8 Natuurhistorisch Maandblad
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8 NATUURHISTORISCH MAANDBLAD MACROLEPIDOPTERA IN MIDDEN-LIMBURG loscelis lunosa Hw. en Lithophane ornitopus (1963) Hufn. waren er ook, zij het dan in zeer be- door A. W. P. MAASSEN scheiden aantallen, In een kort overzicht wil ik U een en ander Bijzondere vangsten: mededelen over mijn bevindingen en vangsten (indien niet anders vermeld, gevangen te in het afgelopen jaar (speciaal van Montfort en Montfort). Lysandra coridon Poda. Van deze omgeving). zeldzame immigrant uit de Ardennen, die nog De langdurige winter en de koude lente had- het vaakst in Zuid-Limburg wordt aangetroffen, den natuurlijk een ongunstige invloed op de ving ik 30•VIII een afgevlogen mannetje op voorjaarsvlinders. Vroege spanners als Erannis een open plek midden in het Munnicksbosch op leucophaearia Schiff. en Phigalia pedaria F. lie- struikheide. ten zich niet of nauwelijks zien. Conistra vac- Ochrostigma vetitaris Hufn. 1 $ , 15•VII. cina L., Eupsilia transversa Hufn., Scoliopteryx Luffia ferchaultella Stephens. In juli massa's libatrix L. en andere overwinteraars kwamen zakjes op populieren te Echt (det. Lempke). In slechts in kleine aantallen op smeer. Ook de onze provincie verder alleen bekend van Meers- Orthosia's waren niet talrijk. De beste voorjaars- sen (Cat. Lempke). vangst was wel een Triphosa dubitata L. Cryphia perla F. 1 ex., 6•VIII. De zomer was alles behalve fraai! Maar de Actinotia polyodon Cl. 1 ex., 14•VIII. tweede helft van juli en ook nog het begin van Mythimna conigera Schiff. 2 exx. te Montfort augustus waren bijzonder goed. In deze periode en 1 ex. te Putbroek (gem. Echt). verschenen grote aantallen vlinders op het laken. Lithophane semibrunnea Haw. 2 exx. De bruine beer, Arctia caja L., was op enkele Photedes arcuosa Hw. 4 exx. avonden zó talrijk, dat hij bepaald hinderlijk Celaena haworthii Curt. 1 ex., 1•VIII. werd. Ook kwamen enkele malen enorme zwer- Archanara dissoluta Tr. 5 exx. men gevleugelde mieren het verblijf bij de vang- Archanara neurica Hbn. 1 ex., 2•VIII. lamp nu niet direct veraangenamen! Angerona prunaria L. f, pickettaria Prout. Vooral voor de dagvlinders was het weer een 1 ex. $ , 15•VII; slechts 2 exx. van deze vorm slecht jaar. Mellicta athalia von Rott. vloog ech- worden in Lempke's Cat. vermeld (det. Lempke). ter in flinke aantallen. Onze anders meestal zo gewone ataianta was zelfs een ongewone ver- Summary schijning. Witjes, kleine vos en dagpauwoog waren verre van talrijk. Discussion of the season 1963 for Macro- Toch waren er ook weer soorten die buiten- lepidoptera in the centre of Dutch Limburg and gewoon talrijk, zelfs massaal vlogen. Om er a number of rare species, collected there in 1963. enkele te noemen: Jaspidia pygarga Hufn., Eusttotia olivana Schiff., Bena prasinana L., Montfort, 22•12•1963. Pelosia muscerda Hufn., Lozogramma chlorosata Scop., Bupalus piniarius L. In de herfst kwamen diverse typische najaars- FORAMINIFERA OF THE CRETACEOUS OF dieren goed op smeer. Werkelijk in ontelbare SOUTH-LIMBURG, NETHERLANDS. LXXII. aantallen vloog Conistra vaccinii L. in het Mun- nicksbosch. Maar ook Agrochola lychnidis by J. HOFKER Schiff., A. macilenta Hb., A. circellaris Hufn., Mythimna l. album L. (103 exx.) en Megane- On the wall-structure of some Upper Cretaceous phria oxyacanthae L. waren gewoon. Opmerke- and Paleocene agglutinated Foraminifera. lijk was wel het geringe aantal van de vooral in 1962 zo talrijke Phlogophora meticulosa L., de bekende agaatvlinder. The finer wall-structure of agglutinated Fora- Cirrhia aurago Schiff., C. ocellaris Bkh., Co- minifera in fossil species often is changed con- nistra rubiginea Schiff., C. ligula Esp., Ompha- siderably by recrystallisation; so it is essential NATUURHISTORISCH MAANDBLAD to choose the best-preserved specimens for the fine calcitic crystals, whereas the outer wall is study of this structure. agglutinated with very fine grains and mach The author, describing such wall-structures of cement; here also distinct pores run through the Valvulinidae (1951, Siboga-Exp.,IVa pt. 3; 1956, walls towards the surface (Fig. 9). Foraminifera dentata, West Indies) showed Another genus, Dorothia, could be studied in that in Recent species of Valvulina, Clavulina, two species. Dorothia bulletta (Carsey), the etc. the outer walls, though agglutinated, have genotype, was described from the Navarro, typical pores, which character seems to be an Maastrichtian, of Texas. Specimens Irom the important feature of this family. He believed to type-locality. Onion Creek, Texas, show walls, find also pores in several fossil species, such as with very fine agglutination, septa also finely in Marssonella and in V alvoreussella (1957, Fo- agglutinated without distinct crysals, and fine raminiferen der Oberkreide). In many species but distinct pores in the outer walls, opening at there is an inner pseudochitinous layer closing the surface (Fig. 3). The second species Doro- the pores in older chambers. thia pupoides (Reuss) from the Santonian of Recently Reiss 1963 (Reclassification of Per- North Western Germany (drillhole Lathwehren) forate Foraminifera) doubted the occurrence of once again shows a fine agglutination in (he pores in the tests of Marssonella, showing that walls, except for the parts where the wall o I a this genus has an inner layer of calcific crystals chamber contacts a next wall, and wheie larger in the wall and an outer layer which is aggluti- grains are imbedded in the fine mass. Here loo nated without pores. fine pores run through the outer wall towards The author thus restudied several species of the surface (Fig. 7). the family Valvulinidae, to which Cushman Marssonella turris (d'Orbigny) could be stu- (1937, A monograph of the foraminiferal family died in well-preserved material from the drill- Valvulinidae) brought the genera Valvulina, hole Lathwehren, Santonian; it shows relatively Clavulina, Marssonella and Dorothia, and many thin walls, with an inner layer of calcitic crystals other genera. and an outer layer of fine grains in whici larger I could study well-preserved specimens of the grains are imbedded just at the surface. Between type-species of Valvulina, the type-genus of the the crystals, and running through the agglutin- family, Valvulina triangularis d'Orbigny from ated layer, reaching the surface, are fine pores the Lutetian of Paris (Fig. 8). The septa (Fig. 1). between the chambers consist of nearly hyaline Marssonella oxycona (Reuss), the type -species fine calcitic crystals, but the outer walls are of Marssonella, could be studied on specimens finely agglutinated in the inner part, and more from the Lower Maastrichtian (drill-hole Grosz- coursely agglutinated at the outer side, often Hehlen), the Upper Maastrichtian (drill-hole with sponge-spicules. In these outer walls fine Siegelsum) and from the Lower Danian (Kjölby- but very distinct pores run from the chamber Gaard). The septa and the inner layer of the lumen to the surface. A second species, recent walls consist of very fine calcitic crystals; the Valvulina oviedoiana d'Orbigny, has much coar- outer layer is finely agglutinated in Upper ser pores in the outer walls, which are finely Maastrichtian and Danian specimens, and more agglutinated with some larger grains at the coarsely agglutinated between fine grains in surface; traces of calcitic crystals can be found Lower Maastrichtian specimens. Between the in the septa (Fig. 6). crystals in the outer walls, and running also A very typical species has been described by through the agglutinated outer layer, were found Van Bellen from the Montian of South-Lim- fine canals reaching the surface (Fig. 4) burg under the name of Marssonella keyzeri I have already shown that all recent species of (1946, p. 30, pi. 2, fig. 4, 5). It is not a Mars- the genus Clavulina have pores in the walls. sonella, since its inner test-structure largely dif- This also is the case in fossil forms, such as i:ri fers from that of Marssonella, though it also has Ctavulinai-species from the Montian and the a trochoid initial part, followed by low biserial Lutetian. No inner crystal layer is found here chambers. The author will redescribe it else- (Fig. 2, 5). where. This species has septa which consist of So we have four genera, all brought by Cash- 10 NATUURHISTORISCH MAANDBLAD NATUURHISTORISCH MAANDBLAD 11 Fig. 1. Marssonella turris (d'Orbigny). Santonian, REFERENCES Germany, a, total test, X 60; b, longitudinal section, X 60; c, part of wall with inner crystalline layer and Cushman, J. A. • 1937 • A monograph of the outer agglutinated layer, with pores, X 140. Foraminiferal Family Valvulinidae • Cushman Lab. For. Res., Spec. Publ. No. 8. Fig. 2. Clavulina corrugata Deshayes. Montian Hofker, J. • 1951 • Foraminifera of the Siboga- (Calcaire de Mons), shaft Maurits III, South-Limburg, Expedition, Siboga Reports, IVa, pt. 3. Netherlands, a, total test, X 14, b, longitudinal section, Hofker, J. • 1956 • Foraminifera dentata, V. est- X 28; c, part of the wall, with agglutination and pores, Indies • Spolia zoologica Musei Hauniensis, XV. X 140. Reiss, Z. • 1963 • Reclassification of perforate Fig. 3. Dorothia bulletta (Carsey). Navarro-Forma- Foraminifera • Geol. Surv., Israel, Bull No, 35. tion, Texas, Onion Creek. The species also is common in the upper Gulpen Chalk of South-Limburg, Nether- lands, a, total test, X 28; b, section through the walls, BOEKBESPREKING with fine agglutination and pores. X 140. Fig. 4. Marssonella oxycona (Reuss). Upper Maes- Wat Dieren doen en waarom, door Vitus B. Droseiei. trichtian, upper Gulpen Chalk, Netherlands, a, total 256 bladz. met vele foto's en figuren. Lïitg. van test, X140; b, longitudinal section; c, section through Holkema en Warendorff, Amsterdam, 1963, (leb. the wall, with inner crystal layer and outer agglutinated • 9.90. layer, with pores, X 140. Fig. 5. Clavulina parisiensis d'Orbigny Lutetian, Dit is een goed geschreven boek over het gedrag van Chaussy, Paris Basin, a, longitudinal section, X 28; allerlei dieren, berustende op vakliteratuur in tijdsc ï rif- b, section through part of the wall, with agglutination ten die maar weinigen onder ogen krijgen; het is boven- and pores, X 140; c, total test, X 28.