KNOTS OF GENUS TWO This is a preprint. I would be grateful for any comments and corrections! A. Stoimenow∗ Department of Mathematics, University of Toronto, Canada M5S 3G3 e-mail:
[email protected] WWW: Current version: March 1, 2003 First version: June 29, 1998 Abstract. We classify all knot diagrams of genus two and three, and give applications to positive, alternating and homogeneous knots, including a classification of achiral genus 2 alternating knots, slice or achiral 2-almost positive knots, a proof of the 3- and 4-move conjectures, and the calculation of the maximal hyperbolic volume for weak genus two knots. We also study the values of the link polynomials at roots of unity, extending denseness results of Jones. Using these values, examples of knots with unsharp Morton (weak genus) inequality are found. Several results are generalized to arbitrary weak genus. Keywords: genus, Seifert algorithm, alternating knots, positive knots, unknot diagrams, homogeneous knots, Jones, Brandt-Lickorish-Millett-Ho and HOMFLY polynomial, 3-move conjecture, hyperbolic volume AMS subject classification: 57M25 (57M27, 57M50, 22E10, 20F36) Contents 1 Introduction 2 2 Knot diagrams of canonical genus 2 4 arXiv:math/0303012v1 [math.GT] 2 Mar 2003 3 Alternating genus two knots 11 4 Homogeneous genus two knots 15 5 Classifying positive diagrams of some positive genus 2 knots 17 6 Classifying all 2-almost positive diagrams of a slice or achiral knot 18 7 Almost positive knots 20 8 Unique and minimal positive diagrams 23 9 Some evaluations of the Jones and HOMFLY polynomial 25 9.1 Rootsofunity...................................