A New Symmetry of the Colored Alexander Polynomial
ITEP/TH-04/20 IITP/TH-04/20 MIPT/TH-04/20 A new symmetry of the colored Alexander polynomial V. Mishnyakov a,c,d,∗ A. Sleptsova,b,c,† N. Tselousova,c‡ a Institute for Theoretical and Experimental Physics, Moscow 117218, Russia b Institute for Information Transmission Problems, Moscow 127994, Russia c Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology, Dolgoprudny 141701, Russia d Institute for Theoretical and Mathematical Physics, Moscow State University, Moscow 119991, Russia Abstract We present a new conjectural symmetry of the colored Alexander polynomial, that is the specializa- tion of the quantum slN invariant widely known as the colored HOMFLY-PT polynomial. We provide arguments in support of the existence of the symmetry by studying the loop expansion and the character expansion of the colored HOMFLY-PT polynomial. We study the constraints this symmetry imposes on the group theoretic structure of the loop expansion and provide solutions to those constraints. The symmetry is a powerful tool for research on polynomial knot invariants and in the end we suggest several possible applications of the symmetry. 1 Introduction The colored HOMFLY polynomial is a topological link invariant. It attracts a lot of attention because it is connected to various topics in theoretical and mathematical physics: quantum field theories [5, 6, 7], quantum groups [11, 12, 8], conformal field theories [9], topological strings [10]. Whenever an explicit calculation of a class of HOMFLY invariants is derived it causes advancements in these areas. However, the computations be- come extremely difficult as the representation gets larger. At present moment explicit expressions are available only for several classes of knots and representations, including symmetric and anti-symmetric representations.
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