was the prime minister (Isaiah 22:22) IV. In Solomon, we see three more secondary features of the Davidic Kingdom: A. Queen Mother: 1 Kings 2:19. B. Prime Minister: Isaiah 22:22 C. Thank offering: Psalm 50:13-14.

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V. The Temple is built (chapters 5 - 8) A. The Tabernacle was always meant to be temporary. Back in Exodus (Ex 15:17) and during Moses’ last words (Deut 12:10-14), God promised to show Israel his holy mountain where he would dwell among his people. B. In fulfillment of God’s promise, Solomon does build the Temple and acts like a priest- king like his father. C. The Temple is a new Garden of Eden, an attempt to restore the original relationship at Creation. 1. The Temple is decorated with large amounts of wood, floral motives and carvings of lions and oxen depict a garden. 2. The gold recalls the land of Havilah, irrigated by Eden (Gen 2:11) 3. The Cherubim recall Eden. 4. Adam and Eve were to avodah the garden as the priests are called to avodah in the temple. 5. The time frame of sevens recall the covenant at creation. 6. He blesses the people as a priest-king like David, Melchizedek and Adam. D. The Temple is believed to be a mini-cosmos and the cosmos and macro-temple. E. The role of the king was to lead other nations to God; Solomon achieved this. The king of Tyre helps Solomon build it, and the Queen of Sheba recognized Yahweh as God (1 Kings 10:9).

VI. Solomon falls into sin: A. To keep up his building projects and maintain his reputation, he did everything Samuel warned about: 1 Sam 8:10-20. B. More than that, he broke all the rules set forth in Deut 17:14-17 in chapters 10-11. 1. Gold - 666 talents of it. 2. Chariots - putting his power in weapons and armies, not in God. 3. Women - 700 wives and 300 concubines turned his heart from God. 1 Kings 3:1 tells us of his bad matches. These are symbolically perfect numbers adding up to 1000. Yes, his rule extended throughout the middle east, but those wives were bad. C. He built altars and high places for the false deities, Ashtoreth, Chemosh and Molech. D. (1 Kings 11:11-13) God rejects Solomon for his sins.

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