RAISING THE BAR IMPROVING THE NOMINATION AND ELECTION OF JUDGES TO THE INTERNATIONAL CRIMINAL COURT Acknowledgments This report was principally researched and written by Yassir Al-Khudayri, Aryeh Neier Legal Fellow for the Open Society Justice Initiative, under the supervision of Senior Advocacy Officer Christian De Vos and Senior Legal Officer Mariana Pena. The Justice Initiative is grateful to the many individuals who agreed to be interviewed for this report, and who provided valuable first-hand insight into nomination and voting practices. The report further benefited from review and input from the following Open Society Foundation colleagues: Betsy Apple, Natasha Arnpriester, Erika Dailey, James A. Goldston, Nina Ippolito, Fiona McKay, Sharon Nakhanda, Taegin Reisman, and Beini Ye. David Berry edited the report. We are grateful for the valuable expert feedback received from Susana SaCouto, director of the War Crimes Research Office at American University Washington College of Law and Pascal Kambale, senior program advisor with the Open Society Foundations’ Africa Regional Office. The research assistance of Armin Khoshnewiszadeh, Bailey Meyne, and Florian Schoeler is gratefully acknowledged, as is the helpful assistance of Yasmina Gourchane and Michelle Reyes from the Coalition for the International Criminal Court. Copyright © 2019 Open Society Foundations This publication is available as a PDF on the Open Society Foundations website under a Creative Commons license that allows copying and distributing the publication, only in its entirety, as long as it is attributed to the Open Society Foundations and used for noncommercial educational or public policy purposes. Photographs may not be used separately from the publication. ISBN: 9781940983882 Published by: Open Society Foundations 224 West 57th Street New York, NY 10019 USA For more information contact: Christian M.
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